Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - A Cozy Fall Trip to Pagosa Springs: Part 1

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

Narrator: TK Kellman 🇺🇸 Writer: Chase Doan ✍️ Sound design: car driving on bumpy road 🚗 Includes mentions of: Food, Heights, Bodies of Water, Car, Autumn, Walking, Ice & Snow, US History,... Driving, Science & Nature, Travel, Hiking.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll be travelling to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where autumn has just arrived. This small mountain town is home to the world’s deepest natural hot springs. 😴 * Check back tomorrow night to hear part 2! Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try and get on your way to being your best self. Go to for 10% off of your first month. Check out other great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Get Sleepy, where we listen, we relax and we get sleepy. I'm your host, Thomas. Thanks so much for joining us at the start of this new week. Tonight we'll be travelling to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where autumn has just arrived. This small mountain town is home to the world's deepest natural hop springs, and nearby there are endless opportunities for exploring the great outdoors. It was written by Chase and will be read by TK. And it's the first of a special two-part story that we're releasing this week. Best of all, you only have to wait till tomorrow night to hear part two.
Starting point is 00:01:07 So make sure you come back here tomorrow night to listen. A big thanks to Better Help for sponsoring tonight's episode. This time of year can be joyous, but equally, it can be incredibly challenging and pressurising, and it's only natural to feel some sadness or anxiety about it. Adding something new and positive to your life can help counteract some of those feelings. Therapy can be a bright spot in the darker, colder months. I've always found that therapy helps me to unlock coping skills and to just offload the things that are disrupting my inner peace. It goes hand in hand with sleep too.
Starting point is 00:01:51 If we're struggling with our thoughts, our sleep is usually the first thing to suffer, so I'm grateful that BetterHelp continues to support the show and in turn, many of our wonderful listeners. If you're thinking of starting therapy, give Better Help a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible and suited to your schedule. Find your bright spot this season with Better Help. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's Now my friends, make sure you're nice and comfortable in bed. Take a few deep breaths to help you feel more present and ground it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 There might be a lot of tension in your body and noise in your mind, carried over from the day. We're going to use a visualization exercise to quite literally help us unwind and release all of those energies. I'd like you to imagine a big ball of yarn. Right now you're holding it in your hand. It's all bunched together in a twisting, intertwining sphere of material, and it feels quite heavy when it's bundled up like this. This ball of yarn is much like your active mind, winding round in lots of directions, trapped in its spherical shape.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So simply place the yarn on the floor. Find the tip at the end of the material and press one finger down on its end. Then gently push the ball away from you. Watch as the strand unravels, gradually moving further away, shrinking in size, unwind and disperse. All that bundled tension rolls out until the yarn is completely loose. No more twists and turns. Just a long, lightweight strand, replacing the heavy cluster of the yarn's previous form. Now that you're feeling calm and settled, we can begin tonight's story. It's time to make our way to the wilderness of southwest Colorado. This is where our story begins. You feel the rumble of the car engine. As you traverse the somewhat bumpy narrow road. It's the trail you found branching off all table road.
Starting point is 00:07:12 table-road after leaving the town of South Fork, some 24 miles back. You are on an epic adventure, which is already proving to be one of surreal beauty. So far, you have yet to see another soul on this road, nestled deep in of the Rocky Mountains dusted with snow. In this area of the state, snow and fall at any time of year. So it comes as no surprise to see it here already. So high in the mountains. Right now you are traveling at almost 12,000 feet above sea level. But it is more than manageable.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Especially as the car is outfitted with four-wheel drive. You were originally on your way to Pagosa Springs. Fugosa Springs. But then you decided that you couldn't pass up the opportunity to go on an adventure off the beaten path. So now, you're headed to Wheeler Geologic Area. It is a little known wonderland. A highly eroded outropping of layers of volcanic ash. Which looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. The strange geological formations are commonly referred to as the city of knowns. That is because the area resembles a mysterious ghost city.
Starting point is 00:10:14 One with minaretts and a theedro-like spires of volcanic ash, which seemed to float above the surrounding forest. This is your first stop on your grand adventure through the wilderness of Colorado. You see the trailhead for Wheeler. So you pull the car off to the side of the road and park. There is a sign welcoming you to the area. Along with a map which you consult before choosing your direction. You pick the well-defined foot trail directly ahead and begin your hike through the forest. The trail winds through the trees, their branches, or my green and brown canopy over your head. And the white of the snow stands out among the splashes of color. Heking through the trees, our shafts of golden sunlight, a forest is lush, and the wildlife abundant. You come across a manor of small creatures.
