Fear& - How WillNeff Lost MILLIONS | Fear&

Episode Date: March 18, 2024

Hello welcome back to another episode of Fear&, probably our best episode yet tbh. We laughed, we cried, WillNeff wore a ski mask and still wasnt the craziest dressed somehow. Are we the drippiest pod...cast in existence? almost certainly. Anyway hope you enjoy, see ya next week love ya ♥✨ BONUS CONTENT ✨ PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧  https://linktr.ee/fearand❤️ follow Fear&! ❤️Hasan: https://twitter.com/HasanthehunWill: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeffQT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderellaAustin: https://twitter.com/AustinontwitterMarche: https://twitter.com/MarcheFear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod00:00:00 - Intro 00:02:00 - fit discussions00:06:50 - 16 games of league wins in a row00:10:30 - marathon hot takes00:15:27 - aaron rodgers for vp 00:19:34 - the amanda show reboot00:22:37 - 100k in beenie babies 00:28:40 - sentimental over material things00:31:50 - austin was roller backpack kid00:33:30 - cosplay disney day 00:35:52 - pogs00:37:02 - boeing weekend update00:44:34 - dog birthday parties 00:46:50 - street twinks and selfish tops00:49:30 - what dog would everyone be00:52:55 - name three snoop dog songs00:54:08 - hasans dog has a better life than me00:56:20 - austins weenie (dog)00:57:19 - stan chris gaytok01:05:23 - marche on camera bonus clip#hasanabi #qtcinderella  #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Calling all sellers, Salesforce is hiring account executives to join us on the cutting edge of technology. Here, innovation isn't a buzzword. It's a way of life. You'll be solving customer challenges faster with agents, winning with purpose, and showing the world what AI was meant to be. Let's create the agent-first future together. Head to salesforce.com slash careers to learn more. Are the good parts the parts where you get complimented on your fit? Will likes it. I do.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I like the pants and the boots a ton. Yeah. Ten out of ten. I like it. He's not sure about the shirt. No, I didn't say that. I like every part of it. I said the pants and the boots are fire.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I like every part of you. Oh, wow. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we are back on the greatest episode, greatest podcast of all time. Fear and definitely much better than wine about it. Oh, for sure. Definitely. Everyone is always saying that to me.
Starting point is 00:01:14 They like random people will come up to me in the streets and we'll be like, dude, that podcast chugs dick. Yeah. Yeah, we do. No, they don't. They don't. They want to, but they can't we love chugging no i'm talking about our podcast oh we also love chugging dick that's right we we
Starting point is 00:01:31 fucking chug dick um like a chug jug i i had the funniest marsh i don't know if you saw this but the yard the yard swine got marsh and broden mixed up and then he just and then someone was like someone was like oh no you're talking about marsh and he goes marsh yeah i don't fuck with him oh my god it was the most random stray in the entire world but it's pretty funny anyway that was a random yeah podcast that's right we're putting out a hit on slime i hate to do it to him but you know you come after our fucking boy marsh marsh is he like a guy who likes slime he's saying he likes slime because he's he's in the victim's seat right now he's scared of the bald man's prowess yeah and willpower all right i gotta address the elephant in the room
Starting point is 00:02:17 what the fuck are you wearing right now dude look what is happening i have so many goddamn talking points i have things that I want to say. I wanted to talk about Will wearing this fit, but that just blew everybody out of the water. What happened? I went to New York City. I went to New York City.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, and he shopped at that local store in New York City, Zara. Okay, look. Nothing like a New York slice at Sbarro. This is all Zara. The City, Zara. Okay, look. No, that's not Zara. Nothing like a New York slice at Sbarro. This is all Zara. That's Zara? The pants are Zara. This is Zara.
Starting point is 00:02:50 This is Zara. The boots are Doc Martens. Zara's got it like that? Yeah, no. I was like, man, I don't want to spend. I went to Nordstrom, and I was like, this is too expensive. So I went to Zara. I'm in awe.
Starting point is 00:03:01 For those of you at home listening, Austin is currently wearing a purplish fishnet that actually could be a two-piecer, but I don't know if it's actually connected. No, it's not connected. Oversized, old, withered, stone-washed,
Starting point is 00:03:19 gray hoodie. Why do you make it sound bad? No, it's good. That is deliberately beat it up. Withered is in. Yeah. Yeah. Everything is oversized. The only thing he needs to change is his hair.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I think like your hair is still screaming. Like your hair is still saying, I'm a, I'm a nice guy. Whereas like everything else is saying you're a fuck boy. What do you want him to do? Honestly, Hasan, are you ready for this are you ready for this i'm turning into that like tiktok mu jaw maxing guy who takes people to mogwarts i don't know if you guys know what i'm talking about uh bye bye like play that music in the post okay play that music y'all play that shit yeah play that shit okay bye. Bye-bye. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:06 So here's what I'm envisioning. And I want, Will, I need your advice on this as well. I won't help. Austin, buzz cut. Goes blonde. Bro, I don't have enough hair for that. Buzz cut. Goes blonde. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:04:17 That actually saves you. No, it doesn't. No. Buzz cut. Not like super tight. Low taper. Low fade. Low taper fade.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Okay. All the way to the buzz cut. Okay. Blonde. He's now blonde. Okay. He grows out the beard a little bit too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Do I dye the beard blonde? Nah, dude. I have a totally different idea. Okay. What's that? Cornrows. Oh. To distract people from your old discretion.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Okay. Okay. Yeah. They'll be like, oh, there's a new thing now. Okay old discretion. Okay. Yeah. They'll be like, oh, there's a new thing now. Okay, cool. Perfect. Yeah. No, my hair, but I'm very limited.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I like your hair. I'm limited on what I can do with my hair. It looks good. It doesn't suit the fuck boy aesthetic that you're going. I like your hair. Okay. Okay. So, oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Will. But, but Hassan, maybe, I mean, can I make a suggestion? Sure. Grow it out a little. Yeah. okay oh that's it see this is why i need your help i need it more length you're saying what do you think i think you're beautiful well thank you so much i'm gonna be thrown to so much more scamming i'm scammingming? Yeah, she keeps the tag on her jacket because she's going to return it. I'm not going to return it. Are you for real right now? I thought that
Starting point is 00:05:31 was based. The tag is on it. You haven't gotten around to taking it off. Well, I wasn't going to wear the jacket, but my tummy's sticking out of this more than I would like. Oh my gosh. No. I knew she was scamming. Did you see her reaction?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Oh no. She said she was too lazy to remove it. I knew she was scamming. For those that want to know, it's fake. It's not real fur. Of course it's not real. Just want to let you know, just in case. PETA.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Cutie looks great today. You look great. You look like Cruella de Vil. On the wetness scale, like a two. Yeah, you are remarkably not wet today. Did you use a blow dryer? Yeah, I used a blow dryer. But the problem is because my hair breaks so much, I put oil in it.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So my hair kind of looks damp even when it's hot. And I need help from the girlies because why? Am I using the wrong oil? I think it's because you bleached the shit out of it. Oh, okay, cool. No, don't cool That's cool Ow Okay second elephant in the room
Starting point is 00:06:30 Will what the fuck are you wearing big dog What's happening here I mean it looks cozy as hell don't get me wrong No disrespect but like Man life comes at you so fast Yesterday I got a vampire facial So my face is a little red I'm also
Starting point is 00:06:45 protecting it from uv rays right wait for real yeah oh my god wait that's awesome wait how did you like it i get them all the time damn you get vampire facials all the time will and i i think of the group i think will and i i'm like 50 years old and i do i do like a teenager's job i gotta keep it real yeah 100 100 i got i got i got a scrotal tuck okay now you're okay shut the fuck up no no have you not been tucking how long are your balls right now how do i tuck my scrotal i'm sorry explain further i mean they just, they just take some life. Dude, my man's balls, the balls of a baby. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:33 His balls looking like mine when I was a fetus. Also, so smooth. Last night, I didn't sleep much because I won 16 games of League of Legends in a row. I'm a fucking guy. Will goes, goes man i'm not feeling too great lately i'm feeling kind of sad yeah and then i raided nesua and his title is playing uh league with will neff and i was like hey dude maybe don't do that i gotta make my friends rent do you know what i mean you literally call league depression yeah that's your term for it that if you lose well i'm up good i like playing league when i'm sad i'm not kidding you i actually like good energy of a train wrecks tv watcher being like 99% of league watchers stop before they hit it no because like like actually
