Free With Ads - Cube, with Jordan D. White
Episode Date: March 4, 2025This week we invited podcaster and senior editor at Marvel Comics Jordan D. White to the pod to talk about the sci-fi horror film Cube!Tune in next week when our movie will be... Pride and Prejudice (...2005)-----Listen to Jordan D. White's podcast Nature Trail To Hell!Emily Fleming has a NEW SHOW coming to Mythical Society called "Emily, Have You Seen This?" and you should see this!Matt Lieb and Francesca Fiorentini will be at the Sacramento Punch Line on March 16th! Buy tickets now!Also, Matt and Francesca will be in San Francisco at Cobb's Comedy Club on May 7th! Buy tickets here! Jordan has a story in an issue of Marvel Comics Spiderman, it's called Web Of Spiderverse which comes out on March 5th and you can pre-order it RIGHT HERE! So do it!Also, Jordan contributed to Godzilla vs LA, a comic book anthology which comes out April 30th and all the proceeds will go to those affected by the LA fires. If you can't figure out how to get the comics, Jordan is offering tech support. Email us for Jordan to help you!Jordan will be at Arsenal Comics on March 5th signing comics, then March 9th Golden Apple Comics in Hollywood, and March 15th at Cape and Cowl Comics in Oakland.Finally, PLEASE BUY OUR MERCH HERE!
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This is Free With Ads, the podcast that asks the question, why pay 40 bucks to go to an
escape room when you can go online for free and watch a movie about one?
That way you don't have to drive to a depressing strip mall or get awkward drinks with coworkers
after you're done.
I'm Jordan Morris.
And I'm Emily Fleming.
Today's movie is Cube, the 1990s sci-fi thriller
that proves Cube is the best shape.
Fuck off, cylinders.
With us always is super producer Matt
hitting us with those big chunky drops.
Down the hatch.
That's when he throws the guy off.
Yeah, in the hatch.
Down the hatch.
It was pretty great.
Yeah, love, love that hatch.
Before we talk about this movie and all its hatches,
we've got an amazing guest with us today.
He's an editor for Marvel Comics
and one of the hosts of the horror movie recap podcast,
Nature Trail to Hell, Jordan D. White.
Hi Jordan.
Hi, thanks for having me.
I'm really thrilled to be here.
Yeah, we've decided to cut through the confusion
of having two Jordans.
You will be Mr. White.
Very cool, very mysterious.
I'm like a Clue character, it's perfect.
Yeah, yes.
Look out, someone's sneaking up behind you
with a candlestick.
Or like one of the Reservoir Dogs.
Oh yeah, sure.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Which one was Mr. White?
One of them probably, right?
Yeah, I think so.
There was a Mr. Orange, Mr. Pink,
I'm sure there was a Mr. White, there's gotta be.
It's definitely my favorite guy
in the Blue Color Comedy Tour, for sure.
Yeah, yeah, Ron White. Oh no, it was tour for sure. Yeah. Yeah, we're on white
Yeah, oh no, it was Harvey Keitel
That means I'm the good guy
And I'll be mr. Fox worthy
We're all just gonna be members of the blue collar comedy. I want to be Bill Engvall. I'm mr. Guy
Well cable is his first name.
Right, Larry the Cable Guy.
His last name is Guy.
Last name Guy, first name Larry the Cable.
Yep, that's right.
It's Lithuanian.
Before we talk about this movie,
which is, as of this recording, streaming
free with ads, we're going to talk to our guest
in a segment we call Talk to Guest.
Talk to Guest.
Jordan D. White, you host the horror movie podcast,
Nature Trail to Hell.
It's got a really cool concept.
You go through whole series of movies.
Like you go through franchises.
I wanna know, of the series you've covered,
do you have a favorite and a least favorite?
Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
So my favorite is definitely Friday the 13th.
The reason that we do this podcast
is I was literally just going around going like,
I feel like I need to start a podcast
because I want to spend more time talking
and thinking about Friday the 13th.
And my good friend, Stefan, was like,
I've never seen any of them.
Let's do that podcast.
And so that's how it started.
And we went through all of that one.
Definitely the worst one though is the Leprechaun series
because it's a horror movie franchise with like eight,
I think eight movies in it, none of which are good.
None of them.
Not even the one where they go to space?
Not even, not even.
And again, since the concept is
Stefan has never seen any of these,
he didn't know that going in.
So he went through about half that series going,
is this where it finally gets good
before he realized, oh, hang on a second.
Usually movies start to get good when they go to space.
So Friday the 13th, that's Jason, right it is it is okay, and it's well not the first one
Or movie actually guys will tell you all the time. Oh
Yeah, that's right was the mom wasn't it?
Yeah, that's the that's the trick question at the way scream
Oh comes out of the water at the end or is that a dream? That's probably a dream
But I love the reason I love that's a technicality that I think you could you could deploy
Emily if you ever get the actually from a horror movie guy you could say well
I'm not gonna try to argue it. I just honestly it was more of a question
Imagine trying to stay in the conversation with that person?
I want to talk to this guy longer.
Well, yeah, I mean, I love horror movies, but that's definitely not one of the things
I would argue about.
There's other things I will argue about when people say like a horror movie is bad that
I like a lot.
I will stick around for that argument.
The thing that I think is so much fun about the Jason movies is that...
Well, first of all, I feel like they're fairly consistent.
Like, they're not shooting to be amazing movies, right?
But they hit sometimes, and sometimes they're really good.
But what I think is so much fun about it as a franchise especially
is that horror movies made back when franchises were really slapdash
and how do we make another one of these?
Like nobody was planning for sequels.
And that's exemplified by the thing you just talked about.
In the first movie, the whole concept of the movie,
spoiler everybody, is that Jason's mom is killing people
because Jason died.
And then they went, let's make a sequel.
What if the kid that was dead wasn't dead?
Like that's the dumbest reversal.
It undoes the entire reason the first movie existed.
And then eventually you go to space.
Well also, okay, now that I think about it,
we have this thing called Hunk Watch on this show,
which I hope you're prepared for, Mr. White.
But if I go from Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy Krueger,
it's definitely Jason.
Jason fucks, like out of all three of those.
Are we fucking Mary Killing these guys?
We fucked Jason, for sure.
Yeah, Jason fucks.
You marry Freddy for the lols.
Yes, exactly.
Always gotta quip.
I don't know, fuck Mary Kill for the three of them.
I kind of feel like you marry Jason because he's very emotional quip. I don't know. Fuck Mary, fuck Mary Kill for the three of them. I kind of feel like you marry Jason
because he's very emotional and devoted.
That's an interesting perspective.
I feel like you want to have sex with Freddie.
He seems like a sports guy.
I don't know.
Well, that's true.
I feel like having sex with Freddie is good too
because he's very like creative and adaptable.
Like he can do anything.
He's got power.
He can't finger.
He can with one hand.
Yeah, it might be a deal breaker
Freddy can't finger
That's the sequel we never got
Daddy would you like some slices?
That is such a specific parody from us. Daddy, would you like some slices? Yeah, exactly.
That is such a specific parody.
Emily and Matt, do you guys have a franchise that you always go in for?
You're like, I will see all of these no matter what.
Matt, you go first in terms of horror or?
Anything, yeah.
