Extra Dirty with Hallie Batchelder - Getting the male perspective with my brother Sammy + Graydon!
Episode Date: March 20, 2025GET THAT IUD LADIES!!! This is the best time of your LIVES!!! It's an EXTRA familial episode of Extra Dirty as our bestie Graydon AND Hallie's younger brother Sammy join the podcast. Hallie and Grayd...on recap their chaotic St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl, spill on Hallie’s current dickmatization, and break down Graydon’s latest crush obsession (including getting tootsied...don't ask). They tackle dating in the social media era, why they refuse to settle, and their controversial take: why you shouldn't get married. THEN Hallie’s younger brother Sammy joins to dish out the male perspective: should women text first? What’s the deal with situationships? And how does he really feel about Hallie’s taste in men? Oh, and their dad once suggested Hallie start an OnlyFans before realizing what that meant. It's chaos, and it's Extra Dirty. Next week? MIAMI, BABY! It's Extra Tootsie! Follow @extradirty on socials to follow along with Hallie and if you love what you hear, leave a review and subscribe to keep the chaos coming. Love you freak!!
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I will never fucking settle. I'd rather be broke and alone.
I would never settle.
I would rather be alone, but preferably not broke. Hi, this is Halle from the streets of New York. Guys, I had every intention of staying in last night.
Okay, guys, I am back with a very special, sexy little man.
He's not very little, he's very tall, actually.
I'm a big boy. Graydon is back on the casting couch.
We are here in Boston. This literally is the casting couch. We are here in Boston.
This literally is a casting couch.
In the formal living room.
I know.
We are at my family home right now in Boston.
I did a bar crawl yesterday.
It was chaotic to say the least, but it was fucking fun.
It was fun seeing all the Boston girls.
The Boston girls really popped off and showed out.
I had girls coming up to me being like, I let my boyfriend like have anal with me
because of you. And I was like literally holding their hands being like,
Oh, thank you so much.
How's your whole house?
How's your gaping hole? Put some Vaseline on that shit.
Anyways, me and Grayden haven't seen each other in probably two months.
We haven't seen each other since we went to Aruba.
Or no, Tahoe.
Tahoe, Tahoe.
And then, so the last episode I was on, I fell asleep because I was like so hungover
and the altitude was like so insane. So today I'm not going to fall asleep.
No, like that was insane that you fell asleep and I was honestly a little offended, but
we got over it.
Yeah, you're fine
So we obviously have like lots of ketchup on
Because a lot of time has passed and I've been on a fucking tear. I've been on a bento I've been the worst version of myself lately and I'm not proud of it
But like would do it again you would call me like last week and I'm like, oh, what are you doing?
I'm like literally snuggled in bed like a little burrito just like waiting for my food to come that I ordered and she's like freaking out like
yelling that she wants to go out and she's like nobody will go out with me
and I'm like baby it's a Tuesday night like that the freakiest shit happens on
Tuesday I had a couple late nights too I had two like eight amers worth of man in
my bed it was a pretty interesting week actually but a successful one at most
you know what I commend you for that but now I'm like dignitized and I'm like a It was a pretty interesting week actually, but a successful one at most.
You know what?
I commend you for that.
But now I'm like, dicked with ties and I'm like a little bit concerned because whenever
I get dick to dick with ties, I'm like the worst version of myself.
In what sense do you want to elaborate?
Like when I get good dick, okay, I lose sight of reality and anything that's real.
Like I get like low key obsessed for like a minute.
And then like.
What if you don't get the dick?
Do you ever get obsessed before you get the dick?
I feel like the longer I go without getting dick,
the less I miss it.
Which you'd think it'd be the opposite,
but like if I get good dick, I like need it the next day.
So that's what dikmatized is.
It should be more in the dictionary or somewhere. It's probably an
urban dictionary. You get
Digmatized. Well, I'm like
celibate. So like, I'm really
picky. So I obviously, you know,
I like haven't fucked in like
24 years. Not actually. But no,
I get crushes and then those
kind of take over my life.
Update me on what's happened
recently. I want to I want to
hear the Tootsie Roll story.
You wanna hear Tootsie, okay.
So, Grayden got Tootsied in Aspen.
If you don't know what Tootsied is, it's a term
one of my friends made up because one time
this guy tried to fuck me in the ass,
but I closed it for business.
Like nothing usually goes in there.
I think I got Tootsied last Wednesday. Yeah, it did.
But like it didn't go.
So Tootsie is when they're just poke,
they're poking the back door,
but the back door is closed for business.
Were you just clenching super hard?
I was dead fishing on my side,
just being like, okay, that's not gonna go in.
Like it's literally closed.
Were you clenching?
Like how does that happen?
Yeah, to bounce the dick off like a trampoline.
But he didn't get the hint, so he kept poking.
That's called tootsie-ing.
When they tootsie you. My friend made that up.
