Extra Dirty with Hallie Batchelder - Bran Flakezz: Choking, chugging, and club drama
Episode Date: February 6, 2025The duo you knew you needed more of is here: Brandon Edelman aka Bran_Flakezz joins the couch! Hallie and Bran break it all down: getting cut off meds, the struggle of finding a therapist (it’s basi...cally dating, but worse), anxiety, and why influencer events sometimes feel like torture. They also give the play-by-play of their wild night taking a fan out clubbing for her 21st birthday and the art of cutting lines. Hallie hates it, Bran thrives on it! Things get even messier as they unpack their thoughts on Valentine’s Day, Hallie’s embarrassing morning-after motorcycle ride of shame, and Bran’s theory that high school partiers are now married. They rapid fire their thoughts on shower sex, roleplay, and the anatomy of the perfect... well, you get it. Plus, Bran shares his wildest orgy moment featuring a TikTok galaxy light, and they both revisit the “big drama” from their high school days. Get those Airpods on... this one’s EXTRA dirty. Saddle up and follow @extradirty on socials to follow along with Hallie! If you love the show, leave a review and subscribe to keep the chaos coming. Don't get crabs! Muah!! Release Calendar The duo you knew you needed more of is here: Brandon Edelman aka Bran_Flakezz joins the couch! Hallie and Bran break it all down: getting cut off meds, the struggle of finding a therapist (it’s basically dating, but worse), anxiety, and why influencer events sometimes feel like torture. They also give the play-by-play of their wild night taking a fan out clubbing for her 21st birthday and the art of cutting lines. Hallie hates it, Bran thrives on it! Things get even messier as they unpack their thoughts on Valentine’s Day, Hallie’s embarrassing morning-after motorcycle ride of shame, and Bran’s theory that high school partiers are now married. They rapid fire their thoughts on shower sex, roleplay, and the anatomy of the perfect... well, you get it. Plus, Bran shares his wildest orgy moment featuring a TikTok galaxy light, and they both revisit the “big drama” from their high school days. Get those Airpods on... this one’s EXTRA dirty. Saddle up and follow @extradirty on socials to follow along with Hallie! If you love the show, leave a review and subscribe to keep the chaos coming. Don't get crabs! Muah!!
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Are you a top or a bottom?
I'm a top. Isn't that surprising?
But I have bottomed before.
We're happy little fuckers.
Okay guys, I'm doing something really fucking stupid right now.
We have an emergency debrief situation.
Hi, this is Halle from the streets of New York.
Guys, I had every intention of staying in last night.
OK, guys, welcome back to Extra Dirty.
We have a very beautiful, handsome man with me today.
Are you happy to be here? Are you scared?
I'm ecstatic. I'm actually not scared.
I feel like very comfortable with you.
No, I feel like we're very good together.
Very good together and you're very sweet and you've always made me feel very comfortable.
Yeah. Halle's a very good friend. The first time we met was at Serena Kerrigan's birthday party
and I didn't really know anybody.
And you were like, hey! And we like just spent like the whole night together.
And then like I had a really bad panic attack in Montauk
and you were so nice to me the entire time.
And then as of recently, the Amazon event,
we spent the whole night together.
And at one point I was like,
you don't have to stick around me if you don't want to.
You're like, no, I wanna hang out.
So you're very nice.
But I like hanging out with you.
I remember when you had that,
you went through that anxiety phase.
That's so relatable though.
You feel like the whole world's crumbling around you
and you just feel like you need a calming force.
It was so bad.
Like we were at like our friend Carly's house.
We had this like amazing chef come make us dinner
and like I felt so bad.
I just like was literally shaking the entire time.
And then I ended up coming to the club with you guys
and I was sober during that time.
Which was fun, but I'm not sober anymore.
No, I know.
We're back on the fucking bottle.
Should we cheers?
We should cheers.
All right, cheers.
Let's fucking rip it and have no filter.
I'm so excited.
We're gonna, like, this is gonna be messy.
No, it's gonna be so messy.
Oh, my eyes don't cross.
Oh, that's strong, Allie.
Jesus Christ.
All right, well, we're going to be blacked out.
Oh my God.
Okay, that felt good.
So let's start.
The other night.
What did we do the other night, Brian?
We took one of our followers out to dinner and the club for her 21st birthday.
I like going into that. I was like, shiz is like the most irresponsible thing.
We're like this poor girl. She's at the ripe age of 21.
Yeah. So I'm like alcoholics.
I'm so excited that you said yes,
because you're actually the first influencer that has done this with me.
I'm doing it again this Friday in Philly. Yeah.
But yeah, so I started this series last year where I just started like taking my followers
to dinner.
It's like fun.
It's like a good way to get to know your community.
And then I was like, it would be so cool if I could start bringing other influencers with
So when I did like the launch and I was like, just tag the influencer you would want to
come, you were like the number one person.
Everyone was like, Hallie, Hallie, Hallie, Hallie, Hallie.
Because they know I can drink.
And then this girl named Maya, she commented
and then she DM'd me and was like,
I don't know if you're going to see this,
but I just entered your giveaway.
It's my 21st birthday.
Like I would do anything in the world
to get dinner with you and Hallie.
And I was like, let me text Hallie.
But the problem with texting Hallie is she doesn't answer.
She's too Hollywood to answer her phone.
That's not true.
No. And like, I made a TikTok that went viral
and it was partly inspired by you where I was like,
there's nothing more stressful in the world
than texting that one friend that answers
every five business days at like a random time,
like 1.20 p.m. on a Wednesday, oh hey,
and you know you have like a small time frame
of like three to five minutes to get out all your questions
Yeah, and I was like I'll do my best girl
But let's get backups just in case cuz I don't know one Hallie's a world traveler to she doesn't answer her phone
But by the grace of God everything worked out. No, yeah, I am I
Don't answer. Well, like I'm actually just the worst text forever. I feel like I've been single for so long
I'm like no one to text and when I I feel like I've been single for so long, I have no one to text.
And when I do reply to a text, it's usually work related.
Yeah, I am the really...
They don't like to gab.
I am the really...
Like FaceTime-y.
Yeah, yeah, I do like to FaceTime.
I'm like a really, I wouldn't say OCD,
but I hate having unread messages,
I hate having unread emails,
so I will answer every single text very quickly.
I'm very responsive.
Maybe I'm just not busy enough.
No, I definitely am rotting most of the time.
Like a lot of the time I'm just like here chilling.
Do you like see the texts come in
and like do you like go to answer
and then you just don't or do you just like?
It's my ADHD.
Okay, okay.
It's crippling because then I'll be like,
oh, I'll reply to that like in a minute
and then I'll forget about it.
Like my dad texted me the other day being like
I love you. I'm so proud of you and I just
Because I forgot. Oh, it's a medical thing. No, it's a medical thing. I get it
Yeah, and they won't get me out at all because of my condition
Yeah, I mean let's talk about meds for a second I was on a bunch of meds because obviously I have OCD, ADHD.
And eating stuff.
Are you on Prozac?
I was on Zoloft.
Okay, love.
Like a very strong dose.
And then, so I have an outpatient team.
Basically I have a nutritionist, a psychiatrist,
and a therapist.
That's amazing. I thought the therapist was a fucking bitch.
