From the Kitchen Table: The Duffys - Q&A With The Duffys: Introducing Ozempic Butt

Episode Date: May 11, 2024

Sean and Rachel have been skeptical about the potential side effects of Ozempic since the start, but this a semi-glutide result they weren't exactly expecting...   In today's Q&A, the Duffys discuss ...why many people on Ozempic are grieving the rapid loss of their booties, and how this will likely just lead to people investing in more potentially dangerous plastic surgeries. They also talk about the latest drama with the Royals, Stormy Daniels taking the stand in the former President's trial, and more!   Follow Sean & Rachel on Twitter: @SeanDuffyWI & @RCamposDuffy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Breaking news happens anywhere, anytime. Police have warned the protesters repeatedly, get back. CBC News brings the story to you as it happens. Hundreds of wildfires are burning. Be the first to know what's going on and what that means for you and for Canadians. This situation has changed very quickly. Helping make sense of the world when it matters most. Stay in the know. CBC News.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Hey everyone, welcome to From the Kitchen Table. I'm Sean Duffy along with my co-host for the podcast, my partner in life, and my wife, Rachel Campos Duffy. We're back. It's Q&A, Sean. Our favorite time of the week. And we have some juicy but also very meaty questions. We picked ones that were around hot topics because this was a really big hot topic week. So here's, I guess you could say, one of the juiciest ones. So here's a question from someone. She says, you guys have done several podcasts on Ozempic and now that Ozempic butt is trending, what's your take? It's a great question because while I did not predict Ozempic butt would happen, we did predict that there would
Starting point is 00:01:25 be lots of bad side effects that we wouldn't find out about right away that they were going to manifest themselves. And so this is one of them. Can I explain what ozempic butt is, Sean? Yeah, just a side note here. I didn't know what ozempic butt was, so I had to do research on what is ozempic butt. And so I can't imagine what I would get in my Google feed now. Have you seen it? No, I haven't. No, I mean, I've literally seen it in Fox News, in the building. I have not been looking for Ozympic butt.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So now that I'm attuned to this issue, I'm going to start to look for it. And I'll report back when I find it. Well, look around the building at Fox. It's happening. Look around outside when you go to the grocery store. If you run into people who are suddenly very thin,
Starting point is 00:02:16 very gaunt, because the first thing we saw was Ozempic face, so they get very gaunt, and also kind of loose skin. But Ozempic butt is like they get saggy butt. Ozempic butt is saggy butt. And there's a reason for it because when you have very rapid weight loss, and that's what Ozempic does, and that's why people like it,
Starting point is 00:02:37 but the skin takes time to, you know, it needs to adjust to this new thinner you, right? But if it doesn't have time to you know if you if it needs to adjust to this new thinner you right but if it doesn't have time to adjust so you lose weight too fast all of a sudden your your your skin is going to sag yes right um not only that you also you not only lose fat you start to lose muscle as well so there's another factor here is i've done the research on ozempic but you also get ozempic breast right so your breast men and women but more women than men, their breasts will start to sag as well because you start to, your point, your skin does not have time to respond. I find, listen, and again, you tee up at Fox, everyone's like, well, who are they in Fox? I'm kidding, of course.
Starting point is 00:03:21 They want you to sell them out, right? in a box. I understand the desire to lose weight. Everyone has it. And that's why diet fads and workouts are also popular. People give billions of dollars to all these causes to lose weight. This is the first time, though, you've kind of had a magic drug where people, it actually works. People stop eating and they lose a ton of weight. But as all drugs, they don't come without side effects. Right. There is medical side effects, but also there are physical side effects where, again, the butt, the breast, and the cheeks are gone. And you made an interesting point that if you're going to take Ozempic, you should try to maybe take it in lower doses so you lose weight not so quickly.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, they're calling it micro dosing or something like that. You should lose one to two pounds a week at the most. And Ozempic is causing people to lose more weight than that. But the real key is if you're going to take Ozempic, you have to work out, right? You have to try to build muscle to replenish the muscle that's lost, you know, from not eating. The problem is if you're dedicated to working out, right? So you're not going to take Ozempic and then work out because if you had that dedication, you would just work out and you wouldn't need Ozempic.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So that's the problem. People aren't working out and taking the drug and the consequences. They also said their genes, the doctors are saying that you also if you're going to do this, you know, specifically if we're talking about is that big, but you want to work out, you want to focus on squats and you want to increase your protein intake. If you go on TikTok, one of the things that's happening that you're seeing people talk about is, oh, no, I now have Ozempic butt and now I need butt injections to get my butt back. So you see this sort of conveyor belt, this cycle of I need to lose weight. I take Ozempic. I lose weight, but I have this other side effect. And now I have to do this other injection to get my butt back in shape. Here's an example. Listen, I've been on semaglutide for a couple months and I used to always have, I used to always have like a good little booty in the back. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:05:39 I have a zumpic butt. All right. I have it it like when your girl tells you she's she's just a little cardboard piece back there trust she she is she is a piece of cardboard and back so I'm not gonna lie I've been a very insecure girly about my freaking cheeks in the back. Today, we're in the chair for the booty. But this guy that, another TikTok video, is saying, hey, there's only one way to do this healthy.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Listen. Everybody and their grandma's on a Zempik, but you heard the headlines? Tell me you've heard about Zempik butt. No? Let me explain. Zempik is actually a prescription drug that's designed to help diabetics. Now, aside from a Zempik butt, there's a lot of other side effects that we don't really talk about, like low blood sugar, kidney failure. But let's talk about a Zempik butt, because I know that's why you're here. You lose weight as rapidly as a Zempik does. Not only is it going to drop your metabolism, so there's no chance of building any
Starting point is 00:06:41 muscle mass, because you lose weight so rapidly, and a big part of that is muscle, maybe the number on the scale says what you want. You're going to get a deflated look. Now, if you want to have a saggy butt, saggy face, then by all means, Ozempic is the thing for you. But if not, you should try a more flexible approach. Like, think as simple as hitting a higher protein intake and making sure you're in a small calorie deficit. And by the way, Sean, for those of you who think I'm selling out on air talent, I'm not. There are lots of people that work in that building that are not on camera. Um, so FYI, you're seeing people do rapid weight loss. And by the way, some of them look fabulous. I've said this before. Oprah Winfrey looks as good as she has ever looked. This is the best she's ever looked. And it's crazy because
Starting point is 00:07:22 she's like, you know, 70 now. I mean, she looks amazing. There are internal and now we're hearing external side effects that can happen after extended use. And I do think that it's, it's so tempting to see this way, you know, to, to just, it's so easy. It's so American to just, you know, take a shot, take a pop a pill and think that the problem is going to go away. And you're just going to get these instant results because we live in a, you know, instant gratification, instant result culture. But these are pharmaceuticals. This is a drug that was designed for people with serious needs, diabetes. And I think that, you know, we're going to, as time moves on, I think we're going to see more and more impacts, side effects that people didn't predict.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I do want to think, this is, again, the evolution and development of new drugs that actually work better than drugs of the past on how people can lose weight and how you can address people's cravings. But I also think it's cultural. There's a lot less love for self, I think, in our culture. And at what point do you go, you know what, I'm going to accept the way God made me. And frankly, the older you get, you start to put on a little more weight. So I'm like, I'm not, I'm in good shape. But I'm probably 10 pounds more than I was in high school. shape. I, you know, but I'm probably 10 pounds more than I was in high school. Would it be great if I lost 10 pounds and had the same weight as I had in, in high school, my senior year, that would be great. But again, do I want to ingest the drugs and deal with the side of the side effects of that?
