First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Why is Carissa ghosting Dave?

Episode Date: February 26, 2025

Dave really wants to find out why Carissa is ghosting him. He wants a second date, so we call her for an update. She straight up LEFT the event she invited him to. Ever been ghosted after what you th...ought was an amazing date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! âž¡ï¸Ž Get on The Jubal Show with your story - This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎  Instagram ➡︎  X/Twitter ➡︎  Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎  YouTube ➡︎  Support the show: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told. This season explores women from the 19th century to now. Women who were murderers and scammers, but also women who were photojournalists, lawyers, writers, and more. This podcast tells more than just the brutal, gory details of horrific acts. I delve into the good, the bad, the difficult, and all the nuance I can find. Because these are the stories that we need to know
Starting point is 00:00:29 to understand the intersection of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche. Join me every week as I tell some of the most enthralling true crime stories about women who are not just victims, but heroes or villains, or often somewhere in between. Listen to the greatest true crime stories ever told on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if you ask two different people the same set of questions? Even if the questions are
Starting point is 00:01:04 the same, our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers. I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast, and now, Minnie Questions is returning for another season. We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions, including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and Cord Jefferson. Listen to Minnie Questions on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe, and Cord Jefferson. Listen to many questions on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Seven questions, limitless answers. First date follow-up, powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys, online at Dave is on the phone today for a first date follow-up, and he's getting ghosted by a woman named Carissa. So we'll see if we can help him out. Dave, what's up man, how are you?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Hey, hey, what's up? Yeah. How long has it been since you saw Carissa? Like a week. So what was your last interaction with her? Was it a text, was it a call? No, she just left the event that she invited me to. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:08 She invited me to this art gallery for a friend. She said she doesn't even like art but like I'm like hell yeah free booze, free tapas. Yeah. And like and the kind of people that show up at those you know it's just they're just fun to make fun of you know like many hipsters. Oh it's just fun to make fun of, you know, like, hipsters. Oh, it's super fun. People watching is great. And she was able to like throw them out just like, like the hard balls, you know, like the curve balls.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And I'm thinking she's great. We're going back and forth, making fun of people, feeding each other. And like, this is, we're having a great time and thinking that why would I not want to go out on a second date with this person? And long story short, now, I think explain this if I have my own radio show. I probably canceled like immediately I am just not very woke. I say what I think I think I'm funny Yeah, a lot of people might not think I'm funny, but Chris has seen the thing that I was funny Okay, and we're just going around the party and I just happened to just start clowning
Starting point is 00:03:05 on one person, don't know who it was. And just shortly after she, she just left. And I, I'm just wondering if I was too much for her, you know, like if my jokes were just hitting too, too hard, like on people. I mean, that could be it. Do you know who the person was that like you were kind of attacking? I mean, she's just kind of some funny pigtails. And I made some kind of below the belt joke that it seemed like it didn't go over well when everything else was, you know? Yeah, just a random person, just another random person at this bougie
Starting point is 00:03:46 get together. You've tried to reach out to her. Yeah. A couple of times. Yeah. No, it's just, it's silence, dead silence. It's definitely ghosting. The only thing you can think of is maybe she got offended.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Possibly that could make sense. It's just so strange because she was throwing some out there that like my, you know, my friends could be offended at and something can just didn't make sense. It was just out of left field. So how did she leave you Dave? You're saying that she just disappeared on you? Like you turned around and she was gone or she was like, okay, thanks. I wanted to get a few more free drinks.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You know, I mean, come on, endless bar. Yeah. Who doesn't, you know? And I told her I'm going to go get a drink. And just as soon as like I'm there and back, you know, with two Mai Tai, she's gone. Wow. Wow. So she really just like left.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Is she like wanted? Really? It's just, it's so strange. Cause we were having so much fun. I couldn't get enough of her that night. It was great. Yeah, that is really weird. Interesting. Okay. Have you ever just peaced out on somebody in the middle of a date jubil? Um, I have only one time.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But it was a double date where my friend's girlfriend had set me up. And the girl that she had set me up with she was not a fan of me and then started arguing with me so then I started arguing back a little bit and then I was like I'm just gonna go home but that was very obvious what the problem was yeah yeah I mean on my end the problem was she's arguing with me I don't know what her problem with me was but I have things that it could be problems for people so but I understood that and I also didn't want her to call me so I've been ghosted but other than that no I also didn't want her to call me so
Starting point is 00:05:29 No, I have not really left in the middle of a date before I you know, yeah I'm just kind of curious like what the reason would be well, let's figure it out We will play a song come back and then call her and see if she'll tell us why you're getting ghosted and maybe get You another date if you want one. All right, man Play some come back get your first date follow-up next first date of follow-up next. First date follow-up. Powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Online at Dave is on the phone for a first date follow-up.
