Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast - Malachi Part 2 • Dr. Barbara Gardner • Dec. 12 - Dec. 18

Episode Date: December 7, 2022

Dr. Gardner continues to examine the Book of Malachi and evidence of God's love for all his children–on both sides of the veil.Please rate and review the podcast!Show Notes (English, French, Sp...anish, Portuguese): Podcasts: to the follow HIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Executive Producers, SponsorsDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsIgor Willians: Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to part two of Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner, the book of Malachi. And John and Hank, there's a great talk by Elder Holland where he talks about the reasons that we pay our tithing. I think it's called like a water garden. I love this talk, but it gives different reasons for paying tithing, for jumping to this. He just says, the first reason to pay tithing is to do so for the sake of your children and grandchildren, the rising generation, so they can grow up in the church. We can build temples, etc. He says, the second reason to pay your tithing is to rightfully claim the blessings promised those who do so. And then he quotes this
Starting point is 00:00:34 scripture, provey herewith, I just want to share, I recognize a lot of the blessings of tithing are not monetary. And frankly, it's the monetary blessings that we talk about, but I do want to share a couple of things. And I think if we were to send this out to every single person listening to this podcast, everyone could share how they have tested the Lord or proved the Lord in a sense. And he has proven himself to us. I'll just share one first. I have 2012 siblings. And I remember my eighth sister, so the eighth child down was the first one to get married. And she called my dad and said that she was going to get married. Frankly, she was young and my dad said that she wasn't mature enough, but that's a story for another day. But in so doing, she asked my dad for some money so that she could
Starting point is 00:01:18 have a reception. I remember 13 children, my dad worked for the church. My mom was a stay-at-home 13 children, my dad worked for the church. My mom was a stay-at-home mom who worked very hard, but did not receive an income. But they were ardent. I mean, they paid their tithing, and that was important to all of us. And we knew they paid their tithing, and we all paid our tithing.
Starting point is 00:01:33 We all worked for a young age. But I remember my dad telling us that when he was asked by Sherry if she could help, she gave him a specific number. I don't know, remember the number exactly, but I want to say $500. And my dad said he knew he didn't have $500. But he also knew that Sherry wanted to get married and she wanted to get married in the temple. And so he said at work, he literally fell to his knees and said, Heavenly Father, my daughter is trying to have a covenant marriage in the temple. And I would
Starting point is 00:02:03 love to be able to celebrate this with a family and with friends for her. And she is asking for $500. And I don't have it. But I have paid my tithing consistently since I joined the church. And we have sacrificed and we've tried to do the right thing. Please, bless us with this $500. I remember the story so well because what I remember really was bless us with this $500. I remember the story so well because what I remember really was when my dad came home
Starting point is 00:02:29 that day, our car had been totaled. He drove it up to the side of our house and it was already an old car. We never had a new car. And my older brother who had just turned 16 came out and said to my dad, what happened? And he said, I just got in the car accident. And my brother said, are you gonna fix it? And he said, well, let me tell you the story. He talked about Sherry and her need for this $500.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And they went to see how much it would cost to have the car fixed. And they received the report from the insurance company. It was $500. It was to the exact penny that my dad had asked for. I think sometimes the Lord manifests himself in mysterious ways. And in this case, for us, it was a ruined car,
Starting point is 00:03:06 but it was the answer to a very thoughtful, sincere, sacrificing father who didn't genuinely care about his car at all, he never did. But what he cared about was the covenant that his daughter was about to make and proving the Lord for his children and setting that example. And I also remember, that's miracle number one.
Starting point is 00:03:24 The miracle number two, as my David David often say is that David said, my older brothers at the time, I'm never gonna go on a date then and my dad said, you know, great. Because he wanted to take the car to go on his first date. When he turned 16 and my dad said, it's fantastic. You're not gonna drive the car and I have a daughter getting married. Like this is perfect.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I think we all have these tithing stories and we have proved the Lord and he has come out proving himself to us over and over and over again. That's a basic question for anyone entering the temple, is are you paying a full tithe? And those who are covenant making keeping members of the church say yes, and I think they say so with a smile on their face, with again their hearts completely testifying that this principle is one principle that helps us be 100% committed to God. Frankly, I believe anybody who paid 10% will give it their all. If you're willing to pay whatever God asks, 10% if we're willing to do so, then we are also going to keep our temple covenants, which is as we've been taught by Elder Bednor so recently, one of
Starting point is 00:04:20 them being that we are willing to live the law of consecration. If we're willing to pay 10% and we're serious about it and we're giving the full 10% we're going to be willing to give our all. It says something about the heart. I want to share a tithing story. This is from Sydney S. Reynolds first counselor in the primary general presidency way back in 2003. She says many years ago, John Orth worked in a foundry in Australia and in a terrible accident, a hot molten lead splashed onto his face and body.
Starting point is 00:04:53 He was administered to and some of the vision was restored to his right eye, but he was completely blind and is left. Because he couldn't see well, he lost his job. He tried to get employment with his wife's family, but their business failed due to the depression. He was forced to go door to door, seeking odd jobs and handouts to pay for food and rent. One year, he did not pay any tithing and went to talk to the branch president. The branch president understood the situation, but asked John to make it a matter of prayer and fasting so that he could find a way to pay his tithing. John and his wife Alice fasted and prayed and determined that the
Starting point is 00:05:25 only thing of value they owned was her engagement ring. A beautiful ring bought in happier times. After much anguish they decided to take the ring to a pawnbroker and learned it was worth enough to pay their tithing and some of their outstanding bills. That Sunday he went to the branch president and paid his tithing. As he left the office, he happened to meet the mission president, who noticed his damaged eyes. Brother Orth son, now serving his bishop in Adelaide later wrote, we believe that the mission president was an eye doctor for he was commonly called President Dr. Reese. He spoke to dad and was able to examine him and offer some suggestions to help his eyesight.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Dad followed his advice, and in due course, sight was restored. 15% sight to his left eye and 95% sight to his right eye. And with the help of glasses, he could see again. With his vision restored, John was never unemployed again. He redeemed the ring, which is now a family heirloom, and paid a full tithing for the rest of his life. The Lord knew John orth and he knew he could help him. And then sister Reynolds says, President Dr. Reese was my mother's father. And he probably never knew of the miracle that was wrought that day. Stories don't always
Starting point is 00:06:37 work out like that, but don't you just love the ones that do. It's the Maryfieldingsmith story that we know about as well where she's being asked is she's with five fatherless children at this point and she's trying to lead this wonderful family and she's being told that she doesn't have to pay her tithing and her response and Elder Holland talks about this and that same talk he says, William, this is what she says to the man William, you want to be ashamed of yourself. Would you deny me a blessing? If I do not pay my tithing, I should expect the Lord to withhold his blessings from me. And this is such a classic
Starting point is 00:07:10 statement, I pay my tithing not only because it is a law of God, but because I expect a blessing by doing it. I need a blessing by keeping this in other laws I expect to be able to provide for my family. I'm just sure just one more story with that is that idea of expecting and sometimes it's hard, but when God commands and we obey, he is bound as it says again the doctor and covenants. 82. I remember my dad was called as a stake president years ago and as exciting as that was, our stake center was 45 minutes one direction in our church building that we would attend was 20 minutes another direction. This is an Oregon. And we only had one car and we had 13 children. And I remember my dad saying to us, I don't know how this is going to work, but we've paid our tiding. And the
Starting point is 00:07:57 Lord wants me to be a state president. And we had a 15 passenger van. That's all we had. And I know that he is going to make this happen. I just know, but I need you to fast and pray and talk to the Lord about that we've paid our tithing and know that he'll take care of us. This comes in with my dad legitimately expected that the Lord would provide for him and provide for our family.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So we did, we fasted and prayed as a family, we continue to pay our tithing. And I remember my dad was asked to go. He worked for the church in family services. And he was asked to go to an adoption meeting in Washington, DC. Of course, the church paid for his trip, but he had told all of us growing up that if we saved at the time they had these box tops, if you save enough box tops, you could actually get a free airplane ticket. So one of my brothers actually saved the box tops and was given a free ticket. So he joined my dad on this trip and in the airport, he met a man who long story short was very kind to him and ended
Starting point is 00:08:57 up sitting with him on the airplane. In the conversation with this man, my brother, I wanted to introduce him to my dad. He introduced this man to my dad who was in the back of the airplane. And this man said to my dad, who are you? My dad just basically said, I'm, I'm organ, I'm here working as an agent for adoption and things. And he said, well, I don't know if this makes sense and why I feel this way, but I'm a Catholic. And I don't know why I feel this way, but do you need a van? I own a car dealership in Michigan and I just feel like I need to give you a free van. If I sent you and your wife out to our dealership, would you be willing to come and just pick up a van?