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm going to take, I'm going to take myself the way I am, take you the way that you are. And again, if we did more of that. Are you saying I'm 10 pounds overweight? No, I said I am. No, no, I'm significantly more heavier than I was when I was in high school. But I've had nine kids. And I think what you're talking about, Sean, is something that we used to hear about before, which was aging gracefully. Now, that doesn't mean letting yourself go.
Starting point is 00:09:24 We want to take care of ourselves, but we also want to have a respect, I think, for the seasons of your life. Do I wish I looked like I did when I was 22 body-wise? Of course. Is that a realistic goal for a woman who's 52 years old and had nine children? That's not realistic. And in order for me to achieve those goals, I'm going to have to do something extreme, like taking a pharmaceutical. And if I take those pharmaceuticals, the weight loss is not the end of the picture here. It's not the end of the story. There's going to be side effects because as they say, there's no free lunch. Because if you love yourself, if you love your life, if you love your family,
Starting point is 00:10:07 you wouldn't risk those things just to lose weight because you're going to potentially endanger your own health. Now, a lot of people can take it. They're not going to get sick. They're not going to deal with all the side effects. But a number of people are. And that truly is problematic. By the way, I tell the kids I'm 34, 36.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Say it tongue-in-cheek, right? Right. We all like that, but we're not. And I think the point is really well made. Let's try to work out more. Let's love ourselves a little more. And let's accept aging gracefully. That would be nice. Can I say also, before we move on, that for these BBLs, which are these butt injections that people are doing, you know, they were doing them before Ozempic, but now there's this whole new, you know, cohort of people who maybe didn't need butt injections, had a perfectly nice booty and now lost their booty because of Ozempic. And now they're going to go
Starting point is 00:10:58 to BBLs because now, you know, everybody, these things have become so normalized. So they're going to go get butt injections. Those are dangerous. You talked about how pharmaceuticals have, in some ways, we know more and they're better performing. And so science and medicine and drugs have all gotten better. The other thing that's gotten better is our information about nutrition. I think about the kind of information that you and I have now. And you and I, we love things all natural. As much as we can. As much as we can. We're trying to take any stretch, not perfect at all, but we are trying on every way that we can to take out as much process,
Starting point is 00:11:37 ultra processed foods out of our diets, eating more natural, increasing our protein intake, cooking more at home. Well, we've always been pretty good about cooking at home. But we're making our own ice cream at home. Oh, yeah. Our own bread at home. Doing things like we make our own butter at home. Things like that where you don't need all the preservatives and additives. Correct.
Starting point is 00:11:56 That keep these products alive and well on the shelf. There's six things that go into bread, but not on the store-bought bread. So we're doing things like that just to be healthier and more home. But this is a wonderful advancement. There's so much more information. There's all these wonderful podcasts on health and fitness, and there's just so much more information that we should be really appreciative of that. As a man, I wonder, would I like Ozzempic bot like i do i don't know what
Starting point is 00:12:27 they look like right you don't know it's a flatter saggier but i think it's actually that they're losing muscle and the and the skin is sagging and you get the sin the the skin and the breasts and the cheeks sag but is that long long-term? So this is what I'm saying is, no, because when you do a really rapid, so when you do a gradual weight loss, your skin adjusts. I mean, look, you'll get some sagging, but, like, your skin is going to start to adjust. When you do it very quickly, your skin can adjust, and you get that sagging. And, of course, if you're, if you're, if you're on Ozempic forever, which by the way, is what the drug company says, like once you get on,
Starting point is 00:13:09 you have to be on it forever, which is a crazy thought, but they love those lifetime customers at Farm to Pick Pharma. Um, then I guess you're not, unless you're doing squats all day and you're really focused on your booty, that's not going to happen. But it's interesting. You know, you look at – I know. Ozempic butt. We appreciate the question. I'm going to end with my last one. I'm not even sure that if I went on Ozempic that I would lose my booty.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Do you know what I – I'm not going to comment on that. There's a lot of junk in the truck. Do you know what I, I'm not going to comment. There's a lot of, there's a lot of junk in the truck. So it would be great if we took a picture of, we took a picture in our, in your wedding dress and me in my wedding suit. We'll see how much we've gained since. I bet that you, I bet that you would look better in your suit than I would in my dress. It was a great dress.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I'm not going to say that. No, no. My dress is great. I just don't think I've in my dress. It was a great dress. I'm not going to say that. No, no, my dress is great. I just don't think I've ever been zipped in. You know what does happen to your hips is as you have more babies, you know, the first couple of babies, my hips went back. And then after a while,
Starting point is 00:14:16 they just didn't go back anymore. Anyway, I'm okay with that. I'm going to age gracefully. Okay, let's age gracefully. Let's take a second. Let's take a pause and regroup. Sean has to collect himself after this. We're going to take a break. We'll let's age gracefully. Let's take a second. Let's take a pause and regroup. Sean has to collect himself after this. We're going to take a break.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We'll be right back after this. Welcome to the A World Business. Billy Bob Thornton, Demi Moore, and Jon Hamm star in a new Paramount Plus original series. The world has already convinced itself that you are evil and I am evil for providing them the one thing they interact with every day. You're all right. Here we go. From Taylor Sheridan, executive producer of Yellowstone. Get everybody back.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Go. Go. You just put a giant bullseye on this place. We rolled the dice one last time. Landman, new series now streaming exclusively on Paramount+. All right. Welcome back to From the Kitchen Table. This is, as always, my favorite topic that we do on the podcast. It has an impact on culture, society, and the future of America, which is...
