First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Jordan does a little "thing" in this First Date Follow Up!

Episode Date: January 25, 2022

First Date Follow Up is when we get an email from someone who went on a date and the other person isn't calling back. We get that other person on the phone to see why they're "ghosting".Everyone has w...eird little things about themselves. Sometimes people think they're annoying, other times people think they're cute. In today's First Date Follow Up, Jordan has a cork and it might be the reason Sandra isn't calling him! Leave a rating and review wherever you listen. It will help the show out in a big way. If that's not your thing, you can find us on social media here: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Ugh, we're so done with New Year, New You. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Gemini's because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. The Indicator is a podcast where daily economic news is about what matters to you. And we're guessing most days, that's money. Workers have been feeling the sting of inflation. So as a new administration promises action on the cost of living, taxes, and home prices. The S&P 500 biggest post-election day spike ever. Follow all the big changes and what they mean for you. Make America affordable again.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Listen to The Indicator from NPR on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get podcasts. Hey, everyone. It's Katie Couric. Well, the election is in the homestretch, right in time for a new season of my podcast, Next Question. I'm bringing in some FOKs, friends of Katie's, to help me out, like Ezra Klein, Jen Psaki, Astead Herndon. But we're also going to have some fun, thanks to some of my friends like Samantha Bee and Charlemagne the God. We're going to take some viewer questions as well.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I mean, isn't that what democracy is all about? Check out our new season of Next Question with me, Katie Couric, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Jubal Show on demand. First date follow-up. Jordan is on the phone today for a first date follow-up and he says that he met a girl named Sandra and now she's not calling him back after what he thought was a pretty good date and he used the word pretty good in his email which makes me think Jordan that date was pretty good
Starting point is 00:01:57 yeah man I thought it was pretty good well how long has it been since uh it's been about a week and a half week Week and a half since your date, and how many times have you tried to reach out to her? I've reached out three times. I've been typing up a fourth one, but I just keep erasing it. I can't get it right, so I just... Don't send it. Don't press send. Where did you guys meet?
Starting point is 00:02:18 We actually met online. We met on Tinder. What made you, like, want to go out with her? I mean, honestly, before we even met, like she was super funny, super cute, fun, like really nice seemed like in her pictures.
Starting point is 00:02:30 She was great looking and I found out that she likes beer and I'm a complete beer nerd. So it was a home run for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So you're one of those dudes who, you know, he makes probably a homebrew in his house. I got a few batches. All right. Yeah. So you like IPAs and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You're really into beer. Exactly. And so was she? Yeah, we went back and forth on it a little bit, talking about what we liked, what we drank, and she was into it just as much as me, seemingly. That's cool. All right, it's always nice to find someone
Starting point is 00:02:57 with a common interest. So what did you guys do for your date? Well, it was a brewery not too far from us. It was kind of far from where she lives, so I actually drove and went and picked her up. But we hung out at the brewery. We liked some of the same stuff, like I said. And it really seemed like we were hitting it off.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Like we were laughing and stuff and having a good time. How long do you think you guys were at the brewery for? Oh, man, probably about two and a half, three hours. Okay. I mean, you're laughing a bunch. It could have been the alcohol. Yeah. So she's not calling you back now.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Do you know why? Man. Why do you think she's not calling you back is what I should say. If I had to guess, like I said, I'm a beer nerd. So when we were at the brewery, I mean, I was trying to impress her a little bit
Starting point is 00:03:42 and every once in a while, okay, a few times, it happened a few times, when she was talking, I was trying to impress her a little bit and every once in a while, okay, a few times, it happened a few times, when she was talking, I would interrupt her and just, you know, break down a beer and I really feel like that started getting on her nerves. Okay. Yeah, I could see that. If I had to say, yeah. Were you going into like the details of how they're made and stuff? Yeah, you know, like the hops and, you know, like flavoring and different stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:03 how long they're aged and, you know, the things that are interesting about it, things you don't usually hear. So you noticed yourself interrupting her to talk about the beer you were drinking or something? Yeah. Oh. I did, man. You know, first date, I was a little nervous, but I think that might be what got to her. So enough about your life story. Let's talk about the hops and this IPA, huh? Full bodied. I'm sorry, were you saying something you really wanted me to hear? I could see how that would be a turnoff if you were interrupting her. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Because key to dating, one thing that women like in someone that they're on a date with is if they're listening to the words that they're saying. So you might have just, so you might have been ignoring, it might have come off like you didn't care about what she was saying. Exactly, yeah, yeah, exactly. How'd the date end? Well, it ended by me taking her home, about what she was saying. You think? Yeah, yeah, exactly. How'd the date end? Well, it ended by me taking her home, gave her a hug, and I brought up the idea
