Escaping the Drift with John Gafford - POWER UP! with the 48 Laws of Power EP 27

Episode Date: November 19, 2021

The Power Move Episode 27Learn and burn Entrepreneurship from serial entrepreneur John Gafford and his band of mayhem makers. From stripper poles to the oval office, business lessons are week the guys break down the 48 laws of Power by Robert Greene. Learn to be the most powerful person in the room or a super villain, we're not quite sure. with Colt Amidan and Chris Connell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 from the art of the deal to keeping it real live from the simply vegas studios it's the power move with john gafford back again back again back again man glad to have everybody back. Guys, welcome to the Power Move. I am your host, John Gafford. To my left, Colt Power Mongoose. M&M? The Power Mongoose? I don't think you gave me a nickname. The Great White Hype.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I didn't give you a nickname, but I gave you a gift. Yeah, the gift that keeps on giving before. Again, thank you again for those of you guys in the list before jessica springsteen calling it a talk discussing quest read with a cult which was great and of course always chris well not always when he's not yachting through the caribbean chris connell esquire often enough yeah right so check this out man we got some pretty good feedback from our subscriber base, from the 10,000 plus people that have subscribed to The Power Move. We've gotten some pretty good feedback from that show we did when we went through how
Starting point is 00:01:14 to win friends and influence people. We went through that. So today, what I want to do is there's another great book that I really like, which is Robert Green's book, The 48 Laws of Power. Have you read this book, Colton? No. Okay, that's okay. I've read Mastery.
Starting point is 00:01:27 You've read Mastery. Okay, cool. Well, so what we're going to do is, of course, now here's the thing. So there are 48 laws of power. We got one hour here. So this is going to be a 48 laws of power hour where we got to bang through these things. So I'm going to read them and then we're going to discuss them very quickly. So do me a favor if you have a strong
Starting point is 00:01:47 opinion which cult please for the love of God have strong opinions if you have a stronger opinion speak up why don't you do the thumbs up thumbs down all right and then in it and then we'll do who wants to speak on that one law will go forward because otherwise it's gonna take forever we're never we're gonna get to I have like eight laws of power yeah and like Colts top top five is that kind of like george carlin when he's talking about the seven the ten commandments yeah probably three yeah i mean see but if we do it that way we're going to get through eight of these we're going to get through eight of those and then colt's top five shapes that's what's going to happen i like rhomboids yeah well i mean you got
Starting point is 00:02:21 a circle's got to be in there at number two. Top two triangle. What are your top five shapes, Colt? What would you say? Would you say that circle would probably be number five? I like straight hard edges. Straight hard edges. Like, you know, the rectangle. Yeah. I would probably say number one would be triangle.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Triangle. Triangle is a really cool, strong. I feel like that's a strong shape. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you say it. Don't do it don't do no no no no don't do it uh so here we go you ready let's jump right into it robert green's 48 laws of power number one never outshine the master ensure that those above you always feel superior go out of your way to make the boss look better and feel smarter than anyone else everyone is insecure but an insecure boss can retaliate more strongly than others can wow that's terrible advice i think that is so you
Starting point is 00:03:11 think so oh no absolutely i think that is i think that is a sign of a dog shit leader if you can't take your support it's being better and i think there's a jack 90 percent of leaders in the in the the corporates are dog shit i had a better boss no this i've worked one corporate job and i knew it was done when the the head up the cfo or coo came and came and had a drink with me and the boss got all insecure about that and it went all downhill from you can keep him maybe he's right but you can keep that boss yeah well i'm just saying there you go law number two never put too much trust in friends learn how to use enemies keep a close eye on your i never said look this is about power i never said this but that is true yeah ensure that those above you oh i'm sorry uh to keep your keep a close
Starting point is 00:04:00 eye on your friends they get envious and will undermine you. If you co-opt an enemy, he'll be more loyal than a friend because he'll try to prove harder to prove himself worthy of your trust. That went sideways. That's not what I thought you meant. I agree with that. You're going to go with that. So,
Starting point is 00:04:14 so you should try to enlist your enemies because they will work harder to prove that they're loyal. You should always enlist your enemies because you know, every enemy is just a potential friend that you haven't found a connection with yet. Correct. All right. Let's your enemies. you know every enemy is just a potential friend that you haven't found a connection with yet correct all right there you go all right list your enemies law number three conceal your intentions i do like this this is a good one always hide your true intentions create a smoke screen to keep people off balance and in the dark they can't counter your efforts jesus so machiavellian oh dude no this is the laws of power my friend i read this book yeah this is power i know i think
Starting point is 00:04:45 this is power i mean but here you know who we never said it was nice we said it's power there's a shadow behind all these that could backfire and blow your ass up oh yeah the best of that would probably be yd boulder working for the feds yeah well i'm just saying yeah it says you know never let everybody know you it basically says never let everybody know it basically says never let everybody know what your plans are because you never know who's working against you never let everybody know but have be authentic and like you sometimes isn't that funny that you can have two pieces of advice like wear your heart on your sleeve show anybody anything well i think this is why this is so funny that i wanted to do this because so much of this is completely polar
Starting point is 00:05:23 opposite to the how to win friends and influence. And you know what's so funny is so far, three for three, I've absolutely loved this and live by it. Love it. Because you're a sociopath. Maybe because they're called psycho men. Maybe I grew up with some people. Maybe that's why.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But I love this stuff. Well, here we go. Let's keep going. Law number four, always say less than is necessary. Totally agree. Say little and be ambiguous, leaving meaning to others to interpret. As your attorney, I advise you to do that. The less you say, the more intimidating and powerful you are.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Now, I'll talk about that. Today, I was on a call. We're doing a deal in Tampa, right? And we had two guys on the phone. We were doing a Zoom call, and it was my team and us and then him and his partner. The one guy didn't say a word. And I'm talking team and us and then him and his partner the one guy didn't say a word and i'm talking about an hour and 45 minute long zoom call and you know my guy didn't say a word that makes a decision so at the end of it at the end of it i was just i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:06:14 gonna crack this dude a little bit at the end of it i go well larry i gotta tell you i can't listen to more of this from you so i gotta go and they both started laughing and he was like and he goes yeah i tend to listen more than i talk and just so i can get everything i need and i go and they both started laughing and he was like and he goes yeah i tend to listen more than i talk and just so i can get everything i need and i go and that's why you're the scariest guy on the call yeah you think he's a he's gotta be the decision maker right he's his you know he was his business partner but obviously he's the he's the analytical thinker which i think that's fine i think that's true so you you want to be the scary guy in the room? Don't say much. It's better to people that assume you're a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I know. No, no. But I think at the same time, I think there's being a wallflower and then there's quiet silence. There's powerful silence. Stoic silence. That's my best pickup line. I would sit in a corner and not say nothing. Girls would come to you.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. All right, Colt. Top three pickup lines. What were they? I wouldn't say nothing. I would just sit back, and it would work.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Just come. Here's the best pickup line. Here's the. Connell's making weird faces. You want a pickup line? Probably a good episode to check out YouTube just to see the Connell. Connell, let me see your pickup faces. What are Colt's pickup faces?
Starting point is 00:07:26 What are they? Mine are, yeah, I'm a 6'4 attorney without any disease. Yeah. Do you know what the best pickup line is real quick? You tell someone, I just have a long day at work, especially for younger kids. I'm just going to sit around. I'm probably going to open a bottle of wine
Starting point is 00:07:41 because now you look sophisticated. You're not like, come over and take a shot with me Let's bank Mine was mine was always mine was always don't mind what I'm saying. I'm just playing hard to want Playing hard to want So yeah, there's that all right moving on Number five so much depends on reputations. Guard it with your life. Nurture and guard your reputation because reputation is integral to power.
