Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers - PETE DAVIDSON Bought a Mini Van

Episode Date: June 28, 2023

Pete Davidson makes Seth & Josh laugh about cheating at Dave & Busters with his uncle and buying the Staten Island Ferry.Hosted by Seth & Josh Meyers. Theme song written & performed by Jeff Tweedy. Pr...oduced by Rabbit Grin Productions

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I am very excited about today's guest. Have you ever met Pete Davidson, Josh? We've been near each other, but we have not had occasion to really meet. But yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too. He had a very long career at SNL, but it started right after my time at the show ended. I've been lucky enough to meet him, been lucky enough to talk to him on the show, but I'm very excited to talk to him about this. to him on my show, but I'm very excited to talk to him about this. You know, I think most people probably know at this point that Pete lost his father tragically during 9-11. His father was a fireman. And what's cool about Pete is that he's been very open about talking about it. And I have no doubts that he will do so again today because he has very fond memories of his dad. And I've met his mom and she's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:00:48 So this is going to be really, really cool to talk to him. Yeah, I know his fictional versions of his life, which have happened on a couple of occasions. And yeah, I want to get into the real nitty gritty. And there's a chance that if this podcast goes well enough, they'll do a fictional version of it, and then we'll get cast by big movie stars. So exciting. Pete always plays himself, though. Can't we play ourselves? Well, maybe that's one of the things
Starting point is 00:01:14 we can ask him. Hey, just a quick disclaimer. If you're driving in the car and listening to this with your kids, your whole family, there's a little bit of cursing in this episode. Not necessarily our fault, but. But sometimes a little bit our fault.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So anyway, in case you're not traveling with earmuffs handy, we wanted to let you know the language is a little racy. They've all, they've heard it in school though. Yeah, but still we don't need to. We're not saying anything they haven't heard in school. It's just more awkward because now you're all together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:49 This is Family Trips with the Myers Brothers and if you don't believe me, just take it from Jeff Tweedy. Family Trips with the Myers Brothers Family Trips Brothers, family trips With the Midas Brothers
Starting point is 00:02:10 Here we go Hey everybody, it's Pete Davidson. How are you, Pete? I'm good, how are you boys? I'm wonderful. Have you met Josh before? Have you ever met my brother? I don't think so. I think we've been maybe in the same place at the same time and have like wait, but I don't think we've ever gotten to chat. Well, it's very nice to be here with both of you.
Starting point is 00:02:37 It has been a long time since I've seen you, Pete, and I just want to say congratulations on Bupkits. It's wonderful. Very funny. But I want to start with a question about your mom, Amy, who I've been lucky enough to meet and is a lovely woman. You have now had her, fictional versions of her have been played by Marissa Tomei and Edie Falco. Does she appreciate the level?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Okay. Yes. My mom's a Staten Island tri-state mom. And just imagine that phone call, getting to do that twice. It's the best. It means a lot to her. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:03:09 It's one of my favorite things. I always try to figure out for anybody, and some people, I got Bobby Connival to play my Uncle Steve, and my Uncle Steve is like, hey, that's pretty cool. I'm pretty good looking. I get a kick out of casting family and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I think you gave yourself a really high bar, too, with Marissa Tomei for a tri-state mom. And I think maybe the only topper is Edie Falco. Well done. Thank you. Yeah, there was literally, there's no one else. There's only those two in my eyes. So I'm very grateful they both did it.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And I had so much fun with those ladies. I was trying to think of other real-life people who've been played by actors of that caliber, by more than one. And I think it's your mom and Queen Elizabeth. Yeah, we've never had occasion to cast our mom and dad in anything yet, I don't think. No, nobody has played a fictional version of us. It's very, I think you've set a very high bar that you've now twice managed to fictionalize your own life.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Like, for some people, and also you're under 30, which is also remarkable. I know, but I'll be 30 this year. It's over, you guys. The party's over. It's over. Yeah, those round numbers, they really hit home no it really dude i i really i i it's i'm starting to freak out a little bit like i bought like a minivan but like wanted one like i had to get a car and i was like i want a minivan and they're really the best. But you don't even have a family, Pete, right? No.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I have no family. No, yeah, I don't have a family. I have, I don't have my own yet, but I do have a lot of friends and uh it's hard to fit them in like a cool you know whatever flashy whatever so i i got like a minivan and i've been really loving it vacuum built in yes and uh look at you both doors open by like, man. Yeah, it's really fun. I did a commercial for a minivan once, and I will say the day I spent with it,
Starting point is 00:05:32 I thought I would love to drive in this car. And we have three kids now, so I should actually have a minivan, but my wife's not quite ready to admit that we're... I think, weirdly, it's harder for us to get a minivan because we are admitting... There's nothing ironic about us having one, whereas Pete now might make minivans cool. Oh, well, no, I think they're really honestly like they are the best cars. Also, no one gives a fuck about you if you're in a minivan. Like you don't have to tint your windows or do anything to that.