Starting point is 00:08:26 riot's method for keeping you hooked and the same goes for valorant as well is is exactly that it's just like the highs are so good and the lows are so so bad but like i feel like they give you just enough yeah to keep you hooked 16 games in a row is insane we were dialed in you're hooked hooked for 16 my man's responsible also my man's responsible adderall shortage out here my boy nesta was said he was taking a little time off and he came back to streaming and i saw he was doing good numbers and i was like hey let's just let's just roll that train oh yeah so you're helping you're helping, you're helping. Well, I was also enjoying the fact that Ness was playing out of his mouth. We were both like, we hit that sweet spot where we could not lose.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. I felt like I was a God playing with toys. I haven't hit that in years. It was, it was kind of sexy. The other thing that I would like to talk about. Um, so I wore this fit kind of as a meme right because i i feel like this fit on a podcast is immediately incendiary i wanted to see if we could pimp the thumbnail but also i don't know if you guys know this uh the la marathon's happening
Starting point is 00:09:39 today i did not are you protesting the la marathon no And I'll tell you what. My driver panicked, and he kept trying to go through the marathon, and he pulled up to it, and he's like, man, you got to get out. I was like, what? He's like, you got to walk across the marathon. Okay. Call an Uber on the other side. You want to know what makes people really uncomfortable at a marathon? A dude in a fucking ski mask walking across the marathon.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, I would avoid you. I love this this did you get stopped no i didn't get stopped people ran away from me but i was like i like i got halfway through and i was like i'm not here to do terrorism i had a vampire it's like guys i'm white i'm white except in west hollywood during the fucking la, being a white guy with a ball of lava puts you in higher, like, you're more likely to be the one doing this. No, but I actually felt terrible. I actually felt terrible because, like, I didn't even, I slept for, like, 20 minutes. I didn't even think.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I hopped out of an Escalade. I hopped out of an Escalade and just started walking across the L.A. Marathon in a ski mat. Oh, cutie, that would be out. Yeah, we would be. We would be out. We would actually ditch each other. We would be out immediately. It just didn't cross my mind and I was like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. Ludwig was supposed to run that.
Starting point is 00:10:55 That is exactly the type of shit he would do. Oh my god. He's such a cheese sandwich. That's my strong handsome boyfriend. Let's talk about marathons. He ran a cheese sandwich. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's my strong handsome boyfriend. Let's do it. Let's fucking. Let's talk about marathons.
Starting point is 00:11:07 He ran a half marathon. Let's talk about fucking marathons. Yeah, let's get into it. And how unacceptable they are. Yeah. Take that shit to a beach. Take that shit to a high school gymnasium. With your little ass placket.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I just want to fucking track. I'm going to take it one step further. Don't take them anywhere. Fuck marathons. Cancel them all. Wow. You're, you're full blown anti-marathon. I'm fine with marathon.
Starting point is 00:11:30 What the fuck is the point? We're just going to run until we're sick. No, it's over. When vice president Rogers is in office, he's going to take care of this day one. Yes, dude. I'm so stoked on that. We're going to talk about that. Don't move off marathons.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But yeah, let's get back. Cause I have a lot of smoke for this. Yeah, let's get it. I think there is nothing more I think there's nothing more fucking annoying than being like, oh yeah, we have gathered the most annoying do-gooders of all time because I've
Starting point is 00:12:02 never met like a piece of shit that runs a marathon. It's always some motherfucker with a calendar and is like, oh, I'm running because my best friend's dog has cancer. They're all good people. And I fucking hate that. All of you fucking do-gooder ass sons of bitches with your fucking physically fit bodies. And you're running this fucking marathon and you're making it my goddamn problem i don't want to fucking think about running for that long i don't want to i don't want you to fucking shut down infrastructure it's bullshit is there a way to make marathons cooler like if there's a slip and slide in the middle okay i'm i'm listening every fucking
Starting point is 00:12:38 you very quickly came up with a decent. Okay, speak on that. This is what I think happens. I think we start the marathon at the tippity top of the mountain we have here in L.A. by the Hollywood sign. And then you have to slip and slide down. And then you have to run while it's flat. And then we find another hill.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Or you might have to run back up, actually. And then you slip and slide down. It's dangerous. It's silly. i love it that's an interesting idea because now you're also cutting la by east west which is already a division that exists yes versus cutting la through the entire fucking city okay what if we do a survival marathon that's it. What he just said is it. Nobody goes east-west. Yeah. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Well, actually, it's not true. Austin's onto something. Survival marathon. Will Knapp's at the back with a gun. In his mask. Well, maybe not the gun part. Make it a natural disaster so nobody's to blame. What?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Besides God. We throw everybody on a marathon on a fault line. Okay? What? It's population control for Los Angeles. Jesus. Okay. You went to New York for like three days and now you're talking about executing the homeless.
Starting point is 00:13:54 No. What? I did not talk about executing the homeless. You brought this up. He's like, I wear this fit and now people think I'm homeless. Yuck. Ew. We should kill them.
Starting point is 00:14:04 No, no. Honestly. I honestly think the marathon first,uck, ew, we should kill them. No, no. Honestly, the marathon, first it needs easements where you can drive through it. The idea that the whole fucking city. They do, by the way. But they're few and far
Starting point is 00:14:17 between. It's bad. It's not designated and I don't think there's enough go ahead ahead of time. I had no fucking clue what's happening three times the amount of time to get here my driver just quit yeah he literally was like I can't do it took me an hour to leave LAX
Starting point is 00:14:34 and I was at Terminal 7 that's the exit by the way took me an hour to get from the end of the from the exit through the exit yeah an hour they reduced it to one lane. Yeah. LAX is already dog shit when there is no marathon.
Starting point is 00:14:49 This city sucks. I'm going to New York. I'm moving to New York. We're going to put a button on this before people think that we are terrible. Listen, we're a little terrible. Yeah. No, fuck you, Cody Coe and Jeff Woodek, you fucking marathon running sons of bitches. Y'all look so sexy.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I hate that shit. Fuck you. I will say if you've made a real commitment to fitness or you just want to challenge yourself, that's based. And I'm happy. And I'm glad you chose to do that. But if you've got a friend with cancer and that's why you're running, fuck you. I do not endorse this date.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And fuck your friend too. I've never been happier to be wearing a ski mask. No, but honestly. Who would take what I just said seriously? There's got to be people out there. The internet is terrible. Do you think streaming is harder than running a marathon? 100%.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yes. Put that shit on the board. The LA Marathon is the most inconvenient every year. It's just the city shuts down. This city needs to be banned from hosting any events. Period. They need to take them away. Yeah, they want to do like the Olympics. Yeah, they're doing the Olympics here.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I think our nation needs a great leader, which takes us right into our next topic. Aaron Rodgers. Yes, I am so ready. I think as a Jets fan, there is a possibility, and now they're saying you know, they're saying that they've picked another running mate at this point, but I don't believe them. I think they're just building hype i have a very controversial take because
Starting point is 00:16:09 gunslinger quarterback yeah yeah a raj four minutes total play time in the last nfl season well that's because his his the torque on his leg was so extreme from his muscles yeah human anatomy could not take the vaccine that limits him well no he should have been limited there was vax around him oh and it attacked his immune system it was herd vaccination there has never been more of a vindication for the gay autism that you get from the vaccines than Mr. Pfizer being like a national fucking hero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And I'm, of course, talking about Travis Kelsey, like national hero, got the hottie all over television. Brother retires on top successful podcastful podcast. He's got it all. And then Aaron Rodgers, four minutes of play time. Banned from the fucking... Banned from the Pat McAfee show. That's him because that was his one outlet. He can't even get there anymore. Listen, I'll say this right now.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I'll say this right now. Vice president. They won't take you on, Pat. Aaron, we will take you on, Fear. 100%. You want to come air it out, I'll ride for you. I'll let Pat McAfee on Fear And. No, not Pat McAfee.
