Erin is the Funny One - Did I Make This Though?

Episode Date: February 7, 2022

Jack and Erin are back for brand new episodes of Erin Is the Funny One! This week, they kick things off with 2022’s first wine of the week - Martha Stewart’s Chardonnay from 19 Crimes! Next, Jack ...quizzes Erin on one of the most difficult subjects…his own video titles! Will Erin come out on top? Listen to find out! Advertising Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to a new episode of Jack is the funny one as always I'm your host Jack Douglas co-hosting me as always is Aaron Aaron How you doing today? What is wrong with you? That's how that's how you're gonna greet people after a month of no Aaron is the funny one and a new year no less It's the first podcast of 2020 22 it is and not only that but we happen to be recording this on 2 2 2 2 is that a fact that is well, I guess technically it's 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 oh too well Oh, oh too gone. Oh too soon. Oh too soon
Starting point is 00:00:43 If you know, you know jack from what have you been up to all this time? I know you haven't been touring like you said you would Obviously I'm back from the tour I've been touring pretty much all of November of 2021 and then a very very early December of 2021 and then since then got back home announced a video game I've been working on for the friggin ever and that's very excited about that
Starting point is 00:01:15 cranking out some new videos for the year Although it is already February so can you can you still say the new year? I'm gonna still say the new year. I don't know. I almost wish somebody a happy new year today because I hadn't talked to them I think that's a pro but if you haven't seen him since last year. I refrained. I refrained I did not wish them a happy new year. I just said I hope you're doing well Yeah, very platonic and diplomatic good for you work But yeah, so you've been like literally doing nothing then right not a thing. Have you caught COVID here? Did you catch COVID yet? Almost
Starting point is 00:01:49 I Well, you remember this so it was like late November. I had a little bit of a break between shows I had a few days before our next lieu of shows in December And I'm still on the east coast I was with you. I know so we were we were going we were walking to a bar late one night in Philly And I I feel like I stopped you. I was like honey I have a sore throat. I think I have a sore throat and I was terrified that I got the COVID
Starting point is 00:02:22 Mm-hmm Turns out I didn't because we were responsible. We got tested. I tested negatively. I Wait, didn't I did I not take a test? You may not have taken it But yeah, because I felt fine and I I totally think you're always a hypochondriac when like but like if you if you fit It was like 50% of nights you're like, I think I might have an aneurysm tonight And I'm like, okay. That's nice. All right. I'll see you in the morning So I feel like your sore throat like your level of sore throat is literally like a Tuesday for me Like well, it scared me because you know, it's rona season
Starting point is 00:03:03 It was in the midst of and this is before amicron took over by the way This was like days before. Yeah, and that but that was when I still had my like false confidence of like no, bro We are boosted Foolish naive Aaron. Yeah, I was like sweet summer child. We are Impenetrable You can't get us Fort Knox, right? Yes, you can't nothing my body is a temple and There there's no Trojan horse coming through here. Okay, somehow miraculously neither of us have gotten the rona
Starting point is 00:03:39 Well, it's not that miraculous when you're miraculously. No, the only place we go is the gym and we wear an n95 the entire workout So like hey listeners I don't think it's that miraculous that we haven't gotten covered yet fun challenge for you listeners run a mile On a treadmill with an n95. I'll bet some of you have Hey, that's some of your like talking about I do that every day for sure But I will say also shout out to power walkers. You don't need to run if you don't want to Secondly, it's just it's hard to walk uphill at a four a speed of four miles per hour Okay, I'm very proud of a power walk. Also. Secondly. I just don't think you need to run
Starting point is 00:04:18 You don't you don't for a good exercise. I just love that you shouted out power walk Okay, also second point is that there is a tolerance like the first workout we worked out with a mask on Horrible terrible. No good very bad. Oh my god. I'm never gonna be able to do this Second workout a little bit better by the tenth. You're like, uh, it ain't no thing. So honey Aren't you gonna ask me what I've been doing? Yes. I'm trying to get there, but you won't shut no You're holding that wine. I know what you were going to ask you were going to say What's the wind is a week? You weren't even going to ask me about what erin the funny one has been doing
Starting point is 00:04:56 For the last month, you know why because you had you didn't do anything either. I didn't do anything. You didn't do You don't know what I you don't know me. You don't know what I've been up to what I've been doing Hey, honey, what'd you do? What are you up to the last couple of months? Well jack Lighten me. Uh, we had a friend stay with us for three and a half weeks. So I was hosting For three and a half weeks. That's right. You did nothing during that time because you were a bad host I have been very busy. There's so much hand waving that you guys can't see I have been very busy