Starting point is 00:06:03 No one's looking at you. Like I've been able to drive everywhere no no one cares only the other people who care other minivan drivers and they look at you with this like like that Derek Jeter nod where everyone's like yeah I'm in this I'm with you but yeah it's like people on party boats people that drive party boats look at other people on party boats and they're like yeah man, man, we're living the same life. The best is no minivan owner can go home and tell someone, you know who was driving the same minivan as me? Pete Davidson. Everybody would just say, no, it's a guy.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It had to have been a guy who looked like Pete Davidson. Yes, I've had a few where a guy will literally kind of go into the car a little if I'm at a stoplight and he'll just go nah and he walks off and i'm like that's great that i don't look good enough to resemble me i have a question about other large vehicles you've recently purchased is there any update on the staten island ferry that you and colin jost uh bought that that was real? No, we do have updates. So we just got all the plans built. And we had them do one of those computer-generated, show you what it could be type things. And now we're out to a few people.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And it seems like it's all going well. But it's definitely like five years away. What is your goal with this? What is your goal with the ferry? Excellent question. definitely like five years away what is your goal with this what is your goal with the fairy excellent question so we want to be able to dock it from april to september maybe october in new york and it will be like you know there'll be a restaurant there'll be a concert venue there'll be a movie theater uh upstairs like sort of restaurant area.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And then there's hotels in it. There's so we'll have like, you know, a couple of those. And and then in the in the winter, tug it to Miami. Wow. You've really thought this through. Yeah. No, it's yeah. We have to because we're in the hole.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I was going to say. Colin Coleman. Yeah, no, it's, yeah, we have to because we're in the hole. I was going to say, did the- Colin called me. He's like, hey, can you hop on this call about the ferry? And I was like, we're still doing that thing? He's like, yeah, can you? This is pretty serious. And it is. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I just, you know, saw a link and sent a deposit. And now I'm like stuck with a fucking boat. It's really funny, dude. What is the name? Have you guys officially named it? We jokingly named it the Titanic 2, like on the LLC, like when we had to buy it. But we're going to keep, it's all going to stay the same,
Starting point is 00:08:36 like the same outside. And we're going to, you know, keep what we can and just repurpose, make sure it's nice. But it'll be the Staten Island Ferry. So you jokingly named it the Titanic two on a legal document. Yes. Colin, that was Colin's idea. I can't take full credit for that. He, cause I wasn't on the call. It's so funny. Colin's on all of the calls and he'll like call me after him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's all going well. It's a Titanic too. All right. I'll talk to you later. Like, uh, so we'll see what happens. I'm excited though. It's, it well. It's named Titanic 2. All right, I'll talk to you later. So we'll see what happens. I'm excited, though. It's just nice. It's actually, it's the biggest ferry. It's substantially bigger than all the other ones. And I'm just glad it's not like turned to scrap or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's kind of funny that this will be a lifelong problem for me and Colin. I am very excited about it. I'm so much happier that you guys are doing it and I have no part of it other than to maybe come to the grand opening. And I'm also... Do you want to invest? I'm like this close to texting Chappelle and being like, how interested
Starting point is 00:09:38 are you in fairies? I will say I collaborated with Jost a lot over the years. And the other thing I love about this is every time I ever did anything with Jost, I was the one who was on all the calls. So I'm so glad that Jost finally has to be the me and you get to be the Jost. Oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:55 He's been like, hey, man, you got to take this seriously. Yeah, he's getting it done. Yeah. The role of the silent partner seems to be ideal yeah lean into that keep leaning into the silent partner alright so Pete this is our podcast called Family Trips
Starting point is 00:10:14 and Josh and I you know the trips we took with our family very important in our lives we enjoyed the ones that went bad more than the ones that went good and obviously we know a lot of people know you tragically lost your father on 9-11 um he was a fireman he died heroically and you were young but i'm wondering did you were you a family uh before your father passed away did
Starting point is 00:10:38 you guys go on trips do you have memories of those trips yes we would We would go to Lake George all the time. All of us. And we would share two rooms and it would be me, my dad, mom. I don't think maybe my sister was just born. My sister was just born. And then my dad's half brother and their family.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And then my grandpa, you know, his, his dad. And I don't, I remember it. I remember like my grandpa, you know, his dad. And I don't, I remember it. I remember like, you know, when someone tells you the story and you like remember it kind of, but like you can't physically place yourself there.
