From the Kitchen Table: The Duffys - Kennedy Dishes On MTV in the 90s and Big Butts Being In

Episode Date: February 2, 2024

On a whirlwind episode of From the Kitchen Table, Kennedy joins the Duffy's to discuss a wide variety of topics. They dish on their past experiences with MTV in the 1990s, big butts coming into style ...(and why they're happy about it).   And find out why Rachel may ditch the Catholic Church for Eastern Orthodoxy.  Follow Sean & Rachel on Twitter: @SeanDuffyWI & @RCamposDuffy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to From the Kitchen Table. I'm Sean Duffy along with my co-host for the podcast. She's also my partner in life. She's my wife, Rachel Campos Duffy. Well, thank you, Sean. And it is so great to be back. We're not quite at the kitchen table. I feel like we're more at a bar. Well, thank you, Sean. And it is so great to be back. We're not quite at the kitchen table. I feel like we're more at a bar.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Well, we're back at the Fox bar. We're back at the Fox bar because I just did a show with the one, the only Kennedy. And she does mocktails. I'm now on my second mocktail that she does for her guests and we just decided to keep this thing going
Starting point is 00:00:48 so by the way, Kennedy thank you, it's great to be here at the kitchen table at the kitchen table bar yeah, that's right, you created this bar I mean, isn't that what everyone wants in their kitchen, like a giant island that's like on one side you're cooking, you're chopping on the other side
Starting point is 00:01:03 everyone's at stools. Maybe they're drinking, maybe they're having soup. Well, just as a side note, we did the New Year's Eve special. Kennedy and I were doing it and Kennedy was the bartender. I love that episode, by the way. I had done Kennedy's podcast before where we had mocktails
Starting point is 00:01:20 and air quotes, so I thought this is going to be fun. We're going to have real mocktails and they were not. Not on the New Year's show, no. No, this is going to be fun. We're going to have real mocktails. And they were not. Not on the New York show, no. Which is not as much fun as Kennedy's podcast. Let's do a cheers. Because this episode actually, and Sean, you can share mine. Because I kind of took everything out of that little
Starting point is 00:01:36 shaker that she had. But it's great to have you. The episode that we did together is going to land on Friday. This Friday. But we decided to hold It's great to have you. The episode that we did together is going to land on Friday. That's right. This Friday. But we decided to hold, you know, Kennedy over and have her on our podcast. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:52 No, your guys' podcast is fantastic. Thank you. This is kind of the original MTV generation here. The three of us together. What happened to MTV? People ask me that all the time and I never watch it. Right, but what happened? I'll tell you exactly what, and I remember this happening.
Starting point is 00:02:06 How did it die? So the first season of The Real World, it was a big gamble for them because all they had had was music programming. They didn't have any long form programming. They had some game shows and stuff. Video killed the radio star, right? Exactly. Long form TV killed the video star.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So they realized that they could keep people for an hour at a time, you know, or a half hour. And that audience was more valuable than viewers who are tuning in and out every three and a half minutes. If they didn't see a video they liked, there was a financial, you're saying there was literally a financial reason. Yes. So it became more lucrative for them to start developing shows like Pimp My Ride and 16 and Pregnant. But people were still watching when Pimp My Ride was on. And when they had those dating shows that were fun with, I can't remember who. Singled Out.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Singled Out, yes. Thank you. I loved Singled Out. I liked Singled Out too. Chris Hardwick. Chris Hardwick came to my wedding. Oh, really? Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Wow. Because he was dating Jacinda. I love Jacinda. I remember when they were a power couple. This is such a 90s show. I'm sorry if you're not. I don't feel bad for anyone. If you don't know what we're talking about, then go look it up.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, read some history. Read some history. I want to point. Did you see that you said, he came to my wedding? I'm like, I'm right here. I'm like, isn't that our wedding? he came to my wedding? I'm like, I'm right here. I'm like, isn't that our wedding? He came to my wedding. It's always been like that.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Is the wedding really, unless it's a gay wedding, the wedding's really not about the groom. Thank you. I'm sorry. And luckily you were not a bridezilla. You were very uninteresting. Were you and your dad pouring through magazines like, oh, I like this one. This is beautiful. That lipstick shade would be so pretty on you, honey. through magazines like, oh, I like this one. This is beautiful. You know what?
Starting point is 00:03:45 That lipstick shade would be so pretty on you, honey. It's like, mom, what about this dress? You're right. Next time you could buy it. Because I've said that many times. As have I. As I've. But by the way, I also say that about my daughter's wedding.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yes. Because she was uninterested in planning it, and I planned the whole damn thing. Of course you did. So I'm like, my wedding. But that's also our generation. Like, Gen X, We had to do everything. Thank you. Because we were sandwiched in between selfish baby boomers and, you know, it's like, oh, millennials.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Oh, snowflakes. Oh, snowflakes. That's right. What is it going to be about me? So MTV goes, by the way, it wasn't just a half an hour or an hour. They had the marathon. So I'd sit there for, hung over on a Saturday afternoon and I'd watch the marathons. So it was the TV programming that
Starting point is 00:04:27 killed the videos that people were like, this has gone to crap. Right, because you probably wouldn't have laid on the couch and watched hours if it was video after video. But also... But if you got hooked on... They became really woke, really liberal. I mean, I don't think they were... Like, after us. Yeah, they were... Even with us, they were a little bit...
Starting point is 00:04:43 MTV News took a big shift. Yeah. Like, it used to be... Rock the Vote even was crazy. Yeah, they were. Even with us, they were a little bit. MTV News took a big shift. Yeah. Like it used to be. Rock the Vote even was crazy. Yeah, I remember when. Did you complain about Rock the Vote? Because it was what they did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:51 At first, they were like, yeah, we're going to try and interview George H.W. Bush. And he didn't want any part of it. He hated MTV. Dumb. He was suspicious of it. Dumb. I know. And Clinton was like, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah. I'm going to sex with him. I'm going to work. Boxers. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I know. And Clinton was like, oh, yeah. I'm a silly loser for Arkansas. Boxers or briefs. Yeah, let's talk about my underwear. Woo! Hey, Roger, let's go bag some of these broads. He's like, Bill, you're married. Yeah. But she's not really.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, she's not really fun. I didn't marry Hillary for a good time. No. So you complained. I did. What happened? And the bosses just said, oh, yeah, no, we'll get more Republicans. Did you get to at least push the Republican, Libertarian?