Starting point is 00:09:34 I mean, you can't make this stuff up and I realized that this doesn't happen to everyone all the time and these aren't the answers. It wasn't like we had a lot of money. When my parents pay their tithing, they didn't expect a mansion But they did expect that the Lord would help us keep our covenants We expected that the Lord would help him be a state president and at the same time that his children would be able to go to church The expectation wasn't that we would ever get rich. We never were But the expectation from my father and my mother was if they paid their their tithing, the Lord would help us keep our covenants. And he always did. He helped my sister get married in the temple and have
Starting point is 00:10:09 that family relationship. He helped us be able to go to church. My parents lived in a tent for a while at a park, but yet they were paying their tithing. And we've seen the benefit not financially, but I've seen the benefit as far as the sacred. And again, I saw two people. My parents and hopefully it's gone with rest of us far from perfect bud. The Lord will take care of those who pay their tithing. He just will. According to what the Lord needs
Starting point is 00:10:33 and not according to other people. That's what Mary Fielding Smith saw. That's what Elder Holland is teaching, and that's what we all see. It's such a sacred thing. And I believe that that is one of the reasons that it's a temple-recommend question and brought up here that the Lord is asking. Again, he wants us. The third reason that he says for
Starting point is 00:10:49 pain or tithing is a declaration that possessions and material goods and accumulations of worldly wealth are not uppermost goals. And then forth, we pay our tithings and offerings out of honesty and integrity. And then I love this last one, we pay our tithes because we want to give something back. And then Elder Holland says, but I never want to be in King David's words that which cost me nothing. The Lord knows that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven, and he knows that sacrifice is what is required to become as he is. He's trying to help purify us, and some people just don't want to be purified in this chapter. Purification is a lot of work. That was awesome, Barb. I can't believe that I offered you guys a fan. The crazy thing is, first of all, they made a rule that nobody under the age of 25
Starting point is 00:11:35 could drive the van, which was like almost all of us still at that point, which I think is hilarious that they did that. But also, yeah, it was actually really, I'm sure my dad made it up, but whatever. Anyway, the other one was when my dad was released as a state president, the gentleman's name was Al Bauer. And he was released as a state president. Al didn't even know that he had been released. He was not in the church as I said, he was a Catholic. He called my dad within, I don't know, two days of his release date and said, I'm assuming that your van probably is wearing out at this point.
Starting point is 00:12:08 You know, as a state president this time, I don't know, at nine or ten years, and he said, would you like to come back and have another van? To which my parents, like, we can't take advantage of you, and his response to my parents was, the love that your family has shown me is worth much more than any vehicle on my lot. And of course, we weren't trying to win any favors with them, but that relationship that was built with a man who was willing to sacrifice for the Lord was very real.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And he spent his last Christmas with us at our home with our family and passed away shortly after. Just an older gentleman who didn't have a lot of family support who wanted to serve, however he could have could with his money. I love that too. Not a member of our church but there's so much goodness out there among so many people and for him to get that I mean that's like a revelation that was. Oh totally. For him discernment that I don't know why I need to give your family a van. What a great story. As my dad says it was so funny he just said I don't know why I need to give your family a van. What a great story. As my dad says, it was so funny, he just said,
Starting point is 00:13:07 I don't know why a Catholic would have this impression, but do you need a van? I feel like I'm supposed to give you a van. I get how say the reality is we were fasting and praying at home. Like he had been called as a state president. He hadn't even been ordained or set apart yet. It was in the intermedium between when he was called and when he was set apart.
