From the Kitchen Table: The Duffys - Q & A With The Duffy's: New Bombshell Video, GOP Primary Wrap Up & Girl Math

Episode Date: January 20, 2024

And that's a wrap on the Iowa Caucuses! Republican voters braved subzero weather to show their support for the Republican Presidential Primary candidate they would like to see on their ballot come Nov...ember. The results solidified former President Trump's spot as the GOP frontrunner, despite evolving legal squabbles and concerns around his age. Sean and Rachel discuss why former President Trump has sustained his commanding lead and reveal whether it's time for the remaining GOP primary candidates to kiss their dreams of the White House goodbye. Plus, Rachel gives Sean a lesson on "Girl Math!" Follow Sean & Rachel on Twitter: @SeanDuffyWI & @RCamposDuffy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to From the Kitchen Table. I'm Sean Duffy along with my co-host of the podcast, my partner in life. As I'm doing this, she's fixing my hair, Rachel Campos. Duffy, she's like, you look a little tired this morning. I just was looking at the camera at you and I'm like, oh, gotta fix that little hair for you. Actually, that's a sign of love. Is it? Yeah, of course I care about you. If you have something in your tooth and you're talking to somebody and they don't tell you, that's not a friend.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Sometimes you'll be like, listen, you have something in your nose. You have to stick your finger in there. in your nose. I'm not babies. That has happened. That's when you know you've been married too long. That is true love. That is true love. That is too long married. Not so much. Okay, so. Good to be with you. Good to be with you too. Friday is my favorite day. It's Q&A. It's Q&A. It's Q&A.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And we have some fun topics. But before we get to that, I want to talk about the primaries because, you know, we just had the Iowa caucus this week coming up on the New Hampshire primary. Can I tell you, I want to give you guys just a little background on how this works. Sometimes I know what the topics are, what you guys have sent in. But a lot of times I come in at this cold. I think it's best. I think it's best.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Actually, sometimes those are the best kind of shows and interviews. So let's just go with that. Okay. So let's talk about Iowa caucus and also looking forward to New Hampshire. So Iowa caucus was this week. Trump just flip and blew this thing out of the water. I mean, he's he's juggling court dates in the middle of all this. And he wins 98 of the 99 counties. He only lost one by like one vote. I mean, he blew this out of the water. Vivek
Starting point is 00:01:59 Wamswami basically says, OK, I'm out. And, you you know just before the caucus trump was sending like shots at him like because he was getting you know he doesn't take anything for granted he's like you when he goes into election he wants he wants every vote and so he's like you know what this guy's been nice but i need his vote so he started taking shots at vivek um but what's interesting is Vivek drops out immediately after the caucus, lies to New Hampshire, meets with Trump, immediately starts talking about like, I want to help you, by the way, when you get elected, let's talk about getting rid of central bank currency, really kind of in a policy way, starting to get involved. Trump clearly likes it. kind of in a policy way, starting to get involved. Trump clearly likes that. And so now the question is, Sean, you know, Ron DeSantis did not do well in Iowa. He's not going to do well in New Hampshire
Starting point is 00:02:52 because that's where Nikki Haley is invested. What's the future for DeSantis? And then a deeper question is, what the heck is Nikki Haley in this race? I mean, she does not represent this party at all. Whatever party she's representing, that's a long time ago. You should look and say, well, who do the Democrats like? Because if liberal media likes one candidate over another, that's a warning sign to them, right? And you have liberal media who loves Nikki Haley, which is interesting. It shows how much their party has moved. She's a bit of a neocon. She's a bit of a war hawk. A bit. A big war hawk. And that the left loves her. It shows,
