Fat Chance Podcast - Ep.3 - Jake Heilmann

Episode Date: January 25, 2021

Jake Heilmann makes his second appearance on one of Cuske's shows, first appearance on the Fat Chance Podcast. We start strong with a few audio difficulties and trying to adjust having cameras finally... in the production. Jake redeems himself from his first episode having actually written down a few things he wanted to bring up. We determine whether or not Jake lives next to the devil and if his building is actually haunted or is the supposed devil just pulling his leg. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's so poor because I have... There we go. That might help. Might help to button my pants a bit. You could post this on YouTube, just boy eating soup. Boy with unbuttoned pants. I think you'll get a lot of hits. I think having the tripods would be a lot better. Yeah, and for now though,
Starting point is 00:00:48 I think it just picked up me just completely covering the mic with my hand trying to adjust it. I thought I was probably getting my spoon clanging too far. That's better than eating candy the whole time. You actually do have a Snickers bar. I'm glad it's fun size and not kink size.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Also, yes, Connor Godowski. Oh yeah, we're losing names whatever i am eating soup is that like a weird thing i know that pisses you off right now that you're eating soup why okay remember when we were in the house okay this is only a college story but we're in the house and they locked the kitchen in the basement so they locked the what in the basement. They locked the what in the basement? The kitchen. Oh, yeah. Didn't they lock it all the time?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Well, yeah, I guess so. But, like, especially in the summer. Like, there wasn't, like, you didn't have a chef or anything. Yeah. So, like, I had to microwave everything or, like, just live out of my mini fridge. I didn't get a hot plate. So, I just, like, eat soup all the time. You did eat soup all the time you did eat soup all the
Starting point is 00:01:46 time in the summer we had a hot plate that we used for i want to say the first three weeks and then we just said screw it we're gonna eat where we work and order out we were we were like hell we were working out we were having protein shakes and eggs and spinach on the hot plate and that didn't last long no no all right that's the only only thing oh shit are they on they're on but i was way louder than you you're just yelling you also talk softly but yeah no like i was looking at my lines they're way higher i cannot wait for the day i can pay someone to fucking do this for me like all the audio video everything yeah like i would like my
Starting point is 00:02:41 job to just be fucking me and You want your job to fuck you? Well, then you could just become an investment banker and you'd be fucked every day. No. But, like, just be the idea guy. And then I can be like, hey, Romeo, turn the cameras on. No, I need to... This is going to be a terrible little episode.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, you're tying your shoe right now and talking to the ground. You're eating soup. Maybe this is the one that doesn't get released right away and you release it like 20 years later. Yeah, maybe I find a guest tomorrow and be like, let's do this one on Monday.
Starting point is 00:03:21 This one is more just a practice whether or not we're i'm gonna well i have to use visual now otherwise this is a huge waste of money but um they look good yeah it's weird thinking like i'm still in the mindset that they aren't there because if i do decide to release this i'm not even like i don't know there are cameras there. And it does feel weird because I keep looking at myself and I don't like it. It's far enough away that I can't see
Starting point is 00:03:49 and get nitpicky about it. But it's, it's there. Like, well, you're, yeah, your angle is much smaller.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah. You can see yourself. Does it bother you? I can look directly into it, but like you're further away. So when I'm looking at you, I can't see it as much. Whereas when you're looking at me, it's just hanging out. It's just right there.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I can see it. I can see it. All right. Do you actually have anything to talk about? Because I do. I learned from the first time I was on the show to write down a couple of things when they come into my head and I got something.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And not be dull. Yeah. Go for it. Now I get to, I don't even know where any of my stuff is right now. Oh, I already told you this one when we went out to breakfast and we were hungover. So we went to that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 What was it called? Oh, seven up place. We sat. It was one of those places where you, you need a password to get in. I don't know if you actually need a password to get in. It's like disguised as a storefront on the outside yeah and they open
Starting point is 00:04:48 up like a refrigerator and you go into this restaurant our dumb ass is sat in the like are you gonna order are you gonna say you need a seven up are you gonna say you need to sell we sat there for what probably 15 minutes it felt like well then i go up to the desk and i kind of like whisper there's like other people in there i'm like can i get a seven up and he i think the dude like actually thought i wanted a seven up because they actually do sell stuff too and i'm like wait no no i have a reservation i want in i want to eat yeah he's like oh yeah right this way and then we didn't know how to leave but yeah that was a i think we almost ended up in the kitchen it felt like yeah it was an interesting spot to say but what did
Starting point is 00:05:25 you want to bring up yeah i just brought it up on my phone and of course now i don't have it um here it is shit my notes have been kind of glitchy all right uh well i lost it but i remember it jesus christ but i remember it it's um one where, let's say your friend goes out on a weekend. You're not there. And I don't know. Let's say this friend is a guy. And he meets a really cute girl. And you're like, oh, let me see her.
Starting point is 00:05:57 She pulls. Sorry. He pulls her up on her Instagram. And you do not think that she's attractive at all. But he's like dude this is the hottest girl i've ever seen whatever uh when do you tell him like uh no or or if he's like that like exuberant and that happy about it do you like go with it you just go with it you don't you can't double down and be like yeah dude she is the hottest thing because then it's not
Starting point is 00:06:23 going to yeah oh yeah that's my radiator that we get to hear i don't think it would pick it up no well distracted me um the clankers no you you definitely can't be like hey man you're attracted to trolls um no but you you can't double down like yeah she is cream of the crop 10 out of 10 might even be an 11 no well you just like you just go oh yeah she's agree yeah yeah no you can't agree and i think for those you do but at what point like what if they like you can't start dating they actually start dating them and be like all right they're genuinely if they like being with this person it's fine she ends up being like the worst human being on the planet then you double down with hey she sucks
Starting point is 00:07:08 oh and she has like she looks like she has three boobs and six feet like i think she might only have four okay i don't yeah i don't think it's that no it won't be that extreme but um no you can't you can't just be like hey man the person you think is the love of your life looks like a gremlin. This is more of like a weekend thing, not love of the life. But I guess it could be applied to both. If it's a weekend thing, it depends on your friend group. You could have a brutally honest friend group like, hey, man, you just fucked a four or a two. But I think most friend groups I would venture to say just go oh yeah she's cute and then just
Starting point is 00:07:45 change the subject immediately yeah yeah yeah which sounds bad because if that ever happens to ours now and one of us goes oh yeah she's cute we're gonna know fuck she's ugly yeah i like the brutal like honesty just get it out of the way yeah but does it if you find them attractive should it even matter yeah yeah people find you attractive? Yeah, no, maybe not. Could that be a sign of immaturity, Jake, that you worry what your friends think? Granted, everyone wants their friends to like their significant other. Yeah. But I think that's more on a personal level.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Like, hey, can they hang out with us? Like, are you going to be completely taken away by this person? Of course. Everyone wants to find someone that can be in the group or else it's like you do your own thing. You never want to be the... Yeah, that can be in the group or else it's like you do your own thing. You never want to be the. Yeah, that would be the biggest. And I think guys for sure would be more inclined to be like, do we don't want to hang out with her? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:35 The looks thing would be like, yeah, she's cute or we just won't even care. Yeah, but it's totally different with guys and girls. Usually guys don't care, though. If you're talking about a hookup, just like a weekend thing, I think the worst thing a nice group of friends would do would be like, hey, man, you've done better. That's about it. And you've done that to me. I don't recall, but it's probably true.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I don't think most people would just start blatantly laughing in your face yeah no no no where did she crawl out from underneath um it is eerily quiet in here except for the radiator except for the radiator i'm honestly used to being in the garage and having just like weird ambient noises or a car alarm or someone locking the thing or people walking by it feels like i'm not alone this kind of feels like i'm alone oh dude i can tell you the story from here now i got a story for you this is probably good it is pretty good unfortunately um and i did write it all down once it happened unfortunately you're not gonna like it but i'm also debating about moving out of this place like as soon as