Starting point is 00:11:16 There's one really good vacation story, which is we were all going to go jet skiing on the lake. And I was like five. And the instructor was giving us the rundown, apparently, of the safety regulations and all that. And I had just seen Mission Impossible with my dad. So while they were doing that, I, with no life jacket, at five years old, ran off the deck and jumped and tried to land onto the jet ski and take off like fucking Tom Cruise. I did not. I hit my chin and split my face open and then got sucked out by a current. and then got sucked out by a current. And I heard the tale is my dad went this fucking kid and dropped everything and jumped into the lake
Starting point is 00:12:11 or whatever water, I don't know, because I don't remember very well. And then he actually did save me from drowning. So that is my favorite memory because my whole family got to go jet skiing and then I had to go to the hospital with my whole family got to go jet skiing. And then I had to go to the hospital with my dad and I got myself stitched up. And then he took me apparently the next day.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It was just me and him. So, you know, I'm glad that we got to do that. And then I have one other one. And this is how I knew I come from like a complete scuzzy family. We were in like the Dave and Busters of Lake George. my uncle, no, I was playing one of the hoop Jones, hoop basketball, whatever type things, like small little ball, get in the hoop. And I got it and the tickets started coming out
Starting point is 00:12:57 and the machine broke. So, so many tickets were coming out, like the whole, whatever was in the machine. And I turned to my my half uncle. I go, hey, I go, the machine's broken. We have to go tell the manager because I'm getting a bunch of tickets that like I don't deserve. My uncle literally goes, shut up and keep playing. And then we literally like bought took every prize from there. We got like a radio, a VCR, a fucking like everything.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And I remember being on that ride home being like, that's the type of family I'm from. Yeah. They're the families that report the technical difficulties and they're the ones that take the tickets. Shut up and keep playing. Well, they're all a scam. Those arcades are a scam. I'm sorry the casino that take the tickets. Shut up and keep playing. Well, they're all a scam. Those arcades are a scam. I'm sorry the casino lost that one time. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:50 the little guy won that time. Did you, so your sister's four years younger than you? She's four years younger than me. She unfortunately doesn't have any real, you know memories of of like my dad but we went on a vacation or two with my mom so we went to i think the bahamas or turks and caicos together all three of us with like another widow and her you know the classic meet cute of how you're supposed to make friends growing up hey your dad's dead right we have nothing in common except for that. Let's be forced to hang out with each other so our moms could, you know, talk about it. So it was one of those situations.
Starting point is 00:14:32 The vacation was great. We had a great time. But my favorite thing is the flight home. For some reason, you know, we just got whatever seats we can get. I was like all the way up front alone by like the exit row. And I was probably eight, nine years old. I was like all the way up front alone by like the exit row. And I was probably eight, nine years old.
