Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast - Doctrine & Covenants 102-105 : follow HIM Favorites with Dr. Scott Woodward

Episode Date: September 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello my friends welcome to follow him favorites. My name is Hank Smith I'm the host of a podcast called follow him and I am here with my co-host and our wonderful guests this week My co-host John by the way and our guest is the incredible doctor Scott Woodward welcome to you both Thank you. Thanks Hank. Yeah Now this segment is called follow him favorites. We don't do, we don't go over our full podcast that you can find that wherever you get your podcast, but for this lesson, for this segment, we just pick one thing from sections 102 through 105. Each of us is gonna pick one thing
Starting point is 00:00:34 to highlight for follow him favorite. So, John, let's let you go first and I'll go then Scott. So, John, take off. Oh, thank you, Hank. These are always tough because you can't go wrong. So many beautiful verses, but I just kind of highlighted one section 104 verse 82. That's a long section 82 towards the end. And this is what it says in as much as he are humble and faithful and call upon my name.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Behold I will give you the victory and a way to apply this to ourselves, I heard somebody say once, I think I was a teenager. And it's not exactly a scripture, but I think it's true. Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees or upon her knees. And look what the Lord is promising here. Be humble, be faithful, call upon my name. I will give you the victory. I love that he loves us to keep in touch and to call upon his name. And there's a nice little formula there. It doesn't say the victory immediately, but he'll be with us. He's on our side. And so I like that verse. Okay, John, I'm going to go, John Scott, I'm going to go next section. I'm going to go all the way back to our first section, your section 102, which I hope
Starting point is 00:01:52 you'll listen to the full podcast on this because Scott get not only does he tell us really funny stories, he just, he kind of leads in with nothing is so exciting as the minutes of a meeting. And that's what section 102 is. Pins and needles, here we go, ladies and gents. Section 102 is the minutes of a meeting. But what it is is it tells us about church membership councils. And when someone has done something that's something that the church needs to look at in order to protect the member,
Starting point is 00:02:22 protect other members, or to protect their church, that this is the kind of the system the Lord has in place. And I noticed in section 102 verse 17, that the Lord is very concerned about the individual who is coming in. And he calls upon people who are in this meeting to stand up for the accused to prevent insult and injustice.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And I was just thinking about any youth who might hear follow him favorites. Now this is never gonna happen to you. You're never gonna be brought in front of, as a youth, you're not gonna be been brought in front of the stake and the high counsel. But even when you go to maybe see the bishop
Starting point is 00:02:56 to go talk about some things that have gone wrong in your life, I hope you realize that this is going to be a place of love and a place where you're going to feel safe. You're not going to be insulted, and injustice is not going to happen there. I would invite both of you to add onto this that you, we can feel safe with our bishop, right?
