Fear& - Racism ENDS Today ft. Crash Dummies Pod | Fear&
Episode Date: March 3, 2025✨EXTRA BONUS EPISODES ON PATREON✨ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd 🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧 🔊https://linktr.ee/fearand Follow our guests! https://www.instagram.com/crashdummies...podcast ❤️ follow Fear&! ❤️ Hasan: https://twitter.com/Hasanthehun Will: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeff QT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderella Austin: https://twitter.com/Austinontwitter Marche: https://twitter.com/Marche Fear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod Chapters - 00:00:00 - qt cinderella doesn't like crash dummies 00:02:37 - official stat line of hasan is something 00:05:13 - the johns continue 00:07:11 - we are all in this together 00:09:30 - the longest 7 seconds in history 00:11:36 - what can't the reeves do 00:12:28 - NORDVPN 00:13:45 - pictures of hasan ruining friendships 00:16:27 - i dont even think, its not even that great 00:18:25 - the game has game 00:19:44 - time to start beef before the fight 00:21:24 - big bro until 36, then unc, OG is with wisdom 00:24:55 - hasan made his uber really tense 00:26:37 - the 19 dollar strawberry 00:30:17 - MANDO 00:31:59 - why were you guys in maid outfits 00:35:07 - lets all get out separately so they dont know 00:36:48 - do you guys stream with your shoes on 00:41:15 - steve smith situation is crazy 00:44:19 - id crash out too 00:47:34 - you cant @ the fbi but you can do the divisions 00:51:23 - AMERICA ME UP USA VS CANADA 00:57:00 - public service announcements 01:01:47 - the bush can scare people 01:06:02 - i thought it was black 01:11:04 - check out the new crash dummies clothing line #hasanabi #qtcinderella #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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That's for the job.
That's three.
Move it up and down.
Oh, she's working it.
She's like giving it a little Mr.
Miyagi type.
Whoa, no, no, I wasn't.
Hour and a half late to your own podcast. Go. OK. Okay. What's up everybody. We're back. It's the fear and podcast with the boys. And we have officially decided that
we are completely eliminating cutie Cinderella and Austin show from the podcast and we're
bringing back really crash dummies. That's good. That's why I eliminated. Yeah. They're
permanently done. I'll do that. No, y'all are now going to be the official
co-host. That's right. We're announcing it right here, right now.
We got my face though. Cause cutie is pretty much left at this. You know what I
mean? It's like someone dumps you and you're like, no, I'm the one. Yeah.
We're the one who's shipping off. Cause this is... Because last time Will wasn't here.
That's a...
And now she's not here.
Ooh, that's a tough question to answer.
So let me tell you this way, okay?
Oh, she doesn't like us?
Oh, yeah, she hasn't been on either of us.
Wait a minute.
No way.
It's because she's racist.
Because you accused her last time.
Yeah, it's because she's racist.
You said that.
She did actually escape to like some of the most racist states you could go to. It's because she's racist. You accused her last time. Yeah. Yeah, it's because she's racist. You said that.
She did actually escape to some of the most racist states you could go to if you want
to avoid black people.
She's at Utah right now.
Which I feel like is-
So she got all the way away from us.
She's like, I don't even want to see anybody.
It looks like it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She went to like-
She went to Utah during Black History Month?
Which is very suspicious. Thank you. Now Utah there in Black History Month. Yeah
Yeah, shout out bringing me on
he's all over that fucking state but
She she left to go to Washington, which is also I would say like a pretty like a relatively
White state right? I mean, where'd you go? She went to Washington like Idaho or something. Oh, yeah, you talk He's avoiding us for sure. Yeah. Yeah, not just you guys like just in general
I do think that this was going on and we were in Japan to be fair and then you know
She left to do her own thing to go on like a, like a white girl sabbatical. And as you do.
Yeah. As one does, but before we bag on too much, your stat line today. Okay. Do I read
it from the first game?
Oh damn. Where is the official stat line? There's an official stat line? Yeah, there's an official stat line.
Bro, I was Tony Snow.
So we recorded it.
Tell me if these numbers sound familiar.
He was three points, three for 20 field goals, two rebounds,
zero assists, seven turnovers.
20 field goals?
I don't even want to know myself.
That's a lie.
That's a lie.
Three for 20 is crazy.
No, that's a lie.
I don't know if you check up.
But at least you got the green light though.
With the Lebron jersey, you're checking up that many shots.
I pulled a Luca.
No, no, Lucas, he's still going through it right now.
Yeah, no, I know.
Seven turnovers?
Turnovers in like three on three kind of hurt more than five on five.
Bro, you just know. There has to be one guy open three on three kind of hurt more than five on five. Bro, you just know.
There has to be one guy open three on three.
One of your guys is open at all times.
You want to know what is more hurtful?
Okay, first of all, those style lines are incorrect,
but I do have the correct ones.
I'm pretty sure I can pull them if you want,
but they're still pretty disastrous.
So we don't have to look at it.
I'm just saying.
But the last game, least I I had six points
There you go. And that's the whole that's I am the only one who scored on our redemption. That's all we still lost
By the first two games. We won the first games. Yeah. Yeah
It was like three on two and a half. There's somebody out there with a torn meniscus. That is true. Lacey. Yeah
Lacey has a torn meniscus. That is true. Lacey has a torn meniscus. This is true. He's frantically
looking for stats. I'm looking for the stats. He's actually sweating. You disrespected my stat one.
Three for 20 and seven turnovers means you had to ball the whole game. You were just making decisions.
Turnovers, seven turnovers with that many shots? Seven turnovers with 17 shots. So there's no, there's no turnover numbers here, but
three points. First game, three assists, seven rebounds, three out of 13 field goals. That's
still so bad. There were some back. So you want to shout out to the trial. What? 13,
two points in the second game. One assist, three rebounds, two out of 11 field goals.
They just left the turnovers off at that point. Yeah. A game that was getting to game three,
six points, zero says two rebounds, one steel, five out of 10 field goals.
I thought it was show percentage. No, that's when I walked in the gym. Cause I was like,
how do you see you do that? You're you're you're killing the last game. Yeah. But then we got destroyed.
So it didn't even matter.
Now. Look, I had a lot of food.
The light, the light was not good.
There was a lot of dead zones in the in the in the field.
If you get to five excuses, I believe you.
Yeah. The basketball I'm not comfortable with.
But basketball is a weird basketball.
Yes. It's like a Wilson evolution, but the FX one or something
Yeah, it's crazy
It's a weird ball. He's got me. Yes. He also had issues because I thought I was the only one I'm like
Oh this ball is racist. Yeah
You don't want to bounce back to me do you? Yeah, no straight up. It was that was what was going on So did I did I see the chicken part already? I ate a lot of chicken a pound of chicken
Yeah, like a pound of chicken
Mediterranean yes, yeah, you can't eat that before playing basketball. No, I just got his back
No, it was just it was definitely a draft in the building.
Someone weird. Yeah.
It's a windy.
Somebody left the door open for sure.
I did. I did have some crazy shots, though, where like it would just bounce.
Like it would have counted NBA style.
But it was like I got goaltended by the rim.
Not a regulation hoop. Yeah, it was.
Yeah, I think I saw the stream of you guys warming up like and you are.
You're a brick and bad. No, that was the game. It was yeah, I think I saw the stream of you guys warming up like and you are you're bricking bad
No, that was the game
I think y'all playing around the world or something. No, we're playing around the world
That was bad
A lot I've never seen you like that. I was, that was a bad showing. I will admit
that was not my best performance. That's all right, bro. Redeem yourself. It's funny. Cause
you also get real like suburban dad when you get bad at basketball or whatever.
Like, oh, shucks. So son of a darn it. What, what is that? It's because I'm not trying out the curves,
but also I'm upset. You know what I mean? Also I play like a, like a suburban dad. I play like a plumber. No. So that's
yeah. So play like the, what's that old show called? No, no, no, no. Something Hill. No,
no, no, no, no, no. The brothers, the Lucas brothers. Oh man. One tree Hill. One. You
play like I play like a dude who doesn't know how to play basketball, but for the role
he has to play.
Like a Disney actor?
