Fairy Tale Fix - 75: Insignificant Slippers

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

Abbie continues our dive into Little Red Riding Hood by reading the Algerian version called Rova. You won't find this tale in English anywhere else (probably)! Kelsey says goodbye to spooky Halloween ...with the Russian tale The Dead Mother and takes a sharp turn into a happily ever after with Ruth Manning-Sanders’ Andromeda Dances (without her insignificant slippers).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Seeing a black cat is a bad ocean. Wow. It's a bad ocean. It's bad for OSHA. It is not. Seeing a black cat is not OSHA compliant. It's not OSHA compliant. They're pissed.
Starting point is 00:00:13 They're coming for you. They're coming for you. Your workers comp will be denied. Hello, and welcome to Fairytale Fix. I'm Abby. I'm Kelsey. And this is the What the Fuck Fairytale Podcast you know and love that I already fucked up. Abby, what cleared her throat in the middle of our minute of silence.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And then spent the next the next like 40 seconds trying not to laugh. Oh gosh, we have fun. We do. It's just fun. It's a good time. 40 seconds is a long time to try not to make noise. One minute.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I don't know. Like, you tell me to be quiet. I'm like, this is not why we have a podcast. Being quiet is very difficult. I did tell Kelsey to be quiet when I started the recording. Very sternly. I was. And then I cleared my throat.
Starting point is 00:01:44 This one made it so much funnier. It's so good. Anyway. Anyway, thank you for listening. If you're just tuning in, the intros are always this smooth. Yeah, they go about this well every single time.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I think we're adorable. I also just wanted to thank everybody for their response to our Red Riding Hood episode y'all are so cute we're so glad that you all loved that episode as much as we did it was so much fun we seriously became unhinged toward the end it's very just the perfect fixes though I know I'm still thinking about them and about how much I want them. Like, I want that movie. I do too. I need it. I want the Tiger Witch one. That was so cool. Mm-hmm. Yes, the Tiger Witch one.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I would love that story. Elite. And I'm really excited because I am going to be continuing the Red Riding Hood goodness with this episode. Yeah. Amazing. Can't wait to tell you my story. But I also wanted to thank you, Kelsey, for my amazing birthday presents. Your very belated birthday present. I just could not get my ass to the post office. And even then, I actually didn't end up going to the post office because there were
Starting point is 00:02:58 zero parking spots. That's fair. And I was like, fuck it. I'm just going to pay the extra and go to UPS or whatever. Yeah. Sometimes that's just what you got to do because sometimes the post office is annoying. And if I don't get the bearded man that works there, it takes forever. He's my favorite. I actually feel like I go to the post office enough. I know the people that work there and I'm always hoping I get the old guy with the beard. He looks kind of like a wizard.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Oh, I think I know that. Yeah. He's worked there forever. Forever. Forever. He is no nonsense, but he's also really like kind. Yeah. But like he's also brisk, fast.
Starting point is 00:03:37 He's efficient. You know, he wants you to leave as much as you want to leave. Yeah, exactly. I love him. Shout out to bearded post office wizard. But one of the gifts that Kelsey got me is a book that I'm so excited. I mean, she got me two books. One book is a book of like Russian folktales that have been like sort of re-edited and
Starting point is 00:03:59 retold from like the classic Pantheon edition that I have. So I'm excited to dive into those. They seem a little bit more embellished which i prefer my hope with that is that and it's funny because today i was actually looking through i read like at least 20 different russian fairy tales for my like i was trying to pick what i was gonna read and they're just they just like fall a little flat and i wasn't feeling them and my hope with that book was that they would be rewritten in a way that was a little bit more fun i guess and it had really pretty artwork i think it's the same publishers that do like the book of monsters and the indian fairy tales book you got yeah it looks very similar it's
Starting point is 00:04:39 it's in a very similar like style yeah gorgeous we'll post pictures of it and a link to the book in our show notes you can definitely buy it on i'm thinking i might do one of those stories for our next episode as we head into winter it seems appropriate to do like just generally just generally like slavic russian stuff absolutely i know i'm kind of i feel like i should have got it for myself too I might go back to the bookstore maybe you should grab one maybe that would be a great idea because also just the artwork is just pretty to have on hand it's it's kind of done in sort of that traditional Russian style very very pretty very fun I'm glad you like it I do I love it I can't I've already
Starting point is 00:05:20 read a couple of the stories in it and I'm i think i've already like got one picked out that i'm going to tell you that was very that was very just like okay okay okay well i've got some thoughts so we'll do that one next week um but the other book that kelsey got me is it's called the book of superstitions by shelby l otny. And it's black cats, yellow flowers, broken mirrors, cracked sidewalks, and more cultural behaviors and myths explained. And I am so jazzed about it. Me too. I want you to tell me some superstitions and their origins. I mean, I've already read through a little bit of it. And today I kind of wanted to, like, I might do one of these every once in a while. Yeah, please do.
Starting point is 00:06:07 If I can't think of another intro topic, I'll pull out my book of superstitions so we can talk about it. Perfect. I know. It's like, it's excellent. I saw that and I was like, this would be so much fun to read on the podcast. Like, there's some good ones in here. Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater is one that I'm excited to get to. I want to hear about the Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater. Let's do Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater right now then.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Let's do it. Yeah, tell me. I was also going to do Black Cats. But honestly, I think we already all know why people are suspicious of Black Cats is because the Catholic Church hates women. That's pretty much exactly the reason i feel like i didn't know that and i would love you to elaborate at some point maybe we all know that or maybe just okay i'll do both i'll do both of them real quick i'll do both of them real quick okay tell me so black cats, the traditional superstition is that seeing a black cat is a bad omen. And this is what I didn't know as part of the superstition is that if you see a black cat, you should spit over your left shoulder to reverse the curse. Oh, just even seeing it is a curse? Even seeing it is a curse.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Because that's the opposite. Whenever I see a black cat, I go, kitty! And I get very, very excited. That's because you're a normal person. And that's because you're a bit witchy, Kelsey. Oh, yeah, that's true. So the reason that black cats have been associated with haunted, spooky and evil things in Western cultures is because of the association with witches, basically. They're kind of associated with the basic tenets of paganism or sort of like, you know, like English, English paganism. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Sure. Many pagans who also kind of tended to be women or at the very least have sort of matriarchal cultures and belief systems tended to keep animals as pets also had just a deep respect for the natural world. Cats were particularly common because of their independent natures and connection to wildlife. The connection between pagans and animals was emphasized in a particularly aggressive campaign from the Catholic Church that sought to drive paganism out of Europe by linking it to Satanism and dark magic. And this campaign led to centuries of religious persecution against alleged witches, i.e. regular women who didn't abide by the rules and standards of the Catholic Church. And around the 13th century, black cats became a target of this push and were said to be an incarnation of Satan himself. Because that's also part of like the whole Catholic Church thing is that like darkness equals evil. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Sure. Sure. Yeah, it stands to reason. Devil, darkness, Satan, the same. Women, devil, darkness, Satan, cat. I mean, I feel like women are still associated in negative light with like regards to cats. Everybody's like, oh, she could be a sad cat lady, you know? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Like this is always the threat that like a certain type of heterosexual man will threaten women with is that, oh, if you don't be less picky and settle down, you're just going to be a sad cat lady when you grow up. And it's like, that's not sad. That sounds awesome. Yes, that's actually the goal. That's actually the goal. Unless you're going to add more value to my life than a cat, I will take the cat yep anyway so black cats incarnations of satan himself and yep color black associated with darkness and evil the book also points out that cats tend that cats are already in in many cultures
Starting point is 00:09:59 all over the world kind of considered considered to be divine or supernatural in some way like we've talked about this a little bit before on the show cats are always magic cats are always magic exactly and so black cats are bad magic bad magic bad you're bad magic the link between black cats and witchcraft eventually became so strong and widespread that people began to believe that these cats were witches themselves. And from here, you can see why a black cat crossing your path is considered bad luck. Essentially, it means that you are being followed by a witch and are likely already under their spell. Or you are a witch. Or you're a witch and this witch is trying to, you know, something.
