First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - First Date Follow Up - Jesse's are Not Adding Up
Episode Date: February 24, 2025Think your partner might be up to something shady? The Jubal Show has you covered. In this explosive segment, The Jubal Show helps suspicious lovers uncover the truth by setting up the ultimate loyalt...y test. We call their significant other, posing as a grocery store’s floral department offering a free bouquet. You know.. a War of the Roses. The catch? Who they choose to send the flowers to—and what they write on the card—could reveal everything. Will it be a romantic gesture for their partner or a shocking betrayal? Get ready for twists, surprises, and jaw-dropping confrontations as we help our listeners get the answers they deserve. Subscribe to The Jubal Show's To Catch A Cheater / War of the Roses.➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎ Instagram ➡︎ X/Twitter ➡︎ Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎ YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.
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I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast Are You a Charlotte?
The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week for a conversation filled with memories
and stories I didn't even know.
Cynthia could have been Carrie?
When I first read the script, they asked me to read for Carrie, as I think they asked
you to read for Carrie.
Did you?
I did.
And they were like, yeah, not so much.
You can't miss this.
Listen to Are You a Charlotte?
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
My name is Paola Pedroza,
a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy podcast.
Where it's not just about connecting
with deceased loved ones.
It's about learning through them and their new perspective.
I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world.
And most of all, I help people every single day.
Listen to the Ghost Therapy Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever
you get your podcasts.
What if you ask two different people the same set of questions?
Even if the questions are the same, our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers.
I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast, and now Minnie Questions is returning for another season.
We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions, including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and
including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and Cord Jefferson.
Listen to many questions on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Seven questions, limitless answers.
Hey y'all, it's your girl, Cheekies,
and I'm back with a brand new season
of your favorite podcast, Cheekies and Chill.
I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys,
and as always, you'll get my exclusive take on topics
like love, personal growth, health, family ties, and more.
And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice
to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies.
It's going to be an exciting year,
and I hope that you can join me.
Listen to Cheekies and Chill, Season Four,
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
Ruth is on the phone today for To Catch a Cheater and she's been with her partner, Jesse, for 10 years. Wow, that's a long time.
A long time, but now she thinks that he might be cheating.
Ruth, what's going on? Why do you think Jesse might be cheating on you?
Okay, so we're both like very busy people
We're both in like corporate jobs, and we don't really even have time to like talk about having kids because we're so busy
so we both have our own offices in the house and
Jesse's always been more busy than I am. But like lately in the last six months,
I feel like he's either at the office or at home in his office.
And he's recently like staying at the office late nights and he's only coming
home like right before we go to bed. So we haven't had sex in a month.
So right before I contacted you guys,
I was going through our bills and I opened his visa bill and that's really
nothing new. He just like kind of has me deal with finances and stuff.
And I saw a few purchases of women's clothing that were sent to somewhere else,
not my house.
And I haven't seen anything that would cost what he bought sent to my house at
all. Um,
and there were also quite a few purchases of roses made.
Now, Jesse hasn't bought me roses in years, mostly because we agreed there,
like we're way too busy to take care of flowers or anything.
So they're kind of frivolous,
but I'm really wondering who he's buying for.
And I really want to confront him about all these purchases but I don't I'm kind of
scared about what he's gonna say.
So do you have like an anniversary or something coming up that it could be like surprise?
I was wondering if you guys knew if some of you passed because maybe they sent it to like
for condolences.
I know I'm sorry but maybe.
I know it just it's very odd to have like recurring purchases.
So I'm a bunch of people that are dying.
I don't know.
No, I don't know about that.
It is absolutely odd.
Are these places that you shop at?
No, like I even the expensive clothing, I'm not very into like shopping for myself that
So even if they were for me, he knows that he knows that I'm not like big on clothes
And I've yet to see anything cross our mailbox that has anything to do with expensive clothing
So it's just it's all odd and you haven't asked him about this at all. Or have you I?