Starting point is 00:08:11 With a strong reputation, you can influence and intimidate others. We're just going true with that one, that song? True. I don't think it needs explanation. Yeah, I think just in life and business, do what you say you will do. That's pretty simple. It's just a real simple rule to live by. Just do what you say you will do.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Call it the bridge builder. Yeah just do it the bridge builder yeah number six create an era of mystery be outrageous or create an era of mystery any attention positive or negative is better than being ignored attention brings you wealth which is exactly how we end this show every single time actually i didn't end the last one like that. Out of 20, that was episode 26, and I did not say it. So I will say it this episode. Man, that's terrible. But yeah, again, any attention brings power. Create an air of mystery.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Make people try to figure out what you're doing. I love that. I think it's good. All right, law number seven. Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit. Jesus. Get others to do your work for you, but always take the credit. Jesus. Get others to do your work for you.
Starting point is 00:09:07 The old Huckleberry Finn method. Get others to do, or Tom Sawyer method, I guess it was. Let others to do your work for you. Use their skill, time, and energy to further your ambitions while taking full credit. You'll be admired for your efficiency. This is the how to be the worst boss of all time. Is it? No, you said, I agree with this. why am i picturing kevin spacey and
Starting point is 00:09:26 horrible bosses that's all i keep coming up unbelievable like how bad when you talk about management business school so robert green wrote this book what 65. like when was this book yeah no no no but you know what he's saying no what he's saying is not to do it in front of your people like if you're if i'm like hey john do this and then say, I did it, right? What they're saying is, let people do it. And then when you're not around your team, when you're out with your people or whatever, yeah, I sold this building
Starting point is 00:09:54 once and did it. It's like Bill Burr says about Steve Jobs. He just went to a bunch of nerds and says, take all this shit and put it on there. Go. And honestly, but like, you know, you sit there and you've got a team. Yeah. And you can sit there and say, yeah, I sold that.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I sold this. We sold this. He's not sitting there bad-mouthing his team. No, but it's like the way that's phrased. You could use a bit of massaging. I like it. Straight to the point. Straight to the point gets it done.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Speaking of massaging. All right. Law number eight. Make other people come to you. Use bait number eight. Make other people come to you. Use bait if necessary. Make your opponent come to you. When you force others to act, you're in control. Bait them, then attack.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I love this. This is like sunk suit. I love this. This is more like art of the deal. Oh, this is like creating a cartel. No, no, no. Real quick. I agree with this wholeheartedly.
Starting point is 00:10:44 You know, if you look at this in real estate, you look at this the way that I teach people to sell real estate. It's like selling anything, not even real estate, but selling in general, selling anything is about control. It's about having control of the situation in all aspects. It's about understanding the situation. So when somebody says, hey, can I just meet you at Starbucks? Agents you see meeting people at Starbucks, they've already lost.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You're already losing because you don't have control of the client. I want to meet my clients here in my office where I have total control of the environment, the situation, what happens. Really? Because there's a lot of times I have an office and clients will be like, hey, I'm over here. I work here. I say, I can meet you at that Starbucks to sign you up. But it's your clients.
Starting point is 00:11:26 It's not your competitor. You're not like, oh, let's go somewhere nicer. If I had something to lose. That's what the competitor. No, but new sign-ups, I'll say, hey, where do you want to meet? Because I don't care. I want to appear when I'm first getting a car accident client. It's so competitive that I'm willing to do what you need.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But I think this is not going to get in clients this is going on how to be successful against like power playing another broker power playing yeah i got that but the point but the point okay but the point that i'm saying and i'll actually make you a bet on this one i'll make you a bet those clients are so competitive you're saying let me come meet you at that wherever and i'll sign you up it's fine blah blah blah blah if you said okay we need to get together. This is the closing framework for every script that I have when it comes to closing real estate. It's like, okay, we need to get together.
Starting point is 00:12:13 We need to sit down. We need to do whatever. Blah, blah, blah. I need to go over this. I make it about them. I need to make sure you understand everything that we're going to do. I want to make sure you're very involved. And at the end of that, I'll say to them, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I can do Thursday. Does Thursday morning or afternoon work better? Yeah. And they're like, well, I'll say to them, okay, cool. I can do a Thursday. Does Thursday morning or afternoon work better? And they're like, well, I can do, I can do nine, no matter what time they tell me, I'm always going to change it by 15 minutes always because I want to be perceived as busy. Because like, for example, if you need a heart surgeon right now and you called up a heart surgeon and said, Hey, I just found out I need open heart surgery. And the guy said, yeah, come on down today. I got nothing going on. I'm like, no, fuck that. I want the guy that's busy. I want the guy that's, that's going to be busy for six months and maybe it gets me in and I can squeeze in it. That's what I want. I want the guy that's doing the most of this.
Starting point is 00:12:57 You got to know your business too, your clients. So for me, yeah. Yeah. And so that perception of being busy, you know, the more, the more, the more available you are, the less valuable you are. So you want to have the perception that you're not as available. I agree. I agree, but also sometimes your clientele. Well, I wasn't done. While you were sneezing, I was trying to fill the gap. I was trying to fill the gap.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I was trying to give myself five sneezes. At least it's not 800 degrees in here anymore. I don't know. You keep sneezing all day. The air is getting better. No, but so then, so what I'm going to say is, okay, I'm going to move you by 15 minutes. Great. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:30 So can you meet me at 915 on Thursday? Yes, I can. Okay, great. Let me tell you where my office is. I never tell them they're meeting me in my office during the whole pitch of the appointment. Right. When I get to the end, it's let me tell you where the office is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then when I'm done with that, closing the appointment, here's another little sales tip. I'm going to tie them down. And what is a tie down? A tie down is when the last thing I say to somebody before I get the phone is like, okay, Bill, so cool. I'm gonna see you at 915 on Thursday. Um, see here at the office, 17, eight horizon Ridge, whatever. Um, let me ask you one more question about getting off before we get off. And they go, sure. And you go, are you good about keeping appointments? I want them to verbalize back to me. Yes, I'm good about keeping appointments.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Because humans have this innate weird need to not look bad in front of other people, even if they don't know you. And by them telling you they're good about keeping appointments. I'm the type of person that keeps appointments. Yeah, they're going to show up. Unfortunately, I work in a business too, where a lot of times my clients' cars were just fucked up. So if they're up in North Las Vegas and they go, I can't get to your office, hey, I'll come meet you.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, okay. Fair. You're right. I completely agree with you. But normally, if you have transportation, you're coming to my office. Fair. Okay, fair. All right, moving on.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But I like that, though. Number nine nine win with your actions never through argument demonstrate your point rather than arguing arguing rarely changes anyone's mind but people's people believe what they see see carnegie they're also less likely to be offended yep yeah we've talked about that yeah we talked about that ad nauseum all of us agree when you know win an argument with a client the prize is losing a client. That's the prize. Congratulations. Law number 10. Infection.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Avoid the. Dude, I. I can't wait to this. I totally agree with this on every level. Infection. Avoid the unhappy and unlucky. Avoid miserable people. The perpetually miserable spread misery like an infection and they will drown you
Starting point is 00:15:26 in it yes man that you we all have these friends succubus yeah the succubus hey it's sunny today chris not as sunny as it could be exactly you all know these people. You all have these friends. You're in a drought. There's no rain for the plant. You have got to cut these people loose. Fucking cut them. But here's, okay, I'm going to help you out, though. Here's the scary thing. It might be you.
