First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - BONUS - To Catch A Cheater - Is Johnathan cheating on Camila?
Episode Date: February 20, 2025The've been together for two years, but she feels things are getting a little sus now. Let's find out if Johnathan is cheating on Camila. Think your partner might be up to something shady? The J...ubal Show has you covered. In this explosive segment, The Jubal Show helps suspicious lovers uncover the truth by setting up the ultimate loyalty test. We call their significant other, posing as a grocery store’s floral department offering a free bouquet. You know.. a War of the Roses. The catch? Who they choose to send the flowers to—and what they write on the card—could reveal everything. Will it be a romantic gesture for their partner or a shocking betrayal? Get ready for twists, surprises, and jaw-dropping confrontations as we help our listeners get the answers they deserve. Subscribe to The Jubal Show's To Catch A Cheater / War of the Roses.➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎ Instagram ➡︎ X/Twitter ➡︎ Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎ YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.
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It's time to catch a cheater.
Only on the Jubal Show.
Camilla is on the phone today for To Catch a Cheater
and she's been with her boyfriend Jonathan for two years,
but now she says things are a little suspect so we'll see
if we can help her out. Sorry you're in that situation Camilla but what's up? Why
do you think Jonathan's cheating on you? Well I was going through Jonathan's
div bag while I was grabbing his keys you know rooting around and I found this
bracelet this gold bracelet in his bag and
it had an engraving on it and it said, forever yours, L. Now clearly Camilla does not start
with an L and it's a clearly feminine bracelet and it definitely does not belong to me.
Forever yours, L. So who, but wouldn't it be to somebody whose name starts with L that's a woman then?
So would he give it to some? Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Got
it. Got it. Got it. I was really struggling for a minute there. But go down that path.
So he had an ex, they were pretty serious and her name was Lauren. And so I was suspicious
Here's the thing though,
I wouldn't have thought anything about it,
but his behavior has been kind of weird lately.
I mean, he's been staying late at work
and he's been acting distracted when we're together.
So, I just, it's so frustrating
cause I just, I don't like confrontation
and I'm hoping that there's
a reasonable explanation, but I don't like want to ruin our relationship.
So it's like, you just really tightrope that I'm walking.
Do you know what I mean?
But you do have to know.
So you didn't say anything to him about it then?
No, I just been like, what do I do?
What do I do?
I was like, okay, I will call you guys because you've always seemed so helpful with other
So I'm hoping you can help me.
Have you ever suspected him of cheating before or anything else?
No, but he's just, he's never acted like this before.
And then I found the bracelet and I'm just like okay well what am I supposed to think?
Is there any L that you know of in his life that bracelet could be from?
The only person I could think is his ex Lauren.
What if he found it?
That would not be great either.
No that is a really that would be a huge coincidence because I'm like okay well what if he found
it somewhere and then just put it in his bag meaning to take it to like lost and found
or something.
I'm hoping that's why, but I mean, it's weird.
Like he's been staying late at work and he's just been so distracted.
I'm like, do you know if Lauren's in a relationship?
Do you know anything about her life right now?
No, I'm the kind of person I don't stock my significant others exes. It's like, it's
all in the past. So yeah. Yeah. Well good. I mean, it sounds smart. That's the healthy
thing to do. I'm just curious. Yeah. I like to leave the past in the past. Okay. Well,
we'll see if we can figure it out for you then. You already told us what grocery store
he's a rewards member at, so we'll call
and pretend to be from the grocery store
and do the usual.
We'll say that every single month
we choose one random rewards card member
who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department
as our special way of saying thank you very much
for shopping with us.
And we'll see if he believes that
and if he does if he sends the flowers to you
or to somebody else.
Maybe Lauren or someone else.
Hopefully not.
Yeah, hopefully not though.
Sound good?
Okay, thank you so much.
Yep, we'll play a song, come back, and then get your To Catch a Cheater right after this.
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It's time. To catch a cheater.
Only on the Jubal Show.
Right in the middle of To Catch a Cheater,
and if you're just joining us,
Camilla is on the phone and she suspects
that her boyfriend of two years might be messing around.
So we're gonna see if we can help her out.
We're about to call him and pretend to be
from the grocery store that he's a rewards card member at,
and say that every single month we choose one rewards member
who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department
and we'll see if he believes that and if he does who he sends the flowers to and Camilla
before we do that why don't you kind of recap your situation for us real quick.
Okay so um just quickly I was um going through his gym bag because I was looking for his
keys and I found a bracelet that had an engraving
on it and it said forever yours L. And he's been acting weird lately, like staying late
at work and being distracted all the time. And his ex who he was really serious with
is named Lauren. So I don't know if there's something going on. I'm hoping not, but I
just, this is the only thing I could think to do there's something going on. I'm hoping not, but I just,
this is the only thing I could think to do is to call you guys.