Have not confronted him about it
I'm just kind of scared of what he's gonna say because you think he might be up to something you just you don't want to hear that
Yeah, like I don't want to say the word cheating, but I that's what it feels like. Yeah
Yeah, I understand why you would jump to those conclusions now
This is just a story about something that like my uncle and he was dating
He was in a long-term relationship and he would buy me his niece nice things because he didn't have any kids
And he wouldn't tell her about it
So then she would always be like, well, wait, what did you just you know?
He didn't feel like he needed to check in cuz I'm his niece
Yeah, right
So I don't know if there's somebody in your man's life that he could be just you know
Spoiling that somebody that he loves that's not romantic. I
Feel like we don't have any family members that like are even only children
are like kids that we would.
It's just very unlike him.
Even if we did, I don't know how I would justify it.
Like how he would justify explaining that to me.
Is there anybody that you like suspect that you can think of that it might be?
No, that's the whole thing.
So we've always been busy.
Like if there was ever a chance to cheat, I feel like it could have been done probably
Yeah, because we definitely have our own thing.
Like we're very definitely busy and I don't, this is not something I would normally even
think that I would
have to deal with. Well we'll try to figure out for you. You already told us
what grocery store he shops at so we'll call from there and do the usual say
that every single month we choose one rewards card member at random who gets
free flowers delivered from our floor apartment is our way of saying thank you
for shopping with us and we'll see if he sends those to you or to somebody else
okay okay all right please don't come back. Get your to-catch cheater next.
The more better the merrier, title of your podcast.
All your old Brooklyn Nine-Nine friends are appearing on your favorite podcast,
More Better. Don't miss Brooklyn Nine-Nine stars and show hosts Stephanie Beatriz and
Melissa Fumero as they welcome their friends and former castmates back to laugh about old times and swap some
This week, it's Gina Linetti herself, the talented Chelsea Peretti.
Remember when we were in that scene where you guys were just supposed to hug and I was
standing there?
I was like, can I also hug them?
Then next week, the Nine-Nine nonsense continues as the more better amigas sit down with Joe
Letrulio, aka Detective Charles Boyle.
There'll be more laughs, more conversation, more stories from the set, and more, more
Don't miss a minute.
Listen to more better with Stephanie and Melissa on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, I mean, that is the key because you're definitely not throwing out good ideas all the time. I mean, that's just not how it works.
Listen to more better with Stephanie and Melissa on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or
wherever you get your podcasts.
Hey y'all, it's your girl, Cheeky's, and I'm back with a brand new season of your favorite
podcast, Cheeky's and Chill.
I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys.
And I know a lot of people are going to attack me.
Why are you going to go visit your dad? Your mom wouldn't be okay with it. I'm going to tell you guys right now And I know a lot of people are gonna attack me, why are you gonna go visit your dad,
your mom wouldn't be okay with it.
I'm gonna tell you guys right now, I know my mother.
And I know my mom had a very forgiving heart.
That is my story on plastic surgery.
This is my truth.
I think the last time I cried like that
was when I lost my mom.
Like that, like yelling.
I was like, no. I was like, oh, and I thought,
what did I do wrong? And as always, you'll get my exclusive take on topics like love,
personal growth, health, family ties, and more. And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my
best advice to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies. So my fiance and I have been together for 10 years
in the first two years of being together,
I find out he is cheating on me,
not only with women, but also with men.
What should I do?
Okay, where do I start?
That's not love.
He doesn't love you enough,
because if he loved you, he'd be faithful.
It's going to be an exciting year,
and I hope that you can join me.
Listen to Cheekies & Chill, season four,
as part of the My Kultura podcast network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever
you get your podcasts. Hey y'all, it's your girl Cheeky's and I'm back with a brand new
season of your favorite podcast, Cheeky's and Chill. I'll be sharing even more personal
stories with you guys. And I know a lot of people are going to attack me, why are you
going to go visit your dad? Your mom wouldn't be okay with it. I'm going to tell you guys. And I know a lot of people are gonna attack me, why are you gonna go visit your dad,
your mom wouldn't be okay with it.
I'm gonna tell you guys right now, I know my mother.
And I know my mom had a very forgiving heart.
That is my story on plastic surgery.
This is my truth.
I think the last time I cried like that
was when I lost my mom.
Like that, like yelling.
I was like, no. I was like, no.
I was like, oh, and I thought, what did I do wrong?
