First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show - Why is Elise ghosting Jack?

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

Maybe he's overthinking it? Jack had a great date and really can't figure out why Elise is ghosting him. Let's see if we can help him out.  Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an amazin...g date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! âž¡ï¸Ž Get on The Jubal Show with your story - This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎  Instagram ➡︎  X/Twitter ➡︎  Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎  YouTube ➡︎ Support the show: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ugh, we're so done with New Year, New You. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Geminis because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. Hey, what's up, y'all? This is Eric Andre. Well, they made a podcast called Bombing about absolutely tanking on stage. I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about their worst moments of bombing in all sorts of ways. Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life. I want to know what's the worst way they ever bombed or have they ever performed way too drunk or high Hi, listeners. With Eric Andre. Hi listeners. It's Emily Tish-Sussman, host of the podcast, She Pivots.
Starting point is 00:01:10 This March, we're honoring Women's History Month with episodes from powerhouse Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I fell in love with public policy and that's kind of when I pivoted. Then later we dive into the rise of women's sports by hearing how sports investor Carolyn Tish-Blojit is shaping the industry. Come join us and listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, it's Amartines.
Starting point is 00:01:37 The news can feel like a lot on any given day, but you can't just ignore las noticias when important world changing events are happening. That is where the Up first podcast comes in every single morning in under 15 minutes We take the news and boil it down to three essential stories You can keep up without feeling stressed out listen up first from NPR on the I heart radio app or wherever you get your podcasts first date of follow-up powered by the advocates injury attorneys online at Jack is on the phone today for a first date follow-up, and he's getting ghosted by Elise
Starting point is 00:02:10 So in a few minutes, we'll call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get him another date But first Jack how long has it been since you heard from Elise? Hey Hello, I guess it's been about a week now. And you've been trying to hit her up. Yeah. He and I actually, I'm trying not to do too much, but I did just text her again this morning and I think I'm overthinking it a bit. So that's why I'm asking dad for help now.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yeah, I get that. Why don't you tell us about the date? The date went well. That's, that's the weird thing. The date went really well. We went to a nice top of the spot. Honestly, it was perfect. And we talked, we laughed.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And we had a lot of chemistry, you know? And then she's the least. She's funny, she's gorgeous, quick with her comebacks. It's all just, whoa. It's good, you know? And then we went back to my place for a few more drinks and one thing led to another, you know, yeah. And we had a few.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yahtzee. I thought you played Yahtzee. Okay. I played some kind of Yahtzee. So you guys hooked up, huh? We did. It was amazing, honestly. I haven't felt that comfortable with someone in a long time. That's why it's kind of weird because now she's ghosting me. You know, I really have no idea why. Like everything felt great. with someone in a long time. That's why it's kind of weird because now she's ghosting me.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You know, I really have no idea why. Everything felt great. Well, how did you guys leave it? I think, good. I thought it was a great date. That's why it's- What's the last thing she said to you? She said she had a great time.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Did she say the night or did, which kind of like dip right after. She didn't dip right after. I don't think she spent the whole night, but she, you know, she stayed for a while and then I got her an Uber home. So did anything happen though? That could be the reason why she's not hitting you back. I mean I've been trying to think back on it. There was one thing
Starting point is 00:04:10 a little Embarrassing is kind of funny in the moment. Actually, I mean, so I have a couch Baller. More than just the couch. Okay. But something happened at one point in the night. She sat on the couch and a leg in the middle of it actually broke. Oh no. She didn't like fall off, but it went down and it was kind of funny. I think, you know, I laughed a little.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I caught myself. I caught myself. I caught myself. Because they didn't like me laughing then. Uh, I think maybe that was embarrassing for her. And that's. I would be mortified if I broke somebody's couch. I'd be like, the last thing I'm going to do is let you touch me. Now that I just broke it. I mean, I let her know it's an old couch.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I tried, I tried, you know, I could stand to replace the couch anyway. If I wasn't upset or anything. Okay. Okay. So was it the couch itself because it broke? Like, you know, when you go to somebody's house and they don't have a headboard. But in this case, you have a couch, but it's a janky couch. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Maybe that's why. Well, we'll see if it was the couch that is making her ghost you. We'll play a song, come back, and then call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting you and maybe get you another date, okay? Great, thank you guys. All right, we'll play a song, come back,
Starting point is 00:05:32 and get your first day follow up next. Ugh, we're so done with New Year, new you. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Geminis because you know you always like them. More of you dating with intention
Starting point is 00:05:53 because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will too. Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. Have you ever wished for a change, but weren't sure how to make it? Maybe you feel stuck in a job or a place or a relationship.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Join me, Emily Tish Sussman, over on She Pivots, where I explore the inspiring pivots of women, dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them, and leave you with the inspiration you need to make your next pivot. Every Wednesday, I sit down with women like Kamala Harris, Vanessa Hudgens, and armchair expert host Monica Padman. This March, we are continuing to uplift women in honor of Women's History Month
Starting point is 00:06:35 with episodes from powerhouse Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I fell in love with public policy and that's kind of when I pivoted. Then later, we dive into the rise of women's sports to learn how leaders like sports investor Carolyn Tisch Blodgett and former Gotham FC champion turn coach Michelle Bados are shaping the industry. Come join us and listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. First date follow-up powered by the advocates injury attorneys online at If you're just joining us for today's first date follow-up,
