Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade - Marci Klein

Episode Date: February 22, 2023

Dealing with hosts, an SNL team retreat, and executive producing 30 Rock with Marci Klein. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or paid subscription starting at 12.99 per month. Marcy Klein intro. Marcy Klein. Just for everyone who's about to hear this podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Marcy Klein was a very important figure at SNL for many decades as a producer, kind of Lawrence right hand woman, and was talent management and guest management. And she has some amazing stories. She's really funny and just fun to hang out with and fun to have dinner with. Yeah, you know, I think we used her. She asked about it. She said, if you guys want to talk to me because I hear my name, we throw it in casually like Norm was back there, Marcy brought us in.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah. She brings you to see the host when they need the host. If the host is bored, she walks in, spade, Sharon Stone's in there, go, go, go, say something. All right, all right, and then you go in there and she doesn't want to talk to you. And she'll tell some stories about that inside baseball. She won't mention the name,
Starting point is 00:01:25 but it's like five minutes before the air show and goes into the dressing room and the person's like, I just can't go on tonight. It's bowling. There's no egg making on it. Yeah. And she has to figure out just a psychological jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:01:39 to get this person ready to do nine-year minutes of live stand-up. Yeah, so she had a lot of funny stories. It's a lot of inside how people got on, auditions, how they pick. Very interesting. She was there my whole run. I think your whole run too.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Oh yeah, she was, I mean, I knew her, which we talk about when I did Brown University, it's a stand-up and she was in the front row, and something funny happens. Oh, that's right. I think we talked about that. So I knew her from that, and all of a sudden, she's at the show, and she has a very famous
Starting point is 00:02:08 dad. I just didn't have any idea. And she's running the town department and she was sort of a scout also. She had a lot of different, she would look at the old VHS tapes and she just hang out with us. All the cast members. She was our mascot. Uh, actually, Will told me he used to go,
Starting point is 00:02:25 let's go down to Wally and Joseph's when he was, we had an overlap. Wally and Joseph's. That's a good place, we used to all go. Uh, okay, here she is, Marcy. Enjoy, Marcy. Come on, come on. There was an amazing guy that he brought when he hosted that was a like guy that like I can't explain who he was but I was like David that guy's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:52 He was like a chiropractor. Do you know when you hosted David did you bring a chiropractor to the show? Oh, maybe I brought a movie. What a movie star. Traveling with a team. It didn't help. Well, I'm Marcy. Do you remember? Hi, Marcy. Hi, David. What a movie star traveling with a team. It didn't help. By the way, Marcy, do you remember? Hi, Marcy.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Hi, David. Do you remember when I got sick when I hosted? Yes. I don't know if Dana remembers this. I will refresh your memory. What what are we talking? The early knots or past two, ten, the middle knots. I think I hosted maybe is a second time.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I would have liked. I only did two. Whoops, I did three. You guys all try to blackball me, no I'm kidding. I only did two, but they were fucking terrifying. And it's so much harder because when I was on, I didn't have, I was never in like a ton of sketches like Dana, so when I'm on.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I was always in a lot of sketches. Hosting is a motherfucker. Oh, it's so that's 13 sketches the cold opening some Signarily did Marcy hold your hand that week. Were you you a rounder? You're working on 30 rocket that I feel like no, I feel like when David maybe when you hosted I was like I can take the week off. Yeah, I mean like it's there's nothing better than X former cast members that come back. You knew that. Yeah. See at the party. Yeah, you know the drill. I know a read through.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I know when it's going to be hard. But even if it's been time together that first, because I remember you hosting a thinking that was a big deal. I think what happened was. You just just out Dana when he hosted was not stressed out. Well, in the 90s, I was, when I came back in 2010, I was too, you know, you're living up to the past and you can't. Where's the pepper boy sketch? You know, it's like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's like you put a little pressure on yourself, but David's always calm and cool. Didn't you do character? What was the character that the guy who did the dance with Will Ferrell? Sorry, I'm Chris Katan. He had that little funny. I did mango and kiwi and you wore shorts and I go, God, I have really muscular legs and that's been your legacy. I should never not wear shorts because it was a that was a believable. Oh, the letters that came in. Here's that with a Dana. I do I do dress and I'm sure it was Mars. He was there because she probably
Starting point is 00:05:11 can. When I retell this, I say it was Marsy for people that don't know Mars. He was the time she ran the town there producer for years. She was she was for probably at least 20 years. She was going into a room with a scared movie star or athlete who said, I just can't go on tonight. It's like 11, 20 and Marcy's job was to get them out of that room so they go out for the monologues. Anyway, we'll give Marcy a go.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Listen, you quit and we fire you and they're like, wait, what? They're gonna take my children away. Now get your ass out there. I'm doing one of my hilarious bits, but I mean so many things in spades, very fragile, like powder. So is carady.
Starting point is 00:05:50 What about you, Colline? I'm doing like a nine hour dress, Dana. And we're about, almost, we're probably to the last two sketches. And it's like 10, 50. I was either it was food or it was stress or I wasn't feeling good and I was sick. And'm like and I'm just sitting in a sketch and you know Right when it's right when the sketch is over they go. Okay run over here
Starting point is 00:06:11 You know you got 30 seconds and I just sat there in the sketch and I think it was marsi c'mere Spade let's go and then I go and all the customers are waiting and Then I just laid down in front of the sketch and they go, what the fuck's going on? And Marcy's like, hold, hold, tell him to hold. And so they bring me in the dressing room. Hold, was this over a rehearsal or the air show? It was a dress, which is still a full on. No, it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Hold dresses. I'm, oh, I go in the bathroom and I'm laying there and it's coming out both ends. I'm laying on the floor. I'm like, do I have food poisoning from Huxley's or what? Yeah, I'm like, look, I always pull the hose never eat. They're like, I'll have sushi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I don't have sushi before the fucking life. I'll have the scariest thing to eat possible. Nothing for me, just these Vietnamese egg rolls will do. And you're like, oh, I wouldn't eat that before. So I am laying on the floor, Dana, freaking out. Marcy comes over. And Marcy's the door and I hear Lauren, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:07:11 And she talks like Lauren's doing, or that would not be Lauren's. Lauren's getting it. Okay. And I just hear on the other side of the door, I'm laying face down my bathroom going, like I don't even wanna. And why didn't you get asked to go back
Starting point is 00:07:23 for a third time, host? No, you know what? And I didn't even want to and why didn't you get asked to go back for a third time host? No, you know what? And I didn't sue them No, but what happened is I was just either over stressed or I didn't eat and it was too much pressure and then after I sort of got Everything out of my system. I could feel myself lighting up going okay, I feel better and then I think Marcy and Lauren this sounds like a lot, but I think they were saying, what do we do? Because we have to tell NBC if we're going to run a rerun tonight. Right, right. Right. And like, you might not pay all the make it.
Starting point is 00:07:53 He's the nurse who is still. Oh, yes. Yeah. And it's Teresa. Yeah, I just ran into her. I'm at NBC. Oh, is she around to Teresa, right? Yeah, she has. I want to last time I did found. I can text her to come up to discuss it. Well, we could talk about when I separated my shoulder, but let's go back to him. Did you rally? Like Myers, you know, did have you guys had Mike? Oh, yeah, yeah, Mike was violently ill. Do you remember? Yes, there was a show where he was truly. Yes, really violently. Running up like behind the set.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Right before he came out. Yeah, I thought it was Philip and he pooped in the bathtub. He was, and he was sick too, David, are you trying to be like mine? I'm trying to be exact. I'm stealing his story. You're sick. I feel like, my, my, my, my away. Marcy, I'm like laying there in like a UPS outfit because I mean, whatever sketch, you know, so then I get my actually other.
