First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - She took her leftovers and ran!
Episode Date: July 1, 2022First Date Follow Up is when we get an email from someone who went on a date and the other person isn't calling back. We get that other person on the phone to see why they're "ghosting".Dylan is on th...e phone and went out on a date with Dana to the Cheesecake Factory! Other than bringing up her table manners, he has no idea why she is not calling him back!Leave a rating and review wherever you listen. It will help the show out in a big way. If that's not your thing, you can find us on social media here: for privacy information.
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Hey, everyone.
It's Katie Couric.
Well, the election is in the homestretch, right in time for a new season of
my podcast, Next Question. I'm bringing in some FOKs, friends of Katie's, to help me out, like
Ezra Klein, Jen Psaki, Astead Herndon. But we're also going to have some fun, thanks to some of my
friends like Samantha Bee and Charlemagne the God. We're going to take some viewer questions as well.
I mean, isn't that what democracy is all about?
Check out our new season of Next Question with me, Katie Couric,
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
The Jubal Show on demand.
First day follow-up.
Dylan is on the phone today for first day follow-up.
He's not getting a call back from a woman named Dana that he went on.
Oh, Dylan and Dana.
That would have been cute.
I know, right?
So much potential.
I'm like, she should call you back just based on that.
That's super cute.
No, she shouldn't.
Dylan and Dana.
And they went to the library for their first date.
That's boring as hell.
No wonder she didn't call back.
We didn't go to the library.
You did not? No, he said't go to the library no he did not no he said
they went to the cheesecake factory which is like reading a book because their menu is so huge so
dana to the cheesecake factory and before we get into your date dylan um how long has it been since
your date with dana um it's been about a week and a half. We met on Tinder
and we talked for like a couple weeks
and then we decided to go to the
Cheesecake Factory.
Oh, that sounds exhausting.
If I go to the Cheesecake Factory once a year,
that's the book I read.
Oh, man.
Did it seem like
she enjoyed the date? Yeah, how did it go?
Yeah, I mean, it seemed fine to me i mean
we were talking and having a good time and you know i've racked my brain on you know why she's
not texting me back like i said something wrong or i funded her the only thing i can think of is
she kind of was she was being kind of rude to like the waitress.
And, you know, I've racked my brain on, you know, why she's not texting me back.
Like if I said something wrong or if I offended her.
The only thing I can think of is she kind of was, she was being kind of rude to like
the waitress.
And I don't know.
Yeah, she just didn't have good table manners.
And so I met her a couple times, and I kind of made it like a joke.
What was she doing?
I was like, oh.
She had a water.
She raised her hand like we were in class.
She didn't have her water filled. That's so What? To get her water filled.
That's so embarrassing. To get water?
Yeah, for just the water.
Oh my God.
She like belched and she goes, oops, I'm sorry.
And even if you made a joke
and highlighted it, it might have embarrassed
her even more.
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering.
I don't know. Maybe
it offended her. Maybe it made her uncomfortable or something.
Did her mood change after that?
Yeah, I mean, I did say one thing kind of serious.
I was like, are you always this rude with your table manners?
Oh, okay.
She was like, no.
What are you saying?
I'm rude.
And then it got kind of awkward.
And I was like, no, you're not rude. Just rude. Oh. And then it got kind of awkward, and I was like,
no, you're not rude.
Just kidding.
Yeah, I think...
You're like,
you're not rude,
I'm rude
for saying that to you.
It's not you,
it's me.
It doesn't sound like
a good date, honestly.
I mean,
the Cheesecake Factory
sounds great,
and then you
joking about her
accidentally burping sounds okay, but then after that, where it's like you're about her accidentally burping said, it sounds okay.
But then after that, where it's like, you're calling her rude and stuff.
Like, I don't feel like that would be fun.
It would be called rude on a date.
Well, honestly, I mean, other than that, I think it was pretty good day.
Like we just had that little hiccup there, you know, besides like the belching and the
raising the hand elbows on the table.
To me, it was an amazing date,
so I don't know why she's ghosting me now.
I definitely have to see her again.
Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you then.
We'll play a song, come back,
and then call her and ask her why she's not calling you back,
and we'll see what the reason is.
I would guess it might be that stuff,
because I don't know, but who knows? Maybe it did go.
It doesn't sound to me like it was an amazing
date, but it might have been. He might just
be like kind of like you, Jubal, where like you just can't
tell how you're feeling. Yeah, exactly.
Maybe it was the best day he's ever been on.
That's true. I would literally be
having the time of my life and just
because I look like I look sometimes people be like, man,
that guy. And how you sound. Yeah, and how I sound.
They're like, that guy, he's in hell right now.
He hates it.
But he's not.
And I'm literally saying like, I'm having the most fun I've ever had in my life right
Believe me.
Look at me.
So maybe he's that way.
Let's just go with that.
Could be.
All right.
Well, we'll play a song, come back in and call her and see if we can figure it out for
All right?
All right.
All right.
We'll get your first date follow up next.
We'll do what we can.
If you're just joining us for today's first date follow-up, Dylan is on the phone, and
he went out with Dana to the Cheesecake Factory, but now Dana took her to-go box and walked
out of his life forever.
At least you remembered it.