Starting point is 00:03:32 I mean, they used to be the peaceniks. They used to be the anti-war party. You always joke and say, I'm the Cindy Sheehan. Cindy Sheehan, if you don't remember, she was the one who would protest George Bush. Code pink. Remember code pink? They're the ones who were anti-war. And now it seems like Democrats are full in all in on war. And so is Nikki Haley. That could be why they love her or they think they can disrupt Trump. Don't they, Sean? Anyone but Trump. Maybe it's anyone but Trump or they think they have more ability to control her. The elites in the media can control her where they can't really control Donald Trump. The elites and the media can control her. They can't really control Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So that could be it. So let's look at what's going to happen moving forward. So we're through Iowa. Historic Donald Trump with almost 51% of the vote. It's never happened before. We're in a primary without an incumbent president that a candidate got 51% of the vote. So that's historic.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You mean that in Iowa? In Iowa. Yeah, the most that anyone had ever gotten, the widest margin to win by was 13%, and that was Bob Dole. I mean, Donald Trump more than doubled that. Well, he won by 30, right? Because the next closest candidate was Ron DeSantis
Starting point is 00:04:44 at 21%, Nikki Haley at 19%. So Trump, he won by 30, right? Because the next closest candidate was Ron DeSantis at 21%, Nikki Haley at 19. So Trump beat them all by 30 percentage points. So now let's play this out. Let's game it out. So we're going to go to New Hampshire. New Hampshire. New Hampshire's on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And what's interesting about New Hampshire, and the race is still alive, right? We got to be honest. Nikki Haley's campaigning hard. She's got the support of sununu who's the governor of new hampshire that's right and the republican party for some reason sean democrats can vote in this primary in new hampshire and a lot of them are some because they actually like her and others as a way to disrupt the process of course and i would love to sit here and bash
Starting point is 00:05:22 democrats for doing that but i'm really honest with you all. In 2008, the Republican primary in Wisconsin was over. John McCain had won. And the race was still hot between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And I was like, listen, I don't like either of them. But if I looked at them both, I'm like, one's a communist and one's just a left-wing Democrat. Obama the communist, Hillary the left-wing Democrat. So, the communist, Hillary, the left-wing Democrat. So in the primary, we have an open primary in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary. You voted for Hillary. You would not know that, but I did. I voted for Hillary. So you're not the only one. I'm not. You're not the only one who voted for Hillary Clinton. I was a disruptor.
Starting point is 00:06:01 You were a disruptor, but you're not the only one in the Duffy family who voted for Hillary Clinton. Can I tell a little quick side story? Sure. So, this is kind of funny. So, we have a daughter. I don't know if you should name names. No, I'm going to out her. I'm going to out and shame her. We have a daughter named Maria Victoria. We call her Muddy
Starting point is 00:06:19 V, but her nickname is Mud. I can explain later, but we call her Mud. So, when Mud was very little, I think she was probably in maybe first grade. I can't remember, but this was the big election between Donald Trump and, it was 2016. So maybe you can do the math. That was when Mud was born in 2010. You had each kid's right. So this must have been Paloma you're talking about. Oh, no, no, no. This was Mud. This was Mud who did this. Paloma you're talking about? Oh, no, no, no. This was Mudd. This was Mudd who did this. I'm telling you, it was
Starting point is 00:06:46 Mudd. She was in school. Yeah, so maybe she was in kindergarten. She was six. 2016? Yeah, she was in kindergarten. Kindergarten or first grade. Anyway, the school had an election. Like, you know, they have kids voting.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So I came to find... All the kids voted in the school and all of our kids obviously voted for Donald Trump except one. And so they came, one of the kids came up to me and said that Muddy V or Mud came up to them and said, Hey, don't tell mom and dad, but I voted for Hillary Clinton. So so i knew this information and so then that night when we had dinner i said i just said straight out i i heard that you voted for hillary clinton and she was like super sheepish and i said listen there are a lot of things that we could tolerate in this family but voting for hill Hillary Clinton is not going to fly.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And it was so funny. She was like, who told on me? Anyway, I forgot. Now you're the second person to vote for Hillary Clinton. But in the same token, I had one of my sisters was like rabid.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Barack Obama, another brother of Barack Obama. A lot of my family voted for Barack Obama. Yeah, they won the first time. They were excited. He laid out a great vision. Your mom went to the rallies for him down in Madison, do you remember? My mom hasn't changed.