Starting point is 00:14:48 My mom's all the way in the back with my sister. And the plane had like really bad turbulence. Like still, I've been on a lot of planes still to this day. I remember that being like the first time, the only time I've ever been like, oh shit. So, and I remember me and my mom looking at each other first vacation after 9-11 just like us trying to bond just going everything's gonna be okay and i love you no matter what and i'm just looking at it i'm like what the fuck somehow we land we circle the airport for like a half hour we're about to land land. And as soon as we land, we go back up. We immediately like hit touchdown for a second and then go fly back up. And then we circle for about 30 minutes. And then we finally land. And we're getting off the airplane and we're at baggage claim. My mom and I were standing next to the flight attendant, and he was on the phone with his mom.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And he goes, Ma, the craziest thing just happened. There's so much turbulence because of the weather. When we were about to land, there was a plane already there on the runway. So at the last second, the pilot pulled up and we soared over it. Otherwise, we all would have exploded. And he was like, anyway, I'll be home later. And me and my mom looked at each other like, wow. I feel like they should teach those flight attendants
Starting point is 00:16:12 not to have that conversation at baggage claim. 10 feet away. Yeah. The other crazy thing is, you know, I feel like everybody in the wake of 9-11 was terrified to be on planes and then so I'm sure everybody was overreacting and you must have been thinking there oh you have no idea of what the emotional reaction I'm having to this I would just yeah I was I had no idea what was going on I didn't think it was anything like that I was just like typical like Davidson luck
Starting point is 00:16:44 I was like I was like like father like son we're both gonna be taken out by planes like i was very i was already smoking cigarettes when i was seven years old um but i remember i was allowed that was part of the grieving is they let uh people yeah in staten island you're allowed to do that um but yeah i remember just being like, ah, this, fuck me. As you and your sister got older, did you, were you guys good to vacation together? Were you close when you went on vacations? Did you do stuff as a pair? Me and my sister hoop. So we have polar opposites in the fact that she's a PA at a really great hospital. I don't know how to say what it
Starting point is 00:17:27 is, but, and she assists like brain surgery and spine surgery and stuff. And I do what I do. So basketball, we've always had in common. We love talking basketball. We go to games together. And so anytime we go, we always go, we're simple. we like go to the beach and then we just play basketball all the time and i remember the first time my sister beat me for real she was like a junior in high school and i just started smoking pot like pretty heavy i was like 20 and i remember like it was in front of like it was just like my mom was watching, not even watching, just like at least my kids are doing something. I could like just like zone out because what is my life? I can't believe I have to do this. And she she dogged me like and I remember getting like really like like I lost my like eight.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Like it wasn't even like close. Like and I was acting all cocky, like, oh, yeah, you know. like and I was acting all cocky like oh yeah you know and I remember that she was 16 and she destroyed me uh and it was the first time I like really felt super small does she have the the peat height because you've got that thin wiring she's like 5 11 she's 16 yeah she's scored like over I think like 1200 points in high school she was like a thousand point scorer and she played D1 ball for a little bit. And then she like blew out her leg and then just started doing brain surgery. How many, how many points, how many points did you finish with in high school, Pete? She had 1200. I had 15, but I won two championships.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I was on two championship teams. Wow. I didn't fucking play but like i we i have two banners somewhere in stan island wow so you were on the team you see you suited up but didn't play yeah i was supposed to play my uncle was the coach at the varsity coach so like i was a nepo baby at that school so is this bobby canvale yeah yeah no no no it's a different uncle um but uh when I was a freshman the whole big thing was like I was like pretty good but like not the best but like definitely should be on the team and play a little bit and uh I broke my foot playing
Starting point is 00:19:40 volleyball like the first week of like basketball and the coach was just like fuck you dude and he just never played me for like two full years um but i got to watch like a great team win he was a great coach though he was an amazing coach and uh he won back to back he was so good we won and i was like oh great i get to go play JV next year. I won't have to play for a coach because he don't like me. And then he was such a good coach, they moved him up to JV with the team. So I showed up to tryouts again, and I was like, you fuck it. So I didn't play. Never got to really hoop in high school.
Starting point is 00:20:20 My brother and I, neither of us hooped in high school, but Josh got fired from a job because. Oh, yeah. What went down? Our high school. What's that? How'd it go down? Well, our high school team was playing in the state finals.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And I was a bus boy at a Mexican restaurant, Shorty's Mexican Roadhouse. And I was like, hey, I was a junior. And I was like, could I have this Friday off? And they're like, we've got enough seniors that work here. And they have seniority, by the nature of the word even. And they were like, so we're giving them the day off. And I was like, all right. And then I called in sick.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And I went to the game. And I had my face painted. And it was one of those high school games that's on television. And everyone at Shorty's Mexicanican roadhouse was watching west high playing the state finals and i was on tv and came back and then my boss was like hey you weren't sick i was like yeah i was and he was like no you were on tv in the stands and i was like oh yeah and he's like you're fired and i was like okay and that's the that's the that's a sitcom pilot yeah that is a sitcom of it also uh j Josh's character in a sitcom would be the kid who never got away with shit.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Every single time Josh... Oh, no. Every time Josh tried to skirt the rules, he got caught. Like, a very obvious way. Like, being on camera. Did you get away with a lot? Were you the one who got away with a lot? And Josh got caught.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I got away with everything. You didn't get away with losing your uh your head gear or that's your fault so get this you want to hear something i would love to hear myers b okay great so i had to wear a headgear okay i had braces like the literally like yeah like john hughes 80s movie shame but i only had to wear it at night okay but it was painful to wear at night so i would often not wear it and my dad here's what he did to make sure i was wearing it he would make me give my brother my allowance if josh could catch me not wearing it at night he turned brother he turned brother against brother and and Josh accepted it. I feel like it was like 50 cents.