Starting point is 00:05:35 No, I was the only person there who had a clause in their contract that I was not allowed to do any press, particularly political press, without MTV's written approval. So other people didn't have that? Not at all. No, I couldn't go to events. I couldn't go on CNBC because Fox News didn't exist at the time. I couldn't do any of that without written approval in advance. And you know what they would do? I would get a request from the Today Show, Hey, can you come on and talk about the Republican convention?
Starting point is 00:06:06 You know, the next day after whoever Bob Dole makes his big speech, can you come talk about it? MTV would sit on it. And then in the middle of the week, after it was over, it was for a Monday request. Thursday, they go, yeah, we're not going to let you do that. It's like, well, I kind of figured that out. But thank you. Thank you. How long?
Starting point is 00:06:22 You were at MTV for how long? That's so annoying. Six years. Six years, okay. It felt like a lot longer than that. Yeah, that's because it was the. But thank you. Thank you. How long? You had MTV for how long? That's so annoying. Six years. Six years. Okay. It felt like a lot longer than that. Yeah. That's because it was the time of our life.
Starting point is 00:06:29 It was. It really was. It's like everything revolves around. I remember seeing you at a convention. So I had already done The Real World. I went to a convention as like just off The Real World, which was the. That had to have been 96 San Diego. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:42 San Diego. San Diego. I was actually the republican like youth spokesperson oh yeah that's great that year but then then i i met sean and i started having babies and i went to a convention and you were on the floor and i remember going i wish i knew her so i could actually go and talk to her but i didn't know you like I mean, I knew you as like you on TV. And and I and I obviously had an affinity because we were a rare breed. Anyone who wasn't a Democrat in that era, obviously, we had to give MTV some credit.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I mean, they did cast a Republican Latina on the show. They did have you on there. But yeah, it's kind of disappointing. But they more looked at us with curiosity. Like we were zoo animals. It was like, pook, pook. Exactly. It wasn't like, you're the devil. Get out of here. You're literally Hitler. You slipped through HR.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Both of you did. So I did, we did a caucus in Congress. So I was on MTV and I made it to Congress. That might be kind of a deal. Wasn't Kevin Powell there? Oh, yeah. No, I think he ran, but I think he might have not won.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Okay. Yeah. Actually, let me tell you this to sort of give you some context here. Sean is the very first person from reality TV world to be elected to a national office. Really? Donald Trump is just number two. I did not know that. That's incredible. And can I tell you this, Kennedy?
Starting point is 00:08:09 My claim to fame. Well done. He told Donald Trump, he went into the Oval Office, and he thought it would be a fun story to tell Donald Trump, and Donald Trump did not like that story. He's the first at everything.
Starting point is 00:08:18 He doesn't like being the second to anything. Oh, wow. He didn't like that. But so we're going to do this. We started the... Wrong. Fake news, Sean? So we were going to do this. We started. Wrong. Fake news. Fake news.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's fake news. Fake. Wrong. So we did the ovarian caucus. We were starting it. And DM from Road Rules had passed away from ovarian cancer. And so we thought we'd get real world, you know. Our good friend, Megan Brown, as you know, kind of helped organize that.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And so we brought people in. And MTV was going to come and film kind of these real world has-beens, you know, doing this caucus in Congress. And tell them who came. Who did come? Puck came. Puck came to Capitol Hill. He was walking the halls of Congress. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Was he in later houses? I did a fundraiser with him later that night. I'm like, hey, Puck's going to be here from the real world. Fundraiser, everyone,
Starting point is 00:09:08 and actually, it was really well attended. And he came in like a 19, There's a Puck caucus. Like a 1972, I believe it. like suit that looked great.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It was awesome. His hair's all grown out. He looked so tweaked out. It was fun. It was fun, but he was, yeah. That's what I love about you. You're non-judgment It was fun. It was fun. But he was, yeah. That's what I love about you.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You're non-judgmental. Yeah, because other people are like, oh, who is this uncouth person? These are the halls of Congress. Not those who came to that one. They were like, okay, this is good. Puck's going to be there. Puck's in the house.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But they edited, so MTV did come, and they edited a little package together for MTV. And they miraculously cut me out of the package. They edited Sean out of the whole thing. It was your idea and you're a caucus? No, it was Megan Brown. Well, Megan Brown and Sean talked and Sean said, yeah, I'm going to join the caucus with another Democrat woman. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Hold on a second. I thought that was it. There was no ovarian caucus. You have to be a member of. Was it Rose? Did Rosa not? No, she didn't. Rosa DeLora had ovarian cancer, You have to be a member of... Did Rosa not? No, she didn't. Rosa DeLora had ovarian cancer, Congresswoman.