Starting point is 00:08:14 But my other siblings have the biggest MAGA team in Wisconsin. They love President Trump. In your own family, you have examples of people who were excited to vote for Barack Obama, voted for him, experienced the 2008 recession and all the bad policies from Obama and became not just kind of Trump supporters, but I'm talking they are MAGA. It's interesting how they went from a 2008 like great patriots and in 2016, they became racist. Yeah. So let's go back to the conversation. It's, they became racist. Yeah. Let's go back to the conversation. It's close. Donald Trump is up. So for example, Ron Sanders, he's
Starting point is 00:08:50 only like 5-6%. Does he jump out, Sean? No. Because, here's what's going to happen. There's going to be a contest between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump. To your point, we don't know how many Democrats are going to cross over, how many independents. They don't like Trump. And to your point, we don't know how many Democrats are going to cross over,
Starting point is 00:09:05 how many independents. They don't like Trump. So she can get a very good number. I still think Trump wins. What would be a good number for her? Listen, if she 5% to a Trump, you know, 50%, and, you know, Ron DeSantis,
Starting point is 00:09:20 you know, take some change in there, that's actually, actually, that's actually, a 10-point loss would be good for him. So 40-50. They don't have, like, the caucus process. This is a primary. Yeah, it's not a caucus.
Starting point is 00:09:34 It's just a primary. So we're going to get through New Hampshire. And then we're going to go to South Carolina. And that's a death blow to Nikki Haley. That's her, that's her hometown. That's her hometown. She was the governor there. And Donald Trump is wiping the floor with her.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And Ron DeSantis has been playing hard in South Carolina as well, because if he can beat her in her home state, what does that say about her own people, what they think about her? But if Donald Trump in these three, the caucus in Iowa in the two primaries gets over 50%, wrap it up. It's going to be over. We're not going to Super Tuesday. I think we're on a stand that skips out. Nikki Haley maybe hangs out a little while longer.
Starting point is 00:10:16 But here's what's... I just read this morning. So one of her bigger backer donors is the guy from Home Depot. What's his name? Is it Ken Ligon? Yeah, Ken. What's his name? Is it Ken Ligon? Ligon? Yeah, Ken. It's Ken something.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Anyway, it's one of the big, rich Home Depot guys. He's a Republican. And although she also has some Democrat donors, by the way, which is fascinating. And they admitted it. There was an interview with one of her Republican donors on Neil Cabuto. And this Republican... Yeah, Ken Ligon. I got it right. Yeah. This big Cabuto and this Republican, yeah, this big
Starting point is 00:10:47 Republican donor said, oh yeah, she's so great. She even has Democrat donors. I'm like, uh, not a great selling point, but okay. So now Ken Legone came out and said, listen, I'm not going to throw money down a rat hole. His quote, um, she's got, she's got New Hampshire. If she doesn't perform well, I'm pulling out the money. So Pete, I mean, you know, Sean, the lifeblood of campaigns is money. But I also think there is a very powerful, influential, elite group of Republicans
Starting point is 00:11:15 who hate Donald Trump. And there's a number of reasons why. By the way, a lot of the reasons I'll give, I'm like, I get why you don't like him. There's some of the things he does and I get why you want to find a different candidate. But if you look at Donald Trump in totality, and then you look at what we're up against with the Marxist globalist left, you have no choice but Donald Trump. But I'm going to leave that aside. But these elites, these powerful Republicans, they come in and they're like, Nikki, no, there's still a chance.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You can do this. Stay in the race because they cannot stand the thought that Donald Trump could be the nominee again. And some of them will say, here's the problem. We lose with Donald Trump. If you put Donald Trump, we can't lose by default. We can't just lose because we have Donald Trump. Let's lose in our ideas, not because we have a candidate who can't get the middle of America. That's their argument.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And they will show polling that shows that when you put Trump up against Joe Biden, Joe Biden loses to Donald Trump by just a few points. And apparently these polls say that Nikki Haley actually beats Joe Biden by a lot, right? They'll say more than Trump, but it's not that substantial, I don't think. But can I tell you what else? So this is what else is happening. So Axios wrote an article where they were talking about Republicans and how could you support Donald Trump? You have to look at his economy from March of 2020 and beyond. Trump, you have to look at his economy from March of 2020 and beyond. So what they say is like, look at Donald Trump in a once in a century, lifetime pandemic, and judge the economy on that as Democrats were pushing to shut down the whole economy. Don't look at the first,
Starting point is 00:12:57 you know, three years of his presidency, which was amazing, which... No, which was record breaking the best economy in modern American history. And by the way, not just for the rich. I mean, the greatest wage gains were happening for the working class. They were actually their wages were growing faster than the salaries and the incomes of the rich. So this was a a robust economy, record whole ownership for minorities. I mean, it was across the board. And this is why, by the way, they're really worried about the black vote right now. Of course. And you were telling me, I thought it was older black men that were turning to Trump. You said you saw some polling. Polling that showed that Joe Biden's approval with young African-American voters was like 24%.