Starting point is 00:22:27 50 cents a catch. That's pretty cold-blooded, dude. Yeah, but that set me up. There was no money to be made during the day and at night. That's the Irish, dude. That's us, dude. I would camp out in his room. I'd get under the bed. He would go to bed early and hide in my closet, Pete.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He would hide in my closet. And the rule was I officially wasn't wearing it if my closet and the rule was it was officially i officially wasn't wearing it if i was under the covers without it so we'd have to wait until i got under the covers and then he would scream we called it and i apologize that this is what we called it but we called it my gummy and he would scream gummy alert and run out of the bedroom. Did you like try to influence him to not wear it? And I like, Hey dude, like fuck that thing.
Starting point is 00:23:08 He's like, your teeth are looking straight as shit. And if you don't like that thing, fuck it, bro. Gummy, gummy. He gummied me.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. But you also, you lost your, you lost your retainer as well and had to work that off. Dad, how'd you work that off at like a dollar an hour. Yeah. It was going to cost like $100.
Starting point is 00:23:29 He made me stain the deck. And then you found it. I felt like retainers you had to wear for like 15 years. Yeah. I still know people that still wear their retainer. I just knocked all my teeth out and had them put in new ones. Yeah, good call. So Pete, your mom's an er nurse is that
Starting point is 00:23:46 yes she worked she was an er nurse and then she worked at a school uh for like a decade just so she could be off when we were off so she could be around and now she's back in the er and your sister is a physician's assistant and do you feel like because you have two people in your family in the medical profession you've taken more chances because it does feel like i will i will say that i do like i'll play basketball like i shouldn't like i'm not fearful and there's also just like it's nice to call them and be like hey is this like a mole or like, you know, it's kind of cool. But,
Starting point is 00:24:27 um, yeah, I do feel, I do feel very good knowing that there, they could do all this stuff. Was there any place when you were a kid, was there any place you really wanted to go that you, your mom never took you or.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I, uh, have always been obsessed with Fiji. I don't know why. Uh, I think it's because I loved the water bottle when I was growing up. But I was like, one day I'll go to Fiji.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And I'm like, I've never even seen a picture of Fiji. And then I looked at it recently. It's beautiful. I really want to go. I want to go wherever Kevin Hart and Ludacris go on their Instagram vacations. They're always like, yo, we're in the Maldives. And I'm like, I don't even know what that is. Like, they're always in a place I've never heard of that looks so beautiful. So whatever
Starting point is 00:25:09 Kevin Hart and Ludacris do, I just started taking, I'm not good at taking vacations. I get there for two or three days and I'm like, ah, fuck it. I want to fuck up. I got to go do a show where I got to go do something. And I'm learning to like, enjoy, you know, other, you know, aspects of life where you could just like chill and enjoy things. So I'm trying to do that more. And are you someone I know we had a harrowing beginning on the jet ski, but are you if you go on a vacation with where water sports are available? Is that something you would do today? Oh, absolutely. I love I rip jet skis. I love jet skis. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Dude, jet ski is the coolest thing ever. You feel like a secret agent, dude. The first time my kids saw Colin Jost, he was on a jet ski. And... I imagine that's how
Starting point is 00:25:57 all children first see Colin Jost. Right? But like, they, they love him so much. Like, when they hear anybody named colin they're like
Starting point is 00:26:06 jet ski colin i'm like no different colin no different colin yeah you pull up you when when someone's first able to retain memories for the first time as a child and your first memories of a guy pulling up on a jet ski that'll that'll be the coolest thing forever. I mean, it's like named, it's given a name for kids to remember. Jetski Collin. Formerly known as Steno and Ferry Collin. Yeah, exactly. He's Jetski. He's a lot slower on the ferry than he was.
Starting point is 00:26:36 He covers the aquatic. Yeah, exactly. He's very. When was the last time you, have you taken your mom on like a kick-ass vacation as an adult is that something you've done we are actually planning our first davidson full family actually i'm so this uh clicked the memory for me so there is one best fucking memory i ever have uh when i was like nine or ten my whole family pitched in and they got they rented a house in like North or South Carolina in the summer for a week. And I had a pool and a hot tub and it was like 30 of us and like a three, four bedroom.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And it was like the greatest time ever. Like we all still talk about it to this day. I actually remember we all went to go see Lord of the Rings three. Right. Well, we were out there. Yeah. So we are, I've been reaching out to everyone in the family. We're going to do a really cool version of that where everyone, you know, is comfortable.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Was it pull out couches and sleeping bags on the ground? Well, there was like, I have six aunts that are all sisters. So it was like, they're all sleeping together. Then all the uncles are sleeping together. It's like 15 kids are in one room, stockpiled on top of each other. Like, you know, classic Staten Island vacation. Yeah, so we're trying to get that all together now.