Okay, I like that.
Because that's happened to me before.
Um, so that was a huge waste of my time, I guess.
The altitude just did something to me.
I got a drink with this guy in the hotel,
and then next thing you know, he flipped me over and tried to put it in my back door.
Did you suck him sideways into fruition?
Did he suck you sideways into fruition?
Yeah not as much as me though.
Yeah it's sad.
You were the sucker?
I feel like you were sucker McGee Loki with those lips.
I was in high school.
You were?
It was like my talent trick.
I used to give really bad head in high school, which I guess is a good thing. I was so innocent, but I remember my boyfriend being like,
you give really bad head.
And I was like, what do you even practice on?
Like what do you, yeah.
You know, you just have to keep sucking.
Until you're a pro.
Well, so now I can't even brush my teeth without gagging.
So like, I'm not a big sucker anymore.
But I used to be a Dyson fucking vacuum in high school,
which nobody knows, like it's very secretive.
Football team, the hockey team, lacrosse team, swimmers.
I think there was a golfer.
Yeah, every sport. Swimmers? Mm-hmm. I think there was a golfer. Yeah.
Every sport.
My nickname in college was the human vacuum.
And I don't think it was like drug related.
It could have been drug related,
but I think it was sucking related.
But like, don't tell my college boyfriend that.
But yeah.
Not the town bike.
The people didn't call you the town bike. No one't call you the town bike.
No one called me the fucking town bike.
I feel like that's more for guys.
Oh, cause they're the getting rid of.
Yeah, you're right.
I was the town.
Bike rider.
Bike rider.
Bike rider.
Let's just talk about dating with a social media presence.
Like you never know if someone wants to hook up with you or go on a date with you because
of like, when did men become cloud chasers?
So in my experience, a lot of people want to hang out with me, I found, to get to Halle. Really? Yeah. Like a lot of guys are like straight men?
Like they'll have a I'll be having a conversation like both a lot of gays. You never put me on.
Because you're mine. I'm not fucking sharing you.
And well if they were like hot obviously I would but like I'd be having conversations with guys whether I'm like talking to them or
just like people I meet and
Somehow in the conversation you come up and to me
That's when I know that their intentions are like they want to hang out with like who I'm hanging out with
Because like we're fun like people want to have fucking fun. Whatever exactly do you ever so this is what I've been doing
Recently and I feel like it's super telling about someone and I'm sure like girls do this too Just like with any guy like go through their fucking following list and see what people they're following what influencers
They're following what creators they're following and I feel like that is a telltale like it's a telltale sign of where their heads at
That'll tell the story and I did I ignored that a couple read and the last person I talked to recently
ignored that a couple of the last person I talked to recently.
Because I knew the follow the the people he was following it was like a lot like sometimes people follow like a catalog of fucking people on social media.
Is that a red flag or is that just like oh they just follow everyone?
I think it gets to a point where like okay if you're following everybody in the
space, it's telling a story you know.
You fall like 3,000 people and like...
Yeah or even over like two like two thousands crazy.
I looked at like uh guys falling not too long ago and like followed pretty much everyone I
know in this space and I was like ah but we chose to ignore.
I just think it's difficult because you just like never know someone's intentions.
Intentions are super important. I just think it's difficult because you just never know someone's intentions.
Intentions are super important.
Like, keep in mind, Hallie and I have only been doing social media for like two years,
so I feel like we're both learning too as we go.
I don't know, it's weird.
I can't imagine the people who have been doing social media for like so long and what
their take would be on it, but I feel like people usually have good intentions, but there's
always a bad bunch.
Like, I don't want to fuck a fan. I do not want to fuck a fan. I feel like that's weird.
But then sometimes you don't know if they're a fan.
Well, I just would prefer someone that had very limited social media,
someone that wasn't in the social media space, someone that just didn't give a fuck about having
a presence online would be ideal in an ideal world.
If they like, if I was like, do you know so and so
and they're like, I have no idea who that is,
that's a green flag to me.
Yeah, you'd be like, take your dick out right now.
Yeah, to sum this up, dating in the space
is a little like, we're navigating.
Like you said, we're new in this, we're new.
We're virgin, wait, we're not virgins.
We're green.
We're green. We are green. So it's a
journey and we will get through it together. You need to get laid though. You're telling me,
bitch. I'm too picky. You're too picky. But what am I gonna- You pigeonhole yourself.
What's that? You like put yourself, you take, you eliminate a bunch of candidates. Because they're
ugly. I watched a guy asked you out last
night. That's fucking crazy. Callie if you think I would ever go on a date like that's not my type.
No but the guy I sent you is so cute and you said no. I mean I'm not opposed. Did I say no?
No you didn't say no. I think I said uh I don't know. I just have a very, I'm picky and I'm not gonna stoop down
to not being picky and just to get some dick.
Cause then I'll just feel guilty after and I'll feel dirty.
