Fat Chance Podcast - Ep.10 - John Fauser

Episode Date: April 20, 2021

John Fauser: He's a teacher. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, let's just get that name dropped already. Who is coming up to you? Sean Coole. Wait, who's Sean Coole? Who's like Brian's co-worker for Davis. Bro, how old is he? I think he's only like a sophomore right now. There might be like three people out there that I don't know who listen to this.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Otherwise, I could count on two hands. You can see the usernames? No. God, no. know who listened to this otherwise i i could count oh really you can see the usernames no god no there's a uh on anchor there's this thing that it'll break down by country yeah so why do i small the trash is there but um it'll break down by country and so um i can see who like from what country and then in that country, depending on, I guess your privacy settings on your phone or Spotify or whatever you're listening on,
Starting point is 00:00:51 it'll break it down by then state here in the U S or like city or stuff like that. And then there was one in Singapore where it's like, it came from this building. I was like, that's kind of creepy. Weird. It was like a community center yeah huh yeah international viewers and and whatnot it was cool i've logged
Starting point is 00:01:15 into uh the old tending a list one we're still getting views on that or listens which is kind of cool obviously not a ton but when i closed that one down i think we're at like eight countries i think we're close to 15 now yeah i mean 98 of the viewership is from the u.s but yeah it's kind of cool yeah i wonder what weird um you comfortable though yeah i think i think I'm good. I wish I could put my beer like right here. Okay, we can do that. Producer Jack. No, this would be a great thing. It's like you do this.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Next episode, you're the producer. And it's just rotating chairs. I was thinking about that on my way over here. Do you want to grab that chair and just put it next to him so he can put his beer down? Yeah, that'd be good. Do you want the candy too? The Tending Alyssa bowl? I don't need it.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm not a crazy candy person, but... Oh, you can keep the candy. I kind of like having the desk a little cleared now. If you want it, just scream Jack, look it up, or Jack this, Jack that. He's our... He wants me some candy Do you want it here is that okay As long as you're in the side of the camera and you're comfortable and are willing to talk. I don't give a shit One of these times I want to dress up dude, I went and bought a So I told you I picked up my watch today.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I went and bought a bunch of more of these t-shirts. I think I'm just going to wear a different cartoon t-shirt. I can only find Spongebob and Rugrats at HomeGoods. This is my new Rugrats t-shirt. I bought five of them today. Half of them don't fit.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I've got to take them back, which sucks. I hate that. Thank God it's right next to the gym. I got to take them back, which sucks. I hate that. Thank God it's right next to the gym, so I'm going there just about every day and just pop right over next to it. Let's see how many countries we are. We're in at, for fat chance, analytics. We are only in four.
Starting point is 00:03:21 1%, a solid 1%. Usually it just says less than one percent for each country but one percent's from the uk do we know anyone that lives in the uk no not one person no i am excited i want to like mass share this you know what i mean like once you post it and stuff yeah it's all produced i hope you did too yeah i'm sure like everyone does that when they're i do i do a very poor job at promoting this very poor job brian definitely did i remember when he did well brian's got two accounts yeah so that was nice yeah was brian my first or second youtube
Starting point is 00:04:00 he was he was my second second yeah howman. Heilman was third, I think. Well, Heilman, technically, we recorded him first. And it looked so bad. We did it in his apartment. And when you – so we did it before Daylight Saving, so it got dark pretty quickly. So we started, and it was about this bright outside. And halfway through, it was pitch black. And I don't have anything to do with lighting.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Like, the lighting we have is the garage lights right now and it's like it's kind of very bright on our face yeah kind of where i like wearing the hat too but he it went from my face is bright the whole time his face is bright i'm bright then it's also like you can barely see him it's like pitch dark he looks like he's in a completely different room so i just i don't think i know i did edit that one together but maybe i'll just start like a patreon or an only fans account people have to subscribe to the episodes that end up looking like shit yeah anything that's not here it is cool like if you, if you've listened to like podcasts, like shows, which I have, but they start no ads, you know, like they're pretty rough, rough around the edges, but you know,
Starting point is 00:05:11 they get to like 30 episodes, then like an ad shows up and you're like, oh wow, this is getting a little like legit. Right. And then like the production is just getting better and better, but like, it's more of that like journey that gets like really fun. It is fun. The deeper you get in. See,'s more of that journey that gets really fun. It is fun. The deeper you get in. See, I think I've made no progress doing this.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I'm not big. We technically have a Patreon account for tending a list. And we were just going to put what Braxton and I ever drank. Hardcore drink. I threw up the first time him and I drank on our show. And that episode is actually out on Patreon if you want to buy it. As like an extra. Just like, yeah, attending a list.
Starting point is 00:05:55 There's one thing on there. Bonus. You got pretty deep on that, right? We didn't get deep. No, it was the dumbest conversation. We were doing like lists. Like, what's your favorite candy? Just hammered like, oh, I like Scoodles. It was the dumbest conversation. We were doing lists. What's your favorite candy? Just hammered, oh, I like Scoodles.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It was so stupid. That's your bonus episode. One bonus episode. There's technically 17 episodes of Tending a Liz. 16 are available for free. I get it. The sponsorship thing is when you finally see one on there, it's almost like you're happy for the people you've been listening to
Starting point is 00:06:27 since before they got sponsors, which is cool. But the thing we talked about last night is like, oh, why not put even like the free – technically the people I host this through, they'll sponsor your podcast, and every 1,000 views it's $15, which at a beginning is useless. Um, but I also, I'm not going to burden you guys with an ad that isn't doing anything,
Starting point is 00:06:52 but it's like, Oh, it sounds legit. It's like, I don't want it to sound legit. I want it to sound fun. So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:59 I actually had, I would love to have music playing the whole time. It wouldn't sound good, but like I have it a little in the back. Yeah. Um, but I had it too loud at the beginning of Piper's episode and I went and looked at
Starting point is 00:07:13 the stats on the video and it goes you have been flagged for copyright it was for a minute of the video I remember that so I was like, oh, shit. But I was able to, like, take it out, so we're good. Also, I'm not making money off the video.
Starting point is 00:07:31 True. Yeah. I like Gane's setup, though, like in his basement. That looked really cool. The lighting was perfect. Oh, the lighting's perfect, yeah. Like the wood. When it's sunny, the lighting looks great in here.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Okay, yeah. Right now, it's fine, but I kind of just like the atmosphere. True. I could sit here for three hours. I was not expecting all this. I mean, I knew it was a garage, but yeah, this is like plenty of room. I need more stuff. I think every episode is just going to start with, I need this for the show.
Starting point is 00:08:00 One day, I'll be satisfied with it. That's all right. And you think of Joe Rogan he's got like the TV you know you can pull things up if you want it or like whatever. Oh come on in. That's part of the thing now.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Everyone just walks in and out. And where are you going? To the bank. That usually means you're going to get tobacco. I'm actually going to the bank that usually means you're going to get tobacco actually going to the bank oh for your card yeah for the longest time he's like i'm going to the bank i'm like no you're not you're gonna go get vape or whatever Is that his car? That's my mom's Doesn't sound great right now. It's a nice car. It's probably just wet
Starting point is 00:08:55 Hey Andrew take your fucking time Hey producer Jack, do you want to get him to fucking leave, please? There we go. What did he need? Nothing. I wanted him to leave. You guys want to hit the range later or what? I would. 100%. By the way, what do you want to get into today?