Starting point is 00:13:22 So that first Sunday, we knew that there was already an answer ready to go. We drove. Actually, we didn't fly. My dad wanted to make it a family trip. Of course, so we drove from Oregon to Michigan and it had a junker, a major junker, to say the least. And we picked up our first nice vehicle that we ever had. Wow. And we drove at home. And my dad used to for steak work. My dad used to say our car has air conditioning 460. Dad, our car doesn't have air conditioning. You know, it has air conditioning 460. What's that, Dad? Four windows down and 60 miles an hour. We used to ask my dad, why can't we have a dishwasher in our home because everybody had a dishwasher,
Starting point is 00:14:02 my dad said, I have 13 dishwasher and none of them work. That was his joke. So now all of us are siblings. We all have dishwashers and we use them. Yeah, paying our tithing didn't get us a dishwasher. Barb, that was just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I attended a desert book meeting once and President Emmerlossal Ballard was there and he reported on a trip that he and President Packeret book meeting once, and President Emmeral Soh Ballard was there. He reported on a trip that he and President Packer had just taken to back he's talked to New York reporters
Starting point is 00:14:32 about the Susque Centennial of the Pioneers Arrival in the Valley. So we're talking 1997, this was a long time ago. And President Ballard said that President Packer got up to this group of reporters and said, we're here to answer all of your questions. I will answer the easy ones. Elder Ballard will answer the hard ones.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And I will determine which ones are easy and which are hard. But President Ballard, and I suppose in 97, they were probably both elder Ballard and elder Packard, but today President Ballard, he continued. He said there were two questions that no matter how hard we tried to answer, we just couldn't seem to do it to the satisfaction of the reporters. The two questions were, how do you get those young people to go on missions and how do you get people to pay tiding? Because they just didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And it reminded me of a poster I saw when I was at BYU, it was in one of the photocopy centers. And the poster on the wall said, those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. I love that idea of we can hear the music of the gospel and Elder Ballard and Elder Packer could not convince them no matter how hard they tried, they just didn't understand how that works. Young people going on missions and people paying tithing.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And I think hearing these stories from Barbara and from you Hank about the one you read just they're common. Thousands of people listening have their own story they could contribute. maybe not that they got rich But the Lord helped them get through and have what they needed to keep going and all of us have stories like that I think it's we're proving the Lord like Malachi asked us to like the Lord's asking because prove me He does he opens the windows of heaven unlike you both my heart is pure I struggled with tithing. I think I married a good woman who the Lord said, I know you struggle with this one,
Starting point is 00:16:29 so I'm going to help you and give you someone who doesn't struggle. But every month or every year when tithing is paid, I think of that phrase, the Lord asked to Peter, do you love me more than these, pointing to the fish, pointing to his income, his livelihood? Do you love me more than these? And I love having that check on my life.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I just love being able to answer that question over and over and over. Yes, Lord, that I love the... Tything becomes... Is a blessing to me. It's an opportunity. And Barbara's story is so interesting. The Lord didn't have 500 bucks magically show up. He totalled his car. Then the insurance gave him 500 hits. Yeah, it'll cost you your
Starting point is 00:17:13 car, but here's the 500. 500. Well, and I'll just say in a sense that was the beauty of watching my parents. I think so many people live the gospel. It's never about the money. You're not gonna get rich being a covenant keeper. Some people will, some people won't. That's not the point. It's not that kind of vicious.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's just like he says, we talked about already in chapter three, where he says, I will make up my jewels. Like we are the money to the Lord. We are his great value. We are his glory. It's people. And that's the thing with Tithing.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's not about the money. It's about what God is creating. It's he's creating His jewels as we give up our jewels. That's the beauty as we get so much more And I think also in verse 16 that's one of the beauties of verse 16 of chapter three is they that feared the Lord Spake often went to another and the Lord harkened. I just love that and heard it I mean he answered their prayers Talking about Tything that he's talking about, these people they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It's vain to serve God. Well, no, it's only vain to serve God if you don't understand God. You'll never understand tithing until you pay it. And then I love this and heard it. And a book every member that's was written before him. And I think that's also one of the beauties and asking how do you get your children to pay their tithing. I think part of it is telling true honest miracle stories.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I mean, I will tell my daughters when we get to Malik, I will have a discussion about our family stories and about my personal family stories about paying my tithing. And then I will bless them with the experience of paying their own tithing and they will be telling their own stories to their children because God will be proved and he will always come out having proven himself. This book of remembrance, I think, is so critical, especially when he's starting getting into family history with Elijah and the next chapter.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But this book of remembrance, the writing down of these miraculous experiences when we do pay our tithing makes so those who may see it as vain, really aren't reading also the miracles and the stories of other people. The Lord has proved himself. So if we can keep these stories, we can keep them alive, use stories of other people, help them experiment upon the words themselves, and then write that in the book of remembrance.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That is one thing I think that helps future generations be willing to pay their tithing is they trust us as we speak about our own experiences, and they trust others as they speak about their experiences. It's one of the beauties of family history, I think. Speaking of family history, when I was on my mission in the Philippines, I asked my dad for some help on teaching about tithing, and he investigated the church in his 20s,
Starting point is 00:19:39 and the stake missionaries read to him this promise of Malachi, which is just poetry. Prove me I will open you the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing. And my dad was like wow really and this letter I'm reading it on my mission so I started paying tidings as an investigator to see if it would work. It did and when I think about my dad It did. And when I think about my dad, and he worked three jobs when they were first married to make ends meet. But our family history is dad always paid his tiding because he found that promise true.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And it was helpful to me to remember when I get to Grumble, dad worked three jobs. One of them was spraying mosquitoes out in the swamps near the great Salt Lake. He worked three jobs and so it wasn't easy but he always paid his tithing. I remember his testimony it helped me. I'm going to open you the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing. You won't even be able to receive it. It'll be so big. So I'm glad you said that because that family story means a lot to me. I remember when I first got married, this is nothing against any ecclesiastical leader, but it'll see my side. I remember I missed the tithing settlement that my husband and I
Starting point is 00:20:54 had set up with our bishop. And the bishop asked Dustin if we were full tithepares and he said yes. And it was the first time that I remember my entire life having a year where I wasn't personally asked. And I called the bishop back and said, I want you know, I appreciate that Dustin is speaking for both of us, but I need to declare to you that I'm a full-tieeth pair. Because that is critical for me. I need to be able to tell you as a representative of the Lord that I am paying my tithing fully. Again, nothing against anyone, but it was just my, I have just come to learn from myself that it's a very sacred privilege. I have a friend who just returned from being a mission leader and he was president
Starting point is 00:21:34 Monson's bishop and went down to give president Monson a temple recommend interview. And he said when he asked the questions, president Monson hit the table and said yes, yes, yes, to each of the questions. That's awesome. On the temper recommended voice, I've always loved that story. It was adamant. Yes. As we talked about all these blessings, I really feel strongly that one of the reasons I love
Starting point is 00:22:02 studying the scriptures is simply because of the Lord opening up the windows of heaven of revelation. And I really do believe that tithing also allows for that. It allows for a purity. It puts us in the mode of being willing to sacrifice for the Lord and he gives us the blessing. For me, the windows of heaven, although I told those stories, they have nothing to do with the physical or the monetary. For me, I see the windows of heaven coming through blessings of revelation and inspiration and an understanding of who God is and discernment. It's those blessings that are associated with the temple discussed again in section 84 and section 107 of the keys of knowledge and the godliness, all the things associated with
Starting point is 00:22:44 the temple are the windows of heaven. The blessings of the windows of knowledge and the godliness. All the things associated with the temple are the windows of heaven. The blessings of the windows of having being poured upon us. This is going to date me a bit, but I remember watching a movie, a movie, not a video, a movie, like on a film projector, we used to call it in the ancient of days.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I was sitting next to Wilford Woodruff in seminary that year, and no, it was called the Windows of Heaven. And it was about this drought in St. George, Hanges hometown. And how it was really a difficult time for the saints in St. George. And they were just not getting enough water. I remember in the movie, they were carrying buckets of water around planting corn and just asking the Lord to please bless them. Well,