No, I feel like a lot of people do that too.
They just feel like they need to settle
and we're so against that.
I will never fucking settle.
I'd rather be broke and alone.
I would never settle. I would rather be alone, but preferably not
I'd rather well depends on what you think I'd rather be broke in alone
Then have a little for like a little less then having people be like, oh great and settled. Yeah
Okay, I don't want to be a settler. This isn't fucking 1920
I know we're in like a settle era, like not not like a settle era,
but we're in a settle society.
People are settling.
People are settling.
It's an epidemic.
It's a fucking epidemic.
It's a pandemic.
It's a pandemic.
Everyone's settling.
I feel like when they reached the age of 27, 28, 29,
they're like, oh fuck, I need a serious boyfriend.
I need to live with my boyfriend.
And like marriage.
And marriage and like babies.
Everyone wants to get married.
Why do you want to like rush? Like being like, taking like taking like your makes me like actually hot thinking about oh my god
can everybody stop getting fucking married it's so expensive nobody wants to go to 12 weddings in a
year thank you yeah i had two friends that had babies last week and i was like like
No, dude, I met my friend's baby. So cute, right? But like, I just can't, I don't think I can do it.
No, I don't think we're built for that yet. I like when I have a kid when I'm like 35,
I'm going to freeze my eggs probably in two years.
Someone in my family had a kid when they were like, I think in their 50s, their first kid.
That's like, she lived her life and then she had a kid. I don't know. Don't you want
to just like fucking live your life? Like your 20s is your only time you can be fucking selfish,
not thinking about anyone else besides your fucking self, figuring out for yourself. Like
do you really know who you are? No. Do you want to figure that out with a fucking yapping man by
your side? No. No you don't. Live it up. Take that trip to Miami go on vacation
Go on Sandra Faye go on the random yacht with a random old man that you don't fucking know that has deep ass pockets
Do all that shit while you suck the dick suck the dick. Don't put it in your pussy. Then you'll get pregnant
Get an IUD get the strongest one they have on market. Yes. Get health insurance, put it to fucking use.
Responsibly, don't get hit by a fucking car.
Car, or a bus.
Or a bus.
Or a boat, I got hit by four boats.
I've been in four boating accidents.
You know that, Hallie.
I swear I tell this bitch stuff and she doesn't listen.
You don't know that I've been hit in the face
by a boat three times.
And then the fourth time my brother ran me over in a boat.
If you're telling me anything
while we're having a cocktail, just consider it.
Well, every time we hang out.
No, consider it.
A memory watched.
I had Alex when I went to her house in LA.
I asked her to show me her closet.
Like five times, right?
Like 19 times.
She started like being like,
I can't tell if you're fucking, I can't tell if you're fucking,
I can't tell if you're fucking with me.
Well, weren't you actually blacked out?
Yeah, I was so blacked out. It was embarrassing. But it builds character.
Okay. So yeah, now that we're on the topic of like ages and shit, I got, there was two
guys that approached me at the bar this weekend in Boston. We were at Loco and they're like
giving me the whole schmooze and the rundown and I could just
tell by this man's Axe spray, you know, cologne scent. He
smelled like a fucking locker room. No, like a locker room
combined with like a car diffuser. So I was like, I
already know how old this guy is. He's probably 22 to 25, which
is too young for me. The youngest I will go right now is my age, which is 27.
So this guy was like, blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, okay, how old are you?
And he's like, I'm 23.
And he goes, how old are you?
Which by the way, you don't ask lady at the club.
And I was like, I'm 27.
And he looks at me and he's dead serious.
He goes, oof, sugar mama.
Fuck off.
I go, what?
This was yesterday?
This was two nights ago.
And he goes, oof, sugar mama.
I go, yeah, this is not gonna work out.
And then our second guy did it to me,
the same thing being like, ooh, cougar.
What if I was a sugar mama?
I could see myself being like a cougar though
in like my 30s, late 30s, if I'm still single. I would love to be a sugar mama? I could see myself being like a cougar though in like my
30s late 30s if I'm still single. Yeah, I would love to be a sugar mama like actually support men financially Like just like be super rich and successful on my own. Yeah. Okay. Okay and like
I've just like all these like guys that are a little bit younger than me flocking after me and then me being like
All right. I'll like pay for your flight here. Yeah, that would be like a power trip for me. You know, people used to think I was an escort
because they used to go to Vegas on like this one guy's PJ. Yeah, like an older man.
But I was never fucking him. Like he was like hooking up with like hookers that we'd bring
home from the club. But I wasn't hooking up with him. But everyone on social media, because
Instagram is now to save space, everyone that I grew up with and went to college with,
it was like, oh, Hallie's whoring out to go to Vegas.
On the PJ.
On the PJ.
Well, everybody assumes you got on a private plane.