Are you ready for us to call them and see?
Yes. Okay, here we go.
Hello? Hi, this is Corbel calling from ****. I was looking for our rewards card member named Jonathan ****.
Um, this is Jonathan.
Jonathan, hi, please don't hang up.
This is not a marketing phone call.
I'm actually calling to say congratulations.
You're this month's big winner.
Wait, what did I won something?
Yeah, maybe you didn't know.
Every single month we choose one rewards card member to get free
flowers delivered from our floor department our way of saying thank you very much for
shopping with us.
You've won 36 long stem red roses, a box of candy or chocolate and a card to be delivered
to anybody that you want within the 50 United States absolutely free.
It's a $316 value.
Oh, I.
All right.
Thank you so much for your business. You don't need my credit card or anything, right?
There's no like catch to this?
There's no catch at all.
No purchase, nothing.
You've already made a bunch of purchases.
Just our way of saying thank you very much for being such a loyal customer and we appreciate
your business and it works pretty easy.
I can take the information of the person in a matter of minutes over the phone.
Oh, wow.
Well, thank you. This is pretty exciting.
I had no idea you even do this.
So if it's totally free, then sure.
Yeah, I'll accept the offer.
And then anything you might want to put on a card and then I will get the address after
So I'm going to send it to Camilla and you can say, I guess, Camilla, I love you.
And I also know that you're listening to this right now
on the radio.
Enjoy your flowers.
And I'm guessing that you found the bracelet,
which is why you're doing this.
But I can explain it.
If you'll let me. All right, well, yeah, Jonathan, thanks for taking a lot of my sales.
This is the Jubal show. It's a radio show. We do a second call to Catch a Cheater,
where if you think your significant other might be messing around,
you ask us to see who they send flowers to. And obviously, you know what this is.
And you know that Camilla's on the phone and you know even the reason why she wanted to do this. So I guess I'll just let Camilla say hi and let you guys talk
for a minute.
Hi Sadie, I'm so sorry that I called the radio station but I just I didn't know how to bring
this up with you and so I just had to know you you know, that I found the bracelet.
Like how, how did you know?
Like whose bracelet is it?
I just had so many questions.
I know that you were acting kind of weird, babe.
And I kind of figured you found the bracelet and that was why.
I was trying to tell you, but you kind of beat me to all of this at the radio.
So it belongs to Lily.
That's whose bracelet is like, she's our niece.
You're me and Lily?
She was over last week and she left it at our place.
So I put it in my bag so that next time I see her or my brother, I can give it to either
one of them.
But I just didn't, I actually saw him the other day, but I didn't get it. I forgot. It's what my mind says. Give it to
him back. But it's, yeah, it's not another woman. It's not anything like that. It belongs
to our knees.
And I mean, you've been so like distracted and even stannually at work. And I just, I
didn't know what to think. I mean,'s fair. Don't you like everything okay with you? I
Mean, I think you're thinking that aren't there because yeah works been busy, but it's been nothing out of the normal and
You know, you've been acting weird, but I do get it like it does make sense
Given that you found the phrase sort of like gym bag like I got it. It had like, you know, not your initial.
So I could see how, you know, it's a little concerning and you could think something was
going on.
Cause I, I mean, I just didn't know how to talk to you about it.
So are you both non-confrontational?
Cause I mean, if you, if you knew that something was off with Camila,
Camilla, I'm just surprised that neither one of you addressed the weird behavior. Maybe
you make a little pact moving forward to test your, you know, discomfort because otherwise
we're going to be calling you a lot.
Yeah. I'm just, I'm really sorry for jumping to conclusions. I just, yeah. Well, I'm sorry for not bringing it up in like also not giving the bracelet back
right away. Like I'm sorry for mentioning it.
Thank you, sweetie.
I just care about you so much and I, I'm, I was just scared about like,
how do I approach you? I'm just, I'm sorry. I didn't talk to you right away.
Like, how do I approach you? I'm just, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you right away.
You sound so sweet.
I'm so sorry I made you come on the radio
to talk about this.
No, it's okay.
Like, I should have told you earlier,
so yeah, I'm sorry about that.
And I'm sorry for making you feel like
you even had to come on the radio
and not interrupt you earlier.
I think you guys are good.
I don't think there's a chance either of you cheats on it. I just think that you guys are going to have a long, happy relationship of apologizing to each other.
It's hard for people to do so. At least that part's mastered.
Oh yeah.
The Jubal Show's To Catch a Cheater.
John Stewart is back at The Daily Show and he's bringing his signature wit and insight straight to your ears with The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast.
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I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast,
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This season explores women from the
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lawyers, writers, and more. This podcast tells more than just the brutal, gory details of
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Because these are the stories that we need to know to understand the intersection of society,
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