Starting point is 00:10:50 These days, witchcraft and magic have become far more accepted in Europe and North America, and the associated spooky imagery is so common that it has been rendered harmless. Black cats, once the spawn of Satan, have regained their wide appeal, though some wariness lingers with certain people. Yeah. As mentioned at the beginning, not everyone associates black cats with spookiness in japan black cats are seen as good luck for single women specifically increasing the odds of attracting a great romantic partner oh that's fun yeah i think that's really fun too it also yeah i don't know kind of reminds me of kiki's delivery service yeah that's a cute one i haven't
Starting point is 00:11:23 seen that in ages i know i love like but i love that movie i love that movie's take on witches in general but it's just kind of like this quirky girl who dresses in black and she's got her black cat but she goes to work for a bakery it's all it's all very charming and like about growing up and finding yourself it's super cute whether it increases a woman's odds of attracting a great romantic partner because the cat is magic or because the cat is adorable is unclear and that's because the cat is adorable and that's the end of like the little the little blurb about black cats so that's why black cats are traditionally bad luck okay okay catholics
Starting point is 00:12:06 yeah it's they're only bad luck if you hate women and magic which a lot of people do which a lot of people do so if someone if someone's on your case about a black cat that means they're bad news and bad luck and you should ditch them agreed read read i love i mean i love all cats all of them me too cats are magic cats are magic little little imps mine's oh my god she's in she's in the room right now and she i have the door like slightly open even though i usually have it closed because she just cannot with closed doors like she was meowing outside incessantly like, let me in. And then as soon as I close it when she's inside, she goes to it and meows again. She's like, no, you're not understanding.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I want to be able to choose and choose whenever I want. I swear to God, this morning she got up. Like she wakes us up every morning, right? But usually she's like outside of the bedroom chirping at us, her little like, quietly trying to wake us up. And this morning she just gets on the bed at 6 a.m. and just, meow. Why the fuck are you awake? She's finally figured out that the quiet method doesn't work. She just screamed at us
Starting point is 00:13:26 and we both are like woken up but we both just start laughing because it's like, what the fuck? Don't yell at us. She's weird. Does she ever actually walk on you? Like step on your hair or on your face?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, she likes to get right up on either of our chests yeah face yeah she likes to get right up on my like either of our chests and snuggle and then after she's done snuggling for a little while she gets up and wants to go under the covers and sleep on my feet that's cute though it is her morning routine that is so adorable yeah she's a sweetie she's my whole world yeah she's she's your baby. She is. I love her so much. I did hear you having your little argument with her when I was walking back at the stairs after refreshing my drink. She's like, she wanted to be, she just wants the door to be open.
Starting point is 00:14:22 She wants to be inside this room and she wants the door to be open. I feel like she freaks out when the door is closed. She's like, no, I can't get out. And then she kind of had her tail in the doorway. Yeah. So she just, she's so spoiled, but it's not making a difference for your audio quality.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So we can keep Cheval happy and leave the door open. Yeah. Yeah. This microphone is really nice so you probably can't hear adam playing games in the other room screaming boom every time he does something great or not so great i don't know that would still be funny i almost hope one comes through every once in a while especially if it's during like a tense moment of the story just your adam going boom yeah that's like he does that a lot and it's really funny that's so cute yeah do you still want to hear about the curse of the boyfriend sweater
Starting point is 00:15:16 i absolutely do i'm really interested wait i should make a prediction for it oh yes i'm going i'm going to too because I haven't actually read this one. Okay. I just saw it as the title. Well, because the boyfriend's sweatshirt, because like, I mean, you always steal
Starting point is 00:15:31 a sweatshirt from your boyfriend. Mm-hmm. Which is great. I think just wearing your partner's sweater is such like, because it's cozy.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It feels like you're getting hugged by them and it smells like them. And so I'm trying to figure out like what the curse part is. Yeah, I know because it's actually – I've always thought of having your boyfriend's sweater as like such a good sign. Uh-huh. Or like your partner's sweater of that – like it's so intimate of wearing – like wearing your partner's clothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. And it's like you can take a piece of it with them. Like you said, it smells like them like them and you know and they're letting you have it oh oh okay my prediction is maybe it's like if you stole the sweater and it wasn't a gift or or a loaner like they didn't loan it to you on purpose and you just like took it out of their drawer although i did that a lot and i turned out fine. So I know I was gonna say, I feel like I stole most of my boyfriend's sweaters. You know, is it weird that like the thing I steal from Steven the most often is his boxers?
