First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Why is Chloe's dog making her ghost Ryan?
Episode Date: February 7, 2025Dogs are very important to their owners. NO, Chloe isn't talking to her dog, but this date DID cause a major pet parent expense. Listen to find out. Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an ama...zing date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! ➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎ Instagram ➡︎ X/Twitter ➡︎ Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎ YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.
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I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast,
The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told,
where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim.
She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness,
the coroner, the criminal, or some mix of those roles,
because these are the stories we need to know
to understand the intersection of society, justice,
and the workings of the human psyche.
Listen to The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told,
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Dressing. Dressing. French dressing. Exactly. I'm AJ Jacobs and my current obsession is
puzzles. And that has given birth to my podcast, The Puzzler. Something about Mary Poppins.
Exactly. This is fun. You can get your daily puzzle nuggets delivered straight to your ears.
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My name is Paola Pedroza, a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy Podcast, where it's
not just about connecting with deceased loved ones. It's about learning through them and their new perspective.
I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world.
And most of all, I help people every single day.
Listen to the Ghost Therapy Podcast on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. First date follow up powered by the advocates, injury attorneys, online at
Ryan is on the phone today for a first date follow up and he's getting ghosted by Chloe.
So in a few minutes, we'll call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get him another date.
But first, Ryan, how long has it been since you heard from Chloe?
It's been probably about a week, maybe a little bit longer.
Okay. Okay.
I don't know. We went on a date. Everything went really, really good.
We ended up like taking her dog, this little Pomeranian named Noodle to a dog friendly.
I like that name a lot.
Yeah. I mean, it was super chill. Like, I mean, I thought everything went well. Like, I mean, we were sipping on craft beers. So I mean, we played like like I mean I thought everything went well like I mean
We were sipping on craft beers. I mean we played like one of those giant Jenga games
So like we watched noodle girlfriend like charm everybody else. I was hanging out the brewery like I mean it was great
What do you think happened? I
Don't know I mean I thought she was awesome like I mean
She's just super short man like witty in a way that like really just kind of keeps you on your toes and like
she loves dogs, like really loves her dog.
But I mean, that's cool.
Like she's got a big heart.
Like, I mean, we even like Sharon, a pretzel.
And I mean, that's basically like a relationship milestone.
Is it press Sharon, a pretzel and then comes marriage.
Yeah, I got it.
Well, you know, cause I've been on dates where like it's all like small talk and
just fake laughs and stuff like that.
But like when I was hanging out with her, like it just felt different, like like we
were actually connected with each other.
Like you could tell that she was into you, too.
I mean, like it just felt like we had a connection and like we were having like a
really deep conversation and like, I don't know, it was just like the best way to describe
it with the risk of sounding cliche is chemistry.
Yeah, that's not cliche at all.
Chemistry is big.
You don't have that with everybody.
So then what do you think could have gone wrong though?
Like was there a moment where anything got awkward or did you do something?
I mean, there was like a moment where like noodle kind of like ran away.
Like, I mean, I swore I had him, but like, he kind of like wiggled out of my, out of
his harness and then just kind of bolted and it took like six of us and like one like really
athletic bartender to like catch him.
Wait, this is a big moment.
She just kind of wiggled out and like bolted, you know, like, I mean,
Chloe thought it was my fault. She likes might have screamed like you have one job, Ryan,
like in front of everybody, but like,
when we ask you how the date was, this is a big thing to talk about.
Everything else about the day was awesome.
OK, well, then how did a random bartender get involved to help you get the dog?
Well, it's all the dog running and it was like a dog friendly brewery.
And so you ran over to help.
Oh, okay.
That was nice.
What did you do when the dog got away?
Did you try to get it too?
Yeah, no, absolutely.
I tried to get it.
How did she react after Noodle came back?
Was she fine?
Did she go back to normal?
Or was she irritated?
I mean, she was a little irritated,
but like not in like a, like a big way.
