Founder's Story - Unlocking Peak Human Performance: How Vedant Pradeep Is Revolutionizing Alcohol Habits and Elevating Sobriety with Liquid Luck | Ep. 190
Episode Date: March 16, 2025Vedant Pradeep shares his journey into creating Reframe App, a neuroscience-based platform designed to help individuals reduce alcohol consumption and achieve peak human performance. Driven by his own... struggles with OCD and unhealthy coping strategies, Vedant developed 10-minute daily lessons that empower users to rewire their mindsets and build sustainable, healthier habits.Key Discussion Points:Personal Journey & Inspiration:Vedant’s battle with OCD and alcohol as a coping mechanism led to the creation of Reframe.His passion for achieving peak human condition drives his mission to transform lives.Reframe App & Neuroscience-Based Approach:How 10-minute daily lessons help rewire thought patterns and promote mindful living.The impact of the platform has already helped over three million people reduce their alcohol consumption.Launch of Liquid Luck:Introduction of Liquid Luck, a new functional elixir designed to combat cravings and support healthier lifestyle choices.This innovative drink complements Reframe’s mission by offering a practical, daily solution for alcohol reduction.Takeaways:Embrace neuroscience-based strategies to create healthier habits and achieve peak performance.Reframe App offers a sustainable way to rewire your mindset with just 10 minutes a day.Liquid Luck is a groundbreaking addition, providing a functional beverage solution to combat alcohol cravings.Resource:Reframe App & Liquid Luck: Sponsors:* Check out Avocado Green Mattress:* Check out CoinFlip and use my code FOUNDERS for a great deal:* Check out Indeed:* Check out Kinsta:* Check out Plus500:* Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.comAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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Hey everyone, welcome back to Founder's Story.
Today we have Vidant Pradeep and Vidant, you are the CEO and co-founder of the Reframe
And Reframe app is doing something really revolutionary.
And I know you've had incredible success.
You have some amazing launches coming up today, matter of fact, which is very exciting that you're here to talk about it
But you're doing something that I think is so
Revolutionary right now and I know a lot of people in their 20s and below who are really all about
Lessening or doing or drinking no alcohol. So let's dive into first
What was the spark that made you say, this is the
company I need to start and I need it to do right now?
So what's interesting is when I was starting out, I mean, I've always been fascinated by
this idea of peak human condition. That is like, you know, the best question of oneself,
physically, mentally, emotionally. And that's what we wanted to do. Like we wanted to help people achieve
what we call the human condition.
And, but we realized early on that, you know,
kind of diving into that is probably not the best way
to get started.
We need to start with like a real problem.
And I personally suffer from OCD.
So we were like, let's help people with OCD.
And once we started talking to a lot of people with OCD,
what we realized was a lot of people
were using alcohol as a means to help themselves
with some of the issues that they were going with.
So they were using alcohol as a coping strategy.
And then they were counting on it quite a bit.
It was getting unhealthy.
And if you're somebody that's drinking too much, there was not really a good way to get help
because there were these recovery centers that are freaking expensive, very stigmatic.
Then there's alcoholics anonymous and 12-step programs.
Once again, very stigmatic, nothing really in the middle.
And that's where Reframe came to fit in.
And another insight that we had was,
I mean, it isn't enough to just tell people,
hey, stop drinking.
That doesn't help, because drinking is a coping strategy.
I mean, it might be a bad one, but it is one.
So you have to replace that with something else that's
And you need to change the way that people
think about drinking.
And that's why Rerain became like a neuroscience
based platform to help people change the way they think about drinking.
And we do it using 10 minute daily lessons and exercises.
And so far, I mean, this is still a pretty niche space, but we've become
the leading player in the space by quite a bit.
We've helped over 3 million people now successfully got back on drinking alcohol.