Starting point is 00:04:52 of us going out again, and she seemed like she was into it, so I'm kind of confused now. Okay, and did you go in for a hug, or did you go in for a kiss and then she hugged you? No, no, went in for a hug, went in for a hug. I didn't want to push anything. You know, I didn't get any vibes from her that she wanted that. So I just gave her a hug and
Starting point is 00:05:11 that was that. I like that. You don't want to come off as a pervert, so that's good. Exactly. Nobody likes a pervert. And you've heard nothing from her? No, nothing, man. And I'm going to disagree with that. Some people probably like a pervert. Probably another pervert. Perverts like each other, but a lot of times people aren't perverts, so then they don probably like a pervert probably another pervert perverts like each other but a lot of times
Starting point is 00:05:26 people aren't perverts so then they don't like a pervert not perverts to each other dark corner attender dark corner attender that'd be the dark web yeah me people only like perverts
Starting point is 00:05:33 if they're a pervert on their level I'm exactly and you're just looking for another pervert on your level and maybe anyway whatever
Starting point is 00:05:40 alright so it seemed like it and she just said nothing so you texted her after and she just has not responded at all. Nothing has come through. Nothing at all. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Well, we'll play a song, come back and then call her and see if we can figure it out for you. Okay. All right, cool. Thank you. Okay. We'll do it next. It's the Jubal show.
Starting point is 00:05:56 In the middle of your first date follow up. If you're just joining us, Jordan is on the phone and Jordan isn't getting a call back from a woman named Sandra. He met her on Tinder. They both liked beer. That's the common thing they bonded over. I guess Jordan is really, really, really, would you say it's another really on that Jordan? Yeah, there's many reallys that you can say. I'm into it. The most reallys you can ever say in a sentence into beer. And it looked like Sandra was too. So he took her to a brewery, picked her up, drove her there. They spent a few hours and then he drove her home and dropped her off.
Starting point is 00:06:28 He thought everything was cool and they were going to plan for another date. And since then, she has not talked to him at all. And the only reason that Jordan can think of is that maybe he was not really listening to her because he interrupted her a few times to rave about one of the beers that they were drinking. And could you tell that she was,
Starting point is 00:06:43 like, did her vibe change when you interrupted her to talk about the beers? Yeah, it definitely took a turn, yeah. After, like, the third time, yeah. Well, we're about to call her right now and see if we can figure out if that is the reason or if it's something else. All right, ready, Jordan?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah. Okay, here we go. Hello? Hi, may I speak to Sandra, please? This is her. Hey, Sandra, how are you? This is the Jubal Show. My name's Jubal. My name is Alex.
Starting point is 00:07:20 My name is English Evan. We're calling because we do a segment on the show called the First Date Follow-Up. It's where if you go out on a date with someone and then end up ghosting them after your date, they can email us to get you on the phone and ask what happened. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So somebody emailed us about you. Yeah, who was it? You met a guy named Jordan on Tinder. Oh, yeah, Jordan. He's nice. He's swell. Why did you ghost him?
Starting point is 00:07:52 I mean, I thought he was really nice and really cute, but I can't be around him that often. Oh, he just bothers you? Yeah, he's kind of annoying. In what way? Well, he did this one thing that was just so annoying that i can't handle was it um interrupting you while you were talking on your date to uh break down the beers that you were drinking yeah yeah that was strike two but i mean strike two i wasn't like concerned about that at that time i guess okay. Okay. So strike one already happened. Yeah. What was the first strike?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah. I'm guessing he told you about our date and that we went to a brewery. Yeah. That's how we know that he interrupted you when you were talking a few times to talk about the beers. He said that you guys bonded because you're both beer fans and he felt bad about that one. So yeah, he told us that you went to the brewery.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Right. We went to a brewery that was, it was kind of a long drive from where I live, but it was nice of him. He came in a pick me up and drove, but you guys, I don't even know every store that we drove by. He would say every name out loud. Every name of every name of each store. Like Target, Walmart.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Exactly like that. Even ones I couldn't even see. I'm like, how does he know there's a store there? Target, Walmart. Exactly like that. Even ones I couldn't even see. I'm like, how does he know there's a store there? I don't even see a sign. Did he describe the store or just say the name? Just the name. I mean, we were driving through a city. It'd be kind of hard for him to describe everything he was shouting out.
