Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade - Shane Gillis

Episode Date: August 2, 2023

A very, very short time as an SNL cast member, intent in comedy, and Norm Macdonald with Shane Gillis. *Note: this interview was recorded before the SAG-AFTRA strike took effect. To learn more abou...t listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can bring in Shane Gillis because I was at the fight. I saw Dennis at next week just chirping the whole fight. Look at this guy. He looks like he's on the rotunda. Jane Fondin, Clute. He was making fun of the fighters, making fun of everyone in the audience, making fun of the girls behind us. He's so hilarious.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Well, he doesn't get out with his friends as much like he used to or do stand-up around us. So when I was around, yeah, he was just dropping and incredibly funny. He's got all built up It's up. Yeah, so Shane Gales who is our guest great comic. I saw him there at the fight to win over and set a high to him It's huge dude. I think I'm yeah, he's like six. I don't think I'm that huge because everyone is seemingly Extra huge. So anyway, he's a big dude. He's very funny.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I see him a lot on Instagram. I follow my CIS clips. Very edgy. Was on SNL for the shortest amount of time of any cast member brought up? What do you mean? I don't remember that part. I think he was on for a day.
Starting point is 00:00:59 No, he has a very interesting story. It's a strange story. When we, I like to say now, break it down. We break down his adventure into being hired on Saturday Night Live and then essentially let go. And the emotion around that and the circumstances around that. So it's a compelling story. It's a unique podcast. And he is one of the best standups out there right now. Filling up huge. Yeah. Reena's getting big bucks.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I don't want to say the story was a roller coaster, but it was. I'm going to say something that was actual real emotion. There are laughs, but there was real emotion on the podcast we did with... Shangle. Shangle. Shangle. Shangle. Shangle.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Shangle. Shangle. Shangle Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Enjoy. He was waiting for us to quiet. We just talked about anything. Thanks for being here with us. Yeah, thanks. Oh, thank you guys for having me. It's big. It's really, really boring, really fast.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's so fast. That's a joke. Dana, I know a lot of guys at No Shane Well. I don't know him well. I don't really know him, but all my funny friends think Shane is great. And stuff I've seen is really good and so it's fun to have you here. Hey, man, I'm just stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I've, my sons told me over time they said, you got to see this guy Bill Burr. It's like 10 years ago or whatever. Then they go, you got to see this guy Theo Vaugh. And then they said, you, and brought your special on, especially the one you did in the little club in Austin, which is pretty brilliant. I mean, it's got 8 million views. I think our listeners should understand this new idea of homemade show business,
Starting point is 00:03:21 where you don't have a corporate master and you're just doing stuff off the grid and you create this Empire it didn't exist when I came through it was Johnny Carson or an NBC guy for a sitcom Now it's like the Wild West so you're one of those people I think who'll do whatever you want or you could go back in On SNL. I've talked to Lauren. Yeah last night. It's so good. Yeah. I think it's the passage of time It's that thing of like, you know, we looked at special and we could really use like that kind of voice, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. He's not going to let it go. He wants to prove he was right. Well, yeah, you had your, what we're just getting all your great assists right now, Gilean Keith. So you've been doing sketch comedy online too, which is incredibly funny, ISIS, Toyota, and Trump speed dating. I didn't know you were an impressionist, but your Trump is very cool.
Starting point is 00:04:12 It's really good. Oh, thanks, man. This is a good, I like this podcast, man. Yeah, it's only six minutes today. So, you don't have to talk until the last two minutes. We usually just talk, we know we thought we, we, self-congratulately talk about it. All right, guys, for 20 minutes, we compliment you. And then we tap out, we play music.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But anyway, how are you? That's all I had to say for now. I'm good. Things are good. I gotta, when I'm dumb with this, I'm in New York right now. I gotta drive to Philly tonight. And then I'm from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I gotta drive home. Dude, he went to West Point, Dana. I'm from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I got to drive home.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Dude, he went to West Point, Dana. I know. That's the thing. I saw in one of the comments. It's great about Shane. He's got 30 points of IQ that he's not letting the audience in on. No, I went to West Point. I went to West Point for about three weeks.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So, I don't. Why? I quit right away. Well, what was it? I read about? Was it a football scholarship or you like 4.2? What's point, what's point's not easy? Is it I mean to get into?
Starting point is 00:05:13 No, it's easier when you're playing football, which is what I was doing, but it's everybody there's on Scott. There's no, you don't pay tuition at West Point. So, right. I got recruited to play football. So, could I ask what your position wasn't what your size was? I played offensive line. I was about six three two ninety five three
Starting point is 00:05:32 hundred. You're about six one now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Six one three hundred. Wait, you're walking around the planet at six three two ninety five. Yeah. What did that feel like? Cause you don't look, you know, I mean, you look husky, but you're not. I don't know where you're at. I don't know where you're at. Tall either. Yeah. You see, that's a monster.