Starting point is 00:13:48 It's lower than the average. Have I told in the podcast my Walmart story? I'll be real quick. Did I say that? I don't know. So I'm in Congress. So we're talking 2019. The economy is raging.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And I go to Walmart in Wausau, Wisconsin, and I have to buy a Roku. I've got a lot of kids and a lot of groceries. So I go to get the Roku and I'm like, I don't know what kind of Roku I want. I'm technically not very savvy. I know this story. I try to ask someone at Walmart to help me buy a Roku and the guy that comes to help me is like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Like doesn't know anything about Roku, gives me no advice and I'm like, I'm really frustrated that I can't get some advice from the Walmart guy. So I pick a Roku and I put it in my cart. And by the way, when, and I'm like, I'm really frustrated that I can't get some advice from the Walmart guy. So I pick a Roku, and I put it in my cart. And by the way, when Rachel and I shop, our cart is teeming with stuff. It's like, Rachel likes two carts. I'm by myself.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'm a one-cart shopper. But it's full, a lot of food. And then I come to the checkout line, and I have to wait for every line. And then I get to line, and the lady's's ringing up my stuff and it's taking her forever I had to go somewhere I think and I'm like I am so steaming mad that it's like people like that I'm like oh I know I mean I know people like you not to check out no I know that's fine no I know I hate when people get impatient it's like you're in well just embrace the broader story here though listen to my story I'm not done yet there's. There's a bright side to this story. Don't bring me down.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Because I always just think, you don't know what people's days are like. This is not the point, though. It was not the person's day. Okay. It was the people's qualifications at Walmart. They were underperforming. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:19 You had higher expectations for Walmart. I get my stuff in my plastic bags, which I can have in Wisconsin, which I can't have in New Jersey. I love you, Wisconsin. I'm taking the cart to the car by myself. And it struck, I realized what happened. I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:37 The people that had been working at Walmart that knew about Roku, that could actually run that line and check stuff out and beep, beep, beep, beep. Yeah. They'd left. They had gotten a new job. Better job. They had gone somewhere else and got a job that paid them more money. And Walmart had to scrape a little deeper in the barrel and bring people up. And by the way, I imagine you came back in six months and those people would have been rock stars. Right. But that's a Donald Trump economy that people moved through the economy. They were moving up. There was more opportunity. There was more money. There was more jobs.
Starting point is 00:16:14 There was more upward mobility. And in the Biden economy right now, people are getting poorer. And I'm so frustrated when he goes, everything's going good. Competition for labor. The core inflation, which means core inflation, when he gives you the core inflation number, that means he's taking out food and gas prices so that his number looks better. I mean, they are so duplicitous. They lie about everything. You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:40 So the rate of increases is going down. So you're not going, prices aren't going up as fast, but prices haven't come down. Prices continue to go up. So we're paying about 18% more for goods and services since the start of Joe Biden's presidency. And you are paying on average eleven thousand dollars more to maintain the same standard of living you had under the trump economy that is a fact that is a stat that is a call any democrat they cannot deny and i don't even need it i don't even need an economist to calculate that for me everybody feels it and it gets actually more infuriating to hear this administration tell you that what you're feeling isn't true. Okay, so now go back to Nikki Haley.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Just quickly, but the Democrats have a strategy that I didn't think would work in 2022 that actually worked. They ran an abortion and they ran on Donald Trump. And Republicans were going to have a massive wave in that midterm election. And they got a weaker of a majority in the House. They didn't win the Senate. And so that's what they're going to run in this election. You see the media, you see Democrats, Joe Biden speeches. It's all about Donald Trump, orange man, really, really bad, right to democracy. He's going to be a dictator. Like they take all of his words out of context. And I don't know if it's going to work in this election. I hope voters are smarter than that. And they look at what Donald Trump truly says and where he wants to take the country and where