Starting point is 00:09:18 So he's just saying the names of the stores. Were you guys talking at all or was it just quiet? You're sitting there probably on your phone or something and he's just, there's Walmart. No, when we were talking, he wasn't doing it, but like when there was a break
Starting point is 00:09:34 in the conversation and like a stoplight or something, he would name everything that was around us. Weird. Maybe it's like a ticky. Yeah. Well, like a solo game of I Spy.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Without me being involved in it. And I just don't know if I could put up with that. That was really annoying. Did he do it on the way back? Yes. He did it when we walked from the car into the brewery with the stores around there. Weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So that's his thing. Well, that's interesting. And you just think it would be too obnoxious and you don't want to deal with that. Yeah, life's too short to deal with that. Life's too short to deal with random store names out of the blue. Well, you know what else life is too short with? It's too short not to have you two guys, not to have you and Jordan connect because I think that he deserves a second shot and he's on the phone right now and wants to talk to you. Oh, okay. Yep. second shot and he's on the phone right now and wants to talk to you oh oh okay yep hi Sandra
Starting point is 00:10:30 hey Jordan that was the reason like that was really why you didn't call me back look I can stop doing that like that's not I can I used to do it as a joke, but now I just do it and I can quit. I can quit doing that. Quit. Like a habit? I mean, it's not quite alcoholism, but I can stop doing it. Oh. I mean, you're nice and everything, but it was just super annoying.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And I get it. I get that. I do. Like, people have complained about it really since I've been doing it. So I can stop doing it. Okay. Do you even notice that you're doing it though? Like the whole date back and forth? Um, well at this point, no, like I, it's just kind of like a second nature thing to me. I didn't,
Starting point is 00:11:20 I don't notice it. It's part of who you are. How are you going to stop doing something if you don't notice you're doing it that's a good question you made me aware of it like so i know now but you said that other people have been annoyed by it so you've been aware of it yeah yeah but it's different now that like i want to make a change so that we can you know see if this works so it's a different scenario you made such a good impression sandra he wants to change for you it's been an issue for me so that's that's definitely
Starting point is 00:11:50 part of it like i had a girlfriend break up with me because of this so i you know i don't want this to be something that hinders me anymore i've been doing it since i was a kid and and and you know i want to change it okay so you're aware of it and you don't, it's not something you're passionate about keeping. You're not like, Hey, if you're going to date Jordan, you got to take me as I am.
Starting point is 00:12:12 You got to know that if we drive past a Kentucky fried chicken, you're going to know we drove past a Kentucky fried chicken. Cause I'm going to say it. Or if we drove past a Kmart, you're going to know about it. That's what I love to do is say the name of stores as I drive. It's not a personal thing for you. Not at all. Not at all. Okay. Well then, let me
Starting point is 00:12:30 ask you, Sandra, would you like to go on another date with Jordan? We'll pay for it. He says he promises he'll work on saying the names of stores out loud thing. It'll be fun. I'm pretty cute. Oh yeah. And humble too. Yeah. I'm pretty cute. Oh, yeah. And humble, too. Yeah, I'll go out with him again.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Oh, really? And sweet. Nice. All right. Congratulations. You did it, Jordan. Good job. There we go.
Starting point is 00:12:57 All right. 7-Eleven. Good job. The Jubal Show on demand. Ugh. We're so done with new year, new you. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you
Starting point is 00:13:09 shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Gemini's because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too. Be more you this year
Starting point is 00:13:26 and find them on Bumble. Consider this is a daily news podcast and lately the news is about a big question. How much can one guy change? They want change. What will change look like for energy? Drill, baby,
Starting point is 00:13:42 drill. Schools? Take the department of education, close it. Health care? Take the Department of Education closer. Health care? Better and less expensive. Follow coverage of a changing country. Promises made, promises kept. We're going to keep our promises. On Consider This from NPR.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, everyone. It's Katie Couric. Well, the election is in the homestretch right in time for a new season of my podcast, Next Question. I'm bringing in some FOKs, friends of Katie's, to help me out, like Ezra Klein, Jen Psaki, Astead Herndon. But we're also going to have
Starting point is 00:14:18 some fun, thanks to some of my friends like Samantha Bee and Charlemagne the God. We're going to take some viewer questions as well. I mean, isn't that what democracy is all about? Check out our new season of Next Question with me, Katie Couric, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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