Ghostrunners - 111 - Everybody Clap Your Hands

Episode Date: June 21, 2021

This feels like one of those episodes that might make it into the history books someday. Brad finally has deja vu, Jake encountered all h*ck breaking loose on an airplane, and the episode ends with tw...o big announcements! Ghostrunners merch:  Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ghosties, you've literally never failed me in the past. I need your help with this. Jake and I have an inside joke, an argument, a disagreement, if you will. We need your help to get to the bottom of this. We were driving home last week from Topgolf, and I forget what the conversation was, but you were like, you mentioned the movie What Women Want during this conversation. Wait, that's how it started? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Oh, that's not good. We don't even remember what happened last week. That's right. I don't remember. Yeah. You, you, you said something like, you know, I know that they say this and what women want. And I go, what? This doesn't even sound right to me. We haven't even got to the main part. Okay. Whatever. Well, what do you remember? I think I quoted some other movie and you're like, you know, that's one of those movies that I don't know very well. There's like three movies. No, you mentioned what women want in the car. I promise that. I know that for a fact. Okay. Well, the ghosties weren't in the car, so I guess we can't have them settle that. But if the ghosties could prove my other thing right, then that shows that
Starting point is 00:00:55 I remember things. Okay. Okay. Okay. Keep going. So Jake definitely mentions what women want. I know it. And I go, I go, there's a few movies out there that I just don't like know that, you know, really well, like what women want and other ones. And you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. I've never talked about what women want. And I was like, you talked about in the podcast, like a few weeks ago. I've never, I don't know this movie. I've never seen this movie. So ghosties out there, I need your help to prove me right. Jake has mentioned what women want in a previous podcast. I don't know exactly. I'd guess in the past six podcasts, six or seven. Oh, Race It?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yes. I've talked about this movie. Yes, dude. And I quote it? It's one of the top three movies I quote? No. I didn't say, maybe I said quote. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't know. All I know is that you talked about it on the podcast and then you talked about it again. And I'm like, that's one of those ones I can't relate with you on. Cause that one in goodwill hunting is the ones I use as examples. I've never seen those movies. And I know that you like them a lot. You talk about them a lot. You're like, I've never talked about what women want in my life. I've seen it once in my life. So yeah, no, you did. So tell us ghosties, please listen back to all of our episodes just in case, but specifically more recently, Jake mentions what women want and I need the vindication.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I need it. I'm like 10% of me is nervous. Cause I'm like, am I just 100% of me is not nervous at all. I know 90% of me is like, I've, this isn't like, Oh, maybe I like fabricated a story and I can't remember what I said. This is just like, I know. I just know that. I don't know. Here's what I know about what one, what Mel Gibson, he's my character. Yeah. He has some disease or hypnosis. I don't even know how he has some ailment. This is what happens.
Starting point is 00:02:36 You keep talking about what women want. I don't know because I've never seen it, but you talk about all the time, but this is me saying he has some condition where he can read women's minds. Okay. And that's the end of what you remember about what I know. And I remember when we were hanging out, we had Saturdays with all of our ghosties two weeks ago. I think it was Aubrey McGoone, Jill Harris. One of them were like, oh yeah, last movie I saw was what men want. And I go, oh, is that just like the opposite of what women want?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Uh huh. Crap. That makes me nervous a little bit. Now that you say that. Oh, because we definitely, I remember that you say that. Oh, okay. Because we definitely, I remember that conversation. Okay. And I'm like, oh great.
