First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - BONUS - To Catch A Cheater - Is Sutton cheating on AJ?
Episode Date: February 11, 2025AJ called The Jubal Show to have us help him find out if his partner Sutton is cheating. Think your partner might be up to something shady? The Jubal Show has you covered. In this explosive segm...ent, The Jubal Show helps suspicious lovers uncover the truth by setting up the ultimate loyalty test. We call their significant other, posing as a grocery store’s floral department offering a free bouquet. You know.. a War of the Roses. The catch? Who they choose to send the flowers to—and what they write on the card—could reveal everything. Will it be a romantic gesture for their partner or a shocking betrayal? Get ready for twists, surprises, and jaw-dropping confrontations as we help our listeners get the answers they deserve. Subscribe to The Jubal Show's To Catch A Cheater / War of the Roses.➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎ Instagram ➡︎ X/Twitter ➡︎ Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎ YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.
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It's time to catch a cheater only on the Jubal Show.
AJ is on the phone today for To Catch a Cheater.
He's been married to his wife for three years
and now he thinks something's going on
so hopefully we can help him out.
Sorry you have to come on the show this way AJ,
but what's up, why do you think your wife's
cheating on you?
Hey, hey, hey, thanks.
I don't know why I'm saying thanks,
but thanks for having me.
Yeah, so my wife, she's been acting really distant recently and a lot more secretive than
usual. And I don't know,
like she's been spending a lot of time away from home, you know,
and you know, she, she works out of the house, uh, away from the house.
And I mean,
she's claiming that she's out with her friends when she's not at
work or she's working late, but I don't know.
It just seems weird and consistent.
Like something's just off.
Um, and you know, like all the vibes are strange, but then like specifically
I found this weird receipt for flowers that I never gave to her.
And I don't know where it came from.
It was just there.
And I asked her about it and she said that she sent her sister some flowers and you know,
she was like avoiding eye contact and was a little snippy with me.
And I, I don't know. It was, she was like avoiding eye contact and was a little snippy with me. And I, I don't know.
It was, she was just being weird.
Uh, it didn't sit right, you know?
I mean, sending her sister flowers doesn't feel like that's too weird, but on top of
everything else, I could see how that would be kind of a flag.
How is she dressing when she goes to work?
When she says she's out with her friends and stuff, is she wearing her regular clothes
or does it seem like she bought anything new or a little bit, I don't know, tighter?
She had, I mean, she hasn't been buying new stuff, but it does seem a bit more elevated,
like a bit more jewelry recently. And like, you know, she's been wearing her, her,
her perfume a bit more consistently. Um, not, once again, like a red flag,
but like strong reddish yellow kind of blood orange.
She's making an effort more than she did before.
Okay, I see.
Yeah, definitely.
Is there anybody that you suspect
she could be cheating with?
God, I don't know.
Maybe somebody at work or like, I already feel weird being on the radio.
I don't really exactly want to say exactly what she does, but she does deal with a lot
of clients and patients.
So like could be someone that she met along the way.
I don't know.
Is she a doctor? She works in the medical field, yeah.
Is there anything else going on that you...
Just our conversations have been really short.
Like, they haven't really, I don't know, had much depth to them.
It seems to be like about scheduling, like what we're going to do with our days
doesn't seem, you know, the question like, how are you doing?
It doesn't really seem to be coming through.
Even when I ask her, it's just like one word responses.
They're not connecting.
Kind of disengaged.
Very separate.
Well, you told us what grocery store she's a rewards member at.
So we'll play a song, come back and then call her and pretend to be from the
grocery store and say that every single month we choose one lucky rewards
member who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department.
And we'll see if she sends those to you or to somebody else. Okay.
Play a song, come back here to catch a cheater next.
John Stewart is back at the daily show and he's bringing his signature wit and
insight straight to your ears with the daily show years edition podcast. John Stewart is back at The Daily Show and he's bringing his signature wit and insight
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Whoa, my lights in my living room just flickered.
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That was amazing. I feel so grateful right now. I got to speak to my great grandmother, Abuela, and she gave me a lot of really good advice that I'm going to have to really think about.
Wow. Okay. That's crazy. Yes, that is accurate.
Wow. Okay. That's crazy. Yes, that is accurate.
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Something about Mary Poppins?
Something about Mary Poppins. Exactly.
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That's awful, and I should have seen it coming. I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told.
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It's time. To catch a cheater.
Only on the Jubal Show.
Right in the middle of To Catch a Cheater,
if you're just joining us, AJ is on the phone
and he thinks that his wife of three years
named Sutton might be cheating,
so in a second we're gonna call her
and pretend to be from the grocery store
that she's a rewards member at
and say that every single month
we choose one lucky rewards member who gets free flowers
delivered from our floral department, and we'll see if she sends those flowers to AJ or to somebody
else. But before we do that, AJ, why don't you break down your situation again one more time?
So my wife, she's been acting really distant and we haven't really been connecting on many things. And I found this really weird random receipt
for a bunch of flowers.
And I confronted her about it
because I didn't get any flowers.
And she says she sent to her sister
and it just didn't seem right.
She was avoiding eye contact
and there's no connection,
there's no vibes are off.
It's a bunch of orange flags.
I'm just suspicious.
Are you ready for us to call her?
I guess so.
No time like the present.
Here we go, man.
