Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - The Queen of Winter’s Slumber

Episode Date: October 11, 2023

Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Frankie Regalia ✍️ Sound design: gusty wind, magical flute 🌬️🪈  Includes mentions of: Magic, Heights, Bodies of Water, Winter, Spring, Walking, Rai...n, Animals, Ice & Snow, Folklore, Fantasy, Fantastical Elements, Mythology.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we’re going to meet the ancient Celtic goddess Beira and witness her role in the wheel of the year. So, get cosy and warm in bed as you prepare to meet the bringer of snow and storms. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors Check out the great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchandise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey friends, for the best Get Sleepy experience, be sure to check out our supporters' feed Get Sleepy Premium for our free listening weekly bonus episodes and access to our entire catalogue. Now, a quick word from our sponsors who make the free version of this show possible. At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure?
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Starting point is 00:00:45 level one to overdose. But in Canada, we lose 20 people to overdose every single day. That's a crisis. At CAMH, we won't back down until there's no one left behind. Donate at to help us treat addiction and build hope. Welcome to Get Sleepy. Where we listen, we relax and we get sleepy. I'm your host, Thomas. Thanks so much for joining me this evening. Tonight's story was written by Frankie and I'll be reading it to you. We're going to meet the ancient Celtic goddess, Beira, and witness her role in the Wheel of the Year. But first, if you're enjoying the show and would like to hear even more episodes, all
Starting point is 00:01:47 completely add free, we'd love for you to try our supporters' feed, Get Sapi Premium. You'll have access to our entire catalogue of over 600 stories and meditations, including extra long episodes. Plus every Thursday you'll receive a weekly bonus episode exclusive to the premium feed. Tomorrow night we have the first of a few Halloween themed episodes coming up this month. This story is a sweet and scare-free one about a group of friends enjoying a Halloween slumber party. The first seven days of your premium subscription are free, so you can make sure you're happy. For more information on all of our plans, visit slash support, or just
Starting point is 00:02:42 follow the link in the show notes. Thanks so much. Now them, let's get settled in for our story. We must prepare ourselves to be in the presence of the queen of winter. She is the bringer of snow and storms, so make sure that you are warm and cozy in your bed. Feel the warmth of your body, create a cocoon of heat that covers you completely. Banish the stress and tension that is accumulated over the day, and welcome in the calming energy of the night. Allow your muscles to relax. Release your fingers, your jaw, your shoulders and your brow. Next comes the mind. There are no pressing issues, concerns or problems that require your attention.
Starting point is 00:04:34 All those things can wait. Now your focus is only on yourself. Take these moments before our journey begins to have your undivided attention on yourself. Notice the length of your inhale and exhale. Appreciate the way your body has carried you safely all day. Be thankful for the keen mind that has guided you, solved problems and found solutions. Tally up those things you are grateful for and hug them to yourself for a moment. Now, release them and create a space in your consciousness that is ready for this evening's adventure. We are in ancient Scotland when the land was raw, blank and uncarved. Atop the mountain, Ben Nevis, a giant stone form begins to wake. It was so an evening evening many years ago, before humans started counting the years as they do now.
Starting point is 00:06:57 But they knew Sawan the night when the season of plenty ended and winter truly began. The land was cool and still as if holding its breath in expectation. It anon the peak of Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in what would one day be called the British Isles. A stone formation was painted with the final light of the setting sun. Ben Nevis stood above the grampian mountains, snow capped for most of the year, and fiercely watching over the highlands. The fiery orange glow of sunset cast a combination of light and shadow that could make a watcher believe the stone was the face of an ancient woman
Starting point is 00:08:15 lined with the cares of the world but peacefully asleep. As the last sliver of the sun dipped below the horizon, the stone woman opened her eye. The afterglow sky revealed the giant s, moving her long fingers and wiggling her huge toes. A cool wind blew and the sound of her waking movements was like that of an avalanche. She moved slowly and carefully, relishing in movement after so many months of stillness. Her skin, just minutes ago rock, was now a deep sapphire blue. Her hair, which could have been mistaken for snow, was revealed to be white, wild, and long. She wore grey robes and had a grey cloth tied across her face as an eye patch, for she sacrificed the eye to create the moon long ago. Her face was stern but not unkind.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It was a face that had witnessed the lands rising from the ocean and the first apes discovering fire. The old giant S had many names. The stormhack, the queen of winter, the crone, just to name a few, but her daughter knew her as Mother Bayra. She was fully awake now, her limbs warm and movable again, with no trace of stoniness about them. Her first thought was of her daughter, but she would have to wait for the sweet moment of reunion. There was work to do. Bairer collected her tools from a hidden crack in the mountain. She first pulled out her staff, made from a gigantic scotspine.