Starting point is 00:03:08 But I think, guys, I'm still confident. I'm still confident, and I know it's like, it was gonna be, it was like a quick offhanded comment. It wasn't like Jake and I had a discussion about what women want. It was a quick one. So just prove you right. Go back and listen to every episode just in case.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Here we go. Let's get it. Uh-oh, ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white meat too. Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet, because this is the Ghostbusters Podcast. Ghostbusters Podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Everybody want it, we're taking ground. Ghostbusters Podcast. Addie! Addie, it's 11.19. It's past your bedtime, baby. Go to bed. It's 11.19 p.m. Come on.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And everything's falling apart. Our light bulb doesn't work. My microphone broke last week. I spent 20 minutes trying to fix it. It's working. And then I was like, all right, let's record it. Then my headphones broke. So heads are falling off. And so, uh, Hey, we're doing our best, but we're here. We're recording. It's Saturday night. I had a last minute trip to Nashville come up. I don't even think I mentioned it in the podcast last week that that was happening. I just noticed I hadn't looked at you this whole time. I decided to double headphone. That's real noise canceling right there, baby.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'll tell you, it doesn't sound good. It sounds like there's an echo inside of my brain. I actually hate the way it sounds. This is not going to last much longer. When we went to Phoenix and watched you do your standup show with Trey Kennedy, the third, we like my actual like noise canceling headphones went out. And so I put my Apple earbud ear ear buds ear putty ear pods I think they're called ear pods
Starting point is 00:04:48 If they're not wireless put my ear pods in and then put my noise cancelling ones over them to like help muffle the noise Oh, yeah, I look cool. I like this. I looked as cool as you did right now. You look very cool Okay, cool. You look like a cartoon character In a good way like like you were on recess schools out i think okay thanks thanks thanks thanks uh yeah it's late saturday night and we're getting it done i had to go to nashville tomorrow's uh you know right now for us father's day so what are you doing for father's day brad uh not a whole lot anything you want we're going to church i'm working in the nursery so you know nothing's better than working with a bunch of one-year-old
Starting point is 00:05:23 babies oh i thought you were gonna say like trees than working with a bunch of one-year-old babies. Oh, I thought you were going to say like trees and flowers. Maybe, maybe I'm getting one-year-old culture. Yeah. Um, my peach tree got a, got a baby, that thing actually have a video of Henry. Uh, he was like trying to explain to me how to like plant these elderberry bushes. And I was like, can I just take a video of you to send to Catherine? And so maybe I'll post that on Patriot. Um, but, uh, we're going to nursery tomorrow at church. And then I think we're going to go to Chewy's for dinner. So just kind of hang out during the day. So what do you think about the idea I had a couple hours ago at pickleball where we
Starting point is 00:05:56 just get our friends together and watch a Chiefs game like an old Chiefs game? Yeah, I hadn't seen Gunnar in a long time. I was like, hey, man, let's watch a Chiefs game together sometime. And you're like, let's do that even now. That's just, let's not wait till September. Let's do it right now. Do we still watch the commercials just to make it feel? No.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Okay. Or maybe do we watch like the, like we record or we fast forward through the first few commercials. Like we DVR'd it because we were coming late from church. And then we get caught up. And then we get caught up later. We're like, gosh, we're caught up. We're caught up now. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. Well, hey, I need to go to the bathroom anyway. That's fine. That's fine. But yeah. Hey, we got to go to the bathroom anyway. That's fine. That's fine. Uh, but yeah, Hey, we got to see each other today,
Starting point is 00:06:28 which has been fun. I've had a long day in the sun. Yeah, you have did about five hours of, uh, 18 holes of golf, five hours, 18 holes.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And then, celebrating Scott sell tonight. I had about two and a half hours of pickleball. Yeah. It's been a lot of time in the sun today, which golf is more of like a crock pot of sweat. Like're never exerting that much energy but it's like 95 degrees out it's consistent you're out there the whole time there's not much shade probably no yeah just a slow trickle of sweat for five hours yep go home get some chilies to go pickleball i feel disgusting
