Get Played - Candy Crush Saga

Episode Date: February 10, 2025

Nick and Matt dive into the match 3 game Candy Crush Saga, why it's so addictive, if it's even good and more. Plus talk of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and Alan Wake 2.  Check... out our brand new merch at Follow us on social media @getplayedpod. Music by Ben Prunty Art by Duck Brigade For ad-free main feed episodes, our complete back catalogue including How Did This Get Played? and our Premium DLC episodes and our exclusive show Get Anime'd where we're currently watching Dandadan go to Join us on our Discord server here: Wanna leave us a voicemail? Call 616-2-PLAYED (616-275-2933) or write us an email at Advertise on Get Played via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. Hey, Nick. This is such an uncomfortable question. I'm so sorry that I'm asking. That's okay. Hey, we're friends. Can I borrow some money? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Oh, yeah. Whatever you need. What happened? It's been a tough time. Yeah, I mean, it's been a tough time for a lot of people this year. Aaron Ross Powell Well, for me the most right now because I...
Starting point is 00:00:32 Sean O'Toole What is it? You can tell me. Aaron Ross Powell I spent a lot of money in Candy Crush on microtransactions. I couldn't... I had a hard time playing the game. I couldn't match. Sean O'Toole Yeah, I mean, those games are just kind of designed to kind of suck you in and get you addicted and then get you to open
Starting point is 00:00:47 The purse strings, but it's gotten way worse than that even yeah the what happened what's what's going on? You know that like Yeti that's in the game He told me if I didn't pay up by the end of the day. He's gonna break my fucking legs. Oh my god, Matt That guy's serious. He's a fucking yeti. He's huge, he will fuck you up. He's a cryptid. I can't believe you got in debt to the yeti. I mean, what's the damage?
Starting point is 00:01:13 What do you need to pay them to make yourself whole? I mean, you have like $10,000. $10,000? It's so much, but I was just like, I gotta- How would you spend your fucking whale and candycress on that guy to spend $10,000? was just like I got it. How did you spend your your fucking whale and candy crust? I just spent ten thousand dollars. I'm so bad at it. I can't ever figure out which ones match I mean you probably got pretty far in the game though at least I'm on like the third level. Matt you spent ten thousand dollars. You're on level three. I fucked up tutorial
Starting point is 00:01:40 That's like the early tutorial. I'm so bad at it. Oh my gosh I like I'll match it and I'll be matching the wrong one. I'll waste a turn. It sucks. The Yeti's going to kick my ass. Hold on. Let me see. I don't know if I have 10,000.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I'm liquid enough to give you $10,000 cash, but I think I know someone who does. Can you ask Mitch? You want me to ask Mitch? Can you ask Mitch? Okay. Hold on. Hey, Mitch. Hey, buddy.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Hey, Matt Abedaca wants to borrow $10,000 because he spent a lot of money on Candy Crush Saga. No, this isn't like a prank. It's not a prank. Okay, I'll tell, okay, no, yeah, it's a real, yeah, okay, I'll let him know. All right, thanks dude, see you soon. Yeah, Mitch. I'll let him know. All right. All right. Thanks, dude. I'd see you soon Yeah, Mitch says to fuck off. Oh my god I mean he said he said Matt should fuck off, but I just simplified it to fuck off. That sucks So now he's mad at me as mad as the Yeti is I got two guys on my ass now
Starting point is 00:02:37 You got two big bearded guys who honestly want to inflict physical harm upon you. Nick, I'm so fucked. You're in bat You're fucking deep shit. I'm so fucked you're in bat. You're fucking deep shit I kind of wish you didn't call Okay, well, I'm sorry. I can't undo that. I wish you didn't spend $10,000 candy crush to try to crash the third level I'm ruined. I'm so fucking like it like can I see your phone? Yeah, just give me your phone Just look at this hold on All right, so let me open your candy crust saga here Okay, let's see and I know what I did I spent another $10,000
Starting point is 00:03:09 I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry. It sucks man. Are you kidding me? I'm gonna have to suck them off You know just suck off the Yeti I'm gonna have to suck off the Yeti You know Matt? I'll do it. It's how good a friend I am. Nick, are you serious? That's how good a friend I am. Nick, are you fucking serious right now? I'll suck.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That's how good a friend I am. Nick, that's the nicest thing. Yeah, I'll do it. I mean, I'll do it. I've already done it so you can just go ahead. He's ready for you over there. Wait, you've already done it? Yeah, I like doing it.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah, I mean, we all like doing it. Why do we have to do this pretense of spending money on Candy Crush just to suck off the Yetis so he doesn't beat us up? He won't let me do it unless I spend the money. That's the thing. It's like, what is going on here, dude? Just communicate. Like, can we just have like a conversation and just be like, hey, this is what each of
Starting point is 00:03:55 us wants out of this? I'll do it. I want to suck you off. Matt wants to suck you off. We all want to suck you off. Instead, you have to have this threat of physical violence based off of us being based off of us being financially in debt to you in order for this to happen. And it's just like, let's just remove all the subterfuge. Let's just do it. Let's just have fun. You know what? Get Mitch back on the phone real quick.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Okay, yeah. Your call has been forwarded to an- It went to voicemail. I think he's sucking off the gutter. We sugar crush and pay to win as we celebrate Valentine's Day by discussing mobile mega hit Candy Crush Saga and other match 3 games this week on Get Played, your one-stop show for good games, bad games, and every game in between. It's time to get played. I'm Nick Tigerweiger, along with Matt Appadaka. Hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And to Tiger, I say, rawr. Wow. Hey, buddy, Heather is out, say, rawr. Wow. Hey buddy, Heather is out, unfortunately, as you may have noticed from her absence from the intro. She has laryngitis, so we hope she's doing well soon, hope she's feeling better to record next week. But for this one, it's just the fellas.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It's just the fellas, and guess what? I hope you're listening to this in a fucking locker room cuz we're talking all about that talk Yeah, there will be some I mean actually ranch is also here So I guess you should probably tone it down actually ranch one of the boys We should mention something this is this is a thing we were just talking about before we recorded yeah You know I I certainly have my issues with Netflix as a company. I'm not a big Netflix fan, but it is ubiquitous.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Everyone has Netflix. A game that came out last year that was a sequel to a game that we did an episode of, in case of the Golden Idol, Rise of the Golden Idol, is now available on Netflix games. This sounds like branded content, but I'm mentioning it more because it's like,
Starting point is 00:06:03 that's a game that kind of slipped, I feel like kind of was under the radar in the crush of year-end releases last year. It's a game I really like. I still got to play through to the end. Our friend at the show, Eva Anderson, played through it. I loved it. Stylistically, aesthetically, it's a really awesome,
Starting point is 00:06:21 heightening slash new direction of the previous game, but it's on Netflix games. So if you have Netflix, you can download it on your mobile device and you can just play this on, bitch. Yeah, I'm excited to dig into it on my iPad, but it's just like, we were talking about it because in the way of the monkey-paw curls, you're like, I wish there was good stuff on Netflix
Starting point is 00:06:40 for me to watch. You're like, okay, you can't watch this. There's this game that is good and you'll like this, but there's not what I'm paying for the service. I think whoever is overseeing, I imagine they're completely siloed departments, but whoever is overseeing the game curation at Netflix games, I think is doing a good job.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I mean, they had Into the Breach on there. Into the Breach. Into the Breach rocks, I believe Hades is on there. Civ 6 is on fucking Netflix games. Yeah, so I mean, there's, look, I would just say if you have it already, and you're thinking this is a way you can try out this game, then I was not aware until you told me
Starting point is 00:07:12 that this was an option. I have it on my phone right now, but I'm not gonna play it right now. Yeah, no, we got some other stuff we should be talking about. We should certainly not be playing other games while we are going through the episode. But you know, we have some business we have to get to at this point in the episode and unfortunately
Starting point is 00:07:28 You know Heather's out. We also receive news that the Resident Evil Merchant is unavailable for today's episode Which is it's kind of a bummer, you know Resident Evil Merchant such a fixture. Yeah, so unfortunately I'm a little afraid that we may have no elegant way I'm a little afraid that we may have no elegant way to transition into our next segment because that's usually who tees it up. Usually the way things are going is that I say something and then we kind of throw it to the Resident Evil merchant and they take the ball and run with it.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, the very fabric of the show is teetering on a razor's edge right now because we actually have no way to continue without this Tia. Resident Evil Merchant is kind of the fulcrum upon which the show rests and then I don't know exactly how it's gonna all hold together but I guess we should just continue on
Starting point is 00:08:20 and I'll just ask the question, we'll just see what happens. The question for the room is, what are you playing? Curse you, Bale! Oh, wait, it's... It's Egon from Elden Ring. It's Egon from Elden Ring. Oh my God. Oh, Bale! The pain! My arms! My legs! Each lies a bloody ruin. Ah, the exquisite pain. So, Egon. Hey, Ranch. Yeah, well, Egon knows Ranch?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, what's up, Ranch? Hey, what's up? Egon, the thing about this is, the Resident Evil merchant comes in usually and is like, is, I will say, disruptive to the show, but stays on task and gets us to the next thing. You are still just yelling at bail Well bail is vile. I yeah you bail. We don't we're not Nick and I are not bail guys
Starting point is 00:09:14 Incarnate there is life in me yet. I will soon feast upon your heart mark my words You too shall know fear It's kind of you know it also kind of say it's kind of, you know, also can I just say, it's kind of just like embarrassing that you're like mad at an animal. You know what I mean? Like, like. Bale is an animal! An animal who has betrayed me! An animal who has left me!