Like, she rubbed me up the fucking wall.
So I started ghosting her.
Because she was like, I could have...
Honestly, she was in the wrong field.
I hope she's watching this because literally go fuck yourself.
Because she would just ask me the most plain-chain questions,
and she was so expensive.
So I said, at this point, I was like, this is a waste of money.
So I dropped the therapist. I just ghosted her.
We kind of ghosted each other,
like she lowkey fucking hated me.
And then the psychiatrist, also a mega bitch,
she goes, well I'm cutting you off your meds
if you don't talk to your therapist.
And I said, well I don't like her.
She goes, oh well, no more meds for you.
So I was cut off cold turkey.
So now I just buy them off the street.
No, no, no, no.
Did she give you the option to get a new therapist?
I have a great one if you want.
If you need one.
Yeah, but that's like dating.
Getting a therapist is literally like dating.
You have to really vibe.
And I don't even like dating.
No, neither.
It's like shopping for something that you don't.
Like it's like a chore.
I'm the same way.
I mean, I have a therapist that I love
and I hated my psychiatrist at first too,
but now I really like my psychiatrist
and I'm on Pristique, 100 milligrams.
I've never heard of that one.
Yeah, it's like, I feel like it's like a limited edition.
It's niche, it's a niche one.
Oh God.
No, no, it's super, super great.
It's really helped like save my life.
So were you dealing with anxiety or what was your state?
Yeah, so about a year ago,
I went to Aspen on a brand trip with Celsius
and I was just partying too much
and I had never been the altitude
and I had this like really intense panic attack
that like lasted like six hours on the flight home.
And then I was just like, had this fear,
like panic attacks often can come
what they call panic disorder which is
like you're nervous every time you go somewhere that you're
going to have a panic attack at said location. So at first I was
just nervous to get on a plane again. And I went to Miami was
actually the weekend before Serena's and I was like, okay,
Miami, I had really bad anxiety like right before an event. And
I also feel like as influencers like I don't know if you get
like this too, but like sometimes these events like you can get really psyched out and like that was what
was happening to me like I was just getting really nervous about things and just repeated
anxiety and then in June kind of like a mix of I went through a breakup I moved apartments
a lot of transitions at once I like piled everything into work it's pride month in June
so I was really busy I was coming to New York every few weeks and then I had a vacation a lot of transitions at once. I piled everything into work, it's Pride Month in June,
so I was really busy.
I was coming to New York every few weeks,
and then I had a vacation in Montauk,
which is when I saw you, and everything just hit the fan,
and I just was like, I'm gonna have a panic attack
on the way home, I'm gonna fuck over every influencer
on this trip that we're with.
It's the placebo effect.
Yeah, and then I just crashed out, and it was really bad.
But now I'm great.
I don't know if you ever experienced this,
but I'm such a social person,
but sometimes I get waves of social anxiety,
especially in those settings.
And I'll almost see myself in a third person
where I feel like I'm watching the words
come out of my mouth to the person I'm talking to.
And it's almost like a delayed.
And that's what I experience when I go out.
And it's weird because it's like,
I consider us co-workers when we go to these events.'s weird because it's like, I consider us like coworkers,
like when we go to these events.
Like, Hallie and I are coworkers.
We're working.
When we go to these events, like, you end,
It's a write off.
It's just like, I worked corporate in America
before I did influencing, so I'm like,
very familiar with all the,
it was okay, it's definitely not as fun as this.
Did you have a 401k?
Someone told me what that was to him.
I had no idea. I actually did. Yeah, I did have a little 401k.
And I had health insurance, which was great. I mean, I have health insurance now. I just have to pay for it.
But yeah, no. So like when I go to these events, I like feel like I'm with co-workers and it's like the same thing.
I'm like, is that person competing with me? Do they like me? Like what like should I be saying this in front of her?
Like is this unprofessional? Yeah, like it's easy to get psyched out.
Yeah, like honestly at the end of the day like, is this unprofessional? Yeah. Like, it's easy to get psyched out.
Like, honestly, at the end of the day, like, who gives a fuck?
Who gives a fuck?
I feel like tunnel vision, stay in your lane,
and just, like, be the best version of yourself.
That's kind of like, it's so easy to compare yourself
to other people in this industry, especially.
It is.
And I internalize being competitive
with other creators.
I think that's pretty normal.
It's so normal and it's hard because
our performance is public.
You can see how many views and likes
other people are getting
and that really fucks with you,
especially if you're like me
and you have imposter syndrome because you're like,
oh, why is Halle getting 800,000 views on all her videos
and I'm getting 30,000?
It's like, why does that fucking matter?
Who the fuck cares?
But like a little voice.
It's like a form of validation.
It literally is.
We shouldn't equate any number.
Our jobs are so hard.
Are we complaining about our jobs?
No, no.
Yeah, let's get into the fun stuff.
No, let's get into the fun stuff.
All right, what happened the other night?
Because I barely fucking, let's take another sip.
Yeah, yeah.
So we get to this restaurant, Benjamin's Steakhouse Prime.
It was good, I liked it.
Good food, I was like, Hallie, you want a dirty martini?
She's like, absolutely.
The girls we took out were so cute.
So cute.
Their names were Maya and Julia.
They were adorable.
Julia literally looked like she could have been
your little sister.
I want a doctor.
She was so pretty.
They're both beautiful.
You made a disclaimer video being like essentially,
you're going out with me and Halle.
Like you need to like basically your liver needs
to be doing pushups at this point.
Like we warned them.
And I will say this like,
we made that girl take blowjob shots.
We'd make her do anything.
Disclaimer, we'd make her do anything.
She wanted the blowjob shot. Halle starts the dinner off.
This was very chaotic of you.
You go, now's your chance.
Ask us whatever you want.
And I'm like, damn, bitch.
And did this girl ask us questions?
Did I not answer every single one?
You answered every single one.
By the end of the dinner, I was like,
are we on a creator summit?
Is this like Cannes Lions?
It was like Dateline.
It went from very fun, like, who are you guys hooking up with? Do you like, so how many times a creator summit? Is this like can lion? It was like date line. Like it went from like very fun,
like who are you guys hooking up with?
Do you like, so how many times do you post a day?
What's your strategy?
I'm like, oh my God, I'm in like a professional client call.
Like it was, it was across the board.
I know, but like actually I feel like people really want
to know about that stuff.
Because I feel like I'm, I kind of understand the algorithm.
People like, that's a good thing to know.
I make videos like about like,
I have like a playlist called TikTok transparency, where I make videos about like, here's what you should post. Here's a good thing to know. I make videos about, I have a playlist
called TikTok Transparency where I make videos about,
here's what you should post, here's how you should do it.
And they go so viral.
So I understood.
And she, I feel like, is trying to become an influencer.
And she's a great storyteller.
She definitely could be.
Now she's popping up on my For You page.
And she definitely has it.
You either got the sauce or you don't got the sauce.
That's why people are like, oh, your job as an influencer,
that's so easy. But everyone could be an influencer, I feel.
It's like a hard job to get, but once you get it,
it's an easy job.
I always tell people, like, in order to be successful
in this industry, it's a mix of passion and skill.
And thick skin.
Yeah, and that.
A lot of people have the passion,
but they don't have the like, raw talent of doing it.
