First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Greg Said What On Their Hike?

Episode Date: February 24, 2025

Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an amazing date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to ge...t the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! âž¡ï¸Ž Get on The Jubal Show with your story - is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎  Instagram ➡︎  X/Twitter ➡︎  Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎  YouTube ➡︎  Support the show: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast Are You a Charlotte? The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week for a conversation filled with memories and stories I didn't even know. Cynthia could have been Carrie? When I first read the script, they asked me to read for Carrie, as I think they asked you to read for Carrie. Did you? I did.
Starting point is 00:00:21 And they were like, yeah, not so much. You can't miss this. Listen to Are You a Charlotte? on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if you ask two different people the same set of questions? Even if the questions are the same,
Starting point is 00:00:34 our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers. I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast, and now, Minnie Questions is returning for another season. We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions, including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and Cord Jefferson.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Listen to MiniQuestions on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers. Welcome. My name is Paola Pedroza, a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy Podcast, where it's not just about connecting with deceased loved ones. It's about learning through them and their new perspective. I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world. And most of all, I
Starting point is 00:01:23 help people every single day. Listen to the Ghost Therapy podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey y'all, it's your girl, Cheekies, and I'm back with a brand new season of your favorite podcast, Cheekies and Chill. I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And as always, you'll get my exclusive take on topics like love, personal growth, health, family ties, and more. And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies. It's going to be an exciting year and I hope that you can join me. Listen to Cheekies and Chill Season Four on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
Starting point is 00:02:02 or wherever you get your podcasts. First date of follow up. Powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Online at Greg is on the phone today for our first date of follow up and he's getting ghosted by Taylor. So in a few minutes, we're going to call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get him another date. But first, Greg, how long has it been since you heard from Taylor? It's been over a week now.
Starting point is 00:02:25 OK, have you been trying to get a hold of her? Yeah, I sent her a couple of text messages. I even reached out this morning and I sent her a good morning text message with a picture of a sunrise and got nothing in return. No, not even for a sunrise. Oh, man. Sure want to call this person back. Heart. I want to know what's going on, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Sure. Well, tell us about the date. How did it go? Yeah. So we we went hiking, right? She picked up this really beautiful killer spot that had this really incredible view. It was really beautiful. The night hike, we reached the top and, you know, we had been talking throughout the hike that had this really incredible view. It was really beautiful. It was a nice hike. We reached the top and, you know, we had been talking throughout the hike and I thought,
Starting point is 00:03:09 hey, this is the perfect moment for, you know, little nomads, right? So, you know, we get to the top, we're looking at the beautiful view and I made a joke that, hey, if we fell off this mountain right now, at least we go out with a view. And, uh, she laughed, but then things got kind of quiet after that. We did, we did kiss, uh, after that though, when we were on top of the mountain.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And so in my mind, I was like, all right, well, you know, at least it's still a win. It was a kind of a dark humor joke, but, um, you know, I thought, Hey, it's still, it's still a win. We kissed the thing about her is that she's got this very like, don't mess with me vibe, you know, and I dig that. I love a strong woman. It's really great for me again.