Starting point is 00:09:21 What do I want to get into? Yeah, you asked whoever apparently texted you guys asking for advice on what to talk about i did no research for you i researched um twin stuff for him but that's about it and it was this was on the fly too it was yeah i mean we literally yeah we're like yesterday let's do it just two grown-ass men in a hot tub like you know what we should do we should podcast together tomorrow yeah well i guess jack and morgan were there too yeah that's my first time i've been in a hot tub in a very long time it's enjoyable it's very enjoyable yeah um yeah i know i was debating like do i like
Starting point is 00:09:58 prep a little bit here like do i write something down like i feel like i'm like kind of naked as like teachers go where like i have like a plan and like i'm ready to go but i just didn't really write anything for this as a sub do they basically just have the plan for you now yeah yeah um yeah uh i think they're required to have like a plan but some teachers don't but uh like it's not a big deal if they don't. I mean, our jobs are so easy. We don't do anything. You know, if Franklin High School ever fucking listens to this, you'll be like, oh, this easy?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Maybe you don't need to be here then. Because you said your dream job would be Franklin, right? Yeah, I've always kind of said that. Yeah, how small town of me yeah it's like what's your dream job the school the district over i know i'm worried about that like i think that's kind of what like everyone thinks like you know like like when they think about me they think like small town like not gonna leave ever type of thing like I was this the big high school guy I guess basically but
Starting point is 00:11:09 did you say you peaked in high school no I didn't say that I said I was a big high school do you think Jack peaked in high school no no I don't think so either I think you're peaking now by the way I think you're absolutely peaking now enjoy cause it's all downhill from there.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That worries me. Which candy are you munching on over there? Tootsie Roll. Tootsie Roll. Dude, it's very underrated candy. I'm loving it. And I hate that they're the small ones, because I want like 90 of them in my mouth at once. I don't do them.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You don't do them? No. You're not a candy guy? Mm-hmm. I've only gotten to candy again because of the... Did you play baseball? I played t-ball for two years. Did we talk about this yesterday? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah. By the way, this is two episodes in 48 hours. Yeah, this is me being very proactive, not doing last-minute shit. But yeah, I played t-ball for two years, and then I was afraid to have the ball pitched at me and not just there. So I quit. And I was bad at T-ball, I think. I have a very specific memory.
Starting point is 00:12:19 My dad's on first base, first base coach. He was our head coach. And I took 20 swings at the t i just kept hitting the t i never hit the ball i think i was the first person in t-ball history around the world people with no arms could do better than what i did and my dad came up to me and goes you have one more swing and then you're striking out no one strikes out into i don't think that's allowed but 21 times and you're done yeah and i i think i barely hit the bottom of it i hit the t2 and it went in i was like thank god yeah yeah well the reason i asked i think i think high school baseball was
Starting point is 00:13:01 the only time i really like like candy i don't know why, but we would always just eat Skittles. Just Skittles. The amount of shit we put in in high school, playing two to three sports at a time, I could eat a gallon of Skittles, and I would look the same, feel the same the next day. If I did that today, I would be rolling on the floor in pain yeah it's disgusting you know i'm thinking now too actually after every soccer game we ate mambas
Starting point is 00:13:33 in high school like those oh my god those are so good though yeah yeah that was our tradition mambas mambas everyone had had to have a mamba after the game that was like our thing like each person had a full roll? No, just one. Okay, that's not that bad. We'd buy three rolls and then pass them off. Pass them off. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I don't know why we did that. It was just like... It's weird how some traditions start. True. Honestly, yeah, good point. The chemistry from a piece of candy was, like, it was insane. You know, like, we all, like, look forward to it. Like, that one piece of candy reminds you of probably, like, 20 guys.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Exactly. Which is cool. It's very cool. Like, George Webb, I talked about it with Jack, reminds me a lot of both, like, going there when I was younger with my dad and then the football team. Like, after every game, it's like 30 of us will go in there. There's one worker, and they're like, you're not going to get your food right away.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We're like, we know. We're just here to hang out. Get us our food when you can. That's it. That's funny, because my mom took us there too. Webs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I think their food's getting smaller. The pancakes used to be the size of the plate, and now it's like a medallion. I'm already through one of these. Me too. I just finished. If you haven't figured out already, we're going. We are? Yeah. plate and now it's like like a medallion i'm already through one of these you too i just finished if you haven't figured out already we're going we are yeah oh really maybe i just shouldn't have told him like hey we're done here he goes i thought we haven't started yet yeah he might be the first person that hasn't asked like it's just getting warmed up that's good i don't know but
Starting point is 00:15:02 you see how easy i am getting warmer do you see how easy this is like that whole time that's good i don't know but you see how easy i am getting warmer do you see how easy this is like that whole time that's all this is yeah it's it's not bad i think if you clam up now that i told you i'm already clamming i'm clam but i will say like i'm not like unfamiliar with this as a teacher and student you know for my student teaching yeah we're just teaching one kid right now oh yeah well yeah true but when we, like, I had to make all these lessons over the computer, record, record my voice. That sounds miserable. But it's actually really fun. So that's why I really wanted to, like, do this and, like, maybe start a show at some point.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I don't know. You could do, like, a children's learning show. This isn't a good start because this should not be meant for children at all. No, no. And I'm surprised I haven't even sworn yet. And I swear probably five to ten times in class every day. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Well, you're in high school. I feel like it doesn't matter. Yeah, it really doesn't. I mean. By the way, are you in the school now? Like you're no longer virtual? We've been in school since November. Okay, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:07 In person. I haven't really, you know, been to high school in a while. Hey, Franklin's hardcore. So, I mean, like, the minute they could get back, it was like. Let's just get them in. I mean, dude, we walked around with asbestos in the halls for a while. And then they just ripped the walls and the ceiling off. I'm like, I'm pretty sure it's showing.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It might as well just say asbestos on the wall. And're up and down the hallways with anything frank's like it just builds character oh by the way does deb lax who said i was just gonna mention him because i want him on here so fucking bad so bad and we know my opening line would be it'd, let's address the elephant in a room. What? You lost some weight. Dude. That's awful. It's so bad. But you know he would laugh at it. Yeah, he would.