The only way to get on a private plane is to fuck or suck,
but I think if you're just a nice person,
you have a good personality.
It takes you a long way.
I mean, that's a little bit naive.
I would say you have to have like a nice rack too.
Yeah, like obviously you can't be beat.
No, you can't be beat De No, you can't be beatiana.
You have to be cuntiana to get on a PJ.
But a nice rack goes a long way.
Yeah, just something for the person to look at.
And just being fun, going out and just being a good
personality, I feel like also goes a long way.
They don't want some aggravated, aggy ass bitches
on a PJ with them.
They just want people to just go with the flow.
Like good personality fun. So if you wanna get on a PJ, them. They just want people to just like go with the flow. Like good personality fun.
So if you wanna get on a PJ, just be like a good time.
Just be a good time and take your tits out.
Yeah, and be like, pick me.
Be like, pick me old man to take me on the PJ.
I feel like that's the only way to get it on one.
Speaking of private planes,
I'm just so looking forward to the summer.
I feel like I need a fucking spicy margarita
in my hand or a glass of Rose.
And I need to be on a daddy's yacht.
I wanna get myself on a yacht this summer.
All summer.
Amongst the daddies that run amok
through the streets of Nantucket and the Hamptons.
That's what I want.
I'm manifesting that for this summer.
I want you to have your own daddy era.
I know, I did for a little.
Tell me about it.
So this was on the Cape a couple,
this was on the Cape a couple summers ago
and I hooked up with this guy who's in his 30s.
He wasn't too old, but he was like hot,
he had tattoos, whatever.
So we have sex on the beach, right?
Oh my God, never on the beach.
That's how you get a UTI. Okay, I don't think guys get UTIs to be honest that's how they die
I don't have a old age what guys die oh my god you're right because my friend's
grandpa was like 95 and he had to get his dick circumcised because he kept
getting UTIs so sad all right P you're right you T was getting UTIs I remember
all right continue paint the picture of this man this man was tattooed he had You're right, he was getting UTIs, I remember. All right, continue.
Paint the picture of this man.
This man was tattooed, he had golden, beautiful skin,
it was like the peak of the summer,
we fucked on the beach, not the most comfortable.
Anyway, we get to talking, I like this man,
and he lived close to where I live on the Cape,
and we got to talking the days after and I come to find out that this man
was my childhood babysitter.
And I was like, honestly, I didn't really care.
I thought it was like really hot,
but I tell the story a lot and I'm like,
oh, I fucked my babysitter and everyone's like,
what do you mean you fucked your babysitter?
And I was like, don't worry.
Like I was like of age, like I wasn't like seven. Like everyone thinks I was like, anyway do you mean you fucked your babysitter? And I was like, don't worry. Like, I was like, of age.
Like, I wasn't like seven.
Like, everyone thinks I was like...
Anyway, that's sick and twisted.
Anyway, so I find out that this man was my childhood babysitter.
So hot.
And then he was married the whole time.
I didn't even know he was married and I had like a crush on him.
He was married and he bent you over like a little tootsie roll and poked it in you?
He didn't fuck me, I fucked him.
I forgot you're a top.
No, I put- How tall was he?
I think you kinda have to be a top
because you're height. I think he was six foot
or six one. Okay.
So not tiny, but like average.
People probably thought you were two flopping seals
on the beach.
No, literally it probably looked like a whale
like washed on shore and like the fucking whale ate a seal or something
and they were bumping on gleeves.
But anyway, he was married, it's so sad,
it's like a tragic, like.
Did you like him?
Did you have crush on him?
I did, yeah.
Do you get a crush with every single person
you sleep with?
Because I was talking about this recently with someone.
Where like, I will only get a crush
if one, the dick is good, and two, he has a good sense
of humor, and three, if he is smart in any capacity.
And I feel like being witty and funny is a symptom of being smart.
So if they're funny, I usually just assume they're smart.
But if a man is dumb as fucking rocks, I cannot, that is like my, where I draw the line.
He could be the most beautiful, this has happened recently too.
I've hooked up with the most beautiful, gorgeous, on paper, beautiful man.
But this man is the dumbest person I've ever crossed paths with my whole entire life.
I get if somebody's not smart, like book smart, but like if you don't even have simple logic,
like, like this man would like probably not look
both ways before crossing the fucking street yeah he'd be looking at the sky
yeah wait cut that cut I'm gonna go through my email I want to do this
segment I want to bring my brother Sammy in Sammy is my youngest brother he is
probably one of my more favorite siblings.
We just get along, we gap.
It wasn't always like that,
but he was kind of a pain in the ass when he was younger,
but he's grown on me so much in these past few years.
He's an angel.
We're gonna have him on,
and he's gonna give you guys some male perspective
on just random dating scenarios.
And I think that'll be really funny and maybe insightful.
Maybe, he's like one of those guys where he's like so,
you know, wise beyond his years.
