Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - A Cozy Friendsgiving

Episode Date: November 21, 2022

Narrator: Heather 🇺🇸 Writer: Alicia ✍️ Sound design: apartment ambience 🏙 🛏 Includes mentions of: Food, Nostlagia, Baking, Cooking, Thanksgiving   Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight..., we have a special story for Thanksgiving. This uniquely American holiday is often reason for big family events, but, as you'll find out this evening, it can also be a time to celebrate with friends. 😴    Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel! And hit subscribe while you're there! :)   Support our Sponsors Check out great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors:   Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:    Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:    About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey friends, for the best Get Sleepy experience, be sure to check out our supporters feed Get Sleepy Premium for our free listening weekly bonus episodes and access to our entire catalogue. Now, a quick word from our sponsors who make the free version of this show possible. Welcome to Get Sleepy, where we listen, we relax, and we get sleepy. I'm your host, Thomas. Thanks so much for tuning in. Tonight Heather will be reading to us in a special story for Thanksgiving. This uniquely American holiday often gives reason for big family events to be organized, but it's also a time to celebrate with friends.
Starting point is 00:00:55 The evening will join four neighbours in an apartment building as they create their own unique gathering. Small spaces and compact kitchens are no obstacle to great food or fellowship, and each friend contributes something special that they grew up eating at their family thanks-givings in different parts of the country. Before we get to the story, I just want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of you that have spread the word about the show and continue to do so in whatever way you can. A number of you have written to me letting me know you recommend it to friends and family all the time. I've also seen many of you sharing Get Sleepy stories on social media,
Starting point is 00:01:46 and of course if you've left us a review on Apple podcasts, that also goes a long way to helping others discover the show, and furthering our mission of helping as many people as we can across the world to get a better night's sleep. So again thank you all so much for being here and for your kind support. Let's just take a moment to settle in and unwind, like we always do here on Get Sleepy. If you need to adjust your position to get more comfortable, go ahead and do that. Then come to rest in calm and stonest as your body sinks into the bed. Just consciously slow your breathing even if it's just by a little to help relieve any stress or tension that you're holding onto. And with each exhale of the breath, sense yourself moving deeper into
Starting point is 00:03:12 relaxation and into rest. If you're noticing a build up of disruptive feelings or sensations, don't go hard on yourself for that. It's quite natural for us to become aware of such things when we're laying in bed at night without the distractions of the day to keep our minds occupied. But again, using each exhale of your breath, just give permission to let those disruptive sensations dissipate. You're in a place now that is safe, cozy and peaceful. Grateful for the opportunity to rest as you listen along to this sweet Thanksgiving story. So now, on a brisk and sunny day in late November, we're transported to an
Starting point is 00:04:53 apartment building in the city where there is a wonderful feast in our near future. near future. This is where our story begins. Melissa awoke in mid-morning to the tantalizing aroma of coffee coming from the kitchen. Rolling over in her bed, she stretched luxuriously and looked out the window. The old maple tree outside had lost most of its leaves at this point. Without peering down, she knew there were small piles of them here and there on the ground. It was always fun to shuffle through them when she walked outside. The sun shone brilliantly through the tree branches, through the glass and into her bedroom, making little squares on her wood floor that mimicked the pattern of the window. She reached over her and lightly touched the pain with her fingers. It was ice cold, she thought approvingly. Sunny and Brisk was the perfect type of cozy weather for Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Pulling the soft, comforter aside, Melissa swung her legs down to the side of the bed, and worked her feet into her slippers. Then standing up, she pulled her most comfortable cardigan off the cushy armchair in the corner. She made her way out of the bedroom and into the main living area of her apartment, slipping her arms into the sleeves one by one. Her faithful Faithful coffee pot was waiting for her in the compact kitchenette. Choosing a mug from her favorite diner, she poured herself a steaming cup. First, she needed to get the pumpkin pie crust in the oven. With a happy sense of anticipation, she set the oven to preheat. Then she pulled an airtight metal container from the cupboard and lightly floured one of her two small countertops. Digging in the crowded area under the counter, she produced a large rolling pin and also patted that with some flower. Then she opened the fridge and removed a chilled disc of dough.