Any old thing.
I mean, Lord of the Rings.
You give me a Lord of the Rings, I'll watch it.
I don't care what it is, it's just,
it's good no matter what.
The thing is they don't make a lot of them,
so they do now have the TV show, which is sick.
Did you just watch the cartoon?
I did, I did, I re, oh wait, no, there's a new cartoon.
The one that just came out.
Yeah, it just came out.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm very excited for the new cartoon.
No, but I did rewatch the great adventure thing.
And I was like, yeah, yeah, this rules. I have a story about the ones that are from
are they from the eighties or the seventies? Those Lord of the Rings feel seventies. Yeah.
Seventies. My sister locked herself in the bathroom and she was like I think two or three and
There was this little lock that was beneath the doorknob and she was playing with it and locked herself in and then could figure
Out how to get out again
So every parent and the whole neighborhood is trying is yelling turn the knob not that knob the knob beneath the knob
They're all like yelling at this girl
She's like, I don't know.
So they put all of us, all the kids in the neighborhood
in a room and we watched those movies
and ate blue corn chips.
And then all of our poops were green
and we thought the movie made our poop green.
Because that movie is just poop greenop Green, that whole movie.
We're like, was your poop green?
Everybody, but my sister got out.
What happened to that girl?
Doesn't matter, look at my poop.
That's why when I watch Zack Snyder movies,
my turds are gray and crimson.
We got her out.
They had to like bust open the window to get her out.
When I watch a J.J. Abrams film,
my poops have lens flare.
Mr. White, is there a sequel that surprised you?
Is there the fifth movie in this franchise really hits?
Is there something like that?
Well, I guess the thing I should mention then
would probably be the remake of Evil Dead
Which is not is only kind of a remake because I always liked the Evil Dead movies
One two and three army of darkness
But when I went and saw Evil Dead, I had no idea that the remake would become my favorite movie of all
So scary like I love it My back was sweaty in the theater.
Like I think that is definitely in my top five scariest movies I've ever seen.
It I don't think I could do it again.
It what I love about it.
Well, what I love about it is I feel like and I don't I assume this is not true,
but I feel like they sat down and made a list of what's all the funniest stuff
from the first two movies. We're going to do that stuff, but it's going to be fucking
horrifying. Yeah.
And that's why it's funny.
I contend that I think that movie is weirdly as funny as the other ones,
cause it is so great. It just like, it's raining blood.
I don't know why it just, yeah It just, yeah, I'm with everybody.
I think that movie's fun.
Hey, if we ever do those,
we could definitely do the fingering story sting.
Oh, yes.
Trees can finger, too.
Is Bruce Campbell in the remake, too?
He has a little bit part at the end of the credits.
Oh, okay. That's a fun little piece of trivia.
And it doesn't go anywhere.
No, no.
They were talking about doing a thing
to link the movies up afterwards,
but it never came together.
I know, that bums me out.
Me too, me too.
Although they're making more.
They can still fucking do it.
Yeah, they're doing more.
Supposedly they're doing an Evil Dead cartoon,
because he said he would stop,
he was not playing Ash anymore,
but then he changed his mind and said,
I'll do it if it's a cartoon,
because I don't have to physically do anything.
Oh, okay, that makes sense.
And they're doing another movie as well,
so, but not with him.
And they did the Evil Dead Rise,
which was also pretty fabulous,
just not my favorite movie of all time.
Pretty fab, not as scary as the other one,
but it was still good. I like that movie a lot too.
Yeah, okay.
Well, hey, speaking of movies that have sequels,
we're talking Cube today.
It's got a sequel, a prequel, and a Japanese remake,
I learned.
But let's go around the horn.
Emily, you've been stumping for this movie hard.
You're a Cube head from way back.
Well, I was.
I saw it in high school with all of my nerdy theater art kids.
And we all like, I think I didn't realize
how heady this movie was.
But I just remember The Kills being really crazy
and disturbing when I was in high school and stuff.
And we all decided it was one of the scariest movies
we'd ever seen.
Oh my gosh.
And now I think different.
Yes, yes.
Interesting to watch Cube not in high school.
And I'm sure we'll, as we say in the podcasting industry,
we'll get to it.
Matt, Cube?
Never seen it before.
Was really excited to see it.
Waited about 30 minutes and realized
Jennifer Lopez was not gonna show up
and realized I was thinking of The Cell.
The Cell!
Oh, if we could ever watch The Cell, I love The Cell.
I can't imagine we won't get to The Cell
on this podcast at some point.
It feels very free movie.
It does, it's a free ass movie.
Because I did not see it as a high schooler or some sort
of teen, I was pleasantly surprised by it.
I thought it was pretty cool.
But we'll get into it.
Mr. White, have you seen this movie or its sequels
or its Japanese remake?
I saw this movie when I was either a freshman
or sophomore in college, which would have been like a year or two after it came out.
I thought you were going to say a year or two ago.
No, no.
Same, same, buddy.
Same, same.
Yeah, no, and I remember even back then thinking it was a very,
like much a Twilight Zone episode of a movie, which is fun.
And it still was, it still was.
I have not seen any of the sequels or the remake,
but definitely because I'm very much built for franchises,
I was sorely tempted.
I was like, should I try to watch all of them
before we record?
And I did not have time to.
I've heard the second one is wild.
People like, I actually live streamed while I,
on TikTok while I watched this,
cause I was scared to watch it at night by myself,
and everyone was like,
oh, wait till you get to the second one.
Wait till you get to the second one.
The second one's crazy.
So I guess a lot of people recommend the second one.
This is, I have seen the three American cubes,
cube, cube two, hypercube, and cube zero.
Yeah, yeah. I love- So you've seen cube cubed hypercube and cube zero.
I love-
So you've seen cube cubed?
I've seen cube cubed.
I know, missed opportunity there,
not to just call it cube cubed, but yes.
Well wait, if the third one was a prequel,
then we could make one now and still call it cube cubed.
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
Someone call whatever offshore oil company owns this movie
Well, if you have if Jennifer, okay, if Jennifer Lopez and the cell combined with cube it would be Jenny from the block
Whoa? Oh?
In mind you're getting a standing ovation in the block
Jenny wakes up in the block doesn't know how she. Jenny in the block. Jenny wakes up in the block. Doesn't know how she got there.
Jenny in the block, yeah.
Beautiful. Please someone Photoshop that poster, please.
But you so you haven't seen the Japanese one, though?
I have not. No, I only learned about it when I just, you know, was browsing
the Wikipedia and yeah, I'm excited to watch it.
I think I think if there's any movie that I think a Japanese remake of would fucking rock,
it's this movie. So I'm- That was exactly what I was thinking. And then I was like, well,
let's just see if it was supposed to be good. And everybody was like, no, it's no good.
Yeah, that's what I've heard. But, you know, maybe people are wrong.
Yeah, they could be wrong. I will say that I love that Cube 2 is called hyper cube. I just I like I like funny subtitles
I like you know the secret of the ooze electric boogaloo. I think low-key hyper cube is my favorite weird subtitle of all time
I like I like squeak will the squeak was good
Pig in the city
Babe wakes up in the cube.
Oh, fuck.
Cube two, five, all goes west.
Well, yeah, let's actually talk about this thing.
Let's talk about cube!
