Fat Chance Podcast - Ep.6 - Brian Goyette

Episode Date: February 19, 2021

Aspiring country music singer/songwriter Brian Goyette joins the Fat Chance Podcast to end the boys of Nashville week. The guys talk about the ins and outs of getting you music on a streaming platform..., what a single actually is, balancing relationships, Brian's songwriting process and the meaning behind a few of his new songs.   Go checkout his debut single "Montgomery Drive" on all streaming platforms now!  If you'd like to watch the full interview, it is now available on YouTube!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 here we go all right all right so yeah i'm i think we i don't say we talk too much before this but nah i do that all the time when i set up i just i talk to whoever i'm doing this with i'm like i probably should have saved a good 10 minutes of that for this i mean that's why i was trying to withhold as much as i wanted to talk to about with you that's good that's good um no yeah it's i mean i think the good to about with you that's good that's good um no yeah it's i mean i think the good part about having to set it up now and not just everything set up is it kind of loosens everyone up a bit um but this is your first promo you haven't released anything yet almost but we're five days away man five days away i am very excited about it so you have because i don't even know everything you have
Starting point is 00:00:46 three songs how many songs so it's three songs it's technically considered a single i just found this out when i was putting everything out and i was looking into it so a single is when there is three or less songs and each song is less than 10 minutes like a piece so this entire time i was like going through all this stuff i was telling everyone ep ep ep but yeah apparently it's a single but it's got three songs on it so that makes no sense yeah that's so as long as they're not 10 minutes in total or each each so yeah so like if one of my songs was over 10 minutes okay it would make it an ep but they're all like three and some change so it makes it a single and like i had always seen other people release music like that where it was like they would have
Starting point is 00:01:38 two or three songs and it would be a single and i was like why do they term it like that but like the artist has no choice. It's how the store that's selling it, that's how they want to basically determine it. So then what makes something an album? Because if I have 10, 13 songs that are all three minutes apiece, aren't we just all listening to giant singles? That's what you'd think, man.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I looked at the EP criteria because there was nothing for an album, so I assuming it's whatever isn't an ep is an album and what the fuck is an ep i'm so confused dude this stuff gets all confusing you have to look it up but it's like yeah ep stands for extended play and it's basically just a shorter album like that's what it means i don't know isn't that all the terms are and exactly. Like a single is like just shorter than an EP, but it's more than one song. It can be more than one song, and that's all the stuff that's just, it was lost on me when I was putting it all together. But either way, it's a single.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's got three songs. Yeah, I'm pumped about them. So when this is released, it comes out today, which is awesome. Yeah. Just cool to say. Yeah, man. Debut single. That's what's crazy yeah debut that's how i've been marketing it and it's just it's wild to see i've seen it all over the place like i mean you have because i have both of your accounts on socials and
Starting point is 00:02:56 the i mean how i figure like when people start doing stuff like this you kind of figure like all our friends will repost it and i mean i've seen tons of people i've never even heard of just and obviously you'll repost it to your it's it's great i think you're getting a decent amount of traction for i was shocked to see how many people reposted my post when i first put it out we all want to see you do well yeah man um man i'm still baffled by the single thing like it just it just doesn't make sense when i was doing it too because I had to start labeling all my stuff, and it was weird because like – What do you mean you have to label it?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Because like when I was going through – so I go through a distributor, and they're the ones that give it to all the places. I don't know how it is for when you do podcasts, but that's how it is. It's a lot easier because we had like a drunken conversation about this, I think I remember. A couple weekends ago. Yeah, and I remember you describing like because i was like i could just put all your stuff through what i do and get you on spotify in
Starting point is 00:03:50 two seconds but then you met you the way you described it was better and i'm sure just like what i had kind of gathered from it too what i have gathered is that like they go through a lot of like reviews and stuff of the music and like they make, like there was a lot of criteria for like the album artwork and just kind of like the distance between your songs and like so much things that you don't really think about until you're there and you have to just get all of them like technically figured out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:20 So I think that's kind of what, when the distributor sends it to each store, because each store obviously has their own criteria. Yeah. So they have to get it all figured out and you have to give them enough time so they can process all of that. So then you get your release out on time. So I don't know if that's maybe where it differs from podcasting. I think, well, it's the review board now that I remember correctly. where it differs from podcasting? I think, well, it's the review board, now that I remember correctly. So with the platform I use, it's the free one because, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:54 it's not like I have big bucks coming through right now. So I don't need to pay for anything, but I think this was off. Terrifying. No, so, like, yeah, it's the review board. So when I submitted mine, they said, say okay we're gonna review your your podcast but i also didn't both of the ones i've started the first one i actually had material when i put it on there the second one like this one i didn't um but i think because it said podcast on there they're they're gonna assume yeah you're fine because i if i remember correctly i remember looking back and if i just would have put michael kuski down they would have probably like hey what's the content
Starting point is 00:05:29 you're putting on here because i could have snuck in free music i guess onto spotify um and i don't because i mean it wouldn't be good marketing or branding for you if you called it the brian goy at podcast yeah they're three minute songs um that'd be an unfortunate name just brian go ahead podcast music that would be disgusting i don't think i'd get very any or generate any streams that way no um are you to ask you this are you nervous at all to have it out i wouldn't say so much to have it out but i'm nervous with more so just like what it could entail in the future and like you know i don't think i fully kind of put wrapped my head around moving and all this kind of stuff that's coming with it that's because it's all really happening so fast it'll hit you friday
Starting point is 00:06:17 night but yeah it's gonna be i will listen to one of my songs on the album the the title track um montgomery drive and like it's just it's the song about my hometown and i will listen to one of my songs on the album, the title track, Montgomery Drive. And it's just the song about my hometown, and I will listen to it. And I was on the treadmill the other day listening to it, and I actually started tearing up. So that's when it first hit me. I think it's good. I think you're nervous in a good way.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It's like before a sporting event where you kind of get butterflies. Obviously, it's such a cliche way of saying it, but like you want to do well. And obviously, I can't imagine you're going to put something out and you're like, I hope this bombs. I hope no one listens to it or everyone does and they hate me for it, which isn't going to happen, obviously. But I remember when I put this out first, when I did the first one,
Starting point is 00:07:04 and I didn't even plan to put it out. I just – I had it. It's one of those things where you kind of, like, cue it up, but you never hit play. Yeah. Which is what I thought I did. And then I – because I put it on the platform. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And I thought I had to hit publish. And I hit schedule. And I was like, oh, I can schedule it later. Yeah. But it's scheduled for, like, the next – or for, like, the next 30 minutes. And I didn like, oh, I can schedule it later. But it's scheduled for like the next or for like the next 30 minutes. And I didn't realize that. So 30 minutes go by and I get an email. And I'm like, congratulations, you are now on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I'm like, oh, shit, this is happening. Yeah, that moment, which was kind of almost good because it's just like, hey, you're doing it. It was just like a push. Yeah, I would definitely agree. Because when I – I don't want to steer your thunder here. But when I put put when i finally put all my stuff on my distributor because i got the masters back and when i finally like kind of just put all the information in and like you're just sitting there like this is happening like
Starting point is 00:07:56 when i push this assuming everything on everyone else's end goes smoothly which it did yeah like i'm going to have music on spotify on apple music on itunes on amazon that's just like that's the coolest thing it's like because you see it like growing up i mean it's not that old but like i take itunes when it first came out we're paying 99 cents for a song like oh shit like these are real people like real artists real whatever um they're on here like for me it was like two One, okay, it's kind of easy to get stuff on these platforms. When you actually go through it and realize it, yeah. It's not that hard, but two, it's like, holy shit, I'm actually on here.
