First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Why is Dante ghosting Lola?

Episode Date: February 28, 2025

It's been almost two weeks since Lola went on a date with Dante. She's texted. He's ghosted. What could be the reason? He IS a busy boy, is that it? Let's help Lola find out and see if we can get her ...a second date. Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an amazing date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! âž¡ï¸Ž Get on The Jubal Show with your story - This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎  Instagram ➡︎  X/Twitter ➡︎  Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎  YouTube ➡︎  Support the show: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Calling all 9-9ers, now streaming. It's the More Better podcast with two episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Fun. Host Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero welcome former castmates Chelsea Paredi and Joe Lattrullio for one episode each to laugh and swap stories. Like Andre would always be like, trying something and they're like, do less. Yeah. Do less. Do less all the time. But then some of the biggest things were the biggest hits, like Vindication, remember?
Starting point is 00:00:24 Listen to More Better with Stephanie and Melissa on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast, Are You a Charlotte? The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week for a conversation filled with memories and stories I didn't even know. Cynthia could have been Carrie?
Starting point is 00:00:43 When I first read the script, they asked me to read for Carrie as I think they asked you to read for Carrie. Did you? I did, and they were like, yeah, not so much. You can't miss this. Listen to Are You a Charlotte? on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
Starting point is 00:00:58 or wherever you get your podcasts. First date follow-up. Powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Online at Lola is on the phone today for a first date follow-up powered by the advocates injury attorneys online at Lola is on the phone today for a first date follow-up and she's getting ghosted by Dante So we're gonna see if we can get him on the phone in just a few minutes Ask him why he's ghosting her and maybe get her another date if she still wants one But first Lola, how long has it been since your date with Dante? It was like a week and a half almost two weeks ago We met at this, um, at this bar close to where I work.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It was happy hour. Have you tried to get ahold of him in that time? Or like, have you texted him since your date? Yes. I've texted him a couple of times and literally no response. Like the first time he was like, Hey, I'm busy. I'll hit you up in a little bit. Then never heard anything.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I waited, you know, a couple of days and then I tried again and nothing. And then I tried once more last night and still nothing. And that's why I called y'all. What is it about him that makes you want to talk to him so bad? Cause don't you just kind of want to be like, well, screw you then bro. I didn't like that's part of it now. But it's like, I'm, I've been ghosted before. I've ghosted before.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Like I've just never, I've always known why. Like, you know what I mean? Like where you can look back and you're like, Oh, it was probably this or it was probably that. Yeah. Like this night, everything seemed to go so well. I think that's part of it is just like, what did I do? Like, is it me? Is it him?
Starting point is 00:02:33 I don't know if he's married. I, you know, it's like, I don't know what, I don't know what the deal is. I just kind of, it'd be nice to talk to him again or see him again. But more than anything, I just kind of want to know like what's up, like why? Cause everything was so nice that night. There's not anything you can think of that could have been an awkward moment
Starting point is 00:02:52 or anything like that? No, like we were, we were at this bar and like I've seen him before and always drew my interest, but I never approached or anything like that. And then that night I was there for happy hour with a couple of friends after work and he came over and started talking to us and then my other friends kind of like walked away and it was just the two of us and it's this cool place they have like board games and plants and it's just a like chill
Starting point is 00:03:22 vibe you know and um so we played a couple of board games, played, played battleship. I haven't done that in like forever. It's like a fun place. It was, it was really cool. And I was trying to like, just trying to see where he was. And he like started, he found my battleship and kept, you know, hitting, hitting, and I was like, sir, are you hitting on me? And like, that like broke the tension and we both started
Starting point is 00:03:52 laughing and then that's when like we just started like really talking and we're doing that question game, you know, that starts with like, Oh, who's your favorite band? Uh, then things get, you know, a little, little more intense. It's like, Oh, you ever run from the cops, like in college or whatever. You ever catch your parents? Did your parents ever catch you that kind of stuff? Yeah. The weirdest one was body count.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Who asked that question? He asked. He asked. On the first date? Like not even a date really, like we're just chilling. Right. And uh. I guess that is a weird question to ask on the first date,
