Ghostrunners - 1 - How Much Would You Sell Your Dog For?

Episode Date: May 9, 2019

Jake & Brad discuss hard hitting topics such as armpit sweating, crying during movies, and their experiences in grade school spelling bees. Follow us on Instagram: Learn more abo...ut your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 here we go welcome everybody to our podcast jake and brad here we are live brad what's it called uh we are calling this the uh ghost runners podcast we uh we feel official we're in brad's basement it's a little cold he's got a little blanket wrapped around him the mics aren't quite tall enough to fit uh or to get up to our voices so we're using what are these shelves yeah they're like the adjustable shelves from we bought this house from a 92 year old woman and she had all these santas on her shelf and and now they're holding podcast mics right that's that's what we're doing here so podcasting baby we don't know what we're doing we've never done this before but it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:00:39 fun yeah this is my friend brad if you came here for my instagram say hi brad hi um thanks for doing this with me jake we are best friends excited to do this bfs yeah um i already had my wedding so uh jake was not a groomsman in it but i really don't bring it up though if you're talking to us um you know if you do get married jake that i would probably be your best man i don't know or if you get married again yes right if i if i renew my vows and or uh yeah decide to take a different uh woman as my partner in life yes you will this is fun we're talking about your second marriage two minutes into our first podcast um good stuff well this is actually well yeah we don't have to talk about marriage anymore yeah okay how was your day dude uh my day's been fine let me stop you right there dude some my armpits
Starting point is 00:01:33 lately something's wrong with them in a good way or a bad way in a bad way okay deodorant has not changed nothing about what i think would affect my armpits has changed but i would say over the course of the last three or four weeks waterfalls not sweat like it's not like it smells i'm like oh i'm just like going down the side yeah it's just like very wet yes most of the time not most of the time that's an exaggeration do you think you're more nervous is it like oh i'm just like i'm coming up on a just an anxious season of life maybe i mean it's stress induced um yeah stress induced trickle i have heard of that you never think it's gonna happen to you though i don't know for real have you ever had that like it's weird it's not sweat it's just
Starting point is 00:02:16 like it's neutral it's just i've been overweight since i was like third grade i've had plenty of things like that happened to me in my armpits. It's new to me, dude. I'm embarrassed. I layer up every time I go outside. Well, you've been working out a lot more lately. Do you think that could affect it? Yes. I mean, maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I mean, there's a correlation. Probably. Working out is definitely good for you. That's something I've noticed. I don't know if people are talking about that as much as they should, but I've noticed I feel better and look better after working out, which is crazy. I don't know why. You work out really late at night, which I think is really funny.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Like really late, right? Like midnight. Between like 11 and midnight typically. Between 10 and midnight. Because I've always heard I'm not a workout connoisseur myself as the aforementioned overweight since third sure it's good to get that out there just for the record though but i've heard that like after you work out you're often not tired so i think working out really late at night like it energizes you like working out does it's working out late at night seems like
Starting point is 00:03:22 it would make you have a hard time falling asleep. Yeah. I Googled it because I was like, I wonder if this is bad. Like, I wonder if you build muscle more in the morning or something. You know, I don't know. Yeah. And the only negatives were like, yeah, you're probably gonna have trouble falling asleep afterwards. But you don't always go.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I mean, I'm not going right to bed necessarily. And when you're running on about five and a half hours sleep anyway, like you can get to bed pretty much whenever you want to. Yeah. But I've been, i've been fine dude the uh so i before we started this podcast we should have started this podcast as soon as i started working out because i've had some i think one week i checked in with brad said i've been using the bench press the wrong direction that was a bummer that was probably the motivation to start the podcast was we got to talk to somebody like people got to hear this stuff going on.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And then last week I told Brad that I went, I pay for the black card. As you know, I get all sorts of extra access. Free cell, massage beds, the typical things that gyms offer. That you want in a gym. Just give me free cell, solitary, and a massage bed. Oh, yeah, dude. But they offer tanning booths. And they didn't give me yeah freaking bronze maybe that's
Starting point is 00:04:27 why you're sweating who knows no i was i was water falling before i started okay okay um but thank you for continuing to try and find you're welcome i'm gonna find it yeah um no but yeah last week i went tanning for the first time and it didn't give me eye protection is what i was telling brad last week and you gotta get out that too. So I'm just always doing something wrong at the gym. This time I asked for eye protection, and they gave me temporary just stickers. You just peel them off and put them on your eyes. I'm not kidding. Were they designed?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Do they have smiley faces on them? Yes. They have smiley faces on them. Yes. And you put them over your eyes, and they're sticky. Oh, my gosh. Maybe that's normal, and gosh i don't maybe that's normal and i just don't know i had never used but i'm just imagining you in i'm assuming you're
Starting point is 00:05:11 underwear only correct going in there with these things on your eyes that have smiley faces on them i don't know i can't see a thing that's hilarious they're just like stuck so you put them on like your eyelids yeah but you know they're not just to my eyelids like they're kind of they're they're kind of oversized they're kind of sticking they're, they're kind of oversized. They're kind of sticking to my cheek and my nose a little bit. Oh, they're lashes. Oh, to your nose. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I see. Well, you know, I don't have great dexterity once one eye is already, you know, blind. Gosh. Well, anyway, so more updates to come for you guys as the podcast, you know, grows and grows. And as my muscles grow and grow. Right. I'm sure we'll have better stories.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And dude, you should start going to the gym just for like, I mean, it's like I do like It grows and grows. And as my muscles grow and grow. Right. I'm sure we'll have better stories. Dude, you should start going to the gym just for like, I mean, it's like I dove into like a new subculture of society. Well, I did, I guess. Yeah. Just people who work out. Yeah. It's crazy. Here, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Do you, how often do you look at yourself in the mirror? Oh. And what do you, how do you feel about it? I mean, every time I go to the bathroom. You go to the bathroom looking in a mirror? Going to the bathroom in the sink. Okay. Afterwards, I wash my hands and I look at myself in the mirror. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Okay. Yeah. So not during, not during like, that's fine. Like I don't like lean over while I'm going to the bathroom. Be like, what up, baby? Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, we're doing good. Um, no, but I'm, I'm a very avid wash, hand washer.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Good for you. Um, and so every single time I go to the bathroom, regardless, or any time I go into any restaurant, I always wash my hands at the beginning. And you look at yourself in the mirror. Absolutely, yeah. See, my thing, I don't know if it's something I need to address with myself personally.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I don't really like looking myself in the eyes in the mirror. Really? Like for extended periods of time. And where I'm going with this is people in the gym yeah they have mirrors everywhere yeah they're they're looking themselves non-stop and i think it's so strange a guy two weeks ago asked me to move out of the way so he could look at himself in the mirror which i thought was a dope move yeah and like you i don't get it your gym is like a subculture of a subculture because you're going to planet fitness which is like you know the no judgment zone yeah like judgment free don't like no bodybuilders allowed but at the same time you're