Starting point is 00:10:08 She's a Democrat. But she had never started. She has orange hair and freaky clothes. And so I was like, let's start an ovarian caucus. You have to be a member of Congress to do that. So I started the ovarian caucus, and I invited everyone in to start the ovarian caucus because it's like, listen, it's a deadly disease. Yeah, raise money. Johnson and Johnson, very responsible for a lot of that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:29 A lot of the disease. We should pay attention. And so as we put this together, MTV came and filmed it. And again, they cut me out of it. That is insane. They edited Sean basically out of it. But you can't edit him off of the MTV Pantheon. Like you cannot.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But it speaks to what you just said about like the cause in your contract and how they really use rock the vote as a Democrat voting. For sure. Machine. Yeah. No, I used to joke like it's rock the Democrat vote. Like, let's be honest. Let's be honest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yes. It was so infuriating watching that happen. Yeah. And that was totally minor leagues next to what we have now. Damn skippy. Damn skippy. Yeah. Sorry about my salty language.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah. That's okay. You're right. So let's talk. Can we talk about Taylor Swift? Do you have any? I read your article about Taylor Swift. She knows I'm obsessed with the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And her. I'm obsessed with Kennedy articles in the Daily Mail. If you don't get the Daily Mail, you've got to get the Daily Mail. And literally, her articles are the best thing to do. Thank you. It's so fun. It's so good. She's an amazing writer.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, Rachel. She is. Anyway, okay, go ahead. Listen, you are good. I don't subscribe to the Daily Mail. I only get articles that Rachel sends me from the Daily Mail. I'm allowed to complain, though. That's like my first thing I do in the morning.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's the best. It really is. But they know what you want to read. Me too. Yeah, it's like they will suggest things. You're like, I had no idea. Now I have an interest in this. Click.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yes. But here's the problem. If you want to print their article, they have all the pictures in there. You'll print like 20 pages, which is a big problem for me. They have to make money, Sean. Come on. They have to pay Kennedy somehow. I have a child in college, Sean.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I don't know if you know anything about that. I know nothing. I heard it's cheap these days. It's super cheap. Places go down. Joe Biden, everyone goes for free. Thank you, Joe. Just executive order.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Doot, doot, doot. I don't remember what the courts or the Congress. You have to pay for it and then they don't pay it back. That's the deal. Yeah, yeah. I don't really feel like it. That's too much. Yeah, it's kind of expensive.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So let's talk about Mr. Kelsey, Ms. Taylor Swift. Obviously, she's been going to football games. The press loves to zoom in on her and it's a great love story, which is fine. I love love. Me too. I fell for it. Which is fine in and of itself. But, however, there's a conspiracy theory now that everyone, Democrats, are trying to prop her up.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So she'll endorse Joe Biden. And what did you give us to add in your article? Was it 18, 18 percent said they would be somewhat likely or very likely to vote for a candidate. Taylor Swift endorsed. Good Lord. But, you know, the flip side of that is 17 percent, mostly Miami, Buffalo and Baltimore fans. They would vote against anyone she endorsed. Was it Vivek Ramk Ramasamy said that there's the, that the Superbowl will be rigged. Kansas city is going to win just to prop up Taylor Swift and then help Democrats. I mean, I'm a 49ers fan. My stepdad is a lifelong 49ers fan. He worked taking tickets at the football stadium when he was in high school. Like that was his part-time job was,
Starting point is 00:13:43 was working at 49ers games. He loves the 49ers. So I want them to avenge that 2020 loss for my stepdad. For your stepdad. Yeah, but in San Francisco, there's a lot of... To Bob. Would they be willing to lose
Starting point is 00:13:56 in order to prop up so Biden in the next election? San Francisco fans are rabid. Politics means nothing to them when they're enjoying sports. I don't believe it. I lived in San Francisco. You don't believe it.'re enjoying sports. I don't believe it. I lived in San Francisco. You don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I did. And I don't believe that. Our San Francisco fans... I believe they will sacrifice just like Bill Clinton, just like all those women who were willing to overlook Bill Clinton's sexual harassment
Starting point is 00:14:18 and indiscretions because he was supporting abortion rights. They will lay it all on the line for abortion rights. But that is not football. And these fans, the faithful, there's no way they want their team to lose to prop up Taylor Swift. So question for you.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's not to prop up Taylor Swift. It's to prop up the Democrat Party. This has ceased to be about Taylor Swift. But the libs are such crazy libs that they actually hate Democrats. They're like AOC. But Rachel doesn't get it. So you talk about hockey Ranger fans,
Starting point is 00:14:48 right? We had a podcast when I did yours, and Ranger fans I love because they weren't woke, they weren't New York liberals, they were actually spelled to be pretty. Hardcore, hardworking. Which is my question, are the 49ers fans like the Rangers fans, where they're more conservative? Yeah, because you have to realize
Starting point is 00:15:03 that's all of Northern California. You know, now that the Raiders are gone. It's more than San Francisco is what you're saying. Absolutely. And it's like same thing in Portland and Seattle. Like, those cities have become hellholes. But everyone outside of those cities, those are working class people. Yeah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And, you know, they're people who hunt and fish and they love the great outdoors and they love snowboarding and they love all that stuff. They like freedom. They love freedom. They love freedom, damn it. They want that. Here's what kills me about the whole Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey thing. Because I'm a big fan of love. I mean, half of our episodes are about love.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I believe in love. I believe in marriage. I believe in all those I believe in marriage. I believe in all those things. And so I was very sad when Taylor Swift... Do you want a little bit of a comment? No, I want you to talk into the microphone. I want you to try this because she made this. Rachel and I fight all the time. She turns her head
Starting point is 00:15:55 away from the microphone and then I put it in front of her and then she gets mad at me. But I'm like, I can't hear you. It distracts me. Then after she says, don't move my microphone. It distracts me. We fight after the podcast. Sometimes we fight during the podcast. me. Okay, so... Then after she says, don't move my microphone. It distracts me. I do. We fight after the podcast. Sometimes we fight during the podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And I kick him under the table. How long? 23 years? We're going to have 25 years in April. Isn't that amazing? As they say in Greek. That means many years. Are you Greek? No, I'm Eastern Orthodox. Are you practicing Eastern Orthodox? Yes. My daughter and I went to church last weekend. I'm so pissed at the Pope, I'm Eastern Orthodox. I'm Romanian. Are you practicing Eastern Orthodox? Yes. My daughter and I went to church last weekend.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm so pissed at the Pope, I've threatened to become an Eastern Orthodox. Come to the Eastern Church. All I know is that I'm so pissed at the Pope. But you know what? Somebody told me, actually it was Raymond Arroyo from Fox News told me, if someone was in your house
Starting point is 00:16:43 and beating up your mother, would you leave the house? I would not leave the house. Or would you defend your mother? I would defend my mother to the death. Exactly. And so I've decided ever since that conversation, because I seriously was toying with the idea. That's what you shouldn't have asked Raymond. What if the Pope is beating your mother?
Starting point is 00:17:00 He is. Yeah. So I was beating my mother. That's the point. Jump out the window and go to the Orthodox church. That's what I would do. That is the best case I've heard yet. And they would go, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'm going to stick it around a little bit because he looks a little sick lately. He was in a wheelchair. But anyway, let me go back to this. I'm a big fan of love. She loves love. I love love. I'm a big fan of love. 25 years. Big anniversary. It's a big anniversary of love. Love's a good thing. 25 years.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Big anniversary. It's a big anniversary. Huge. I don't know how we're going to celebrate, but we've got to do it big. Yeah, that big. Did you say, get me a Range Rover? Yeah. Do you have like five?