Starting point is 00:15:15 The royal. So we got a royal question. And I said, Sean, I'm sorry. We're sticking it in there. Does the fact that King Charles neglected to see Prince Harry surprise you at all, given everything that's happened health wise in the royal family? So, by the way, it actually is a really good question. Well, it's a fascinating story. And again, I always tell you, Sean, the royals, their kings or queens or princesses, but ultimately their family. And every family has some in-law like Meghan Markle, who is causing trouble. And every family has a really ungrateful child who causes trouble like a Harry. I mean, think about all of your families and extended families. There's always those people. And these kinds of tensions happen. Families are beautiful, but families are messy. And right now, the problem children are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Now, a lot of people thought that when King Charles got cancer,
Starting point is 00:16:14 we found out that he got cancer in the fall. And then we found out in a really crazy way by her disappearance that Princess Kate also got cancer. Now, you have two royal members with cancer. This is like the most, outside of the death of the queen in decades, this is the most sort of crisis moment that the royal family has had. And a lot of people thought that maybe Meghan and Harry would sort of reconsider their antics and their sort of troublemaking in the family and that the family would get closer together because of this. But that has not happened.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And it was on full display this past week when Harry returned to London to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Invectus game, which, as you know, is a sports competition around wounded veterans. And he's very proud. He founded this. He loves it. He's very involved in it. And he goes back to celebrate the 10-year anniversary. And people think, OK, he's going to see his dad. Because when the dad announced that King Charles announced he had cancer, Harry came. They saw each other very briefly. So everyone was thinking, okay, now they're going to have a long visit. Well, that did not happen, Sean. What did happen? Well, Harry gets to town and he's already been told that King Charles does not have time to see him. Now, of course, William's out of the
Starting point is 00:17:44 question. He's very estranged from his brother right now. They haven't spoken in a long, long, long time. But King Charles sort of somehow lets Harry know we're not going to meet. And Harry does something that is kind of unusual in the weird kind of way that the royals deal with the press. in the weird kind of way that the royals deal with the press, he, through his spokesperson, says, the king is busy and he's not able to meet with me. The king did not take that very well.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And so what he did, he actually publicly announced that he was doing an event with William at the same time. So it was like counter-programming, right? They're across town doing an event. Harry's doing his Invictus game. So these guys are sort of drawing attention away from Invictus game, which is a big deal to Harry. And then on top of it, King Charles announces that this title that was supposed to belong to Harry and was going to go to him, which is Colonel in Chief of the Army Air Corps. I know these titles are really dumb, Sean, but among these royals and that whole royal set, and there's lots of people involved in that world, they care about these titles. And so Harry was hoping to
Starting point is 00:19:05 become the colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps, which he was a member of. So was William. But the real military person in the family was Harry, and he really wanted that. And at that same day that he did the Invectus game, it was announced that the king is now going to give that title officially to William. So it was a big slap in the face. So let me break this down. Okay. Well, yeah, break down why you think the king, because I have my theories on why I think the king is saying, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:19:40 So a couple of things here. One, as you mentioned, a lot of families have these problems, right? Correct. And they're the royal family, but they're like any family. And if you have someone who's taking information from the family, and then selling it, and this can happen all kinds of ways, you can actually sell it like, like Harry, or you can trade on it in your community, like Harry, or you can trade on it in your community where you can basically sell dirt on your family to down at the coffee shop. Or to get sympathy from people or whatever. I'm going to say as parents or as a father, there's nothing more than I'd want than to
Starting point is 00:20:21 have my family together. Especially when you're battling cancer and the daughter-in-law is battling cancer. And to respect the family. And there's a lot of things, especially like the royal family, that the public will know that maybe they need to know. But there are some things that are still private in a family. Of course. And if you have someone in the inner circle that you can't trust,
Starting point is 00:20:40 that will share some of the most private things that families share together, that they will share that with the public, which is what Harry has done to the royal family. When you're going through cancer and the challenges that that will bring personally, but to the family, and especially when you're the king, you do not want to be sold out publicly by someone like Harry. And I think even though you want to remedy and patch up your clan, make sure the boys can rebuild the relationship, even though you want that, you can't risk it. And you have to shun him because any little ounce of information that Harry gets, he uses
Starting point is 00:21:21 as a way to get more press or to sell more money or get more money. That's a problem. But let me just give you another point too. Um, we'll talk about this a lot. You know, when people text each other, a lot is lost in translation in the text, right? You can misread a text all the time. Um, and someone can pick up a meaning from a text that you didn't really intend, which oftentimes is what we'll say is pick up the phone and have the conversation instead of texting because you don, with leaks to the media, there might be an intent to say one thing, but it could be interpreted as another way by the receiving party. And again, things get lost. And so I don't think by snubbing, listen, King Charles shouldn't meet with his son. He shouldn't. He should not.