And then there's some people who like, are super talented,
but they don't have the drive to like actually keep up with it so you have to
have a balance of both like you have to really be good at it but like also be
consistent. I feel like you could give a TED talk on that. I could give a TED talk. No I like that. I'm low-key smart I feel like people wouldn't expect that but I'm kind of... Everyone thinks I'm a dumb bitch. Everyone thinks I'm pretty stupid but we're smarties. That's kind of like part of my bit. Yeah
But dinner was fun, so where we go after dinner I'm trying to like think so Yeah, so we go to the LA fires charity event
and this is where like I start laughing because like
When I go to events in Philly like there's not that many Philly influencers
I'm not trying to sound cocky, but I'm one of the bigger influencers in Philly.
So I never have door anxiety or anything,
I just walk right into places.
And when we get to this, this event's at City Winery,
like on the West Side Highway.
But it was a ticketed event for a fundraiser.
It was a ticketed event, but from like nine to 12,
and we literally get there at 11.30,
I'm like, they're not gonna care.
We like pull up to the glass doors of City Winery.
Hallie like, both.
She like won't even look inside the door.
She's in her trench coat.
She's like, she's texting like our friends inside.
I hate cutting lines.
I hate it so much.
Even if I know the owner of the establishment.
There's no line outside.
People are just sitting in the lobby
I also like I didn't I don't I get it. I hate going places. I'm one not invited or I'm cutting a massive line
I feel like she's respectful. I'm entitled
Basically, that's that's a too long. Don't read
But you can get away with it. You're a gay man. I'm just like
Not you homophobic shaming me. No.
I'm not kidding.
If they were to yell at you, it'd be a hate crime.
Anyway, so Halle's just cracking me up
because she's like texting,
she's like, we can't go in until someone lets us in.
I'm like, okay, well, like let's just like wait in the lobby.
Like we don't have to wait on the street, Halle.
So we walk in, Remy comes, she grabs us.
This event was fucking insane.
It was insane. It was insane.
It was insane. We go to this like private section. We don't
have wristbands. We just like walk over the rope.
They kind of gave me a hard time getting into that too.
Did they really? Oh, I just like snuck in. And a bunch of the
Bravo people are there. And we're having so much fun. I at
least I was having fun. And I remember I was so nervous to
leave the section that this girl took a picture with me and I was like,
if I give you $20, will you go buy me a drink
because I'm scared to leave the section and not come back.
And she's like, oh my God, absolutely.
And then Isaac starts shitting on me.
He goes, not you having fans, do you favors?
I was like, no, like I just want a drink
and there's nothing left at this table.
There wasn't a bottle at the table?
I did the same thing, but I went with someone
that was in the section.
There was like lover boy cans, but they were like like I couldn't find one that actually like wasn't
unopened or whatever. But yeah we were having a lot of fun at this event. Everyone was
fucked up. Like I mean we got there literally two and a half hours into the event so like
I would say everyone was pretty much on their ass. Yeah. And I was having a blast. And then we left
and we went we went every fucking club this night. Well first, before we go to Catchy Shoe Bee,
we have the most dramatic Uber fiasco of our life.
We could not find our Uber.
You had the fan get an Uber.
So Halle calls a car.
It says it's right in front of us.
It's not there.
And I'm like, fuck.
It was gaslighting me like what do we do?
So I asked Maya our giveaway winner. I said Maya would you do us a favor?
Would you call an uber because we can't find Halleys and she was like absolutely
I didn't know you did that. I would have never let that happen. You can't have our giveaway
Then she got mad at me
Not because of that her and I like on her and I were both drunk and we got into like a little
fight. I was like, wait, what's going on?
She said you're being bitchy.
Yeah. She said you're being bitchy. And I was being bitchy. But here's the thing.
Because all of our friends, I get us this table at Catchy Shoeby because I made a TikTok.
I was like, who's dick do I have to suck to get in? And then the GM DMs me security there. So GM DMs me, he's like, anytime you need to come now,
I wanna change your experience.
So all of our friends get to this table before me.
So I'm like stressed out.
I'm like, guys.
We had a security guard, I had no idea.
Yeah, we have to get there.
I'm like, let's go.
Anyway, we get in the Uber, we get to Catch a Shoe Bee.
I'm having a blast at Catch a Shoe Bee.
Like I'm in the DJ booth, I'm vibing.
Like I'm having a really great time.
I'm on the table dancing.
I accidentally make out with another coworker of ours.
You are making out with everyone, girls and guys.
I love to make out with people.
No, like you never have tried to make out with me,
am I not your type?
Oh, I'll make out, should we make out right now?
I think making out is like a handshake.
I'm like, let's kiss.
I think a hand job is a handshake.
Okay, that's fair too.
I just feel like the world would be a better place if we all just
meet out with each other.
And that was a greeting.
It's probably a greeting in some countries.
Yeah, like spread love.
So yeah, I was making out with a few people.
And that was all fun and games until I made out
with a coworker.
And then all of a sudden, and help me fill in the gaps here,
why did we leave?
Who was the person that was like, let's go to Little Sister?
Let's call him Tommy London.
So there's this man with us,
we'll call him Tommy London.
Tommy London.
And then we go to Little Sister.
We had some drama in the Uber to Little Sister.
Halle at this point was like just calling people out,
which was really funny.
I kind of get confrontational after a few drinks.
I like it though because because you were very like quiet and coy and then you just like let out a statement and the whole car like turned. I was like, it's like a microphone drop every time. I felt like Jersey Shore when they would get into like fights in the cab. I was like, we need like a camera crew here. Anyway, we got to little sister. What's your opinion on this bar? Can I slander them right now? Or do
you need to go back there? So I have to go back there. My
friends and managing partner he wasn't in town and it's a it's
a notoriously hard door. But honestly, I respect a hard door.
Yeah, I think some doors should be hard. Okay, all doors should
be hard. You can't just let in Joe Schmoe. So but we pull up I've been there enough times
over the past seven years where you think I could just walk in.
I'm like, I've been very close to the lobby that work out.
Yeah, it's a town club. So there's this man. His name is
Can I say his name?
Everyone knows if they're in New York person, you know who
works. Yeah, and he's giving us a hard hard time and he's telling us we need more girls,
which I kind of thought was insane because we were literally with like seven
girls and two gay guys. But yeah, it was like literally say lovey.
Anyway, Tommy London throws down the credit card and he goes,
now we're all going upstairs. We walk up there downstairs, downstairs.
Yeah. Yeah. We go into the club. I look around.
We're at like, I guess like a promoter table. We're with no, we were with other people. And I was like, I did not go into the club. I look around, we're at like, I guess, like a promoter table we're with.
No, we were with other people and I was like,
I did not sign up for this.
And they were like, hoes.
Like, I'm sorry, like the girls that we were with
were giving like wild wood.
Like I was like, this is, I was like, this is not it.
Wild wood, it's insane.
Like he was giving wild wood.
And I was like, I probably,
this is where Halle's a good friend again I was like listen
I'm wait wait we almost forgot a key detail at this point we lose the giveaway winners
the giveaway winners are no longer with us somehow we all leave the club and we turn around and they
are not with us so at this this point, the giveaway is over
and honestly it's probably for the best because we-
The giveaway is over at midnight.