And as always, you'll get my exclusive take
on topics like love, personal growth,
health, family ties, and more.
And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice
to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies.
So my fiance and I have been together for 10 years
in the first two years of being together,
I find out he is cheating on me, not only with women,
but also with men.
What should I do?
Okay, where do I start?
That's not love.
He doesn't love you enough,
because if he loved you, he'd be faithful.
It's going to be an exciting year,
and I hope that you can join me.
Listen to Cheeky's and Chill, season four,
as part of the MyCultura Podcast Network
available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Right in the middle of To Catch a Cheater, if you're just joining us,
Ruth is on the phone and she thinks that her boyfriend, boyfriend?
Was that a boyfriend at that point?
A man friend.
Yeah, you guys have been together for 10 years
and Ruth thinks that he might be cheating.
Before we give him a call to see if we can catch him,
Ruth, why don't you refresh our,
why don't you catch everybody up
and tell us why you think he might be cheating.
Okay, so long story short, we've been together 10 years.
We both are in corporate jobs.
We're both very busy.
We both have separate offices
and we've always been kind of workaholics. I have opened his bills recently, which I usually do because I handle the finances
and I found some suspicious purchases for both roses and expensive clothing that were not sent
to my house. Okay. So we're going to call him right now and pretend to be from the grocery store where
he's a rewards card member and say that he's this this month's big winner of
Flowers delivered anywhere that he wants to anybody that he wants and we'll see if he sends those to you or to someone else
Okay, you ready? I'm ready. All right, here we go
Hello, hi, this is Jarvan calling from ****.
I was looking for a rewards card member named Jesse ****.
Yeah, that's me.
Jesse, please don't hang up.
This is not a marketing call.
I'm actually calling to tell you congratulations.
You're this month's big winner.
Oh, okay, great.
So what does that mean?
Every single month we choose one rewards card member at random who gets free flowers delivered
from our floral department as our way of saying thank you for shopping with us it's absolutely
free it's 36 long stem red roses a box of chocolates and the card well if you
know who you want to send them to right now I can take the information just a
couple minutes over the phone okay you know you'll deliver it that's not yes
mm-hmm delivered anywhere within the 50 United States absolutely free.
Okay, yeah, I'll have you send it to my girl Ruth.
And do you do a card too?
Yes, we can do a card.
What would you like to put on the card?
Okay, so yeah, to Ruth and have it say, I know we're too busy to take care of these,
but I'm not too busy to tell you that I love you.
Okay. You married?
Nah, we're just, you know, we've been together for a while.
Oh, how long?
I think the next anniversary will be 11 years.
Whoa! That's a long time. Well then I guess I'll just let you know that this is not actually the grocery store. This is actually the Jubal show
It's a radio show. My name is Jubal. Hi
I'm all excited cuz you're not cheating. We think I'm Nina. Hi, I'm Victoria. I'm
Are there flowers?
No, unfortunately, we do a segment on the show called to catch a cheater where if you
think your significant other is cheating on you, you can see if they send flowers to you
or to someone else.
And your girlfriend Ruth is actually on the phone.
Hi, Jesse.
Well, I'm going to go ahead and ask the obvious.
Jesse, you did buy flowers.
Who are those for?
What are you talking about?
Go ahead, Ruth.
I opened your visa bill and I was just like, I don't know,
I was paying bills and I saw all these charges
for roses and stuff.
And I mean, I don't get any.
And I also, I saw these charges for like really expensive
clothing that were not sent to our house.
So I, I don't know where they're going.
And I, I got nervous.
Uh, okay.
I think we can all agree that cheating implies a physical relationship of some sort.
What you discovered through my visa charges is, uh, so boy boy this is exactly the kind of thing
you want to announce on the radio I joined a campsite we haven't been
intimate together in quite some time and so I got it I got on the computer and
there's a website you can go to and there are these girls who will you know
don't perform various acts indeed for for a ham site. Yeah.
This is more of a live type of thing with the chat room and stuff.
And you know, so I didn't know I found a girl that I like on the campsite and you know,
to be honest, Ruth, she kind of looks like you with the charges for roses.