Starting point is 00:16:34 I love wearing his boxers. They're so comfortable. Yeah, I steal Adam's like, t shirts and sweaters. He doesn't wear boxers. Yeah, he's a tidy, whitey, skinny guy. I'm definitely not putting anything, I'm not putting his whitey, tighty,
Starting point is 00:16:49 skinny. Steven likes a boxer. I tried to get him into boxer briefs because I think they're sexy, but he did not appreciate like, he didn't appreciate how tight they were around the upper thigh. That's fair. Which is too bad for me.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Totally fair. It's his body. I guess. Whatever. Whatever. Okay. I guess I feel like the curse is that maybe they just don't get it back.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It's the curse is on the boyfriend. because then you break up and you don't get the sweater back for sure if she stole your sweater you're never getting it back and that's a curse okay so i don't know it's not like that let's find out if you're at all familiar with relationship psychology you're probably familiar with the concept of love languages some people like show their affection by giving gifts, you know, just resist the urge to make a sweater. Oh, to make a sweater.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Make a sweater. That is if you want your relationship to have any chance of survival. Known as the curse of the boyfriend sweater, this superstition is legendary in knitting communities. Okay. I don't think either of us are part of a knitting community. Oh my gosh. I think we have a couple listeners who are knitters.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. Have you – if like knitting people – Or crocheting. Knitting, crocheting, like knitwear people. Have you heard of this? Yeah. Please message us and tell us if you've heard of the boyfriend curse or the boyfriend slipper. Were you yelling at your phone while we were making predictions because you already know what it is? So it's believed that lovingly crafting a beautiful and cozy sweater for your partner most likely means curtains for the relationship.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Sounds ridiculous, right? How could someone be anything but charmed by a gift like that? Well, unlike many of the superstitions I've encountered in researching this book, there are quite a few anecdotes to support it being true. Ask any seasoned knitter, they'll likely know someone who experienced a surprising and painful breakup because they decided to make a sweater. It's so specific. I love it. They have like a lot. Some people have knitted items for their partner before,
Starting point is 00:19:15 but a single sweater severed the bond. Oh gosh. So what exactly is the culprit behind this curse? Well, people who knit, though they very much believe sweaters are jinxed, seem to dismiss the notion of any supernatural element. Instead, it seems that this enduring belief comes down to basic psychology. Knitting a sweater takes a good deal of time, resources, and commitment. It's very possible that in the act of sitting down and making such an elaborate gift for your loved one, you begin to think more deeply about the relationship. Well, then it's doomed anyway. Or maybe it's a good thing. Maybe that's not a curse. Maybe
Starting point is 00:20:00 you should be thinking deeply about your relationship. Maybe that's like maybe you should be thinking deeply about your relationship. Yeah. Maybe you weren't thinking maybe like you hadn't really been considering all of the red flags before you sat down to like dedicate time to making this unsuitable person a sweater. Uh huh. So you see right before your eyes the time and effort you're putting into the relationship but what about them are they as committed to this relationship as you are would they take the time to knit you a sweater aided by the flow of creation such questions about the true nature
Starting point is 00:20:35 of the relationship are likely to come to the surface you start i love that i feel that way every time i start cleaning the house and Adam's not cleaning the house. And I'm just like. Do you love me as much as I love you? Yeah, exactly. Well, Kelsey, you'll be happy to know that there's no sweater curse for married couples. Oh, okay. So if you live in a drafty old Victorian and you're eager to give your beloved a sweater
Starting point is 00:21:05 to stay warm wait until you tie the knot is the advice from this book because then you're stuck and it's harder to just casually be like wait a minute oh my gosh that's amazing if you've heard of this curse
Starting point is 00:21:23 at all please message us. Yeah, I do think that's a fascinating kind of curse, though, because I do like that the curse ends up being it's you doing it to yourself and not someone doing it to you. Like the curse of the sweater is you sat down to make a sweater and then started thinking too much about whether or not it was make whether or not this person was worth you making them a sweater i love that that's me too i think honestly i don't think this is i i agree with you i don't think this is a curse i think this should be common practice if you like knitting you should like about six months into the relationship you should try to make them a sweater and see if it feels good oh my gosh thank you for this book this is great i already feel like i learned so much i thought you would like it it sounded really fun yeah we'll also post that to our show notes and if you're interested in finding it on bookshop.org or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:26 If it's there anyway. As you should be because this is pretty cool. Yeah, I love this. Nice. New favorite. Totally going to read from it again. All right. Well, I think we spent enough time.
Starting point is 00:22:40 We did. On the superstitions. I'm ready to hear this. What was it? A Nigerian version of Little Red Riding Hood? Algerian. Algerian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:50 So, Kelsey, finding this story was a sahaga. Tell me about it. It was very hard. Because it was a throwaway comment in the wikipedia article about little red riding hood mentioning that there was an algerian story called rova you won't find this story by googling the term rova or rova algerian folk tale or algerian folk tales or like any anything else what you will find is a reference to a Algerian musical artist called Idir, who in the 1970s wrote a lullaby called Avava Anova, which is one of the things that they say. It's like the most repeated line in the fairy tale. So he wrote a lullaby, but lullaby is not has nothing to do with the fairy tale it just has
Starting point is 00:23:46 it just has that line in there and then a line about shaking bracelets which you'll see will become relevant okay in the actual story by the way i listened avava anova is available on spotify and youtube and itunes and pretty much anywhere it's gorgeous you should go listen to it oh i'm definitely going to. Yeah, we can totally link it like on our Instagram and in our show notes and stuff. It's beautiful. Beautiful song. And I looked up a translation of the lyrics.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Nothing to do with this fairy tale was in, of course, a collection of folk tales and folk poems of Africa collected by a very racist German anthropologist in 1913. That sounds about right. Sounds about right. I don't want to. The guy's name is leo frobenius if you're interested in reading more about him he did seem like an it's it's an he's reading about him was interesting and awful so read at your own risk this was a terribly like like this guy loved race science in like the early anthropology sense of the world of the word this guy thought skull
Starting point is 00:25:06 shape was very important but anyway he also had a book of folk and fairy tales that he collected from his while he was traveling through north africa in the early 1900s and that that was the only place he could find the full text of this so i and was only in German. So I Google translated it. So you rewrote an entire fairy tale. And then I had to rewrite most of it. I used, to help me a little bit, I also found a reference to this story in a blog article that I found called The Women of Algeria's Folktales, article that I found called The Women of Algeria's Folktales, which was published in 2015 on a website called Arab Lit, which is a magazine of Arabic literature in translation. And so I also loved the tagline in this article. It's by a woman named Nadia Ghanem. And her tagline on this was,
Starting point is 00:26:00 what are the women of Algeria's myths trying to tell us and it's it's a really interesting read about how a lot of Algerian folk tales that that feature women prominently are usually about them trying to like escape a situation created by men yeah so anyway it's an interesting read I'll we'll link that one Perfect. I can't wait to read it. And it also helped me figure out what the horribly translated German story that I was attempting to rewrite was actually trying to say. That's so cool. Thank you, Nadia. You're a lifesaver and I enjoy your article. Amazing. You did the most for this story.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I did. I wanted to. I was like no i want it i want like i want algerian bread right i do too i'm so excited so anyway as as mentioned this story is it's from algeria also known as the people's democratic republic of Algeria. It's a country in North Africa. It's bordered by Tunisia, Libya, and Niger. And then to the south, it's bordered by Mali,
Starting point is 00:27:11 Mauritania, and the Western Sahara. It's also shares a border by with Morocco and it's on the Mediterranean. Cool. Geography corner. Geography corner. Well, I didn't know where Algeriaia was i thought it was in east
Starting point is 00:27:25 africa before yeah that's what i would have guessed too actually yeah so this is actually north africa and it's a predominantly it's a predominantly muslim country okay specifically this story is from the the kabil or kabyle people which is a berber ethnicity, like subsect. They usually live in, they're from sort of like northern Algeria, according to Wikipedia. Thank you, Wikipedia. Thank you, Wikipedia for Geography Corner and Ethnicity Corner. Language Corner. Language Family Corner. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And now we're finally going to get to the fucking story. Kelsey. Oh, sorry. Go on. No, go ahead. I was just going to ask you for your predictions.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Give me three predictions for Rova. Rova. And it's R O V A. R O V A.a okay my first prediction is that it is a very loose red riding hood interpretation or like it's very loosely related to red riding hood okay so like unpacking that a little bit you mean that like it will have like
Starting point is 00:28:47 one or two features in common but otherwise will be a totally different story. Yes. Yeah. Like the last like the tiger aunt was like
Starting point is 00:28:54 really different. My second prediction is that there's a beast. Okay. And my third prediction is that there's a nice
Starting point is 00:29:04 happy ending. I want a nice happy ending. I like it there's a nice happy ending. I want a nice happy ending. I like it. I like a happy ending. Because the last one was not. That's where it just died. That was not a happy ending. Like that, the girl that survives that story is going to have a horrible life because her sister got eaten.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I thought for sure she was going to save her sister somehow. Not in that version of the story. I hope that there's other versions out there where the other sister gets to live. I mean, maybe that's this version. Maybe this version is the nice happy ending. Let's go. Okay. ending let's go okay a man had four sons and a daughter the daughter's name was rova this girl was raised by her father and four brothers and they all loved her dearly no each of her four brothers practiced one special art the first was able to split the
Starting point is 00:30:08 earth when he struck it with his club the second brother had eyes that could see through walls i amazing it's an amazing superpower also i could see how that'd be annoying maybe like you'd see stuff you don't want to can or does he is it just can't turn it off like he just sees through everything i feel like that'd also be really confusing oh you know the story is unclear i don't know i don't know he he can see through walls i don't i don't know if that's something he can turn off i think he can't turn it off or on because other some of his other brothers also have a sense a sensory related thing that's always going. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You'd probably run into stuff a lot on accident. I also just want to shout out to Google Trent. Oh, my God. Yes, he would run into stuff. Like, you wouldn't see that there was a wall there. Yeah. Yeah. What, like, how does the seeing through walls work?