Starting point is 00:23:25 Lorenzo Snow gets this prompting to go to St. George and they show the trip in the movie. You know, they act out the trip, but he's in a wagon. How long does it take to get to St. George in a wagon? He's an old man and he's bumping around and everything and he gets up in the St. George Tamanacle in front of all the saints and says, I know the Lord wanted me to come here, but I don't know why. And in the middle of the talk, he suddenly kind of stands up and looks up and is strengthened. All of a sudden, he looks down and he starts to preach, tithing. I know I have come here and he promises them
Starting point is 00:24:05 in a literal way that the windows of heaven will open if they will pay their tithing. And for that, a lot of it was paying tithing in kind with goods and things like that. But then they show this movie and I mean, President Snow leaves and he goes to other parts of the church on his way home and preaches the same message about tithing and promises that if we prove the Lord
Starting point is 00:24:28 he'll open the windows of heaven. The end of the movie they show these farmers out in their field and all of a sudden here come these clouds and they just dump. Just dump the rain and you see this guy putting his barrel underneath the rain gutter and then just falling to his knees You know, and I remember at the end of the movie the words saying since that time the church has never been in debt That's what I remembered about that that this was a time where There's kind of a reminder for the whole church to prove the Lord and watch what happens. And that movie made an impression on me as a teenager. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 00:25:11 Well, I'm just glad you said, when you weren't old enough to remember Lorenzo's snow visit. I'm sure. That's what I thought you were going to say. But if you go visit the St. George Temple, I think the missionaries that I tell you that story about how in the middle of a talk he got this revelation and started preaching, tidying, and the Lord literally opened the windows
Starting point is 00:25:30 of heaven and the drought ended in St. George. That's awesome. I remember watching that movie many, many times. It's gonna be tough. It was a Sunday afternoon, what else are you going to do? That John Baker's last raise the mailbox. Yeah. All those good ones. Watch some church movies, but yeah, I remember that one. And that's a great one. Sorry, it made me emotional, but I just remember when the rain came, how they just, I mean, it gushed, it was awesome. John, again, back to my parents and the tenderness of your story. I remember asking my dad and mom one day, how they were able to raise a family on the budget they had with so many children. And his answer was, we weren't tired and we paid our tithing.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Why did you pay your tithing? You had so little. And I remember just as you, very emotional, his response was just so full of Barb, we can't afford not to. But it was such a sacred thing. And like you're saying, the rain poured, figuratively speaking, our fields would not grow if he did not. We could not have afforded it. Yeah. Reminds me of the hymn, we doubt not the Lord nor his goodness. We have proved him in days that are past. Yep. And he's asking, prove me, watch, watch what I'll do.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's again, it's the beauty of this book of Malachi. It's the Lord is just pleading with them to let him bless them. But it takes a sacrifice, but let me please, let me, let me do these things. What a loving father who is just, I really want to bless you. Yep, exactly. Well, Barb, that brings us to the very last chapter of the Old Testament for this year. We're excited to hear from you. I love this chapter. It is a critical chapter that we see repeated over and over again, and all of the other standard works, where he just starts out, for behold, the day cometh. And this is again Malachi, who has the burden of the word, for behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven,
Starting point is 00:27:27 and all the proud ye, all that do wickedly shall be stubble. And the day that cometh shall burn them up, say the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. I can't imagine him having to say that to the people then, but also prophesying for the future. And then you continue on. But unto you that fear my name
Starting point is 00:27:45 shall the sun, S O N S U N here, but clearly it's the sun of righteousness arise and you see again with healing in his wings, that healing and that sun with the Lord trying to teach them. And they the people need it. They've been through a lot. The children of Israel have suffered. And he shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall, and he shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the souls of your feet in the day that I shall do this, say the Lord of hosts. Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in horub for all Israel, with the statues and the judgments, and then this beautiful behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. I mean, that's the end of the world of the last day.
Starting point is 00:28:31 You know, I mean, you're just seeing this like, and I will send you, Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. We know that we see this. Elijah is so critical to this. Why is it so important that it's Elijah? We know that Elijah was the last prophet who had these keys of sealing between this time and the time of the coming of Christ. Elijah was the only prophet who was able to pass on the ability for families to be eternal. And then as it says in section two of the doctrine,
Starting point is 00:29:08 covenants, this visit from our own eye where he's gonna be stating this promise, behold, I will reveal unto you the priest who by the hand of Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers and the hearts of the children
Starting point is 00:29:24 shall turn to their fathers if it were not so. And this is the part that is so critical. The whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming. So Malachi, the end of the Old Testament is just stating here, the Lord is going to send Elijah, and although the earth will be burned at the coming of Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:29:42 and it will be a stubble, Elijah will make it so the whole earth will not be utterly wasted at his coming. Elijah will come forth, he will have these keys, he will reveal to the world the priesthood, and because of this, the world is going to be able to withstand this burning. And frankly, he will be celestialized, and the purposes of the earth will be accomplished, which is eternal life. The glory which is the purpose of God and all will be celestialized. And the purposes of the earth will be accomplished, which is eternal life. The glory which is the purpose of God and all that he has done.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It's just, it's such an amazing scripture. Yeah, I see that way back in verse one, chapter four, verse one, he talks about the wicked burning and being left without root or branch. You can kind of feel the sense of family there in roots and branches. Yeah, for sure. That sin destroys families. That's what verse one tells me. You can kind of feel the sense of family there in roots and branches. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The sin destroys families. That's what verse one tells me. Sin destroys families. No roots, no ancestors, no branches, no children, no family units. And Elijah is going to come and make sure that doesn't happen. The temple ceiling saves families. And in fact, Joseph Smith talks about this, the importance of Elijah. He says, the spirit, power, and calling of Elijah is that you have power to hold the key
Starting point is 00:30:49 of the fullness of the Melchizedate priesthood. That fullness is critical because in fullness he's talking eternal family, he's talking the holy order of the Son of God, he's talking your calling and election being made sure. That fullness of the priesthood is temple. That's temple terminology. That's eternal family. That's the ceiling. And then you continue. The spirit power and calling of Elijah is that you have the power to hold the key of the fullness of the Malkesidic priesthood and to obtain all the ordinances belonging to the kingdom of God, even unto the
Starting point is 00:31:19 turning of the hearts of the fathers, unto the children and the hearts of the children, unto the fathers, even those who are in heaven. I mean, you think about Joseph Smith at this time, and you think about what Elijah is going to give, what Malachi is prophesying. I mean, if there is a hope for all people, the children of Israel, that have this wickedness, and they're not completely willing to commit, there is still a hope. I mean, the Lord will not lose hope, even them. Elijah will come and even they will be saved because temple work will continue on both sides of the veil.
Starting point is 00:31:49 The fullness will still come and that does come as we know. Elijah is going to come to the Kirtland temple. He's going to reveal those keys and this is going to happen years later. So in here, we're saying this prophet will come. We know he's come and he is going to give these keys to Joseph Smith. And Joseph Smith is going to be using these keys when he gets to the Navout Temple, where the fullness of the Malkesadic priesthood is used. And he is going to seal these families together.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I don't know if Joseph knew back in section two what it meant that Elijah was coming. Joseph was so young. Personally, I can't imagine. But by the time of the Kirtland Temple, he recognizes that there was a promise coming from a ronight that was repeated multiple times. That was extremely important. And then when section 110 happens, I should say, when Elijah really comes, that temple is built, 1836, I can't imagine how joyous Joseph Smith was to say, finally, finally, this prophecy has been fulfilled a decade and a half later.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And now, although I don't know how much he understood, for sure, even then, I would imagine he understood at that point the importance of families, the importance of what this means to his brother Alvin, the importance that it's going to have to his father, as he's saying, make sure the temple work is done for Alvin later on. But this is the point where all hope, as he's saying, make sure the temple work is done for Alvin later on. But this is the point where all hope, all the glory, all the graciousness of the Lord comes to fruit with Alakai saying, Elijah will come.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Because we know what that means. It's the ceiling key. When I teach 3rd Nephi 25, I put verses 15 and 6 next to Joseph Smith history because they're slightly different and it's so fun to look that it's not that one is true and one isn't It's that one gives us a little bit more The day that cometh shall burn them up, but in jesus mith history they that come shall burn them that's fascinating But I will send you a light to the prophet in third Nephi 25 or malachi and then I will reveal unto you the priesthood by the hand of Elijah the prophet.