Starting point is 00:08:50 But the way that's hearing it, a lot of people don't feel great. Sure. I should be a seasoned vet, though. I should be the last one. Hosts in need. Hosts in Marathon used to pass out at the read through a lot. You know, I didn't like it. I'd have spaghetti brought into the to pass out at the read through a lot. You know, hang on. I didn't like it. I'd have spaghetti brought into the read through it at the break and then I just said, go ahead Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You just reminded me that I used to order the food for read through. That was another one of my jobs. Remember I used to like, I got the cars for the cast. You had like five jobs. It seemed like you were everywhere. I used to think you were just like everywhere. You were holding the hand. You were you were a night. Yeah, like five jobs. It seemed like you were fine. I used to think you were just like everywhere. You were holding the hand. You were
Starting point is 00:09:28 hanging out with us. What? I hung out with your moms. Remember the mother. You hang out. You're the mother's day. I'm here. The mom's episode. I took them out. That was a fun week. Took my mom to Chip and nails. I just saw Rose Rock.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Rose Rock. Rose Rock. I just saw Rose at Radio City when you saw Chris. Yeah. And Chris and I just went on Sunday to see tar. Have you seen tar tar? Spade, you wouldn't get it. Is it a movie a play or is it with Kate Blanchett, my celebrity crush? Oh, it's a great, it's a play. That's brilliant, right? Because no, no, it's a movie. A movie. It's a great. It's a play that's brilliant, right? No, no, it's a movie movie. It's a masterpiece. Is it on live streaming? Could I watch it right now in the corner of my laptop? It probably will be, I mean, it's like a almost three-hour movie. I see it. I'm going to have the sound off, but I'm just going to let it run there.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Has she hosted? Wait, one second. I keep hearing a ding and it's coming from my computer and I'm trying to, you guys hear it. Stop notifications. It might be your email. We're not hearing it. I had that. You go into notifications. Now, I guess it's, I mean, is it going to annoy you?
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'm just pretending I haven't heard it. I haven't heard it. But if you guys haven't heard it, then maybe it's only on mine. Yeah, it's not good. It's fine. It's a great idea. We have a very low budget podcast's not good. It's fine. It's a great idea. We have a very low budget podcast. It's our technical resume.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's slimy. We barely make it. I don't even know if I'm recording. Yes, I am. Dana, I'll just tell you that the end of the story is I drag myself back up. I finished the UPS sketch. Those people have been there for 25 minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I do it. I give it absolutely nothing. The poor writers are like, well, that one's not going to make it. And then I do one more sketch, skate through, and then we get ready for air and everything was fine after that. But I swear it was touch and go. And I remember Mars. Marcy, you were there from the very, very beginning for me. Yeah, I remember. I think, right? Remember, Dana brought you in and you sat on the couch outside of the town department waiting to meet with Lauren on the team and the microwave oven, which is what were my desk used to be?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Because I knew David before us and all and in the club. So I brought him in and he actually passed out the same way with the UPS story. He just went down and I go, hold, just Marcy asked that every time. Tell Lauren, can you go, can we get 10 and you know, Marcy's a champ. Always cool under pressure. But yeah, you have been amazing. That was like on a Friday night. Yeah. No, I, who was I talking to? Marcy goes, Lauren will be with you in three to seven hours. Just relax. I'm like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Lauren will be with you next Thursday. It's just relaxed. I'm like, what's up? Lorna, with you next Thursday. You have to wait here. You were meeting him on 17. It must have been like a Tuesday night because I would have not been, it was up on 17. David, do you remember this? I don't remember meeting Lorna outside of 17. I would always.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Just hanging out. I just remember thinking Dana is here with some guy I've never met. And I was trying to, you appeared. And then you, I don't remember how you got on the show, but I know it was, I feel like, well, Dana and Dana's helped. And then I had the audition.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Were you at the audition for me? That's a good question. Well, I was at, I was at the, great question. Adam, uh, Schneider, Chris Rock was with Adam, wasn't he? Chris Rock and Farley came,
Starting point is 00:12:51 they started together. Oh yeah, they came later, yeah, yeah. And did they come later before? Well, we, they came before you. No, Rob and I got the last four episodes of a year. So we finished a season. That's right.
Starting point is 00:13:08 When we came back, they picked us up as writer performers and then rock and farly were joined. So they were the first read through. That's right. That's right. I remember that. They were full feature and we were I think writer features. And then Sandler came about two, three months after.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Oh, there there was. Oh, well, the way he was. And there was, the bad boys arrived. And I felt like it was like, they were leaving, right? It wasn't that the whole thing. I started in 89. I remember. And, dude, can I tell the story how when I went to Brown University?
Starting point is 00:13:40 I know. I know. So, yeah. That was the funniest best story ever. I was playing the college, you know, and I was doing my act and Marcy sat up front. She had this incredibly crazy hair, like just gigantic thick hair. I don't know if you were laughing very hard or talking to me or something. Everyone was obsessed with Dana. No one could believe you were there. And I was like front and center and I felt like an eye contact. And my hair must have been because my hair was so big.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah. Like, is that? And I use the old comedian trick of calling you big hair woman. And then you call it back. What do you say, big hair woman? So you became the co star of that set. And then I don't know if it was like six months later or whatever. All of a sudden I see you walking around eight ages like big hair woman's here.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And I was like, wait, do you remember that? He said he remembered. And of course, I don't really know. At the time, I was like, wow, he really remembered that. But obviously that was just stick and that you didn't remember me. Oh, I did remember that. Oh, yeah. I didn't do that many colleges. And I remember you did't remember me. Oh, I did remember that. Oh, yeah. I didn't do that, man.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Yeah, you colleges. And I remember you did have big hair. But a lot of people, I had one with a giant hair and I call her big hair woman. I don't know. I did other things with the audience. Like, you know, orange coat man, spade does it too.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah. And you were, I did short sky the other night. This guy shorts a little short sky. Yeah. So you were big hair woman. So I did remember it. And you were front and center.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You're kind of almost in the light. So I remember what you look like. And then you did tease it up. It had a little bunjou in this. It was just big. I probably did tease it up. It was just a lot of hair. But we're all over the place. But that's sort of how we are. It was Miller called me hair too. I thought was like my name. Hey hair come over here. Get some orange ass sun kiss kind of deal down here. If you want my spot, I wouldn't kill you to write some update jokes. Slide them under my desk. We love Dennis. No, slide them under my door. Let's let's for a second. Whatever. I'll do some housekeeping for people who are listening.
Starting point is 00:15:41 This is Marcy Klein. She is an Emmy award winner. I think I like, Paul McCullough, to you the greatest producer in the history of broadcast. Television, she produced 30 Rock, and then she was ubiquitous. She was everywhere on Saturday night live for like 20 years, and she did 25 years, and she did every kind of job, and I remember as just doing a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:16:02 She wasn't like a handyman, but she was a freak. Well, she did fix my sink in a things. She wasn't like a handyman, but she was a freaking... Well, she did fix my sink in a way. She had a toolkit. She did drywall my office. Yeah, I called her toolkit after that. And everything except be a cast member. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But I've been an extra... Okay, I'll do all cut to it like a Barbara Walters. Who is the crazy a thoast? That was... What did Lauren say when you asked? Doug, we ask him crazy as host, David. No, because I don't think he would ever say. I always get hurt.