Starting point is 00:17:34 No, but he just said he loves Range Rovers to me like last week. Yeah. What the hell? The Matrix is real. No. But going back to the earlier part of our conversation, I have kids in college too. That's my Range Rover. Screw them. That's why
Starting point is 00:17:49 they invented jobs. The cosmos says screw them. Tripwire is not so bad. We'll have more of this conversation after this. Precise. Personal. Powerful. It's America's weather team in the palm of your hands.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Get Fox weather updates throughout your busy day, every day. Subscribe and listen now at or wherever you get your podcasts. So, I'm a big fan of Love. I know she's a big lib. Actually, I don't think she's a lib. I think she started hanging out with that weird chick from Girls. What was that movie? Oh, Lena Dunham?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Lena Dunham. And she wanted to fit in. She wanted to be part of all that. I think she decided, I need to be Libbo just to make it in pop world. She had that horrible tweet that you actually put in your article. What did she say again? That Donald Trump is a white supremacist.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Thank you. She did that. Then she met this Travis Kelsey guy and I was like, this is a beef supremacist. Yes. Thank you. Like all that bull. Okay. So she did that. And, but then she met this Travis Kelsey guy. And I was like, this is a beefy manly man. Like, this is good for her.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Like, this is great. But then he's like Mr. Pfizer. And so he's actually really beta underneath all those muscles. So I'm just not a big fan. No, I do not like of all the things that he's done.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Yes. I do not like his Pfizer campaign. It's gross. I don't trust it. I don't trust Anthony Fauci. I think that Anthony Fauci caused the pandemic and enriched himself with all these patents. And now Travis Kelsey is enriching himself. And I think at this point, yeah, I just...
Starting point is 00:19:20 Will they ever be honest about the cardiac injuries for young black men? No, they're lying about all that. This was about electing Joe Biden, right? This was about shutting down an economy. Donald Trump wouldn't have lost. The economy was raging. People might have been like, yeah, we had Russia collusion. And that wasn't true.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And yes, they've impeached him. But the economy was so good for so many people. Trump was going to win. They needed to disrupt that. And Anthony Fauci helped make that happen by making the pandemic horrible for Americans. I think it's 100%. I mean, it leaked. It did leak from the lab.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I don't think it was leaked on purpose. I don't think. No, I'm saying the response. But the response was meant to crush Trump. Was it 12 days to end the spread? Yeah, flatten the curve. I am the science. A lot of people, when they attack let me ask you this. I am the science. A lot of people, when they attack science, they attack me.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Because I am the science. He is the hugest jerk. I just read this interesting article about him where somebody was saying that he invited him to some event. And they didn't think he would come. And then they told some of his his this guy that was making the invitation said tell him that there's going to be cameras and like such and such whatever is going to be there some you know news outlet and he'll come and sure enough he came no he is a media whore absolutely and he's been getting away with bad decisions since eight. Yes, absolutely. And that is just the story. That is the most under-reported story, is his impact on actually getting in the way
Starting point is 00:20:53 of finding the solution to AIDS, medically speaking, and relying on vaccines. And vaccines that, by the way, he went that route because he thought he could profit from it. And so he's a guy who has made decisions that have hurt people. Yes. And to your point, he's gotten rich and helped politics. And what this gets me about everywhere in our society and in culture and in media is that people can lie with impunity and there's no consequences.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I mean, we see it from KJP, Queen Jean-Pierre, to Kirby, to Joe Biden, to Kamala. They all lie. Yeah, and they know they're lying. Of course, and they never get called out. And so they just- They never apologize. They never try to correct the record.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And so they just keep lying. Yeah. Because they can't. I want to get back to Taylor Swift. So when you think about how do you deal with someone who could sway the electorate by 18%, which is a huge number, or actually encourage people to come to the polls, that's a problem for Republicans. And so the question becomes, do you actually attack Taylor Swift or do you—
Starting point is 00:21:58 They're as aggressive as the free Palestine people. Yes. Thank you. Good comparison. It you. Good comparison. Yeah. It's a great comparison. Or you can say, we're going to ignore Taylor Swift and talk about just the failure of Biden's ideas.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yes. Be better at communicating. And our thoughts on what we need to do to turn this around and make their lives better. So what's the approach? I think you do that. I don't think you get anything out of attacking her. I think you make her more visible. You make her a victim. You make her more sympathetic to maybe moderates and independents
Starting point is 00:22:29 who would be sitting on the sidelines. But if you're talking about immigration, if you're talking about the economy, and immigration is a huge issue because with Greg Abbott busing 160,000 people out of Texas and into cities that have never had to use their social safety net to support people coming into this country, they now see it. And they now realize, wow, our finite resources are no longer going to the homeless people, the mentally ill homeless people that we weren't able to deal with before. So now what do they get if all of the social resources are going to people coming into this country? Yeah, you're forcing black communities to have to fight for the resources against this new population.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And veteran communities. And veteran communities. But I think the interesting thing is. We did a story on Fox Business where it was in Chicago where they were going to take over a black community and bus all these people, migrants, into the community center. And the community was like, we actually use, our kids use the community center. They use the fields. You can't take this over. And by the way, you have all this money for these illegal migrants.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We've been asking for this kind of help because they get free housing. They get assistance with food. They get dry cleaning. They get IDs. Dry cleaning? They get clothes. Laundry. Laundry services. They get assistance with food. They get dry cleaning. They get IDs. Dry cleaning? They get their clothes. Laundry. Laundry services.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Wow. I was worried. And their point is, we've asked for this, and you always tell us there's not enough money. We don't have the money for it. But you do have the money. Where did the money magically come from? Because all the money is going here. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And they're wildly offended. One, you want to take away our community center, but then you have money for people who aren't Americans and you said you never had it for us. Do you know what Democrats get from this, though, at attracting immigrants? They get another congressman because the Congress is the number of
Starting point is 00:24:18 congressmen you get is apportioned by population and not by citizens. And now there's a move in Congress to put a bill out to go, no, we're going to apportion Congress by the number of citizens and not by the number by population, because that's BS. So just to back up. So an average congressional district is about 750 to 800,000 people. Right. So Joe Biden has brought in the likes of 12, 10, 12 congressional districts, which is a huge, I mean, listen, the house is controlled by, by two Republican votes right now.