Starting point is 00:16:56 He would absolutely laugh at it because I know he's a good spirit about all that stuff. Crazy story about him. Just because he lived down the road from us and I was friends with his son. But he was remodeling our i remember my first beer no you're just not used to it being that full that's what happens you know seriously i do that all the time uh but funny story when he was remodeling our kitchen i think he was like up here like doing some shit on the ceiling or something and he dropped the drill a drill and it literally went into his leg. Somehow had a good trajectory enough to go into his calf.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Let me guess, he probably didn't even flinch. He was just like, basically, fuck. That man has been through some shit. Yeah, and the cancer thing. Yeah, I vaguely know about that. Yeah. I mean. He was top three favorite teachers at that school. Because he was like one of the more like real teachers. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah. And you can tell he's like been around long enough. And it's a shop teacher. So he's like. Listen. Yeah. The real world here. This isn't like we're not going to baby you. Not going to whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah. Which is super cool. And he just like, fuck around with us. He knew when to be super serious and yell at someone. And then, otherwise,
Starting point is 00:18:12 if we were in line and didn't like, basically cross the line with like a joke, which we did multiple times, he would just fuck around with us. He also was a little like sometimes naive about stuff. He, you think?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah. So I had him for woods too. Okay. And I made this, there's like, when you go into those classes, you are either like competent and can like put stuff together. Like it clicks or your project is I'm gonna make a birdhouse hopefully it looks like a house otherwise it's like you're nailing three two by four it just doesn't look good yeah and i made this very nice looking coat rack for my dad as a christmas present and all these like
Starting point is 00:18:56 weird intro i was asking like weird joints and stuff to put together sure and he liked it and i think he took a liking to me so when i got to constructions he made me foreman for projects first project ever we were we do those sheds okay he we have one house we're doing a shed for and across the street we're doing a retaining wall and he goes to foreman kuski pick your team basically did a fantasy draft of kids in our class just pick your team okay and you're gonna build that you're gonna they don't allow you going off campus now no i was gonna say like pick teams oh yeah you're gonna hurt johnny's feelings um but we i grabbed my team and it's like i mean we're like the rat pack, like the Island of Misfit Toys. It was so bad.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And we went and he left us alone because we were supposed to be the well-trained, knew what we were doing group of kids. And he went with the rest of them to do the retaining wall. And our job was to dig a six inch square and make it like level on this hill kind of thing it took us three weeks oh jeez a 10 by 10 six inch square
Starting point is 00:20:11 deep it took us three weeks he came back and goes what the fuck is going on at one point he came back and the lady was serving us
Starting point is 00:20:19 lemonade and none of us were doing a damn thing like this is and so but like that's also like it's good stories for me yeah yeah and the shed got built yeah i think deb's cool just because like yeah he's not like a normal teacher like he can connect with students really easily but then like
Starting point is 00:20:39 he has that background where like you don't have to go to college you can just contract and like do all this like blue labor, you know, blue collar shit. Um, that like a lot of students connect with, you know, obviously they're not,
Starting point is 00:20:51 they're not all going to a university. absolutely not. I mean, I wanted the college experience. I didn't want to do college classes. And so like when college was over, I was like school, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like the way I view people going to grad school law school medical school i saw a lot of people in high school view going to college it's like sure i'm done with what's required of me no more what i always viewed college as like a requirement yeah yeah i mean did your parents go yeah okay yeah same one same with me i mean one went to whitewater yeah exactly like you look you just look up to them. You're like, okay, maybe I do need to go to college. Like, they met in college. Like, maybe I could meet, you know, someone in college.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oh, it's my best decision. To this day, the best decision I've made. I agree. Not for the academics. Not even close. True, true. I always tell, this is what I tell my students. I'm like, the best thing about college is just meeting people.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Like, networking a little bit. It's a $100,000 social experiment. If you take a job like you did. It's all it is. Yeah, exactly. But not everyone's as social as me and you or something. Very true. There are people that go there for academics.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah, yeah. I went there for school. I started as an engineer. It didn't work out. I went more the social route. But there are people that go there like, oh, I want to be a doctor. I need to go to undergrad. I want to be an engineer.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Blah, blah, blah. It's, I mean, we could talk about the education system all day. But, like, how about now where you're like. Hold on. Let the Batmobile show up. Do you know he has hit the garage door three times? I thought it was going to get hit right there. Three times.
Starting point is 00:22:28 This man, he is pretty close. We'll wait until he's done before I rip on him. How was the bank? Pretty good. Just got $1,400 from the government for free. $1,400. That's the stem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Nice, dude. I'm getting that too, hopefully,400. That's the stem. Nice, dude. I'm getting that too, hopefully, soon. Not that I need it, but... Goodbye. But yeah, it looked like he might hit Jack. He's at the garage door three times, real quick. Once from the outside. Once from the inside. He just didn't open the garage
Starting point is 00:23:07 and backed into it and then the third time in your from the outside yeah great oh no in his car every time in his car thankfully i guess because that's a nice car it's a nice car it's the uh it's the batman superman version so if you look on the back of it it has like you know the when batman superman was uh that the big movie coming out yeah batman versus superman um that's when my mom got this car and so everything is blacked out besides the headlights like the wheels everything and on the back is the batman superman logo okay i think she was just like fuck it why not yeah it's a cool car i mean i'm I'm not like a Jeep person that much. I love Jeeps.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yeah. Okay. I absolutely love them. But I want like a Rubicon, not, hey, Jeep, send me a car. Isn't that the box you want? We'll do a whole episode in the car if you send me a Jeep. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's all you got to do. Just one Jeep. We'll do a full episode. I don't know. Could you set up all this in there maybe maybe i just put the jeep all the way in the back oh i'd have to do the tailgate open and okay i'd have to do the episode basically from outside park the jeep in here or we just do it inside the jeep and just have like mini tripods just put them in true i think that would be that's another
Starting point is 00:24:25 like fun series idea i had was basically just get into random ubers with a camera and be like all right tell me your funniest stories because you know uber drivers have to have some funny shit like what he was telling us yesterday about gain just falling asleep and then falling out of the car and then him waiting till his legs got out of the way of the tires so he could leave i i have a habit of falling asleep in my uber uber rides if you're hammered oh yeah every time if i'm by myself i'll like really fight it really fight it yeah it's bad i think sometimes because because I'll Uber from downtown alone. Yeah. I'll fall asleep, and the Uber driver will wake me up, and I'm in our driveway.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Oh, yeah. It's happened to me, too. It's like the, hey, buddy, and you're like, oh, thanks, man. You've been awake the whole time. You could get one bad Uber driver that, like, you know, I don't know. Gosh, that would be scary. Yeah, he goes, hey, buddy, you wake up, you're in the middle of a field. But you're right about Uber drivers.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Like, a lot of the time, like, if I don't want to fall asleep, I'll make sure I sit in the front so I can talk to him and, like, you know, be, like, distracted on the way home. I don't think you can sit in the front of an Uber anymore right now. True. But I prefer that. Jack and I did recently, actually. it depends on the guy yeah yeah i think i but even before the pandemic i liked sitting in the front seat of an uber like if i'm ubering downtown like if we went downtown now and like you guys both down there already and i was
Starting point is 00:25:59 like oh i'll meet you down there and i called one from here i would get in the front seat of that car i'm in a great mood i'm gonna go meet my friends we're gonna drink and be like let's fucking talk for the whole 20 minutes i am not the guy that wants to sit in the back and just be on my phone yeah if i ubered to work in the morning be like don't fucking talk to me but if i'm going to a social event like let's get the juices flowing yeah you love that saying yeah that's good that's good that was that was nice last night thanks for doing that what coming over oh makes it sound like that's just what i like doing like everyone is so sad thanks for that last night what like hanging out with no one ever no one ever wants to like come
Starting point is 00:26:43 over and hot tub so it's like, what the fuck? Probably because they think I'm some creeper or weirdo when I invite or force. When you invite four grown-ass men to a hot tub. Yeah, exactly. Just four straight white males chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart because we're not gay. Five feet apart. No, that was nice i it's i get
Starting point is 00:27:07 overwhelmed in hot tubs though like we were talking about last night it's like i can only stay in for like three minutes and i have to stand up because i think like my chest is like my heart's gonna come out it's weird yeah no i get it i mean but it was a perfect temperature for yesterday the perfect temperature yeah but again i just like it because like it's that time where like we're all there we can talk about things like stuff comes out or like you can just have better conversations because like we're all together and like that confined space yeah exactly confined that's my favorite part about it like the social aspect but um you know and they're trying not to play footsie with someone like that is a thought of i'm like there's five of us in here don't move your fucking feet jeez yeah i don't want to accidentally
Starting point is 00:27:51 graze jack's leg he thinks it's morgan so he grazes back my dude thanks jack thanks morgan For hanging out with him. No. No. Hey, this sucks, but I'm going to bring it back up where. I thought you were going to say, hey, this sucks, but I got to go. No, no, no. But, like, we were talking about you coming out of college, or, like, your college experience. But, like, solely you think, like, just going in there, like, for networking and, like, meeting people was, like, the best part. Yeah. Like, in your job and stuff? Hands down. I need to know some people right now.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Hopefully, I can segue this into something else. How about now where you're like, was it worth going to a university where you're not really doing exactly what you went to do. So are you saying me personally, or do I think it'd be worth it in general? Overall, you can talk personally. Personally, do I think going to Madison was worth it? Well, socially it was. Clearly, we already established. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hell yes. Would I think it would have been worth it? Now, so Madison's a bigger school State School that helped a ton it also didn't help a lot when it came to like it helped for okay let's for this right it helped a ton because it got me out of doing engineering realizing I don't want to do that the rest of my life I had a full-blown panic attack called my mom blah blah blah said it multiple times I'm not doing this again like i don't want to do that the rest of my life i had a full-blown panic attack called my mom blah blah blah said it multiple times i'm not doing this again yeah like i don't
