Erin is the Funny One - Crypto or Crypto-NO

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

After a tense discussion as to whether or not Mario is a cult leader, spoiler alert…he is, Jack and Erin dive into a brand new installment of Erin Is the Funny One! This week, the Local Liquor Store... special (aka, the Wine of the Week) is a rare 14.1% Chardonnay that is…fine? Then, our heroes dive into whether or not the crypto that Erin lists off are real, or fake! - Erin is the Funny One is sponsored by: The Zebra. Go to thezebra,com/ERIN and get your free quote today. Advertising Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another episode of Aaron is the funny one, episode 38. It's a celebrity deathmatch version. Oh. Tonight, Jack film. Our listeners do not know celebrity deathmatch. They might. Hold on a second. I was talking to somebody yesterday who is 10 years younger than me.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Sometimes I'm just always surprised by what I think is relatively... Hip? Well, well known and not necessarily generational. Yes. They did not know Sonic because I had shared that we went and saw the Sonic movie. They didn't know Sonic? No, but I think it's what I took from the conversation is that it wasn't that this person is like living under a rock.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I don't think I realized that Sonic is generational. Sure. But I think a lot of like, I think even zoomers know what Sonic is. This zoomer did not know what Sonic is. I'm actually kind of shocked. Yeah, I thought Sonic was as prevalent as Mario. Well, that's how old you are. Is that next you're going to be like, oh, you guys don't remember when we used dial up internet.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah, well, that's already like, you know, kids today never grew up with that. But I will it will break my heart when one day someone says, what's Mario? What's what is that? To be fair, though, it'll probably happen. Mario is like way more dynamic than Sonic. Like Mario has an entire subculture and cult following, like not. Hold on, not like cult following in that like, like we are like, you know, Princess Toadstool and Toad and Bowser.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Like they are he has the center of a cult right that he has created. And these people can't get away from him because he's the cult leader. He is. That's fair. And he makes them play these games with him. And like Bowser's like, dude, I'm tired of being the bad guy. And Mario's like, you'll do it. And you'll like it. And you'll like it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Now, fuck my wife again. So, um, I don't remember where I was going with that, except that Mario is a cult leader. I guys, this is a true crime podcast. Mario is a cult leader, save Princess Toadstool, but not in the way that you think we need to save Princess Toadstool Peach, AKA Peach. He doesn't she doesn't even like the name Peach. But he has a fetish and makes her go by Peach and is like, your name's Peach now. I'm going to make you go by Peach.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And then I need to save Princess Toadstool from Mario, not Bowser. We need to save her from Mario. Yeah. Yeah. People get it twisted. Like this is it's it's you think, you know, the story, it's not the real story. It's not the real story. Mario is the villain. That's why he is like he's a classic narcissist. Yeah. Every game, every game is named after him.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Mario Kart, Mario Party. Mario Brothers, when that doesn't even make sense, because it's not their last name. Well, it doesn't make sense. Mario is classic narcissist. Every he needs to be, he always needs to be the hero. The only reason that Luigi ever got his own game in the haunted mansion is because Mario liked torturing Luigi and seeing him get scared shitless by the ghosts.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Mario at what he was actually saying is Mario came down now. I didn't do my own game, Mario. You can turn off the ghosts now, Mario. And he never did. Yeah. Uh-huh. And and the only reason Toad got his own like Captain Toad's adventure thing. So good. Is because he once again just wanted to torture Toad.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Like he was like, oh, my God, how funny would it be? If I gave him his own game, he can't even jump. He can't jump. Yes. Nothing. And he's like, you think that Toad has a big brain because his skull is huge. But no, it's mostly just like mushroom fiber. So he's not a very smart, smart, it's abuse. Mario just likes to watch people get obliterated.
Starting point is 00:04:02 He does. And just he sits back and laughs and then he slaps his name on the thing because he needs to be the center of attention, even when it's not really his game. What a sick fuck. Anyway, in summation, Sonic is generational knowledge. And speaking of Sonic, I was just on the podcast Guilty Pleasures where comedian Zach Cornfeld, who you may know from the Try Guys,
Starting point is 00:04:24 Kelsey Dara and Garrick Bernard take turns sharing their favorite guilty pleasure movies and TV shows. So we all reviewed Sonic the Hedgehog 2. It's a really fun podcast. The room is totally split. Zach and Garrick loved it. Kelsey and I hated it. Anybody who says that they like the Sonic 2 movie is being paid to say that.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And I I don't care. I like you could swear up and down on your mother's graves like that you love the Sonic movie. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. And I think that you're part of the machine that churns out capitalist projects that are garbage that people are just looking to make a buck on. Well, I think you should listen to it because we we used a lot of your.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I used a lot of your jokes, Sonny, because like the the joke is Aaron took a lot of notes whilst we watched the Sonic 2 movie. It was the only hated it, by the way. Yeah. Aaron and I it was taking notes, by the way, was the only way I could to stay sane, channel my anger somewhere while we had. OK, so we had gone with two friends of ours. They paid for the tickets.
Starting point is 00:05:28 If they hadn't paid for the tickets, I sure as shit would have walked out. And I've only walked out of one other movie ever, right? Yeah. Yeah. On Cut Gems. Thank you. Yeah. But that wasn't because of On Cut Gems being like a bad movie. No, the opposite. It was like two tents for you. I I can't even describe the physical tension that I felt watching the movie.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I I was like, Jack, I can't I can't watch this. Like I'm going to have a panic attack. Like I'm I think I might vomit right now. So I'm just going to go. You can stay. But Jack decided to leave with me. So anyways, I had a really good time on guilty pleasures. Did you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I think I think you should listen to it, honey. And listeners, you should check it out. Check out the podcast, Guilty Pleasures. We all had a darn good time just picking apart or at least I did the Sonic movie. I sound like a real mean grump, but that's all right. You know, you know how like people are always like, like the masses were like, Obama, release your birth certificate. And then like the other masses were like, Trump, release your tax documents or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Right. Yeah. I'm going to be like. Release the cut. Prove to me that you weren't paid to say that you like the Sonic movie. Show me your bank statements. His love sounded very genuine. I don't believe it. There is absolutely nothing, nothing that you could do to prove to me
Starting point is 00:06:48 that you weren't paid to say that you like it. Because even if you're like, look, I didn't get the money. I'd be like, oh, you probably have an offshore account. Wow. OK. That proves nothing. Deep. OK. You've thought about this. Oh, Jack. OK. First off, you can love Sega as a child, right? You can love it. Totally.
Starting point is 00:07:05 There was never any character building of Sonic. We didn't know Sonic's personality. Yeah. No, I won't defend that. So help me understand this strong lore that people have a tie to because it doesn't exist. There is nothing to love about the movie. Loving the video game and loving the movie, totally different things. Well, there is a lot of lore because there have been a many a game,
Starting point is 00:07:31 many a Sonic game. He's got his own TV shows and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there's some lore. No. But that doesn't mean you have to like the movie because we sure didn't. Anywho, check out Guilty Pleasures. Fun podcast I was on had a blast and yeah. Honey, what wine are we drinking?