Starting point is 00:33:45 And I love to ask my students, wait a minute, who restored the priesthood? All I thought that was Peter James and John and John the Baptist, right? So maybe I will reveal unto you the priesthood means something different than restore, which you just talked about. It's the ceiling keys he's going to bring. And then when in Malachi, he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children but in Joseph Smith history Marone I said he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promise is made to the fathers which sounds like Abrahamic covenant. It's one gives
Starting point is 00:34:20 us a lot more and Elder Brissar Makhonki said, this is what is involved in the promise that the Lord would reveal unto us the priesthood by the hand of Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. By restoring the ceiling keys, Elijah revealed the greatest use to which the priesthood may be put by mortals on earth. And that's what you are just talking about. And so we're so glad that he lied to Cain. Yeah, and to make sure we understand this is something that President Benson talks about. Elder Bednar has quoted this, Elder Eiring has quoted this, but you have the keys that are restored through Peter James and John and John and John in 1829. That gave Joseph Smith the ability to have the presiding authority over the church, but
Starting point is 00:35:08 that did not give him the keys necessary to seal. It did not give him the keys necessary to have missionary work. It wasn't until we received section 110, 1836, that Kirtland Temple that Joseph Smith receives the authority to do what other apostles and prophets before him had the ability to do, including Adam. So that restoration that comes in the temple is absolutely critical. Elijah is the great prophecy. That is the culmination of everything. So when Elijah finally comes, as has been prophesied there, Joseph Smith for the first time now receives the keys that he's able to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers and the fathers to the children
Starting point is 00:35:46 etc. And I'll just put this point in. I think this is critical. When we say hearts of the children to their fathers, I hope we understand that we also mean his president, Packer says to their parents. This is talking about, again, Temple. This is priesthood, power being restored. This is making covenants. This is the Temple. This isn't talking about the father son relationship as much as it's talking about the family relationship. The eternal relationship is again President Benson talks about it's the family pre-stud. It's the government of God, which is family. It's eternal family. It's the possibility of the government of God that's being restored. And that's why Kirtland is so big. That's why you have angels coming from everywhere. It's because we have all these journal entries of the spirit of the Elijah that was there.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And that is a real serious restoration. This is when genealogy really does start in the world. After this 1830, we've seen nothing before 1830, really even in the United States. But after this, we just start seeing a little bit and a little bit. And then we have the Boston genealogical society. All these people start coming out, almost out in the United States. But after this, we just start seeing a little bit and a little bit and then we have the Boston Geneological Society. All these people start coming out, almost out of the woodwork and people start turning.
Starting point is 00:36:49 This spirit of Elijah is real. The hearts of the children really did turn to their fathers. Sometimes we can talk about Joseph Smith trying to understand this and recognizing that his hearts are also being turned to his father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob. But it just as a reminder, as he's turning to his father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob, he's also turning to the Abrahamic covenant, which is Abraham
Starting point is 00:37:08 and Sarah. It's the Abrahamic covenant. This returning to the fathers is a family. He's learning about and desiring any eternal family and these covenants of eternal posterity. And that's what's happening here is Malachi. He's closing this book, although we don't know if necessary, the last book, but as this book is closing, we're seeing this, but it's closing this book, although we don't know if necessarily the last book, but as this book is closing, we're seeing this, but it's not over yet people. It's not over yet. Elijah is going to come.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Everyone's going to have a chance again. Jesus Christ is going to heal people and families are going to be still for eternity. And that's the first thing really that Joseph writes about. It's the first revelation chronologically in the doctrine. Covenants is this response from Maroneite to him. Now, and again, it's written over and over again. There's this beautiful painting in the Kirtland Visitor Center of Joseph and Oliver at the Pulpits and these angels coming down, Moses, Sinny, Lijen, restoring keys
Starting point is 00:37:59 like he just talked about. It reminds me of the hymn, the visions and blessings of older returning and angels are coming to visit the earth. And also there's a chart in the religion 211 student manual which shows that the very same characters who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration appeared again in the Kirkland temple. The elegance of that is just really kind of the symmetry of the way the Lord brought about the restoration and these same characters and they needed to because as you just said, Barbara, to restore those keys of gathering of Israel, keys of sealing and all that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So I love that you said that. And what's that part of the Abrahamic covenant to bless all the families of the earth? Exactly. Again, it's all about the family. It's all about eternal family and having that possibility. And again, only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which starting with chapter one, verse one, you know, we talk about that difficulty there, but you get to verse two, I have loved you. I have loved you so much that I set my son. And all I'm asking you to do is make these covenants with me. Keep these covenants with me. And I want to bless you through the Atonement of Jesus Christ to have what I have, which is all that I have. You see that from Adam and Eve, the covenant starts at the very beginning, the role
Starting point is 00:39:14 of Elijah had been forwarded and then we have prophets prophesying of it all the way until 1836, when it actually comes. I mean, 1836, I can't imagine that day, April 3rd, when Elijah appears, and the ceiling keys are given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and he is able to go back. We are able to go back all the way as far as our genealogy will take us to bring all these families together for eternity. I'm not a family history nerd because I don't know how to do it very well. If there's a struggle for me, sometimes it's I have a lot to do, and anytime I get doing family history, all of a sudden everything else takes back seat and it feels like angels are walking by my side.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's very hard. Like I say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't have time for this. I can't start with a spirit of Elijah. I mean, this is so real to me. When I was living out in Boston, I was the chaplain and serving as the director of the institute there, the coordinator of seminaries and institutes. I was still single and my mother had passed away recently, which is important to the story. She had passed away just a year before I had moved out there
Starting point is 00:40:12 and my mom was a genealogist. She just really tried to help people both sides of the veil. It was constant for her. But one day I was driving to go visit one of the early morning seminary classes. It was, I don't know, 4.30 or 5 in the morning. I got lost.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I mean, I was in Boston. It's not a big surprise that I got lost, but I got lost. And I had no idea where, literally no idea where I was. Middle of nowhere. I was in this little tiny town, not even a town. Just a little tiny area. And it was just grassy with a few homes, distant from each other.
Starting point is 00:40:43 So this is south, way south of the Boston area. I pulled off to the side to kind of look at my GPS. And as I looked over to the left, I saw this cemetery. I mean, literally in the middle of nowhere, five o'clock in the morning. And I just thought, that's odd. There are a lot of cemeteries out there. But for some reason, this one really caught my attention. That's odd.