Starting point is 00:06:59 because i've sprayed i've sweat all day and I've also applied sunscreen to my face multiple times, you know? So you got like layers on layers of this. Oh, it's crime. Yeah. Yeah. Grime cake. You got cake. Hashtag crime cake. I got grime cake all over me, but it's been a good day and it was fun. So I'm pickling, fun seeing our friends. I met some new friends. Always fun to meet new people. Yeah, that was fun for me. It's always fun when you meet people that I've known for a long time. Ooh, yeah. Yeah. They're, they're high school friends of mine. And yeah, it was fun, fun to Ruxton and Brit. That's pretty, pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Thank you. Rustin and Brie. His brother's name is Brit. The brother's name is Brit, which is confusing. Brother Brit, wife Brie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Pretty much had it pretty much had it, but yeah, it was fun times with them. So shout out to them. They said they might listen to our podcast. Yeah. Do we believe them? And we'll see.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Rustin, leave us a five star review. If you listen, are you listening? Or if'll see. Rustin, leave us a five star review if you listen. Are you listening? Or if your name is Rustin, then you're not from my high school. Still, leave a five star review. Still. Still. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So I was in Nashville for some of this week. What were you doing, Brad? I feel like I had something going on every day of the week and I'm going to try to remember them all. It was probably work. Yeah, I did have work. Also, we'll get to the rest of what I did this week on Monday and Wednesday. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, and then what did I
Starting point is 00:08:12 do? What did I do? I can think of things. I can do all things. You know, I ask you this every week, right? Like that's what we do on the podcast is we go over what my notes say. I'm tired. How do you not know what you did i know what i did i got 15 bullet points i'm ready to go let's see uh you know seriously i ask you this every week i know i can't believe this dude i know i'm having a hard time thinking right now you go ahead what'd you do this week my goodness what did i do i did something on 11 yeah i know okay the triple ones uh yeah i did um some stuff so nashville that's a way better answer than mine trey and i went to uh nascar for a brand deal with nbc sports nascar is back in nashville oh yeah um so easy puns
Starting point is 00:09:02 nash car that's a fun one. Oh, yeah. And normally I don't go along with these things because there's like an entire production crew there to like film Trey. Right. And I think he just kind of invited me just to have someone in his corner. And, you know, just to have someone there he could talk to and hang out with. I remember what I did now. Did he? Yeah, I looked it up on my calendar.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's a good idea. Now that's type A. I know, dude. Like, what did I do this week? But at some point at one point early on the trip someone asked me like now are you like trey's handler or like his manager what does a handler even mean a great question yeah i was like do you what are you insinuating what he's married yeah the only thing i can think of handler is like you hold their bags or something you handle their bags i guess the handlebags there's no way that's what he probably meant though i don't know he's a bag holder or oh that was a fun part of the trip so because like
Starting point is 00:09:50 this is all on like nbc's dime like we're saying a nice hotel no ubers black escalates like tinted out escalates everywhere we go that's like guys in suits are like picking us up that's really touching our lug they're handling me oh yeah They're handling me. Oh yeah. They're handling me. They're your handlers. Yeah. Yeah. Suit suit handlers. Wow. So that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:10:08 That's really cool. They were not. Um, well, yeah, it was fun. They're big on like, I feel like we would like race to the door sometimes.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Like I can get the door. No, sir. No, sir. Let me get through. No, it's really okay.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then like, we're kind of like awkwardly race. I mean, no, it's seriously fine. But then like, he's kind of like jogging to get there they're like used to working with these high profile people who like will get really frustrated if they don't open the door for them or something
Starting point is 00:10:30 oh that was another thing some of the production crew people were like uh they made this this comment a couple times like we can just tell you guys are not from la like you guys are just so great so easy to get along with and one of the specific things that brought that on was me just spraying sunscreen like the spray sunscreen just spraying it in my face like in nashville like people don't do that who we work with they would never just spray right like off-brand sunscreen onto their face i was like oh yeah i'm super relatable sorry i'm not like most boys right there's a walgreens around the corner from the hotel so yeah i just figured i'd go with that one yeah the the regular brand is the same as the off brand so so that that really like went like i don't know that that meant something to them that would spray sunscreen on my face like wow you guys are just so down to earth
