Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers - MILLIE BOBBY BROWN Raised a Lamb in Her House

Episode Date: September 12, 2023

Seth and Josh welcome Millie Bobby Brown to the pod this week! She chats about her family's love for RV trips, all her animals (and yes, she has a TON), what it's like having big age gaps amongst her ...siblings, and more! Thanks again to Nissan for sponsoring this episode of Family Trips and for the reminder to find your more. Learn more at Find your new favorite fits and get 15% off @marinelayer with promo code TRIPS15 at #marinelayerpod Head to and use code trips50 to get 50% off!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Family Trips is brought to you by Nissan. Whether you want more adventure, more electric, more action, more guts, or more turbocharged excitement, Nissan is here to make sure you get it. Learn more at Hi, Bashi. Hi, Sufi. You know, Millie Bobby Brown, our guest today, we talk a lot about her love of animals, her love of pets. Yeah. And your beloved dog, Pickles, passed away last year
Starting point is 00:00:27 at the age of 17, is that correct? 18 and a half. 18 and a half. I should note that Josh found Pickles just wandering around, correct? Yeah, found him in the street. Found him in the street, gave him a home, was one of your, let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:00:42 one of your best friends for 18 and a half years. Oh my God, yeah. Closer to Pickles than a lot of my good friends. And an irreplaceable dog, needless to say. You have another dog, Debbie. But some news, some breaking news. Yeah. New dog. It was August 15th of last year that I lost Pickles. And then August 19th of this year, got a new dog, new rescue. Puts out a lot of Pickles vibes. In a weird way, Pickles, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It happens to a lot of people and their dogs. Pickles and you looked alike. And I feel like Woody and you already sort of look alike. Yeah, we do. It's a real sign of your arrogance that you'll only get a dog that looks like you. Yeah, well, there's that sort of
Starting point is 00:01:26 i don't know what it is a uh there's that sort of genetic thing that they say like babies look like the father otherwise the father would just like run off yeah and uh i feel like with woody we look so much alike yeah i got a call from the rescue saying you know we need to know if you're going to keep him because he's still up on the website. And I was like, oh, yeah, no, I'm keeping him. Like what? You did kind of slow play with us. Mom, dad kept asking and you said, we're going to decide.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And I would see this dog sitting on your lap. And I knew maybe we knew before you that Woody was going to be full time. Yeah. Like the same way with Debbie, when we brought Debbie in, who we also just found on the street. You get a lot of street dogs. We needed to know that the dog that was already in the house would accept the new dog. It wasn't about you getting over the hump.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It was about Debbie getting over the hump. Yeah. And yeah, he's done some stuff that's frustrating. Like he has a puppy. He chewed up a pair of my glasses that were instantly garbage after he chewed them up. He sort of flirts with the idea of eating poop that I'm really not a big fan of. But yeah, we're going to work through this stuff. We're going to take some classes together. Acting classes, right? Yeah, acting classes. He really wants to do the classics.
Starting point is 00:02:44 He wants to do the Greeks. Yeah, he wants to do Chekhov. And Fras classes. He really wants to do the classics. He wants to do the Greeks. Yeah, he wants to do Chekhov. And Frasier. And he wants to be the doctor. And a stage production of Frasier. Yeah. Hey, this is also something we want to both thank our listeners and then ask for another favor.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We released our first listener episode two weeks ago. So much fun. It was so much fun. People have told us how much they like it. Our our dad wrote he said it was maybe his favorite one he then did add the caveat that he just enjoys listening to his children talk more than he likes his children plus one famous person but that was entirely predictable yes ultimately it goes back to that thing josh said about if you can see uh yourself in your babies you want to listen to them do a podcast without people who don't look like you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah. But it was so much fun. Your stories were great. And so we're sending out the call again this time, fall season related. That's Halloween leaf peeping. If you have any leaf peeping disasters, you can throw that in there. We're capping it. You can go up to, but not past Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Right. You might start in your head when we say Thanksgiving, you might start hearing Christmas carols, but not yet. Too soon for that. Don't let the Christmas industrial complex lead you astray. That is not a fall holiday. Yeah. We'll get there, but.
Starting point is 00:04:03 We'll get there. Let's not rush it. Yeah. Yeah. And also, you know, feel We'll get there. Let's not rush it. Yeah. Yeah. And also, you know, feel free, you know, if you don't have one, you know, maybe at some point during this fall, you know, try to have a holiday that goes off the rails that you can share with us for next year's. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. The fresher, the better. Take some solace in that. If you're like, oh, I wanted this to be great. However, it wasn't but now maybe now my family trips are you know what i realized we have to do and maybe we can retroactively do it i do feel like we should have some family trips merch for the people who actually get their stories on the podcast i was thinking the same thing i was listening to the listener
Starting point is 00:04:40 episode today i actually do like it you know i follow our podcast oh thank you yeah i do um and initially i was like i would listen to them at double speed because i was worried about our numbers and i was like i'm gonna help oh yeah very helpful yeah but now i listen at like one and a half speed but it's sort of just like they're in the queue sometimes and if i'm on a walk with the dogs if i'm'm out with Woody and I finish whatever podcast I was listening to, and we sort of happen to be the next one in, it'll just roll in.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And I was listening to a listen episode. And I mean, the stories that were sent in were fantastic. And I just, I do like hearing from people. And I was thinking that, you know, the ones that make the cut, the ones that are on the show, yeah, I would love to be able to send something out to those people. I also think the thing that surprised me
Starting point is 00:05:27 is the stories were great. They were so well told. And I just want, if you got a story on the episode and if you want to get a story on the next episode, listen to how succinct and charismatically those people told their stories. So thank you so much for doing that. And the place to go to let us hear those stories is backslash familytripspod. That's speak, S-P-E-A-K, pipe, P-I-P-E. Put that, as Josh often says, put that in your pipe and speak it.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah, that's my new go-to. You used to say that even before a speak pipe existed, and we always were wondering why you were saying it. I had some real language hiccups. Yeah. Yeah. And now, apologies to our dad, who's going to wonder who this British lady is that he didn't raise.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Millie Bobby Brown is going to be our guest today uh she is a delight but first there's a different delight he is neither british or female but he is jeff tweedy enjoy family trips with the Myers Brothers. Here we go. Hi. Hello. Hello. Hi.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Millie, this is very exciting for us. Can I tell you why? Why? You are the first guest we've had on our podcast that neither of us has ever met before. What? That's very exciting. Yeah. That's very exciting.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Well, I'm honored. Yeah, you should be honored. You should be. There's also this uncharted territory. We were very excited when your name came across the wires as someone that we might be able to talk to on this podcast. Because I feel like we've been tapping into friends and people who are like, yeah, we'll do it because we know you guys and why you're here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I mean, yeah, we are. We're honored. We're very honored. And we get to find out if we're the real deal now. If we can interview people we haven't met before. Now we get to know. There you go. Your journalism skills are put to the test first of all we're very excited to be interviewing you
Starting point is 00:07:50 as an author you are a first-time author congratulations thank you are you thrilled having written your first book yes I I really am I think primarily because it's so important to my family and to my heart and my home. It speaks volumes for my family. So I'm really excited. And this has been a really long time coming. I feel like I was told these stories from a really young age. And so for it to actually, you know, for them to be told in quite a beautiful way, I've been really, really excited to have it all written down on paper. So this is a family-inspired story. This is a World War II is where this takes place. And these are based on stories your grandmother told you. Yeah. Yeah. Did she live nearby you? Did you have
Starting point is 00:08:37 to travel to see her growing up? I had to travel to see her. Yeah. So I was born in Spain, but we went back to England when I was four because my maternal grandfather passed away. And then my maternal grandmother was kind of lonely and I started to really bond with her. So I lived on the coast of England and she lived in Bethnal Green in the East End. So we lived about two hours away from each other. And how often would you see her? I would see her quite a lot. I would see her about once or twice every couple months. And then I spent the summers with her. Oh, that's great. And she was on the coast?