Starting point is 00:22:22 But all of the snubbing is not going to make your family healthier or better. It's going to make it more divided. So, again, you can protect your family, but also you can try to keep the door open a crack. Well, I think Charles, to be fair to Charles, and I am not a Charles fan. I mean, I basically think of the World Economic Forum, which I abhor. basically think of the World Economic Forum, which I abhor. And there is no bigger spokesperson, fan, promoter, influencer of the World Economic Forum than Charles. I can't stand the guy. But to his credit, he did have a little door open for Harry. And he tried to make that, you know, I think he was very intentional when, you know, because William is furious.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like William feels like the snubs on his wife are just inexcusable. And he's done with Harry. And the king, while he understands William's position probably more, was leaving a little door open for Harry. But I think when, first of all, when Kate announced that she was going, that she had cancer and it was all forced. And we've done this story before about where is Kate? And it was handled terribly by the Worrell family and how that information came out. But she has cancer. when all the attention was on how the Princess Kate is doing,
Starting point is 00:23:52 Meghan Markle launches her, you know... Candles? Yeah, jam candles, like a home-style, lifestyle product line. And it's just like so tasteless. And it's so obvious that what they want is... Because Meghan Markle makes jam. Right. I think she might like jam, but she's definitely not making it. But I'll say this, what that tells the royal family is you want a closeness to us so you can profit. Everything about this is about marketing and profiting and kind of having your cake and eating it, too.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You get to make money off of the royal titles, but you don't have to go to all the boring engagements that, you know, all the rest of the working royals have to. And there has always been a rule royals. Well, you know what? I mean, the queen. I know, Sean, you don't think that that's a big deal. and you don't think that that's a big deal, but if anyone should appreciate what the queen and some of these people have to do as the heads of state, if you will, as the face of the monarchy, they go to countless boring ass events,
Starting point is 00:24:56 sometimes five in a day. And she did that all the way up until she died. And you, as a politician, had to go to many of those kinds of events. Did they walk parade routes? Did they shake hands with everyone in the parade? Yes, she did. She rode the parade route. I would shake hands in the parade route.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Okay. She wasn't working like that, Sean. She wasn't working the 4th of July. No, no. She was in a carriage. Exactly. So don't compare her to me. She was still like 90 years old and still had a full schedule. That woman was, and still had a full schedule. That woman was, say what you will, that woman was tireless and dedicated to England. And it is so distasteful the way that Meghan and Harry have tried to monetize and yet simultaneously trash their family and hurt and undermine the monarchy. And I think what needs to be said about this moment is this moment, he is fighting cancer. Kate is fighting cancer. Which begs the question, why are they both fighting cancer at the same time?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Right. I'm just going to say two words, turbo cancers, which comes from vaccines. And a lot of people are speculating about that. Nobody knows if that's true, but if that is part of it, that's a whole other story. But this is a very, very tender time for the family. And they're like, get those two vipers away from this family because they want privacy as any family would want to handle this cancer situation in privacy and on their own terms. And nothing happens under the Royals terms when Harry and Meghan are involved. Okay, so let me just make my final point. I said, I want to double down on your point that I too incredibly have a session of dislike for King Charles because of his politics. I feel bad that he has cancer.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I'm sad for King Charles. He's so young. I'm going back to my point of family. Yes. And again, I love that you're bringing it back there because that's all that matters. I understand why he's snubbing Meghan and Harry. I get that and I endorse it. Push them away because they're going to sell your secrets to anyone who will buy them.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But this is the part of the snub I was talking about. And I had to pull this sheet from you because when you, two hours after Harry says that the king won't meet with them, then two hours later you come and say, well, the position that Harry was supposed to get is going to go to William. The colonel-in-chief of the army air Corps to his royal highness goes to the Prince of Wales. That is a snub. And that was over the top. And that was unnecessary. And that does not keep the door open.
Starting point is 00:27:35 You didn't have to do that. I don't think he wants to keep the door open. I think at this point. That's a mistake. Fathers and parents always keep the door open. I know. That is your job. You don't give them information because that's the space they're in today. But I agree with you there. Maybe Megan and Harry will grow
Starting point is 00:27:49 up. Maybe they'll have an epiphany. Maybe they'll see the family and the world differently 10 years from now. And you don't want to continue to build animosity. You want to build some bonds that this does not do. Right. So that's my point. I think that's a fair point. Thank you. But I do think it doesn't take into appreciation just how angry they are over the monetization of the monarchy. The commercialization, I know. At the moment that they're dealing with two members of the family with cancer.
Starting point is 00:28:24 But I do agree with you. The role of the patriarch of the family and King Charles is the king of the country, but he is the patriarch of a family. And he should be modeling, especially because William is very vindictive. I mean, William is very angry. And you could say he's rightful to be angry at Harry, who's kind of a snot-nosed brat. And I get it. But he should be modeling that because I think it's harder for William. This is almost like a Cain and Abel situation with Harry and William.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And it is very sad to see two siblings like that. And, you know, again, you have Meghan Markle in there. She's always stirring the pot. She's always looking for an angle for herself. King Charles, the defender of the faith, or as he says, the faiths. The faiths. I'm not sure. With an S.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I'm not sure that England or the family is in the best of hands. So with that, can we end the royals? We'll end the royals and we'll go to something even more distasteful, which is stormy daniels a porn star who is now um upending um well tried to upend and and cause a lot more harm in this completely unfair crazy ass court case um that has been brought against donald trump sean i'm gonna let you lay out the court case because you have been actually a Fox News legal commentator for the last few days on this topic. So why don't you kind of bring us up to date with the latest because this week has had some big news.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, I want to talk about Stormy Daniels. By the way, this has done wonders for Stormy Daniels. America knows her. At least that's her porn name. They know her name. Right. And when you're famous or famous, you can make money. And she has tried to make money off of this alleged one-night stand with Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So just a couple of things from her testimony. It came out that she hates Donald Trump, that she's made money off this alleged affair. She's selling candles and she sold a story. She allegedly got hush money. So she's made over a million dollars off of this alleged tryst. Did they say that? She's made over a million dollars off it? Gross. So she's made money and she's also had a number of prior inconsistent statements. She signed two statements saying, this never happened with Donald Trump. We never did this. And she came on the stand and said, no, actually, it did. Right. So her
Starting point is 00:30:50 credibility on the stand, I think, was pretty well crushed by Team Trump. You're saying they were very effective in crushing her credibility. By the way, it wasn't very hard. Right. Right. Also, she seems a little bit kooky. She says she talks to dead people. I'm not saying that you can't talk to dead people, but... I do know clairvoyants. Who say they have? I somehow, I'm not sure that she's... I don't know that Stormy is a clairvoyant, though.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I think this was a scam. So, just a couple of things on Stormy. I wonder how that came up. Why would that come up in the testimony? Listen. It how that came up. Why would that come up in the testimony? It's a crazy trial. Why did anything come up? So let's just be clear. This is an accounting error, right? This is what Donald Trump is charged with, an accounting error. So what Donald Trump did was, or not even Donald Trump, his accountants at the Trump organization, they had a 1990s computer program. And I think back to the 1990s,