Starting point is 00:16:32 There were some, I wouldn't use the word crazy, but some were a more heavily maintenance, you know, kind of thing. But challenge everyone asked me and I was, I just do Steven Segal, because I have a Steven Segal because I have a Steven Segal bit, you know, but I don't say like I liked Steven Segal actually. Me too. And people don't know. Right. That was a crazy week. I think that was a bizarre week because Nora left the show. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or no, she she had left the show because it
Starting point is 00:17:02 dice clay. Sorry. She left dice clay week. Yeah. David, did you boycott the Steven Seagull show? I don't boycott it mostly because of his ponytail. But what was that we like for you, Marcy? Were you in check? No, I just remember that he was weird about standing in the set. Do you remember this? When he was doing the sketch, he liked he wanted to be outside set. Yeah. And he was Liz Welch. Liz, I remember. Yeah. I just was texting with Liz. She's so funny. She's so great. Steven, you can't stand there. Yeah. Yeah. Steven's waiting. He said, there. Yeah, yeah, Stephen Sweet, you got to just say, you know, we need to, you know, like we were trying to sort of deal with him. I mean, looking back, like he, he just, I don't want to say anything more, but he, it was a, it was a, a week, that was one of my
Starting point is 00:17:58 first weeks where I thought, like, oh, not every week is the same. And it looks different and you have to deal with them. He, but in the end, it just was it, like I feel like Jim Downey was, that was a difficult week for Jim. Oof, as a head writer. Any one that had to get right face to face with him and deal, it's always tough when the host is a,
Starting point is 00:18:21 probably nervous, which is understandable. And B didn't want to be. Remember, I just remember kung fu fighting like he didn't want to go for the hot and fronstein where we made fun of him in the re through. Arnold could beat you up. You know, you're a buttocks alike marshmallows. And he just sat there and listened to it. He didn't laugh.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And then on the rehearsal stage, didn't say anything for two days. On Thursday, we were walking through it and then he goes way over. He leaves where we are at the center of eight HM moves like a hundred feet away is just standing and Kevin or maybe Marcy said can you go talk to him and I went over there and he didn't even look at me and he said I just wish Arnold was here so I could kick his fucking ass so for two days he was stewing and then we had to rewrite the thing. You're stronger than Arnold. And then I ran into a swarcinator. It makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Santa Monica, six months later, I said, so all sets he wants to kick your ass. And he's with all his giant Austrian guys at Footlong Sagar. He leans back and goes, he's that the fact. So that's, that was it. He was eccentric, but I just liked his stories. It was all, he was talking about Russia and martial arts and conspiracy theories. I found him fascinating. So. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:34 No, he was. That just reminded me of Sylvester Stallone who's so nice. And I had to go to the set. David, were you with me? I was in there. I was there when he was. It was Adam McKay. Maybe I'm, I'm, were you there when Adam mckay was there or that was after you left? I think he might
Starting point is 00:19:52 have been I should look I need a sheet. I was not there. Will Ferris first year been there when he was hosting, but I was gone. It was it was like I had to do like that, you know, you watch it in the movies of, you know, like talent people that try and sign, you know, hope like I had to go to the movie set and meet with him and I brought Adam McKay and I feel like I might, maybe I brought Will Ferrer.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I can't, we need Ayala here. Right, Ayala. Would you remember going to the set to kind of walk him through what SNL be like to convince him? Yes, it would like I had to sort of you know like Host comes in and the first person they meet And when I first started when when you were there when you when I came when you were there I would go to my first host was Dolly Parton and I had to pick her up at the airport like cheap
Starting point is 00:20:41 Wow Oh, you know, hi. The airport pickups. I love it. Yeah, and that was for cell phone. How they could send a car. You had to drive to the exit. No, no, no, I was in the car.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah, it's because that. I would, it was just a lot of like waiting around. And then eventually I, you know, so when the host comes in, I have to sort of explain everything that's going to happen. And then Lauren sort of does that. He shortens that. When we go in and before the Monday meeting. Right. Exactly. They meet first. And so with Sylvester Stallone, it was the first time where I think I do a Fred Spector was his agents, whoever, whoever his agent was said, no, you have to go get convinced slide to do the show.
Starting point is 00:21:32 That's old school. He was the only one that was not just showing up because he was booked. Right. So he was shooting a movie here, Ray Leod. I remember getting in trouble because I was Ray Leod. It was like, she's in my fucking eye line. Like I was like, what are you doing? Why?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Like, yeah, it was like, that's intense. And then eventually, Ray Leodah hosted. But anyway, those guys were all sort of similar. Not that stuff. Maybe that's old school. Like, come talk me into it come get me you know I need coaxing stolen is a nicest dude anyway. He's the nicest and he wrote everyone thank you notes and he was so nice and I didn't do that yeah he's a total
Starting point is 00:22:16 you know that birth guy still can not too late. Hey dear Liz Dear Audrey Audrey Purt was there can a monster Henry Can Jim Henry sat me down to explain why I'm making so little money Jim Henry He was he business affairs guy. Do you guys remember Andrew Brewer? Yes, oh, yeah, yeah, emailed us a letter, didn't he? Or you know, he even wrote us a question. Yeah, because he says he's at a cafe in Barcelona or something. Hey, yeah, he's in Barcelona. Yeah, yeah, so we all those old.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It was one time, Marcy, when I said, puts the on the air with Dennis at update and Andrew Brewer, he said, you got to mumble it and I walk off stage, he goes, what are you doing to me? He means to be right. Right when I step off of update, what are you doing? Spade you doing? You're gonna get me fired. We're all going down That's like when who smoked Who was the band that they were smoking pot on stage?
Starting point is 00:23:19 I'm gonna guess black crow stone temple pilots. Do you remember Marcy, I was upstairs and I did a joke where I said, Stone temple pilots, I liked them the first time I saw them. When they were a girl, Pearl Jam. And then when they hosted, they said they wanna kick my ass and then Marcy had to go down and they, I always just picked you with a cigarette going, all right, let's say I'm gonna go talk to them. All right, but do not come downstairs.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Don't come down to eight, stay on 17 until we figure this out. God, how many fires did you put out? I mean, my God. That's what Lauren always said. He's like, Marcy puts out fire. son contagiosos, pero MailChimp no. MailChimp analiza los datos de millones de correos electrónicos para ofrecer recomendaciones personalizadas para mejorar el contenido de tus correos electrónicos, segmentar tu público, entre muchas cosas más, adivina menos y vende más con IntuitimailChimp, la marca número 1 en email marketing automatización.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Empieza hoy mismo en Vas a verme a tus públicos de marcas competidoras en número globales de clientes en 2021-222. That's a scary thing when someone's melting down or being a problem, you're walking to the door and you do the little knock and you don't know what you're gonna find. If you ever had anybody, you came in and they got overtly hostile, like what the fuck are you telling me? Yes. Was it David? No, but a very famous woman. Woman, clan close?
Starting point is 00:25:03 No. No, she's sharing stuff stone through a boot at me. One of her shoes at me when I had to tell her something that she didn't want to hear. Sharon Osborne would do that. So I go ahead. I never met Sharon. So they threw a boot at you with true anger and did you dodge it? I mean, did you like that? Yeah, I understood her reaction to be honest. You know, Gabriel Bern, he hosted, or either of you there.