Starting point is 00:05:51 It hurts physically. It hurts. It's a big thing. Well, it's like, even though you hold the mic, you're so tall, you have to kind of lean down to it, right? You feel like, even though you're a whole, you could bring it up, you still have to get down to it kind of, right? It's sort of a stylistic thing.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But it's very him and Kevin Neal and have to get down to it, kind of, right? It's sort of a stylistic thing. But it's very him and Kevin Neal and have to get down to the mic, even if they're holding it. They go, they just show how tall they are. It's too tall. But anyway, so that's a fascinating. I've never met a comedian who was, you know, an offensive lineman at 295.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And then it's like, pretty much one of the best guys doing stand-up right now. That's an amazing. And you started in 2012, which seems like yesterday, like my first set was in 1976. Not only could I be your dad, I could be your grandfather. I love the stuff you do about your your dad and your screaming at the TV and all that stuff. It's really. Oh, yeah. Really. Thank you. Yeah. So you start, well, let's just get out of the way this SNL horse shit because okay people tune out at minute three on us We've found two studies. We've been talking about the metrics. Yeah, so they're already gone
Starting point is 00:06:54 So now we can talk about it. We could get that behind us. Yeah, so We you are honest. Yeah, you're all you're Let's go really fuck back Danny. You were born and then fast forward. So you got to call from Lord. Well, she was on SNL. That's all I know. I didn't read any further. I just wanted to know some of the sketches or what happened.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Or you're like, that's great. So how was your time there as a cast member? It was good. I went into the office twice. Did you really go in? Yeah, well, I mean, counting the auditions, I went in maybe twice, yeah. Not to meet anybody, just literally like damage control,
Starting point is 00:07:34 like sitting there with Lauren talking about it, yeah. Shane, when you leave here, you won't be coming back. He thought it was go, he was like, no, we're gonna get past this. And I was sitting was like, no, we're going to get past this. And I was sitting there like, there's no way. There's no way. Oh, he actually took that tack. That's interesting that maybe he thought it would,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you know, he's obviously in a controversial business of comedy and that show has always gotten in trouble. So that's sort of interesting about your story is that what does it take in this day and age to go too far in their eyes? And I guess you did, but in, you know, that's the opinion. But two things that are interesting, you bounce back, which is hard to do. And that's why, like Dana says, you're a sort of a self-made guy doing this other way
Starting point is 00:08:28 because that was sort of your only channel now. Yeah, I didn't do that by choice. I would have much rather had people set things up for me. Yeah, exactly. It would have been nice. It would have been very nice. But you feel a little better right now because the special was so well received.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I mean, because that was your biggest mic drop and your sketch show. So you're in a different place than when you walked out of the 17th floor. You've really landed on your feet. The only thing I want to delineate, I may be getting canceled, but I didn't really get a sense of what you said
Starting point is 00:08:57 other than like throughout my time on the plant doing comedy, or even with my friends, I would do impressions of racist people, but I was not the racist. It's like Harvey Korman, if you take him at his word in, you know, Blazing Saddles, if you see him blazing Saddles. So he says the end word, probably 800 times.
Starting point is 00:09:16 So he may be technically the most racist human being in history if context doesn't matter, just by saying it. So I don't know why he's not canceled posthumously. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Yeah, I mean, I could have done the impression a little better. Make it a little more obvious it was an impression,
Starting point is 00:09:37 but yeah, I don't know. Right, I just thought you were doing a white racist guy. Being very just, yeah. That was my impression of your impression. I was doing an impression of myself. Yeah. But, Well, in comedy it is, it's dicey because,
Starting point is 00:09:57 once you're on that stage, it's almost anything goes because it's all under the umbrella of comedy and that's not the way it goes anymore. I'd like to see. So you're doing sketches. How do you, how do you get in front of Lorna? Who hears that you're good enough to even audition? How does that go?
Starting point is 00:10:13 I think they saw me doing standup at JFL or Cluster Fest, which is a comedy central thing. Okay. I was doing, I did new faces at just for laughs in Montreal and I guess SNL people were there and saw me and liked it and asked me to audition. Actually, they asked me to write first and I didn't submit a packet because I didn't want to, you know, I don't want to be a writer. Can I just ask, wow, okay, how did you get that good that fast? Because that's like
Starting point is 00:10:41 2019 they saw you and you started in 2012. So yeah, that's like 2019 they saw you and you started in 2012 so yeah that's like hardly beginning in some ways but so you got really good really fast so you just took to it you were like in your early 20s yeah I just did it every day and did you ride every day did you listen record listening right or you just got up every day and kind of. Yeah, honestly, that's where podcasting really helps me. My friend just joked around every week for a couple hours and that's, you know, you're just sitting there riffing and you're like, I, that could work. And then you go to open like that night. That guy that works.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And you're early and I'm podcasting too. So your way ahead of the game on that. And yeah, does that get you enough of a base because podcasting is obviously bigger now. Dana and I have been assigned to do this one. And so through jury duty, yeah, we get points for this on my Amex card. So you do that and then it gets you enough of a bubbling audience to go to just for
Starting point is 00:11:45 last. What was your first big one? Yeah. Montréal, the just for last was that was that a big deal at the time to be asked? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I wanted to do. I wanted new faces. Very bad. Yeah. And that really, really launches people that show. If you kill it, yeah. And some it doesn't, which is worse, right go and then nothing happens Well, they book a lot of people that aren't good so If you're like I've been doing stand-up for 10 years when they booked me so it was like Most of the some of those people that they booked for new faces are like literally like two years in Some of them are like 20 years old. I was like open mic faces. Yeah, it really is Yeah, if you're not at a Murphy or something,
Starting point is 00:12:25 it's a disfavor when they put people on, when they're not ready. Yeah, Shane, when I did just to keep interrupting, when I did a HBO, a young comedian special, HBO young comedians, host by Dennis Miller, who was one of my favorites at the time. So they do that,
Starting point is 00:12:42 and that was sort of the only game in town, but on TV, it was sort of equivalent to what you're saying. And they had like the young comedians, but you know, I always joke. It's like Richard Belzer and people. And I'm like, wait, I'm actually a young comedian. Can I be on this? And I was on that borderline of having a pretty good eight to 10 to 12 minutes, but not much more. But at least that was pretty polished to get me on. And then after that, you got to sort of go, but that was six of us, Rob Schneider, Drake say there's, there's people in there. So that helped me the way that JFL thing is for you.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And that's where SNL saw me. And so you get this break. And then it, then the talk start happening. Oh, did you have an agent everything at this point? Yes, I did have an agent I was with UTA Yeah, they go on big one. Yeah, yeah, and then They dropped me during the I was about to say goddamn it. They drop you Cowards a corporation got nervous and actually let you go. You want to know something funny?
Starting point is 00:13:49 They kept Jesse Smollett for a very, very long time. Oh, too long. Wow. Yeah, they kept them until like this year, yeah. This year. I would feel like they, yeah. Wow. They actually had the news.