Starting point is 00:07:10 still getting guys that are want to look at themselves i just think it's so funny because i'm like i don't even really look at myself while i brush my teeth these guys are just eyeing themselves down while they're lifting oh yeah i can't do this also i'm i wish you could feel my right armpit right now i just had a trickle down i'm serious like it's happening my best guess is like switching temperatures because it is kind of cold down here yeah i think for some reason it's the change in temp is only affecting my armpits yeah that's interesting we have any medical professionals out there listening which who are we kidding i think everyone listening shares a last name with us right now this first episode but if anyone knows
Starting point is 00:07:44 i'd say life is going pretty well for me right now, this first episode. But if anyone knows, I'd say life is going pretty well for me right now, except for the armpit thing. Yeah. So that'd be great to have some clarity. Good. So that's me. I work out,
Starting point is 00:07:55 my armpits sweat. Brad, you want to tell them about you? What do you got going on? Tell us about your body. Yeah. Body functions. No,
Starting point is 00:08:06 we're not going to go there, but we have to go about body functions yeah thanks i think to help introduce our audience to each other yeah just to get to know me a little bit so i am a husband and a father on your things that you are not yeah um this is on your first marriage yes first marriage yeah first husband first fatherhood good experience i have a wife who is um named katherine that's correct a daughter named hattie who's two years old and um i'm a woodworker i have a full-time woodworking business and i also lead worship at my church that i've been going to attended for the last three years. So I have a part-time work worship job and a full-time woodworking job. Um, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:52 so I, just like Jake, we, we have the similarity of being able to have a flexible hours, flexible, you know, work-life balance. Um,
Starting point is 00:09:04 we met, if we don't work, we're not going to make money. Yeah. It was motivating. I was gonna say, we met if we don't work we're not gonna make money yeah it's motivating i was gonna say we met as next door neighbors yes we met as next door neighbors when my wife was working for k-life which is where i was working alongside of jake yep like we bonded quickly over humor yes which one thing i bring up is remember the first night we met we went to home depot no i don't remember that i remember we went? We went to Home Depot. No, I don't remember that. Dang it, dude. I remember we were coming back from a small group leader thing.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Sure. And it was like Sunday night. And for whatever reason on Sunday nights, they do like 90s on this one radio station. And we listened to 90s music and we rolled down the windows and like randomly like talked to people and pretended to know them. I do remember that. And I didn't and i didn't know yeah hey jerry jerry over here it's me you know how to get to the four five like say all these random things to him and you caught on quickly and i was like oh this is a good time
Starting point is 00:09:55 yeah like this this must be what brad does all the time and turns out 30 of the time which is not bad 30 of time every time um. Fast forward to now, Brad and I still cracking jokes. We should tell them about the Craigslist thing, how we made a little money last month, cracking jokes professionally. Right. So you just recently moved to Kansas city and have been looking for jobs here and there and all do anything once. Yeah. You're trying to figure out. Yeah. Right. What you're trying to figure out yeah right what you're trying to do and uh so you're on craigslist right you're straight perusing yeah like oh real quick i'm gonna interrupt you found one just before i came over here because i'm honestly always perusing it said need a dwarf to come party with us oh my gosh clicked on it because this is pretty sure
Starting point is 00:10:39 you know exciting they just wanted a little little person to come to the Lake of the Ogres arcs with them and just hang out. They're like, we'll pay you to come party with us. What is this? Why is this in creative gigs? You see a lot of, I'm sure you've seen more things like that, but sorry, you found one creative gig that was basically saying, Hey, we are a company that needs jokes for little kids, jokey jokes. Um, and they don't have to be advanced humor. They can't be inappropriate. They can't be political or religious. Just send us jokes. And it was like basically like $5 a joke. I think like it was like $50 or 50 jokes for $250. Yeah. And it was like, it was a slow month for me. And it was,
Starting point is 00:11:24 you were, you were trying to figure out you know what you're doing so you're like why not do this this seems easy enough and so we've been splitting these jokes and been doing pretty well with these like making money off of them i mean we're essentially we don't know what it's going towards necessarily but it's basically like we're writing laughy taffy jokes exactly like give them some examples, I remember like literally I would just come up with them while I'm driving. So like I saw an Applebee's one time and I thought of Applebee's bumblebee. And I was like, what's, you know, uh, what do you call a clumsy insect? A stumblebee, you know, like stumblebee. Yeah. Like just, uh, I don't know. Like what does a farmer use to,
Starting point is 00:12:00 uh, right. He uses a pig pen, you know, like, like come on like just give them to me uh where does a model like to eat food sheik's filet dang it uh i guess it you know that's good so there's yeah and there's so many it's unlimited it really is as long as you as long as you like have a very low ceiling for how funny it can be and how much it needs to make sense. You can just personify anything and be like, what's a door's favorite color? I don't know. I don't know what the answer to that one is. You can imagine.
Starting point is 00:12:35 As long as doors have feelings and can talk, then anything can be a joke. You were heavy. You went down the animal route a lot. Yeah. I feel like. Still do. Which maybe is due to a two-year-old daughter. You're hearing animal sounds, reading animal books a lot. Genuinely which maybe is due to a two-year-old daughter you're hearing animal sounds reading animal books a lot genuinely just looking around the room why
Starting point is 00:12:49 did the zookeeper get fired i'm looking up some of these why did the zookeeper get fired because he was always lying down on the job lying see where i went the more hey i want these to be laughy taffy jokes but maybe a rapper could use these In a lyric someday I'm trying to think about something How does Bill Gates Like his toilet paper? Microsoft Boom See that's like next level
Starting point is 00:13:15 Mine are just bad You're pumping them out though That's like a Juicy J lyric somewhere Thank you dude You know what If you guys want to nah never mind i'll tell you i'll save juicy j for another episode perfect um yeah but this thing i found it i was like i don't know if there's anything more up my alley than a way to make money off
Starting point is 00:13:37 of just writing cheesy jokes and then i got brad involved and i was like oh i'm out of my league now you know i had like 10 done and you're like, oh, I drove home and wrote my 50. I'm telling you, if you drive, it makes it so much easier because you're literally just trying to think of random things that you can make jokes about and you can't like, or you can, but it's not as easy as if you're just driving down the road and you see a billboard for insect, you know, pest control thing. Let's try to do this right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Okay. One of us says a word and then the other just first person i think of a joke okay with that somewhere in there shoebox oh gosh sorry is that too hard i think you say word then we both go for it great so you say a word without pre-thinking of a joke oh shoebox is the i don't have i don't have one I don't want to go with shoebox. Okay. Lamp. Is that good? Okay. Why is it always... Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Mine's not... Why is it always bright at Canica camps? Because of the lampy. That's a very specific joke. But hey, for the time frame and for a certain audience, it makes sense. Pillow. for the time frame and for a certain audience it makes sense um uh pillow where where does a pharmacist sleep on his pill oh i was gonna say yeah i was gonna go someone who chokes or because he swallowed a pillow that was the route i was gonna go um yeah those are good if anyone out there needs jokes written on the spot that are mediocre, I'd say we're your guys.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Which there's probably somebody out there on Craigslist that does need that. Yeah, we'll peruse. Anyway, yeah, that's, yeah, anyway. In other news. That's our lives. You know what I was thinking about the other day? What is the point of car alarms? Just initially, what the other day? What is the point of car alarms? Just initially, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:15:28 What is the point of car alarms? To ward off the intruder. Yeah. Yeah. But anytime you ever hear them, you're like, ah, someone accidentally clicked something. Yeah. Like, oh, whatever. They'll just, they'll unlock it and be fine.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah. And even, let's say I'm trying to get in your car, alarm goes off. You don't know that that's not, like the passerby doesn't know that that's not my car. Act naturally. Yeah. Just chill and keep trying to get in your car. And maybe, yeah, maybe if you have. God, man, hit the thing again.
