120: Boll Weevil Eradication
Episode Date: October 1, 2015Kathleen Sidenblad discusses her career through Silicon Valley, from engineer at Systems Control Inc in 1976 to VP of Engineering today. For more abou...
I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring. We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).
542 episodes transcribedKathleen Sidenblad discusses her career through Silicon Valley, from engineer at Systems Control Inc in 1976 to VP of Engineering today. For more abou...
Ben Krasnow of the Applied Science YouTube channel talks with us about scanning electron microscopes, generating liquid nitrogen, and cookies. Hackad...
Morgan Allen (@captain_morgan) spoke with us about Sphero and Node.JS. This is all not-so-secretly a discussion of the BB8 robot. Correction: Despite...
Chris and Elecia discuss listener emails and other assorted topics. Preprocessor fun BLE 4.2 writeup from EETimes and the FAQ from Bluetooth.org Drone...
Glenn Scott (@GlennCScott) spoke with us about API design and techniques for writing good software. Glenn glossed over his bio but it is quite impress...
Daniel Hienzsch (@rheingoldheavy) spoke with us about reverse engineering a board, bypass capacitors, and serial protocols. Rheingold Heavy is Dan's c...
Andrei Chichak rejoins us to discuss error handling. Andrei's website says how to reach him or email embedded 'at' chichak.ca Windows 10 "Something H...
Clive Turvey (Clive1), master of the ST Forums, talks with us about ARM cores and answering difficult technical questions for fun. Some answers: NVIC...
Chris (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) chat with each other about drones, listener emails, conferences, fighting robots, and moonlightin...
Natalie Silvanovich (@natashenka) discussed reverse engineering hardware, working on security software, and the fantastic world of Tamagotchis. Natali...
BeagleBone's Jason Kridner (@Jadon) returns to tell us about his new book. Jason co-authored a new book: BeagleBone Cookbook: Software and Hardware Pr...
James Grenning (@jwgrenning) returns to discuss TDD, Agile, and web courses. James was on Embedded.fm episode 30: Eventually Lighting Strikes. James'...
Jen (@RebelbotJen) joined Chris and Elecia to discuss security, privacy, and ethics in wearable computing. Elecia's Linker post is especially relevan...
We talked to Craig Cook about learning embedded systems. He recently attended an embedded edX course through University of Texas. The microcontrolle...
Chris and Elecia talk about satellites, survey results, and entertainment. ESP8266 has an Arduino IDE (thanks, Karl!) Elecia will be speaking at Solid...
Manny Wright of Cortus spoke with us about developing processor IP and how it goes from RTL to silicon. Cortus development platform with a Xilinx Spa...
Atmel’s Andreas Eieland (@AndreasMCUguy) spoke with us about low power chips and benchmarks, including tips for measuring and achieving the lowe...
Mark VanderVoord (@mvandervoord) spoke with us about leading open source projects and test driven development. His site is ThrowTheSwitch.org, a good...
Charles Lohr spoke with us about $5 WiFi (ESP8266), hacking as a hobby, arcade games, and music visualization. Updated 06/02/2015: A listener pointed...
Micah Elizabeth Scott (@scanlime) spoke with us about Coastermelt, art installations, FadeCandy, teaching electronics to artists, and mental hea...