Starting point is 00:41:02 So I got out of my car. I had my little phone with me and I jumped the fence, which sounds worse than it is because the fence was low and I don't jump. I jumped this fence. I crawled over the fence and I looked at the first gravestone and it said, LeBaron. And I just stopped dead in my tracks because LeBaron was my mom's maiden name and my mom was searching for her ancestors before she passed away. And I didn't know which one she was searching for. Then I looked at the next gravestone and it said Liberian,
Starting point is 00:41:30 and the next one, Liberian, and the next one, Liberian. And I had never been to Boston. That area, my mom had never, that was one of her dreams, was to go out there and do family history. I started taking pictures of all of these gravestones and taking meticulous notes instead of going and watching that seminary class.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And then I flew home over a Christmas break. And I went to find my mom's family history, work that she had all lined up and was organized as she could. And I pulled off the last book, which is a little black binder, went to the last page. And the name I found in that cemetery was the name she was looking for. When she passed away, the last name
Starting point is 00:42:13 in her three-ring binder was the one I found. And that cemetery at five o'clock in the morning in the middle of nowhere. And all the names around it were all the names she couldn't find anywhere. She couldn't find it in any book, any historical site, any No one had the record. But I ran into it. It's the spirit of Elijah. It's real. Many people have asked, you know, especially students, is their life after death. There's life after death. I have no question. And does family history
Starting point is 00:42:44 matter? Yes. One of the, one of the beauties that I have found in family history, especially when I was single, but even now is I am never alone, because those are people that are real, and they're walking by our sides, and they want to be found. Again, you can't make that stuff up. I have all these stories, but when it comes to this kind of stuff, I can testify of stories and share stories, but I just recently, actually just just a couple of months ago, I was doing some research on women in the church and their early conversion stories. And in the process of doing so, I realized I remember that I had a great, great grandmother who had joined the church in England and had come to the United States on the Goodship Amazon.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But we didn't have any information about her really, and we didn't have very much. But years before my parents were young BYU students. My father's great aunt had passed away and said, and his father content said, you can have anything in that house that you wanted. Well, he wasn't anything in the house that he really wanted that he kept. So he told my dad afterwards, this was an Idaho. He said, there's nothing there that I want. That night, my dad had a dream.
Starting point is 00:43:49 In the dream, he saw my great aunt's shack. Literally, it was a shack in Melad, Idaho. And in the shack was a rug. And under the rug was a trap door. And under the trap door were boxes. And he knew that he was supposed to go back to Malad as a little BYU newly married student convincing my mom that they need to spend the money, go back to Malad Idaho, and see if this dream was real. So they did. They went back to Malad Idaho. These little poor BYU
Starting point is 00:44:17 students literally poor went and pulled this rug off, opened this trap door and found boxes went and pulled this rug off, opened this trap door and found boxes of family history. Wow. There was no monetary value in the things that they found, but they found the family history. Priceless. This woman that I found in England, little city called Huntington Shire, was the great, great grandmother, and her information was found in one of these boxes. Her name was Sarah Annie Sykes. I was able then because of this random dream that my dad had years ago to find the cemetery of my great, great, great grandmother and find her grave stone and then find all the people around her that the family had been married, married into, et cetera, et cetera, that no one had records of anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But again, found them and was able just this last month to do temple work and have them sealed forever. The point isn't just like the weirdness of the miracle. It's that they want to be found. They want to be saved. I know that Sarah Annie Sykes wants her name and her story remembered. She wants some things cleared up. She wants her testimony revealed. She wants people to know that she made covenant. She wants my nephews and nieces and my daughters to know in the book of remembrance that she chose God
Starting point is 00:45:35 and she gave it all. Left her country, came to United States, left it all at home, made covenants, and left her little box of books and Meladai Deho under a trap door for my dad to find. The only member of the church because he was a convert, just the right person right place, but sometimes somewhere along the way somebody would be able to tell her story again. He's a convert because her son actually ended up leaving and then her son left, so my dad ended up joining the church later on his own. It's just like tithing in Malachi.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Everyone can share family history stories. People can share these stories. They have these experiences. The Lord continues to reveal these truths and this reality of family history because it was what matters. Not everyone will have these extreme stories and maybe can't share everything so strong,
Starting point is 00:46:22 but everyone who starts doing family history is going to be filled with the spirit of Elijah. All of us have a desire to know where we come from, but I don't know that we always have. I believe that after this time, this 1836 visitation and this revealing of these priestages, these ceiling keys, that's when it all really began. In our country and throughout the world, you look historically, it all starts after this day of this family history and this genealogy research. This happens to the dorsor open after this. And now we look at our today today and wow, the Lord has made it possible for us to find
Starting point is 00:46:53 people. That's a miracle in and of itself is this turning apart to the children of and vice versa. It's one of the greatest uses of the internet, which is a tool and it can be a weapon sadly is genealogy. What it has done for people looking for family connections is huge databases, family searches, just amazing. It's not a joke. People who have gone beyond the veil are very much alive. There's one thing I have learned after the passing of both of my parents and the passing of Desens parents and other people that are very close to me. I used to wonder, there is no question. Zero. This is not a faith thing for me. This is a knowledge for me. People live beyond the veil. Death is a comma and they want to be found and we are working together for the salvation.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Jesus Christ paid the price through his atonement to make it so that we can have eternal families. And those on the other side of the veil, just as it says, I think it's fascinating section 138. At the very end now, the doctrine and covenants we get, Joseph F. Smith talking himself about becoming errors and about the dead looking upon the long absence of their spirits and the Lord taught and gave them power to come forth after his resurrection. And we hear all of this and this blessing in verse 47, the prophet Elijah was to plant in the hearts of the children, the promises made their fathers for shadowing the great work to be done in the temples of the Lord and the dispensation of the fullness of times for the redemption of the
Starting point is 00:48:23 dead and the ceiling of the children to their parents. The whole earth is smitten with the person. Utterly wasting is coming. He has a vision of this then. But this is section 138. Malachi closes the Old Testament with Elijah Joseph F. Smith closes a doctrine covenant as it is today with Elijah and the Abrahamic covenant. To me, this parallel is so clearly important. And then verse 54, including the building of the temples and the performances of the ordinances, therein for the redemption of the dead were also in the spirit world. I observed that they were also among the noble and great ones who are the chosen beginning to be rulers in the church of God, even before they were born. And then he continues on about the souls of men in this vineyard
Starting point is 00:49:03 and becoming the heirs of salvation, which is again, to receive all that God has, which is, again, not the mansions. It's all that he is. We're able to become as he is with eternal families, those eternal relationships of people that we love. And that's the beauty of chapter one, verse one. He loves and he wants us to experience his love and he wants us then to be able to give his love. And that's the beauty of becoming parents
Starting point is 00:49:25 as our opportunity to not just receive, but to give as he gives. I didn't realize how temple centric this entire book is, Barb. Surprise, surprise, isn't it? No. No. I have this strange thing that I often teach is when you really start looking at the scriptures,
Starting point is 00:49:44 we find a lot more about the temple than we realize if we're really looking because the temple is the key to eternal life. The book of Malachi is a temple chapter. It is it is ceiling. It's Old Testament. So therefore it is temple. It's patriarchal order. It's the fullness of the priesthood. It's what is revealed to Joseph Smith, Oracle Order, it's the fullness of the priesthood. It's what is revealed to Joseph Smith, Kirtlin Temple, Elijah, it's then Navu, it's eternal family, covenants, ceilings, and then it's receiving the fullness in that order of the priesthood. That's one of the reasons why it is so sacred and it's so beautifully put at the very end of this book. This is while you're talking in Temple, I also love right at the very end. After he talks about all those things, he says it's kind of like this final appendix, as it said by many. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers,
