Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast - Doctrine & Covenants 106-108 : follow HIM Favorites with Dr. Robert L. Millet

Episode Date: September 19, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone, welcome to follow him favorites. I'm your host Hank Smith. I'm here with my co-host John by the way. Hello, John I Hank and we are here with someone we both love and respect and adore his name is Dr. Robert Millett welcome Dr. Millett Bob. Thank you. Yeah, we are excited to be here follow him favorites is where we choose one favorite from this week's lesson Which is sections 106 107 and 108 of the doctrine, Covenants, you get to choose one thing, John. You go first, I'll go second and Bob, you go third. Oh, I'll do it. I am just intrigued with things that the Lord has us repeat. And we take the sacrament, how merciful,
Starting point is 00:00:39 every single Sunday. I'm looking at section 108, verse three, where this man named Lyman Sherman is given this council. A rise up and be more careful henceforth in observing your vows. And the problem with repeating something over and over again is it might get casual. And I remember President Hinckley once saying something to the teenage boys, the priest at the priest table, he said, when you as a priest offer up the prayer, kneel at the sacrament table and offer up the prayer which came by revelation, you place the entire congregation under covenant with the Lord.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Is this a small thing? He said it is the most important and remarkable thing. And I love that because if we do it so often, it may seem like this is just what we do. And here's this advice, be more careful, henceforth, and observing your vows. So young men and young women and old men, one time one of my kids said, they have young women's, do they have old women's? All of us, all of us, be more careful, but boy, savor that time with the sacrament. And even though it's repeated, be more careful with observing our vows and what a blessing you can always have his spirit
Starting point is 00:01:54 to be, we can always have his spirit to be with us. What a beautiful thing. So I wanna take that advice. Be more careful. Take more time to think about that. I like that, John. I can't see the Lord saying, arise up and be more casual. Be more casual. Take more time to think about that. I like that, John. I can't see the Lord saying, arise up and be more casual. Be more casual with your
Starting point is 00:02:08 promises. Right. Yeah. No, be more careful. My follow him favorite comes from that same section, section 108 verse 7. He says to lime insureman, therefore strengthen your brethren in all your conversation. I think if we were to translate that, it would say in the way you talk, build people up. And so that's my message to anyone listening, is how do you build people with your words, your parents, need your building words.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Sometimes we tear our parents down with our words. Let's build them up, let's text them. Tell them how great they are, our siblings. We can build up our siblings with our words, right? We can build up our friends with our words. And one other thing, we need to build up ourselves with our words. This is from Jeffrey our Holland. He says, I suppose it goes without saying that negative speaking often flows from negative thinking, including about negative thinking about ourselves. We see our own faults.
Starting point is 00:03:07 We speak or at least think critically of ourselves, and before long, that's how we see everyone and everything. No sunshine, no roses, no promise of hope or happiness. Before long, we and everybody around us are miserable. That's what he says. He says, the spirit of the gospel is optimistic. It trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. And then this, he says, the spirit of the gospel is optimistic. It trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. And then this, speak hopefully, speak encouragingly, including about yourself.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So in strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, I'm going to add strengthen yourself in the way you talk about yourself. All right, brother Millett, we're here for you. Tell us your follow him favorite. Yeah, I especially like section 106. This is a revelation to Oliver Calder's older brother, Warren Caldery. To him, the Lord said, I say unto you, verse four, the coming of the Lord drawth nigh, and it overtakeeth the world as a thief in the night.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Therefore, gird up your loins that you may be the children of light, and that day shall not overtake you as a thief. You hear a lot, and I hear a lot about the Savior's second coming, and you hear about how close it is or how far off it is. And when I read this particular set of verses here, I find myself thinking, the most important thing is not to know the details about the Lord's coming, the most important thing is to be ready for His coming. And so this idea that the Lord's coming as a thief on the night, this section says, he comes as a thief on the night to the world, to the world. On the other hand, let her day saints, who are living as they should, who have the Holy Ghost with them,
Starting point is 00:04:57 who are listening carefully to the prophets and the apostles and valuing their words, those are the people who become the children of light. We live in a world that's desperately in need of light and desperately in need of people who bring light into the world. And so if you and I can become children of light, then we certainly won't be overcome or overtaken like a thief in the night when the Lord does choose to come. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We hope that you will join us on our full podcast because we know you're listening right now and you said, hey, John, I only have time for follow him favorites. Well, we hope that you will give us a try. You can find the follow him podcast wherever you get your podcast from. Give us a try. You'll want to hear the full episodes, right John, with Dr. Millett. It is definitely worth your time. I'm going to listen to it again. All right. Well, we'll see you there. If not, join us for our next all in favourites.

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