Starting point is 00:09:10 She was in East End. I lived on the coast. Oh, East End. East End. Yes, East End. Yeah. which is where the story takes place. And she lived on an estate, which in England is kind of a group of houses and flats on top of each other. And usually they're stacked kind of around each other. My mom grew up on the estate and then I kind of grew up on the estate. So I have a question though, because you grow up on the coast and then you said you spent the summers. It seems like most people would do it the opposite direction.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Right. They would spend the summer on the coast. No, no, not me. As soon as I was off from school at any given moment, Easter, Christmas, you know, whatever it was, I was with my nan. And was the draw your nan or was the draw being in London where more stuff was going on? No, my nan.
Starting point is 00:10:03 We didn't even go into London, really. I mean, she never left the house. She was borderline a recluse. She hated being cold, my nan, like it was the one, England was always so freezing. And so any time that it was cold, or, you know, she had to walk long distances, she wouldn't want to. So I didn't really get to do much. I would mostly just sit in and do crosswords with her and eat dinner and, you know, sing for her. And so we would just hang out. We really just hung out. It was like COVID, but eight years ago. You were super ready for COVID. What I do want to point out that based on the fact that
Starting point is 00:10:43 you wrote a book inspired by her stories, it paid off that she didn't want to point out that based on the fact that you wrote a book inspired by her stories, it paid off that she didn't want to do anything other than just hang out with you. Because it seems like she was just feeding you information. Constantly feeding me information. And she was so wise. It's bizarre because for that kind of era of person in the East End, because for that kind of era of person in the East End, they're very much like to the point and not really sentimental.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Like, you know, in many ways, English people are very, you know, we're just very to the point and direct. And my nan was the complete opposite. She was entirely sentimental and very soft and sensitive. And for somebody who was very hardcore as well, and she grew up during World War II, she was also, I mean, when it came to her grandchildren and, you know, she became totally mushy. Yeah. I was going to ask, was there ever a thought of
Starting point is 00:11:36 her coming to Spain after her husband passed away? But I guess if she's so sentimental, she must've been sentimental for England as well. Exactly. It was very much like live and die in the East End. That was kind of her thing. Unfortunately, she didn't pass away in the East End and she actually went to a care home towards the end of her life because she had Alzheimer's. But she knew it like the back of her hand. Everyone knew her. Everyone looked out for her And she was just born and bred. I mean, it was really showed how much a community cares for one another, despite the age difference or the cultural background. It was one community looking out for this kind of 80 year old crazy
Starting point is 00:12:17 woman. Now, do you think she had great stories? Or do you think she was a great storyteller? Or do you think it was a combination of the both she wasn't a good storyteller like your honesty she wasn't a good storyteller no she wasn't and she would agree with me because she lost her trail of thought a lot and she would go you know off on tangents whereas I'm quite good of a storyteller I'm able to circle back quite well whereas my nan would tell a story and then she'd be like and then he died and then and then and then I fell in a ditch and then I made a cup of tea and I'm like nan like come on give me some like what is going on so you know it was very much like he died wait you can't just skim over that how and she's like well he just did you know it happens and I'm like no we can't be doing that so um yeah not very good story but the stories
Starting point is 00:13:10 they had so much weight to them and before she died we called her because we were in Hawaii I was filming a movie and I audio recorded all of her voice and her telling the stories and you know thank god we did it because the Alzheimer's got so bad in the end that she really, her stories became a bit more convoluted. She wasn't making much more sense. But when we got to the, you know, I would be like, oh no, that one was true. That story is true because she told me that for when I was younger. So, you know, we were able to kind of gather up all this information and then put it into writing. I would imagine she would be very proud of the fact that you used her stories as an inspiration for a book.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah. I mean, I think she would, she was very like, oh, why would you want to write about me? Like very much like, well, what about my stories? Like, no, they're not interesting. Cause she was so nonchalant about the fact that she did these things but to me I'm like no Nan like you had your first kiss on a bomb site like that is insane and she would be like it's just the way it was I mean I mean I wouldn't have liked it to be at a movie theater like she would just be like one of those people I mean it was perfect like she was just so happy with the simple things in life and I think she would be very happy that that this story she was very passionate about this story because the 19 steps which is in Bethnal Green the memorial there's actually the
Starting point is 00:14:32 the 19 steps above the tube station now that have all of the names of the lives that were lost on the steps we visited very frequently so this story meant a lot to her and her community and her family and her life. And it was something that she felt very passionate about. So I think specifically that story will mean a lot to her coming to life and being able to shed a light on. I was not familiar with this story until I read about your book. But this is a tube station where there was an air raid siren during the war
Starting point is 00:15:05 and there was sort of a great loss of life due to a crush of people trying to run for shelter. Yeah. And I would imagine that is very memorialized to this day. Were you aware of that your whole life? My whole life, yeah. It was a very big tragedy within the community, but not many people knew about it. It was the biggest mass loss of life basically not due to world war ii in england at the time so not due to bombing shooting whatever maybe it was actually just a horrible tragedy that had occurred due to the unfortunate neglect of the maintenance of the steps and the tube station you know that tube station saved a lot of lives. Everyone went
Starting point is 00:15:45 down there nightly. Some people went down every night. Some people went down just when the air raid would go off. So, you know, my nan went down there anytime the siren would go off, but she knew people that went down every night. So this tube station saved a lot of people. And, you know, when one pregnant woman at the bottom fell, it created, you know, a huge crush and mostly children died. And my grandmother's best friend's whole family passed away in the accident. And it was a horrible thing that happened. And it meant a lot to my grandmother for this story to be told because it was taboo within the community after it happened. It was something that nobody really should have spoken of. It became very much something that, you know, I don't think that
Starting point is 00:16:29 England really wanted to come out about because, you know, obviously it's not something that they probably wanted to happen, but, and obviously lots of other things were happening within the world at that point, but a lot of lives were lost and, you know, that tube station saved so many people. So I do want to loop back on the fact that you lived on the coast, but you had vacation in East London. You also grew up in Spain, which is where a lot of English people go on vacation. But then would you take vacations back to England? You seem to always be moving in the opposite direction of people. I know that's that's a common thread. Flights are cheaper that way.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah. Yeah, no. They got to get the plane back to pick up more English people. So they just let you ride free. No, I guess we went, yeah, we went back to England quite a bit, but I felt like I was always on holiday in Spain.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It was really to go back to England to go see family and things. But other than that, we mostly just stayed in Spain. At the time you're living in Spain, I guess you have two older siblings because you have a younger sibling who's not around yet. No. So did you not take a lot of what we would consider