Starting point is 00:31:46 in the accounting program, they would, you know, click a drop down screen, how do you want to classify this expense? And it could have been construction, it could have been labor. One of them is legal expense. So when Michael Cohen was paid, there's not a whole bunch of options, and you can't craft options, you can't, there's not a hush money payment. When he's paying Stormy Daniels. When he's paying the bills. Right. The drop down that the accountant saw Cohen, the lawyer, and then put it under legal expenses. Right. And the tax came to Donald Trump and he signed them. And so that's the
Starting point is 00:32:19 allegation is that they didn't appropriately account for the in quotes hush money. And Stormy Daniels has a role at the trial. She could say, yes, I had an escapade with Donald Trump. And yes, Michael Cohen did pay me $130,000. Right. That is relevant to the trial. But what Donald Trump wore pajamas when she walked into the room and how they
Starting point is 00:32:46 got numbers. And, you know, she called Donald Trump an orange turd. She was flushed on the toilet. She talked about his anatomy, how he was in bed. I mean, just condom usage. Why would the judge allow all this stuff in there? It's totally irrelevant, Sean. So a couple of points on that. Judge Mershon has no problem taking control of his courtroom. Right. He knows how to do it. He's not a weakling. He's he's actually an iron fisted judge when it comes to Donald Trump's gag order. Donald Trump can't talk about the trial, can't talk about witnesses. Right. Michael Cohen can, by the way, he does it every night. We're going to talk about that at some point. But Donald Trump cannot. And ifald trump violates the gag order you know donald trump's had to pay 10 grand in violations mershon the judge has threatened to put donald trump in jail again ruling the courtroom with an iron fist he wouldn't even let him he he
Starting point is 00:33:40 chastised the lawyer because donald trump was like shaking his head in disgust at what Stormy Daniels was saying. So Donald Trump, during Stormy Daniels' testimony, was cursing under his breath. I was doing that too! And I could picture Donald Trump cursing under his breath and shaking his head. So when the jury went out of the courtroom, Mershon called Trump's lawyer to the bench and basically admonished him and said, listen, Donald Trump better stop cursing under his breath. I can hear him mumbling curse words. Stop shaking his head. Because he's going to intimidate this witness and other witnesses, again, taking control of his courtroom. However, when it comes to Daniel's testimony and the lurid detail in which this judge allowed her to testify, he took zero control,
Starting point is 00:34:28 right? As a number of legal analysts have mentioned, there are so many errors in this case. The odds, if there is a conviction of the peon overturned, are significant if you have a fair Supreme Court or appellate court. The problem is that this prosecution team doesn't care about that. They want a conviction. And if it's overturned after the election, they don't care. They got their piece of flesh off of Donald Trump, making him a felon before the election, which Joe Biden can then use in campaign ads.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Can I make one other point? In New York and in America, there have not been significant changes to the law. The laws are the same, right? We make our legislatures make slight changes here and there. But the base laws in our land and the Constitution have been constant. And it begs the question, well, how could there be such abuses then of the legal system? Because our Constitution and our laws rely on good people enforcing them. Good prosecutors making fair and just decisions.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Good judges enforcing the rule of law in their courtroom. Politics be damned. We're going to abide by and be faithful to the law. That's what we should see. And that's what we've seen the exact opposite of that in this trial. And my fear is all of these young lawyers that we're turning out of these woke liberal law schools are in the mindset of Alvin Bragg, of Judge Mershon. And the legal system, therefore, is not going to be what we knew through the mindset of Alvin Bragg, of Judge Mershon. And the legal system, therefore, is not going to be what we knew through the history of this country. It's going to be
Starting point is 00:36:11 something that's far different, far more political, with political ambitions. And there's going to be justification for it. Because if your community thinks the politics of prosecution is right, then you'll see good people, just people. If you're saving democracy by twisting the law and having these unfair trials, then that's enough justification. You're so right, Sean. They're teaching these law students to be activists instead of lawyers. They're teaching them to embrace their ideology rather than the Constitution. And that is going to have consequences for all of us. If you think what's happening to Donald Trump is not going to happen to you as a conservative, you are wrong. And by the way, it's happening to
Starting point is 00:36:59 anyone, even liberals, if they dare step out of line from the ideology you see right now, there's this black nationalist group that is facing, you know, decades in jail for daring to oppose. They had some issues with the Ukraine war. And now the DOJ and the FBI have come down on them really hard. have come down on them really hard. So, you know, if you find yourself in any way on the wrong side of the regime and you are perceived as a threat in any way, they are coming after you. Think about the people who have been are now being put in jail for putting up a meme that Hillary Clinton didn't like. This is happening. And what's happening to Donald Trump, Sean, is so troubling because what it is, is what you described, the whole legal thing, the election interference part of it, the political implications. But there is a psychological abuse that is happening.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. I mean, if you for day in and day out, and that's why he's mumbling under his breath. That's why he's shaking his head, because you're just raging inside when you see how effing unfair this whole thing is. It just makes you want to explode. Of course, he's having these reactions in the courtroom. And these are exercises in humiliation. And my fear is and look, this is the toughest candidate any Republican could have ever picked. I mean, and believe me, they would find a way to get Ron DeSantis or, you know, Vivek or whoever else was, you know, running for office right now.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Donald Trump was the toughest one, which is why I think the base chose him. And he is handling this as well as you could. But I have to wonder, Sean, if the psychological toll of so many injustices just piling up one on top of the other, starting all the way back to them spying on his campaign, to Russiagate, to the fake indictments or the fake impeachments, I should say, all the way up to suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop, all the way to these trials. He has, just think about this for a second. He has 91 counts, felony charges against him. Wait right there. We'll have more of this conversation next. Do you know how many Charles Manson had? How many? Ten. Ten. Ten. Ten. Think about the crimes committed by Charles Manson and the accounting errors by Donald
Starting point is 00:39:30 Trump's organization because they had a 1990s program, computer program, that tallied up Stormy Daniels extortion payment of $130,000 for supposedly having sex with a woman. extortion payment of $130,000 for supposedly having sex with a woman. And they put it under legal fees because that was the only drop-down box in the 1990s, Quicken's version or whatever they were using on their business thing. And this is what he's facing versus Charles Manson? Or Letitia James getting a half a billion dollars because Donald Trump allegedly misvalued his properties and took advantage of Wall Street banks. Right. I mean, it's idiotic. Every bank will go and assess your properties and value your properties. They won't take your word for it. But again, they took him for a half a billion dollars. And I think what's shocking to the left, again, you mentioned that they spied on him. Russia collusion, two impeachments,
Starting point is 00:40:26 kick him off social media, now prosecute him. I think at every turn, most men, most women would have crumbled. Donald Trump has not, but they continue to think, if I can just do, if I can just prosecute Donald Trump, if I can get a criminal conviction of Donald Trump, then he will cry uncle. And what they don't realize is Donald Trump truly is suffering, taking the abuse of these people because he loves the country, because he loves the Constitution. And that you have someone who's willing to go through, spend this much money, have this much hate thrown on you. And his family. Because you have this affection to make this country great. That is remarkable. And I would give him a slow clap for standing up. And by the way, what he's doing is he's showing other Republicans on how you fight these people, how you don't cower, how you push back, how you fight these people. How you don't cower.