Starting point is 00:07:48 What is this? Well, Jack, what we have here is another local liquor store special. Is that right? On behalf of Mr. Jack, film here. Oh, I picked that one out. I've never set foot into that store. So yes. Yes. You really? Wait, is that true? I have never stepped foot in that store. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I don't enter stores. I sorry. This is this is a revelation. Thirty eight episodes into our podcast. I've only just realized you've never physically. Wait, that can't. That can't be right. I've never been in the our local wine store. Oh, my God. Where we buy wines or where Jack buys his wine.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Oh, my God. I've never been an idea what it looks like inside. No. Oh, my God. Yeah. I can't have you not realize that even when I even when we drive by it, I stay in the car and you go inside. Sure. But I just assumed at some point you were like, oh, we're out of wine. Let me go gets that never happened, huh? No, that's what the app saucy is for. Yeah. I'm and then the driver gets a big tip.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And then you're fueling the economy. And it trickles. Yeah, that's that's trickle down economics, Jack. I get to tip. I get to tip the driver a percentage of all of the wine that I saucy order. Like you're doing more good in the world. Yes, because you are. I am. You're basically a hero.
Starting point is 00:09:04 These guys, the tips that I give the drivers exceed minimum hourly wage. Wow. Buy yourself on the backs and that's just one, you know, one order. So anyway, all right. So I know I've never been to that store. So you've never been in this liquor store? No, so this is a Jack film special. Yeah. Tell me about the thing I picked out.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Jack, could you like literally could you walk us through your like method when you walk into this store? Yeah. Yeah. Tell us how you select a wine. First off, I walk in. They go, hey, Jack, I go, hey, Joe. I'm kidding. We don't. I wish I walked down.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I usually gravitate towards the Chardonnay Isle. They have a whole Chardonnay Isle. There's Chardonnay on both sides. Oh, wow. It's flanked with Chardonnay. Literally flanked by Chardonnay to your left and your right. It's great to your rights, like the more expensive. I don't really fuck with the expense of Chardonnay. To my left is all the Chardonnay that I usually pick out for the show.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And I'll, you know, I'll just kind of grab a bottle. I go, hmm, yum, yum. I've never seen this before. Oh, $80. Put it back. You know, and I do that a few times until I find something that's like, you know, under 20. Yeah. Because if you're ingesting it, why would you spend a lot of money on it? Well, that's that's a question for rich people, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah, you know, what's it like? Tell us to be able to just like ingest fancy liquids. And then it's gone and you piss it out. You know, my manager, he has admittedly become a bit of a wine snob to the point where he even admits, like, it's a bit of a problem. It's like, now I only like expensive wines and I can't go back. And I go, bra, that's a problem. That is a problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Don't come out to my house, because I will be feeding you franzie. Oh, no, you will find no no shell, no comfort in our choices. Honestly, I'd be like, oh, I really splurged. I got the black box at wine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Wow, twenty five dollars. All right, Rockefeller, four bottles in one box. Oh, like literal boxed wine.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's called black box. But yeah, it's a brand. Oh, my God, yeah, what's the boxed one? Oh, I don't I don't know brands of boxed wines. OK, OK, so this four bottles in one. No, it's a bargain. It's economical. It's a great deal for what you get, especially when you slap that bag a little.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Tell me about the Chardonnay I picked up. All right, so what we've got here is a spoken West twenty nineteen Chardonnay. Good year in 2019. The last good years, I commonly say. Hailing from us from a compo California. Oh, I know her well. We've got a fourteen point one percent alcohol by volume.
Starting point is 00:11:35 That is that's pretty high for shard. That's pretty, pretty, pretty high. I'd say we'll see how that goes. Yeah, yeah, we're about to get. I told you guys, celebrity deathmatch. OK, we're about to get in it. Stonic too. So I hope you're.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I hope you're an angry drunk Jack film. I you know, I'm a talkative drunk. Fuel the rage. Maybe tonight it can be an angry drunk. Maybe. OK, so according to the Vivino app, we have here, only sixteen other people have ever bothered to. Oh, my God, why log this? Why? Oh, this is a rarity.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yes, this is the rarest wine we've we've whined, except for the ones that don't have ratings at all. Yeah, but I think the fact that there are only 16, which in errands, doesn't. So it's got three point seven stars out of five. Boring average rating. Yeah, what's interesting is it doesn't give me an average price point. So I have no idea if we overpaid or underpaid. But based on our history, I'm going to go ahead and guess we probably overpaid
Starting point is 00:12:32 by two dollars, but we paid for the course. We paid fourteen ninety nine for this bottle. It is also a screw top. I have heard of people being snobs about the screw top. I don't mind the screw top. I don't mind. But people claim. Yeah, that they can taste the difference in the cork versus the screw top. I wonder if my manager is one of those people, you know, something that probably
Starting point is 00:12:54 probably, you know, what's interesting is that we there are two different kinds of La Crema, which is I believe a brand of the Jackson Family Wines, A.K.A. Kendall Jackson, but there's a Monterey La Crema and a Sonoma La Crema, and one has a cork and one has a screw top. Which one's corked? I don't remember. Oh, shit. OK. I just remember I was like, huh, that's interesting. Yeah. What an observation. You told me that last night. I did.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Funny how that applied. I got to tell you guys, I couldn't tell the difference. They both are delicious. So tell us what you think. Let's take one more swear. I kind of been drinking from the start, but whoops, very buttery, very, very buttery this wine, buttery than most. I'm not in love with it.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I'm also not in love with it. It's no story point. It's no, you know, aviary. It's none of those. But it's like a cut above most of the shards we try on the show. I would give it a Jack film three point six out of five. One sliver below the Vevino rat. Yeah, yeah, because and it's a sliver below because it kind of disappoints me.
Starting point is 00:13:58 They use me wanting more, not in a good way. So it's super sweet for a shard, pretty heavy, I would say. It is. Well, that's that's what that 14 plus percentiles. It has a really lingering aftertaste. Yeah. But there's also just something slightly off. Like, I don't know how to put it, but it almost makes me think if you guys have drank those stupid white claw turbo drinks or you know how there's just that that like you're like, I you can you taste the extra alcohol.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, you know, like a chalkiness almost. No, it's not. No, it's a taste. It's a flavor. It's not a chalky. That's that indicates the texture. This is I know you mean there's something here that I think is because of the extra alcohol that I'm not crazy about. Yeah. It's just pretty it's pretty heavy. It's thick. I feel it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It is thick. It's thick. Yeah, OK. So I'm going to give this one, I don't know, a six, maybe six out of 10. That's still pretty high for Aaron. I just I don't know. I felt that. You felt that it's definitely hard. Yeah, I don't want to hurt his feelings. I mean, it's in the five range, guys.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't know. But you're giving it a six. You're officially giving it a six. I guess I'll, you know, it's I'm grading it on a curve. I was going to say that's already above your average. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Hey, fellas, nothing wrong with the six. La la la. OK. All right. So, Jack, film, what do you love most in the world?
Starting point is 00:15:27 What do I love most in the world? I love NFTs. I love blockchain. I love data mining. Do you mine data? I mine data on the rig. What do you do with that data that you've mined? I put it in my pocket and keep it for later.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Nice. Has it proved to be useful? Yeah. Well, no, but, you know, I'm optimistic. I'm like an old prospector. I haven't found the gold yet, but I'm a picking. Oh, listeners, you do know I was joking, right? I would love for this episode to be someone's first episode. And they go, oh, no, oh, no, he does. OK, so we're going to slash S on all of this.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, hard slash S. OK. I just want everybody to know I am love those board apes, though. They're so cute. I'm a really shitty like investor. I want to be rich, but I also don't want to like risk my money to be rich. But I did buy fully admittedly. I bought a thousand dollars of Dogecoin. This is years ago, right? No, it was like a year ago.