Starting point is 00:29:28 want to do this rest of my life can't sit behind a desk gosh i'm burping sorry that's fine go right into the mic okay lick it if you want i'll clean it up um so like in terms of yeah i figured out i don't want to do that if i went to a smaller school i probably would have powered through it and i'd have like a legit job i'd look like yeah a normal human being yeah a functioning zombie of society kind of thing oh come on um but yeah no i think it's 100 worth it because i mean besides just well that's the thing is like it's meeting people everything is who you know yeah true everything is like social capital is yeah like the number one capital to have I think I think so too obviously it's nice having some money but like
Starting point is 00:30:15 knowing people helps you get that money uh-huh uh-huh but having a like I mean I but does the uncertainty of like no I enjoy the answer we're uncertainty of like... No, I enjoy the uncertainty. We're kind of almost in the same position where we're bouncing between jobs, trying to find a real job, this and that. But does that uncertainty outweigh what we both love, which is the passion to talk with people and be sociable and all this stuff? So I think it's almost hand-in-hand. I like the uncertainty.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Are you sure? Yeah. I am certain. No, I like the uncertainty. I like that things can be different from day to day. There is part of me that loves structure. I love, I'm at the gym at 10 o'clock every day. I fucking hate it yeah that's
Starting point is 00:31:06 the last thing i want i like the ability to like when i don't want to work don't work um i can leave early i can start like whatever i want um so yeah i like the uncertainty and i wouldn't say it ever outweighs this because i can do it because there isn't like i'm certain i have to be at work from nine to five the certainty is like i can talk to people whenever i want which is nice um i said i think this school experience was a hundred percent worth it i met my 95 percent of my favorite people ever yeah at college or because of where i went to school that's it yeah like i don't give a fuck about my degree you could take my degree away right now to be honest wouldn't do a damn thing to my life at all like you could take like a doctor's
Starting point is 00:31:58 undergrad away and no longer a doctor you take mine away that would nothing would happen no one would bat an eye yeah i think that's pretty cool though too like how much we adjust after like we're back home after university we're like trying to figure out the job you know and it's like this oh i didn't even go back home right away i went to miami and then came back yeah okay yeah true which was i want to do that again just pick up and go and sleep on another couch for six months and find a garage out there and we can do this show and then do a bunch of other things.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. So, like, I know I said, like, and you, well, you said it, is, like, I want to be, like, at Franklin, like, the rest of my life. Well, okay, not really that true. But, like, what I'm getting to is is like because because i like meeting so many people like i like being around students and like meeting just a vast amount of people and like talking to people like i also don't want to just like sit at one job right now when i'm 24 absolutely that is you know one of my biggest fears so like to my point is like even though you're not doing what
Starting point is 00:33:04 you did for college right now like we still have the ability to hop jobs and just meet more people that way. Experience different things. And then kind of like what a lot of people are doing now, hopping between jobs or trying to find a job or experimenting with different things, is I think more how college should be structured in the beginning. think more how like college should be structured in the beginning but like your gen eds shouldn't be you have to take chem 103 104 i'm talking in madison terms but like chem one and two math one and two like you get what i'm saying econ whatever it should be like your first at least your first semester should be hey you need something from each domain unless you are 100 certain you want to be a doctor if you're going in as undecided there should be like that semester option that's just like here is a list of like
Starting point is 00:33:50 here's a blah blah blah blah blah or like math math a science and like a writing and then your other five classes or four classes are from like could be an engineering a business and entertainment and art it's fun figure out what you want like i want to do everything i'm burping all the time now i think because you said it yeah i am um i mean it's a hundred it's a hundred percent because the beer not because you said it's a good choice then i don't know but like that's the other thing that scares me is like when you said you want to be at franklin the rest of your life well like i know i get what you're saying but like that scares me because i believe once you like leaving your hometown um is a good thing because it gets out of your comfort
Starting point is 00:34:40 zone you meet new people you experience new things like you really don't know what else could be out there. And for me, it's like I want to do everything. Like everything. I want to have a degree in culinary stuff. Like I want to be a chef for a bit or own a restaurant or a bar. I'd like to start a liquor line. I think it would be cool to even do like a clothing line. I have no fucking clue how to do it. But just to be like the idea guy. Like, hey, you make it this is what i think would look cool or talk to brad
Starting point is 00:35:09 and uh scott you've met them run a like at least just like put a menu together for a restaurant um yeah bartend like that's why like i just think bartend waitress waiter whatever you want to do for me it's like the jobs i like is where i get to create something or make people enjoy where they're at whether it's doing the show writing jokes bartending cooking stuff like that like if i get that all in one which this could be because i could just have everyone from every domain true i'm do stuff like that and then i still talk about it talk about it and then i have my foot in the door for like oh hey maybe i could be i could shadow your restaurant for a bit just for shits and gigs sure why not okay and then oh or someone who has a uh a liquor line who's like hey this is how i did it here are good steps And then I put my twist on my own, whatever thing like that's that.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And at the same time I'm having fun doing it. So I think it'd be so fun to have a cooking show. So fun. I just, I need a few more, uh, some more equipment and I need, yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:24 I don't know people who are willing to be on. I shouldn't think you guys would have. So if all of us did a cooking show together, I need a kitchen. Actually, that's a big thing. I need the kitchen. You know,
Starting point is 00:36:32 you can rent, you can rent kid kitchens now. Yeah. Like to cook and I film. I looked at a job in Denver as a personal chef. Okay. Um, where they like give you a kitchen or i just go to
Starting point is 00:36:47 other people's kitchens and do it i was like yeah you you have this kitchen like this is your kitchen someone out will be in here on tuesdays this is yours mondays and that's so cool isn't that yeah it's like some app or i think like a sign up that was the other thing too with me looking into starting in like an llc was i could you just one of the things you can write off provided I need to like make some money from it but is I can write off a like a studio space so I could just call us like an apartment my studio that has a kitchen and an extra room and just put it here and then I'll throw a couch in there and just like I sleep there now yeah interesting interesting I get your I get your your your want to like meet people and like get involved in you know those
Starting point is 00:37:34 interests and stuff like bringing those type of guests on and like you know it doesn't like at the end of the day doesn't everyone want to do exactly kind of what I just said like everyone wants to like not be at their nine to five punching numbers. Yeah. That's why I'm kind of, like, bringing this up. It's like, no. A lot of people are just like, I want to do this, and that's it, the rest of my life, you know? And you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:55 More power to it. If you know what you want, you are so happy doing it. Yeah. That's awesome. Like, sometimes I envy that. Like, every once in a while, I have those thoughts. awesome like sometimes i envy that like every once in a while i have those thoughts like i'm jealous of my like banker friends yeah jack or yeah like yeah the rahas mr beautiful the medical the medical people yeah we're my sister it's like oh we're making bucco bucks
Starting point is 00:38:20 out of college i know i'm gonna do the rest of my life i know i'm gonna be successful and go to add it blah blah, blah, blah. It's like, all right, you're kind of like, it's like a sense of ease in someone's mind. But at the same time, like, I'll talk to Heilman about that. And I'll freak out for like five minutes. And then I'll think to myself, could I do that? And the answer is always, fuck no.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I would have a gun at my desk ready to pop. Oh, jeez. Do a few desk pops and hopefully one hits me in the fucking face. Yeah. Okay. Here's my, finally my segue to what I wanted to bring up with you too. It's like, right now you're not working for anyone. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Okay. Like, he has a boss. I have a boss. You know, like, most people out I have a boss you know like most people out there have a boss but like what's I mean I don't want a boss is that your question I mean that's what I would like me to
Starting point is 00:39:14 actually to be honest I wouldn't mind a boss ish like I said the last two episodes now Cody Gessner has offered to run my social media account and if she gave me maybe my level of boss i want is someone to like hey this is kind of what you're doing for the week like this is your schedule like i'd like a schedule planner yeah kind of things like hey
Starting point is 00:39:36 these are all the things you'd be involved in you need to be here here and here or like for her specifically and like i will be eternally grateful if she like truly goes through this like and runs it it's like give me four videos for the day like that kind of boss would love because otherwise i'd be like i'm not gonna fucking do like i recorded that's enough i edited it that's one post we're good on monday yeah which is definitely not good enough like and the thing is too is i have ideas in my head for like postings oh really i do like you're advertising like advertising stuff like that like and i'm trying to like i don't even know all the instagram ins and outs can i have one as well yeah thank you i'm glad i got the the 12 yeah um but i'll like today like you could do like that recording day
Starting point is 00:40:22 feeling and i have a video of me dancing from one of the episodes. Yeah, the gif. Right now, I should be recording and taking pictures of all you guys during this, but I don't because for my personal account, that's not me at all. it because in my head i don't think anyone gives a flying fuck about like what i put on instagram because i don't care what other people put on instagram really like if people are doing like their creative stuff like dowda who is shooting a movie right now like the minute that goes out like i will be all over it because i think he's like doing something what he wants but like most of it's like you put this on here because you think you look good and you want the world to see you. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Everyone's victim to it. I am too. I have pictures on Instagram, but I don't care. And so I don't do that for this account, which I should because I want it to grow. I'm fully aware of my flaws when it comes to this account. I need to not have my inner dialogue when it comes to this. I need to not be, I need to not have my inner dialogue when it comes to this stuff. Like the business side of social media.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah, I mean like, you can obviously use it to your advantage like big time. Obviously you see that with like TikTok and all that shit. Still don't have it. Oh, well, that's, you could learn a lot
Starting point is 00:41:42 just from scrolling on that for 10 minutes. I have, like I said a million times, I have Instagram Reels, which is basically TikTok. No, yeah, that's the same shit. Which, funny enough, Instagram Reels is where I found the song that I was copyrighted for on the Piper episode. Shout out Warren Zeters. Thank you for copywriting me. I like your song, though.