Starting point is 00:17:34 sort of classic family beach vacations because you were already in Spain? Yeah. I mean, I remember going to the beach a lot. I remember things like that. But my sister was, gosh, she's 10 years older than me. So she was 10 when I was born. So she was kind of like over me by the time I was around. And then my brother was seven when I was born. So we were really close, really close. So we kind of did everything together. And what kind of things do you remember doing like as a young Spanish girl with your big older brother?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Well, I was really outgoing and I still obviously am. I would kind of stand up in front of everyone and start singing and dancing and everyone had to pay me to get a ticket to my show because obviously yeah I was running I was running a very tight business um and um my brother was he's very shy and I think that's why we got along really well it's because he is like very shy I mean to the point where like everything is awkward with him and with me I love awkwardness I thrive off of awkwardness I love just like kind of screaming and shouting and that's like more my type of vibe so together we were just this kind of hot mess of like what are we gonna do and it was a lot of compromise like if you come and dance with me right now i will come and play gta with you
Starting point is 00:18:57 or you know i would come in just for our listeners who don't know the gta is grand theft auto the video game. Yeah, that was what we did. So it was a lot of compromise. It was a lot of compromise. Did this happen often to you? This is happening with my kids, whereas the older one will often make the middle one do things because he's a little shyer and he knows the middle one seems a little bit more in line with you. Has no shame, has no fear.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And so if you give the kids money and say, you can have ice cream, but you have to go up to the counter and buy it. The older one immediately just takes the money and gives it to the middle one and says, go up to the counter and buy it. Like he doesn't want to be the one to actually talk to adults. But I imagine at a very young age, you had no problem talking to adults. No, I had no issue with talking really with anyone about anything. I was very much like, I was very unafraid, which is something my nan kind of motivated. And like, she was just like, she encouraged my kind of ferocity in a way. I don't know. It was something that I had in me since a very, very young age. I came out and the day I left the hospital, apparently I didn't stop crying.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And it's been that way ever since. I've just been somebody who's very, I wear my feelings on my sleeve and I feel very passionate about the things that I care about. And that's something that my nan's very much like. She's very stubborn and in her way. And that's kind of the way I am. Whereas, you know, my other family members, they're a bit more sensitive and, you know, thoughtful. I'm more like, this is the idea. Let's go for it. Let's try it. And if it doesn't work, what else? Yeah. Thoughtful is a great follow-up to sensitive because it could have gone sort of a wrong way where they might take offense, but I feel like thoughtful is very- No, really thoughtful. My brother is very thoughtful. He's very logical and thoughtful, whereas I'm more, here's an idea, let's try it out. And whereas my brother would have a plan as to what we're going to do, whereas I don't really need a plan. I'll just kind of improvise.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Do you ever have memories of your whole family getting loaded into one car to go anywhere? Were you a road trip family at all? We were a road trip family to the point where it was like, stop road tripping. It's embarrassing. We loved, I mean, we loved road tripping and we still do it to this day. The longest road trip. So when we moved, we moved to Orlando when I was eight. You keep moving to places other people go to vacation. I know because we did go to vacation there. We went to vacation there to go to Disney. And then finally we decided that we were just going to move there. So we moved there when my sister was born. She was like six weeks old and my mom, we all moved to Orlando. So we got our visas and we moved to Orlando. And when we got
Starting point is 00:21:42 there, I started going to this acting school with dancing and modeling and whatever, because my dad wanted to get me out of the house on a Saturday because I was annoying him. So I went to this acting school and just fell in love with it. I really was not good at modeling. I was like, I was snotty all over the clothes. They were like, please stop. I was like, you know, my nose was running and I was like, like like just like this kind of beast of a human they were like she's not a model and then I was singing and I was just like jazz handsing and then the dancing is just horrible and so I was like this acting thing's really the only thing that's going for me and I really loved it and I could do an American accent which I didn't really even know I could do but I've with lots of practice from Disney Channel
Starting point is 00:22:24 I started to get really quite good at it and then I went home to my dad and I said, well, the acting coach told me if I want to make it, I've got to go to LA. And he was like, well, then let's go to LA. The week after we packed up the whole car and my siblings and my baby sister and my parents and my English Mastiff dog, we all got in the car and we drove to LA from Florida. And it took us about a week. My dad got stopped in Texas three times for speeding. And it was just a whole road. It was a road trip. It was a crazy road trip. To get stopped three times in Texas when you have a British accent and not get thrown in jail. Because it takes you two days to get through Texas. It was insane. We were like, when does
Starting point is 00:23:07 this ever end? Yeah. One of the fun things I feel like about road trips is when you're a kid, especially crossing a state line is exciting. It says like, welcome to Nebraska. You're thrilled. Yeah. And in Texas, it takes so long to get to that next one. You're thrilled. Yeah. And in Texas, it takes so long to get to that next one. Next one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:28 And we were just going through Louisiana. We went through, I mean, when we were in, I think Amarillo, is that what it's called? Yeah. And we would just sing, this is the way to Amarillo. I mean, we were like, I don't know if you've seen that movie, We're the Millers or, you know, but like that was it. seen that movie, We're the Millers or, you know, but like that was it completely just like driving through this with music playing board games. I spy on repeat. Were you the sort of family that would say, all right, since we're doing this drive, here are the important things we want to see on the way. Or was it more like, we're just going to make it?
Starting point is 00:23:58 No, my dad was like, you've got three seconds to win. If you don't, we're going. And I was just like, like like that's what my dad is like he's like you can buy one thing from the gas station I was like you know we've just quickly grabbed like Doritos or sunflower seeds and get out and Mountain Dew and get back in the car and we'd all go again so the only place that we stopped was Las Vegas and we went to a hotel called Circus Circus yes I've been to Circus Circus. Love Circus Circus. And we stayed there for about a week and I just lived in the arcade.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I just loved it. Yeah, we were big arcade rats back in our day. Yeah, yeah. Something about it. What's your game? What's your game in an arcade? I get very frustrated if I don't win a game because my brother and my family can be very, very patient. I don't win a game because my brother and like my family
Starting point is 00:24:46 can be very, very patient. I don't. I don't have time for things that don't work. If you don't give me like an immediate like dopamine rush, you're gone. And that really goes for anything. So anyways, so I was like the claw game. Okay, you're annoying me.