Starting point is 00:08:48 She had made it yesterday so that it would be ready and waiting for her this morning. She unwrapped it and set it on the surface. Then, working methodically, she rolled and pushed, rolled and pushed the dough outward from the center, doing her best to create a round shape with an even thickness. When the pie crust was big enough, she laid it carefully in the glass pie plate and shaped it firmly into the extra edges carefully with the knife.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Placing some parchment paper in the center, she waded down with dried beans and put it in the preheated oven to bake briefly. The beans would weigh down the center of the crust and keep it from inflating in the oven. The apartment soon began to fill with the comforting smell of warm pie crust. In hailing the bread-y smell deeply, she wrapped her hands appreciatively around her warm mug and surveyed the room. Today, she would be hosting a potluck meal in the true sense of the holiday. She and her three neighbors would be pooling their resources and gathering in her apartment to enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner together. Since each of them lived in separate one bedroom units in Melissa's building, they would have to get creative to fit.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Nobody minded. They were just glad to be having a meal together. They were just glad to be having a meal together. Melissa looked at the drop leaf wooden table she kept in the nook by the kitchen. Normally, she had the sides folded down to conserve space. Today, however, she would pull it into the center of the room and put the leaves up. That way, she would definitely be able to seat four people for dinner. Her kitchen counter space was also limited, so they would have to figure out where to lay out all the food.
Starting point is 00:12:14 But the important thing was that they were going to have a fun afternoon together. Since she was hosting everyone, in addition to her pumpkin pie, Melissa had offered to make the turkey and the gravy. She couldn't imagine Thanksgiving without fresh cranberry relish, so she had already prepared some of that as well. It had been an easy condiment to make in advance, and it would keep nicely in the refrigerator until the dinner hour came around. Her next-door neighbor, Nikki, was contributing some important side dishes. Being from the upper Midwest, she insisted that they couldn't have Thanksgiving without a green bean casserole. In addition to that, she had promised buttery mashed potatoes at an apple pie. Dan, who lived downstairs from Melissa, had been excited about making the stuffing.
Starting point is 00:13:40 He hadn't revealed what type of recipe it would be. However, since he was a vegetarian, they all knew it would be something delicious and meat-free. He was also making a corn casserole that was apparently a staple in his family. Lastly, he had promised a salad. The others had been a little surprised at the inclusion of a salad in their Thanksgiving spread. But Dan insisted it was extremely common where he grew up on the west coast.
Starting point is 00:14:30 The fourth person was Lila. She lived downstairs next to Dan. Lila was from South Carolina and she insisted that it wouldn't be Thanksgiving if she didn't bring homemade macaroni and cheese. She had also eagerly offered to make a pecan pie, which had always been a staple at her family Thanksgiving's growing up. With three pies planned, Melissa had joked that they might want to eat dessert first. The timer went off, bringing Melissa's focus back to her pie. She carefully removed the cross from the oven.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It was half done. She got a fork out of the silver wear drawer. Then she carefully removed the parchment paper and the dried beans and set them aside. After removing them, she lightly pricked the uncooked center of the pie with the fork. She knew this would keep it from puffing up, now that the pie weights were gone. Then she returned the pie crust to the oven to finish baking. It would be ready soon. Satisfied with her progress so far, Melissa chose some music to listen to, and then refilled her mug. She walked into the living space and surveyed the room.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Setting down her coffee, she gently pulled the drop-leaf table away from the wall. It was on wheels, so it rolled very quietly across the room until she had it centered in an open area. She lifted the table-leaves. Yes, she thought, this size will do nicely. Opening up the storage chest, that she used as a coffee table, she carefully moved items around until she found a stack of pretty linen napkins. She saved these for special occasions. Closing the lid of the chest, she took the napkins to the table and laid them out flat.