I have to say, uh, I'd never ever talk about this, but when I was a teenager, I
was diagnosed with OCD and I think I've told it to two people, three people, maybe
in my life, I've never publicly said it but I can really
appreciate what you're doing and I have gone through coping mechanisms of alcohol when I
was younger as well. So I am very excited about what you're doing and a lot of people really need
this because it can be a big struggle. So you've helped over three million people. That's insane, that's amazing.
What have people told you about,
and what's the feedback that you've been getting from people?
So I mean, we've heard a lot of things from people.
I think like, primarily it says, I mean,
there have been people from all sides, right?
Like, I mean, people who drink like seven drinks a week
and wanna cut back to one and they've succeeded.
And we've also had people on the other side of the spectrum.
They've been to recovery centers,
they've been to all these other places
and they were like, reframe is a godsend.
I mean, only when I found reframe
was I actually able to cut back.
And the reason is we don't actually engage in judgment.
We don't believe in just setting restrictions.
Like if I tell you, hey, just drink one drink,
you might not succeed, I don't know,
but I know this, it's not sustainable
because we're not solving the core issue.
And Reframe focuses really hard on solving the core issue.
And one thing that I didn't appreciate as well,
as much early on, because I kind of thought of this as like
a single player mode and it wasn't, was the power of the community.
And we built a community within Reframe.
It was supposed to be like kind of early on to be candid.
It was more like, okay, it was a checkbox.
It was a nice idea.
I didn't really think much of it.
Turns out community became the most powerful thing.
Like we now have the world's largest community of people that are
Trying to cut back and it is amazing right people support one another and it's it's really powerful when you see someone else
Who's going through the same journey as you like seeing their wins seeing their struggles?
And having them support and cheer you on it is something else
What we realize is there are like hundreds of in-person meetings around
the world every single week through Reframe that I did not expect.
And I think, yeah, and I guess like the one, there's whenever somebody asks me
about this, there's always this morning experience that I go back to because
that was like, I don't know, it was life changing for me, I think.
So I was doing this event here in Atlanta.
So I rarely do these kinds of in-person events.
And after this event, there was this young man that, you know, that she sat on the first
row, he was like listening all throughout.
After I was done, he's like, hey, can I have a selfie?
And I'm like, I don't know, I'm not like a celeb or anything.
He's like, no, but I drove four and a half hours to come see you.
And I'm like, but why?
And he's like, because you saved my brother's life.
He was in a downward spiral.
And then after a frame, he's like, something completely different.
And that was like, we worked so hard. spiral and then after a frame he's like something completely different and that
was like you know we worked so hard and that's the kind of thing that that that
really keeps us going and we are just fortunate that we've been able to do
that with millions of people. Yeah I think we you start a company hoping it's
going to be one thing thinking your customers will be A and then you realize
that you know your customers are actually DEF or they benefit way more than the A customer, whoever you thought it was
going to be and I can imagine there's nothing more gratifying than somebody
coming to you saying that whatever your product or service is help save a
family member's life. That is incredible. So how has that journey been going along knowing that your
original person of who you were thinking about is now changing and on top of that this whole movement
of you know dry January or you know whatever it is there's just big movement of of going more
alcohol-free. No absolutely I, I think what is interesting is,
I mean, when we took the initial pivot,
we didn't quite expect it to turn out the way that it did,
but it actually kind of came to the exact perfect audience
that we were looking for too,
because what ended up happening was more than 90% of people on ReFramed are trying to cut
back because they want to get healthier. They're not necessarily physically addicted to alcohol.
They just want to lead a healthier life. And what is interesting is, I mean, that's exactly the same
goal. I mean, we want to help people break bad habits. We want to help people build great habits.
We want to help people manage their emotions. That is how you sustain Blikard back on alcohol and
if you stretch that all the way to the right, that's also how you get peak human
condition. So you work on your nutrition, you work on your fitness, you
manage your emotions, that's the pathway to peak a human condition. And so
interestingly we kind of you know somehow found our way back to the original path. I can't tell you that it's by design because it was not entirely
by design. It was like we were, we had this initial idea in mind that we were really excited
about. Then we kind of vent into a space that we thought there was a real problem that needed
solving and it kind of came back in a way that we didn't quite anticipate. And we've been very fortunate.