Starting point is 00:14:03 He gave him the news as sort of a souvenir and they had it in the lobby of UTA. What can't do that? What was a fake news in my camp? I think I'm canceled every day, but I feel like I'm too irrelevant and too from the 60s to get your specials call to all the cancel to you can't cancel me. Life is canceling me. If I was aing me if I was a creeper if I was a fuel gauge I'd be less than a quarter tank I'd be like an eighth of a tank if my life's been was a fuel game like this yeah and I just be just cutting down as I got into the gas station but anyway so you blow up
Starting point is 00:14:39 do you remember how what were you feeling then like you seem like you were on a rocket ship in a way you kill it just Like it seemed like you were on a rocket ship in a way. You kill it just for laughs. No, no, it wasn't a rocket. I was like, well, you killed, you killed it on through all. That's what I heard in it. Yes. That was good.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yes, I did well there. And then yeah, I mean, it wasn't like crazy. I just started like headlining, but then yes, there was a lot of offers quick, including SNL was like right away. SNL was, they sent me a writer's packet, I didn't do it, but then they asked me to audition, and they were like straight to main stage audition. So eight for right on the tongue,
Starting point is 00:15:21 where they do the, right where the monologue. Yeah, monologue, right Dana, where they, yeah, theologue is, yeah. And there's 20 people in the audience. Go ahead. Yeah, there's, it was one of those things where I was like, I'm literally, I'm never going to get this SNL. They're not going to, you know, I'm not that type of guy right now where SNL is. And I figured there's no chance. And I was like, I was not nervous. I was sitting in the green room. You know how they, they make you wait for like two hours. I guess, I guess to kind of like rattle you. I was, I literally, I didn't care. Lauren, I think does. He's, no, I've never talked
Starting point is 00:15:55 to about it. But I do think he likes to kind of rattle people around that situation. Just just, just to see if they can handle when the red light goes on without, you know, shitting themselves. So you, you go on, you're so loose because you don't get it. You think, oh no, okay, you got. I thought I, I thought I didn't care until you walk through that tunnel and you see the, the stage and then I was like, oh, fuck, like, oh, this is it. And yeah, as soon as I was so nervous, my, the mic was shaking. So I had to like put it against my chin to do the set.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I've got to shake the hand before it's. Yeah if it's my, the mic was shaking. So I had to like put it against my chin to do the set. I've got to shake the hand before it's tough. It's embarrassing. It catches off guard. You're like, am I shaking? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you hold it with both hands then maybe, right? True. No.
Starting point is 00:16:36 No, that makes sense. I should have. Could you see Lauren's face when you were up there? Yeah, but just kind of a shadow, yes. Sometimes, Dana. Sometimes, Dana. Yeah. Dana, when I was there, he holds a flashlight under his chin in the dark. And makes sounds like, whoa, show. So then, so you thought, did you, what did you think when you got off? Did you do Trump? I, I don't think I did do a Trump impression.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I could be wrong. I did a joke about Trump that it's funny. The joke at the time was like, it's funny to watch every comedian go on a make front of Trump. And it's like, they're lucky. He's not here. He would bury all these comedians, including me. I like to do it. Oh, yeah, you know what I did I did do it Trump because the rest of that joke is him following me and calling me a fat loser and How he would how he would definitely go ahead. I want to hear it. What a loser that guy very fat
Starting point is 00:17:40 Very fat, you know, you know, I saw that a bit and it is he, it was like a shooting gallery when he went up against the other Republicans. And it was extraordinary sleepy or low energy. Little more. Little more alcohol. Sleepy Joe. I'm on too. That was hot. He's got a new one right now for Ron de Sanctimonious. I know. And what do you think of that? I don't think it's as bumpy, but I'm getting back in. I'm not sure if I get sanctimonious from DeSantis.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm not sure if it's just, you know, at rhymes, you know, it's so you got the de-lea, and you're just continuing it, you know what you got. But I don't know if that's the best name. It's not the best. It's not the best. But it's good though, that he's still trying. I mean, no matter what any nickname he gives somebody is funny because it's coming from him. I mean, Sleepy's not the best nickname. It's fucking, it's just funny that he's out there
Starting point is 00:18:33 making fun of other politicians. Of course. Little Rocket Man was balls. Little Rocket Man. Tiny Rockets, little tiny Rockets. Tiny hands. But you do a great one. And you let you have the bill. I mean, you look, I'm not saying you look like him, but you look more. I mean, I'm such a pencil neck. I you could put me in anything, but you actually, you know, it was a cool look you had on the sketch. But my favorite one was, uh, many Mike Bloomberg. He literally ended Bloomberg. Bloomberg got a Bloomberg. They ended the, they ended the campaign. Bloomberg, he's really, Bloomberg, they ended the campaign.
Starting point is 00:19:08 He called him many Mike and they were like, all right, we're here. They put a billion dollars into the campaign. He called him many Mike. And so all that shit was the word, many and Mike and a billion dollars went away. It just makes you sound like the biggest asshole. He doesn't even put it through a computer.
Starting point is 00:19:23 He just says it and you're like, yeah, we ran a hundred and that's the best one. The best one to make you feel like an asshole. If you were running against him, and you knew he was gonna come at you, I mean, how could you advise? I don't know. Decentive. Like ignore it, come back at it or, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:40 If I was to say how does I'd say, Humpty Trump D had a big fall. Daffy Donald, Daffy Donald Daffy Donald You can't combat it unless it's authentic because some of those other guys tried to do it in it So bad rubios tried to go after his hands Yeah, little little hands and uh it did it looked terrible It did was give Trump an alley you to go on a debate and say he had a big dick. Yeah, it's just made of honey.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Let me tell you, there's no problem down there, right? There's no problem. Any point it to his cock. There's no problem. It's still the most exotic political creature in the history of probably the 2000 years. I don't know about, you know, he's up there with open micers. It's impossible. He's like a seasoned headliner.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Oh, if you put him in a hip hop rap competition, I mean, Eminem would have trouble. Everyone would be in trouble. The only way to beat him is you gotta be, you gotta be a Biden. You gotta just have no clue what he's saying. Just totally, just totally beyond phased. You can't get your feelings hurt.
Starting point is 00:20:41 You're just, you're just up there talking. Well, I have a theory, Shane, that when he went to the first debate, he was, I think he had an Emmett, a UFC fighter with him on the plane, and I think he got really amped up Trump. Oh, yeah. So what you would have, smarter for him to do would be let Biden talk, but he wouldn't let him talk, and that kind of made Biden look really good. Yeah, that first, I remember that first the big trump looked awful hyperbolic and then by didn't have to really complete a sentence he just
Starting point is 00:21:11 could go this guy come on what is this a big house as a pirate secure band ha ha ha all let's go back let's go back then and's go back, Dan. So he goes does audition. No real impressions. Yeah. Uh, nervous. A little bit of Trump. Mike, on chin, you do probably eight minute. I don't know how long you know. Yeah. I think it was only like five. Okay. Uh, smattering of applause. I'm guessing. Thank you. Actually, they were laughing the whole time. Oh, great. So it was in my head that I was nervous because I ran into Michael Che that night at a club
Starting point is 00:21:50 and he was like, you killed it. And I was like, oh, I thought I was nervous. He was like, least nervous one by far. Oh, cool, cool. Even though I was in my head, I mean, my hand probably wasn't that bad. But that's the beginning of the psychology Dana of like, oh wait, is there a chance I might get this fucking job?