Starting point is 00:12:34 whole manner of small creatures. Squirrels heart up the tree drunks, chattering among themselves. You can hear the hoot of an owl, despite the grilly hour. There is birdsong all around you from high up in the trees and calling from farther away. It's like a peaceful soundtrack. As you enjoy the scenery around you, the minutes take by and before you know it you come to a fork in the trail. Haking the path to the left you see the overlook before you. You spot a stone bench directly ahead and go to sit down on its smooth, cold service. of us. A sense of awe floods through you as you look out over the land. Although it was worth it. Filling your entire view is a landscape.
Starting point is 00:14:33 One unlike any you have ever seen before. The landscape is somewhat eerie and otherworldly. There are tall, thin rock formations that seem to ripple across the land and tower proudly into the air. The formations are like dusty snow-capped fingers of rock coming out of the Earth's surface. They might have been sculpted by giants. You feel as if you're on another planet. of this section of the real grand national force. They're interrupted only by the occasional cluster of evergreens and the mountains in the background. in the background. There are rows of Han Rose of volcanic ash columns in so many different shapes and sizes. You sit there for a minute trying to work out what they remind you of. Some of the formations look like a parade of ghost soldiers.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Other areas, more solid and compact. More solid and compact. Take on more peculiar shapes, and you don't even have the words for. Then there are sections that look like grand, palatial structures, the most intricate castles and cathedrals. You know this area is of geological significance. Seeing the information sign nearby, you finally tear your gaze away from the rock formations and walk over to read it. According to the sign, this place was the very first National Monument in Colorado. It was originally named Wheeler National Monument after Captain George Wheeler, who led a survey of the area in the 1870s. You learn that the tall thin rock formations that make the landscape so unique are called
Starting point is 00:18:22 Udu's. It's a word that rolls right off the tongue as you whisper it out loud. And it's a fitting word, sounding just as eerie as the appearance of the formations. Over the course of millions of years, the Houdus have been sculpted by wind and water. They were initially formed by volcanic activity, which plays an important part in these mountains The San Juan Mountains are Colorado's largest volcanic area. And this specific area, Wheeler, is situated within La Garita, Caldada. It's the geological remnant from one of the largest known volcanic eruptions in history, 28 million years ago. The eruption left the gaping depression in the earth, stretching for miles. Over time, subsequent eruptions followed, continuing until about 5 million years ago. During these eruptions, debris was blown into the air, of lava, ash, and rubble. Then, erosion from rain, wind, and spiral formations seen today. You've rocked back on your heels, thinking about how you are basically standing in a prehistoric time capsule.
Starting point is 00:21:32 The sign states that the forces that shaped the area started during the oligosing epoch. This was a transitional time. When many free historic life forms went extinct. You shift your gaze over the bizarre-looking landscape. It is hard to imagine what this place looked like before, during a time when lava burst burst from the earth and flowed freely across the land. You think how incredible it is. The world has changed so much over the years and long ago, things must have been so different. At last, you decide to leave this fascinating place, with a next intrepid wanderer to find. But before you walk away,
Starting point is 00:23:11 you make sure to take a few pictures, not wanting to forget this once in a lifetime experience. in a lifetime experience. As you wind your way back through the forest, a flock of birds erupt into the sky. You watch as crimson and orange leaves soar up in the air and then drift slowly to the ground, resisting the urge to catch one in your hands. Walking the trail back is as enjoyable as it was the first time. As soon you have made it to your car. You turn on the ignition and slowly maneuver the car around until it is facing the dirt road. Then after turning on some music, you head back the way you came. The miles rolled by in a slow motion It's not long before you see the sign for Pagosa Springs and turn on to the highway heading south. Soon you are driving along Wolf Creek Pass, which is an adventure in itself, with its
Starting point is 00:25:31 serpentine twists and turns through the rugged mountains. The pass goes along the great continental divide. You cannot wait to see the view from the top. The sun pierces the clouds, casting the shadows of nearby trees across the road. The bright rays of sunlight make the mountain peaks stand out in stark relief. Although it is cold, the humidity is low. It's the perfect day to be out enjoying the scenery, which has made that much more beautiful by the red, yellow, and orange leaves all around you. and orange leaves all around you.