Starting point is 00:15:58 You might be, as you're listening to this, you might be the person your friend said that everything that comes out of your mouth is negative around your friends. And they may be looking to cut you. No i would know nobody in this room for sure yeah yesterday but i will i will i will take an internal audit of myself sure and say how much through the course of the day that's coming out of my mouth is positive or negative it goes back to my app that you guys shot down with how did i make you feel about yourself because Yeah, that's like I met some guys yesterday, and it was like 4th time I met them.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They're like, Jesus, you're just light. It's nice to be around you. You're just always smiling and stuff. And I'm like, oh, okay, good, because sometimes I think I could be a little. Yeah. I don't think you're negative. I don't think you're negative.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You are the sunshine of my day, buddy. Don't you worry about it. I appreciate it. You are. I mean, but the triangle's your favorite shape. How does that not just perk you right up? I mean, isn't it? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's uniqueness. Like, the triangle doesn't have, like, four. No, it's, I mean, yes, it could go a lot more. Although it is the only shape that has, so it's the first shape other than a circle, right? Because it goes circles one. Triangle's three. There's no two. No.
Starting point is 00:17:07 See, that's why I like it. No, man. No, man. No. Seven squirrels sitting on a fence. Sunflower seeds on my uncle's ranch. Little children's tale from the sequel. You know, I kind of like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I just like hard edges. You know, that's why I married my wife. Exactly. Exactly. Law number 11. Learn to keep people dependent on you. Make your superior dependent on you. The more she needs you,
Starting point is 00:17:30 the more security and freedom you have to pursue your goals. Couldn't he frame this as make yourself invaluable? I think it's the same way. I think they're talking about these people that I mean... He frames this like a psychopath. No, I think it's those are egotistical people with money
Starting point is 00:17:47 that don't let their wives work they're never going to leave them they can go on them all the time walk over them because they live like that nobody wants to i thought my wife i tell i'd probably lose money because i let my wife work as much as she does but hey if she ever wants to leave me good for her maybe so i'm doing it wrong that's the first one god i'm screwing up call my wife today she is quitting tomorrow for sure uh law 12 use select how see i don't like this either use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim use honesty and generosity i'm loving these victim. Use honesty and generosity. I'm loving these. Or as the judge in Kyle Rittenhouse's case would say.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Exactly. Use honesty and generosity to disarm and distract others from your schemes. Even the most suspicious people respond to acts of kindness, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation. John, this is not a real book. This is a real book. What is this for? 48 Laws of Justice. This is like a cia spies guide to get through russia tell me do you not agree with that well okay
Starting point is 00:18:52 again you can't say it again for stuff no no no i i okay no i'm like you're trying power absolutely this is about power this is about having power over others and we're talking about enemies here we're not talking about although it does use I wish it would use the word enemy instead of victim. Yeah. Because Sun Tzu at least points out, you're talking about combat. Yes. I get it.
Starting point is 00:19:13 But I'm just saying, this is about power. If you want power, you want to, yeah. I'm pretty sure this is the Trump playbook for getting elected. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. That's an impressive thing. Correction. This is any presidential candidate's playbook for getting elected. That's what I'm saying. I'm pretty sure. That's an impressive thing. Correction.
Starting point is 00:19:25 This is any presidential candidate's playbook for getting elected. That's true. Let me correct that real quick. How to be a politician in 48 rules. It is. When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest,
Starting point is 00:19:38 never to their mercy or gratitude. Totally agree. Yep. When you need help from someone in the position of power, appeal to their own self-interest, they'll be glad to help you if they get something in return. You'll get what you want without seeming desperate or irritating.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Again, I've talked about this a million times. I don't ever call people for anything unless I can do something for them. And sometimes I got to go connect like six dots to figure out what that is. But I always try to go, it's like going to a dinner party with a bottle of wine. I'm never going to show up to eat dinner at your house without something on my hand. That's just classy. But I think that's the same way in business.
Starting point is 00:20:13 So let me take this one step further. And like I said, this may have to be cut later because this is a pretty hot topic. But this is a huge point that people need to understand. In our society today, and I don't know if it's more or less that I'm less on social media or it's one of these things, but people feel, and I feel it's a younger generation. They feel like by pointing fingers at what other people have done. Now,
Starting point is 00:20:34 this is a group of three white men in a room, right? And I'm talking about a lot of times people say the patriarchy did this. These people did this. These people did this. You're all in positions of power, whatever you're wrong. You've made mistakes historically you specifically and therefore you need to do this there needs to be this where i go i bet you way more people would be receptive to the message if it was phrased in terms of hey you believe in justice and equality right can you help us get to where it should be because if somebody approaches you okay well okay that that happens that's how pigs have constitutional rights in the state of florida were you aware of that because they went they went to people and said do will you vote for our amendment for against cruelty to animals yeah and now pigs in the state
Starting point is 00:21:23 of florida are in the constitution it can only be in pen certain size that's right so that that happens yeah it's like that's what i'm saying is you know it just occurred to me we're talking about power and it's the power and i'm so upset that you're not agreeing on every one of these so far because i'm loving it i gotta tell you yeah i'm like maybe it's because i've been watching for the second i instantly feel like a like a like a fraud for a little bit second. I should be all about these should be the nice. Thank you
Starting point is 00:21:51 for being the moral compass we need on the power move and agreeing with all this. Thank you, Cole. This is why I have you here. Be persuasive and appeal to people's internal senses of things. Don't don't blame people for things and expect them to help you or take your side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Agree. All right. Law number 14. Law number 14. The power move. Pose is a power move, right? Power move. Oh, please.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Fan, fan, fan. Pose is a friend, but work as a spy. Wait, what? That's what it says. I like that. Of course. Colt is going to like. Are you not liking these?
Starting point is 00:22:22 Colt, I swear to God, I think you're in the CIA. Are you getting Jason Bourne right now? I have an appointment right after this Because this weekend I had to deal with something, and it was total power move over power move over power move. And I got so excited for that when everybody else was like, this fucker. I loved it. I love this stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Sorry, go ahead. Back to this. Be friendly, sympathetic, and interested to get people to reveal their deepest thoughts and feelings. And then use it against them. When you know your opponent's secrets, you can predict his behavior and control him. I've got blackmail on all of you guys.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'm just waiting to release it when I need to. You got nothing on me, baby. You got nothing. Oh, I got everything. Just kidding. No, I don't. There's nothing. I don't.
Starting point is 00:23:13 You've got nothing to have. I wish I could because then it would be the Colt Amity. The Colt Amity. Yeah. Welcome to the Colt Amity. The Green Dot. Yeah. Welcome to Top 5 with Colt Amity.
Starting point is 00:23:23 That's what I'm going to do. Every Friday. Top five. Top five. You should. A spinoff. It's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:30 it's like a three minute podcast. Just no Rick. Yeah. I'm already no Rick. That's it. I want to start it. All right. Law number 15.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Crush your, crush your enemy. Totally crush your enemy completely. If you leave even one ember smoldering it will eventually reignite you can't afford to be lenient agree this is the same guy that says convert your enemies well no but he says crush them totally when they it's like one you know if if you ever oh that's a good point that's a see that's a good point how does crush them totally then fold into like can convert them and no because it, it's – have you ever seen one like they kill somebody
Starting point is 00:24:08 and you got to kill the son because son's going to get old enough to come after you and kill you? That's what it is. That's what it is. It's the same pick-a-lane. Killing everybody. That's what you got to do. I agree. I totally agree so far.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So far, not one. Law number 16, use absence to increase respect and honor. Once you become well-known, don't wear your welcome. The more you're seen and heard from, the more you cheapen your brand i gotta tell you i'm gonna tell you this i'm gonna tell you this i agree with that wholeheartedly for for several reasons number one is crusher no no that's what we call a freudian slip no no no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, follower of mine on social media if you're doing that i had the team posting four times a day and it was a lot and it was on the chris crone mode and uh it reminded me like jerry mcguire and the guy was like man i'm everywhere man i got a kush lash i was i was getting john lash a little bit on the thing and i talked to my buddy steve sims and we were discussing uh my social media i'm gonna have sims on he's running a company now called sims media so if you if you need help with
Starting point is 00:25:23 social media talk to sims he's great um we'll have him on. He's running a company now called Sims Media. So if you need help with social media, talk to Sims. He's great. We'll have him on probably next week when you're gone. I'll have Steve come in and we'll talk about that if he wants to. But yeah, he says, he goes, yeah, you're planting lots of seeds, but you're not giving stuff time to grow. It's like, it's just, it comes and goes so fast. So I actually dropped that down to 50% of our, I had my team drop it down to just twice a day.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I actually noticed it. I wondered if the algorithm changed. No, no, no, no. I just dropped it down. Yeah. You notice. But I noticed. Yeah, because it was,
Starting point is 00:25:52 because here's the problem. It was a lot. It was just a lot. And I don't want anybody to get John Lashed. So you got to, you got to figure out what, what works. Try on there.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah. But anyway, so we dropped that back. So I do believe in that. Law number 16. Oh yeah, we did that one already. Law number 17. Keep others in...
