followHIM - Doctrine & Covenants 64-66 : followHIM Favorites
Episode Date: June 14, 2021Four-minute clip of Hank and John's favorite part of this week's Come, Follow Me lesson.Great to share with family and friends!Please leave a review on the podcast.Join us on social media:Yo...uTube:
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Hi there, friends. My name is Hank Smith. I'm the co-host of a podcast called Follow Him.
I have a co-host. A co-host has to have a co-host, and I have a co-host right here.
His name is John, by the way. Hi, John.
Hi, Hank. Thanks for being my cohort and co-host, and thanks for cooperating with me in this
You're too quick for me. I can't do quick puns.
John, we do a little clip called Follow Him Favorites.
And that's what we're going to do right now.
Our lesson this week is on section 64, 65, and 66.
You get to choose one thing as your follow him favorite.
What is it?
Oh, okay.
Well, I'm glad for 64. This is the youth theme this year is section 64, verse 33.
For the year 2021, it'll always be a scripture.
It'll always be an awesome scripture.
But for this year, you may have heard talks about it.
And it begins like this, wherefore, be not weary in well-doing.
And I just think be not weary is a very nice King James Version sounding way of saying,
don't get tired.
And when I give a talk to the youth
about this, since it's a youth theme this year, I always like to say, what are you tired of? And I
show a mask. Oh, I'm tired of wearing a mask. What else are you tired of? I'm tired of Zoom classes.
Oh, me too. I'm a teacher. You know who else is tired of Zoom classes? I say, and then I show a
parent sitting next to a computer trying to help their kid do the Zoom class, right? And then I show a parent sitting next to a computer trying to help their kid do the zoom class. Right. And, uh, then I, then my favorite is I show him some murder Hornets that came in 2020.
They're like tired of those. Yeah. They're like three feet long and they carry away your bicycle
and stuff. And, uh, so there's a lot of things to be tired of, but I love what this verse says. Be not weary in well-doing. Never get tired of
knowing and doing and being good and doing the right things and just trying your best because
you're laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things, you might think they're small,
but out of these small things, proceed that which is great. Don't ever get tired of the good stuff. I love that verse.
I love that, John. And you're going to get tired in the work. Don't get tired of the work.
But it's a different kind of tired. Yeah. It's a good tired.
Yeah. You might just say to yourself, I'm exhausted. And that's okay. It's okay to be
exhausted in the Lord's work. But don't ever say, you know what? I'm done with the Lord's work. I'm tired of it. My follow him favorite is, I couldn't choose one.
So I'm going to ask our listeners to just do something.
Take section 64, go through it and underline or highlight all the times that the Lord talks
about forgive, forgiveness, I forgave.
And then read those verses with the highlighted word.
And what you're going to find
out is that the Lord is a delightful forgive her. He loves to forgive. And the second thing I think
he loves is when we forgive each other. When he says, yes, Joseph has sinned. Yes, you have sinned.
I'm going to forgive all of you. Please forgive each other. He says, be kind to one another. Don't
seek evil of one another. I know I've done dumb things before. I've offended people.
And so I've been on that side of it where I'm like, please forgive me. So knowing what it feels
like to be on this side, it's nice to be on the other side saying, of course I forgive you.
It's a beautiful thing. President Monson quoted a poet named George
Herbert once. This is what he said. He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he
himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven for everyone has need of forgiveness. So even
though it is very difficult, we can all tell the Lord, we, we want help in forgiving,
um, one another. So that's my follow him favorite. We hope you'll, we hope you'll join us,
uh, on our podcast. It's called follow him and you can find it, uh, wherever you, you get your