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's exactly right away. I got done, yeah, when I got done, I was like, oh, I fucking bombed no chance. And then that night I ran into Che, and he was like, no, you did great. And I was like, oh shit, I'm gonna fucking get this. And then I started to get like a little, I don't know, I was never like happy.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Oh no, oh no, you wouldn't be happy since a dread, right? That's what I when I first got it. I felt sick to my stomach and dreadful. Like maybe I'll bomb on the show or what was your what was your vibe? What was your like dread or just exactly? I think I think dreading anxiety is exactly what, like everybody else was like, oh, you must've been so happy. I was like, I mean, the only cool part was I got to call my parents and tell them that was the first thing in comedy they have understood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:54 But other than that, it was like, I was, yeah, kind of fucking knew something bad was coming and sharing up. Now, what's the time frame now? They do, they hire you the next day? Do they make an offer? It was quick. They were talking.
Starting point is 00:23:08 It was probably end of August. I took audition September 12 is when they announced it. So they announced you're on the new something cast. Yeah, new character. Yeah, new feature player and literally within five hours Right away And now it was funny. This is the funniest part. I was I was on my way to do stand-ups I was on the train in New York
Starting point is 00:23:37 My agent calls and was like did you say the word I said and I was like no, I would never say that And then I hit a train stop so or in between stops I lose service and Then the next text I get once the train starts again is a video of me saying it like oh shit And then I'm like, I don't be all right. I don't be all right and then the next stop is like you know CNN It's like oh shit. Oh boy next time. Yeah. Well, maybe I'm passing a little utterance. Literally was just a video of my face, like not even smiling, just saying it.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I was like, oh, no context, nothing. Yes. Oh man. Public Enemy Number One. Damn. Well, hopefully they have a new protocol like vet. If you have a problem with someone, don't let them audition. You know, this was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I don't know who vets people and who's the decider. But here, that's another thing is like, they did vet like the same way they, everybody else was like an improv person. They don't have, they didn't have podcasts at the time. They just checked my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I didn't know the other way. No one vets like Twitter people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Like they're like, this guy, uh-uh, we'll figure it out. Give us five hours. Yeah. They got me with the podcast though is like, uh, nobody's going to sit down and listen to a thousand hours. Right. It's tough to vet the podcast. I told them I was like, I have a podcast and I say the word gay on it a lot. They're like, that's fine. I omitted that one. So you guys actually literally had a thousand hours of that podcast or hundreds of hours.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It was massive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so how many times did you use that slur? I don't know, I'm before that video, I would have said zero. But then there's been a couple. There's been a couple. Boy, yeah. Well, you know, these some of these sketches you do, like I saw,
Starting point is 00:25:33 Isis Toyota, are these done before? Or were you saying some of your apprehends, Shen with SNLs, maybe your sketches, when you went there to write or be in, you might write something that's even too far for them. So is that part of your fear? Like it might be like, they might not like, I'm not saying you're a horrible person. I'm just saying, some people like to push it and some people do different. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that wasn't my apprehension at all. It was like, I don't know, maybe it's just a me thing. It was something good happening. Yeah. And I was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:26:06 it's like, don't wish too hard, then you get something. You don't really probably wish for us now, but like, Dana was always that type of character guy that that's like the perfect spot for him. With me, it wasn't quite as perfect, but I'm sure he was there. But I, I spawned out twice, I auditioned for it,
Starting point is 00:26:21 and I had no confidence at all that I could be on it. It's, you know, later it's like, oh, it was obvious pick. But no, what I'm curious about on a human level because when I got Blue Thunder with James Ferrentino, a TV show in 1984, I called my parents. It is sort of a thing that you kind of do, even though I had issues with my dad. But were you the one to have to call them the second time and what did that feel like? No, the news. The news got so that they called you. Yeah. Shaming. Everyone called everyone called and was like, are you all right? Are
Starting point is 00:27:00 you all right? I was like, yeah, I'm all right. I was, I was actually, I wasn't even like that. I mean, I kind of blacked it out a little. It was like so much, but I wasn't like, I don't think I was like devastated. I was kind of just, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're inside of your standup. You rock it almost didn't get off the launching pad.
Starting point is 00:27:22 That's the thing. You weren't way out in space falling. You were like, yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I had zero, yeah, I didn't lose anything. I had zero dollars. I like, I lost an opportunity, but it was, all of a sudden I just had a lot of attention on it,
Starting point is 00:27:37 which was weird. It was uncomfortable. You know, Dana, I want to come down to like, I know these are corporations. I know Lauren has a good sense of humor. And I know, you know, Dana, I wonder if it comes down to like, I know these are corporations, I know Lauren has a good sense of humor. And I know, you know, Dana himself, there's been sketches in the past that aren't, that wouldn't fly today, of course.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Oh yeah, I did an Asian character in the 80s. And I was called out for it being inappropriate, you know? So it's tough to, it's tough because. What was the accent? Oh, a full, full agent. I live near Chinatown. No, this is doing real quick. I will.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I lived in Chinatown, just a context, or near it in San Francisco. And I used to see this guy in his yard, Chinese gentleman, with a, with a, a chair, a leash on a chicken. So then I had a flight of fancy of a character from China who opens a pet chicken store, maybe in Manhattan, but he loves the chicken so much that he talks people out of buying them.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So it wasn't any sort of stereotypical thing. It was like, so love it's came in and going, how much for this chicken? And I would say, oh, you don't want that chicken. That chicken, he'd eat, he'd think he like dog, but he not dog. You throw free speech. He don't even catch it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 He's pulling it. One minute you got free speech, next minute you got spaghetti strainer because chicken make a lousy house pat. So there was the catch phrase which, and then I would sing to my fair lady that people would leave and I go across them to his beak and that ran three times and then Candace Bergen came on as a customer and she told me that I was a racial stereotype and that's how that was the
Starting point is 00:29:14 last one we did. We made fun or we acknowledged it. For me coming in we go by Bill Burr was on our show and he just said, what's your intent? Is your intent to hurt to me it was naivete i wouldn't even understand that being offensive in 1986-87 and neither did anyone in the show nobody nobody flagged it or talked about it so but now we're in 2022 and i do think that if people see you and listen to you on this and see your special, see your stuff, it has its own edge to it, but you're a very likable gentleman, you know, because they make you into this boogie man character. And the more we see you, we
Starting point is 00:29:59 meaning the public at large like, here's a guy who's goofing around in a podcast for a thousand hours with a friend, saying outrageous things. And we've all done that in the back of a car with our comedian friends after a gig. How else do you make a comedian laugh without certain words that you're going too far? And you know you are, but you're not doing it. You're just doing it because the shock value, you don't take it into your heart end of statement. I talked. By the way, Shane doesn't ever agree that he's funny and he's humble. You don't take it into your heart, end of statement. I talked to you.