Starting point is 00:16:33 A year ago. OK. Well, whenever, whenever we were all supposed to get really rich with Elon Musk. Uh-huh. Yeah. And then what happened, Aaron? I held on for dear life as Jack film told me that that's what hodl means. Uh-huh. Yeah, hodled. And I am I have now I have two hundred dollars of Dogecoin. Because from a thousand.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yes, because it's down. Yeah. We don't. So you're dollars. We're like extremely passive. We don't do the research. Yeah, we are not crypto enthusiasts in the slightest. They've lost me a lot of money. Yeah. So. Yeah. Eight hundred dollars lost is nothing to scoff at.
Starting point is 00:17:12 No. Oh, my God. Think of all the good wine I could have bought. I I don't think I've ever like I don't have that much money to begin with. So I'm like, that's a lot. You know, that was a big gamble for me. Yeah. And I. It's not. I bet on black in it. Yeah. It was.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Green. Yeah. Fuck. So. So I suppose this is all leading up to something, Aaron. It is. Oh. So here's the thing. Yeah. I don't know how to credit everybody who has who have who has I think who has who did there text into the hotline with this suggestion.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And what's that hotline? Again, I can't remember. Like in case people want to text in or call it is dad hug me 10. Oh, right. But a lot of people are asking us to do a quiz on crypto currencies. Oh, yes. Because we're both so heavily bullish. So I will tell you the ideas have varied.
Starting point is 00:18:07 One person texted in and they were like, crypto currencies. Is this a cryptocurrency or a sci-fi book? Oh, that's an interesting idea. We also had people call in and say, you should quiz Jack on whether or not a cryptocurrency is real or fake. Oh, I like that. So because we have a voicemail, I will play you this voicemail. Please do.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Hi, Ernie and Jack. This is Kat. I'm a listener from the DMV area. And knowing how much of a crypto bro Jack is, I thought it might be a fun idea for one of you to quiz the other on whether or not a cryptocurrency is real or a fake. Keep up the good work. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Kat, I love it. I think that's what we're going to do. So we had a few people that I don't want to like ignore that there were quite a few of that same idea, but Kat did call in and leave a voicemail so it was very coincidental and easy for me to pull that up. Anyway, perfect. Thank you all for the suggestion. I love crypto.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Tell me more. Elon Musk owes me $800. Yes, he does. Okay. His tweets are not legal financial advice, Aaron. Today, I have created a quiz for you where each question has one real crypto, one fake crypto, and you have to tell me which is the real one and which is the fake one.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Oh, let's go. That's a fun format. That's a clever format. Are you sure you don't want more wine before we get started? I'm already feeling this 14.1% shard. Are you really? Yeah, I'm really. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Do you want to start easy or start hard? Let's start easy. I think we need a nice easy one to kind of model off, set the tone for the rest of this quiz. Okay. I tried to make them so that they're not that easy, but then again, what do I know? What do we know?
Starting point is 00:20:04 To be fair, what I did was I found the real cryptos first, and then I backfilled with the fake cryptos. I did do a Google search of the fake crypto with just the word crypto afterward. I did not find anything in the fake answers. So please don't come for me. If any of these are incorrect, I don't know crypto. Leave me alone. I tried my best.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I disagree. Please feel free to um, actually my wife, if any of these quote unquote fake cryptos are real, please offer the love of God and all that is holy. Please um, actually Aaron, that would be my kink. All right. So in honor of Sonic. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:48 We're going to start off with an easy one. Okay. Which is the real crypto? Which is the fake? Echidna? I was, I knew you were going to say Echidna. Or hedgehog. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Okay. That's a good one. That's a great one, honey. Thank you, Sonic. I didn't know what an Echidna was before this weekend. So yeah. And I didn't know what one looked like until we googled a picture of it, like coming out of the theater and you screamed, that looks nothing like an Echidna.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Which to be fair, he absolutely did not. No, not at all. Whatever that thing. And to be, Sonic doesn't look like a hedgehog either. No, like he's blue. No. Tails looks like a fox. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, he's got a little fox ears and two tails just like a fox. Yeah. Okay. I think hedgehog is the real one because hedge, you hedge your bets. I feel like hedge fund. It's a, it's a financial term hedge and Echidna. I don't like, I don't think people can even spell Echidna. It's, it's hedgehog final answer.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Hedgehog's real. It's a kid. No. So Echidna is the crypto that I found. However, I will say there is an app called hedgehog that is supposed to like, let you know when you're supposed to sell your crypto currencies. Oh, that's funny. But it's from what I could.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Got to go fast. I could not see any cryptocurrency itself called hedgehog. Interesting. So they both exist in the crypto world in some forms, but they're not, they're not both crypto. Yes. Love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Cool. All right. So I got the warm up one wrong. This is going to be a long night. All right. Next. Neck beard coin or Fedora coin. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah. Oh my God. I really don't want neck beard coin to exist. If better not be true, there better not be a fucking. They're taking back the neck beard term. I guess. Yeah. That's one way to look at it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 You can't call them neck beards if they call themselves neck beards. Then it's no longer fun. That's fair. You know what? I had not considered that annoying fucking point, but no. Fedora, Fedora coin. Is that what you said? Or just like Fedora coin, Fedora coin.
Starting point is 00:23:02 That's that rolls off the tongue better than neck beard coin. Fedora coin. Okay. I'm going to go with Fedora coin. Final answer. That is correct. Thank God. I'm just happy.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I'm more happy that neck beard coin is not real yet. But if you guys follow me, right. And then I rug pull ya like all the influence. Oh, sorry. I just watched a video. Like here's like, I'm not into crypto at all, but I absolutely love reading about like crypto scams that influencers pull on their naive, gullible audiences. Those are interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And today, as the recording of this podcast, someone uploaded something about another influencer making millions off of some shit coin allegedly. But anyway, I'm one for two. All right. You ready? Yeah, let's go. The Shiba Inu of Sussex County. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Or the Korgi of Polka Bridge. Okay. First off, I didn't give you like enough props for coming up with a neck beard coin. I'm actually really, I need to like express how proud I am of you for sitting for like coming up with neck beard across Fedora coin. I actually like love you a little more for that. So props to you, sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Now, here's where it gets easy. I feel like I know there's a Shiba Inu coin. I know there's Doge coin, which is based off of an image of a Shiba Inu. Inu Shiba Inu. I can never say it right. I can never remember Shiba Inu. Inu. I think, shut up.
Starting point is 00:24:32 No, I make fun of you. You can't make fun of me. I think it's a, I think the correct coin is Shiba Inu of Sussex County of Sussex County. Just because I feel like I've heard of Shiba Inu coin or some variant of that. And the Korgi, that's honey, you know what? Good try. You know, you did, you did good, but it's going to take more to kid this kidder. So final answer, Shiba Inu of Sussex County.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You're wrong, bitch. I was so sure. I was so sure. You just lost $800. No. Oh, we're playing. Oh, no, playing for keeps. All right, ready?