Starting point is 00:05:35 With stardew valley. Okay, that's right. You're the town. I went through a divorce. That's right. You did now guys Let me let me tell you please for for those who know stardew valley. I got married In the game. I was married to elliott And I think elliott started to get a little jealous Because I was trying to make friends with all my neighbors He had a little too comfortable in what he said and he would literally do nothing all day long all day long He would literally just sit and stare at walls And then and then this man
Starting point is 00:06:10 Had the audacity after I gave him his favorite thing, which is a pomegranate He had the audacity to say Oh Taking another break again. I see Farming must be easier than it looks. He did and that was paraphrasing. That's what he said literally what he said And I was like, oh Oh Hell no
Starting point is 00:06:33 I am the only breadwinner in this house And I marched right over to the mayor's house and I got myself a divorce Okay, because I don't have time for men or anybody in my life to be talking to me like that Can you explain to the listeners like how legit angry you honestly felt like can they not tell by the way? I'm speaking right now, but I don't think you guys understand that Like you are quite perturbed by this like not even ironically. I mean that happened like a week ago I'm still talking about it. I remember I was like It also infuriated me that I was like, I can't believe I'm so mad about my video game life
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's amazing. It it it even seeped into my real life like my real feelings. I was so mad that he Talked to me that way after everything I gave him a home that he doesn't pay for He doesn't help do anything He doesn't even make me coffee in the mornings anymore because we have a coffee machine that does it There is no point to this man. And then he tells me my job is easy Wow Comments on my work ethic and the oh taking another break again Okay
Starting point is 00:07:46 Okay, I'll I'll show you what taking a break looks like I'm gonna take a break from you. He does have good hair though. Now. He lives in a shack On the beach and good riddance Well, there are worse places to have a shack. So, you know, he said that there's mold and algae growing in the floorboards And I was like good So, okay, so anyway, so so I've been hosting and I've been playing starting valley and I got divorced and um, I've been working I'm trying to figure out a way to upend the
Starting point is 00:08:23 capitalist regime evil Capitalist because I do believe in capitalism kind of do get cancer. I will I believe in the sense that like I think that if you build but but it's gotten too out of hand here So I've been trying to figure out a way of how I might be able to create a positive impact on that exciting news today
Starting point is 00:08:48 um, Melinda Gates is actually going to be I think before she was like Donating or giving or whatever it is like most of her wealth to the Gates foundation And she announced today that She's going to not do that anymore. And instead she's going to fund other philanthropic efforts and I was like, yes another person I could potentially work for So now all I need to do is find somebody that knows Jeff Bezos's ex-wife and or
Starting point is 00:09:20 Bill Gates's ex-wife, right? Well, you got you got your pick. Yeah Need to do that exciting times. That is your dream job. If you guys know anybody. Yeah, hit me up honestly Oh, and I haven't really been on instagram And I haven't um, that's why you're on it today Well, I was on my burner account jack Because I was looking up my boss's boss's wife. Okay. Tell me you have an addiction leave me alone I'm just nosy. All right, and I didn't want to get caught. So anyway, um
Starting point is 00:09:53 But that doesn't really count because I wasn't like perusing. I was like there with a very specific purpose But I haven't really been on instagram. So I haven't really been checking dms I've tweeted Some things but I I like literally I'm like I tweet it and then I'm like, whoop. I'm out back to stardew valley That's the way to do it. By the way, that's how you tweet. So, um Yeah, I've been kind of off the grid a little bit That I will say it was a regenerative January in a sense love that and that there was there was a lot of
Starting point is 00:10:23 like self regenerative isolation a little bit Like I uh, I kind of kept to myself a bit but here we are It is now 2222 but by the time this comes out, I think it'll be 2722 which is fine. Um, also lucky but You know, we're we're back
Starting point is 00:10:45 We're ready We're going and who is joining us For today's podcast jack. I'ma tell you who goes by the name of martha The martha. Oh, there's only one air. There is only one martha You know, I don't even want to call it wine of the week. I want to call it wine of the year Our wine of the year this week is 19 crimes Martha's shard, you know, okay, so I don't know if you guys have been listening for a few episodes back We drank a snoop dog wine, which was also a 19 crimes brand