I really like the community piece,
where you didn't know that the organic community,
a community was going to form from your service
without you even pushing it to happen.
And it became a major part of it.
I think a lot of founders, no matter what service or product
that they have, this could be something major. Can you dive into what is this
neuroscience-backed alcohol reduction program? You mentioned a little bit in the
beginning. Can you tell me more about what that is? Of course. And I just
want to touch on the community piece, which is like really interesting. So the only thing is you have to be open to feedback
in the way that when people give you, you have to take it.
And we did that.
But I would say it kind of thrived in spite of us early on
versus because of us,
because we didn't actually invest as much in it.
And then we kind of heard, we saw what was going on
and then we went all in. And that really helped. Yeah, now coming back to the neuroscience space program.
So the reality is, I mean, it's so there are these negative thinking patterns and like
in associations that you have with alcohol that needs to be broken, right? Like you need
to be able to sustainably cut back.
You need to just change the way that you think about alcohol
in the first place, but you also have to identify,
like what are your triggers?
Why are you drinking in the first place?
What is it that you're trying to mask?
And once we figure that out,
we need to come up with strategies
and not just like just throwing strategies
and then like, hey, here's like 20 different strategies,
just pick one.
That doesn't happen because people don't work that way.
We need to figure out what actually works for you and help you bring that into your
life and then teach you all these different techniques.
I mean, what like, you know, I mentioned triggers.
I mean, what is your primary trigger?
How do you deal with that trigger when the craving arises?
How do you deal with that trigger when the craving arises, how do you deal with cravings?
So our program kind of dives into all these different things.
Initially it was a 160-day program to help people back on alcohol.
Now we've got a thousand, 270-year days worth of programming because we realized that people
don't just want to come back.
They want to like build healthier habits.
They want to like improve their emotions.
But one thing, something else that we realized was,
you can't just dump everything on somebody.
One of the reasons that people don't actually complete books
is that it's a lot.
You have to pace yourself.
You have to do all of that.
And that's a real problem.
But with Reframe, what we've seen is,
and we've gotten a lot better over time
because we've had data from millions of people
have been through the program.
So we've been, we are able to predict
what kind of issues that you will run into
and then give you the exact content
that you need to like solve those issues,
a good percentage of the time.
And that makes it like, you know, feel a little prophetic.
You're like, oh, on day 13, I'm gonna get sugar cravings.
So they give you content to help you
with your sugar cravings.
So we are very like,
we try to create programs based on the problems
that we anticipate you're going to face.
Then you're going to face them, and that bit is important.
Because we could give you a technique,
and it might be completely useless for now,
and you might be like, what is is this it doesn't apply to me so
it's super important that hits the right person at the right time and that's
another bit about the Reframe program that makes it really powerful and it's
only like 10 minutes a day we don't want to overload you with stuff because that
doesn't help. I like 10 minutes a day I don't even read books because I know it's going to take me hours
and I'll never finish it and I'm going to be frustrated.
But if I can do 10 minutes a day, I can do that.
And it makes sense where this sort of the reframe or reframing your mind
or your thoughts can be used for not just alcohol consumption,
but you were talking about many sugar cravings or other things.
You could potentially be, or it sounds like,
helping people for the rest of their life
by leveraging and using this muscle that they're building
by doing this every day.
I know you have something that just launched today.
It's called liquid luck
Can you tell me how this is a differentiator among other zero alcohol drinks? So what we wanted liquid luck to be is a functional beverage. So what we realize I mean is that people struggle with cravings
this is like a
You could I mean you really tap into willpower quite a lot. They're like, you know to
you really tap into willpower quite a lot to not give in to the cravings. So we were like, we wanted to, one of our core missions early on,
we want to build an end-to-end lifestyle management system,
and we don't want to just tell people what to do.
