Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - Hercules and the Lion

Episode Date: January 8, 2024

Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Alexandra Turney ✍️ Sound design: crickets 🌾 Includes mentions of: Food, Walking, Fantastical Creatures, Animals, Horses, Fantastical Elements, Mythology..., Battle.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight’s story is the first episode in a 12-part series - the 12 Labours of Hercules. This evening, we’ll get to know our hero, and join him at the beginning of his epic quest as he tries to defeat the lion of Nemea. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors Check out the great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchandise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey friends, for the best Get Sleepy experience, be sure to check out our supporters' feed Get Sleepy Premium for our free listening weekly bonus episodes and access to our entire catalogue. Now, a quick word from our sponsors who make the free version of this show possible. Do you have little ones in your life? Whether you're a parent, teacher, aunt, uncle, grandparent, babysitter, we all know that keeping kids calm and entertained can be difficult. That's why I want to introduce you to the newest show by some of studios. It's called Snuggle, and it features calming stories for kids of all ages.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Whether it's for bedtime, nap time, or just for fun, Snuggle offers a calming world of imagination. You'll find original stories where we swim with mermaids, visit old toy stores, and try out magical ones. And you'll hear our modernised renditions of classic tales like Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland. Just search Snuggle in your podcast player and be sure to follow the show. I'll see you there the next time you and your little ones are looking for a cozy story to snuggle up with. Welcome to Get Sleepy, where we listen, we relax, and we get sleepy.
Starting point is 00:01:40 As always, I'm your host, Thomas. Thank you so much for tuning in. Tonight's story is the first episode in a series, a 12-part series. It's a relaxing retelling of some of the most famous stories in Greek mythology, the 12 labours of Hercules. Hercules, or Heracles, to use his Greek name, was one of the great mythological heroes, renowned for his superhuman strength and bravery. He lived an action-packed life, battling monsters and embarking on countless adventures, and eventually he became a god. Tonight we'll get to know our hero and join him at the beginning of his epic quest. Hercules' first task, the first of the 12 labours,
Starting point is 00:02:50 is to defeat the lion, Namiya. You'll be able to hear the rest of our sleepy adventures with Hercules over the coming months of 2024, all of which were beautifully crafted by one of our regular writers on Get Sleepy, Alexandra. So my friends, get ready to listen to tonight's story by making sure you're in a comfortable position with your head supported and your arms and legs loose and relaxed. Once you've found that perfect position, take a deep breath in. And as you breathe back out, imagine your mind clearing. Thoughts, worries, to do lists.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Let them all go with the breath, as there's no need for them right now. This is your well-earned time to rest and recharge. It's part of our intrinsic nature to use the nighttime hours for our rest. We're creatures designed to thrive in the daylight, and that's why it's also important to try and regulate your body clock by getting out into the daylight in the morning if you can. Then, later in the day, it's just as helpful to keep the lighting in your home nice and soft. To help your body clock understand that bedtime is approaching. I know this is more difficult in the winter months when daylight hours are shorter,
Starting point is 00:05:15 but if you're finding it difficult to sleep at night of late, maybe try and focus on regulating your body clock for the next few days. Exposing yourself to natural light when you can, and just see how you go. But even that is for tomorrow. Right now, just continue to breathe in and out. Letting go of anything disrupting your mind in this moment. You can allow yourself to completely relax. lacks. There's nothing you need to do but listen to my voice as we begin our story. It's time to travel to Greece thousands of years ago. In the mountains in the heart of Greece was a sacred place named Delphi.
Starting point is 00:06:55 For the ancient Greeks, it as the Shining Ones. When the midday sun hit the rocks, they dazzled. It was as though the gods themselves were casting their light on Delphi, illuminating the landscape and the beautiful temples that had been built in their honour. The sanctuary at Delphi consisted of several temples. impulse. Perhaps the most magnificent of all was the one dedicated to Apollo, the God of sun and light, poetry, music and dance, healing and truth and prophecy. People would travel from across the country to visit this temple. And the Pilgrims came, not just to pay their respects to Apollo, but also to visit the priestess. priestess. She was the oracle. She could provide answers to the most challenging questions and offer guidance to those who were lost. Pilgrims would leave Delphi with a feeling of peace and happiness and a new sense of purpose.
Starting point is 00:08:53 One afternoon, a man stood outside the temple of Apollo, waiting for his turn with the priestess. waiting for his turn with the priestess. He had travelled for days and taken part in ritual and processions to prepare for the meeting. And now it was almost time. The man who waited was tall and muscular, with a short beard and dark curly hair. His skin was tan to deep golden brown from long days on horseback under the sun. At first glance, the man seemed young, in his 20s perhaps, or early 30s. But somehow, his dark eyes made him look older. The other pilgrims at Delphi noticed this man and exchanged whispers. Who was he? There was something about him, a kind of aura almost. Some said that in his gaze there was a glint of the divine. And it was true, the man was not a god, not yet, but he was the son of a god. His name was Hercules. His father was Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder, and his mother Alchmini was a mortal. But she was one of the wisest and most beautiful of all mortals, with eyes to rival those of the goddess Aphrodite.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Even at an early age, there had been signs that Hercules was different. When he was just eight months old, two enormous snakes had slithered into the nursery that he shared with his twin brother. Seeing the snakes, his brother had cried in fear, but Tercullis had grabbed a snake in each of his pudgy little hands and squeezed the life out of them. With a god for a father, of course Hercules was going to be something special. But nonetheless, his mother was astonished by her son's strength and bravery. consulted a famous prophet Tyrecyus who predicted an extraordinary future for the child. According to the prophet Hercules would grow up to defeat all kinds of monsters. He was destined to become a hero. And so, over the years, Hercules grew up.
Starting point is 00:12:55 He became a man, but he had not become a hero yet. Now he was patiently waiting his turn to meet with the oracle at Delphi. In recent years, Hercules had felt lost. He wanted direction, purpose, and Delphi was the place to find it. Standing in front of the temple, Hercules was surprised by how relaxed he felt. All his life he had been restless and impatient, rushing from one experience to the next. But now, he felt calm in an almost meditative state. Perhaps it was the result of the sacred rituals it taken part in. The trances and that dreamy procession along the sacred way with Laurel leaves in his hands. Already, Delphi had changed him, and he hadn't even met the oracle yet. Hercules took a slow, deep breath and looked around. He could see the valley spread out below, the sprawling olive groves, the clouds rolling over the distant mountains, casting soft shadows, a bird of prey flying high above, wheeling around in slow circles, and the shining
Starting point is 00:15:13 cliffs gleaming gold beneath the afternoon sun. What a beautiful place, thought out killies. He was so lucky to be here. Closing his eyes, he savored the warmth of the sun on his skin and the fresh mountain breeze that blew through his hair. He waited and waited. And then it was time. Someone was calling his name. Hercules opened his eyes and saw an old man, a priest of Apollo. The oracle will see you now, said the priest. Hercules felt a thrill of excitement in his chest. At last, it was his turn to meet the Oracle and learn his fate. The priest led Hercules into the temple, past enormous statues and columns.
Starting point is 00:16:48 One was inscribed with a command, no thyself. The words lingered in Hercules' mind as he followed the priest into a room, the innermost sanctuary. Usually, no one was allowed to enter. Hercules was one of the lucky few to be granted access. Now, he found himself in a small, narrow, dimly lit chamber, standing opposite the oracle. The woman had white hair and a white dress, and sat in a golden golden three-legged chair. In one hand she held a sprig of laurel and in the other a bronze dish of water. The air was filled with a kind of fume or vapor. It had a strange, sweet scent, almost like a perfume. And it appeared to emanate from a crack in the floor near the oracles chair. Breathing in, Hercules felt himself becoming more and more relaxed. He stood there in silence waiting for the oracle to speak. She would already know his question and the answer.
Starting point is 00:18:50 The oracles seemed to look at him without seeing him. She was deep in trance. Her gaze shifted to the dish of water in her hand, and then back to Hercules. When she spoke, her words were slow and slurred and came in a peculiar order. Hercules had to untangle the words in his mind as though he was solving a riddle. The Oracle's message was this. Hercules must travel south and serve his cousin, King Eurithius, doing whatever the King asked. The hero's reward was reeling. It seemed he could still smell the fumes and see the oracles face in front of him, pale in the darkness.