Starting point is 00:25:02 The only thing that I really like and I'm just one of those people. I just like, I like to do the thing and it gets me like a hundred tokens like the big yeah spinning thing that's why i like i like that i'll do that over and over i like thinking of you as a sassy young version of you at arcadian like you and i are done i'm not getting enough out of you we've just broken up it's over it's over's over between us. Did you hear Millie broke up with Donkey Kong? Oh, yeah. Millie and Donkey Kong are over.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, I know. Millie is over it. I was very much like if I wasn't winning the game, I was definitely just like sat on the bench, like talking to an old man that was sat there. Like I was just like, hey, what are you doing here? Like I was just very much – I like talking to people, and I was always just somebody who like got myself into like, funny situations. I was always the one that found a friend everywhere.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And mostly nobody wanted to be friends with me. Oh, interesting. I mean, I would have been very enamored by anyone with a British accent if they had shown up in my American school. Was that did you not feel like anyone was drawn to the new British girl? Yes. And everyone was at first until, for about a week, until I started bossing everyone around. And then everybody was like, right, well, she's annoying. We're not talking to her anymore. So you have about a week before it wears off. People would come up to me and be like, you're from England? And I'd be like, yeah, I'm from England. Ha ha ha. So cool. And then a week after people were like don't go near her she makes you dance
Starting point is 00:26:28 like and I was like what do you mean like no like there's a new Kesha song that's out like let's learn a dance to it and people would be like no like don't go near her so I like found like a niche group of people that just like to dance and sing with me but like I was very much somebody who thrived being on my own as well and I made friends with all the adults like the school like the teachers yeah it almost seems like TikTok was a little bit too late for you for a young Millie yeah yeah because for making people dance like that would have been you would have been in the pocket it sounds like we're almost lucky to be honest you could have been lost to tiktok
Starting point is 00:27:05 i think we know you better because i was better than tiktok i was better i don't have tiktok even now because i'm like i'm better than you you don't want to see my moves no i also have no time to learn the dances i have no patience that's another problem i like to make up my own ones and perform them and they contain a lot of sad you you know, horrible, sad dance moves. But they make me happy. And that's all that matters. Now, my fiance, he has to say, I'll be like, I'm going to do a show. And then I just start like rocking out to like some like, you know, year 3000 busted.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And he'll be like, what are you doing? And I'm like, this is just how I'm feeling in the moment. I actually did some contemporary kind of moves the other day to Hamilton. And he was just like, no. And I was like, yes, yes, I am. I see my audience. Do you still, do you charge your fiance when you do a show like you used to?
Starting point is 00:28:00 No. As a young person? Okay, that's very sweet that you wave it. No, I've become smart. I've become, I've w smart. I've become I've waved it, you know, like if, if we're talking about like a full on tour, you know, a full on tour show, I would probably charge but no, right now it's free. I mean, he catches me in the moment in the moment and and he gets it kind of, he kind of watches me and he looks scared most of the
Starting point is 00:28:22 time. You guys have been together for a while. Have you traveled together? Yes, we've traveled. We've traveled to a lot of places. I think the furthest place we've ever traveled there was was Tokyo. Oh, wow. That's on my bucket list. Do you highly recommend? Highly recommend. It was beautiful. We traveled to three places in Japan and it was just like a wonderful experience. It was a place where you go and you go, oh my gosh, I'm in a completely different place. You know, you really, you really don't know anything about anything. And then you learn so much when you're there, you know, about their culture and the kind of people they are. And it's such a wonderful place. We went to Osaka, we went to Kyoto and we went to Tokyo and we spent his 21st birthday in Kyoto. Wow. I figured out the subway system there just by using Google Maps on my phone.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Because I stood by the ticket machine just watching thousands of people go through and just desperately trying to figure out what's my move here. And pulling up sort of Google Maps on your phone gave me all the information I need in terms of how much money, what color line I need to go on, where I need to get off. And you really feel like you've, I mean, I've never solved a Rubik's cube, but it felt like that to me. It was like that level of satisfaction. I really didn't expect that. Like when you're in Tokyo and you go to like a little town, like say you go to Shibuya or, you know, wherever you go, you go to like a little town like say you go to Shibuya or you know wherever you go you go to Shibuya and it's like New York like it's like just like it's like Times Square right you go there
Starting point is 00:29:53 and then there's like five more of them like a surround and you're just like haven't I already been here but no it's a whole new place a whole new theme and it's just like how is this like it just keeps going and going and um yeah it was it was a really spectacular place are you recognizable to people in tokyo so in tokyo or in japan really i learned that the culture is that sometimes they become shy when they first see a famous person um and so i've really noticed that with my fans that they were a little bit more shy and reserved and then I was kind of I was the one that was like hey like hi like let's take a picture and then they would really come out of their shell and then the tourists there would really kind of primarily recognize me it must be nice to have reserved fans that seems
Starting point is 00:30:43 lovely it really is. It really is. Because it's such a like, just as a new experience. I mean, you know, and it's just like, you know, and, you know, Orlando Bloom was at an event that I was at. And he came out and everybody cheered for him. And when I came out, nobody cheered for me. And I was like, why? Why is that? Like, just, just, I mean, it's just, I mean, of course, Orlando Bloom's amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:03 But like the difference. And they said it's because he has been there before and they've met him before. And I had never been there and they haven't seen me in the flesh before. And so they're still shy toward me. And I was like, what a beautiful, lovely little thing. It's like, I don't know you. And it's just like very real because it's like, I would be the same if I didn't know someone.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I'd be like, who are you? What's your story? Why are you like making me take a picture with you? It's kind of strange. But actually, I would be the same way. It's that I know this person. Okay, I'm familiar with them. And I can be myself.
Starting point is 00:31:38 It's also a very nice trick to make sure you come back. If they only cheer for you the second time. And now I'm like, I've got to get back there. I've got to get a cheer. Be honest. Was there anyone that you thought wanted a picture with you because they were being shy and it turned out they didn't want a picture with you and didn't know who you were? Were you ever like, hey, we can get a picture?
Starting point is 00:31:56 And they were confused? No, that didn't happen. It has happened to me before just in life. Somebody came up to me and I was like they were like can you take a picture and I was like oh sure yeah and I was like went to take a selfie they were like of me and my husband I was like oh okay sorry that's like literally want to crawl in a hole and die that's like the most most awful thing that ever happened so yeah so that sometimes happens or like I'll go out with friends of mine and then they'll say, can I get a picture with you? And I'm like, well, I don't really know which one. Is it me or the friend or, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:29 my fiance at this point? Like, I don't, I don't really know. I've had people come up to me and they think that I'm Seth. And then I say, no, I'm his brother. And then they're like, no, you're not. And I'm like, you just thought I was him. How can you not buy that I'm his brother? And they're like, they are not buying it for a second. I'm like, yeah, I get really annoyed when people don't buy that. I'm just like, well, I don't really know how else I can explain it. I don't really want to show you my ID, but I really am the person you're saying I am. But now I'm going to deny and confuse you. So I just have this small game with these people and confuse you so I just have like this small game
Starting point is 00:33:05 with these people and I start doing a southern accent and it's just like a fun little thing that I do but yeah some people are like no you're definitely not Millie and you're not at the grocery store and you're not buying Cocoa Crisps like this is not happening I've had this happen where someone says I'm sorry I recognize you and I don't know how and then I tell them who I am and they say I'm a huge fan I don't think you are based on how this went I don't think you and then I tell them who I am and they say I'm a huge fan based on how this went I don't think you're a huge fan I think you're someone who's seen my face before I've also had people come up to me and be like are you on my daughter's soccer team and I'm like no but I I know that like I'm very I clearly recognize me but I'm definitely not no I'm definitely not on
Starting point is 00:33:44 your daughter's soccer team your daughter's seen me probably on the TV, but that's it. I don't play soccer. But do you help them out? Because there's that risk if somebody says, they think they know you in regular life. You're like, no, I can actually answer that question. I have a television show and they're like, no, that's not an eager. No, still not it. Yeah, definitely not it. Yeah. Hey, we're going to take a quick break and hear from some of our sponsors. This episode of Family Trips is brought to you by Nissan. Posh, these days too many people have to settle for the next best thing, especially when it comes to choosing a car.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, but at Nissan, there's a vehicle type for everyone, for every driver who wants more. Whether you want more adventure, more electric, more action, more guts, or more turbocharged excitement, Nissan is here to make sure you get it. Because Nissan is all about giving people a whole spectrum of thrills to choose from with a diverse lineup of vehicles. Sports cars to sedans to EVs, pickups, crossovers.