Starting point is 00:09:38 A scorched pile of flesh! This is like if I was like at a zoo, like yelling at like a dolphin. Is Bale at a zoo? Cause I'll go there and yell at him. No, he's not at a zoo. Curse you Bale! I understand the plight too, like you know, obviously the dragon,
Starting point is 00:09:55 dragons are, you know, I guess, sentient in a way similar to humans, where they're able to sort of conduct themselves in an evil way, I guess. Do you know what Bale even did to me? You mean, like, fuck your wife or something? He fucked my wife! Curse you, Bale! You know what? As a recent convert to being a wife guy, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's not cool, Bale! Curse you, Bale! Under some circumstances circumstances in certain relationships that could be okay but we do not have that kind of arrangement and you know what that's that's free that's for those of you to sort out on your own that's like not you know that's that's not egon's bag man and that's okay it doesn't have to be you know i subscribe to the prickick Wall Street Journal. I know it's kind of old fashioned,
Starting point is 00:10:49 but it's just a thing I like. He's been stealing it! Bale? Bale's been stealing my newspaper! That is a crime akin to, that's really, really bad, because you're just trying to support print media. I'm just trying to support print media, thank you Matt. Solid of scale you may be, foul dragon,
Starting point is 00:11:12 but you do not steal a man's Wall Street Journal and you do not fuck his wife. And you certainly don't steal his Amazon packages. This is, bail, you know what? The evidence of stacking up against Bale was not ready to make a judgment earlier. I now am on the other side of this, and I have to say, I do think Bale is a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You see what I'm saying here, okay. We're all on the same page. Yeah, I wasn't sure before, obviously, him being a dragon and all, I wasn't sure what he knows that he's all, I wasn't sure, like, you know, what he knows that he's doing and isn't doing. But now- No, he's fully aware.
Starting point is 00:11:50 He's fully aware that he's fucking your wife, stealing your newspaper and your Amazon packages. Two of those beats, I will say, are kind of the same, but- Oh, what are you, giving me notes? This is my lived experience. I know, I know, I'm just like, if it was like a third thing, I would sort of maybe have picked a-
Starting point is 00:12:04 I don't know, there was a big dragon turd on my lawn, how about that? Is that different enough for you? Curse you, Bale! That is pretty bad. You know what, speaking of... There was a big fucking turd right outside my door yesterday and it made me mad. Might have been Bale's. It might have been Bale's. And it makes, it would make sense because. It would make sense because there are coyotes in the neighborhood. Oh, you got coyotes? Yeah, we got coyotes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I was lucky that it was just turned out of fucking hole or something or painted the wall to look like it was a tunnel or something. I could have got tricked by a coyote. You're worried about some sort of mad cat mischief. I was worried that I was going to open the door and a freaking anvil was going to fall on my head. Well look we all have our problems. Mine is bail the dread. What do I question for you? Oh yeah. Matt Apodaca what are you playing?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Thank you so much. Kind of rude that you didn't ask Nick at all So I will say look I think the question to me was implied yeah, it was it was certainly was implied I've been playing a couple things. I rolled credits on a game that I started this weekend and that game was Kingdom Hearts 0.2 birth by sleep, a fragmentary passage. Normal title. Normal title. And I was able to roll credits on it so quickly because it is a three hour long game. It is a follow up to the PSP Kingdom Hearts game, Birth by Sleep.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So it follows that story, takes place a cool 10 years after it. What platform is it on? It's multi-platform. Okay. So this is the thing, it also only exists in the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 final chapter prologue compilation, which has- Perfect.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Dream Drop Distance, HD, and then a couple of other titles on it that are just viewing only not yeah, not playable and I gotta say I loved it. It really kick-start like well last week when we were doing the the the backlog Thunderdome not playing Kingdom Hearts 3 all the way through sort of Knowing that and knowing that it was still available to me I was like I have a couple of other Kingdom Hearts things to get out of the way before I get to this I think so I was like that's a quick one I can Clear that pretty easily and I enjoyed the experience quite a bit of played it on my Steam Deck and that and that thing made that Steam Deck chug
Starting point is 00:14:37 It was sure because it was going crazy on that screen a lot of action a lot of fast movement. It was really going crazy But then I was like, you know, I started Dream Drop Distance on PS, on PS5, through the PS4 disc. I have it here on Steam, but I have this 2DS sitting right here. Yeah, right. I gotta play it on the original hardware, baby. So I started it up on there.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I'm playing it on original hardware., baby. So I started it up on there, I'm playing it on original hardware. Ranch was here when I dropped my 2DS on the fucking concrete floor of head gum. And it made a sound that I will say none of us liked. We were all pretty upset. And the hinge seemed like it was all fucked up, but I'm happy to report it's fine. It's fine now.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And I'm- Nintendo hardware is sturdy as hell. I mean, this is the thing about, things you can say about Nintendo. Good battery life and the shit lasts forever. Yeah, great battery life. Yeah, that's not going great so far. No, the way that hinge does not sound good.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, that didn't sound good. It sounded fine earlier. It was snapping after a couple of opens. But it still works fine. It still works fine. I'm gonna have to look at that hinge, I think. It's actually immediately devastated. It's gonna have to look at that hinge. I think It's actually it's decided It's designed for kids to like throw around. Yeah, it's like, you know, yeah, that's one of the pluses of it
Starting point is 00:15:51 I wonder who I can complain to hear about head had gum about the floor being too hard Probably on yeah, probably on yeah, she probably loved to hear it. Yeah, you know just gonna sort of start complaining about the floor is too So I'm playing that. Because yeah, I'm Kingdom Hearts-pilled right now. I was just at Disneyland, bought a Kingdom Hearts pin. Very rare to see Kingdom Hearts merch in the theme park. I feel like they're doing more of that though, right? They're doing more of it.