Hello? Hey, this is Corbel calling from I was looking for a I don't understand. I didn't know there's like a sort of an award thing happening. No, maybe you haven't seen the signs. Every single week we choose one rewards member at
random we get three flowers delivered from our floral department just to say thank you
very much for shopping with us. So you've actually won 36 long stem red roses, a box
of candy or chocolates and a card to be delivered to anybody that you want within the 50 United
Really? Like free? You're just gonna give me flowers?
Yes, absolutely free. There is no purchase. You'll get confirmations on everything.
It's just our way of saying thank you for shopping.
Okay. And I pick them up or you send them out?
Here's how it works. I can take down the information just in a matter of minutes over the phone.
If you know who you want to send to right now and are prepared to do that,
I can also set up a time
where I can call you back if that works.
You can send them.
Then we'll start with a name.
First and last name and then we'll get whatever
you want to put on the card to that person
and then the address.
Can you send it to Jackson?
Yes, I can.
Got it? Jackson. Okay, got that. Jackson. Got it.
Got that.
And do you want a card?
Do you want to include a card with the flowers?
Do I tell you what to write on the card or do you use other cards or truth from?
You can tell me what to put on it.
Can you write?
Hold on.
I'm trying to think of something cute.
Can you write Every time I see you my world feels brighter
Every time I see you my world feels brighter and then right I can't wait to spend more time together
Can't wait to spend more time together. I can get that too. Okay, great. Yeah, that's great
Okay, great, and I would get the address from you,
but I'm not going to do that because this is actually the jubil show.
It's a radio show and we do a segment called to catch a cheater where you see if
you're significant other might be messing around based on who they send
flowers to. And your husband, AJ is actually on the phone and he's been
I don't understand. This is a radio station?
If I can jump in. Hey, what? I don't understand what you're doing or why you're doing it.
And I don't know why you didn't tell me about this person. This is really shocking to me.
I'm generally confused.
And no.
Why are you calling a radio station and you're not talking to me about this?
We haven't been talking about anything.
It's been hard to like nail you down.
It's been hard to find a moment to talk about anything.
This is the only way I can actually think of.
I didn't want to do this.
I, I, I feel like we haven't been connecting.
I feel like there was a weird thing with the flowers that you sent.
You said you sent your sister, but I don't think that was to your sister.
Like I still don't.
Was that also to whoever the hell Jackson is?
Is, is, is that who you've been seeing after work?
Like, have you actually been hanging out with your friends?
This just seems very bizarre because nothing has been really different.
And you know, that we're in an open relationship and so you know that I see people.
You see people too.
Oh, he didn't tell you that we're in an open relationship?
No, he didn't.
Yes, we're in an open relationship.
So, so it's okay for me to be seeing someone.
Yes, yes, we are in an open relationship, but it is she hasn't been honest with me,
which means that she's been cheating. You know what I mean?
Well, I'm kind of confused.
Is that how it works though? Like you can see other people only if you tell each other
you're seeing other people and like what their names are and stuff.
Okay. But she's cheating because she didn't tell you about Jackson.
I'm not cheating. We're just supposed to tell each other
when we're seeing someone and about them.
And it's true. I didn't tell him.
So why not?
Because it's just become a little bit emotionally intense
with Jackson and I knew that you wouldn't approve AJ.
So I didn't want to tell you.
Does that mean that you're cheating even more?
If you weren't hiding it from me,
I wouldn't think it was cheating.
There's a very fine line there.
You get so sensitive about this stuff.
So just because it's a little bit emotional,
then you get like completely hung up about it
and asking all these questions and things.
Because I care about it.
I don't think that...
Sorry, I'm having a hard time dealing with you.
You just keeping this from me right now.
Uh, we built this, we built this on trust.
We built, like we talked about communication
and you're not communicating with me.
But if you have a deal where you have an over relationship
and you're supposed to tell each other things, then suddenly can't you see how he would expect you to tell him?
But I knew he would get so upset about it.
Then don't do it.
It's just that it's emotional.
Yeah, if it's emotional, then just don't go there.
Don't go down that road.
Don't invest in it then.
Don't spend time with him. Like, I don't see why you're not thinking about this
Okay, don't go down that road. Yeah, what about interstate 10 with Jenny? What was that about?
All right, I mean I don't know Okay. We talked about it. So it's okay for you, but it's not okay for me. Oh, okay. No, no, no.
All right.
I mean, I don't know where we're at now, but.
I know, there's a lot of like cross lines.
I just want to know more about Jenny.
We can definitely work this out
and I want to work it out with you, okay?
You are still the most important person to me.
I just, I value that what we've created,
how we have an open relationship and that we agreed upon,
but we can fix this, okay?
I wanna fix this.
I wanna fix this too.
And I just wanna know I can trust you
as we both try to fix it.
It looks like you both have had your interstate 10 moments.
Oh, wow.
And we can, maybe you guys get to a different place.
Wow. A different highway. Yeah.
With each other maybe.
Or maybe not.
I have no idea.
Well, good luck.
The Jubal Show's To Catch a Cheater.
Jon Stewart is back at The Daily Show and he's bringing his signature wit and insight
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Dressing. Dressing.
Oh, French dressing.
Oh, that's good.
I'm AJ Jacobs and my current obsession is puzzles.
That has given birth to my podcast, The Puzzler.
Something about Mary Poppins?
This is fun.
You can get your daily puzzle nuggets delivered straight to your ears.
Listen to The Puzzler every day on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.
I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told.
Join me every week as I tell some of the most enthralling true crime stories about women
who are not just victims, but heroes or villains or often somewhere in between.
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