Starting point is 00:34:33 With Nissan's diverse lineup, anyone can find something to help them reach their more. What are you looking for more of, Josh? I like a nice ride. I like a nice sound system. I like something that's, yeah, that's comfortable. You like to have room to load up a bunch of gear, go somewhere, do an adventure. I do. I'm never happier than when I have sort of a full car, a roof rack on my car.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Makes me happy. And all I need is a cup holder for an iced coffee. And Nissan can provide you with both of those things. So thanks again to Nissan for sponsoring this episode of Family Trips. And for the reminder to find your more. Learn more at Support for today's episode comes from Marine Layer. It is official, Josh. I found the softest t-shirt mankind's ever made. Imagine the softest thing you've ever touched. Kittens, freshly fallen snow, a kitten who's freshly fallen in the snow. Now times that by a thousand. And that's how soft
Starting point is 00:35:26 a marine layer t-shirt is. You know, sometimes I'm looking for a t-shirt and I got a big stack of them in my closet and some of them are a little bit rough. And sometimes you just want to put on something that you know is going to be soft and comfortable and stylish. And that's where a marine layer comes in. I've sometimes been at your house needing to borrow a t-shirt and some of your old t-shirts were like sandpaper with sleeves. Yeah, that's true. Well, if you've got t-shirts like that,
Starting point is 00:35:52 also Marine Layer has a respun program. If you've got a bunch of old tees collecting dust in the back of your closet, Marine Layer will send you a prepaid recycling kit and literally give you a $5 credit per shirt that you send back to them. And for a limited time, our listeners can get an exclusive 15% off discount with the code TRIPS15 at I think we can all admit the perfect tee can be hard to find. Look
Starting point is 00:36:18 no further than Marine Layer. I will. I'll admit it. You'll admit it? Yeah. Well, look no further than Marine Layer. For a limited time, get 15% off with the code TRIPS15 at That's code TRIPS15 for 15% off your entire order at Saving your closet one shirt at a time. How much younger is your younger sibling? She is seven years younger than me. you have a real big spread amongst the four of you I know so bizarre from both the same parents too yeah people are like from the same parents I'm like yeah from the same parents they were just really I mean just like bored I don't
Starting point is 00:36:57 understand I was like mom you're 41 we don't need another baby I sobbed myself to sleep that night she was like I'm pregnant I was like are we smiling? This is the worst news ever. But do you, even with that spread, are all six of you, do you still holidays together? Still do trips together? Yeah. Very, very close. We're really, I mean, probably overly close, but always in each other's business. We have no secrets in the family. Everybody's kind of life is each other's. I love, like I'm obsessed with my parents. My parents are like my best friends. I made apple strudel last night and my fiance was like, it's 11 o'clock, like don't go over to their house. And I was like, I got to take it to them. It's going to bother me. So I like went over and my dad was like,
Starting point is 00:37:38 what's wrong? And I was like, I made apple strudel and I want you to try it. And so my parents just sat there on the couch watching 90 day eating my apple strudel. And I was like, this is what life is. So I'm like best friends with them. And then my older sister and I are really close. You know, we fought a lot as kids because she was older than me and I was a big personality and she was too. But now we've gotten older. We're like very, very close. And we've kind of share so many things in common. And then my older brother and I are really close. And my little sister and I, because she is just so shy, my little sister is very, very, very shy. And I'm really outgoing.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So to her, I'm like this foreign planet. She's like, please get away from me. You're so embarrassing. And also like a little bit spontaneous, you know, like I'll be in a store and then I'll start like singing. And she's like, oh, I can't deal with you. Like, get away from me. She's like, you, I can't deal with you. Get away from me. She's like, you're not serving right now.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I'm like, I'm not serving? What are you saying to me? So it's actually crazy that the generation, it's not even a generation. And yet she knows things that I don't know already. And I'm just like, what trends do you know that I don't know? And it scares me because I'm like, I'm still 19. But that's how fast times are moving. She knows things that I don't know. And it scares me because I'm like, I'm still 19. But that's how fast times are moving. They're like, she knows things that I don't.
Starting point is 00:38:47 That's true. Do you have any examples of any of those new trends that you were unaware of that you're- Shock us. She comes up to me the other day and she goes to me, you slay. And I was like, what? And I like know what you slay means,
Starting point is 00:39:00 but she does this and then this to me. And I was like, what? So this is a V v we have a v finger that you then tip down like 90 degrees is that what we're talking and then she's like yeah you serve and i was like okay i like that can i do that and she's like no she's like you're not serving right now and i'm like can you please stop pointing at me like that i'm so scared and uh yeah she really yeah so those are the things that she's doing. Can I just say, and I hope this doesn't come out sounding bad. I'm so happy there's someone
Starting point is 00:39:29 making you feel as old as you make us feel. Okay. Okay. Okay. Exactly. Well, I think, and by the way, I never thought it would happen until I got actually a little bit older. Like even in my twenties, like my older sister can be like, no, how do you know that? But like, seriously, when she's around her friends and Ava's talking with her friends, I'm like, what are you all talking about? You're all like shouting and yelling at each other and strange voices. And I clearly know that you're saying memes, but like, I just don't know what they're on about. It's funny, because you do a thing that, I mean, most people don't have, right, a sibling 10 years younger. And I think that is speeding up your knowledge of how far behind the times you are. Because usually it takes until you have your own kids where you're like, oh, no.