Starting point is 00:09:50 possible so now i can tell you what do you mean i'm not gonna like it you're not gonna like it like is this gonna upset me no i won't upset you it's just yeah i won't okay i will stop prefacing okay yeah i'll stop like i'm bad at that that's what they told you not to do in that episode no okay hopefully he's not listening so my this happened like i don't know three or four weeks ago and this is like middle of the work day i think you've got to speak up you were talking like you're talking to a pillow i don't want to yell into this thing you can i mean it's fine i well i don't also being quiet because the only so these this apartment's so old and the walls are probably like two or three feet like thick but the doors are like a sheet of paper so all the sound like leaks out of the front door and this goes to part of the
Starting point is 00:10:43 story okay so i'm sitting at my desk i'm playing music loud it's a friday i have my sono speakers okay backtrack earlier that day i wake up like pretty damn early for my job at six and a clock i start like just my speakers just to like listen to something like get ready for the day and they're on full volume and i have two of these things and it was it was startling loud also like so scary i probably looked white as ghost i try to like pause it it's just not working so i have to just run across the room and unplug these things so like for a solid 10 seconds at like six in the morning maybe even maybe even five something like no one's up it's just pounding music so loud so i freak out nothing happened went with my went on with my day so i replug them in found out that like somehow it got goofed up and it was all max volume figured it out put it at lower volume so i'm listening it's like one o'clock in the afternoon and i get
Starting point is 00:11:42 a knock on my door while the music is playing i'm like oh shit like here we go first noise complaint like we haven't got one you're what how many months in a year are you no you're six months in yeah well this was not even this was in december this was like right before christmas yeah it was about a month so you're like four months at that point over november yeah like four or five months so i get a knock at the door um i pause the music and i'm like fuck this is it walk over and it's my next door neighbor who i've talked to once before his name's mike how old this dude is a grandpa he's very old and he has a cane and he's like a nice guy he has a grateful dead mask that he wears all the time he has like like spindly hair um so you think he might like loud music
Starting point is 00:12:31 well oh yeah well just yeah he he does but he brought out being a grandpa living next door yeah he doesn't want to listen to my like edm music no one wants to listen to that yeah exactly so anyway this guy comes over and he's always so nice he always brings up packages when they're sitting down there because we don't have like a package room or anything um they just sit out like right there in the front so he always checks every time he comes up he like walks around every day checks and brings up um so he brought one up for me and i opened the door and there's a package there and he's like going into his apartment so then he stops me and then we just start like chatting and oh my god this guy starts talking so much it's a friday it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:13:18 casual um i gotta pull it up because i wrote it all down actually i lied i'm confused where are we at now is this noise complaint day he's talking to you yeah this is all this is all the same day right now okay so this is um sorry i'm trying to uh yeah you're good might commission one of our friends um to make a table for this podcast so i might have to get rid of the black one even though i said i want to do everything around it but it's fine that one should be framed anyway but all right i wrote this all down because it was just such a crazy experience uh so his name is mike this is i just find this all out just imagine him and I, I'm just standing in my doorway. Like two o'clock in the afternoon. It's like one, yeah, 1230.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I don't know. I'm standing in my doorway and he has his key like about to go into his. So we're both like, I'm still in my apartment. He's in the hallway. He's probably like, whatever. So he just starts talking about all this stuff. He has a cane. Somehow it came up that he, oh, I knew he was in the Navy.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And then he started talking about it. I was, yeah, like, I don't know how it came up. I wish I would have wrote it down, like, more specifically. But he's like, yeah, I spent 128 days on the water once. I was like, holy shit. And he's like, yeah, after 60 days, you get two beers. But it doesn't even matter because, like, by then it's just two beers's just two beers like holy shit like you've been on the water for so long um he said he's like sailed around the entire world he used to have a wife that he met in
Starting point is 00:14:54 sweden he lived in sweden and then dude oh my god so you, we probably won't use this episode, but this, these stories are too great. He was on a boat and they were doing drills out like by like San Francisco. Okay. It was like a fleet of three, three ships. The one in the middle is like the, this,
Starting point is 00:15:17 the lead ship. Okay. And they, and then the right side is starboard. And, um, I forgot the left. I learned all this lingo no i i knew i knew
Starting point is 00:15:27 the boating lingo but i learned a lot about boating though too so the one in the middle calls out everything for the ones on the left and the right and usually if the boat on the right wants to cut over to the left side you you slow down you go behind the boats and then you then you go forward okay okay so you always go behind them you never cut anyone off in front of them it's like driving a car it's like skiing anything you never you never cut someone off in front of them so it's like the basketball weave drill yeah yeah exactly so this boat on the right did not do that. And it went right in front of the middle boat and cut them off. And these are like huge fucking like ships. Like these are not like, these are not like you can just like stop a little bit.
Starting point is 00:16:14 No, it like, yeah. So yeah, they were doing these boat drills. I'm just trying to get the other side. And this was at 920 a night, by the way the way these boats he was telling me all of this um this guy was about to go to bed my neighbor he's he had been up to since three o'clock that day um and then also that day they did like a spontaneous just like fire drill or whatever so he goes back to bed he goes to bed he's um he's like just getting tucked in and then they came on with another fire drill and he's like god damn it like i'm just so exhausted from today like the last thing he wants to do is yeah yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:16:58 like this is bullshit because they did a really shitty job the first time they're like oh my okay by the way this is a man who hasn't talked to anyone in a while that oh my god well in the hallway like true dying to tell the story true true true also he is like he's old he's a grandpa like he has family like north of here like half an hour but he lives alone obviously yeah yeah i guess that's him i just heard some ching ching in the hallway um but yeah he can't like go up and see them with covet i think so he just wants someone to talk to pretty much i'm trying to be quiet because literally if he's standing by his door he could hear all this right now okay so we're talking shit You're sharing stories from a war drill. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Okay. So this time, though, it ended up being like a real fire. Okay. Then he taught me all of the different drills. Okay. They call out like over the intercom on the ship like either an A, a B, a C, or a D. A means like a fire that creates ash or residue he said he literally said like wood or people like if they're burned i was like jesus christ i was like okay yeah i i
Starting point is 00:18:15 understand that he's like okay and the fact that that has to be part of the protocol did you just uh because i interrupted you no no no no i uh i'm just thinking of i'm going back to putting myself in the my shoes like uh the fact that that has to be in included in the description that's like uh child safety things yeah where it's like hey do not give this to a child and it's like just the wrapper to i don't know a belt buckle and like that means some kid actually has swallowed this before that means they have had someone burning up yeah creating it gotta cover your ass but yeah all right so a is um flesh or wood yes b is oil okay and this all has to do with because it like different things put it out so like water could put out that but oil i think you put water
Starting point is 00:19:05 on it it's like no yeah no it would make it worse um c is like an electrical okay d is magnesium i don't know why magnesium but that one like magnesium i don't know if you don't know what happens when you burn magnesium it like it's like flash paper it just goes up instantly it's like no slow burn it's like yeah it's gone um and this is this this was a b c and d holy shit yeah so he's like sometimes it's been like a a or b and those are crazy they literally get on there like this is an a man it's the fucking alphabet yes grab a bucket of water and I don't know. Yes. So, dude, there's a lot of stories. But so from this one.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Is this all from the boat coming in front? Yes. So they hit, obviously. Yeah. Yeah. They collided. They hit that other boat like right on. They should just make F all of them for fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Dude, this is the best part. Like we're fucked the boat the boat where it hit their ship it hit uh like sleeping compartment and it was their like one of their like higher ups like like i want to say higher up captain or something i don't know the designation but like higher up on the ship he had just gone to bed there and they like went down and like the ship is in this compartment and all they see is just his arm hanging out. Like he's in a bunk bed, but like the ship is so fucked and like there's water coming in.