Starting point is 00:17:32 She removed the first one from the pile and spread it out. into a series of clever triangles. She created a little tent that would stand on the plate. Fancy napkin folding was one of the oddly useful skills she'd learned as a server in a restaurant. It never failed to impress her friends. It never failed to impress her friends. After folding all four napkins into crisp little decorations, she retrieved some dinner plates and silverware from the kitchen cabinet. These actually did not match. She had the remaining pieces of several sets of both dishes and the cutlery she'd inherited from friends and family. Nonetheless, it made a festive table-setting, especially when she took a few different boat of candles from the bookshelf and placed them
Starting point is 00:18:47 in the middle of the table. Perfect. Melissa took a notepad and pen from the kitchen drawer and sipped her coffee while making a simple to-do list. She would put together her pumpkin pie filling next and get that pie back in the oven. It would take about an hour to bake. After that, the preparation and roasting of the turkey would be the last thing she completed. In the meantime, she was free to get dressed and maybe even visit her friends
Starting point is 00:19:37 to peak at their own cooking projects. As she set down her list, the timer notified her that her pie crust was done. She pulled it from the oven and admired it. It was lightly toasted all over and looked perfect. She set the baked pie shell on the opposite counter and prepared to mix up her pumpkin filling. First, she arranged all her ingredients on the counter. Using a large mixing bowl and a whisk, she started by putting together pureed pumpkin, eggs, and brown sugar.
Starting point is 00:20:38 After that she added milk and several spices, including delicious smelling cinnamon, which was her favorite. When the filling was well blended, she carefully poured it into the warm crust, making sure not to overfill the pie. not to overfill the pie. Once she was satisfied that the pie was filled properly, she placed it back in the oven and set the timer again. It would be ready in a bit under an hour. Taking her coffee back to her room, Melissa opened up her closet. She and her three friends had all agreed to make this a very casual affair.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So she selected a nice pair of jeans and her favorite soft, cozy sweater. Then, still feeling comfy in her slippers, she decided to go next door, and visit Nikki while the pumpkin pie was in the oven. Melissa stepped out into the carpeted hallway and closed her front door. She walked down one apartment and paused at Nikki's place. A tantalizing smell of warm apple pie was wafting into the hallway, and Melissa could hear Nikki singing as she cooked. She smiled to herself, knowing that Nikki loved some good karaoke, and that she probably didn't care if the entire apartment building heard her.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Melissa knocked on the door and the singing stopped. Nikki pulled it open and greeted her warmly, telling her to come in. What luck she continued. You are here just in time to witness the preparation of the Green Bean Casterall. Indeed, Melissa had never seen anyone make a Green Bean Casterall, although she had heard about them for many years. She followed Nikki through her apartment, which was a mirror image of Melissa's own place. But filled with mismatched collection of homie furniture, she'd taken from her parents' house when she moved out.
Starting point is 00:23:50 The effect was warm and cheerful. Melissa always enjoyed coming over here. The preparations in the kitchen were well underway. A large casserole dish sat on the counter. Next to it was a colander, all of bright, blanched green beans. There was also a can of mushroom soup, some milk, pepper, and a can of fried onions. With great flourish, the ghee spread the mushroom soup, milk, pepper, and some of the onions in the casserole and mix them all together.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Then she put the green beans into the soup mixture and gently stirred it to combine. With that, she turned to Melissa and put her hands in the air. It's almost done, she said with a smile. I just have to bake it right before I come over and add the extra crispy onion topping. Then covering the dish with plastic wrap, she slid it into the refrigerator for later. In contrast to the very simple casserole, Nikki's apple pie appeared to be a work of art. It sat cooling on a rack, smelling absolutely heavenly. The top was covered with an artful lattice pattern. Melissa was truly impressed. She asked Nikki what type of apples she used.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Granny Smith, Nikki answered very seriously. Then she added, it's what my grandma always used. Nikki nodded with appreciation, she couldn't wait to try this by. Looking around the kitchen, Melissa realized one of Nikki's dishes was missing. Where are the potatoes? Melissa asked. Nikki winked at her and pointed to a large pot sitting on a stove. Inside, Melissa saw a huge mound of peeled yellow potatoes submerged in water. Nikki explained that as long as they were under the salt water, they wouldn't get brown.