I guarantee she had food to go, because they give you a lot of food at the Cheesecake Factory.
One of the best reasons to go there.
Dylan says that their date was great, and I think, you know what?
The more I thought about it, Dylan, I think your date was probably pretty good because you sounded like an old
married couple to me because Dylan
was ripping on her for her table
manners the whole time it sounds like
she accidentally burped he made a joke about it that
might have made her feel awkward and then you
were also just calling her out for a kind of
having bad table manners like thinking she had her hand up
like waiting because she wasn't getting served quick enough
which is crazy yeah
yeah I mean I know it sounds bad but it really wasn't that bad.
It was pretty fun, actually.
All right.
Well, we'll call her right now and see if we can figure out why she's not calling you back,
if it is one of those things or something else, and then we'll see if we can get you another date.
You ready?
All right.
Sounds good.
All right.
I'm dialing her right now.
Here we go hello hi may i speak to dana please yeah this is dana hey dana how are you my
name is jubel and i'm from a radio show named The Jubal Show.
And I'm Alex from the same show.
And I'm Christian Snow from the same show.
Yeah, have you heard of us?
Oh, my God.
Are you serious?
Oh, that's insane.
It is insane.
Why are you calling me?
That's a good question.
What's up?
Well, because you're not calling one of our friends back.
Yep. Oh, friends back. Yep.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Yeah, you went on a date a little while ago, and then you ghosted somebody, huh?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, yeah, I did ghost somebody.
And Dylan, if you're on the line right now, you're a f***ing ghost.
What did he do?
Seriously, no.
Yeah, no.
I'm not,
I am not messing around.
This was the most horrendous,
waste of my time
birth date
I've ever been on.
Oh, wow.
All right.
Well, you already know
Dylan's on the phone,
so I'm just going to bring Dylan on
and then you can tell him yourself
because it sounds like
you're not scared to say it.
No, I'm not scared.
Listen, you have the audacity to tell me
that I have no manners, I'm classless, I'm rude.
I'm not doing this.
I'm not doing this anymore.
I'm done with men thinking they can talk to me like that.
No, no more.
After my date with you, Dylan, honestly, men are canceled.
I'm considering no more men.
No more men, so you're swinging that away, huh?
The waitress was kinder and nicer.
Damn, Dylan, you really did a number on her.
Okay, so Dylan, what did you not tell us?
I didn't think so.
I mean, you let out a huge belt and people looked.
What was that?
That did not happen.
You are dramatizing.
You are like so stuck on the burp.
Nothing even happened.
It was like a dinosaur.
Nothing even happened.
Wait, I can listen to these two go back and forth.
A dinosaur. It was like Caveman had a turkey leg.
Oh my God.
Not even.
Dana, you're bad.
It was not.
You were determined to make fun of me.
It was like the tiniest burp I've ever had.
People were looking at us because you made it a big deal.
Also, Dylan, you are making it a big deal. Also Dylan,
you are making a big deal,
but you're the one that wanted the second date.
I mean,
I wasn't,
that's crazy.
You like her disrespectful table manners.
Do you get turned on by burping?
I like real people.
And that burp was real.
So yeah,
I am a real person.
you definitely just wanted to like,
tell me what to do and be a mansplainer.
And like,
all you did was talk about yourself like the entire time.
You're like a sociopath,
I think.
All right.
Just because a man is explaining doesn't mean it's mansplaining.
That is literally what it means.
That is literally what it is.
So I can't explain anything.
No, and I wish you wouldn't.
No, no, no, no.
It's not that.
You don't even know what mansplaining is.
That is literally what mansplaining is, Dylan.
You're so stupid.
Well, at least I don't blow burps in public and have people look
oh my god get over it it was just a burp uh dana would you like to go out on another date
with dylan we'll pay for it no hell no absolutely not are you kidding i'm shocked no why not yeah
i know i'm kidding. No.
If you decide you want a real man who's not afraid to speak up, you hit me up.
You would still go out on another date with her if you had the chance?
I don't get it.
I don't get it either.
It sounds like you don't like her.
I mean, you guys can't even get along right now. You don't even know each other.
I was going to say, y'all are literally not nice to each other.
Why would you even want to chance that?
I mean, red flags.
I think she's front and I think she likes me a little bit.
I don't think so.
I don't think that's it, buddy.
No, no way.
I'm texting the waitress before I'm texting you ever again.
Oh, wow.
Jubal's first date follow-up.
Only on the new hits, 106.1.
It's only time for your brand new Dirty Little Secret.
And one of the most common Dirty Little Secrets that we get are ones that people hide from their significant other or their spouse.
There was a Dirty Little Secret a while ago about a guy watching Netflix without his wife.
And that, I think, is even worse than cheating to some people.
You'll hear what today's Dirty Little Secret is next.
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Hey, everyone. It's Katie Couric.
Well, the election is in the homestretch, right in time for a new season of my podcast, Next Question. I'm bringing in some FOKs, friends of Katie's, to help me out,
like Ezra Klein, Jen Psaki, Astead Herndon.
But we're also going to have some fun,
thanks to some of my friends like Samantha Bee and Charlemagne the God.
We're going to take some viewer questions as well.
I mean, isn't that what democracy is all about?
Check out our new season of Next Question with me, Katie Couric, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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