The giveaway is over at midnight.
At this point that's probably for the best
because Halle and I are like, we're getting in trouble.
Other coworkers of ours are yelling at us,
telling us that we need to stop being so messy in public
and being like, you guys are talking too much.
No, we're being reprimanded.
We were being reprimanded. We were being reprimanded.
We were putting time out outside of City Winery.
It was really humbling.
Again, the corner.
But don't worry, the giveaway winners got home safe.
I gave one of them my number and I said,
text me when you get home.
And she did text me, so.
So they're safe.
They're safe.
But yeah.
You're making it sound sketchy.
Like, right?
We're at Little Sister and vibes are rancid.
Vibes are heinous.
No, vibes are disgusting.
They're disgusting.
And I turn and I was like, listen,
I've got to leave Hallie, I'm so sorry.
You did not say that.
What did I say?
You said, oh, oh, oh, new bar, oh, oh, oh.
I wasn't that, no, I was pretty drunk.
No, I was so flaccid too.
I was being a little messy and I was getting with a reporter
and the reporter didn't get into the door.
When we say reporter we mean like for,
For like,
Like one of those like,
Like a Huffington Post.
Yeah like a TMZ.
Like a TMZ reporter.
But like we're not naming it.
So I did an interview with this man earlier that afternoon
I get his number and I'm like, hey, come to the club.
And you were so thirsty.
I was really thirsty.
No, you are.
It's fine.
I'll take it on the chin.
No, take it.
I think you did take it on the chin that night, didn't you?
Anyway, so yeah, reporter man didn't get into the club
and he's texted me.
He's like, damn, like you're really just going to leave me
like that.
I'm like, fuck you, bro.
I'm like, I don't know what to do.
This guy just tore us a new asshole
because we have too many girls. He already hates gay people. He's not bro. I'm like, I don't know what to do. This guy just tore us a new asshole because we have too many girls.
He already hates gay people.
He's not gonna like you.
And I don't even wanna be in here anyway.
So he's like, okay, we're going to 310 Bowery.
And I love that bar.
Wait, is that where we went?
I was like, where the fuck are we?
I felt like I was in a dream.
We went to 310 Bowery and that's actually the first club,
not club, that's actually the first bar
I ever went to in New York like four years ago
when me and my friends didn't get into marquee This was like pre influencer days. So I I have so much respect and comfort and safety and 310 Bowery
So I'm like, let's go we go in there. I'm like, you know what? We just went through a traumatizing experience
I buy 12 green tea shots. There's only four of us. So we all take like three of them and
Then I start I was
Passionately making
out with reporter man and a girl who you were making out with a
girl too. Okay, and a girl. I was like, I was making out with
another another client. Another co worker. But I don't remember
being with a girl at Bowery.
When maybe it wasn't about her. Yeah, I catch catch a shoe, I was chong deep in this girl.
And she was like, wait, is this cheating on my boyfriend?
I was like, I don't think so.
No, it doesn't count.
Yeah, I don't think it counts.
She was a great kisser.
But yeah, I was making out with a reporter man in Bowery.
And then everyone starts to trickle out.
And what do I do?
I go back to this man's home in Brooklyn.
You woke up in Brooklyn.
And not just like Brooklyn, like not just like
over the bridge.
I never crossed the bridge.
Brooklyn, Brooklyn.
Like we get to Brooklyn and we're still in the car
for another 20 minutes.
We have a stop added for his friend.
You're in Rhode Island.
I'm in Rhode Island at this point.
I'm in Montauk, honestly.
Like I'm like, what the fuck is going on?
I wake up, I don't even think I really went to bed,
if I'm being totally honest.
I'm being a freak with this guy.
What'd you do?
Literally nothing.
We're making out.
I'm trying to initiate sex, whatever,
and he's like, no, no, no, let's just cuddle.
I'm like, you know what?
I could use a night without raw sex.
Let's go to bed.
Are you a top or a bottom? I'm a top to bed are you top or bottom I'm a top isn't that surprising but I have bottomed before but like I
am I save bottoming for like not for holidays holidays you know you know
like special occasions funerals yeah special occasion location this was not a
special occasion I mean honestly I This was not a special occasion. I mean, honestly, I could have pulled
the special occasion card, but it wasn't that.
Anyway, this man doesn't have blinds,
like a fucking psycho.
At like 6.55 in the morning, I'm like,
I feel like I'm in hocus pocus when the sun comes up
and about to blow up the fucking,
what's the name? You feel like a vampire?
The Sanderson sisters.
I'm like, oh, this is me, I'm Winnie,
and I'm about to pop. I'm like, oh, this is me, I'm Winnie, and I'm about to pop.
I'm like, oh fuck, where the hell,
I check my phone, I go hotel checkout,
I'm staying in fucking Times Square for a free brand deal,
so don't judge me, it was a free hotel.
You would do it for a bag too.
I said, well, I gotta get from Brooklyn to Times Square,
and then I have to pack my shit and get the fuck out of here.
A similar, I've woken up from Brooklyn before.
I had hooked up with this guy.
I bled all over his fucking sheets.
It looks like a fucking Freddy Krueger out under the chat.
Like it was a massacre in there.
One, two, how is coming for you?
Three, four, better lock your door.
I wake up, he now has like velvet sheets.
They're now the color rat.
Love. And he goes, do you wanna ride home? And I wake up. He now has like velvet sheets. They're now the color rat. Love.
And he goes, do you want to ride home?
And I was like,
Oh, wait, you're so sweet.
I would love a ride home.
He meant on his motorcycle.
He hands me a helmet.
I'm hung over his balls.
I can't even walk.
I'm in like a dress from the night before,
a trench coat and like six inch heels.
Wait, this is Serena Van Der Woodsen kind of. No, I have a video of it. I posted TikTok about it. So I walk out
and this guy is not, it's like the fast and furious. He's driving through cars swerving.
Like I think he popped a Heely at one point. Like this man was going a hundred plus miles an hour
getting through traffic. Cause like you, cause please cars don't go after motorcycles. I didn't
know that because they're too fast.
Oh, I didn't know that either.
So he was swerving and curving.
And I was like, this is not what I meant.
Did you look hot though?
Was the wind blowing through your extensions?
Was the dress a little up and you had sexy leg?
I feel like you probably looked dashing on this.
My flat ass was probably like hanging off the back
And blood was probably streaming down my leg. It's just whiplashing the cars behind you with blood
Like a stuck pig, I don't know what happened mice you like destroyed my cervix with his fingers
Did you have to side saddle side saddle
No, I said, no I full on saddled.
I rode it. I think I came.
She rode that bike.
So, yeah, I get back to Times Square, pack up my shit and get the fuck out of New York.
And now I'm back two days later.
A lot of people that visit New York, they're like, I can never live here.
But like, once you get in the groove, you just like really adapt.
But I remember first visiting and being like, I don't get me the fuck out of this city.
It's not a place for it's not conducive with hangovers.
Yeah, it's not conducive with hangovers.
You feel here in New York is like, I need space.
And every time I go somewhere in New York, whether it's like a coffee shop or restaurant,
I'm on top of people.
There's I feel like I always have diarrhea here.
Like, I don't know. It's just fast of people. I feel like I always have diarrhea here.