Starting point is 00:50:32 lest I come and smite the earth with the curse. And then just in ours, it just says the end of the prophets. Well, the end of the prophets here, but it's it's almost just like, okay, are you going to follow the prophet or not? Are you going to wait for Elijah? When Elijah comes, are you going to recognize him? Are you going to jump on the chance? This is what happened to the children of Israel. These scriptures are coming to you too. Now it's your chance.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Now prove yourself. Give it all. Wait for Elijah. The Lord has these promises. He loves you. He loves them. I just love it. I love this very sacred temple book.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Barb, given how temple centric this is, and knowing how much research you're doing on the temple, I know you've got a book coming out soon on the temple, and you've already had this book on women in pre-stead power, I've got a daughter going through the temple soon. What would you say to a parent who's got a child ready to go through the temple for the first time? How do we help them prepare? Yeah, what can we say? Oh my goodness. I so appreciate the question to be honest because I think a lot of people back away from talking about the temple not because they can't but because they don't know what they can and can't say
Starting point is 00:51:40 and other than making a mistake, they don't say anything at all, which causes the youth to think that the temple's a scary thing or it's an uncomfortable thing and they go as not as prepared as they could otherwise go. But one thing that's critical is really helping our youth and young adults understand the temple. And so for leaders, we need to understand the temple because if we can't answer their questions, there are other places they can go now.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And Google is a very easy place for people to search for things and they can find answers that are not helpful and frankly, could be very damaging. So the more we can know about the temple and the more we know what we can talk about, which is frankly, if you were to say percentage wise, I'm not a statistician, but I would say 90% of what we know about the temple can be spoken of
Starting point is 00:52:22 and needs to be spoken of. And a price to be paid to understand it better so we can explain it in a simple fashion. This is from elder Bednar, and he's quoting President Benson. He says, I believe a proper understanding or background referring to the temple will immeasurably help prepare our youth for the temple
Starting point is 00:52:40 and will foster with them a desire to seek their priesthood blessings just as Abraham sought his. And then he says, two basic guidelines can help us achieve the proper understanding emphasized by President Benson. So then these are elder Bednar's two guidelines. Guideline number one, because we love the Lord, we always should speak about his holy house with reverence. We should not disclose or describe the special symbols associated with the covenants we receive in sacred temple ceremonies. Neither should we discuss the holy information that we specifically promised in the temple not to reveal. So guideline one, remember that it's sacred, we get that. But then as far as the things not to reveal, not to talk about outside the temple is the special symbols that specific to the special symbols.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And then the specific information that we have been told not to reveal, which isn't very much. If you think about your temple, you think about the temple endowment and your whole experience, there's very little that we are told not to reveal. And then guideline number two,
Starting point is 00:53:38 the temple is the house of the Lord. Everything in the temple points us to our Savior Jesus Christ. We may discuss the basic purposes of and the doctrine and principles associated with the temple ordinances and covenants. And then quoting President Pentre, let us share with our children the spiritual feelings we have in the temple, let us teach them more earnestly and more comfortably the things we can appropriately say about the purposes of the house of the Lord. And then I also love in that same talk, he talks about the covenants that we make in the temple. I think when the youth and the young
Starting point is 00:54:06 adults are preparing to go to the temple, they like to know what they're getting themselves into. Nobody wants to be caught off guard. I think it's critical and our day, especially to just say, when you go to the temple, this is what to expect and really walk them through. When you go through, you're going to give them the temple recommend. I love that President Nelson recently has actually made public the temple recommend questions. So they know exactly what they're going to be asked, what they're going to commit to. So talk about the temple experience, talk about the garments. If you go to temples church of jesus, you can find out so much
Starting point is 00:54:40 about the temple. I mean, it they've done such a great job on that website of talking about the temple garments, showing the temple garments, what they mean. They talk about the covenants, in this case, Elder Bednar says, we covenant to keep the law of obedience, the law of sacrifice, the law of the gospel, the law of chastity, and the law of consecration. It would be very beneficial if parents or those that are helping prepare someone to go to the temple would talk about those covenants and have a discussion regarding what those covenants are and what they're covening to do as a result of going to the temple. But then also I would say going to that website, there are many books, Elder Packer has a great book on the temple, which most people I think read and are familiar with, the House of the Lord. But recently, in the last 10 years, just like the topic of the priesthood
Starting point is 00:55:25 is clearly a prophetic priority, the topic of the temple is a prophetic priority. And so you will see, if you just search temple and just go through and start looking at these talks, I actually had one of my TAs doing this recently for me, but I do it all the time anyway. But in the last 10 years, you will see talk after talk after talk by the first presidency,
Starting point is 00:55:42 Corm of the 12th, just search, just search, search, search of Jesus, and just look at the general conference talks on the temple and they are just abound. I mean, they're everywhere now. You can find so much on the temple. Come to follow, come to our show notes and we'll link a bunch of those there,
Starting point is 00:55:57 including the ones you've been talking about here, Mark. Frankly, I keep my own list of temple talks as I go through this to make sure that I'm kind of going back and forth in different books You know elder Talmud just book on the temple is a great one But there is so many more Tony sweat has written off you on the temple recently and others are as well It's just becoming it's so helpful to understand But yes, if I could just plead with parents to pay the price to know what you can talk about which again is most
Starting point is 00:56:22 The more comfortable we are knowing what we can talk about, the less shy we are, unless concerned we are with breaking any promises. Most of the time you're not going to, but more is helpful in this case. The more we can talk to our children, show them your temple garments, show them the robes of the priesthood, is they're preparing to go to the temple and help them to see how sacred and holy this is and help them to understand it. We had a lot of dirty clothes growing up in her house and I watched my parents do a lot of laundry. And I know you guys know this but I don't say can't say I ever saw temple garments on the floor. And I'm not saying that that's that's not necessarily a doctor of the church. It's not, but the sacredness of the holy garments and the
Starting point is 00:57:01 sacredness of the temple was critical to my parents, which I appreciate, because I knew that, again, they depended upon the covenants that they made with God. I would say, I highly recommend that we are more open with our children, help them to see the promises, help them to understand the covenants, prepare them well for that experience that's going to be happening to them as they make sacred covenants. So instead of being something that's odd,
Starting point is 00:57:22 it's something that's sacred and fun. Yeah, and positive experience, That's my hope is that she'll walk out having a positive experience. I think you've really helped here. Yeah, as you testify of it, it's going to help her a lot, but really hankin' everyone. Talk to her. Let her ask you any question. I do this with my students. I often will just say anybody who wants to ask any question regarding the temple, especially when we're talking Dr. and Covenant Section 110 or other scriptures or in our I do this with my students. I often will just say, anybody who wants to ask any question regarding the temple, especially when we're talking Dr. and Covenant section 110 or other scriptures or an art eternal family class talking about covenants, ask out loud or write on a piece of paper any question that you have about the temple.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And if there is anything I can't say, I will just simply pass on the card. And I can honestly say it's a rare moment when I get a question I can't answer. Not because I'm smart, but I mean, I can't answer it because I've been told not to. Yeah, it's rare that those kinds of questions are asked. So yes, help your daughter go to the temple by teaching her everything you can. And I would say the practical things, especially, like what is she preparing for? Yeah. What is she wearing?