Starting point is 00:30:25 By the way, Shane doesn't ever agree that he's funny and he's humble. You know, he doesn't, we keep telling him and he's never like, I knew I was really good when he seems to take it all in like, we all know this business is very fickle and who's to say who's actually really funny. It's just, you just cross your fingers and if people keep coming to the shows, it's great. If they watch your special, it's great. And you know it could be rug pulled any day. You just don't know. It's very tough. Stuff to be cocky. Yeah, you'd have to be a real dumbass. Yeah. I mean, I hear you on Roganalot. Now, when you go on Roganalot, I think I think it's cool that Joe has this huge place.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And he still invites all his buddies on and they just laugh. And I think it just sounds like fun. And that, and that always probably unintentionally gives you a bump somewhere. Either. Oh, it gives us a huge, it's huge. Rogan's Rogan show. Yeah. And it's also, I think, you know, I don't want to speak for him, but I think it's good for him. Like he needs it too. He needs to like, well, it's huge. Rogan's Rogan show. Yeah. And it's also I think, you know, I don't want to speak
Starting point is 00:31:25 for him, but I think it's good for him. Like he needs it too. He needs to like, well, it's fun. He's huge. He's might be the most he's he can't go outside. Well, he's the number one show kind of in the world. I mean, it's 70 million. If you forget podcasts, it's just show. He's bigger. Yeah, bigger than any television show, bigger than most movies, as far as that audience. And so you're a regular on that. So yeah, I guess your club dates just lines around the block. Yeah, it's very, you know, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:56 But yeah, I think Rogan, like, I think, yeah, I mean, he always has his friends on. He always keeps his friends around like he's, yeah, it probably keeps him sane. It, I'm sure it does. Sandler's like that. Sandler's pretty big up there. And, you know, he just did a tour and he's like, can you come out for a week and just come on stage or come out the beginning
Starting point is 00:32:14 and then we'll sing a song together. Just because it's probably not quite as fun as it used to be in a weird way. And Rogan is, there must be so much responsibility in a weird way that he suddenly has, you know, that he didn't even want. And now he has all these interesting people on. And then he has interesting comics.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You guys all come on and bullshit, it's just fun for him and the audience. I would imagine. Yeah. I knew where you were just with Sandler, right? I just went out, yeah, we just did some in the Southeast. I was with Adam Egan. I was with Adam Egan. I was with Adam Egan. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he told me you were drunk.
Starting point is 00:32:47 We were drunk and I was like, text Sandler, dude, do it, do it. That'll be cool. And he texted and said, spades on stage. And he said, I'm fucking bombing, I'm sure. Yeah, he was talking to it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it's a little quiet in there. And it is fun in the arena.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It's fun. Schneider was there. I think Appetite had a few. I think Conan Zunafu. He just, oh, Swarzen. And I just met him. Swarzen came to my show and I was in Florida. Yeah, I don't buy his bullshit.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Just met him for the first time. He's wild. He's funny. Yeah, he's a great dude. So we all sort of are in that sort of world too. So, you know, that's fun. It, he's a great dude. So we all sort of are in that sort of world too. So you know, that's fun It's all fun with the comedian buddies and and that's great. You have a place to go Go screw off. I mean, and I you still do
Starting point is 00:33:34 obviously do stand up And what are your thoughts about like Theo is big the one I writing a movie and he's big on why don't we just Put it on YouTube. I'm like I think what we're finding is a special is easier because you're only you, you know? And when you're a movie, there's guild problems and there's everyone needs to get paid a certain amount and then just the idea of fun, fun, throw it on YouTube. It got very complicated very fast.
Starting point is 00:34:04 So we might go more conventional way, the idea of fun, fun, throw it on YouTube. It's, it got very complicated very fast. So, yeah. We might go more conventional way, but I do like the idea of what you're doing and things like that, because your special was it cave in the creek? What's it called? Yeah, the creek in the, it's at the creek in the cave.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It was just live in Austin. Yeah, pretty low fi. Yeah. Show a few people coming in, just getting a couple of seven and sevens and sit out of a drink and you just come out to t-shirt and I know I Yeah, I love Dana. Wish he did that right? I've done three shitty specials and hold your applause only because I
Starting point is 00:34:39 You know you're working out on the clubs and I usually do little characters and sketches I'm a little club and I'm just on this role and the rhythm and everything. And then you go in the big room, and the air conditioner breaks the first night, so they can't use it. And then the second night, there's like nine cameras. So then the, because they have all those angles,
Starting point is 00:34:59 you're like watching a special, bam, is if you're a flying seat, you fly into the guy's face, then you go, wait, you're like whipped around and it just soaks all the funniness out of it. So when I saw yours, I'm like, okay, this is organically shot so clean, so simple. Just like you're sitting in a club watching this. And you're laughing, laughing your ass off with it. You, you, there are, there's no remix, there's no, you don't even hear the audience that much. You see them a little bit, but you're killing. So I think that's just the way stand-ups should be done. But of course, people want you to play arenas, because then you'll be booked in arenas and old jeds, a millionaire. But yeah, that, that had a magic to it of a guy