Starting point is 00:17:32 We're talking about Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback for the New York Jets. Yeah, but I would let him on too. Why do you like Pat McAfee? Do you know who Pat McAfee is? I just wanted to fit in. I mean, Pat McAfee is fine. I just thought that it was interesting. He can become on the was interesting Yes, he can definitely come on the podcast We'll all wear our little fucking
Starting point is 00:17:48 Sleeveless shirts I just want you guys to know that as a Jets fan I'm making a sacrifice Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is running for president And because of Getting the complications In our undemocratic process In order to run as a third party candidate, as an independent and not part of like the Green Party or the Libertarian Party, which are the established third parties that are already on the ballot or have a ballot slot.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You have certain qualifications that are, in my opinion, incredibly high. Like the qualifications are high bars to clear yeah like in the state of california if you want to be on it in the state of california if you want to be on it you have to get like 250 000 fucking uh signed votes like authorized votes to be able to get on it as a separate person and in other states you have to literally establish the the petition to get 100 000 signatures in between the primaries and the general election so the month like it's like a thousand one hundred thousand oh we could in the state of california 250 000 votes by the way for 250 000 signatures means you need to get
Starting point is 00:18:58 more people let's get you on the ballot yeah no no i'm i'm so on board with rfk jr it's not even a joke i that's why i was gonna say this like he's anti-vaxxer he fucking can barely do 75s on the bench press uh but overall on principle i'm on board with it and i will say it right now if he gets jesse the body ventura as his vice president i will vote for him i don't think it's Jesse the body. I think he went with... Those are the two names that are floating. No, I think he went with a young woman. He finally settled. Lame. Woke culture came for you, Robert. You fucked up. You fucking piece
Starting point is 00:19:34 of shit. You sold out, dude. I literally... This is the first time I've said this openly. You're so based right now. If Jesse the body Ventura, the marine himself, okay? the real governator all right not some fucking austrian bullshit i'm talking the real governor baby is this an election year yes don't look at me like that i don't know what's happening it's an election year
Starting point is 00:20:00 that's crazy all i know is taylor swift comes back in May. Actually, April. Sorry. You know what? I think. Let's open it up. What? What do you want to talk about, baby? I want Sidney Sweeney and Amanda Bynes to run for president. Amanda Bynes.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I like it. Started wearing wigs. Wait, wait, wait. Half that ticket? I'm heavily naturally into it. Okay. Big. The rest of that ticket might cause nuclear holocaust.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Well, Amanda Bynes recently started wearing wigs. Yes, Sidney Sweeney might cause nuclear holocaust. No! That's what he's saying. No, no. Listen, let me go on the record. Sidney Sweeney, I love you. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Sidney Sweeney walks into the Situation Room, the fucking general has a heart attack, accidentally hits the nuclear button. That's what I mean. She walks into the situation room. The fucking general has a heart attack, accidentally hits the nuclear button. That's what I mean. She walks into the situation room and he's like, oh, you know what? You know what? I'd forgive her. Amanda Bynes started wearing wigs recently, but then she switched to extensions.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And I think that's the vice president we need. Wow. That is so such a powerful move thank you i've seen the amanda bine stuff uh-huh okay can i can i be real with you guys let's pull it up by the way because i don't know there is maybe nothing that makes me feel older or more decrepit than seeing a person i used to like worship and idolize. She was the Sydney Sweeney of my youth. I don't think she was ever Sydney Sweeney.
Starting point is 00:21:30 What? Amanda Bynes was kind. I mean, Amanda Bynes, part of the reason that I loved her so much is she was funny. Yo, what's happening with this Dothraki ass fucking, or not Dothraki fucking. It's under a weird name. Why is she looking like a Game of Thrones character
Starting point is 00:21:46 what the hell well she's becoming a nail tech right good for her I love that love that fabulous love a queen do you guys remember the Amanda show you don't Amanda, Amanda, Amanda. Yeah, yeah. So what happened? Is she, like, super fucked up due to being, like, a child actor in Hollywood? Is that what it is? I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:22:07 She had a turn. It's under a weird name. Where she, like, she flipped almost, like, it was crazy. There was a thing about, like, wanting Drake to murder her pussy. Oh. Yeah, that was the beginning of it. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Oh, my God. I don't remember this. What was she cooking? That was, like, when I was in of. Yeah. Oh, wow. Oh, my God. I don't remember this. I don't know. That was like when I was in college. I'm not super sure, because if you go to the comments, everyone's like drugs, drugs, drugs. I don't really know what I guess. Sometimes I don't know what drugs look like. What?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Well, OK, woke Chinese government coming after Amanda Bynes. We know for a fact that she was going to. But she just switched to extensions. I mean. Because she's running for president. On the Sydney Sweeney ticket. There you go. And Xi Jinping fears her influence.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'll talk about government with you guys. I'm just happy she's happy. You didn't know it was an election year. Where the fuck is Kate Middleton? I don't know. That's what everybody's been asking where is she didn't she so the she was a lip do you know every do you know do you know about the royal family uh no do you need me to explain to you yes okay i i think the world needs you to explain i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:23:20 explain the royal family in pop girly terms okay terms, okay? Here we go. So imagine, because I don't know their real names. Prince Charles, actually? Maybe Prince Charles. Prince Charles? No, I got this. Prince Charles was married to Diana. Diana, the hottest fucking lady in the whole entire world. We love Diana.
Starting point is 00:23:39 She's like Renee Rapp. She's like Billie Eilish. We fucking love her. She's our girl. What did Austin say? I didn't hear. She was murdered, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Oh, yeah. By the royal family. So she's fucking dope. We have her poster on the wall. We think she's sick. And then. I had her Beanie Baby. Did you?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah. That's awesome. Princess Di Beanie Baby. You don't remember the Princess Di Beanie Baby? That shit was gas. Can you pull that up for me? I honestly think this beanie baby is worth like grands now.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Many grands. It's a mix. There's one for $50,000 and there's also one for $50,000. What the fuck? This is one of the rarest beanies, bro. It doesn't even look like Princess Diana. It's the rose from her memorial. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They made beanie babies off of her death. It's $50,000? There were some crazy beanie babies. memorial. That's crazy they made Beanie Babies off of her death. It was her memorial. There were some crazy Beanie Babies. The Tiananmen Square Beanie Babies worth like a million dollars. Shut the fuck. There's no way. Please pull that up. You've never seen the tank man Beanie Baby?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Are you fucking joking? I'm fucking with you. There's no tank man Beanie Baby. Like 9-11 Beanie baby what the fuck like the tiananmen square beanie baby goes nuts that is cruel dude bring that shit back son with that with the nfts resurgence and then death they need dummies need some new shit to purchase yeah thinking that they can get someone else to be the bag holder all right this is a good time for me to actually admit though i was a beanie baby kid were you yeah how many did you have really dog i probably are they so i'm telling you this was my life this was my life in my summer
Starting point is 00:25:16 okay i would go and i would collect cans on beaver island i would ride around this island and i would collect aluminum cans for the 10 cent deposit i would get my seven bucks and i would immediately spend it on bdb and i i got like 200 of them probably did you like what you still have them no my mom gave a crate of them away and i i shit you not probably i had the tags all minted too crispy uh probably probably a lot of money worth of being dude imagine like there's a resurgence of beanie babies right now you could have like 10 million dollars yeah I know the value of them fell off a cliff but I know like the princess die the princess die want mine wasn't in good shape but i had a few you had one yeah wow i had 50 bills for a fucking seven dollar bear that's insane well the thing was the where i was
Starting point is 00:26:11 buying these beanie babies was like it was an island so the rare ones didn't go they would order them and i would buy them but i'm trying to remember what other ones i had i had like i had the elephant i know that was pretty rare i had the the the peace bear the tie-dye peace bear i had the can we pull this fucking patty's day one rare beanie babies i had the saint patty's day one i had it's saint patty's day today there was like one happy saint patrick's day none of us one. This one. How much is that worth now? No. No. That's worth 20 racks? Shut the fuck up, dude. Bro, I had that. That's used, bro. I had that. That's used. And it's like the other
Starting point is 00:26:51 one's going for 17. That's dude, that means that I probably had like 100. How are they worth so much? Like, don't a lot of people have these sitting around? Or did people just throw them away? It's like trading cards. So if they're in mint condition, so I had all the tags in these little tag savers that you would buy.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And then look up the St. Paddy's Day one because it's also St. Paddy's. Oh, yeah, of course. I'm trying to think what other rare ones. I had a bunch, bro. I had the original bull, too, the red bull. Look up the original bull, too. How much is the St how he's doing worth
Starting point is 00:27:26 this is you know i can't tell my mom my mom would actually cry if she knew she gave a hundred thousand dollars of beanie babies away oh yeah that one well maybe she made someone how much is that rich so that's nice well how much is that one worth yo wait that's not even a bear that's a that's a cow you had this one too yeah oh my god i had a i do bro i you could have retired on beanie baby brother i was militant and my and the other place i would get them was my aunt would work at morgan stanley and she would tell her like i guess her assistant like my my my nephew only wants Beanie Babies. So he would like go get me all the fresh drops in Manhattan. He's a little autistic. Are they selling them for that much?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Austin, I have no idea. I just remember at one period of time, the value of Beanie Babies fell off a fucking cliff. I remember I was like, I thought I was sitting on my treasures. Yeah. My beanie treasures. Yeah. My treasures.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah. And you didn't even know it? No, I kind of knew it. You kind of knew. You saw it coming. I mean, yeah, he was collecting them in mint. What kind of person right now is paying 50 Gs for a beanie? Dude, I...