Starting point is 00:11:13 these guys they get it i'm gonna tell my wife about you guys you sunscreen sprayers that's awesome uh so that was fun okay well i'll tell you what i did okay so So I did have something like every night, except for last night, I think. I can't remember. But Monday and Tuesday, Catherine had stuff going on. So I just watched the kids. Wednesday, went to a family picnic with the church. It was a children's ministry, like picnic at the park. So we went to that, saw our good friend, Sam Seavers there, children's minister.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And, you know, but I was like, but I wanted to go back to open mic night, I, but I was like, but I, I wanted to go back to open mic night on Wednesday night. I was like, I'm going back. I really wanted you to go. Where are you leaving the next day? Or were you leaving the next morning at 7am? Okay. Cause I was like, I tried, I, I just want somebody there for like moral support. Like, I don't, I don't want like a crowd of fans, but I wanted somebody to come. So I was like, Jake, do you mind coming? You're like, dude, I'm so sorry. I'm busy. And so then I texted Scott. Scott's my biggest fan. I think Scott's our biggest fan in the world. Like, like it was his birthday on Thursday. And so if you're not a fan or if you're a fan of us, you're a fan of Scott Peck. Cause he is, he's our fan. There's
Starting point is 00:12:16 no, there's no Brad Ellis without Scott Peck. So, uh, wish him a comment below. Wish him a happy birthday in a comment below. No, wish him a comment. Wish him a comment. Hey, Scott, just want to wish you a comment real quick. Like, yeah, you, you gift him a comment birthday in a comment below no wish him a comment wish him a comment hey scott just want to wish you a comment real quick like yeah you you gift him a comment hey scott i without you may comment underneath me yeah you get three wishes okay one um you know supernatural flight uh two read people's mind three can i just get a comment um but uh so anyway scott was like yeah reading people's minds that reminds me of what women want. Oh, exactly. One of my favorite movies.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm having deja vu right now, dude. Finally. I get it. That's what it's like. Man, deja vu is awesome. Oh, of course. Because it proves you right. Now I understand.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So anyway. I can't believe it took us like 95 episodes to realize that you don't believe in deja vu. That's one of my favorite things about this podcast. No way. It's a hoax. It's a hoax. Everyone knows Pearl Harbor.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah. I've never seen it on it. Everyone's in on it except for me. I get it. Um, okay. Went to the picnic while I was at the picnic though. I was like, I gotta go like Catherine. I can't be late to this thing.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Last week we were five minutes late. I want to make sure I don't have to go at the very end. I don't want to headline again. Like I said, I said, I will not do it if I have to do that again. Uh, so, you know, if you know, Catherine and me, you know, that we like to, you know, play it pretty close to the, like, like to the gun, as far as getting there on time. And what's up, we like, we don't always get there either. Let me put it this way. If the toothbrush comes around the corner, we're going to be playing it close to the dress. So yeah, if the monkey bars fit,
Starting point is 00:13:48 then, you know, get up on the playground. Am I right, guys? I'll be there. That's kind of how we do it. Hey, you check the clock. I'll check the oven. We're never there like super early is what I'm trying to say, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:00 We play it pretty close to the time. It's stable. So I'm like,atherine i gotta go and like literally two minutes before i was trying to leave sam goes so katherine how'd you come to christ and i was like katherine you have two minutes to tell us she's like okay born a christian home uh you know like before anyway um so i get to the comedy club at 7 25 thinking 7 30 is my cutoff time i'm good 7 25 i still got a few minutes to share my testimony. It might even have been seven 27 by the time I walked in. I'm gonna be honest. And so thank you. I'm gonna be honest. You're playing it close to the gun. I'm playing it
Starting point is 00:14:33 pretty close to my vests. Um, and so that's how I do it. That's how I stroll. I always put it a little under my top hat. You know, I just, I roll in at the last second. They call me Lincoln. And so, um, and so I get there and they're the list, like the person that's like, that was there the first time, like they had the list was nowhere to be found. The girl who thinks I'm a sexist. I haven't talked about that yet. Oh, you didn't? I was going to talk about it on the, uh, just Jake episode, but then I filmed it at 3am
Starting point is 00:14:59 and it slipped my mind. I don't know if that was the same girl. I think that might've been a guy that said sexist about you. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. So, so, uh, she wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Couldn't find her. And I was like asking different people and they're like, oh yeah, I think they already took the list away. I'm bummed. Oh, don't take it away. Don't take it away.