Where are we?
Where are we? That's what it said. Oh, yeah. I'll do it again. Where are we? Where are we? That's what it said.
Oh yeah.
I'll do it again.
Oh I get it.
Where are we?
That works pretty good.
Yeah, almost.
We start a close up of an eyeball
and that eyeball belongs to a guy who wakes up in a cube.
The movie has begun.
We're in a cube.
We never leave.
Well, one guy leaves at the end.
Does he?
That's a great question.
Great question.
Does he?
Anyway, this guy who wakes up in the cube,
his head's a weird shape.
He's got a very angry face.
Not important to the plot at all.
George just wanted to shit on this guy's head.
One of the many booby traps
So this guy's looking one of the rooms one of the rooms you go and it's just Jordan roasting your head
Their weird head
Or you suck it on a button there baby. I hate this
room. This room is bad for my self esteem. Aw man I'm going to go into the one that acids
me in the face. So you know this guy with a beautiful normal head. He doesn't know where
normal head.
He doesn't know where he is.
He gets a look on his face like, oh no, I just got chopped up into chunks,
and god damn it, that is what happened.
A wire scrim came down, chopped this guy
into little bits, and you are like,
fuck yes, I'm gonna watch a movie.
This movie's gonna go hard. With a ton of awesome kills, and you are like, fuck yes, I'm gonna watch a movie
with a ton of awesome kills,
and then no, it's just a bunch of arguing,
but this part is very cool.
Yeah, best special effects in the film,
by a long shot.
So cool, yeah.
Followed by the beginning of the early, early days
of CGI effect right afterwards.
You get that as well.
But the cubes is, but isn't it a bummer
that they never like run into the guy's cubes?
Like I've, I wanted, I kept thinking at some point
they're gonna find these cubes and go, ew.
But they don't.
Or like,
Well, or like,
Or like,
They should eat the cubes.
Oh my God, there needs to be a cube movie
about the janitor who works at the cube
And he just he sweeps up all the chunks. That's the peacock series
Yes, the guy who cleans the cube
There is a there was a purge series on on the usa network
And I thought it was pretty cool. Big Purge head over here.
Oh me too. Huge. I have Purge night marked on my calendar and I celebrate it every year.
What's everybody doing for Purge night this year? That's what I ask people. They usually
say nothing. Kill some family members. Yeah. As a drinker, it's always, you know.
Thursday Purge Day.
Buffalo Wild Wings, great Purge specials.
Two dollar Corona Rita's during the purge.
Anyway, oh, something I said about that purge series is they do have these funny little vignettes where they go into the logistics of it.
There's a great scene where they're casting the act
The like actress that does the purge announcement and it's like people auditioning her and I'm like what a great little
You know, what a great little aside. It doesn't really go anywhere in the plot, but it's like very very cool
Anyway that I think that is where the cube janitor series comes in
Anyway, so now there's two more guys in the Cube, Worth and Quinton. And then a lady comes in, Holloway.
And then another lady with broken glasses.
This is Levin.
So now this is kind of the Cube for.
Nobody remembers how they got there.
Oh, there's also an old man, this is Wren.
He'll get acid in the face soon.
He tells them all to suck on a button
so they can have moisture in their mouths.
Yeah, it is smart.
Yeah, I wonder if that would work in a survival situation.
I wonder if that has merit.
What's the benefit?
Is that it keeps your mouth moist.
So you can continue drinking your own water? I'm not really sure to be honest
I just was like well. He's a mouth from getting dry and then like you know it's just
Yeah, it's it's something I bet it like it seems like maybe he was a ballerina in a past life or something
Yeah, this was a tactic. He's alive to live, live and sinewy like a ballerina.
What's his nickname?
Cause he's an escape.
He's the Ren.
He's broken out of, they call him the Ren.
Yes, right.
Yeah, he's like a famous prison escape guy.
You know how we all know like,
what's your top five prison escape?
Oh, don't make me choose.
Okay, well the Ren of course.
I love the Ren.
Love the Ren.
And of course, Barb choose. OK, well, the Wren, of course. I love the Wren. Love the Wren. Of course, bar, bar bender.
Yeah. Yeah.
Mickey slip through bars.
Mickey slip through bar was one of my guys from Grand Budapest Hotel.
Those guys love them.
And Andy Dufresne.
Of course, classic, classic.
Yeah, everybody's favorite.
So, yeah, this guy's a famous prison break guy side note this movie was filmed in Canada
This is the most Canada ass looking group of people ever like such a Degrassi ass
You can't do that on television ass even the tough guy is like are you sure like it's like
It's like you couldn't this was the mustache for the guy. Yeah, it's like kind of a big mean guy
Okay, what's this cue ball a boot?
We gotta get over to this cube we got any good at the cube
But they don't really check the cube they definitely talk about they're they're they're in the US, right?
They're supposed to be in the US because they talk about the southwest don't they and they're not talking about like oh, I don't remember that
There's one there when she thinks that's where they are over right right exactly they talk about the Southwest, don't they? And they're not talking about like. Oh, I don't remember that.
Because when she thinks that's where they are.
They're not talking about Vancouver.
Right, right, exactly.
No, there she is.
I gotta get out of this cube and back to Regina.
Maybe that's what she means, like,
oh, they probably built the cube in Vancouver
because of the tax cuts and.
Tax cuts, yeah, yeah.
More like Vancouver, eh?
Yeah, hey.
More like Vancouver, eh? Yeah, hey!
Um, so, you know, this guy's a famous prison break guy.
He's kind of, he's smart.
He says you can throw your, like, if you throw your boot into the room ahead of you, you'll
see if there's a trap or not.
He does it, and for some reason it doesn't work, and an acid shooter shoots him in the
Ah, it's pretty cool. It burns off his face.
He turns into like a skeleton face guy and screams.
That is one of my biggest fears,
the acid in the face thing.
Like it's probably that and like stuff
about injuring eyeballs and teeth.
Yeah, it's just like, especially if there's nowhere
to get it help, you know?
Yeah, yeah.
Especially if you're stuck in a cube.
If you're stuck in a cube, sorry, no dentists in the cube.
But yeah, that was rough.
That was a rough one.
So then we start out, this movie's only like what,
like 20 minutes in and we've got two crazy kills.
Surely it's just gonna get crazier from here.
It doesn't, it doesn't. This is about as cool as it gets. Yeah, it's just gonna get crazier from here. It doesn't
This is about as cool as it gets yeah
It's wild and there's a room that would have been cool that we were all looking forward to seeing someone get skewered
Oh, yeah, and you know the the CGI isn't great, but you're like well certainly
They're gonna do a cool practical effect. No. They just escaped that one. Yeah, what are they? Yeah?
That's a real one are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?
They never fucking do.
They never do.
But anyway.
Check off skewer room.
Yeah, right.
If you see the skewer room in the first act.
Somebody, some Canadian's gotta get skewered in the fifth act.
So, what are we gonna do?
We don't know.
Levin, turns out, has a character trait,
and that is that she's good at math.
She's a math person.
Good at math person.
And, yeah.
Well, I was gonna say, this is like around the time
I think they, I forget whose theory it is,
that they're all there, specifically them for a reason
because of the traits they all have.