Starting point is 00:42:03 On the run, muy bueno. Oh, Jesus. Is that pop or something it's country country yeah okay do you like country yeah i do i love it well yeah yeah i do dude i would love to get some country guests on here like one day if i ever got midland to sit on those bars so i would have the greatest day of my life. I think it'd be so fun if they were sitting here. I don't think you'd let them leave. I wouldn't. It'd almost certainly be like, hey man, the garage would be closed. You're not leaving.
Starting point is 00:42:35 No, it'd be so fun. They are hands down my favorite artists right now. They have been for a while. When did they do the Spotify recap? I don't know. Each year? Do you know how to Spotify yeah yeah yeah they do like
Starting point is 00:42:47 oh you're a Spotify in review yeah the yearly thing I was in the top I think it was point point one percent of listeners for them yeah
Starting point is 00:42:55 and I did the numbers it was like top out of their like multi-million monthly listeners I was in the top like hundred or thousand wow
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think i listened to at least eight of their songs a day almost well it's like working out or driving to practice or whatnot for sure scotty b you've met him i know uh brad's friend well our friend uh his favorite band you've met him his favorite band's midland scotty b i'm sorry i don't know who you are yeah you do yeah you do you've met him uh i just like he's like yeah you know him you know i have no clue who your boxes you met him where else did you meet him i don't know have i met him sober yet good question i don't know that'd be a good question for him too because he likes drinking too. That's the equivalent of
Starting point is 00:43:47 someone when we were working at the bar. It's like, oh, we know Kuski. No, you don't. He's like, you know me. I'm at the bar all the time. So are 600 other people Thursday through Saturday. I love your bar stories. That's one of my highlights of you tending the lit. That's another guest I want
Starting point is 00:44:03 on here. I want Bill. But then I'm going to have to have to have like i'm gonna do it when i actually might have some money and like just have a check written to bill like hey man i may have given away a little too much here's the money back oh you never know he could sue you or no i don't know but i don't think he's doing i bartended his daughter's wedding you gotta you gotta take some risks here you want deb you want bill from your bar? Well, think of this way. Get him on here. Well, yeah, we'll get Deb because you're going to go to school on Monday.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And you're like, Deb. Yes, fucking yeah. And you know what's going to happen is he will laugh in your face. He'll go, what the fuck is that kid doing now? I knew he'd amount to nothing. No, come on. No. I think 100% he would do this. I definitely, but I think I would have to come to nothing. No, come on. No. I think 100% he would do this.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I definitely, but I think I would have to come to him. Yeah, maybe. You could go to his house. He lives in Greendale. Yeah. Is he in the same house as he always has been? Because I remodeled his fucking basement. Good question.
Starting point is 00:44:57 He's lived in like four different houses in Greendale. So, no, he's not in the same one. Which I think was a little illegal. Like when we did the shed thing. Oh, I have no idea. so no he's not in the same which i think was a little illegal like when we did the shed thing and he because the the beautiful part about or like the benefit of doing the shed program in franklin yeah is if you get accepted you don't pay for labor you can't pay high school students so you did our basement so you're just paying for materials yeah which is unreal yeah what you're
Starting point is 00:45:24 taking the risk on is that a bunch of high schoolers are doing my basement not everything's done correctly exactly and so you're right 100 he like he already got like stuff at a discount because he's the teacher yeah and then he's not paying for labor and we were remodeling his basement so we go to his house every day for a fourth period and just remodel his basement. We got, I think, because we did the drywall and the electrical
Starting point is 00:45:52 and stuff like that. It was that small house. Yeah, small house. With the driveway on the right. Kind of steep. Maybe. But I think a small base, I don't know. I vaguely remember.
Starting point is 00:46:02 But I remember him saying, we basically finished it. And we went to school. And he goes, yeah, the basement flooded. Everything's ruined. We're like, we're not going back. He goes, yeah, no, don't worry about it. Oh, jeez. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I mean, he did our, well, the Franklin High School did our basement too. So that same program type thing. They came over. I think I built, from the school i built two or three sheds that's the other thing too is i barely did any of the work um retaining wall like i was a true foreman i was just i'm gonna sit here and then uh the basement i like the uh the construction things Didn't interest me as much. The appeal was with block scheduling.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Because it was a two credit class. It was at the end of every day. Not every other day. So my last period every day. My senior year. I would just go to Deb Black's room. Wow. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And it was basically like a free period. And I had one day where it went. I had like math. Spanish with mrs dryer who is an absolute fucking saint she's still there thankfully do you like her yeah okay she is again top three i don't know who my third would be that place she is she's unbelievable yeah and then i'd have free period, late lunch, and then construction. So basically I was done with school at 11 o'clock. Could leave because lunch was attached to free period. So I had two hours to just leave campus. And then I came back to school and went right to the basement.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And just like some days I didn't even go back to school. I just went straight to the job site. It's like I'm done with school at 11 every other day, which was unreal. All those students, I mean this was yesterday, but all those students are parking in the back of the school and coming in. It's like, okay, I guess you can park back there. I don't know. There is a sense of entitlement when you're the tech ed kids
Starting point is 00:48:09 or the shop kids, the basement boys. Yes. Oh, really? Okay. Well, it's not all boys. No, it's majority boys. Yeah, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Mainly because a lot of the girls are just like, we don't want to deal with you guys. You guys are disgusting. Yeah. What was that? I don't know. If they're outside. Did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:48:32 I heard that. Were the animals back? Because of humans. Yesterday, there was a noise and we all thought, we thought it was what? It was a,
Starting point is 00:48:40 a crying child, a, it was someone compared it to a baby um a flat tire and uh children like the were way off jeez yeah can you imagine this what if you had a show tomorrow just every day i don't know how some of these people do this. To be honest, if I did, I could do three of these a week easily. Three? Yeah, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The only thing I wouldn't like...