Starting point is 00:11:24 And famously martha and snoop are homies. So I think That martha got this deal with 19 crimes because of her friend snoop. Absolutely. I don't think that's my prediction I don't think that's a reach at all. Um, a cheers Oh my gosh guys, this is a 13 and a 13.8 alcohol That's hella high. It's it does come from, um The lovely sonoma california. I would have done such a better job reading this It is from the year of 2020, which we all know is the best year in history
Starting point is 00:12:01 Great things happen that year The spirit lives on today through innovators like martha stewart a self-made icon who built a domestic empire Martha's drive embodies the timeless values of the 19 crimes mavericks who came before her And I believe this is one of those bottles where you can scan the label with your phone using an app on your phone And the face on the bottle comes to life. Oh my gosh. I forgot about that. Hold on. Let me find it Yeah, that's the whole gimmick behind uh, the shut up jack. We know your listeners. That's the whole gimmick behind the 19 crimes label He's mansplaining to the listeners as I love doing
Starting point is 00:12:38 Okay, according to the vivino app this has 59 ratings And 3.8 stars out of five and the average price Is 12 99 jack. Do you know how much you paid for this? I probably paid more than 12 99 But on paper that sounds good Yo, martha's got street cred. She's spent some time in jail Prison whatever. I don't know what term is but I actually like that It's like really different from a lot of california chardonnays. It tastes nothing like
Starting point is 00:13:11 A regular california chardonnay. No, but I like that too. It actually kind of has an aftertaste of like a beer Oh, I can kind of see that. Yeah honey notes of honey Yeah, that's different Not bad. Just different. I'm gonna give that a jack's film four out of five. I I'd give that a Six and a half out of 10. Okay, not bad. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:36 Not bad. You've rated wines. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, oh heck. Yes. I have so honey. Yes Oh, wait, also, that's exactly what sorry. I missed that part when you asked earlier what I've been doing Um this week. I have jury duty speaking. Yes, you do speaking of you know doing hard time Uh, this week. I have jury duty. I'm currently on my Third day of not having to report fingers crossed and I I forgot to tell you I do not have to report tomorrow either So we have one more day. Let's go. It's like snow days, right? It's like God, it's like the blizzard of 96 or yeah blizzard 96
Starting point is 00:14:18 I think and I think I just kept waiting and waiting at the end of each day You know, you waited to hear to see if your school was on the list of schools that didn't have yeah school Yeah, and we got the whole week off the whole week, but you had to like, you know, listen every single day So yeah one day away in 2016. I served jury duty For an entire month and it was kind of cool kind of terrible I was really lucky that I had a job that paid me even though I was out on jury duty for a month And they let me keep my wages that I made so I made like 200 dollars for a month. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:00 Whole month How many bottles of Martha's shark and that gets you like You know 15 maybe If you buy him bulk, right, right? So yeah, so I've got one more day one day more one day more And hopefully I don't have to serve and then I just get thrown back in the pile Right and yeah back in the machine. Yeah, we don't need to report for another few years. Here's hoping sweetheart. Yes So honey for our first episode back after a nice long break. I think I should tell the viewers that You
Starting point is 00:15:35 are my biggest fan and every single video I upload You're always the first one to watch. So Remember when I was talking about Elliott earlier I actually was talking about you Hahaha subtle Incompetent loser I think is the the phrasing I use
Starting point is 00:16:00 So to show the good listeners to show the good people how much of a fan you are of me And to let people know like I've been busy You haven't been busy. I've been busy. You've been you're a house husband now You said you are Elliott you sit and stare at walls all day and then complain about what I'm not doing Since early November of last year to today Which is as we're recording this 2 2 2 0 2 2
Starting point is 00:16:29 I've uploaded A bunch of videos whatever, but I know you you're such a hardcore fan I want to read to you titles of videos and I want you to tell me If I uploaded that or if I made it up what in the ego maniacal Fucking Crazy is this no, I just want to I just want to quiz you about me I okay next week
Starting point is 00:16:57 I'm gonna write a quiz about how much you know about me And I'm gonna ask you all things about my job and things I've done at work. You already did that though No things I have done at work Um true or false did I or did I not get promoted in october of 2018? Okay, yeah Look, I think this could be fun It's simple. I'm just gonna read a title. You have to tell me if I uploaded that within the last few months Or if I made it up
Starting point is 00:17:27 Okay, okay. I'm so excited. Okay Wow, I can't wait to be back. I'm so happy to be back. Thank you all for listening so much And please I apologize in advance for jack's ego trip here where he talks about himself and what he is created And I just want to thank you all for being loyal loyal listeners of our fun little podcast here I think the quiz is funny I think it's funny because you don't watch anything That's not Okay