Starting point is 00:16:19 At Oogie Boogie Bash around Halloween, the characters come out in their Kingdom Hearts costumes. That's fun. Which is really fun. And then I out in their Kingdom Hearts costumes, which is really fun. And then I went to, over the weekend, I went to a Square Enix pop-up downtown, in downtown LA, and bought a bunch of stuff, bought stuff for me, bought stuff for Zig, a friend of the show, Cody Ziegler. What did you pick up exactly?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I got a set of key chains. Here's the thing, I didn't buy enough stuff. Yeah. I bought the shirt that I'm wearing that is official merch from the bar, Seventh Heaven from Final Fantasy VII. That shirt is cool as hell, by the way. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I should say, it's a, and is that a, cause I thought it was a crew neck sweatshirt, but that's a long sleeve tee? Long sleeve tee. They had a short sleeve- What's the weight on that bad boy? Oh, it's pretty thin.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's not too crazy. They had a short way than that bad boy. It's pretty thin. It's not it's not too crazy They had a short sleeve tee, but I didn't like the blue. It was like a very like outer blue. Yeah wasn't really for me So got this I got a Sora plush. Hell. Yeah That I've had to put like on a shelf because I was like I think I like holding it too much I'm like I'm very comforted by it. It feels very soft But it also has little beans in it. I was like this is like nice to hold those like I can't be walking around the plush I have a wife I got that I got a set of key chains that are it's a key blade Mickey or Donald's like magic staff and goofy's shield I got a set of key chains that are, it's a key blade, Mickey, or Donald's magic staff and Goofy's shield.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I got, gosh, what else did I get? Oh, I got a little acrylic standee. Did you say garsh? Garsh. Yeah. I got an acrylic stand of Sora that's of the art of him standing on the beach. Very cool. And I got a statue of like a little statue of cloud
Starting point is 00:18:06 In that's like a stylized like sort of like not full-on chibi, but you look yeah, it's awesome I love it And that is it kind of like the the aesthetic of the PlayStation 1 game like the original like is it kind of that blocky? Sort of not really blocky. It's sort of like it. I mean it kind of to me looks like That but like smoothed out. Oh okay, okay, so it's not like the classic low poly version, got it. They did have like a sprite version of him
Starting point is 00:18:33 that I was like, that's cool, I would get that, but I left without getting a couple things that I did want. And it's still active until, like for a couple weeks, and I think I might go back. I might have to go buy. Yeah, the line was very very long. Weekend, bad day to go I gotta say. I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, they were like during the week it's pretty chill but weekend was pretty tough. So I mean that's what I'm playing. I'm just in a full Kingdom Hearts mode right now excited to eventually get to three. Wow. to three. Wow. ["Skyrim 2.0 Remake"] Score! Game-changing innovations with limited time
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Starting point is 00:22:03 And a game that I am playing largely based off of this endorsement, Alan Wake 2. Wake. Now I started this a couple weeks ago and then I went back to do the, I went back to finish up Metaphor and I thought I'd get back to Alan Wake 2.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Started basically, it was the first game I booted up outside of Stardew Valley, on my new PC. And, but now I've had some time, now that I've rolled credits on Metaphor, I've had time to get into this. And I've got about five hours of play time as of this recording in AW2. I will say, I'm playing it on PC. The Epic Games Store has these achievement notifications that are so obnoxious. Ranch, you're nodding along. Are you also, because you're playing,
Starting point is 00:22:52 you've been playing this as well, right? Yeah, I just started yesterday. So the thing about this is, and I had to figure out how, the problem is you can't just turn off achievement notifications. You have to like, do not disturb every notification, like globally, that's the only toggle you have. And then I also think you have to do it not disturb every notification like like like globally that's the only toggle you have and I also think you have to do it on a per game basis you have to do like a global no notifications for this
Starting point is 00:23:11 particular game while you're in game but like because it's so moody and atmospheric and then the sound is so intrusive and then also it's the biggest achievement notification I've ever seen it's like right in the center of the screen that's top center the screen it's like a huge box with huge text. Aesthetically does not mesh with the game at all. And then it's like, bloonk, like it's like so intrusive. I just like, I found it really immersion breaking. And cause you know, also know when achievements hit
Starting point is 00:23:37 is they oftentimes hit when something pivotal happens, you know, in the story as well. So it was just like, once I turned that off, my gameplay experience improved notably, but it's the kind of things like, I don't know how I'm rooting for the Epic Games Store. I'm rooting for all of these non-Steam, even though I like Steam a lot,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I just think it's good for there not to be this hegemony because at some point in the future, maybe Gabe Newell retires, maybe, you know, like, like whoever owns Steam decides they're gonna sell it to some nefarious corporation, and then they figure out something, and all of a sudden software is being delisted, the library you already own,
Starting point is 00:24:14 you're not gonna have access to, all sorts of shitty things are happening, but you're locked into this one ecosystem, and if it's the only game in town. You've described a very specific nightmare of you not being able to play the hundreds of games that I've bought on Steam that I've never played. Yeah, I know, but I mean, this is the kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:24:30 like, I don't predict that to happen, but I think it's good for any of these digital spaces for there to be competition that exists. So I'm rooting for the Epic Games Store, but that's one thing that's a little bit annoying. I've also got this minor audio glitch, which I guess is like a known issue, that some people were getting from running the game
Starting point is 00:24:44 not on SSDs. I'm running it on SSD I'm running on it on a new fast SSD So it shouldn't be an issue and other people are also doing an SSDs and are having them But it's just like there's times when the audio Goes a little bit out of sync drops out and then goes a little bit out of sync particularly during cutscenes And it's just a little bit annoying as well as I like gaming on PC But it's just like I don't want wanna have to fucking deal with this shit. Like I don't wanna have to debug an issue.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I just want the limited time I have to play games, I wanna be able to be used to play games, you know? I wish there was like a central hub that you can log into your Steam library, you can log into your Epic Games library and have one interface, like one OS. Yeah, there are some third party, like, you know, middleware solutions. There are things like, like, you know, Razor has one. It's called Razor Central and like a lot of your library can show up in this.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I think in, in, in Gog, you know, which is the CD Projekt Red digital store, I think in that one you can integrate in other games from elsewhere in your library. So there's some functionality for that, but all those are kind of clumsy. And none of it actually is, it kind of works as like kind of a catch-all solution. Yeah, I guess what am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:25:55 That's like me being like, I wish I could just play my Nintendo games on my fucking PlayStation. No, but you're right though, Matt. It's like, you just want to play a video game. That's what I'm saying. I just want to play a video game. I just want to play a video game. I don't want to have to go into all these different things.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I don't want to have to like, hey, I have to remember, this one's actually, even though Activision Blizzard is now owned by Microsoft, this game I did not purchase through the Xbox or the PC Game Pass store, so I've got to actually boot up the Blizzard app or whatever to play. You don't want to have to worry about all that shit. Yeah I wish it was all just like unifiable like how on like an Apple TV you can have all your things kind of just there. That'd be great. No I mean that sort of seamless or semi seamless integration is nice. But relatively minor
Starting point is 00:26:40 and I will say and Arant I want to get your take as well. I really like this game. It's really, really awesome. It's really cool. The art direction is absolutely stellar. Just a gorgeous game. I mean, every way. I mean, these character models are so detailed and the environments are so rich and so lush.
Starting point is 00:26:59 They feel lived in. They feel inhabited. They feel spooky and atmospheric. The cold open of this game is absolutely harrowing. You start as a nude man running for your life and then getting murdered is absolutely one of the bleakest things I've ever played. I'm just like, this is fucking horrifying. But it's so well done and it's such a unique exploration
Starting point is 00:27:27 of the immersive side of this medium, you know what I mean? And where that leads me is to the thing that really rocks in this game is the mind palace. What a cool idea. The idea that when you are, and for people who haven't played this game, basically the detective character, one of the protagonists, you can go into their mind and this is kind of like a, it's a physical space you can navigate within the game world
Starting point is 00:27:53 but it's meant to be this kind of abstract representation of their kind of thought catalog and within it you can kind of put clues together like on a board where you're attaching things with red strings, you know know there's file folders. There's all sorts of again just physical representations of yeah of intellectual Concepts and it's just really fucking awesome. I like going in there I like that when you're in there the game is still happening like it's like real time is still passing so it's like it's like Oh, I'm using active time to think and this is also not a thing I can do like when I'm in peril or whatever, you know I do think that's really just mechanically really awesome
Starting point is 00:28:29 Speaking the art direction sound design similarly so creepy so atmospheric the scoring is really good and having just watched Twin Peaks for the first Time last year RAP David Lynch. I'm a huge fan of his movies Yeah, say you know love his films, but I just Twin Peaks was just one of those things I've never committed to actually watching the TV show until last year. And just, you just see things like Deadly Premonition was the big one, but this one is, Deadly Premonition is even closer.
Starting point is 00:28:52 But it's just so funny how directly inspired this is from Twin Peaks. I mean, it's like the small town, you know, murder mystery with the FBI getting involved. It's just, it's just like such a direct A to B. Sam Lake, who is the, Yes. You know is the Hideo Kojima of Remedy, the leader there, I think as Ashley Esqueda called him, the David Lynch of Hideo Kojima.
Starting point is 00:29:17 When David Lynch passed away, he tweeted about how sad he was about it. And I was sad for him, Like when David Lynch passed away, he tweeted about how sad he was about it. And like, I was like sad for him. Because I was like, I like totally get it just based on the games that I've played. And like understanding like the things that you value about like art and like creating stories. Like it 100% makes sense that you'd be very affected by that loss. I want to get to what Ranch thinks about it too.
Starting point is 00:29:46 But I think, I mean, it kinda feels like it's gonna be too late at some point, but I feel like once everybody's done with it, we should do like a Remedyverse episode because I think that there's a lot to talk about there. I would love to have you pilot that. I think that would be awesome. Rochelle, what is your experience with the game?
Starting point is 00:30:02 I think you said independently, you were thinking of playing Alan Wake 2 and I was like, Ranch, I've been playing it. But like you were planning on playing this already and you just decided to dig in? Yeah, I was planning to play it because of Matt actually. He was like, that's the next game you should play. My impact.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. Little Ranch's all grown up. But you're so you're playing it, you're playing it on your PC. On my PC also with keyboard and mouse. Okay. I've been using controller, but I've been using keyboard and mouse for like, again, the mind palettes, it kind of like works,
Starting point is 00:30:38 you know, there's some more cursor sort of stuff there. Yeah, I don't have a controller, so I don't really have a choice, but I mean, I think it's been working really well Okay, yeah, I've had no issues like controlling the game. I have like a spare Xbox controller that you can just have Yeah, I also have a spare controller. I'll bring it for you next week. Yeah, I have two and my wife never wants to play with me, so it's you could have it. Also while we're at it, do you need like four HDMI cables?
Starting point is 00:31:03 And all this other bullshit that I can't get rid of. But how does it play with mouse and keyboard? Do you typically, like you play Fortnite mouse and keyboard? I play Fortnite mouse and keyboard. I guess it's not shocking because probably a lot of people play like that. Yeah, I play Fortnite with mouse and keyboard. I'm like such a non mouse and keyboard gamer that I like can't ever wrap my head around it. For the longest time, that was the only way
Starting point is 00:31:26 I could play FPS games. It was a, I was just so not used to the dual analog stick and I was so used to the Wasta movement and then the, you know, the mouse look. I mean, like that's like, for lack of a better phrase, that like that's what I grew up on, you know, like playing like Quake back in the day and then moving on and then as the genre progressed.