Starting point is 00:20:33 All they see is an arm. They check it. There's no pulse or like, yeah, he's done. That was it. Like Jesus Christ. It's like,
Starting point is 00:20:41 what is the story? Keep also keep remembering that. Well, they're not going to get yelled at by that guy. Keep remembering that. This is like during my workday. I just opened the door expecting him to just say hi and grab my package. And now I just got this full story. And now I know every call on a Navy boat.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I give you credit for writing this down because there's no way I would remember everything. No, exactly. So I'm glad I did too. But yeah, he walks with a cane. The reason why he has it too is that he's a paper pusher. So on the boat, he would run around and deliver letters and shit, information, whatever, documents to everybody. And one day he was walking down the stairs and they hit just like a massive wave like head-on so the boat like rocked back like think of like it was like like movies when
Starting point is 00:21:31 you're like they're going we're going through the eye of the storm yeah we can't go around yeah they hit that giant wave that's what happened and he was going down the stairs and he fell on his back like perfectly i was like yeah i've been there done that um and then yeah he took like the medic told him he should get it looked at but he never did and his two vertebrae in his neck bound together so now he has a cane because he loses the leg his feeling in his leg randomly we're like you know if you stand up and like you just like like your leg goes to sleep yeah yeah he'll just be like walking down the street and then it just feels like his leg is there. It's just gone.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's gone. Like invisible. So that, so he has to have a cane. So it's like a safety. To like catch himself. It's like a safety leg kind of thing. I could not live like that. Imagine going down the steps.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That'd be like kind of not ironic. Terrifying. But like he lost it from going down steps or whatever and. Dude, and he could have got it looked at, but. Okay, so that was was that was the navy story and i keep how many stories were there in this um hey thanks for the package conversation i have that's the one i wrote down the most but there's more um it took a minute but you know i was like you know this old guy like i have time it's a friday there's probably not a lot going on like
Starting point is 00:22:42 it's okay like i'll talk to this guy but part of me i think was also like kind of felt bad for him like he this guy doesn't talk to anyone i want to be nice to him if i do have one of those music like i don't know you just want to be friendly with your neighbor yeah you don't want to piss him off right away yeah and he like the story like at during points of it it would like kind of fade off and he would kind of like maybe go into his place, but then he would say something else. Then I would ask a question like, I don't know. When he said he's in the Navy, of course I'm going to say, well, what other crazy shit did you see?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Especially when someone lives by themselves and when you're like, oh. Yeah. And I was, and I was interested. Like, yeah. He, he kept bringing up things that were like, I wanted to know more. So I kept asking questions, but. You really want to be nice to him. You just have him were like, I wanted to know more. So I kept asking questions. But you really want to be nice to him. You just have him over here, have a drink with him.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Oh, just wait. Good Lord. Is he coming over now? Yeah, yeah. Five minutes. Yeah, three minutes. Surprise. I need another camera.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Okay, so somehow, I don't know how the transitions happened. I didn't write those down. But we got off of that. Then he mentioned that he only met his biological dad 12 years ago. Okay, so somehow, I don't know how the transitions happen. I didn't write those down, but we got off of that. Then he mentioned that he only met his biological dad 12 years ago. And keep in mind, this guy's an old grandpa. By meet, did he like dig him up or? Wait, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Maybe, I don't know. Times are different. You had kids when you were like, I don't know. Either way. 18, 20, whatever. So, I don't know. Well different you had kids in when you're like i don't know either way 18 20 whatever so i don't know well 12 years ago i don't know how old is all you tell me is grandpa there are grandpas of so many ages yeah i know i'm assuming i'd put him like i don't know i don't know 70 60 yeah upper 60s lower 70s so 12 years ago lower 70s. Oh, so that's not that bad. So 12 years ago, like, yeah, whatever. He only met that, he was telling me all about his family. He said he hadn't spoken with his mom in 20 years. And the reason was because when he came back from college for the first time,
Starting point is 00:24:35 he went to Marquette here down the street. When he came back from college for the first time, his mom had sold all of his records and like painted his room and he was most upset like about all the albums though but he had like rolling stones those are cool albums out of the day dude like he said he had all the sleeves with them he had a beatles white album like he had all these cool records where he would open them up and like they were like pop-up books or had like crazy shit going on with them where like, is the white album supposed to be like super popular for a lot or for a lot
Starting point is 00:25:10 of different artists? Because I have a Johnny Cash white album. I don't know. I don't know that. And I haven't put that together, but maybe, but me, I feel like the Beatles might've started it.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Who knows? But all I know is that they're really rare. And if he would have had those today, he would not be living in this apartment right now. Well, honestly, this dude would probably not even sell them. But he didn't talk to his mom after that. That's how... What would be the...