Starting point is 00:08:35 At one point, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Like, oh, my God, what if I was to go on a country music route, Kenny Chesney, or I had Toby Keith songs, I had albums on there, all the stuff I created. I'm like, oh shit, I'm actually next to him now. Not really, I'm definitely not like, hey, have you listened to Kenny Chesney? Also, have you listened to Michael Kruski's podcast?
Starting point is 00:08:56 But you're searchable under the same domain. Exactly. Which just makes it crazy. Just as easy to think about. Because when I, after I did all this stuff, and I was looking, because they make artist accounts then for you, like you have to eventually claim it because they have to prove that you're you
Starting point is 00:09:12 and all this stuff. But when I finally got access to my Spotify account where it had the little blue check mark, verified artist, I was like, dude, that's cool. That's way cooler than what I have. In a week, there will be my music that I wrote and put out on this page that everyone can search, and it's just mind-blowing. Now, how quickly, because obviously you're not attached to a label or anything,
Starting point is 00:09:37 but how quickly, let's say you made a song tonight, had it mastered, like whatever, completely done, you had the final copy, you start to finish, mastered, it's just there. You had the final copy. Start to finish mastered. It's just there. How quickly can you have it on Spotify now? Now that you're a verified artist and this is basically your account, like, can you, is everything up for review or can you kind of just post, obviously not whatever,
Starting point is 00:09:58 like you're not going to start releasing podcasts now on your artist thing, but how long would it take you to get your fourth song up now that i have like all that stuff put together i think it takes so i don't necessarily really know i probably won't until i actually do it but what i gathered was like when i put it out you have to check do you have music on do you not already because obviously then they have to make like the artist accounts and all that stuff for you um but i mean it wasn't necessarily that long of a turnaround but they do tell you to try to give them at least a month in advance really to put stuff out but i mean i did it two weeks before and everything's been cleared and all that. Yeah. I think, I think they're probably giving you like the long,
Starting point is 00:10:47 the longest it's ever taken someone. And that's like, if there's hiccups, like what they've got. And I can imagine like, it could be released. You're like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:10:56 this isn't the right one. Like, all right, give us another week. We'll figure this out. Yeah. But I mean, what I'm gathering now is that like,
Starting point is 00:11:03 it's literally a matter of just clicking, yeah, I have an account. And they say, okay, we'll put it next to all your Brian Goyette artist page stuff. And as long as they just approve everything as quickly as they did this last one, I mean, it's a matter of two weeks is how long it's going to be for me to get my stuff out. So then, because this interests me a lot, because if you look at anyone else, let's take an established artist like Kenny or Toby. Yeah. They have their top five songs. Obviously, that's auto-generated by Spotify, by basically plays.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So that makes sense. Or what's getting the most hits at the moment, basically what's trending kind of thing. then you have the discography and then whatever else there's songs how much of that can you organize if at all so like let's say you wanted to release another three songs like let's say you wanted one on top of the other or hey this is an album now or greatest hits or like whatever so a lot of that has to do with so i'll take it from the aspect of if i was going to put another thing like more music out and then add these three to an album you have to so when you start uploading songs they give you a little code. It's called an ISRC code.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And that's basically, it just tracks everything that, everywhere that that stream, that specific song, it tracks everywhere it is. So if you were to go re-release the song as part of an album, you would have to put that same uh wav file put it into the um wherever you want to like whatever wherever in the album you want to put it and then you have to copy that exact same isrc code and then that's how it kind of will all of those streams will carry over on to like the same database because then that all has to go to like the revenue people so they make sure that they register every single stream so you get all the money that you need for it but
Starting point is 00:13:10 then when it comes to like organizing you get paid per stream now which is obviously not a lot per stream but spotify's rate right now is like 0.0035 cents per stream so yeah we're getting into big bucks on friday but i gotta add up i'm gonna have that thing playing on repeat as i'm sleeping just at zero volume at like times two speed yeah for real but um i made five cents last night mom i'm gonna be a freaking Grammy winner. Can you imagine? It's like I have two million streams in the first two months. And one million of them are mine. In the basement that I don't currently live in anymore. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, you leave. On my laptop. You turn the volume off. You leave. You just have a computer plugged in and just times three volume. Why the hell is the freaking energy bill running up so high high because this thing's just plugged in and fucking that would be just a constant ticket counter um yeah i mean i can imagine though that headache that you're gonna what the fuck um that you're gonna have that. Because obviously that sounds tedious as shit.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah. Again, it's one of those things where I don't think I'll know exactly what goes into it until I do it. Exactly. And hopefully you don't have to do it for too much longer because that kind of seems like something when you have – you can just say, like, my people will handle this kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, that's like you – in due time, that's not something you even think about. It's like, oh, I recorded. Oh, yeah. The rest of the like you in due time. That's not something you even think about. Oh, I recorded. Oh yeah. The rest of the shit out for me. Put this out and managers and label people go do that. Some barbecue.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. Oh God. Go to Broadway and hopefully not pull a Morgan Warren. Speaking of Broadway, you are moving down there now, which is, I commend this move so much because I did it out of college and just no, like on a whim, just left, no job, nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Obviously you have stuff in the works, but not immediately. It's not like you're starting a new job Monday. You're just kind of going down there and just like, fuck it, I'm doing this, which I love. Yeah, dude. I mean, it's been something. The move itself, like the idea has been in the works for about a year now a little less than a year because it was after the um the nashville trip that we went on last march february march that's when i kind of just like was like okay this is what i'm gonna do this is what i
Starting point is 00:15:39 gotta do so then like it's always good to make a hasty decision after a yeah right after after a after a nice four four day bender and the worst hangover of my life. You know what I want to do? I think I'm going to move here even though I feel like dog shit. Oh, man. Dude, literally the worst hangover of my life, that drive home. You also get some of the worst hangovers I've ever seen. You and Gane, who was on this week.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Like, I dubbed this on Jake's episode. This is Nashville week, which is an overarching theme in the last two shows I've done, whether episode-wise or when I had tending a list with Braxton. The Nashville has been brought up so much over the course of 20-some episodes. It's almost like it's a part of our DNA. It's about time one of us actually lives down there. So then we all get down there sporadically and kill ourselves
Starting point is 00:16:26 it's a bombshell which i think is a i wanted to bring this up to you too and i want your opinion on it but whenever we go down there because like we treat it it's nash vegas and for people who love country music and live music and all that stuff i don't even like people who don't like country music so good on there because it's it's a hell of a time yeah it's still just a good spot but we get down there we're on cloud nine and we we are having so much fun and it it gets out of hand quick yeah obviously day one i mean chalk it up as a i mean it's a win but a loss dude i don't know if i remember any part of that trip after that but it's so fun fun. And I think that's why we like going down there so much. But it's almost like it was good going down there in doses.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So two-part question, I guess. I know where this is going. You know where one part is going. One, because I thought about moving down there at one point after college. Are you worried moving down there is going to take some of the allure out of it? It's going to kind of ruin. Like i used to call it when i first went we first went for gains 21st i came back and i told my mom i was like it's kind of like a little slice of heaven yeah live music barbecue like beautiful people it's just like everyone's having fun like it's a little slice
Starting point is 00:17:41 of heaven but if i was there for a month straight, I'd be like, I think I'm dying. Because I would be just like your serotonin levels through the roof. Are you worried, one, that you're going to lose some of the appeal to it? And two, are you worried about gain? I'll start with one, obviously. I don't necessarily think I will. I think I'll look at it in more of an aspect of this is how I've been looking at it. Like this is where I need to be in order to do what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah. So, I mean, I think, at least fingers crossed, hopefully I don't lose control, but I'm going to be trying to work on my craft and stuff more than going out and getting crazy i think yeah you'll have a easier time yeah than the latter of the two of the people going down there just because i mean you're going down there for a purpose i mean for what it's no you're going down there for what it's known for, but to work at it, not just partake in the atmosphere. Yeah. Not that what, I mean, Gane's going down for a great job opportunity, and it's his dream place. But I think I, along with many other people, especially his mother, we talked about this on Saturday, are a little worried for him.