Starting point is 00:27:00 They were all ready for her to boil and whip up right before dinner. Since Nikki's preparations seemed to be pausing for now, Melissa asked her if she wanted to go downstairs and visit Lila. Nikki thought it was a wonderful idea. She washed up, hanging the dish towel over the oven handle, and said she was ready. Leaving the mouth watering scent of apple pie behind They both entered the hall and closed Nikki's door firmly behind them. It took but a moment to go down the stairwell, down to Lila's apartment, which was directly underneath Nikki's. keys. They knocked on the door and heard Lila speaking to someone as she approached. When she opened it, they saw that she was on the phone. She seemed to be wishing someone a happy Thanksgiving. She was wearing an apron covered in flower and a dish towel was slung over her shoulder. Smiling broadly, she stood aside and motioned to the two friends to come inside.
Starting point is 00:28:43 They stepped into her living area, which was furnished in a very elegant style. The couch was velvet, and faux fur pillows were lined on it and around the floor. Melissa always loved coming to Lylus Place. It felt like a palace. The tall stockpots steamed on the stove in the kitchen, and a box of elbow macaroni stood next to it. Sitting on a nearby cutting board was a cheese grater. It was surrounded by mountainous piles of grated yellow cheese. Lila noticed her guest staring at it and grinned.
Starting point is 00:29:40 It's 24 ounces total, she said with delight. She showed them a smaller pot on the stove, where she would be making all of it into a decadent cheese sauce that started with milk and flour. Nikki pointed to a pie plate that was resting on the other counter. The pie crust was already pressed into it, with pretty fluted edges, and the bottom was filled with chopped pecans. It looked like you're almost ready to bake your pie, she commented. Lila nodded and agreed.
Starting point is 00:30:30 She explained that the only remaining staff is to pour in the liquid ingredients and put it in the oven. The dough is the hardest part with the pecan pie, honestly, she said. The rest is pretty simple. Melissa could see that they were keeping Lila from important prep work, so she wished her luck with her dishes, and said she was looking forward to seeing Lila at dinner time. Displaying the whisk with determination, Lila smiled and began slowly blending her cheese sauce on the stovetop as the water in the stockpot came to a simmer. Leaving Lila to her cooking, Melissa and Nikki let
Starting point is 00:31:30 themselves out into the carpeted hallway. Nikki indicated she was going to head back upstairs and see everyone soon. Melissa waved to goodbye and watched her friend slip into the stairwell. Melissa had a little more time to wait before her pie would be done and she could get the turkey going, so she stopped nearby and knocked on Dan's door. She would see what goodies he was preparing she thought. As she stood outside his door, waiting for him to open it, she inhaled the lectable aroma of something frying in a pan. It smelled like butter and onions.
Starting point is 00:32:32 After a moment, she heard him tell her to just come in, so she pushed the door open and stood in his living area. and stood in his living area. The layout was the same as all the other apartments, but this one was furnished with a cool contemporary vibe. All the furniture was gray and had simple straight edges. The coffee table was black. Peering into the kitchen, she saw Dan in the middle of sawtaying something on the stovetop. I'm making the stuffing, he said, motioning her over. Melissa approached the stove and saw he had butter, onions, celery, and mushrooms in the pan.
Starting point is 00:33:33 She could also detect a delicate garlic scent. Next to him on the counter, there was a large bowl of bread cubes. She could see from an empty nearby package that it was sourdough. As she watched, Dan took a measuring cup of broth and poured a little bit in the pan, scraping up delicious looking brown bits. Then he poured the rest of the broth into the bread, and transferred the buttery contents of the frying pan to the bowl as well. He stirred it gently with a large wooden spoon to combine. Now, for the Parmesan and the artichokes, he said, as he retrieved a nearby measuring cup full of grated cheese.
Starting point is 00:34:40 The Parmesan, too, went into the bowl. Then he took a container filled with chopped marinated artichokes from the fridge and added those as well. He sprinkled the entire bowl with some type of seasoning that had been combined in a custard dish nearby. Lastly, he cracked an egg in a small bowl, beat it lightly and added it to the bread mixture. He gently folded it over and over to combine. Once this was finished, he carried the bowl to a casserole dish that waited on the opposite counter and carefully spread all the stuffing into the dish. All done, he said, ready to bake. With that, he covered the dish in foil and slid it into the refrigerator. As he opened and closed the fridge, Melissa caught a glimpse of a bowl of bright green salad
Starting point is 00:36:10 inside. He told her the salad had apples and walnuts in it, which sounded perfect for the season. The corn casserole, which was his last dish, would only take a few minutes to put together, and it would bake for an hour with the stuffing. It sounded like Dan had his contributions to dinner will under control. to dinner, well under control. Melissa couldn't wait to try all of it. Having paid a visit to everyone, Melissa knew it was time to go upstairs and finish her own preparations. She told Dan she looked forward to seeing him later and he waved goodbye as she slipped out of his apartment. Back in the hallway, she was pretty sure she could smell the lovely aroma of the baking pecan pie emanating from Lila's apartment. Inhaling deeply, she patted across the soft carpeting and threw the stairwell door.
Starting point is 00:37:40 When she arrived at her own apartment, she pushed the door open with a sense of delightful anticipation. With her pie just moments from being finished, the entire place was filled with the mouth-watering smell of the pumpkin and spices. It immediately brought back so many happy memories from her childhood, when her parents would make pumpkin pie every holiday season. Even better, she knew her small kitchen would soon be filling the halls with the delicious
Starting point is 00:38:28 scent of roasting turkey. Melissa opened the oven and carefully tested the pie. It needed just a few more moments. She closed the oven door and set up a baking rack on the opposite counter. She would let the pie cool there while she got the turkey ready to roast. Slipping a checkered apron over her head, she prepared for the main event. Her prep space had to be nice and clean, and her ingredients needed to be at hand. In a few moments, she had a roasting pan, butter, fresh thyme, garlic, onion, and lemon ready to go. Posing briefly to deposit her beautiful pie on the cooling rack, she lowered the heat.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Ben, following instructions on a battered recipe card from her parents, she prepared the turkey to roast, setting it on top of a bed of vegetables in the pan. When her work was complete, she was very proud of herself. The oven chimed to let her know it was at the right temperature, and she slid the heavy roasting pan into the oven, setting the built in timer for two and a half hours. While the turkey was roasting, Melissa made a few more preparations. She put her two kitchen chairs, her desk chair, and a small arm chair around the table. Then, she opened her desk drawer and found four place cards she had printed yesterday. Each one had a turkey on it and the name of one of the four dinner attendees.
Starting point is 00:40:59 She placed these at the top of the plates around the table. Returning to the kitchen, she opened the cupboard and selected four of her fanciest drinking glasses. They were real crystal. She had found them in a second-hand store years ago. She also fetched the gravy boat. She only got to use it once or twice a year, but she loved having it on the table for special locations.
Starting point is 00:41:41 One by one, she positioned the glasses by the plates, and then she set the gravy boat on the counter. She could fill it when her gravy was ready later. At this point, Melissa realized she had a little time to relax. The turkey wouldn't be basting, but there was nothing to stop her from putting her feet up and getting in a bit of reading. She pulled the apron off and hung it on a hook near the kitchen. Then taking a soft blanket from the arm of the couch, she snuggled into the cushions of her sofa and picked up her latest novel. The apartment was silent, except for the occasional small noises coming from the radiator and the oven.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Through her thick window-pain, she could see the remaining leaves dancing in the brisk November breeze outside. Every few seconds, one of them would separate from its branch and circle downward in a lazy spiral. It was a cozy feeling to be inside looking out on Autumn's final show. When the ride amount of time had passed, Melissa opened the oven door to baste the turkey. It was just beginning to brown and the aroma's floated into the room while she was doing her work. Closing the door again, she returned to the couch and set her watch to remind her when another half hour had passed.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Snuggling under her blanket on the sofa, Melissa didn't even notice that she had dropped her book and dosed off. She drifted back out of her catnap to the tune her watched use for the alarm. It was time to baste the turkey again. Yawning she stretched and smiled. A tiny nap was all she had needed to feel reinvigorated and ready to host. This time the turkey was looking lovely and brown. She checked the temperature and saw it was about half done. This was perfect since her friends would be arriving soon. They would have time to settle in and enjoy a beverage before she needed to make gravy and serve. Melissa put away her book and then neatly folded her blanket
Starting point is 00:45:15 and put it back on the arm of the couch. Making a circuit around the room, she saw everything was in place. The final touch was to light her vote of candles and turn on some soft background music. While she was leaning over the candles, she heard a knock on the door. It was sneaky. She wanted to ask if Melissa could prop the door open so she could come back with her hot, green bean gasser roll and then follow up with the pie. Melissa realized everyone would have their hands full, so she agreed that this was an
Starting point is 00:46:08 excellent suggestion. Using a heavy book as a door stop, they let the door stand wide so that all the delicious arrivals could begin. As promised, Nikki was back momentarily with a long rectangular dish covered in foil. Melissa pointed to the kitchen counter and suggested Nikki leave it there. Then, the formalissa could say anything else, Nikki had left again to fetch her mashed potatoes and apple pie. While she was gone, Dan appeared. He had a large serving dish that was also covered in foil. Melissa knew this must be the sourdough stuffing.
Starting point is 00:47:16 The parmesan smelled incredible. She pointed to a spot on the counter next to the green bean casserole and Dan gently set it down. He told her he'd be back in a minute with the salad and the warm corn casserole. He and Nikki laughed as they almost bumped into each other in the hallway. Nikki had returned with a bowl of buttery mashed potatoes, cradled in one arm, and an apple pie in her other hand. Looking around the kitchen, Melissa realized they were going to run out of space. Let's put the pies on the coffee table, she suggested. Nikki gently set the pie down and then continued to the kitchen to deposit the mashed potatoes. Moments later, Lila appeared in the doorway, carrying a very warm tray of jekident macaroni and cheese.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Smiling, she set it on the top of the stove and removed her oven mitts. Mickey made a delightful noise and gingerly lifted the foil on top to reveal a molten level of garlickyrumbs and cheddar. It smelled wonderful. Without ceremony, Lila turned around and said she'd be right back with the Bacan by. Most of the meal was here now, especially once Dad reappeared with a salad bowl cradled in one arm and a square dish of warm corn casserole definitely balanced on a pot holder. Leaning slightly, he placed the salad on the table, and then set the corn casserole in
Starting point is 00:49:47 the last space on the counter in the kitchen. While he was doing that, Melissa got her little bowl of cranberry relish out of the fridge and nestled it into the corner of the dining table with a serving spoon. Just at this moment, Lila arrived with her lovely sugar-scented pie and shut the door behind her. In her other hand, she held a can of some type of food. The others looked at her with puzzlement. What's that, Melissa asked? Its cranberry sauce, Lila responded. You may like that fancy New England relish, but my family always aided out of
Starting point is 00:50:49 a can, and that's as it should be. She winked teasingly at Melissa, who handed her a plate and invited her to liberate the cranberry sauce from its container. They all watched in amusement as the canned-shaped gel emerged, wiggled and settled unto the dish. As is the case with the time-honored green bean casserole, Thanksgiving food isn't always pretty, Nikki joked. A while later, the four friends sat happily around the little table, each with a plate piled high with delicious food.
Starting point is 00:51:45 For each one of them, some of the dishes were familiar, and others were destined to become new favorites. Music played softly in the room, and toasts were exchanged. Each person at the table recounted funny tales and good memories from Thanksgiving's past. Whether they were spent in Massachusetts, Minnesota, California, or the Carolinas, Melissa reflected on how wonderfully the meal had come together. Having each person take on part of the work was so much easier and four times as fun.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Plus, as Nikki pointed out, there would be much more left over pie this way. The sun set on their gathering, and outside, the twilight filled with the hallmarked chill of the season. The last of the brown leaves whispered in the November evening, bidding their branches farewell, and spinning lazily to the earth. And inside the four walls of a city apartment building, Melissa, Nikki, Lila, and Dan were content. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you you

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