Starting point is 00:28:39 You got to have the type of money first, and then you got to have that. I went away to boarding school, and when i went away to boarding school i had probably 200 beanie babies in a like a tupperware container in a cedar closet with all the tags with sealant on them wow and they were given away that's crazy i made my parents keep my like old comic books and stuff not because they're like mint but just because like i'm a bit of a hoarder and i have like are you guys a sentimental about yes i'm sentimental about things i don't general i have the same you don't believe that yeah are you kidding me you don't know me your house is like so millennial gray no no no you you don't understand i have i i am responsible for all my family's heirlooms i I have a baby grand piano that I inherited from my grandmother.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I have an old grandfather clock. This is the most Lebanese shit you've ever said. I've got textbooks or binders full of photographs from the day back to the 1960s. He's got binders full of women. I also have binders filled with my grandfather's letters to the U.S. government advocating against the state of Israel. Yeah, dude, you have to bust those out. I do. I have them.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I have a full binder full. I sent you a photo of one of them. I know. I remember. Dude, your grandfather was actually based. I don't know what fucking happened to you. Wait, what? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's cool because, like like listen listen they're christian right lebanese christian yeah yeah so um i suspect that he wasn't very religious but no no i know but i'm saying like as a lebanese christian uh like his his uh opinion on israel is like clouded by the fact or shaped by the fact that like israel has always been like very hostile some lebanese christians it goes in either direction. They're either super Christian and phalangist fascists aligned with Israel, or what am I doing? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:30:32 We're doing politics. He dedicated, TLDR, he dedicated a lot of his life to fighting for the rights of Palestinians. Did you collect anything? I was a Polly Pocket kid. Polly Pocket. Polly Pocket was sick Not the rubber chew on their clothes
Starting point is 00:30:47 The tiny tiny baby babies No I remember Polly Pocket Because Polly Pocket had a boy contemporary Called like Max And you would open him up And they were like little play sets I still have a bunch of them at my house I had the Wizard of Oz Polly Pocket set
Starting point is 00:31:02 And I had the Harry Potter one And I would Everyone had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. There was one gay couple, even at my young age. Oh, my God. Wow. As a Mormon. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I relate to this story. No, no. Now I'm interested. I had the Winnie the Pooh Polly Pocket set. It was so cute. It was a tiny. Will you look it up, Marge? It was so cute.
Starting point is 00:31:20 There was a tiny little Eeyore and tiny little. And I lost Piglet. And I was so sad. And then so all the Polly Pockets had to go on a search party for Piglet and Tigger. I had Tigger and he fucked this girl. Oh yeah. So there was some furry stuff going on. Wait, your Polly Pockets?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, my Polly Pockets. We're having sex? We're having sex a little bit. Oh my God. That's weird. I don't know what any of this looks like even. It's one with the- What is it?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Can you remember Polly Pockets so I can see it? They were little tiny play sets. The one with the balloon, actually, that Poshmark $18 vintage 1989. Damn, broke boy. He'll buy that shit. None of this shit is expensive now. Will got his money up. You got your funny up.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I bet. Lame ass. I was a young mogul. I was a young mogul. I used to collect keychains and put them on the back of my backpack. You had a roller backpack. That is worth $350. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:32:08 That is roller backpack activities. You didn't have a roller backpack. Look at it. It's so cute. Oh, my God. Wait, wait. Stop the Polly Pocket thing for a second. Austin, did you have a roller backpack?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Did you have a roller backpack? I had a phase. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Of course you did. I had a phase. I think my God. Oh, my God. Of course you did. I had a phase. I think I had it for like a grade. I had a grade, a roller backpack.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You are so lame, dude. How? Dude, it was a grade school thing. Were you a hall monitor? No. You know who had a roller backpack? My brother. Yeah, I was like eight, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:43 I was like eight, all right? I was eight. I didn't have a eight all right not i didn't i was eight the rule i didn't have a roller look i didn't have a roller backpack in high school this is like grade school yeah and i had one for like a year and then it then i stopped and i was like you know what bro thank god i did something weird i was like i think i'm a escape and gun control in high school i once bought a camping backpack. Yeah. The giant full backpack. And I would just dump everything in there. No, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:33:09 That's cool as hell. I got to a certain age, and I was like, you know, then they're like, oh, only f***s wear. Only f***s have roller backpacks. Brother, in the early 2000s, only F-words did a lot of stuff. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that was everyone. Yeah, I stuff yeah I know if you like tied your shoes you were over yeah
Starting point is 00:33:28 the good old days I know it's hard to believe but I wasn't cool I know it's shocking everyone's always shocked when you explain especially because throughout your college experience you lived like a 45 year old divorced dad going to Applebee's drinking Oreo milkshakes Especially because throughout your college experience, you lived like a 45-year-old divorced dad.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Going to Applebee's. Yeah, going to Applebee's, drinking Oreo milkshakes. Speaking of old toys, I did something, and you're going to like this. Type in Stretch Armstrong villain. So this was my favorite toy growing up, and I actually bought this shit as an adult. And I have it. There he is, The red guy. I bought.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I think his name is Vectorman or Vacman. Yeah. Oh, I know this thing. Yeah. And I have him. This is my favorite toy growing up. You should buy a Polly Pocket. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:16 I did actually at Disneyland. Disneyland has the. It had. They had. I was there. It was actually. That's your first DAPA. Yeah, that was really good. It was.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Well, I was walking through Disneyland and I saw this big Polly's Pocket set and I haven't seen him since the 90s and it was $100. And I remember for some reason I felt like I needed to like call and ask someone. So I called Ludwig and I was like, can I buy a Polly Pocket set? And he's like, buy whatever you want. It's my money, right? You don't have to return your jacket. You don't have to scam people anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I was like nervous, but I bought it and I have it. I have and i have it i have a little no it's good that she still has that scammer mentality yeah well there's this disneyland polypocket set that i never bought that i kind of want to buy off of ebay yo let's we're buying it for cutie i kind of want it but we would also we'd put all my polypockets in a hamster wheel and we'd do a tournament and we'd see who would fall out and stuff i also had an idea for Disney. What? I want to go in full, like, bounding cosplay. Oh, Disney bound?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah, I want to, like, dress up as, you know, the Goofy movie? Yeah. You know, Powerline? Uh-huh. I want to dress up as Powerline. Well, you have to, you can only Disney bound. You can't, like, wear a costume. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:24 They don't let you wear costumes, right? Because you're like freaking out the kids. You would have to like, let's see. Nobody going to tell me I can't dress as Powerline. You would have to just wear like a yellow shirt. That's such a sick. It does make sense. I'm not going to do goofy face.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Goofy face? Yeah, you can't do goofy face. Is Powerline black? Yeah. yeah well he's like goof black yeah yeah no but like look he's got a fucking high top yeah dude have you ever heard this song yo pull this track yeah he's got oh my god he's got the sickest hair like with i honestly think this is by far the best Disney song. Oh. Eye to eye? Oliver and Company.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Can I ask you guys a thing while you're pulling this up? What do you mean? That's so good. Did you guys... Okay, well, I'm going to ask you to pull another thing up as well, but in Turkey, when we were growing up, we had obviously Pokemon cards and stuff, but the other thing that we had was called Tussle, and it came in a bag of chips. It was Pokemon cards, basically, but like small circular.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And you would slam them against one another. They're called crazy bones. Okay, so you guys had that. Yeah, they're pogs. Pogs are crazy. Were they little figures or were they discs? No, they were discs. Pogs.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Pull that up. Pull that up, Billy. Yeah, that shit would come in. That shit would come in. Like, that's what i that's what i had yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah big ass slammer yeah slammer where you flip them uh i don't know if we had slammers i can't remember slammers but yeah we this shit was like this was all the rage dude yeah so the way you played pogs is you would have them right and you