Yeah, you're like, it just drops out.
Do y'all watch back those movies and like see how, see it differently now the way they
play basketball?
Oh, I get so annoyed.
Even the situations.
The most famous one of all time Marsh put up is High School Musical.
Have you ever watched that basketball sequence?
That is some of the best worst basketball.
Yeah, I got worse.
I think I got one of the challenge.
You're okay.
We watch.
I want to tell you, this is the worst.
But there's a reason we can't make fun of it.
I know.
Is that what you talk?
Why can't we make fun of it?
You'll see radio.
Yeah, yeah, Just any of them.
When he's playing basketball, you'll it's it's pretty easy to.
You know, the final game.
Yeah. I talk about the two sisters, aren't you?
Yeah. The twins, the twins.
Yeah. What was that?
Double something. Double. Yeah.
The double trouble.
You got to watch that. When you say bad basketball, I think of, um, what's that?
What's the act that passed away? Famous actor, Jean Hackman. No, no.
Jesus Christ. He's in Hoosiers. He's in Hoosiers. Jean Hackman. Oh, he's a coach. Okay, this is like not No, that's crazy
They're literally running a three-man we behind
Sleeve too. Yeah
Look addresses right now. Yeah, they're not like they know how to play basketball, but they're also choreographed dancing at the same time I think that's how Luca dresses right now. Yeah, they're not like they know how to play basketball, but they're also choreographed
dancing at the same time.
I think that's why.
I take it back.
Double trouble was the was the scene is the double.
I think double trouble is their special move that they do.
And she like goes like does this thing where she lifts both her like pivots.
Okay, let's see the last the last shot
It has to be the final play. Yes. Oh I get why we can't make it
I was I was confused at first
Yeah, right. Just start right there. I mean listen. Yeah
She heard oh my god. Yeah, yeah, yeah
She's hurt but they leaving her wide open just with a disrespect. She's hurt. But they're leaving her wide open.
With a disrespect though.
If her ankle's hurting,
why are they leaving her wide open?
It is.
You think they put pressure on the ball.
Now look at the time on the clock, Bar.
Pause real quick.
It said five seconds on the clock.
Five seconds.
Let's count how long she holds the ball.
Seven seconds.
She now looks at the basket.
Well, it's slow mo. It's slow mo. Not even with slow mo. Okay. looks at the basket. Two. Well, it's slow mo.
It's slow mo.
Not even with slow mo.
Okay, let's count again.
Let's keep counting though.
Seven, six, five, four.
Now count the jabs test.
Two feet moving up and down.
Oh, she's working it.
She's like giving it a little Mr. Miyagi type charge up.
No, no, I wasn't!
I wasn't saying that!
You can't do it!
I didn't even know the coach was that! What? Oh! He can't do it! I didn't even know the culture's ancient!
What are the coincidences?
Now watch as the other pivot moves up.
They finally run to her.
Oh, wow.
This is all... It happened in seven seconds.
Why is she still...
Boom! Other foot.
Oh, the jab step!
Oh, yeah.
Terrible pass.
You know, they could've.
Swish, all in seven seconds.
Go in, wait, wait, wait.
Can we go back?
Can you say go in three times before a jump shot goes?
He said go in, go in, go in.
And then the ball drops.
I feel like for this role, they're supposed to cast the person that knows how to play
Yeah, I don't understand that though.
It's kind of like, who got in trouble for that?
From All American?
All American.
He ran a football route in Vans, and he ran a route and it was like so sloppy and all the football heads were so mad. And then the next season,
they had like all different people come in
and look a little bit more efficient.
But they got bullied into doing the right thing.
On the opposite end of that spectrum,
Keanu Reeves, they asked him to do a tryout with the Ravens
because he was so good in the replacements
at the quarterback.
It's real shit.
Not on the Reeves.
Look it up!
No, no.
Look it up.
No, no, no. Will would 100 percent.
He said his footwork was so tight and he threw a tight spiral.
Good rotation. He spun the ball.
Yeah, but Jalen Hurts is a running back. What are we doing?
I can't believe so.
Yeah, he knows how to play the game the right way.
Tryout offer from the Baltimore Ravens.
Okay, they were just trying anything.
I think.
If you're a white man that stayed in the pocket in the 90s, you had a job at Quarantine.
He stayed in the pocket. I don't care how many picks he's done.
That kid's got moxie. Let's get him on the Patriots. He's a real lunch pail guy.
Yeah, he's got real high game IQ.
He's real lunch pail guy. Yeah, he's got real high game IQ
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Oh yeah. We're saying it was getting harder to be Hasan's friend sometimes.
His pictures.
I was like, we had a conversation with you.
That was crazy.
Oh, the meat pig?
That was so crazy.
It's like, how do we support, like, it's our friend.
That was so crazy.
You know, it was-
You can't hit that with a light.
It was when he was like this. crazy. You know what's what? You can't hit that with a light. Which photo was it?
It was when he was like this.
The meat pick.
Like why?
That was a progress pick.
And it wasn't even like, it's crazy because-
I just did one of these.
If you would've just took it in your underwear, I would've been like, oh, he lost weight.
He's trying to show all his definition.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to do.
You put your penis to the side like this.
So it like, it's like your body's up too.
So when you swipe, so I didn't
see it so I had liked it before I saw the duck. So I'm like, yeah. My boy Assan posts
it and then I swipe and my thumb ended up on his penis on the side of the swipe. I'd
say, you son of a bitch.
Just quickly on liking it?
Yes. I think I have one of the top comments on there because I got my son taken away.
I was with my son when I saw that picture,
and now he's in foster care, thanks a lot.
You made me lose my son.
I'm sorry.
He was like, did you watch that around your son?
Yeah, but.
My thumb was on it.
My son didn't see it.
No, but, so that was a progress pick, okay?
And people just misunderstood what was going on.
I think.
That's what happened.
Yeah, it's crazy.
I wasn't trying to pull a, like a old school.
I was literally just looking, I was like, do I like this?
But you know, I'm a type person,
if I see like tens of thousands of likes,
it really just makes me want to like it less anyway.
So it's like, you're a hipster. I just, you don't need my like. like it less anyway. Yeah. You're a hipster.
I just, you don't need me.
You don't need my like.
Meat pick hipster.
He likes everything.
Don't say that.
No, you like everything.
I think it's just like, no, I'm just saying like you don't like everything, but you
accidentally like stuff.
I think it's just.
Cause I just see, if I just see the name, I don't see the picture.
That's just his life.
No, I'm in the same boat.
Cause like I, I've in the same boat cuz like I
I've gotten into trouble in like past relationships for this because like I don't know people are gonna like someone's progress picks
No, no, like I don't really think about like ooh
This person is looking real hot. Let me give her a light
Yeah, you know what I mean when I hit like when, when I see a friend, you know, and I...
You just wanna support them.
Yeah, exactly.
Like in my mind, it's not, like who the...
I think it's weirder to be like, Yowza, you look really hot.
I'm gonna hit that with a like now.
No, Yowza is 2025.
I think it's more so just like, oh yeah, that's my friend.
Great, you look good. Boom.
So what do you think, like, okay,
let's say you posted that picture on your story the picture that we're talking about the meeting yeah the
beat pick what do you think when someone likes that on your story do you think that's important
i don't even like i in my mind i don't even it doesn't even spoken yeah i don't even think
i don't even think about it i I don't even think about it.
I'm like.
What was your thought process?
Did you know you were posting it that day?
I played basketball and then I was like, let me, let me, no, it wasn't even the meat.
Like the meat was not supposed to be the prominent fixture of the photo.
I just thought like, I take progress pics sometimes.
I was like, damn, I kind of look, I kind of look swell right now.
Let me post this.
Talk about your body.
All right.
I didn't also like-
Oh, have heart on.
I think, no, I should have fluffed it.
Like I should have fluffed it way harder.
Should have?
I did not fluff it.
Should have fluffed it more?
No, I should have fluffed it.
You're telling me you didn't start the fire. There's no way.
There's no way you took the picture saying my meat looks small.
I'm gonna take this.
No, I wasn't like I did when I posted it.