Starting point is 00:25:11 No, hold on. The Korgi thing? The Korgi of Polka Bridge. Apparently Polka, like, because, okay, so what I did, I went through like, I don't even remember the website, but I stopped at like 5,000 or whatever. Yeah, yeah. But I went through almost all of them. That's insane, honey.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And apparently Polka and Polka Dots and like, that's also a thing. No way. Yeah, like a common thing in the names. I mean, I had no idea. But of course I had no idea. I know nothing about crypto anything. So interesting. I know, I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I wonder if it's Polka or Polka Dot. Like, I wonder what people's affinity. Yeah, I'm sure there's some word is speaking of affinity. What was your affinity for Sussex County? Oh, well, I needed to make it believable because the Shiba Inu is a huge. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I hear here are some other ones that didn't make the list.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And these are real ones. These are real cryptos. Doggy, Doge, Doge. No, it's no doggy. I'm sorry. Do, G, G, Y. Oh, weird. Wolf, W, O, O, F, Doge, Inu.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Oh, maybe that's what I was thinking. King Shiba, Shiba Vax. So you basically baby Dogecoin. That's also one. Oh, and dogs of Elon. God. So. All right, you got me on a technicality.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It sounds like so that's fine. What? How is there a technicality? I had to make it believable. One of them was literally Shiba Inu something. But that's not the Shiba Inu of Sussex County, nor the Corgi of Polka Bridge. Very different. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Very different. All right. I'm one too. It's my record right now. All right. Ready? Yeah. Pizza money or beer money.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Oh, oh boy. First off, they're smart names. Like we know beer. Like that's actually quite relatable. Beer money. I know. Shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I felt, honestly, I actually felt after looking at this entire list and trying to come up with fake ones, I started to feel like I was creating names for race horses. I can see that. Yeah. That's what beer money. Yes. Like, say it as a little helper. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Like you're coming up with like phrases almost. Yes. Like, yes. Oh, shit. So which one did you come up with? Did you come up with pizza money or were you brilliant enough to come up with beer money? Fuck. My gut is leaning towards pizza money being real.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And I don't know why. Obviously, I think beer money is like the saying or the more common saying of the two, but I think I'm going to go with pizza money and I don't really have a good like explanation why I don't have an anecdote or a story for it. Give me pizza money. Oh, my beer money. Oh, my God. And honestly, to be fair, your I will say your track record right now is about as
Starting point is 00:28:00 good as mine with investing in crypto. See, there you go. That's why we're like, that's why we're good crypto buddies. That's right. Actually, we're terrible crypto, but like, you know, yeah, birds of a feather. Right, right. Which is also a crypto. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Every phrase, every colloquialism. I do like beer money, though, as a name. I don't like I will never like advocate for crypto, but I really like. Think of the gains, bro. Think of the game. Think of the gains. That's what's where bros get their gains from is beer and beer money. Beer money.
Starting point is 00:28:32 All right, ready? Yeah, let's go. Make a wish. No, no, or Bible pay. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I hate to say it. This is the new hardest quiz.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Make a wish or. Oh, man. Oh, my God. Is the make a wish affiliated with the foundation of the same name from. I couldn't tell. I mean, you can't tell me. No, well, I don't know. Yeah, but there were a lot of like brand names.
Starting point is 00:29:04 OK, that you don't think the brand itself. I don't. I don't. That can't be legal. Well, that is why I asked you if somebody created a crypto named after you, would you be mad about it? Because I think I think that that it happens a lot. So I guess it's like the Wild West, right?
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's a wild frontier like Illuminati coin. Why hasn't the Illuminati taken out the founders of that yet? Is that a real one? I don't know. Oh, but I mean, like the fact that, like, there are branded, I mean, like that aren't backed by the like, for example, Coca-Cola coin, you know, right? No affiliation, right?
Starting point is 00:29:35 What they would do is they'd spell it differently, I think. Oh, sure, sure, sure. With like K's in the beginning, like, right. Yeah, I'm a zero's and stuff. And zero here. Oh, that would be very crypto brand. All right. What were the two again?
Starting point is 00:29:46 I'm so hot topic make a wish right or Bible pay. No, I don't I refuse to believe I fucking refuse to believe Bible pay. Oh, but I feel like this would be a really good one to like dupe the olds. The religious olds are like, you want to get into heaven? You need to invest in Bible pay today. God doesn't like pores. I'm going to say Bible pays the fake one. Make a wish is the real crypto.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Let's go. Son of a Bible pay. Can't say whore when we're talking about Bibles. I'm sure you're right. I'm so sorry. Bible pays real Bible pay is real. That even mean I have no idea what that has to be like that. That's got to be a Bible allegedly a scam.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I don't know. That was a very short lived phase where people would say Bible. Like I'm being I'm being honest. And I'm sure if I ever remember that, but I can picture it Bible Bible Bible. Like no cap facts, right? No, yes, yes, yes, yes. Where's my other ones they say I will know why that was like when we were like no lie, like no lie.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I swear, yeah. No, there's another one that one of your co-workers even said. It's like, bro, you're our age. Oh, bet bet. That's it. That's the one that's the one I was like, don't I literally type he says. Oh, but he says bet to be in and I am. And I just write back.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Don't you dare? You ain't no zoomer. Don't you dare? All right, give me another. All right, bet coin silent notary. Oh my God. Or oh my God, chatty notary. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:31:25 So you asked me so like listeners, I thought I was going to have an advantage here and now I know I don't and I know why. Earlier today as Aaron was making this quiz, I only knew the subject matter, but I didn't know what the questions were beforehand. So all these questions are truly new to me. At some point you randomly asked me with no context check. Do you know what a notary is? Yeah, and for like 10 minutes, I like danced around.
Starting point is 00:31:49 You know, I tried my best, but like clearly indicated that I don't. Somebody that approves the documents. Right. That was my definition. And I was like, what is approved me? Like, do they have all the authority within them? Witness you. They have it and they have a seal and they turn the paper into the seal with
Starting point is 00:32:06 a little seal maker and that's a notary and they notarize it. So, so fuck you for asking me that and for asking me this. Well, I've ordered the two notary once again. Silent notary or chatty notary. That's really hard. That's really, really hard. I think logically, so maybe you'd want silent notary because I think one of the whole like things that crypto bros like about the blockchain, I think,
Starting point is 00:32:38 I don't know, is it doesn't it kind of like help privatize your purchases or something like that? I don't know. I know that that's what Apple paid did. Whoops. That turned out well. But like, no, or maybe I know the blockchain keeps a ledger of your purchases, but like, does it also like keep it private or no?