Starting point is 00:03:53 The hiking was awesome, but then she, you know, she cracked a joke about how she doesn't kiss on first date and I, I thought she was, I thought she was kidding, but you know, we did kiss. She kind of laughed at my joke and I, you know, I thought, Hey, we're doing on a really great hike. I thought it was a really good time. So like, I don't know, like she just hasn't talked to me since then. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Well, when she got quiet after you made that joke, what do you think was going through her head? I don't want to like make assumptions, but you know, I can assume, you know, it's a situation where it's like, Hey, it's the first day. It's kind of a dark humor joke. Maybe she's not super into dark humor or maybe she thought something differently. For me, I was just like, look, this is a beautiful view.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Like if we fell off right now, at least we'd go out seeing a beautiful view. For me, it was just a silly, dumb, dark joke. Wasn't meant to be. Maybe she's alone on a cliff with a guy that she first met and is talking about what if we... Maybe she's alone on a cliff with a guy that she first met What if we Kiss you too like well that's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yeah, like she kissed me so you know, I thought all right, it was a dark got kind of quiet, but we did kiss. So like in my book, that's a win. OK, girls will kiss a guy out of just pure survival to get it over with. Yeah, I'm hoping it wasn't out of fear and survival. I was hoping she was. I mean, again, I thought we were digging each other. I thought it was something I don't know. We were flirting. It was a great hike. In my mind, I thought it was something good,
Starting point is 00:05:25 but she hasn't talked to me since then. And so now I'm wondering like, was my joke too far? Did she take it too seriously? Did she kick me at a survival, as you said? I hope not, but. Was there anything else that you can think of that would be a reason for her to ghost you
Starting point is 00:05:39 other than impending doom? I would, I guess, I mean, I'm thinking about it. I mean, I might have overshared a little bit too much, you know, for first date. I talked about this meme page that I run on the internet. It's a niche page. So I sent her one after the date. And in my opinion, my humble opinion, it was one of my best. She didn't react.
Starting point is 00:06:01 He didn't say anything back. She didn't nothing, no, not even like a, a light on the Apple. You know what I mean? Like how I met that you can like like it or hard. It didn't do any of that either. Was it about death again? It was just a meme about like Pat. Is that the page you run?
Starting point is 00:06:17 Is it all cat memes? No, no, no, no, no. It's a bunch of different memes and a bunch of different things. But that was just the joke that I happened to send her. Because again, we made a couple of cat jokes as we were walking up. I'm a dog person personally myself, though, you know, she said that she likes dogs and she likes cats. But I figured, hey, this would be a kind of a funny name to keep the jokes going.
Starting point is 00:06:38 All right. Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you. Then we'll play a song, come back and then call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting you and maybe get you another date if you still want one, okay? I would love one, thank you. Yeah, we'll play a song, come back, get your first date follow up right after this. Ugh, we're so done with New Year, new you.
Starting point is 00:07:01 This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Geminis because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Someone else will too. Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. The more better the merrier, title of your podcast. All your old Brooklyn Nine-Nine friends are appearing on your favorite podcast, More Better. Don't miss Brooklyn Nine-Nine stars and show hosts Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero as they welcome their friends and former castmates
Starting point is 00:07:38 back to laugh about old times and swap some stories. This week, it's Gina Linetti herself, the talented Chelsea Peretti. Remember when we were in that scene where you guys were just supposed to hug and I was standing there? Oh, yeah! I was like, can I also hug them?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Then next week, the 9-9 nonsense continues as the more better amigas sit down with Joe Lattrullio, AKA Detective Charles Boyle. There'll be more laughs, more conversation, more stories from the set, and more, more better. Don't miss a minute. You felt safe enough to throw out a bad idea, right? I mean, that is the key, because you're definitely