I don't know, it's just fast-paced, I can't keep up with it.
Probably from like, I need to crack myself out with caffeine
and then I'm also drinking like a fish rum here.
I'm always on the toilet and I don't even know
what toilet to go to because it's like, where am I?
There's one restroom, there's a line of seven people
and it's disgusting inside.
It's very stressful but I feel like I'm getting better
at it as time goes on. mean Philly is like not the most
wholesome city not at all Philly's disgusting but there's more space yeah
wait does Jimmy live in Philly no Jimmy lives in Chicago isn't that the same
thing no very Chicago I heard is very clean Philly is geometry I don't know
what I think Philly and New York are probably on the same very clean. Philly is... I'm not good at geometry. I don't know what would be... Geography.
I think Philly and New York are probably
on the same level of dirt.
Philly's probably a little bit dirtier.
But yeah, it was a blast though,
and thank you for doing that,
and we had a great time.
That was fun.
Tell me your thoughts on Valentine's Day,
because it is fast approaching.
What are we doing this year?
How do you celebrate usually?
So I had a boyfriend the last two years.
Actually crazy story.
So two years ago, it was my first
Valentine's Day in a relationship.
I'm a romantic.
My ex loved art, so I rented out a little art gallery
and I got a table and chairs and I ordered us pasta
and we had like a gorgeous little Valentine's Day date.
And then last year, he broke up with me on the Super Bowl,
which was right before Valentine's Day.
So I spent it alone.
Then we got back together two days later
and just to break up again two months later.
But this year I'm going to Atlantic City,
which I'm so fucking excited.
I am an Atlantic City little bunny.
Like I love going to Atlantic City.
It's so trashy. You should City. It's so trashy.
Never been.
You should come.
It's so trashy.
It's so fun.
It's just like I love gambling.
I love that I can smoke a cigarette inside an indoor
It's just really my vibe.
So this year I'm going to Atlantic City.
I'm really excited.
There's an event with the Southern charm guy, Craig
He's hosting this Valentine's Day party. And it's at my favorite resort, which is Ocean's Casino.
So I'm going there with my two single besties,
and we're gonna just get fucked up together.
What are you doing?
I mean, I haven't been in a relationship in like six years.
But you've been in a relationship, right?
College though, so I haven't dated anyone since 2019.
And it wasn't a very romantic relationship.
What are you like in a relationship?
I don't really know.
I honestly don't even know if I've ever been like in love.
Now that I'm like, my frontal lobes fully developed.
Like I look back at my two relationships,
I'm like, was this just like out of convenience or,
you know, age, everyone else had a boyfriend.
I wanna hear more about this.
It's so funny. I remember this the the other night you were like telling me about this
like movie that you watched that was so good and I was like Halle I just like
really can't picture you like sitting on the couch and watching a movie like I
feel like I need to know more about like the the different areas of your life
like the lulls the lulls yeah I need to know what Halle does when she's like
bored do you ever get bored? No, I just over-stimulate myself with technology.
I always have something running in the background.
Yeah, but now I think Valentine's Day is like,
eh, I'm having a live show for my podcast the night before
where we're just telling really raunchy sex stories.
I think Valentine's Day can be fun if you're single.
It doesn't need to be miserable.
I think it's a great opportunity to get fucked up
with your fellow single feral rats and just have a good time.
And if you don't have feral single rats,
then hang out with me and Halle.
What is your raunchiest sex story?
My raunchiest sex story.
Are you saving it for the show?
I can tell you one.
Tell me one.
I wanna hear it. So I had my first orgy I guess you could say.
Like not. I had so many orgies in college. So tell me one. So it wasn't totally an orgy because we
didn't penetrate each other. But basically this crazy thing happened where I was out one night. I keep pulling these guys that are on the DL, and that's a thing.
Older men especially.
So this older man comes up to me at this very infamous Cini restaurant in Philly.
You would love it there.
And he's like, oh, I know your work.
You're really fun.
You should come to the strip club with us later.
I'm like, I'm down.
So we're having a good time.
Next thing I know, him and I are doing something
inappropriate in the bathroom together.
And I was like, whoa, this took a turn.
I love bathrooms.
I love bathrooms.
It's the best place for sexual activity.
Then I, but at this point, I didn't know
that this man was gay, so I already hit up my number one
roster spot, and I was like, hey, come to the club.
So roster spot number one comes to the club.
I'm like, well shit, now what do I do?
Because I'm sucking straight guy's dick in the bathroom,
but I'm trying to fuck you later.
So like, this is going to get messy.
It didn't have to get messy.
Next thing I know, another man enters the chat
and the four of us are at my apartment.
And DL guy, he's like, so like, do you have a belt?
And I was like, yeah, I do.
He starts whipping these men on my couch. And I was like yeah I do why he starts whipping these
men on my couch and I was like listen that's not for me I don't like pain go
on I don't like whipping he choked me until I saw stars but that was like
different I was pretty like bruised for a while but that to me was like felt
safer than getting whipped that doesn't really make sense but like I just didn't want like red pelts on my ass. Like I like my butt. We kind of like that
I mean, I have the next one. I have a whip in my bedroom that I like indones of the hearts
So when it whips you it leaves three heart marks on your ass. So this is where things take a turn
So he goes do you have rope and I was like that I don't I don't have rope
yeah so he goes to my closet and he picks out three long-sleeve t-shirts and
starts tying each of us up this is like an SVU episode literally we're all in
like my queen bed laying there like we're about to just like get like
murdered and he ties all of our feet up. What are you about to show me?
I have to show you this picture.
You're going to crack up.
We can't show this to the camera though.
So he ties us all up.
He's taking turns choking us.
At one point he sits on my face.
He smothered me basically.
But you know it was fun.
You know, no judgment.
I enjoyed myself.
Oh, I found the evening.
This was the aftermath.
But this is really what's look at my toes. Oh my God. We not the candles, not the candles,
the galaxy light. I said, yep, there's literally a galaxy light from tick tock shop.
Tick tock shop galaxy lights blasting as I'm getting the lights choked out of me. Yeah,
I would say that's probably my raunchiest sex story. And that happened like three weeks ago. So we're on a roll. That's insane. I used to have
orgies in college a lot. Really with like guys and girls? Yeah, well, like the guys do like gay
shit. Like, do they like touch each other a little bit? I don't know. It was more just like, we I
shared our fantasy. There was this one frat house on campus that we'd all go to.
And I remember I was a freshman, I was looking up with a senior
and my friend, my roommate was hooking up with this junior
and we all went to the seniors bedroom and we were all just like having sex.
Like door unlocked.
There was a fun party going on outside.
We would just like all have sex in that like room.
It was like a room smaller, probably half the size
of this room.
So there was like a bed and then like a couch.
Having sex like not with your friends, but like.
It's bonding.
It's very bonding.
Like I remember when I was on spring break,
my two girlfriends, they like,
they didn't have sex with each other.
I feel like it's normal in college. But But they brought home two guys who were best friends
and they all had sex in the same hotel room
and they were all taking pictures together
in the mirror naked and I was like,
that's a bonding experience that you'll have
for the rest of your life.
No yeah, and we share that memory.
I really wanna have my roommate on this podcast
but she like kinda-
You have a roommate?