Starting point is 00:19:05 people especially his mother we talked about this on saturday are a little worried for him not worried but he could just go balls to the walls and more so than you will i think hopefully me being his roommate because that's the plan when we get down there yeah live together um you know it is a little nerve-wracking but I think he also has just as much reason to be a little nervous about me and us being roommates together. Oh, you know, trust me. We've also talked about you two being down there together is also a dangerous conversation. We're playing with fire.
Starting point is 00:19:37 But, I don't know, I think Gane also, you know, yeah, he's going to go out and he's going to live up Nashville up nashville more so than like from the different aspect of he just wants to go he's gonna want to get crazy down there when he moves down yeah um but i think at the same time he's got that like he's he's a good writer yeah i i did ask him if he wanted to write yeah yeah so i think us together we'll be able to like it'll be fun to like just bounce ideas off of each other be a good one-two punch kind of thing like he writes you sing you write he critiques or like combination of the two it's yeah so i don't necessarily want to say that i'm okay yeah i'm a little worried about that about the broadway broadway jake gain i'm a little
Starting point is 00:20:24 worried about but i think just i think game I'm a little worried about. But I think we'll be able to focus up and not make that so much of why we're down there. Oh, yeah. And hopefully me being down there will help him see it the same way. Yeah, I think in the long run of things. Also, Jake gets himself in those situations where he's going to end up meeting someone that's of some ungodly amount of importance. That is, I think one day would be like,
Starting point is 00:20:51 hey, Brian, I met this guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and just like work. Like just you're doubling the chance at connections. Yeah, because he's... And I think in the long run, he's going to be just fine. Both of you guys are going to be just fine down there. I think the first month of him being down there
Starting point is 00:21:05 and you having your bearings is gonna be it might get a little dangerous that's gonna be dangerous where he's like let's go out and you're like i know where plus more so than we already do yeah and i mean it's also one of those where I can't imagine when you guys come down to visit and all that. He's already invited me to sleep on your couch. Yeah. See? There you go. For a few months, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Dude. He goes, hey, man, you want to come down there? I'm like, one, I might need to check with the other roommate. Two, I would rather you guys make some connections and be like, hey, my buddy's got something he might want to do with you. And then do that for like two weeks like oh brian's friends with these artists now all right let's get them on the show or whatever like jake i'm not living on your couch for three months yeah i mean that's it stuff's gonna be wild man and i've already had people saying oh i'm gonna come this weekend oh let me come this month this week i'm like you guys everyone says that everyone says like oh we're coming all the
Starting point is 00:22:09 time they'll be there once in one year yeah like the the people when you i remember going to college and like oh we're coming up for game days all the time like we'll go to the games and like the first two weeks freshman year i was like oh my friends are coming up, blah, blah, blah. And by week two, I was like, hey, stop coming up. Yeah. And then it's like two weeks of like, nah, I got other stuff I want to do. I'm making new friends too, not that I don't like you, but like I have things I want to do down here, like I'm here for a reason. And then by like month two, it was just like radio silence.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I was like, all right, no one's doing this anymore. I mean, because it's a trek to get down there right no one's doing this anymore i mean because it's a trek to get down there it's such a trek unless you fly flying we just realized in october our driver our fly literally from like milwaukee yeah kind of nutty i don't fly i you can't obviously can't fly we when we bought tickets i think i bought my mil to Nashville for like 60 bucks in the heat of Corona. Yeah. I mean, right. I was, I'm so sick of driving places like guys, we're in our twenties.
Starting point is 00:23:14 We can, we have jobs. We can afford a hundred, $200 plane ticket round trip to go somewhere. We don't need to drive 26 hours to texas right now yeah oh my gosh so yeah i i remember telling started new year's we were talking about like trips i wanted to plan with one of our buddies and like we're flying wherever we go we're flying like i don't wanna and how if you even have to rent the car there like who yeah we're like if we're going somewhere it's usually like a friend we have we're visiting. They can pick us up. They want us there.
Starting point is 00:23:46 They'll pick us up. It's a 20-minute drive from the airport. Whatever. Oh, well. Are you packed for the move? I mean, kind of. I'm looking at all your stuff right now. Everything's clean.
Starting point is 00:23:57 That's good. Still got to pack up the majority of this recording stuff I got out here. It's not a ton yeah and like i said earlier before we started recording the um place that i'm staying right off the bat is fully furnished so i don't got to bring any um that's so huge yeah it's so furniture is incredible and you got to add this the lady the room you're renting is someone else's house. Yes. So it's not an apartment. It's like a room in a house. And she's leaving a month after you get there.