Starting point is 00:24:55 You flip control of, of the U.S. house with all of these migrants who've come in, if you're able to count them, which currently is the rules. You count individuals, not citizens. But do you think that that's the right message, though? Like, okay, we're going to double down on explaining in a better way, maybe on social media platforms, using TikTok, using Instagram, whatever, to explain it. Or is the solution, and this is a different idea, forget the Taylor Swift crowd.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I don't know if you saw this polling that was about women, single women, single men, single women getting way more liberal, single men getting red-billed. Yeah. So maybe the answer is forget the Taylor Swift, single women, girl boss crowd.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Maybe you just go after the guys and get them to vote. Yeah, because I think there are enough rational women that if you go after single guys with some pretty straightforward facts and scenarios, there will be enough individuals going, you know what, yeah, that actually makes sense. Because you don't have to disclose who you vote for.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You just have to believe it's going to make your life better. And getting a hand up from the government has made everyone's life worse. And that's not hard to illustrate. No. And Republicans have to do a better job of that. But what about the love life of America? As you have all these liberal women going this way. Getting more radicalized, more indoctrinated.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And you have boys now getting more red-pilled, going towards this sort of traditional and even like into the Andrew Tick. That's the only way of... How are we going to get these people together to procreate? You can't rebel. I know, that's what's tough. Like, the only way to rebel for a young man is to be a conservative. Because everything else is so woke.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Pushing them to be beta. Super anti-male. Like, you know're people who are conservative scratch our head like why aren't guys going to college because they're the devil at college yes yes but isn't this great if you're a conservative or a free-thinking libertarian woman isn't this the best for the ladies oh god this is great for them this is great yeah absolutely right This is great. Yeah, absolutely. Right? Yes. Now's the time.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So let them have the pick of the litter. That's what I'm saying. You can punch above your weight with the guy you're going to get. You can punch above your weight. Just say, yeah, I like marriage. I don't think you're the devil. Yeah. I'd like to have babies sometime.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You're in. I'm like a sea lady, and I can get an amen. I can cook. So can I? I like to cook. Yeah. I can make a sea lady and I can get an amen. I can cook. I like to cook. I can make a good cocktail. Come on over, sailor. Come on over.
Starting point is 00:27:34 See, I think when we do a Taylor Swift, I'm going to— I'm getting some insight into what she can be like. Sailors. Military men, pay attention. Pay attention. Kennedy. Pay attention. Kennedy. I think to call Taylor Swift out for, I mean, again, all of these young kids are all climate change.
Starting point is 00:27:50 They all believe it. She's a polluting little Nazi. Which is fine. I mean, I celebrate her choices to fly private. I'm fine with that. But the carbon offsets? It's absolute nonsense. I don't with that. But the carbon offsets? Absolute nonsense. I don't care. I don't care about that,
Starting point is 00:28:08 but they do. And she lies to them by saying, I buy the carbon offsets, which is total crap. If you believe the climate is going to change and the world is going to end,
Starting point is 00:28:15 you would just stop flying your private jet. You'd fly a commercial or you would ride your bike. In Malaysia, they're paying us not to grow tulips. So, voila,
Starting point is 00:28:24 carbon offsets, no more tulips. And they're like, wait a second, you never grew tulips in Malaysia. Shh, stop talking. This is for John Kerry. He needs this. Al Gore needs this offset, so be quiet. There's that. And I think also if you look at the prices of our concert tickets,
Starting point is 00:28:39 these were just concerts for the rich. You had to be a rich kid to pay $1,000 to go see Taylor Swift. But imagine the working mom who, what she had to sacrifice in order to take her daughter to Taylor Swift. Like I said, it breaks my heart. I looked and I was like, this is expensive. My daughter's like, that's fine. I don't want to go. But the point is you're making moms and dads across this country who are already having a hard time, pay their bills, make a really hard choice to go.
Starting point is 00:29:08 We'll go deeper in debt or we'll go without something that we need or want so you can go see Taylor Swift so she can become even richer. And I don't think that those two things don't sit very well. Why wouldn't she make her? I mean, her audience is so wide. It's so vast. Yes. Why wouldn't she have a heart to mean, her audience is so wide, it's so vast. Yes. Why wouldn't she have a heart to like lower her prices? She tried, I mean, but Ticketmaster, like they made a deal with Ticketmaster.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Was that the problem? Yes. It wasn't her? And they did not honor the system that they had in place. And by the time. Are you sure that she was really trying? I mean, she made a ton of money. She's a powerful force.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You know how I know this? Because she made all of the tailgating a part of the concert. And so that doesn't happen with any other act. What does that mean? I don't even know what that means. That means that they were sure to broadcast everything out to people who didn't have tickets in the parking lot. So they were still engaging the same experiences of people who were inside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And they made a point of that. Damn it. So you're saying she's nice? Oh God, no, she's not. Are you saying she's nice? I do like her. I would never, I think if you listen to a pop star. So now these little girls go to her, they watch her movie and she gets even richer.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And I'm like, I'm all about capitalism. I'm all about people making money. I want to see the movie. I do too. I would do the movie. I agree with Camille Paglia. I think she's just kind of sexless. Like I don't find her, you know, we were just talking on your podcast about Madonna.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. Like, that's... Madonna in the 90s? Yeah. Was sex appeal. She was the ideal. She was sex appeal. Absolute feminine ideal.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Not for me. But Taylor Swift, who did you like? You. Aw, in the 90s. Rachel in the real world. I need a minute. I need a minute. I did not find her very attractive.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I didn't. Madonna, I was like... Okay, who did you like besides me? I don't know, but not Madonna. Okay, did you like... It takes me a second to go back. It's a 90s episode. Let's go through some 90s stars.
Starting point is 00:30:52 See who Sean... Alanis Morissette? No, Jenny McCarthy. Yeah, she was... Oh, I know who he liked. He liked Tiffany. Oh, I think we're alone now. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Tiffany, yeah. My brother liked Tiffany. I never saw it. I never saw it. Jenny, I thought it was beautiful. Carmen think we're alone now. Oh, wow. Tiffany, yeah. My brother liked Tiffany. I never saw it. I never saw it. Jenny, I thought it was beautiful. Carmen Electra was really beautiful. Carmen Electra. Carmen Electra was hot.
Starting point is 00:31:10 That's true. Yeah. I mean, universally hot. But she was like otherworldly hot. Like the kind of hot that makes you not healthy. Yes. Mentally. Like you can't, there's a certain hotness.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You can't be that attractive. You never had to work for anything. You never had to drive. It's not healthy. No. There's a certain attractness. You can't be that attractive. You never had to work for anything. You never had to try. It's not healthy. There's a certain attractiveness that makes you not. The greatest blessing any woman can have is being ugly, like at age 11 or 12. Because then you're stuck in that age and you always think you're ugly.