Starting point is 00:25:31 That was there for the long. He came up to me, I loved him. And at the next week, he was like, he came back like the next Saturday, and he grabbed me and he's like, so you do this every week, you know, like because you know what it's like, when you come in there, he's like, so you do this every week. Because you know what it's like when you come in there, it's machine and everything just, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:50 it's Monday, Tuesday, whatever. Working chaos, yeah. We do dinner and then we do in the band and then the promos and then the thing, and then you go in the room, we eat the food on Friday, we hang out, everyone, you know, so I guess that's why I believe SNL is still on, you know, because there's nothing else like it and you as a host and you come on, you're treated
Starting point is 00:26:13 no one in maybe if you're shooting a movie that's Dana, you guys would be able to know. I mean, isn't don't you think this is like there's nothing else like this where you're like running your own show ish? No, there's nothing like Saturday Night Live. Nothing. That's why it's the seminal experience for all of us. And we're talking to Lorna about that that because a lot of times you're getting movie stars or actors or non-comedians having to suddenly come in and host a comedy sketch show. There's a reality show aspect. So even a set of life has a dud of a show.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I think it's almost more entertaining than when it kills to see how people react than everything. So. Yeah. 100%. The same amount of work goes into the ones that bomb. That's the, that's like movies too. Mike Myers being really upset. And I get it that we booked Nancy Kerrigan.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And like stunt casting because I hit the leg of the wall. It was the whole plot. It was the whole. Yeah. And that was That was a like you're talking about sports people that come on. Yeah There's that whole group of people. There's a way that is that was that happened before I was there I mean I was it but she by the way there for Nancy Kerrigan. No, I was it. That was my idea I look okay
Starting point is 00:27:42 And my thought it was stunt casting kind of or well, he would write. I mean, I heard some grumblings, but I was like, well, how come, you know, George Steinbrenner hosted? Yeah. How come the carigan came host? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 What's the difference? And that's a bigger stunt. That's a New York stunt specific. So maybe that was New York specific, which S and all was very New York specific. I remember when Nancy Caran was fucking huge. And I was kind of bummed because it wasn't a great show. It was like dice. We got a big number and we just wasn't quite the show.
Starting point is 00:28:12 We wanted to show everyone. It's still amazing. She showed up and she's so nice. And she, that was a very like, I was like, I can't believe she's coming here and doing that. Well, her, her skate scene with Farley where she was throwing up in the air and skating with her and Phil and I were, well that was really funny. That was really memorable.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So funny, I was there on that shoot. I went on that shoot. Is that a rock filler center? Yeah. It was a rock filler center, but then it was also at like you know SkyRank there were two. I was oh my god And I was so cool. I was like can you do a triple act that she was doing things for me It's like a whole puppet Can you do the thing you said around when they do it? It's crazy out those
Starting point is 00:29:01 That's so good heavy skates around Yeah, and then land it could but Chris could actually those young, heavy skates around, whirling and then land it. But Chris could actually skate enough too because he grew up in Wisconsin, right? That was the funniest surprise of the sketches that he was actually good. And he is wearing a goofy outfit. And then of course, he's falling,
Starting point is 00:29:17 and then he's screaming and then throws him in here. Right, and Chris is falling and screaming. And it's hilarious. So, was that before or after the Chippendales? I think it must have been after because Chippendales was early on. I think Downey said about it in his fourth or fifth show. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was great.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Another monster. Yeah. Did you have, did you hear any blowback at Chippendales about? He didn't want to do it. I didn't hear that. There's a big controversy was Chris being exploited or just being funny and some feel one way, some feel another.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I mean, I remember is that he, I don't feel like he felt that way. I don't either. I don't either. I get that vibe either. I thought he knew exactly. I mean, he would take off his all his clothes to walk into the rewrite. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either. I don't know either feel, it wasn't threatening. I was, I've never felt threatened by Chris. Well, because he was so, he was enjoying it so much and he was so joyous about it. And so silly and cackling, he burst into the writer's room naked, kind of was like cross. And then he'd do a pratfall. And then he would do that guttural. You know, what can you do it is laugh, you know, just that was I just had a memory that I I won't Say but I remember walking into his dressing room like my makeup on
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah, he was like mercy come in here like and I Did something You can't fucking do that. Yeah, I know Did something. You cannot fucking do that. Yeah, I know. Sometimes he pushes his weener in between and does like the bush shot. He would do that, the silence of the lambs. He would do that about twice a week in different parts of the.
Starting point is 00:31:17 There weren't that many of us too. I mean, it was. No, there was like, well, do you remember this Marcy and I know we're jumping around, of course, but that we never talk about on here. That was such a weird thing that I don't know if you kept doing, but Mohunk, we went. I was just going to bring Mohunk up to you. Yeah. The retreat, because by the way, I planned, that was, was that your idea?
Starting point is 00:31:44 What Lord said, we're going on a retreat. Lauren and Jim Downey wanted to retreat. It's like a movie. For a retreat. So, and they were like, Marcy, you plan it. I planned the party. I mean, I was like, okay, I was 22. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I just got in there and Aaron, I said to Aaron. Aaron Moroni. Aaron Moroni, I was like, you need to help me do that. I'm doing. I'm too young to do this. Well, just for a second, has there ever been a retreat before or after with the whole cast of SNL? I never, that was the one off.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Did you have more than one? That was the weirdest thing. So we all went to Mohawk, all the cast, I guess, the writers and Marcy, go on, planned it, I guess. But we did, so we went off. Yeah, but it was the camp, the writers, and we had campfires, and then we had parties, and it was like camp college. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It was, I actually, Lourgeau has photos. I think it was, It was crazy, those are crazy think it was. Who's crazy? Yeah, those are crazy. We're throwing the football around. Yeah, there was the football and then we, and I was thinking about that last night, I was like, God, Mulhunk, didn't I?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Did it twice? We never, I only wanted one, but I remember Lauren Lauren did us some more demonstrations. The proper way to make us some more. Everyone. Graham crackers, Marsh and chocolate, mercy. Kevin, are you looking? Kevin, you have to see it. Okay. Smash them together.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Stories and stuff. For Lord. Lord telling God story. It's the thing that I want to open the closet door, but then again, you don't want to open the closet door. And then he said, boo, or something like that. And you're running. But how about this?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Norm said, I think Norm was new, and he said that he got there. And it was like a big haunted place like in the sun, and he was terrifying. Together, yeah. And every time people talk about Long Island, I go, is that where we went from? And you want to know what Mohon kids,
Starting point is 00:33:41 and was like, no, I'm staying in New York. Is that Mon Talk? I don't know where it is. We all had haunted experiences. I did a movie there and I had haunted experience. You guys have some weird poltergeist stuff. Yeah, in my room, I absolutely had a poltergeist experience in Mohon.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You're a fine, and I remember being fine. You're in sleep in my room. Like, it was very big and goth and yeah, who picked the hotel Orn, orn, that was a thing that shelly do ball. It's called And it was a place that someone Someone had done got killed that yeah, that was it. Yeah, well varsity look Lord Norm McDonald goes He goes when I got there farly's he gets norm was new he goes I have to tell you the secret which is always a good farly bit
Starting point is 00:34:32 he goes come here norm and he goes we keep walking and he goes norm following down here so they walk farther and he goes then we go down a hall then we go down the basement then he comes in a room and close the door and he goes what farly goes Pat's a girl So Chris put all that trouble. Yeah, he went all that way for a bit It's Pat Funny well, I'm just reminding me it's Pat was an old sketch. Were you there when I had to Produce sort of like the mohunk thing the Mohegan sun casino night?
