Freakonomics Radio - 524. How Important Is Breastfeeding, Really?
Episode Date: December 1, 2022In this special episode of Freakonomics, M.D., host Bapu Jena looks at a clever new study that could help answer one of parenting’s most contentious questions. ...
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Hey there, it's Stephen Dubner, and we've got something special for you this week, an
episode of Freakonomics MD, one of our sibling shows from the Freakonomics Radio Network.
Freakonomics MD is hosted by Bapu Jena, who is both a physician and an economist.
Every week he tries to answer a thorny question at the intersection of economics and medicine. Recently, he's looked at why
doctors over-prescribe antibiotics, whether Americans are going overboard with colonoscopies,
and what happens when physician assistants and nurse practitioners replace doctors. You can get
all those episodes and many more wherever you get your podcasts. As for the episode we're about to play for you,
there aren't many questions thornier than this one.
It is a classic example of how it can be really hard
to prove cause and effect in healthcare.
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with me back in the host's chair.
As always, thanks for listening.
My interest in breastfeeding, I suppose, came from my own personal experience when I had my first child almost 14 years ago.
Emla Fitzsimons gave birth on a Saturday afternoon and stayed in the hospital until Monday morning.
At first, she didn't think much about what day of the week it was.
Her mind was on something else.
I really struggled in the early couple of
days with breastfeeding. I found it very hard to access support in the hospital. But by Monday,
I just noticed quite a stark difference in the availability of support. So a midwife was able
to spend some time with me and to help me, which I hadn't had available over the weekend.
Emla happens to be an economist and researcher at University College London. And this experience stuck with her.
Surely she couldn't be the only woman who delivered over the weekend
and received less breastfeeding support as a result.
I suppose that's what resulted in the idea behind this paper,
which is looking at how that support goes on to affect breastfeeding
and using that to try to establish the causal impact of breastfeeding on children's outcomes.
What Emla is talking about here is the question at the heart of many of the debates around breastfeeding.
What does it do for the child?
There's lots of studies out there, but the vast, vast majority are mainly associations.
It's much easier in medical research, as in other fields, to show
that two things are associated, that they tend to go together, than it is to show that one causes
the other. The usual approach is to compare children of mothers who breastfeed with those
who did not breastfeed. So one concern is whether these two groups are truly comparable, and they're
generally not. And so therefore any difference in their children's outcomes may be due to breastfeeding,
but it may also be due to other factors.
Other factors, like socioeconomic status, where a family lives,
where their mom goes back to work, how much support there is at home.
So, Emla set about to explore the breastfeeding question a bit more rigorously.
First of all, we examine whether babies born at the weekend are less likely to be breastfed compared to those born during the week.
And then secondly, it looks at the impact of breastfeeding for at least three months on children's cognitive development and health. Emla's clever use of this natural experiment offers some of the best evidence to date
on a question that parents and health experts have been arguing over and worrying about for decades.
How important is breastfeeding?
From the Freakonomics Radio Network, this is Freakonomics MD.
I'm Bob Lugena.
Today on the show, what did Emla Fitzsimons learn?
We found that all of the effects appear as concentrated on children's cognition,
and we observed strong effects lasting at least to age five.
But first, economist and author Emily Oster will explain how she tries to help parents
make big decisions using data
and why, with breastfeeding, this can be really hard to do.
Some of the ways we have been pressuring people to breastfeed have been counterproductive
and can actually be quite harmful. I'm Emily Oster. I'm a professor of economics at Brown University.
And you've written a lot of books, is that right?
Yes, I have three books, one on pregnancy and two on parenting at different ages.
I've kind of made a career out of
the fact that a lot of parents want information and they want data. Emily's no stranger to the
Freakonomics universe. She's been a guest before on this show and on other shows on our network,
like People I Mostly Admire and Freakonomics Radio. She tries to answer some of the biggest
parenting questions by using data.
Emily's books about pregnancy and early parenting have been bestsellers, but her research focus is
a little different. She studies health behaviors and also statistical methods. So basically
assessing how good research methods and research itself actually are.
This is especially relevant with parenting.
The kinds of data that are easiest to access when we have questions about parenting are data where you have two groups of families and one group engages in one parenting practice
and another group engages in another parenting practice.
For example, something I was writing about this morning is Montessori school.
So you can think about how you would evaluate the quality of Montessori School
by looking at parents who send their kids to Montessori School and comparing them to parents
of kids who did not go to Montessori School. Remember the associations issue that Emila
Fitzsimons mentioned earlier? Here's why it can cause problems in research.
With an analysis like that, you very rapidly run up against the problem that the kinds of
families that are sending their kids to Montessori school are really different
than the kinds of families who are not.