Starting point is 00:31:36 And you always have to try harder. And you rely on your brain. That's a good one. Pearls of wisdom from Kennedy. Pearls of wisdom. You never know what you're going to get. Okay, who else was hot in the 90s? I'm fascinated with this conversation.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Alyssa Milano, before she became a crazy lib. No, Alyssa never did it for me. What? She's so gorgeous. I didn't think she was. Okay, okay, okay. Fine, let's move on. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Alanis Morissette. Jennifer Love Hewitt. Adorable. I love her. No, I know exactly why you liked her. She was like 15 and she had the biggest boobs. She was having a beach house and all the guys were
Starting point is 00:32:10 just staring at her tank top and her mom's like, nothing to see. Get away from her, she's my baby. It's wild. She had it all. Great actress. Good personality. What about like Jenny Garth?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, Jenny. Yeah, I liked the 90210. Okay, what about Jennifer Lopez was late 90s? No. Oh, she was, absolutely. Yeah, Selena came out like 94, 95. I'm talking before Rachel from the real world. He was just barely getting into Latinas in the late 90s.
Starting point is 00:32:40 He was still, okay. He was still barely. The Latina thing was new for me. I was like, this is not my breed. Because it wasn't a thing. It wasn't a fetish. This was love. It was not a thing.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It was not cool then. I was dating Latinas before it was cool. You were into Latinas before it was cool. It's true. That's right. I was going to say something, but I'm going to leave that for after the podcast. We already talked about Mexican butts. We already did.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So I was like. On her podcast on Friday, that drops. J-Lo did not have to have butt plants. She did not have butt... She already had an ass. She did not have butt... There's no stolen valor with J-Lo. There's no stolen valor with that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 That's real stuff. She claims, Kennedy claims, that the Kardashian butt is not real. It's not real. That is augmented, tiny. But no one would purposely do that. Because hers is out of control. It's not like a J-Lo juicy butt. No. It's not real. That is augmented timing. But no one would purposely do that because hers is out of control. It's not like a J-Lo juicy butt.
Starting point is 00:33:28 No. It's like crazy. J-Lo is, she works hard, she maintains the booty, but it's like the diet, the exercise, the lack of alcohol,
Starting point is 00:33:36 it's all to maintain the booty. And you know how we talked about how Madonna failed us as 90s women in how to age properly? J-Lo has taught us. Lessons galore.
Starting point is 00:33:49 She's flawless. Thank you. But not phony and stretched and gross. No, it's real. She looks like she has a firm butt. Because she works hard. I know. How do you know that?
Starting point is 00:34:01 So I was not used to a Mexican. Sean, your wife is here. I was not used to a Mexican. Your wife is here. I was not used to a Mexican behind. It's a Mexican-Spanish. I'm both. I don't know which one to come out on. A double blessing. I was like, actually, I'm like, I kind of like this.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Did I ever tell you that, Sean? So I didn't know, as someone with a ginormous ass, I didn't know the butts were a thing. I had no idea. I'm so glad. I actually like that Kardashians were a thing. I had no idea. I'm so glad. I actually like that Kardashians brought back butts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And Meghan Trainor. There was a time. Do you remember being in the 80s and trying to tuck your pelvis and wear black leggings to look smaller and narrower?
Starting point is 00:34:37 And all those like Christy Brinkley and all the giraffe legs. Little tiny giraffe legs. Yeah. And infant asses. I'm going to give Kim Kardashian some credit.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah. Because her exaggerated behind made ours look small. Yeah. By comparison. So I didn't know why some men of certain backgrounds liked me. Like I couldn't figure out why Dennis Rodman kept calling me. Oh, I got that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:02 The basketball team at ASU also liked me loved me for real yes oh i know exactly why danny nine inch day i was like you know why right i'm like no because i'm like fun and exciting he's like my glasses what is it my glasses or my ass what is it yes and he's like you don't know that he's like that's a thing a thing. I'm like, I had no idea. Kate, this is the first time we've talked about butts. You're big in certain circles. No pun intended. Back then you wanted a general audience, but now you have a very specific niche audience.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, I actually, I'm going to give the Kardashians credit for that. But I'm going to give JLo. You're absolutely right. That is not stolen valor. That's a real behind. Amen. Behind a real woman who is very successful. Can I ask a question? The Kardashians flaunt their behinds.
Starting point is 00:35:55 They're like, this is it and I'm going to shake it and let it be seen. Yeah. It seems like JLo for a long time was trying to hide. She did. She did? She was not. You rarely saw backside
Starting point is 00:36:07 views of J-Lo. I didn't know she was wanting. Because she has hips. It's not just... Yeah, I know because I got them. I got them. It's an interesting thing. But also, it makes you more fertile. I don't know about fertile but I'd love to get that. The hip ratio, we learned about that in evolutionary biology.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Oh, absolutely. If you have a small waist and wider hips, you have babies easier. It is evolutionary biology. You're not more fertile, but you have babies easier. I agree with that. So when I had my first baby. No, no, you don't. You get pregnant easier.
Starting point is 00:36:40 You have a higher fertility rate if you have a lower waist to hip ratio. It's your fault. It's my fault. WH waist-to-hip ratio. It's your fault. It's my fault. WHR. It is your fault. You kept saying it's me, but it's actually you. I remember when I had the first baby, when I had Evita, that doctor said, you are made to have babies. You have birthing hips.
Starting point is 00:36:58 He didn't say that. But I took it bad. I didn't like that he said that, but I'm happy about it. So women who have narrower hips and, you know... I don't have a thin waist. I'm just not going to lie. No. But I have hips that I have, but compared to the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 The complex. And by the way, you know, after the first few babies, the hips kind of came back a little bit. Then they stopped. Yeah, of course. I'm like, life is cruel. Well, no, actually, that's not what happened. So she would have a baby.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And after the first one, they came back right away. Right. And then after the second one, they came back, but it took a little longer. The third one, they came back, but took even a little longer than that. And that was the progression. And now I've just given up. Yeah. I'm just going to own those hips.
Starting point is 00:37:39 But she worked out today. I own those kids. I own those hips. Screw it. I always say that. Like a baby changes your life. Why not change your body? Thank you, Kennedy. You had pearls of wisdom all over. I own those hips. I always say that. Like a baby changes your life. Why not change your body? Thank you, Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Pearls of wisdom. That's really right. Can I say what I... Drink it up, Kennedy. That deserves a little bit of it. That is... Talk about pearls of wisdom. I'm never going to forget that.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Wait right there. We're going to have more of that conversation next. So I think what's interesting about this though is there was a curated vision of a woman that was given to us probably in the mtv era but also in the 80s and the magazines and it seems like we've exploded into appreciating all kinds of women and all kind of you know diverse shapes it has gone too far the lizzo thing has gone too no i i agree with that i'm not saying those shapes. I think that's unhealthy. I love curves,
Starting point is 00:38:29 morbid obesity, I think, is something very different. They're asking us to embrace that. We should be opposed to that. If you go back, the stick figure ideal of a woman from the 1980s was a unique thing. Maybe there was a little bit of that in the 1980s was a unique thing, right?