Starting point is 00:15:58 If you have some keys, like just press some buttons and be like, gosh, why isn't this thing working? Like, yeah. Cause Catherine like messes up sometimes and does like not not just put push the uh alarm button but actually I think sometimes she unlocks the car from the inside of her car while she's still oh yeah if you sit in there for a little bit yeah I guess you've left the car and then it like freaks freaks out and she doesn't know how to fix it and she would be completely innocent and then somebody else could totally mess with that accuse her um this is not on the same vein exactly but i remember one time in college speaking of people not caring when alarms go off really uh there was
Starting point is 00:16:37 a huge like thunderstorm and this one like one instance of thunder literally was so huge that it put it like set off like every single car alarm in the parking lot really and so it was like yeah how does this thousands of cars you think it's more the lightning or more the thunder that sets off car alarms i think it's probably the thunder like the the motion of it like so strong yeah right um it was such a strong motion that it just i I don't know. But I'll tell you one thing. No one was worried about that. No one was worried about the car getting stolen. Yeah. Somebody's out there stealing cars. No, like that's not your first reaction.
Starting point is 00:17:18 So let me ask you this. Do you know what to do if your car gets struck by lightning? I think you're okay, right? Like you can't, if your car gets struck by lightning, doesn't it just hit the tires and you're okay. Right? Like you can't, you're, if your car gets struck by lightning, doesn't it just hit the tires and you're okay? Yes. I don't know. I've never been struck by lightning in a car. I remember my fifth grade,
Starting point is 00:17:34 uh, gifted teacher, Mrs. Miss Robinette told me this one time. I'm gonna brag that you were in gifted. I, this whole podcast is for me to just at some point say that I was in the gifted program and we've already reached it.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So there may not be an episode two. She said, yeah, so the rubber on the road is good news. If you're somehow airborne, probably not good news. Rubber on the road is good. You're supposed to keep driving around for like 20, 30 minutes. Let the charge kind of die out a little bit. And then this is the part that she apparently made sound pretty important. Whenever you leave your car, you kind of jump out and land on two feet at the same time what that's what i heard
Starting point is 00:18:08 so you're not just like safe if you're in the car and you get struck by lightning i don't think i would feel safe your hair is probably frizzing a little bit song probably started going in reverse you got stickers on your eyes still yeah yeah i didn't get the sticker off when i was tanning still a little sunburned oh i just i've, I've always heard like, hey, the wheels, you know, the tires are going to make it so it's okay. But I can ask Miss Robinette what she meant by that. We're not in touch anymore. She's probably listening to this right now. Yeah, she probably is.
Starting point is 00:18:35 She's supportive. Interesting. Okay. No, I did not know that. Just, yeah, a little tidbit. Jump out with both. People might leave this podcast being like, they weren't that funny. But about about three years later i did get struck by lightning in a car and that was super helpful that i listened to their first episode but by jumping out do they mean like not just
Starting point is 00:18:53 stepping out like because i i don't need i drive a car you know it's kind of low ground and i'm like i said overweight since third grade i don't think i would have a very easy time just yeah launching myself out of my car and i don't think it would have a very easy time just yeah launching myself out of my car and i don't think it needs to be a triple sow cow or anything but i think just some way to get both feet off the car and onto the ground at the same time okay great triple sack i would help though i don't know what that is but it sounds really okay here's something i was thinking about the other day this is so random and not about triple south cows at all. That's okay. But you and I both really enjoy the art of fast food. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And I had Wendy's right before this. Just dissecting that fast food. Oh, yeah. I have a story just from last night. Okay. You go first, though. So I was asking Catherine about this, and she didn't know because she wasn't in gifted. But I was saying, so like, let's say you have a i love soft drinks so that's that's
Starting point is 00:19:48 where i that's where my mind goes your wheelhouse um so let's say you have a soft drink of dr pepper that's halfway filled up with a good amount of ice and so it has 150 calories in that soft drink at the time okay and then obviously it tastes wonderful i have no idea where you're going with this we got calories involved now what have we ever talked about calories right we are talking about calories we've never talked that's the entire basis of this question oh yikes um so it tastes great tastes like a normal dr pepper it has carbonation it's half filled with ice this is like a word problem that i don't get to see this is tough okay sorry i'll tell you finish just know that there is enough ice that there's a strong amount of ice which by the way ice is the ultimate stabilizer if you don't want your stuff to spill
Starting point is 00:20:29 just put enough ice in there and it's not gonna spill what are you talking about i don't know um like like if you if you have don't my stuff to spill like if you don't want no if you don't want your water to spill oh i see what you're saying if you have water in a cup that's all the way full and you barely move that thing sloshing yeah if you have ice in there it's not going anywhere it's the ultimate stabilizer i see what you're saying right that like within the realm of like like within the habitat of the cup it stabilizes like the water yes i'm sorry not like in general like not in the world i don't know what to think sorry go on with the word okay dr pepper halfway full. It doesn't matter how full it is, how much ice is in there.