Starting point is 00:08:14 not throwing out good ideas all the time. I mean, that's just not how it works. Listen to more better with Stephanie and Melissa on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, y'all, it's your girl, Cheeky's, and I'm back with a brand new season of your favorite podcast, Cheeky's and Chill. I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And I know a lot of people are going to attack me. Why are you going to go visit your dad? Your mom wouldn't be okay with it. I'm going to tell you guys right now, I know my mother and I know my mom had a very forgiving heart. That is my story on plastic surgery. This is my truth. I think the last time I cried like that was when I lost my mom.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Like that, like yelling. I was like, no. I was like, oh, and I thought, what did I do wrong? And as always, you'll get my exclusive take on topics like love, personal growth, health, family ties, and more. And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So my fiance and I have been together for 10 years. In the first two years of being together, I find out he is cheating on me not only with women, but also with men. What should I do? Okay, where do I start? That's not love. He doesn't love you enough because if he loved you, he'd be faithful.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's going to be an exciting year and I hope that you can join me. Listen to Cheekies and Chill, season four, as part of the My Kultura podcast network available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We're in the middle of today's first date follow up. If you're just joining us, Greg is on the phone
Starting point is 00:09:51 and Greg is getting ghosted by Taylor. So we're about to call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get him another date. But first, Greg, why don't you kind of recap your date for us before we call her? Yeah, we went hiking last week. It was a really great time. I made a joke about if we fell to our death, at least we'd have a great view.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And so I thought it was really great. I send her a meme of a cat, a cat meme after our hike. She didn't react to it. I sent her a couple more messages, including one this morning, and she still has not said anything back to me or responded or anything. I've been, she's ghosting me. All right. Are you ready for us to call her? I'm ready. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Okay. Here we go. Hello? Hi, May I speak to Taylor, please? Yes, this is Taylor. Hey, Taylor. How are you? Oh yeah, this is Taylor. Hey Taylor, how are you? This is the Jubal show. It's a radio show.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah, hi, I'm Nina. Hi, I'm Victoria. And my name's Jubal. How are you? I'm okay. Is this a joke? Like why is a radio show calling me? It's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Have you ever listened to the show before? Yeah. Okay, cool. Have you ever heard of first aid follow up before? Yeah. Okay, cool. So, I'm going to go ahead and get this. I'm going to go ahead and get this. I'm going to go ahead and get this. I'm going to go ahead and get this. you ever listened to the show before? Yeah. OK, cool. Have you ever heard a first day follow up before?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. Great. We got an email about you from somebody. First day follow up is where if you go on a date with somebody and they ghost you, you can email us to get that person on the phone and find out why you're getting ghosted. So we got an email about you from somebody. Do you know who would email us? Yeah, that'd be Greg. and find out why you're getting ghosted. So we got an email about you from somebody. Do you know who would email us? Yeah, it's gotta be Greg, right? Yes, it is Greg.
Starting point is 00:11:30 You said that so confidently. Why are you ghosting Greg? Honestly, he's a lot. Like, I'll give him this. He was funny at first, but then, I don't know, it just felt like everything turned into a meme or some joke. He doesn't really like no one to stop and turn it off. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Just on all the time. Do you feel like that was nerves or that's like really who he is? I don't know. I get the sense like to an extent that's who he is. And so like that's why it felt like a lot. Like if it came off as nerves, like it would be one thing. You know what I mean? But because it was, it was just constant and I did get the sense it was his personality, it was a lot to take in. And I don't wanna be wrong, like the hike was fun. But after the kiss, like he just tried to make it
Starting point is 00:12:17 this whole comedy routine. And I am truly all for humor, but it just didn't feel genuine, you know? Like, because it felt like he was on. What do you mean you made it feel like a comedy routine? Was it funny? Yeah, aspects of it were funny.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It was like just kind of making cracks about everything and like there was a crack about like, you know, the view that we had was absolutely stunning. And he sort of like made a joke about like, you know, if we fell and this was how our lives ended, essentially like, at least we'd have a good view for it. And that was a lot. And then, and then it was just, there was a lot, a lot of talk about memes. Like I can't really adequately express that. So he likes memes a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I don't think he, yeah, kind of felt like he was obsessing over them. adequately express that. So he likes memes a lot. Yeah. I kind of felt like he was obsessing over them. I just don't think that's like a match for me. Were they memes that he created himself? Or regurgitating memes that he read? I think it was him too because he
Starting point is 00:13:20 would kind of see something on the hike and try to figure out what kind of meme it could make. Like we'd see like this stunning tree and it would be like, Oh, well, what funny joke can I make with that? And, you know, it was just, it was a lot instead of just kind of enjoying what was around us, it was like, he was trying to figure out how he could, you know, get
