First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?
Episode Date: March 6, 2025Ben is misguided, for sure. But at least he admits something refreshing. Let's see if Natalie will get a second date or not. Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an amazing date? Do you... REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! ➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎ Instagram ➡︎ X/Twitter ➡︎ Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎ YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.
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Hey, what's up y'all? This is Eric Andre.
Well, I made a podcast called Bombing about absolutely tanking on stage.
I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about their worst moments of bombing in all sorts of ways.
Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life.
I want to know what's the worst way they ever bombed or have they ever performed way too drunk or high
or was there ever a time where they thought they were going to crush and they stunk it up.
Listen to Bombing with Eric Andre on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players
Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your
With Eric Andre.
Catch Jon Stewart back in action on The Daily Show and In Your Ears with The
Daily Show Ears Edition podcast from his hilarious satirical takes on today's politics and entertainment to the unique voices
of correspondents and contributors, it's your perfect companion to stay on top of what's
happening now.
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and a roundup of the week's top headlines.
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[♪upbeat music playing.♪ It's got a legendary lineup serving up prof dishes and even better stories. On the menu, we have Tony Baker, Nick Cannon, Melissa Ford, October London, and Carrie Harper
Howie turning Big Macs into big moves.
Catch Eating While Broke every Thursday on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeart Radio
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Come hungry for season four.
Welcome to My Legacy. I'm Martin Luther King III. And together with my wife, Andrea Waters
King and our dear friends, Mark and Craig Kilburger, we explore the personal journeys
that shape extraordinary lives.
Join us for heartfelt conversations with remarkable guests like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin
Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter.
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First date of follow-up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys online at
Natalie is on the phone today and she's getting ghosted by Ben.
So we're going to talk to her and then a few minutes call Ben and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting her and maybe
Get her another date. But first Natalie, how long has it been since you heard from Ben?
Well, it's been a few days now
Just a couple days. Are you sure you're getting ghosted? Yeah
It's just like a weird vibe, you know, like I just want to know what's going on
Well after a couple days,
I feel like you know you're getting ghosted
if you've tried to reach out to them a few times
and they don't respond.
Did you try to reach out to them?
I sent them a text, yeah, and I'm nothing back.
So I don't know, I don't get it.
So the vibe feels like it shifted somehow.
Well, let's talk about your date.
How did that go?
How did you guys meet?
I mean, it wasn't like, you know, a wild date or anything. We just like went to this cute little Italian place and it was really low key, but like vibey and I don't know,
romantic and candles and all that good stuff, you know, and conversation was awesome, which
you know, isn't always the case and yeah, okay.
There was like mind involved and all that, but it was good.
I thought it was good.
And I liked that he wasn't really trying to like impress me, you know, or anything
like, it wasn't like flashy or he was just grounded and we talked about music
and like, you know, wanting to travel and our favorite shows and it just felt real, you know, like good and real and he seemed
real and so yeah, I'm like into him and I just, I don't know, I just felt like he was
He was different when you were on the date or like at a certain point he got different?
No, like I feel like as a guy, as opposed to other guys.
Oh, I see.
As in a good thing that he was different.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, like he's just like a different kind of dude, you know.
Did you feel like he was vibing with you too?
I don't know. I don't know.
Is there anything that happened?
You know, we made out and I felt like it was good and I felt like, oh yeah,
this can kind of like go somewhere.
I was right outside of the restaurant, you know, it felt super perfect.
So I don't know.
I just, he was just like this calming presence and I've had so many dates
where they're like showing off, but like, I don't know with him, it was just
different and I felt like I could really be myself and like, I don't know with him it was just different and I felt like I could really be myself and
like I don't know if it would be cheesy but I felt like really seen and it doesn't hurt
that he's like super hot.
I mean not high.
He's like really hot.
Did anything happen on the date that was awkward or could be a reason that you're getting ghosted?
Only thing that I can think of is like I'm so embarrassed.
that I can think of is like, I'm so embarrassed.
And, well, OK, so I kind of accidentally invited him to join me on my solo trip.
In Greece, how is dinner like I might have gotten like a few excited, you know, like we were talking about travel and I told him about this trip and and then like I,
I, the wine was talking and I just told him to come along and like pretend
We were newlyweds
We should go to Greece and pretend to be married
Yeah, I can see how that would you know, okay, but that feels like it also could be like oh, she's clearly had some wine
This is fine. I don't know.
But he made out with you after that or before that?
After, you know, and it was like a total joke.
Like I was like, oh, you know, like, it would be wild kind of thing.
Right. You know, like, oh, my God.