Starting point is 00:37:02 would have all your nice pogs and you would lay them down and then you would take a slammer and you versus an opponent you would slam the big fucking and you're trying to flip it and anyone's you flipped you got to keep yeah that shit sucked yeah you'd lose your fucking sick ass pot it sucked yeah man it was devastating dude i had the dr phil bass set pogs, and that shit went crazy. Dr. Phil? I'm just making shit up today. But I'm on point. Okay, I have a bunch of topics that I want to get into. Oh, get into it.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Okay. First and foremost. Is Boeing in there? No. But we can talk about it. That keeps falling off their airplanes. I mean, I'm not gonna lie after you went on the record last week and really rode hard for boeing they kind of let you slide
Starting point is 00:37:51 king no no no no wait this is the problem okay this is he went on the record and then three more planes i have experienced and it's not even just that the whistleblower got fucking killed like here's the deal this is the problem this is the problem here's the deal. This is the problem. This is the problem. Here's the deal. Me, I'm not defending Boeing, okay? The whistleblower being killed or whatever is very suspicious. What happened to the whistleblower, Austin?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Very suspicious. Should be investigated. The problems at Boeing, like fuck Boeing. I'll go on the record. Say at Boeing, like, fuck Boeing. I'll go on the record. Say fuck Boeing, right? Fuck Boeing for all they've done. He's so stressed. No, I'm not stressed at all.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And all the systematic problems within Boeing need to be addressed. The problem is what's frustrating me when I look at Twitter or social media or the media is we're conflating two separate issues here. The issue with Boeing and the systematic issues with Boeing and their max planes, and then general maintenance issues that are happening with jets that were built in like 1995. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:55 The side flew off another plane. It wasn't even, yes, you're talking about a Boeing, a United Airlines Boeing 737, 800 bound for Medford, Oregon that landed safely. The plane was built in 1998.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You're telling me if someone does a checklist on his standard maintenance list, the side of the plane will fly off? I have no idea, but a plane that was built in 1998. The problems with Boeing have come to light in the last five years with the MAX issues, with the Lion Air disaster, and the other MAX crash, right? This is all related to the MAX and the newer jets, right? The older jets that have been manufactured.
Starting point is 00:39:34 What's happening right now is a lot of these maintenance-related issues that are, these incidents happen, but they're usually relegated to being reported on local news. But now, because it's a hot issue, every single incident is being nationally uh broadcasted it's good it's it's basically and i brought this up already uh when you were on my stream it is the same principle behind palestine ohio right like the eastern ohio derailment that occurred uh the train derailment that occurred was devastating certainly um there
Starting point is 00:40:07 are 1 000 plus train derailments that occur every year but because that was a hot button issue because everyone was like oh what the fuck these trains are derailing what's happening that like uh the media started picking up these stories and started covering it and now it's gone away even though train derailments are still occurring and not only train derailments but like obviously all all matter of like uh you know continental logistics runs into these same issues you have trucks that fucking uh get into crashes and whatnot where they're carrying while they're carrying chemicals like it happens all the time but people are hyper focusing on it because it's like the meta um same thing is happening with boeing planes what you're saying right i think is that boeing quality assurance has gone down can i be honest in recent years
Starting point is 00:40:51 so all the newer models are actually running in the problems but they're wrap around a trucker smoking a bunch of meth to do a long haul run and like jackknifing a truck. My brain cannot wrap around being stuck in the middle seat on a fucking 10 hour flight and having the side of the plane fly off. But that's not even, it was like, I don't even know what happened with this United plane. But what I'm saying is it's not like that's a completely separate issue. These are two separate issues. Well, I saw on Twitter, you said it's a United issue. It could be like, yeah, it could be the most common denominator here is united we don't know but if we're if we're alleging that boeing has quality assurance issues which we know it would be an international disaster yeah well
Starting point is 00:41:34 you would hear more about like you would have heard these things would have been happening since the 90s is what i'm saying like something like i don't know like a whistleblower getting killed yeah no you're conflating the two issues. They're two separate things. I'm not saying that those things are... Wait, so what did the whistleblower say exactly? Well, these are separate issues is what I'm saying. This needs to be investigated.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Boeing needs to be investigated, held accountable. But I'm saying... There was a whistleblower that worked at Boeing for 32 years in quality assurance in all of the older models as well that noticed that quality assurance was going down and a lot of this manufacturing was being outsourced and beyond that
Starting point is 00:42:13 the production had diminished in quality and it was becoming dangerous. He left the company and he basically he did not tweet it this was you know i think for seven years he left the company and for seven years he was trying to blow the whistle and and get people to pay attention to what was happening
Starting point is 00:42:36 at boeing um this this you know diminishing uh quality assurance and and how devastating that could possibly be and it did actually become very devastating for many people i'm pretty sure malaysia stopped altogether utilizing boeing planes i think they like stopped utilizing the newer boeing fleets and a lot of the newer boeing planes have run into these problems many of those problems are are uh from what i understand caused by outsourced manufacturing. Why do they outsource the manufacturing on different parts of the plane?
Starting point is 00:43:08 It's because it's cheaper. Isn't it a dreamliner, Boeing? Yeah, Boeing's a dreamliner. Yeah. And it's all a consequence of Boeing trying to make as much money as possible. You could go back and look at incidents with Airbus, too. I mean, yes, look, there was an A380,
Starting point is 00:43:23 a Qantas A380, that was traveling to Sydney that was just falling out of the sky and it injured several people. They landed safely, but it was just nosediving similar to what the MAX did, except this one was at altitude. Write that one down. Look up Qantas flight, whatever. We are all in agreement, air travel unsafe. You had other times.
Starting point is 00:43:44 We are all in agreement. Air travel unsafe. You had other times. We are all in agreement. I will not fly. I forgot what I was going to say because I had a topic. What was I talking about before you chimed in with the fucking Boeing shit? Don't say interrupted. He's doing his job. He's doing his topic. Respect his job.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It's a good topic. I want to be clear here. I think that the whistleblower thing is very suspicious and also Boeing needs to be held accountable. But what I'm trying to say is we need to quit cherry-picking these little maintenance events, often from clips that happened years ago, to fuel this narrative that we already know, which is Boeing and the MAX. We know all about that.
Starting point is 00:44:22 But all these things are separate issues, and it's fear-mongering, and it's fueling. That only works in your favor. That drives the price of air travel down. No, it's not working. Not working. Yeah, you can't book it. It does nothing but drive fear into the flying public.