Like my college.
Oh from college, I was like wait where a roommate like, Oh, my college.
I was like, wait, where is she?
Pop so under the couch.
No, yeah, she is.
She is the craziest stories ever.
But we would need to like put a mask on her and change her voice
because she has a very corporate job.
OK, that would be hilarious.
That would make sense.
Um, my college self is extremely feral.
Yeah. I also had a boyfriend at the time.
Did you party
in high school? Because I have this theory, I was talking about this the other day, that
you either partied really hard in high school, and then those people I feel like typically
get married when they're 25. Or you had like more of a wholesome high school experience.
And you've just been on a feral bender since college. Alright, mind you, I went to an all girls Catholic school.
I only had had sex with my boyfriend at the time.
He went to the all boys Catholic school, like our brother's school.
So I was pretty wholesome, but I still like to go out, I like to drink, I like to get
fucked up.
But like sexually wise, I wasn't feral until college and he cheated on me two weeks into
like his freshman year and then
after that I feel like it just like turned my heart into ice and I just fucked
ten guys that year I think. I have something I lost my virginity at 19 and
I got crabs. I don't think I've ever told this story. So crabs isn't seen.- Crabs isn't steamed. Crabs isn't steamed.
That's like lice for your crotch.
Oh yeah, no, so-
I haven't even gotten crabs.
I hope not.
I wouldn't recommend.
I got chlamydia once, but everyone does.
So at 19 years old, I'm just like, I'm over this whole your first time needs to be special.
I'm doing it the gay man's way.
I download Grindr and I fuck a stranger from the internet and that is how I lost my gorgeous
virginity card.
I thought something was off because we had sex in this bed.
I don't even know if this man lived in the apartment
that we were having sex in.
And then he slept on the couch,
which I thought was really weird.
I was like, this is a giant bed.
Like, why are you sleeping on the couch?
Few days later, I'm like really itchy.
And I'm like, what the fuck is going on?
And I start noticing little like spe specs on my pubic region.
And I'm like, what is that?
And I like pick it up and sure enough, it looks like crap.
I'm like, oh no, I'm freaking the fuck out at this point.
I am never giving you a head.
This was when I was 19.
Fuck you.
Are you fine, I'll give you a head.
No, the story gets so much worse.
So I'm 19 years old.
I don't know what to do.
I don't even like at this point, I don't think I have like a general doctor.
Like I don't know what's going on.
No health insurance.
So no, I'm raw dogging life and raw dogging sex.
So I call my mom and I'm like, Hey, um, I have lice and I need, I need help. And she goes, you have lice. She was like, I'm comingice and I need help.
And she goes, you have lice?
She was like, I'm coming to your apartment right now,
like we have to fumigate everything,
like tell your roommates right now.
I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, like, okay,
I don't have lice, I have crabs.
I do have lice, but pubic lice.
And she's like, what?
And I was like, I'm really sorry, but like, I need help.
Like, I don't know what to do.
My father. And I just pour, I'm really sorry, but like, I need help. Like, I don't know what to do. My father.
I just pour vodka down my pants.
My father drives to my college campus.
My father, who I've never talked about being gay with,
he knows I'm gay, but we don't have deep conversations.
This man picks me up and he drives me to urgent care.
The car ride is silent.
We get into the front of urgent care.
All you can hear is the crabs.
All I can hear is the crabs just swarming in my crotch. We get to the front of Virgin Care. All you can hear is the crabs. All I can hear is the crabs just swarming in my crotch.
We get to the front of Virgin Care.
He looks at me.
He goes, so, do you want to talk?
And I go, no.
I go, can you just let me out?
And he's like, OK.
I go, I get this cream called Permathin.
If you've ever had any kind of lice,
you're familiar with the word.
It's a very strong chemical that you rub on your crotch,
and they give you this little comb
and you comb out your pubes.
I don't know if this is a universal experience.
I don't think it is and I hope not.
They kept coming back.
So you wanna know how I got rid of crabs.
If anyone at home gets crabs,
nare your whole body.
I was burning.
I nared my entire body and the crabs went away.
Did you tell the guy?
Yeah, I told the guy.
I said, you fucking gave me crabs.
He goes, no, I didn't.
I go, well, I lost my virginity to you,
so there's no other person who could have given me crabs
except for you.
So yeah, I had crabs at the age of 19,
and that was my virginity story.
What's the next topic?
Wait, this is kind of a fun question.
What was the big drama from your high school?
Tell me yours, but I think I have a good one.
There was this girl who was in my friend group.
Oh no.
But like she was kind of a slut.
You know who I'm fucking talking about.
I'm looking directly at the camera.
Kind of a slut.
How are you?
No, but she wasn't. Like I think she.
We need a term for that.
Would that be a good?
I love sluts.
Would slur be like kind of a slut?
No, I guess slur is like really bad.
Whore is worse than slut.
There's tears.
Whore is worse than slut.
I think being slutty is like kind of lore.
Like I don't know.
I agree.
I feel like I've definitely been called a slut a lot.
I'm a slut?
Yeah, I'm a slut. I'm a slut. I'm a slut. I'm a slut.
I'm a proud slut. I'm not a slut.
Shamer, I'm a slut supporter.
No, I am a slut supporter.
But we went to an all girls Catholic school.
This girl was a little on the promiscuous side.
It wasn't about body count or like what she was doing, because I was doing
I had like a fucking anal at the age of 16.
Like it's I like it was pretty open to-
You were like every pussy
while you were in all girls Catholic school?
No, but in college.
So that we had a friend group, okay.
And this girl was in our friend group
and also another girl was in our friend group.
This girl sent a video of her like plastering herself
with a hairbrush to her best friend's boyfriend who was also her boyfriend's best friend. Oh, does that make sense? Yes. It was like
Cross, you know, I mean, yeah, and then it got leaked
Did she mean to send it to him? Yes. Okay. Okay. They kind of like a weird
She's messy cuz she's like sending it to her best friend's boyfriend and also her boyfriend's best friend.
And she's cheating on her boyfriend
with her boyfriend's best friend.
Yeah, yeah.
Who's also dating her best friend.
A triple fuck.
So it's like if Serena's dating Nate
and Chuck's dating Blair,
Serena sent the video to Chuck.
There we go.
That's a perfect reference.
There you go.
I like that, thank you.
For those who are confused at home.
Yes, for those who are confused at home. Yes, for those who are confused at home.
But then to add spice to this whole story,
the girl was under 16, I think,
and he had just turned 18, or she was 16,
and he just turned 18.
There was some weird thing where the cops had to go to her,
his house, confiscate his computer and everything,
and she was shunned from our, that had mistress, I went to an all girls Catholic school,
she had to sit down with a nun, they found out,
everyone in the school saw the picture, the video,
the nudes, it was a whole fiasco.
Also my nudes got leaked in high school too.
It was like a thing on the hockey team where like,
they would just like have a hockey group chat
and like they would just send videos and pictures of us
like having sex, it was kind of weird and pictures of us like having sex.
It was kind of weird and I accepted it, but like.
That sounds unsafe.
But yeah, she, that was like the big drama.
And it was like, it was an apology tour,
like the Tour de France.
It was, I've never seen anything like it.