Like, oh, this guy is escape guy and you're the math person
and I'm the cop who bosses people around
and that's super useful.
And like.
Yeah, why was he there?
Like it was, he's the worst one.
He's the one, no, he's the trap.
Remember like, he thinks everyone else is a trap but in reality, he's the trap. Remember, like, he thinks everyone else is a trap,
but in reality, he's the thing
that could just throw the monkey ranch
into everything, because he doesn't have any use
except to be an asshole.
Yeah, except to fucking kill people and be kind of a creep.
Well, also his athleticism, I'd say.
He could climb things and stuff.
Carry people and stuff.
It took, I'll tell you, it took me by surprise
the turn of him
being worse and worse because, especially because
for our current season on Nature Trail to Hell,
we're watching the Romero zombie movies,
which have a running theme, at least for a few of them,
of like a really assertive and competent black dude
who knows what's going on, but who is kind of the smart one,
like the one who is reasonable and right.
And so when this movie started, I was kind of like, oh, they're doing
that thing like, like in Night of the Living Dead. And then it was like over the time over
the course. No, that is not what is happening here.
It was kind of impressive to me, because of the fact that, you know, based on when this
movie was made and whatnot, I was like, oh, okay, you know, so this is going to be our
hero, a, you know, a cop who's
a person of color who's like trying to lead this group of people, including this white
Gen Xer who's totally like, everything sucks anyways.
I don't even wanna, I don't wanna even escape the cube.
And to have him be the one who makes the heel turn, I was like relatively impressed by that
because I didn't see it coming either.
I didn't see it coming either, no.
I thought that our guy, that Gen Xer who was like,
I don't give a fuck, I thought he was there
to witness everything.
Right, and write it down for the aliens or whatever.
And to make sure they all fail or something.
Yeah. I don't know.
Yeah, so everybody's kind of revealing why they're there.
Levin is there, she's good at math, and she figures out that the little numbers on the
doors, to go into other cubes, the cube is made of little cubes, to go into the next
cube you got to turn the cranks.
By the way, a lot of cranks in this movie.
This movie I think was probably originally called Crank,
and then they're like, Cube might be better.
We gotta save that for a Jason Statham flick.
Right, Jason Statham has to have a movie
where he shocks himself with EMT paddles.
And he gives a bird a heart attack or whatever.
But the cranks in this are very gentle cranks.
Like, they're so easy to do.
You just kinda like push them, so soft and it's like
You got to get your face melted off faster
If the cranks are stuck, yeah, it's like nobody's still got their face at the end of the day
Maybe the janitor is lubing the cranks. He's right exactly lots of lube and the kids
It's not just me putting all of the cubes inside of a trash bag, I also lube the cranks.
I also lube the cranks.
We got a great union.
Coming this fall to Peacock.
Wait, is the porn version of this called lube or cube?
I mean, wonderful question.
Cube lube, lube cube.
I mean wonderful question. Cube lube.
Cube lube.
Yeah and then you go into the wrong door and you just get splatted in the face with cum.
Yeah I was just like oh no I'm drowning in cum.
Oh I'd hate that.
Oh no.
This sucks.
Oh no this glory hole is cube shaped.
Oh no that guy's face they got all burnt off with
Room is a little different as well as
Pays off in this version actually a little you get to actually see the payoff we got to call the homies over at wood rocket
They're the ones who make all the parody porn,
like the Simpsons.
Call us Wood Rocket.
Yeah, Wood Rocket, hit us up.
But then it will have the boring title
of Cube, a porn parody, which is so sad.
You know, sometimes you have to do that for legal reasons.
Does Wood Rocket have a writer's room?
Oh my God, if they went Union, we're in there.
Oh yeah, sure.
If it's WGA, I'll write some porn parodies.
For porn, oh, 100%.
For some health insurance?
Oh my god.
Oh my god, honestly, I want to write porn video games because I've seen some porn video
games and I'm like, this is it.
This is it.
We can do better than this.
Like, yeah, I might learn how to play a video game all I know how to play duck hunt now. I can do duck hunt
That's another one lot of good
Who's laughing now dog dog? No. No.
Get the peanut butter, let's go.
Again, this is why you need a union writer's room.
Yeah, yeah, for porn, get us in there.
So, you know, Levin's good at math,
she figures out that the numbers are,
they're prime numbers, so you go in the doors
with prime numbers, we see a swirling montage
of prime numbers.
Still don't know what that is.
It's a number that is, I think.
It's okay, I don't think it is.
That's okay, divisible by one in itself.
Yeah, divisible by one in itself.
Doesn't matter, who care?
By the way, Emily, you would be stuck in the cube forever.
Oh, I'd be dead in the cube first.
I'd be like, I'll be the boot. Yeah. Just fucking show me. Throw me in the next room. Throw me in the cube forever. Oh, I'd be dead in the cube first. I would be like, I'll be the boot.
Just fucking show me.
Throw me in the next room.
Throw me in the next room.
But I was thinking, and I've said this
in I think the last couple episodes we talked about,
in Nosferatu we talked about the idea of,
we don't really want this, but where it's like,
you have no excuse but to lay down
and go to sleep for a long time.
Every time they were getting sleepy in the cube,
I'm like, just do this.
Why don't you just sleep till you're dead?
I would just-
Get some naps.
Until you're dead, okay.
Just sleep till you're dead in the cube.
Like suck on that button and sweet dreams, baby.
Yeah, definitely.
Definitely, yeah, when people ask me,
what's your zombie apocalypse survival plan?
I'm like, die? Probably die. Die, sleep to ask me like, what's your zombie apocalypse survival plan? I'm like die
Sleep to death or become a zombie that sure might be fun. Nah
Automatic community, right? There's I don't want to do that I just want death mine is go to the CVS and steal all the prescription medication as
Nothing to do with fighting the zombies. I just want to be really high before I start eating.
Oh, for sure, great idea.
I do think of that sometimes.
Like, I was cleaning out my apartment
and I found an old one-hitter that had like,
it was a little jar that had a little bit
of sifted weed at the bottom.
And I was like, we'll save that for the apocalypse.
We'll put that in.
I've got like a drawer that I keep stuff in
that I'm like, I'm not gonna smoke that rat
like right now because it's kind of gross,
but I'm not gonna throw it away
because what if the apocalypse.
I could trade this for nine guns.
So, you know, they're figuring out the cube,
the prime number thing's happening,
that we get a swirling montage of prime numbers.
They're killing time. There's not enough story in this movie.
There really isn't.
This is a Twilight Zone episode.
Yeah, it really is.
This is a Twilight Zone episode.
It is. It does feel like it should be an episode of something and not like a whole thing. Like
are you afraid of the dark even?
Yeah. A nice 42 minutes.
Just a wee little black mirror. A, we are sure here. Govna. Yes, Govna
And so much classier if they're all doing British accents, absolutely right?
We black mirror Prime Minister
Fuck you buddy. We got to get through this cube. Hey, the South Park Canadians.
Suri about your acid face.
So anyway, apologies to all our Canadian listeners.
Yeah, we love your goofy country.
So we learned from the Gen X guy Worth,
the man who thinks he has no worth.
Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha.
Oh yes.
I love this hat.
I love art.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, mm art.
We learned that he designed part of the cube.
The outside.
