Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - Finding Peace in the Welsh Countryside

Episode Date: April 17, 2023

Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Lily Loveless ✍️ Sound design: car driving 🚗  Includes mentions of: Food, Dogs, Bodies of Water, Car, Fire, Walking, Gratitude.  Welcome back, sleepyh...eads. Tonight, we'll take a trip to a delightful cottage in Wales, with Alanna and her two joyful doggy companions. The cottage and its surroundings provide everything Alanna needs for a restorative break. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our new Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors Check out the great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey friends, for the best Get Sleepy experience, be sure to check out our supporters feed Get Sleepy Premium for our free listening weekly bonus episodes and access to our entire catalogue. Now, a quick word from our sponsors who make the free version of this show possible. Welcome to Get Sleepy. When we listen, we relax and we get sleepy. My name's Thomas and it's my pleasure to be your host. I want to take a moment tonight to simply thank each and every one of you for being here. Whether you listen every night or you dip in and out whenever you need us, or perhaps you're even listening for the very first time this evening, it means the world to the team and I, that what we create with this show holds a place in your lives. And I hope that our stories and meditations bring you
Starting point is 00:01:07 that little bit of comfort, reassurance and restful companionship whenever you need it. And we know that there are still so many more people out there looking for the best way to get a better night's sleep. So we appreciate knowing that many of you continue to spread the word about this show, telling your friends and loved ones to give it a try. I firmly believe that word of mouth is always the best way to hear about something new to try. So please do keep telling people that Get Sleep is here for anyone and everyone. Thank you again my friends far and wide.
Starting point is 00:01:56 We appreciate all of you so so much. In tonight's story, a woman named Alana takes a trip with her two dogs to a cottage in the Welsh countryside. The cottage has everything Alana could need, including a big, cozy bed that she can't wait to fall asleep in. Being partwashed myself and having enjoyed many family trips there growing up and in my Annelty years too, this script was a particularly nice one for me to read and record for all of you. So thank you to Lily for writing this lovely story. So my friends, it's time to get nice and snug in bed now, so you can feel comfortably settled, to listen along and drift off whenever the time is right. There's no hurry with this process though. All you have
Starting point is 00:03:12 to concern yourself with is permitting your body and mind to relax and rest. Sleep will come naturally without any force or effort, so just allow yourself to accept that and enjoy the sensation of peace and stillness as you lay here resting. Your mind will most likely wander, thoughts will come and go. Some may even cause a bit of disruption to the peace and stillness of this moment. But just know that that is quite normal. We all know that experience. But you are not your thoughts. You are simply the observer of them.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So if and when your mind wanders, just gently bring your focus back to my voice and to the peace and stillness of the space you are in at this present moment. Our story tonight is sweet, calming and easy to follow. So allow your imagination to tune into my works as we prepare to meet Alana who's driving of two loyal, furry companions. The drive leading towards Alana's destination was smooth and enjoyable. It reminded her of how fun she had found driving when she first started. The country roads she had driven through today had been newly laid and passed through beautiful scenery. Alana loved the Welsh countryside with its rugged nature. There were mountains and valleys, heavenly beaches and dramatic landscapes.
Starting point is 00:06:36 This was her favourite place to visit to get away from it all. As she rounded another bend, a Lana glanced at the rear view mirror. She was checking on Jack and Harry, her two golden retrievers. They sat on the back seats, each with their head out of their respective window, fur fluttering, and tongues flapping in the breeze. Alana grinned. If the Sutnav was correct, they were minutes away from the cottage she had booked for the next five days. She turned off the winding road and onto a dirt track. The car shook and bounced, so she lifted her foot from the accelerator and slowed down.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Jack and Harry were panting with excitement. They always seemed to know when it was almost time to get out. Both dogs stood up sniffing the air furiously. They were impatient to explore. Driving on slowly, Alana soon caught sight of the farm, and then the farm house. She stopped the car and checked the instructions she had received from her hosts, who were the owners of the cottage. They lived in the farm house. As Alana double checked the names of her hosts, a woman in a barber coat and Wellington boots walked out to greet her. Alana opened the car door and Jack and Harry started whining, both their heads appearing
Starting point is 00:09:03 out of the same window. Jill, a Larner asked. Jill nodded and welcomed Larner to the farm. She spoke with a gentle voice and strong well-shak sent. The dogs were whimpering for attention, which Jill happily lavished on them. She stroked both their heads, which were poking out of the car window. Jill told Alana that the cottage was just a little further down the dirt road and round a bend to the left. The door was unlocked and the keys were in a bowl on the dining table. She'd stocked up the firewood and put the heating on, ready for a Lana's arrival.
Starting point is 00:10:09 There was fresh milk in the refrigerator, as well as some eggs. And if there was anything else a Lana needed, Jill had left her phone number on a piece of paper attached to the fridge with a magnet. Alana thanked Jill and got back in the car. She couldn't wait to see the place she and the dogs would be calling home for the next several days. Driving slowly, she followed the lane as it curved to the left. Then she parked on the gravel driveway next to the stone cottage. The house had two floors and was made of white stone. It was pretty as a picture. Though there was visible frost on the front lawn, on the ledge of each window were boxes which still bloomed with pink and orange flowers.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Alana got out of the car, her feet crunching over the stony ground and opened the back door. the back door. Jack and Harry jumped out and immediately began to explore their new surroundings. After taking in the scenery for a moment, Alana decided to carry her bags into the cottage while letting the dogs run around. She opened up the boot and took out her bag. It was pretty big and it was full of jumpers and warm clothes. On the way, she had done some food shopping, so she took those bags out too. Alana carried everything to the front door and let herself in. It was lovely and warm inside. The cottage had an open plan living space with the kitchen at the front of the house and a lounge towards the back.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Alana put the food bags down on the counter and her big bag on the floor. She saw the cottage keys on the dining table and Jill's phone number on the fridge, just like she'd said. There was a basket full of eggs and in the fridge two jugs full of fresh milk. Alana looked out the window above the sink. She could see Jack and Harry playing and leaping about on the grass. Such happy dogs thought Alana. She enjoyed packing away all the food shopping in the clean and neat kitchen. There was a place for everything, and as she moved around the room, she thought about the meals she was looking forward to cooking. Afterwards, Alana decided to explore the cottage. She took off her shoes, leaving them by the front door.
Starting point is 00:14:32 The lounge had big, comfortable sofas, a chestnut coffee table, a huge cushiony dog bed, and best of all, a wood burning stove. Beside it was a basket full of wood. On the coffee table was a welcome pack, explaining everything one might need to know about the cottage, like how to adjust the heating and the water temperature and instructions for all the appliances. There was a note attached from Jill and her husband Mike addressed to Alana and the two dogs, wishing them all a pleasant stay. Another booklet on the table was a walking guide. The cottage backed onto a forest that had plenty of walking trails and a lake in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 To the front of the cottage, there were many more routes to take, through fields and valleys, heading towards the sea. There were sunrise and sunset times written on the back of the booklet. Alana checked the time. The sun would begin to the cottage. One in particular, Cortalana's eye. It was a menu for an Indian restaurant and how to pictures of some of their dishes on the front. The food looked absolutely delicious and perfect for a cold day like today. Although she had brought food with her and planned to cook. Alana was quite tired from the long drive,
Starting point is 00:17:07 and she hadn't yet taken the dogs for a walk. She decided to pre-order dinner and have it delivered for when she returned from the walk. After placing her order, she took her bag upstairs to the bedroom. There was a huge cozy bed in the middle and a big wooden wardrobe. Across the floorboards was a sheepskin rug. There were small windows on either side of the bed that looked out onto the front lawn. And above the bed was a moment, enjoying the peacefulness. She could hear birds from the trees behind the house, the occasional moving of cows on the farm and the sound of trickling water coming from a stream somewhere. And that was it. No traffic, sirens or electrical buzzing. It was blissful. She looked forward to climbing into the soft bed and resting
Starting point is 00:18:52 her head on the pillows tonight. Alana unpacked her bag, hanging some things in the wardrobe, and folding up her other clothes, which she put in the small drawers by the bed. Taking out her wash bag, she put it on a shelf in the ensuite bathroom. Then she headed back downstairs and picked up the keys from the dining table. She put her shoes back on and opened the front door. Looking it behind her, she went to join Jack and Harry on the grass. Alana was curious about the sound of the water she had heard earlier. Where was it coming from? She soon found out. A stream ran across the end of the front garden. Alana stood watching it for a while. It was quite captivating the way the water twinkled as it rushed over the stones in rivulets and round little bends.
Starting point is 00:20:32 She wondered where it started and where it ended up. away through the countryside and down into the sea a few miles away. Turning around, she looked at the trees of the forest that towered up above the cottage roof. Out loud, Alana asked the dogs which walking route they should take, towards the beach, or into the woods. A chilly breeze whipped past, and Alana pulled her coat tightly around herself. She decided on the forest route. The wind wouldn't be as strong in there, she thought. Lana walked around the side of the cottage.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Jack and Harry excitedly bounding off her head as usual. She wondered how many new and exciting smells they were picking up on. Out here in the middle of the countryside, But the dogs didn't need harnesses or collars. They could be free. The lane soon turned into a narrower path and led into the trees. Alana was right, the wind was practically nonexistent here, and they were sheltered by the great trunks of the trees. Dappled sunlight lay on the ground, streaming in between the pines. Leaves covered the path, and due to the dry weather, they provided a satisfying crunch
Starting point is 00:22:53 with each step a Lana took. Jack and Harry whipped on and off the path, exploring the forest. They would check back on a luna every now and then to make sure she was still in sight. It looked as if the dogs were grinning. They made her chuckle every time one of their shaggy heads peaked out at her. She was sure they thought of themselves as her mind is rather than it being the other way around. Alana stopped for a moment to look up and take in how incredibly tall the trees of the forest were. They loomed up above her and looked as if they were touching the sky.
Starting point is 00:24:03 They made her feel tiny. When she looked back down again, Jack and Harry were on the path, staring at Alana curiously. She smiled at them, and then started running, racing off down the path. The dogs jumped into action, bounding after her and barking with excitement. They just loved it when she played with them. The three of them run in and out of the trees, doubling back and playfully jumping out at each other until they came to a clearing. Alana hadn't expected the lake to be quite so big. The blue water stretched out in front of her like a giant swimming pool. Alana and the dogs stood still. The serene beauty of the place was awe-inspiring.
Starting point is 00:25:31 The air felt crisp and clean, and Lana inhaled it gratefully. This was truly fresh air. Still panting slightly from playing with the dogs, she decided to find a place to sit. The path went all the way around the water, and she soon found a spot of moss-covered ground to sit on. Leaning back against the trunk of a tree, Alana stretched her legs out. Jack and Harry were busy letting their noses lead them around the place. Alana sat there, watching over the lake. The surface was as still as glass. On the other side, she spotted a heron standing on a rock. His long neck was stretched as
Starting point is 00:26:54 he gazed into the depths, looking for his dinner. Bards fluttered overhead, returning to their nests for the evening. Then the surface of the lake rippled. Alana stood up and could just make out a school of fish beneath the surface. A moment later, she heard a loud croak. She tried to follow the noise. It must have been coming from a frog somewhere nearby. She stood on the rocks that bordered the water and tried to find the frog. He must have been too good at camouflaging himself though. Each time she thought he must be close by. The croaking seemed to move. The sun was getting lower in the sky. Alana decided to keep walking around the lake.
Starting point is 00:28:21 She could do a lap, then head back down the path they'd come up, and return to the cottage before night fell. Jack and Harry followed, padding in and out of the cool water, but not getting fully submerged. They were both fantastic swimmers, but the water was far too cold for a proper swim. So they just splashed about, getting each other wet anyway, and a Lana too.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Luckily, she had a big waterproof coat. As the three of them walked the perimeter of the lake, Alana hopped from stone to stone, taking care not to slip on the wet ones. She felt like a kid again, exploring and enjoying nature, unobserved and carefree. For a moment she stood at the edge of the lake and closed her eyes, feeling the afternoon sun on her skin. She felt a soft breeze around the herd of her coat, and heard the same wind, swishing through the leaves of the trees. The water in the lake gently rushed back and forth over the rocks at its edge.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And there was a flutter here and there of birds' wings as they flew overhead, and the occasional call of an owl, getting ready to begin its nightly hunt. She could hear so much more with her eyes shut, quiet noises she might have missed otherwise. There was a gentle rustling in the grass nearby. A mouse or perhaps a squirrel. And of course she could hear Jack and Harry panting. Alana opened her eyes. The air was so fresh and this spot so beautiful, it was hard to leave. But she reminded herself that she was here for the next five days and could return whenever she wished. With that in mind, she turned and found the path that led back to the cottage. As the three of them came out of the trees, Alana checked her watch. She had spent longer on the walk than she'd meant to. She remembered the takeaway she had ordered from the Indian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Her stomach was rumbling and the cold had finally reached inside her coat. Quickening her pace, she was soon nearing the cottage. By the time she reached it, the sun had set behind the trees, and it was dark. Alana found a bag waiting for her on the doorstep. doorstep. Inside it was the food she had ordered. She smiled gratefully and picked it up, then let herself jack and harry inside. As she slipped off her shoes and wandered into the kitchen, she realised how warm her feet were. Under floor heating, what a luxury she thought. After placing the bag on the kitchen counter, Alana turned to see Jack and Harry waiting expectantly. Dog food and water bowls had been provided by the hosts.
Starting point is 00:33:40 They really had thought of everything. Alana took out some cans of dog food from the cupboard, pulled open the lids and served up dinner for the boys. As they instantly began to wolf down their food, tails wagging, Alana filled the other bowls with water. While the dog's ate, she decided to start a fire in the woodburning stove. Starting with smaller pieces of kindling and scraps of paper, she arranged the bits into a pyramid shape. Then she struck a match which fizzled and crackled before she placed it in the stove. The flames licked the paper's edges, curling them as they burnt, and then caught onto the small, kindering pieces. Next, a Lana placed some firewood in the stove.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Just a little at first, so as not to suffocate the flame. As the wood caught a light, she added a few bigger pieces and closed the door of the stove. She could already feel the warmth emanating from it out into the room. Then Alana washed her hands and began unpacking the boxes from the delivery bag. The food inside was still piping hot. She found the crockery cupboard and moved the food into bowls. After getting herself a big plate, cutlery, and a tray, Alana carried everything over to the coffee table in front of the couch. As she settled on a big cushion on the floor in front of her food. Jack and Harry came over to join her. They instinctively knew the dog bed was for them. After sniffing at it and spinning round each other a few times,
Starting point is 00:36:49 spinning round each other a few times. They flopped down together, letting out contented sides. What could be cosier, a lana thought? Hot dishes of delicious food, a warm cottage, and two sleepy, golden retrievers, cudd up beside her. She smiled to herself, how lucky she was. Alana switched on the television and scrolled through the channels. A film had just started. As she watched, she began to eat. The food was delicious, a perfect blend of spices, different textures and flavours, all working in harmony with one another. When she'd finished her supper, she carried the tray back to the kitchen. As she washed up the dishes, she could hear the stream at the end of the garden. After placing the dishes on the drying rack, she then made sure the countertops were all clean, ready for
Starting point is 00:38:27 the morning. The dogs were snoozing, but when a Lana called their names, there is instantly pricked up and they were on their feet, ready to follow her to bat. Alana picked up the dog bat and carried it upstairs. In the bedroom, she placed their bed beside hers. Then she looked around. Where were Jack and Harry? She'd assumed they would follow her up here. Soft whining noises were coming from the hallway.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Following the sound, Alana left the bedroom. And then she saw that Jack and Harry were waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Their paws were sliding on the wooden steps, and they were stuck waiting for Alana to come and help them. Their little faces looking up at her were so sweet. Alana's heart swelled with how much love she had for them. She chuckled as she descended. Helping Jack first, Alana encouraged him to take one step at a time. It was the slipperiness of their paws on the polished wood that was
Starting point is 00:40:28 holding them back. She stood close behind Jack as he began to ascend, gently pushing his He was not able to let him go. Once he had successfully made it to the top, he bound it into the bedroom. Alana retraced her steps to help Harry. She used the same technique, staying close behind him, so he knew he was safe, even if he slipped around a little. They'd be used to the stairs in a day or so, she thought, and would no doubt soon be zooming up and down them. At last, with the boys culled up together on their bed, Alana climbed into hers. into hers. It was as soft and as plush as she had hoped.
Starting point is 00:41:58 She sank into the mattress, pulling the crinkly, she settled her head back on the pillow. And she noticed a light was still shining from somewhere. She looked up and saw a magnificent full moon glowing above her through the skylight. It was like a painting that had been framed and placed in the perfect position over the bat. perfect position over the bed. As she gazed at the moon, Alana heard Jack and Harry's gentle snoring coming from where they slept below. She smiled, content, and felt her eyes begin to get heavier and heavier. into a deep sleep. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. ... ... I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. ... ... ... I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go back to the next room. I'm going to go a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. ... ... ... ... you you ... ... you you you you

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