Starting point is 00:18:18 we were during his four years versus where we are today. But if it works in 2022, it might work in 2024. We'd be a lot stronger, though, if there weren't so many people and resources distracting Donald Trump right now. So he's not got enough to deal with the Democrats and the lawfare and everything they're throwing out of. Gosh, it would be great if some of the, you know, DeSantis just dropped out and we just got there's no way Republicans have to unite if they're going to win. So I think that there's no path to victory for Nikki Haley or Juan DeSantis. Why is Nikki Haley doing so badly in South Carolina?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Because that's very unusual to do that. I mean, that's the kind of stuff that happened to Liz Cheen. Great question. Do you know why? Why? Because South Carolina is a very, very conservative state. And if you look even in Iowa, the conservatives, they all voted for Donald Trump or Vivek Ramaswamy or even Ron DeSantis. The moderates and liberals that voted in the caucus, they voted for Nikki Haley. So if that's what people feel about you, and you go to South Carolina where they're really conservative,
Starting point is 00:19:30 they don't want a moderate. They don't want someone that's getting liberal cash to run against Donald Trump. They don't want someone that the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN and MSNBC love. They want a true conservative, which is why she's not resonating. Listen, I think they liked her as governor. They thought she was great. But now they see what she's doing, that she's attacking Trump. She's been disloyal to Trump, and they don't like her for it. We'll have more of this conversation after this.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Hi, everybody. It's Brian Kilmeade. I want you to join me weekdays at 9 a.m. East as we break down the biggest stories of the day with some of the biggest newsmakers and And of course, what you think. Listen live or get the podcast now at I'm going to bring up another topic that people have been talking about, people have been asking about.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I went and saw the footage last night. So when Speaker Johnson was elected, he promised to release the january 6th video um all those videos he has released some of them not all of them there's so much footage that in order to get through it and it to be um you just need to crowdsource it there's no staff on the hill there's no staff at a show that could get this footage and go through. It just takes too long. And so, you know, the best thing to do is just to give it to the American people. It belongs to the American people. And people will crowdsource and look at the videos and find, you know, things on both sides.
Starting point is 00:21:00 There's going to be some stuff that bolsters the Democrats, and there'll probably be a lot of footage that shows that this was not quite what it was painted to be before this latest video that was released. And I want to tell you how it was released, because I think that's interesting too. But before all of this, the focus had been on who are these like soy boys that are like in the crowd wearing MAGA hat. They don't really look like MAGA people or even three years later, they're putting even more money and more investment into geo fencing and finding anyone who was near the premises, whether they did anything or not, they're being tracked. They're being, they're being checked at the security of the airport, like they're terrorists. It's absolutely including veterans. It's absolutely unbelievable
Starting point is 00:21:46 what's happening. So one of the big mysteries of January 6th has been the pipe bombs. It's really weird. There were these two pipe bombs, one in front of the DNC, the Democrat National Committee Office, and one in front of the Republican Committee office, the RNC. And these bombs didn't go off, but two different people saw it. Somebody happened to walk by and alert law enforcement. At the DNC. At the DNC. And the other was a person, and I believe that person worked at the RNC and alerted. So Representative Massey, who we've had on the show,
Starting point is 00:22:23 a libertarian, truly a free thinker. He endorsed DeSantis. But he's a really honest. He's not running everything. He is an honest broker. He truly does what he thinks is the best thing. He is. He's for DeSantis and raw milk.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He's trying his best. He's right on raw milk. So anyway, there's that so he he was approached by people who've been trying to these citizen journalists who've been trying to do this can you get us this footage because what we want to see is the guy who found it in front of the dnc where is that footage because the fbi released some footage but it is so grainy. Like, literally. And it's highly edited. And it's highly edited. So it's weird.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So there's some other footage. I think it's CCTV kind of stuff. You know, the kind of stuff that we're all being watched. And so somehow Representative Massey managed to get this released. Well, what you see when it's released, Sean, is that this guy who supposedly found the thing, the bomb, pipe bomb that never went off, sees the pipe bomb and walks over to these two vehicles, police vehicles that were right by the RNC because... DNC.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I'm sorry, the DNC. Thank you, honey. Because they are guarding the DNC partially because Kamala Harris had been there. And so let me just sidetrack for a minute. How did they miss a pipe bomb? And also, they never told us for almost 11 months that she had been there. almost 11 months that she had been there. So 11 months after January 6th, we found out, Americans found out that she had been there, but it had never been released to the public. Also very strange. Anyway, here's the footage that shows this guy going over to law enforcement. He speaks to what he's standing in, you know, to the window of the law enforcement car, talks to one of them in the car, then goes to the other car, talks to the other one. Now, wherever he's alerting them, I just saw a pipe bomb. No one springs into action. They sit in their cars. And then there's a group of children who are crossing the street going to school. And they allow them to cross the street towards the pipe