Starting point is 00:18:01 That's not true. It's not that I don't watch any of it. Okay anyway but thank you all in advance for listening and putting up with jack film and It's fun. We're we're on this ride together. Okay We're on this ride together. So let's just uh placate him and and jack and jack jack
Starting point is 00:18:24 We're ready for your quiz Okay Did I make this up or is this a real title? Bathroom humor isn't funny You made that video I did Ding point for you. Thank you. Look at that. Look at that. See how many questions are there? There's like there's like four. How many are there? I don't know. I didn't count. Okay
Starting point is 00:18:47 We'll go until you don't want it anymore. Okay Crypto is cringe Is that a title? You yeah, you made that video. No, I made it up. Okay. Well, if you didn't make the video It's what I have to listen to like every night recently nfts or blah blah blah blah blah. I don't know actually. That's a good segue. I was literally trying to tell jack. I'm like, but what if we What if everybody else is gonna get rich and we're never gonna get rich and we're never gonna make money and maybe Maybe they're on to something and jack's like
Starting point is 00:19:21 Absolutely You don't want no part of that But speaking of yeah, did I make this following video or did I just make it up? nfts nuts Yeah, you made that video. No, I made that up. Oh, but I should I thought you made a video about nfts I did but like last march of 2021 Uh, wait nft wait march of 2020 What? Yeah, what is life anymore? I don't know anymore. Is this real life?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Oh, this reminds me of this article I read recently about robert patinson in gq and he I don't know if he is like a an andy kaufman type or he just is the good article the funniest Funniest person that has ever existed. He will send emails to people incessantly because he claims he doesn't know Time like he's like, I don't know if I emailed this person two years ago or like two hours It's a fascinating read she you read this to me a few nights ago. Oh my god guys honestly, look it up. That's your homework That's your homework. Look Robert Pattinson gq. Yeah, I think it was gq. It was it was uh written in like may of 2020 or something The whole cooking incident is great. Oh my the payoff at the very end
Starting point is 00:20:49 Is so worth it. Talk about a payoff. You guys are gonna love it. It is the funniest thing I've ever read. It's amazing Anyway, so back to the quiz Did I make this up or is it a real one robert patinson kind of cray? No, I'm kidding. Um If I break I lose Yeah, you made that or something or like oh, yeah, okay If erin laughs, that's awesome No, correct. Yeah, did not make that erin always laughs. Did I make this though? spider-man you can't say that
Starting point is 00:21:23 No, I did not. Yeah But did I make this though quit it dad? No I did not very good. Yeah, thank you. Did I make this though? The pope said what? Yes, I did. Yeah. How about quit it sis? No, I didn't how about your mom? No video called your mom. No, I did. No, you didn't I did when why it was a short a few weeks ago That shorts don't count. Hey, these are all shorts. These are literally all shorts. I'm reading off Do shorts even have titles? Yeah, they do but no one reads them
Starting point is 00:21:59 That's why this is cheating guys. This is such a bogus quiz This is cheating No, but you literally just said nobody even reads the titles of the shorts But I'll read then then proceed to read me titles of shorts that I'm supposed to know What? Hey, here's a fun one De-sexifying the green m&m. Did I make that up or is that real? That's real No, I didn't make that. Well, I think if you haven't already you need to I agree. We should because we should all band together
Starting point is 00:22:32 I mean, she's already been de-sexified. Well, yeah, she better have been because it's all for the male gays and I'm tired Of everything being for the male gays any chance you get to bring up the male gays Jesus all right. How about this one? Santa skips these people or let me rephrase that Santa skips these people Uh Yes Yes, you did make it. Yeah, correct. All right two more because I have that's another thing
Starting point is 00:23:01 I have to listen to like every night is like the people that Santa skips like jack won't stop talking about them It's like you it's getting a little problematic if I'm being honest Honey, this is a real title or did I make it up? Women be shopping and that's okay. No, correct Because it's not okay And finally last one last one Microsoft more like mega hard Ew No, no, I uploaded that bitch like a few days ago. What you did?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Wow, there goes all our Microsoft sponsors. Oh, no Here I am here. I am literally trying to get hired by melinda gates Oh, she would never for all of her philanthropic efforts. Maybe she will maybe she maybe she wants to slander the name of Microsoft I after their messy messy divorce. I don't think I don't I think they probably had like a sometimes couples Have post-nuptial agreements jack. It's like a prenup But they put it together after they're married because when they got married they either didn't know That they should have a prenup. I don't know they they seem to be together forever