Starting point is 00:44:40 How fucked up is it if you're in your backyard having a dog birthday party, and then all of a sudden a Boeing panel crushes you? Yeah, like Breaking Bad. Yeah, Donnie Darko. That is not a cool thing to think about. I'm just sitting in my bed smiling. I'm waiting for the engine to take me. Okay, well that's one of the topics.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Speaking of doggy birthday parties, Kai's birthday was March 5th, but because I'm a bad dog dad, I didn't throw a birthday party then. Lots of people wait for birthday parties. Kai's birthday was March 5th, but because I'm a bad dog dad, I didn't throw a birthday party then. Lots of people wait for birthday parties. This is normal. Lots of people also don't throw their dogs parties. Yeah. No. Well, we are doing that.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And when I say we, I mean, Cutie is doing that. Dude, I called Hasan last night. I'm like, who's coming to the party? And he was like, well, Farley. And I'm like, Farley is not coming. Farley wouldley would have hated this i know but it would have still been funny and then he's like he's like fifi's out of town and i'm like okay so i love kaya and i don't know what happened but farley hates kaya yeah no i i know what happened yeah she's she's a 200 pound fucking
Starting point is 00:45:43 tank and she plows into my tiny little bougie ass french duke of a dog and he's like get off me yeah no kaya treats uh kaya's very good at playing like very good she'll she'll even like take l's and she's like very balanced but the problem is because of how big she is she can't like there's no delicate touch when you're playing with a dog that is the size of a fucking chew toy yeah so farley's dinky too farley's a french dude farley is a very cerebral dog he's super smart and uh he doesn't like that shit he doesn't play that shit yeah so like i've seen i've seen Kaya play with, like, smaller dogs. Like, she will, you know, paw them.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, I can't wait to see Kaya and Nobby today. No, no, no. We're going to make sure that Nobby is, like, safe, obviously. By the way, turns out I was invited to the dog birthday party the whole time. Of course you were. This is what I said. He calls me on the phone. I'm like, he's like, are you flying out after the podcast?
Starting point is 00:46:46 I said, yeah, I'm going home. He's like, wait, you're not coming to the birthday party? And I just thought I wasn't invited because he told me so. That is the most insane thing I've ever. Well, I feel like only dogs should attend. That's what I thought. I did say it's like showing up to an elementary school without a child. Yeah. Austin, you literally have the keys to my gate and to my house, and you stay here. Sometimes you come to my house when I'm overseas.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Of course you're invited to the fucking party. What the fuck? You told me specifically. I did not. I did not allow it. Austin said, yo, can I bring the street twinks? I think he's literally. Can I bring 10 bring the street twinks? I think he's literally... Can I bring 10 to 15 street twinks
Starting point is 00:47:28 to the dog birthday? By the way, you guys have been so successful at coining terms associated with me. Selfish top and street twinks. Every time I'm posted... Now his friends are like, I's true street twinks yeah i wonder why every time i'm posted now his
Starting point is 00:47:45 friends are like i am a street twink well now every time i collaborate with anybody the comments are filled with is this a street twink oh street twinks is yeah i would want to be called a street twink yeah but like i don't know if if it's like you know like, like the worst one, which is one that I loathe is the selfish top. Yeah. Conspiracy thing. Well then, you know, keep him,
Starting point is 00:48:11 keep him confused. But I need, but I need to ask you, be a service. Listen, there's only two constants in this life. You are a selfish top. No.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And Hassan's car smells like farts. Okay. These are the only two things. I need to ask you a question. How do I get, how do I defeat these selfish top rumors? Eat ass on camera. Yeah. What? Oh, Kaya broke it again.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Kaya doesn't fuck with our podcast. I gotta eat ass on camera? Yeah, you gotta do it. Whose ass do I gotta eat? Kaya's. I don't know. Kaya's? People love my ass. Oh, fuck. Why are you like that? Yeah, that's crazy. Cutie, I revoke my that? Yeah, that's crazy. I revoke my dad. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I got to do porn in order to... Okay, speaking of not doing porn, but collaborating, there's another thing I want to address. No, we're not done talking about her lovely birthday party. You forgot to invite Ludwig. Yeah, all right. I'm a bad dad. That was what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I'm a bad dog dad. I'm a bad dad in general was what I was going to say. I'm a bad dog dad. I'm a bad dad in general. Thank you for rescuing me. He was like, he thought he was going to be at the marathon. Oh, Ludwig. He was like, I'm going to embarrass Kaya because she didn't have any friends coming. No, Kaya does have some friends coming. Like, there's like eight dogs coming.
Starting point is 00:49:21 My cat said no. Ethan Nestor is coming with his dog. Jarvis Johnson is coming with his dog. Do you think if I cry during the party, Ethan will laugh? What? No, not Ethan Klein. Ethan Nestor. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Aw. I thought all Ethans were the same. No, no, not all Ethans. Okay, Ethan Nestor. Not all Ethans. Yeah, Ethan Nestor, not Ethan Klein. Okay. no no not okay even nestor not all evens yeah even nestor not even klein okay um i didn't even ask ethan because i felt like he would be like yeah i felt he would be like i'm not leaving my house i have children and dogs and i you know i never leave my home well i was
Starting point is 00:49:57 gonna hire a snoop dog impersonator and it was three thousand dollars yeah it's too much and so that was over the budget, as you know. Oh, I get it, Snoop Dogg. I was going to hire a Pitbull impersonator, but they put on a whole ass concert and it was like 10K. Dale. Yeah, Dale. That's crazy. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, but we didn't do any of that. But yeah, what do we got lined up for this birthday party? Which, by the way, you guys will probably have seen by now, by the time this video comes out. Yeah, you'll have to rate each activity out of 10 we've got musical sit with the dogs musical chairs but the owners have to get them to sit not one of these dogs are gonna sit yeah it'll be awful um we've got dog bingo for the adults we got pin the nose on the dog for the adults we got guess guess the dog in me where all of us are gonna have a dog on our forehead and you have to guess by just asking questions like the breed uh like famous dogs what dog would we
Starting point is 00:50:51 all be like the breed yeah you got that dog in you what kind of dog i think you'd be a cane corso i think so that's a good dog for him you know what i know actually i got another one what's up it's the uh fuck what is it like it's the it's the it's a caucasian dog called like aloe or something can you can you try to find this march i was looking at this yesterday wait hold on this is why they're they're making new dogs out here okay i fucking was shocked when i found out hold on i'm gonna pull it up on my awesome and i'll give you the french bulldog oh i think he's a carrier oh he's a french bulldog like a like a french bulldog handsome dogs but they're also really jacked pull up a jacked french bulldog oh wait actually i don't know if i want nah dude look at that i'd be like an italian bulldog or something dude look at that that's the that's that's awesome show look up a-l-a-b-a-i
Starting point is 00:51:51 okay these dogs get up to 178 pounds okay it's like a big lab and they're very like they're they're ruthless but also also very chill as well. Cutie Cinderella. I want to be a Pomeranian. No, the easiest one of my life. You're King Charles Cavalier. I don't want to be that. You're that.
Starting point is 00:52:15 That's what you are. The most like the dog with the most severe mental health problems. I don't want to be that. Well, you're that. Wait, that one? Go down down with the big go to the right to the right that one that is cutie that's okay that is the most cutie-coated dog i've ever seen i don't want to be that you know that you know that that has like eight different kinds of dog autism too i only have one kind so we're different first of all your dog already has mental health issues. Yeah, can I just be my dog?
Starting point is 00:52:48 And what kind of dog am I? You guys all know. Golden Retriever. Thank you. What the fuck? Not even a question. Bring it home. Anyway, we have a splash pad for the dogs.