Starting point is 00:25:42 She ended up selling him to one of his friends really and i was like why didn't you just get it back from me he's like i don't know he was so mad he didn't even do that it'd be like if my i left like i moved to like i don't know austin and then my mom was like kuski you want like all jake shit you're like yeah i don't care yeah but i'm trying to think what would be the equivalent of like we don't collect anything now it's not like you can your mom can sell me all your music like hey do you want his phone or his spotify password yeah well there'd be unless you collected pokemon cards or like basketball baseball football cards right now i do have a bunch of old yugioh cards but i never actually played i just thought they looked cool so i collected the shit same
Starting point is 00:26:29 i don't know where i could not tell you how to play it i think we got rid of all the pokemon yugioh ones when we moved and like we hadn't like touched them in forever and we're just like yeah those things aren't gonna be worth shit yeah it's like oh it's a fucking children's game save the sports cards that's where it's at so wrong i mean so right there is a bucket in one of our storage units now of just sport there might be pokemon cards somewhere in a binder or you do they're everywhere and i one day looked up well first of all we had the giant bucket of sports cards i'm like these are fucking useless half them are bent in half slobbered off when we were fucking six well that's the other thing they have to be like they gotta be perfect unless you have like top of line card then you can still get money for it being a little beat up not nearly as much
Starting point is 00:27:18 because there's i mean if you think about it you probably have thousands of these and if you get like even a buck or 50 cents or 25 like you could make a couple hundred bucks on just like some average and then there are some that are like five bucks hundred bucks i mean there's that i watched plenty of videos on like the pokemon thing in the last couple months because we have had nothing to do and it's yeah like the charizard or like the first edition chart it's like 50 some thousand dollars if you buy like a booster box or of the first it's like four it doubled recently it just went from 200 to 400 000 like one was just sold for which is insane it's so crazy then i started looking up the yugioh ones i'm like okay i remember
Starting point is 00:27:55 because i remember shogun what is that blue eyes white dragon or uh dark magician i love these things i love the show and i definitely thought it was cool i didn't watch the pictures and whatnot and so i would always try and find the cards that were in the show and those ended up a lot of them ended up being popular um and i so i remember very specifically certain cards i had i remember all the names and i'm looking up like the top 10 or top 100 most valuable cards i had five in the top 50 five thousands of dollars just gone it's some of them are like you gotta get the certain edition or they're printed like they have a little tiny like dot or different or there's like it's an error card or something like that yeah oh true but like you know if you have just anything kind of like it it's worth like a couple hundred yeah but i knew like i'm like i know specifically i
Starting point is 00:28:49 have that card and i remember it being rare amongst my friends when i had it too it's like shit yeah but it's such like that's a pokemon and yugioh cards being worth so much money is like a great example of like hindsight being 2020 because no you have to no one would have guessed i mean i think a lot of people would have guessed it but when you're 6 15 your parents don't definitely you don't neither do your parents who are sick of buying four dollars a pack for 10 cards um thinking we should save these one day they might they're so expensive and like every time you would go along to Target, you're like, can we get Pokemon?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Can we get Pokemon? Yeah, and they're like, no. You don't like half of them anyways. Yeah, but it was so fun to get that pack and open it up and not know what you're going to get. Yeah, and then one was, what sucks is I've watched people open them before and there's a trick to opening them,
Starting point is 00:29:42 so the good ones at the end. Yeah. I always thought it was random, which of like ruins it for me a bit i know exactly what you're talking about i watched one of these recently as i think it was like one of the paul brothers but think about if one of our parents just when they first came out the first edition because we all have people rs that collected pokemon cards in the beginning have like that first edition at least a couple cards of it like we were there for the very beginning of it um if they would have bought i don't know
Starting point is 00:30:17 they would have bought three giant boxes yeah they're like we're like you know where you for people that don't know booster boxes if you go to target or you go to anywhere that sells these and they have like those stacks of cards in that box it's not just buy the whole box it's not a display thing that's just the box opened up you can buy that whole box wrapped yeah if you bought that wrapped and kept it wrapped for whatever i mean now each one of those is four hundred thousand dollars for like that four hundred for that first edition first ever kind of box i'm pretty sure i could be so it's at least 200 i know that but i saw somewhere that i think it doubled even if it's a grand that's incredible like oh it's way more there's one car that's worth fifty thousand dollars if it's like
Starting point is 00:30:59 top of the line like 10 out of 10 whatever one card so everyone takes notes when they come out with something that's kind of seems stupid yeah but then you could end up doing something like oh i end up buying like remember digimon oh not really i mean everything's going digital now yeah so there's not gonna be a lot there's not a lot of things we're running out of things to collect and sooner or later i think they're gonna run out of those boxes to open um my mom had one of the og barbies like one of the first ones and she so they when you were younger i don't know if they still do it now but you can trade them like for the new one you can like trade it in yeah i don't i think that's what she did or she traded it with a friend and she wanted to she just for the new one you can like trade it in yeah i don't i think that's what she did or
Starting point is 00:31:45 she traded it with a friend and she wanted it she just wanted the new one because she you don't want your beat up one for that you've had for five years i'll give you 90 for your 100 bills basically what it's doing then i'll give you 80 for your 90 it's dude that like we looked it up it's just disgusting how much that's worth so uh are we are my grandma passed away recently last year and uh we were cleaning out her house or her condo yeah and one of my mom's sisters used to collect barbies as well and star trek stuff and i'm when i say like i mean there's so many of these things and my mom yeah my mom tasked me with pricing these so i just go on i look them up and it's hard to find because not all of them are collectors yeah worth just like pokemon cards not every card is worth a dollar or a couple
Starting point is 00:32:37 hundred bucks um there are ones that no one gives two shits about so there are the caterpillars of the world in the barbie world but we're going through here and you can tell by looking at some of the box they're all in their boxes by the way besides one and i'm going through them i'm like mom this one's 15 this one's 20. kind of what i expected for yeah i mean there's a lot like Like 30-year-old Barbies. This one's five. This one's like, oh, this one's $120. And then like, oh, this one's $500. Yeah. And then we got to one like, this one's four grand.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah. Just sitting here in this box. And there are four, I'm talking containers. Oh, people can see me now. The width of, you know, that's a lot i literally thought you're just looking out the window i was like no one can see you but yeah it's it's a uh probably like a four foot by yeah just like a two foot long container bin yeah just just like a moving storage bin and there's four of them and i'm like
Starting point is 00:33:45 oh my god i mean there's like another six grand if you average it out like a couple that aren't that much but then you get that four grand one like per bins it's like grand it's almost like a hundred dollars a barbie yeah and now the problem is like finding someone to buy it five grand of barbies okay and they're just sitting in our like dining room. And then she also has the Star Trek stuff and a few Star Wars things. And I remember I know more about Star Wars than I do Star Trek. I never watch. Same.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Star Trek. I love Star Wars. I love Star Wars too. Not so much anymore, but the beginning ones. I thought it was super cool. Yes. Had plastic lightsabers. I would do like fake
Starting point is 00:34:25 battles my friend in his backyard with them you ever break any no i don't think so did you have the ones where they like you hit that button and it just yeah um but uh i remember seeing two star wars things and they were the figurines and you watch if you're rh or anyone now you've seen enough tv or collector shows or a video on youtube facebook you're like these things if you find this in your house it's actually worth like 500 and it was a c3po and something else action figure i'm like these are definitely worth something yeah looked them both up 400 a piece yeah they're this fucking they're the size of this microphone dude and so yeah also we got to get back to mike my friend um well i don't know about friend uh
Starting point is 00:35:20 what time is it do we oh dinner's when we have two hours two hours we're fine but it'd be nice to not for our guests it'd be nice for them to not look at and go shit another hour 45 i have to sit here dude these are gonna be long they're so long i feel like an hour is great an hour is like yeah i can do that now an hour like 45 i'm like i'm gonna have to split this thing in half well i think where they get annoying for you guys is an hour 45 one listening to me talk and then another friend talk that you know it's like fuck i don't care at all if it's someone you guys don't know that actually has something to say rather than just a mumble jumble which it will go to yeah which is what we're leaning towards here soon um i wasn't going to show up