Starting point is 00:26:08 Oh, Jesus. Oh, I can't wait. That sounds like a good one. I'm going to let Colt read this one just because why not? Read 17 just because I want you to read it in your most devious position. Oh, wow. Keep others suspended in terror. Cultivate on air of unpredictability.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I like that. Throw others off of balance and unnerve them with random, unpredictable acts and he gained the upper hand. That's absolutely 100% UFC fighters. No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:34 You want to throw somebody off on a deal? I've done this where brokers think they're so powerful and they've been doing it so long and they've done cookie cutter deals
Starting point is 00:26:44 their whole life that when I need something done, I will throw something absolutely stupid that is outside the realms of the traditional real estate and it throws them off and they get so angry and then they forget what we're working on. I do. I 100%. I love that. Well, I'm going to, I'm going to tell you, I'll try, I'll tell you a real life story that involves this. I had a previous business partner that is an absolute scumbag. And anybody, I'm not going to mention his name. Anybody listening to this knows exactly who I'm talking about if they know me.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But the guy is a certifiable lunatic. And he would just go berserk and start literally screaming at people and throwing a tantrum like a child, like a giant man child, like screaming and yelling at people. And it looking back now, like looking back at that time, you ask yourself, like, I was actually thinking about this the other day, like, why in the fuck did I let this guy act like a jackass in my business? Like, in my office, in front of my people, and I let this guy, like, throw fits and scream at me. Like, why would I even do that? You could get Stockholz in there. But I think that's, but he's done this to everybody he's ever been in business with. And this is just the guy's MO.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yes, you do. And this is just his MO. And that's just what he does. And so the fact that he got away with it for as long as he did, that shit kind of works. I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying it works. Yeah. I think your average person wants to avoid conflict.
Starting point is 00:28:19 You see it in that movie Fight Club. They go get in a fight with a stranger. So you'd be absolutely amazed how difficult it is to get in a real fight with a stranger because most people don't want conflict. So they'll avoid it. They'll do they'll kind of. And I think I don't want to give out too much. Never mind. No, go ahead. I don't care. No, I was just
Starting point is 00:28:35 going to say sometimes you got to establish that and you don't have to deal with stupid shit. Like when I'm dealing with a residential agent trying to do commercial, I will absolutely at the front establish that type of thing so they don't come back and ask stupid stuff or do stupid things will you tell them nothing not just i'll just be an i'll just be an i will like and it's sad he's agreed with it he'll just go with laws one through sixteen so far you want to destroy
Starting point is 00:29:01 you want to feel real terror yeah i'll show you what it is. All right, law number 18, do not build fortresses to protect yourself. Isolation is dangerous. Never isolate yourself when under pressure. This cuts you off from information you need. When real danger rises, you won't see it coming. That's the Tiger Woods response versus the David Letterman. 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Don't build a castle. Don't try to hide from the problems. Nope, you got to be right there in it which is good square up law number 19 we'll do this and we'll take a break
Starting point is 00:29:29 does this kinda not sound like it was written by a pickup artist by the way a little bit like a mystery method I'm really liking this I'm gonna read this book
Starting point is 00:29:38 where's that guy we gotta find that guy cause I gotta believe if we asked him to be on this he'd be like on anything sure I'd love to find that guy for a follow up on his history how would you find him i don't think it's his name
Starting point is 00:29:49 it's a mystery everything's a mystery you don't gotta find us i i know i know a guy that knows neil strauss so i bet i could find him through neil strauss there you go i bet i could i bet i probably could anyway um number 19 know who you're dealing with do not offend the wrong person when attempting to deceive someone know who you're dealing with so you don't waste time or start a hornet's nest reaction this just happened uh i i won't get too far into details as to what happened but um i'll tell the story without well to keep the names anonymous but somebody that is is part of one of our companies was talking to somebody else that's part of one of our companies. And this person wanted this person to maybe come and work with us.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And there's a history with the person that they wanted to come work here. They had worked here in years past. And so this person just proceeded to tell this person what a lunatic that person was and how dreadful of a human being they were for 15 minutes. Turns out the reason they wanted to come work here is because they're not dating. Oh, wow. So yeah, that makes it a little weird at the old Christmas party. And you're like, and this person was kind of spun. They're like, why wouldn't they have said something? Like, why wouldn't they have told me? And I'm like, because it would have made it really weird for
Starting point is 00:31:06 you in that moment. And they were probably trying to be gracious and just like, just not, not be mean to you. So yeah, you be careful. I don't like deceiving people. Yeah. So I don't like that. No, but it wasn't about deception. It was about just know who you're talking to is, you know, offend the wrong person. It's kind of like, kind of like when, when, when other people say I've said off color things to you like this guy knows what i'm talking about i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you're talking about cracker we'll be back in just a minute if we see if we can get colt to go full mind cheering candidate and come out of whatever days that he's in and murder somebody. Let's look back in just a minute.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Hey, it's John Gafford. If you want to catch up more and see what we're doing, you can always go to where we'll share any links that we've things we talked about on the show, as well as links to the YouTube where you can watch us live. I'm just thinking. And if you want to catch up with me on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:32:02 you can always follow me at thejohngafford. I'm here. Give me a shout. Back from up with me on Instagram, you can always follow me at the John Gafford. I'm here. Give me a shout. Back from the break. We didn't even need a break. Colt just was just raging through his love for this book. I'm loving this. He's like the whole time we're going.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know what? I'm going to wear all black from now on and just follow. You've got to work for the State Department or something. I think you'd go hood. I mean, you'd go just black with like, and then you can be dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:27 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:31 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:31 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:32 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:32 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:33 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
Starting point is 00:32:33 dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, I've been watching Narcos. I went to Mob Museum last night. Maybe I'm loving this. I don't know. I'm loving this.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I think it could be that. I'm not sure. Maybe you remember how all those movies and shows end, though. Yeah, they normally don't end well for the person that's running the biz. You've got to get out before. Very good. Lucky Luciano died in Italy of old age, though. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:32:59 He did die of old age. That's a good point. That's because he was smart. He did. There you go. See, I would be that person. There we go. Well, let's see. Let's get through the laws and see if we're going to make it, Colt.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Law number 20, do not commit to anyone. Don't commit to any. Yeah. Don't get married. Don't have a. No, I'm just kidding. It says. What it means is.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Now, listen, I don't hate this because it says don't commit to any side or cause except yourself. By maintaining your independence, you remain in control. Others will vie for your your attention but you also have the ability to pit sides against each other okay 100 look this isn't how to make friends this is not how to be a good person if you want to be a power of something i'm absolutely loving this and what i have not there's not one that i've not agreed upon see but here's the thing there's a way to frame it he's right it is right never lose sight but stay independent means don't talk shit you know that story john was telling about
Starting point is 00:33:48 because that one person was taking a side and talking shit yeah they just never said a fucking word you might need that person maybe it doesn't happen yeah they're not gonna happen but again you're not going to make friends this way well you're not making friends no but you're in a friendly business no i agree and i would never do this to my clients, but I will for my clients be this person to get them the best deal. But here's the thing. Take the legal community in Las Vegas. I want to pick a small power asshole.