Starting point is 00:11:18 It would bring the frost of winter and freeze the ground with each step she took. The next item to emerge from the crack was a basket woven from young sapling trees. In it, Beira carried a huge hammer. It had an oak lock for a handle and the hardest iron for the head. Finally, she pulled out a great grey plant, dirty from months of sitting in the crack. Her tools collected, Beirot turned her head and made her way west. She arrived in very little time, for Beirot was a giant task and could cross all of what would one day be Scotland in a few long strides. On the west coast, she came to a part of the sea dominated by the Coriwreckenwildpool. dominated by the core of Reckon Wildpool. She lowered her huge body into the sea,
Starting point is 00:12:55 not at all bothered by the freezing temperature. Beira got to work washing her great plant in the wild pool. Her hands dunked and rubbed the cloth in the churning water, and she hummed gently to herself a song that the wind taught her. The Whirlpool was her cauldron, her wash tab and her source of magic. For three days she washed without pause, bringing about rough waves and fierce storms. The storms travelled across the land, bringing rain, sleep, and winds. The animals and men knew that this was their first sign that winter had truly arrived. Hibonating animals found their dens and humans prepared their fields for frost. At the end of the third day, they were finally took her plant from the wild pool, having cleaned it again to the purest white. She shook it out to its full size and draped it lovingly across the land.
Starting point is 00:14:54 As she did so, it became a blanket of pure snow that covered all. They were spent the following weeks tending to her heart of red deer. This was no ordinary herd of deer. The animals were large and the herd counted in the hundreds. Each one with a vibrant coat and every male with a large set of antlers. They would only respond to Beira and no hunter ever sought to strike one down. Beira led them to secret patches of greenery to feed and hidden unfrozen rivers to drink. and hidden unfrozen rivers to drink. As she drove her massive herd before her, they created deep trails in the land. In this way she created valleys and delts. She widened rivers and her herds hooves chound the earth for fertile fields. They ate any remaining green vegetation and thus cleared her land for new growth in the spring.
Starting point is 00:16:30 When she was not tending to the deer, Beirah took her hammer and set about carving the land. She created mountains as her stepping stones, so she could more easily travel. Beira made hills to sit upon and see as far as she liked. Her busy hammer took the land that was flat and plain and transformed it into one that was buried and beautiful. While Beira shaped the land, she thought of how the next year when she woke from her own hibernation, there would be a host of new plants and vegetation littered across it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 It was not her responsibility to create new life. That was the job of spring and her daughters' realm. She was winter and her tasks were to shape the land while it was resting and asleep. To make the snow that would melt to water the land, come warmer weather, and to keep the cycle of the year balanced with a period of restful stagnation. But this carving and herding was not easy work. Beiro was a very old woman and she needed rest. One day she was minding a new and she had been laboring tirelessly for months. She spied the large impression in the mountain that gave it its name, and thought that it looked
Starting point is 00:18:58 like the perfect spot for her to sit and rest, while she waited for the well to fill. The crisp winter sun warmed her as your face and her huge eyelid began to droop. In a few minutes, the mountain was shaking with the sound of her snores. All the while, the water in the well, climbed and climbed. It overflowed and ran to a valley below the mountain. The valley was filled with water by the time Beira awoke and stopped the flowing water. In an attempt to drain some of the water, Beira carved a river from the newly formed lock to the ocean. She told some summon about the beauty of her new lock and hollow mountain, convincing them to swim up the river and view her handy-work, which they continued to do