Like she wasn't mad, mad.
Probably she got Noodle back.
Did you guys kiss or anything?
No, we didn't.
We'll see if we can help you out.
We'll play a song, come back and then call her
and get your first day follow up next.
Ugh, we're so done with new year, new you.
This year, it's more you on Bumble.
More of you shamelessly sending playlists,
especially that one filled with show tunes.
More of you finding Geminis
because you know you always like them.
More of you dating with intention
because you know what you want.
And you know what?
We love that for you.
Someone else will too.
Be more you this year and find them on Bumble.
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It's the same thing with your network.
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If you don't feel confident to say a number,
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First date follow up powered by the advocates injury attorneys online at
If you're just joining us for today's first date follow up, Ryan is on the phone and Ryan
is getting ghosted by Chloe.
So we're about to call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get
him another date.
But before we do that, Ryan, why don't you kind of recap your situation for us?
So I went on a date with Chloe and her Pomeranian noodle and we had a good time.
I did lose noodle for a brief moment, but we got him back.
And yeah, I don't know.
Everything else about the day went really, really well
and we vibed and we had a really good time.
And so like, I just want to see
why she's not calling me back.
And the reason you think you might be getting ghosted
is because you did lose her Pomeranian for a minute.
The only possible reason I could think of
because everything else went so well.
All right, cool.
Are you ready for us to call her?
I am.
Okay, here we go.
Hi, may I speak to Chloe, please?
This is her.
Hey, Chloe.
How are you?
My name is Jubal. I'm calling from a radio show.
It's called The Jubal Show.
Hi, Chloe. I'm Nina, also on the show.
Hi, and I'm Victoria.
What is going on here?
This is a radio show called The Jubal Show.
Have you ever heard of it?
I have. I just didn't know you guys actually called people.
This is yes, we're trying to help everybody out.
Yeah. I mean, I've seen some clips on TikTok is so cool. Yes. We're trying to help everybody out. Yeah.
I mean, I've seen some clips on TikTok,
but I just didn't think,
I was just not expecting to hear from the radio this morning.
Well, we weren't expecting to talk to you today, Chloe,
but now we are.
It's a great surprise.
Look at that.
In the world, cool.
Chloe, we're calling you because we do a segment on our show.
It's called the first day follow-up.
It's where if you go out on a date with somebody
and they end up ghosting you,
that person can email us to get you on the with somebody and they end up ghosting you, that person can
email us to get you on the phone
and see why you're ghosting them.
And we got an email about you from
a dude named Ryan.
And Ryan told us about your date.
He thought that you guys hit it
off. He said that everything was
great. You were amazing.
Your dog noodle was awesome.
Are you ghosting him on purpose?
Yes. For your honesty, him on purpose? Yes.
All right.
For your honesty, you might tell us why.
Well, he's a nice guy, but I just can't date someone who is completely irresponsible with my child.
OK, what you have a kid.
No, my my dog, my dog Noodle is my child.
Oh, okay.
I didn't lose him on purpose.
Like he's a tiny dog with the speed of a greyhound.
Like I didn't intentionally lose noodles.
Chloe, that's Ryan.
He's actually on the phone and wants to talk to you.
I figured out.
I, you did drop the leash, Ryan.
You just dropped it.
I mean, technically he wiggled out of the harness, but yes, I mean, my hands
were once involved.
I know.
Then you were laughing about it.
You were just laughing while we were chasing him.
I mean, it was kind of funny.
Like the bartender dove at him.
Like he was like in the Olympics or something like that.
Like, I mean, it was something out of a sitcom.
There was a busy road right there. I mean, she's a little dog.
Drivers can't see him. I mean, he knows not to go in the street,
but if people are chasing him, he's scared. I mean, it's a serious thing.
The point is that you were careless and I mean, I don't,
I can't trust you with noodles. So how can I trust you?