Starting point is 00:24:30 For how long? A week after. A week after you get there. Oh, yeah. It's fucking February 15th right now. I'll get there the 20th. I think I'm going to actually move in the day after, so the 21st. My dad's going down yeah so we're
Starting point is 00:24:46 staying in a hotel the first night and she's got stuff going on that saturday but yeah she said first week of march she'll be out of there how long has she gone for she has not told me how long the assignment is but she's going out west somewhere so so you probably and she told me have one to three months yeah and she told me when we were talking about everything, she's like, yeah, after the first week I'll be gone. The space will be primarily yours. Cause we had talked about me only doing a month a month. So she made it seem like she'll be there the first week.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And then the timeline I gave her when I assumed that I'll be done. Yeah. Like she won't even be back yet. So like, I don't know. And I don't even know how long. So you might have just finessed an entire house to yourself. I might have. This might be a legendary time.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I'm going to find out if there's cameras in that house. I'm assuming there definitely are. That's why my dad's coming down, just to kind of scope it out with me and make sure nothing's too big to be true. It'd be real if that's just, like, a move she pulls. It's like, yeah, no, you can stay here for the month. I leave actually in a week, so it's yours three months, just to see what shit you pull,
Starting point is 00:25:49 or she's just kind of washing you from a different house for the next three months. How fucking creepy would that be? That'd be a Dateline episode. Airbnb lady stalks up-and-coming music artists. Trust me, I've thought about every scenario that could happen in this and have overthought it all. Yeah, you'll be all right i can't man that would be so creepy you just find it can't like one of those nanny
Starting point is 00:26:11 cams like right at the foot of the bed or something yeah just is that one in the toilet what are you trying to get out of this that's some kinky shit man get off on ass cracks right up there in the anus. Oh, this is taking a turn for the worse. Yeah, so you move, when this is released, you move tomorrow. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yes, sir. God, dude, I'm jealous. I'm so jealous. It's just kind of crazy. I mean, like I was saying, it's been in the works for the past year but like I don't know I had a little time in December I'll be honest where I didn't think it was gonna happen anytime soon just because I was I was just in my head about you know expenses
Starting point is 00:26:57 and just kind of everything that it entailed I didn't feel like i was ready and like in the right mind space with putting music out and stuff um you know and it was just it was really stressful but then like i made the first big move towards it which was buying my truck because i knew i needed a vehicle and then like honestly gain telling me that his stuff was moving faster it kind of put me at ease yeah and that he was actually going to pull the trigger as well yeah i mean with you can't expect yourself to make every giant leap by yourself it is kind of nice to have some yeah like i always said like you're only going to progress when you're uncomfortable but i mean having a little comfort kind of on the back burner is really nice and i think gain moving moving is definitely helping you out,
Starting point is 00:27:46 knowing like, all right, I'm not going to be – one, you're not going to be alone. I mean, you are for like two, three months. Yeah, but that's also why I wanted to do it before he moved down there because I wanted to put myself in that situation where I was going to be alone. Then it's like it's business and not just like you move down and it's like, oh, I just got a new roommate with like a college roommate kind of thing. We're like,
Starting point is 00:28:06 Oh, let's party for a month and just kind of waste a month. Cause I kind of like went back and I like was thinking about all of like, even just my college experiences and like every which way I went when I was at Oshkosh, I roomed with one of my best good friends from high school for a year. Next year, one of my best good friends from high school for a year.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Next year, some Braxton and Ryan Coos were in Oshkosh with me, so I was hanging out with them all the time. Moved back here and went to MATC, was living at home. And then when I went to Whitewater, I was with Josh Ringelberg and all my friends. It's too comfortable. Yeah, I hate that. Yeah, it's like you're almost too comfortable. Yeah, I hate that. Yeah, it's one of those situations where it was like I knew to kind of mature.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I'll put it that way. I need to go do something by myself. So while having gained there in a couple months will be great, I am very happy that I'm doing this by myself. Yeah, you're kind of allowing yourself to start a new life um first like kind of like kickstart it yeah and just like you're gonna hit the ground running which is great and i've kind of noticed like it you moving now i don't know if it's completely orchestrated this way but it just kind of seems like i mean all the pieces fell together perfectly for you right now with i mean obviously you made the step with the truck but gain stuff moving quickly and then you got the music and then i know obviously you probably
Starting point is 00:29:33 are planning it to come out the day before you move kind of thing but i mean you only finish it what a week two ago yeah it was completely. I had all the masters back two weeks ago. Yeah. So you're like, and when did you know you were moving? How long ago? It was probably a little over two weeks ago. So like that Friday. So I kind of finalized things with the lady on a Friday,
Starting point is 00:29:58 and then I got my masters back that following Monday. Yeah. So, I mean, it's like boom, boom, boom. All right. Now you're kind of like this week has to almost be like super enjoyable for you like i really don't need to do a whole lot but pack and just kind of enjoy like everything's just friday's gonna be awesome seeing the music come out and then got a little last minute uh shebang with the friends yeah that'll be saturday it's gone yeah time um yeah but obviously
Starting point is 00:30:28 i think we're this group that we're with um is it getting darker and darker man fuck it whatever um like slowly it's just gonna be a black screen for me your face um yeah i wore black on the wrong day. I think slowly and slowly this group that we've been with the past couple of months is starting to go separate ways. And I kind of like to see it. Yeah. Like everyone's kind of building their own thing. And it's fun. It's fun actually seeing people. Because after a while, as much fun as we're having together, I all of us would be like hey guys this is uh
Starting point is 00:31:06 this is getting kind of boring like we do this every fucking weekend like because now we're all gonna have different opportunities like oh we're doing this as we can come down to nashville come back up to wisconsin go down to wherever everyone else is going like it's yeah and it's just fun to see like everyone's getting like their jobs they're getting like comfortable with what they're doing and like yeah being themselves finding significant others and everything like yeah i'm not too keen on that one but i'm so sick of seeing people dating hey single baby let's do it yeah today was yesterday yeah okay what am i i'm like seven years running single on val's I am I might be
Starting point is 00:31:46 Oh I've never had a significant other on Valentine's Day I've never had No that's a lie I've had a significant other once on Christmas That's it In the 24 years I've been on this planet I've had a girlfriend for one holiday Dude you pick and choose your points man
Starting point is 00:32:05 you don't gotta spend money on those gifts or nothing yeah it's uh no but no i noticed i'm scrolling through instagram and stuff yesterday and obviously everyone's posting shit with their significant others more people are in relationships than i actually thought true like way more i was gonna say too like you click on the stories on instagram you you will just go for, you could go for like an hour and just keep seeing new people that you're like, what the hell? Like the people who never post anything anyways, like, oh, I haven't heard from this person forever. They haven't posted.
Starting point is 00:32:33 They're like me on social media. We're like, my personal account is just. Nothing. I talk about this with Gain. My most busy year on social media was 2018, and it was four pictures. Wow. Otherwise, I'm like eight months apart. Yeah, and it was four pictures. Wow. Otherwise, I'm like eight months apart. Yeah, I just, I mean.
Starting point is 00:32:48 One each season, bro? Gango, who the fuck were you trying to impress? Yeah, one every season. No, but yeah, I mean, people I've never, I haven't heard from in a while, I'm like, you have a girlfriend? You got a boyfriend? Like, where is this at? Usually, like, you got everyone our age is like you get a significant other you kind of flaunted for a bit they're out there like a lot of people
Starting point is 00:33:09 aren't hiding their relationships as much as where it's just like nothing yeah and now i'm seeing pictures like i mean granted you can tell they're not comfortable doing it it's just like it's a facebook post yeah it's like happy birthday my happy birthday. Happy Valentine's Day, my love. You are the best. That's it. And it's just like a picture. They're not even looking at the camera. They're like red, what is it?