Starting point is 00:36:06 to random guests like hey man i have a legit production going on yeah and then oh yeah let me set up the time and date on the cameras like i did today um so this is a good practice but yeah i can see where that could get old but i'm also if it's a good conversation i'm not just going to shut it off but yeah yeah, continue your story. No, no, no. Did you end up selling these or you still have them? No, we still have them. So we, my mom and I have gone back and forth.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I've been in the mood like, oh, I'll sell them. She goes, no, don't sell them. I want to get them appraised or whatever. And then I'm like, okay, why can't I sell them? And then now she's like, I can sell them again. So we'll figure it out. It's a lot of work. So I got to take plenty of pictures.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It'd be nice to just find someone to come in and be like, hey, can you give us a price for the lot? Yeah. Like here is, there is probably with all the collectible stuff there, I would say 10 grand worth of stuff. Dude, that's a lot of money. It's going to be a little annoying selling it but but eventually you'll have to like bulk some of it up yeah once you do yeah i could get it we're gonna have a great ebay rating that's for sure yeah yeah right my mom already has a hundred percent on it it's like i've sold plenty of things in there you're gonna keep any just for like the memory also did she uh hand anything down or is it just like well if like who's gonna get the money
Starting point is 00:37:32 for it your mom or how are you gonna yeah or she's like if you guys put in the work we'll yeah split up and whatnot but i mean that's not a big deal. We've obviously we have first, right? I'm pretty sure if we want to keep anything, I don't think me or my brothers are going to keep any of the Barbies. Unless. Dude, I mean, what if you kept these things, though? Yeah, it's only going to go up, right? Yeah, but it gets to a point. Some people lose interest.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I don't care. I don't know. Yeah, I get like, all right, it goes up and up and up. If I bought that box of Pokemon cards, it goes up and up and up if i bought that box of pokemon cards it goes up and up and up and i never get rid of it do i get any value holding onto it my entire life no no your kids do or the next people yeah but then they'll have if you constantly have the mindset of just worth more and more and more but like at what point do you just cash out and enjoy it yeah like there is and you can go on pond stars
Starting point is 00:38:26 yeah i mean yeah yeah cash out enjoy it um and the thing is too is there is it takes up so much space yeah and for boxing or later yeah yeah if you go to like a new york or a big city yeah you yeah you just kind of look at me like hey i don't need this like i'm not strapped for cash that i yeah or but it also could help it's like you know you have all this like money it's just super illiquid and you but it's nice to know like if you do have something big that you want like i have this but i gotta sell it at some point yeah you kind of have to be like hey i have no use for these yeah uh if i have people willing to help me sell it now versus it could be in like three months and i'm gone or whatever and then no one's gonna do
Starting point is 00:39:15 it um yeah i mean my family is not very sentimental with a lot of things i think we hold on to very few things that mean a lot and that granted it might be someone in our family that collects it but it's like we're not gonna do anything with this it's literally just gonna sit there it's like staring at money it's doing nothing granted it might grow but like if you don't touch it what's the point of it there's probably financial people out there cringing right now at my philosophy on money. Yeah, it's okay. The nice thing is it's up to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 All right, back to USS Gramp. Yeah, as you're saying this, I'm looking at my notes. I think I wrote it down in the order of everything that happened. I think I wrote it down in the order of everything that happened, but looking at this makes it even that much crazier that this conversation went on this long. Wait, sorry, sorry. Okay. So somehow it came up.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I don't know if this is the right order i'm gonna go with this sorry yeah i know sorry i'm trying to i'm trying to read and i don't know okay somehow it came up like how long he's lived here he has lived in the shoreline buildings which is uh like Shoreline owns a bunch of property in Milwaukee. He's lived in them for 17 years. And I think he's lived here in this building for like, I don't know, seven, five. You're not even going to make it seven months. Oh, I hope not. I fucking hope not. So he's been here for a long time.
Starting point is 00:41:02 So that means that he's met a lot of people here he knows the manager here somehow it came up the three he has known three people that have died in this building in your in my building oh please don't say your apartment yeah not not in my apartment not in my room but in my apartment building okay it's a big one there's well i think there's yeah there's seven floors is the person right there yes yes oh now do you understand is this why i wouldn't like it uh part of yeah we're getting there yeah it's part of it dude this this story could be this could be a movie like it actually i was talking to this guy for so long it could be like a thriller like where
Starting point is 00:41:51 this goes real quick the reason i know this like i guess yeah yeah is i thought you knew this whole time but yeah no we were here one night god man this is crazy we were walking out we're about to go out and as we pass this apartment it sounds like someone gets thrown against the wall yeah and then like really loud i mean so loud and not like something fell like a body hit the wall like yeah and we all like jump and like we were all talking and then instantly went quiet personally i think it's because we were talking loud and like you a lot of noise drains the door but it was like loud like you just don't you don't do that and there was i don't remember the like all the details but it was creepy it was late it was like 11 like i don't i already knew he's an old guy
Starting point is 00:42:41 this dude's not staying up till midnight this guy's in bed by eight probably like but this wasn't his apartment that had the noise yeah yeah it is i thought he's over there no he's out right here was he killing people in his fucking sleep you're about to find out oh shit okay so he's all right yeah see this is why i would have prefaced and started this story off but now you know where this is going a little bit more and that's fine i like this i'm i'm into this now i know you're invested now okay so we're talking on the hall he's been here for 17 years three he said he's known three people have died here um one guy um was like this older guy and they would always meet up on sunday or saturday and go to breakfast at this place it's like two blocks away i want to go it actually
Starting point is 00:43:33 looks like a really cool breakfast spot and um um he was never late to anything like he was always just prompting on time for like years so he wasn't there they're like oh something must be up they go up to his room um he was just laying on the ground there just like just totally out like just dead that's a fun way to find your friend they found him brain dead and um and yeah so that was the first guy. The other guy, he said this guy was really strange, this resident, and he would always open the door just butt-ass naked. Whenever you went and saw this dude, when you opened it,
Starting point is 00:44:23 like the landlord went and asked for rent out of this dude. How old is this guy? He's got to be old because there gets to a point where they just don't give a shit anymore i don't i don't know but yeah yeah good point it's not as it sounds weird but it's not as creepy when they're like 70 80 but if that's like a 40 50 year old man that's pretty fucked up yeah this i don't know overall that i do know strange dude like no matter he was like no matter what like it doesn't matter what day it was or what was going on when you like he would answer the doors but i was naked which is pretty i mean yeah interesting so um that guy um like a similar thing like wasn't answering the door or something they The landlord had gotten his rent.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Real quick, can I turn that light on? I can turn that on too. Because I'm finally looking at you and it looks like we're doing this in the dark. This is not the best apartment to be doing this in. This apartment's not the best for anything. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So this dude always answers the door naked whatever um did he die with clothes on so they usually check great question i did not ask then i do not know the answer but next time i see michael i gotta ask yeah um so usually they see him i think like every other week but it turns out pretty much the last time the landlord went and saw him, he must have died like right after. But they hadn't gone and seen him for a whole week. So when they found him, they're like, he said he had been dead for literally a week and it was so bad.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And so like they had to replace the floorboard because his body rotted through the floor. He had been like there for that long. It was, like, holy shit. Also, it's amazing that once you're, like, inside, stop functioning, how quickly you just decay. Yeah, it's horrible. Don't you, like, shit your pants instantly? When you die, I think you shit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, because all your muscles relax. so whatever's in you is gone a whole most of your life a whole week like if you don't take out the garbage in a week it gets gross if you don't shower for a day or two you feel gross this is like at least a week how do you oh god that's so gross yeah can you imagine me like you know too, when you show up, if you're a landlord and you're knocking on your collecting checks and you get to a door and it's just, you're like, someone's dead in here. Yeah. Also, if everything's so paper thin.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Oh, he said, oh, and he's like, oh, and I knew right away when I entered. This is my neighbor talking. Oh, I knew it right away when I entered the room. I knew exactly what a dead body smelled like because I've smelled so many when I was in the Navy. Yeah, that's a military man for sure. He's like, okay. What I'm more, like, amazed by is you don't have any neighbors being like, hey, why does it smell like weeks worth of trash in here? Right.