Starting point is 00:24:44 bomb. They were across the street. They walked towards pipe bomb. Nothing happens. They don't come out. Then they get out of their car very slowly. No rush. No worrying about this pipe bomb that might go off. And then some other police guy comes over and goes over to the bomb
Starting point is 00:24:59 and they go and they start to investigate it. Totally weird reaction to being alerted by some rando that there's a pipe bomb in front of the Democrat National Committee. All of this is so strange. Of course, it doesn't necessarily prove anything yet. There needs to be more pieces of puzzle. Zero curiosity out of the press. Sean, no media interested in this. Zero curiosity out of the press, Sean. No media interested in this. This is all coming out because conservative journalists and citizen journalists have been pressuring people like Representative Massey to release it. I have so many questions. So for me, I think I'm enough of a thinking man that I should be able to see all of the evidence and I can make
Starting point is 00:25:46 a decision about what happened for myself, as opposed to Democrats on the left curating information, taking certain cuts and snippets and storylines and then presenting it to me. So I'll think what happened is in line with their view of what they want me to think is what happened. And so to your point, Rachel, think of any scenario where the newly elected vice president is going to go to a building. You're right. The place is swept. So no doubt if they were going to sweep the building, they would find a bomb, a bomb that some rando is walking up to the building actually finds. A rando can find it so too the secret service would have found. So that's troubling. But think of, you could use common sense. You see a bomb and it's outside the DNC.
Starting point is 00:26:39 That is going to freak you out. You're going to run up to law enforcement. You're going to go, oh my God, there's a bomb. No, he just casually walked up. Right, exactly. He casually walked up. And by the way, nobody cordoned off. Nobody made a crime scene around it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 There was nothing. It was like they let these kids walk right in front of it. And law enforcement would spring into action, right? They would call into the DNC. They'd go, listen, you got to clear out the back door. You would cordon off the area, keep the kids away from what could be an exploding bomb, right? But we did a podcast with an FBI agent who said, listen, you have dummy bombs, bombs that can't ignite. Or the FBI is going to sell guns. They'll sell guns to criminals
Starting point is 00:27:22 without the pins in the guns they can't fire. The question I have, Sean, isn't even about the weird stuff. Where are the Republicans? Why doesn't Mike Johnson want to get to the bottom of this? Why isn't he releasing every damn video? Because I'm telling you, this is being used to not just take Donald Trump off the ballot, but it has been used to spy on Americans. And that's our other story, which is about the financial records.
Starting point is 00:27:46 So I imagine someone's in Mike Johnson's ear, like they were in Kevin McCarthy's ear saying, there's security concerns if you release all the footage. And I can understand that. Well, when Fox aired some of this footage, they had to blur out some portions as they worked with Capitol Police. And I know the area that was
Starting point is 00:28:05 blurred out. I don't know why they had to do that. It didn't make sense to me. But far more video should and can be released. And I think Mike Johnson should publicly answer for it. If there's a reason why you won't release it, tell us. What is the reason why you can't release far more footage? And we've seen on the liberal side that there are activists who will sit home all day long and scour through videos of what's happened on January 6th and try to identify people who were there who have not been identified yet. They're crowdsourcing the identification. Or the legal teams, Sean. Or the legal teams for the people who are in prison. And so if you release this footage, then let everyone else crowdsource to really find out who was in the crowd on January 6th.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And so that's the concern around what's happened here. And again, I want to, as free thinking people and as free people, we deserve to see all of the information, see all the video, and make a determination for ourselves. But they don't want that. They want to curate it. They want to present it with a certain narrative in place that you buy into. And I go, I don't need you to curate this for me, to make a decision for me. I can make a decision for myself. Let me see it all. By the way, this latest footage is a bombshell. We'll be back with much more after this. Last topic, Sean. Girl math. Girl math. Girl math is when...