I wasn't really thinking about my meat at all.
No, we don't believe that because it's not like a high cost.
It's not my legs because you can for my legs. Cause you can see my, you can see the top of my quads. That's a no.
You can see the top of my quads.
Oh for sure.
You can see the top.
Also like, it's not even, it's all right.
Like it's not even like a crazy meet,
you know what I mean?
Try the humble brag.
No, I'm just saying.
I should have, I should have flunked.
Like, when you think of meat pigs is like game, you know what I mean?
Like the game when he would post sometimes his dick and hold it.
I've never seen that before.
You've never seen the picture of a game dick?
That's not true.
This is like an internet legend.
He has a court date coming up to get his son back.
He is not getting back.
They're going to show this in the court.
No, this was like an internet phenomenon.
Well, Mark, what?
What are you doing?
You know, not much.
I was just a porn.
No, the Twitter, the Twitter.
There it is. There is the Twitter handle that he There it is, there it is. The Twitter handle that he would just... I wanna say the gang's dick.
This is the most insane internet dick I've ever seen.
What's going on?
Yeah, he's just holding it.
And he's like, also he's hard.
Like, that's crazy.
What the fuck, bro?
You've never seen that?
They're never coming back, dude.
They're never coming back. No, that's like, like, why do you guys know about that? Why I've never seen that? They're never coming back, Dick. They're never coming back.
No, that's like, like, why do you guys know about that?
Why I've never seen that picture before?
That was all over the internet.
Dude, yeah, that was...
Now I'm looking back, I do remember this.
Did he like it?
No, you know what's even worse than remembering the dick?
The dick coming back to your memory.
Yeah, bitch.
Oh, yeah.
Wake up, bitch.
Yeah. You're supposed to get this dick. Yeah, I was taking a shit. I was taking a shit that morning. coming back to your memory. Oh yeah. Wake up.
Get this dick.
I was taking a shit that morning.
I remember where I was.
Oh my
You cut your hair. I did.
Yeah. I had really long. I couldn't see
when I was boxing. I was just going to say that had to
be the reason. Yeah. My first day I got rock rocked like I got the shit kicked out of me and I was like, okay
I gotta take you're fighting on crew. Oh, yeah, I'm fighting an animator named odd ones out
Yeah, but I've been training. What's the person that you're fighting odd ones out odd ones
Does he have boxing experience? He's been boxing for three years. He lost his first fight
But yeah, he's been training for three years and did we start first fight, but yeah, he's been training for three years. And did we start any beef yet?
No, I'm not good at it.
I'm not. OK, I got it. I'm not good at it.
Bring us bring us to the press conference.
We want to talk shit.
No, bring us.
It just like calling us.
Do you actually want to come to Tampa?
You can come to the fight.
Oh, that's perfect.
Let's do it.
June 28th. Yeah.
Yeah. But that's not June 19th.
I'll be there.
Yeah, but that was not June 19th. I'll be there.
It is funny Hasan invited us like the the first day. Yeah. He didn't want to see us at all in February. Yeah, during during Black History Month. Oh yeah. Today he's like I'm a rupture. I'm a rupture
Mike's Achilles. Yeah. And then not invite him. Dude, I feel so I still feel bad about that. For
those of you you don't know
Mike and I when he's out here and paswell we play basketball and
the conditions of the court that we play at are not exactly great is very dusty and
Given the explosive athlete that Mike is he exploded his Achilles yet Achilles There's a little Aaron Rodgers action. A lot of Aaron Rodgers action.
Exploding in front of a bunch of guys.
Just like college, man.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
I mean, that core is like taking out another Unc as well.
Yeah, took somebody else's Achilles.
We're not Uncs though.
We saw the age thing.
There's like a new-
Oh true.
There's a graphic.
There's a graphic.
We're big bro.
How old is Unc?
I think 36. Okay, I got one more year. We're good. Yeah, 36 is good. Yeah graphic we're big bro how old is unc i think 36 okay i got one more year we're
good yeah yeah yeah yeah we're big bro what we're big bro we're big bro until 36 and then your
unc territory and then uh og right yeah og og yeah og is like 45 or something i feel like when you
og you have to be able to give some wisdom yeah Yeah. I think OG comes with a couple more like-
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You should have the wisdom or you'd be dead by now.
Bro, if you're 45 and you have no cool stories,
what the fuck did you do?
You didn't learn one lesson in this life?
How the fuck are you here right now?
Just always made the right decision, man.
I just got lucky the whole way coasting through.
I'm a piece of shit, man. I just got lucky the whole way coasting through. I'm a piece of shit man.
No consequences. I'm not gonna lie to you. Yeah. What you like in boxing so far? Yeah I like it.
Training is hard man. Especially on top of streaming like going in and doing three hours at the gym
and like cutting weight and then coming home and like doing content is a lot. No, I bet. Yeah. Yeah. But as I said, as you get hit less, it's way more fun.
Yeah. Way fun when you learn like the defense.
When you start to kind of.
Yeah. That's the crazy thing is like my trainer said something really poignant.
He's like, you can learn all the combos in five minutes.
It takes a lifetime to learn how to not get hit.
Yeah. It's like, that makes sense.
Not get hit and actually hit back.
Because there's a lot of people that know in boxing that like I've sparred with, they're good at not getting hit,
but they don't know how to hit back.
So they're just like dodging.
And then eventually they tire their stills out.
How many rounds is the fight?
Four, I think.
Four, three, Mr.
Four? That's not bad.
No, not bad.
Oh, I'm telling you.
Take your time.
Just redlining after the fight.
Yeah, cause it will happen, especially adrenaline dump.
You have, I'm telling you, he's going to be just as tired as you in the third and fourth round.
Just take your time.
First day I sparred, they taped my gloves.
I had head gear on and I was fighting, I was 235 pounds.
And after the first round, I was like sucking wind and I like was in these fucking lobster
claws and I was panicking.
I was like, oh my God, I my God, I can't fucking breathe.
Yeah, so I've been running my ass off.
I've run like two and a half miles every day
even if I'm not training.
So fire, yeah.
Asan, you ever getting there?
No, you got too many people.
Nah, yeah, you'll be a big meaty guy.
You take one punch, that video will live forever.
Oh yeah.
Like constantly.
Oh yeah. Play over and over.
I mean I like it. I like we when we were in Japan Will was trying to train. Yeah. So we went to a
place called Fight Club and Japan has like these little bars everywhere and apparently Fight Club
is exactly that. It's a bar where salarymen go to at night.
They get shit-faced and there's a fucking octagon there
and they fight each other.
Like you can just go in and just fight one another.
Oh, yeah.
But when we walked in during the day,
it's a real MMA gym.
And these Japanese dudes, like,
I think one of them was like a pro.
And they were training they were
doing like fight camp or something they don't speak any English we don't speak any Japanese
and we're just like looking at each other and they're like yeah it was weird like we rolled up
and they were just like it was like a scene out of West Side Story like if we had come in like this
like there was some real just there was definitely a lot of tension. Yeah. But yeah, we went and we boxed a little bit there and we you know, I had a great time.
It was fun. It's exciting. You're always in tense situations though.
Why are we all in main outfits?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Before that Uber trip though.
What? He made our Uber.
Our Uber very though. What? He made our Uber, our Uber very tense. He put his foot, Hasan
took his whole foot and put it on the back of the guy's neck. Oh come on bro. Is it dry
d***? Oh thank god it was on camera. I would never do that to an Armenian man. Yeah yeah.
But no he put his foot up like just to cross his foot over like a like old white guy. Yeah. And the guy, I don't even, we obviously couldn't understand him at first
because it was just like so out the blue.
And he was like, something don't do that or foot.
Yeah, and I put my foot back up and he's like, put your foot down.
And he got tense.
I've never had that happen to me.
Because you crossed your legs?
Because I crossed my leg, yeah.
But it wasn't touching anything.
Like I wasn't like touching the console or anything with my foot like... That's weird. Yeah. What'd you say? Huh? What'd you say?
You got calm detentions down? Nah man I was ready to go. He had when he I saw I could see only his
mouth through the rear view mirror and those three silver teeth on the left side I said yeah
I'm gonna let this ride out. No I mean I'm... This is serious, man. This is serious, man.