Starting point is 00:41:25 How you push back. How you fight back. But let's make no mistake that you don't see conservative protests really don't happen anymore. Because the FBI will infiltrate. Right? If you want to go to your protest and you want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the national anthem and talk about making America great, the FBI is coming for you. But if you want to burn American flags and chant death to America and death to Israel, they don't look at you. You're a great American patriot. It's shameful the two-tier system that we have and is playing out in the courtroom in this hush money case.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And by the way, just one last point. I look at these protesters and I'm going to repeat what's been said ad nauseum. When you hate what someone says, you still defend their right to say it. Because the First Amendment and freedom of speech doesn't matter if you just protect speech that you like. It's protecting speech that you do not like. That's what's so important that we all have to remember. We do not support taking over administrative buildings. We do not support encampments in violation of campus laws. Because that violates the rights of the other students. We don't get to shout down and yell at and threaten students as they go to class. You can stand on the sidewalk and you can peacefully protest. You can hold your sign up.
Starting point is 00:42:43 You can chant all you want. I support your right to do that. But we need more Americans supporting all of these rights, not just rights for liberals and no rights for conservatives. It's rights for everybody. And that's why I don't, this way, if this, I've, I've, I've oftentimes said that I think Donald Trump needs to make liberals pay, play by their own rules. But if he did that, I think conservatives would abandon him, would chastise him, because they would say, we don't want to live under those kind of rules. Well, you know, Sean, he's shown that. He didn't even want to do that.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Hillary Clinton had crimes that she was not charged with, that she should have been held responsible for, you know, the emails that were deleted, even though she had a subpoena on them. She had classified emails on her private server. Yes. All criminal violations, bleach-bittered her server, destroyed her cell phones, all crimes. There are sailors who have lost their careers for a fraction of the violations. They took a picture. They took a picture like for a selfie on a submarine.
Starting point is 00:43:49 This woman deleted. I mean, it's unbelievable. And what did Donald Trump say? Donald Trump said, I won. I want to, you know, I'm not going to, we're not going to turn into some third world Latin American country where, you know, once, once one guy gets elected, the other guy and all his family and friends go to jail. But that's what the Democrats did. And that's why we're in a banana republic. I will say this, Sean, there is still a fear that he will go to jail. And of course,
Starting point is 00:44:16 this is, you know, this is what they're still counting on, because this entire exercise is one of election interference on the part of not just the Democrats, but the globalists who are backing all of this. George Soros, who has funded every one of these DAs that are doing this. All of this has been coordinated at the White House level among all of these DAs and prosecutors. But I saw a campaign email from Donald Trump and the email titles said, you know, they have all these snappy titles to get people to click in and donate their Trump. And the email titles said, you know, they have all these snappy titles to get people to click in and donate their money. But the title of this email said, will you still vote for me if I go to jail? Now, obviously, this was a clickbait. You know,
Starting point is 00:44:55 this is what they do in these campaign emails. But it asks, it is, it is the question of the hour. If he goes to jail, will Republicans still be willing to, because what they're hoping is he'll get a felon, he'll be a felon, he'll be put in jail, they'll show him in shackles because this is what they do. Everyone at Trump's friends that could have been brought in for questioning to the FBI on their own accord were shackled in public and humiliated because that's part of the humiliation exercise of the Democrats. Will conservatives, will Republicans, will independents vote for Donald Trump? And even more importantly, Sean, will Democrats see this conviction for what it is,
Starting point is 00:45:39 an absolute abuse and distortion of our system to the point where we may never ever regain what we once were. You know what? You know not what you do. You know not what you do. I think a lot, some of them know, but a lot of them, their hate is so visceral. Their dislike is so visceral. I don't think they comprehend how they're destroying the system that actually protects them. It's a system that, if applied to Donald Trump, protects you as well. You might hate the orange man, but if you're protected by these sets of laws, that means you're protected by those sets of laws. If Donald Trump isn't protected by a fidelity to the law and the Constitution, you too are not protected by the law and fidelity to the Constitution. They don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And there'll be a day if this continues to devolve, and there's a good chance that it will, they will regret. Because they're going to see what they've created. And they're going to come and they'll apologize and they'll do a podcast or a post. And maybe they'll go on MSNBC and say how wrong they were. It'll be too late. It'll be too late. and the FACE Act and how it's been aggressively applied under Joe Biden's administration to attack, prosecute, and imprison pro-lifers who, some peacefully, some less than peacefully, are protesting at abortion clinics. So tell us the story of this pro-lifer, Rachel. In this case, these were peaceful protesters, Sean, without a doubt. And by the way, can I just say this, too? As we look at this case, just remember, there are 76 pro-life centers, women's centers, that have been attacked since Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Some of them with Molotov cocktails. You know, these are by a domestic terrorist group called Jane's Revenge. Nothing's happening to those people. But there were protesters, peace protesters on multiple cases. I can't seem to find anyone involved from Jane's Revenge. I can't seem to find the leaders, the organizers of Antifa. Right. But they can find grandmas that walk through the Capitol singing, singing and praying.