But he's fine. And we got him back and he's not hurt.
And like he even got like free treats from the staff and stuff like that.
Like Noodle seemed like he was having a good time.
I mean, it doesn't matter if Noodle's having a good time before he gets hit by a
car. I just, I can't, I,
that dog has been with me for the last 10 years.
I can't have someone who just dropped his leash and thinks it's OK.
In a busy, I mean, yeah, so I get how terrifying that moment is, especially Chloe.
Like, you know, you're terrified for for noodle in the moment, but stuff like that
happens and it sucks.
It's not awesome.
But noodle is okay. And I mean, it sounds like there's a little bit of remorse there.
Like you feel bad that you dropped the leash, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
See Ryan does feel bad.
So it's like, that's probably something he's not going to do again.
Is this something that you're really going to hold against him, Chloe?
Yeah, I am going to hold him accountable for this.
I had to take middle to therapy because of this incident. Oh, wait, wait, wait. You took
your dog to therapy? Yes. Yes. He goes to mediums and he goes, well, she's never had
to go to a therapist before, but now he is because of you, Ryan, because of you. Okay.
And pet insurance does not cover therapy. So I should really be sending you the bill actually.
Yeah, because pet insurance probably doesn't see it as a necessary treatment for a dog.
Oh, how dare you?
How dare you, Ryan?
I'm sorry guys.
When I had you guys call her, like I had no idea that it was it was like this that you scarred a dog for life
Sure, that's that's what we'll go with. Okay
Brian at this point. I think the only appropriate thing would be for you to apologize to noodle
That would go a long way to repair
Kind of my betrayed trust
Okay, so because I just want to clarify.
So because I dropped a leash,
you want me to apologize to your dog that you put into
therapy because I traumatized him by dropping his leash.
Dropped a leash and laughed while chasing him like last during it. Yes
Does does noodles have any like group therapy sessions? I could maybe like
Like to go on another date with Ryan will pay for it
No, there there will not be a second
date with Ryan.
Would you guys be willing to take
that same money and give it to
me for noodles therapy?
Because Ryan seems like a deadbeat
for it.
You know what?
It was reserved for people who go
out on a date.
So I really can't do that.
But maybe Ryan can find it in his
heart to send you some cash.
Checks in the mail.
Tell Noodle, I apologize,
and make sure that you put them aside
for his trust fund, okay?
Oh my God.
Jubel's first date follow-up powered
by the Advocates Injury Attorney,
online at
I'm Mary Kay McBrayer, host of the podcast, the greatest true crime stories ever told,
where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim.
She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness, the coroner, the criminal, or some
mix of those roles, because these are the stories we need to know to understand the
intersection of society, justice, and the workings of the human psyche. Listen to the greatest true crime stories ever
told starting on February 11th on the I heart radio app, apple podcasts or
wherever you get your podcasts.
John Stewart is back at the Daily Show and he's bringing his signature wit and
insight straight to your ears with the Daily Show years edition podcast. Dive
into John's unique take on the biggest topics in politics, entertainment, sports,
and more.
Joined by the sharp voices of the show's correspondents and contributors.
And with extended interviews and exclusive weekly headline roundups, this podcast gives
you content you won't find anywhere else.
Ready to laugh and stay informed? Listen on the iHeart Radio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Dressing. Dressing. Oh, French dressing. Exactly.
I'm AJ Jacobs and my current obsession is puzzles. And that has given birth to my podcast, The Puzzler.
Something about Mary Poppins.
Exactly. This is fun.
You can get your daily puzzle nuggets delivered straight to your ears.
Listen to The Puzzler every day on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
Welcome. My name is Paola Pedroza, a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy Podcast,
where it's not just about connecting with deceased loved ones. It's about learning through them and
their new perspective. I think God sent me this gift so I can show it to the world. And most of
all, I help people every single day.
Listen to the Ghost Therapy Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever
you get your podcasts.