Yes, the shell that the cube is in was designed by Worth. And so the, like, only explanation we get for the cube and how- The outside. Yes, the shell that the cube is in was designed by Worth.
And so the only explanation we get for the cube,
which I think this is kind of cool,
I've remembered this about it,
is that the cube accidentally came into being
through like government waste.
So it's just everyone gets a little contract
to build a little part of the cube
and no one knows how it got there
It's just bureaucracy run amok
Fucking get doge in there to clean up the cube get the boys in there
Like it's an interesting concept and and listen
I I mean, I don't know speaking of movies where bureaucracy is the villain like have you ever seen buried like that's a movie that is
Horrifying and awesome about about bureaucracy being awful and that's all
true but I just can't imagine a world where bureaucracy leads to someone
going I don't know what do we need here like a skewer room yeah how how do you
accidentally build death traps I'm the guy who builds the acid gun what could
this possibly there must have been at some point
someone intending something.
There had to have been.
I mean, I haven't seen the other movies.
I assume they try to explain it in the other movies, no?
I don't know.
Yeah, I don't really remember the sequels.
So yeah, I think it stays kind of sort of a mystery.
I think the prequel, Cube Zero,
it's a little, Cube's a little steampunky,
and I think you get characters,
like there's like the guys who like
are watching the people in the Cube.
So I think you do like learn a little bit
about Cube infrastructure.
Oh, like a little cabin in the woods, yeah?
Little cabin in the woods, yeah, exactly.
Or like a little squid gamey, like you know. Right, woods, yeah? Little cabin in the woods, yeah, exactly. Or like a little squid gamey, like, you know.
Right, right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Which, I'm so impressed that this movie, which I was told, which I'm not entirely sure if
this is true, that it was made for like $10,000 and that every cube that they go into is essentially
the same set.
They just changed the lights, the lights around it and stuff,
so it looks like a different color, which is brilliant.
I do think that the set is cool looking.
Set design looks cool, I believe it.
The acting is incredible, considering that it's just one room.
True, it is impressive.
But that this movie caused such a buzz
that they got multiple movies, that's pretty crazy. Like that only costs like cost less than a hundred thousand dollars. I think
According to the internet it was 350,000 Canadian which comes out to 200 but still that's only
249 or
Amazing yeah
10,000 would have been ridiculously low, but still.
Yeah, someone said that and I was like, wow, I don't know.
That set is too nice.
Maybe in 90s dollars.
I don't know.
Maybe some sort of reverse inflation.
Maybe in 90s bucks.
Yeah, yeah, reverse it.
Yeah, yeah.
But yeah, no, it is one of the things that impressed me watching it.
I was like, this is a really creative way to do a low-budget movie
So I you know I like and I think it was made with like Canada art funding money, too
I think this movie you know in a weird way is is
Part of is like like the cube itself was made was government waste government waste
No money on guns not on art. Thank you.
That's what I'd say.
Anyway, so yeah, I mean, I think we're figuring out the cube.
Quentin has his heel turn.
They figure out you can kind of like
get to the end of the cube and they hang,
oh gosh, what's your name, what's your name?
They hang Holloway outside with like,
they can make a rope from their jumpsuits. They're all Holloway outside with they can make a rope from their jumpsuits
They're all wearing like jumpsuits. They make a rope from her there. It was my favorite character by the way. Holloway is a great acting performance
I think she's terrific in this she's the only one who stands up for like everybody looking out for each other
She stands up to the big scary dude and boy does she pay the price
She also has my favorite line, which is holy cats
Yeah, like no idea why I'm gonna assume that's something they say in Canada
Well before they hang Holloway out the door we do have a new character that is introduced. Oh, yes, you're right
Yeah, let's let's let's talk about this guy guy who is kind of instrumental to the end of the movie.
He kind of falls through a top hatch. This is Kazan. I'm not sure what to say about this guy. I think, you know, he's being a very broad, like, character who I think you would call autistic. It's a Rain Man type situation. Yeah, you're not sure if he's autistic
or if he's supposed to be like mentally
challenged in some aspects.
He's definitely a savant. There's like
eventually you find out. Yeah, well we find that out later.
But they, yeah,
at first you think like, oh, this
just seems like sort of
a cheap way to
have a character that
accidentally kills people, you know?
But it doesn't end up actually doing it.
Once again, you know, the skewering room was sound activated, so you had to be really quiet
going through it.
And Kazan's character makes a lot of noises and had to be quiet.
And I was like, okay, so they're really they're literally introducing this character
Like this entire thing just to kill a guy and they actually get through it. Yeah, thanks to Holloway who like really
sticks up for Kazan and
Is really patient and everybody is like it's there could have been another version of this story of everybody helping each other out.
And sticking together and everybody being a team
and being really, but there's somebody who throws
a big old shit wrench in there.
Shit wrench, yeah.
So as they're dangling Holloway outside the cube,
Quentin lets go and she kind of falls into the black void
that is around the cube.
He lets go on purpose, is it important?
On purpose, yes.
Cause yeah, what was it that she did
in like the previous scene that like crossed him specifically?
She stood up to him and then realized she knew him.
Oh, she said something mean, right,
about his wife leaving him, right?
I don't know how she knew that information, but.
He said that at the beginning, when he said something that implied his wife leaving him, right? Yes. I don't know how she knew that information, but.
He said that at the beginning,
when he said something that implied his wife was dead
and then was like, no, she's not dead, she just left me.
And it was like, ha ha, what?
And then she said something about how you probably,
because of how violent he was being,
she's like, I can already tell you probably beat your wife,
you probably beat your kids too.
And you were like, oh shit, Holloway,
roll it back, roll it back, buddy. She's about to get dropped into a void.
Yeah, yeah exactly and he snaps. He just snaps.
And he snaps.
Yeah, the kind of like final, the final blood bath is about to begin
and we're gonna talk about it right after this. We're back.
It's Free With Ads.
We are here with Jordan DeWyte from the Nature Trail to Hell podcast.
We're talking about Cube.
Quentin, he's had his heel turn.
He's going crazy.
You know, I just noticed looking at the cast list.
So sorry to interrupt. Oh, no, no, sure.
Please interrupt because they all know each other's names
because they have them printed on their cell.
Yeah, things they're wearing like prison jumpsuits.
But everybody else has their last names. Worth is his last name. Kazan, I assume,
is his last name. Levin, Holloway, Ren.
Quentin, according to this, his name was Quentin McNeil. So why did it say Quentin?
Because he's the trap.
Oh, yeah.
I like that theory.
I may not know what prime numbers are, but I can do pattern recognition.
Yeah, I know who's trying to betray me.
So also that also implies because they're trying to figure out what's going on.
Like, and, you know, one of them lands on the idea that this is just an abandoned
government project that they just happened to land in.
And it's like, well, wait, but someone had to print out the shirts.
Like who's printing the shirts?
Someone had to make the cube merch.
I think that they were embroidered.
I think.
Were they?
Which is I love the idea of some old grandma just going, I can't wait for
these little death servants to wear my jumps handsome in the cube. They will.
Guys, boots, group Halloween costume.
Oh, yeah, let's do it. Let's do cube.
But also, I was wondering about like bras.
Sure. Yes, they have.
Yeah, good question.