Starting point is 00:31:46 So it wasn't really until, even Gold and I have talked about on the podcast before, Gold and I felt weird to me, you know, and Halo I think was the first game that I could kind of play with controller. But for a long time after that, still, I was just like always preferring the PC version of FPS games.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But yeah, okay, so you're playing with mouse and keyboard, you're playing on PC. What do you think of the game so far? It's like exactly the vibe I want. Oh, that's awesome. Like I love Twin Peaks. Yeah. I love Hannibal, I love True Detective,
Starting point is 00:32:14 and it just like feels like all of that. It is very Hannibal, I didn't think about that. Yeah, for sure. Like the flashbacks and like her doing the profiling. The profiling is awesome. It's so cool. It's so sick. Yeah. It's like, like that stuff to me works so much better
Starting point is 00:32:31 than like the interrogations in like LA Noir or something. Like it's such a clunky mechanic, but like the interrogations in this game are like, like actually useful information, like good stuff. And like, I don't know, like the characters are all interesting. So you kind of want to talk to them for a little while too. And they get pissed off. in this game are like actually useful information, like good stuff, and I don't know, the characters are all interesting, so you kinda wanna talk to them for a little while too,
Starting point is 00:32:48 and they get pissed off if you're asking too many questions, it's great. I do have a lot of fondness though for L.A. Noire, just because it's like, it is kinda janky, but it's charming in that way, and then it's just like, you know. My favorite thing about it is that it was just so novel to recognize an actor in a video game.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So you're playing it and you're like, it's that guy from Mad Men. It's that Mad Men guy. I'm playing the Mad Men guy. Because I guess actors have been in video games before. It was rare at that point for them to lend their exact likeness to the video game character, which I love. Yeah, that was a thing that was, I think the first big one was when Bruce Willis was in like a PlayStation 1 game, right?
Starting point is 00:33:35 I love the, that Sam Lake is just in the game. It's so funny, it rocks. It's such a great choice. And he's voiced by the guy who is Max Payne. Yes. For, you know, I don't want to say too much about it, but it's great. You guys are gonna really love it.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It really scratches a very weird itch. I was like not expecting to love it as much because I liked Alan Wake fine. I loved Control. And then Alan Wake 2 comes out and it's just like the exact game that I just love. And it's also fucking scary as hell. It's so scary. Well, this is what I was gonna say.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You and I, and Heather, we've been making fun of us and rightfully so if she were here, but you and I are famous cowards. I'm not great with scary games, but I can get through them, and I can appreciate a good game that happens to be scary. I feel like you have maybe a little bit less tolerance for scary games.
Starting point is 00:34:27 This game is quite unnerving. It's really scary, but also there's so much in the game, too, that is like, funny's not the right word for it, but it is, I don't know. I had to think it maybe is the right word. It's kind of funny. Some of it is funny. There are characters in the game
Starting point is 00:34:43 that are legitimately so funny and so weird this guy's just like a dip shit stupid Finnish brothers In like these shitty commercials like that stuff's really funny This sort of like meta stuff is really good and like there's a sequence later that like if it hasn't been spoiled for you yet I'll be so happy and so surprised that like if it hasn't been spoiled for you yet, I'll be so happy and so surprised.
Starting point is 00:35:04 There's like just great stuff in it that I can't wait to hear you guys talk about it more once you get closer to finishing it or finish it, because it's great. Well, because this was gonna be my big thing, and this is where I was going to land with my little Alan Wake 2 chunk here. You think I should see this through to the end?
Starting point is 00:35:23 I have enjoyed it. But you would say like, because I'm looking at this, I'm looking at how long to beat? I have enjoyed it. But you would say, like, cause I'm looking at this, I'm looking at how long to beat. I know that I always take a little bit longer to get through games than the people who self report to that site. So I'm thinking like, I got a budget 25 to 30 hours,
Starting point is 00:35:34 something like that sound about right for this game. You know, and this is a time of year where it's not a lot coming out, but Citizen Sleeper 2 just came out. I love Citizen Sleeper. I want to make sure I have some time for that. Yeah, Civilization 7 will be out maybe by the time this episode is out
Starting point is 00:35:49 or shortly thereafter. And I mean, that's gonna be just, that may be a life-ruiner for me. And then we did our backlog episode recently. What's left to ruin? Wait a minute. Also though, Bear. I think you'll get, Civ 7 will always be there is the thing.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, that's true and it'll get patched and it'll get expansions and it'll end up being a better overall package over time. So I don't need to be in a rush to play that extensively, although I do want to mess around with it at launch. But I think like, I guess I was leaning towards playing through this anyway. Yeah. And, but I just kind of wanted to just make sure that it's not the sort of thing where it's like,
Starting point is 00:36:30 oh, it's frontloaded with the best stuff, and then you can kind of like, you know, see through the end if it's really gripping you. But you think the whole thing is worthwhile regardless. I think it's like one of my favorite like game stories. Wow, okay. And also like I've- I love it. I'm fully bought in on like the Remedy stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So like the connections really worked for me. I had just come off of finishing Control. I jumped straight into it. So I was just like fully immersed in it. And I do, I think, I think the DLC is incredible. Like I think that stuff is extra worth it too. Like I, it's all. Yeah, I got, it was all on sale.
Starting point is 00:37:00 So I had to get the DLC as well. So the DLC will actually, I had to play it separately. I think it'll sit in where it's supposed to go within the story of the game. So that'll be really cool for you. I kinda wanna play through it again. Maybe I'll play through it again just to see it where it goes in the actual story.
Starting point is 00:37:17 But I think it's great. And it has, I don't know, it has that type of, I don't know, that weird stuff that severance, that lost type stuff that I really, really love. So it's 100% worth seeing through to the end. One thing I really like is the environmental design. Just as a level design guy, there are times when it's so subtly steering you towards where it wants you to go,
Starting point is 00:37:43 but it makes it feel like it's your own discovery. And that I think is also satisfying, which is like, oh, you feel like you've discovered a hidden path, even though the game is pointing you towards this path. Yeah, like when you have to figure out how to use the lamp, for example, or how the lamp, if you turn it on or off,
Starting point is 00:38:01 will show a new area that you can go to, and you're like, oh, I'm supposed to go this, we'll show a new area that you can go to, and you're like, oh, I'm supposed to go this, like that does, you feel like a million bucks when you figure that type of stuff out. But also, it is very, very scary, and there are just shadows everywhere saying, wake, and it is fucking horrifying, it is so scary.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Rochelle, any other thoughts, anything else you wanna add? No, I'm excited, I just wanna live in the world. Hell yeah. Love it. Rochelle, any other thoughts, anything else you want to add? No, I'm excited. I just want to live in the world. Hell yeah. Love it. Hey, buddy, it's Weiger. New year, new you. Ready to optimize your nutrition this year?
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Starting point is 00:41:49 I meant to add this into my metaphor refontasio monologue or series of monologues on the previous weeks. I did want to say about the final boss because there was one thing that I said and this zero spoilers we're not in spoiler country. I won't say anything. There is a final boss in this game if there's a if that is a spoiler. I talked about the combat at a certain point heightens in difficulty to where it just kind of turns into a war of attrition.
Starting point is 00:42:10 The final boss is kind of like, is naturally kind of like the end point of that. And it is the point where it just kind of feels like there's one kind of way to contest this and it just sort of, you know, it's very tanky, all the different forms, I won't say how many there are have enormous health pools. And it just feels like it's just like, man, this is just taking forever. And I'm not necessarily even challenged here. It challenged to some degree, I'm in some amount of peril, but it's but it is more just a sort of thing of like, I don't know, like, it's, it's, it's, it's a microcosm of the end game
Starting point is 00:42:46 in general, just like there's just so much, it's so expansive, you know what I mean? And it just kind of like feels a little bit overstuffed, even though I overall was extremely positive on the game and really, really enjoy it. But the final boss was another thing that was like, man, I feel like we could have just streamlined this a little bit, you know?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah, but then again, maybe they're like, man, I feel like we could have just streamlined this a little bit, you know? But then again, maybe they're like, hey, at the end of a 80 plus hour game, we wanna make sure you have a huge set piece to kind of send you off on your way. I like aspirationally put the disc back into my PS5. It's like, you know what? Like if it's, I can't play it if it's not in there. So if it's in there, maybe I'll boot it back up
Starting point is 00:43:25 and see what's going on, but I've yet to press, you know, play on that fucker again. But I wanna get back in there. It rocks. It's just a lot. And it was a game that by the end of it, I was very ready to be done with it, which, you know, it sometimes happens with a game
Starting point is 00:43:42 of that scope and that size. All right, let's talk about this week's topic. You know, hey, it's Valentine's Day or roughly Valentine's Day. So we're talking about a game that is one of the most successful products in financial terms in gaming, Candy Crush Saga. So Matt, had you messed around
Starting point is 00:44:02 with Candy Crush Saga prior to this? This was my maiden voyage with Candy Crush. I had never played it before. Rachelle, you ever messed around with Candy Crush? I played it for the first time today, but I have watched my mom play it for years. So this is the thing, and we'll talk about the parent side because this is a big part of why this game is so huge is it is a game for non-gamers. And succeeding at that is its own achievement.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But this is a game that like, it is again, because of the ubiquity of smartphones, it's everywhere and a lot of people who like, are just want to pass some time while they're standing in line or on the bus or whatever the fuck, they end up with this and this is what they're, I mean, I see people just playing Candy Crush on the train or similar match three games. So it goes back to a Russian
Starting point is 00:44:49 developed puzzle game that would become arguably one of the most influential works in the genre. You may be thinking Tetris, but it's not Tetris, it's Shuriki, which translates to the marbles. The marbles, Shuriki was the first ever match three game. It was developed by Eugene Alemzhin and released for PC in 1994. Other match three games that owe their existence to Shurikki include pre-social media casual sensation, Bejeweled, kind of the Candy Crush saga of its era. I don't really remember how big Bejeweled was.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And I mean, for my age, would have been like dorm rooms back then. I feel like everyone was playing this game. I always think Bejeweled is Bubble Bobble and I like Bubble Bobble. Yeah, but a puzzle bubble or bubble bubble is a, I think puzzle bubble is called Bust a Move Overseas. And it's a, that game, I actually do really like that design.