We had like two freshmen girls did anal at a house party.
That was pretty intense.
Like for 14 year olds, like,
I don't even think I knew where my butthole was
when I was 14.
Then there was like this really stupid thing.
Did your high school, well, I don't know if this is,
are we not ready to like glaze over that?
No, I love that.
I don't know, like my friends who aren't from
like my hometown think this is insane.
So like we had our senior class trip to Disney World.
I thought that was like a normal thing.
So we all go to Disney World
and our class theme song was Turbulence by Big John
or what was it, Little John?
We hate turbulence!
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
So they played that song at like this dance
that we had in Disney World.
It was beautiful.
They took us to Disney Gardens.
We had such a nice wholesome thing.
But of course someone somehow found alcohol
and people were drinking on this.
And when the DJ played Turbulence,
40 of the guys from our grade ran into this gorgeous pond
that was infested with alligators.
So all this drama, no one got bit,
but everyone starts freaking out.
All of the senior class trip,
people are screaming at them
and everyone was trying to pretend like they weren't in,
they were like, no, it wasn't us, we didn't go in there,
but they all were soaking wet and smelled like pond water.
So they all got called to the office
and they all got suspended for five days.
That was a pretty big scandal
and I don't think they ever got to go to Disney Springs
again on the future class trips
Which sucked sorry it was wait. It was funny for my class senior class sleepover
Yeah, we all girls we'd sleep on the floor of like someone was eating pussy at that surely
There was definitely scandals like there was a hockey coach that was finger blasting in the bag
So I was fucking one of the hockey girls
In the parking lot before hockey practice.
I'm about to be like, wait, that's kind of hot. Do you ever do like role play?
Role play? Yeah. Have you ever done role play in sex?
Because I think like teacher student is like hot role play lore.
I mean, I do like bondage. I've done bond. I do a lot of bondage.
One time I went to this stage. You can't just bring that upon randoms though.
Yeah, I know. Well, I went to this day drink. You can't just bring that upon randoms, though. You can't do it.
Yeah, I know.
Well, this happened to me.
One time I went to this day drink,
and I saw this guy who I had fucked before.
I was like, easy money.
Like, you're coming home with me.
You're coming home with me.
And I thought we were just gonna do the nasty.
I didn't know it was gonna get complicated.
And he was like, so, you can call me Dr. Kennedy.
And I was like, what do you mean I can call you Dr. Kennedy?
Next thing I know, number two and number three
go right up my ass.
He's like, I'm gonna give you a little prostate exam.
I'm like, well, I thought you usually asked
for permission for that.
I'm like fucking in stirrups up here,
getting my fucking booty hole blasted.
And that was the first experience I ever had with role play.
And then he randomly shaved my back, which was really weird.
And that was really weird.
That was really bad too, because this was a year after the crabs, so I was still pretty scarred.
He was probably preventative.
And I had really bad razor bumps, and I was like, great.
He shaved you?
Are these scabies?
But they weren't scabies, it was just razor bumps.
And I was like, great.
What do you think about shower sex?
I don't like it.
I don't like either. I don't like either.
I don't think it's effective.
I don't think.
You still like going on your tippy toes for a girl?
I don't know how it is for a guy.
Also for shower sex, it's like the opposite of lube.
No, it's an anti-lube.
You need lube.
It's an anti-lube.
You need a.
And when you're doing it up the butt,
you need something that is lube.
You need like inner lube.
It's not conducive.
I don't like it.
It's like rubbery. It's rubbery. Yeah. It's not conducive. I don't like it. It's like rubbery.
It's rubbery.
It's not good.
I like kitchen counter sets.
I like minging out in the shower.
That's hot.
Minging out in the shower is hot.
It's so hot, yeah.
But kind of I just like when I'm showering,
I kind of just like wanna get clean.
So I'm like, I don't like really need any more fluids on me.
Oh yeah.
So I'm like, let's just like keep that in the bedroom.
Yeah, I feel that.
Once a guy peed on me in the shower.
What'd you think?
It was warm.
The more I talk to people,
I'm not really into like the whole piss play,
but like my friends are like really into like golden showers.
I'm like.
What do you think about getting skull fucked?
Can you explain?
All right.
Should we demonstrate?
We demonstrate.
Marshall, do you know what getting a skull fucked is?
Is that like just like they're fucking the shit
out of your mouth?
Yeah, so say they're standing.
And like.
Oh, I like that.
Oh, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's like kind of like what I'm best at.
Here is like a really unfortunate disability I have,
which is a gag reflex.
Oh yeah, I knew you were gonna go there.
Yeah, so I have a really bad gag reflex.
Like sometimes I literally threw up on Sunday from brushing Yeah, so I have a really bad gut reflex. Like sometimes, I literally threw up on Sunday
from brushing my teeth.
I was also really hungover, but like,
the electric toothbrush just went too far back.
I was deep thrown in that shit and,
next thing I know.
So skull fucking is great, but I don't like when a guy
I love the power.
Puts his, do you like that?
Do you like hands on the head?
Well, I love the power.
That for me is very like, you're doing enough.
You don't need to control my head and my mouth,
like pick a body part to touch.
All right, listen, I think it's a power dynamic
because the guys think they have all the power
because they're absolutely destroying your skull,
hence the skull fucking.
But if you really wanted to bite down on their shit,
like the power's really in your mouth.
People don't think about that.
The power's in your mouth.
I always think when a man thinks he's like
choking the shit out of me, degrading the fuck out of me,
I'm like I could one foul swipe of my jaw
and your manhood is in my stomach.
Yeah, you do hold, you hold a lot of power.
Good for us.
Do you like giving head?
I do, but like it depends on the time and the place.
If I'm hungover and you want me to put my mouth anywhere,
I don't think anyone likes that.
My throat's too dry.
Imagine giving head to a girl hungover.
I think it depends on the dick.
There are some dicks that are just meant to be sucked.
And like, I will like really, I'll go,
I'll give you my A game on that.
But like, if your dick is too skinny,
I'm not sucking that. Like, I've one time I've game on that. But like if your dick is too skinny, I'm not sucking that.
Like I've one time I've like-
Skinny works in your favor.
It's like a snaking a drain.
I feel like if I was going to bottom, I would love a skinny dick.
But when it comes to sucking, I want like a girthy dick.
Like I want to really show like how wide my expander is.
Yeah. Master Boat Hog is intact.
So I do like giving head.
That's one of the reasons I get master boat hogs.
I wonder if it unlocks my jaw into a new dimension.
I don't really like getting head.
I've only climaxed from head like three times in my life.
I don't know if guys just don't know
what the fuck they're doing,
because I know what I'm doing,
because I've swallowed a lot,
but I haven't been swallowed a lot.
Oh. Yeah.
I don't know, it's just, it doesn't really do it for me.
Okay, Brian, I want to go through a quick rapid fire with you.
Let's do it.
Just whatever your gut goes with.
Let's do it.
Vodka has entered the chat, so I want to see.
I feel great.
I feel great too.
I feel really good.
I feel like I'm melting into this guy.
I kind of like want to cancel my work event,
even though I'm getting paid,
like let's just like go to dinner. No, I know, literally, I wish, I'm doing the same. I kind of want to cancel my work event, even though I'm getting paid. Let's just go to dinner.