Starting point is 00:40:12 If you didn't have a sibling who was 10 years younger, you probably wouldn't talk to anyone that was 10 years younger unless you worked with them on something. It's frowned upon to talk to 10-year-olds who you're not. It's frowned upon. You have no connection to. People are disgusted when you talk to anyone under the age of 13. No, I just think that the youth is like, I love like talking to like my sister's friends. I just think they're so funny. And I've always been somebody who like loves just kids in my life. Like I love playing hide and seek and just hanging out. Like I'm definitely like the number one babysitter. I'm somebody
Starting point is 00:40:43 who just likes to make chocolate chip cookies and paint nails and, you know, do all the things. Is she your next door neighbor as well then? Are your parents right now? Okay, gotcha. So you see her a ton? Oh, yeah. I see her a ton. And I have a lot of animals.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So she's kind of always over helping me out with all my animals because she's a huge animal lover. How many animals do you have? This is going to get long. So I'm going to keep it short because this always becomes a huge topic of conversation. But I have right now, I have eight dogs of my own. And then I have three cats. I have a rabbit.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I have a donkey and a pony. I have three goats, one sheep, two cows. Am I missing anyone? No, that's it. I just want to say thank you because I, a lot of people, when they say I have a lot of animals, it turns out they don't. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You have a shit load of animals. People say to me like, oh, I can't get another dog. I have two. I'm like, let me just tell you. have a shit you have a shitload of animals say to me like oh i can't get another dog i had two i'm like let me just tell you like coming through my house you have to avoid poop like everywhere it's like oh no there's one you've spotted one you get five dollars i mean obviously you didn't grow up in a situation where you had uh pets like this did maybe the having a mastiff maybe it was like well we have one huge animal yeah it's true it's true i had one huge
Starting point is 00:42:06 animal and then i just like when i turned 18 i looked at my parents and i was like so i want to get a lot of animals and if you're not going to let me have them in my tiny room then i need to move out and they were like well you can move out but just like don't move far so then i moved next door and then i was like i'm gonna get a bunch of animals and so I ended up having a bunch of animals my fiance loves animals so we just kind of like we just run this farm together but you know it's farm animals are a whole different kind of thing I got a donkey primarily because I wanted him to protect my dogs because coyotes stay away from donkeys which is a thing so I got this donkey and then they were like well the donkey needs a friend because he'll get depressed and i'm like oh my god here's where they get me that's
Starting point is 00:42:50 how they get you my fiance is a horse person you can't just have a donkey yeah you can't just have a dog you can't just have a pony you need one or ponies like goats and then goats like sheep and then well then my then my fiance never asks for animals and he's like, I love Scottish Highlands. And so we got two Scottish Highlands. So we just, yeah, we're huge animal people. We bottle fed most of them. So it's like very much like, you know, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Keeping in mind that your animals will never listen to this podcast. Yeah. Millie, who is your favorite animal of all your animals? who is your favorite animal of all your animals? I'm going to have to go with my first animal because she helped me mentally when I had a lot of anxiety and I wasn't able to sleep. She was a huge part of my growing up. So I got her when I was 16.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Her name is Winnie the Pooh. She's a miniature poodle. She's a miniature poodle. She's a miniature poodle. But she's like, she is a small bear. She has the character of a bear because she's just, she's just a lot. She's like me. How do you feel like Winnie the Pooh has felt about the addition of all the other pets? Does she feel a little usurped?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Sometimes she acts out and I have to check her. She'll be like, she'll like run off and she's like, hey. And I'm like, no, don't test me. Like, I know what you're doing. But most of the time, she's really welcoming. Like she's really, she's good with puppies and she's good with kittens. And I have a lot of kittens right now. And, you know, I try my hardest to try and just like, all of them integrate with each other. Nobody doesn't like each other, which I think that is like, says a huge thing about our house is like, we're very peaceful and everybody's invited in. And so all of the animals
Starting point is 00:44:32 have to get along. And we right now, cause it's too hot right now in Georgia, my rabbits inside. And so the rabbit and the cat are just kind of like slowly staring at each other. And I'm like, you guys can't eat each other. So just like look at each other all you want, but it's not happening. Not today. I don't think the rabbit's going to threaten to eat the cat. Bellatrix is a little feisty, you guys. She kind of like, she'll turn around to us sometimes and I'm like, okay, calm down, Bellatrix.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Like we're not, we're not doing anything crazy today. So she's like, I give her a carrot and she calms down. Bellatrix, you're really not going with the mainstream animal names. No, I give her a carrot and she calms down. Bellatrix. You're really not going with the mainstream animal names. No, I can't do that. Like for me, the names have to be a little strange. So I have Winnie the Pooh. And I kind of went on theme with characters,
Starting point is 00:45:17 but then it got a little out of hand when I got to the farm animals. So I have like Bellatrix and I have Winnie the Pooh and I have Bobby. And I named her Bobby before the Bobby movie came out. So everybody, I take her out now and they're like, did you name her after the movie?
Starting point is 00:45:32 And I'm like, Barbie was a thing before you guys. With that said, if you told me you had a donkey named Oppenheimer, I would not believe you if you said that was also after the movie. You at least knew it was coming out.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah. You knew they were shooting it or yeah you had yeah you had a tip um and then what else um and yeah i have coddy b i have slick rick and biggie smalls and and then i kind of went a little weird with the sheep because his name's norman and he could be norman baits but he he and he gives norman the baits vibes like you guys he's like loki a murderer he kind of looks gives Norman Bates vibes like you guys. He's like Loki a murderer. He kind of looks at me sometimes and I'm like, you're not a normal sheep. You often see his shadow from behind the shower curtain.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And you're just happy to know it can't fit a knife in his hoof. I raised him in my house. So he kind of looks at me now and he tries to get out of the fence. And I see what he's doing because he's trying to get to the house because he like, he slept in my bed every night for eight weeks. Wow. What is a lamb like as a sleeping companion? Oh, they're so cute. They're like, he woke me up every four hours to be fed and I had to, you know, bottle feed him. And how does a lamb wake you up? Is it just sort of like, it was so intense. I, I did say to my fiance, I was like, I'm not having kids anytime soon because I swear when I looked at him, I was like, I hate you.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Like, this is what you're doing to me. It's 3am. I was like, this is not okay. What you're doing to me. You just got fed. So I was like, I'm not ready. I don't have the patience for a baby because this bear is loud and it's in my face and he knows what he's doing and he knows he doesn't do it to my he does it to me because he knows that I'm doing it and I'll get up I mean I'm not trying to push in anything you might be more ready for a baby than anyone I've ever met if you've dealt with a lamb I know and I had to put diapers on him too. And so apparently people saw me buying diapers and was like, Millie's pregnant. I was like, no, I'm buying them for my lamb, you guys. You dummies.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah, you dummies. I'm buying them for my lamb. And then I was like, and then I was, when he reached about eight weeks, he was in grandma diapers. I had to go to the adult section and I'd never bought them before. So people must've been really confused at that point. That's a weird case where if they, somebody called your publicist and said, is Millie pregnant? It might be just easier to say yes, then explain that you have a lamb. Then explain the story. Yeah. No, no, no. She has a lamb sleeping with her. Exactly. No,
Starting point is 00:48:02 she has a lamb and his name is Norman and he looks like a cow because he's black and white and spotted. And he is in a stroller that she pushes around and takes him to dinners. And it's a little scary. I mean, I guess you were lucky enough that like the biggest bulk of your work, you'd be in one place for a long time. You didn't have to like fly back and forth as much. It sounds like, but did you ever fly with a dog and a dog carrier on a flight? Or have they all been in sort of one place? I don't like to fly with them because they're- You have too many.