Starting point is 00:45:48 It's a different sort of thing, because it's kind of like got the Pagle aspect of your shooting, you know, your game piece. You're not just moving things around to match them. But it's a similar sort of thing. You're matching pieces to eliminate them. But Bejeweled is kind of, Puzzle Quest was another game I played
Starting point is 00:46:04 that was a game I actually got my wife to play. We played it together for a time. So that was kind of like a match three game with some RPG elements. Pokemon Shuffle, I don't know if you ever played Pokemon Shuffle? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there was a puzzle quest game for the DS that I can never, I can't find again. Oh, interesting. Or it was like a similar thing that I, and I was obsessed with this. Yeah. It's like a similar thing that I and I was obsessed with this Yeah, it was like I had other games for the DS that were like more like tailored to my taste But I like could not stop playing puzzle quest and I don't remember which one it was match 3 is such a
Starting point is 00:46:35 Like it's such an a shockingly vibrant genre. There's so many match 3 entries There's so many games that are developed and of course my beloved honey pop also a match the game. So Candy Crush Saga was was actually the fourth match three game designed by its creator Sebastian Knutson or Newton. And that's an actually don't know how to say that name. But however you pronounce it Sebastian, who works for Swedish based developer limited was making browser games, moved on to Facebook games,
Starting point is 00:47:07 and then mobile games, which was basically the trajectory of the company. Candy Crush Saga existed in all three forms. I actually didn't know it was a browser game at first, but it makes sense. Yeah, yeah, like just some bored office person like playing a Candy Crush game that's easy. And that window they minimize when their boss comes by
Starting point is 00:47:23 so they can reopen their Excel spreadsheet. But what it really took off was when it launched on the App Store for Apple phones in 2012. And or King was acquired by Activision Blizzard, I believe in 2015 it could have that year wrong. And then subsequently that company course, acquired by Microsoft. It's difficult to get exact stats. But Candy Crush Saga grosses estimated annually over $1 billion in revenue, like it's an absolute fucking cash cow. It makes sense. Because while playing this for the first time, I almost accidentally spent money almost every time I was playing. It's very easy to spend money in this game
Starting point is 00:48:09 and also imagine if you were like 70. You know what I mean? And I'm not trying to say anything, look, I'm old as shit. I'm not trying to say anything about God bless our seniors. No, no, no, no, old people are stupid as hell. They're dumb as fuck. No, I mean, like, I just like,
Starting point is 00:48:23 I even feel it now as I'm getting older, it's just like easier to get tricked by things. Cause you're just, and I feel like it's like, this is the sort of, this is the thing with this game. And from what I've read about this developer, Sebastian Knudsen, it's like, seems like a very earnest guy, seems like a very talented guy who really like analyzed what works about match three games, really figured it out,
Starting point is 00:48:43 figured out how to implement it in this game, but it's impossible to divorce its design. And I don't even think this is necessarily the developers fault, I think this is publishers fault. It's impossible to divorce the design from the nature of the game, which is pretty predatory. It's like kind of like, imagine if Bellaccio had micro transactions that were being offered up
Starting point is 00:49:02 all the time, imagine if you- I'd be in fucking jail. Yeah. Like I would, like I could be, my life would be ruined. had microtransactions that were being offered up all the time imagine being fucking jail My life would be ruined Kind of like ruins the experience of like ah fuck I'm gonna fail a run when it just is like well I could continue this run if I spend two dollars and 99 cents right now You know what I mean it like it's just it's just a different feeling experience I just had this is a complete aside a complete tangent a complete waste of time to even mention this but can you imagine We're getting waved at by Griffin Newman and Anya and and and chef Kevin as well
Starting point is 00:49:32 Okay, actually chef Kevin is like this. I'm over it. I think I'm happy at all. No no I I had I had an aside. I want to bring up you said staring daggers at me Yeah, well, she's probably hearing about that I'm going to complain about the floor being too hard. You said that the developer's name was Sebastian. Can you imagine if it was Sebastian Menescalco? What the fuck do you mean match three? I don't even want to match two, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Just give me one and I'm out of here. That was good. He had a back pocket menisculic though. I thought you were gonna do a, I thought you were gonna do Sebastian from Under the Sea. No, no, no, no, no. I can't do that one. I don't think any of us wanna commit to that voice.
Starting point is 00:50:22 So I have played this previously. I'm crushing fucking candy, okay? Does he cuss? No. That's the thing, I think he's like a clean comic. My take on him is that he cusses. Is that he cusses, yeah. I love my mom's fucking lasagna, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:37 Tastes so fucking good. Lasagna! Can you imagine, he's like so popular and like so beloved by people who like that. Can you imagine if he cussed? He'd be the biggest name of all, he'd be the president probably. Yeah, would he be bigger? Because I do feel like a lot of the biggest comedians are do work clean.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yeah, like Brian Regan. Like Nick Bacchazzi, yeah, Brian Regan. Like I feel like these are just like, I feel like being, I mean there's also a unique challenge to working clean. So I don't know, I don't know if also a unique challenge to working clean. So I don't know. I don't know if he would have a higher ceiling if he worked clean. But you know, at one point Dice was selling out Madison Square Garden. He was fucking filthy.
Starting point is 00:51:11 That's a great point. So maybe the thing is you either go full, you go all the way, you go super blue and you're just the foulest, most offensive comedian or you go super clean. But the murky middle ground is when you get into trouble. Either way, we protect our own, God bless standup comedians. So the, I have played this game before, and I bounced off it pretty hard,
Starting point is 00:51:34 but it is the sort of thing. Like my DS on the floor at Head Gum. I think the thing is, the game is, how do I say this exactly? I think the thing is, the game is, how do I say this exactly? I know exactly what it's doing to my brain. Like it's one of those games where it just like completely removes any sort of layers of abstraction that make it feel like, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:56 like I know exactly what it's doing to my brain in the same way I feel when I'm playing a slot machine or I'm playing video park, you know what I mean? I know what you are doing, but I also can't really stop playing once I get going. And it's not even necessarily an enjoyable experience for me. Although I do have some,
Starting point is 00:52:12 I do have admiration for like how aesthetically pleasing it is. I do think the soundtrack is really charming. I think the sound design is really like, like the low voice that comes in. The happy feedback in the hand is very good. All the feedback is really nice, like it's constant visual and audio rewards
Starting point is 00:52:28 and textural rewards from the force feedback. But I'm not even necessarily having fun, if that makes sense. No, I would go as far to say that I think the game might be evil, actually. Cause like, yeah, the idea that it's ranking in these billions of dollars a year and Like that it is probably tricking a significant population of the the player base into spending money
Starting point is 00:52:53 I was I Was pretty shocked when I was playing it Nick. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, you were shocked I was shocked just cuz I had not I knew it was a match three game but I didn't know that it was like That you could I guess in theory play it for the rest of your fucking life that you could just like sit there and yeah I in knowing that I was having to play it for the show felt For the first time in a long time felt like a chore like cuz I was like I was not enjoying this and it was like
Starting point is 00:53:19 guys, yes, I'm about it I felt the I Guys, yeah, something about it, I felt the, I felt the creases in my already pretty smooth brain just finally just fully sealing over. And I was like, I get why people just sit around and play these mobile games like this, but I feel dumb playing it, and I did not enjoy it. And also, not some of my favorite candies to look at, I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Oh, interesting. I kinda like how the candies look. They look fine. I would pick different candy because I just like different candy. You're more of a, what, you got more of a chocolate guy? What do you like more? I mean, there's not enough gummy in here, I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And I know that you're a gummy skeptic. Yeah, I say gummy ain't yummy. You say gummy ain't yummy. I'm a gummy freak. Ranch, where are you at with candy? Where are you at with gummy? They're fine. Mm, the Goldilocks right in between the sweet the Swedish fish will show up the Swedish fish will show so Are they like but they're like not these Swedish fish are they no? I don't they're officially licensed sweet. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:17 They might be I would like them to be more officially licensed Yeah, candy's get some smarties in there get some Starburst Why not like in the way that fortnight can just have anything like let's get all the candies in there. That'd be great Matching three is pretty. I mean it's easy, and it's like fun. It's like a game that anybody could play look I think the match I think match three mechanics are Pretty genius. Yeah, I think they are there. This is one of those things where It's I have a quote here. This is from a 2014 Polygon piece by Tracy Lean. According to Knutson, this is the developer, it's easy for people to be myopic and make
Starting point is 00:54:51 sweeping generalizations about entire game genres and categories when they're not familiar with them. But do a player who regularly plays match three puzzle games, the differences between them are clear and the differences matter. He told Polygon the copycat and cloning criticism the company faces tend to come from outsiders, people who either haven't or aren't interested in playing Kings games or are or any match three puzzle games.