Starting point is 00:30:59 Is it like there's nothing there and you just don't perceive walls? Or is it that, like like you can see that there is a wall there but like you can see shadows beyond it or something like or do you just live in like a world that is completely without structure like there are just no it'd be so weird and also you'd see things that you don't want to see i'm sure hell yeah there's a lot of things i don't want to see maybe that's not a cool superpower although it's i think it's better than just breaking open the earth that seems a little meh i mean i guess it could be useful but not a lot i mean you're dead on you
Starting point is 00:31:40 will see over the course of the story it is only useful in very specific search okay okay go on i want to shout out google translate real quick for confusing me horribly with this with its description of the second brother's powers because it originally said the second brother was so spicy that he had eyes that he could see through walls and i i don't think that's right he's so spicy that he had eyes that he could see through walls and i i don't think that's right he's so spicy he's really spicy according to google translate i don't think that's accurate i like it but anyway maybe that's just describing his personality spicy one he's just spicy spicy i love it that's the that's the headcanon now for the second brother
Starting point is 00:32:32 so the third brother has such such sharp ears that he can hear everything okay okay again if he can't turn it off, that sounds horrible. Yeah, it really does. And you'd know things that you don't know. You don't want to know. You'd never be able to like just like have a peaceful moment because you could always hear what everyone else is saying all the time. And the fourth, this is such a weird, I don't even think this counts as a power, but the fourth was so clever that he could take the eggs from under the body of a nesting partridge without the partridge noticing it i feel like that's actually pretty useful unless useful absolutely but like not a power yeah and also partridges
Starting point is 00:33:22 are probably they're small birds like even if it did notice you taking the eggs there's not much it could probably do about it exactly yeah but i mean that's more of like an example of how clever he is because like i guess partridges are like really easily startle startleable like okay so So he's stealthy. He's stealthy. Like if you, he can, he can sneak, he could sneak an egg right out from underneath a nesting bird.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Oh, so that's just an example. That's not like an example. It's not the specific superpower. It's not like he could only do it to partridge. I thought you meant, I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:34:00 that's, I mean, lame. Yeah. Yeah. That's the worst superpower. Sorry, bro. Sorry, bro. Although in the in the article that I mentioned, the the women of Algeria's folktales article, when when she mentions this story, she says that the fourth brother has super strength.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So I mean, that's way better, which would be way better better but that's not that's not how this story shakes out and and the partridge brother does end up having a relevant moment so it's not so who even cares about that guy so well no he does we have to care about it so you know you can't even make it super strength because it it's important to this version of the story okay okay that he's stealthy like that. But I just, you know, super strength would be cooler. Yeah. So one day the father was in the men's council.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He spoke in the men's council and said something inappropriate. In a different, in the other version of the story that the, that the woman, that the, the women of Algeria's folktales article mentions, it was, it was actually that he farted really offensively.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I like that better. Me too. I think that's way funnier. So he farts really offensively and he's so embarrassed that he just stays outside sitting on the rock where he had farted originally and just like can't get up he's so full
Starting point is 00:35:26 of shame like the fart was that bad gosh so he's so embarrassed and he's to the point that he's literally stuck to this stone so a small hut is immediately built around him that offers him protection against storms and wild animals etc and i know he really literally can't get up because he's so embarrassed and in the evening rova came from the city and brought her father's food and kept him company and she does this every evening for a little while every time she approaches the entrance to his hut she would would shout, Avava Inova, or Father, it's me. And her father then answered from within, let's sound your adornments, Rova. And Rova would then rattle her jewelry. And when her father heard the ringing, he'd open the door. And she would, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:20 feed him and stay with him and keep him company and often wouldn't return to her home until the next morning okay i also love the idea that like it's been days yeah he's just sitting on this rock that's so funny he's just so embarrassed yeah he's so shamed he's just never gonna show his face in public again never again like he can't even go home. I feel like I've been there. Yeah. Like, I'm never leaving that house again. That's just, that's my life now.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. I've never farted badly, like, farted badly enough that that's what embarrassed me, but. So one day,
Starting point is 00:36:59 a lion was nearby and he heard Rova knock and say, Father, it's me. And, you know, remembered those words. And the next day towards evening, he comes to the father's door before Rova does and shouts, Father, it's me. the father realized that the lion could not be rova because his voice was too deep and the father says i hear a strange voice not that of my daughter rova nor do i hear the ringing of her jewelry
Starting point is 00:37:31 and the lion's like let me tell you how to trick exactly how to trick me to trick me the lion is annoyed and leaves and when rova comes the father recognizes her and so he lets her in and tells her that the lion had tried to gain entry earlier meanwhile the lion went to and this this these this phrase i could not find a translation for i looked really hard that's partially why i was late to this recording because i was trying to figure out what this word means. It's Amrar Asimeni. So he went to an Amrar Asimeni and told him what he tried to do. And Amrar Asimeni says, and I'm sorry, I assume it's just like, smart guy. Sure. Wizard. Wise person. Local troublemaker. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:38:25 All of the above. But he tells him, all of the above, probably. Very mysterious. So he tells the lion, your voice is too deep. So what you have to do is buy yourself a piece of goat fat,
Starting point is 00:38:38 put it in your ears, and lie down in an anthill. Oh. Uh-huh. That sounds awful. It gets worse. The ants will eat the fat out of your ears
Starting point is 00:38:51 and eliminate the deep voice in your head. Somehow. I don't think that's how it works. They might make you shriek really high-pitched because you've got ants in your ears. Maybe that's it. Or it's magic. Yeah, definitely a wizard. Magic Or it's magic. Yeah, definitely a wizard. It's magic.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Then collect conch shells and make a collar to hang around your neck. The collar will sound like Rova's jewelry. And when the father hears your changed voice and the clinking of the shells, he'll let you in. Why are you helping this lion? He's Amra Rasameni. And he is, you know, kind of a kookster like that. Kookster?