Starting point is 00:48:06 By the way, Sean, not only that, in the case of the the pro-life centers that were attacked, the FBI confiscated the security video that the pro-life center had. And so the pro-life center had to sue the FBI to get their security footage back because that's how much the FBI wanted to cover up for the domestic terrorist liberal pro-abortion group called Jane's Revenge. And they gave the video because they thought the FBI was going to investigate it and the DOJ was going to prosecute. And they did. And so they're like, well, we want the video back. They didn't want to give it to them. Yeah, that's crazy. So here's another case. In Washington, D.C., we've been following this case for a while.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Eleven pro-lifers were praying outside of an abortion clinic. This abortion clinic, by the way, Sean, does late-term abortions, which is why they were praying specifically in front of this. And there was a defendant. She was one of 11. Her name is Heather Idoni now I want you to understand who Heather Idoni is she is an elderly woman a wonderful Christian woman she has I believe five kids of her own kids and
Starting point is 00:49:19 five kids and she adopted ten okay so know, she's like an amazing woman. She was among those who were, you know, had these charges lodged against her. She was in jail. They put her for 22 days, 22 days in solitary confinement. Sean, the UN has said that you can only keep prisoners for 15 days in solitary confinement because anything in excess of that is cruel, inhumane and degrading. And that rule was established. It's actually called the Nelson Mandela rule. It was established after Nelson Mandela. Our government kept this woman for 22 days. And by the way, the reason why they sent her to solitary confinement?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Because while she was in jail, this godly Christian woman gave food to another prisoner who was hungry. So she was convicted in the fall. Her sentencing isn't until later this month of May. until later this month of May. And as you see people who beat folks up on the streets of our cities, that sometimes there's rapes, there's sexual assaults, there's serious physical abuses, batteries that take place. Those folks are released on the same day they're booked into jail. But this elderly woman, oh, she's a threat. We have to hold her after she was convicted until sentencing. Not only that, to your point, hold her in solitary confinement for 22 days, even in violation of the Nelson Mandela
Starting point is 00:50:58 rule of international law. Now, listen, I don't like to cite international law. I'm an American. But these liberals love international law. They're globalists. This might be the only international law I agree with. So not only that, they would let her outside at night for two hours a day. And then during the day, they kept her cell lit the whole time. The case law of the international justice courts have said that keeping people in their cell in complete darkness or complete light is cruel and unusual punishment and when they brought this elderly mother a mom of five ten adopted kids into court what did they do because she's a hardened
Starting point is 00:51:39 criminal right they had her in shackles and handcuffs, shackles and handcuffs. And even the international law will say it is humiliating for a prisoner to include detaining them in leg irons and handcuffs. And that can qualify as torture or inhumane treatment and a violation of dignity. Like she's a hardened, she's a murderer. Like she's Jeffrey Dahmer. She's a grandmother. Is the way that she was brought in. But it just goes to show you how far they will go, not just to punish people that are
Starting point is 00:52:12 contrary to their ideology. This is about sending a message to every single pro-lifer. Don't you pray outside of an abortion clinic. Don't you dare step out of line with your values, with your faith, because if you do, you're going to prison. You're going to solitary confinement. And she's facing, I don't, I Donnie is facing 50 years of prison and $1 million in fines for taking pay, taking part in peaceful pro-life protests. I have to tell you, the latest thing that's happened to her is so heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:52:56 She suffered a stroke while in prison, and she was taken to the hospital. She's recovering, and they're just going to send her right back to prison. She's going back to confinement. Yeah, she's going back to confinement. This, and by the way, there's others that are also facing hardships. We're telling you the story because of the stroke that she suffered. And because I think it's a really great piece to show you that this is not just, this treatment, this humiliation, this abuse of our law is not going to be reserved for just Donald Trump. They're coming for all of us.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And if you have a view, if you are a dissident in any way, and I never knew I was such a dissident as I do in 2024. There are so many things that are so alarming about our government. I've never been more fearful of our government. I've never been more, I've never felt like I've been revealed things about the country that I just never imagined were true, that I now know are true. It's very disheartening for me as a military brat in particular. But if you, if you are in any way have these dissident ideas in your head about the government, about the ruling party, about Democrats, about their ideologies, you will be in the same position as I don't think they are coming for you. So it makes me think of two things. Her name is Heather. I don't know. I don't know. I wish that there was far more clarity for Republicans in Congress, that they saw the fight that they were in. If you don't recognize the fight,
Starting point is 00:54:30 if you don't recognize the attack, you can't fight back. There seems to be a slow surrender, a strategic retreat, strategic losses that happen even when Republicans have the House that they make. And I wish if they understood the fight that they were in, that they would fight harder. They would fight with unity to save this country. Why don't they know it, Sean? Is it that they're in a bubble? I hate to confess this, but I think I was in a bubble. I see the world a lot differently once I got out. And there was a lot of groupthink that happens. And I told you this before. I would be a way better member of Congress now than I probably was when I was in.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And I thought I was a good member, but I would be even better if I went back because I see the world differently. Once you get out, you see kind of... The hypnosis you were under when you were in. And again, I think that things have changed dramatically since I've left. I left in 19. The curtains pulled back. From COVID to the election of Joe Biden,
Starting point is 00:55:47 some of the shenanigans that I saw in Wisconsin with the election, like things have changed for me. And I hope I would have seen that if I was in Congress, but I definitely see it right now. So that's one point. The other is, if you look at the Christian faith, Christianity was spread, as we'll say, by the blood of the martyrs. The martyrs spread Christianity and the sacrifices that they made to perpetuate the faith. And by the way, to be called to have been a martyr, we know where those people end up. And if we don't live for this life, but we live for another one, they're doing well. Heather Idoni and others like her who are being persecuted, Heather Idoni and others like her who are being persecuted, their fight doesn't stop. How they deal with this persecution, how they allow themselves to be martyrs in this system,