They're more likely to be white.
They tend to live in higher income areas.
There's just a bunch of other things which are really difficult to separate
from the impact of the kind of school.
That problem is inherent in almost
every one of these parenting questions that we ask, which means that much of the work in trying
to help people learn what they can from that data is understanding where are the better studies and
worse studies within a set of methods, all of which usually have some problems.
Breastfeeding is another example of a parenting question facing the inherent problem Emily describes. So let's take a step back and try to understand why. Breastfeeding rates in the U.S.
have ebbed and flowed. In 1972, following decades of decline, only around 22% of women breastfed their babies.
This decline has been attributed to the aggressive manufacturing and marketing of infant formula,
as well as to certain societal shifts, like more women entering the workforce full-time.
That number has since steadily crept up, though, for a few reasons.
Cultural changes led to more emphasis on natural approaches to birth and child rearing.
Education efforts have let mothers know about the apparent health benefits of breastfeeding,
like decreased risk of asthma and obesity for babies,
and decreased risk of breast cancer and high blood pressure for moms.
Guidelines from professional groups have changed too.
In the late 1990s, the American Academy of Pediatrics started recommending that women
exclusively breastfeed their babies for at least six months.
In 2019, more than 80% of infants started out receiving some breast milk,
a massive spike from nearly 50 years earlier when just 22% were breastfed.
But even with so many more women choosing to breastfeed their babies,
it's hard to know if breastfeeding is causing improved health outcomes in children
or if the improvements are due to factors that researchers can't see or
control for. Still, women feel a lot of pressure to breastfeed their babies. Probably the central
question that people have is, what are the benefits of breastfeeding? And are the things
that they are telling me out in the world about the long-term benefits of breastfeeding or those really all that they're
cracked up to be. After the break, what factors do women consider when they consider whether
to breastfeed? I'm Bob Pugena, and this is a special episode of Freakonomics MD. The Brown University economist Emily Oster
writes about using data to inform how we parent.
I asked her what drives women's decisions on breastfeeding.
We know that there's clearly very large
socio-demographic differences in both desires and outcomes.
So women with more education, higher income women
tend to be more likely to want to breastfeed.
They're also more likely to be successful with breastfeeding.
And that is likely partly because of the kinds of support
that you get either in the hospital or after.
It is because of maternity leave.
If you only have two weeks of maternity leave,
that actually isn't really enough time
for most people to establish a good breastfeeding schedule that would be able to sustain time
away from the baby.
What is your assessment of the prior literature on this?
I mean, it's been going back decades.
What has it shown in terms of the effects of breastfeeding on health and cognitive development?
When we look at sort of the better studies of this, I would say there's two categories.
There's one large randomized control trial run in Belarus in the 1990s called the PROBIT
And the PROBIT trial uses what's called an encouragement design.
They encourage the treatment group to breastfeed.
They didn't do as much encouragement with the control group.
They have differences in breastfeeding rates at three months, at six months.
And if you dig down into that data, you actually see some impacts on eczema and sort of allergy
kind of reactions on gastrointestinal illness in the first year.
But you don't really see anything in terms of long-term health, in terms of long-term
cognitive development.
So that is one piece of the better literature.
And the other piece is sibling studies.
So those are a bit easier to run.
It's not a randomized trial.
You want to think about there's two siblings, same family.
One is breastfed, one is not.
Those kinds of studies tend to show quite limited impacts of breastfeeding.
Again, maybe something on the gastrointestinal illness,
maybe something on ear infections, but not these kind of long-term impacts on cognitive development
or weight or height or the kinds of things that are often cited when people are told breast is
best. Don't you want to give your kid the best start? So maybe explain to me what the intuition
is behind doing a sibling study. What are you trying to account for that would otherwise be
difficult to do? Let me tell you about one of these kind of studies. So there's a data set
called the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which has a lot of kids in it, and it follows the
starting point is women, and so then they sometimes have multiple kids. And so you can analyze the
impacts of breastfeeding on cognitive development in that sample. So you can look at the IQ of kids
and how it relates to whether they were breastfed.
And so if you just compare the raw means,
you see that the kids who are breastfed
tend to do better on IQ tests than the kids who are not.
You can then start by putting in some basic controls.
So sort of some basic adjustments for maternal education
and maternal income and race and so on.
And that lowers those effects a lot.