Starting point is 00:49:10 That's like the KFC or the Barstool guys. I could do three a week, but I would need someone to edit them. Well, yeah. I could do four a week. You need a whole crew. If I had someone to edit these every week, good lord, I do this every day. Sure.
Starting point is 00:49:23 This is easy. I couldn't drink every day like i would save like the fridays for like friends and be like all right let's get this is the weekend pre-game episode let's fucking do this um but if i did it like i had to schedule monday wednesday friday monday wednesday like good lord not that you're like legitimate people illegitimate people be like all right restaurant owner dr fowler but I'm getting drunk with Fowler. I'm not getting hammered or high with Dr. Fauci over here. Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I'm telling it just— Here comes Penny. Hi, Penny. Hi, Puckers. You got to take your risk and get one of those people on here. Maybe it's not Deb or Bill, but it's got to be. I had a cancellation, but I did have a restaurant owner who was going to come on. We were still talking every week.
Starting point is 00:50:18 It's just tough. It's weird because right now I'm taking advantage of you guys wanting to do this because then I get a few extra people each week who start listening. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You're right. But no, because I am having the same thought process
Starting point is 00:50:36 as you. It's like, if I were to do this, you've got to take a few risks. If I want to bring my ex-boss on like you do, it's like, Oh, that's kind of weird. But like in the long run, if you have a good relationship,
Starting point is 00:50:49 it could be, it could be very positive. You know what I mean? Yeah. So. Oh, hi mom. Hey,
Starting point is 00:50:57 hello. I didn't come through that door. I thought you were recording. No, but we just interrupted from the outside then. That's okay. Excuse me. You said hi mom first. Why did you get in then. That's okay. Excuse me. You said hi, Mom.
Starting point is 00:51:05 First. Quietly get in my car. Hey, Mom. And disappear. You're not going to quietly get in that car. It's going to be... Not a truck. No, but it's right next to where we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:51:17 That's funny. I got some nice headlights on you guys right now. Yeah. Hey. Yes. You do. You know, well, never mind. I was going to bring up some math because I like math, but those are ellipses, those
Starting point is 00:51:32 headlights. Yep. I don't think anyone can hear us. Who cares? I need to clean these microphones off. I think I can see my spit on them. Oh, no. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Crop, crop, crop. Play. What a bitch. That's funny. I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean it. Oh, my gosh. What?
Starting point is 00:52:00 How long have you... Almost an hour. Okay. Do you want to know? What? Because you had no idea I was recording for a while. I think I told you 10 minutes in. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Like, there are some... I mean, I knew you were going to do it at some point. I knew you were just going to flow with it because that's what you do in the intros and all that. It's just what you do. Every episode starts with, we're recording? Yeah. I've been for a while, buddy. The episode's about fucking over.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah. Yeah. What's not bad? You were at, you're at 52 minutes. You see how quickly that goes? Yeah. Very quick. Three beers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Cool. Three beers. That's the other thing too. It's like, oh, three beers in 52 minutes? That's, I am getting this. That's not what you guys teach in D.A.R.E. in high school. Jeez. It's one beer. Is it one alcoholic drink an hour?
Starting point is 00:52:49 Two, I think. It's two now? While they're upping it. I think. They doubled the amount. I swear it's one alcoholic drink an hour. Maybe they said that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:00 My rule is two, though. Did you guys have to? We're talking about driving terms, right? I don't know. We're just safety. It's D.A.R.E. Normal safety. What does D.A.R.E. stand for?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Drug, alcohol, resistance, education. No. Resistance? Drug, alcohol. I do remember the program. Drug abuse, resistance, education. Drug abuse, okay. Drug abuse.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I like drugs are really exciting better, but. Dude. That'd be a great t-shirt. Drugs are really exciting. Sold to kids everywhere. Interesting. Well, people wear those dare shirts ironically now when you, like, at so many, because they're red for badgers.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Like, you know how many girls had crop top dare t-shirts? so it's like a fashion statement now yeah it's like oh my god i'm not doing what it says to do yeah that's cool you're so funny alissa go fuck yourself oh man oh man no we've all been actually did you guys have to... Yeah, we all went through there. Did you have to, your freshman year, fill out a sheet on what you thought about drugs and alcohol and sex and stuff like that? I don't know. Freshman year of high school, I don't know. It was the cool...
Starting point is 00:54:18 I think one of the coolest things Franklin did, because Franklin still does it, I think. Okay. But freshman year, you have to... You fill out this... Costco, do not email me in the middle of work right now, okay? But they fill out... You fill out this questionnaire.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It's like, what's your opinion on alcohol? What's your opinion on weed or drugs? What do you think about unprotected sex and stuff like that? And as a freshman, you're scared of everything kind of thing. So you just... Unless you have those few rogue kids like fuck yeah alcohol like they're already drinking at eight um how they've been high since they're six my hand has been up here for like i feel like two minutes right now you're good um but you you fill this out and then they keep it they fill it out
Starting point is 00:54:58 like gym class senior year they give it back to you okay because they know you've gone through uh the health monumental they got no that you've gone through a change and they know what you've done in four years like you start to experiment in high school yeah and you should it's one of the funniest things because you get put into the gym and they give you your your thing back and you read what you wrote and like half the kids would drink every weekend at that point like senior year like you have your stoners
Starting point is 00:55:29 like by the end of high school you have your groups based off the drugs and vice you have like that's how it's either sports drugs alcohol
Starting point is 00:55:35 a combination of like yeah you're split up by vices popularity drugs and alcohol sports or a combination of them vices is that like clicks
Starting point is 00:55:44 or what is that a vice is like what like what is your thing like my thing's alcohol some people it's weed it's like your crutch kind of thing and you read it back and i got mine and i was like what's the what's the view and i barely i i think i drank like less than five times in high school like i didn't at all um it's like what's your view on alcohol and i was like fucking useless no point like i didn't say fucking i was like don't see a point at what's your view on alcohol and i was like fucking useless no point like i didn't say fucking i was like don't see a point at what's your point drugs like no point it's like well i've done all of it now yeah oh boy and there are some people who are laughing it's like i would never
Starting point is 00:56:15 drink i think it's useless like it's like it's bad for your health bad for your like you don't want to drink i don't i want to get into college and then it's like the kids who wrote that, it's like they're probably drunk or high at school right now. Yeah, I won't understand that. Why even risk it? But yeah, that's funny. Oh, man. I'm all for experimenting. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:37 No, 100%. Definitely do it. Like I still want to experiment with some drugs. Yeah. But I need to be with the right people in the right environment for some of those. You come across people that, like, try things for the first time in college and it turns disastrous, you know?