Starting point is 00:15:17 No, no. And so then Scott gets there with his wife, Sam, Sam's there. And they're like, Scott's so jazzed. He's like,
Starting point is 00:15:22 dude, I'm so excited to see you. I'm like, actually, I don't know where the list is. I'm trying to find this guy. Apparently the girl was gone. Carlos was in charge this time. Oh, same one. Um, yeah. Do you remember Carlos? No, it's the basketball game. Oh no, not the same one. Carlos, he's big in the local comedy scene. Carlos was there the week before as well. And he made a joke about how girls don't like
Starting point is 00:15:43 seasoning on things. Do you remember that? That's all I'm going to say about it. Oh, do you remember him? That's too bad. Yep. That's the, that's the guy that's in charge. So I finally find Carlos at like seven 40 and he's like, Oh, sorry. We cap it at 25 and we hit our cap like at seven 20. And I'm like, he goes, but you can go on at the very end if you want. And I go, no, thank you. And so Scott had driven all that way. Scott's like, Hey man, like, let's just watch some of these guys. I think I'm really excited to see how bad these people are. I'm excited to hear you retell it. And I go, bro, you have no idea how not excited you should be. Like, this is not even good at all. And so Carlos is the first guy to get up there. Cause like the host always does a little stand up himself.
Starting point is 00:16:22 He gets off, literally tell the same jokes as last week which is weird to me like why not try new things yeah um told the seasoning joke again and then he's like i want to introduce you one of my favorite comedians and he introduces this guy i have a video of it that i'll post on patreon i think jake or scott send it to you but this guy's i couldn't even watch it 70 years old. And I don't even know if he was trying to tell jokes or if he was just saying things into a microphone, it was so bad, dude. It was like, like, and then, but people were dying laughing at it. That was the frustrating thing is near the end. He just goes, I have the next part is songs that have been stuck in my head for a while. And then that's the video that Scott took where he's just like singing this weird song.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's that song. Like it was like a parody to the Star Wars, like Darth Vader, like dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. It was that. And it was also like the bop, bop, she-ba-da-ba-dee-bop, beep-bop. You know that song? Like, I can't remember how it goes exactly,
Starting point is 00:17:22 but he just sang those songs for like the last two minutes. And he's like, thank you. You guys have been great. And then, and so that was a, that was the second one. So first Scott saw the seasoning guy and then he saw this guy and Scott went from like, dude, this is pretty funny how inappropriate and terrible these guys are to like, what's happening here. And then the next guy that came up, like say, he's like, I haven't done this in years. And like, I bet the first 30 seconds was like me trying to figure out what my week was like. Like he had nothing. He wasn't saying anything. He just like looking down and he's like, sorry guys.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Sorry guys. I just really haven't done this in a while. I guess I'm a little bit nervous. And people are like clapping out of like sympathy for this guy. It's like when a kid gets stuck on the blob and doesn't want to jump off. Like, Hey, come on. You'll be fine. Just look how many other people have done it. Yeah. Look at that. Look at that fat kid in the back that really wants to go, but he's not able to, because you signed up for
Starting point is 00:18:12 the blob. Think about him. Think about big Brad back there. And the fact that he's not going to chase his dreams because of you. And so, uh, like he would sky somebody, people would love him. Think about Brad. He would Jck jam them in the air. Oh, I was going to take jock jams out by the way, but I, you were going to take it out just because of time. No, you got a jock jam every time. Okay. I'll be the jock jams guy.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I really do like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If I ever like have more time than like the strict five minutes, I'm always doing jock jam. Anyway. So, uh, so that guy guy like literally like what we good
Starting point is 00:18:46 that just reminds me that an idea that we kind of had together we should talk about okay okay i'm writing it down okay um so this guy like literally doesn't make i don't think he makes a joke and then he finally he like pulled out his phone to like look at jokes and he like made one one quick joke didn't land at all he's like well i'll say it it's not that inappropriate he goes well i guess it's popped my cherry so i guess i'm good for a while thanks you guys have been really nice and walked off the stage mayday mayday yeah exactly and the thing i love about scott more than just about anything is how a he's like our biggest fan truly and how invested he is in our lives and like, like how he feels for us. Like he was upset for you infuriated. He's like, I can't believe that guy got to go on stage and they're missing