Starting point is 00:33:33 No. Devil's Lake. And it's just like looking out. I'm like, no one even knows who this is. This is just like a crop top and leggings. Just to make the significant other happy to know that they posted them on the page. Yeah, just like, oh, they put in some effort. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Because this frozen meal you bought me that we're having in your dingy apartment is not doing it for me. No, I was genuinely surprised how many people had it. And some people are better at, obviously, having relationships than other people. Or balancing. The part that bothers me is balancing. Yeah. Outside friends. Girlfriends. relationships and other people or balancing the part that bothers me is balancing yeah outside friends girlfriends doing everything you need to do while still maintaining like hey man i'm still part of your life too you can hang out with me and a lot of the times i feel like it's just
Starting point is 00:34:16 you get i mean there's obviously like the honeymoon phase and all this other stuff like that comes oh yeah that's reasonable and like when you get older it's just like it's really only like get the fuck away from me yeah like when you're hanging out with your friends and stuff but yeah man i mean at the end of the day i'm just happy for people getting their relationships oh yeah same as long as they actually seem healthy because there have been some where i'm like dude what's the fucking point what do you do doing here, man? Yeah. I mean, oh, God. I don't know how I'm going to get into that. We have all seen people in relation. I'm like, I know you two don't even like each other.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I think you guys are just fucking bored. That's the kind of thing that, yeah. I don't. It's just never been something that I've really fully registered either. It's like, if you don't, like, fully feel like where you are with who you are with is going anywhere, I don't understand the point what's the point in doing it yeah like that is just such a waste of time such a waste and it's honestly just because people are poor there are people who just can't be alone and you know what
Starting point is 00:35:14 everyone has their their kink or whatever that they're they're doing like oh they just like having someone and it's like oh i want to have sex basically kind of thing um but i've been the same person like almost since high school which was like way too early to be thinking that where I'm like
Starting point is 00:35:29 why I'm where you kind of like talk to a girl for a while yeah and you're like shit I've gone through like the first girl second girlfriend I had
Starting point is 00:35:36 in high school I like waited like four months to ask her I'm like do I do this do I not like do I see this going on I'm like
Starting point is 00:35:42 dude you're fucking 15 just ask the girl out at that point yeah have a little fun in high think i've always been just like is there like if you don't genuinely see yourself being a person yeah potential long-term potential otherwise the people like oh you're cute should we date because we talk for a month like what the fuck are you doing no at least like especially now like you got to make sure shit's lining up and stuff like, and again, I'm also the,
Starting point is 00:36:10 I didn't necessarily have it as early as you did, but probably once I got to college, it was something where it was like, I don't know. When I first got to college, I just felt like it was like, you got to grow up right away. So I was always everywhere I would look.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And this is kind of, I don't think it's a bad mindset to have and i kind of still have it today but it was like could i marry this person is what i would think when i was trying to date somebody and you know at the end of the day that's just kind of how i see the dating yeah no there's nothing wrong with that i i think i don't think I've ever gone, can I marry this person kind of thing. Could I see myself? Could I see myself? Let me put it that way.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It's also so tough because, like, I've known this person for three weeks kind of bullshit. Yeah, that's true. I guess my talking phase is always a little longer than I would like it to be. But I think – what was it? I was going to say the whole, like, do I see myself with it? Because, like you said, it was like, is this going to be a waste of my time? Like,
Starting point is 00:37:07 am I going to look back and be like, I put three years into this, like I wasted like to go like the douchebag route. Like if you're a dude in college, I guarantee you every guy in college freshman, you're like, there's so many hot girls. You're like,
Starting point is 00:37:20 who, how many can I talk to kind of thing? And then you find one that you like you date for two and a half years. And you're like, I just wasted two and a half years, and you're like, I just wasted two and a half years potentially talking. I mean, that's not a good way to look at it, but that's how a lot of people do look at it. Oh, yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:37:32 It's, oh, whatever. Nowhere soon do I see myself having a girlfriend. I mean, the one female I talk to right now is my mother. That's it. Hey, man. Everyone's got their own path, and I don't know where I'm at either. That's right. I'm moving to a new frigging city.
Starting point is 00:37:56 That's what I like. There's new people, though. That's, again, why I'm jealous is when I went down to Miami, I was like, oh, dude, I can meet so many new people here. I met fucking no one because of kind of where we lived and what we did. But, I mean, you're going to a mecca, like a booming town, and you're doing something that's social. Yeah. That's one of the big things that I got to make sure that I'm on top of is putting myself out there and doing stuff and making attempts to meet people.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Performing. Performing, yeah. And doing stuff and making attempts to meet people. Performing. Performing, yeah. How have you looked into, like, finding spots or doing a set somewhere? Obviously, it's not going to be on Broadway right away. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Of course not. Yeah, I've been looking at, especially, like, the area that I'm going to be living in. It's called Hadley, which is, like, by Germantantown which is more of a well-known neighborhood all right um i've been looking at a couple places that are do like in the climate of things right now um that are still like doing live shows and like writers rounds which is like a thing that i want to get into because that's where you showcase like more of your own music yeah um you know i couldn't name you a place but i also do know a couple people from high school that live down there and have done like some of the gigging stuff so yeah i was gonna say i have a uh i have a friend down there who i think i might shoot you their number to who's okay did exactly what you did just kind of went down there and i mean she play i see her
Starting point is 00:39:22 playing her music all the time now which is awesome so um but yeah i think that in my opinion obviously i don't know i don't do music but that would be like the most important thing to be doing right now is just playing as much as anywhere you can too like even if you get like one person two people to show up like it is just getting comfortable doing it and just let it gradually happen. I've never, other than when I was doing some other things last year for a television show that I was almost on and, um, playing at my brother's wedding,
Starting point is 00:39:54 I haven't really done much performing in front of people. We'll get you. So you should perform on Friday. I think that there's going to be a twist where they might want me to do it. I think they're going to make you do it. I've been told there's some surprises to expect. If I had to, I mean, I know nothing, but if I was a betting man, you will perform whether on your own or you're going to be hammered and just be like, let's fucking do this.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Time to send it last night in Wisconsin. Screw it, I'm going to see hammered and just be like let's do this time to send it last night in wisconsin screw it i'm gonna see you guys again i'm making new friends crossover cantina we'll never see anything like it oh that'd be awesome but yeah i can imagine that's got to be the most important thing and it's going to be it's going to be tough obviously just i mean i think you're definitely strong-willed and just like screw it like this is just part of the process which is i think you'll like rather than just being thrown into if you got thrown can you imagine just being thrown like you get there saturday and next saturday like hey man can you perform at honky tonk central i would shit my pants for you that's just one of those things where i would get up there and i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:41:04 would shit my pants for you that's just one of those things where i would get up there and i wouldn't singing maybe i'd be fine but like the intermissions where you got to talk to these people i'd be standing up there like uh what do i do that's what let me come up because i think i thrive at that point we'll give you the mic for all the the when i'm doing all my sound checks all that shit yeah not i mean i mean you don't technically have to talk to everyone um just pretend like you're fixing the guitar the whole time for real but that's another thing that it's going to be interesting because like when you're playing at those bigger places i feel like it's like a lot of bands and i'm going down there me and mike who's the guitar yeah so that's another factor hurdle like you got to's like you got to meet people.