Starting point is 00:39:32 Whatever. Whatever Amrar Asimedi is. Troublemaker, wizard, kookster. Local troublemaking wizard. Local lion lover. Local lion lover. Lion advocate. Amrar Asimedi. That's the translation. local line lover local line lover lion advocates armor our ass a many that's the translation we figured it out it's lion advocate
Starting point is 00:39:52 this guy is pro lion and he wants lions to have whatever lions want you know what i i get it it's fine it's fine he also he's also very offended by her father's fart so oh my god maybe he was one of the guys that was in the men's council and he's like not only it's not enough that you're just like gonna live on that rock now you deserve to die it was that to be eaten by a lion i love it headcanon okay so the lion thanks him and goes to follow his advice and it works the ants give him a loud high-pitched voice, and the collar of shells sounds like Roba's jewelry. So when it's evening, he again goes to the hut before Roba and calls
Starting point is 00:40:52 out, Father, I am here. And the father says, let your jewelry ring, Roba. And the lion rattles his shell collar. And the father believes that it's Roba outside and so the father opens the door to the hut and the lion comes in and asks which end shall i start on when i devour you your head definitely the head he shouldn't have asked basically because the father says start with my feet no thinking that he could hmm i guess he just wants to like see how he can survive or whatever probably that's well i mean it's also so he does it because he he thinks that if the lion is busy with his bottom half then he'll be able to hear his daughter coming and warn her the lion is there that's noble and help her get away okay i want the lion to dress up in his clothes.
Starting point is 00:41:48 That'd be amazing. But no, the lion wants something else. So the lion begins to devour him, feet first, and Rova comes when he's about halfway done eating her father. That's gruesome. Very gruesome. And her father hears her and manages to call out, my daughter, run away quickly. There is a lion with me.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And then the lion swallows the rest of him, comes out, grabs Rova, and throws her over his shoulder. And she screams loudly as he carries her into the forest. Rova, no! Rova, no! Rova, no! No! So she screams, and back in the village,
Starting point is 00:42:33 her brother with the sharp ears hears her scream. God, I forgot about her brothers completely. I know, because it was not important to the story until now. Like, they didn't bother bringing their father food or company that's the girl's job they're also in the men's council they're like no sister no don't don't bring him anything he doesn't deserve it
Starting point is 00:43:00 he deserves to die alone on that rock oh man deserve it. He deserves to die alone on that rock. Oh, man. So, the brother with the sharp ears hears her scream, and he says to his brothers, something's happened to Rova. We should go into the forest tomorrow and find her.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Tomorrow? Not right now, you know. We'll go tomorrow. Good night's rest. So, the next day, after a nice, long, untroubled sleep, Not right now. You know. We'll go tomorrow. Good night's rest. Mm-hmm. So the next day, after a nice, long, untroubled sleep, the four brothers set out together and go to the forest. The long, untroubled sleep part was me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah, right. Because they're clearly not worried enough about her to go after her immediately. She'll fine yeah he can wait until the morning fine which again like you know this this is based off of the google translate version of a german translation of a cob of a kabil story yeah so who knows who knows it's really good so far, though. Who knows if the word tomorrow was in it? I'm genuinely enjoying it, so. Me too. I think it's a great story.
Starting point is 00:44:13 But I'm just saying, maybe they went to go find her immediately in the real version. I hope they did. The lion had just gone out and Roa was wandering around alone in his house when the brothers found her. The brother with the sharp ears heard both of their footsteps and said to his brothers, Come with me in this direction. I hear the footsteps of our sister Rova.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And so, you know, they found they find her at the lion's house. And they say, So you are not dead. Great. That's good and roba says no i'm not dead but that lion wants to marry me nice oh man i love that i love that for the lion i love that for the lion i don't love love that for Rofa. Yeah. He just ate her dad. You know, he's a lion. What do you want from him? He's just doing what lions do. He is.
Starting point is 00:45:18 He is. You know, we can't blame him for being himself. Yeah, he has to eat. It's hard out there for a lion. blame him for being himself yeah he has to eat it's hard out there for a lion she says the lion wants to marry me and to make sure i don't run away at night he binds me in his hair every evening so i have to sleep beside him otherwise i would run away so i guess it took them a couple nights to find her because she's been she's been trusted and it specifically says the hair of the lion's beard yeah like his mane yeah well like yeah or like his scraggly little like scar beard like a little tough are you imagining scar i am in this role yes in his little creepy villainous
Starting point is 00:46:01 lion goatee this is the this is like the prequel for The Lion King that we didn't know about. Ooh. This is happening on the side. What is this? Scar's origin story. Scar's origin story was he tried to marry this human girl after eating her father. It could work, actually. It kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Well, you'll see. Maybe a lion. I mean, it's very much like Red Riding Hood and that the wolf could be, it could be like a story where you're calling him a wolf or a lion, but it's actually about, you know, a predator man. Yep. Exactly. I think that that's where the comparison comes from.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Like why it's mentioned is like a Red Riding Hood-esque story. Yeah. Yeah. Because like, it's like, it's some weird predator who lives in the woods and we're calling him a lion, but. But.
Starting point is 00:46:49 So the brothers say, go back to the lion's house for today and tonight you'll eat your soup with us. And so Rova goes back to the house and at night the lion comes home and he ties Rova's hands together with his hair and then spreads a blanket over them
Starting point is 00:47:04 and then they fall asleep. And meanwhile, the four brothers arrive outside the walls of the house and the brother with the sharp eyes looks through it and says, the lion is not sleeping yet. And after a little while longer, he says, the lion is sleeping a little but not firmly. And after another little while, the brother with the sharp eyes says, now the lion is sleeping soundly and we can get our sister out. So then the brother with the sharp eyes jumps over the wall and carefully carries the lion and Rova out of the house as they're still tied together. And he lays them on the ground. And the brother who was so clever that he can steal the egg from a nesting
Starting point is 00:47:45 partridge without it noticing began to untangle his sister from the blanket and then solves the knot in the lion's beard that was keeping her hands bound nice nice nice so useful yeah actually you know he's very stealthy it actually is pretty cool he's very skilled it's just not a superpower good for him good for him. Good for him. You know, I think all of his brothers had amazing powers and he, he's, he's the guy's like, well, then I'm going to study really hard and I'm going to practice something. So I'm like, I'm perfect at it. There you go. And he decided not to be a supervillain.
Starting point is 00:48:18 He decided not, why do I talk about, we talk about movies so fucking much. Because I was going to make an Incredibles reference. I've been thinking about, we're madrigal the whole time oh yeah yeah yeah yes and he's like the one that doesn't have powers but he sort of does because he made it up himself he He's just worked really hard. He worked really hard. It's the power of hard work. It gives him his powers. Anyway, he untangles his sister. And she wakes up and the lion does not.