Starting point is 00:55:13 There's a quote, you can always say that all card solitaire games are the same, but there's tons of people who love them who appreciate the different variations that are out there, he said. So I think you either play them and appreciate the difference or uniqueness or from the outside, you just play them and appreciate the difference or uniqueness, or from the outside you just judge them all as the same type of game.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I think that's actually absolutely true. I think the solitaire comparison is very astute. And I will say that there are differences between these games and some of it is just, again, aesthetics. And I do think this game is quite pleasing to experience. And like, just as a match three game, I think it's pretty fine, better than fine.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I think it's a good implementation. And I think a lot of the mechanics that it adds, like things like the jellies that you have to break or like gum that explodes, the way when you match four, match five, you get a special candy that can be combined with another special candy to have some sort of spectacular effect. I think all those are rewarding and interesting explorations
Starting point is 00:56:22 of what this genre can be. The thing that, so I like all that. Yeah. And like, I mean, I don't like the game, but I like the things that it can do. That one of the things that I don't like about it is that I kind of feel like you don't even really have to play the game really.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Well, okay. Like you don't have to think that much because it'll, if you kind of look at it for long enough or you let it sit for long enough, it'll highlight a piece for you to move or like the section that you wanna move or it'll, like once you get to a certain point, it'll just like make the rest of the moves
Starting point is 00:56:52 kinda like for you almost. It does do that in the early going, it does highlight like hey, like it just does basically if you leave it idle for a second, it will show what the AI tells you is the ideal move to make. I don't know if it's always steering you in the optimized direction, but this is another thing where it comes down to,
Starting point is 00:57:09 because the game wants you to spend real money, because that's the core business model behind this. Like, you reach a point where it's like, can I trust the AI? Or is it trying to set me up and set up some traps so to make me make some non-optimized moves just so I will have to spend money to keep playing to buy more lives or whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:28 But I mean like part of that also is just the hand holding inherent in any of these sort of free to play games. I mean Fortnite does the same fucking thing where you start the game off and you're matched up against low skill level bots. And so, I think I talked about when we, way back when we did our Fortnite episode, I don't ever play those kinds of Battle Royale games. I don't really play online shooters at all,
Starting point is 00:57:54 but like, I got crowns on like two of my first three or all three of my first matches or whatever. And it's just like, that's just designed to make you feel like, oh, I'm good at this game. So I'm gonna keep playing it. It's the same principle here, they're like, holding your hand through all the different moves you can make, so that you can just follow
Starting point is 00:58:12 what they're telling you to do, and then succeed wildly at the game, and get a crown, and get three stars on every level. But that's more of the early going, and also this game just continues on forever. I mean. I mean like Rachelle do you have a do you have a sense of of how long your mom played this for? Because I talked to my dad. My dad played daily for years. I will say he never spent money because he's cheap as shit but he's played every day until basically ran out of lives and that would wait for it to
Starting point is 00:58:40 recharge. I asked him what level he got to by the end before he gave up. He got to level 4,647. So, you can play this game for a while. That's amazing. And it feels like it's like good progress that he answered your call actually. Yeah, he's usually stonewalling me. Rachelle, do you know like how far your mom got? At least. I mean, I don't know what level she is, but she's at least at least seven years Wow
Starting point is 00:59:10 She is she still playing it regularly. He's still playing it regularly Wow She has like a little rotation of mobile games like that. Do you know she spends her own money? No, she doesn't know how to connect her credit card. So You know, that's good We had to like take stuff like that off of my grandpa's phone Yeah, because we were just like he'd get if he can put his credit card, so. You know what, that's good. We had to take stuff like that off of my grandpa's phone because we were just like, if he can put his credit card on here, it's over. Like there's just nothing left for anybody.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I don't know if we ever talked about Mario Run, which I was really disappointed by. I messed around with it a little bit, but I handed my nephew Mario Run when it was new. Because like, man, kids love, if you have games on your phone, kids love it so much. But anyway, so I was like, my nephew, I handed him my phone and I had Mario run going,
Starting point is 00:59:51 I don't know how he did it, but within like 15 seconds, he spent money. I was like, how did you do this? How did you charge my credit card immediately? Double tap on the power button and just put it over. I assume that all of your relatives just look exactly like you. You can use the facial recognition. It's like the Flanders family reunion. Hey, buddy.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Buenos dias, buddy. Gosh, my mom does play a lot of iPad games too, but she's playing a lot of like word sort of things. Not like your, what was that one? Wirtle? Wirtle, yeah, God. Oh my God. See, it's finally fully smooth.
Starting point is 01:00:37 It's done. I'm cooked. I like, I was, I did get back into Wirtle for a time and then I was like, eh. I played a game on LinkedIn. Yeah. I kind of loved it. What was the game? It was kind of like a, it was almost like a Sudoku with shapes.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Oh, wow. But it was like very, it was much fewer squares. Like on the website LinkedIn, like you logged in and- On my phone, like on the app. Oh, on the app. Yeah. I didn't even, I guess, I mean, of course, it was a LinkedIn app.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And there's like a, you could do like a streak, sort of like you can keep a streak going. I was like, I can't be involved, I course there's a LinkedIn app. And there's like a, you could do like a streak, sort of like you can keep a streak going. I was like, I can't be involved. I can't be on LinkedIn like this. Yeah, that feels like LinkedIn should not have games. Yeah, I'm trying to work. I'm trying to do my fucking job. But it was a very satisfying thing.
Starting point is 01:01:19 But once I figured it out, I was like, I can't do this. Cause it was like a, you have to put a moon where In an opposite place of the Sun, but you can't put Too many shapes that match together in the inner. It was good. I thought it was very good But I can't I can't be messing around like that Back to Candy Crush. Yeah, I will say There's a Candy Crush game show is there not I think there is wait is there I think there is I think there's a Candy Crush game show, is there not? I think there is. Wait, is there? I think there is.
Starting point is 01:01:47 I think there's a Candy Crush game show. I'll look this up because this was a thing I did not look for in research. What is it? 2017 One Season. Only One Season. What was it? Wait, who hosted it? What was it?
Starting point is 01:02:00 Probably like Rob Lowe or something. Mario Lopez. God. Would have been the second guess. Mario Lopez, yeah, the game was, it was just called Candy Crush, based off of Candy Crush Saga. I'm just reading the Wikipedia here.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It was featured tiles matching gameplay similar to its namesake, with players suspended at height in front of one of two 30-foot touch screens. Oh man. That sounds dumb. That doesn't seem good. Candy Crush was very poorly received
Starting point is 01:02:27 by critics and viewers. It doesn't yet. Nick Slatt of The Verge considered to be, quote, an unmitigated train wreck that's banking on the lasting popularity of its lead in Big Brother derived Sunday night viewership. Wow. That's pretty tough, but I think this game
Starting point is 01:02:42 does a better job of representing Candy than that of Wreck-It Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph, here's the issue. Wreck-It Ralph is a candy movie. Wreck-It Ralph is a candy movie. Now, did Wreck-It Ralph predate Candy Crush? Wreck-It Ralph is like 2013, I think. Same year. Same year, huh? 2012, also 2012.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay, so there was not necessarily any influence from one to the other. Because I would be like, I could have seen it happening either way. Either Wreck-It Ralph, the Sugar Rush game there inspires Candy Crush Saga or vice versa. They're like, hey, let's do a Mario Kart slash Candy Crush sort of game.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And so has it always been called Candy Crush Saga? Yeah, that's the full name. But I think people just call it Candy Crush. Because yeah, I mean, I was just like so shocked that like you could just like, I wasn't able to, were you able to pick your avatar? Cause we became friends, we became candy friends. Yeah, we are candy friends.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I think that like a lot of the stuff happens as you progress. And I don't know, I didn't try to change my avatar. I think that is a thing you can change. I'm just like a little hamster that I'm not confident is an AI. And I mean he's cute I guess but I'm at level 32 and I'm pretty sure that once we're done
Starting point is 01:03:55 recording this episode this thing is leaving my phone and that's where it'll stay. I mean that's probably the smart move because the thing is it's like it's it's a if you do get addicted I think it's a thing that you're going that's going to that you're gonna spend money on yeah you know and I like well like whatever I don't like I'm not putting and I'm not trying to judge how people spend their time do whatever the fuck you want you know I don't like I don't care. We certainly spend money in dumb ways. I spend money in dumb ways, the dumbest of ways. but like like like if me, for in terms of my experience, like, it's just a little too. I don't know, it's
Starting point is 01:04:30 the modern version of the the the quarter eater arcade game, you know, I mean, where it's just like, like, I know that that if I just I can just play this endlessly, as long as I keep putting money into this thing, yes, and that kind of removes any sort of tension that could exist. Cause it's like ultimately you have a, the only fail state is when you refuse
Starting point is 01:04:53 to spend additional money. Here's a shot of Candy Crush Saga, the TV show. I've changed my mind. It's actually good. They are suspended on wires and they are in midair and they are touching giant versions of the candies on It looks like they're those are just like a huge stack of touch screens It doesn't seem like that like being suspended in the air is necessary. It doesn't seem like it's adding anything to the game
Starting point is 01:05:18 No, just like that player discomfort. Perhaps. I wonder if that was the kind of thing where it was just like The executives couldn't quite understand what what the game what the appeal the game was and they're like, I don't know turn into a stunt thing Yeah, cuz like wipeout in like holy moly and like other shows like that They're like an action element to it. Yes of some kind because yeah, cuz otherwise it's just like people touching a big screen It's a game show of all Vanna White's. You can't do that. Rachelle and I, outside, before we started recording, learned an interesting fact from Chef Kevin.