I mean, why am I already doing talking about trips?
I don't know.
And he laughed at the time, but like, oh, he's been totally radio silent ever since.
And you know, and I've texted him and like,
now it's just, you know, I just been like,
oh, hope you're doing well.
Like, have a great time.
I'd love to see you again, but not for that.
We don't have to pretend to be married anymore.
Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you.
We'll play a song, come back,
and then call him and see if he'll tell us
why he's ghosting you and maybe get you another date, okay?
All right, we'll play a song, come back,
and get your first date follow-up next.
If you're just joining us for today's first date follow-up,
Natalie is on the phone and she's getting ghosted by Ben,
so we're about to call him and see if he'll tell us
why she's ghosting him, Ben so we're about to call him and see if he'll tell us why She's ghosting him even though we might know why not sure Natalie before we call him. Why don't you kind of recap what you told us?
You know it's a great date and I kind of maybe let the wine do some talking and told him to
Come on a trip to Greece with me
come on a trip to Greece with me and present to them their cases.
Okay, so that might have been the thing.
And I'm like, say it out loud! Oh, it's not so bad.
Alright, and that's the only thing you can think of.
Yeah, really, yeah, I guess, I mean, is that not enough?
Yeah, Joel's reaction was great. Polarized by it.
Alright, well let's see, are you ready for us to call him?
Okay, here we go.
Hi, may I speak to Ben, please?
This is Ben. Hey, Ben, how are you?
This is a radio show.
It's called The Jubal Show.
Hi, I'm Nina.
Hi, I'm Victoria.
And I'm Jubal.
How are you?
I'm good. This is we're on and I'm Jubal. How are you?
Yeah, have you ever listened to the show before
Actually, I Don't know if you've heard a first-aid follow-up before but that's where if you go out on a date with somebody and then you ghost
Them that person can email us to get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them
So that's why we're calling you today Ben. You're ghosting somebody and they're very confused.
This must be Natalie, right?
Yes it is, Natalie.
You know that right away?
Is it because she wanted to go to Greece and get married?
I mean no.
We talked to her and she was worried that the reason you're ghosting her might be because
she made a joke about like coming to Greece with her on a trip she has planned and you
guys could pretend to be newlyweds and stuff.
Is that not why?
No, no.
I mean I'm, I clocked that as a joke so that didn't really.
That wasn't it.
Do you mind telling us why you're ghosting her then?
Well, I mean, okay here's what else. We had a good time. Okay. That wasn't it. Do you mind telling us why you're ghosting her then?
Well, I mean, okay, here's what else.
We had a good time.
Like we had a good time.
Everything was cool.
She's amazing.
I like her a lot, but something did happen
that kind of like, I just couldn't deal with it.
So that's why I ghosted her.
I, all right.
We were at the restaurant, the bartender,
there was somebody that I had dated before.
And like, I don't mean just date.
I mean, like a long term date.
Oh, OK.
Did you know that before you went to the restaurant?
No, no, I know.
I'm not insane.
I'm like,
that's like it's like worst case scenario for that situation.
I had no idea.
I didn't even know she bartended. Like, I don't understand.
I don't know what's going on in her life since we broke up, but, um,
we walked in and you know, me and Natalie, it was just like, boom.
And then what are you supposed to do at that point? She's there.
She's serving us wine. I can't read anybody. Like,
I can't read her expression, you know? So I was just,
we were kind of just both pretending like we didn't know each other
Which I guess is the best case scenario for that
Yeah, I mean instead of her yelling at me
Yeah, that's probably better
It was it was awkward awkward for you guys, but that's the reason you're ghosting her
Yeah, well, I tried to be cool like, you know, like I just tried to play it off, but I was pretty I am.
I was and I am convinced that Natalie figured it out.
Like there's just no way she didn't because women just know these things.
They just do. They always do.
And I didn't want to have to on top of that explain everything.
And I just didn't want to get into it.
So I just needed a clean slate and I just decided to shoot yourself in the foot
and get out of everything and like be all by yourself.
Basically. Yeah.
I mean, it does sound like a super awkward situation,
but when Natalie was texting you or whatever,
did it feel like she wanted to like confront you or something?
I wasn't sure. I mean, I, I think she knew, but I,
I wasn't really sure what she was getting at. You know what I mean?
We did make out after, you know, because just things happen.
But I thought it was best to just, you know, act like it didn't happen and move on,
because it was just going to be like from square one to have to deal with an X.
And then how, you know, I did or didn't handle it, it's just it's just too much.
But if you thought she already knew, why don't you just say, hey, like, sorry for
the awkwardness.