Starting point is 00:35:11 No That was a separate trip. It was your precious Jimmy found and Tina Fey maybe And a lot of years No, it wasn't that it was it was Dan Acaroid No, it wasn't that it was it was Dan Ackaroid not that I was in the 70s But he I they brought in a bunch of SNL former as Has members and maybe it was like will that group I can't remember hmm wow Well, there's a whole other kind of version of Milhunk and but in the casino I Would rather do that whole other kind of version of Mulhawk and but in the casino. I would rather do that.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'm so aware. I'm sure. So also, we can go anywhere I want to go, but you also were part of like picking cast members. I have a big influence. See that I was getting to that. She discovered comedy superstars Molly. She's got most.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yeah. Tracy Morgan, Fallonon Seth Meyers will Farrell armison Katan Darrell Hammond Sarah Silverman. It's Kevin James. Kevin James for the mall cop. That's so funny because Kevin James they Steven Colbert Kevin James were my two I kept kept saying, why are can't we hire them? But Jim and Lauren that didn't, you know, didn't compute. Well, here was, um, he was the understudy when I went to Chicago before, like, born and everybody would come, Mike Schumaker, have you had Mike Schumaker on
Starting point is 00:36:39 yet? No, we'd love to. Schroom taker. Um, we, and I, I, I was there. Maybe it was with, it was just Mike. I think I, I remember whoever I was going to see was sick and Stephen Colbert. It was, uh, it was the understudy and, and I'm like, that guy's really funny. It was Steve Correll and then he understudied Steve Correll. And Steve was sick. Yes. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And have you already heard of Steve? then he understood Steve Crosse and Steve was sick. Look at that. And have you already heard this story? I called him the two steas. Remember when we put him on the show in 1996? Because luckily, SNL passed on him or at least didn't see them properly because they were brilliant at what they were doing. And also Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph.
Starting point is 00:37:22 He said, you're Deicas. Jason's an anarchist. So who, well, I don't know, here's like a, I mean, a question that's maybe Barbara Walters, who was the, who was the one you saw? Like they stepped out and you went, holy shit, not only should they be on SNL, they're gonna kick ass. Yeah, who's a clear star?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Um, wow. Other than all of them. Other than all of them. Everyone that obviously ends up on SNL stands out. I mean, there isn't anyone who... There's something there. It's a hard vetting process. If you find your way into the intersinctum, you got some kind of chops because it's different.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Right. I mean, Jimmy and Seth, both like, I mean, you know, Seth, I feel like he had the perfect audition. He just nailed it. And he did new impressions. What does he do? He or did he? Um, he, he had a pretty good. Yeah. I mean, if he wanted to do an impression, I think he did. He grant. I remember because I remember. A few. I remember that Ayala had seen him in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:38:21 And she said, you know, he's a great writer. That's what you. And I said, well, he also is is he looks like he could be on TV. I mean, you know, more so than I could, you know, so. And I said, you know, we should put him on like Tina Fey was the same thing. Everyone's got to add that I when I was in Chicago, he's like, he's the one who said, Tina Fey is a brilliant genius. You know, it's got ads that is so funny and so great. And it's got ads that audition for SNL
Starting point is 00:38:52 and didn't end up getting hired, but he kept saying Tina Fey, Tina Fey. And so Tina ended up being hired as a writer first and then she had that becoming a cast. So I mean, you know, I when I guess host of the show the first time, you know, Lauren, always we'll do church lady. So then I was with it was Tina was assigned to me. So we did it on and off all week and when she would write, she would do, well, I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:39:22 you know, and then I did it with Zeth later. He did the same thing. They both would just do the church lay to me. So, um, Seth, Tina, in some ways kind of reminds me of Steve Martin, uh, yeah, just totally in the fountain of writing that she can do. She's kind of shy in a sense, never ending. Yeah, very sweet. It can perform their ass off and the writers. They seem other good friends, right? Because they seem like they have brother and sister or something. Yeah, there are certain people that I email with every time they send me an email,
Starting point is 00:39:54 I laugh out loud, you know, yeah, those two are super funny. You know, they're, they're, they're, Tina's just, she's unbelievably funny. You know, they're they're they're tene is just she's unbelievably funny. What does she come to you and say I want to do 30 rock is you're on 30 rock right you were you know the the way that came about was they called they called me in. Lauren was like, get Marcy, I came in. And you're just in a special room waiting for your orders. Yes, Marcy would each start. And they're like, they told me the idea. And they said, we want Alec in this.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And I was like, that's going to be interesting to convince them to do a TV show. But then I read and teed. We I and you know, I think because I was the Alex whisper. Rep. You understood, Alec. The Alec was. Alec Baldwin. Yeah. And I actually like, I actually when I read this script, I was like, this, this, this is, he's going to win every award. I thought it was so perfect for him and so funny.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And I had, that was my job. I was like, I got it. So I had to convince him to do that. Also, you know, like a lot of people, what did you do in us? And I said, well, as you know, the read through there are 50 sketches. And then they go down to, you know, right.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And then I have to convince the host to do them. Yeah. What else is doing that job? That was my job. And that's difficult, right? Because so much work. It's really difficult because you, I feel protective of the host.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That's my job. I also have a a job which is to make sure the show runs and Lauren and Jim and you know Tina Seth you know whoever's show running it we get on I have to look at the big picture but I also have to make sure that the publicists and the managers and the agents and the host and the musical guest all want to come back because I would always argue you know this we're inviting them and then we we we tell them that they can't we can't sabotage them. So it's like a like you know it it as you know you once you become on Monday and and especially if the host is into it, you know attached. I got attached to some more than others. And so with Alec, he's so smart and so funny and so brilliant.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And when he, I knew the way to convince him to do that show and it worked. And also, I mean, it was just, how did you convince him? What was your strategy? Well, I mean, it was just, how did you convince him? What was your strategy? Well, I mean, it's just a pilot. It obviously was so well written and perfect. And also he, he kind of was to do with making that show, even that pilot script. I went over to his house and I read it with him.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And I played the Tina part and he played. Interesting. Lemon. And, and we just kept doing it and you know he didn't want to do to end the whole thing. I kept that whole season. It was negotiating with Jeff Zucker and Mark Grabeoff, you know, because he would he just only wanted to do two episodes or three episodes. But the really thing about Alec was that he really produced it too. I mean, he was his idea. James Krakowski, he really fought for her.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And he is so funny. And he's almost, isn't he almost sort of like a cast member on SNL? Yeah. I mean, interject a quick thing. And I wonder if you were there, Marcy, but I was really struck me when Alec first hosted because he was full movie star. Of course. And I remember that he's just on the set with us and we're blocking or whatever. And I guess I kind of said something effective.
Starting point is 00:43:52 What do you want to do? And he goes, I want to do this. You think I want to be on a submarine going, I, I kept in the rest of my fucking life. He was like, this guy was a full blown ready to go. Give him a franchise. He could be James Bond. Full blown. And he will they get remember was a full blown ready to go. Give him a franchise. He could be James Bond. Full blown. And he won. They gave, remember, they gave him the fucking fugitive,
Starting point is 00:44:10 which is a huge movie. They gave him hair on the top. Clancy submarine ones who could have done. And he fell out. Yeah. He fell out of fugitive to do a play. So he is like a cast member. He's between a guy who was on the show. Well, yeah, he's like a second. His own individual lane of a cast. He was, and I want to say like 91. I mean, it was like, Marcy was my third show. And it was a, it went Corbin Bernson, maybe Alec, and then dice and then Candace Bergen. But Alec was such a star. I think you set up a thing for us to see hunt
Starting point is 00:44:48 for that October. Yes. Yes. And maybe Miami Blues. Yeah. Well, then did he, cause he hosted? Maybe when he hosted again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:56 He hosted. So that was his first time hosting and he did Green Hill A, which I always bring up. I thought it was so funny. Remember he's kissing everyone like, and he did the mimic. Yeah. And he did. And he was so funny. Remember he's kissing everyone like, and he did the mimic. And he did. And he was so funny.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And then he got up for an Emmy for that. And, uh, and I'm a dentist mill in the summer goes, Christ, but lay, there's no fucking chance. You're up for an Emmy for absolutely no reason. You were the second show. Your name's on the credits. I go, yeah, but I'm up. I'm going to the Emmy's mother fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Mother fuck. Mother fuck. Mother fuck. Yeah, we're relationship. Yeah, anyway,'m up and going to the Emmys motherfucker. I'm not a fat. Mother fuck. Yeah, were you relationship with him? It's very, you know, you you are the Alec horse whisperer. I mean, and he person whispered any one Emmys. He made a lot of money. And Alex, yeah, who's a great show? Yeah, that show the problem with SNL and that show is that once you've
Starting point is 00:45:44 worked on those shows, it's very hard to work on something else. Because it just feels like molasses, right? So slow. And the problem. And I, like, it's, you know, it, it, it's amazing. I mean, you know, the, the 30 rock, like, those read-throughs were just, you were crying laughing.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. And, um, yeah, I mean, and then it was a single camera or a mix with an audience and single camera or a single no audience. So it gets a little easier. Another thing Alec used to say to me, just go. I know it like is it single camera. Just go.