Starting point is 00:05:53 If you missed us talking to him just a few minutes ago, he went out with a woman named Carissa and he's getting ghosted and now we're about to call her and see if we can figure out why and maybe get him another date. Before we call her, Dave, why don't you refresh everybody's memory about your date with Carissa?
Starting point is 00:06:07 Carissa invited me to an art gallery. We were having a great time, free drinks, beating each other, cracking jokes, and really just roasting everyone we saw there. And I just noticed that after I was poking fun at somebody, she sort of left as I went to grab more drinks for us. She just disappeared from the party. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So weird. That is weird. All right, well, here we go. (*phone ringing*) Hello? Hi, may I speak to Karissa, please? Yes, this is Carissa. Carissa, how are you? My name is Jubal and I host a radio show called The Jubal Show.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Oh, hi Carissa. My name's Nina. I'm also on The Jubal Show. Hi, I'm Victoria. So there's three people on the phone with you right now. How are you? Okay, good. How are you?
Starting point is 00:07:00 How did you get my number? That's a good question. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Is this catching me a little bit off guard? I hope I won something Well, you might have I'll tell you how we got your numbers though first And then we can figure out if you won something or not so we do a segment on the show And it's called the first date follow-up That's where if you go out on a date with somebody and then you end up ghosting them that person
Starting point is 00:07:23 Can have us call you and ask why so? you're currently ghosting someone they wanted us to get a hold of you oh boy his name is Dave you know Dave oh yes yes I do all right oh Dave wants to know why you're ghosting him he said he really he really liked meeting you he thought you were amazing and nothing My apologies is a little weird. I wasn't expecting anything like this But that night has been on my mind. So I quite strange. Okay, I'll just tell you what happened Kind of like karma. I should explain myself Okay, so I went out on the state with Dave and Dave was a great guy.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I took him to this art gallery thing that I had an invite to and I didn't really want to go but I figured out perfect first date. At least I have somebody there with me, free food, free booze, you know, whatever. We can have fun no matter what. So Dave was really funny. You know, like we got along really well. We both had like raw kind of like offensive sense of humor with each other and that we were both able to appreciate.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And that's like kind of hard for me to find. So I thought, wow, you know, this is cool. Okay. So you liked Dave's jokes and stuff. Yeah, Dave was cool, man. Dave was really cool. So, so what I really, I'm sorry, what I'm trying to get to is it wasn't date. This was all me.
Starting point is 00:08:47 So, and it's been haunting my brain and I should just clear the air. Okay. What I should have done was, okay, so I don't know how much you know, I have no idea, but I just left. He did tell us that. Yeah, and I should have lied and said like,
Starting point is 00:09:02 you know, I had, you know, this or something, like I should have lied and said like, you know, I had, you know, this or something like I should have lied and said like someone died, you know, like I should have just like done something. I'm just really confused how lying would have been better. But so what actually happened though? I don't know. I'm not good with confrontation. Like I'm not good with, with things like this.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So I just left. But what happened was, is we were making fun of a lot of people there because it's an art gallery and there's a bunch of weirdos there. We were making fun of people and all of the sudden I noticed that one of them happened to be my ex. Oh. And yes. And okay, so I mean, it was all funny,
Starting point is 00:09:43 but rather than feel bad about it When I saw my ex it kind of like ignited something else inside of me. Um How should I put this in in nice terms um urges came over me so I Ended up leaving to hook up with my ex in their car. Oh Okay, You are fine. I know. I never do. I don't even do stuff like this. Like I don't even know what happened. Like maybe it was just the booze or the sliders. I don't know. But I went and I hooked up with my ex in the car. And then what made me feel really even like I didn't feel bad because I was like, I only know Dave for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:21 So we'll just never see each other again. I mean that's what I thought like I'll never see him again and this will be a really great story about how me and my ex got back together but instead they ended up ghosting me after that. What? Oh what? So you ghosted Dave and then your ex ghosted you? This art gallery is really G. I like art galleries and everything else you just described I like too. So.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Oh God. And you know what? Which one was it? Whoa, Dave. Who was it? Yeah, I'm here. Is that Dave? Who was it?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yes, it is. He's on the phone. Who was it? Ah. Sorry, Chris. I should have told you that. Dave is on the phone listening and wants to talk to you. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It's okay. You know what? I needed to clear this this this was on my mind. I felt bad I think I said I don't know who was it It was the one that I caught that you were calling an Oompa Loompa with the green hair But she kind of like was like she's kind of like like like an oompa loompa, but she kind of like was like, she's kind of like, like that hot oompa loompa. Like you're saying it was, wait a second. Yeah, it was that she's saying you're in the women to do with me being attracted to women. I left you to go hook up with somebody else.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Look, in the amount of time that we had to get to know each other in our sense of humor and our openness, you don't think you could have told me that and that I wouldn't have been like, Hey, this is cool. Let's, you know, talk more seriously. Who's okay with somebody going, Hey, pause. I'm not gonna hook up with my ex real quick. Call me tomorrow. It's not okay. It's just easier to just, to just leave. It's easier to just disappear and then- I'm just pulling your chain. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's gonna hot. If her ex was a guy, would you feel the same way? Right, I don't know how to take this. Do I sound like I'd feel the same way? No! I don't know. Okay, thanks for not like, hating my guts. I mean, I was pretty crackading.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I mean, a little, maybe a little bit. I know that you didn't want to tell me. I can understand why. I mean, I was pretty cracky thing. I mean a little, maybe a little bit. I know that you didn't want to tell me. I can understand why I just, sorry for leaving you an art exhibit. I know that's pretty terrible. Maybe, maybe we can go people watch at like, you know, the beach or something sometime, you know, just the boardwalk. Are we really doing this on the radio? This is weird. But are you, are you asking me out again? Carissa, would you like to go on another date with Dave? We'll pay for it.
Starting point is 00:12:50 He obviously doesn't mind that you hooked up with your ex and the car on the same day you were on. Wait, you're going to pay for it? Yes. Yes. Yeah. All right. I will go back out with Dave. You're paying the bill. I mean go back out with Dave.
Starting point is 00:13:05 You're paying the bill. I mean, I was going to say that I owe him a drink. You know, they do not. I do owe you an X. So. If I see one of my X's, you'll know what happened, okay? Then we'll just be even. You guys are a TV show.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah. I deal. You guys sound like you're made for each other, honestly. I think this is a match made in heaven, for show. Yeah. I hate you all. You guys sound like you're made for each other, honestly. I think this is a match made in heaven for sure. Yeah. Two crappy human beings. I thought you were. That's why I wouldn't give up.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I just can't give up. Well, congratulations Dave, you got another date. And Karissa, you also got a date. Yay! Free meal! Free meal! Thanks guys! It's a free meal.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Look out for the bloopers! Jubal's first date follow-up. Thanks guys. You have a free meal. Look out for the blue bus. Jubal's first date follow-up powered by the advocates injury attorney online at I'm Mary Kay McBrayer host of the podcast the greatest true crime stories ever told this season explores women from the 19th century to now Women who were murderers and scammers But also women who were photo journalists, lawyers, writers, and more. This podcast tells more than just the brutal gory details of horrific acts. I delve into the good, the bad, the difficult, and all the nuance I can find. Because these are the stories that we need to know to understand the intersection
Starting point is 00:14:24 of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche. Join me every week as I tell some of the most enthralling true crime stories about women who are not just victims, but heroes or villains or often somewhere in between. Listen to the greatest true crime stories ever told on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if you asked two different people the same set of questions? Even if the questions are the same, our experiences can lead us to drastically different answers.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'm Minnie Driver, and I set out to explore this idea in my podcast and now Minnie Questions is returning for another season. We've asked an entirely new set of guests our seven questions including Jane Lynch, Delaney Rowe and Cord Jefferson. Listen to Minnie Questions on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers. Welcome. My name is Paola Pedroza, a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy podcast, where it's not just about connecting with deceased loved ones.
Starting point is 00:15:38 It's about learning through them and their new perspective. I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world. And most of all, I help people every single day. Listen to the Ghost Therapy podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Let's go to work. Join Bobby Bones on the official Yellowstone podcast for exclusive cast interviews, behind-the-scenes insights, and a deep dive into the themes that have made Yellowstone
Starting point is 00:16:13 a cultural phenomenon. Our family legacy is this ranch. And I protect it with my life. Listen to the official Yellowstone podcast now on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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