He's only 23 years old.
You're 23, right, Sammy?
And I feel like he could give me relationship advice
that I would take it to heart.
Like I don't take anything he says with a grain of salt.
I take it and I write it down in my notes app
and I'm like, okay, these are some wise fucking words.
That's really sweet.
That is really nice of you to say.
Sammy's a realist, so we're gonna pick his brain
or are you gonna pick his brain?
Am I leaving?
No, you're gonna stay here.
I wanna break.
Sammy's on the pod, yay!
Sammy's here. So Sammy's my youngest brother. I'm Sammy's on the pod, yay!
Sammy's here.
So Sammy's my youngest brother.
I'm Sammy's favorite sister.
Funny thing is, Sammy, me and you growing up,
I feel like we butt heads a lot
because I used to throw parties in the basement.
Do you remember, you used to take pictures
of the beer pong table?
I had a really sick, like light up,
sick beer pong table set up in our basement.
I used to through all the parties
after proms after semi-formals pre-games. I mean it was safe because you couldn't really park here
so it was like everyone would uber to my house and like there was no drunk driving. True. Yeah.
It was a safe bet. Yeah. I mean I was like a 12 girl that just wanted to play xbox so. Remember
when those two people were hooking up in your bed? Do you remember that?
What was that in high school? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There was
something that happened up there. Yeah, I do. And I think
you whipped out a bad or something. I don't know about
that. But I definitely probably lost my mind somehow.
Sammy used to take a picture of the beer pong table and send
pictures in a group shot to my parents. You're a little
I was the biggest snitch.
You were 12.
I know.
I just wanted to like, chill.
But I was like, be cool, bro.
I forgot that you were young.
I know, I know.
And then I kind of like, learned to kind of do that.
You know?
To be cool.
It was a little learning.
But anyways, Sammy has become a great, amazing friend
of mine.
I want both of your opinions opinions on these by the way.
Like I want, I want your outlook on it.
All right, can you be friends with an ex?
Yeah, I think so.
Are you friends with any of your exes?
I'd say I'm friendly with my exes.
But you're not like hanging out.
I don't get how people do that.
I mean, you can be friends with your ex,
but I feel like you'd be,
you'd have to be friends who fuck, you know?
No, I feel like once you like cross that line,
it's hard to like undo it.
I don't get people that are friends with their ex
that think it makes no sense.
I think it's like forced and I think it's extremely pick me.
It's like, oh, we're like, we're different.
We can be friends with each other
because we like don't care as much.
Unless you have kids together.
It's just a slippery slope when feelings are involved.
I feel like your two past relationships,
the breakups were not terrible.
Yeah, I mean, the first one was a high school relationship.
I was pretty young.
I mean, the second one, that was a little different.
A little different scenario, but.
A little stickier.
You know?
What's your take on situationships?
I don't know, I haven't really had a ton.
You're very picky.
I feel like you don't have time for a situationship.
Yeah, I just, I don't know.
Especially recently, like ever since I graduated
from school
Been so busy doing things and like trying to find work and I also feel like you don't fuck with the head games that
Situation shifts it all for you. I don't know
No, I just like yeah, do you play do you play mind games with girls?
No, I'm really straightforward. Yeah, maybe that's great forward to a fault straightforward. Yeah Yeah, I feel like I might be I don even straightforward. To a fault. Too straightforward, yeah. Yeah, too a fault.
I feel like I might be too upfront.
I don't know.
I feel like I would rather someone tell me how it is.
Like remember that one that freak of the fucking week
back in September sent me that long paragraph
detailing why you didn't like me?
I just never replied and that was the last time we spoke.
That was too straightforward.
It was too straightforward.
So the ignorance is bliss, but also like,
don't lead me on. It's
hard to find like an in between.
Those are sticky situations though, because I feel like it's
better to be upfront to someone about how you actually feel.
Rather than just like start to go and like, completely go like
dry on them.
What do you think about a girl texting a guy first?
I think it's definitely-
To hang out, to do anything
in the beginning stages of a relationship.
I think the guy should text first with the majority.
I don't know, I mean, I feel like
I'm so old fashioned in a way.
I feel like it just makes the most sense.
Like that's how it has been and that's how it should stay.
Yeah, it's just like how it always should be.
It's like kinda how it always has been. I mean, it's not weird if the girl texts first or do you like I wouldn't do thrown off
But do you think of them last you're like, who's this fucking need yet? Does it come off needy?
Well, I think of them last would you like be like a lot of people are busy and like doing things and you know, like
but in
My experience I think just personally that the guy should initiate all things at first.
Maybe if you're dating, it's one thing,
like yeah, text whenever, but.
Would you consider yourself a texter in general?
Or are you like FaceTime-er?
I mean, recently I've been getting into like,
at least like with my friends, I get so lazy to text,
so I'll like send voice memos.