Starting point is 00:35:38 showing up just out of club in Austin. And that's my style. Also fighting your way back. Just out of club in Austin and that's my also fighting your way back And you know the audience sometimes is aware of cameras It's nothing like you the night before when you kill the club and you're practicing for it then you come in And it's lit and they're like those are camera seats no one can sit there And there's a fucking jib gonna swing in front of them and people like how do I act? I'm in the audience What do they show me? I had masks in mind. Everyone had a fucking mask. I was like, oh, I didn't even know it.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Oh. And I'm like, God, because my opener was on, and he was doing okay, and I go, oh, don't give me a tough crowd tonight. And when he got off, he was, oh, they all have N95. I was like, oh, my God, that's right. That's fucking terrible. I know, and all the cameras, the trucks are there.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You don't get another shot at it. That's terrible. I know. And Sandler cameras, the trucks are there. You don't get another shot at it. That's terrible. I know. And Sandler did like 200 show, you know, not 200, but we were filming when Sandler was doing his special, we were just filming each night because he has the means. He just took the money he got and put it right in his special and said, I'll film this night. I'll film that night. I'm going to go in the alley and shoot a piece there.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I'm going to go to a tiny club. And then it just really fun because it's a whole like thought out. It's like a big show, you know, that's different. And he doesn't know he's shooting a special. Like when I was doing it behind my eyes and I'll see people, I can tell that they know they're shooting their special. So there's that little bit of tension in the eyes, but Adam did so many nights that he's just fucking around, but did you shoot more than one night at that club? No, that was one. That was basically, yeah, those two shows one night, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:12 For the people at home, that's the standard. Two shows one night. First one's usually not as good and then they say it's good and then the second one you actually do good and then they go, we'll use all that. But it's like, you know, your next one, if you want to a bigger room and you want that flick to be like, are you ready to rock? The man, are you good at now? Yeah, that's the thing right now.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I'm about to do a theater tour coming up. And it's like, I don't, I think I want to record it. The next special I do, I want to do in a club again. It's, I don't know. I mean, I'm just not used to theaters at all. I've never, you know, so maybe I'll like them, but right now, a club, yeah. I'm on a theater tour now, and it's tough. It's not. My theater tour is like 2,000 to 2,500,
Starting point is 00:38:01 so it's not as big as these guys you hear about and I'm never done theater I think we thought about it, but I go everyone's doing it Nate the all these guys, so I go let me try it and It's a different vibe, you know, it's a Not a pace, but you feel way more responsible. There's a weird feeling of nervousness like They're paying more they're staring This is more of a big night out. There's no waitress, there's no drink, there's four balconies. Yeah, you don't know if they're drinking or what
Starting point is 00:38:30 and you go, you're walking through the back and it's like I'll cement like you're in a show. Like, stand small club chain. Yeah, that's hard. But you make money. Look at Nate Bergazzi, just keeps going bigger and bigger and he's funny, Dana, because he's the opposite the opposite he's like i'm everyone's mom's favorite comedian
Starting point is 00:38:50 that's his moniker because he's clean very hard to be clean and funny and he's great at it i just saw him in vegas recently he's his new hours it's incredible he's so if you're he's smart he gets a ticket out there i didn't realize uh... i was just looking at my image on this I didn't realize I had a bunch of religious Yeah, I'm in my bed on that. That's this is my you got like a fucking you are your home or your parents My apartment. Okay, so are you very religious? My girlfriend is fine. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:39:23 Who's that guy in that painting? What's happening there? That's actually mine. That's sick. That's father, that's father Corby. That's the, he's blessing the Irish brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg. Oh, oh, I'm Irish. He became the president of Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I like Notre football. Wow. It's tough guys. That's podcasting. She's right. That's true. Could I, could I make a comment about your skills, your skill set since we talked about that, that other guy, Kate Pagurzi, what's his name? No, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He's great. Nate, you, I've been compared to Louis. I think it's because you are able to land really, no, really. Louis Stockton trade is he landed so many bits that were so sensitive and he made them so funny. Chris Rock has done it, but you did one on your sister's addiction toward the end of this special and one on special coaching special Olympics kids, really tricky topics,
Starting point is 00:40:27 but you brilliantly landed them so hard. The audience was, when you land something like that, that's, the audience seems to laugh so hard, like harder than normal, especially the special Olympics stuff at the end with the Hooters thing. It's just like, you know, it's just very difficult. I mean, do you have to vet those?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Like you keep working on where the line is to keep them engaged and stuff. For sure, for sure. Yeah, I mean, you guys know, yeah, you start, you have an idea like that. You try it, people, you do it in an open way, people like, oh my God. Yeah, because you do it wrong a few times.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, they like never do that again. You're like, I know it's funny. I know it's funny. I'm gonna keep, but then there's, you know, there's ones where people like never do that again. You're like, I know it's funny and it's just never funny. And you can't find a way. But I'm really doing it.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yeah, there are certain topics that are a little tough. You know, that I feel weird because I can't do, like, I'm the worst case scenario. do like I'm the worst case scenario. Like I'm white, supposedly rich. I'm male and I'm old. It's like every complaint is coming my way. Like I'm an inbox of like everyone's anger and hate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It all goes back to me and I can't even do jokes like you want to go. Hey, I want to see Hamilton, but I'm waiting for an all-white cast. They're like, that's not funny. There's no jokes left for me because when do you get to be like, white joke, there's just you can't, so I just sit there and go, I guess you could. I know, you're right, but like you were sort of officer and a gentleman on your special going,
Starting point is 00:42:05 I got nowhere else to go. So you might as well just come out blazing. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's because you had not a stigma, but once you leave us now and the way it was a bumpy exit, then you go, well, if I'm not going to get an epilogue special right away, and you, you and looks like you might now because Ted there Ted is pretty forgiving about just loving comedy which luckily uh and so he's willing to sort of grade on a curve you know on
Starting point is 00:42:36 people and so I would think but you know so you go to do a low five special and uh I like that and and there's there's some people pulling for you. There's some people going, shit man, some people get a second chance, does he? You know? See, deserve it. Like that's the world, do you deserve it? Yeah, well that's the one, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, that's an unfortunate thing to have. Is like, do I deserve a chance and other people decide that shit? And it's like, that sucks. That's one of the negatives. Because you know, when you get like canceled or however you want to fucking say it, consequences.