Starting point is 00:56:39 to incentivize, to encourage, to inspire other people to say, this is not the way this country operates. We don't have two tiers of system. We allow people to actually come and pray for little babies who don't have anyone else to speak for them. They don't lobby. They don't go to rallies. They don't give speeches. They can't give campaign contributions. teachers, little humans that we have in this country, and that someone would speak up for them and go to prison for them, that is a beautiful testament to how special these kids are and how they deserve voices. And so instead of feeling bad, and again, I'm saying this, how she's been treated is horrible. They've all been treated is horrible. But she also has an opportunity to keep the fight going, to inspire others by her strength. I hope she doesn't die in prison, Sean. Donald Trump's strength, the way Donald Trump has dealt with it, has inspired people. She has the ability to inspire as well. And again, it's shameful what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Again, it's shameful what they're doing. Telling stories like this about how radical our government and these prosecutors have become is important because that's the only way when things change, when politics change, you can root this cancerous ideology, these cancerous prosecutors, you can root them out of the federal system. You can get them out of the federal system. You can get them out. And hopefully, as Donald Trump has time in the courtroom, he might be listening to testimony and he closes his big blue eyes, like he said on social media. Hopefully he's thinking about how he's going to bring in strong leadership at the FBI and the Department of Justice. Or maybe abolish the FBI and start it all over. Root these people out. Get them out of there. Get them out. Sean, this is a legal story. No question about it. This is a story about our Constitution, our rights. This is a human. In the case of Heather Idoni, how do we treat human right activists? Because that is precisely what she is. thing, because you and I both know, we've talked to people from Venezuela who say they knew the
Starting point is 00:58:45 country was over when the justice system was weaponized against the opposition. And that is where we're at right now. We're in decline. And of course, I always think of the fall of the Roman Empire, which brings me to this other thought about what's really at the root of Heather's case, which is life. And, you know, in the Roman Empire, Sean, when a child was unwanted, when it was deformed, when it had some sort of disease or simply was considered a burden to that family and they didn't want to deal with it for whatever reason, they were abandoned on the sides of robes, on piles of trash.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And the Christians, the early Christians... So that was seen as good for the empire. Oh, yeah. That was like, that would strengthen the empire because the empire saw itself, the Roman idea, you know, at that time, this pagan idea was that, you know, these were weak, weak links. These were weak and that those weak links would, weak links would be a downfall for that household and ultimately for the empire. So to abandon a child, it's really hard for us to imagine,
Starting point is 00:59:52 but it was no big deal to just leave the child on the side of the road, on a pile of trash, and they would just be left there to die. The people would just walk by. But Christians had a different idea. They had this idea that every human being had dignity and worth. And they would go and rescue these children. Now, you would think that the Roman Empire, the elites, and the emperor himself wouldn't give a crap about that, right? I mean, these crazy-ass Christians are saving these babies.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Living in their caves saving kids saving kids and then left them on the path but but no that was a they they rightfully saw that the christians saving this helpless little human life was a threat to the Empire. Why? Because in rescuing that little child, they were saying, essentially, that the life of this abandoned child had the same dignity and worth as the Emperor himself. The same value. The same value. And that was a threat to the system. And so the Romans wanted to stop this practice and they actually punished Christians who tried to do that. want a child on a trash pile when we actually dismember these children in utero because somebody deemed them not worthy of life or whatever. And women like Heather Idani, they are just like, listen, if you're a Christian and you're
Starting point is 01:01:36 listening to this, we have a long, long history of being pro-lifers. We have a long, long tradition of saving and standing up for the voiceless, the defenseless, and the weakest in our society. And Heather I. Donnie is walking along with all the 11 others and frankly, everybody in this pro-life movement. But she is certainly like those martyrs that you talked about, Sean, those inspirational martyrs that are willing to put their own life on the line, suffering a stroke. I mean, I just feel like I'm going to, I'm just kind of, I'm really overwhelmed because what's happening to her should not happen in America.
Starting point is 01:02:18 But I am so very proud of her. I am so very proud of every one of those people who are like those early Christians who said, I will risk the punishment of the Roman emperor and the Roman empire to save one life. And what's important, which is if you want to be an affront to the regime, to tell her story, to not let her be forgotten as she sits in prison, right? To be inspired by what these pro-lifers have done and by the abuses they're withstanding from the state. And so we give her a nod, what she's going through and the hardship
Starting point is 01:02:58 and the pain that she's dealing with that her family is going through as well. Bless her for praying for little babies outside of abortion clinics. Good for her. And hopefully she inspires others. And that should not be illegal in America. Praying should not be illegal in America. Thank you for that. Thank you all for joining us for Q&A.
Starting point is 01:03:20 We had some wild and crazy questions today. Q&A. We had some wild and crazy questions today. Yes, from Ozempicbutt to Heather Idonia. It's a lot. It is a lot. It's a lot. But it was fun. We appreciate all of your questions for Friday. And by the way, I've said this before, but if you want to get a question in, direct message Rachel on social media. Not me, because I won't get mine, but Rachel gets the direct messages. You think I'm bad at social media? He's worse. It's true. I'm horrible. So Rachel is the go-to direct messenger. And we might get your question on Q&A, but we thank you for sending in your questions. This is our favorite day of podcast, riffing on the topics that you want us to talk about. Again, if you like our podcast, you can always rate, review, subscribe,
Starting point is 01:04:05 wherever you get your podcasts. You can always find us at If you want to watch this live, we're on tape. You can find us at Fox Nation. I think it's like $3.99 or $4.99 to subscribe a month. It's pretty cost effective. So you can find us there as well. And again, we drop Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Subscribe and get a notice every time we drop. Yes, it's so important. You know, I was going to tell you, my sister said she wasn't getting notices anymore. She was forgetting, you know, to click on our podcast. And so I don't know why that happened. I'm checking into that. But if you're not getting those, if you're subscribing and you're not getting those subscriptions, you got to let those people know. Subscribe again.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I hope I'm not getting, you were not getting those subscriptions, you've got to let those people know. Subscribe again. I hope you're not getting suppressed in the algorithms. You know, when you talk about people like Heather Idoni, you're always running that risk. But let's hope that's not happening. Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe. You'll get your notice, and you'll remember to listen to us throughout the week. Don't let anybody put baby in the corner, right?
Starting point is 01:05:02 Don't let them suppress her, right? So subscribe. Listen, thank you all for joining us. Have a great weekend. baby in the corner, right? Don't let them suppress her. Yeah. Right? So subscribe. Listen, thank you all for joining us. Have a great weekend. And by the way, happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Absolutely. Happy Mother's Day to you as well.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah, let's do a Mother's Day post episode. See how it all went. All right. Thank you. Bye, everybody. Listen ad-free with a Fox News Podcast plus subscription on Apple Podcasts. And Amazon Prime members can listen to the show ad-free on the Amazon Music app.
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