Starting point is 00:04:30 how many people you've been with or whatever, but I could see it in that moment being like, you're playing a fun game, so you don't, I wouldn't even think about it. Then I would say to him like, oh, probably like a crunchy question to ask her. Okay. So then how did you, how did you react to that? Well, I turned it back on him.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I was like, well, what's yours? And so then he answered and I was like, okay, well, his is more than mine. And so I said it, I gave him an honest body count and it didn't seem like it was a big deal. We like, you know, kept hanging out and kept drinking. He even, you know, he was like, hey, should we go somewhere else? I was like, I was like, I've got to, you know, I've got to work tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And I didn't want to leave, but like, I didn't want to, it was just such a good night. I didn't want anything more to like ruin that. So like we said our goodbyes, we exchanged numbers, and you know. And that was it. Yeah. Well, we'll try to figure it out for you.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We'll play a song, come back and then call him and see the answers. And if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you and then maybe get you another date if you still want one, okay? Absolutely, thank you guys. All right, play a song, come back, get your first date follow up next.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Ugh, we're so done with New Year, New You. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding demon eyes because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention because you know what you want.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too. Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. First date follow up powered by the advocates injury attorneys online at If you're just joining us for today's first date follow up, Lola is on the phone and Lola is getting ghosted
Starting point is 00:06:19 by a dude named Dante and she has no idea why. Maybe it's because she sunk his battleship. Not sure, but we'll find out. Literally. Before we give him a call to see why he's ghosting you Dante and she has no idea why maybe it's because she sunk his battleship not sure But we'll find out literally before we give him a call to see why he's ghosting you Lola Why don't you kind of recap your date for everybody? We met and happy hour after work hung out played played board games battleship Had great conversations played questions game Drank a little said goodnight, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:45 everything seemed cool and then he's literally ghosted me. Are you ready to call him and ask him? I think so. All right, here we go. (*phone ringing*) Hello? Hi man, speak to Dante please. Yeah, this is Dante. Dante, what's up man? How are you?
Starting point is 00:07:09 My name is Jubal and I host a radio show. It's called The Jubal Show. Hi Dante, the show's here too. I'm Nina. Hi, and I'm Victoria. Oh, so this is a bunch of people calling me. Yes, it is. What's up Dante?
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm doing pretty swell but uh Why are you calling me? We're calling you because we do a segment on our show I don't know if you've heard it before but it's called the first day follow-up It's where if you go out on a date with somebody and then you end up ghosting them That person can have us call you and ask why you've been ghosting them. So we got an email about you from somebody named Lola Well, I Really want to talk about that one. Really? Can you? Why?
Starting point is 00:07:52 I mean, she said it was a good time. I mean, I had a general good time. Things were things were pretty good, but I could tell that she really wasn't she wasn't really like truthful to me. Does that mean? Well, what it means is when you ask someone a direct question and they just kind of like, you could tell they don't want to answer it. And then when they finally do answer it, they don't tell you the truth.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Okay. So back up. Yeah. What happened? No, it's just my intuition. Okay. Yeah. Explain, explain the situation you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Well, we're playing games. We're having a generally good date, playing games and we're asking questions about each other. And I just didn't feel like the answers I was getting were really what it was. So you know how it is once you finally kind of determine you don't want to really be there anymore. You just kind of go with it and things stay on a good note. But then once you're done, you're just done. Kind of. I just feel like there was some mixed messaging with the exchanges of numbers and stuff. Yeah well let's put it this way I was just asking and I started asking her questions and I wanted to know some things because it gives me a
Starting point is 00:08:58 good gauge on kind of person I want to be with and I asked her how many people she's slept with before. Does that question usually go over well for you? I mean you could find pretty quickly whether or not you want to continue something because I have my own threshold for me. If I find that a girl has more than me, then I don't necessarily want to be with that girl. Why? I don't even know that it's about the number Dante. I just think the question is a little bit presumptuous.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I don't know if that's your business right away Everyone has their own priorities when they date. I just find that to be one of mine and when and when she answered I could tell she didn't want to give me an answer. So then once I actually got her to answer it I think she just said a number below mine and it was very clear that she wasn't really telling the truth. Okay, so you just think she was lying about it? Yeah, and I have a standard for dating that I want. One of them is don't be too obvious with your lie and the other is don't sleep with more men than me.