Women are a little bit more forgiving than you think, especially with those
things on a first date later, maybe not.
But in the beginning.
Yeah, isn't it too late at that point?
I don't think so. I mean, if she didn't like it, that would be definitely grounds
for ghosting.
Yeah, I don't think I handled it the best way. I kind of, I mean,
I kind of panicked and just went with that decision and then it kind of felt like once I'd
gone down that path, it was hard to turn back. Yeah. All right, Ben, well thank you for being
honest with us. And now I have to be honest with you, Natalie is actually on the phone listening
and wants to talk to you. Really? Yeah. Yeah, really. I do want to talk to you. Really? Yeah. Yep. Yeah, really.
I do want to talk to you because I actually did pick up on that.
And I also picked up on the fact that you were using me as like a little pawn in whatever
game the two of you are playing.
I mean, you take the place, buddy.
Like that was clear.
And then once you were sending my texts, then I knew that that was the case.
Like clearly you're still sleeping with this girl and I was just there so that
you could make her jealous and you were not responding to me because yeah,
you're right.
I wanted to confront you and you used me in this little game.
So I'm now using you in a little game. No, no radio.
So you kind of lied to us, Natalie.
A little bit.
I mean, come on.
And then like, he was all like
flirty with the bartender
and they're like pretending
they don't know each other.
But yeah, I thought when she would like
touch your hand or like rub your back
as you walk by you clearly, it was like, I don't know if it's like a little sex game or whatever.
I'm jealous, but I don't really want to be a part of it.
OK, like you're not.
That is not what happened.
That is not what happened.
I she's the one.
This person cheated on me.
So it wouldn't even make sense for her to be flirting with me.
It doesn't even make sense.
So it doesn't make sense that you didn't bring me there in front of her because
she cheated on you and then you're like, Oh, look, I'm with a girl and like,
And then they got me in front of the restaurant.
Oh yeah.
You met up with him in front of the restaurant.
That's right.
How would I know?
How would I know the schedule of
people's hours?
How would I even line that up?
It doesn't make any sense.
You know what?
It was a weekend night and, you
know, she's a bartender and you
know where she works.
So I'm sorry, but my guess is
you didn't.
I didn't.
Yeah, I didn't know.
I didn't know.
Took a turn.
Would you like another day when
Natalie will pay for it?
Yes, I don't think that's a good idea. I just took a turn. Would you like another date with Natalie? We'll pay for it. Yeah.
I don't think that's a good idea. I mean,
with the bartender, maybe you guys can pay for that one.
All right.
Well, I don't know if you got an answer Natalie,
but you got, you accomplished what you wanted to do.
All right.
This really took a lot of turns.
Well, this is what I expected and at least I can move forward because I knew my instincts were
actually right. You know what I mean? Like that getting ghosted and not knowing why that's the
worst. So also when I said that Ben was different, what I meant by that is he's exactly the same as
every other. Yeah, it's a crisis. I like that. Oh no! Oh no! Hey! Yeah!
It's a crisis.
I'm telling you.
Jubal's first date follow-up.
Hey, what's up, y'all?
This is Eric Andre.
Well, they made a podcast called Bombing about absolutely tanking on stage.
I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about their worst moments of bombing in all
sorts of ways.
Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life.
I want to know what's the worst way they ever bombed
or have they ever performed way too drunk or high
or was there ever a time where they thought
they were going to crush and they stunk it up?
Listen to Bombing with Eric Andre
on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
Bombing, bombing With Eric Andre.
John Stewart is back at The Daily Show and he's bringing his signature wit and
insight straight to your ears with The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast.
Dive into John's unique take on the biggest topics in politics,
entertainment, sports, and more.
Joined by the sharp voices of the shows, correspondents and contributors.
And with extended interviews and exclusive weekly headline
roundups, this podcast gives you content
you won't find anywhere else.
Ready to laugh and stay informed?
Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
Are you hungry? Colleen Whit here, and Eating While Broke is back podcasts. Tony Baker, Nick Cannon, Melissa Ford, October London, and Carrie Harper Howie turning Big Macs into big moves. Catch Eating While Broke every Thursday
on the Black Effect Podcast Network,
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast,
wherever you get your favorite shows.
Come hungry for season four.
Welcome to My Legacy.
I'm Martin Luther King III,
and together with my wife, Andrea Waters King,
and our dear friends, Mark and Craig Kilburger, we explore the personal journeys that shape extraordinary lives.
Join us for heartfelt conversations with remarkable guests like David Oyelowo,
Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter.
Listen to My Legacy on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
This is My Legacy.