So the differences are much smaller
once you adjust for some of that. But you then worry, well, there's a bunch of other stuff still
left. For example, what about mom's IQ? Okay, so then you can do a version of the analysis where
you control for mom's IQ. That makes the effects even smaller. But there are still potentially
unmeasured differences between women that are both contributing to their decision to
breastfeed and contributing to their kid's IQ. The idea behind the sibling effect is to say,
well, let's just hold the mom constant. Let's take the same mom. And then we're going to be able to
hold constant everything about her, including the things that we don't directly see in the data.
It's literally the same person. When you do that
in that study, when you sort of control and compare two kids with the same mom, you don't
get any impacts on IQ. How do those studies deal with the problem then that if a mom has two kids,
the decision to breastfeed one child and the decision to not breastfeed the other child,
that isn't random, right? I think that people who run these studies would tell you, well, maybe there is an element of
randomness. You know, it's like you're busy or it's harder to breastfeed the first kid.
But I actually agree that with almost any sibling study you run, you've got to ask the question,
well, like, this seems important. Why did you do it differently? And I think this kind of study
is not as good as a randomized trial, for sure. Knowing the literature as you do, how much would you say that the
literature should inform the decision of a mom to breastfeed or not?
My general takeaway is that the effects are relatively small. And as a result,
a big part of this decision should be about what works for you, what works for your family.
What's the pushback that you get about these views? Big part of this decision should be about, you know, what works for you, what works for your family.
What's the pushback that you get about these views?
I don't get as much pushback about this as I thought that I would. I think that there is an increasing recognition in the world that some of the ways we have been pressuring people to breastfeed have been counterproductive and can actually be quite harmful, particularly to maternal mental health.
You know, to the extent there is pushback, I think it's absolutely around the idea of, well,
what if there are benefits or what if we're missing something or what if there could be some benefit for a small number of people and we've kind of missed out on it and so we should,
get everybody to do this. And I don't find that surprising. I don't agree with it.
How valuable do you think it would
be to run a randomized trial to help answer some of these breastfeeding questions? I think it would
be very valuable. The British economist, Emla Fitzsimons, didn't exactly run a randomized trial,
but she came close. After the break, she'll share the findings from her
new study and tell us who stands to benefit most. I think it speaks to the importance of
the early years in terms of their influence on later outcomes. Absolutely vital.
I'm Bapu Jenna, and this is Freakonomics MD. I've long been interested in studying different aspects of early parenting behaviors and the
early childhood environment. And as an economist, I'm particularly interested in measuring causal
impacts so that we can think of the best possible policy levers to help improve people's
well-being. That's Emela Fitzsimons again from University College London. As she told us earlier,
she was drawn to study breastfeeding when she gave birth to her first child on a weekend and noticed
she received less breastfeeding support as a result. I was aware that there was evidence out there showing associations between breastfeeding and children's outcomes.
I was aware that it was perceived as a positive thing to do, but I wasn't overly familiar with the evidence.
I really, really wanted to understand what we really knew and what was actually causal versus more sort of observational association type studies.
Emla also happens to lead the Millennium Cohort Study,
which follows over 19,000 children born in the UK at the turn of the millennium.
Using this group and its data, combined with her own experience,
Emla tried to answer one question about breastfeeding,
and then another.
We know more disadvantaged mothers are less likely to breastfeed.
That was an important motivation behind our research.
So first of all, we examine whether timing of birth
affects breastfeeding, and in particular,
whether babies born at the weekend
are less likely to be breastfed
compared to those born during the
week. And for a certain group of mothers, those who left school before age 17, we find that it
does. So to give you an example, a baby born on a Saturday is six percentage points less likely to
be breastfed compared to a baby born on a Monday, so 27 versus 21 percent. And we find evidence in
our study to suggest that it's because breastfeeding
support is less available in the hospital at weekends. So that's the first aspect. And then
secondly, it looks at the impact of breastfeeding for at least three months on children's cognitive
development and health and non-cognitive outcomes for this group of mothers. It finds benefits for
cognitive development lasting at least to age five
and it doesn't find effect on health or non-cognitive outcomes.
What is it exactly about the lactation support that is different on the weekend in UK hospitals
versus the weekdays? It's just less available. So in the UK, midwives and nurses in maternity wards generally,
as part of their regular duties, provide lactation support in the very early postpartum period.