I was very polite.
I was like, oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize, you know, at first I tried to like course correct by being like, oh,
I'm not touching anything.
Like, and he was like, no, put it down.
And then I was like, oh, my bad.
Sorry about that.
He was cool with me.
He really liked me.
Like we were like laughing and stuff like that.
And he even said, he said bye to me and everything.
But not his sign though.
He literally, I was waving at him.
He was like this and his sign was like.
He was like, fuck.
But your foot though.
I brought in a few trending topics
that I want you guys to take on.
The number one, Erawan is selling a $19 strawberry.
And everybody is telling.
Wait, wait, what?
Everybody is what?
We're pulling this up for you right now.
So Erawan is like famous
Yeah, pull this shit up
It's like a bougie LA food store, but yeah, this is the 19
It's like if you're if you want to feel like whole foods is broke boy shit
You go to Erawan so so so this is play this.
Packaging goes crazy.
People people say we're going to do something.
Yeah, you're doing it.
One point two million like we all did it at that point. Yeah, I guess.
It's like a butt plug. We all did it at that point. Yeah, I guess so. Wait. You gotta just eat it like this.
Looks like a butt plug.
You know what that looks like?
A butt plug?
That's a lot of women that use butt plugs.
That is the best strawberry.
That's crazy.
That is the best strawberry I've ever had.
Who's she talking to?
My compliments to the chef.
No, the only way she's talking to a guy,
the guy that saw her bite it.
Hey, how's that strawberry?
And as soon as I can, I need to eat every last bit of it.
It's $19.
Yeah, you do.
Yeah, you heard that?
Yeah, he got sexual.
He's getting really sexual at the end of that thing.
You have to eat the stem, too.
For $19, you can't leave the stem. You too. For $19 you can't leave the stem.
You deserved it.
Yeah, you can't leave the stem.
$19 strawberry.
That's a $3 stem.
That's crazy though.
A $19 strawberry is crazy.
I did it.
I did it in Japan.
I would buy it to taste it though.
Was it $19 in Japan for a single strawberry?
No, I bought like, Marge, how much was the melon?
Like I bought the most expensive melon in the world.
It was a $200 melon.
Did it taste good? No. Like cantaloupe. Yeah, but cantaloupe. That's the worst
Yeah, that's the one that give you the most in like salad. Yeah, it's like
Yeah, you're right
So I thought it was gonna taste delicious and honestly
Every fruit that we had at the first one cuz like in Japan
It's it's huge like fruit is actually a gift that you give to people and the packaging was excellent like the packaging was half
The price I think is it was like, you know
No, literally like they put it in this like the fruit comes like a like a king's goblet
yeah, they give you like like it's it's sitting in like a
Like a like a purple fur thing like it's got like a little casket for itself. It's got in like a purple fur thing.
It's got a little casket for itself.
It's got an entire box that it comes in.
And it just tasted like normal fruit.
It was very disappointing.
Are you getting the $19 strawberry though,
even if it's the best strawberry you've ever had?
I would get to try it.
So they got you.
Yeah, they got me.
They got one purchase out of me. They got me man. They got
I mean, we're the consumers man. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's all that's what it is for though
It's like why is this $19 now? I'm intrigued
I have a morbid curiosity as well because she literally said it was the best strawberry
She's ever had. I know we've had those strawberries when we were in Japan. Well, those are the same ones. Yes, bro
They were in our hotel room by like I was thinking it was even better than that well
They know cuz they gave us like 20 of those strawberries checked in yeah, there's but that's there's no way
They gave us what no it's $19 cuz they shipped it from Kyoto when we were in Japan
It was a Japanese yen like with the currency change. I don't know I'm spending $20 on that though. I
Mean yeah, no one time. I feel like one time you got to spend.
Yeah, you got to debunk it.
I think I'd rather fly back to Japan.
That's why I would. That's wisdom.
OK, why were you guys in made of it?
Son, I got a problem.
Oh, my girlfriend won't stop stealing my deodorant.
Because I use Mando and it smells delicious. So and I mean this, this isn't part of the ad read.
I actually use the deodorant right here, flying bang right there. Ha ha ha ha. Flawless. The
deodorant smells great. Tell me what you think. I'm going to steal it from you. First thing
that comes to mind. Just, Oh, that's fresh. Right? It is. It smells like fresh laundry.
Yeah. I like that. That's right. I need to,
I'm rank right now. Listen, all the products are baking soda free. You got to try them
out. They're created by a doctor who saw firsthand how Dr. Mando, what? No, he saw how normal
BO was and it was being misdiagnosed and mistreated.
So he made this fantastic line of products.
I don't know if you know this, but this is about to use it.
This scent was actually made after Austin show.
Oh, oh yeah.
This one's called Mount Fuji.
That's right.
The show owns and that's why we have our own special deal with
It's the Mando starter pack and it's perfect for new customers.
Okay. So what you're going to do is you're going to go to Mando. It's the Mando starter pack and it's perfect for new customers. Okay.
So what you're going to do is you're going to go to Mando.com shop, Mando.com, and you're
going to use code fear. That's S H O P M a N D O.com. Please support our show and tell
them we sent you smell fresher, stay dryer and boost your confidence from head to toe
with Mando. You got your deep. There's armpit hairs on that already. You shed that much
from your armpits. That was mine. It's mine now. There's three armpit hairs on that. Oh,
we were, uh, we were serving at a maid cafe for content. So there's like a... Where does this content live?
On the internet forever.
Have you ever heard of like a maid cafe?
So there's like this, these restaurants where people will go and they pretend that like they're your maids.
Whole time.
And we did that. We pretended like we were their maids.
This is on the internet?
We did that on the internet. Yeah. We had to say things like, welcome home master. Yeah. This is on the internet? Yeah, we did that on the internet, yeah.
We had to say things like welcome home master and.
Yeah, it was sick.
Welcome home master?
There were no black people there.
I didn't even think about that.
No, it's Japan.
That was a different energy.
If you signed us up for that for like some IRO.
Yeah, no, no, no.
It was, it was fun.
It was a fun experience because like, I mean, there's so many weird cafes in Japan.
They just call like everything a cafe.
Like we went to the Capybara Cafe.
Where there's just literally like, you know what a cap bar is?
Have you ever seen one?
Biggest rodent in the world.
But they're so cute.
Like they're actually chill as hell
Oh, that's what they call. Um, they call that bush meat in Nigeria
Wait, really they eat those I've eaten that before you've eaten a cap of our oh, yes, bro. That's crazy
Is that like a bush meat?
No bush meat, oh you guys you guys didn't eat it?
Oh, damn.
Oh, we paid for it.
I could have cut that one to myself.
Yeah, we paid it.
We love that thing.
I thought it was something I could put a board in.
I was like, Japan, you guys are eating different things
over there.
I was like, oh, shit, they do the same thing we do.
Also, wait, how many minutes has it been?
30 minutes, and Nigeria mention from Mike, okay.
Zero. Yeah. That is Nigeria. Oh, that was Nigeria. That's Nigeria mention from Mike. Okay. That is nice.
That's nice.
That's nice.
Every single time.
I never knew that.
Then the penis thing comes next.
What's the penis thing?
He always mentioned it.
Like he always say, my penis isn't the biggest,
but it's awesome.
I've never said that in my life.
I've never said that in my life.
It's an Austin show.
We talked to Austin. Austin, he said, was in another country right now.
He's in London. He's at RuneFest.
He's doing something very nerdy.
What's RuneFest?
It is a convention for RuneScape.
Which is a very old online MMORPG.
Like, wow. But like, a decade before, wow, I feelG. Wow. Yeah. But like, like a decade before. Well, I feel like, yeah, interesting.
So it's like a almost a 40 year old video game that he's going out.
It is, it is literally like a 30 year old video game.
Now that it's close, it's like 30.
When was RuneScape invented?
I want to say it's like 30 years old.
I was, I was exaggerating. Yeah. But is before world
of Warcraft though is three years before. It's a game that everybody played on their
like high school computer. Yeah. Not me though. Yeah. He, he, well you guys were athletes.