Starting point is 00:47:24 If you're worried i think well he did live during us doing he did live on like a weird corner unit that was like kind of away from other everyone i don't know still but if it's that pungent that's gotta get on i mean i don't know okay continue third guy okay the third guy actually mike killed i two weeks ago the third guy i don't know but this is not the last there's a third person and this is the part you might not like that i didn't like right initially um so then he has those and then he just straight up goes like have you seen any of the ghosts yet oh also so i was like yeah i was just laughing like yeah good one buddy i'm now gonna come back hammered once and just be like dude i see shit he's like
Starting point is 00:48:15 have you seen any of the ghosts yet i'm like uh no that's funny he's like oh no yeah they're here you'll see them i was like no no no, no, no, no, no, like, first of all, they're not real, and then, but, yeah, and he's like, no, like, actually, there's this little girl, like, he's like, have you seen the, I was like, no, I haven't seen anything, yeah, so there's, there's this little girl that looks through the slats in the stairwell, but he's never seen her below the fifth floor luckily i live on the sixth floor so she just roams around the sixth and seventh floor on the stairwell and just peeks through the slats so if you're standing there waiting for the elevator or something or you're just walking up you might see like just a little girl looking at you
Starting point is 00:48:59 like kind of timid to the slats and i was like okay i'm going home tonight what the first thing i thought of was oh what's the movie with the two like twins that's a mel gibson dude i'm you know what i'm talking about walk in you know what i'm talking about no what's it called fuck i should know this movie with the two my heart is ray i honestly the little ghosts the idea of a ghost doesn't necessarily scare me but there's something about little children in horror movies that's like that's right man i forgot what that movie's called but everyone everyone knows what i'm talking about um Like people not acting like. With the axe. Here's Johnny.
Starting point is 00:49:48 No idea what you're talking about. Dude, oh my God. Okay, I don't want to watch it. I don't want to watch it. But I think it's, with the horror stuff, it's the children acting possessed and it kind of seems almost adult-like. They're too mature. They know something's fucked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Or like adults acting like children. No, it's like those paranormal activity where like the devil takes over their body and like it's all weird yeah it's not actually yeah but like little girl in a white dress i agree fuck that i don't know why i see beatrice looking through the fucking step thank god we take the elevator still though you got to sit there and wait for the elevator and you're do you think i'm gonna turn around now also these hallways are real creepy like the floor is like this weird red carpet from like the 60s probably does he see this ghost at oh he's seen it all um i don't know but he's like i've never seen her below the fifth floor but yeah we live on the sixth floor that's someone who's seen her multiple times that's that's part of it where like either he's that old and he's just pulling my leg
Starting point is 00:50:50 or he's that crazy like this or it's the fact that he's like i literally haven't seen her under the fifth floor but i've seen her on the seventh and sixth yeah so i mean yeah that's that could definitely be someone pulling your leg. However, it could also be someone who's seen it multiple times. Like, I legit just haven't seen it on their floor. Yeah. Also, though, this is the guy I've been talking to that you now know a little bit more about. Yeah. So, I like him a lot better.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Okay. So. Dude, that's a big fear of mine. If you, like, actually see a ghost one day, like, if I saw someone behind you but you didn't see it like not being able to like prove that to someone like the people who say they've been affected by aliens like if that like has legitimately happened that has to be so frustrating that just like no one it's like it's it's totally made up though like those ghost hunter shows they take the picture and like oh that that white dot in the corner that's that's them like they're so stupid do you
Starting point is 00:51:45 hear that noise like you mean the radiator but it's fun you know it's fun to have all this for halloween and everything fuck so okay doesn't end here this is where i think i'm gonna die um somehow it got talking about he's talking about, maybe I asked about the noise. Maybe it was like, have you heard anything? Am I playing music too loud? Let me know. I don't want to be a bad neighbor. And he's like, no, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:52:14 The way your apartment is laid out, he literally pointed. He's like, right here, the wall right next to you, that's your closet. Your room is right behind that door. And then against your bedroom bedroom then it's my living room right there and then my bedroom's over so when i'm sleeping we're like a room apart so it's not like back-to-back bedrooms so then i'm like that is also a well-trained military man he's like um blindfolded i've been kidnapped i've taken two rights three lefts well no this is this is what i'm thinking i'm like how the fuck does he know what my apartment looks like?
Starting point is 00:52:48 If he's been here 17 years. He's been here 17 years, so he knows a lot of people and walks around. So, he's like, yes. So, my curiosity, curiosity killed the cat, was like, I want to see what his looks like. Like, I just want to see what his apartment looks like. And he brought it up. He's like, oh, you want to see just the layout like you went inside this man's yes yes i went inside this man's apartment and i'm not even kidding at first i was like yeah i'm like
Starting point is 00:53:17 actually curious i want to see how the apartments are laid out like i i love looking at apartments and like different whatever different stuff um stuff. Um, and yeah. And I was like, okay, I got to see it. As I take the first step forward, I'm like, I'm,
Starting point is 00:53:30 I am about to get killed. Like, like this guy could literally, like I was thinking about like the bang, I guess there. And like, you're about to be paying them. I was like,
Starting point is 00:53:39 yeah, he's, he's going to shut the door. He's not going to have a limp and he's going to murder. That king is just going to beat the shit out of you. I was like, this is questionable. he's he's gonna shut the door he's not gonna have a limp and he's gonna murder that king it's just gonna beat the shit out of you i was like this is questionable so i walk in i just see his apartment um just like very normal um he has like the same same same view i don't know he has like coca-cola stuff all over the place like his whole like i saw his kitchen i
Starting point is 00:54:06 saw a whole layout he has coca-cola everywhere it's like his favorite favorite thing cool though it's a little excessive like even even the light switch had like a cook he's like that was the hardest one to find it was like a coca-cola light switch uh uh so that was that was interesting and then he like kept showing me shit and then he's like oh you see that hutch right there that's from the guy that like our friend that we used to get breakfast with that died like i got it from him like when he died i was like okay no wonder you see ghosts you brought him into the fucking apartment it was interesting and then when we were in his kitchen he's showing me all the coca-cola stuff he's like yeah i love baking and all the stuff he's like i'll bake you i'll bake
Starting point is 00:54:51 you um i'll bake you chocolate chip cookies sometime i was like i was kind of like coming from another man that's really weird this is an old grandpa i know but just like he's not like you if you said jacob if i'll bake you some chocolate chip cookies i baked you'd be like what the fuck is in these i know i was in them it'd be magic but i was like deep down like i just i was being so nice i would keep in mind the old guy isn't he hasn't seen a human being probably in freaking a year so i was like yeah i guess he's like well only say yes if you'll eat them because i don't want to bake them and you don't eat them thankfully he has not made them for me but you would eat them you got a snicker bar sitting there waiting for you no i wouldn't because that's maybe that's how he would
Starting point is 00:55:41 kill me like is that is that legit or are going to get to where you saw the bang? Yeah, no. But I've heard the bang more. But no, I never got to that point. We had some other little side conversations. I come back into my apartment, though, and I realize I had been gone for like an hour to like an hour and a half talking to this dude.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Or at least a few. I like that, though. But I i'm working i'm working from home like my computer's off i'm away from my desk i get back on call one of my co-workers i will she's like i thought you just like went out to lunch or something i was like no i've been talking to my neighbor who i'm convinced either is the devil or something keep okay notice this is what i noticed after i wrote it all down and i'm sitting there like bewildered that this man was wearing a grateful dead mask yeah his navy story that captain died he was talking about how like he hasn't been with his well well his i know he said his mom finally died but he hasn't seen her in a while like finally well whatever because he hadn't
Starting point is 00:56:53 seen her in a long time and she recently died um or his biologics dad one of them whatever um and then all the dead people in our apartment and sees ghosts and the ghost i feel like i'm missing one but like this could nearly all his stories revolved around death it was crazy well i mean people tend to talk about what's most recent to him and he is closer to death than he is yeah i guess so so i mean that would be me going, this seems like the most logical explanation as to why he talks about death, and it's probably impacted him the most. True.