Starting point is 00:32:55 I don't know. I thought it was like, there's a public. It made it like the everybody has like a specific. I thought, I don't know. I thought it was like easier to track. Yeah, maybe it is. But my whole point and bringing that up in the first place is like, what angle do we want a silent notary?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Like, is that the whole gimmick behind like this crypto? Like, hey, we're silent notary. We don't tell, you know, like make all your weird, you know, question morally questionable purchases through us for silent notary. But chatty notary sounds fun and social. Like a, like a social network almost chatty notary. Yeah, I made my purchase via chatty notary. I'm going to say silent notary is the real one.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Am I right? It's silent notary. Thank God. Thank God. Yeah, just because I think that's like in the marketing of it all, like we're silent notary, we won't tell. You're all your silent notary coins are, you know, secret safe with us. Hush, hush, go funnel your funds by that weird painting.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I don't know. Right. I don't know. As you could tell, I love crypto. Love it. So good. Big fan. Can't wait for Christmas this year.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I'm going to buy all my family NFTs. Dude, I can't wait for crypto too. Okay. Ready? Mm hmm. Loser coin. Okay. Or future CEO.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh my God. What's the difference? My God. This is like, I first off, hats off to you, honey, for this format. Thank you. This is a really good. The standard would be you give me something and, you know, true or false, right? I love that you give me both.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Like, this is really clever and well done hats off to you, but also screw you for making this the hardest fucking quiz yet on this podcast. 38 episodes in and we're still, you're still stumping me. Also, don't forget to invest in hats off. That doesn't sound like something. Do my brother's cousin. Not my cousin, my brother's cousin is really bullish on hats off coin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Okay. Loser coin or future CEO coin? Oh, they both suck. Loser coin rolls off the tongue better, obviously. Yeah. Future CEO is a mouthful and it's pretentious as fuck. And I get there's like a very, you know, it's got a moxie to it. It's got a, it's a flex, I guess, not even a flex.
Starting point is 00:35:08 It's like show offy. Loser coin, I can imagine like, you know, a subreddit getting behind. Let's say loser coins, the real one. I'm a loser coin because I feel like maybe some of these crypto guys can like poke fun at themselves. Let's try it. Loser coin, real one, final answer. Lock it in.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That is correct. Hey, okay. All right. Starting to get my confidence back and I'm going to buy loser coin tonight. I'm not, but I'm not. All right. Here you go. Ready?
Starting point is 00:35:35 I'm buying future CEO coin. Yeah. Gollum? Oh, no. Or. Yeah. Smeagol. Oh, look at you.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Look at you. That means you had to look up one of them. I was gonna, I was like, oh, which lot of reference is she gonna? Yeah, I like that. Okay. Gollum or Smeagol? Gollum or Smeagol? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:58 All right. Which phone would Aaron know? To be, I will tell you, I actually didn't need to look up either. I know I knew both. Yeah, what a fucking nerd. Ew. I didn't know my wife was such a geek. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Gollum or Smeagol? Let's talk this out. Thinking out loud, taking another swig of 14.1 alcohol shard. Gollum coin. Smeagol coin. Maybe Smeagol coin phonetically sounds more like it could be a crypto coin. Why do you keep adding coin to it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:29 They're not called coin. You're right. From what I could tell, it just was Gollum or Smeagol. Like, I don't want to be either. Well, so you know what? Let's conceptualize this. Let's contextualize this. Let's think about the story.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Smeagol was fine. Happy little hobbit. Was he happy? He was happy for a time. If he felt like he needed the ring, was he actually happy? Well, everyone feels like they need the ring. That's the whole power of the ring. Is it?
Starting point is 00:36:57 What a nerd. Is it? Some are impervious to the ring. Yeah, but it ain't easy though. But I want to say the beginning of the third move. It's been honestly like almost 20 years since I've seen it like front to back. But in the beginning of the third movie,
Starting point is 00:37:10 we see that flashback of Smeagol. And he looks and he's he looks how he's fishing with his buddy. And they're right. They may as well be playing the fucking Smurf theme song. Like it's the skies are blue. The water's clear. The fish are biting. I think that's the whole catalyst there.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And they're going fishing and, you know, Smeagol's biting and he gets pulled under and he sees the ring and everything goes to shit. But so like I have a point. My point is like if Smeagol is happy, go lucky. Gollum is maybe gollum. Maybe there's also. So now that we know that crypto people can laugh at this march. Yeah, maybe they're like if they can, they're like cave dwelling,
Starting point is 00:37:49 like creatures of the dark that need the need the bitcoins, but like cryptos. Smeagol just and they do mine and gollum lives in. Now, why are you persuading me? I don't like when you're like trying to like. Well, I'm just trying to I'm trying to open up your mind to option. No, you're trying to like sway me one way. You're OK. And I can't be swayed there. All right. You don't trust me just like I don't trust anybody who likes Sonic 2.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So. Gollum, Smeagol, Smeagol. I think Smeagol sounds cooler. It sounds more like a financial crypto term. Gollum, gollum doesn't gollum. No, I'm going to I'm going kind of against my gut. Let's go Smeagol. Final answer, it sounds it sounds more like a term Smeagol. So when I told you that I was just trying to open up your mind.
Starting point is 00:38:41 No, and make you think about Gollum being a cave dwelling creature. And and wait, oh, mining mining happens in caves. God damn it. I was trying to help you out, bro. No, no. And that is why you are wrong, bitch. It's Gollum. I hope it's spelled right. It's it was spelled G-O-L-E-M Gollum, right? Is that not here as well, Gollum? Oh, my God, Aaron, that's G-O-L-L-U-M.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Oh, whatever. But you still got it wrong. Oh, my God. Oh, my. It has nothing to do with Thor the Rings. Oh, well, you were. Oh, my God. You got me on a fucking technicality. You were wrong. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. I just got some really cool spam text.
Starting point is 00:39:27 This is me as Smeagol fishing with my friend. Yeah. La la la la la la la la la la la. Aaron, I think you and I should take 12 hours one of these days. You and I should take a 12 hour break and watch all three extended versions of the Lord the Rings trilogy. Absolutely not. OK, ready? No, Gollum, G-O-L-E-M. I'm so mad.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Ponzi coin or scheme pay. So we're just saying it out right. Incredible. The bravery. Did you say Ponzi coin? Ponzi coin or scheme pay. Ponzi coin sounds better. I mean, like phonetically, not morally, logically.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I feel like you could at least skirt around like scheme pay. Like it's at least schemes, not a scam pay scheme. How do you skirt around Ponzi? Tell me about that. No, you don't. Well, you don't. You're saying it outright. But I'm saying phonetically, Ponzi coin. But you were trying to say like you're not saying scam.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Oh, I guess my point was lost there. Yeah, it was. It was because. I think maybe I was trying to think of like how you would fuck. Damn it. Now I don't know. Hold on. Would they be bold enough and just outright say Ponzi coin? Is it like a weird inside joke? Sometimes crypto's made as a joke, knowing full well it won't ever.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Oh, God, she's nodding. She's nodding vigorously. Listeners. And I hate when she does that. I'm going to go with Ponzi coin because my gut is telling me Ponzi coin. Would you buy Ponzi coin? No, I wouldn't buy any of these.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Oh, OK. So moot point. Yeah, moot point. OK. Moot coin. Moot coin. I would buy moot coin. Oh, my God, moot coin. Oh, my God, that's a good one. That's a good one. Listeners act now. And I'm going to say Ponzi coin is the real one.
Starting point is 00:41:17 You are correct. Oh, my God. Ponzi coin is a real crypto. Incredible. Incredible. All right. Ready? Yeah. So far, your record is five wrong. Eight. OK. Well, we got to make it even then. Let's go five five. Which is which? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Transparency or opacity. Oh, my God. I think transparency is too long of a word for crypto. OK. Yeah. Opacity, though. I could fuck with opacity as a crypto name. OK, I don't understand that logic at all. Yeah, you won't listen which you will not change my mind.