Starting point is 00:27:12 At such a high elevation, there is snow piled up on both sides of the road. You wonder when the last snowflows came through. It must have been recently as the mountain passes easily navigable and you are cruising right along. Birds flip through the air, flying high over the mountains. Meandering up the steep incline, you pass the Wolf Creek ski area and finally reach the summit. Seeing the view and knowing that you are now on top of the continental divide, takes your breath away. You feel as if you are on top of the world as you take the turn for low-bow overlook
Starting point is 00:28:40 exiting the highway to the right. After driving about three miles up a gravel road, you reach the parking area. Finding a place to park is easy, as there's no one else around. At least not for the moment. You turn off the ignition and get out to stretch your legs, heading towards the fenced overlook area. And what you find stops you in your tracks. The panoramic views extend in every direction showcasing the surrounding peaks of the San Juan mountains as well as the San Juan and Rio Grande National
Starting point is 00:29:50 Forest. Clouds dot the sky and mountains undulate across the land as far as you can see. The forested area lying between the mountains is a swath of the deepest green, with splashes of yellow wildflowers. There are deer down there in the valley oblivious to your stair. You walk around reveling in the extraordinary views of the mountains. It's amazing to be standing on top of such a high elevation mountain and the continental divide at the same time. You're pretty sure that there aren't many places where you can do both. You start to read the nearby sign wanting to learn a little more about the glorious sights around you. The sign explains the importance of the continental divide, which runs along the rocky and hand-in mountain ranges. It separates the watersheds of America, directing the flow
Starting point is 00:31:53 of water to the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. The divide affects rivers and other water resources across the country. You touch the sign, dragging your finger along the cool metal surface as you continue to read. There's a section about the extensive tract of land, Seem to the northwest, where you notice the wind swept conditions of the trees along the timber line. This area is known as the Wemmonuch Wilderness, and it's the largest wilderness area in the state of Colorado. The sign also recommends stopping at the next scenic overlook upon returning to the highway. The one for treasure falls. There's a spectacular waterfall with quite an interesting history. In tree, you stroll back to your car after taking one last look across the stunning landscape and snapping a couple of pictures to remember
Starting point is 00:33:50 it by. Returning to the highway, you take the hairpin turn slowly and soak in the beauty. Artway down the pass on the west side, you catch a glimpse of the scenic valley leading into Pagosa Springs. You feel a thrill of excitement, to be so close to your main destination, spotting the dark blue ribbon of water, cutting across the land, you realize that it is the San Juan River. A couple of switchbacks later, you see the sign for treasure falls, and this time, you turn off the highway and enter the parking area, which is empty of other cars.
Starting point is 00:35:16 After easing the car into a parking spot, you get out. The second you open the door. You gaze at the waterfall, which can easily be seen from where you stand. The sparkling blue water glistens in the afternoon sun, cascading grandly over the face of a cliff, and dropping at least 100 feet into the pool of water below. Looking around, you find the entrance to the hiking path that will take you to the base of the falls and he's in toward it. The trail is well maintained, winding through a hilly, densely forested area. As you make your way up the dirt switchbacks, you breathe in the invigorating smell of the pine trees. you and Mother Nature out here, and you couldn't be more delighted to be so far removed from other people. After about a fourth of a mile, you enter a clearing.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Directly ahead is the waterfall. It's so close, it has you approached the deck. You can feel the spray from the falls. Pickle your face. You rest your hands on the rail and tilt your head back to watch the water rush off the cliff. The roar of it crashing into the creek below is the only sound you hear. You remember reading that the creek is named Falls Creek, and that it feeds into the mighty San Juan River.
Starting point is 00:38:29 This was worth stopping for. You have never seen such a magnificent waterfall. There is a sign to your right which describes the history of the falls. The name Treasure Falls comes from the Treasure Mountain, the same mountain in front of you. According to legend, there's a chest of gold buried somewhere nearby. In the 18th century, a group of French explorers entered the San Juan Mountains. During their mining expeditions, they discovered an enormous amount of gold. It was worth more than thirty million dollars by today's standards. standards. But after a dispute with local people, the explorers were forced to leave the area. They allegedly buried the chest of gold near a great water fountain, and the chest remains undiscovered to this day. You gaze at the waterfall and try to imagine where the buried treasure might be. The legend says that over the years, several parties have tried to locate the chest, but