Starting point is 00:24:18 And it was funny because I was actually thinking about this in the shower the other day Ew, keep that to yourself. I know sorry as soon as I said it. I was like wait that is tmi Why did I just say that? Anyway, sorry you in the shower. I know I'm sorry me neither. Um So sorry my bad. I was thinking about this the other day about how if you came to me asking for a because like when you and I got together our Income situations were Different. I made
Starting point is 00:24:54 More money than you did when we first got together and now that's no longer the case. Well Yeah, I'd say consistently no longer the case, but your income fluctuates way more than mine does but If you came to me now We're approaching our four-year wedding anniversary. Yeah, and this will be the 10th year that we're together I know this december so but i'm like if you came to me now with a post-nuptial agreement I would divorce you on the spot. It's us, right? That would never sign that agreement and then I would take you for everything Don't get mad get everything as that's what um, avana trump in the first wives club said that
Starting point is 00:25:39 She was famously married to Mr. Donald trump who at the time was very much not the president nor a candidate or anything like that But she was in the first wives club and she was at the very end and she said don't get mad Get everything can I just say that uh, you really nailed our demo by referencing the movie the first wives club Hey, it came out right up there. It probably came out about 10 years before they were born, but if you haven't seen it Don't bother. Honestly. I'm like wait. I really love it. I don't know if it's aged well Sarah Jessica Parker is in it as like a young Hot like 22 year old type. She's like the new hot
Starting point is 00:26:20 Girlfriend kind of that like one of the see the whole premise of the movie is that it's four friends And they've all been left by their husbands for like other women and they they band together They band together To exact revenge so Yes, I guess technically it's three friends, but there is a fourth friend that Spoiler is great. Yeah. Anyway, it's like literally the first three minutes of the movie. So any hoosers I don't know if it's aged well, but it is a club. I love it. Diane Keaton bet middler Sjp is kind of a villain
Starting point is 00:26:55 In the movie. Oh, yeah Kind of she says some not nice things Sjp Goldie Han The dad from seventh heaven who I think is in jail now. Oh, he sure is Rizzo from Greece. Oh Rizzo. Yeah, what's her name? Rizzo. No, what's her real name? I don't know. I can't remember either, but Chandler or something. I couldn't tell you. Yeah, I don't remember Anyway, please hand me a post-nuptial agreement Yeah, let's see what happens. Let's talk. I mean, it seems like you're super well versed and divorced with your video game
Starting point is 00:27:33 Wait, so so that was the quiz that it's all over. Yeah, the quiz is all over. Wow. That was like I had more questions, but I don't think you were feeling it. So oh, oh really? Yeah Oh, do you feel embarrassed because they made fun of you? Oh really? Because we We agreed for this episode of the podcast our first one back. We were just vibe We would just talk we would just whatever so I thought oh, what if I surprise her with a little quiz But I don't take too much time on the quiz And that's exactly what happened. I didn't spend too much time on the quiz. So yeah, that's the quiz what?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Microsoft more like mega hard Pretty cool, right Quit it sis Oh my god, that was the best worst quiz ever. Thank you You know, I'll take that I'll take best words. Thank you. Oh, that was amazing. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did Because mostly it was just an exercise and embarrassing Yeah Which is why listeners we need your help if you have any quiz ideas
Starting point is 00:28:42 And podcast ideas you want to give to either of us, please Drop them off at our hotline that we have it's dad hug me 10 Dad hug me 10. That's the number you just pull up your phones and don't even think about numbers. Just dial dad hug me 10 Call our hotline and be like jack that quiz sucked here is what I wish you quizzed erin upon or Aaron jack's really dumb. He doesn't know this. I think it'd be funny if you quizzed him on black So it doesn't even have to be quiz. Fuck the quizzes. Just be like, hey, why don't you guys talk about you know Bitcoin This is now a bitcoin nft
Starting point is 00:29:22 So it's so funny. Wait, so sorry. I haven't talked about I follow this girl on tiktok. I by the way big fan love her I think she's super adorable and but Well, her it's her name is chip girl Right, you know chip girl. You know, I love you know, I love chip girl I do Um, she has a chip inside of her hand that just like I heard me that like it's like an rfid chip or something And she like can open up all the doors to her house and stuff and like it's not a house. It's a fucking estate. It's insane It's insane. Yeah, it's crazy. I think her husband maybe like made some