Starting point is 01:05:53 What's that? Chef Kevin told us that he read something that Candy Crush is Michael Jordan's favorite game. Interesting. And I said, more than basketball? All right, so that was just a setup for you to repeat that joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Got it, I liked it. I'm glad you did it. Rachelle liked it twice. Hold on, Michael Jordan candy crush saga. I had not heard that. I mean, I guess I wouldn't be shocked, but like, you know, he's always holding that iPad and crying. Because he ran out of lives?
Starting point is 01:06:30 I had to spend $2.99 on a gold bar. I don't know. I don't, I can't find any context on this. Kevin's from Chicago. Maybe he heard it on the streets of Chicago somewhere. And you know, he's like, Hey, I got a little hot tip for you one of the bulls one of the big bulls loves candy crush The biggest of all. Yeah Well if it's not true
Starting point is 01:06:54 Chef Kevin you're now officially an enemy of get play your persona non grata around here Let's not go that far Yeah, honestly like within a few within a few I got being open here and with a few it's just like here's a stable diffusion prompt Michael Jordan playing Candy Crush And it's just like a fucking AI thing. It's not I'm being it's certainly not anywhere The game did sort of make me want a little bit of something sweet. You know what I mean? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Because you're seeing all these candies, you're sort of like, you know what, I can go for a little bit of candy, but I just like, I don't know, I don't like, I'm not really into like a hot tamale or this like lollipop or any of that. The gummy, the grape gummy sort of is like the one that I would want to eat. There's like a Werther's Original sort of looking candy. You know what I like when you do a match five and you get that like chocolate truffle that's covered with all the multicolored sprinkles.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That one's fun. That one looks toothsome. I would bite into it to see what was going on. Another thing I like about just the look of the game is that they've got all these, I think the one character is called Tiffy, that is kind of the princess character, but there's a bunch of them. There's an abominable snowman.
Starting point is 01:08:06 They're all like cardboard cutouts. They're all like Paper Mario style, like notably 2D. And I don't know, I think that's kind of fun. The aesthetic is fine. It's just like, yeah, I guess it's easy enough to look at for a long time if you were just doing this today.
Starting point is 01:08:25 It's all kind of soothing. And I do feel like if this was a game where it was a, again, like, Bellaccio, this was a 9.99 one-time purchase and it was just a thing that you could play and it was all skill-based once you got in there, how far you were able to progress, it was just a thing that you could play and it was all skill-based once you got in there, how far you were able to progress. Then I think I would just like it more,
Starting point is 01:08:51 but again, that's not what the core design is and obviously that's way less lucrative and that probably doesn't lead to King being purchased by one of the biggest publishers in gaming. So I feel like at the start of this, we said that we're covering this by one of the biggest publishers in gaming. I feel like at the start of this we said that we're covering this because it's Valentine's Day. I think we have to go a step further
Starting point is 01:09:12 and just clarify Valentine's Day is a candy holiday. Valentine's Day is a candy holiday, I think that's fair. It's probably one of the, I mean we could have done this at Halloween too I think. Well Halloween also a candy holiday, but I think Halloween is also a spooky holiday. And this is like such, this is specifically, we should say, and again, to anyone who's not played it,
Starting point is 01:09:31 this is love candy. Like Candy Crush's candy is love candy. It's not Halloween candy. No, it's love candy, not scare candy. Maybe they reskin it, and in fact, I would not be surprised if this was a seasonal event they did in October, the spooky season. They reskin it to be fact, I would not be surprised if this was a seasonal event they did in October, the spooky season.
Starting point is 01:09:45 They reskin it to be like kind of a haunted candy crush. Maybe they do a candy corn in there. Yeah, maybe just, or just kind of like a nightmare before Christmas aesthetic. Maybe they kind of lean into that, but just as a, as a, in its default form, it's akin to Valentine's candy. This is love candy. It's all love candy.
Starting point is 01:10:03 It's candy that you would give to a loved one. Yeah. And hey, some of our loved ones enjoy this game. None of mine. None of mine. Wow. My wife also, not a big candy fan, I gotta say. She doesn't like it.
Starting point is 01:10:20 You know what? My wife is also not a big candy fan. I think there's- I'm crazy for this stuff. Yeah, I mean like, I think a lot of candy is, what's your favorite candy? I mean it's gonna be in like different divisions. If it's like chocolate, I like bad chocolate. Like I love KitKats. Like KitKats is like number one in the chocolate division for me. I got no complaints with KitKats. Have you had a Canadian KitKat? No.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Holy shit, they're fucking, like, it's transcendent. Wow. Because I've had the Japanese ones, those are good. Japanese ones are great too. But the Canadian KitKat is just a chocolate KitKat, but it's just a much better level of cocoa. Because it's one of those things where the Canadian one has to follow the British standards
Starting point is 01:11:02 for chocolate manufacturing. Yeah, yeah. And they're just like, with confectionary, they're just much more stringent about how much cocoa needs to be in it. Where in the American version, it's like, mostly high fructose corn syrup or whatever the fuck. So it's just a much cheaper execution.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And when you have them side by side, there's a noticeable difference. In fact, next time I think I have an American Kit Kat, I think I'll just be like, why am I doing this? I'd rather have a Canadian one. I'll have to source a Canadian one because that sounds really good. I like that.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Fucking RFK Jr., that's the kind, like if he did that, you know what I mean? That's the thing he could be doing that could at least be some net good in our fucking horrible world. If like there's one thing that's like, hey, you know what, we're gonna have good chocolate. We're gonna make sure they serve real beef at McDonald's. We're gonna beef tallow at McDonald's fries
Starting point is 01:11:48 Yeah, we're gonna have real fucking chocolate in our candy bars We're not gonna have this shitty American chocolate anymore that everyone the rest of the world thinks tastes like vomit I think we should get rid of our red dye Fucking loser But um I'm the fucking Gatorade. It's like shut up, you fucking loser. But gummies are my number one. I love sour gummy worm, like a trolley. Like sour gummy worms, those are my jam. I also, I love red vines.