Starting point is 00:20:29 every year. Before she knew it, Winter was more than halfway finished. The morning of imbalc, the last holiday of winter, was close at hand. Bayer needed to decide what kind of weather she wanted that morning. It was her last day to collect firewood for the end of winter. If she wanted a long winter, she would need a bright sunny day so she could see well and collect a mountain of firewood. If she wanted a short winter, she would bring forth clouds and rain and only collect a little firewood. Beira considered her options.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Every year she had this debate with herself. She loved Winter, the crisp flavor of the air, the serene silence of the land, the other wildly beauty of snow. Some years, this love of winter won out, and she brought forth the sun to collect a forest worth of firewode. On the other hand, she was very tired and very old. Her ancient bones made from the roots of mountains begged her for rest. She thought longingly of her throne on Ben Nevis, and the long sleep she had there. there. A swift end of winter also brought forth the first day of spring, the day she looked forward to every year. her mind. She brought one blue hand to the sky and made huge circles in the air. From the circle, bloomed heavy, white and gray clouds. They were fluffy and thick, like the softest fleas.
Starting point is 00:23:30 She spread them out along the sky, bringing them so low that they crowned every mountain and skimmed the top of trees. The sun started to rise, but its light was blocked thoroughly by the thick wall of clouds. highlighting the land, the Inki night faded gradually to a periwinkled dawn. As the morning faded in today, Beira brought the rains from her shadowy clouds. Oee Clouds. It started as a sprinkling, a light mist in the morning that cast the world in a hazy cloak. By midday she had gathered her firewood and taken shelter beneath a great oak forest with the herd of deer. She reached into the clouds and opened the faucet of her magic. Rain poured out of the sky in a deluge. Creek's swell, locks climbed up their banks and rivers began to roar. The water washed away any debris from winter and seeped deep into the soil, whispering gently to see Sparid there,
Starting point is 00:25:30 that it was nearly time. White snow-drop flowers appeared beneath the shelter of great trees in the coming weeks. They were joined not long after by daffodil shoots growing in bright green clumps like long grass. Their white and yellow heads burst forth and turned to the sun which was getting brighter and stronger with each passing day. Bear's great white plant was becoming dirty in spots again as the snow melted. Birds were building nests and holding concerts in the forest at all hours of the day. Spring was coming. Beerus saw that her herd of red deer came through the winter months, healthy and content. She would release them for the summer, allowing them to grow fat in the green grasslands, and and bear yet more forms before the weather turned cold again.
Starting point is 00:27:12 She moved her attention to her final tasks of the year. Beira made sure that there was a plentiful level of snow on the mountain, knowing that the snowmout would water the lowlands for the following season. She whipped up windstorms to spread dormant seas around the land, making sure that they landed in the perfect spot to be germinated come spring. Finally, Beltana dawn arrived, swift and sweet. sweet. Beltona was the first day of spring. The day when Beira must relinquish her grasp upon the world and return to her six-month sleep.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It announced the beginning of warmth, growth, and plenty in the world. Despite these facts, it was also her favorite day of the year because it was the one day she spent in the company of her daughter, the goddess of spring. As the purple night gave way to Lavender Day, Beira prepared herself for the meeting. She tamed her wild, windswept hair, straightened her stone-gray robes, and allowed a joyful smile to break over her face. As the sun raised its sleepy head over the horizon in the east, so did Brickett in a secret meadow of grasses. Her golden red hair draped across her face as she yawned, and wildflowers burst into bloom at her waking.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Her eyes were starting green and a host of freckles danced across her face. Brickhead's hair was the colour of Spong copper, and nearly as wild as her mother's. All through it run flowers and vines. Her simple dress was pale linen, marked with grass stains and fresh earth. She stretched and looked around to find her mother watching her into a joyful grin. Where her mother was ancient, Brickhead was perpetually youthful. She ran and skipped across the field and flung herself into bearers waiting arms. The cold harsh face of the queen of winter seemed to melt into one of softness and love in the presence of spring herself. They rose hand in hand and made their way across the land. The sun fully that was only eclipsed by the happiness of mother and daughter. Through the low grasslands they walked.