Starting point is 00:29:58 Technology and then sold it and is now unclear. That's a bajillionaire and they like just like they be wealthy Literally hang out all day and do rich people things. Um But they're also like, I don't know she she has made a number of videos about what they're what they want to do Like open up like a non-profit Law for like stuff like that. Anyway, she has yeah, anyway. Okay. So the other day I guess she's in they're into crypto and nfts and stuff like that Of course and yesterday she like made this video trying to explain What an nft is and she like did it talking about she was like this is a can of coke and imagine if this is the best
Starting point is 00:30:36 Can of coke ever but you need to prove that it's the best can of coke ever So you assign like a thing to it and like literally I was just like Wait, but what if it's the worst fucking can of coke like How is there any like it's like oh, it's the best can of coke But only because you said it was the best can of coke like what if somebody else is like no that can of coke Sucks like I don't want that can of coke. So I can't stress like how real this is how in the last like 10 days Not long at all the last like 10 days
Starting point is 00:31:13 I have heard of as many Like nft scams and crypto scams that influencers I don't know if they're scams No, straight up scams What how are they scams though because it's like real Well, it's not like a pyramid scheme. We're like like most of them are pyramid schemes though The nfts at least well like the pyramid scheme is like they promise that you'll get a return on it Mm-hmm. I feel like people who invest in nfts like
Starting point is 00:31:45 know that They're investing it might not pay itself back Does that make sense it does it does like I don't think it's like a scam in that like it's just really scummy though It's really like these are super murky waters. Are we allowed to should we say they're scummy? What's wrong? We have friends that are involved in it. That's fine. Is it? Yeah, I really don't care. I don't care You don't care. I don't want to call. I don't I'll say this I'll say this I have yet to see I think applicable use of nfts. That would make sense I would agree with you that it's murky
Starting point is 00:32:22 And I also understand what you mean by like the applicable use thing But I don't want to like judge the people that are getting involved in it. I guess like I get that I get that But I did find out today I was talking to a co-worker about it because my co-worker has a bunch of friends that are getting into the nft space and they like Live their life like they're on like in discords and on like like basically he was like literally you need to like Live your if you're going the nft route to go all the way in you need to go all the way in and like It's a huge like time investment and like remember I was like asking you I was like why? The people that are involved in the nft space like why is this their only personality trait now like this is like
Starting point is 00:33:08 All they talk. It's true. It's all they talk about. It's all I'm like, I don't understand like you can be into it I don't want to hear about it. I don't need no middle ground though It's like oh all of my like social media is now only about this or I'm making a social media That's all about this. Well. I found out why today because Apparently it's all based on social clout to make sure that you're like legit and So they need like a big following
Starting point is 00:33:38 In order to like have their nfts be legit to be valuable And so that's why people are making like social media profiles and like creating these like personalities All around nfts because you need to create a reputation In the marketplace so that you're a legitimate reputable source for nfts That's that's what I and I was like, oh Okay, now it makes sense still annoying as far extremely like if this is the future count me out Yeah, I hate it. Yeah, if this is what web 3 is gonna turn into I'm not on board web 3. I feel like well, how do I know about this?
Starting point is 00:34:19 So like web 3 did we talk about this like the last episode? No, I don't think no, I don't think we did I'm like, how do I feel like I've heard about we're kind of like the whole world is kind of in what is Generally referred to as like web 2.0. This is the age of youtube wikipedia stuff like that Web 3 is just like the future of crypto. That's where things like the blockchain will become more mainstream Hmm, et cetera And so this web 4 where they blow air on your face and like make little machines that like tickle your ankles to make you feel like you're actually like in a scene when you're on a website and stuff
Starting point is 00:34:59 Like like smell-o-vision kind of thing And web 5 is when you get unplugged from the matrix when they like rip out the thing in your fucking skull That's what I'm fucked. I'm pumped for web 5.0 And the web 6 is like vr, but real smell-o-vision Where is that from? Is that like running Stimpy or like Nickelodeon or something? Smell-o-vision is just that I didn't I wasn't referencing anything by saying smell-o-vision
Starting point is 00:35:33 But it's like when you go to like a theme park and you smell the chocolate and the you know In the fucking indoor theater experience like Shrek 4d. Oh, maybe that's what maybe it was Willy Wonka that had smell-o-vision Well, no, they had Wonka vision. Wonka vision. Oh, that is different. Yeah, that is you're embarrassing yourself. Yeah, that's embarrassing I'm sorry. Oopsie doodle and it was long story short. If we really love NFTs NFTs are the future. Yeah, they're the future They stand they stand for Something no fuck's taken. No. No, they stand for Nipple-free tassels. No, they stand for November