Starting point is 00:38:45 I mean, maybe there was a little bit of that in the 20s. Because Marilyn Monroe had some. She did. And with Chanel. But the overall arc of women's beauty has always included fertility and her hips. Yes. And her voluptuousness. And I think that's a great thing.
Starting point is 00:39:03 But I think in our culture, it's gone too far. And we know, I mean, we're wired. We always talk about this, Sean and I, we're wired for truth and beauty. You can't tell me something is beautiful and it's, and I know it's not. It's just like with porn, right? When you see it, you know it. Yes. And so I don't care how many people tell me that Lizzo is beautiful the way she is and she's not healthy. She has a beautiful face, but that body does not appeal to me.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And it should not appeal to her. They're going to have diabetes. They're going to put themselves at much higher risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer and you shorten her life. And the life that you have, it's not as livable if you are and you don't have to be stick thin like we should know that now like it's actually you have just as many health problems if you're anorexic if you are depriving your body right your body
Starting point is 00:39:56 will leach minerals from your bones and you will develop another host of physical ailments what do you think of this o Ozempic craze? I mean, for some people, it's fine. For some people, it's great. For other people who can't moderate and they go too far, it's not good. I saw a woman recently who, and it was like, it's like, baby, you look a little better when you got some. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Well, also, you know, the pharma stuff, getting addicted to a pharmaceutical yeah to live your life is probably not healthy now but for people who really can't lose weight for obese people i think and it's like for people who've tried it out weight watchers and calorie counting you know when you go to l.a you know that is not who's on it no it is i want to lose 15 pounds for my next movie. Yeah. Soccer moms. Soccer moms. It's the Real Housewives.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's totally the Real Housewives. It's totally. Yeah. Soccer moms are Ozempic and marijuana. Marijuana? What a combo. Really? What's that? I did have a friend come to a Fourth of July party.
Starting point is 00:41:00 No, no, no. She was like, do you want an edible? And I'm like, no. I would die. Do you want an edible and i'm like no oh no no no way do you want to go to the emergency room so the biggest some of the biggest users of marijuana and the biggest growth of marijuana is like moms where did you learn this do you know why i did this martha stewart is selling a line of that's because she's hanging out with snout because you're saying hang out with sno Dogg, this is what will happen.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I'm going to go, I'm going to go out with my. Why with dogs? You get fleas. I'm going to go out. I'm going to hang with my friends and I'm not going to, I don't want to drink because I'm going to put on calories, but I can have a little doobage and I feel a little loose and I have no calories. So moms are doing it.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Wow. I had no idea. Yeah. Now you know. When you take edibles, when you smoke weed, it makes you hungry. So it's like. Wow. I had no idea. Now you know. When you take edibles, when you smoke weed, it makes you hungry. Right. So you better counteract that. That's such a great point.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Why don't they just have one of your cocktails? Exactly right. They're mocktails. They make people happy. These are happy mocktails. This has been a happy podcast too. I've thoroughly enjoyed that I'm planning to planning in trouble later when this airs because I'm talking about rumps and bumps and Taylor Swift and very positive can I
Starting point is 00:42:11 ask you one last question before we go of course I want to know how you went from radio to MTV how did you make that jump because when you went to MTV I had one person everybody in the world wanted your job everyone wanted to be a VJ no and everyone and everyone was like, wow, you do not fit the mold. Why do you have this job and I don't? There was a lot of resentment. I had one person who believed in me. I was an intern at a radio station in L.A. And I was 18 years old.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Were you from L.A.? No, I moved there right after high school. Okay. And I used to bug him all the time. I was like, just put me on air. Come on. Let me pay you the compliment of being blunt. Just put me on air.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And so finally one day I was like, you know what? Fine. I'm going to give you a shot. And he gave me a two night audition from one to five thirty in the morning. And after the second night, he said, it's very raw, but there's something there. I'm going to help you cultivate your talent. And he hired me to be a part time overnight DJ. And then he had such incredible promotions at the radio station. MTV hired him to be the senior vice president of programming. And then when he was there, he gets to MTV in May. And they're like, we're going to get a whole new slate of VJs. Do you have any suggestions?
Starting point is 00:43:13 And he said, I know a woman in L.A. who might be good. Can I let her audition? Because he loved you? Or he, like, I mean, this is an incredible. No, he believed in me. He believed in my talent. He thought that I had a cool look. He knew how much I loved music.
Starting point is 00:43:25 He knew how hard I worked. And so he was like, if you would like to audition, and I was like, oh, my God. So he didn't give you the job. He gave you an opportunity. No, no, I had to audition. And then it had to go up the chain. And then Judy McGrath, who was president at the time, had to sign off on it. And she circled the memo that he sent her.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And she said, come see me. And she was like, are you sure this is a good fit? And he was like, yes believe what do you think you did in that audition that made made it for you i knew about the music and i talked about it passionately and i made fun of musicians and i made fun of myself and that was that they're like this feels right for us like wow that hair's wild can i ask how did you leave mtv a question? How did you leave MTV? Did they fire you? Did you leave?
Starting point is 00:44:07 No, I actually left because the guy I was dating at the time broke his back. And he was living in Seattle. And so I wanted to help him recover from his back surgery. And that was in August. And my contract was up in December. And I didn't want to live in New York anymore. Like, I knew when he was hurt and he was in pain that I wanted to be with him. And so I moved to Seattle.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And I was like, oh, this is fine. I'll just get like another TV job next week, which didn't happen. And it was a very serious road to get back on TV. No regrets though? No, because that's exactly what was meant to be. I didn't know that at the time and I had tremendous anxiety. Did you ever
Starting point is 00:44:46 like, before you saw the end of the, I mean, like now you can go, oh, like, and this is a beautiful thing about being in your 50s, right? Yes. You can go back, you can look back on different moments in your life, different crossroads, and go, oh yeah, God had a plan for that. Absolutely. But were there moments after
Starting point is 00:45:02 you gave up what, again, it's hard for people who weren't raised in the MTV era to understand how powerful of a cultural force. There was nothing else. There was nothing else. There was no social media. It made you instantly famous. It made you desired and professionally, romantically, in all kinds of ways. So you gave that up for a guy. Was there any moment afterwards when you realized,
Starting point is 00:45:28 oh, I can't just get another job like this, that you regretted it? I had real physical anxiety. And it consumed me. And it wasn't because I wanted to go back to MTV. It's because I didn't know what was going to happen next. And that is the greatest fear you have in your 20s, is you want to know what's going to happen next. You want to know not only something is going to happen that's good, but that it's better. And that whatever you're doing, it is an advancement. And I didn't have it and I couldn't see it. So I had no way of knowing.