Starting point is 00:31:56 During winter, every steplet Bay retook with her great staff, froze the ground and spread frost underfoot. Now every step that Brigchiet took brought forth a bloom of flowers, grass and soft moss. She held her mother's arm so that Beira would not need to use her staff. The grasslands went from being barren ground with a few brown stalks, to being crowded with grasses, wildflowers, and shrubbery. A host of pollinators, drawn by the new growth, buzzed and chirped happily in the wake of the walking pair. Brickhead paused for a moment and picked up a tiny door mouse which cleaned itself contentedly in her hand. She gave the little creature to her mother and smiled as Beira watched the dormouse scurry across her huge blue hand.
Starting point is 00:33:33 They continued on from the grasslands to the forest. Beira spent all winter in the company of evergreen pines and fires. With the entrance of Brickhead into the forest, the leafless oaks, barches and willows sprouted new green leaves. Brickhead admired the way Bayra and her herd of deer had stripped back the forest over the winter, leaving enough room for her to encourage new growth. Nettles, ferns and dockleaves, raced for the best spots on the forest floor. The soft carpet of fallen pine needles and moss provided a comforting floor for their track. Birds twittered from every branch, singing the full performance that they had been merely
Starting point is 00:34:54 practicing when Beira walked these woods alone. Bear and Brigitte picked early wild strawberries and carried them in Bear's basket. They enjoyed the first sweet and sour bursts of flavour under the boughs of the sun-dappled forest. Beira relayed stories of Miss Chief that her dear got up to while Brickid slept. Her tinkling laughter was even more lovely than the bird's song. They continued their journey to the big locks of the Highlands. Brigid admired the new lock Bayra had made that year in the shadow of Hollow Mountain. Brickhead blessed the new source of fresh water with a host of fish, frogs, insects and water birds. Large rodeer came down the opposite shore to drink its clear water. The sun was very high now, shining down on the full majesty of Hollow Mountain. Brickids lovely laughter, burst forth again when she heard just how the lock came to be.
Starting point is 00:36:54 She lovingly chided her mother for working too hard. Long past were the days when Beira chased her small daughter across the newly formed land and did the telling off. Now Beira smiled at her daughter's tone and promised to take a very long rest. Together they climbed up Ben Nevis to the tucked away spot where Beerus mountain thrown they waiting. Brickhead helped her mother into her seat and placed her tools back into the crank on the mountain side. She clucked her tongue at Bayer's great plant, once again brown and grey with dirt. Brick it unsat near the foot of Beirut's throne and rested her head on her mother's
Starting point is 00:38:15 knee. taken most of the day, and now the sun was dipping low in the western sky. Bayra closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the combined warmth of the sun on her face, and her daughters had on her knee. She worked as hard as she could for the continued health of the land she loved and helped to create all winter. Her payment was this one day when winter and spring were together. She loved witnessing her daughter waking up again just a little child goddess waking from a nap. Beira always felt safe leaning observing the beginnings of spring. Finally, after all her hard work, it was time for Bayra to rest. for Bayra to rest. The sun touched the horizon, shooting out rays of orange, pink and gold across the cloudless sky. Deep purples and blues were invading from the east, and Beira felt her eyelid begin to
Starting point is 00:40:30 droop. As she succumbed to her annual rest, she felt Brigitte lay a sweet kiss on her cheek and whisper a wish of good dreams. Beiro drifted into slumber, waiting to wake again when summer closed. when summer closed. Brick it watched as the sun slipped below the horizon and her mother turned once again into stone. ... ... ... ... ... I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you you ... ... ... you ... ... ... you you

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