Starting point is 00:56:51 Oh, yeah. Like, they try it for the first time and they don't eat, you know, beforehand or something. And, like, it's like just... You don't know how to handle it kind of thing, yeah. In high school, even if it's with your mom or dad, like, ask them. It's not going to be a big deal
Starting point is 00:57:02 just because it's illegal. Well, the drinking age should not be 21. The drinking age, I think, should be 19, so it technically stays out of high school. It still does discourage people whose brains are obviously still very much
Starting point is 00:57:18 developing to just go balls to the walls with booze. Also, if you can serve our country or like kill someone true legally dude you deserve a cooler's light at the end of the day oh yeah um but 21 is just asinine yeah yeah there's no reason for it to be that way that's interesting the tobacco now too is 21 tobacco's 21 where the fuck have I been? I think federally. Why do I feel like I may have known?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Is it all tobacco? Yes. Is 21. I'm pretty sure. No. I think that was, you know, Trump's thing. He, I don't know why he did it, but. I'm not a huge tobacco person anyways.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Like, I think I've had, the only time I've done, I've had cigarettes cigarettes were and you can tell I don't have them locked because I call them cigarettes do you think the full name, cigarettes just sounds weird to me, like cigs but you it was like spring break and I'll chain smoke them it's disgusting
Starting point is 00:58:19 fun fact, I've never done it I took my first hit of a cigarette in high school and I was like, I'm never doing this again that was a blatant fucking lie because again like I said I chain smoked him on spring break I love cigars I've done okay to be honest
Starting point is 00:58:35 but cigars you're not inhaling it's like I would do a full you can I would do a full episode with just us smoking like whiskey and cigars that'd be fun. I would do a full episode with just us smoking whiskey and cigars. Sure. That'd be fun. Actually, I did do one with Toth.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah. But that one's not on film. And Jack. And Jack. Oh, yeah, and Jack. That's a Patreon one. Oh, you guys really do listen. That's a Patreon one.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You can pay five bucks to get that one on. You know what? Fuck it. Everything from here on out, Patreon. You want to see this face? You have to subscribe. Fucking pay for it. Dollar a month.
Starting point is 00:59:08 You know, just, that's all we need. Yeah, I can set the thing and I can set like different tiers too. So if you want to be like,
Starting point is 00:59:14 and I made it, I was like, are you a, I call this like our Lispers. Sure. So I was like, do you want the high end? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 So it's, yeah. But I just made one account. So like if you're like the lisper account um you get just like every drunk episode and then also if i want to put more stuff on it's like at five dollars a month you get the drunk episodes ten dollars a month you get drunk episodes and braxton's nudes yeah fifteen dollars a month i don't know what you're gonna get well shit i mean like and this goes back to when we were talking about Patreon before.
Starting point is 00:59:47 It's like the podcasts I've listened to, it's like they have, like, stuff that's aligned with what they talk about. You know, that's on their Patreon page that, like, you know, like books or something that they have links to or, like, stuff that, like, relates to the podcast that they're talking about or something. Like, fun little, you know, things that you can, like, get access to. Well, that's the thing, too. relates to the podcast that they're talking about yeah something like fun little you know let's think too it's like i would have if i were to do that i need to then there's i have to do so much more stuff i can't just be like i have an extra episode that's useless yeah you need other things i could do extra episodes yeah um i can't do this if they really really like it hey they
Starting point is 01:00:20 really like it yeah oh fuck i'd love to see Bowser Part 2. Yeah. Oh, boy. Probably not. Yeah, fun fact. Each one of these episodes is actually four hours long. The other three and a half hours is on Patreon. No, no, no. Backslash fat chance, buddy. Yeah, fat chance.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I'm going to have to go make that account real quick after this. Is your camera on, by the way? This freaks me out it's blinking that's another t-shirt idea is this running is this working that's a good one no link on patreon yeah find it on patreon now it's not like a different podcast who puts like there's a uh a podcast that let's do the you ever watch impractical jokers yes so sal has one with a comedian
Starting point is 01:01:08 chris de cefano and it's basically just those two talking all the time yeah not basically it is those two just like talking
Starting point is 01:01:13 swapping stories and every time they have something like this or like oh extra like do you want to see this
Starting point is 01:01:20 last episode like they have like a love letter sal wrote and they're like patreon they don't they haven't had a patreon for like six months they just like keep saying oh we'll be
Starting point is 01:01:28 there that's kind of like what we're doing now yeah yeah no that's exactly yeah yeah we just tease a patreon for like six years yeah how long i want to do this yeah this shuts down finally just have everything like all right you want it pay for Well, shit, that's how apps work nowadays. They start free and then... In-app purchases. What? In-app purchases. I think my mom said one of her coworkers' kids
Starting point is 01:01:53 spent like three grand on in-app purchases. Okay. Can you imagine you were like, oh, yeah, of course, Todd. You can buy Candy Crush. And then all of a sudden you see in your account three days later that Todd bought 900 extra lives for like $600. I don't know. What did you need those for?
Starting point is 01:02:18 Like I ran out of lives and I didn't want to wait 24 hours to get new ones. Yeah, I know. I think you can turn that off. You have to. Like if you're a a parent you have to turn that off you give a kid an ipad like in-app purchases have to be because they don't know it especially if your card's linked to it and you can just like hit pay true and then it's like double tap the side now and to confirm it or like your face yeah because they could easily change it that to their face and they're just spending money on money
Starting point is 01:02:47 off of this stupidest shit. If you know the password, you can change anything. You can change it to their credit card right back if you want to. Oh, no. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. What are we doing after this?
Starting point is 01:03:04 You're going to a wine bar. Our producer, Jack, is going to the wine bar. You're our producer for the next episode. What wine bar? I don't know. Vintage? We might check that one out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Do you want to go to a cigar lounge tonight? I would do anything. I have no plans. So, yeah. God. I said this the other episode. This is the only way I hang out with people right now so in my hey thank you for doing this yeah hanging out with me
Starting point is 01:03:31 no it's like the same thing as the hot tub it's like okay finally thank you yeah that's funny yeah no i think cigar lounge would be so fun i haven't known in forever there's one like downtown, downtown-ish area. I'll have to look it up. Or we could do, no, do these golf sims. I want to do a golf simulator so bad. Yeah. But they're always booked.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Like, you have to book a week in advance now. Like, golf. Speaking of that, Masters are going on right now. Yeah, I know. Do we even admit that? Jack, look it up. Do we admit that it's, like, going on right now? We're doing this during the month. They got bad weather, so. Oh, they have bad Jack, look it up. Do we admit that it's going on right now? We're doing this during the minus.
Starting point is 01:04:06 They got bad weather, so. Oh, they have bad weather, too? No. Place pause. Who's in the lead? Where's Spieth and where's Justin Thomas? Spieth and Thomas. I want either one of those two guys to win it.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Justin Rose is still in the lead. Yeah. Okay. Justin Rose just had 700. Oh, so he went down another. Justin Thomas. He bogeyed again. He's one under.
Starting point is 01:04:24 So he's one under on the day. Spieth is one over on the day. So he's like four under now? Four under. All right, but the leader's seven? Yep. It's tight still. There's like some fives, maybe some sixes too.