Because a bra would be pretty good to use for certain things
because the elastic there could probably be some good slingshot
stuff you could do.
And then I was like, if I woke up there and they took my bra,
I would be so dead, like so dead.
I'd be tripping all over my titties like I can't run.
I can't run. I can't climb.
I can't lay down. I'd I'd choke to death.
Like, you know, it'd be bad.
I love the first room where the guy gets sliced into cubes
and tries to go through your tits, but he can't.
He's like, God damn it.
We're gonna need another scrim.
What if you get your period in the cube,
and then the like, you know, it's like also the janitor's
like, is this death blood?
I don't know.
Doesn't look the same.
And you also never see anyone take a shit either.
And I'm just like, oh yeah.
Yes, you saw some pissing, but no shitting.
There's some pissing in cube.
I would have loved to see some shitting,
especially going, like shitting down one of the hatches
where you're like, oh yeah, that's a fire hatch.
So that's fine.
No, you just shit right into acid face's skull.
Like that's the toilet.
Oh, I gotta shit. Oh, man.
Nobody loop this crank. Oh, no.
Oh, I got to shit.
We're shitting into Wren.
Shit out the out the the empty one.
Oh, yeah.
You shit into the void.
Into the void. Yes.
That's very.
Now's the time to take a shit, guys.
Shit on Holloway.
Ha ha ha!
Just falling into nothing.
Well, speaking of which,
yeah, the Shell guy explains that
because they calculate how many
cubes could be inside this
based on how big he says it is.
And it's like some absurd
number. It's like tens of thousands.
But he's like, but by the way, there's
going to be a gap,
one cube wide between the cubes and the outer shell.
And I was like, how does that work?
Like, are they hover cubes?
Like, how do, why wouldn't they be touching it?
Yeah, I would need to see like some schematics
to fully understand what it looks like.
And I just don't like cube that much to Google it.
There's got to be somebody that has broken down the blueprint for the cube.
Totally. Yeah, there's somebody online who has, yeah, rendered the cube in virtual reality.
That would be so cool.
Animal Crossing Cube Edition.
A little raccoon getting his face melted by acid. Hey, I was trying to sell my tear nips.
I will say I was very concerned of, because okay, you mentioned the prime number thing.
Over the course of the movie, they keep changing it.
They keep going, oh, it wasn't that it was prime numbers.
It's this.
Oh, hang on, those numbers actually represent this.
And I was sitting there going, could this be real?
And I didn't, I did not go work hard enough to go,
I want to understand the numbers.
But I did like, look, because I was concerned,
do they actually make sense to someone
to whom this would make sense?
And apparently they did get like,
mathematic consultants to come in and go like write the numbers for them.
Oh, so that's where the budget went.
Right, yeah.
It went to that.
And not the script writing.
10,000 bucks for the cube.
$200,000 for a mathematician to work out the.
Beautiful mind over here.
Yeah, exactly.
I was like sitting here going,
cause I enjoyed the movie,
but the more they got into,
I would have enjoyed puzzles or something that like
tied them all together with like why they chose them.
But instead we got this girl going,
it's prime numbers and like,
it's that these are coordinates and stuff.
I'm like, no one gives a shit.
Like, what is this?
I feel like I'm at the SATs and like I can't escape again.
Like I don't like okay
But it was good enough. Yeah, is there anybody ever seen the escape room movies?
Oh, yeah, two of them. No, I haven't there. Those are neat movies
That's kind of maybe what you want when you're watching cube
It's yeah, it doesn't have the like like memorable sci-fi shit, but like it has good traps in that movie. Good. Yeah, it was fun.
Yeah. Yeah.
Anyway, so we're kind of at the end here.
Quentin's gone crazy.
He kills Worth. He kills.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I want to talk about Worth again, because Worth makes a turnaround.
He doesn't quite kill him. Yeah.
Well, Worth is like we find out he's the one who built the exterior to the cube.
Right. And he's like wanting to give up because he's the one who built the exterior to the cube, right?
And he's like wanting to give up because he's like, you're not supposed to escape this thing.
I built the exterior to it.
They don't want you to escape.
I don't think there's a way out.
But then, like, he's inspired by, I think, the way that everyone treats Kazan or Kazan.
Like, I think that that camaraderie makes him go, I'm going to root for these people because this big mean guy has lost his mind and somebody's got to stand up for the little
guys. So he does kind of like, I don't know, he rallies to help other people, which is
really cool.
Yeah. He finds his worth.
He finds his worth. He does.
But he don't want to live. You can already tell that he wasn't going to make it. Like we all knew. But so now at the very end, it's they think they got rid of big, scary Quentin.
Like he I remember he smashed that the the door up into his neck.
And then he just didn't die.
That was crazy to me when he like smashed his door up into his neck as he's trying
to come through the door and then he's just like, I'ma fucking kill you.
But they think they've lost him.
No, they had a few chances.
They had a few chances to kill him and didn't.
And I was like, don't leave this guy alive.
What are you doing?
I know.
But so they get away from him.
It's Broken Glass's math girl, Worth and Kazan.
They're like the final three at that door where it looks like they're going to reach
maybe a bridge where they can get away, right? Is that where we're ending up?
Yeah, which is which they discover is the room they started in. And if they had never moved,
they could have just gotten out, which is also very like what?
Oh, sure.
Of course. Of course.
So yeah, it's yeah, so there's this kind of bridge that might lead to safety.
It's like just kind of blinding white light.
It's in this very dark movie and it's kind of just this very shocking blast of light
coming out of the store.
So the thing opens, Kazan is about to escape, Quentin's after him, and then Worth kind of
grabs with kind of a last,
you know, death, death heroism bit, grabs Quentin
and like smashes him in the door of the cube.
The cube shifts, we haven't mentioned that,
it's like a Rubik's cube.
While it's shifting, it kind of smushes Quentin
and leaves a little blood smear on the wall.
That's kind of cool.
Yeah, that was cool.
That was sick.
But he, like Quentin, before that happens,
killed Glass's math girl. Right, right as they. That was sick. But he, like Quentin, before that happens, killed Glass's math girl.
Right, right as they're about to escape.
How did he kill her?
It looked like he took one of the spears from the skewer room.
It was the crank.
It was the crank.
He ripped off a crank.
Cranks kill.
If you could rip cranks off this whole time.
You can rip off a crank.
Who could have?
That's crazy. You probably could have just off this whole time. You can rip off a crank. That's crazy.
You probably could have just dug through the walls.
You know?
But, you know, listen,
hey, it's, uh,
they only made it for 300,000 Canadian dollars.
Yeah, that's true.
We gotta kill him with something that's
already on the set.
What do we got? The crank?
Either that or, I don't know, Ren's head filled with doo-doo.
Right. One of the two. These are the only weapons we have at our disposal.
Yep. Take that clue.
So Kazan walks out into the light and did he survive? Was it all a dream?
We don't know.
All a dream, what?
Most things, most movies are actually a dream, I find.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I feel like it was just a dream.
And I'm not gonna see part two or part three.
I might see part two just cause everybody is telling me
that it's better than the first one.
And that there is mention of what happens to Kazan
Okay, I
Would like to know I want to know
We have we are going to rate cube on a scale of one to ten super loud commercials
But first we're gonna talk about who we were the most sexually attracted to in our segment hump watch
Yeah, I means there's there's chunks in this movie.