Starting point is 00:48:53 He doesn't notice anything, keeps sleeping. And so the four brothers and Rova ran as fast as they can away. And every so often they stop to listen. And the brother with sharp ears will, you know, tell them if the lion is awake yet. And they almost make it back to their city before he says that the lion has woken up and was running after them. Oh, no. Click somebody make a big hole in the ground.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I know. Yes, at last. You predicted the story correctly. It's my moment. It's the brother who has the super specific ability of splitting the earth open with his clubs time to shine so he grabs his club and he strikes the earth so it splits wide and the four brothers go into the crevice with rova and they sat down together in a hole under the ground and the lion you know with the lion all night,
Starting point is 00:49:45 like it is up above the cave, like stalking around and trying to smell for them. And he's confused because they're both there. And yet they are not there. And eventually the lion gives up and goes home. And the four brothers now decide to just live in the cave with Rova. Okay. They go hunting every day. She is not allowed to leave the cave with Rova. They go hunting every day. She's not
Starting point is 00:50:05 allowed to leave the cave for any reason while they go hunting. And that's how they lived for a long time. But then one day, the four brothers met the lion on their hunt and killed him. And then they go back to the cave, pick up Rova, and they go home to their city. The end.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Aw, okay, okay. I like that. That was good. good yeah good job doing a little rewrite thank you it was very hard yeah i i've done that for a story before so i know how much like labor intensive that is just finding it was kind of hard yeah it sounds like but it was totally worth it i loved it me too and it did well okay i feel like that was a nice happy ending yeah happy ending father but oh whatever you know he was a defensive farter everybody else thought he should die robo was the only one who didn't want him to die
Starting point is 00:51:06 yeah there was there was a beast i don't know i guess the loosely related to red riding hood is subjective it's loosely related in the sense that like i think thematically it's about something similar yeah it's i mean i don't know but even that, like that's kind of thin because it's the father who mistakes the beast's identity. Yeah. And not Rover herself. Does that mean I get all three points? I think we're going to give it to you. I think you get all three points on this one.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yes. Awesome. I don't think that's happened in a really long time. Me neither. All three points. Where you got all three? Either of us have gotten all three like so proud of you good job i feel like it's definitely happened before
Starting point is 00:51:51 there was one i remember specifically that you i can't remember what the story was but you gave me my prediction you gave me your predictions and i was like have you read this story because god damn your predictions and I was like have you read this story because god damn you got like every single thing it was really funny I remember I remember that one where you were giving me looks during my predictions I was just like have you read this cuz cuz I nailed it you nailed it I remember that like I caught the vibes pretty perfectly off of the title. I can't remember the story anymore either. You know, and I feel like I got, I mean, also like with this one for me, it was like Red Riding Hood. I mean, there's only, you're basing it off of Riding Hood. So there's only so many predictions I can make that are like, it's like 50-50.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah. Well, because those are the elements that it does have in common. It's just kind of like,'s a beast yeah slash there's a beast slash metaphor for a beastly man yeah there's a disguise element there's like yeah you know the the maiden does have to be rescued by a passing dude who does not wish her ill somehow yep i like that her brother saved her i think that's really sweet i know i think that's cute too i think like my fixes for the store for this story i suppose are i think the ending is silly is silly like if you if you could kill the lion the whole time why did you why live in a cave for a couple years just kill it just kill the lion
Starting point is 00:53:22 why live in a cave for a couple of years? Just kill it. Just kill the lion. Yeah, for real. Or let the lion go home, you know, to prey on another maiden some other day, I guess. But yeah, I think, you know, kill the lion. The guy that used that club to split the ground open underneath the lion's feet.
Starting point is 00:53:44 And then he falls to his death. Yeah. Yeah. Or I thought it was going to be like the like kind of introduction of like a big canyon or something. That would be a cool origin story for like a big canyon.
Starting point is 00:53:58 For a land for like a future. And the lion couldn't get across so he gave up and they went home. I like that too. I love that idea actually. I think that too. I love that idea, actually. I think that's a great idea. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:08 That's kind of where I thought it was going. Yeah. So. That's a good fix. I like it. Awesome. And then they fight crime because they have superpowers. Perfect. perfect or she just ends up marrying the lion and they all
Starting point is 00:54:28 become friends and fight crime and their superpowers and a lion i feel like that's a good ending for almost all these fairy tales i just want them all to end that way now if the lion hadn't eaten her dad i think i'd be on board yeah okay this is the this is the issue i run into with the swan princess story too i'm like i mean she just married ross he's so handsome and he is a great just marry rothbart this guy kind of rules and he has magic oh yeah he, yeah. He kills her dad. I can't. Oh, yeah. I guess he does kill her dad.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I guess there's no coming back from that one. I just keep forgetting that small tidbit. Teeny tiny detail. And I have a great relationship with my father. So I don't know why that keeps blindsiding me. Because we're absolutely two daddy's girls. But, you know, whatever. That dad sounded like the worst.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah, he sounds like he sucks. Well, he did try to warn her, though. Like he tried to. That's true. Yeah, that was noble that he wanted to be eaten feet first. Exactly. Like, he allowed himself to be, like, killed really slowly so that he would be alert enough to maybe help her escape. You know, I think maybe I'm just offended by the horrible fart.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And also the fact that he's so embarrassed by it. Like, he just goes into hiding. I'm sorry, sir. Just have a little more confidence. Just get over it. You know, everybody farts. It's fine. Be a proud farter.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Be a proud farter. Maybe chill a little on the goat's milk or whatever no more cheese for you awesome but you made your daughter do all this extra work because you were too embarrassed to come home yeah people even had to build a house around you. Like, you didn't help with that at all. You stayed on your rock in shame. I feel like another fix for the story would be he did something. Like, maybe he's just an old man. Like, he needs to be an old man, and that's why he can't move. Or, like, something more noble.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah, something a little bit less, like, I just kind of want to die of embarrassment here on this rock. Or even if he says something shameful. I don't know. That's still kind of – it's – anyway. Anyway. Anyway, yeah. Thank you for doing the most for that story. It was great.
Starting point is 00:57:17 You're welcome. I also think it was totally worth it. What have you got? I've got two short stories. So I read, I mentioned this already, but I read like, I feel like 20 different fairy tales this morning and I just, nothing was vibing. So I did what I always do in that situation is I picked up a Ruth Manning Sanders book. Hell yeah. When in doubt, RMS. That is the cure all because all of these are fucking bangers.