Starting point is 00:21:08 But let's say two, three days later, you come back to that same cup. It is now, the ice is obviously melted. It's no longer carbonated. It tastes terrible. Yikes. Does it have that same 150 calories in there still, do you think? I know very little about calories, and I apologize. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But I know that water doesn't have any. I don't think frozen water would have any. Right. The question is carbonation. I'm just saying, like, can calories, yeah, like, go out of something if it gets... Here's something I remember from ninth grade science. There are physical reactions and there are chemical reactions i would guess that for calories to be lost or gained some sort of chemical reaction has to happen okay and i think just like slowly melting is a physical well i
Starting point is 00:21:56 don't know that's a transfer of heat because like yeah i know you can definitely gain calories like like uh bananas get sweeter like the like they start out green and they become yeah yellow actually yeah i don't know what the heck i'm talking about i don't either i'm just pulling out terms from just a random thought i had was are you trying to consume more or less calories right now i mean always less really you know it's always a good idea to consume less that's what what they say. But yeah. But yeah, I don't know. Because it's like, oh man, I'll sacrifice 150 calories for this delicious Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But I cannot imagine that same sacrifice being used on this awful, lukewarm water. Sure. Water diluted. Surely that's not the same amount of calories. Like I shouldn't have to. If you get 10,000 calories every whatever. I don't even know how long a span that would take. Is that a week?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Is that a day? I think it's 2,000 calories a day for a diet is what all the nutrition facts say. Oh, okay. So that could be a weekly goal if you're skinny. Yeah. Whatever. You're saying, I don't have to use 150 of these on... Yeah, I don't know. Whatever. I just don't have to use 150 of these on. Yeah. I don't know. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I just don't, it doesn't, it doesn't taste like 150 calories worth of the sacrifice. If that makes sense. I don't know. It's just a random thing. Anyway, this is a story.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's being a fast food from last night. I go to McDonald's cause I'm thirsty boy. I order a large sweet tea. She says, we have unsweetened tea which i was like oh yeah you know it's like well that's not what i want but maybe she's you know maybe she's being polite uh well we have we have sprite it's like okay yeah well i mean that's you know we have barks yeah i don't really know what to think you know snap decision so i just said it again i was like
Starting point is 00:23:41 maybe she didn't totally understand i don't know i was like yeah well do you have any do you have any sweet tea she responds again we have unsweetened tea i was like okay what's going on at this point what kind of game is this like something's going on i don't want to lose whatever game this is so i go back i step up to the plate a third time and i say i'm by myself too it's not like i'm doing this for anyone's enjoyment i say and also i like emphasize it just in case there was language barrier i said i'll take a sweetened tea and she once again i'm not kidding you we have unsweetened tea but it wasn't even like a joke to her and it made me think and so i pulled i lost the game i didn't step up to the plate for a time i said i'll take a power and um i just wasn't feeling soda last night i had a lot but yeah anyway as i was driving
Starting point is 00:24:23 away i was like i wonder if m wonder if McDonald's has some policy where it's like, you can't say no without offering a solution or something like that. Like you can't just tell someone you don't have it. That's a good, I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Yeah. Just like, don't, you know, we're just like, yeah. Hey, it's not the end of the world. Like we still have tea.
Starting point is 00:24:40 It's just not what exactly what you want. It's going to taste nothing like what you're wanting. I get you 15 cups of sugar to just put in there that's what we do i can do it for you it's no problem um i don't know man yeah it's in the realm of fast food that's that's been on my mind all day lately it's been kind of a rough day just wondering what mcdonald's new policy is on suggesting solutions can i tell you something i've been thinking about with more than anything we should just make this a food podcast because or maybe drinks uh because it's drinks specifically maybe i've already talked to you about this jake what do you think about um
Starting point is 00:25:09 i was thinking about this the other day and i think i truly believe this for myself and i think if other people thought about it they would also if they were very honest with themselves also believe this is that um i think i 100 of the time prefer iced or cold drinks over hot drinks. No matter what the liquid is? Yeah, I think so. And I think no matter what the liquid, and honestly, if I'm being like real, I appreciate it. Unless I'm going to be very cold outside for a long time,
Starting point is 00:25:42 it's not even about the temperature. Like I think the climate that I'm in time it's not even about the temperature like i think like the like the climate that i'm in like if it's it's not weather dependent you're just you always want a cold drink yeah like like maybe if it's 32 degrees outside or whatever and i'm going to be outside for three hours yes it would be nice to have a warm drink i but if if it's 32 degrees i'm walking from my house to my car and i'm going to be cold in my car for four minutes while the car warms up, like that's okay. You'll suck it up and take that cold drink? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I think that other people – I don't think that warm drinks are good. They're not. Like they're not as enjoyable as cold drinks ever. See, I don't even think you know this about me. So it's funny you bring this up. My parents always used to make fun of me because how often I would drink warm soda. Warm? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Like lukewarm or like? I would say room temperature. Okay. I'm not going to heat up soda. I'm not a psycho. Catherine does that. What? Catherine heats up.
Starting point is 00:26:34 You are going to have a second marriage, dude. Why does she heat up soda? She heats up Dr. Pepper and puts lemon in it. No. It's honestly not terrible, but it's not as good as iced. Nice to be a hypocrite. No, no. It's not. Okay. Okay. It's not better. It's not as nice hypocrite no no it's not okay okay it's not better it's not better but heated up dr pepper yeah like she's like when she's sick or something
Starting point is 00:26:51 no it's just like when she's in a good mood her family like she doesn't do it here but whenever we go down to her family's house in texas they do it's illegal here it's probably good she doesn't but yeah so we would have sodas in the pantry. Yeah. And yeah, my parents would still like, I'd come in from like playing. I'm 10 years old or wherever. I come in and just grab like a soda and just like start drinking it. They're like, Jake, do you want any ice? No, I'm good. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Because sometimes I think ice, much like A1 steak sauce can take away from the flavor of the steak. I think ice can take away from the natural flavor. Certainly. I think that's part of maybe why i like it more though you like your things diluted it it's yeah well i like i like really sweet things a lot like i like dr pepper my strawberry lemonade kind of punched you in the face tonight though you weren't really ready for that right and imagine if that was not ice that would be that'd be a good drink seriously though like yeah you you do you taste the sugar
Starting point is 00:27:42 a lot more when it's warm yeah like coffee is so much easier to drink when it's iced. Coffee sucks. That's another thing. I think that people don't really like coffee that much, and they just act like they do. Do you think it's a fad? No. Not unless there's something else that is going on.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I think it's a drug. Sure. Honestly, like, I drink it for the effect more than i do the taste most of the time so i'm kind of the opposite really i don't i've been i mean basically shooting caffeine in my bloodstream since high school so like that doesn't affect me at any point but i've got a coffee a week more as like a a thing to do almost just like yeah i'll say the coffee shop and like sip on a little like white girl latte. Yeah. Well, I would get some work done. I don't,
Starting point is 00:28:26 yeah, I don't do it for the effect. Try a nice white girl latte at Chick-fil-A. I get iced coffees and it's real good. Okay. They're throwing mad sugar in it though. So that's why I like it. I just think if you're honest with yourself,
Starting point is 00:28:39 you like ice more. That's a pretty blanket statement. I know. I can tell you're a standby. So I'm not going to try to, it's a strong statement that I know i can tell you're a standby so i'm not gonna try to it's a strong statement that i'm sure people disagree with until they really analyze themselves and then they realize it's well there's no way to comment on podcasts but if you ever see us in person let us know on this elias drink thing what you think um speaking speaking of food let's just
Starting point is 00:29:04 keep it rolling let's roll uh i got a question for you okay how do you feel about deviled eggs um in the last couple three four years i've grown to like them but growing up i never even tried them because i thought they looked disgusting i didn't like mustard growing up didn't really like eggs growing up. Is there mayonnaise in there too? Probably. Like mayonnaise is not, like those three things were not good to me growing up. And now I'm okay with all of them.