Starting point is 00:45:59 My path was completely cloudy. And it forced me to really figure out who I was and what was most important to talk about. So what did you learn in that period? I did talk radio. I did talk radio in Seattle. And I really found my political voice there. And then I wrote a book and did talk radio and then eventually moved to L.A., did more talk radio, did some TV shows, some game shows, went to UCLA and then two weeks later after I graduated, had a baby and then that guy that, no that's my baby dad
Starting point is 00:46:33 Can I ask one other question? Did you know everybody in music? Did they know you? Did you know them? Were you friends with you like hanging with Pearl Jam? Yeah, I sold my house to one of the guys in Pearl Jam. Anyone you didn't meet that you wanted to meet? I've never met Bono.
Starting point is 00:46:52 You've never met Bono? No. Who did you meet that was a disappointment? And who did you meet that was like, oh my God, that guy is even better than I thought? Two people I met who were a total disappointment. Bjork. She was so rude.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And Beck. I was so excited to meet both of them. I thought Beck would be like fun and weird. He was so standoffish. And now I know he's a Scientologist, so that makes sense. Bjork had no excuse. You know who was awesome? David Bowie.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Really? Really? You met David Bowie? He was amazing. He was cool. He was talkative. And then i saw him again at a party a few months later he came right up to me he's like i loved our conversation i was like okay that is so great this is like so amazing i can't even i can't even stand it like so who did you meet that was maybe maybe you can't say this, but was secretly a conservative or a libertarian? Oh, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Okay, so for a long time, Billy Joe Armstrong was known to be a libertarian. And I bet he was. He's not now. Lead singer of Green Day. No, he's not now. He's a flippant liberal. But there was a time he was a conservative? Yeah, and Matthew Bellamy from Muse is also known to be a little bit more of a libertarian.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Did anybody treat you bad because of your politics? Tom Morello. Who's that? From Rage Against the Machine. Oh, yeah. And he's a phenomenal guitarist and he knows it, but he was always a condescending jerk about politics. Because he's a commie.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Right. Rage Against the machine and get your vaccine i'm raging now they were the big they get the vaccine it's good were they really yes totally they were like like rage against the machine yeah but get your vaccine big pfizer pharma she said you need it. Yeah. Yeah. Losers. Oh, my God. This is a piece of 90s history. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:50 You are. In a way. We got to live the 90s the way very, very few people got to. Did you go to Spring Break? Oh, yeah. What was the best place for it? Was the Spring Break house kind of gross, like the Playboy Mansion? Well, at Spring Break, we would all stay in really nice hotels. And it was cool because the bands would stay there only a couple of places.
Starting point is 00:49:11 You just went to the house to just hang. The Beach House... Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So the MTV Beach House, it was always really nice, but no one stayed there. They made that mistake the first year. Took a sack, almost. And then everyone was sleeping there and having sex. And then they broke up two weeks later.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And they were like, the production is going to fall apart. No one's talking. This is horrible. We can't have people having sex and breaking up on our production. A bunch of 24-year-olds, yeah. They were like, this is horrible. So they moved everyone into the Inn at Quag, which is a little motel on Long Island. So that was really fun.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I thought the beach house was in L.A. There was one in Inters. Yeah, two on Long Island in Kwok. Okay, got it. And that's the year the New York Rangers won, and they brought the Stanley Cup to the Beach House. Wow. And the Beach House hosted the Cup
Starting point is 00:49:56 at the bottom of the pool at 2 in the morning. I don't know if the Beach House... That sounds crazy. No comment. I went to one spring break. Here's the kicker. I was actually married at the time. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:50:09 And so I couldn't have a lot of fun. What? Where was it? I didn't hear this. It was in Key West. Arizona? No, it was in Key West. Oh, Key West.
Starting point is 00:50:15 You remember when it went to Key West? That's great. And so I went with some real worlders. And I did get to go to the MTV Music Awards, which you obviously probably went more than I did. I went once. We went once together. That was the coolest award show to go to. It was, at the time. It absolutely was.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Can I tell you a crazy story that happened at the MTV Music Awards? Yes. So, Sean and I are dating, and we're walking in the red carpet, which is crazy, because really, when you're a real world person, you have no reason to be there. Like, you're just, you don't have any talent. You're not a VJ. You're not a musician.
Starting point is 00:50:46 But you're there. But at the time, I was living in LA and I was a substitute teacher in between auditions. That's amazing. Right. That's what I did. And so I'm walking the red carpet and all these kids start yelling, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And I'm thinking, I'm famous. They love me. And they're like, you're our teacher. That's great. I love it. Isn't that the best story? Oh, I love that so much. It's the best story.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So, yeah, it was fun. Piece of history, Kennedy. Piece of history here at Fox. She is the coolest. We always say that. She's the coolest girl.
Starting point is 00:51:21 You are the coolest. We just feel so honored to have you here. You guys are awesome. And I'm so happy that I got to come on your podcast and enjoy the kitchen table. We appreciate you. I would love to cook a meal with you guys sometime. With your family.
Starting point is 00:51:34 That would be so much fun. What do you like to cook? Everything. We like cooking. Okay. I love Mexican. Me too. I like to cook Mexican too.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Sean likes Mexican too. Oh, yeah. All right. A little Spanish wine on the side Kennedy thank you for being with us at the kitchen table fascinating conversation which was not planned by anybody and Rachel and Kennedy drinking
Starting point is 00:51:54 drinking mocktails listen if you like our podcast you can rate, review, subscribe wherever you get your podcasts you can always find us at subscribe you'll get a notice when we drop Wednesday, Thursday and Friday which is pretty awesome review, subscribe, wherever you get your podcasts. You can always find us at Subscribe. You'll get a notice when we drop Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, which is pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Until next time, Rachel and Kennedy are going to finish their mucktails. Bye, everybody. Listen ad-free with a Fox News Podcast plus subscription on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Prime members can listen to this show ad-free on the Amazon Music app.

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