Weekend working hours are more expensive for the National Health Service. So they tend to have
lower capacity at weekends compared to during the weekday to sort of focus on the non-core
aspects of maternity care. So they're more focused
on the aspects around delivery and ensuring that everything runs smoothly and they have less time
really available for other non-essential services or what are considered non-essential such as
providing lactation support to new moms. A critical assumption that you make here is that if you show
that moms who deliver on the weekend are less likely to breastfeed than moms who deliver on the weekdays, that is due to differences in lactation services as opposed to differences in the characteristics of the moms or other services that the hospital may provide for the weekend versus weekdays. Can you explain to me what you did
to make sure that the moms were essentially randomized or quasi-randomized to these two
different levels of lactation support? We focused on a sample of low-risk natural
deliveries. That was the first thing. So we excluded elective cesareans, which may be
timed in a particular way. In the UK, at the time of our
study, around 98% of births were through the public health system, which I know is quite
different to the US. And so there was no choice, practically no choice about when a woman gives
birth. So it's a spontaneous act. The data that we use is extremely rich in lots and lots of
background characteristics. So we could then show that if you compare the women who gave birth
at the weekend versus weekdays, along many, many dimensions, they were absolutely comparable. We didn't observe
any significant differences along lots and lots of observable characteristics that we looked at.
So that was one really important aspect. We also observed some information about the birth,
about the type of care they received in hospital, about their experience of breastfeeding
support. So we use different sources of data, again, to show that when you compare the births
at the weekend and during the week, with the exception of breastfeeding support, we didn't
observe any differences in the core services that were being provided. So the type of delivery,
the type of pain relief being used, and so on. That was a really important dimension to show as well.
But when we looked at people's experience of breastfeeding support, we found that they
were significantly more likely to report that they were less satisfied with the support
they received at weekends.
They had less access to midwives to help them establish early breastfeeding.
So I suppose together, this is all really, really important, like you say,
Bapu, to show that essentially this is pretty much comparing two groups who are absolutely
comparable. The only difference is just the sort of lottery of birth due to that one happens to
give birth during the week and the other group happens to give birth during the weekend. And so
we can then go on to compare their children and compare their development over time and attribute any differences in their development to breastfeeding.
You focused on economically disadvantaged mothers. Was there a particular reason that you looked at that group?
We needed some variation in breastfeeding that was due to exogenous or random reasons. So when we studied that first stage, whether timing of birth affects breastfeeding,
we found that it did affect breastfeeding, but only for the sample of relatively low-educated mums.
So baby born on a Saturday versus a Monday was less likely to be breastfed. When we looked at
that for high-educated mums, we didn't find any difference in breastfeeding by day of the week.
I see. And let me just make sort of a statistical
point. It's nuanced, but I think it's important. In your design, which is sort of this natural
experiment, you're relying on something that is plausibly random with respect to the timing of
birth, which is the availability of a lactation consultant. But for that to allow you to say the
question that you want to study, it has to be the case that that service affects the likelihood of women to breastfeed or try to breastfeed.
And maybe for women who are already planning on doing that, maybe economically advantaged moms
doesn't really have an effect. But there are some women who are at the margin for whom
that sort of access would lead them to do something that they otherwise might not do.
And in this case, that's breastfeed or try to breastfeed their kids. Is that the right way
to think about it? I think that's right. And because they've received this extra support,
they're then able to breastfeed compared to had they not received that support.
And what were the outcomes that you studied specifically and how large were the effects?
We looked at children's cognitive development and mainly focused on expressive language, non-verbal reasoning and problem solving.
We looked at a range of maternal reported measures of health of the child, including infections,
skin problems and persistent vomiting and diarrhea. And also we looked at measures of obesity
as well in childhood. And then we looked at maternal
reported measures of children's socio-emotional and behavioral development. And we looked at all
these measures up to age seven. We found that all of the effect appears concentrated on children's
cognition, and we observed strong effects lasting at least to age five. In terms of the size of the
effect, we found the effect to be mostly
concentrated, I would say, on expressive language. We found that breastfeeding for at least 90 days
versus less than that would shift a child up 15 percentile points in that distribution.
So the effect was large. By age seven, it appears that the effects are a little smaller
and possibly fading out, but we can't say for sure. And we need to study this further to really understand the longer term outcomes.
And I would say this is an absolutely vital and open question. But luckily for this study,
we now have data on educational attainment up to age 16, which we're now planning to look at next.
So it felt to me that the effect was large. Do you think it's too large? Does it
make sense for the magnitude of the effect? I mean, is it too large? It is a statistically
significant effect. We're not picking up any effect on health or on non-cognitive outcomes.
Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But I think the fact that it's
concentration on cognition is an important finding. But this is one study using a very robust and new methodology
to study this, and hopefully we'll see more studies. I'd like to understand a little bit
more about the mechanism here. And what I would like to understand is whether or not it's the
breast milk, I mean, literally the breastfeeding that's occurring versus the mother-child interaction
or both. And is there a way to separate those things? Yes. Well, in our study, we can't look
at the extent to which it's the actual composition of the breast milk, which is one mechanism that
has been put forward in the medical literature. But the other mechanism that you mentioned,
and that we do look at in the paper is around maternal attachment and whether
there's any evidence that mums who breastfeed versus those who don't are displaying higher
levels of maternal attachment. We can look at that using maternal reported measures of how close
they feel to their children. And when we do that, we find absolutely no evidence that maternal
attachment is any better or worse depending on how a baby is fed. Does your research say anything about the role of breastfeeding and maybe more specifically
breastfeeding support as a way to address inequality and perhaps cognitive outcomes
of children?