Starting point is 00:29:31 So you like deviled eggs? Yeah. Thanks for your dinner. You'll take one off the tray? Yeah. There's some people in my family, like I come from a big family and some people love deviled eggs in my extended family. And so like, yeah, I maybe if it if there's enough
Starting point is 00:29:47 room on my plate but it's not like i have to have one i would say i'm a solid five and a half out of ten fan okay what about you 11 out of 20 i'm gonna guess real quick that you are very low on the totem pole of deviled eggs yeah i think they're terrible i uh i heard this thing one time that they say like every seven years your taste buds change yeah so about every seven years i'll try a deviled egg just in case i'll try a lot of things just in case that's interesting i don't know if this theory is true i don't even know where i heard that but i like it i've definitely acquired a taste for different things recently but um but i've always hated eggs any kind of egg smell of them taste of them oh man i can remember like gagging trying to like swallow scrambled eggs just like the texture of them
Starting point is 00:30:30 oh wow eggs just smell so bad didn't like the taste anyway always hated eggs never gotten over that okay but then yeah like you were saying you throw in some mayonnaise and like whatever the heck is on the deviled egg and it's's just like, I cannot think of anything worse than this. That's funny. And my dad knew this. We were at Easter lunch two weekends ago, whenever it was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And kind of out of nowhere. Oh, well, my mom was like, Jake, do you want more deviled eggs? And I was like, are you serious? She's like, yeah. Oh, wait, nevermind. I forgot who I was asking. Yeah, I haven't had one, you know.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah. Five, 10 years or whatever. And that's my thing. I don't like deviled eggs. Do not, don't bring it up. it's gonna be a rough easter if you keep bringing up deviled eggs around me but then my dad right after that was like jake i'll give you everything i have in my back pocket right now if you did deviled egg he's like i don't know how much money i have in there he's like you might be taking a risk oh i love it um which is always a fun game yeah growing up he used to do this thing and i think i've told you about this, but he would say, I got to do chores and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He's like, all right, Jake, you can take out the trash or you can mow the lawn. We lived on a lot of property. Mowing the lawn is like a half day thing. Like, oh, I'll take out the trash. And then like, okay, good. I already mowed the lawn anyway. Like, dang it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And then I could never choose the right one. It always got me. And so I was like, this is one of those things again. And then next time he would be like, you can take out the trash or mow the lawn i'm gonna get him i know you mowed the lawn already i'm gonna take out the trash yeah give me again he always knew or vice versa oh you it's like a closet like psychologist or something he figured me out anyway so what happened to this so i was like this is one of the situations i don't know am i gonna get two bucks out of this and i almost wanted to prove it to myself i was like you know what maybe the taste
Starting point is 00:32:02 taste buds have realigned it's's time I try one again. So first thing I'll say, still god awful. I hated it. Okay. I mean, I can't. I asked everyone at the table. I said, how do you eat these things every year? My sister had like 18 of them.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I don't understand. But I made 80 bucks out of his back pocket. It was a good day. Wow. Then, story gets better. Grandma decides, hey, Jake, I want to give you $20 too. I was like, oh, Grandma. out of his back pocket it was a good day wow then story gets better grandma decides hey chick i want to give you twenty dollars too i was like oh grandma you don't you don't have to give me money for that one no for that one i did oh and i was like oh grandma you don't have to give me money for a deviled egg and she's like oh no i forgot to give you something for valentine's day so i was
Starting point is 00:32:40 like oh okay all right yeah well in that case sure mean, now I don't have to bring it up. So yeah, I made like $103 on Easter for eating a deviled egg. Wow. That's hilarious. It was awesome. Your teen requested a ride, but this time not from you. It's through their Uber teen account. It's an Uber account that allows your teen to request a ride under your supervision with live trip tracking and highly rated drivers. Add your teen to your Uber account today. Oh, boy. I should have read the best before date on this milk.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Since I'm with Fizz, my unused data transfers to the next month automatically. I forgot things could expire. For monthly data that transfers to the next month, switch to Fizz. Certain conditions apply. Details at So, okay. That makes me think of that time.
Starting point is 00:33:33 We've talked about this a little bit, but for all those commenters out there on our podcast. Yeah. Comment down below on Spotify. We had a discussion one time that I think is really funny about uh dogs and love dogs neither of us have dogs currently no um but one of our friends asked us how how much money like if someone came to your doorstep right now oh this is a great conversation and said hey uh here's a hundred thousand dollars and but i but i'll give it to you right now no no strings attached the and said, hey, here's $100,000. But I'll give it to you right now.
Starting point is 00:34:08 No strings attached. The only thing you have to do is just give me your dog. And you'll never see the dog again. Your dog will be completely taken care of. Nothing bad will happen to the dog. You'll live a long, happy life. It's just not your dog. You do not get to interact with it, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 There's no more you and this dog. Would you take it? And instantly... Oh, yeah, go ahead. In this scenario, am I me? Am I single Jake? Do I have kids who are attached to this dog? Do I have family?
Starting point is 00:34:35 How old is the dog? Oh, that's another thing. We said the dog is a solid, good dog, but it's not the perfect... It's a solid 7.5 out of 10. The dog is old enough into its life that it's a solid seven and a half out of ten uh the dog is old enough into its life that it's trained but like probably in the prime of his life knows where the electric fence is right but like like has plenty of years left it's not like it's cool it's on its last leg or anything um and like instantly i was like a hundred percent i take
Starting point is 00:35:00 that money and get rid of my dog and a hundred thousand yeah that's that's a hundred thousand for a dog i mean i love dogs but in my wife catherine was like no way like because we have a daughter she'd be like you know hattie would love this dog you know and that's that's that's part of the scenario too is that yes everyone in your family likes the dog it's not like this tension thing or anything um you know I'm like, but you can buy another dog. There's always going to be more dogs. Like that dog. I can either make a hundred thousand dollars today and lose that dog today. Or I could make $0 today and lose that dog in seven to 10 years. I'm losing that dog right now. And I don't know, it's not a person. And I know that that's going to offend everyone probably.