Voice memos are big, yeah'll like send voice memos voice
Yeah, I love voice memos. It's just a lot easier now. I love my friends does it
So I started doing it But uh, yeah, I would say I text a decent amount. I stopped using snapchat though like full time
I've been like kind of off that i've kind of been back in a snapchat era
So I like I love snapchat and I'll always love snapchat
back in a Snapchat era. So I like, I love Snapchat and I'll always love Snapchat.
So I'm gonna be like 80 years old using Snapchat.
I have like a streak with a few people.
Yeah, I have no streaks.
And I'm 27.
No, it's dangerous.
Yeah, I have no streaks.
I don't use it at all anymore.
I just like use it for group chats pretty much, you know.
Oh, this girl is wondering,
why did a guy who kissed me misled me and friendzoned me?
I don't think you even need a male perspective on this.
Yeah, there's some guys out there that are like that,
you know, they'll do that, but
just gotta take it on the chin, just turn the page.
Have you ever done that?
No, it's character.
Have you ever kissed a girl and then just ghosted her?
Have you ever ghosted someone?
Like fully, completely ghosted?
Yeah, it's like out of the blue.
Like this girl really thought you liked her. Have you ever ghosted someone like fully completely ghosted? Yeah, it's like out of the blue
Like this girl really thought you liked her
And like in the new really nah, I knew just dipped I mean, there's definitely been times like you said earlier like and it's true
Like I am a very picky person with everything in my life, you know like
relationships really just who I surround myself with in general,
but yeah, I think,
I wouldn't say I've like fully just like ignored every text
after like talking for like, you know, a few weeks, whatever,
but there's like, you know,
there's three sides to every story I feel like.
Yeah. You know?
There's both sides and then the truth.
What makes you ghost someone or lose interest?
Like when do you decide like that she's not it?
Is there like certain things that give you the ick?
I think just, yeah, well, yeah.
I don't know, something that I've learned
at least in like my, you know, with my last relationship
and just in general, and this is no shot at anyone,
but I think something big that I tell people all the time is to listen to the red flags early on
When you first talk to someone like if you like them like yet, don't look for the red flags
But listen to them. We were just talking about this kind of don't look but listen
Listen, they're different for everyone. It depends, it's more of just what you look for
in a person, you know?
Some people's red flags are different than others.
I think, you know, for me,
I'm someone who's very routine-oriented
and I live my life like you know who I am,
I live my life a certain way,
probably a lot differently than a lot of other people,
but yeah, I would just, you know,
if there's something that kinda comes up and bothers you,
and you know it's gonna be a long-term issue down the line
and it's gonna affect you, then you kind of have to know
when to rip the bandaid and is it big enough
to cost the whole thing.
And you don't, it doesn't mean that persons are bad person.
No, not at all, that's not what I'm saying.
But you never wanna make someone feel like they have
to change to fit you or vice versa?
Exactly, it's just like, you're doing them a favor
and you're also doing yourself a favor.
It's just not gonna work out.
Yeah, you think about longevity.
Yeah, exactly, I always think about longevity
with everything, so.
The long-term investment.
Exactly, and relationships are, they are,
it's one of the biggest commitments you could possibly do.
I always say dating is like interviewing but I mean it kind of is like I went on a date the other
week and I felt like I was in a fucking interview and if I had to bring a resume yeah but your
resume is like social media yeah I mean what you do is cool but like yeah I get that no uh
Yeah, I get that. No. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I mean, do you think I have bad taste in men? I think you've definitely come across a couple bad apples who have not
treated you the best, at least in my brother's perspective that you know, I didn't appreciate
but you know, I think overall, the guys that I've usually met
that you've brought home have been good guys,
whether they stayed for two years or for two hours,
they seem to be decent guys.
Some of them are funny.
Yeah, a lot of them are funny.
Have I ever brought a guy around you guys
that you were like,
oh, you should have given that guy another chance
Like he's a nice guy, but I wanted nothing to do with him
Well, there's one of your exes, you know that I really love yeah, and I hold it like a sweet spot in my heart for him
He's a great guy. Do you still talk? Yeah, we still communicate to this day
You know, yeah like you're in there, but he's kind of a fucking weird freak which one second
But again back to my last point like the synergies didn't make sense long term
Oh, yeah, like he's a great fucking person and it just didn't work out. It's just too good
See the one is this one who cheated on you?
They all did. Oh, I think me and him
Like kind of towards the end. I wouldn't even so I didn't know this. Yeah
Yeah, like he got with this this bitch when he was that shit
This person asks do you men actually feel things emotions I
Think everyone does I can answer this too because I'm a man at the end of the day. Yeah. Yeah, we have emotions. You're a little sensitive
Right. Yeah, the certain things like you're in tune with your feelings, I feel. You're being controlled.
I definitely am self-aware and I'm in control.
Yeah, like you're not stoic.