Starting point is 00:57:34 And if you're a new person, you're going to give someone some exciting stories that they're going to remember you by. Now let's pivot to your devil theory. Well, maybe not the devil. Not the devil. Or maybe just loosely associated with devil. Not the devil. Or maybe just, you know, loosely associated with it. It's creepy.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I could see it being... Real creepy. Like, there's a show on Netflix called Lucifer. Yeah, I've seen it. When it shows up on Netflix, I'm just going to. And, like, he... Doesn't he run a nightclub?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, he runs a nightclub. Yeah. But this could be, like, the old man version where, I mean, he knows where everyone, like he sees, he's the only one who can see the ghost. He's constantly surrounded by death. Doesn't scare him, blah, blah, blah. It'd be a pretty slow show, but no, I like that.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I mean, I can't. Wasn't that crazy? But now this guy, well, first of all, he keeps bringing up my packages. So thanks, Mike. You're a beast. But. Well, I'll make like a little card and slide it under his table where he can listen to this. I kind of want to bring him just like a six pack of like Coca-Cola or something.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Dude, actually, speaking of six pack, can we have those beers? Let me just finish this. I want to, to yeah bring him that i don't want to get stuck with him in that conversation i he's knocked before and i just didn't answer the door because i'm like not today i am busy you kind of have to i cannot commit to another hour if you're gonna bring him any gift i think you have to commit to yourself like all right this is at least 45 minutes um no i can just leave it at his door yeah but if you're gonna actually knock on the door you're like all right this is at least 45 minutes i probably won't do that um but maybe but you
Starting point is 00:59:12 should go and get like one of those six packs of like old-fashioned bottle yes i'm gonna get like the old old like sugar you know like yeah the mexican ones yeah if you were here any longer like i don't think you'll be here for another christmas um i really don't think you'll be here for another christmas oh hell no and when you earliest i can move out is march yeah when you move do not call me yeah i'm hiring moving men yeah this table is not strong enough this table is getting thrown out the window onto a mattress so it doesn't break but actually know what these cameras are rested on that thing is a thousand fucking pounds but yeah no i'd be nice to get him a thing of coke he brings you your packages you give him soda it's a good it's a good trade-off it'd make his day
Starting point is 00:59:57 you got to before you ask though or before yes before you leave make this your sitcom moment like i had i think i mentioned on here before attending a list like mine was the uh realizing yeah um that no one lived upstairs it was actually squirrels on our roof um before you leave like the minute you walk out with everything just knocking over like you killed anybody dude, what are you throwing against the wall? And if he goes, oh, those are the bodies from the guy every Sunday. I mean, the thing is, like, it always is. I've heard it before, and it's always when I'm in the hall or, like, I close my door or I'm talking.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Sometimes I'll hear it even sitting here and hear a bang from over there when maybe someone else is up. So logically it makes sense that he's pounding his door or the wall even sitting here and hear a bang from over there when maybe someone else is up so it logically makes sense that he's pounding his door or the wall because he's mad that he can hear them but that doesn't make sense either because this man doesn't give a shit honestly about everything yeah and it's like really loud also if you're and he's not getting up out of bed at 11 o'clock for that five seconds someone's in the hallway to go get up really quick, slam the door. Okay, don't talk while you're leaving.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yeah, no, that makes no sense. No. If it was noise. It genuinely. It's weird. I don't know. But it happens frequently. Does he move kind of slower?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah, he has a cane. He has his leg that goes down. Okay, so then, yeah. Maybe it's him falling. Jesus Christ. Maybe it's his leg going out. Every time you hear it, it's like, oh,
Starting point is 01:01:26 there goes Mike's leg. Holy shit. Actually, that's a great... Maybe... It's a good theory. Maybe he doesn't use his cane because he's in his apartment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:34 And then it's just him catching himself on the wall. Maybe it's him just going, oh. Maybe it's him just catching him, putting his arm out and catching himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Depending on how far away he is. Again, I don't think this man stays up till 11 o'clock and midnight. Who knows, man. So, he's still for the first week or two i was whenever i was waiting for the elevator i was checking my shoulder like where this little girl is gonna pop out and scare the shit out of me you know what i but honestly hate that like i'm so afraid of these. And we can end this shortly because we're at an hour. But that little girl thing scares the shit out of me. But part of me tonight wants to walk up six flights of stairs.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I also feel like you're not going to see a ghost if you look for it. Like, it just has to show up. That's so true. That's so true. Those are twist-offs toy sauce oh tight yep that's so true it's definitely gonna be when you're not expecting it you know how cool i would love it if land shark would sponsor this oh my god it'd be great my mom showed me this and it's just a better better Corona. It is. It's not skunky. It's cheaper, I think. And it's super cheap.
Starting point is 01:02:47 It's light. Now, Walt, Nick would drink these a ton in the house. These are my favorite. And it's not Miller Lite. It's not Bud Light. Don't get me wrong. If you guys want to sponsor me too, that's fine. But this is a way better Corona.
Starting point is 01:03:02 1000%. I don't think I'm getting a corona sponsorship that's okay land shark but yeah that was my story that i held off i wanted to tell you so bad but i'm glad you saved this you did well i'm glad i wrote it down too i would have not yeah that's like when braxton told his uh his nash Nashville thing I'm glad he wrote that down too The little girl thing man That I think that freaked me out the most
Starting point is 01:03:31 We had a Dude I need to find the title of this movie I can't believe Did I ever tell you I'll do this And then We'll end it So there was one Christmas
Starting point is 01:03:42 That This is related to the little girl stuff But There was one christmas that uh this is related to the little girl stuff but there was one christmas my aunt or uncle i believe it's i don't know how it worked out but my dad got this book or their siblings got this book of uh this house that's in milwaukee and i think a lot of people in milwaukee will this house. I forgot the name of it. But it's the house on the lake with all the statues in the yard and figurines. You know what I'm talking about? I'm not even joking with you.
Starting point is 01:04:15 You got to get in the mic. I'm not even kidding. I looked up like things to do in Milwaukee because Cusky. No, we got to do this again. No, Cusky and I are bored as shit. So I was like things to do in Milwaukee. And it's like top 29 things to do what was look that it was one of these look then this place came up look the name of the house it starts it has an l in it it's like leo's also i'm gonna cut you off the movie
Starting point is 01:04:34 sorry it's jack nicholson i've been saying mel gibson this whole time and it's in the shining the shining the shining um uh yeah okay so what should i haunted house milwaukee lake figurine The Shining. Yeah, okay. What should I... Haunted House, Milwaukee. Lake Figurine House. Haunted. Lake Figurine, Milwaukee House. I'll know the name of it right away.
Starting point is 01:04:58 What came up? Crap. Not good. I think they're moving the house not too too long ago or they're getting rid of it either way if you find it pop up i'm gonna tell us so my dad gets this book about this house and they went there as kids all the time my parents my dad was allowed to run around like he like didn't have parents at all like that he traveled that's not it but this this is it man no it's not let me see mary the mary noel house it might be holy cow it's on the
Starting point is 01:05:32 lake you have to go down to it it's it's on the bend it's on the oh this i think this is it yeah and there's statues all in the front yard and the backyard so do you know the story of this house uh a little but holy shit this is scaring me because this is real and I've seen it before too. Yeah, you're true. All right, so if this is it. I want to hear the story. But there's artwork, so it just doesn't, okay, either way. There is.