Starting point is 00:34:15 No, you don't. You don't because they won't get shit done sometimes. No, no, no, no. It'll just cost you money. No, just being, unfortunately, being in as many in as many as many lawsuits i've been in over the last several years um defending bullshit but it's definitely come up where there's certain attorneys we're like oh this guy's such a prick you know the other attorneys say this like whatever and then there's other attorneys that are like look we're gonna rep you know you can
Starting point is 00:34:39 just tell like look we're gonna go do what's right by our client but you know at the same time we want to get this resolved want to get it done for them because it's the best move your asshole attorney who's an asshole to the other people is an asshole to you because he's just going to charge you a bunch of more money you can find an amicable resolution trust me i promise you if they're if they're trying to if they're trying to litigate on ego which some of them are that's when you that's when you know those are the assholes those are the ones trying to burn the bridges but you know what i don't like like everybody oh negotiate so hard, never leave a dollar. Look, there's a win-win on every side.
Starting point is 00:35:08 There's no win-win. Not in attorneys. I'm talking about buying a house or buying something. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, no. So I'm saying don't do this to the death or you're going to be out of business. People won't want to work with you. Yeah, I did the harvard negotiation project right
Starting point is 00:35:25 i mean i have a certificate from harvard harvard grad i'm a harvard grad you know you know what the hooters university i know i know it's a beautiful place beautiful buildings don't out there one of the one of the main things they talk about the harvard negotiation project is your bat now right and a lot of times guys like um what's his name he just said an acronym that i know best best alternative to negotiate agreement. Exactly. Have we talked about it on the show? No. I don't know. I talk about that a lot as a lever point with negotiation.
Starting point is 00:35:49 But even Rich Voss is like, well, that's not also the case. You should try to find the win-wins. And there's two different ways of looking at negotiation. I like the BATNA and the getting the yes. I like that. Do you like the never split the difference book? Do you like the book? I enjoy parts of it a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I thought that some of it was a little bit of a, I'm like every it seems like every realtor that's read that book it just makes deals so much harder you have to understand i agree see that i don't think they're smart enough to utilize the problem you have to understand at a deeper level what that means never split the difference means oh i want 100 you want 50 let's just do 75 and be done with it. What it is is be smart enough to get your 100, but to also do something to give them more than what they thought they were getting with a 50 or whatever. That's not splitting the difference. It's never that last nickel.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's finding your BATNAs and negotiating around it and using your powers, positions, and things like that. Well, for those of you listening at home, what a BATNA is is if you're ever negotiating a deal, you need to present people with not just the deal that you have on the table, but when, like, for example, when people want to list houses, they always throw out what the question you should ask is any good agent is, you know, what are you going to do if you don't sell the house? And people like, we'll just rent it is what they always say. But chances are when they throw that out, they've never actually looked at
Starting point is 00:36:59 what the house would rent for. They don't know what it would rent for. So if I'm going on a meeting and I'm going to listen presentation, I know exactly what that house will rent for. They don't know what it would rent for. So if I'm going to a meeting and I'm going to a listing presentation, I know exactly what that house will rent for. I have the comps in my hand and I know that their mortgage is $2,400. The house will rent for $2,200. So now when I go in and I go, what are you going to do if the house doesn't sell? And they say, well, just rent it. I'll go, okay, well, your mortgage is $2,400. Your rent is going to be $2,200. And property management is going to take a month. Yeah, property management is going to take 10% on that. But even if you self-manage it, you're going to take a $200 bath every month. Are you prepared to do that?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Or you'll break even. And they're like, well, no. Well, all of a sudden. Now what's your BATNA? Yeah, now what's the real alternative? So that's what Chris is talking about there. So moving back along. Hooters University was really nice.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Dude, in-depth. Yeah, in-depth. Harvard News. Yeah, there was a science fair. Power agents. There was a science fair. I agents. There was a science fair. I won. It was good.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I took the science fair. Claw 21, play a sucker to catch a sucker. I just had to read it like that. I think that's great. I think that is so Jav Turkey. Seem dumber than your mark, I think, Colt. Yeah, I'm doing this. I'll show him.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Chris, you're my mark, motherfucker. That's it. He's lured you in. I've lured you in. He's lured you in. I've learned you. Cause Cole actually wrote this book. He did. This is Colt's book. Make your intended victims feel as though you're as though they're smarter than you.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And they won't suspect you of having ulterior motives. Yeah. My number one thing I tell people, I do program. I don't do a lot. I'm, I'm just, I'm a nobody, you know, just, that's how I play every broker. I mean, it's a good way to live. Good way to live. I'm a nobody. That's how I play. Every broker I meet. It's a good way to live. Good way to live.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Law 22. Use the surrender tactic. Transform weakness into power. When you're weaker, surrender rather than fighting for the sake of honor. This gives you time to rebuild strength and undermine your victor. You'll win in the end. That's art of war. I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, it is. Straight art of war. Straight art of war. It is. If you're not going to win... Make a retreat. Yeah, there is no honor in failure. There's no honor in...
Starting point is 00:38:52 Is that your Gordon Gekko? Yeah, there is none. There's no nobility in poverty. No nobility in poverty. If you're going to lose, go ahead. You know, regroup. Figure it out again and go again, but do not let yourself become victim to what rule was that? It's 15. Crush your enemy totally don't become victim to that rule i guess i mean if you've got both sides of it you gotta have both sides uh law 23 concentrate your forces focus your
Starting point is 00:39:15 resources and energies where you'll have the most impact to get the most benefit otherwise you'll waste time and energy couldn't agree more you literally talked about that with your um figure out what your time is yeah the business plan we talked about that because you know now especially um if you look at the world man there's crypto and nfts and this and blah blah it's like people get so distracted by everything they wind up in me included man you just wind up doing a lot of things poorly focus on what you're good at. Stay in your lane, as we always say in real estate, like Colt says it all the time. Don't, you know, just because you have a license and you can do commercial doesn't necessarily mean you should do commercial.
Starting point is 00:39:53 We talked about that earlier when you said Colt tried to have another protege to do. He keeps trying to bring proteges in to do commercial, and they're like, oh, my God, this is hard. There's, like, no MLS. Like, I can't, like, and they're like, I'm going back to residential. They're like, I'm out because, this is hard. There's like no MLS. Like, I can't like. And they go on through. Like, I'm going back to residential. They're like, I'm out because it's just too hard to deal with. You want to walk into a world that's nebular. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That is cold commercial real estate. That is it. Which is why he is the way he is. Stone cold killer. Murderer. That's just what it is. What's your body count? I know.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That's it. All right. Law 24. Play the perfect courier. Learn the rules of society you're playing in and follow them to avoid attracting unfavorable attention. Couldn't agree more. This includes appearing like a team player and being careful about criticizing diplomacy or diplomatically. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I mean, I think there's something to be said for, I mean, again, it goes a little conversely. We talk about one of the laws said you should want attention, attention courts power, attention courts positivity. But also, you don't want to stand out necessarily for the wrong reasons. You want to go to a business meeting with somebody and I meet you, I come to the cocktail. When John and I, I helped him with a matter. And he's like, meet me a lazy dog for an old-fashioned. Remember that? God, it's such for an old-fashioned. Remember that? God, it's such a good old-fashioned.