Starting point is 00:58:22 What to expect when she goes from the temple recommend desk and then she's going to change into the white clothes and then she's going to have a locker room that's going to be just for women and then she's going to have a sacred experience in the initiatory where she's going to be given very specific promises that are associated with her covenants that you can find and read Exodus with her. So she knows what it's going to be even said and then talk to her about the new name and talk to her about the sacredness of having the Lord grant us a new name and how that's associated with covenants and then going to the endowment session. And even that men and women are separated
Starting point is 00:58:53 in that and it's symbolic until we get to the celestial room. You know, just kind of walk through those kinds of experiences that we're going to have, the beauty of going through the veil and the symbolism of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the altar of Christ. And then going through this celestial room and being able to hug those that we love is symbolic of again the blessing of those covenants and then the ceiling and the promises that we make and go back into the doctrine covenants and look at these sections of the doctrine covenant section 132 where we know that the promises that the Lord is going to keep section 132 verse 19, where we know that the promises that the Lord is going to keep section 132 verse 19 Throne's kingdoms principalities powers dominions heights and depths the book of life
Starting point is 00:59:36 Read that to them the ceiling covenants here some promises associated with the new and everlasting covenant of marriage It's right here in the doctrine covenants and then Then shall they be gods because they have no end therefore they shall be from everlasting to everlasting I just think the more we can kind of share these things with them and preparation and talk about the altar and symbolic of Christ being the center of marriage and a husband and wife kneeling across that altar together, making a covenant where they're giving again, back to Malachi, 100%, not holding anything back. And as we give our 100% to God, as it says in verse 20 of section 132, he gives us all power because we were willing to abide my law. Again, that's Malachi.
Starting point is 01:00:10 They weren't willing to abide the law, so he couldn't bless them with his love and all that he had. But for those who will abide his law, he gives them all that he has all of his power and they continue and receive ever lasting lives, eternal lives. Again, Malachi is the pleading of people to keep those covenants and receive the love of God.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And as we talk to our children and students and those we have those relationships with, to really be open, get to the scriptures and share the practical and the spiritual promises that they're making. I would even say as much as you can, tie it into even Adam. Talk about Eve's decision to eat that fruit
Starting point is 01:00:45 and what a blessing it is that we can have posterity and just talk, talk and follow the spirit, pray that Heavenly Father will guide you through it, but don't be afraid. Sometimes I'm more concerned that we say not enough than we say too much. Actually, I am genuinely concerned that we say not enough.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I don't want my children or my nephews and nieces, my students to go to the temple and be scared. And I don't want them to go to the temple feeling like somebody had just tricked them. I want them to go as prepared as they possibly can. So when they're making those covenants with Heavenly Father, they are doing so 100% using their agency and feeling the blessings associated with it that God wanted to bless them with. And he always has since the days of Adam and Eve. Which speaking of which the Old Testament, I mean mean that is it, starts with Adam and Eve,
Starting point is 01:01:27 starts with, you know, a prelude, that sacred covenant with Adam and Eve that they made with Heavenly Father. It ends the book of Malachi promising that Elijah is going to come and these covenants continue on. It's a covenant book. Beautiful. Barbara, this has been great. Thank you so much. That story about under the rug. Oh my goodness. To have a dream, that specific is so revelatory. That's just awesome. Wow. I don't want to be unreal, but in my family, this is just... That's real.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Since my parents have passed away, I've been going through the genealogy, the family history, and just this last week, I have the boxes that were under the rug at my house. I'm going through them piece-by-piece, reading the diaries of my great grandparents. And again, the fascinating thing with that dream is my dad was the only member of the church in his family. It's not just that there was rug, they were going to burn the place down the next day. So my dad, my grandpa just said, they're burning the place down if there's anything more that you want. And my dad didn't want me. There was nothing of value in there as far as he was concerned until the dream came. And then they
Starting point is 01:02:30 rushed back. And then legitimately the next day, that little cottage was burned down doesn't exist today. Price list. What was there was price list. Price list. Here replaceable. Yeah, the Lord will keep his promises. That's just the reality. I love it too, because these were covenant keeping people that kept these journals, and then all the generations between them and my dad, frankly, I'm not the judge, but they weren't from their journals, from their writings.
Starting point is 01:02:56 They clearly said, I do not believe there is a God. It's very interesting to see in my own family that pattern, and then a hundred and fifty years later, another person who's willing to keep his covenants received the dream to go save. Wow, the records of the earlier generation, those covenant keepers. To me, it's just the writings on the wall with a Lord, he's going to keep his promises. That's the turning their hearts are turning this way and turning back. So cool.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah. As we're talking about Elijah and we're talking about second coming and the preparation and the end of this book and then the end of doctrine, covenants and the end of Old Testament. And then also we're being in the second coming time today and the prophecies of President Nelson, especially as we're preparing and trying to create a Zion people in context of these chapters of Malachi, Joseph Smith shares this quote about building Zion. And I think that that's really what the Lord is trying to do. And Malachi is trying to, he's trying to create a people who are a Zion people. He's trying to help them be united.
Starting point is 01:03:51 And one heart, no poor among them, that whole idea. But Joseph Smith says, the building up of Zion is a cause that has interest that the people have gotten every age. It is a theme upon which prophets, priests, and kings have dwelt with peculiar delight. It is a theme upon which prophets, priests and kings have dwelt with peculiar delight. They have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we live and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipation, they have sung and written and prophesied of this our day. But they died without the sight. It is left for us to see, participate in and help to roll forward the latter day glory. I love that it's our day that we get to do this. And then finally, he finishes the heavenly priesthood will unite with the earthly to bring about those great
Starting point is 01:04:28 purposes, a work that God and angels have contemplated with delight for generations past, that fired the souls of the ancient patriarchs and prophets, a work that is destined to bring about the destruction of the powers of darkness, the renovation of the earth, the glory of God, and the salvation of the human family. And then I also just love in connection with as a woman, I think it's so important I understand priesthood and temple, but I just love the president ironing. It is stock where he was speaking to women specifically and he just says, my experience has taught me that Heavenly Father's daughters have a gift to a lay contention and to promote righteousness with their love of God and with the love of God, they engender in those they serve. For all of us together, women and men working together as
Starting point is 01:05:08 we are creating Zion, to remember that this idea of priesthood and temple is women and men together, working together for the salvation of all of our Heavenly Parents children. And it's an exciting, fun, glorious work. What a beautiful way to finish. Thank you. We want to thank Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner for being with us today. Thank you for taking time. Thank you for the invitation, you guys. Yeah, we loved it. John, I don't know how we got this lucky to have this job. It is wonderful. No, we have people to thank. We want to thank our executive producers Steve and Shannon Swanson. We want to thank our sponsors David and Verla Swanson, and we hope you all will join us next week as we talk Christmas on Follow Him. We have an amazing production crew. We want you to know about David Perry, Lisa Spice, Jamie Nielsen, Will Stoten, Crystal Roberts, and Al Kouadra.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Thank you to our amazing production team.

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