Starting point is 00:57:52 But I am going to read one Russian fairy tale real fast. Okay. But also this made me sad. So then I got extra excited about reading Ruth Manning Sanders because it's such a downer. Oh, no. Oh, my God. So I have two very different stories I'm reading today.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And this story is this first one is from the Gutenberg.org website. Oh, sure. Okay. And it is called The Dead Mother. Oh. Okay.org website. Oh, sure. Okay. And it is called The Dead Mother. Oh. Okay. I know. And it's very short, so I'm going to let you make
Starting point is 00:58:33 just two predictions. There's a plague. And the mother hates her children. Mother hates her children. or she's mean to them somehow i don't know yeah i got you i'm just thinking what are two very sad things that i can think of i mean just dead mother i mean that's already sad but like I always go to why is she dead? That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Okay. Without further ado. In a certain village, there lived a husband and wife. Lived happily, lovingly, peaceably. All their neighbors envied them. The sight of them gave pleasure to honest folks. Well, the mistress bore a son, but directly after it was born she died oh yeah sorry like i said this is downer the poor muzik moaned and wept above all he was in despair about the babe
Starting point is 00:59:37 how was he to nourish it now how to bring it up without a mother he did what was best and hired an old woman to look after it only here was a wonder all day long the baby would take no food and did nothing but cry there was no soothing it anyhow but during the night one could fancy it wasn't there at all so silently and peacefully did it sleep what's the meaning of this thinks the old woman suppose i keep awake tonight maybe i shall find out oh my god this is gonna make me cry isn't it is it like is it like the ghost of his mom comes and takes care of him maybe well just at midnight she heard someone quietly open the door and go up to the cradle. The baby became still, just as if it was being suckled.
Starting point is 01:00:28 The next night, the same thing took place, and the third night too. She told the Muzik about it. He called his kinsfolk together and held counsel with them. They determined on this, to keep awake on a certain night and to spy out who it was that came to suckle the baby. certain night and to spy out who it was that came to suckle the baby. So it even tied. They all lay down on the floor and beside them, they set a lighted taper hidden in an earthen pot.
Starting point is 01:00:51 At midnight, the cottage door opened and someone stepped up to the cradle. The baby became still. At that moment, one of the kin's folks suddenly brought out the light. They looked and saw the dead mother in the very same clothes in which she had been buried on her knees beside the cradle, over which she bent as she suckled the baby at her dead breast. I'm trying to decide, like, is it a zombie or a ghost? Because, like, is she literally rising from the grave? That's how I took it.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Zombie mom. Zombie mom. I mean, okay, that's creepy I took it. Zombie mom. Zombie mom. I mean, okay, that's creepy, but also, aw. Just wait. Oh, no. We've got like one sentence left or two sentences. All right. The moment the light shone in the cottage, she stood up and gazed sadly on her little one and then went out of the room without a sound, not saying a word to anyone.
Starting point is 01:01:44 All those who saw her stood for a time terror struck. Oh my god! Isn't that spooky? That's so spooky. Oh my god. Okay, that's not sweet. No. It wasn't sweet. That's so creepy.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It was very spooky. That's actually, that would be a good one for scary stories to tell in the dark oh yeah totally that's like genuinely really scary is it like as like she literally crawls from her grave to like feed her child like dead milk or whatever and then the yeah i thought it was totally creepy is It's a little my Halloween hangover. Mm-hmm. That was really good. Even though, honestly, I am really ready for some nice stories. And I actually got excited earlier about those cheesy Christmas movies that come out.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I think I like horror movie myself out a little this year. Well, cause you started over the summer. I see. Yeah. I started watching, I started watching horror movies like in August. Now it's time for something nice where people are nice to each other.
Starting point is 01:02:58 So to transition, now I'm going to read the Ruth Manning Sanders story. Yes. I'm so excited. I need to like, that was, that was very sad. Sad and spooky. And now we have one that I promise is a very, very different story.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Good. This is called Andromeda Dances. And it's from Greece. Andromeda. Andromeda. Thank you. Yeah, no worries. Have you read this one?
Starting point is 01:03:27 Andromeda. Andromeda. Thank you. Yeah, no worries. Have you read this one? Andromeda dances. I think I vaguely remember a connected myth. So like, I don't know if this is like part of the Greek myth involving Andromeda. It is from Greece. Yeah. Or if it's just like a different story about a different girl named Andromeda it's from a book of marvels and magic is where I found it generously donated by our favorite person in the whole world Chris Otto thank you oh Chris we adore you Andromeda dances
Starting point is 01:04:00 oh yeah and you can give me it's kind of short you can give me... It's kind of short. You can give me three predictions, though. Okay, prediction one. This story is where Andromeda meets Perseus. Okay. I can't tell if this is going to be one of those situations where knowing, where vaguely
Starting point is 01:04:19 knowing the myth will help me, or if it will hurt me because I go too hard in one direction. Uh-huh. My second prediction is I'm going to steal one from you and drama to piss us off a God. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Or a deity of some kind. I mean, that's always a good prediction in Greek mythology stories. Is it Greek? Someone pissed off a god. Yeah. Or made them horny and that pissed off a different god. Still, either way, a god's getting pissed off.
Starting point is 01:04:56 A god's getting pissed off. Remember, it is also Ruth Manning Sanders' story. There will be significant slippers. Significant slippers? I don't know the story the greek mythology story of andromeda at all so my my final prediction has nothing to do with the greek mythology story okay okay i'm just throwing that one in there because like dancing made me remember the 12 dancing princesses and so significant slippers significant
Starting point is 01:05:26 flippers i like it okay here is andromeda dances it was a hot summer night everyone in the house was asleep except little andromeda and she had been asleep and dreaming of music now she was wide wide awake but she could still hear the music and surely too the sound of dancing feet. Where was the music coming from and who was dancing? Andromeda jumped out of bed, ran to the window and looked out. Nobody in the garden, but oh see, beyond the garden just before the moors began on a stretch of flat grassy ground. Yes, there they were a crowd of shadowy, softly shining, gauzy clad people dancing in a ring.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Ooh. Okay. In her nightgown and not even stopping to put on her slippers. Insignificant. Andromeda. Why? Andromeda ran downstairs. Andromeda ran downstairs Andromeda ran downstairs unlocked the front door
Starting point is 01:06:30 and off with her down the garden and out through the garden gate with the music every moment getting louder and louder and the sound of dancing feet more and more distinct until she came close to the dancers she could see and hear everything that was going on
Starting point is 01:06:46 in the middle of the ring of dancers i'm still laughing getting mad god damn it in the middle of the ring of dancers on a heaped pile of gold coins sat a small musician playing a fiddle the musician's face was bright and smiling and he looked neither old nor young. So the musician nodded to Andromeda and smiled, but never for a moment did he stop in his playing and round him, the ring of dancers whirled and leaped. Each one of the dancers,
Starting point is 01:07:18 as he rolled past Andromeda turned his head and smiled and Andromeda herself was so excited that she couldn't keep still. She was hopping up and down. And I'm imagining like she's like a little girl, right? She's probably like. This definitely sounds like a little girl. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Like maybe eight years old. Definitely like 10 or under is my vibe that I'm catching. Yeah, me too. So it sounds so cute. Yeah. She sounds adorable. And like going to like play with the fairies like dance in a fairy ring yeah danger just always dreamy i don't know if you're a kid i feel like it's usually okay
Starting point is 01:07:51 yeah they usually they're like soft spot for children so she was hopping up and down to the sound of the music until one of the dancers as he skipped past her held out his hand and she caught hold of it the next dancer to that one took hold of her other hand and there she was now, whirling round in the ring, leaping, skipping fast, fast, faster, feet one moment off the ground, feet next moment just touching the ground
Starting point is 01:08:15 in the lightest, craziest, most wonderful dance that ever was or ever could be. She should have been wearing slippers. No, she didn't wear slippers. I wish she was. Her poor little feet.