Starting point is 00:41:06 But you can only get more delicious. We're meeting up for that thing, and you're like, imagine if I came and ordered a chocolate milk. I do remember that. Can you imagine if I ordered a chocolate milk? Yeah, I do remember that. Just walk in and say, oh, chocolate milk. I mean, that would be a weird move, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I agree. If you're going to be doing business with certain people, you kind of should understand where they're coming from. Well, I look at it this way. More importantly is I had a guy on my team a long time ago, a young guy from Hawaii that I loved, right? And I took him and another guy from England on my team, and I took them to lunch one day.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And I look at them, and it's like we're having a meal, and these two idiots look like cavemen that have never seen cutlery. Whoa, I've never seen cutlery before. I don't know what to do with a fork. And at one point, I'm like, I had to say something because obviously I'm their mentor at this point. I'm like, what the fuck are you guys doing? What are you doing? And they're like, well, no.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's like you take this, and then he points at the knife and goes, then you take the scooper and you scoop. Yeah, you call it the scooper and you scoop. That's what Homer's brain is. I'm like, none of these devices are called the scooper and you scoop yeah you call it the scooper and you scoop i'm like that's what homers brings i'm like none of these none of these devices are called the scooper not that and i thought about that that that is the equivalent of standing out in the wrong way don't sound the wrong way uh law 25 recreate yourself create a powerful image that stands out rather than letting others define you change your appearance and emotions to suit the occasion. People who seem larger than life attract admiration and power.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I love it. Yeah. I don't hate that. I don't hate that at all. We're running out of time. That's why they call. No, we're good. We're good.
Starting point is 00:42:34 We're good. Where are we at? No, man. We're halfway through. No, we're good. Law 26. Keep your hands clean. You'll inevitably make mistakes or need to take care of unpleasant problems, but keep your hands clean by finding others to do the dirty work and scapegoats
Starting point is 00:42:47 to blame. 100%. You're killing somebody. You do it yourself. You're an idiot. Or at least somebody like two thoughts and feelings of cold. I'm going to reflect your DNA all over it. Everything like you're better off finding some,
Starting point is 00:43:03 like we talked about the, he, he, in england what they say 20 bucks 20 bucks dexter somebody for 20 bucks and a beer will kill somebody a pack of cigarettes dexter i love it all right law 27 play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following offer people something to believe in and someone to follow promise the world but keep it vague whip up enthusiasm people respond to a desperate and someone to follow promise the world but keep it vague whip up enthusiasm people respond to a desperate need for belonging start a religion is what he's
Starting point is 00:43:29 followers line your pockets and your opponents are afraid to rile them religion that is the most accurate thing about humans real real quick man real quick man and again before you paint me with the left i'm a republican i'm gonna say it on this thing that's fine but i'm gonna say who does this sound like when you say offer people something to believe in and someone to follow promise the world but keep vague whip up enthusiasm people respond to a desperate need for belonging followers line your pockets and your opponents are afraid to rile them it's called the personality i mean that's the president's That's multiple presidents right there. No, that's Trump. Yeah, that is Trump at a law of 100%. Again, don't bash me.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I'm just saying, calling it like it is. That's what it is. I'm a registered independent. I have always said they should teach business courses on the way he ran. Totally. For president. For president. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That'd be the best course ever. Sure. Sure, sure, sure. All right. for president for president sure that'd be the best course ever sure sure sure sure all right um interaction with bold uh interaction with boldness when you act do so boldly and if you make mistakes correct them with even greater boldness boldness brings admiration and power how is he like so admirable in some paragraphs and then i don't yeah it's weird it's weird no but what i think they're saying is people will see that you're weak and if you're going i always tell people selling real estate you'll never figure it out you're going to have to figure it out why by doing it let me hear your alec
Starting point is 00:44:53 baldwin so in glengarry gunn ross right now no what does it take to sell real estate no but yeah but no if you're sitting there and you're looking you're looking weak these are weak y'all weak but if you're looking weak your The fucking leads are weak. You're weak. But if you're looking weak, your clients will see that. Yeah, where's Roma? So be, yeah. You are here to help us. Love it. I'm loving it.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I don't care. You're a child. I'm going to go home and watch that. It's the best. Yeah, if you're in real estate, you've got to watch Glenn Gary and Glenn Ross. You've got to watch Glenn Gary and Glenn Ross at number one. And Boiler Room. See, I love Boiler Room, but Boiler Room is such a, like, you've got to watch
Starting point is 00:45:29 Wall Street. Oh, you have to watch Wall Street. Wall Street and Glenn Gary and Glenn Ross are the two kind of introductory films to get your swag. To swag sales, we'll call it. Law 29, plan all the way to the end. Make detailed plans with a clear ending.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Take into account all possible developments. Then don't be tempted from your path. Otherwise, you risk being surprised and forced to react without time to think. Business plan. How about that? Business plan. Law 30, make your accomplishments seem effortless. I agree with this totally.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Make difficult feats seem effortless and you'll inspire on others and seem powerful. By contrast, when you make too much of your efforts, your achievement will seem less impressive and you'll lose respect. This is so true. Fine line, but. Well, no, no, no. Like over the years, man, we've had people leave and go to start companies of their own, real estate companies. And a big part of that, I think, is because we make it look so easy to do because you guys do make it like well honestly you guys are very good at making it well yeah because
Starting point is 00:46:31 it's called being the duck it's one of my favorite analogies in the world i got it which is uh you know if you see a duck on a pond he's like calm and cool cruising around but below the surface he's paddling like a mother trucker trying to keep up, right? So be the duck. One of my buddies actually sent me that because I've been saying that every year. Send that back to me. I'm being the duck, man. Being the duck, which is great. Law 30, make your,
Starting point is 00:46:52 oh, we did that one. Law 31, control the options. Get others to play with the cards you deal. To deceive people, seem to give them a meaningful choice, but sharply limit their options to a few that will work in your favor regardless of which they choose. Your victims will feel in in control but you pull the strings now that's american
Starting point is 00:47:09 politics that's american politics but it works that is a giant douche versus a shit sandwich that's american politics that's american politics right there because both choices guess what yeah doesn't matter and benefit you they have day whichever door you choose it ain't gonna help you uh law 32 play to people's fantasies conjure up all luring fantasies in contrast to gloomy realities of life and people flock to you spend the right tail and wealth and power will follow flashback to colt's talking about his only fans yeah no one do you see that fantasy for all right so i think we go and see okay colt whip me up a fantasy and make me want to go to your only fans what is it tell tell me tell me all about the all you can make it make it hot and wait a second um my no no no don't start yet because i mean i
Starting point is 00:47:54 know we're we're not gonna run time i thought i promise you but we got to get something going so the kids are where oh you got to go somewhere. That's what I'm saying. What time do you need to leave? I'll walk out if I need to. Okay. They're good. They're old enough. My kids are not young kids, so I'm not a bad parent. They're not, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:13 They're 17 years old. All right. So what I want you to do real quick, I want you to sell me on the OnlyFans. Let's have it. Come and watch me with my shirt off and A hot, hot, steamy sun. Eating Oreos. That's my only fan. That's it.