Starting point is 00:35:47 But that's the thing is like, I mean, I love dogs. Yeah. Love them a lot. So do I. Walk in a room and I'm trying to win the dog over before anyone else. Like it just, it's such a cool feeling. But I think you have to look at it logically too. Like, right.
Starting point is 00:36:01 It, I, you know, it feels like I have a special connection to this animal because of the time we spent together. Yeah. But that time is like replaceable. I can get a new dog and spend time with that dog and teach it the same tricks. Right. Have similar memories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 But once you bring like a kid into it, then you don't think so logically. Okay. Then you start thinking a little emotionally. Yeah. I just, I think maybe it's just me. Cause, cause like we kind of pulled my, my wife and you know, all of these, all of our friends, wives and stuff. And the women were a lot more 50, 50, not even 50, 50.
Starting point is 00:36:36 The women were like, no, keep the dog. Yeah. But I think maybe just the man and like the fact that I feel pressure to provide. Cause like, yeah, like logically. Yeah. Emotionally even like, yeah, I could save up for hattie's college with this money you know for this this dog money blood money yeah my dog buddy uh really maturing in that you know college savings account check the dog fund but really though you know there's there's just it just seems like the smart move anyway yeah i remember yeah we all kind of went around i don't remember this was so long ago but
Starting point is 00:37:09 kind of went around and set our price like gunner our friend discount duckworth he was like 100 bucks i do for 100 bucks right now well he also doesn't like dogs so oh that's right he's kind of a moot point but yeah peter and i both i think we said like 13 000 we would do it for really and our yeah other people think that's like ridiculous. I would probably even do it for less than that. You would? Probably. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I don't know. Then again, I mean, I don't have a dog. I've never raised a dog myself. So I don't know what it feels like to, you know. Yeah. Spend money and time cleaning up something's crap just to give it away for like, you know, five grand or something. You've invested in that dog.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I don't know. But five to 10 grand would definitely, I think I i would i'd make moves on that yeah on like a three-year-old australian shepherd yeah right that's what i'm saying it'd be sad don't don't think i wouldn't be sad but i wouldn't be sad on the jet ski i bought with that right i'd be super happy the jet ski that you bought and then you had extra money to do XYZ as well. Get a new dog, send him to a trainer. Now he's even better
Starting point is 00:38:08 to train the first one because I have all his money. Daniel Tosh has this bit where he's like, you know, they say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a jet ski. You're trying to be sad
Starting point is 00:38:17 on a jet ski. You just can't. You can't do it. So funny. I'm smiling, man. That's really funny. Here's a question for you. Great. Super random random i'm just looking at your tv down here what do you remember back in the day when the tvs were all the rage i don't know what time of the year that was i don't know why i just said that time of the year
Starting point is 00:38:37 but i don't know what i'm saying here's what i'm trying to say okay plasma tvs i mean that was like a buzz where everyone's like oh you going to get a flat screen? You're going to get plasma. LCD. Yeah. 1080. What is plasma? Like in TVs or in general?
Starting point is 00:38:53 Not in blood. Familiar with selling my plasma. I don't know. Plasma TVs. I have no idea what that word means. I think of it. I don't know, to be honest. I think of it as like, I think of halo whenever you shoot plasma oh plasma
Starting point is 00:39:05 ray yeah but beyond that so i think it's like this bright blue stuff that you put in a tv that makes it look really nice that's probably what it is what i think of in my head but i'm sure that's 100 accurate i don't know either i feel like you don't hear it as much so it's something like was real trendy for a while like blu-rays oh they're both blue too there you go correlation right they must have just uh figured out how everything looks almost the same to the naked eye so stop advertising one over the other and just now it's like the features of a smart tv are good like or features of a tv like it's a smart tv it can have wi-fi it can connect to netflix and all that stuff you ever checked out those curved tvs and
Starting point is 00:39:45 like best buy or something yeah somebody i know has one i kind of look at them and it's like it's cool yeah but i'm also like this is no this is not a different viewing experience for me yeah it i don't know but i haven't seen it from like a living room perspective i've seen it from like best buy you know floor perspective it didn't yeah i don't know i'm not a super critical tv watcher as long as i can tell what's going on on tv it's fine with me so as long as it's not like fuzzy or anything what do you think is the quality you care most about in like a tv watching experience like volume angle uh ambience seating arrangement if i could only choose one, I think I would choose angle probably. The angle of the TV.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Or yeah, where I'm sitting in correlation to the TV. Yeah, because if I'm sitting too close or too far to the side, like that's just uncomfortable to watch a lot. I'm also kind of losing my hearing, I think, because of woodworking. Oh no. A little bit. and so I don't think it yeah volume is I don't know it depends on what I'm watching but speaking of losing your hearing I have this theory I don't know if I've ever shared this with you my theory is that at a
Starting point is 00:40:56 young age I had very poor hearing because I and maybe I'm a little ahead of myself maybe this is a very natural thing, but I subconsciously always look at people's mouths when they're talking. I have to force myself to look at their eyes. That's like very unnatural to me. It's my theory is that when I was younger, I had to read lips to hear, or at least like maybe somewhat was reading lips. Yeah. Um, cause yeah, that's what I look at. Like even when I'm talking to someone, most of the time I'm looking at their mouth and I guess I don't know how normal that is. Maybe that's like, Oh yeah. that's what I look at. Like even when I'm talking to someone, most of the time I'm looking at their mouth and I guess I don't know how normal that is.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Maybe that's like, Oh yeah. 50% of the population does that. But I don't know. I mean, I feel like I'm looking at your eyes, but I'm also seeing your mouth move enough because like I wear contacts. So if I don't have my contacts in, I look at you, I can't, it's so much harder to hear because I'm, cause I am like trying to also look at you and read what your like face is saying you know like do you think that's similar to like the turn the radio
Starting point is 00:41:52 down because i need to like see what's ahead or whatever yeah if you think you need to concentrate so you turn down the radio yeah it's like all i needed was to look at something but i turn down the radio those are different senses right but if you're saying you can hear better when you see, kind of an inverse relationship. I think you're using both. I think you're thinking of smell and taste. Those are correlated. I think if you did everything
Starting point is 00:42:18 but make noise right now, but moved your face and had your face go up and down and stuff, I think I would be able to pick up potentially what you're saying. I think, you know, like, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Fun experiment someday. Yeah. I'll pantomime with my, from the neck up and you try to guess what I'm saying. That'll be great podcast. Cause yeah, no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:40 They can't see us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I really do. I don't know. It's hard for me to see and hear apparently i'm just gonna be really bad at being old what's your like number one fear of being old not on like a like a like on a surface level um like maybe you look at your grandparents