Starting point is 01:08:32 She's fine. This is like she's probably doing the soft dancing in soft grass. It's so dreamy. This is so nice. I like it. This is very dreamy. I needed a fairy tale like this. Palette cleanser. Now the dancers began to sing, and this was their song.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I am a sprite and you are a sprite, but never since time began have I danced or you danced with a pretty little child of man. With her bright, bright eyes, with her little freckled nose, with her curly, curly hair and her ten little toes, with a pretty little child of man. Aww, so cute. Very cute. Fast, fast, faster rolled the dancers. Merrily and more merrily went the music
Starting point is 01:09:14 until down in Farmer Nacco's barn a cock crowed loud and clear. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Instantly there was a silence. The small musician put down his bow and the dancers stood listening. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Then one of the sprites called out in a laughing voice,
Starting point is 01:09:33 it is but a black cock. Play up, Perry Fiddler. On with the dance. So apparently black cocks don't mean morning coming. I guess. I don't know. Okay. I don't know really what that has to do with it, but on with the dance.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Racist. The small musician strikes up a merry tune and round go the dancers. Round they go and round they go and round they go again. Whirling, leaping, fast, fast, faster. Until down in Farmer Nako's barn, another cock crows. Was it a white cock this time? That's problematic. That's problematic. Silence again, the dancing feet pause, and the music halts.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Then comes a laughing voice, tis but the red cock, on with the dance. Once more, the music halts. Then comes a laughing voice. Tis but the red cock on with the dance. Once more the music strikes up. Once more the dances whirl and leap, but now hark again down on Farmer Nako's barn. Loud and shrill, a cock is crowing.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo. It is the white cock, someone cries. Away, away, we must fly. Away, away, down in the sky. It kind of reminds me of the horseman from Baba Yaga. Yeah, yeah, because that was also black, red, and white. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:00 And didn't one meet, like, I don't know. One was darkness, one was dawn, and one was day, I think. Yes. Or something. I think the white cock is like dawn. Yeah. I don't know. Instantly, the little musician leaps off the pile of gold coins, tucks the fiddle under his arm, and rises into the air.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Instantly, all of the dancers drop hands and rise into the air after him. And instantly, all of the coins in that heap of gold rise up and stream across the sky after the dancers now little andromeda is alone she stands gazing up at the flying figures and the stream of gold that follows them then a voice she hears calling high above her stop stop you are losing your shoe another voice answers that's for the pretty little girl and down through the air like a falling star comes a golden shoe and drops at andromeda's feet she picks up the shoe and carries it home in it she finds three gold coins truly now she is rich for whenever she takes those three gold coins out of the shoe, she always finds three more in their place.
Starting point is 01:12:07 The end. Oh, I love it. Isn't that so cute? That's so cute. I'm calling that a significant slipper. I'm going to give you that point. It's a significant shoe. Slipper shoe.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I laughed because the first part. So funny. Your insignificant slipper. Yeah. It was really funny because I knew that last part was coming. I was like, ha ha ha. Oh, that was adorable. What a sweet little story.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I love that they give her a gift at the end after dancing with her all night. Like, that's really cute. Don't they give her a gift at the end after dancing with her all night? Like, that's really cute. I love a good, you know, child runs out into the forest and has a fun time with fairies story. Like the boy with the cheese, the stars in the sky. This did give me major stars in the sky vibes as you were reading it. So sweet. I love that she has a name.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yeah. I didn't know how to pronounce andromeda andromeda yeah andromeda sounds way better what was the italian name that we didn't that we pronounced incorrectly in the mermaid in that mermaid story cecilia maybe it was the the mean sister it was the mean sister i think we like i think we said grizand and it's like granitia and we said granizia we were in granizia so at least this time we've got i i mean i don't know i also like andromeda is definitely how i've heard it the most often in like english i'm sure greeks pronounce it differently they might even pronounce it andromeda i don't even fucking know like i'm gonna look it up real fast i'm sure you're right though andromeda it sounds that's a pretty name yeah it had nothing to do with the like greek mythology story so i'm glad you didn't bank all your points on that.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Gosh, me too. But I mean, okay. So like, cause so that story is actually like, it's the story. It's actually like Andromeda is a character in the story of Perseus,
Starting point is 01:14:14 who was a Greek hero. Like Perseus is the guy that has the winged horse. And Andromeda is a gorgeous princess and her parents chained her to a rock to, for a monster to eat because they pissed off the gods somehow. Oh, I remember that story. Yeah. And then Perseus saves her. So like a sweet story called Andromeda Dances probably doesn't have anything to do with the original myth.
Starting point is 01:14:39 It's probably just like a popular name in Greece. Because it's a really pretty name. And she's a very beautiful princess. Two very different stories. Oh, yeah. That was a much better vibe. I liked that a lot more. I swear.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I read so many stories that I just like they were blah and I wasn't vibing with them. And I was like, that's okay. There were a couple that I'll probably read later. But whenever I'm feeling that way, just pick up a Ruth Manning Sanders book. And it's like the first one I read. Perfect. The Ruth Manning Sanders fixes everything.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Like it's always good. Yeah, no fix. I don't have fixes for either of those, honestly. I also thought I really do like the dead mother. Like that was creepy. It was very creepy. Yeah. No fixes.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah. Yeah. That was like kind of perfectly like that was creepy it was very creepy yeah no fixes yeah yeah that was like kind of perfectly that was perfectly what it was did it yeah we did it again and i think that's gonna do it for us today so thank you so much for listening to Fairytale Fix. We really appreciate it. If you enjoy the show, please subscribe. Leave us a review on Apple. Give us a five-star review on Spotify. We're up to 75, which is very exciting. Yay, that's so many. I know. It's actually a pretty high percentage of our listeners. I know, right? I love it. If you love the show and want to support us, you can get extra episodes. We have what, 24
Starting point is 01:16:09 bonus episodes now? Sounds right. Something like that. We have a lot. 22. We're at 22. But then we also have like the very first one we ever did. Anyway, just go listen to our bonus episodes. You can also get some merch books i send everyone
Starting point is 01:16:26 who signs up stickers you can get other bonus content at our patreon at fairytalefix.cash and you can also find us on social media at fairytalefixpod we are on instagram and threads and facebook and please email us your favorite fairy tales, folklore, nursery rhymes, and other fun things. Ooh. And superstitions.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah. Ooh, please. Yes. Email us about your superstitions. At info at fairy tale, fix pod.com. And so Rova's brothers didn't fuck around by hiding in a cave for who knows how many months.
Starting point is 01:17:04 They just went ahead and killed that lion and then they all went home and the dead mother and dead baby started fighting crime on the side along with andromeda also fighting crime it's the fix every time now because that's a perfect fairy tale fix ending we just want them to become vigilante crime fighters and they all lived happily ever after except the lion the

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