You were, you were doing cool shit. I wouldn't call it cool. It's like, that stuff was like, I remember being in the car when I was like 16 and before
practice when I first, like, smoked my first blunt.
And I got-
Both high school?
What the fuck?
It was so stupid too.
Literally, this is how dumb like we are as high schoolers.
We're gonna like, we're all gonna get out separately
so people don't notice that we smoked.
The first guy that got out, he went to the school and as each one of us went out, we
all met at the same spot where the teacher that watched us go in the car and smoke, walk
out of the car and smoke.
So just like all four of us.
And he's like, what was y'all doing in there?
And he's like, I can tell y'all hi.
And then he went to the person that was the dumbest person there.
My friend, no one at the time.
I'll say it went to him and said, let me smell your fingers.
Oh, what the fuck?
And instead of like giving him his fingers like to smell, he took off running and we
all just like no way.
Yeah, he ran and then he ran like this long parking lot with no other cars in it.
So he's running down the empty parking lot.
And then we all had to walk up to the office and then like five minutes later he was sitting
by us like breathe it really hard.
Just booking it is so funny.
We go here bro, like what the fuck.
They'll never know.
They'll never get you.
He's like running to the log park,
we're all just like, wait what?
Who was that?
Is that a student?
Hello, we hit him hard.
He's like, I can get away.
Do y'all stream with your shoes on?
That's a crazy question.
This is why I asked the question,
because I had this whole thing,
because I haven't seen Hasan in a minute.
So I always started noticing random shit,
especially when you hurt and you're on your phone
all the time.
I was like, he always takes his fit pics
with his shoes on.
It's like, you're leaving the house.
Do you keep your shoes on though?
Depends on the day.
Exposing someone's process is just download.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm trying to like, get it out there in the open.
Now it's gonna be-
I'm trying to take his aura away.
He made me mad with that picture.
Meat Pick?
Why'd you do that?
Meat Pick was so-
So it's like, we have to strip Hasan of his aura.
I got three messages from random people and said,
what is your guy on? Exactly. You're trying to have to stick up for him? Well, you have to strip Hasan of his aura. I got three messages from random people and said, what is your guy?
I'm like, I'm trying to have to stick up for you.
Well, you have to defend your boy's meat pit.
Like, why am I defending?
Yo, bro.
It was a progress, bro.
Now your friend that FaceTimed you when you were here, though.
She probably liked it.
He probably did, but still.
I don't want a doctor. Yeah.
Oh my God.
She also told me to tell you to shave your mustache.
Oh, she doesn't like the mustache?
No, she don't fuck with the mustache.
Oh damn.
That's controversial.
Do you let your audience dictate, like even you Will, do you let your audience dictate
your appearance?
Not really. I mean sometimes do like funny shit like it also in Japan when we went to like a beautification
area it's called like it came on or something is like handsome man and
They fucked my shit up like Like they really waxes eyebrows. Can you pull this up on Twitter?
Oh, I did see that. I was wondering because I was wondering like I look weird right now.
I was like I didn't see the one they actually waxed your eyebrow.
Bro, they the AI eyebrow pig, they were like, oh, we're going to run your eyebrows through AI.
And and yeah, on Twitter, but like a long ass time ago.
So if you go to the media tab, maybe it'll show up faster, but
Basically they were like
This is like it's the only time he's ever looked Middle Eastern
They were like this is the sexiest eyebrow in Japan
What the fuck yeah, I can't see this I knew you look bro
Latin temptation. There's there's an actor he looks like though.
I don't...
I've never looked this way before and I never looked this way after either because I immediately went back to my hotel room, took a shower and shaved my beard.
Because they also lined my shit up.
Like normally it's natural, like I just let it grow.
But they like went,
like they did something weird.
I don't know how to explain it.
Let me see it one more time.
It was so straight.
Every line was so straight.
Oh yeah.
Oh, they brought your beard down.
Yeah, they went boom, like that.
It looks like you drink Dos Equis.
The world's most interesting man.
I just look, I don't know.
I look gay as hell.
Like honestly, that's what it is.
Like I look, I look pretty.
I'm not supposed to look pretty.
If that makes sense.
It just like looks weird.
It's like an older man trying to look pretty.
Yeah, that's what it looks like.
Do that.
No, I was supposed to, but he was, but that process took three
and a half hours.
Yeah, bro.
For yours.
Yeah, dude, they used AI to map his brows.
Yeah, this was I could not believe they had like a,
like a plane across his eyebrows with like a grid
and it was like resting on his head like this
as they were like going through it.
And my man would like look at the AI
and then look at his head and like go.
And take photos of it.
Do two lashes and come back and be like.
And he did this.
He was cooking. Yeah. Dude, he went crazy. two eye, two lashes and come back and be like...
It was cooking. Yeah.
Dude, he went crazy. He took like 700 photos of my face. It was wild.
I was trying really hard not to laugh too much because like, I didn't want to hurt his feelings,
but like, it was kind of...
It was so, it was so ridiculous. But they also were like so excited because we were like promoting
it. So they didn't even let us pay for it.
Yeah, which at that point it was like you fucked my face up anyway.
You might as well give this to me for free.
Did you see the Steve?
You got to talk about the Steve Smith stuff yet.
This meets this me.
A senior.
He texted that I heard about it this morning, right?
It was a no.
It happened.
It happened like a week and a half ago.
It was a Steve Smith former MNFL player he was basically having an affair with another Ravens
like marching band. So he like he was he does some stuff like some with the marching band with
everything with the Ravens like he'll come hype the crowd up and stuff like that so he did some
stuff like a guest appearance to a marching band but he was having an
affair with a woman who was also in the marching band and her husband found out
and took it to the internet and was like showing... Well first he texted Steve.
And Steve responded just sorry. There's no way. You want to know the worst part?
The text bro. Her text to Steve Smith.
At some point she told Steve Smith that you rearranged my IUD.
Oh my God.
Would have crashed out.
But the thing is, what I said on our podcast, I think he's a big Ravens fan.
They're both big football fans.
That's obviously why she's in the marching band band sure so and he was like crying like Steve Smith
Why would you do this blah blah in his head?
He's like bro my wife wouldn't cheat on me with that many people like you're one of the few people on earth like an NFL
Legend yeah, that my wife would cheat at so is that appropriate in his in his eyes like he was like it's no
He was crying like why you come in like we're basically ruin my life you know I mean like you're my favorite player bro
like cuz like think about it what if she cheated on him with like some schlub you
know what I mean and not fucking Steve honestly it's part easier to handle them
in that yeah yeah yeah because at least you can there's a way of doing like
there's no way to handle you rearrange my guts. Nah, rearrange your ideas.
But the thing is, if it's like a guy off the street, like the next door neighbor, it's like,
oh, you're, you were going to do that anyways.
You're just, if you had sex with my next door neighbor, you had sex with the closest guy that
lives to us, right?
But Steve Smith, like he's probably going to take her back.
Like, I don't know if she'd do this other than that.
I just got to watch it in the Phil Legends.
That's it.
We go to a party.
Michael Irvin's over there.
You better not.
But you can't, I mean, at that point, it's like you can never,
you can never look at the team the same way again.
Steve Smith is iconic.
The Combine's happening right now and Steve Smith maybe has the best Combine clip of all time
where the wide receivers
are working out and one quarterback is just whipping a man and Steve Smith left the booth
and went to go to have you ever seen this?
Yes, I think it's.
He goes and talks.
He's like, stop throwing the ball so hard.
It's so fair.
Pull it up.
Steve Smith yells at quarterback at the combine is like classic.
I'm going to judge a stroke game by the way he
course he's only like five ten yes these was not very big person
I don't even think you're talking about there turn the volume you can hear the
booth just crack up back up. So we want to see what happens if you don't go it has to be the guy over here Yeah, he beamed it has to be like the foot that fourth row. Yeah, he's beaming it. It gotta be that fourth row
I'm right here
Yes that guy
Close a fifth guy and then you could hear them when Steve Smith goes and crashes out
Yeah, you hear them?
Oh, yeah, I hear them.