Starting point is 00:52:57 We got a ball pit. We got an obstacle course. We're going to time the dogs on it. We got prizes. No, we don't. I forgot the prizes. We got a tutu for Kai We got birthday hats
Starting point is 00:53:06 We've got karaoke Dog songs only This is great Little bow wow You did a good job Thank you You did an incredible job Thank you so much Cutie
Starting point is 00:53:15 For planning his birthday party Who let the dogs out I'm like Now I'm not going to say it What? I'm so What? Not the biggest Snoop Dogg music fan
Starting point is 00:53:24 Why is that controversial? Because we love Snoop Dogg music fan Why is that controversial? Because we love Snoop Dogg on this side of the room Yeah No, do you? Look at us Yeah, we know him Name three Snoop Dogs Drop it like it's hot
Starting point is 00:53:33 California Yeah, drop it like it's hot I was at a party Technically a Pharrell song That's Tupac That's Tupac Oops How about
Starting point is 00:53:42 Okay, two more Two more? No, they kind of got one and a half. Drop it like it's hot. I said gin and juice. Gin and juice. Fine. No, not between you two.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I need three separate ones. Okay, come on. Drop it like it's hot. We're a team. We've always been a team. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Gin and juice. He was in California Girls with Katy Perry. Murder was the case that they gave me wet. Drop it like it's hot. Oh, those are my... That's not fair. It wouldn't drop it like it's hot be like half a Snoop Dogg. Sexual eruption.
Starting point is 00:54:16 That's the song that you're explaining already, but I just don't know. I feel like drop it like it's hot is like half. Why? I feel like there's more songs that I know. When the pigs trying to get it, she probably like it hard. Oh, yeah, you're right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Okay, okay. I got my rollie on the roll and my flow shot. There are going to be dogs there. I will say this. I will say this. I think, and this is like how I live my life as well. I realized like on Kai's birthday, i was like damn like what can i do that's like really unique for her because i love her and she's my whole life and i realized like
Starting point is 00:54:52 she lives the most incredible life already like i take her to the fucking park every day if i don't take her to the park i take her to the gym with me where she has like her besties they will be at the birthday party i heard one of them is her boyfriend rumor on the street yeah she has a she has a boyfriend um i thought she was a lesbian no she's definitely she might be bisexual i don't know but she she is a thought like i do have a thought daughter damn for sure okay but uh even after she got fixed she hasn't got fixed yet. Oh. Yeah. That's crazy. I'm a bad uncle.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, you are a bad uncle. You're not even coming to a birthday party. Farley's definitely gay. I wasn't invited. Farley's gay. Really? Farley's big gay. Stop saying I wasn't invited. You were invited.
Starting point is 00:55:34 You just don't want to show up. Did you catch him at a glory hole or something? No, Farley is just gay. Okay. Yeah, but he's like a mean old gay. No, I know. He's into dudes. Really?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah. What led into dudes. Really? Yeah. What led you to believe that? He only is interested in dudes. He likes. He only humps male stuffed animals. And in the most gay turn ever, he's only attracted to male dogs that look exactly like him. Okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:59 That's awesome. It'd be funnier if he was into like really big male dogs. No, little multi-poos. That's all he fucks with. Oh, yeah. Okay. And he has to dominate. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Are multi-poos the twink of dogs? He's such a prissy bitch. He is so prissy. I love him. He's always like this. He's so smart, though. With his underbite. Farley is a crazy smart dog.
Starting point is 00:56:22 He like, if he's thirsty, he'll take his water bowl and just rock it around with his paw. Really? Yeah. When he has to go out, he hits his bell, and then he looks at you. He goes, excuse me. I'd like to go out, please. It's time to go TT. It's been 35 minutes since you've pet me.
Starting point is 00:56:42 We get a Puppuccino every day. Oh, I do that too. Yeah. You know what? I kind of want a dog. You cannot have a dog. No, no, no. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I went to New York City. If you get a little dinky dog like mine, you can do it. No, that's what I'm saying. I want a long-haired weenie dog. That's what I want. Oh, babe. I want a long-haired weenie dog, and I want to move to New York City. I went to New York City.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Remember, it took me 48 hours and I caught the bug. It was just what an amazing place. LA sucks. Everything about LA sucks. New York City is just amazing. The transportation, you're moving constantly. You can get to places. I actually love this for you. I love New York City. Because I think it'll force you to get an apartment
Starting point is 00:57:20 here. In New York City? No. Here in LA. To live in New Yorkork or no how because i think you'll get a weenie dog and you want the long ass thing that we did that was like 15 minutes no it was like 15 minutes we can cut out the intro i have a feeling that i trust marsh here okay well listen i love you there's so much more i want to talk about i have multiple i have so many more topics lined up that we didn't even get to, including some of your adventures
Starting point is 00:57:47 in New York. Yeah, I want to talk about your TikToks. Yes, thank you. Austin is now officially infiltrated. Gay talk. And I fucking hate it. I need to show you. No, wait, wait. Are we doing it behind the paper? No, we're going to do it now. No, let's do it now. I have so many more. I have so many more things
Starting point is 00:58:03 to say. No, pull it up. Pull this shit up. What's the name of this fucking twink that you... No, we ran out of time, folks. No. What's the name, Austin? His name is...
Starting point is 00:58:12 Show the TikTok. His name is Stan Chris. I just got sent that photo. Look at Farley. Yeah. Look at how big Stan Chris is. Oh, he looks so pretty. Look at how cool he is.
Starting point is 00:58:20 He thinks he's a lion. His name is Stan Chris. He's constantly throwing that like... Okay. Zoolander. Look thinks he's a lion. His name is Stan Chris. He's constantly throwing that like. Okay. Zoolander. Look, there's a new one out. Look. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Who is this guy? Now look. Stan Chris. And there's Stan Chris. He says Austin Show Collab. Arrow down. Okay. Can you click on one of these Austin Show Collabs, please?
Starting point is 00:58:42 Look, look, look. Okay. Play that. Will, if you haven't seen this, it's going to blow your mind. What? So I met this guy. Let me guess.
Starting point is 00:58:52 He's a twink. No, no, no, no. I mean, yes, but this one's different. I promise. This one's different. This one's different. Look, you guys. Look, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:00 What? What? Look, it got a quarter of a million views. I mean, come on. Look. Look, guys. Have you no shame? What do you mean, have I no shame? Have you no shame? It got a quarter of a million views I mean come on Look guys Have you no shame What do you mean have I no shame Somebody ask me
Starting point is 00:59:09 You get a dab And I'm going to tell you why You got to suck this dick before congress bans it You got to squeeze every last tiktok Thank you Here's the deal He's tiktok famous Let him be tiktok famous I felt like Thank you. Well, here's the deal. He's TikTok famous.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Let him be TikTok famous. I felt like, you know what I felt like watching this? Jealous. You felt jealous. He wants to be gay so bad. Let's not forget your fucking emo ass lip syncs. Thank God that made my butthole pop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Thank you. Those were bad. Thank you. You didn't expect this to turn on you motherfucker did you felt like watching i felt like watching like a loved one like like a girlfriend cheat on you with someone else but because you love them so much you're like also kind of happy for them because you want them to move on and spread their wings and fly but it's also a promise of what it could be. I want to react to them all. What is going on here?
Starting point is 01:00:07 You don't bring this. You don't do fucking shit like this with us. I didn't even see this one. That's a man right there. Oh, this is so gay. Surprisingly, I've never seen this. You've never seen this? Why did he post this?
Starting point is 01:00:21 I know. Is that shocking? Wait, I like that one. It was natural. Full video on YouTube. Yeah, well, that... Okay, so here's the deal. There's two things.
Starting point is 01:00:28 No, go to the one with the shirt. Can I explain? Can I explain? Not until we watch this. No, we're talking over you, okay? We're talking over you. What the fuck are you doing? You never slid it up like this for us.
Starting point is 01:00:39 People are clowning me for this line that I nailed and delivered. I mean, come on. What. I mean, come on. What? I mean, come on. That's... Okay. What's happening here?
Starting point is 01:00:56 Why do you guys both... Why do you both have the cadence of doing gay porn? I don't know. I think you're a good actor hold on my man my man said what why i i think i honestly you know what's so funny is i thought i ate with that line you did if i was gay i'd want to suck your dick thank you that's the whole point you're not my target audience you know what it is okay You're not my target audience. You know what it is? You know what it is? Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:25 It's funny because the subtext is like, you want to just fuck right now? Yeah. And there's a lot going on in that one. Yeah, okay. Did you guys fuck? No. No, we didn't. You're the worst gay.