Starting point is 00:27:56 But I bring my mom anywhere as much as I can. If there's ever like, if I ever get to do a commercial, first person I pitch is my mom. Or like, if I'm doing something, I just make sure she gets to come because she's just been, she's the best. You know Amy and everyone that we know knows Amy and she's really the best. You could, the thing I love about my mom the most is like I can bring her somewhere and I don't have to like surveil. Well, that's so funny you say that because one of my favorite nicest her somewhere and I don't have to like surveil. Well, I,
Starting point is 00:28:26 that's so funny you say that. Cause one of my favorite nicest conversations, and I've had many with your mom, but one of the nicest was when I came back and hosted SNL in 2017, she was at the after party and I was talking with her and I said, Oh, where's Pete? I want to say hi.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And she was like, Oh, he was so tired. He went home. And I was like, I love that Pete's mom is at the party. Oh yeah. Later.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I stopped going to the after parties after, I think, the third year. I just, like, I don't know what happened. I just, like, got so much anxiety at those things. But my mom would go every week with, like, Keenan's mom, our good friend Roseman. And, you know, like, she's our own thing there. Like, she has her own, like, group of friends, like she's her own thing there. Like she has her own like group of friends like that oddly speak to her. Like I know people who speak to her more than they speak to me. And they'll be like, I was just hanging out with Amy.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And I was like, oh. She has like a, I think some moms have it. Her mom energy is very transferable to people who are not her children. Like you get a nice like mom hit offer, even though she's not your mom. Absolutely. Yeah. She's,
Starting point is 00:29:30 she's really special. She wasn't at the after party to party. She was at the after party in case anyone needed mom energy, which I, or if someone was like, whereas Pete, she could be like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:29:42 he was tight, like covering for me. Like in her, like, that's like, that's Pete? She could be like, oh, he was covering for me. That's what she's there for. She's there to represent the Davidson regalia. My mom used to have a fake Twitter account when I first got SNL. You know, the traditional SNL trajectory. You first get the show, everyone loves you, and then they stop.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And then you have to actually be good at the show and then they they love you again yeah um uh so it was like my second or third year and it was a lot of like he's not useful you know typical twitter comments and my mom made a fucking fake twitter account under the name joe smith55, and would respond to everyone. But it was so specific. Like it would be like, actually, I heard he's working on himself and does that quite often. Like, like just like, obviously, and this was, this was the kicker. So like everyone found out it was my mom, not through detective work. They found out because her username was at joe smith but her profile name was amy davidson and the profile picture was amy davidson so it was a picture of my mom with a name that said joe smith 1355 commenting on all these haters uh yeah nobody better to have your back than your
Starting point is 00:31:01 mom god she got my back dude yeah did you guys do like road trips like what was the what was the vehicle if you were driving up to lake george or was that was that a drive we we did a lot of road trips actually one of my uncles is uh not too hype on flying and you know neither were we for a bit. So he had one of those, I want to say it's like a Star Cruiser. It's like a big van. It has like two or three captain seats in the back. And then like a row that you could turn into a bed. But it was like a 90s car.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And it had a VHS player. And my uncle was so good at the car. I remember I was really impressed with how he operated the vehicle because we would drive to Florida once a year where we would go there because my grandpa used to live in Tampa for a bit. He calls it the good old days. He retired and moved to Tampa for three years and then had to move back. And he talks about Tampa like it's like the lost city of Atlantis. He was like, we had an above ground pool. Like he was just like the way he talks about Tampa is like it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:32:14 So we would drive up to Florida, you know, once a year. And the VHS, you know, if if the car hit a bump on the highway, it would skip. And the tracking would come up and my uncle it's hard to i'll show you guys it's hard it's hard to explain because you're gonna be listening to this but he would just he would know when it skipped even though we had our headphones on and it wasn't playing through the car and he would just reach his arm back behind and touch the tv panel and then go one button below and press the right button. Like it was his fucking job. Like, like it was the coolest fucking thing ever. Still, Uncle Mike,