Starting point is 00:46:20 It's like a movie, single cameras like a movie. Yeah, and it was long, but it was nice. There were so many people from SNL that I was doing both jobs. I was going from SNL. It was weird because I think there was a point where everyone in SNL was like, where's Marcy? And everyone at 30 Rock said, where's Marcy? Like I was never anywhere. what were your titles at that point then it was executive producer talent coordinator producer of um 30 rock which I had to fight for um your book should be called where's marcy or get get marcy get marcy get me marcy now um did you Jeff Daniels remember when Jeff Dan yes
Starting point is 00:47:07 Evie his eyebrow when he lost his eyebrows was that it was at his second time I was with that was one of the most terrifying He the plaster the plaster had thing and he oh, yeah, I remember that story Yeah, yeah, like they had to put oil and take off his face. And I remember the next week, it was for the Jay Leno. No, we just got a second for the listeners that describe what that is. They put you in a head cast and you breathe through a straw in your nose. It's a life mask.
Starting point is 00:47:34 A life mask. Yeah, you can't hear sea. It's all over your mouth. You just have one little straw in your nose and it can be very claustrophobic. So they somehow it was the wrong mix of glue. We found out it wasn't a real plaster or something. So they somehow it was the wrong mix of glue. We found out it wasn't a real plaster or something.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It was real plaster, but what was crazy about it was George Mendes, remember George Mendes, who sort of had the lawn hair, you know, and he was in charge of the studio. And I remember he came up to me and he was like, I need to talk. I don't know. I need to talk. I didn't need to talk. I remember how scary this day.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And he said he's like, we have a bad situation going on. You know, again, it was me because I'm the talent person. And if this was like midnight Friday night, it's tumble we've got to get down. Yeah, we need a casket for Jeff Daniels. Yeah, come down. But I go into the makeup room and he's screaming.
Starting point is 00:48:29 It was, I've never seen it was like, I was like, he's covered in plastic. Is it still covered in, and as you can hear him screaming, screaming and kicking and going and saying, yeah, that's all I'm, I mean, but he couldn't speak, you know, and I were running up Aaron was outside of Lawrence office and Jim, I just like, she's like, well, they're in there. I'm like, I just burst in. I'm like, Jeff Daniels, like, it was is dying literally down there. And then I have called Dr. Lam, Dr. Lam
Starting point is 00:49:01 happened to be in the rainbow room. I feel like this was an episode on 30 on real Should have been 30 rock. And he was like in a bow tie and then he came down. Anyway, it was just, you know, it was that, I don't know. How did they get it off? Dude, he's our chain. I think I remember they bent it back from his forehead and took an exacto and went down and cut off his eyebrows
Starting point is 00:49:22 and then he got his eye lashes hair. And then he ripped off. It ripped off. eyelashes hair. And then we get the pose. I mean, it was a whole big thing. Like, what the fuck happened? Basically, somebody, why was there any? Was it a sabotage? It was a sabotage. You remember that, that's a joke.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah. Because I've never heard of that happening. Like, how did they get the wrong mix, the wrong place? No, I don't know? I don't know. I don't know. I remember seeing they said Jim Kerry. All I did. That was a joke.
Starting point is 00:49:51 That was a joke. I was the next week. It was Monday and the show. Yeah, nobody cared. But also Jeff Daniels to his credit went through all that and then did the show the next day. And did great on the show. You can see his eyebrows are like painting in.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Now, they said, because I got a life mask once and I was telling him and they said, you know, when I put the holes and they go, we're gonna cover your ears. It's just plaster over your whole head. Yeah. They go, come here, cover your mouth. Come here, and they said, when we cover,
Starting point is 00:50:23 like the third one, you are going to freak out. And I said, why? They said, it cover your mouth. Come here, and they said, when we cover like the third one, you are going to freak out. And I said, why? They said, it's just, you can't. And I said, no, I'm very calm. I know they go, we're going to do it very slowly. And right when it covers, I go, take it off. Take it off.
Starting point is 00:50:35 It's something about being buried alive. And they said, they said, if you cover this, don't, if you get sick or throw up, you will die. Because you can't, it has nowhere to to go and all I thought is Jeff Daniels Them going calm down because if he throws up well, yeah, I had one that didn't go wrong But they had to do it twice but the first time I mean I've had many of them maybe eight or ten in different situations But they put it on and for some reason they're they're talking each other and all your hearing is And for some reason, they're talking to each other and all you're hearing is, Oh no, oh no, oh, it sounds like they're panicking.
Starting point is 00:51:06 So then they needed to do another one. Guys, just talk calmly to each, because when I hear, we're going, we're going, it's like, hand me that, hand me that. But yeah, it's a very, it's a real mind fuck. It's a meditative thing to go. They're professionals, everything's okay. It goes against all your human instincts.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Wow, okay, so you had a shoe thrown at your head, almost got blinded. Yeah. You saw a host almost die in your arms. Yeah, I have. Other than Alec, who are you the closest with out of all those hosts? Do you still stay in touch with any of them?
Starting point is 00:51:39 I actually became close with Gwyneth Peltro, Renee Zellwiger. Okay. John Ham, because he's cool. Yeah, it is a good, obviously, because you're seeing them at their most real and vulnerable when they're doing quick changes and they're exhausted. So then you get to know them,
Starting point is 00:51:59 and they're looking for you as a life raft, like Marcy, is this normal, am I okay? So it's a bit of bonding. And you get them through it. I feel like I, I didn't, when I became a mom, when I had kids, I was like, oh, this is like when the hosts, I know if my kids like their hosts, you know, like, that's how you're parenting style.
Starting point is 00:52:22 That's perfect. So you know what to do with accident and ER visits? When I'm like, actually, they're right. You know, there is that time between dress and air when the host is not in the meeting. And I'm like, ooh, that's the host's favorite sketch. And I already see that that's going to go. And I would fight and say like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I mean, there's stuff that goes on that behind this. For the audience. For the audience. You hear what the way everyone has talked about. What? You hear how everyone has talked about in the heat of the moment. Yes, I definitely like. I was ever, I had, I could go in anywhere. There wasn wasn't there wasn't a place that I was not able to go in and know what was going on and
Starting point is 00:53:11 um so when between dress and air the thing that's always funny is I always would say to the host on Monday at the party you are going to say this doesn't best week of your life Yeah, oh, yeah, and at the party. They're always like always Right, you know what I mean everyone reacts the same way They're full of endorphins full of like a let's tell the crowd that listen to a huge crowd We have at least 27 hundred listeners This is a popular cast. A few people have mentioned that. What do you have mentioned on it? I never heard such a thing. Well, when the host has a read through,
Starting point is 00:53:52 which we talk about a lot, but I think the one we don't really talk about is from the read through everyone breaks all the writers cast. Wednesday, now, now, Lauren out to dinner. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah. Lauren, the host, let's say Lauren Alec, Downey, Smigel, maybe Franken. That's when I was there. Would all go in to pick the sketches. So they put them all in a card. No, no, no, no, no, no. Now first it was Lauren Jim, me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Oh, god. And then like the host goes in later. There's a pre-host meeting. The host you thought is more like, how are we going to break into the host that this one and some writers and producers are asked in? Like Lauren would like to see you and he's like, could you make that sketch shorter?