You saw that tell you, you know, quote unquote, tip these girls. these girls And then you know once you get to know them a little bit better
they share their Amazon wish lists and you know you can buy them stuff off of there and
Yeah, they like roses for tips
Rose but at the end of the day it's a charge to my visa you know
Wow I've never met anybody in person.
This is all just computer nonsense.
I don't, I am not cheating on you.
I, first of all, I don't agree with that.
I don't think that cheating has to be physical.
And also I'm kind of pissed
that you're spending all this money on some stranger.
You could be spending it on like us or me or just that's so crazy. And the fact that she looks like me is so crazy. Like why I'm
right here. So why don't you just have sex with me for free? I don't know. Or buy me roses once
in a while. That's, I feel like it's cheating. Uh, Ruth has a good point. Why not? Ruth and I
are both so busy. The, the Venn diagram of us both having a little bit of free time,
it just doesn't even exist.
And this is this easy.
You know, I just type a website in and it pops up and it's on my schedule.
And it's just, you know, not a monk.
I'm not celibate.
And so, you know, instead of actually cheating or, you know, going to ruse
and being told she's got a document to finish processing, uh, before she'd deal with me.
I just go type in this website and take care of business on my own.
And then I get to, you know, like it, but that's, that's all it is.
I believe you in that respect.
Like, I don't think you're doing anything physical or like even have like an
emotional attachment to this person.
But like the only way that this relationship is going to work is if we still
connect on like an emotional end to physical level. I know you love me,
but like if you want to be better,
you need to remember that there was a time when we were having sex regularly.
And I feel like the physical part of our relationship is just as important as
the emotional part and you paying attention to some woman online
and buying her stuff, especially when she looks like me,
is just, it's like borderline cheating and kind of creepy.
I don't think I could stay in this relationship
if I see any charges like that again.
Why aren't you guys intimate?
Is it just you're not home at the same times?
I mean, you're just both tired, what is it?
We're both like extremely busy and we work late hours.
We have separate offices. We do our own thing in those offices.
By the time we go to bed, I guess like we just want to like unwind and I don't
know. Just, yeah, we just watch TV and we get tired and we go to sleep.
Like it's not that I don't want to.
Well, maybe you guys should have like little nooners kind of like quickies
during the day.
Something to spice it up. Yeah. Something to spice it. That's all good to me. I'm totally into that
Honestly, babe, I didn't think you were still into me like that
I kind of thought the fire had died down and I didn't know how to make it grow again
I'm still interested in you physically
I mean
I I don't think we would have been together for this long if we were not into each other physically. And like, I know you still love me and obviously you're
looking for cam girls that look like me. So I can't be like super offended. I guess I
just, I just look what's in front of you. I'm here and I love you and I want to have
a physical relationship with you. And like, I mean mean, if it gets me like roses and lingerie,
I'll film some stuff for you if you want.
Like, you know, like.
Yeah, sweet, that sounds good.
I'll bring a camera home for work tonight.
The Jubel shows to catch a cheater.
I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast,
Are You a Charlotte?
The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week
for a conversation filled with memories
and stories I didn't even know.
Cynthia could have been Carrie.
When I first read the script,
they asked me to read for Carrie,
as I think they asked you to read for Carrie.
Did you?
I did, and they were like, yeah, not so much.
You can't miss this.
Listen to Are You a Charlotte on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Hey y'all, it's your girl, Cheekies,
and I'm back with a brand new season
of your favorite podcast, Cheekies and Chill.
I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys.
And as always, you'll get my exclusive take
on topics like love, personal growth,
health, family ties, and more.
And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice
to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies.
It's going to be an exciting year,
and I hope that you can join me.
Listen to Cheekies and Chill, Season Four,
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
My name is Paola Pedroza,
a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy Podcast, where it's
not just about connecting with deceased loved ones.
It's about learning through them and their new perspective.
I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world.
And most of all, I help people every single day.
Listen to the Ghost Therapy Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever
you get your podcasts.
What if you ask two different people the same set of questions?
Even if the questions are the same, our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers.
I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast, and now, Minnie Questions
is returning for another season.
We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe,
and Cord Jefferson. Listen to MiniQuestions on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers.