Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - A Warm Nap in the Sun

Episode Date: January 31, 2022

Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll wander the hallways of a charming hotel with the equally charming pet labrador who lives there. After spending time with her owners and greeting the guests, i...t’s time for a nap on Rosa's favourite windowsill spot. 😴  Sound design: morning ambience, birdsong. 🌅🐦 Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧   Do you enjoy relaxing nature and white noise sounds? Do you use sounds to calm a fussy baby? Get a 30-day free trial of the Deep Sleep Sounds App: You can even use the Deep Sleep Sounds app to play your own unique soundscape in tandem with a Get Sleepy episode. Here's how: (1) Download the Deep Sleep Sounds App on Apple or Android; (2) Open the app, go to the Controls tab, and turn Background Audio on; (3) In the Sounds tab, add sounds to your Mix by tapping the plus (+) icon next to that sound; (4) Adjust the volume of your sounds in the Mix tab of the app; (5) Press play on your favorite Get Sleepy episode in whatever podcast player you prefer, and enjoy a good night's rest.   Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:    Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:    About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Before tonight's episode, I want to let you know about our supporters' feed Get Sleepy Premium, the best way to experience the show and get a good night's sleep. With Get Sleepy Premium, everything is ad-free. You'll receive a bonus episode every week, and have full access to our entire back catalogue. Your support really helps, and means so much to us. Simply tap the link in the show notes to learn more. Now, a quick word from our sponsors who make it possible for us to bring you two three episodes each week. Imagine how much better the world would be if everyone woke up well-rested every day.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That is why the team and I make Get Sleepy, and our broad network of sleep podcasts called Slumber Studios. And you can join us in this mission. You can help by sharing your favourite episode with a friend or family member, or by supporting the show via our premium feed, which will get you ad free access to the entire Get Sleepy catalog, plus all of our weekly exclusive bonus episodes. You can even get a discounted price by subscribing to our Samba Studios Premium Bundle, which includes the Sleepy Bookshelf and Deep Sleep sounds as well. You won't find better sleep anywhere else. To learn more
Starting point is 00:01:27 and sign up, follow the link for Get Sleepy Premium in the show notes, or you can subscribe directly with in Apple Podcasts. Thanks so much for your support. Welcome to Get Sleepy. The podcast where we listen, we relax and we get sleepy. I'm your host Tom and thank you so much for tuning in. Tonight, we meet a friendly Labrador named Rosa, who lives at a hotel. After spending time with her owners and greeting the guests, it will be time for a nap. Her favourite spot is a window sill in the sun, overlooking a peaceful canal. And this story is actually inspired by a real dog in Belgium, who took his naps in a scenic
Starting point is 00:02:28 spot too. He was popular with tourists, and he became known as the most photographed dog in Bruges. You might wonder why a sleeping dog was such a memorable moment, but perhaps it's that he simply helped people understand the pleasure of slowing down. Let's prepare for tonight's story by reminding ourselves of how it feels to have a great night's sleep. Take a deep breath in, hold at the top and slowly exhale As you continue to breathe at an easy, relaxed pace, try thinking back to a time when you had a really great night's sleep. One of those sleeps that just comes to you without any effort or trepidation and makes you feel all the better when you wake up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Where were you when you experienced that great sleep? Was there something about the bed or the space around you that made you feel deeply relaxed and comfortable. Perhaps it was the events of your day that left you with a luxuriously calm and sleepy feeling where laying down and letting your head sink into the pillow becomes irresistible. In your mind, take yourself back to that time. Try to reconnect with that sense of deep and easy relaxation. Enjoy the feeling of comfort that you have right you woke up after that sleep. Perhaps you continued to feel deeply relaxed and you approached the morning gently and calmly. Or, of course, you may have felt completely full of life, teeming with positive energy, ready to make the most of the day ahead. That's the power of a good night's sleep.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And though not all of us experience it, quite as often as we might like, when we do sleep well and wake up refreshed, the experience is something that we can cherish and appreciate. I'm hopeful that you'll have a night full of deep, rejuvenating sleep. So, without any pressure, simply follow the sound of my voice. And this charming story about Rosa, a Labrador wakes up slowly. She opens her eyes and then stretches out her body so her back and limbs become looser. When she wakes after a long sleep she is so relaxed that even her golden fur feels softer than usual. She's lying on the bed of her owners, a couple in their fifties.
Starting point is 00:07:36 The man and woman get up early in the morning to work at the hotel, which is where they live. And as soon as one of them gets up, leaving an open spot on the bed. So too does Rosa. She stands up from the cushion on the floor, and jumps onto the king-sized bed of her owners. Although her own bed is comfortable too, she'd rather be up here. The mattress is thicker, and it's so warm and cozy. She loves breathing in the scent of her owner. When there's enough space, she likes to curl up right in the middle of the bed, where
Starting point is 00:08:31 it's still warm from their body heat. This morning, the man got up earlier, leaving his partner to have a lie in. Now the woman is finally ready to wake up too, but Rosa doesn't want her to leave until they've had their usual morning ritual. She nestles up beside the woman and then rolls onto her back, waiting for belly ropes. For the next few minutes Rosa lies there with her eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the bed and the relaxing sensation of her belly being rubbed. It's like a soothing massage.
Starting point is 00:09:31 She could spend the whole morning like this. Rosa gets a final affectionate scratch behind the ear before the woman gets up and gets ready to begin her day. Although Rosa wishes her owner would stay a little longer, at least she now has the entire bed to herself. She stretches out luxurianly, taking up all the space and absorbing the warmth. Her owners haven't always allowed her to climb onto the bed. Long ago, when she was still a puppy, the man would often say no. But as soon as he left the room, the woman would allow Rosa to snuggle up beside her. And now, years later, Rosa is allowed into the bed every morning. It's part of her daily routine, like the belly
Starting point is 00:10:48 robs and walks, and her afternoon nap on the windowsill. Rosa drifts off to sleep again, dreaming of the nap she'll take later. When she's not sleeping, she's thinking about sleeping. She's an old dog now, and she spends most of her time napping or relaxing on the most comfortable surface she can find. She no longer has the desire to play for hours, as she did when she was a puppy, and her walks are shorter now. But other things remain unchanged, like her appetite. After dozing for a while, she wakes up again and becomes aware of her stomach rumbling. She knows she can't expect breakfast in bed, so she'll
Starting point is 00:12:00 have to get up and head downstairs to the kitchen. Rosa stretches contentedly one last time and then climbs down from the bed onto the plush carpet. As soon as she leaves the bedroom she sniffs and catches the scent of her breakfast. Rose's nose is incredibly powerful. Her sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than a human's. So when she sniffs the air, it's not only breakfast that she smells. She's also aware of countless other odors. There's the fresh, clean smell of the carpet. Then there's one of the hotel guests perfume which still lingers in the air even though the woman has already gone. Further away
Starting point is 00:13:19 Rosa can also smell coffee and the familiar scent of both her owners. She doesn't mind them being out of sight, as long as she can smell them. She likes knowing that they are nearby. But as she continues to sniff, she realizes that she can sense something else. It's faint but unmistakable. With her nose to the ground, she follows the scent all the way down the hall and down the winding carpeted stairs. When she reaches the hotel reception, the smell gets stronger. She's getting closer and closer. And there, behind a potted plant on the floor, is a piece of cheese. Heronas often leave little treats like this, hidden around the hotel. It never takes her long to find them.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Rosa devours the piece of strong salty cheese in one bite and then heads towards the kitchen. The cheese was delicious but now she's even hungrier. After a hearty breakfast of kibble and a drink of fresh cool water, Rosa is ready for the next part of her morning routine. She likes to follow her own as he goes around the hotel, up and down the stairs, and along every hallway. Although she doesn't understand what he's doing, she's happy to keep him company. She likes to think that she's helping in some way.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Every now and then she gets rewarded with a pat and sometimes even a treat. This walk around the hotel also gives Rosa the chance to investigate some more smells. She sniffs the walls and carpet and tries to detect any subtle changes. She's curious about new smells. Once she remembers there was a family who seemed to have travelled from far away. They looked tired, standing in reception next to a huge pile of bags and cases. When Rosa came to greet them, she smelled so many wonderful new scents. One of them was a dusty, earthy aroma, but it was nothing like the smells she was used
Starting point is 00:16:53 to. This one was all mixed up with unfamiliar herbal fragrances and something warm and smoky. She was so fascinated by these new smells that she stayed right next to the guests sniffing their shoes and their luggage. At last, one of Roser's owners called to her from behind the reception desk, but the guests had been kind and friendly. Roser remembered that too. Everyone who came to the hotel was always happy to see her. Rosa continues on her morning rounds, following the man into the dining room on the ground floor.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It's a beautiful, airy room that smells of flowers, as well as the remnants of breakfast. Rosa can still smell the warm, comforting scent of coffee and toast. But what interests her about this room is not the lingering aroma of breakfast or even the leftover crumbs on the carpet. For Rosa, the best thing about this room is the window. Beneath the large central window is a cushioned bench, which is where the guests sometimes sit. Just above the bench is a broad window cell made of wood, also covered with a large cushion. This is Rose's spot. She follows her owner as he kneels on the bench and opens the windows outwards to let in the fresh morning air.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's a beautiful spring day and the air still feels a little crisp. Rosa will come back here later in the early afternoon. When the sun is shining directly on the window, she'll enjoy a nap in the warmth of its light. But for now, she can't resist a quick look out of the window. The man moves to the side so there's space for her. She joins him on the bench, placing her front paws outside on the windowsill. The view from this spot is one of the best in the town. It looks directly out onto a canal and sometimes boats pass right below. Across the canal is an old ivy-covered stone wall. The tops of the trees are visible in the opposite garden. Their leaves rustling in the wind and birds twittering in the branches. Fathers along is a red brick building with open windows that belong to a bakery.
Starting point is 00:20:53 At this time in the morning, Rosa can still smell the delicious scent of the bread and pastries fresh from the oven. Her powerful nose can distinguish each individual ingredient. She could list them all, the smell of butter, sugar, honey and caramel. Then there's chocolate, Then there's chocolate, cinnamon, almonds, even roasted pear. She sniffes wistfully and then turns towards her owner. His eyes are closed and he's breathing in deeply, savoring the fragrances. When he opens his eyes, he looks at her and smiles. He strokes her affectionately, his hand moving slowly from the top of her head, then right down her neck and back. She loves the warm, comforting weight of his hand.
Starting point is 00:22:15 She wags her tail happily and robs her head against him to show her appreciation. Later she hopes he'll take her for a walk. They usually walk through the town centre or they go to the nearby park so Rosa can meet other dogs. But she understands that her owner has to work now. She can keep herself busy in the meantime and see what's happening in the garden. At the back of the hotel is a peaceful, walled garden. There are rows of neat flower beds on all sides, an old oak tree, and a patio with a bench. Rosa knows every inch of this garden. All the sights and smells are familiar.
Starting point is 00:23:25 She has fond memories of her days as a puppy, playing on the grass and learning how to sit, stay and roll over. Her owners would give her treats or make a game of hiding them in the garden. As Rosa wanders across the lawn, sniffing the plants and the flowers, she catches the scent of one of her owners. The woman has come outside too, to sit in the sun and read the newspaper. Rosa comes to sit beside her for a while, content to spend time in her company. She always enjoys the presence of other people, but she is happiest when she is with her owners.
Starting point is 00:24:28 The comforting familiarity of their scent is so calming that it sometimes makes her feel sleepy. She could fall asleep right here on the patio. Then Rosa's owner leans towards her and scratches her gently behind the ears. It has an instant effect. Rosa feels so deeply relaxed that she lies down on the warm stone and rests her head between her paws. Then she closes her eyes and drifts into a peaceful sleep. A little while later, Rosa is awakened by a distant ringing sound, the bell at the reception desk. This means some guests have arrived, and the woman will have to go to greet them.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Rosa likes to meet the new arrivals too. She yorns, stretches, and then follows the woman into the building, her tail wagging. A couple of young men are waiting at reception, and they smile as soon as they see Rosa. One of the men bends down to stroke her. Using both hands, he scratches her head, ears and neck with genuine affection. This man must have a dog of his own too. Rosa can detect the scent of another female dog on the man's clothes and skin. She also recognizes the smell of her local park, the familiar fragrance of leaves, earth and daffodils. The man must have walked through the park on his way to the hotel and brought the aroma
Starting point is 00:26:58 with him. Rose's understanding of time is closely linked to her sense of smell. Her idea of the past comes from the strength of a scent. The lingering smell of the park tells her that the man has been there recently, but it's not as strong as the aromas of the present. As well as the past and present, Rosa can use her sense of smell to recognize the future. Sometimes, she knows who's around the corner, what's about to happen just from the scent as it's carried through the air. This is her way of understanding the world. Once she's identified all the scents that the new guests have brought with them, she's happy to enjoy the moment.
Starting point is 00:28:10 She sits on the floor with her eyes closed, allowing the man to stroke her head to neck, over and over again. A simple interaction like this is one of her greatest pleasures in life. It fills her with a sense of blissful relaxation that spreads right through her body. She waxed her tail slowly, sweeping it across the floor. After the new guests have checked in, Razor decides to return to the dining room. She can smell cooking from the nearby kitchen, as her owner is preparing a delicious galicky dish. Usually the cooking
Starting point is 00:29:10 aromas coincide with the sunlight reaching the dining room window. Roses looking forward to having a rest on the windows sill and basking in the sun. She crosses the dining room, stopping to greet a couple of guests on the way. Then, using the bench as a step, she climbs up onto the window sill and lies down on the large soft cushion that's positioned by the open window. Most of the cushion is inside the room, but part of it sticks outside in the sunshine. Rosa's owners know that this is exactly how she likes it. Rosa stretches, arching her back, and then settles down on the windowsill. She makes herself comfortable with her head resting on the cushion between her front paws. The rest of her body is also supported by the soft feather cushion, which was a present from her owners many years ago. When she sniffs the fabric, Rosa can still detect the original scent of the material,
Starting point is 00:30:52 a delightful fragrance of wood, herbs and flowers. This floral smell is unlike anything in Rose's hometown, so the cushion must have come from far away. Once the scent seemed strange and exotic, but after all these years of napping on the cushion, it now feels wonderfully comforting and familiar. And it's mixed with other smells too. Rosa can recognize the lavender scent of the laundry detergent, the distinctive aroma of heronus and even heronus smell. Under the gentle rays of the spring sunshine, these smells are heightened. In fact, everything seems more vivid in the warmth and brightness of the sun.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Even the colours of the canal appear more intense. Rosa can't perceive the same spectrum of colour as her human owners, but that doesn't mean she's colourblind. Rosa sees the world in soft shades of yellow and grey, with tingees of blue. When she gazes at the canal beneath her window. She also sees the beauty of the sun-dappled water. But to Rosa, the water is not blue or green. It's a pale grey that shifts into golden yellow, sparkling when the sun hits. She watches the movement of the water with interest too. Depending on the size and shape of the ripples, she tries to guess the cause. It could be the wind or a fish swimming beneath the surface.
Starting point is 00:33:28 When the ripples become waves, it means a boat is on its way. The ripples in the water beneath the window are gradually becoming bigger and bigger. Rosa is tempted to lift her head so she can see the boat. But she's so comfortable that she doesn't want to move. She waits until it drifts into view. A small motorboat stops just below the window. There's a group of people on board, smiling and taking photos. They're talking too, But the only word Rosa recognizes is her own name, repeated several times. Rosa is famous in this town. The boats often pass along this stretch of the canal, so people can see Rosa relaxing on the windowsill.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Rosa doesn't quite understand what's going on, but she's happy to watch the boats come and go. They're part of the scenery, like the birds singing in the branches of the trees, or the water lapping gently against the stone walls. She sighs contentedly, making a soft, huffing sound, and closes her eyes. The sun is growing warmer, and she can feel herself getting sleepier by the second. The gentle heat of the sun is like a caress. It's almost dissoothing as being stroked by heronus. Later, she'll go for another wander around the hotel to find out what her owners are up to. But for now, she's happy just where she is.
Starting point is 00:36:16 In this moment, there's nowhere else she'd rather be. She's ready for her long afternoon nap. The warm sun, the comforting sense, and the soothing melody of the bad song are slowly lollling her into a state of total relaxation. Soon she's no longer aware of her surroundings. With a final, happy sigh, she drifts serenely into sleep. ... ... you you you you ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you

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