Starting point is 00:20:21 This moment would stay with him forever. Looking up into the bright blue sky, Hercules felt himself slowly returning to reality. Once more, he became aware of the sun on his face, and the breeze rippling through his hair and clothes. He had his answer now. It wasn't the answer he'd expected, or wanted, but it was an answer. And he trusted the Oracle. She spoke on behalf of Apollo after all. There was no higher authority. The next day, Herkunees left Delphi. His pilgrimage to the center of the world had come to an end.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Now it was time to begin another journey. He went to the stables on the edge of town where his horse was waiting for him. She was a beautiful grey mare and he loved her more than any other living creature. He had named her Ianthi, which meant violet flower. The first time he'd laid eyes on her, she had been living among other wild horses, grazing in a meadow, surrounded by purple flowers. Now she was eating hay in the stable, where she had been patiently awaiting his return. Hercules stroked her neck fondly, then rested his head against hers. He wasn't exactly looking forward to the journey south, but at least they were together again.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And once he was on the road, he felt different. After days in Delphi, it was refreshing to be on the move again, passing through golden fields and riding along high coastal paths, which overlooked the sparkling blue ocean. Further south, Hercules rode through endless acres of olive trees and meeting green hills, passing village after village after village. Until at last he arrived. Night had fallen and he was exhausted. doorstep. The King's palace stood at the top of the hill encircled by ciprisis. In the moonlight, and in Herkene's fatigued state, it looked unreal, like something had dreamt. As Harkini slowly rode up the path, the sounds of trotting hooves and wearing cicadas blended together, creating a hypnotic rhythm. He could almost have fallen asleep right there, setting a stride his horse.
Starting point is 00:24:53 But somehow he made it to the top of the hill. After ensuring that Ianthi was safe in the palace stables. Hercules went inside to announce his arrival to the king, his cousin. They hadn't seen each other for many years. Hercules had vague memories of visiting the palace in childhood, and his older cousin bossing him around as they played together. He had even stolen some of Hercules' marbles. He smiled, wondering if the king remembered too. In a way, it was fitting that the oracle had sent him here of all places. Here he was again, about to receive more orders from his cousin.
Starting point is 00:26:08 When the king saw Hercules standing in the entrance hall, he could barely contain his astonishment. And when he heard the reason for the visit, his eyebrows went up even higher. The Oracle at Delphi had told Hercules to serve the king and do whatever he commanded. Halpakulia, but if that's what the oracle said. The king laughed and gave her kinese a pat on the back. He was sure he could think of something for him to do. But first, dinner, his cousin must be hungry after the long journey. With a smile, Herkivis politely declined.
Starting point is 00:27:19 All he wanted right now was a cup of water and a bed. He was longing to lie down. Right away a servant escorted Hercules upstairs to a guest room. Not the grandest guest room, Herkini's noticed. He remembered that there were others far bigger and lavishly decorated. This room was rather modest with simple wooden furniture. But in his current sleepy state, Herkenees didn't really mind. He gratefully drank the water the servant brought him. Once he'd quenched his thirst, he held the cup to the light of the oil lamp to admire the details. The orange cup was beautifully decorated in black designs. There was an image of the wine-goth Dionys, reclining in a boat in the middle of the sea.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And all around were glossy dolphins, moving joyfully through the waves. As Hercules slowly turned to the cup in his hands, the intricate details caught the light and seemed to shine. It didn't matter that his room was humble he realised. Beauty was everywhere. was everywhere. Hercules set down the cup, then let out a long, satisfying yarn. The bed looked rather ordinary, with its simple wooden frame. But he was so tired that being able to lie down on any bed seemed like the greatest luxury in the world. And it turned out to be more comfortable than it looked, sinking gently under his weight as he stretched out.
Starting point is 00:30:16 He closed his eyes and took a deep breath which seemed to flow right through him. He could feel his body relaxing, his mind emptying, and soon he fell fast asleep. The next morning, Hercules, feeling completely refreshed. He bathed and dressed. Then went in search of the shady terrace he remembered from his childhood. The terrace, which had a spectacular view of the sea, was where breakfast was usually served. It didn't take him long to find it. Hercules made himself comfortable in a chair on the terrace, where there was just the right balance between the sun and shade, and where he had the perfect view of the waves. Then he enjoyed a hearty breakfast of honey-drenched pancakes. This would give him the energy for whatever the day brought.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Us Hercules was helping himself he sat down opposite him. The King had been thinking if the gods wanted Hercules to serve him so be it. He had plenty of ideas. In fact, he had a list of tasks for Hercules to do. How many tasks asked Hercules? Ten said to the king, or maybe twelve. Let's see. Hercules sighed. He could see that he was going to be here for a while. The first task said the king was to slay the Namin lion. Hercules must have heard of it. Of course, Hercules had heard of the lion. It was infamous. For many years, it had roamed the woods near the town of Namiya, and the people lived in fear.