Starting point is 01:12:17 At the movies, I get red vines. I used to love red vines. Or Twizzlers, I also love Twizzlers. I'm agnostic. I would get my parents to get the fucking big ass red vines or twizzlers. I also love twizzlers. I'm agnostic I would I would like get like get my pearly beg my parents to get the fucking big ass red vines tub from Costco I was I love that so much and these days like and I used to think the coolest thing in the world was taking a red Vine and then like sipping a sprite using a red by hanging off both edges Yeah, that was like my favorite thing to do and then then now I just, I'm not really into them anymore.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I go crazy for those. And you know what, actually, have you had a nerds gummy cluster before? I know you're not a gummy guy. I've had one, I don't really remember it specifically. I love a nerds gummy cluster. I like nerds. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 01:12:58 I like nerds. You get the softness of the gummy, but then you get the crunch of the nerd. That's pretty good. Yeah, I mean, look, I love to crunch on a nerd. Lot of fun Crunching nerds every day dog all right shoving them in lockers and all that I'm a bully now by the way I Don't like your bullying phase I'm gonna start bullying everybody and you know what things are gonna start finally going my way
Starting point is 01:13:19 I'll tell you that now Jeff Kevin Can never bully him. He's too nice. I know. A good friend of mine. I don't hear I wanna bully is the thing. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. I will be mentioning that the floor is too hard, but I will not bully anybody. Any other thoughts on this game or match three games? I mean, I will just, I will say, like,
Starting point is 01:13:39 I have enjoyed a lot of match three games over the years. And I think just the ones I enjoy, I think match three is like a cool mechanic. The ones I've enjoyed are the ones that exist as games. The ones that aren't like mobile games. And this is the, I guess this is just the, what this turns into is just the issue with every mobile game is that the way they're monetized
Starting point is 01:14:00 is that they are supposed to be free products, that free to play products that are trying to get people to spend as much money But unlike something like fortnight, which is all cosmetics, you know, it's it's here. It's like You know, it's it's not skins. It's not alternate wardrobe. It's things that actually give you an advantage in the game. Yeah, and that to me is just like It's more abstract in something like Marvel Snap or Hearthstone, but it's the same sort of problem
Starting point is 01:14:28 with those games where you're spending real money for advantages in gameplay that kind of just skews the whole sort of, the balance of everything. I guess I have a question about, since you're like a big match three guy. You know what the difference is? It's the difference between Diablo Immortal and Diablo IV.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Diablo IV has like, you can buy stuff, but what you're buying is cosmetics. Diablo Immortal, you can just pay to, straight up pay to win. My guy's cooking. It just completely like ruins the experience. Yeah. I don't think it outright ruins Candy Crush Saga,
Starting point is 01:14:59 but it's just inherent to what it is. Cause like, I guess if you can't, if you can just pay to not lose, then like, what are we doing? Like the game is not actually like, I guess if you can't, if you can just pay to not lose, then like what are we doing? Like the game is not actually, like you're not being good at the game. You're not like being rewarded for your skill at the game. Right?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah. Would you say this game or Honey Pop is hornier? Yeah. Probably Honey Pop, cause that game has actual hentai in it. It's probably the game with... It's a straight up H game. It's for adults only.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Honey Pop is really well designed puzzle game. I have a segment. Yeah. Let's do it. You can turn on censored mode in Honey Pop if you want, by the way. You can play it, you know, you can play it just like for the game. You can turn on censored? Yeah, you can, no, you can turn on like, you know, you don't know how to play it, the dirty
Starting point is 01:15:44 mode. You can can it's in there But it's like the main thing I mean it's not that so the main thing I'd say the main thing is the core is met match three gameplay Which is really well implemented Hmm I Got a segment. Oh, mm-hmm. Just saying like you don't have to be in it for the hentai You can just be like a normal guy a normal guy Not to say
Starting point is 01:16:05 That it's abnormal But you can just like be playing the game because you think the game is good All right, let's do this segment. Yeah, sort of you're hard. It's okay Okay, I got a segment for you guys. Nick and Ranch have to guess how long it takes to complete a game. This is Game Over Time. Wow, Game Over Time, okay. This is a, so I mentioned this earlier when I was talking about how long to beat with
Starting point is 01:16:38 Alan Wake 2, which is the last game I looked up. And my thing that I will say, Ranch, and I know you've observed this game before, I think that they tend to, the people who, it's a selection bias thing, where the people who choose to submit for this are more avid gamers who maybe get through games faster than average. So maybe use that to-
Starting point is 01:17:00 Maybe skews things a little bit. That's the one observation I have. To grade on a curve. Now, are we, you're going off of how long to beat. I'm going off how long to beat and main story only. Main story only, okay. So that's like the least amount you can do. If you're just sort of like be lining through it.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Yes. Okay. So I know we just mentioned it. I do have Alan Wake two on the list. What do you think it says on the list? I think I looked on this. So maybe we could just do this as a warmup, but I'd say if ranch actually gets it it maybe ranch can just have the point, but I think it was like I Think it was like 21 hours
Starting point is 01:17:32 What do you think ranch? I'll go 18 hours Ranch gets it. It was it's 19 hours listed. Wow, so ranch is already on the board Next next game on the list is this price is right rules by the way or is closest yeah But nobody likes prices right rules and to that I say who fucking cares So it is prices right it's right its prices right oh yeah, guess what baby the price is right Hey, you you do have bully energy fucking pissed off. I should have had that coke zero before we started I'm all jacked up late in the day for caffeine I'm gonna be paying for it later. I'll tell you what falling asleep with some headphones on tonight
Starting point is 01:18:12 Next game on the list here inside. Oh inside. Oh boy Inside inside which I believe you've played ran. I have played yes this. Yes. Mainline, just main story only. I want to say, are there decimal points in here? Are there halves? Halves are allowed. Four and a half hours. Four and a half hours. Rant, what do you say?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Six hours. You both went over, but I'm going to give it to Nick, who went the least over. 3.5 hours on inside. That's a pretty quick play time, but I guess if you know what you're doing, you can kind of sprint through it. You can get through it quick if you know what's going on. Next one.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Okay, so it's one to one. One to one. Got it. And I did kind of do a theme here. These are games that I know that Ranch has played because I wanted it to be fun. Wow, that's fun. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 01:19:04 You're welcome. Or at least played a little fun. Thank you, man. You're welcome. Or at least played a little bit. Okay. Hollow Knight. How long to beat Hollow Knight? How long to beat Hollow Knight? Based on the limited experience
Starting point is 01:19:14 that you've had with it, Ranch? Pretty decent, yeah, and I've played it just a little bit myself. It was on my backlog list when we did our backlog Thunderdome. That's right. And I have committed to playing Hollow Knight I really do want to play through it. I think I'm really gonna enjoy it. It's right up my alley and I believe Main story only I'm gonna say
Starting point is 01:19:35 29 hours. I think it's bigger than than people really like to think 29 hours from Nick ranch. What do you think? I think it's 40 hours 40 hours Nick's gonna take this one again. 27 hours for Hollow Knight. Wow. That's a beefy boy. A beefy boy if you're mainline only. That's crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:19:53 Yeah, it's a big, big, big game. Huge. Big boy. Look what Daddy did. Next one, I think, I feel like you played this, Rochelle. I think you did. Resident Evil 4 remake. Wrench did play this, right? I did play this played this for show. I think you did Resident Evil 4 remake wretched play this right? Yeah Resident Evil 4 remake mainline only
Starting point is 01:20:14 17 hours 17 hours from Nick. What do you think ranch? I'll go 18 hours Ranch is gonna take that one 21.5 hours, okay, 21 and a half hours. Not nothing. Also an all-timer. So fucking good. Is that, was that the remake? That was the remake. Yeah, okay. Finally.
Starting point is 01:20:33 What's the score now? It's tied. It's tied. This is the final. Is it two to two? It's two to two. It's two to two, okay. Next one takes it.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Wow. How long does it take to beat Mary-Kate and Ashley, Sweet 16, License to Drive? Okay, so this is, Ranch has an advantage here because I have not played this game. I've only heard about it secondhand. I haven't played this in 20 years. Yeah. And have you, did you ever roll credits on it?
Starting point is 01:20:58 I mean, it's like a Mario Party-esque game. Got it. Okay. So we're talking about like one rat, one. Yeah, I wonder what it's measuring with the main story only it had a time. I'm gonna say three hours I think 30 minutes Nick's gonna get it Three and a half hours to finish Mary-Kate and Ashley sweet 16 license to dry. Oh, okay. I guess Nick's gonna like it here
Starting point is 01:21:41 And that's this week's get played GG ranch our producers Rochelle Chan ranch yard underscore underscore Sorry music is by Ben Prunty Ben Ben Prunty our art is by Duck Brigade Design Duck Ranchi streaming lately at all? I actually just streamed Alan Wake my first portion of Alan Wake too. Wow, that's rad. People can see that your Twitch channel is yard underscore underscore sard. Yeah, yeah, people should check that out. Check out our Patreon slash get played where you can find our entire pre head gum back catalog plus ad free main feed episodes and also our Patreon exclusive show, Get Animated, Matt, where we're watching Dandadan.
Starting point is 01:22:07 We're watching Dandadan and it's a damn to damn good time. Fuck, that was good. Dandadan, Dandadan, Dandadan. slash get played. And you know what got played this week? Candy Crush Saga. Because we did do it. Because we did do it.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Happy Valentine's Day everyone. We love you. We love you. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. And they would be so upset. That was a HeadGum Podcast.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Hi, I'm Caleb Herron, host of the So True Podcast, now on HeadGum Podcast. Hi, I'm Caleb Herron, host of the So True Podcast now on HeadGum. Every week me and my guests get into it and we get down to what's really going on. I ask them what's so true to them, how they got to where they are in life, a bunch of other questions. And we also may or may not test their general trivia knowledge, whether it's one of my sworn enemies like Brittany Broski or Drew Fualow or my actual biological mother Kelly My guests and I are just after the truth and if we find it great and if not, no worries So subscribe to so true on Spotify Apple podcast pocket casts or wherever you get your podcasts and watch video episodes on the so true with
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