Starting point is 00:19:33 out on listening to you, man. Like, you know, and obviously I'm upset too. Cause I want to practice and get better and, you know, perfect this thing, or at least learn how to be funny to these people. And, but I'm not that upset. Like there's other open mic nights. It's every week, dude. It's fine. But you know, Scott was like, it's so like, I think we watch one more and then we left. So, uh, that is a good quality to have. What?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. And Scott, just like he takes on like the feelings of other people. He empathizes really well with people. And I just, I love that. So, um, anyway, so that's what I did Wednesday. Okay. Thursday night, uh, had a dinner with star Peterson. She came over what the world, uh, uh, co-host of the ladies in waiting podcast. Check it out. Uh, she's pretty fun. She's pretty fun girl. Star came to our basketball game.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Didn't say a word afterwards. Didn't Hey star. She mentioned that she's like, yeah, you were too busy talking to other fans. So I just figured I'd talk to you another time. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. cool, cool, cool, cool. Yeah, yeah, cool, cool. I don't remember anything too specific about that. Pretty lackluster evening. No, no, it was really fun. We had a great time. You know, Hattie talked a lot,
Starting point is 00:20:33 and we laughed at how cute she is and whatever. You guys just had Star over? Yeah. Oh. She's friends with Catherine. We worked together at camp and stuff. Okay. Hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Hey, no judgment here, man. Hey, it's fine, man. We had some breakfast for dinner, you know? Okay. Pancake, bags, camp and stuff. Okay. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, no judgment here, man. Hey, that's fine, man. We had some breakfast for dinner, you know? Okay. Pancake bags, bags and neck. Wow, 11.43. It was great, though. A couple of Nant kits, a couple of band kits.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Oh, you know how it goes. Tortoise sausage. Okay, I will say this. Star couldn't believe that I had made shirts that say Brad and Jake on them. She's like, that was ridiculous, but also amazing. I think I'm going to have to buy one. Okay, Star. So how ridiculous is it?
Starting point is 00:21:11 How ridiculous is it now? Huh? Who's laughing all the way to the bank now, Star? Anyway. So that's about all the updates I can remember from my week as far as, yeah, big things happening. We have a few more things that we'll talk about later. We got some things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Real quick before I forget, I checked my Venmo recently and Augustine, who I said I mentioned last week, Amish Jam shirt, Real Soft shirt. Munoz. I don't know. Married to Karen. Spokane guy. Met him at the show. He paid for my breakfast via Venmo.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I didn't even notice it. It's like five days afterwards. Oh, that's fun. Yeah. So thank you augustine yeah or should i say oh he's from thank you grass yes that's what they were expecting oh sorry i think uh okay so you just said you were talking about comedy and i was like oh that reminds me we talked about how like unhelpful these open mic nights would be yes good i remember talking about the last one yes uh have like a kansas city night of comedy or something like hosted by the ghost unhelpful these open mic nights would be. Yes, good. I remember talking about that last week. It's in Baton. Have like a Kansas City night
Starting point is 00:22:07 of comedy or something, like hosted by the Ghost Runners or something like that. We haven't ironed out the details kind of like Ghost Runners Olympiad, but we're just throwing it out there. It'd be fun to do just like an event with our friends. Maybe this isn't even that big of a podcast thing because people live out of town, but it's like getting our personal network plus some Ghost Runner fans to
Starting point is 00:22:23 like, I don't know, just try to get 50 people. Yeah. Somewhere outside. Just have like a fun night. And they enjoy clean humor. Like it was just so hard to like take any kind of value in our practice that we did last week. Cause it was like, these people aren't going to be the target audience someday for us,