Starting point is 00:41:58 But the corgi of Polka Bridge. Opacity finalist. OK, your logic sucks, but you are correct. I know I'm right. In this instance. Let's go. But your logic still sucks. Opacity coin for the win. It's just opacity.
Starting point is 00:42:16 All right. Now I'm mad because you're tied. My cousin's doctor. Shut up. I need you to lose. So now I listen, I was playing along. I was playing nice. But now you're a drunk. Now you're tied and I don't like that. OK, I need you to lose.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So honey, you look like you could use some more spoken West Chardonnay. Porn rocket. Oh, no. Or milf money. OK, milf money is just a great pun. I'm sorry. Porn rocket. Was that the other one?
Starting point is 00:42:47 Porn rocket. If you came up with milf money, you would be considered the smartest person on the planet. And no offense, that ain't you. Milf money. Final answer. Come on. No. It's porn rocket.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Apparently there is a crypto called milf, but not milf money. You came up with milf money. I sure did. Oh, man. Honey, that's the funniest thing you've ever done. Oh, all right, ready? Uh-huh. Speaking of porn rockets, invisible rocket ship.
Starting point is 00:43:23 OK. Or impossible finance launch pad. Oh, my God, they're both so wordy. So the two were invisible rocket ship. Or did I impossible finance launch pad? Correct. OK, invisible rocket ship does sound better. And so far, that strategy hasn't led me astray.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Yes, it has. Not a once. Invisible rocket ship versus impossible. No, you know what? I'm going to go by your law, because when I make quizzes, yes, sometimes you can tell the right answer when something is a bit too random. OK.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Impossible finance launch pad. OK. Too random, so random. OK. Final answer. OK. Next question. Yes, let's go.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Listeners, you know what that means? She mad, she mad. She doesn't like when I see through her strategies. King Tut's tomb or sarcophagus. Oh, boy. Now, that's a good one. That's a toughie. Sarcophagus sounds like a coin name, a crypto name.
Starting point is 00:44:24 King Tut's tomb. Really, Jack, because just four seconds ago, you were like, that's too young. But sarcophagus. Yeah. What was the word? Let me see. Transparency.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Transparency. Four syllables. Sarcophagus. Four syllables. But I wouldn't. That's weird. Help me understand that logic. King Tut's tomb, it's so specific,
Starting point is 00:44:48 which should lead me towards it, but it just doesn't, it doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound right. OK, OK. And I get the, you know what, I get the meaning behind it. It's like you invest with us. Man, we're like King Tut's tomb, you know, unearth all of our riches.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Sarcophagus works in the same manner. It's like, you know, we're like sarcophagus. We're, you know, we're buried with pharaohs. We got loads of gold. That was a bit of a tongue twister. We got loads of gold. Maybe it's only a tongue twister with the shard name. Loads of gold.
Starting point is 00:45:15 All right. Sarcophagus sounds, it's sarcophagus sound, like it's all a matter of like, do you go with the noun or the proper noun? I'm going to go with the noun. I do feel like it fits better, sarcophagus. And if you made this up, good on you, because that sounds legit, sarcophagus.
Starting point is 00:45:28 It was a word in our spelling bee a few weeks ago. It sure was. Yeah. Yeah. OK, next question. Mm-hmm. That means I was right. Bob's Repair or Karen's Revenge?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Shit. Shit. Bob's Repair or Karen's Revenge. Bob's Repair, I'm reminded of like, you know, a small town auto shop, Bob's Repair. Karen's Revenge, I'm not reminded of that. I'm reminded of kids Bob Karen screaming at me in a car. No, you know, Karen's Revenge sounds like a rollercoaster. Dude, do not go on Karen's Revenge, it'll fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I want to ride Karen's Revenge at Six Flags. That sounds twisty. Nice. But would I invest in Karen's Revenge? Or would I invest in Bob? What was it, Bob's Repair? Bob's Repair, not to be confused with Bob's Burgers. Oh, Bob's Repair doesn't sound like a crypto.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Karen's Revenge sounds like a weird, ironic meme, ironic crypto. Bob's Repair? No, absolutely not. Karen's Revenge, Karen's Revenge, it's more on the meme spectrum of these names. Karen's Revenge, let's go. Ah, you're wrong, it's Bob's Repair. Touche, I'm shocked because I feel like there's a generational gap,
Starting point is 00:46:48 right, between like, people who know Bob's Repair, you know, whatever, and Karen's Revenge. So, pardon me for being ageist and disgusting. Next, we're at seven wrongs, seven rights. Let's go, tiebreaker, in my favor. Whoop, there it is, or magic internet money. Oh, boy. Whoop, there it is, is such a dated reference.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I'm thinking you came up with that. Okay. Whereas magic internet money also sounds a little boomerish, a little older, but like, at least it would make sense for crypto, because what is crypto if not magic internet money? I'm, Karen, I'm going with magic internet money as the real one, and not whoop, there it is, and I think I'm correct. There it is, I live for that sigh.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Gold, genie lamp, or the Midas touch gold. Gold genie lamp, or Midas touch gold. Midas will go with Midas. That's actually funny. Thank you. Speaking of, I'm still really bummed, speaking of like, genie and lamps, I'm still really bummed about Gilbert Godfrey, that was...
Starting point is 00:48:12 No, you aren't, no you aren't, and you know how I know you aren't? Because, one, I don't trust men. Two, I came home after a long day yesterday, the day, yesterday was the day that Gilbert Godfrey passed away. As of this day, and I came across something on TikTok about late at night, when we were going to bed, and I was like, is this real? Honestly, I couldn't tell if it was one of those accounts that they published like 40 videos a day on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I couldn't tell if it was real, and I said, did Gilbert Godfrey die? And you're like, yeah, we didn't hear that? And I'm like, when the fuck would I have heard that? I have been in a car driving all day, and in meetings all day, and then I like, when would I have heard that? And do you know how I know you don't actually care? It's because you didn't tell me, because the first thing I would have been like is like,
Starting point is 00:49:08 I'm very upset and this happened today. Okay. And also, I don't trust men. It took me a while to process, but before this podcast, I was watching clips on YouTube of his wonderfully body highlights. I don't trust men. He told some beautifully filthy jokes in his time, and oh my God, his delivery.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Aladdin was the first movie I ever saw in theaters. I was five, four or five. And every time Iago said something, I laughed like a fucking idiot. Anywho, I probably didn't even know what he was saying. Just like the, right, just the delivery though. Well, no, that was a jafar. I know it was jafar.