Starting point is 00:41:46 You got to meet people that want to have the same vision as you. Yeah. That you can maybe put a band together. Exactly. Trying to find a band I think would be, I think, step two. But, I mean, I still do know there's a lot of places where you can just do, like, acoustic. Like, even if it's just, like, open mics.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah, and I'm sure there are. Where it's just, like, you just hop on. I'm sure there are, like, some, I mean, is there, like, there's got to be something that's just like open mics yeah and i'm sure they're hop on i'm sure there are like some i mean is there like there's gotta be something that's like rent a band like hey we're just gonna play covers true just find a couple couple people just like hey you know like these popular songs and okay let's say they throw in like a random one like can you do that and like yeah we can do it yeah but like do you have it down there oh for sure i mean ever everyone who wants to be anything in music these days seems like they're going to Nashville.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I mean, I feel like every neighbor you're going to have is going to have someone that either does music, knows music, or makes it. It just – what was I going to say? Do you have a – oh, I was going to ask you this. Do you have a – like a set? Obviously, you have your three songs. Yep. And you're writing more. I know that. Yep. You have your three songs. Yep. And you're writing more.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I know that. Yep. You need filler with covers. Yep. Give me your top five covers you would do right now. Five? No, we should do. I want to hear them, but we should do our all-time albums.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Oh. Unless I was going to have... I was five. Fuck. I forgot to do this. I forgot to do this with G because i was gonna have just compare the two country boys that are going down there and just type some music because i think it'll be a good mix but you guys have clearly different tastes oh yeah clear like mine's vastly different than yours yeah but let's start with let's just do your what
Starting point is 00:43:19 would be your first five covers you would do so i'm thinking i'd want to put some dan and shay in there because i have heard obviously i'm not comparing myself to shay mooney dude's unreal but probably something what's tequila they got something main yeah that's their most mainstream song and something that i've really thought about when putting all this stuff together is that i need to like have a good mix of upbeat and you know the more ballad type stuff so i'm thinking something luke combs probably like uh beer never broke my heart or even if it's something not as like upbeat like that like uh she got the best of me yeah um this is where i kind of taper off with what i would do probably Probably some Chris Young.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Because Chris Young is somebody that's got enough mainstream songs too that I, in his voice, when I sing, my voice is, I can mimic a lot of the stuff that he does and, like, make it sound good. I couldn't tell you necessarily a song that I would pick for him. Alone Tonight, maybe. That's one that I really like. I'm listening. I'm just checking some.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah. Um, and then Brett Young's another one that I really like I'm listening I'm just checking some yeah and then Brett Young's another one that I really like to sing Here Tonight Tickets to LA you know but it's also about finding the
Starting point is 00:44:37 the stuff that's like right now popular on like radio too so I don't really listen to country radio I don't know what's like going on
Starting point is 00:44:44 I fucking hate it. I hate the radio in general. It just kind of ruins everything. I mean, it doesn't ruin everything. It only ruins it if you're, if you're listening to it for like multiple hours a day. I'm like, hey, man, I heard,
Starting point is 00:44:57 what's the one that, I mean, I was driving the car a lot the other day and it was Big Plans or something like that. Oh, Chris Lane, Big Plans. I mean, I've listened to this five times today. He's taking it over. I was like, this has got to stop. We know you've got big, big plans.
Starting point is 00:45:15 What's crazy to me about that is that that song came out in 2018, and it's just now getting like, and I thought it was really popular in 2018. It was. But it's just now getting added to country radio. And yeah, dude, country radio just exhausts stuff until you exhaust it too much it's i mean how many times do you think die happy man played on there oh my gosh holy this past summer i hope crash and burn well yeah they take it thomas ratt thomas ratt had like uh well unforgettable 16 he had so many i mean like kills it in a good way. Like, he's going to get his song out there.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. It's just, I think if country radio, if I had to give any advice, I'm like, listen, if you want to support the artist, but, like, grow the fan base, stop playing the same songs over and over. There's got to be, like, I know I don't know everything about radio, but, yeah, I really don't either. Come on. Like, you've got to cap out it three times, I feel I don't know everything about radio, but, yeah, I really don't either. Come on.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Like, you've got to cap out at three times, I feel like, a day. Yeah, maybe like when you're opening the show, a little noon or afternoon after work type thing, and then the late night. Or each, what is it? Because obviously there's different people who are on from whatever shift. Like, you have a set list that like these 30 songs need to play while you're on air and then they get a pick five kind of thing and just like let those 30 play four times throughout the day and then there's five different ones every three hours
Starting point is 00:46:38 i think that'd be way better than hearing crash and burn twice from nine to ten three times from 11 to 12 and four more times from three to six i'd actually be really curious to know like what the criteria is yeah i'm sure like there are the songs where it's like you have to play these it's probably like you have to pound these down people's throats but who knows yeah that i don't listen to country radio much but i usually just listen to the stuff that i find on every thursday night at 11 o'clock when it comes out and i'll exhaust that for a week and then i'll move on to the next though yeah you and gain are good at that finding the new music that comes out i do not do that but i also am working on other things like that's up more your alley where you have to it's every thursday night man
Starting point is 00:47:25 it's are you ever worried about um not that you ever will but like plagiarism like accidental like hey i did all this and then you're like oh my god this sounds exactly like someone else's song but you never heard of me yeah accidentally copying someone else yeah um i've honestly never really thought about that i know like in country like the genre a lot of like songs when it's like kind of a stigma that everyone says they sound the same every genre is like that yeah but like in a sense i'm like yeah this is just music as it is like there are chord progressions and just musical progressions that are used over and over again because they're proven to work. Yeah, they sound good.
Starting point is 00:48:13 So I feel like I have a song that I've been working on right now that when I wrote it two days after I wrote it, I was thinking this kind of kind of has like the same, they had the same progression and it had like the same tempo as a song that I had liked. Yeah. Have you ever written it and be like in your head, like if, like I write a joke or something like that, like, uh, this sounds way too much like this person wrote it or you're like, Oh, you're writing a new song. Like, this almost sounds exactly like, it's not the words, but like a Thomas Rhett song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah. I feel like when you're first doing it, and when I first was doing it on just the guitar, and like, yeah, I did with this one song. But then when I started like producing it myself, it was like, there are so many ways to just build it and make it sound different where it's like, this doesn't sound like this song at all anymore. Like it's, it's entirely different.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Like that. You couldn't compare the two really after you put all the layers on top. Yeah, exactly. And you do it enough. Like there's no way this sounds the same. I'd be more, I was more so concerned like before i got all like my copyrights
Starting point is 00:49:26 and stuff and i was putting stuff on soundcloud i was more concerned about somebody finding something of mine and using it in my grant like you know that's obviously not very likely because i was a new brand new songwriter and stuff but that was more of what would make me lose sleep then if what i had sounded too much like something else because at that point i feel like it's also it's just like there's ways like you'd still be able to have your stuff out you'd probably just have to give them a cut of water whatever it is but yeah and i think i don't see anyone suing you anytime soon yeah how many uh how many songs do you have in the works then now after the three you put
Starting point is 00:50:06 out yeah how many more you think you have on the back burner or have you written i think so written in total i have nine okay i have one after this um single that is coming out, or that is out, I've got one more that I've kind of got the entire instrument ensemble pretty much done. It's more so I'm just finalizing the vocals and mixing it a little bit. And then I started another one of my songs that I had written a couple months ago, and I just got kind of like a bass acoustic track down and i gotta add all the other elements to it but you know i've only had the recording equipment for like a month yeah it's new and you're still figuring it all out you're tinkering with it and it's literally me and my
Starting point is 00:50:54 acoustic guitar and the little midi pad that i've got so it's still fun to just kind of mess around with and see what works and i think sounds good um so from start to finish i just you have it written so not start to finish but okay you get your song written what does it take you on average to have it completely mastered like you have it written you let's say you're doing it all yourself too so you don't have the guy you were doing it with earlier. Yeah. How long do you think it takes you to do the drums, the guitar, the vocals, and then get it up? Actually, let's not. Screw the get-up time.