Starting point is 00:42:59 you looked at you look up the dnaalogy tree. What's coming for you? Well, uh, I don't know. That's the thing is like all my grandfathers have been dead for a really long time. So I guess my fear is dying young. Uh, I don't know. I think I would just be, why are we doing this podcast? I think I'd be worried about not being able to hear when I'm old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I think that's going to be, that'd be hard. Like you, it's so hard to be in conversation, obviously, if you have such a hard time hearing. Yeah. Like even now I'll go to a place that has like loud, like murmur kind of like loud, like ambient noise kind of stuff. And it's harder for me to hear than most people. I'm worried. Like that's obviously not gonna get any better you're not gonna yeah improve your hearing yeah that's too bad what would you say could be worse though i think maybe just slowing down mentally in general just like yeah not being like i rely
Starting point is 00:43:56 on my quickness a lot and once that goes it's gonna be so sad yeah just like not being able to keep up mentally with what's going on i wonder if you're gonna be able to tell crippling it's so gradual that hopefully yeah because like i'm sure that i'm not the exact same aptitude as i was when i was 18 years old in certain things sure but i don't think i really recognize it as much as i probably am that's true since i don't feel old not that i am old i'm 28 years old but sometimes i think about if i was an nfl running back like oh man i'm kind of towards the end of my yeah career a little bit that's crazy i need to get going i need to start a podcast i need something i gotta figure out something else i gotta get on craigslist again and find something that's crazy
Starting point is 00:44:38 anyway we got a while before we're old yeah yeah. Yeah. It's funny how that all works. I wonder what, I bet women, well, maybe I shouldn't go down this road in a podcast. I don't know. I've just observed in my marriage that women seem to be a lot more self-conscious about them getting old before men do. Like, they seem to be self-conscious once they hit 30. They're like, oh my gosh i'm so old wrinkle cream well yeah or whatever it is i don't know i think maybe just the i like the the number thing like whereas men like i feel like some men are 50 years old and still think
Starting point is 00:45:16 they're 16 you know like paul rudd he looks good see he just turned 50 yeah i'm not even talking about physically maybe a little but still he looks great how he starts turned 50 yeah i'm not even talking about physically maybe a little but still he looks great how he starts to turn 50 yeah it like it was a twitter moment like paul rudd turns 50 and still looks amazing or whatever that is kind of wild anyway i don't know i'm just not worried like that doesn't bother me at all getting the idea of like getting older like that does not bother me yeah i wouldn't say i think about it too much but every now and then i'll watch the notebook and be like oh man oh man i've never actually seen the notebook all the way through really nope do you know kind of what it's about yeah i know it's really sad at the end and yeah that's what it's about it's about being sad at the end yeah no it's the dementia yes kind of what it's about he can't remember his
Starting point is 00:46:05 wife or vice versa or something yeah she can't remember he has to help her out does it get you going yeah have you do you have you ever cried in a movie uh the little princess you ever seen that one first movie ever cried in sad dude at least when i was 10 it was you cried when you were 10 i don't remember exactly for you but oh yeah i was very much on the emotional spectrum back in the day which is crazy because i don't know if i've ever maybe i've seen you cry once or twice but like i'm pretty pretty steady yeah emotionally most of the time but but when you were you get wrapped up in a movie yeah that's that's one of the only things i remember yeah the little princess i don't even know how i watched that movie i'm gonna blame it on my little sister caitlin surely that's why i was watching it yeah
Starting point is 00:46:50 um i remember one time leaving home it was our first time like going away after getting a new dog buddy was home alone and then i watched the emperor's new groove and it was that scene where kuzco is in the rainforest and it's raining and that made me think of buddy being all alone like oh he's outside this whole weekend what if it's raining on him cried hard really i was like in a room with like my cousins and stuff so i had to like kind of cry to myself and then no joke the notebook first time i saw it made me cry did it well i've heard that's like a common thing thank you i just i think i've only cried and it wasn't even like a like a real cry it was like but i
Starting point is 00:47:25 think i had a tear in my eye or something i watched it's a wonderful life for the first time this past christmas i've never seen that all the way through really i mean obviously it's a classic i recommend it okay um jerk your tears yeah and maybe it's because i'm getting older and you know i can't have a daughter yeah but, but really, though, like... Seriously. It makes a difference. You internalize things a lot differently, but... Do you externalize things differently?
Starting point is 00:47:52 I don't even know what that means. I don't either. Probably, though. Sure. I think it just changes everything about your life, probably, so... It's a wonderful life. Yeah. That's the only movie you ever cried in?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Sorry, is that what you said? I think so. Well, and that's the other thing, is I in sorry is how you think so like well and that's the other thing is i don't i don't intentionally watch like sad movies yeah that's why i'm with horror movies like if i'm gonna pay for an emotion i'm gonna pay for happiness right like give me comedy yeah give me romance don't give me sadness like everyone's talking about like oh you have to see a star is born it's such a good movie that's me that's me saying that a lot so yeah everyone says that and i like it's such a good movie it's so sad i'm like see i hate that
Starting point is 00:48:29 people say that to you because i say go see a star is born it's an amazing yeah movie and don't tell people the emotion they're going to feel right because then it puts an expectation on you like i'm supposed to feel sad and the whole time the whole time you're waiting for like yeah does it get sad this is good right here but it's it's about to get real bad, apparently. I know it. So I'm not excited about that. So I'd rather be like, hey, go see this movie. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oh, yeah. Great. I want to feel hilarious. I want to feel hilarious. I want to feel secondhand. Hilarity. Hilarious emotions. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I think we all want to feel hilarious, though, at our core. Probably so, man. Probably so. I don't know. anyway i think we all want to feel hilarious though at our core probably so man probably so i don't know anyway the star is born not on the radar also like man i'm probably just offending people everyone that's listening to this you know with the dog i mean literally dozens of people with yeah tuning in i i don't understand the avengers hype at all that i'm with you on really so so yeah the last two things that are like huge right now are game of thrones and avengers and i'm on social media obviously looking at stuff and i feel like half the things are about those two things and i don't understand any of them because i haven't watched any of them a lot of people cried at the new
Starting point is 00:49:41 avengers movie which is fine i just got done talking about crying movies but I think everything I know about like action movies and movies made of yeah mainly CGI it's hard for me to imagine getting that invested into like an artificial character that's why I don't like superhero movies unless it's Kuzco unless it's like yeah no like like if the superhero movie is in a real world like like spider-man like i like spider-man okay because it's like he's in new york city and that could happen sure i mean yeah i mean we not no no not like that but like versus superman is in krypton or whatever like he is from another planet sure doesn't doesn't interest me at all guardians of the galaxy i actually saw guardians of the galaxy but that's not my kind of movie yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:50:31 and i'm not really hating on it like i think if i just had the time i would love to give all the avengers or all the marvel movies a chance there's so many of them but yeah hard to catch up now and people were spending fifteen thousand dollars on these movie premiere tickets oh that makes sense yeah like wait two days and you'll spend 15 actual dollars max or just sell your dog and then that's how you can get the movie ticket everything about that yes there's our first podcast callback how was that guys pretty funny huh uh but yeah no i'm sure the movies are great anything like that i'm like there's a reason it's good there's a reason it's shattering records like it it must be amazing but just when you're on the outside looking in like what's going on in there what's everybody talking about