Steve, Steve, did you tell Tyree Jackson that he's going to tell her your ghost story?
Yeah, I was right up there.
Wow, could you imagine?
It's Rich Eisen.
Yeah, dude.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him.
He talks to him. He talks to him. He talks to him. He talks to him. He talks to him. There he goes. There he goes, right up there. Put a little in there. Yeah. Oh, could you imagine?
That's Rich Eisen.
Yeah, dude.
He talks to him.
So, as someone who's done this,
because I did the combine too,
it is a theme where quarterbacks start to do too much.
Because they're like, especially the ones that are not
as like popular and like trying to show their arm strength.
This drill is really for the receiver and they're still trying to like beam at it.
And it's hard to catch the ball.
It's like you're making my job harder by trying to show.
There's a drill for you to show your arm strength and you're doing this right now.
And you fucking threw 17 fucking picks in the match.
Hold the fuck down.
A.S.D. Smith with the marching band outfit on.
Oh no.
Wait, let me see. I mean, let me see, go back. Smith with the marching band the marching band outfit. Oh
Wait, let me see. I mean, let me see go back you think he you know, yeah Trump's
Yeah, he fucked that night
Look how he's walking
He's a little it nah, man, what can you do though, but crash out like that is there so is there a guy?
In this world on James crazy if LeBron James LeBron James and
Wait, what's your response? I would be upset that I wasn't there
You want to see the goats penis I want to see the goats penis? I want to see the goats penis. No, I don't see that in our presence though.
No, that's crazy.
We already got a flipped up clip about Lebron.
We're trying to get his good graces.
Yeah, we're trying to, I don't think Lebron's going to rock.
He's trying to get his good graces.
He didn't block us though.
Lebron usually blocks what he doesn't like.
So if you're not blocked, that's good.
Wait, really?
Yeah, he'll block you.
You gotta make sure you're not blocked.
No, if you're Lebron blocked, you'll be crazy. If he blocks you on Twitter, that's great. There's no way you can see his, he'll block you. You gotta make sure you're not blocked on Twitter.
No, if you're LeBron blocked, you'd be crazy.
There's no way you can see his, you've seen his content.
Wait, hold on.
That's the only way I know he blocked.
I've been following him and he has not blocked me.
Okay, you did.
Okay, on Twitter, but let's see, hold on.
I also sometimes post stuff on Instagram.
I posted him the other day.
I can't add him though. I don't think, can you add LeBron James, King James on Instagram. I posted him the other day. I can't add him though. I don't think, can
you add LeBron James on, King James on Instagram? I couldn't add him. No, I don't
think you can. I don't think you can. I try adding him. You can't add the FBI. No, you can't, but you can do the divisions though. I just do the Los Angeles one. I feel like they're the most responsible one. You think so? Yeah, I always tag them under people's posts. Why did you add the FBI? People just do weird shit on
Why do you have Nike slides on in 15 degree weather? FBI law.
I'm not blocked by LeBron thank god. What would that be like for you? That would be devastating.
I'm not gonna lie that would get me. That would get me. That would hurt me.
That would hurt me.
Because it's like, you saw me and then you said you don't want to see me ever again.
What can I do?
But for a brief moment, he noticed me.
So that's like, there's that.
But also, why are you twirling your thumbs when you're doing that?
For a brief moment, I think shy for no reason.
My goat.
This is how you know, like, this is like a true LeBron fan.
When you ask him this question,
do you think LeBron can get you a bucket in NBA game?
Get me a bucket?
Can he help you get a bucket?
See what I'm saying?
That's what they believe like.
Get you a bucket.
I believe.
It's LeBron.
I believe. Can we put those stats from earlier in the stream again? Okay dude, stop. Nah, three foot LeBron. I believe stats from earlier in the stream again.
Okay, dude, stop.
Nah, three foot.
Bro, come on.
Have you seen the Lakers lineup?
Everybody has off day.
Everybody has off day.
I agree.
Don't connect it.
I'm just saying like it's not, it's a very top heavy team.
Okay, they're dropping 60 up top and then everyone else got like three points.
You should see how they play too. backup Lakers but all they do is foul
bro it's like ridiculous they get in there hack got this the Jamison dude
their backup center he plays he like play you know I do I however was playing
towards end of his career back in better start learning Chinese buddy. But he was like, he was only in there to like mess
with your kids. Like you just, that's what he does. I would love that job. Like you just
go in and just rough shit up. Like, yeah, I'm coming in three files and I'm like arguing
with the best player he makes. Yeah. But then every now and then on the off chance that
you're going to be wide open, you get a pass and you're sitting in the corner waiting for that three-pointer and you just whiff it
It's and it happens quite frequently for the Lakers
So I know it doesn't seem like every time somebody plays a little bit on they lose a little power you like we
Once I hang call to some of these people. Oh, yeah. Oh hell yeah. Well, we should do it calls
Yeah, let's do it and then and then we can do it on the on the
paywall as well
Okay, I'm gonna start telling people
For those of you who don't know we did this in the last crash dummies collab episode as well
They have a really funny segment where they will just like present a unique question to their fan base. And then
they will instantly reply. Their fans would like instantly reply with a very funny answer.
And then they just straight up call them off the Instagram. Right? Yes. I'll straight off.
And we're just looking at some of the answers right now. I picked the funniest and I'm power
talking about how there's a, there's a trick to it where you're supposed to
Ask the question and then try to get them to answer and then very quickly
Grab them on before they come to their senses grab the answer. No
100% there's I mean we've dropped because we like like talked in between
We're like, yeah, we'll call you in a minute and there's been like, oh, that's gonna go viral
That's gonna go viral and then we lost it because the guy is like post-nut clarity yeah yeah he thought about it he was like damn maybe
i shouldn't tell them that i accidentally slept with my dad they almost had you man all right
while you're cooking that we do a segment every week called america me up and i brought one this
week i don't know if you guys watch much hockey but i know you're sports guys we saw the canada
versus usa you did did you watch Canada versus you know?
I just saw that Canada beat us. Okay. Well, I wanted to beat them. I'm not even saying else no more
I wanted to beat those guys
Those unaffiliated Americans. I want to pull something out from the first game. This was absolutely
Fucking amazing. So a little background United States goes up to Canada. They're doing both national anthems.
They have a veteran singing the national anthem.
They bring out the little US hockey team, like kids,
and the Canadians boo during the anthem.
Like big boo.
Which, granted, you know.
It's fair, it's fair.
It's been some troubling times.
But the American hockey players didn't take
too kindly to it, and they start three fights in the first nine seconds.
Watch this.
This is iconic, dude.
This was incredible.
Pop drop, and it's a fight.
What the fuck?
Yeah, dude.
Listen to the stadium.
People were there for blood sport. I remember somebody ad. I want them brothers to both brothers fight within three seconds.
It's incredible.
Dude, there's nothing more.
Helm is off.
Nothing more challenging than doing a fist fight on ice skates.
Like you're skating into the punches.
All right.
So skip forward, skip forward a little bit.
They rack them, but they rack them back up.
They rack them back up.
Play gets going.
You can go forward more.
This is just a replay.
That's just so tough, man.
So go back a little bit.
Yeah, right there, right to the face off.
So this is the second face off. We're two seconds in to the game.
This was, this was
this was
Drop them again.
Three seconds in.
Let's go.
I wonder if hockey players like practice fighting.
Oh, for sure.
But who do they practice fighting?
Dude, they're punching a helmet to
Eyes of skill
Seven got some reheat this before all man. He was finding this. I go back a little bit. Can I ask a question?
Yes, you might have a super. I've just never really watched hockey. Do you get points for beating ass? No, it's purely a momentum swing
Okay, so they just let you
kind of do it until you fall on the ground. Both players go to the penalty box. All right.
So they finally line them up again. Here we go. We're finally getting some hockey one
shot dead puck and they drop them again. Oh my God. We had a fight to second to fight at the same time.
No, you could have seen him.
Oh, yeah.
Once you start stumbling and shit like that.
Oh, he punches himself in the face.
He throws a punch so hard.
It's rough.
It's all that's got to be.
And they lost the reach.