Starting point is 00:54:37 Or could you, you take out that entrance? So he's producing. Then what happens? It's dangling. Yeah. And there was always like a host would always say like, what, you know, I thought I was going to do a wings world.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And I'm like, and then yeah, there was always like that thing of, you know, when Lauren would be like, someone had to do a wings world, you know, you'd have to like, oh, a host would come in and say, I want to be on blank. There would be that. We'll also be the wait. What on Wednesday? It was like, you know, how long Wednesday is? Well, we're up to that sketch that day. So that would always be like, I'd have to go and be like, he's mentioning that, you know, didn't happen. So that there was a
Starting point is 00:55:18 pre-meeting before the meeting. Oh, yeah. That's right. And the host gets a vote when he's in there. Obviously, they're in it. So they say, what do you think of this? What do you think of this? We thought this would go up early in the show. And then someone would say, like, I wrote that one thing when Tom Hanks subway surfing. It wasn't the greatest, but he liked it.
Starting point is 00:55:37 So they go, it's all negotiations. Like, we'll give you that. We'll give it a chance. Now, it's already dangling because it might go the wrong way and it's not that strong. And when we did it, Dreser, so when Tom was on, we joked about it because it was bombing. And we knew in the middle of it, we're looking at each other and it's over. But we gave it everything. And then they just move it to the other side of the board when you walk in. And you go, it didn't. I know everyone. We're not even going discussion. Everyone comes in at 11, 10, the show starts in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:56:07 There's 60 of us in Lauren's office. So you come in and you look at the board and you look what's off off the board. Still the card is up there, but you had to be the bearer of either good news or bad news all week with a host. And did you have a tactic with that? You'd say, but this is in. You do soften them first and this is going great. This one probably I think is cut or how did you, I'm against your skill to that. Um, I think that you I, I, I, I was so much a part of the week and especially with Jim,
Starting point is 00:57:06 and especially with Jim, you know, I kind of knew where we were headed and also I feel like I'm maybe I'm too honest and I would never lied to a host unless I just I don't I'm trying to think of there must have been times where I'm like, okay, I have to convince them to do what? Like Lauren might say to me, go in and find out. It's fly on the wall or fly on the window. You know, like which one is it? And I would, I think that those were times where, I don't know, I think I'm just direct and serious. Well, I don't think you would lie because there's no, it's going to bite you an ass later because they're going to figure it out. Thing.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And also, um, well, I think, Marcy, I'm going to interject this. You were very popular because you were so real. And that's why you're fun to have dinner with or talk and you could be blunt and you could be just honest. And so I think you had a good skill set for that particular part of your resume on Sarah and I live of dealing with vulnerable people. But I still want someone as a host and you see them later out in the real world. There is just a bonding there.
Starting point is 00:57:58 They're huge. I know I always said like it's amazing. You're just talking about Tom Hanks, but even people that, you know, I mean, they know you both, you're famous, but I see people, whether it's the Golden Globes or on the street, like they, I recently went to a thing, like a screening for Nicole Kidman, the I Love Lucy and she did the... Oh yeah, yeah. And I walked up to her. I brought Mary Ellen with me, the photographer at SNL who's a good friend of mine. And I walked up to Nicole. I hadn't seen her in a
Starting point is 00:58:34 really long time and I said, I said, I don't know if you remember me. She's like, of course I remember you. She said, that week you got me through that week. I mean, I could not believe that she remembered me But I think for hosts that that is fucking intense. Oh Yeah, well, we know it's fucking intense is fucking amazing. These mother fuckers come in like there the top of the mark and we got it It is amazing to be a part of all of it and Know how the whole thing works. You know, I'll say that and David will back me up in the very first, even before we started
Starting point is 00:59:12 our first podcast, just aggregating people to come on this show. And you were one of the first, the pop in my head like, well, Marcy Klein, cause she's, she's connected. You'll, you know, by, by so many situations that, everything. It's in it from when I was there, I mean, who got to work with them? Us, then Will Farrell, you got to see the switching from Dana and all those guys to all of us, and then Will Farrell, Tina and Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Well, you guys, it was weird, because when, it was so much smaller and I was so close with all of you, and then you guys left, and then like Norman, Laurie Jo and Jim, like everyone was leaving, and I'm like, oh God, and then I'm in my thirties,
Starting point is 00:59:58 then I was in my forties, and I'm like every, but then all my friends live in L.A., I miss. And there's 25 cast and you're like, I don't even think I've met anyone everyone this year. So you're as close to like Lauren, you know, I was 45 years of being a teacher in school
Starting point is 01:00:15 and then his former class mates go and he sees him around campus, you know. And so you had your own experience with that. Like, oh, now I'm in the Will Ferrell, or here's Anna Gastair, you know, now it's spill-hater. And then you met me when I was like doing everything, and then I became in charge, and that's a whole other thing.
Starting point is 01:00:35 And like, we were talking about Farley, and I remember when he hosted, and I had to call everyone, I knew things were bad. I mean, you know, I just was like, he could not make it through this. And everyone was so excited he was there. And I remember Tracy Morgan and Jim Brewer,
Starting point is 01:01:00 were they, were they, I think they shared an office and everyone was like it was a Tuesday night and Farley wanted to go out and I called the entire cast into the talent department and I said you cannot go out with him you you cannot I just knew something bad was going to happen. And um, they, there was, I felt more like a mom, like I don't feel like you, you, you guys didn't know me in that role. You know, I'm younger, I feel like, but then I became the mom of everyone. Well, you're like one of us. We're all around the same age, we're all younger jumping
Starting point is 01:01:42 around the interns. You know, I'd be like, they can't come to the party. You know, like they're young. I remember getting that little ticket, like you would slip out of all of us that said where the party was during the show. The party. And then I would see people like Dana's table and have to have like someone in my office
Starting point is 01:02:02 and like find out how many people David has. Is that Dana's? He's gonna sit with, let's spade with Sandler and they're gonna have a plus one each. There's four top. And then, you know, and then it, it, it running a party at one in the morning. And I know nothing about running. But then eventually everyone was so nice and that's a thing. Like everyone is supportive of each other. So no one ever got mad. Where's my table?
Starting point is 01:02:27 You know what I mean? There was no that. And the party would kind of get up and running like at 2 a.m. Because the good nights were at 1 a.m. We were getting the cars, maybe it's during the winter. So it's like starting a party at 2 a.m. What was the last time you started a party at 2 a.m. After 13 hour workday.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I don't go out after 9. That's why I left. I put and I never saw my kids. I think on Sunday I was completely out. It's all, yeah. It's just, yeah, it's like jet lake. It's like, it's totally like jet lake. Yeah, and you're just,
Starting point is 01:02:55 and I'm still recovering as Jim Downey's, like he's still recovering. I'm those days. I'm recovering from 15th anniversary. I'm still. I'm recovering from 15th anniversary. I'm still. I'm the one. The 15th, what about the 40th now, the 50th? Are you going to put it?