Starting point is 00:36:10 Future All I can think of is the word toxin. Um, no frumpy turtles. No, they it's uh, it's uh, no Futures taken which means that what that means is that it means that if no future is taken that means It's the future Because they're not taking any futures from people They're giving futures. No futures taken so NFTs are the future. They're almost they're giving future And listeners for only 30 ethereum you can purchase our NFT. It's a jpeg. It's that it's it's the cat It's the cat that like, oh, it's the cat with the they're not gonna. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:54 She's she's pointing at my desktop on the pc going. It's that it's it's the cat on the salad plate That's like looking like looking at the girls crying from um, what's what's that show? Real house vibes. Real house vibes Yeah, you know the reaction image. It's a white cat and it looks like Voldemort ethereum guys you can you too can have that picture Wow ethereum ethereum is down 5% today. I got a notification on my coinbase. I'm sorry for your loss, honey That's okay. It's all profit now every every dollar that I own in my cryptos Is all profit. I've taken all of my initial seed money back out of it that I've made Guys for 50 ethereum, you can get a screenshot of erin's coinbase crypto wallet. That's a good deal
Starting point is 00:37:39 To be fair. I invested back in like 20 also 2016 probably whenever bitcoin was like that was like 2017 2017 okay like december or so and it was going bonkers. Yeah, i have like 198 dollars of bitcoin Pretty big deal guys. Oh, all right warbucks. Uh-huh. Uh-huh Hey, honey. Hey, honey You know what it's time for well jack film first first. I want to ask you. Yeah, we need a requiem Do you even know what season it is? Yeah, I do It's the age of aquarius because he looked it up. You didn't feel it in your heart. Did you no? But I do it's also the year of the tiger. So I've heard it is that's true. Tony the tiger no less
Starting point is 00:38:22 It's the year of tony We do need to give a shout out though to the the season we missed. What would you like to say to the season that we missed? You're evil It's capricorn, right? But to be fair We didn't miss it. Yeah, we did. No, we didn't we missed the fuck out of it. What are you talking about? We some people are kind of mad that we missed our last episode was posted In capricorn season. It was december 27th. It was my half birthday. Well, then can we no one cares Can we give capricorns a little extra love before we move on to the age of aquarius?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Sorry you miss capricorn Better luck next time. We'll we'll get on next year Don't you worry. I'm sure you guys had a great capricorn season capricorn Did I make this title up or is it real? If I laugh no one cares about your season Your season is super forgettable to be fair. They haven't but it's a lot of there's a lot of seasonal holidays in capricorn season You got your christmas. You got your christmas eve. You got your erin's half birthday
Starting point is 00:39:32 You got new year's eve. You got new year's day. You got martin luther king jr. Day That's a lot. You guys got a lot. You guys get a lot I would say you get the bulk of the season to be fair Like the fact that you're like mad. You we missed capricorn season. Like oh, you didn't have enough Oh, you didn't have enough Ungrateful ungrateful is what it comes down to you. You know what I'm saying? Like what more do you want people? Okay, you got all the good holidays By the way, how
Starting point is 00:40:01 Fucking unfair is it that christmas and new year's are like back to back? And they're two of the biggest holidays of the year and they're like back to back Yeah, I'm spacing out and yet people are complaining that we miss capricorn season. Okay, bitch, please You know like it's ridiculous. Take a number Anyways age of aquarius. They also also they got peak covid numbers. You know what I mean? Like they did everybody's gonna remember Capricorn season Unforgettable
Starting point is 00:40:32 I don't want to hear another word out of the capricorns that we Miss their season because if I never if I never hear another word from a capricorn, it'll be too soon So honey, I I have a really good horoscope this week for the aquarius is out there But I need your help. I need a little help finishing up the horoscope. Would you do that for me? I will try my hardest and my darndest Am I am my shard and your shardness? Yes. Maybe that's all I ask Uh, I need a unit of time light ears Can I get a body part knee cap? Can I get a verb?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Swallowing or swallow. Yeah. Yeah swallow. I got you. I got you. Adjective grumpy Can I get a personal trait as a noun personal trait noun Could you give me an example? Yeah tenacity stubbornness ferocity tall
Starting point is 00:41:39 Got it After this we are going to take you to English school back to grammar and take you to grammar class. Well, I I need to go back to fucking english school Can I get an organ organ of the body? Adam's rib Ha ha ha ha Fucking shard We already have the worst horoscope of 2022. It's the first one I guess I guess. Wait, did you say organ and I said rib?