Starting point is 01:01:36 A little bit. Fuck a little bit. Let me tell you something. Did you do a little suck a fuck? No, nothing. Nothing happened. A little friendly suck a fuck? No, we're friends and we were collaborators, okay?
Starting point is 01:01:43 Now. I don't believe it. Here's the thing. We were actors. Respect our art. We were actors. You're a fucking fraudulent bitch. You're a friendly sucker, fuck. No, we're friends and we were collaborators, okay? Now, here's the thing. We were actors. Respect our art. We were actors. You're a fucking fraudulent bitch. You're a fraudulent bitch.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Now, let me tell you something, though. You're a fraudulent bitch. I got to tell you something, all right? I got invited, so I went to New York City, and I got invited to collaborate with Stan Chris. Stan Chris is known for, like, street interviews. Street gays! No, no.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Also, go to Art. Look up Art Gay Interview on Instagram. I was all, you didn't even see this. This one got like 2.5 million views of me being interviewed and that's where it started and then I started collaborating again.
Starting point is 01:02:17 So you're on Gay Talk now. Chris. He's king of the street gays. Stan Chris, Stan Chris asked me to do these TikToks and he told me what we were doing and I just did them and I delivered and those were my lines and I read them. You should do a segment called Street Gaze.
Starting point is 01:02:30 We should go talk to gays in West Hollywood. I think actually that's a great idea. It's better than the tub show. Are you free this week? Oh no. You're going to be there. You're going to be in Austin. You're going back to Austin?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Are you coming to the film festival? Yeah, it's Thursday. Will and Nat Film Festival. It's a Will and Nat Film Festival. Are you going to be in Austin throughout the weekend? Do you want to participate in the music contest tomorrow? Is it here? AI Music Contest.
Starting point is 01:02:57 No, it's online. Just set your computer. I'll add you. Add me. Hasan, I would come to LA, but you won't get in the bathtub. I will not. You're right. Not yet. I'm getting close. But the deal is this. 17%
Starting point is 01:03:10 body fat. Once I get down, once I'm sub 15, I'll do the tub. You're already sub 15. You look good. But not good enough to be in a tub naked. In an uncomfortable position. This is what I was talking about earlier. All those fucking comments were saying, Chris, are you a street gay?
Starting point is 01:03:28 And then also, the other one was saying, careful, he's a selfish top. That's what all the comments were saying. That's so sick. Literally every single comment. Because it's true. Is piercing the community. Chris, are you a street gay? That's what they said.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I'm happy. Are you a street gay? Austin, we made you. You did. We made you? You did. Those inside comments drive up engagement. I know, but what's so funny is you've tossed me to the gay community with two faux pas. Selfish top.
Starting point is 01:03:58 But that's humor. Yeah, I know. Look, I want the record show. I'm not. I'm a service top. I've never seen you I got an idea. I don the record show. I'm not. I'm a service top. I'm going to eat. Look. I've never seen you suck. I got an idea. I got an idea. This is going to solve it. I've never seen you.
Starting point is 01:04:09 This is going to solve it. How would you eat ash? Show it behind the paywall. Don't show it. Before we go to the paywall. Don't do that. I want to ask. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:04:18 We'll get an. What's where they come and they prove that your signature is real? What are one of those people? A notary. A notary. We will have a notary, and you two will sit in the room, because I don't think it's appropriate. I will eat another man's ass in front of you. We will get it notarized.
Starting point is 01:04:37 It needs to be a gay notary. It'll be a gay notary, and they will validate the fact that I did it, okay? And that you can all then free me from the title. Okay. You can show us how you eat ass behind the paywall, which you guys can check out. We've got so many more things to cover. This is what we'll do.
Starting point is 01:04:53 We will watch Dune 2 on DVD. I like that. And you will eat ass for the three hours. I love it. Wow. It's going to be hard. I'll eat ass until my tongue is raw. We'll be watching the movie,
Starting point is 01:05:06 but it's just a good timer. Selfless service top Austin show. He's a service top. You're never going to live the extra cherries. I'll start calling you a service top.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Thank you. Okay. After you prove to us how you eat ass behind the paywall. Oh my God. Stay tuned, folks. You can get that
Starting point is 01:05:21 and so much more. I have a lot more content that we're going to be covering behind the paywall. That might be our best episode ever. Patreon.com slash fear and get in. We're doing it. Hey, before we go. That's right.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I'm so proud of us. You know how many episodes we've done together recently? How many? Only like several in a row. Several. I think this is my game. Okay. See you on the paywall Wait is this the last episode before you go to Australia
Starting point is 01:05:48 We might shoot another one Yeah okay Which we are going to be talking about behind the paywall Man I had to walk through the LA Marathon And somehow I'm the only one at the podcast This is crazy And let me tell you
Starting point is 01:06:03 They don't look kindly upon guys Wearing ski masks at marathons is what I found out. That was a mistake, I admit. But I had a vampire facial yesterday. And I'm supposed to keep my skin covered in the sun. Because I want to look good for you, the viewer. Anyway, first topic. Dude, we started. We started.
Starting point is 01:06:29 So just walk in. Try not to be disruptive, all right? All right. First guest here is Hasan Piker. Hey, Hasan Piker, everybody. Okay, he's not sitting down. Oh, boy. We're live.
Starting point is 01:06:51 It's going to be a great little bonus clip. Oh, Austin's shitting. He's wearing his dad's clothes. Austin, let me see your fit. It actually kind of goes hard. Oh, my God. I don't know. Where'd you get it from?
Starting point is 01:07:29 Really? Where are the boots from? I like the boots. Yeah. Really like the pants. Okay, not a fan of the shirt. No, I like... Oh, is it all one shirt? No, it's layered.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I could just... I could just fucking wear this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know. It'll start 20 minutes ago. I had to walk here. Tamar saved me. Oh! Marsh on camera!
Starting point is 01:08:12 Marsh on camera! Welcome back to the Fear Ann podcast. This is the B team. The B team episode. We couldn't afford QT. I'm young Billy. We couldn't afford for Will to show his face. Yeah, so we just, this is a stand-in and we're just going to put Will's voice on.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Hey Marcia, you just do a voiceover. Yeah, yeah it is. I mean, I just walked in. Yeah, it's the same. Well, because it did from one episode to the next. It's like, it was, yeah. I don't know what happened or what changed, but it definitely did.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Hi, Kaya. Happy birthday. I have a tutu for her. She's going to hate that. She's going to be so cute. We got a tutu, a bandana, a birthday hat. We are? Yeah, we've been rolling for the last 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Oh, okay. Nice. They're going to love this. Well, we don't have to use it. We can cut it up. Yeah, we can cut to the good parts of that last 15 minutes. What? I set that rule forever ago. What is happening? I said if you talk and eat, I have to punch you.
Starting point is 01:09:24 So finish your sandwich and then you tell your New York story. Okay. Okay. Okay. While we wait for Austin to finish his sandwich and talk, beyond Austin's New York adventures, there was a bunch of other stuff I wanted to talk about that I'm forgetting. Oh, we were talking about Australia. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:44 You were talking about Australia. Yes. We were talking about Australia. Oh, yeah, you were talking about Australia. Yes, we were talking about Australia. Will, you've been kind of sad. You said you want to switch things up. I suggest going down on that. All right, go down on that, mate. And mating out with Steve. Fucking throw a spinner in there.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Yeah, mating with Steve Evans. Bloody fucking legend. How do you fucking feel about that Mike meeting Steve meeting Steve Irvin son Mike you didn't tell me you were meeting Steve Irvin son can I make a suggestion
Starting point is 01:10:14 can I make a suggestion I will pay I can call her I will allow you to book my travel one way but I will pay for it if you find a shark cage for us. There is, I'm not doing that. Shark cage! I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I need to look death in the face. I need to look into a shark's eyes.

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