Starting point is 00:29:32 You guys really asked us about girl math? You're going to spring this one on me? Yeah. Audience? Yeah. I want you to hear what girl math is. I love that we're all loving girl math so much. If you're still confused, it's essentially fun logic. Here's a few more examples. If you buy something with cash, especially if it was found in a pocket and you didn't know you had it, it's free. If you return something and the money gets put on a gift card and then you spend the gift card later, also free.
Starting point is 00:30:19 This is especially fun if you pay for trips in advance. By the time you go on the trip, it's free. This even applies when you are calculating a per use. So for like a purse or a shirt, if you buy a $50 t-shirt and you wear that 50 times, it's only'm guilty of having used Girl Math. So for example, let's say I buy some things at TJ Maxx, and then I return things at TJ Maxx. And TJ Maxx gives me a store credit. And then the next time I go to TJ Maxx, I use this little thing that looks like a credit card, but it's really my store credit. That feels like I just got a gift card. Like it's free money. Free money. To me.
Starting point is 00:30:52 You get what I'm saying? This is what GirlMath is. Well, GirlMath is also, you'll like, we got something on sale. And so I'm going to buy it. I got a great deal on it. I'm like, but shoes, for example, you buy shoes. She just bought shoes and she doesn't know if they fit. You buy them online. You know what. I'm like, but shoes, for example. You buy shoes. She just bought shoes and she doesn't know if they fit. You buy them online. You know what? I'm never going to do this again. I've had now
Starting point is 00:31:09 three times I've bought shoes. You said this three times. I know. They don't fit her, right? It's hard to buy shoes online. It's true. It's a stupid thing to do. If I buy shoes online that don't fit, I actually, I return them and I send them back and I get refunded. Rachel doesn't
Starting point is 00:31:25 well you do do all my refunds. You're so yeah, but but it's annoying that I have to do you didn't you return so I bought an expensive pair of shoes. He returned it. And somehow they claim they didn't get it. Exactly. And I'm super pissed off about by the way, I appreciate this. You're not you don't really buy expensive shoes or you don't like expensive jewelry. So I'm like, I'm ahead of the game already. These were expensive shoes.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah, this is like one of the first times I'm like, you know what, I'm just embarrassed. She bought two pair. You know what, I bought them for the Patriot Awards. So I had to buy three pairs to see which ones were. I returned one and it was expensive and they claim they didn't get it. That's a whole other thing.
Starting point is 00:32:03 That's not girl math. That's just like, you did a bad job returning my shoes. You didn't get it that's a whole other thing that's not girl math that's just like you did a bad job returning my shoes you didn't keep the tracking number that's my fault but you get the idea of what girl math is it's like you know you you you you feel like you're saving money but you're really not if i have cash, if I find cash in my pocket. It's free. That's free money. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And if you make some extra money doing something else, that's your money. But when we make money through me, that's our money. That's got to go to the mortgage, honey. That's right. Exactly. You got to pay the light bill. But here's the frustrationrates me the most. So again, I think all couples should have a budget together.
Starting point is 00:32:48 They should spend their money and philosophize how their money should be spent as a team. They're married. They both are part of potentially earning and potentially spending. And listen, if I sit down and for the briefest moment talk to Rachel about anything about money or anything about money or anything about the budget, it is remarkable. She automatically falls asleep. Her eyes get heavy.
Starting point is 00:33:13 It's like an ambient. It just puts me to sleep. I literally, I don't care if you're a feminist and you're listening to this. I don't care if you get mad at me. But I got married because I love you and you're listening to this, I don't care if you get mad at me, but I got married because I love you and you're super handsome, but also because I didn't want to deal with any of the finances. I hated it when I was single and living alone. I literally remember paying the light bill and the mortgage and going, I can't wait to get married and I never have to deal with
Starting point is 00:33:44 this again. And to my credit, you have taken on all the bill thing. And I'm super 1950s like that. I don't care. I hate it. It makes me tired. I get exhausted just thinking about it. I'm not afraid to make money. I make money. Even when I was an add-on mom, I would find ways to, I was an add-on mom for 14 years, find ways to make a little money here or there. I always tried to contribute financially, but I just hate dealing with the bills. And I am very grateful for you that you take care of that part of it. I want to talk about that gratitude for a second, because if Rachel cleans, she did laundry, she cooked a meal.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I do a lot of housekeeping in this house. And it's all like, we got to hear about it. And it happens all the time. And you got to like, you all have to recognize all the work I've done today. I need to be appreciated for all that I do. Now, I can return the shoes. I can pay our bills. I can, I make a phone call.