Starting point is 00:43:13 But like, look at him, he's fine. It's like, no, I had to overcome shit. Like this is, it's not easy. And now I got to deal with, I'll never not have scrutiny. It'll always be, remember that thing and then then you know, you know how that is sure, but it's also what you know I'm always watching for the corporations when they drop if someone's the cancel thing starts to happen And then the corporations it's like a hot oven. They don't need it
Starting point is 00:43:38 And so they still and then the agents fire and every everyone's let go like that But the public most there's a mass audience that's not as sensitive as this other part of the audience. And don't take off-colored jokes at face value that's proving something nefarious about the person saying it. So it's a big audience. It's, when it comes to the corporate, I mean, it's just money. Like if, if, if, if, of, of, sheepel had said what I said there'd be no problem if if Louis or anybody had said
Starting point is 00:44:10 Just if that was the only thing they ever said bad it'd be fine. I had nothing I had nothing behind There was no like oh this guy's funny. All they had was that clip right? I guess what I'm trying to say is like Once you get more fans want once you get more all this, if you're worth something, they'll keep you. They don't give a fuck. They don't have morals. Oh no, no. Then once it once it turns, then we always love them. Then they'll jump. I will predict and Ted's a friend of ours. If you want it, you can just have more. Netflix is great. Well, they've kept Chappelle under a bit of firestorms. You know, I think
Starting point is 00:44:48 that the more you keep going, you just go the opposite. Like you just come out and do kick ass specials and you're just doing great on Rogan. And so then it just, you know, Lauren, that'd be a Lauren thing. You know, things are that seem so, we'll never go away. They just sort of tend to fade over time. And then there's this other part. There's always gonna be people digging something up, but I think it's such a small percentage. I like to make predictions.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I predict you will go to 12,000 cedars within two years. Geez, don't do that. I don't get it. I've never did it. I've ever did it for Louis when he was a show business. And I, I mean, in the middle somewhere. 1997, I said to Louis, you will headline Madison Square Garden five nights in a row. You didn't say that. It took a swing at me.
Starting point is 00:45:40 No, he was my head writer of my show. Always an amazing guy. He's back out there. Yeah. Oh wait, I want to ask Shane about, we won't keep you all day, Shane, but what about, oh, so you, you're obviously, I think you're a fan of norm, McDonald, and then he called you, right?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah. That's fucking cool. That was, yeah, it was right, it was all in the same like weekend. So it was very surreal. It was like, no one knew who I was. Then I'm on the phone with Louis and Norm and all these guys. But yeah, Norm was exactly who I thought he'd be,
Starting point is 00:46:12 which was cool. He just, I didn't even get a word in. He just kind of ran. I remember I was walking around in my backyard and he was just, he was going. He was going all about like the state of comedy and how everything is. And it was just he was going he was going all about like the state of comedy and how everything is and it was cool It was cool to
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah, good to talk to them like the other guy they got let go Yeah And SNL remember Dana Why was it? Oh, of course. I thought he said F.U.C. K word, but Yeah, oh Jay's a real nice guy except like he likes to kill people, you know what? So, OJ's not guilty now, Dana, now who's laughing? He's got a book out, but yeah, there's only one norm and he had a rhythm to him in a way of speaking.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It was so unique. I had a couple long phone calls with them too that were just fascinating because he goes all over the place. Yeah. You know, you gotta, you know, you gotta bear his $10,000 and wants to leave it just their relatives, a hundred years later, hardly worth anything, right?
Starting point is 00:47:15 But the guy bought a house, it'd be worth like $5 million. You know, it's just all this stuff like that. Yeah. Whenever I'm with Adam Agett's that's usually what we talk about. Yeah, Norm is in love. He's in love with Norm. I always go that's enough. I don't know. I'm with him. I think Norm's incredible. We were on lights out and he was putting together podcasts. Norm, he's always on the phone for two hours. I go, let's get your head in the game guys. It's Norm. I go,
Starting point is 00:47:42 I go, let's get your head in the game guys. It's Norm. I go, yeah. That is how he talks to you. He's a little bitch. He's a little bitch. I know a guy, Larry Bubbles Brown, that opened for normal. I didn't love Norm. Love Norm.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Larry Bubbles Brown. And he said, Norm would just get on a run and you just walk rooms. San Jose improv. It's like a 400 cedar. And he's just working down on some disease or somebody or something. And they just slowly start leaving. He just walks the room. And he just keeps going. So he was notorious. And also, he said, day in about fighting cancer, he goes, the battle. Yeah I see a guy yeah, and the cancer does and say that's a draw That's not a guy he's saying he's putting up a big fight, you know, he's I saw a guy in bed
Starting point is 00:48:33 You know just watch and television. I didn't see him fighting very much Yeah, he's watching Matlock But yeah, he was a genius. We such a weirdo when we're on the with the, we did Sandler tour the last time and it was more of us, but when Normy, he wouldn't sleep at night, so we'd go up to the elevator, in the elevator on our floor and he goes, you wanna come in and hang out? And I go, I'm the biggest pussy of the whole group.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I go, Norm, it's midnight, we gotta get up and fly. We'll order food. I go, no, and I go, I'm just gonna got to get up and fly. Huh. Will order food. I go, no, I go, I'm just going to go take a tub and go to bed. He goes, you can take a tub and here and then we'll talk. I go through the door or you're coming in. He goes, that's up to you. It's fair to go. I think I'm just going to go in and he goes, you're lost.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And that's every night, every night I walk by it and we walk up, are you coming in? I don't know what's going on, I don't know. Now Adam told me a story and I don't, you know, I don't wanna be telling tales out of school here. But, it was, it was you, you guys want to play and I think it was a private jet, Norm was sitting there. Oh no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 No, this one. Do you remember this? Yes. I'll let you tell me if it's no You tell it and I'll tell you it's even so this is what I think now. I'm hearing it from Adam. I think You were like standing up, and I guess your crotch was like right in Norm's face Where's I forget exactly? But he was like hey like get your dick out of my face. I'm trying to sleep. He was like Yeah, open his mouth. No, I'm fucking I fucked. He said There was two chairs facing the two in the back of the plane. Yes, he so it's it's two other Edas are two or two and then I'm we all to stand and bullshit and so I'm leaning against his chair and he goes
Starting point is 00:50:24 Hey, spade you might not having your dick right next to my fucking mouth while you're talking and bullshit and so I'm leaning against his chair and he goes, hey, spade, you mind not having your dick right next to my fucking mouth while you're talking and I go, oh, sorry, and I lean back. Then he goes, by the way, if I fall asleep, you better not take that hot, juicy, card cock and stuff with my mouth. And then he tilts his head back and closes his eyes and opens his mouth.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And everyone stares at him. And then we all laugh. I don't know if I can tell that. That's why I never told that. We don't laugh. It's incredible. I know. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:50:55 He's funny. It's funny. We'll move fans. No, no one's going to be offended by that. That's fucking great the norm that when he got into bed at night did he just giggle for an hour of all the things he said to people all day yeah regained spade on the plane there he held my mouth he then is cack you know
Starting point is 00:51:17 he must have just because it is funny he would just he was a kind of a he would be a rabble rouse i don't know you call him almost a flim flam man he would just play with you but i would just, he was a kind of, he would be a rabble rouse. I don't know why you call him almost a flimflam man. He would just play with you, but I would just start doing an impression back to him, you know. Hey, you knew he was just sort of fucking with it
Starting point is 00:51:34 in such a funny way all the time. So funny. So that's a good influence. Yeah, for sure. Good to have. Yeah. You like Patrice O'Neil, you like Chappelle, you like I'm looking at your list.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So all good people. Bernie Mac, dude, I've been on a real Bernie Mac kick. Oh, yeah. There's going to be. Yeah, the one way. He's gonna say it, yeah. Yeah, it was Bernie who else, but yeah. The Kings of Comedy, or is that what it was?