Starting point is 00:51:11 why they're all smiling right you guys talking about me what's happening okay now i'm just thinking about high school but still the movies what's going on yeah i don't know i just don't don't understand either of those things too much but Brad, without looking, well, you can't see anyway. How long do you think we've been talking right now? 37 minutes. Oh, you are so dumb. 51 minutes. Seriously?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Isn't that crazy? We did it, man. I thought this would be like a 30 minute thing. Yeah, it wasn't. Easy, quick conversation. Give us something to end on. One last topic what do you want to talk about i well but i want to hear about i'll i'll set up my thing and then i'll hear about yours as well i want to hear about an embarrassing moment in your childhood if you have one that you can think of first one you can think of um
Starting point is 00:52:05 i was thinking about this the other day i was watching office episode where dwight was like i misspelled during my spelling bee i misspelled in front of the entire school the word failure and i literally when i was in spelling in the spelling bee i misspelled or sorry i wanted to say thunder yeah i was one of two people left. I was like the finalist. Who were you up against? I don't remember his name, but he was a sixth grader and I was a fourth grader. So it was like Cinderella story. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:52:33 How's this little fourth grader getting there? Yeah, what if I told you? Yeah. And it was like, you know, you have to get exactly perfect letters, obviously. And they write down your letters. Is that how spelling content works? But you can't be like, I didn't mean that letter. Are you going to the mall later? exactly perfect letters obviously like and they write down your letters well but but like you can't like be like i i didn't mean that are you going to the mall and so and so the woman like
Starting point is 00:52:51 the the lady leading the spelling bee goes okay um oh shoot now i can't remember the oh longitude okay she goes longitude and i go longitude m what and i just froze fourth grade brad fourth grade like in front of the entire school like everyone was rooting for the mic'd up right now and you're just throwing down an m me versus another person just m dropping a deuce and then i spelled longitude correctly after that but it didn't matter because you can't be like like you can't go back do you know what that reminds me of? What'd we do last night? Play Monopoly. And I got the M currency.
Starting point is 00:53:28 What is that? That's probably what you're thinking of. Maybe. M 150, M longitude. Yeah, but I could not believe it. And I ended up losing and never made it back to that deep in the round of the
Starting point is 00:53:38 spelling bee. So, I mean, honestly, what, why do you think you said M? I have no idea. I have no idea because
Starting point is 00:53:46 like i must have answered 10 plus words correctly i'm sure you're on a roll so i was doing fine um i don't know maybe it was like the maybe there's some like conspiracy or something there maybe some kid in the audience like holding up like a yeah there's a guy saying hey i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars if you you took a dive yeah misspelled this word dude so sick and now you get to keep your dog i'm just gonna keep bringing that up anytime money's mentioned yes i misspelled incapable once which is kind of like dwight it's pretty ironic that's what i spelled wrong i misspelled yeah but i misspelled incapable in the regionals oh wait what's up me yeah fourth grade moved from springfield to strafford spelling b comes pretty early in the year at least in missouri like we're talking september probably
Starting point is 00:54:29 yeah here hey spelling b this friday oh cool whatever like oh hey kristen baker wins every year oh does she yeah okay okay well i don't know if you guys heard but i'm in the gifted program okay i'm also in the speech program because i can't say my r's but hey I could spell letter by letter I could pronounce those just fine we can talk about speech class in another episode but um so yeah Kristen Baker's one every year kindergarten first second third grade she's reigning champ wow four time yeah um dynasty seriously yeah Belichick Brady Baker that's what the three bears beats baker baker spelling b anyway so uh much like your cinderella story we got the new kid been been in old strafford for a month i'm in the final two up against kristen baker and we're going through the alphabet like we
Starting point is 00:55:19 went through all the a's in the list the b's we're in the e's now wow and we've been going like in order it's very easy to know where we're at in the alphabet and the word is addition kristen fires off not an m not quite like you but a d d i t i o n addition wrong i kid you not i still remember the audible gasp from the entire school no one had ever heard kristen baker be wrong yeah and uh and i start it's such a funny this is like must have been a big moment of my childhood because i remember it so clearly but i remember for a split second being like that's how you spell it yeah what in the world how what and then yeah i just thought about it for a little bit longer i was like oh you moron yeah kristen we're in the ease and then
Starting point is 00:55:58 threw it down e-d-i-t-i-o-n and i was a champ they all they yeah one right there i think i just spelled one word after that too. And they threw me on their shoulders and chanted Rudy and the rest was history. I heard they made a movie, but I don't know. Yeah, they did.
Starting point is 00:56:11 They just changed a few of the details to make it look like a football movie. Some of them. Yeah. The janitor was Belichick though. But yeah, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Then got to regionals and spelled incapable wrong. So, you know, well, I'm glad that you're better i mean at spelling yeah thanks for bringing up that story so i can say that i won that actually worked in my favor big time great uh childhood with your intelligence gifted dominating kristen baker emotional at movies yeah kuzco could not say my r's though really really really for real
Starting point is 00:56:44 speech was kind of nice though yeah i just got to get out of class one of my good friends was in speech he couldn't say his l's allegedly pretty sure he could say his l's he wanted free candy every every thursday but well yeah good times well i think that's it that's good we're included close to an hour which is crazy it's so easy to do this. Yeah. I mean, this is what we do every week anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 We're just putting microphones in front of our faces. This might be the only time we record this not at a McDonald's. We'll see. Brad and I have kind of an unspoken standing appointment at McDonald's every Thursday night. Yeah. We play basketball and then we go to McDonald's. And just hang there. And no one else is in there.
Starting point is 00:57:22 So I think we could easily get away with doing this. Just bring in two laptops, two microphones. Maybe we'll start filming it. Yeah. Bring and no one else is in there so i think we could easily get away with doing this just bringing two laptops two microphones maybe we'll start filming it yeah bring a camera and a tripod in there too uh that's it i don't know how should we sign off like podcasts i listen to they're like follow me on instagram but it's like anyone already here yeah already knows who we are so it's not like we're like reaching a new audience you know we should have some sign off yeah final joke you want to sing them something
Starting point is 00:57:49 you want me to just shut up I can do that we can figure this out next time okay we'll see you on the flip flops see you on the flippity flop this has been ghostwriters okay

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