Starting point is 00:48:29 First of all, you have too many. Well, I have too many. I mean, the farm animals, obviously not. But the only one that kind of goes everywhere with me is the poodle. She kind of goes everywhere with me. And now we're going to take a quick break to hear from one of our sponsors. With the busy fall season already in swing, you may be looking for wholesome, convenient meals for gym-packed days. Factor, America's number
Starting point is 00:48:50 one ready-to-eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with chef-prepared, dietician-approved, ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door. You'll save time, eat well, and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. I've tried some meal delivery services, and a lot of them are like, we're going to send you a bunch of ingredients, and you can prepare them. And it still can take me like a half an hour to put those meals together. But with Factor, it's just two minutes. You can throw them in the microwave, and if for whatever reason you don't like the microwave, then put them in your conventional oven, and they'll just take a little bit longer. But all the prep, all the thinking has been done for you.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Factor is just giving you delicious, pretty much ready-to-eat meals once you heat them up. And look, in the summer, we have time to make dinner for our whole families. But then fall hits, school, job, works. I just set up jalapeno cheddar and lime chicken. Josh, I think you know that's ticking a lot of boxes for me. It is. I'll say also, as a vegan, they got vegan options. If you're not as hardcore as I am, they got vegetarian options.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You don't have to heat up all these meals. They've got some lunch to go things, you know, grain bowls, salad toppers that are ready to eat. They got calorie conscious options. They've got protein heavy options. If you're looking to get that protein and meet your wellness goals, feel the best you can to tackle this autumn. So head to slash trips 50 and use code trips 50 to get 50 off that's code trips 50 at slash trips 50 to get 50 off and then back to sort of family trips do you ever go away still like with all your siblings
Starting point is 00:50:20 and your parents like where might you go to? Where are some classic family vacations you've taken? We love a good Orlando trip still. I mean, we still do like, yeah, we'd get in the RV and we drive to Orlando from Georgia, which isn't as long. It's like 70 hours. This is an RV the family owns or do you rent an RV? Yeah, we own one now because it became very, very frequent.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And so my fiance had never been in an RV. And three weeks after we met, I said to him, well, you kind of got to meet my parents. But the problem is, is that we're going to Orlando in an RV. So you're going to have to like figure it out. And he was like, oh, actually, we were going to a beach house in Florida still. And I was like, but we're going to an RV. And he was like oh actually we were going to a beach house in in Florida still and I was like but we're going to Navi and he was like I've never been in a Navi and I was like well like it's a different experience because when we go in Navi like things are thrown and you know it's it's an exciting time there's lots of music and lots of yelling and screaming and playing
Starting point is 00:51:20 games and my sister eating a whole packet of Oreos. And so, you know, it's like a whole thing. And he was like, I'm scared. And I was like, you should be. And he got in the car and it was like eight hours of him meeting my family. And it went really well. And I think it actually was like probably a good way to meet them because this is like, that's them and their element. But I was like, if you can survive this, you can survive the family. And he did. I'm very excited this RV came up. I have a ton of questions about the RV. First of all, is your dad the only one who drives it?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yes. Okay. And is that his rules or no one else's interested? His rules. Okay. We're all bad drivers. Was he the one who knew exactly what he wanted in the RV? Or did all of you sort of pitch in with opinions of what the RV should have?
Starting point is 00:52:05 He was the one that did it. And then I was just like, we need a big TV and we need like a bed and things like that. But he kind of, he was the one that was like, he knew what he was doing. Cause we've done, we've rented so many. Yeah. For people who are thinking about it, what's the maximum amount of people you think should be in an RV at one time? thinking about it what's the maximum amount of people you think should be in an rv at one time it depends i mean r1 could fit comfortably eight people yeah but yeah for a small one we've done ones that like are small and you know could fit maybe four or five people but then we had my godfather matthew modine we took him on a road trip and he came in the rv and we had our dogs with us we had these calming bites that had like hemp oil for the dogs well he thought that they were
Starting point is 00:52:55 treats for humans and he took one and he got uh he slept for the whole duration of the rest of the trip and had the worst headache because there was catnip in it. And he was like, what did I eat? And we were like, dude, you ate a dog biscuit. And so he ate a calming bite and he started peeing on everything and barking at us and it was a weird trip. All right, I have a quick question. And let me just say this. There's no bigger fan of Matthew Modine modine than i but let's be honest did it actually look like it should
Starting point is 00:53:30 be something a human would he or did he honestly he's the most he's the clumsiest person like he he's so clumsy like anytime that we do anything something just he like he'll either fall over he's just too big he's a very big tall yes he is man and you're just too big. He's a very big, tall man. Yes, he is. And you're just like, no. And he's just very clumsy. And he's very, he's just the best kind of person. But still, I was like, Matthew, it literally says dog calming bites. And he's like, you know, I had no idea. And I'm like, go take a nap.
Starting point is 00:53:58 He's like, why do I have a headache? Can you Google why I have a headache? I was like, because there's catnip in it. Yeah, he also has quite flopsy hair that i imagine for a clumsy person just sort of accentuates any trip or yeah he told me a very embarrassing thing on camera because we live in the same neighborhood in new york and when i had him as guests on my show he said that he is often wanted because we'd never met before he goes i've actually seen you and I've often wanted to say hello. But every time I see you, you're talking to yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Because I do. A knock on me, Millie, is that my wife will often tell people is that I am constantly talking to myself. And so very sweetly, Matthew Modine never wanted to interrupt. Did you always do that? I think I always did it. I think I did it more when I started having the stress and anxiety of a career. But I think I've always been. Well, Josh, you've known me forever. Do you think I always talk to myself?
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yes. Okay. Well, there you go. I'm trying to give it a reason. It turns out it's always been this way. Yeah. My dad talks to himself and I'll see him. And you know who else talks to himself?