No, I know.
I wish.
I'm doing the same thing.
All right, ready?
Best pre-going out dinner.
Oh, like meal?
Yeah, meal.
Or restaurant?
I think appetizers and drinks.
I've done this before.
Order five appetizers off the appetizer menu
with your girlfriend.
Split them and get martinis.
Top us. You won't be yet. Top us. You won't be sick.
You won't feel like gross and you'll still like get all the good things.
Okay, perfect. Favorite club or bar?
My favorite club or bar. Vinyl in Philadelphia is my favorite club. I can't wait to take
you there. My favorite dinner spot, which I'm going to take you to is Almira Mediterranean
food, sexy Greek men everywhere.
Ugh, such a vibe.
Underrated TikTok follow.
Like someone you follow on TikTok that
people should like know about.
She has a big platform, but I love the average Cece.
She's the one who will do videos, be like,
you're gonna be fine this week, but let's talk about it.
And she just makes me feel so comforted.
Yeah, comfort creator.
And like, I love a comfort creator.
Yeah, we all need them.
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Favorite cocktail?
Dirty martini.
Or a special martini,
but recently because of the anxiety stuff, dirty martini.
I love Cosmos.
I also really like Aperol Spritzes.
Is that a cocktail?
It's like a gateway drink. It's what I would call a gate. A gateway drink. I also really like Aperol Spritzes. Is that a cocktail? It's like a gateway drink.
That's what I would call a gateway drink.
I like that.
It's not hard liquor, but it's like.
This is why you get the big bucks.
You're creative.
Thank you.
Or I'm an alcoholic.
I mean, same.
Hey, all talented artists have demons.
So yeah, it's like, it inspires me.
Best concert you've ever been to. Taylor Swiftis tour. Are you a Swifty? Um, I
I could like Loki see Halle like I like on her own crying to some Taylor Swift
No, like I like enchanted. I like enchanted. Yeah, such a good one. Like I like don't she's obviously a super talented artist
But I lean not towards I lean towards like a different genre
Do you have a favorite artist like musically?
No, but like if it were to be would be like probably like future like a little baby or something
Have you met future?
Not yet. He's hot. He's hot
Who's your celebrity crush?
Ezra from Dancing with the Stars. I just want to gargle his balls.
I don't know what it is.
I think he's really cute.
Like I would-
You want to gargle his balls?
I like want, I'm such a clout trout.
I want to be in a celebrity scandal so badly.
Like I want like a tabloid with someone who's like on TV.
Like I would fuck the guy from Modern Family.
I don't care.
Like anybody, like just give me someone with clout.
Really? Yeah. My dream is to be on Dumas. I want to be on
Dumas. Yeah. Is that pathetic? Whatever. You know, it's not
pathetic. If you're honest about it on your mood board. Yeah,
we should. Okay. Um, let's see. bottomless brunch or late night clubbing?
Late night clubbing.
With bottomless brunch I love it,
but I get hungover at 5 p.m.
Love object, Joe.
I'm not like a day drinker.
I'm not either.
That's not my vibe.
I'm not either.
I like to go out when the sun's coming up, not going down.
Do you have a burner account?
I don't.
I actually was thinking that I should make one.
You know what I wanna do?
I wanna make a burner account that makes fan montages of myself.
You know when like clips go viral
and there's like a fan montage.
Have you had a fan?
I wanna say a name of a creator
that I think does this to herself.
Absolutely, yeah.
We just bleep the name.
Yeah, bleep the name.
She 100% has a million fan accounts.
Honestly, respect.
Like that's a good, I think that's a good spend of time.
No, I think it's worked in our favor.
I think it's really working.
I think it's working.
Cause honestly, I click like sometimes.
I won't make one.
Like that's something like I really just,
if any of my fans are watching,
like not that there's like that much material of me that you could use
because most of my videos are just me hungover in bed,
but if I ever look good, just send a screenshot to me.
Or you're like, mm-hmm.
And it's like Tate McCray.
Yeah, mash me up to some Tate McCray or that new,
not new, that Heidi Montauk song that's going viral.
Oh, night.
I could just see a fabulous montage of me
walking into the club.
I love that.
Now we need that.
I'll make one for you.
Thanks, Hal.
Do you have anyone you know or met in real life
blocked on TikTok?
I just unfollowed this girl who like...
The girl who copied you?
Ease, copies.
Oh, the only like creator,
so I blocked Tara's world a while ago.
Do you know her?
Yes, we follow each other.
I think I unblocked her recently, but like she-
Why'd you block her?
She was like kind of fetishizing lesbian stuff,
and I was like, this is problematic,
and I was like, I don't like her.
So I blocked her for a second.
I also blocked Liv Schmidt,
who really promotes eating disorder and stuff.
I blocked her too.
Those are the only two creators I've ever blocked,
and I unblocked her as well.
She followed me, and I felt bad blocking her,
but it was just not-
Her content's so triggering.
Yeah, it was a little triggering for me.
And I don't get triggered by much, but I was like,
I feel like when you have a platform,
it's super irresponsible to push your-
Yeah, it's not cute.
Trauma to others.
I agree.
I don't believe in that.
So I just kind of blocked her to let her know I didn't fuck with
that for hookups.
Do you prefer to host or travel?
Oh, you know what?
I, this is going to sound kind of crazy.
I actually prefer to host because here's the thing.
Yeah, I traveled.
I traveled recently.
Okay. Because here's the thing. Yeah, that is crazy. I traveled recently. OK, what happened? I was so hungover in this man's apartment.
And I was like, I don't have my hangover cap.
I don't have my et cetera.
I don't have my fan.
I want to die.
I get too drunk and too hungover.
I want to be in the comfort of my own bed.
And also recently, I'm really proud of myself.
I've been very bold with asking people to leave.
I'll just be like, I have to go, you need to leave.
I have work.
Yeah, I have work.
I say I have work and people don't believe me.
And they're like, oh.
I will be like, I have a workout class
or I have something to do.
And now, so ever since that, I'm good with kicking them out.
Honestly, it's your home.
So yeah, I actually really like to host.
I just like being in the comfort of my home and knowing where everything is well brand
I had so much fun with you today. You're fucking crazy and I'm obsessed with you. I'm obsessed with you
I love you. You used to come on my podcast. No, I would love to come on your podcast
Maybe you'll answer your phone when I ask. Yeah, maybe I'll answer
Maybe Holly will text me back. I
I'm not gonna hear from her now for like, I don't know three days. You like leave and I blocked you
You know what? I realized me this is so humbling
So Hallie and I when we take our followers out to dinner, I take the cutest picture with Hallie. I'm so excited
She hasn't even liked it yet. No, I posted on my story. You didn't like it or comment on it though
I'm really hurt
Fucking with you. Cheers.
Cheers. I fucking love you. I love you too. And I love you guys. Thank you for tuning
in again. Don't get crabs. Don't get crabs. Like, comment, subscribe. Like, comment, subscribe.
And now the video version is only on YouTube. So if you want to watch us be fucking diabolical.
That's a place to watch it. Anyways, cheers, bitch. Cheers. I love you. I love you more.
You're the best. Love it. Anyways, cheers, bitch. Cheers. I love you.
I love you more.
You're the best.
Love you.