Starting point is 00:09:59 What? What about you and the more like women you sleep with? Do you get degraded? I don't think it's equated to the same thing. Oh my gosh. We can not have a conversation right now. I just am not, I did not have enough coffee for this. First of all, Dante, uh, I did not lie to you.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Your question was out of pocket and I didn't want to answer cause everything was going so well and I didn't want to go this direction Because I worried about like this exactly Dante. That's Lola. She's been on the phone listening. Yeah, of course Of course, I've got a talk to her too. Now That's okay You and you finally stop calling me Yeah, the good news is you will never have to talk to me again What I did with my body before I messed you is none of your business.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Literally none. It is though. I think it is everyone's business when someone's trying to start a relationship with somebody in general, just when they're dating, when they're trying to start something, they want to know the history of the person. The history of people matters. It dictates the person's future. So the fact that I'm a grown woman who's literally, and I'll tell everybody, I don't care. The fact that I'm a grown woman who's literally slept with five men in my life, that is too
Starting point is 00:11:14 much for you. Five, that probably means ten if not more, because women just cut those numbers in half, because they know they don't want it heard by everybody. He just makes up his own rules. If he's going to date Dante, he needs to show up with a diary explaining everything that's happened in their lives prior to saying, hi, nice to meet you. Sorry. If only it was like that, it'd be so much easier.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Dave. I'm sure you believe that. I'm sure you do. This is like two different dudes. The guy I met that night and this guy, because I wouldn't, I wouldn't have wasted my time on this guy. That's because I already made my mind up against you. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Well, I hope that all those women that were part of your number, that's the part that turked me out is like you go ahead, you slept with twice and more than twice as many people as I had, if your number is even correct correct if you've got this formula then that means That you probably use it too. Yeah, I mean if we're talking about dude math Don't they cut it in half and like divided by something like that. So if you said 15 really we're talking about like what 45 Exactly Actually, whatever the dude says it's usually half of that because half of them are virgins. They never get sex.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It's so much harder for guys to actually get it, so they're trying to portray macho more so. This is interesting. You're an interesting guy, Dante. Very interesting. Yeah, I know I am. That's why I've already slept with 20 women. Wow, like this is a prize?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Then we divide that by two? I don't know what's the math is on that anymore. Dante, would you like to go on another date with Lola? We'll pay for it. Gosh. Wow. Wait, this is a prize? And then we divide that by two? I don't know what the math is on that anymore. Dante, would you like to go on another date with Lola? We'll pay for it. No, I don't think I do. Cool.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, not only do I not want to go on another date, I'm going to Venmo you for the drinks you bought me and I don't ever want to see you again. Oh great. I get a refund. Nice. Yeah, I wouldn't even bother though. Keep your money, girl. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just sorry I wasted everything.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I think we're good. Well, this battleship just got sunk. Yeah, you sunk it when you sucked. What? Jubal's first date follow-up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorney online at Calling all 9-9ers, now streaming. It's the More Better podcast with two episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 Fun. Host Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero welcome former castmates Chelsea Ferretti
Starting point is 00:13:39 and Joe Lattrullo for one episode each to laugh and swap stories. Like Andre would always be like, trying something, they're like, do less. Do less. Yeah, we do less all the time. But then some of the biggest things were the biggest hits, like, Vindication, remember? Listen to more better with Stephanie and Melissa on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts,
Starting point is 00:13:56 or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Kristin Davis, host of the podcast Are You a Charlotte? The incredible Cynthia Nixon joins me this week for a conversation filled with memories and stories I didn't even know. Cynthia could have been Carrie. When I first read the script, they asked me to read for Carrie,
Starting point is 00:14:15 as I think they asked you to read for Carrie. Did you? I did, and they were like, yeah, not so much. You can't miss this. Listen to Are You a Charlotte on the the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome. My name is Paola Pedrosa, a medium and the host of the Ghost Therapy Podcast, where it's not just about connecting with deceased loved ones. It's about learning through them and their new perspective. I think God
Starting point is 00:14:43 sent me this gift so I can show it to the world. And most of all, I help people every single day. Listen to the Ghost Therapy podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Did you know that 70% of people get hired at companies where they already have a connection? I'm Andrew Siemen, LinkedIn's editor-at-large for jobs and career development.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And on my podcast, Get Hired, I bring you all the information you need to, well, get hired. Landing a job may be tough, but Get Hired is here for you every step of the way, with advice on resumes, networking, negotiation, and so much more. Listen to Get Hired with Andrew Siemen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you like to listen.

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