Love chunks.
It's Chunk Watch.
Chunk Watch.
You get chopped up.
Yeah, I will, you know, Quentin, a bad, bad man,
but very handsome, very handsome actor.
Yeah, he stuck out to me.
Anybody else have a hunk they want to shout out?
Give me that big empty shell of an acid head, baby.
No, I'm kidding.
I like Worth.
I like Worth.
I'm a Worth guy, too.
I feel like Worth is a perfect 90s guy.
It's just something about his like his whole demeanor he
just looks like one of Carrie Bradshaw's non big boy Ron Livingston kind of yeah
sort of like ultimate 90s guy yes yeah he's just got this like you know this
dour glumness to him where he's just like, oh, of course I'm stuck in a cube.
Just like, you think I'm not used to this?
I've been stuck in a cube for years working at this job.
I made the cube, bitch.
Yeah, no, exactly.
I'm gonna go film a plastic bag.
Yeah, a cubicle.
Yeah, this guy, first I was in a cubicle,
now I'm in a cube, big deal, big one.
Big deal.
You remember back in the day when people
used to complain about having a steady job?
Like that is that is basically what that character is.
And yeah, he was this was I mean, this was from that time in the 90s
when we were making lots of movies about how the biggest problem was, how good everything was.
What if things are too good forever, guys?
We'll all be bored to death. We need problems.
And yeah, where the f flare, Jennifer Aniston.
Shut the fuck up.
Just wear the fucking flare.
Mr. White, any thoughts on hunks?
I mean, if we're talking about the men in this movie,
yeah, I definitely go with Worth over Quentin,
because although a lot of that is the personality plays
into it, he gets redemption, and Quentin just gets worse every second.
So for sure.
The cube is also one of the hunks, I think we can say.
Hunk of metal.
Just, you know, it's a,
Yes, there's a hunk of metal.
Perfectly said.
I think the red room is the best looking room.
Ooh, red room.
That is a pretty, pretty sexy room. Oh, it's a pretty pretty sexy room
Or what about the the shiny wires that make the the chunks
Hunk watch is boots boots are the
Yeah Yes. Yeah. Yes. Hunk Watch is boots. Boots are the hunk of the movie. Sure.
They're on fire.
Why not?
Well, yeah.
We are going to go around the horn and talk about what we thought of Cube and rank it
right after this. We're back.
It's Free With Ads.
We're here with Jordan DeWyte from the Nature Trail to Hell podcast.
We're going to rank cube on a scale of one to 10 super loud commercials.
Jordan DeWyte, you're a horror movie expert.
You're our guest today.
Expert. Yeah, you have a podcast that makes you an expert.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. That's all you need.
That's only qualification. That's right.
We're experts on free shit.
That's all we know.
We're experts on saving money. Oh's all we know. Yeah, we're experts on saving money.
Oh, no, no, no, Jordan.
I will say, I will say, I will say, I watched,
we watched this on YouTube.
I don't know if that's okay to say, not a sponsor, I assume.
No, no.
No, yeah, that's where I watched it as well.
It's fun to.
Which is like the worst,
because the commercials are just in random ass places.
Like somebody will be in the middle of a sentence and the commercial comes up.
I prefer the ones where they actually put it in like scene breaks.
But oh well, YouTube, thank you for letting us watch this for free.
This movie, let's see, I guess I have ranked no other movies this way to put this against,
but I guess I'll say like, I don't know, like a seven. It was good.
It wasn't amazing, but it was good.
Like we said, a fun Twilight Zone episode,
and yeah, that's a fun little intellectually stimulating
time, kind of.
But you're right, it could have been better written.
Emily, you're the, I think the biggest cube head among us.
I love when I recommend a movie,, I think the biggest cube head among us. Um, not an insult.
I love when I recommend a movie
then I'm the biggest whatever head of the movie.
Emily, you love this movie, you're obsessed with the movie.
It's so weird.
You're like, no, I just wanted to watch it.
Yeah, she's only seen one of them, you've seen three.
So I'm cute.
I'm like, Emily's obsessed with cubes.
I'm a blockhead.
I just saw it once in high school.
Anyway, I'm gonna give it a five.
It's, okay, I just remember it being way scarier
when I was a kid.
I just remember the two big kills being at the top
and then I just have this feeling of dread
waiting for the next big kill and it just never comes.
And it just, it feels like, I don't know,
like my first sexual experiences in college.
Like you're just like.
Never coming.
You're just, well you come the first couple dates
and then after that it just never repeats.
And then you just finish yourself off
and it's like, I guess.
You watch Cube in a twin bed.
Yep, and so it just I feel like
I would have liked a little bit more high stakes in terms of the traps within
the cubes I I did love all the stuff about humanity and working together and
the crumbling of psyches and all that stuff that was great I just needed a
little more it was it's it was a full ass movie, it's an hour and a half y'all.
Come on, give us something.
So I'm gonna give it a five, I do,
I am gonna watch the second one
because I wanna know what happens to Kazan.
Matt Lieb, you've never seen Cube before, what'd you think?
I'm giving it a two, cubed.
So a four.
It's an eight.
Eight. You guys would never survive the Cube. What's a prime number, I don't know. It's an eight. Eight.
You guys would never survive the cube.
What's a prime number?
I don't know.
You would never survive the cube.
I would die in cube immediately.
You would die so easily.
Dude, I barely survived school.
I would rather be chopped up into little cubes than ever take a math class again.
Oh, hell yeah, dog.
But yeah, I had never seen it.
I didn't know what it was, thought it was gonna be Sel with Jennifer Lopez.
And I found myself pleasantly surprised.
I was kind of impressed with the fact that they were able to make a movie that drew me
in for as long as it did, all in the same set.
And yeah, it made me want to know more about the world,
even though I did think the philosophy behind it,
or they had all these real sophomoric conversations
about like, there is no military industrial complex.
It's just the way the world is, man.
Sometimes the bureaucrats make cubes,
and I was like, shut up.
Shut your 90s ass up, you don't know shit.
But other than that, I thought it was-
Enjoy your okay soda.
Yeah, exactly.
Fucking listen to Limp Bizkit
and shut your stupid ass mouth.
You don't know how good you have it.
No, they have bare naked ladies.
They don't even have Limp Bizkit.
That's right, yeah. The most OK-est of times.
It's been a cube.
So yeah, I'm giving it eight.
One cube, did you look at me?
Yeah, I'm going to go six for cube.
Yeah, I kind of like the spooky sci-fi stuff.
But yeah, I think there's a fun that this movie promises
in the first couple scenes that it kind of just
doesn't deliver on. I think like's a fun that this movie promises in the first couple scenes that it kinda just doesn't deliver on.
I think like a slightly bigger budget version of this
with like where they put a lot of,
if they put as much effort into the kills
as they did the math,
I think this is a like movie that is both, you know,
spooky and has a little philosophical thing going on,
but is also like a little more fun.
So yeah, I think, you know, it's it's cube give us some give us some more cube yeah well that's that's that's
our review of cube one regular cube not hyper cube standard cube medicated cube
the prequel should have been called Square. Oh yeah. You'd figure. Rhombus. Rhombus?