Starting point is 00:55:04 My fiance. The other day we were sat on the couch and he, it looks like he's almost having an argument with someone. And then I like looked at him more intently and he just goes, and I go, Jake, are you okay? And he goes,
Starting point is 00:55:19 first of all, did you see that? And I was like, yes. And he was like, second of all, I was having an argument in case somebody said that Anakin Skywalker wasn't the best character in Star Wars. And I was like, yes. And he was like, second of all, I was having an argument in case somebody said that Anakin Skywalker wasn't the best character in Star Wars. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:55:32 I was like, that is what you're fighting over? You never know. You gotta be prepared. You never know when that argument might start. And you want to have your points laid out. I think that argument is going to start with most Star Wars fans. I think if you were like, Anakin Star Wars is the best character in all the star wars i think that someone would say actually you're wrong but it's good that jake's prepared yeah yeah he was like just makes me so mad and i
Starting point is 00:55:57 was like okay are you okay and he was like i don't know and i was like okay i'll talk to you in a bit and i like left him alone because he felt so passionate about the fact that he had, he needed to have this argument. And I was, I was supportive of it. It was very, very important to him. And so, you know, and this is in the stages of us watching all of them. He was introducing me to all of them because I promised him before we get married, I'll watch all of the Star Wars intently. And so his favorite one is Revenge of the Sith. And so, you know, for that one, I really had to sit there and watch. And he watches me watch,
Starting point is 00:56:31 which makes me feel uncomfortable. Because he just is like, did you see that? Did you understand that? And I'm like, yeah, I understand. And he's like, I don't feel like you did. So basically the Death Star is, and I'm like, I get it. I really get it.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You've told me this a bunch of times. We have. The Death Star could not be named better for what it is. Not a lot of subtext on the Death Star. Tell Jake, for me, Han Solo. Just tell him Han Solo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And Empire Strikes Back. Yeah, those would be my two answers to Jake. But I don't want to spin Jake off. My favorites are Princess Leia and Padme. Okay. All right. And the two women. And I just, but honestly though, like they're just so badass.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Like the whole film, I was just like, I just want a whole movie about them because they're so cool. There you go. I was watching it. I was just like, wow, like all of the people that are in it and just like randomly like Keira Knightley's in it. I was just like, wow, like all of the people that are in it and just like randomly like Keira Knightley's in it. I was just like, what is happening? Yeah. When you've gone back to Orlando, have you gone back to Disney World as an adult? Yeah. I'm a huge Disney adult. How many times have you gone? Do you think in your life?
Starting point is 00:57:39 More than 20. More than 20. We had like season tickets. It was like a weekend thing for us when we lived there. You're an Orlando girl. When you go now, do you know exactly how to do Disney World? How to go through it, what restaurant to eat at, what rides are good, what rides are not worth the wait. What else?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, I'm very passionate about it. Jake didn't really. He wasn't like as kind of into it as I am, but I am like the parade, I have to get the best seat. I've had arguments with people over getting a good spot at the parade. When we were in Tokyo, I said to Jake, we are going to Disneyland Tokyo. He was like, why? And I was like, because I need to know what it's like there. So I'm very passionate. But my favorite is Disney World. My favorite ride at Disney World, maybe probably Peter Pan.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Okay. Yeah. It's beautiful. Yeah. I love Peter Pan. And then Universal. I love Universal. And my favorite thing at Universal is going to visit Shrek and Donkey and getting a picture with them.
Starting point is 00:58:46 They knew. They were like, we can't just do Donkey. We've got to have Shrek or else Donkey will get upset. I know. And I actually only go there for Donkey, but I have to get a Shrek picture.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I've actually had Disney characters recognize me and then run backstage, take off all of their things and run back out and take a picture with me. And I'm like, I'm so glad that you didn't ruin all these children in line, their dreams, because
Starting point is 00:59:09 you were just Buzz Lightyear. It would have been amazing if you had the capacity to take off your head as if it turned out that you weren't actually. You weren't actually. You were. Yeah. I hope that none of those people ever ran back to put the costume on and their supervisor was there saying, you can just keep your street clothes on and go home because you can't abandon Goofy in the middle of the day. Yeah. Yes, exactly. We cannot thank you enough for your time. But before we let you go, my brother has some questions to ask you that we ask all our guests and then I'm going to ask you. All right, here we go. You can only pick one. Is your ideal vacation, are you relaxing? Is it adventurous or is it educational?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Adventurous. All right. Very good. Your preferred means of transportation, is it train, plane, automobile, boat, bicycle, foot? I don't like flying that much. Probably a car. Yeah. I think you got that RV life.
Starting point is 01:00:04 That makes sense. You figured it out you've cracked the code yeah um if you could take a vacation with any family other than your own family which family would it be this could be fictional they could have existed in history but a family other than your family the croods the crews I am so confident we're never going to get that answer again. It was not. It was the Croods said with the sort of confidence that it's the only answer. It's the only answer.
Starting point is 01:00:34 You were nodding very early on in that question. I feel like I was giving you all the caveats. I was prepared. And you didn't need any of them. The Croods. Lovely. Great. And then if you had to be stranded on a desert island with one member of your family, who would it be? My dad. All right. He would keep us alive. Very sweet. And
Starting point is 01:00:55 then I feel like you're from kind of a bunch of places. Where do you say you're from? I say I'm from England. Okay. From whereabouts? From what's the town again? I'm sorry. I just kind of say London, but I am from Bournemouth, which is the town that I actually lived in. Would you recommend Bournemouth as a vacation destination? Yeah. Some spots of it. Some spots of it. Yes. It it's actually it's a quite a big like um holiday spot for the well there you go yeah yeah people that's sort of southern coast of england yeah and i feel like a lot of people yeah yeah yeah and then seth that's the last question here do you think it's rude to make people watch you dance i'm kidding that's not the question. It just feels like that. I was going to say no.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah. I was going to say no. I would think your answer would be no to that. It's an honor. Yeah. It's an honor. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? I drove through it.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Okay. On the way to LA? We had to go to LA, yeah. Wow. Did you stop? No, I didn't stop. I would love to, though. There's talks that we probably might do it,
Starting point is 01:02:05 but my parents on their honeymoon did a helicopter and picnic on the Grand Canyon. So they loved it. But my mom vomited the whole way back. But this, by the way, that is every story about the Grand Canyon is people go, I love it. You got to go puke the whole time.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I just, so here's the thing. Josh wants to go. I don't. You have not helped break the tie at all. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I want to do it because it's beautiful, but my mom vomited the whole time,
Starting point is 01:02:30 and if she's vomiting, I know I am. But you vomited on a helicopter. You wouldn't have to go via helicopter. No, no. But I think it was a mixture of the heat and the helicopter and then, you know, just the fact that, like, you're on a mountain and just and just like the whole thing you're processing that you're married to someone you know married to someone do you love him is he the father you probably know you're gonna have yeah you're gonna
Starting point is 01:02:57 have one kid every 10 years for the rest of your life every literally every 30 years but if you went to the grand canyon Grand Canyon, you could ride a donkey down there. No, I would love that. I really would love that. I really would. Yeah. All right. Seems like you're Team Canyon.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I am. Thank you so much. We'll take her. We'll take her. Congratulations on the book. It was just absolutely lovely meeting you. Thank you so much, guys. It's been a pleasure.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Bye. Bye. Bye. lovely meeting you. Thank you so much, guys. It's been a pleasure. Bye. Bye. Bye. Where do they sleep? Who does all the cleaning? Millie gives new meaning to the act of counting sheep. When she got Norman, he was just a baby. Or just a little lamb.
Starting point is 01:03:58 She bottle fed him, and he slept in the bed. Millie, she don't give a damn. She's got eight doggos and also a rabbit, a donkey and a pony, three goats and three cats. But baby Norman had his run of the place. He'd wake her up with a bar right to the face. Never ending, sweeping, difficult housekeeping. She's unique upon her block.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Cause when you've got a sheep in bed, when you are sleeping, you don't need an alarm clock. The sheep was in the bed. And now he's with the cows. The sheep was in the bed. And now he's with the cows. The sheep was in the bed. But he was raised inside the house.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He'd sleep right in the bed. Life in the barn he can't abide. The sheep was in the bed. And what he wants is to come back inside. you

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