I suppose the fact that we're observing potentially large effects on cognition for a particular
group of disadvantaged mothers speaks to that directly.
And we do find evidence suggesting it may be contributing to persistence in intergenerational transmission and inequalities.
I think that makes the case all the more compelling that it is a group of disadvantaged mums
that it seems to be having an impact on.
And that speaks to me of the importance of providing policy support all the more.
EMLA's work was published in July of this year in the American Economic Journal.
I wanted to cover it on this show because it's one of the most creative studies I've seen that
tries to isolate the causal effect of breastfeeding on children's health and cognitive outcomes.
It can be hard to find a way to bring rigor to questions about private choices like breastfeeding.
EMLA study isn't the final word, but it gets us closer to some clearer answers about breastfeeding
and its potential to address larger issues like equity.
Ultimately, though, regardless of these or any findings,
we need to be supporting moms more if they want to breastfeed for any reason.
Here's Emily Oster again.
One of the real reasons to encourage breastfeeding is because people might like it
and because it might work for your family.
That is such a strong argument for helping everyone have access to this if they want it.
Part of what's so tricky about this
is I simultaneously think that we should dial down
the intensity of the messaging
about how you have to breastfeed
because otherwise you're a bad parent.
And we also should way dial up how supportive we are
for people who want to try this, who want to do this.
That's it for today's show. I'd like to thank my guests, Emily Oster and Emila Fitzsimons. And here's an idea to leave you with
based on today's discussion. You may have heard that earlier this year, there was a large shortage
of baby formula in the U.S. This got me thinking about moms who might have decided to breastfeed or continue
breastfeeding because formula was, all of a sudden, less available. Could that be another
natural experiment to study the impact of breastfeeding?
Hey there, it's Stephen Dubner again, and that was Bapu Jenna, the host of Freakonomics MD.
If you liked this episode, there are a lot more waiting for you.
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Coming up next time here on Freakonomics Radio, it's time to dust off your passport.
We are now approaching Kirkcaldy. Please mind the gap when alighting from this train.
We are coming up on the 300th birthday of the Scotsman who's known as the father of economics.
He was born in rural Kirkcaldy, a little town on the east coast.
He's still widely read. He forces you to look at yourself and realize what makes you tick,
what pushes your buttons, rings your bells, tightens your shoelaces.
But he's also misunderstood. There's many reasons his thinking was powerful.
Interestingly, not the reason that most people think.
His name is Adam Smith.
A generic name, but a singular reputation.
And lately, a reputation as the patron saint of full-throttle capitalism.
He believes in free markets and a free society.
There's no getting around that.
But what did he really mean?
He didn't really mean free from the state.
When he talked about the free market, he meant free from rent,
free from landlords' extraction of value from the system.
If only we could bring Adam Smith back to life for a chat.
So we visit a cemetery.
And it will be pretty spooky.
People buried here will come alive for one night only.
There's a light. Look, somebody coming up with a light.
All right, let's pretend that those people are not going to murder us.
Next week, we begin a special three-part series on the real Adam Smith.
Until then, take care of yourself, and if you can, someone else too.
Freakonomics Radio and Freakonomics MD are both part of the Freakonomics Radio Network,
which also includes No Stupid Questions and people I mostly admire. Our shows are produced
by Stitcher and Renbud Radio. This episode was produced by Julie Canfor and mixed by Greg Rippin and Eleanor Osborne
with help from Jasmine Klinger.
We also had help this week from Catherine Moncure.
Our staff also includes Neil Carruth, Gabriel Roth,
Zach Lipinski, Ryan Kelly, Morgan Levy,
Lyric Bowditch, Alina Kullman, Rebecca Lee Douglas,
Jeremy Johnston, Daria Klenert,
Emma Terrell, and Elsa Hernandez.
Our music is composed by Luis Guerra.
If you would like to read a transcript
or check out the underlying research,
that is all at
As always, thanks for listening.
There's actually a very nice quote from Dr. Spock
from the edition of Dr. Spock that my mother used in like the 1980s.
Wait, this is not the Star Trek doctor, is it? No.
No, it's not the Star Trek. hidden side of everything. Stitcher.