I'm so out of control of my emotions.
I don't know.
I'm a fucking mess, bro.
Am I a mess when it comes to relationships?
Aren't we all?
No, I just think, like, you're in a spot in your life
where a relationship doesn't necessarily
make that much sense for you.
You travel every weekend, you're constantly doing things.
You know, like I feel like it just doesn't make sense
for you to commit to someone else in a serious manner.
No, I agree, but like, when am I gonna like stop?
I don't know, I feel like maybe you're still like kind of
like I feel like new.
I know, but I feel like I'm just gonna get busier.
Yeah, but you also.
But hopefully down the road I can like pick and choose
things more like selectively and be able to, you know,
control my schedule a little bit better.
Yeah, I mean like you see it like with Alex and Matt,
like shout out Alex and Matt by the way, I love them.
But no, you see like they have an amazing relationship
and Alex has figured out a way to kind of
work her schedule out and she's always on the go.
I mean, talk about someone who's constantly doing things.
They're together a lot of times, right?
Yeah, they're partners in life and in business.
Yeah, like, yeah, exactly.
Well, but still like, they have an amazing life and in business too. Yeah, exactly. Well, but still, they have an amazing relationship
and that's kind of one that I feel like a lot of people
should not model themselves after, but aspire for,
if you're doing something like what you do,
that's what it should look like, I think.
I was talking to mom about it one time
and when I was in season, I would call you sometimes
to check in and you'd be like 90 hours ahead
like in Australia, like with my guy,
Travis Scott concert or something.
And I'm like, oh geez, I didn't know you were doing that.
How do you think you're more like mom and dad in ways?
Like, where do you get, you know what I'm trying to ask?
Like how are you like dad and how are you like mom?
Well, I'm a little bit of both. I think I'm definitely 50-50. I guess you know my heart and
like just the way I you know think it's important to treat people nicely and you know not that dad
doesn't but I really think that you know I get a lot of that from mom just kind of that like you know
You know, I get a lot of that from mom, just kind of that like, you know,
sympathetic kind of attribute I have, I guess, to other people. And, you know, the kind of softness, if you will.
I think from dad, you know, I just I don't know.
Dad has an interesting story.
And like, you know, he we see him like on these videos and he's hilarious.
But, you know, he's he's a whole other person kind of
at times when you like really get to know the guy and you know he's like my
role model you know like I aspire to be everything like my dad and you know you
know that and he's a grinder yeah he's he's a grinder and you know like I'm
like constantly like almost like taking notes on the guy every day like I just
want to be every bit of them and social anxiety fears him I want to have the mom but my dad keeps being like he has to be
tan he has to be tan he goes show me the contract I'm like there's no need to
go on being serious he's like show me the contract I'm like what contract are
you talking about that's who he is you're like you're my dad I'm like does
he think he's gonna get paid listen he's funny and he can bring some he can bring
the heat but I just don't think he understands how this works. You
know, this is so new to him, too.
He wants so badly to like know what the fuck is going on with
what I do.
Well, he's funny because he loves to read like the Wall
Street Journal, and he'll see something about like OnlyFans
and he'll be like, how do we have to get on this? We have to
attack this. He takes advantage of this space now. I just don't
think he knows what it is or how it works.
And like.
No, like a couple years ago, he texted me and goes,
are you on OnlyFans?
You should get on OnlyFans, it's booming.
And I was like, dad, did you do any research
on what OnlyFans is as like an entity?
Like he had no idea.
And I was like, you basically sell your nudes.
But for him, he's probably like a check is a check. I mean like. He's sell your nudes. Yeah. But for him, he's probably like a check is a check.
I mean, like.
He's like, do it.
What do you, what have you read a flag of a girl
you were seeing had only fans?
100%, yeah.
That's probably where I would draw the line.
I mean, like, again, two ages of their own,
go ahead and do it.
But like I said, in me personally,
like I just, I couldn't do it.
Like I couldn't, it's way too public.
You know, I like to, you know, keep things like that.
Like, you know, private.
Well, like a girl's pussy.
Well, just like you're like, yeah, like, you know,
anything along those lines.
I mean, I just, I couldn't do it.
You know, I obviously like, we know some people who do,
but, you know, and that's fine, but I just, we know some people who do, but yeah,
you know, and that's fine, but I just, you know,
in my personal opinion, not experience, but opinion,
you know, I couldn't do it.
I don't think personally I would do OnlyFans.
I don't know if I have the assets,
respect to people that can do that and do do that,
but for me, no.
And I don't know, I mean,
if I
Were to come across a guy that does only fans. I don't know how I'd feel about it. I've that's I'm that's never happened to me
Well, let's discuss the tears of only fans because sometimes aren't they like not showing anything
Well, like sometimes they're like cooking and like some people like have like smoke session. Who's paying for that?
Yeah, like do people pay for that? Are they naked though?