Starting point is 00:52:00 The Kings of Comedy was D.L. Cedric, Bernie Mac, and what's his name? Harvey? Yeah. Yes. Yes. And it was so powerhouse that you're like, did Bernie follow Harvey or vice versa?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Now Bernie went last. Okay, so he followed a lot of killing. Crazy, crazy over the top killing. And then he brought it up to another level. And he does the milking cookies bit on that. And I think that's one of the best, it's one of the greatest stand-up bits of all time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And just the, his phrase is crazy. He calls it Kenner Connor, six year old, I hope, a six year old here homosexual. Yeah, what a voice. I mean, what a voice. Just a quick cry and do some push ups. Yeah, I like your first joke. I think on your special, Shane, you start out with like a cold opening of what's the, who came up with the age of consent in the old days.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yeah. And the guy goes, I'm from Delaware, I say 12, and then everyone goes, whoa, and you go, hey, I don't wanna go first, like, what do you think? 12? The higher? And then it's, then you sort of fade out, then you go into people coming into the club.
Starting point is 00:53:17 That's a good opening, I like that. Well, that's good. This is, a lot of this is, I mean, all of this is McKeever, John McKeever, he's the guy who, I do the sketches with. He, he really directed and set this whole thing up on how to do this. And that joke was kind of, it was quick and it was kind of out of place in the special.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Perfect place. He was just like, here, what if we just open directly open? It just shows what it's gonna be like, you know. Yeah, especially on YouTube. Yeah. If you don't like this one, you're not gonna like the rest. So, but it's so called inappropriate. But then you're, you're quoting a founding father or something or so. It's like smart. And, you know, like, because they had to come
Starting point is 00:53:54 up with an agent, because that I guess or whatever they're trying to figure out. No, I mean, that also, that also didn't happen until like the 90s. Just happened. Oh, okay. Well, that it was zero backs. Like that just happened. Oh, okay. Well, that it was zero back then. That was even worse. There was no. There was no rules.
Starting point is 00:54:12 You could marry your 12 year old cousin. No, it's days. All right. Well, they know anything else for this young man. I had a good time talking. Um, just, uh, just what's your headspace these days? Like when, when we get off the Zoom, what are you, what are you feeling good?
Starting point is 00:54:28 You're going to go up for ice cream with your girlfriend or what, what, where are you? No, I got a, I got to get in a car and drive across the George Washington bridge. To go, to go to New York, to go to, that's a vania. Oh, that's me. Okay. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I played parks, casino. I don't know how to go. And before I went out to go, hey, this is Buck County. This is Trump country. Buck's County, yeah, yeah. So I just took my glass off, squinting my eyes and walked around as Biden. And it was like the Beatles had landed. And it was just like, hey, this people is so honored. And really tight hit flexors.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Shaking hands with invisible people. It's like a two minute panel. I mean, conservative crowds are a little easier. It's like a two minute panel. I mean, conservative crowds are a little easier. I don't know why that is. Well, that's for me. And I run into this thing where I'm like, I don't know, I get weird about it because I was just in Florida and they were all all Trump.
Starting point is 00:55:19 So then it's too far in a way. Yeah, the second, like, because it's fun to do these jokes in New York where everyone gets upset. Yeah. If you go on stage and say, Trump's the man, it's funny. It's been hatin' it's funny. Yeah. In Florida, they're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Oh, they're takin' it serious. Like it's a rally then. Yeah. It's like, fuck this is not what I want. And what this means is funny. Yeah. Good Lord. Well, so much fun looking at your stuff these last couple of days.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And, um, you're going to be fine. I don't know. What am I supposed to say? I just, I, I, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm a big fan. Thank you so much. We'll talk in an hour to say that, Dana, but whatever. Uh, you guys are talking all the time. I mean, they're got the comments we give them. I probably talked a little too much. I usually have podcasts regret and I go, why did I say that? Why didn't I let Shane finish that sentence? That's exactly what happens. I do podcasts constantly and there's not one podcast that I don't have immense anxiety after. Yeah, even if you're a guest, like, why did I interrupt him? Why didn't I say that? Why did I? What is that about? So you have it too? I'm glad. I mean, mine
Starting point is 00:56:34 might be from not alone. Mine might be from getting fucking destroyed for something I said on podcast. Hey, wait, I think I got something there. Yeah. Yeah, I see where you're going. Yeah, that's right. Every time I got publicly crucified. Yeah. Yeah. It's part of it. Okay, man.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Well, thanks buddy. You guys, Ro. Thank you so much. This has been a podcast presentation of Kaden's 13. Please listen, then rate, review, and follow all episodes. Available now for free wherever you get your podcast. No joke, folks! Flying the Wall has been a presentation of Cadence 13, executive produced by Dana Carvey and David Spade, Chris Corkren of Cadence 13, and Charlie Feinand of Brillstein Entertainment.
Starting point is 00:57:21 The shows lead producers Greg Holtman with Production and Engineering Sport from Serena Regan and Chris Bezlove Cadence 13. in entertainment. The shows lead producers Greg Holtman with production and engineering support from Serena Regan and Chris Bezlove, Cadence 13.

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