We want to make it so easy for people to do that it becomes a no-brainer.
And when we kind of think along those lines,
if you've got cravings,
we need to give people something
to like combat cravings more effectively.
And that's where the idea of liquid luck
really originated from.
Like, how can we like dampen someone's cravings?
I mean, can we take away the thirst?
So we added L-glutamine in that has been shown
in some studies to like, to dampen alcohol cravings, among other things.
And so we formulated it in such a way that it tastes great because it shouldn't taste
like medicine or whatever, right?
So it needs to taste good.
So it tastes good, it functionally helps you avoid and prevent cravings when you do have
And it's also generally good for you.
What are all the needs that alcohol serves?
That's where we started our whiteboarding session, essentially.
People use it to de-stress.
People use it to fall asleep.
People use it to dampen anxiety a little bit.
So we wanted to have some of those same effects
through a drink that is actually healthy for you.
And not like through something that actually harms you
in the long run.
And that's what liquid luck is formulated to be.
We call it liquid luck.
And it's kind of like the little portion from Harry Potter
where you're like, you take it and you just feel good.
You feel lucky.
And that's kind of how we wanted this to feel.
And it took almost an entire year of formulation,
like an entire year of iteration.
We were like really hard on this product.
We were like, we don't want to launch this
if this isn't great.
So, and that kind of breaks all the rules
that you kind of hear of in a startup
where you kind of just put something out there.
We were like, we already did that.
We're really good at that.
But with Liquid Lock, we really wanted to be effective.
We wanted to taste great
and we are not going to make any compromises.
This was something that we decided.
And every other week we had like
crowd accelerate to our door, like, let's drink it.
Like, I mean, does this taste good?
Yes, no, then does this actually work?
And we've used it on ourselves, we've tried it
ourselves several, oh, so many different, so many rounds. And now I think it's in a great place.
The CommSkue, for instance, it does make you feel incredibly calm. And there are so many products
that taste good, that work as a placebo. This isn't one of them. That, it makes total sense that you have your core company, which is the app, and then when
you want to bring in ancillary products or services on top of that, that is where you
can take the time to ensure almost, I'm using the word perfection, but at least as perfect
as you could possibly get it without
rushing because you already had your court.
I do know a lot of companies that rush everything, and I think over time, you only get one shot.
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Really really great advice for other people at the same time. It sounds like an amazing product
I want to try it because I don't really drink much
But I really would like to drink zero alcohol products and I have seen many of them don't taste great
So I'm excited that it launches today, which is amazing
taste great. So I'm excited that it launches today which is amazing. So people want to get in touch with you, they want to try the product, and they want to find out about the launch that happens
today which is thank you for doing it. We've never done a launch same day by the way so this is a
first but how can how can people buy it and get in touch with you? So yeah they can go to join and they'll find LiquidLock there
or download the Reframe app.
I mean, you get special discounts on LiquidLock
amongst a whole bunch of other things
that we have in the app.
And also, like I always say, you have one shake away.
Like in Reframe, we have this thing,
like we need to be as close to the customer
as you possibly can.
And one of the features we have on the app is you literally like take your phone you shake it
with the app on and you have like this the spot up like you can reach out to customer
service and it's a good chance that I'm going to be seeing it because like I'm in the customer
service channels all the time.
So yeah I mean we are like literally one shake away.
One shake away.
You're super involved. I can tell you're very passionate
This is a business that is really impacting already impacted three million people directly
I'm sure it's millions more when you count their family members and and their friends and other people that they also
Interact with so I can't wait you You got to come back in a month, few months.
Tell us how the launch goes.
This sounds super exciting.
I can't wait to try everything myself.
But thank you so much for what you do.
Again, I have personal experiences with this.
So I am very appreciative, and I understand
how difficult it can be.
And thank you so much for joining us today on Founder's Story.
No, thank you so much for joining us today on Founder's Story. No, thank you so much for having me.
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