Starting point is 00:33:30 This was no ordinary lion. It was a giant, at least twice the size of a normal lion, with teeth like swords and a roar like thunder, some said it was descended from monsters. According to others, it had come from the underworld. Over the years, many people had tried to say the lion or chase it away but without luck. It remained there lurking in the woods of Namiya, invincible, maybe even immortal. Hercules was their only chance. And so, after breakfast, Hercules found himself back on the road, riding northwards to Namiya. For most of the way, it was the same road he traveled on the day before. He didn't have to think. He could simply ride on letting his mind wander as I out thee took him through fields and villages. On the way, Hercules found himself reflecting on the oracles' words and the list of tasks
Starting point is 00:35:21 the King had come up with. It was not the life he'd imagined, looking for lions at his cousin's command. But he had to remember that potential, become the hero he was meant to be, and this was the way to do it. As he approached Namiya, his thoughts turned to the battle ahead. Somehow the lion didn't frighten him. Hercules knew how to turn fear into excitement, to see every experience as a challenge and adventure. Besides, if the gods wanted him to follow his cousin's orders and to complete the list tasks, surely he was safe for now. He was only just getting started. A little while later, feeling relaxed and confident, Hercules entered the town of Namiya. People gathered in the streets excited to see him.
Starting point is 00:37:12 News travelled fast in this part of the country and they had already heard about the stranger, A hero in the making. If anyone could defeat the lime, it was Hercules. The crowds called after him, wishing him good luck. Then they watched as he rode on towards the woods. Her kinnies had everything he needed, his bow and arrow, his sword and the strength of his own bare hands. If the lion appeared, he was ready. But to his surprise, there was no sign of the beast. Trotting slowly through the trees, he looked around, searching for any place where the lion might be lurking. Although if it was as big as they said it was, it should be easy to spot. And then, all of a sudden, I unthee stopped and stiffened.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Hercules stroked the horse's neck reassuringly, but she wouldn't take a single step further. father. He dismounted and began to walk through the long grass, his bow and arrow out to the ready. There was a fluttering sensation in his chest, but he told himself that it was just excitement. He wasn't afraid. Further on, he came to a clearing. On the other side was a large cave overgrown with moss, and peering out from the cave entrance were two huge amber eyes. Hercules came to a halt, staring in wonder as the lion emerged. as the lion emerged. It was a monster, but a magnificent one, with a shining mane and thick fur like armour. When it opened its mouth, not in a raw but a yawn. Hercules felt as if he was staring into the entrance of another cave. The lion moved slowly as though it had just woken up. But then it fixed its eyes on Hercules, and it was clear that the battle was about to begin. Hercules couldn't afford to hesitate for another second. At once, he took aim and fired arrow after arrow. But they bounced off the lion's fur without leaving a mark. Then Hercules took his sword and charged towards the beast, striking again and again.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yet the blade did nothing. By now he was so close that he could feel the heat of the lion's breath on his face, and its growls rumbling through him. There was only one thing left to try. Hakuiz placed his hands on the monster's neck and squeezed, just as he'd squeezed the snakes all those years ago. He felt the strength coursing through him, the surge of divine power. And just like that, it was over.
Starting point is 00:42:29 The lion lay on the grass, so still and peaceful, it might have been sleeping. With his sword, Hercules cut a golden tuft from the lion's mane. He would show this to the people of Namiya later and then to the king as proof of his triumph. As he walked back through the trees, he smiled, imagining their reaction, their happiness and praise. For the first time in his life, he'd done something not only impressive, but heroic. Ayantthi was pleased to see him. The horse nuzzled him affectionately, and then they walked side by side towards the stream they had passed by earlier.
Starting point is 00:43:49 As I ate the drank from the stream, Herkiri splashed the cool water on his face, then took cut palms. It tasted so good, so fresh. Then he slipped off his sandals and lay down on the grass. Where a soft mount made the perfect pillow for his head. made the perfect pillow for his head. Soon, he would return to the town and then the King's palace for his next task. But all of that could wait. For now, he was content to stay here, enjoying a well-deserved rest in the shade, and listening to the stream. It was so soothing, just what he needed after the excitement of the battle. The longer he listened, the more he could feel his heartbeat slowing, his breathing deepening. Peace was like beauty, he reflected.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Something you could find everywhere, if you looked. Or something you could even create yourself. He could have rushed on heading directly back to town, but instead he had remembered the stream and chosen to stop and rest. Closing his eyes, Hercules decided that he would do this next time too. Have a rest between adventures. That way, he would be fully recharged for whatever came next. But he didn't need to think about that right now. He let his mind wander as into a deeper state of calm. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you you

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