Starting point is 00:07:12 Jack is on the phone and he's getting ghosted by Elise. So we're about to call her and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get him another date. But before we do that, Jack, why don't you refresh our memory on what happened with Elise? Yep. So Elise and I went on one date. We had tapas. It was great. So great. She came back to my place. We were hitting it off.
Starting point is 00:07:31 We did end up hooking up, but one weird thing happened where Yassi, she did sit on my couch and then her leg broke at a point. So I'm worried that might be why I'm not here and back. I've texted her a few times and haven't heard back in about a week now. All right, well we'll see if it's the couch that did you in or if it's something else. Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:07:52 I'm ready, thank you guys. Yep, okay, here we go. Hello? Hi, is this Elise? Yeah, this is she. Hey, Elise, how are you? This is the Jubel Show. It's a radio show. My name is Jubel.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Hi, I'm Nina. Hi, and I'm Victoria. And I'm Jubel. How are you? I'm good. Have you ever listened to the show before? No. I've never listened to the show before.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I've never listened to the show before. I'm Victoria and I'm Jewel. I'm good. Have you ever listened to the show before? Yeah, I sure have. Okay, great. Thank you. We'll ask for a review at the end of this. Leave it on them Google or whatever. But Before we do that, have you heard of first aid follow-up before? Yes. Okay. Well, guess what Elise?
Starting point is 00:08:45 I'm on it. Yeah. You're ghosting somebody and they emailed us asking if we could call you to see why you're ghosting them. Do you know who would do that? I knew this was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Is this Jack calling? Yes, it is. You knew he was going to call the radio station? I just I'm not surprised. Okay. Well, Jack told us about your date a little bit, said that you are awesome and is confused why you're not calling him back.
Starting point is 00:09:16 He says it's been about about a week or so. Can you tell us? Sure. I mean, he is a sweet guy and the date was actually a lot of fun. Like we had a great time until we got back to his place. Okay. I thought there was some fun had there. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Is it Yahtzee not fun? Uh, I mean we didn't play Yahtzee. Yeah, no that's from something that we talked about him with. We know. Code. Yeah. So was that's something that we talked about him with. We know. Code. Yeah. So was the date fun though? You liked the date?
Starting point is 00:09:48 You had fun with him? I mean, yeah, the date was good. It's just when we went back to his place, like, I mean, it was fine at first, but it was just like, it was a little messy, but like whatever, right? Then I see this sock. Not just like any stock, a sock, like near his bed. And it wasn't like just lying around like laundry. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:15 You know what I mean? Like it's like, I think so. I just think of like college, a used sock. Yes. Like the used sock was like clear what it was used for. Oh It just gave me like a like the total Jack he's on the other line listening and wants to talk to you I had no idea. Guys, no.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Hey Jack! Hey, oops, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You guys say more than oops, Jack. This is a big one. Was she right about the sock? Yeah, listen, I forgot about the sock. I forgot about it. Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to come back to my place. It was not supposed to be there. I'm not some frat boy.
Starting point is 00:11:16 That's right. It just helps with the nerves. Nerves. Okay. So it was for me, you were so nervous that I see, I still think it's pretty gross. It does feel like a pretty frat move. Like I haven't seen anything like that since like freshman year. Like I just like, I can't unsee that, you know? I get it. I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:45 But then again, I totally forgot about it. I was nervous. I did not think it through, but I'm not some adult crap guy. I swear. I will do whatever it takes. Please just don't write me off over a stop. I just-
Starting point is 00:12:01 I'm not saying he's not. I'm just picturing Jack using it like a mic mic drop like he's prepping for the date He's a little bit nervous and then when it's over he's like, I'm ready mic drop Sorry Jack, you're making it really easy at least would you like to go out with Jack again on names Jack On another date with Jack? We'll pay for it. Oh gosh. I mean the night was fun and like Jack's not a bad guy but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:36 That was a lot. And now the fact that you just incorporated his name into what the stock was for is kind of hard not to. Well, Elise, listen, give me one more shot. One more shot. No dirty socks, no broken furniture, just a great time with an honest, loyal, attractive, lovable guy. Hey, he is honest, Elise.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Look at that. Like he did own it. He didn't try to say that the sock wasn't for that. Like he did own it and he's laughing about it. Like at least he's got, you know, a good sense of humor too. He really likes you. That's true. Fine.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I'll give you one more chance, but you need to call me after you've done your laundry. Sweet. Congratulations. Elise, you and Jack are off on another day. Wow. You want to do that so bad? Yay! Jubal's first date follow-up.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Powered by the Advocates Injury Attorney. Online at Ugh, we're so done with New Year, new you. This year, it's more you on Bumble. More of you shamelessly sending playlists, especially that one filled with show tunes. More of you finding Geminis because you know you always like them.
Starting point is 00:13:51 More of you dating with intention because you know what you want. And you know what? We love that for you. Someone else will, too. Be more you this year and find them on Bumble. Hey, what's up, y'all? This is Eric Andre. Well, I made a podcast called Bombing about absolutely tanking on stage. I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about their worst moments of bombing in all
Starting point is 00:14:15 sorts of ways. Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life. I want to know what's the worst way they ever bombed or have they ever performed way too drunk or high or was there ever a time where they thought they were going to crush and they stunk it up? Listen to Bombing with Eric Andre on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Bombing with Eric Andre. Hi listeners. It's Emily Tish-Sussman, host of the podcast, She Pivots. This March, we're
Starting point is 00:14:47 honoring Women's History Month with episodes from powerhouse Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I fell in love with public policy and that's kind of when I pivoted. Then later we dive into the rise of women's sports by hearing how sports investor Carolyn Tish-Blojit is shaping the industry. Come join us and listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. events are happening, that is where the Up First podcast comes in. Every single morning in under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three essential stories so you can keep up without feeling stressed out. Listen Up First from NPR on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

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