Starting point is 00:32:53 Uncle Mike Quillow, the way that he stopped the tracking during Star Wars and Jumanji from like 2002 to 2006 on all the road trips was incredible. One of the best performances in the Pete Davidson lifetime. That's a real, if you want a specific superpower for an uncle to have, that seems like a real nice one. Oh, fix the tracking or if the DVD skips, Uncle Mike will fix that shit. He always had the clay, the cleaner with like the felt rag. He always had, he's like, yeah, one second. Yeah, Uncle Mike rolls.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Hey, speaking of big old movies, this summer you're in the new Transformers movie. Yes. Very exciting. I'm so fucking excited. Dude, I'm so excited. It was one of the best calls I ever got to get. Shout out to Stephen Caple Jr.,
Starting point is 00:33:46 who's amazing, the director, and Paramount, they reached out and they let me take a weird whack in the booth. And I had the best time in the world. And it's fun to see those things, the animated things, because, you know, you go in a booth for like a week, but they're like in Machu Picchu for like eight months.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Right. And then it's fun to watch you cut together and you're in the exact same amount of time. It really makes me laugh. You're like, that's amazing. And I know you can't
Starting point is 00:34:16 give anything away, but is it your minivan, right? Is that correct? No, no. I'm a minivan. I'm a Honda Odyssey. Got a skip in VHS player. Yeah, I'm a minivan. I'm a Honda Odyssey. Got a skip in VHS player. Yeah, I'm a Kia Carnival.
Starting point is 00:34:31 But yeah, no, I'm stoked, dude. I'm like, I'm a Porsche and I get to be Anthony Ramos, who's the lead. I get to be his like, you know, his car. So I'm really excited. That's like, that's something like my, I know it's cool because my cousins will call me. Like I've told this story before, but my cousin, I'm in the Suicide Squad
Starting point is 00:34:53 for like four minutes, right? You're wonderful in it. It was very exciting to see you. I thought the movie was great and it was a lovely cameo. A fucking awesome movie. James Gunn's a genius. Was so thrilled to get the call.
Starting point is 00:35:04 But the point of the story is I'm in it for literally maybe four minutes. My cousin called me and he was like, yo. He's like, you're doing all right out there. He's like, this is pretty fucking cool. And I was like, I made a movie about our family last year. No calls. No calls. Nothing. I was like, with Jud judd apatow one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:35:27 comedy directors of all time nothing i get my head blown off as soon as i spot a four minutes i'm doing good and i got the same call for transformers we was like hey this is pretty sick so i think it's gonna be cool it's important to do those things it's important to remember that we all live in a bubble and if you can get out of it, show them another side of you. Plus, I think they're probably like, Pete, we can't watch you play yourself again. We were there. We watched you grow up.
Starting point is 00:35:52 We've watched you play this version. We can't. We want to see you be. You really made a deal of it. We want you to be a voice of a car. Yeah. By the way, you and Jost are perfect business partners because Jost once wrote a sketch where,
Starting point is 00:36:07 I think it was a Golden Globes sketch but for pets and so it was I think Sudeikis was playing Ricky Gervais as a Golden Globes host who was making jokes about the animals in the audience and Jost wrote a stage direction for a dog he wanted a practical golden retriever and Jost said, the dog looks angry, but then, admitting it's funny, has to laugh. We were all like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You think they can teach a dog in two days how to react? That's not a dog's reaction. What's funny is that is really funny. It is really funny it is really like
Starting point is 00:36:45 can't be done my favorite at s i'm sure you were part of this when they ever they'll be like they'll build like a fucking million dollar set and then just be like yeah it didn't work you're like what the fuck i remember one time they had a full it was a water park and i think they might have did it or put it online or whatever. But it was like, we had a slide. We had like a fucking wave pool. And it was like legit. And it was like, they were like, yeah, it's like a million.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I was like, I can't believe they did this. And then they'll just cut it. Yeah, my first year we did had like a sketch that took place in like a sherlock holmes english manor beautiful rows of like leather but and i remember talking to amy poehler and we've written it together and i'm like well there's no way they're cutting this and then just dies and then they just like you just watch them like roll it into the garbage goodbye forever i wonder if the wave pool set really was legit pete or if you just love wave pools and all things water sports that you were like this is incredible like anything that even functional it was crazy