Starting point is 00:49:42 That was jafar. But just like the anything, like my little four or five year old brain didn't know or comprehend what people were saying, but just the delivery. My high school friends and I, like that's what we would, we'd always be like, calm yourself, Iago. Oh, that was a high school thing for you. Because you say it to me a lot.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Oh, yeah. I didn't know that was, that's funny. Calm yourself, Iago. That was my, my favorite movie for five years. All right. Anywho, yes. Get back to work. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:09 What were the choices? I don't pay you to walk down memory lane, Jack film. You sure don't. In fact, you don't pay me at all. What were the choices? Gold genie lamp. No, it's the other one. The Midas touch gold.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Oh, you know what? Shit. And I don't know. Oh, no, I'm flip flopping. I'm flip flopping. I was, I was so sure before my Godfrey recollection, I was so sure it was Midas touch gold, but now I'm thinking it might be gold genie lamp.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Wait, no, you, but you just flip flopped again. You literally said, no, it's the other one. And then you were like, oh, wait. Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh my God. You okay? No, I need help.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I need, you know what? I need phone a friend. I need a gold genie lamp. Yeah, you do. I need to invest in gold genie lamp. No, you know what? No, you thought of that one. No, I'm going with Midas touch gold.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Final answer Midas touch gold. Let's go next question. Let's go. Ready? Yeah. Girl next door or space cowboy. Oh, see you later, space cowboy. You wouldn't set a buzz light your reference.
Starting point is 00:51:17 No, honey, it's a cowboy bebop reference. You wouldn't get it. Is that from Armageddon? Starring Ben Affleck. That's what the Armageddon says to the other. Yeah, and Liv Tyler. They say, see you later, space and Bruce Willis cowboy. Should we rewatch that for me?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah, Armageddon's amazing. It's not, but it is, you know, if you don't, I could spend my life. Wow, we've got Jack from to run right now. No, no, I'm stalling because this is a toughie, except it's not. This is the easiest question on your dumb little quiz. Space Cowboy is real. You know, I know it's real because tell me why it's real. Weebs are into crypto.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Weebs would know a space cowboy. Okay, what's what was the other one? Girl next door. No, you came up with that. The real answer is Space Cowboy. Yes. Next, I want a streak, baby. Save and gain or good and plenty.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Oh, no, by and large, that's the next question. I'm sorry, pardon me. Pixar should make up coins. Save and gain or what in plenty, large and plenty. Good and plenty. Save and gain, good and plenty. I guess save and gain because like that could be part of like that. Crypto's mantra will help you like get money back.
Starting point is 00:52:44 You know, save and gain with save and gain. Like no, no, no, like one of those weird schemes where it's like, you know, every purchase you make, something goes to this or you keep this portion of the purchase because I've heard of those before. I'm going to go with saving gain because I feel like good and plenty is a bit too old school for this new school of crypto thought. So that my final answer is save and gain. You're giving me the weirdest look.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Oh, it's a look of disgust at your own self because I'm right again. Okay, sick. Next. I just want you to know I'm pulling all of these like out of my ass. This is an extremely hard quiz. I want you to know. Shut up. I'm don't don't patronize me.
Starting point is 00:53:23 All right, smooth love potion or Chanel number five. Oh, no. Chanel number five is a perfume, right? Yes. Okay, I know because I'm hip and smooth love potion. Smooth love potion. That'd be really funny if there were a Chanel number five like this. And this goes back to what we discussed.
Starting point is 00:53:46 I feel like three hours ago, the whole like brands, like brands and crypto. Would they be ballsy enough to make a Chanel number five crypto? I already told you that they name things after brands. They do. I kind of want to go with Chanel number five just because I hope it exists. Give me Chanel number five. No. You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's smooth love potion. Finally. That's my streak is ended. All right, ready? Yeah. He he he. Out of network health care provider. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Oh my God. Wow, we talked about that 20 episodes ago. We did. Didn't we? But in what context? The work episode? Oh, yeah. Oh, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Out of network health care provider or survival game online. Hey, just so you know, both of these fucking stuff. You can't sneak either of these into like daily conversation. Talking about your crypto investments and not sound like a giant fucking douchebag. You can't. Is that the point? OK, what was it? Out of network health care provider?
Starting point is 00:55:03 No. Out of network health care provider. OK. Or survival game online. I really like survival game online because it's so obvious. So it's very bold. It's like it's it's it's like calling your fucking crypto like Mario 64. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Like just like, you know what I mean? Like, no, I don't serve or like the matrix online. OK, survival game online or out of network health care provider out of. Thank you. Out of network health care provider. It's a funny name. They're both funny, but they both suck. I know, I think survival game online is the crypto.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I think that's the real one. Final answer because yeah, you are correct. Let's go. All right, ready? Yeah. Hey, good on you for coming up with out of network health care provider. Thank you. Beam up Scotty or Vulcan Forged.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Oh, no. I don't know much about Star Trek, but I know both of these are Star Trek. Vulcan Forged or Beam up Scotty. OK, I think you came up with Beam up Scotty. Do you want to know why I think that? Why? Because the quote is Beam me up Scotty. OK, I knew that you did know that.
Starting point is 00:56:22 OK, be me up Scotty. Yeah, everybody knows that. OK, it's not mansplaining Star Trek. I just want I want to explain. I just want to peek inside your head. I'm trying to peek inside your head. So pardon me for doing my job. You didn't know like the fact that you thought I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Beam me up Scotty. How much Star Trek do you want? It's insulting. Everybody, they use it in pop culture. It's pop. Gollum was spelled G-O-L-E-M. I can't read. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:56:54 That's fair. We do talk about that. I'm sorry. Yes. OK, what was it? Vulcan what? Vulcan Forged. Or beam up Scotty.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Vulcan Forged sounds like a crypto. I'm going to go with Vulcan Forged and I don't like how much you're nodding. So I know what that means. Next question. Oh, OK, never mind.
Starting point is 00:57:20 All right. High performance blockchain. OK. Or opposite day. Yeah. High performance blockchain. HPB. Or opposite day.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's not opposite day. Oh, OK. God, thank you for unlocking some fourth grade core memories with that. I'm going to say I don't know. Pass. Pass. OK.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Wait, that's my next crypto. Smash or pass. Oh, stop it. Yeah. You'd be a trillionaire tomorrow. Smash that, smash or pass. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:05 You should. High performance blockchain. And what was the other one? High performance blockchain or opposite day. High performance blockchain sounds like a bond. It sounds like a fucking bond. I don't know why. What's a bond?
Starting point is 00:58:21 I just shut up. That's cruel. That's mean. I don't like what you just did there because that's what you did earlier today when you asked me what's a notary. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I got to... Fuck. I'm going to pick high performance blockchain. OK. It's a real one. You are correct. Oh, no shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I was not confident at all in that one. All right. We have three left. OK. Which is the high performing blockchain? Is it gone clear? Oh, my God. Tell me the other one, Scientology based.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Or Thayton. Yes. Arena. Yes. That's, first off, that's genius. Thayton Arena. That's fucking genius. I don't care if you made it up or not.
Starting point is 00:59:14 That's a great name. Our Thaytons must battle in the Thayton Arena. Yes. Well, that's all of our minds are just arenas for Thaytons. Oh, my God. Yep. Honestly, what are we if not meat sacks for Thaytons, honey? That's right.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Our meat sacks are just Thayton breeding grounds. Erin loves using the term meat sacks. I do. That's what I refer to as the human body. It's a real existential thing she's been on for the last year. What was the other one? Gone clear. Gone clear.
Starting point is 00:59:44 No, no, no, no. Thayton, well, oh, my God. OK, as a name, I like Thayton Arena. And it is so not above Scientology to go in on crypto. They may not be affiliated. But they also may be. By the way, when I was looking at the Make-A-Wish one, apparently you can donate bitcoins to Make-A-Wish.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Well, it's fine. I think that's yeah, I can see that and go on them for being crypto inclusive, I suppose. OK, that's that's all. Yeah, that's my big soapbox moment. All right, OK, shut up. Come on, you can make like the hardest question yet. Gone clear or Thayton Arena?