Starting point is 01:05:56 So she, the rumor has it, my dad gets this book and they tell the story. And like we went here all the time. They said it was kind of weird. What do you mean they went there well like my dad's age like this happened while my dad was got it okay and so he's figuring start popping up um or i could be wrong it happened but he knows about this and they love this house and so i believe the story is her husband and son went out, took the boat out, and she basically watched them, like, kind of out of a movie, watched them leave the horizon. They're on Lake Michigan. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Never came back. So she starts doing all this artwork and starts putting it on the house and all in the yard. And I don't know, because lost both of the loves of her life and just kind of freaked out. Like, I don't know what I would do. Um, but so she does all this artwork. She passes away.
Starting point is 01:06:55 They turn this into a landmark. Like it's a museum. How do you stay in that house? I don't know. There's no way I would constantly, it'd be like in a movie where you're like looking out over the way. Like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:07:03 they were there. No, they're not. Yeah. Or just waiting for them to come back. Oh, my God. So they turn this into a museum, and my parents get this gift for Christmas, and they tell us a story. And in my head, I'm like, we got to go. So it's winter break, high school, I believe.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah, high school. And I tell my friends, like, we're going to this house. Let's check this out. And they're like, all right, we're down. this house let's check this out and they're like all right we're down we have nothing to do we're just as bored and so it's three or four of us yeah we drive down we get the address out of the book and it's the wrong address and so but it's like it's a weird neighborhood on the lake they can get kind of confusing the first time i went there i went to the wrong place too and so we get to the wrong house
Starting point is 01:07:45 we're like we gotta figure out where the fuck it is obviously it's on the lake we know that and we're not on the lake and so we're driving through
Starting point is 01:07:53 this it's so poorly lit neighborhood oh yeah there's no lights it's not like a neighborhood it's like like a road
Starting point is 01:08:00 with a bunch of houses on it it's not like a nice lake and they're all different cool different houses there are very nice houses they're like old milwaukee houses it's along the lake right it's in the road kind of along like there's houses on the lake yeah yeah but like the neighborhood goes through it yeah yeah so we're driving through one of the streets and it's hilly yeah the street we're on and the houses are at the it's woody too so it goes woody wooded and the houses are on top of the hill you see like one
Starting point is 01:08:28 light on each side the only light on the street is my headlight so it's like really creepy yeah we finally get to the more residential area where this house is the house is just in the middle of like people live around this house and so it's near the end of like a dead end street and we can't find it right away it's on the turn yeah yeah and so we go all the way to the end of the turn because you're not supposed to go to this house it's illegal to hop the fence or whatever and so we don't want neighbors seeing us and we go to the dead end thinking no one will be there also you're like far in there this is not like a road where there's a lot of people like this is like you either live there yeah you know they
Starting point is 01:09:10 know the cars so we get to this dead end and we pull i turn the lights off and i can see well enough now and we pull in and there's house at the end yeah and there's a light on top like just in the middle and it's like someone's bathroom almost. And you see someone in there. The light turns off, turns back on. No one's there. I'm like, what the fuck? And I was like, did you guys see that?
Starting point is 01:09:35 And one other person in the car saw it. Let me finish. We then, I keep turning, like going farther down to get to the end of like where it rounds and I can turn around and I stop and I can see into these people's back like sunroom area. Two little girls
Starting point is 01:09:53 in white dresses playing. I shit you the fuck not. I'm like dude we're not even at the fucking house yet. Oh this isn't the house? This isn't the house yet. This is a different house.
Starting point is 01:10:01 This is a different house. So this is like three or four over. We're not at this what's supposed to be the creepy house different house this is a different house so this is like three or four over and we're not at this what's supposed to be the creepy house and i've seen a man disappear out of a bathroom yeah and no one plays in white dresses at 10 11 o'clock at night yeah on a weekend you're in your jammies you're in your jammies you're your paw patrol your disney whatever it is at the time hello kitty white dresses like out of a fucking movie and this is like hey guys i don't know if i want to be here anymore yeah we finally find a place to park and that might have been the creepiest part for me we finally find a place to
Starting point is 01:10:38 park and we're away from the house but you can kind of see that that house lights are still on. And we try and get into this lady's house. And one person climbs the fence or climbs a tree, then hops over the fence and just kind of explores like, Hey, this is kind of eerie. And then one of my friends just disappears. I'm like, where are you?
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I'm screaming like tax. I'm like, where are you? And I hear is like a muffled voice. I'm like, what the fuck? And there's a sewer that ends, it drains down to the beach.
Starting point is 01:11:10 But it's one of the big ones, so you can walk into it. This man ran 400 yards, I think, into it. I'm like, what the fuck? He just ran into it. He goes, I'm in here, looking around. Hey man, I'm freaked out by the children. He's going to findy dufresne
Starting point is 01:11:26 like you are gonna find i don't know loch ness or other dead bodies like the actual children that died and we just saw their ghosts from this house and i look over the house lights are completely off now oh the other at the other house like hey i don't want to be here anymore one friend's walking around and finally like we just kind of we took a few pictures like this is fucking creepy and part of it is probably us hyping it up that this place is haunted going dude imagine so during this whole time your lights are off right because you don't want to cause anything imagine pulling up to that house lights are all off it's dark as hell which one the figurine house or yeah like after you after you saw the other one and you you pull up and it's just pitch black and then you
Starting point is 01:12:10 kind of like you're like about to stop and there's just someone standing there but you can't see them i would have ran them over i would have straight up ran them over i don't care if it was something like hey why are you in our neighborhood or an actual like ghost that like the girl that's shoulders up like this just like yeah i would have ran that bitch over i love that the first house could have been like oh maybe they just came back from a wedding reception so they're in there they're in there like cute while they've been right away i'm like this is fucked up maybe the guy went to the bathroom and left his phone and forgot it and just grabbed it quick and just turned on the light probably there are probably reasonable explanations but when you hype it up
Starting point is 01:12:52 and when it's night and yeah and you're already going there thinking of it you add the it's gonna have wrong address that was the right address then searching around a neighborhood with no lights and it's like people are looking down and like you think people are on the hill just like who is this person like what is this our next prey yeah they're gonna disappear like that's the neighborhood where you go in you never come out and people don't even know do you think do you think night is just always scary or is it scary because of movies and stories that we learn and then it becomes it's night darkness is like the unknown it's like when i talked about on here the deep space or deep sea yeah it's the unknown and
Starting point is 01:13:32 like not being able to see and you don't know what is next to you but it's also the stories we've heard or yeah it doesn't without any of those then it would just be, oh, I just can't see. Yeah, it doesn't help. It's crazy how scary movies can just change your perception. The media definitely. If you went to that place after lunch during the day, you'd be like, oh, this is that creepy house. Cool. That's it. This is at night.
Starting point is 01:14:00 You got the book. You got the stories. You're going to set yourself up. Exactly, and I'm not denying that at all like no it's fun also this episode should be released in like october so in october happy halloween everybody no this i like this one this will go out i'll see what the uh yeah the visual looks like you look like a fucking shadow it looks like we're in two different rooms you might be able to brighten it it doesn't help that you like you're in the corner next to a black blanket wearing all black maybe it'll be an audio
Starting point is 01:14:33 that's okay yeah this one was more fun but yeah we'll fund it there thank you this would be good practice for uh i don't know i need to talk to that guy tomorrow yeah but yeah we've got to figure it out we got some stuff lined up this one will be better it'll be better than this is better than your first one i'll give you that yeah for sure you aren't which is you know why because i had one topic i wanted to talk about and i there you go i did give you a little more time. And by a little more time, I think I gave you an extra hour. But you had a story in the bank. Yeah. You were ready for this.
Starting point is 01:15:11 There it is. All right. Thank you, buddy. Yep. See you.

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