Starting point is 00:34:42 He returns the shoes because he knows it'll pass the 30 day mark. And I'll pay for it. But you're paying for it anyway this time. Right, so I can return her He returns the shoes because he knows it'll pass The 30 day mark and then But you're paying for it anyway this time So I return her shoes for me You understand this? You're doing it for yourself because you want the money back But the problem with this is that I do all of this stuff That she doesn't see
Starting point is 00:34:58 That I don't you know I don't you know wave a flag Going all the things I've done And she's like I work so much harder in this house Than you I do so much more than you I don't say I work done. And she's like, I work so much harder in this house than you. I don't say I work harder. More than you. I do let you know what I'm working on. Am I supposed to lay out all this?
Starting point is 00:35:12 We had this little tip last night, and Rachel laid out all the things she did yesterday. I'm like, are you kidding me? Then I'm like, okay. And from the time we woke up. He laid out all that he did, too. I dropped off Valentina at school at 8.15 and it didn't stop from thereafter.
Starting point is 00:35:28 So I had to lay it out and go, see. You do stuff too. I do stuff too. And I am much more like needing much more positive feedback. But you are a good man. You do a lot of stuff for us. And I do appreciate it. I appreciate that as well.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Here's another thing you're taking care of. The fireplace guy finally comes. Our fireplace doesn't work. And I hate when a fireplace doesn't work because I like my house real hot. Listen, because Rachel doesn't like to be cold. And it needs to be warm. She might not like cold weather, but she likes
Starting point is 00:35:55 cold. I like being cozy in my house. You know what? I don't like to leave my house very much. I'm one of those people. I like to stay and I actually want us to do a whole podcast on the joys of not leaving your house. Can I tell you a little secret about a podcast? So as I'm talking about some of these things, I'm at the table, you might not see,
Starting point is 00:36:11 but I'm getting a little, she's behind my left. I gotta go. You have a hit with the air sponsor. I do. She's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Anyway, girl math. It's a thing. And if you're a girl-
Starting point is 00:36:22 Are you down with girl math? Listen, try not to use girl math, right? Because it's not, the stuff's not free. It actually a thing. Are you down with girl math? Listen, try not to use girl math. Because the stuff's not free. It actually costs money. And you know what? It's actually not girl math. Girls understand this. But it's a way to mentally massage themselves
Starting point is 00:36:35 into thinking they're getting something for free. They're playing mental math jujitsu for their own... Jujitsu. Yes. That was kind of fun. Different topics. It is. It's friday it's friday um i'm gonna girl matthew and go do some online shopping i can't wait listen i want to thank you all for joining this mess of a friday all kinds of conversations um we love this day doing the podcast on Fridays with- By the way, stay on top of January 6th. If this narrative crumbles, I think it's going to say
Starting point is 00:37:11 everything you need to know about what's been happening over the last two years. So listen, thank you for joining The Kitchen Table. If you like our podcast, you can rate, review, subscribe, wherever you get your podcasts. You can always find us at We're always there. We drop every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please subscribe to get a notice every time we drop. And until next week, our son's getting married. Next week, we're going to go to California for that.
Starting point is 00:37:36 We're excited. It's going to be fun. The whole family's together. But we're not going to miss the podcast. We're going to be with you all next week. And then go to this wedding. So until then, have a good one. Bye, everybody.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Listen ad-free with a Fox News Podcast plus subscription on Apple Podcasts. And Amazon Prime members can listen to the show ad-free on the Amazon Music app. I'm Guy Benson. Join me weekdays at 3 p.m. Eastern as we break down the biggest stories of the day with some of the biggest newsmakers and guests.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Listen live on the Fox News app or get the free podcast at

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