Starting point is 00:13:42 recognition somehow out of it. Content creator life. And then there was like this one point where we were trying to like take a left, but there were these two rocks that was sort of like blocking that path. And he just sort of made a joke about how like, Oh, wouldn't it make just such a great meme about, you know, two rocks don't make a right. That kind of thing. Oh, he's really trying. That's funny. You know two rocks don't make a right He's really trying that's funny
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah, and then he was just cracking up over it and I just sort of was sitting there kind of giving pity laughs You know what else I'm supposed to do? So he really didn't talk about much it was just like meme after meme pretty much it was it was a lot Hmm. Okay. Well, thank you for telling us why you're ghosting him. I appreciate that much it was just like meme after meme pretty much it was it was a lot hmm okay well thank you for telling us why you're ghosting him I appreciate that yeah I'm sure Greg does too because he's actually on the phone listening and wants to talk to you oh gosh that is a Larry, especially since we're making a funny joke. Greg, it's just like you're a standup comedy, so that never ends.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And so it just it gets to be a lot like, I don't know when you're being real or if you're just getting up for a punch line. OK, well, that's just me. I'm a funny, like I'm a funny guy. All right. And I thought we were having a punchline. Okay. Well, that's just me. I'm a funny, like I'm a funny guy. Right. And I, I thought we were having a good time, right? And also just for the record for everyone listening, like my meme page is hilarious. Like, and I, I don't doubt that the meme page is great. It's, but like in real life,
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't need running commentary on everything around me 24 seven. Like I want someone I can actually connect with and when someone's just like making commentary, it sort of feels like they're in their own world but not really like present with me. Oh, so you like boring dude. I make a lot of jokes. I people love my jokes. You just want to be with some boring guy that What doesn't make comments about anything? Come on like that. I'm hilarious Hey, I'm Steven. I do taxes. I wear a tweed jacket when I go to work and I don't make jokes about anything He's cracking jokes 24-7 like I ideally would like a happy medium Somewhere in between there
Starting point is 00:16:05 would be great. Half boring, half funny. Well, I'm all funny. I don't have a boring first date with us going hiking. Okay. Like I'm not boring and I'm not going to sit there and just make half attempted jokes. I'm a funny guy. I like to make jokes.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I might be laughing. We get one life and we should be laughing the entire time through it not Connecting with what I don't even understand what that like laughing is the best way to connect with people So I don't know what you're even Find your accountant or Them well Taylor would you like to go on another date with Greg? We'll pay for it. I appreciate the offer but no Truly Greg's a nice guy, but he's
Starting point is 00:16:47 just not what I'm looking for. Well, you know what? That that's fine by me. I after hearing why you're ghosting me, which by the way, like ghosting somebody and not being honest with them, that's pretty kind of messed up on your end.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And I find that pretty boring myself. Like talk to people. All right. So yeah, that's fine. That you don't want another day. I don't have time to talk about tax codes or about accounting numbers. Hey, can I do an impression real quick? Sure. Great.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Hey, I'm Taylor. I went on a date and I didn't laugh once, but you know what? I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance. Hahaha! Jubal's first date follow-up. Ugh, we're so done with New Year, new you. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Geminis because you know you always like them.
Starting point is 00:17:45 More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too. Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast, Are You a Charlotte? The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week
Starting point is 00:18:04 for a conversation filled with memories and stories I didn't even know. Cynthia could have been Carrie? When I first read the script they asked me to read for Carrie as I think they asked you to read for Carrie. Did you? I did and they were like yeah not so much. You can't miss this. Listen to Are You a Charlotte on the iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if you ask two different people the same set of questions? Even if the questions are the same, our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast, and now, Minnie Questions is returning for another season. We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions, including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and Cord Jefferson. Listen to Mini Questions on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers. Hey, y'all, it's your girl, Cheeky's, and I'm back with a brand new season of your favorite podcast, Cheeky's and Chill. Limitless answers. I'll also be dishing out my best advice to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies. It's going to be an exciting year
Starting point is 00:19:25 and I hope that you can join me. Listen to Cheekies and Chill, season four, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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