Starting point is 00:42:18 So much more Can I get a uh Can I get a food? The um chili's molten chocolate cake that can be found at your local chili's restaurant Chili's molten. What lava cake molten chocolate cake. Got it. Got it. It used to be called molten lava I think but now when I just call it molten chocolate cake. Okay. Can I get another food, please? I'm the blooming onion Ha ha ha ha
Starting point is 00:42:53 That can be found at your local outback steakhouse restaurant Can I get a sense? sixth like uh Like like vision. What's another sense that's not vision? One of the five senses. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hold on Claire Voyance. Sure Can I can I get a? Can I get a restaurant chain?
Starting point is 00:43:20 Applebee's uh-huh. Can I get a number any number? zero two zero two two zero two two Can I get a verb ending in er? How does that work? It doesn't I think I I think I fucked up. Oh, wow adjective ending in er Okay, um like an action like any um, oh like taller right smaller Got it. Okay. Anything like that. Okay. I don't know why I put verb in there louder. Nice Yep household object Brita
Starting point is 00:43:56 filter Yep Can I get a cool catchphrase? Eating good in the neighborhood Should have seen that coming And finally can I get a famous youtuber? Oh Athena P Okay, let me double check our horoscope before passing it off to you to read for our aquariums out there
Starting point is 00:44:23 Honey, yes, are you ready? I'm ready Aquarius Let the light year of Aquarius begin Let's start your season off right with a positive self affirmation Hmm Raise your right kneecap and repeat after me. I will swallow myself every day without fail Though my obstacles may be grumpy
Starting point is 00:44:52 I will overcome them with my tallness and adam's rib And when life hands me chili's molten chocolate lava cake trademark I'll make the blooming onion that can be found at your outback steakhouse restaurant On my clairvoyance board. I'll manifest attainable goals like getting a promotion at applebees And finally earning two million 22,022 dollars a year. Wow. Damn. Do I need a job at applebees? It sounds like This Aquarius season will be the best one ever There Aquarius, don't you feel louder already?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Repeat this in front of a brita filter every morning until you start to believe it. Oh I almost forgot. What's that? It helps to end your self affirmation with the Aquarius creed. How does that go? Eating good in the neighborhood All right, that's all I've got for you. My name is erin and I'm married to Athena P I'll say Also, if you don't know who Athena P is Check her out on tiktok. Her tiktok is why am I here? Athena P Why with a why?
Starting point is 00:46:18 am I here Athena P all spelled out and then she is also on YouTube as I think it's just Athena P. Yeah on youtube. Yeah, I think she's just Athena P on youtube. So She is awesome. She is hilarious loads of fun loads of fun And um, so check her out and I'm so glad to be married to her. I bet you She is a better spouse than both jack film and elliott if you know, you know It's nice to be compared to elliott after hearing how mad you were at elliott I still remember where I was there. I was
Starting point is 00:46:56 mining my own business playing resident evil 4 and vr and Screaming six feet away from me is you about the atrocities of uh, you're you're now ex-husband elliott Listen, listen. I used to come back from ginger island Every two days just to say hello to my husband and pet my chickens rabbits ducks and then he got a little too boy chickens pigs cows goats, okay I'm a busy farming lady I'll say and I made sacrifices for him and he
Starting point is 00:47:32 Did nothing. He doesn't appreciate it and I don't have time for that. So now I'm single. Thank god I am making more money than ever Are you in your girl boss? I don't have time for that. I have an auto petter so I don't need to come home to pet my kit like pet the animals as often as I used to I forgot the game as a thing called an auto petter. I I am girl bossing the coolest ex toy ever
Starting point is 00:48:06 I'm gatekeeping the shit out of everybody. I honestly, I've never meant this more I don't need a man. I think I think an automatic petter is what uh, neckbeards invested. All right Hello Agree Well that about wraps up the first episode of jack is a funny one here in the year of our lord 20 22 Thank you all for joining us again. Also. Hope you made it through the quiz Yeah, I promise we'll do us. Uh, I promise we'll do better next time. We're all in this together Thank you so much for tuning in again
Starting point is 00:48:47 Glad to be back. We have a whole season of episodes coming Also, we'd love to hear from you dad hug me 10. Don't forget to call it Can't wait to talk. Anyway, we'll see you guys next week later haters

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