Starting point is 00:48:31 If that doesn't turn you on, then you're not for me. Have you ever heard Tim Meadows on the Handsome Boy Modeling School? Have you ever heard him? I think I do. He's talking about, I'll put my thing around your sweet-sk we'll go we'll go to like he just says he's just i'm a lady man random yeah the ladies the ladies man oh it's a lady i mean what kind of person would pay to watch me eat oreos i'm bad somebody would somebody you finally understand what purple smells like. Oh, God. I don't think you understand what purple smells like. Oh, shit. Law 33, discover each man's thumbscrew.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Everyone has a weakness or a hole in his armor. Find it and leverage it if you can to your advantage. Again, with power. Achilles heel. Power, you got it. Find the Achilles heel. Law 34, be royal in your own fashion. Act like a king to be treated like one.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Act like royalty and people will treat you that way. Project dignity and supreme confidence that you're destined for great things and others will believe it now My number one thing with this one i'll tell you is if you want to change your life You want to change your life today? Seriously? You listen to this change this Change how you walk into a room put your shoulders back put your chest out Act like you get it I could give a string tied to the middle of your chest
Starting point is 00:49:40 Pulling up and start walking around like that and smile when you walk in a room And things will change for you go from somebody to like they don't even notice walking the room to when people walk in and go who's that meanwhile this is the guy who's like be mysterious and meanwhile it's like you know no no no no no no dude you can be the most mysterious guy in the people don't know who you are oh yeah mcgregor hell yes people don't know who you are. You walk in the room. This is not to make friends. This is, you're not going to make friends doing this, but you will, if you do it right, be successful. I believe that. I think you need to walk in a room.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I think you need to be, you walk in a room and be somebody that people want to know. Be powerful. Be present. Be somebody they want to know. That's it. But also be gracious. Wear a nice suit. Put on a good suit.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Act as if, right? Ben Affleck in Boiler Room, act as if. Yeah, act as if. Exactly right. I'll throw on a unique suit when I have to go to somewhere. People will come to me. I get it. I agree. Master the art of timing. Anticipate the ebb and flow of power. Recognize when the time is right
Starting point is 00:50:38 and align yourself with the right side. Be patient. Wait for your moment. Bad timing ends careers and ambitions. That's pretty true. Pretty true. Law 36. Disdain things you cannot have ignoring them is the best revenge sometimes it's better ignore things because reacting can make small problems worse you look bad and give your enemy attention that's true don't chase your ex-girlfriend no act like you don't care you don't want her back that's how it works absolutely Absolutely true. And that goes true with people. Like, okay, there was an event. There was an event that was coming up.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And at some point, somebody approached me about speaking at this event, which is fine. You know, you can speak a lot of stuff, and it's cool. And I was kind of, and this, man, this bothered me. This pissed me off. So somebody called me about speaking at this event, and I was like, fine. And me being me wanted to be very prepared and do me about speaking at this event and I was like, fine. And me being me wanted to be very prepared and do a great job at this event. I'm like, all right, I need to nail this down and know if this is happening because I don't want to, I have so many things that I do.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I don't want to expend effort into this thing if I'm not gonna do it. And it wasn't like one of those things where I could go do what I always talk about. It's a very specific deal that I was going to have to really kind of prep for this deal. Right. And so I sent like a message like, Hey, is this happening? And like, I didn't, you know, and then I heard like, Oh man, I'll call you on Tuesday. And then I got back. So I sent another one like, Hey man, I need to know what we're doing. Oh, I'm gonna call you on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And then like, and then eventually I'm like, I felt it didn't happen. And I felt it's not something that I was, I wanted to do it, but it wasn't the end all be all. But now I'm looking back, like now I'm chasing this person. Like, hey, are we going to get, and I was so angry at myself for chasing this, for chasing to do that, for seeming like I was chasing to this event. So I told myself, I said, not only, you know, and here's the deal. Somebody else called me that's going to this event and said, are you going? And I said, no, not going. Because I told myself as a matter of pride,
Starting point is 00:52:27 I'm not going to this thing ever again until they can't afford to have me speak. So I'm keynoting it and it cost them the teeth to get me on that stage. That's when I'm going again.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And that has nothing to do with them. That has to do with me. And me being like, what the fuck? What was I doing chasing this? So there you go. Law 37, create compelling spectacles.
Starting point is 00:52:48 In addition to words, use visuals and symbols to underscore your power. What people see makes a greater impression than what they hear. A symbol. Okay. Law 38, think as you like, but behave like others. Don't make a show of being different. Now, see, this is, again, I think this contradicts the other one the way we're doing mystery don't are we blending see colt okay you're a sociopath so how do you blend in with other people like like how have you tricked us
Starting point is 00:53:14 into thinking you're no i i think perfect example was when we went with the crypto guys right yeah don't wear a suit hey go home and change because you knew all of us would be in suits right so i think that's it like we're not that's there you go psychopath i am huh i'm like i'm over here going change my life change my gate code in my house no the best no i was laughing i was laughing yesterday i was why you were see the thing you didn't see if you didn't listen back i was developing scarcity when you were developing when you're building brand value through scarcity when you were doing that so at one point we're talking about we called a vet on the air for the first
Starting point is 00:53:52 time i think i saw all right i didn't hear the audio right so so whatever so a vet we called a vet and asked her who she would leave colt for and in like two seconds she comes up with tom hardy like she goes tom hardy yeah tom so hang on thought about it oh like two seconds she comes up with Tom Hardy. Like she goes, Tom Hardy? Yeah, Tom Hardy. So hang on. She thought about it. Oh, like two seconds it happened. Way too quick. So that ended, that part of the show ended, and then ten minutes goes by, and I'm talking and I realize Colton hasn't said anything in ten minutes. And I look over
Starting point is 00:54:15 and he's on his phone, and I'm like, what are you doing? And he goes, now he goes, man, I gotta tell you, I might not even be my wife's type at all, because I'm looking at Tom Hardy, and we're just obsessing. I don't want to segue, but when you go to Power, I got to tell you, I might not even be my wife's type at all because I'm looking at Tom Hardy. We're not the same. We're not the same. I don't want to segue, but when you go to power, some of these rules, how are you guys feel if your wife talks about how hot some other guy is? I personally think that is fucked.
Starting point is 00:54:36 What? I never. So here's the thing. You would not have liked last week's discussion. I don't go up to my wife and I don't tell her about other women I think are hot or attractive or whatever, ever. What do you get out of that? Go back to Tom. Go back to Carnegie.
Starting point is 00:54:52 These women that in front of their boyfriends go, oh, he's got such blue eyes. Oh, my God, what beautiful blue eyes or whatever. And I go, what is the guy you're with? What value does that add? Well, real quick. What we talked about last week was we were talking about there's this pool of dudes that like if your wife came home and said, hey, I'm leaving you for... And what's funny is when I discussed with my wife, that was the first name out of her
Starting point is 00:55:13 mouth. She was like, how do you not have Chris Hemsworth? You know what Caitlyn says? She goes, absolutely not. I'm like, well, Jason, my mom. She's like, no. I don't even care. But what value would I take?
Starting point is 00:55:23 Okay, let me ask you this. I was wondering. Let me ask you this. See, okay, now how upset would you have been if she had been like, oh, Mike the pastry chef at Bagel Mania? You're like, wait a second. I think it's a joking because we always joke about my wife, but we've got
Starting point is 00:55:39 an amazing relationship. That doesn't bother me. Do you talk about how hot other women are in front of her? Shakira? Fuck yeah. I don't sit there and say hot, but I'm not going to be stupid if she's like, oh, that girl's really cute or whatever and be like, oh, she's ugly.
Starting point is 00:55:55 No, she's not. She's ugly. You're the gorgeous. I'll be like, yeah, she is cute. Cute's nothing, right? But these rules of power kind of fell into that because think about it what do you get like if your wife thinks that you she really thinks that you are she is your number one ever that's going to give her a certain sense of whatever you you don't have to it's not deceptive to be like yeah sometimes i find um you know there's a beautiful cuban lady over here and
Starting point is 00:56:22 there's a beautiful chinese you can change your, but what value is it to tell your wife or your significant other that you find somebody else so attractive that if they materialized in real life and you had an opportunity. But if Tom Hardy came, she never would. And it wasn't her doing it. She did retract the Tom Hardy. It wouldn't be. She wouldn't walk around and be like, he's hot. She's hot.
Starting point is 00:56:43 You know what I mean? But I've seen people in relationships do that. We were asked. We were like i mean but we were asked her like oh no i agree people do yeah fucking crazy yeah oh trust me i've had weird shit yeah let's move on all right we got seven more or no we got no we got nine more stir up the waters to catch fish always stay calm and objective when you get angry you've lost control but if you make your enemies angry, you gain the advantage. Again, this was Crazy Ex-Partner. This was his MO. If you ever watch a good, you'll see, like, you can watch mafia stuff or anything.