Starting point is 00:37:49 functional because we had to have a safety meeting because beck and kyle really wanted us to go down the slides oh my god and that was a professional meeting i had at my job a safety meeting for a slide yeah pete we're gonna ask this question to everybody on this podcast and the question is this have you been to the grand canyon i have not and now here's how i feel yeah go ahead do you want to go i do want to go but I also feel like I've seen it so many times on my windows wallpaper yeah that I feel like I will get there and be like okay like I feel like I've seen it so many times and I feel like I've hyped it up so much that I wouldn't enjoy it as much but then again maybe it's the most breathtaking thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I still want to go to Niagara Falls too. I heard that's really fun. I've been to Niagara Falls. I think the way to go to Niagara Falls is book a show. That's how I went. Yeah, do a show in Buffalo and then that afternoon go. I think that Niagara Falls is a perfect, fantastic thing to see if you're there for another reason.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You guys Grand Canyon'd it? Never Grand Canyon'd it. I drove by and I had my dog with me and you can't take a dog below the rim. So we just saw sort of from the rim, but it's, it's very impressive. That is grand. Right. Yeah. I imagine it's like a five minutes of like, wow. And then you're like, all right. Well, I think if you like, if you hike into it if you take some
Starting point is 00:39:25 time i'd like i'd like to like spend a week there i have no interest at all and i'm never gonna go yeah but i'm more of a i'm more of a camper than you are seth like i've got a lot of camping and i like um hotel rooms yeah oh i love hotel rooms dude yeah If I could live in a hotel, I would. I think so, too. It's the best. I really do. I think that there was a brand of New York actor in the 50s and 60s who just lived in a hotel, and I think that that just sounded like the most awesome life.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I listened to it in Philly for the four seasons in Philly or the peninsula or whatever for four or five years while I was playing for Philly. See, I want to live in a hotel, and Josh wants to live in the bottom of a hole. I understand both, though. Yeah, well, that's great. You're a very kind man who sees a lot of, you appreciate other people's perspectives.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Are you a camper? Did you ever camp, Pete? Well, it's funny. I've always been like yo fuck bugs fuck this i've been with you you've said that yeah i've seen you say that to a bug's face yeah i say yo fuck you and your mother twice um no and then i had to shoot this fucking movie in australia and uh it was in Daintree rainforest which is the oldest rainforest in the world I learned and I wasn't staying in like a hotel outside the rain like I was in the fucking
Starting point is 00:40:53 rainforest for like two months with like no internet cell reception I'd wake up there'd be like lizards on my pillows and spiders flying across the room that were the size of my hand and I had one time i remember i had to do a take where everyone was just still and i was like why is everybody looking at me and there was a lizard like i mean you can't see on a podcast but big enough for me to be freaking freaked out like it was like this big and in australia they don't have guns even though that was the only place i've ever felt like I needed a gun because they're like, I'd be like, there's alligators or crocodiles where you're filming.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I was like, what do you do if you see one? He was like, oh, if you see one, it's over. I go, what? So after that, I kind of like bugs don't bother me so much no more. So I just I never owned anything before. So I just got a house like in the woods. Yeah. So like I'm really excited about it and uh there is something really nice about utter peace and quiet that like it's hard to get in the city as like I'm sure you know Seth just it's like pretty tough it's not bad it's
Starting point is 00:41:59 it's I love New York City it's there's a real value to getting out every once in a while to where it's a little quieter you appreciate it more yeah absolutely where you're City. There's a real value to getting out every once in a while to where it's a little quieter. It also makes you appreciate it more. Yeah, absolutely. Where you're like, oh, there's a coffee. If there's a line that's too long for coffee here, there's a place next door. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And then if you're in the woods, you're like, there is one coffee place, and it opens at 9. And I hope the guy shows up today. Thank you so much for joining us. I want to remind everybody to check out Bubkis. It's fantastic. It looks beautiful. It really is so gorgeously directed.
Starting point is 00:42:34 The cast is incredible. And that's on Peacock. And Transformers is out this summer. I love you guys. Thank you guys for having me. Love you, Pete. Great to see you, buddy. All right, guys. Thank you guys for having me. Love you, Pete. Great to see you, buddy. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:42:46 See you guys soon. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. limo. Living soccer monster cause he's that bro. You can best believe that he drives a minivan. His friends no longer feel like sardines in a can. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's Pete Minivan. He's Pete and he drives a minivan. He's Pete Minivan. He's Pete and he drives a minivan. He's Pete Minivan. He's Pete and he drives a minivan.

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