Yeah, he got too much reach on it.
He got too much reach on him. He got too much reach. The way he grabbing him.
But anyway, my point that I wanted to bring up is hockey did this to replace the All-Star,
which has lost its luster.
They did a, they did a, or nations, or nations cup.
Do you think that other sports should do this?
Like instead of like, if we, instead of like the, the Hershey senior bowl for football,
what if they did like an east, west, north, south for a team instead of like the the Hershey senior bowl for football What if they did like an east west north south for team instead of the national champion?
I think that would be better especially like east east especially like the the West Coast versus the South. Yeah
Yeah, that would be a good matchup
So it'd be how to be West Coast East Coast South Midwest because the ratings for this went ballistic
So if I it would be awesome to see other sports and said I wish other sports allowed fighting. I don't, I don't think so though.
I guess hockey because there's the difficulty of skating.
And it's not really like planted, like full strength punches and stuff like that.
And, but yeah, I feel like in basketball, that'd be dope to see.
I don't think it would be good.
Because I think the reason why we. I was basketball dealing with the penalty thing.
Because I think the reason why we see so many basketball players can't fight because there's
no culture of fighting in basketball anymore.
Now them, imagine if Rudy Gobert really know how to throw a punch.
Now we're creating danger.
Like if Giannis, Rudy Gobert, and Jokic all learn how to fight.
When he learns how to fight, he's punching eight dudes at the same time.
He's punching eight dudes at the same time.
He's punching his own teammates.
We'll stop him from just saying, hey, why don't we just take over the world?
NBA players have decided to take over the world.
Yeah, they'd be too powerful, you're right.
No, we don't want them fighting.
You see what Drey Mon did?
He's 6'7".
He's 6'7". Oh, man. You want to run some calls? Yeah, I'm just trying to get the...
I'm excited.
Oh yeah, this is going to be good.
You're going to love this.
All right.
And it's no matter what, it's going to be something.
Oh yeah.
There's always something.
Even if it's somebody that's shy, whatever, there's always something.
The way...
Oh yeah.
When we did it, we had some crazy bangers.
So these aren't pre-recorded, these are live.
Yeah, this is gonna be a live call.
Yeah, and sometimes dudes will get weird with it.
Actually, a lot of times dudes get weird with it.
What was the question?
This one was a public service announcement.
So usually you just let them vent,
because that's how you get more original thoughts.
Sometimes when we ask questions
People that don't have over a third grade reading level they get stunned
No, we've had people just answer the question like totally the wrong way. Got it
So what's an example of an answer for public service announcement? Uh
We just did one here I'll do I'll pull it up for you. I know somebody that like uses
Instagram from their desktop. They just casually
Yeah, just that's so weird to me
Got on a lot of social media. So over it. I love tiktok. It's all keeps you going. Yeah
Feel good. I'm a red letter guy
It's how it keeps you going. Yeah.
Still good.
I'm a red letter guy.
You mean Xiao Hongxu?
Yeah, Xiao Hongxu.
Xiao Hongxu.
Dude, China is the meta, dude.
It is the wave.
It is the future.
TSD, if you finna make me wait for some cool shit, dawg, make sure you ain't got no tissue
crumbs in your booty hole.
Oh my god.
What did you do?
So how did you discover tissue crumbs in her booty hole?
I ain't gonna cap, I eat that.
I just took that bit back like a per dirty. I ain't gonna cap.
Time for the percolator, my boy.
Did he just say it's time for the percolator?
Oh my God.
You have a good one, bro.
No, no. It's time for the percolator. All right. We You have a good one bro. No nose. Time for the percolator.
Alright we're ready. We got some people.
Alright hell yeah.
Alright PSA I got it now.
And another one is um I'll ask to...
Yeah what's up?
What up what up?
What up?
How's it going man man? Good. How are you? Pretty good.
Pretty good.
We got a question for you.
We got Hassan here.
We got Will here as well.
And Pat.
What's good?
What's up, man?
What's up, man?
All right.
What's a PSA that you have?
Hey, my PSA is man.
Hey, if you gotta take a shit of public toilet, man
You gotta flush that motherfucker, man
there's too many times where I've trying to take in a shit and
man issues
That's just disgusting man. Yeah, you know what you're supposed to do the right, bro
What you know what you're supposed to do in that situation?
That's rule. What?
Flush the toilet?
No, no, no.
Make it even more shitty.
Oh, God.
Like make it worse than what you like.
If the bathroom is...
Oh, man.
The rule is that the bathroom is bad.
If I walk into a gas station and there's piss all over the walls...
You got piss on the walls too?
There's more piss going on the walls.
That's crazy.
Who am I to stop this trend?
There's shit, I'm flushing this toilet.
Now there's two shits, I'm flushing this toilet.
And to what end? going on a little. Who am I to stop this trend? There's shit
unflushed in this toilet, now there's two shits unflushed in this toilet.
And to what end? Just to tell them, hey man, you gotta clean this shit up.
It's about sending it to the bathroom.
What you saying? The faucet, man. You said what?
One time I went to use the restroom, right? And there was shit on the faucet handle.
How many how many public bathrooms are you frequenting?
That's what I was about to ask. What are you a trucker?
No, I mean, I'm in the military.
Oh, that makes so much sense.
How long how long how long you been serving our country?
Man, so I've been in going.
This should be my fifth year by the three years active duty. And the rest, I've been in, this should be my fifth year, but I did three years active duty and
the rest I've been in the reserves.
Oh, soft.
How's it going so far?
Oh, hey, besides that, man, I'm loving it, man.
Nah, we appreciate you, brother.
You keep doing you so no draft starts man
we're rooting for you
I swear you probably could take like 10 of them can't you
good thing we don't have like a chaotic president or anything
things are really stable right now
let me tell you man those MREs hey they be holding they've been holding you in
man you eat two of them and you won't you won't shit for like a week
Oh my god, bro. You're the one who's fucking up the bathroom
found the culprit
Hey, it's the ASVAB waivers in here man
Some of these guys man. What was the ASVABs for? They got the waivers for the ASVABs man. They're not the brightest
What did you get on the ASVAB? It He said like two words, I don't know.
I got like a 73.
Okay, I mean.
What the fuck?
I don't know what that is.
That's not great, but it's not too,
I mean, it's pretty decent.
I can just tell the way about this dude's talk,
he's not the brightest.
I mean, it's the military.
Yeah, no shit.
All right, bro.
All right, bro, you have a dog.
I do not want any DMs. He'll be the first to tell you that though.
Asap is incredibly basic question.
What is the top score?
I think so.
It's not bad.
Seas get machines.
Seas get AKs. Yeah, it was not bad. I mean, there's not really good machines. Yo, what's good, man?
What up?
What up?
Why y'all recording so late?
Bro, I got a question for you. What's the strangest thing that you believe a new business? What the fuck? I got a question for you.
What's the strangest thing that you believed as a kid
that you're low-key embarrassed to say now?
All right. So when I was a kid, I like, you know, I walked in on my aunt changing
and I saw something that to this day scarred me.
She had a bush and I was kind of scared.
I didn't think girls had pubic hair.
How old were you?
I was probably like eight, nine.
I don't know.
I kind of vividly remember to this day.
It kind of scared me.
You know, Colorado, I'm kind of embarrassed by it to this day.
You saw a bush and got scared.
What grade is third grade?
I was telling you.
What? Wait, wait, wait. Is he eight or nine? What age are you in third grade? What age are you in third grade?
What age are you in third grade? Is it eight or nine?
I don't like that.
Oh, you got a question?
Yeah, I understand.
It's like this is Macklemore line.
Third grade.
He saw a bush.
Yeah, I can relate to this.
I remember I saw my cousin's bush and I scaled the facade of a building to get out of the place that I was in
Because I was so traumatized by it
Also, just seeing my cousin's vagina was a lot
All right, who am I talking to right now?
Yo, hold up hold up I got a bone to pick with y'all bro. Y'all asked to call last week and
I responded 20 minutes late and y'all didn't even say y'all didn't even respond.
Wait for you bro. We got a thousand people that like pull up on this while we pick what
you do after you saw the Bush though.