Starting point is 00:51:33 So just recording, just tracking. Recording, tracking, and mastering it together. So I'll tell you, this is how – so when I was with the other guy, I obviously learned how to kind of go about doing it. So it starts, you kind of do the, like you record your scratch vocals, what it's called, so you just have something to go off of,
Starting point is 00:51:55 and then you just play whatever you want your bass kind of underlying instrument to carry the tone of the song, and I would obviously just use my acoustic guitar. So that's's you know if you want to get everything sounding perfect that could be a couple takes because you know I'm not the best guitar player as it is so that could even take me up words of I don't know two to three hours a day to just get all of that sounding perfect from like start to finish yeah and then if I'm just going based off of what I did on that song
Starting point is 00:52:26 that I did record by myself, it was probably another four hours of figuring out what I wanted to make with the beat, getting all of that pretty perfectly spaced out as best as I could figure out how to do on GarageBand, and then putting the bass track in. So that was probably another three four hours so what are we at like seven eight hours and then one more day to record like
Starting point is 00:52:52 a lead guitar part a little melody as well as add like an electric guitar component so i'd probably give that another two to three and then vocals which is the most frustrating part because ultimately that's what i want to be i'm gonna nitpick that like crazy i would hope that's what you're like most yeah that's like a couple days because like it come i don't when i write the songs i don't really think of a harmony necessarily right away i'm pretty just kind of inclined that way where i can think of what it would be that's nice yeah but like i'll record the entire melody part that'll take me a couple like tens of takes because i'm just like that like i was saying yeah i mean but then you're an artist yeah you want it to be as perfect as
Starting point is 00:53:41 possible true it's a blessing and a curse yeah Yeah. But, I mean, then, yeah, when you figure all that out, it's probably like, I don't know, a couple weeks worth to get everything perfect how you want to do it, depending on how much time you want to put into it. So let's just say mastering probably takes you two, two and a half weeks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And then writing it, obviously, I feel like you can't put a time frame on writing. That's just, that's how it's got to come to you. Yeah. My first song I ever wrote came out when I was in class, and it's actually on the single. It's called Never Off the Table. I was in class one day, and I was just like, you know what? I want to write this song based off of this idea that I had for a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And 30 minutes in class, I had written the verse two verses and the chorus got home from class finished the bridge and tinkered with the final course a little bit and that was like a matter of probably two total hours and I had a song written and then I've had I literally in my notes right now have verses like a verse or a chorus that i've had in there since like march of 2020 that i just can't seem to figure out really yeah so it's just like it really is so much different and it's one of those things where it's like if i feel like i'm starting to force something onto the paper i i will like stop working on it and i'll come back to it later because i don't want to you don't just put it in there just for the sake of having it in there you obviously want it to flow pretty well so then i guess we do this
Starting point is 00:55:09 you your three songs you have never off the table montgomery drive which is the street you grew up on yes um which when i asked you for the address to get here i probably should have figured that out because i know that yeah i guess i just figured it out could have figured it out yeah um and then what's the third one called? Third one is Hey. Just Hey? Just Hey. Okay, just Hey.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Do you want to, this is up to you, because I know we talked about it might be tough because I'm such a rookie when it comes to doing this stuff. Obviously, you're going to play out the episode, but do you want to describe your songs a little bit? Do you want to give background to them? Yeah, so I'll go in the order that they're going to appear on the the single uh hey was a song it was probably like the third or fourth song i wrote i remember i started writing it because at this point i'd kind of touched on a couple different ideas that like there was
Starting point is 00:56:03 montgomery drive i had already written that's like the hometown one Never Off The Table which was the first one I wrote which which I'll explain a little bit more about later but it was uh it's like a breakup yeah type track and then another one that I'm working on right now which is more of like the upbeat happy love one so I wanted to write a song at this point about like first meeting a girl and like kind of seeing where everything can go so I don't know where it came from where the idea of hey came from but I was thinking of that one and like when you listen to the songs which I know everybody listening will do it just kind of it's like a nice little progression of like, hey, you meet a girl at a bar.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Next, it's like, hey, I want to know more about you. And then it ends with like, hey, I can see myself marrying you type deal. So, yeah, I just thought that was a really cool progression of how like, I don't know, I guess. Well, I can already tell you where that came from. I'm kind of glad the relationship that came up i mean you talk about how like you're not gonna have you're not gonna go after someone unless you can see yourself with them so like is this kind of
Starting point is 00:57:13 just like how you approach yeah i guess it kind of saying like why like whether or not you are gonna say hey i guess how i interpret it for your personality but no that's awesome that's uh that's number one on the track that is and then the next one is never off the table okay so like i was saying before i wrote this one in class in 30 minutes um is this post breakup personally for you no this is this idea came to me from the tv show friends oh a little ross and rachel yep okay and Rachel? Never Off the Table is a line that she says. Oh my god, yes it is. I think it's like season 9.
Starting point is 00:57:52 It's like with you and I, it's Never Off the Table. There it is. I heard that line. I think I was probably watching Friends at the time and I heard it. I was like, dude, that would be a cool song. Then I whipped it up in class one day and
Starting point is 00:58:07 it's it's like yeah it's like exactly what it means and friends it's like one of those yeah i like that a lot yeah i like that a lot relationship i'm excited to hear that one yeah the relationship where it's just like you know it's you may be on or off but it's never completely done and it's got yeah this is personally my favorite song you know being it having it being my first and it was one that i just like felt like when we were recording it i could put like a lot more of my like emotion into the singing of it because like it's just i don't know when i wrote the song it just like meant so much to me and i just thought it was so cool that it was like my first song do you see that being because i i imagine they're
Starting point is 00:58:49 artists before we get to the last one um obviously like when we go to a concert we want to hear all the hits and stuff like that and i think being an artist i can imagine like hey man i played this 13 times like in a like all i've done it for the last like three months to play these songs and when a new album comes out like obviously they're the hardcore fans of the world like i'll play these new ones that most people haven't heard of that they're probably reluctant to play but i'm sure there's also like every artist has like songs that just aren't maybe that popular or even if they are popular like it's their favorite song to play yeah i can see that one being whether it's popular or not in the future just like if when you perform like you look forward to playing that one the most yeah and i mean like i said it was just one of
Starting point is 00:59:37 those like and even when i was recording it i can remember telling like the guys that i was working with like guys like this one i want this one to sound like awesome this one's gotta be perfect yeah because any of the three this one's got this this one the vocals took like two full sessions really on this one and yeah because i was just very nitpicky about it and like that you know it's nothing crazy instrumentally it was just like i wanted the emotion behind the voice to kind of carry it because it's one of those songs where it's like, it's a very uncertain song, like just the message of it. So it's very emotional.