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yes. I really I'm just going to I'm going to like Thayton Arena. I do. And it's not smart to go against the answer you like the most. Like this is the one I want to bring into the world the most. I mean, not really, but really like a baby. Yeah, baby like a baby. I hate like I don't get crypto, but I really want Thayton Arena to exist as a. So let's go with Thayton Arena.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And if you came up with that, you're a fucking genius. I have great news for you. You're a genius. Give me your hand. OK, she's taking my hand. You have the opportunity effective immediately. Yeah, to invest money into Thayton Arena. Yo, you are going to become a you're going to go clear
Starting point is 01:01:08 after you invest in Thayton Arena. Yes, that's how you go clear. Yes, that's how you go clear. You just have to give your money to Thayton Arena. And then the the Thaytons will battle themselves with the underball killing themselves. And then you'll be clear of all your Thaytons. When does my auditing process begin?
Starting point is 01:01:23 As soon as you donate your first dollar to Thayton Arena. OK, what's a Thayton Arena dollar? What's that worth? Well, it's worth a portion of a Thayton Arena. Oh, that sounds pretty good. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool. Good on you. All right, ready?
Starting point is 01:01:39 Yeah, I love being right. Proof of liquidity or liquidity explosion. Hey, listeners, this is another one where she asked me earlier. Jack, do you know what liquidity means? So demeaning. OK, I love liquidity explosion. Now I could be reckless and go with that one because it's the one I want to bring into the world the most.
Starting point is 01:02:07 What was the other one? Proof of liquidity? Proof of liquidity or liquidity explosion. I'm going to I'm going to choose like a fucking idiot. And you go with the one that 12 year old me wants the most. Aaron, give me liquidity explosion. Do you want your liquidity to explode? More than anything, honey.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Proof of liquidity. Hey, crypto nerds, make it happen. All right, we have one final. This is the last one. The last one. OK, all right, I really need to think hard and heavy about this one. Let's go. Are you ready?
Starting point is 01:02:42 And this one's worth quadruple, right? This is the sudden death round. OK. This one is worth everything or nothing at all. Hold on, before you continue, do you know what my track record is right now? Do you know? Do you have the score? Let me count. Because I feel like it's close.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I feel like I've been tying all game. You currently have 15 correct, nine wrong. Oh, my God. Yeah, so you're doing pretty well. Oh, never mind. Negate the double or nothing request. Let's go. Are you sure you're ready?
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yes. Jack film. Two toes up. This is for everything or nothing. OK. Which of these is a crypto? The forbidden forest. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Or Voldemort. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That's a good one to end on. I feel like crypto nerds kind of a villain theme running on this one. Oh, she's literally shielding her face with her hands like so I can't read. Yeah, OK, OK, I cannot read Aaron at all. So I'm going to talk it out and just let her suffer behind her hands.
Starting point is 01:03:45 I feel like there's kind of been a theme and there's such a general theme in the crypto world of crypto enthusiasts kind of, I don't know, owning up to their villainism in a way, which is to say I'm leaning towards. I'm thinking Voldemort. I'm thinking Voldemort's the answer here and not the forbidden. The forbidden forest is a great name for crypto because you think like, you know, the world of crypto. Well, it's it's really a forbidden forest.
Starting point is 01:04:09 You mustn't go too far. Lest you be stricken down by a spider griffin. I think I do think it's Voldemort, though. Voldem, they would name a coin after Voldemort and not necessarily the forbidden forest. Give me Voldemort. Final answer, Voldemort, let's go. She's unshielding her face.
Starting point is 01:04:26 You, Jack, film. Yeah, just one yourself. Oh, absolutely. Nothing you lose, bitch. Wow, we win. The forbidden forest, really? The forbidden forest, apparently, allegedly. Well, they shan't ever see a dime from me.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I'll make it Voldemort. I would say good work, but it wasn't. So congrats on finishing. Fuck. Thank you. Great quiz. That was honestly annoyingly challenging. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I think I say I like the format a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's something we should continue in the future. I like that a lot. Thank you to everybody who called in and texted in to dadhugme10 and suggested this is a quiz if you want us to quiz each other on any other topic. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Please call or text in. We love the ideas. It's so much fun also to go back and forth with you guys on text. So thank you so much and keep them coming. Yeah, that was fun to sell. So great quiz idea. Thank you, Cat and everyone else who had similar ideas. Jackville.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Aaron. Is it time? Me thinks it is. So actually, this episode is going to be the last episode of Aries season. The final Aries one. Yeah, somebody else texted in and they said that Aries was like the youngest of the signs of the zodiac and that's why they act like children and throw tantrums in our assholes.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Oh, it's good to know the science behind that. But neither here nor there. Also longest Aries season ever. I don't think anything of Aries because they're just kind of there. Wow, Aaron. Yeah, I said it. I said it. Any Hoosers.
Starting point is 01:06:17 All right, Jackville. We actually also got a few texts from people that really liked our combined efforts of channeling together. Really? We did. Yeah, we did. Well, then let's honor their wishes. Take my hand, honey.
Starting point is 01:06:35 For all two of our listeners that enjoyed us channeling together. This one's for you. We actually are, by the way, holding hands, which is kind of funny, but also. I think it helps. I genuinely think it helps. But it helps because we need to connect with the spirits. It's the duality of it all. No, that doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I said no, no. The duality of it all. OK, I'm going to start. OK. Aries. Tonight is probably the wettest you've been because you got a bad case of the rainstorms. So, hence, fourth, your very damp, good times, are a common, but beware. There are future werewolves on the schedule.
Starting point is 01:08:05 So don't call them dogs. They hate dogs. Also, I just want for you to know I am allergic to milk now, sometimes, I drink. But it's magnesium. So I can't shit to loosely and I am and incredibly generous. Shitter. I thought that you could understand. But I suppose I was oversharing.
Starting point is 01:09:23 My God, was that what is that all the gods gave us? Aries, use that however you wish. Don't feed Jack from dairy. He is fine. He's a generous. Well, it, you know, it helps with the loose shit. It does. But you know, maybe you will learn a thing or two from that Aries and happy damn birthday.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Aries, I hope you had a great season and next season, yes, we will be celebrating. Whatever's after Aries, I think, I think, yeah, I think Taurus is April to May full circle Aaron. No, I think we start with Gemini. Oh, you're right. You're right. So with Taurus, we'll be full circle because we will have done all done made a full year. Full loop around the skies. We have learned so much from the gods.
Starting point is 01:10:22 We have. And at the same time, almost nothing at all. Honestly, you know, you can only go up from here. Listeners, thank you so much for joining us this week on Aaron is the funny one. Tune in next week and feel free to call in or text in at our hotline dad hug me 10. And maybe next week, maybe I will be the funny one. Who knows, stay tuned. One of these days, you'll only know if you tune in and find out.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Thank you guys so much. Please text us. I love chatting with you guys on the hotline dad hug me 10. Can't wait to hear from you. If you're international, I can't text back. I love you, but I can't text back. Be good. Godspeed and we'll see you next week.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Till next time, haters.

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