Starting point is 00:57:18 They'll yell sometimes. But most of the part, they're just calm, cool, and like, all right. No, dude, you know who's the best example of that on TV right now? Beth from Yellowstone. Oh, she's a she she you don't watch you don't know beth is like the power she's don't she's i want to be beth she is still watching hell on wheels on the boat no you got to watch she is if you want to see a power they wrote that character too she is perfectly like tony soprano's mom's mom. Yeah, she's dope. No, she's a gangster.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Law 40, despise the free lunch. Use money and generosity strategically to achieve your goals. Use gifts to build a reputation of generosity and always to oblige people to you. I have always said one of my things is the alpha pays the bill. I've always said that. You know, there's certain, depending on to pick, depending on who I'm with, I try to pick up the bill as much as I can.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And here's the best part about it. If you're with a bunch of other alphas, normally they don't let you. It just gets chopped. Like we were berries. Like that meal at berries that was ridiculous, you know, I tried to pay for it and those guys would let me do it. We all just chopped it. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:58:22 That's one of the few moments where I'm like. Yeah, I'm like, I'm just kidding. Just give her a drink. Yeah, I got it. Here we go. Law 41, avoid stepping into a great man's shoes. If you succeed, a great leader or a famous parent, find or create your own space to fill.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Sharply separate from the past. Set your own standards or you'll be deemed a failure for not being a clone of your predecessor. Tim Cook. You know what? Yeah, Tim Cook for sure. I think we see that in college football constantly. You also see that with like Springsteen's daughter.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I'll give her credit. She's got her own thing. She's got her own thing. She does. She didn't try to sing. She's playing a crossfit. She's Olympic medalist. If anybody should randomly happen to know Jessica Springsteen
Starting point is 00:58:58 and we really get her on the show to abuse Colt about his equestrians, that would be amazing. So make that happen if anybody can hear that. Law 42, strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Totally agree with that. Trouble in the group, often with a single individual who's charged the pot. Stop them before they succumb to their influence.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Again, this goes back to real estate. It's always baffled me when agents come to work at our company. And there's a thing in real estate, it's old school, but old school brokers have this idea that their agents become their, their property, if you will. So what they do is if you want to leave, they, they will bang you out. They will keep all your money. They'll keep your contracts. They will just slaughter you on the way out the door because you become their indentured servants, if you will. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:42 people not want to leave. So what happens is, is you'll get people that will move to another real estate company. They will continue their business. They will get a partner there. They'll start writing all of their deals under this other agent's name. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying it's what happens every day. And then they're forced to continue to stay at this company. They're trying to leave for six weeks while they close out their other transactions. And in that time, they end up talking to five other people that ended up coming with them. It never occurred to me, if you have somebody that doesn't want to work with you anymore
Starting point is 01:00:09 for whatever reason, you shake their hand, you wish them well, and you get them out as quickly as possible. You say, hey, I've been there before. I was where you were. Best of luck. Best of luck. If you ever want to come back, you let me know and we do that. You got an open door.
Starting point is 01:00:20 You don't want them stirring the pot. Work on the hearts and minds of others. When others' hearts and minds play to their emotions and weakness and appeal to their self-interest, you'll have them eating out of your hand and they'll be less likely to turn on you. Very Machiavellian. Machiavellian. Law 44, disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect. Seduce people by mirroring their emotions and interests.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Create the illusion that you share their values and they'll be so grateful to be understood that they won't notice your ulterior motives again matching marrying is a great tool when it comes to uh creating rapport with people so i mean it sounds terrible in this way but in the sales arena matching marriage something is very important the problem with some of these is they just seem like they're only done for such nefarious purposes well i think and i feel like whoever wrote this synopsis of this it might be a cult might be a little slanted or might be a little little twisted which is good uh preach the need for change but never reform too much at once talk change but move slowly evoke revered history and cloak your changes in familiar rituals too much change is unsettling and will spark backlash that is the number one thing going on in american politics it is it is right now we'll look at well here's this thing again i'm not
Starting point is 01:01:27 talking about red or blue but joe biden did you see who he appointed to run this trillion dollar this trillion dollar uh infrastructure bill to see who he's going to run it mitch ledoux now who is mitch ledoux you may ask and i'm very familiar with the part of the world in in louisiana mitch Ledoux was the mayor in New Orleans that built an airport with no freeway access. That's his claim to fame. So that's who's going to be in charge of this trillion-dollar bill. Again, I have absolutely no clue what in the world we are doing anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:59 But, yeah, that's who's going to be running that. There you go. You know, it works pretty well, though. Maybe it could be better, but can you imagine how much worse it could be somehow if what politicians did actually affected? Oh, it could. It could.
Starting point is 01:02:11 All right. We're moving. We're moving in here. Law 46. Never appear too perfect. Sorry, Colt. You're screwing that one up. To forestall or mitigate an enemy, admit to flaws or weaknesses, emphasize a rule of luck,
Starting point is 01:02:21 downplay your talents. If you don't recognize and nip envy in the bud, it will grow envious. So, yeah. All right. Agreed. Law 47, do not go past the mark you aimed for in victory. Learn when to stop. When you've won, don't let emotions push you past the goal.
Starting point is 01:02:35 The moment of victory is dangerous because if you pressure luck, you'll blunder into something you hadn't planned for. Harvey Keitel talking to George Clooney from Dust to Dawn. Same thing? He goes, are you such a fucking loser you can't even tell when you've won? Yeah. You get that guy, he's all pissed off. You know, guys, look at Henry Ruggs.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah. Yeah. He's still so angry or whatever. Why are you behaving that way? You won. Just do what you were doing and don't fuck it up. Yeah, that's it. Law 48, the last one.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Assume formlessness. Be water. Be water water my friend it can go into a teapot the teapot water can become what that for it is anyway uh be flexible fluid and unpredictable formless so your opponents can't get a fix on you and can't figure out how to respond i mean that that's that's bruce lee man i'm not gonna argue with that one i'm leaving on that one. That one's money. This was a power show. This was a power show today, man. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It was a power move. I know. You know what? And that's why I don't like circles. You won't see me in brown suits really much or anything. Psychologically, you lose power. You lose power. Lose power.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I don't own brown suits. I got one. I actually just tried them.'t own a brown suit. I got one. I actually just drive a brown suit. I got a brown suit. You know what? I actually threw all my brown dress socks away. I'm like, I'm never wearing the brown dress socks again. Brown dress socks work with blue pants.
Starting point is 01:03:54 No. No. No. Black ones. No, no, no. Black ones, you're good. All right. Well, guys, if you enjoyed what we did today or you enjoyed watching Colt do what Colt does,
Starting point is 01:04:03 Chris is a little scared now, but if you enjoyed it, man. Anybody want a cigar tonight? Dude, if you're listening to us, if you're listening, I got out of the hockey game. I got out of the hockey game. I'm going to send my mom with my son.
Starting point is 01:04:15 So I'm out of the hockey game now so we can go have a, I'm going to go with you. Get that, get an old fashioned, which is good. But yeah, but remember as we always say here, guys, if you're listening to us on Apple,
Starting point is 01:04:23 give us a little review, do those things. Make sure you like and subscribe. Check us out over on YouTube if you want to see us live. If you didn as we always say here, guys, if you listen to us on Apple, give us a little review. Do those things. Make sure you like and subscribe. Check us out over on YouTube if you want to see us live. If you didn't see the last episode with the equestrian, definitely check that out. That was awesome. And yeah, as always, man, if you like what we do, tell a friend. But if you hated it, please tell two because it doesn't matter if we're talking good or
Starting point is 01:04:39 bad about you, counselor. As long as they keep talking about you. As long as they keep talking. We'll see you next time. Hey, it's John Gafford. If you want to catch up more and see what we're doing, you can always go to where we'll share any links that we've, things we talked about on the show, as well as links to the YouTube
Starting point is 01:04:59 where you can watch us live. And if you want to catch up with me on Instagram, you can always follow me at the John Gafford. I'm here. Give me a shout.

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