Oh no, a rhombus, run!
Oh fuck, it's a rhombus dude.
It's fucking Texas, shit!
No, no, no, not Texas.
Tennessee, is Tennessee a rhombus?
I suppose.
Yeah, it's a trapezoid.
No, no, no. Not Texas.
I can't believe I said Texas.
I meant to say Tennessee.
It's okay, either one.
They're pretty different.
I don't think I know what things are what our who cares
Let us know we're not in the queue ads at maximum fun org. What are things listen? I got big tits and I get drunk
I don't even know math fuck
Emily's shooting six shooters up in the air
Well, hey, I think we've got a real spicy plug segment
coming up today.
Let's start with our guest, Jordan DeWyte,
Nature Trail to Hell, it's the podcast.
Tell us a little bit more about the show if you'd like,
and maybe is there a couple of favorite episodes
people can start with?
Oh, gosh, Let's see so
Yes, as we said, it's me and my friend Stefan Lawrence he has never seen the franchise from elephant Larry, right?
From elephant Larry, absolutely. They were they were are funny when we were yeah when we recorded the other day
I was mentioning I was doing this podcast and he mentioned that he knew you from from back in the day as well back in
the day the sketch comedy Back in the day.
The sketch comedy scene, wild times, anyway.
But he had never seen any of these franchises.
So we picked franchises he's never seen
so that it's me who's not always seen every movie
but has seen a lot of them and him who's never seen them.
And sometimes I make him speculate
about what the movies are going to be beforehand
which is really fun to find out what he thinks movies are going to be like.
He was very scared to watch the Friday the 13th movies.
He was like, oh, they're going to be like so frightening and then quickly learned they're
not actually that frightening favorites.
I'll go ahead and say, I mean, all again, all of the Friday the 13th, but also the Purge
movies as well, because I love theorizing about the Purge.
The Purge movies are super fun, but the best part about the Purge is just the concept.
So we spend a lot of time talking about the concept and and my opinion
on whether or not stealing things is actually useful during the Purge,
which is that it's not.
And I have elaborate reasons, but I won't get into them here.
So that's super fun.
Also, you mentioned briefly that I am a comic book editor.
So I mean, Marvel doesn't probably
need me to plug comic books here as a concept,
but I work on a lot of great ones.
I work on the Venom comics.
I work on Carnage.
I work on Incredible Hulk.
Hell Hunters is a super fun comic about Marvel characters
in World War II killing demonic Nazis, which is awesome.
A great TVA comic, a comic based on the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series.
And another comic that I guess I won't mention because someone else present will mention it.
Oh yes, thank you. Thank you. Yes, thank you for laying me up for the spike, layup spike.
I think I'm confusing basketball and volleyball anyway
Again, not a sports guy not a math guy
Just a guy
So a
comic book edited by mr
White's with writing by yours truly is gonna be on the shelves this week
If you're listening to this on the day of release it is called web of spider verse new blood
It is a spider-man multiverse anthology three stories about alternate reality spider people
swinging thwippin and quippin
Like all good spidey's do there's a great. There's a story from me and artist Sumit Kumar.
It is a kind of a punk rock 80s vampire Spider-Man.
So if you like The Lost Boys, if you like The Hunger,
it's inspired by stuff like that.
Oh man, they really hired the right guys
when this came around.
Holy shit. Yes.
It's so, so, so fun to do.
It turned out so gorgeous.
Sumit Kumar can draw the hell out of a comic book.
Oh my God.
Well, and the character was designed by Luciano Vecchio
and he drew a, he designed a hot as hell vampire Spider-Man.
All of the, everybody at Marvel,
when I showed them the design was like,
we wanna see this guy all the time.
Yeah, he's got web gutters.
Oh, say what now?
I'm in, catch me in.
It was in the script that he should be very hot.
And boy, I think the fine artists at Marvel really nailed it.
Yeah, this was so, so much fun to do.
A genuine like lifetime dream achieved for me
to get to work on a Spider-Man thing.
And yeah, I hope folks check it out.
You don't need to know too much about Marvel continuity
to read it.
Fun, three fun standalone stories,
but it is leading into a bigger fun event
that hopefully you can jump on board if you like this comic.
And yeah, Web of Spider-Verse New Blood.
Pick it up at your local comic book store on March 5th.
Emily Fleming, you've been teasing a plug,
and now I think we can finally plug the hole, as it were.
That's right, plug that cube.
Plug the cube.
Yeah, tell us about your new project
over there at Mythical.
Okay, so I have never in my life had my own show
I've dreamt of this day. This is a show. It's your own. It's mine. It's mine mine and I'm I'm so thrilled that
mythical society and mythical has
Worked on this and got me a spot where I could do this
It's a show that exists on the second and third degree um, worked on this and, and got me, um, a spot where I could do this.
Uh, it's a show that exists on the second and third degree
memberships for mythical society. The show is called Emily.
Have you seen this?
And it's a internet clip show where I show all the stuff that I usually
stack on my Instagram stories that Matt does not watch, um, and Jordan doesn't watch because I usually post too many.
So now I have a place for them to go.
Forcing people to watch your Instagram stories.
Now you got to pay for it, motherfuckers.
No, it's so and it takes place in a really cool set.
The art department at Mythical worked with me on this and Hitch and Jamie who are
the producers on this with me. They're pretty amazing. The whole concept is basically I
work at a cubicle at an unknown workplace.
Oh, so maybe it exists in the same world.
I might be in the cube.
Are you in the cube?
I might be in the cube. And my coworker Jamie and you the audience come to visit me on your break being sneaky
Trying to get caught by the boss and I show you all the fun things that I saw on the internet
And we have fun talking shit and being cute
Please please go check it out.
This is a very special moment in my life, in my career.
And I can't wait to share it with you.
Emily, have you seen this on mythical society dot com?
Please become a member.
There's all kinds of stuff you can see on Mythical Society.
Also, Jordan and Matt are in tons of stuff on Mythical Society.
Jordan, I just did the fan fiction theater special.
Jordan was the narrator in this.
He had to wear really cute kind of dark academia
daddy outfits.
Yes, yes, yes, thank you, yeah.
It was great.
So please go check it out.
I would really love for you to see it
and it'll be going on for hopefully forever
I'm gonna die in that cubicle
Mythical society comm we're throwing a link to that website in the show notes get there subscribe watch yourself some funny videos
Watch yourself some funny videos touring Emily. Yeah
Matt Lee brown it out. Give. Give us one final plug before we...
All right, two dates.
Come to the Sacramento Punchline March 16th
to see myself and my wife do standup
or come to Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco May 7th
to see, once again, myself and my wife do some standup.
It's gonna be really fun.
The link is in the show notes.
Okay, Jordan D. White, thank you so much for joining us.
Once again, the podcast is Nature Trail to Hell,
the comics are from Marvel, get all that stuff, you know.
Yeah, absolutely.
Cause you'll like it.
Absolutely, and thank you so much for having me.
It's been a really, really good time.
Thank you for coming.
Oh my God, what a treat.
We've had a blast.
And yeah, tune in next week when our movie will be
Pride and Prejudice.
["Pride and Prejudice"]
Maximum fun. A worker-owned network. Of artist-owned shows. Supported. Directly. Thanks for watching!