Starting point is 01:03:18 You think the 50th? That's going to happen in the 50th? Seen? Seen? I think it's going to be fine. Why not? Why not? Well, honk. All right, we better wrap it up with her Dana. This went faster than we thought, Marcy. Thank you. I love you guys. I miss you. When you're out here. We can do a 12-parter with Marcy.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Yeah, tomorrow and Jimmy Fallon. There's a, there's some thing like some screening of his. Of, of, of great. Yeah. I'm about to sound like a me. He will. He's on the road right now. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no because there's too many stories, but it's so much fun to chat with you. She's a glue. Look us up when you're in LA. We'll go to that crazy restaurant that you put your phone in a satchel and be there for seven hours and this time, Faye, done a way better show up. Hi. Hi, bye guys. Hey, what's up, flies? What's up, Blaze? What's up, people that listen? We want to hear from you and your dumb questions. Hey, what's up, flies? What's up, Blaze? What's up, people that listen?
Starting point is 01:04:25 We want to hear from you and your dumb questions. Questions? Ask us anything. Anything you want. You can email us at flyin'thewall at We're going to do a Q&A question. I got to first say my code is fucking off the hook. If I may be so present with my seniors. I know, Sears still had a boys department. I'm sorry. The code is the word bump in his hands and throwing around.
Starting point is 01:04:54 A bit of a massive vibe over there. Fucking ridiculously. The low 17. Cooler than fuck pie, but I don't wanna talk about it. I don't wanna over talk about it. What color do you call it? That's a great question. Yeah, taupe. Is it taupe? I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to over-talk about it. What color do you call that? You know, that's a great question. Yeah, taupe.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Is it taupe? I don't think so. I said olive and then I said gray. It has an olivey taupe. Yeah. And it's got a diametric, you can't buy this. You can't buy that shape. So you can live on the moon with it. Yeah. That's where she goes.
Starting point is 01:05:19 It looks very astronauty to me. Thank you. Your new nickname is Buzz Spade. Buzz Plowwood. My poor name. Buzz Spade. Buzz Spade is more of a... Nothing but, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Sneet. Hello. He's got his rat, the two we had on. Wow. I like that. I want to tell you a bit about that. Yeah. Don't tell an accent though, right?
Starting point is 01:05:43 That's a good color. All right, get, let's get quite here. Dana, read a question. I't delinex enter in that color. That's a good color. All right, get let's get here. Dana, read a question. I'm gonna read a question. Simon F. ETHRINGTON. Hi, Dana and David. The show is great.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Can't get enough. We always add that part. I listen to the entire, hey, this is in your hand, right? I listen to the entire Farley tribute twice. That's nice. All mine hours. It seems like when you get to SNL, you get a wooden desk, a yellow legal pattern, a
Starting point is 01:06:09 Bernie Burles thing as your manager. How is that seemingly everyone on the show ended up with Bernie as their manager? Or am I just imagining that he was everyone's manager? Maybe you could give a little more insight. It's a rocket. To house so many cast members ended up working with. Also, Sharon, etherkin, Lauren's with Bernie. So what it was, I think at the beginning, you would know more data.
Starting point is 01:06:35 He had a management company. Sharon, ether, Simon. Oh, shit. Okay. I don't have a big boy glasses on. Excuse me. Where are you? Cheaters.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Excuse me. I should never drink before these.. I'm gonna go to writing. Siamond, Etherington. So Bernie Siamond was enough of Simon. Fuck that guy. Yeah, but that was the guy who wrote us the question. I know, I don't care about him anymore. I took his question.
Starting point is 01:06:59 I can't help it. I don't know. I don't know. All you rage is coming out. Bernie, Handel, Baluci, Acroid, Lorne. It's so funny, Handel, both sides of the table. Bernie was an old-timey manager. He was probably when I met him like 41. He seemed like he was 70.
Starting point is 01:07:17 He had known he was 70. He seemed 70. It looked like Santa Claus. It looked exactly like Santa Claus, literally. Right here. And he did manage all the original cast. He just got in there and I think Lauren was the first client. And then everyone went with Bernie.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And then by the time I came along, Bernie had hired Brad Gray and Mark Gervis to be some of his partners and we had Sandy Warnick in there. And um... Brilstein company is company. you'll hear about a lot. He has so many SNL people, you're right, are connected to it. Me, Sandler, Dana, Kevin, Neil and Dennis Miller, Norm, Farley, Love, it's Schneider for a while.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Bill Mar. Who's that? Bill Mar, I don't know. Bill Mar, I don't know. Yeah, a lot of SNL people, a lot of just famous people. But, uh, they always had sort of a monopoly on SNL, which is great because they know learn so well. They know the negotiations so well.
Starting point is 01:08:13 They know. If it came a farm league ecosystem, when Brad or Bernie would say, I think this guy could be good. Because he took like that. Yeah. And then they'd sign you and then now they're gonna, it's all, it's beneficial for everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:24 And Bernie was just a taste of old Chovitz and like I said he had a big voice and a lot of people do better impressions of him than me But he's like I used to call people from our office We'd answer fan mail and he just call as Bernie And talk to someone some kid as Bernie this is Bernie out of Spanish and We just answer fan mail and we were bored and just called the number and asked for some kid and then talked to him. He was one of the guys he leaned into me when he first met me, goes,
Starting point is 01:08:55 you got a face for television. A face for television, you do? Yeah, I don't know. I had a Disney face for a while before life beat the shit. Well, you did hear me describe this. I was terrible. That's how I don't know. I had a Disney face for a while before life beat the shit. Well, you did you ever describe this? Chirubic. That's how I was gonna say. Whoa Uh-oh, don't we do a thing?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Apricotabra. I got legally carted by a mentally healthy person to buy a beer at age 53. I got carted honestly. I told you this other a month Like it was where was it? Was it my own show or something? I went somewhere and they go, no, it was a, it was a Chili's. She goes, I gave my credit card. No, I ordered a drink because I have a problem.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Well, you don't order drinks too much. Come on, fans, listen. I had to because it was nighttime. Okay. So Simon's list. So she goes, I know who you are and I'm a huge fan, but I have to see your ID. Why?
Starting point is 01:09:51 I don't understand. So I give it to her and she goes, some quick math, carry the four and then she goes, okay. Why did we do that? What if she was like, so you weren't grownups when you were, one, I see a 90 year old man get carted at a liquor store. I don't even, he's like literally, I can't even hear him.
Starting point is 01:10:16 We have to. It's just the law. It's the law. Even with the fuzz on the chin, they take you. I go, you okay with this? Light a match. Okay. Alright, well, is that how did we answer the question?
Starting point is 01:10:30 I don't know. The question is what Bernie. Oh yeah. Great guy. Everyone, it was an ecosystem of farm league team, of being with Bruce Dean. Has a book out if you wanna read it and it's very interesting about all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah. He has his own book out. Great guy, Bernie. Love to. Thank you for the question. Thank you, Simon. This has been a podcast presentation of Cadence 13. Please listen, then rate, review, and follow all episodes. Available now for free, wherever you get your podcast.
Starting point is 01:10:58 No joke, folks. Flying the Wall has been a presentation of Cadence 13, executive produced by Dana Carvey and David Spade, Chris Corcoran of Cadence 13, and Charlie Feinen of Brillstein Entertainment. The shows lead producers Greg Holtman with production and engineering support from Serena Regan and Chris Bezlove, Cadence 13.

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