Starting point is 00:03:20 And that you're going to be okay in there. Oh yeah, I'll go first. I think I'd loved when a young person would come in to say, look, this isn't, I'm your advocate, I'm your friend, this isn't you versus me, or you versus the church, or you versus your family. This is Satan against all of us. And we together are going to get the Lord's help
Starting point is 00:03:48 and we're on the same side, the same team. So I love this section about that aspect you highlighted, Hank. Yeah, I think you caught the spirit of that section. Wouldn't you say Scott 102, the spirit of that section? Amen, absolutely. Yeah. All right, Scott, you're up.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Follow him, favorite. Okay, All right. Follow him. I'm going to go over to section 105. Let's go versus nine and 10. So section 105, they have come to so Zion's camp has marched 880 miles. They're now at the border of coming into Jackson County, get their land back, but then they learn that it's not going to happen. Actually, the Lord, again, you have to listen to the whole podcast, I guess, to get the full context, but through a series of events, they found out that they're not going to be able to redeem the land of Zion and have the people that were kicked out of there, go back to the land that they own.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So the Lord explains in here that it's not time to redeem Zion yet because they still have some things to work on personally. And I think I love verse 9 and 10. He says, therefore, in consequence of the transgressions of my people, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait, and really the rest of the church, should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion. Well, how long is that little season need to be? He says in verse 10, well, as long as it takes to do this, he says that they themselves may be prepared and that my people may be taught more perfectly and have experience and know more perfectly concerning their duty and the things which I require at their hands.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I think what I love what's what makes this one of my favorites is because I can see the the attributes of God in full display here. He is very exacting of what he requires. In order to really, you know, live in the Zion community that he's trying trying to build in Jackson County, Missouri, you've got to live the love Zion. Like there's no way around that you can't get Zion blessings without living the love Zion. He says in verse five, you got to live a lot of this, let's do Kingdom. If you want the kind of blessings that come from that. And so, but what I love about verse 10 is he says, listen, you just need time to work on it. You need to be taught more perfectly. There's more things you need to learn. You need to experience more things and you need to know more perfectly concerning your
Starting point is 00:06:12 duty and the things I'm going to require at your hands. And so I love that the patient's also in the mercy that's displayed here, right? Where he's just saying, you're not there yet. So let's take some time. Let's take a little some time out here to get it right. Let's wait a little season for the redemption of Zion until you are ready to be Zion people. You know, the image that comes to mind, it's a favorite analogy I heard from Brother Brad Wilcox, who's so good, he's a firesad he was giving, and he said he's talking about this attribute of God,
Starting point is 00:06:41 and he used the analogy we've all experienced this where it's the sacrament, there's a priest up there, he's blessing the sacrament, and then he messes up the prayer, right? And then the bishop kind of looks over, gives him a little head shake and holds up his finger one more time, one more time. And some of his been in meetings where the priest has just messed up four or five, six times,
Starting point is 00:07:03 and the audience, we start to feel kind of awkward for him, right? And the bishop just again, patiently, we'll look over and say, one more time, sometimes we'll even walk over there and tell him exactly what he needs to do. And Brad said, you know, the bishop doesn't have a special switch that he can flip and opens up a trap door underneath the priest and sucks illiterate priest down into the basement, you know, and after three strikes and your skeleton down there, priest gone by. The Lord wants us to get that prayer right, right? He says, yeah, try again, try again. But he'll just give us as many times as it takes. And I think the Lord's patience combined with his seriousness about us getting the law,
Starting point is 00:07:50 right? If you have a law that you're struggling to keep, right, a law of God, there are certain blessings you are not going to receive until you learn how to live it. But the Lord, stay and listen. We can wait a little season, we can wait a little season. You've got some things you need to learn to be taught more perfectly, to have more experience to know more about your duty and what I'm requiring at your hands. And so as long as it takes you to learn it,
Starting point is 00:08:14 is it like, I'll be here, you know, I'll be here all day. And so I just love the attributes of God that are displayed here. He's not just a grandpa, I was just gonna give you a big hug, like you're fine, give me a little nougat and let's you come enjoy the blessings of the celestial glory and Zion without living the law.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But he's also not so strict and harsh, that he's not a three strikes in your out kind of God. He's just saying, listen, as long as it takes, one more time, right? You just picture the bitch, you're looking over, you know? If you feel like you've messed up so many times, right? Just just looking over and say try again. I love that verse in Mosiah 26 where the Lord tells Alma that as oft as my people will repent, I will forgive them
Starting point is 00:08:55 as often as you as you need to repent. Like do it. That's a glorious thing and it's trying to help you learn to live the laws that are going gonna bring the kind of blessing that God wants to bring into your life. So that's glorious to me. That's a favorite. That is a follow him favorite. Thank you, Dr. Scott Woodward. We hope that you will join us on the full podcast
Starting point is 00:09:14 because you can get more of that on the full podcast. You'd find it wherever your podcasts are. But if you don't, that's okay. Come back next week for another follow him favorite. We'll see you then. you

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