Unless you don't want oil to splash on places,
you don't want oil to splash on.
Well, obviously they're wearing an,
no, I'm not saying just the cookie.
I am saying, does everybody on OnlyFans
show their puss or cock?
No, I think there's definitely tears to it.
I think you can be as telling as you want,
but I feel like that will go into
how many subscribers you have.
Right. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like that will go into how many subscribers you have. Right.
Yeah, I feel like you kind of got to.
They make crazy money.
Yeah, that's why I'm about to say,
I think I would date one.
Have you seen the,
I could see you dating an OnlyFans star.
Yeah, maybe.
Yeah, cause they make,
have you seen the Bop House on TikTok?
But the girls, the guys don't make that much.
The girls make so much fucking money.
They're making like three to five a month.
I see like articles on Twitter and they're crushing it.
So I think her name's Sophie Rain.
I think she made like $45 million last year.
She's like 19.
Yeah, I mean the big ones obviously,
Karina Koff.
She's not OnlyFans, yeah.
But she makes a lot of. She makes a she makes a lot of dollars. I just like I
Mean the money sounds really nice green. What are you certain? I'm flattered. Do you think I would ever?
Get paid on that you would do you know me people would pay to see that. Mm-hmm
My ding-a-ling sting in my pants, but like I mean if somebody if a guy had
If a guy was making three to five million dollars a month on only fans what I consider dating him 100%
You would be like private not secret. Yeah
Nobody would know
Like as a type of guy?
He already told me yesterday.
I gave you an opinion, yeah.
Let's repeat the opinion for the people.
What did I say again?
What was the certain person?
Oh, right.
But that dude is the man.
I literally said to him, I was like,
why not, he's the fucking man.
Hey, is he not your type?
No, I was telling Sammy like my type is very,
I don't have a type, like I don't know my type
until the person's in front of me.
And then like my type changes to that person.
I agree.
I'm the same one.
You know what I mean?
I'm like more attracted to the person, not.
Yeah, like I don't have a type.
Like I like blondes, I like Italians, I like everything.
Yeah, I'm the same. What do you think?
I don't have like a blonde over.
Until it swabs me in the face.
At all.
So, do some guys do strictly blonde, strictly brunettes?
Yeah, 100%.
But I feel like a 10 out of 10 brunette versus like a 10 out of 10 blonde.
I feel like if you were to ask the majority of, you know, guys that if like blonde or brunette, like they would have a preference. I
actually do think that
that is so true. I mean, I don't know, like, I don't think it
matters really that much. No.
Well, there's so many people that are like, drop dead gorgeous
with brunette, black, blonde, like,
how's dating been in Boston, or just like the girl the scene in Boston? How has it been?
Yeah, I mean, I haven't really been like, I've only been home
from from college since mid November. So I thought, and you
know, I haven't really been going out too much. So I guess
it's fine. You know, like everyone's, you know, I love the
city. Like I love the people of Boston. Like I just don't, you know, like I said earlier,
I've just been so busy doing other things.
Like I haven't really been focusing on that too much.
You know, I haven't gone on any dates in Boston in a while.
Anyways, well next week, we are all going to Miami.
I think by the time this episode comes out,
we're gonna be in Miami.
Yay! During the whole Unwell weekend,
spring break, which is gonna be fucking chaos
in the most beautiful way.
Sammy's gonna make an appearance.
I'll be there, I'll be there, should be fun, I'm excited.
You should get a base, Sam.
First time in Miami.
Really, you've never been?
Never been. What?
No, I did the whole Fort Lauderdale thing years ago,
like every college kid, but.
Are you gonna let your hair loose?
Like you don't really drink that much.
You gonna drink in this?
Yeah, I mean.
We're gonna get you drunk.
Obviously, I planned this trip a while to go with you guys
and then my friends are also going,
so we're gonna be doing stuff with them.
And there's gonna be a ton of people
that we know down there, so we're gonna have fun.
I'm excited for this weekend.
I feel like you should extend your trip
and just fucking rip it with the spring break. Yeah
I know bring break in Miami has they put like laws and regulations on it because it's gotten so fucking crazy and out of hand
Well, they've shut it down. They put curfews out
Yeah, it should be fun. I'm excited
You know first time you know, we got some good good plans ready to go
And I think we should podcast there.
This this will not be Sammy's last time on the extra dirty podcast.
It definitely won't be great in his last time on the extra podcast.
I feel good to be back. Yeah.
I feel like we could like wrap up now and just say thank you all.
Thank you both for coming on.
Doing this with me. I'm a little bit over.
Um, but as always, you can watch this on YouTube.
You can listen on every other platform.
Like, subscribe, leave a comment, do all the good things.
But anyways, I love you all so very fucking much.
And goodbye.
Bye, see you in Miami.
See you in Miami.
Say bye, Sammy.
Oh, bye.
Bye, everyone.