Starting point is 01:04:36 One six. Yeah. Four five. Four four. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very tight. It's tight. But Rose bogeyed twice today then.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Yeah. He's got to be two over then, right? No, he's even on the day. Oh, yeah, he's even. He was 200 to start the day. He birdied. He birdied one or two. That's why this episode is coming out in two weeks.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah. So, yeah, old news. So, you know, congratulations to Justin Rose or Justin Thomas or Speed or whoever else in the leaderboard. Congrats on the Masters. Make your predictions. My prediction. You know how bad.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Speed, congratulations on the Masters. I'm calling it right now. Two weeks. That 24-year-old looked pretty good, the Z guy. Oh, it's his first one, first Masters. He's no longer an amateur though, right? No. Zalatoris.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Zalatoris. I'm not a golf person. I like watching it. I would rather, I think, watch golf. But I'll watch the Masters. It's like once a year like I have to like at least
Starting point is 01:05:47 submerse like I love sports like I have to see the best of the best you know go at it you know for a little bit
Starting point is 01:05:53 our producer's leaving us this is fucking ridiculous where to to let out the dogs great fact checks thank you for coming
Starting point is 01:06:02 by the way you know this whole production just has to shut down now once you leave the garage. No. Like, we're completely, like, we're lost without you. I got faith in you guys. All right. We'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:06:14 See, but he doesn't even put his chair away. Leaves a candy bowl on the ground. Leave the fucking chair. You're good. You're dripping water everywhere. Text us later, though. Unless you're going now. Enjoy your wine bar, you weirdo.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Who are you going with? Braxton? Oh. Dude, we should find girlfriends. You could. You get one by Monday. I'll get one by Tuesday. And then we can start hanging out with them again.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Yeah. It's like a couple's retreat every... Morgan said that to me last night. He goes, Michael, you need to get a girlfriend. I'm like, no, I don't. She goes, well, we could do double date stuff. I'm like, that sounds worse
Starting point is 01:06:50 than getting a girlfriend. Oh, yeah, well... Are you a fan of double dates? Have you ever... I've never been on one. The idea of it sounds... I don't think I've ever been on one, honestly, no.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I mean, I haven't dated in years, so... When's the last time you had a significant other? Never. No. High school. So can you count it? I don't know. Mine was high school, too.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Okay, yeah. I think I knew that, though. I think we're in the same boat. We're in the same boat in a lot of things. Yeah, mine was sophomore year. Okay. I started dating her. Yeah, no yeah mine was sophomore year okay i started dating her yeah no sophomore year no no it was into my junior sophomore into junior year i'm on four i'm i'm halfway through three dude these are these are going quick it's like water it's yeah this is i like quarters
Starting point is 01:07:40 this does nothing to me compared besides like getting me like, the juice is flowing. Yeah, I'm just like warm and sound. I did whiskey. I did whiskey. I like that you think that's the funniest thing. I did whiskey cokes with Jack yesterday. And after two, he went and peed, and I had to do my little pee break monologues I've been doing. And I'm like, in my head, I'm i'm like dude i think you're fucking drunk oh yeah i i'm like yeah
Starting point is 01:08:11 this is fine like this is fine but like it'd be fun to do like a mixy you know like because i saw games and you guys are doing whatever that's why i asked i asked everyone that comes on what is your drink of choice i said i would have built you an entire bloody bar. I would have done a homemade mix and everything. That's really nice. It's fun. Yeah, it's fun. This is your episode.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I mean, it's my show, your episode. Oh, my gosh. So don't cross the fucking line over there asking for mixed drinks. No, I can't cross. What am I, made of money no no no that's why that's why this is fine beers are fine gorgeous no i'm kidding like i'm we could have done whatever like you now if you would have been like hey i would like greg roos and sirach on the rocks i would have told you to fuck yourself oh no i would gonna take one of those extra microphones and just shove it up your ass no I will
Starting point is 01:09:06 I like this like it's fun this is great okay so let's kind of end it with this yeah because
Starting point is 01:09:12 going too far over an hour gets yeah I know like it goes well most of yours are like an hour to hour hour and a half yeah
Starting point is 01:09:20 yeah if you were to do your own yeah what would you do how would you do it do you have an idea where you do it like just first thoughts my first thoughts yeah well because like i'm always there has to be some sort of niche i think i had to pick like a lane so would you do the teacher lane just like do that's a good teachers that's a good thought i i don't think i would personally do that honestly i think i could do it but that idea I
Starting point is 01:09:47 think would be beneficial for teachers and could be also be very I think entertaining if it's like an unfiltered teacher one knowing like like 30 minutes talking about education yeah right now yeah okay sorry people like if you if you had to not to take this over like if you had two teachers on and it was kind of unfiltered. True. And it's like, oh, my kids did this and my kids did that. But you only talk about past students, not current ones.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Yeah. That'd be out of the ordinary for sure. And I think it'd be entertaining and beneficial to other upcoming teachers. Other teachers can relate. You're smart. You're right. Because I wouldn't have thought about any of that. But it would have to be, for me, the only reason I. As a listener, you're right because I wouldn't have thought about any of that but it would have to be for me
Starting point is 01:10:25 as a listener you're talking for me that would be an interesting teacher one if it was one off the cuff two unfiltered if you gave me like hi welcome to John Fowler's educational podcast I would fucking blow my brains out like that that would that if it was just like
Starting point is 01:10:48 oh how do you teach fractions to six-year-olds like that would be boring that could also be beneficial but on an educational level if you're looking for more entertainment value it's got to be like hey what's the the ins and outs of being a teacher, the highs, the lows, the funnies, the – Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. I mean – and I haven't even thought that far about that lane. Yeah. So – but, like, what I think about usually is, like, if I could jump into, like,
Starting point is 01:11:18 a show I've never seen before and just do it all about the show, you know, like Seinfeld I've never seen or something. Oh, you don't – And I just, like, talk about a show. You know, like Seinfeld I've never seen or something. Oh, you don't- And I just like talk about a show that me watching it for the first time or something, that's like something I've thought about or- That could be interesting.
Starting point is 01:11:32 If you did, you could break it up into seasons. Exactly. So like season one is Seinfeld season. Season two would be New Girl season. And then each episode that you do is based off of four episodes of a show true but i'm no expert on like tv like television and movies like dude i could talk about certain tv shows for hours saying that's 70 we all i think i'm starting i think it'd be good i like i can't start like something new now TV wise because like just like being busy.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I'm like, I don't want something else I need to pay attention to. So I'll put on something I've seen. I started new girl for the fourth time, I think like two weeks ago. Yeah. And I just like, I turn it on and then I just sit on my computer doing whatever with,
Starting point is 01:12:20 whether it's this or something else and background noise or whatever. It's just background noise. I've seen that 70 show through six times. Two times. Yeah. Not a few, six. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:31 like I, like that'd be fun. Like picking and that way I just stay on that and you know, have fun with that. And like fans of the show would connect with it and whatever. But yeah, that takes off each season. You get a whole new set of fans.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yeah. And then you bring old fans into new shows. and yeah exactly so that that was my thought as well or an idea i maybe had i don't know but my my other idea and we talked about it is just like doing things that you're interested in and like bringing on guests that like you want to get to you know like dive into a little more so basically something more similar to this yeah like it's just more like me about learning more about someone else yeah they do well that's the goal like i would love to get some like professional lacrosse players exactly like an athlete some cooks um like if i can get et there whatever you're interested passionate about Exactly. A lizard person.
Starting point is 01:13:25 So, but how well does that go after, you know, a few episodes? Who knows, but, like. Well, you can't think that way. I know. It's just, like, you have to, like, for me, like. Shit. Because I have thought about it that way. It's, like, where does this go after, like, eight episodes or if I've run out of friends?
Starting point is 01:13:42 Just sad. But, like, I'm not going to run out of friends. I'm, but like, I'm just saying, I'm not gonna, uh, I'm not gonna run out of friends. I'm way too fucking cool for that. That's what I think. No, uh,
Starting point is 01:13:53 no, it's like, I genuinely, you have to pick something that you, it's just fun. So when Jack came yesterday, he goes, dude, I can tell you are ecstatic about this because he goes
Starting point is 01:14:06 dude you sent me like basically a good morning text like a reminder yeah you're like what do you want for this what can I get for you for this like I'm excited I'm pumped bring the energy like I told you today like yeah so you need to pay tried so you'd have to pick something that you genuinely like like this isn't something that could potentially like i hope technically is work one day yeah but like this is to me just fun yeah it's just fun yeah it really is you can't view it as a project i mean you can view it as a project but it has to be like like a hobby project i think it's it's a good it's a good time it is fun this is. This is exactly what I wanted, this experience.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Even if I just sat over there like Jack did today. Oh, you will. Next episode, you're there. Okay, fine. We're going to cycle you guys. We have three guarantees on this show. Technical difficulties, cartoon t-shirts, and now whoever the fuck is sitting there is going to produce the next episode.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Okay, fair enough. I'm here. Oh, four. And probably some alcohol. Five. Someone's going to come in and out. A car's going to start. It's a typical Saturday. I've only had one day where it's sunny. That's it. Otherwise, it's fucking raining. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Interesting. Interesting. That's cool. Welcome to the garage. Cool. Let's end this and let's figure out what we're doing after this. Cool. Thank you, buddy.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I appreciate it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

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