Starting point is 00:40:33 all have been unsuccessful. You can understand how enticing it must be to those treasure seekers. After all, it would be quite the fine. You consider all the places where the treasure chest might be hidden, The treasure chest might be hidden, looking around at the lush greenery of the forest. Maybe the chest was buried beneath the falls. Somehow, that's where your thoughts go. When you imagine, the best place to bury such a thing. You can only presume that those long forgotten explorers hold the answer to the question, and that their secrets will remain varied with them.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Bringing your attention back to the present, you watch the waterfall for a moment, losing yourself in its hypnotic noise. Despite the deafening roar of the water, standing here, you feel in almost tangible fence of peace. After a while you leave the deck and head back down the dirt path, being careful to step over any roots. the fallen leaves, crunch under your feet. Your car is still the only one in the lot. You open the door and slide into the driver's seat. Backing out of the spot, you angled the car onto the main road and continued on to Pagosa Springs. The remaining drive is pleasant, taking you down in elevation and through a picturesque valley with large tracks of farmland and ranches. See the town from here? Small. And tucked away at the foot of the mountains.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Soon you have entered the town at the base of the valley. You pass a sign welcoming you to Fagosa Springs, home of the world's deepest hot springs, which were known and appreciated long before settlers showed up. Nowadays there are countless pools all over the town. On the banks of the San Juan River, which runs through the geothermal energy supplied by the springs. You are heading downtown now, having procured a room at a hotel that is right on the river. It is within walking distance of those 23 hot springs as well as the Mother Spring. There isn't a chain store inside, as you make your way through the refreshingly authentic mountain town. The hot springs enter your view.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Steam billows into the air and between the rocks all along the river, which extends far off into the distance. A few people are strolling along the sidewalks near the river. Some even give you a small wave as you pass by. And just like that, you feel welcome here. You find yourself entranced by the breathtaking views of the San Juan National Forest and the towering mountains that seem to embrace the town in a hug from all sides. The resort is directly ahead. You find a spot to park eager to check in and begin sightseeing. After grabbing your belongings out of the back of the car, you enter the building.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Once you've signed in at the front desk, a young man in a crisp white uniform graciously welcomes you. He takes your bags, waving at you to follow him. In your room, he places your things at the foot of the bed, before asking if you need anything else. You shake your head, thanking him. After he leaves, you take in your accommodation, which is luxurious to save a lease. The first thing that you notice is the stunning view through the sliding glass door to your left of the San Juan River and the hot springs.
Starting point is 00:48:32 and slide the door open, stepping out into a courtyard that leads down to the river and springs. The unobstructed views of the water, mountains, and national forests are spectacular. It requires some effort to turn away from the gorgeous sights before you, but you want to put your swimwear on, under your clothes, before you head out to sightseeing. Once you're ready, you leave your room, waving to the door-man, as you exit the hotel. Walking through the town, you feel as if you have been plucked away from everyday life. The vibe here is so laid back and the air so fresh. And you can't help but marvel at the fact that this place is so remote and secluded. included. With its natural beauty and charm, you already feel the desire to stay as long as you can. The town is rustic and enchanting. You pass by a string of boutiques, jewelry shops, and galleries,
Starting point is 00:50:31 boasting the work of local artisans. The restaurants and cafes are all locally owned. Each one teases you with a stream of mouth watering sense. It waft through the open doors. You decide to venture into one, seeing the menu outside that offers a wide array of delicious food. The girl behind the counter recommends the foil baked trout. Caught right here off the San Juan River. After ordering, you take a seat outside under the awning and look out over the river. The steam coming off the springs makes the river look magical somehow,
Starting point is 00:52:02 as if the earth were gently blowing bubbles. It is a sight you are sure to remember, even long after you have left, this unique place. Lost in your reverie. You don't realize that your food has arrived until you hear the girl asking if there is anything else you need. You smile a better and tell her, now this is perfect. The food is excellent and before you know it, you have polished it off. After taking another sip of your water, you pay and leave, feeling full and satisfied.
Starting point is 00:53:19 The sun is beginning to set. You wander back the way you came, stopping to read a historical landmark sign that you had a notice before. The stone is cool to the touch, as your finger traces the words, and you absorb the touch. As your finger traces the words and you absorb the information. The euths name the area Agosa after the spring. Ha ha meant water. Ag Gosa Highs thought to have possibly meant strong smell, the weather has translated it as bubbling or ealing. There is also evidence of a thriving and sustrel, webloent civilization here. They lived in and around the mineral-rich waters of the springs or centuries. You continue to weed until you notice a map below the main body of the text. It shows you what's out there in each
Starting point is 00:55:09 heart-hold direction. You gaze to the north and the rugged lofty peaks of the continental divide. The east, you look in the direction of the San Luis Valley and the Great San Dune's National Park. Turning around, you direct your attention to the south, toward the flat, hot landscapes of Mesa Country. Finally, to the west, are the famous gold mining districts of the San Juan Mountains as well as Mesa Verde and its and you reflect on the sense of all you feel being here. This little mountain town is so much more than you could have ever imagined. You came here to get away and explore the great outdoors. Little did you know how steeped, and intrigued, and history, this place would be. Now, there's only one thing you want, or need to do.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And that is to soak in the hot springs. Earning on your heel, you venture towards the nearest stone steps. They lead all the way down to the river, the heat of the springs, going you closer. You'll continue your Colorado adventure next time, for now, good night and sweet dreams. ... you you ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you ... you ... you ... ... you you you ... you you you

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