I was kind of traumatized. I'm not gonna lie. I kind of like I like started tearing up
and shit.
Did you wake? Did you like talk to your parents about it?
Anybody about it?
I just kind of kept it in.
Did you make eye contact?
That's crazy.
That's my aunt, bro.
But your biggest man, you like you're telling everybody in the world that you saw your aunt's
That's crazy, bro.
I'm just you know, I'm saying it just kind of
spooked me. I didn't think girls had pubic hair until I saw that.
So like, oh shit.
Now now when you see pubic hair does it freak you out still?
Uh, nah. I'm grown now.
You're a vet, war vet.
Wait, where's this? Do you see this? Yeah. Do I see what where's your where's this ant? Do you see this ant? Where's she at? Do I see what? Where's your, where's your ant?
Uh, she kind of drugged out low-key now, so I don't even know where she's at. Damn. Type shit. That's a sad. Wait, why was
How did you get naked with your aunt? Like how, why does your aunt get naked around you? Bro, listen bro. I remember this vividly.
She had double doors, right? And usually we go in there to watch movies and shit
She had a big room. I opened the door
She's changing and I did kind of turn around and ran out and it was kind of scary and I saw something that I never
Thought I would see so she acknowledged that you you saw full bush
Yes, bro, did that alter the dynamic of this relationship irreparably
dynamic of this relationship irreparably?
Bro, I don't know. I don't think so.
I mean, I saw her like maybe two years ago
and it was, you know.
And you didn't talk about her much?
She wasn't drugged out two years ago?
That's like their story.
Oh my God.
Oh, what's going on?
That's crazy.
All right, man, you have a good one, bro.
Hey man, I'm not gonna be on the pot or what? No. No. This shit All right, man. You have a good one, bro. I don't like that. Hey, man, I'm all going to be on the pot or what?
This shit was trash, bro.
We're not even going to lie to you.
We wouldn't even hype you up like that.
You try again, though.
You hang up on them?
Yeah, this one.
Oh, man.
They're ruthless, too.
Yeah, yeah.
No, they really have to be.
Have to be so they don't call it out.
I tried to extend an olive branch and he flipped it on me.
Anytime you try to try that.
You just always stay neutral.
The moment you're nice.
They like can't help it.
They say something.
They turn on you every single time.
He said, can't help it.
Yo, what's up?
Welcome to crash.
Let me.
Oh, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well,
well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well,
well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well,
well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well It's crazy cuz black history mode just ended but like I used to believe that like black people came black
You know like I don't know why
Wait expand on that. Oh like like no
Yeah, bro, like it was like black bro, like instead of white, you know
No, it's crazy you thought black people were octopus
Chocolate milk in her titties too
I've only been one light skin. So like is that like like milk chocolate
This is like the type of racism that like boils up like you know like the hidden racism in America. How'd you discover that this wasn't the case?
Bro I brought it up to like some of my friends bro cuz like the first time I
was pointed like fifth grade and then I guess when I brought this theory to my
buddies bro they were like bro no way Cause OG mud bone does not come black.
And I was like, what? Oh, mud bone. Got it. OG. Oh, yeah. Now you know, huh? No, no. Porn legend.
That's, I don't know. No, I didn't know that.
No, I didn't know that. Yeah.
Listen, it's black history month and I can admit that I enjoyed interracial pornography
when I was a young man.
All right.
That was like, I thought that was going such a different way.
I was like, there's no way.
Not just black porn, interracial porn.
Oh my god.
I liked when porn looked like Captain Planet episodes.
What the fuck?
Oh my god.
Alright bro, you have a good one.
I'm still on the call. No, no, no. Wait, wait.
I got a question for you.
You asked your friends what color their nut was.
That's what we're like.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They were like, I'm like yo, I asked them, I was like yo, black people, like they come black, right?
And they were like no, what the fuck?
And then they were like starting going on this rant about OG Mudbone.
Wait, so none of them are black either?
No one is black in this story.
No, they were like Taiwanese, Mexican, white.
That had no real references.
I asked my group of Taiwanese friends about black ejaculate.
You didn't have one black dude that you know that you can... I asked my group of times about black ejaculate. Imagine.
You didn't have one black dude that you know that you can...
It's probably better to spare your friend.
I was just, I was just a jit bro.
No, I didn't know.
No, a Santa jit is a little bit...
Where you from?
I'm from Florida, yeah.
Wow, you packed that.
I don't know, like, that was never on my mind.
What color is another guy's?
That's kinda sauce.
I don't know, bro.
Can I ask one follow up question?
Can I ask one follow up question?
Yeah, let me ask y'all one after though.
Did you think that all races ejaculate corresponded to their skin color?
Nah, bro.
I think it was just like the like prominent
Like so you were just only thinking about black people nutting?
Like no one else. No, no, don't say like that.
You're the reason they say like the dick matters in porn.
Like you're that guy.
It's for you. It's literally you. You're like nah, not black enough, brother.
Nah, for me what matters in porn is it his squirt
or cream team, that's what matters now.
Oh my God.
You're so weird, you're not a good human being.
You're racist, you're horny.
What was your follow-up question?
My follow-up question was, yo, can Mexicans say the N word?
I don't know. Oh man.
What the fuck, bro?
Why? Why? Why?
Wait, wait, what is that? He's not even Mexican.
He's not?
He just keeps trying to get information.
No, not this one.
No, let it run. Let it run.
No, no, we'll do more of it.
We'll do more of it.
I feel like he knows. Let me ask the question right for the clip, though.
What's the strangest thing you believed as a kid?
Like that. OK, all right.
Well, these calls are going radically.
Wait, let me see what he looked like.
Oh, yeah. Wait, what?
Wait, yeah, he just asked him about all races.
It's just like, oh, good.
Not even from Florida.
He says El Paso.
You have at any point question whether or not black people not black.
You should not be able to say you're not allowed to say that.
That's so crazy.
We're going to a Patreon we're just rolling.
Yeah. On that note, thank you so much.
The Crash Dummies podcast.
Please check their stuff out.
I know you will after this, especially because they do so much
incredible stuff. Clothing line, right?
Yeah. We pull that up.
Let's put that. I was looking at it.
It looks great.
I sent you the link on Discord.
I'm on it, motherfucker.
At the bottom.
It's dope.
Yes, it is.
You got to tell me your sizes.
You got any pieces?
No, I didn't bring anything.
Oh, wow.
That's cool.
How many times have you been in my house at this point?
Three suitcases.
He brought three suitcases.
This is where I'm gonna expose Hasan again.
I text Hasan.
Oh no.
What sizes do you wear?
So that I can send you some, and I'll send it
because I don't wanna lie and take it.
Okay, to be fair, I literally did tell you about,
especially the one that you were wearing back then too,
go up.
This is the one with that blue shirt.
Oh, that's sick. No, keep going, keep going, keep going. I blue shirt. Oh, that's sick.
No, the goal. I want the shirt.
That's sick.
Oh, the blue one that you scroll past.
I wanted the where is it?
The jerseys.
Yeah, the jersey.
I know what you talk about.
Yeah, I know exactly the one you talk about because I was like,
oh, this and I text you.
Is my excel you gonna say it on camera your excel?
I'm an excel.
He's a triple and no, I'm my excel. Are you a large excel. I'm an excel. He's a triple and no
Oh, I'm my excel. Are you a large excel? I'm a large large Mars. What size you were?
Okay, see we got
Large damn are they size shaming?
Yeah, he's frail
Yeah, but he's so frail you could wear is that you're wearing infants medium and it would look normal on you. Yeah
It's medium and a large yeah
all right well yeah crash dummies podcast check them out um thank you so much pad mike for coming
on once again and we're gonna continue doing these now i'm sad i missed the last episode you guys
are funny as fuck yeah this is amazing now we. Now we just got to get QT here.
That's how we come back.
And we'll see you behind the paywall.
Patreon.com slash fear and for more of these calls and some more fun times as well.
So see you behind the paywall. Peace.
All right. So this is like around like like high school times, right?
So for some reason, I thought like when you graduate high school, you will get the ability
to read minds.
Can you elaborate on why the fuck you thought that?