Starting point is 01:00:12 It's from within. Yeah. So I wanted to make sure that kind of came out and, and I'm sure it will. It's awesome. Hopefully everyone listens to it today. Yep. Right after you hop off of here.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Hopefully you listened to the songs before, although we'll figure out a time when you want this released. But last one, Montgomery Drive, your hometown street, moving away from it. Yeah. I think it might also be a little self-explanatory, but how'd you write it? Why'd you write it? Yeah. So this one, this one came right before last year in January. For those of you listeners who don't know me,
Starting point is 01:01:00 I was almost on the television show last year in January. Oh yeah. Explain this. Cause this is kind of funny. Yeah. So the bachelor did a spinoff called Listen to Your Heart last year and I was very far along in the process to be on that and I was in Los Angeles and I was getting ready to film and I was one of the last cuts. So that was... Didn't you find out like in your hotel room they're just like yeah you can go home
Starting point is 01:01:27 yeah i found out that like the day of didn't you i thought you thought like oh i'm on this show that's why i'm here and they're like yeah just go home yeah it was i mean i had signed a contract and everything really and yeah they just came in that morning i was kind of like took my shower was getting ready for the night, and they were like, yeah, unfortunately, since it's a new show, there's a lot of moving parts, so you will unfortunately not be filming tonight. Did that show ever get off the air or get on the air? Yeah, it was like a six episode.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I think they were like an hour long. Really? I don't think it got renewed. Looking back, are you glad you're not on it, or do you wish that's something you would have been on? episode i think they were like an hour long really i don't think it got looking back are you glad you're not on it or do you wish that's something you would have been on i think i personally don't really think i was ready to be on it okay so i think it is a blessing in disguise that i did not get on it you know this was before I even fully wanted to pursue music. This was just something where it was like, they found my Instagram.
Starting point is 01:02:29 They found my Instagram, and I was like, okay, yeah. So they found you. This is not something you reach out to do at all? Yeah. Really? Yeah, they sent me an email in like August of 19. It was like, hey. How about it?
Starting point is 01:02:42 What was the premise of this? Do you just, it was like, do you, is it one of those like big brother things where you just kind of like singing to the camera? Like, I think Beatrice likes me, but you know,
Starting point is 01:02:53 Devin likes her and I don't want to ruin, ruin my alliance with Devin. Cause I want to win the five grand at the end of this six. Well, I mean, I didn't watch it. Like I'm, I was not interested in it after all that happened
Starting point is 01:03:06 but yeah my impression of you know what i gathered in the whole process of it was it was the bachelor but the dates would be singing and they would try to like see who's compatible like romantically through who is compatible like on stage. So, I mean, I don't know if anyone dating on that show is still dating or if they ever were dating post-production. I mean, that's got to be no offense to the show or you almost being on it, but that's got to be worse than the actual Bachelor. I think people find they're going to find love in three weeks. Do you think you can find love in six episodes?
Starting point is 01:03:47 For real. I don't. I can't imagine it took that long to film that. Yeah, I couldn't tell you. I wasn't there, but, yeah, I don't know. At the end of the day, I'm really happy I probably wasn't on that because all I've heard about the show was it was questionable i was gonna say that i feel like that could have led you down a weird path obviously it would have given you
Starting point is 01:04:10 some notice but if you're not ready to be noticed kind of thing i feel like that could it definitely can hurt some people like the people get famous too quickly off like tiktok and then just like they don't do with themselves and like i hadn't done like i mean i still haven't gigged or anything but i've like like i was saying like i hadn't even fathomed a career really in music this was more like i did this like i said just for like a fuck it and it would maybe help jumpstart something but yeah there when, when I look back, like, there was no way I was ready. I remember sitting in that hole, like, when I was getting ready for everything to kind of get moving, I was just like, how am I here?
Starting point is 01:04:52 I have no experience. Why? Like, how did I get picked for this? But, you know, I do think the whole process of it all was worth me doing because the experience was fun. Yeah. But, yeah. yeah and might have like put it in your head like oh this might be something i actually do want to make a career and it definitely helped kickstart that too that's good but uh back to montgomery drive yeah so yeah i wrote montgomery
Starting point is 01:05:18 drive before i went off to go to la for the show. And this was also after, um, Morgan Wallens, this bar came out. So that's kind of where I got some inspiration. He's on a timeout. Yeah. I don't know if,
Starting point is 01:05:33 uh, that's all right. We covered that earlier this week, but that's where the inspiration came from because I mean, that's kind of like his finding himself hometown type deal. And, um, you know, the progression was just very easygoing. And on the single, it's just me and my guitar. Like, there's no other instruments.
Starting point is 01:05:54 It's just an acoustic track. And I felt like that was kind of the best way to get the emotion of this one across. Because it really is just like a humble beginnings you know don't forget where you came from type deal just and like i feel like everyone can kind of relate to it if they do in fact like their home love their hometown and love their upbringing and all that kind of stuff um and like you can just it's called montgomery drive you can throw your name of your city into where your street into it growing up stonewood circle i don't think that i'm gonna i won't write a song about that yeah i lucked out montgomery
Starting point is 01:06:30 drive sounds like it sounds real good nice country track but um yeah and that's also when you're talking about the entire project altogether it's um it hit me earlier in the week that it's like i'm releasing this single about my hometown and in the song like I say a line now I've gone through so many twists and turns but no matter where they take me on this earth like and I'm literally moving the day after I release this like I'm leaving my hometown and it's just like it's crazy it's crazy how it all works it's a poetic transition I think it's perfect I think crazy how it all works it's a poetic transition it's yeah i think it's perfect
Starting point is 01:07:06 i think like i said before everything has i think fallen into place for you at the right time it just like the pieces came together um i'm excited to hear it i'm pumped we're gonna you're gonna play this episode out yep um which one are we about to hear, basically? Which one do you want? Which one's going to go? It's going to be Montgomery Drive. It's going to be Montgomery Drive. You guys are hearing the name of the single.
Starting point is 01:07:34 That's for sure. I'll save the other two for when you listen to it after the episode. Or before. Or if you've already heard it. Maybe this is the second time listening to it. Who knows? Well, I'm excited. I know all of us, your friend group, everyone's pumped for you.
Starting point is 01:07:52 We're happy for you. Hell yeah, brother. Thank you for doing this. I wish you the best of luck. Like I said, by the time this comes out, we're probably having a drink together right now. So I'm looking forward to that. And, well, here it is montgomery drive yes sir enjoyable

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