Starting point is 00:22:38 you know? Like, and so who cares? But like, if we get people that like us and that they don't even have to like us, don't just, just enjoy clean humor Just bring somebody. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So And now that was one of the things I said It was like a requirement that you can come but you have to bring someone that doesn't know us Therefore we can get a little bit of an unbiased. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:55 You know because we want a warm crowd, but we don't want to be like these guys are hilarious Anything they say is funny, you know? Yeah, so oh, I think that'd be so fun though And didn't have to be a night of comedy. We can have like music or something i don't know just like there's a stage indoors outdoors i don't know just like let's just gather people and then at some point tell jokes for them as we were leaving uh this uh picnic with our like the church like children's ministry picnic sam was like do you want to just have me announce like uh you're doing stand-up and do it right in front of these people and i was like no and and like sam's the kind of guy that would do that. You know what I mean? I'd be like, you got to shut this down now. Like, do not get any ideas. I was like, Sam, I said, I think the words I said to
Starting point is 00:23:31 him, I will punch you in the face if you do that. I promise. Because we're still new to the church. We don't know anybody really. Like they don't know. We don't have like an identity one way or the other. And we're kind of okay with that. They're just not seeing their mask off. Hey, one thing at a time. Yeah. And so it's like, hey man, don't say that. And he's got a very loud voice. He loves to like yell. Like anytime he sees Hattie, he's like, Hattie! That was a good impression, Sam.
Starting point is 00:23:53 If you're out there, you know that was perfect. Hattie! And so I was like, do not, you know. But then again, I think back on it, I was like, maybe that was the warmest crowd I would have had. Maybe that would have been way more up my alley. anyway hey it's all good let's do let's do that idea though yeah i want to keep doing it i think yeah it's just so fun and once you once you taste it a little bit and like i had so much fun in spokane i like i want to work even harder
Starting point is 00:24:16 at this yeah i couldn't sleep on my second flight last night so i was like writing some stuff down and it's awesome yeah it feels good uh back to nashville so one of the things i was doing one of the other things I was handling was kind of trying to help Trey come up with jokes. Okay. Which was, it was kind of a fun exercise because we're not, it's not the easiest thing. We're not writing jokes, you know, like we normally would.
Starting point is 00:24:36 We're not talking about plant moms or dog moms. Right. You know, now we're doing. Yeah. All right, so Trey, we're gonna take you to the Johnny Cash Museum. So if you just wanna like look around, like maybe see some funny things in there. And so it's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:24:47 we got about five minutes. Like what can you come up with? And so. And your target audience is different. I don't know who's going to watch this video. What, you know, I'm trying to figure out like how is this being distributed? Like who's watching this? Oh, it's going on NBC's YouTube channel and Trey's TikTok. This is okay. This is weird. Whatever. So most of them, it was just like, I don't think they're going to go for this, you know, or just like, I don't think they're gonna go for this, you know, or just like, I don't think they're gonna appreciate that joke, but it was a fun exercise doing that. There was a hand sanitizer station right next to like all these artifacts by his home.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And so I was like, you should do a joke where it's like, I mean, Johnny Cash was very ahead of his time musically. I mean, look, he had a hand sanitizer station in his lakeside home. I mean, 50 years ahead of. Which is crazy, because wasn't it his brother that like cut off his hand uh well his brother died so i don't we didn't make any jokes about that but wasn't it from like a saw yeah his hand cut off or something yeah is that too much i think that's kind of funny guys i think they would not i don't think
Starting point is 00:25:39 i don't think it's corporate funny but it's hard to write jokes that like yeah people like approve right then like because johnny cash has the famous like like i think it's corporate funny, but it's hard to write jokes that like people like approve right then. Like, cause Johnny Cash has the famous, like, like I think it's like an entire album. Definitely the song, like the Folsom County blues. Yeah. He has a whole album like live at Folsom prison. Okay. I thought so.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. Um, and it's like, I, so many prison jokes I want to make. I don't think that's going to fly. Um, let's really focus on the prison aspect of it. Or just like all these jokes we want to make about NASCAR. Once it got to the track, just like all these jokes about like, it's funny, we turn it got to the track just like all these jokes about like it's funny we turn left and they'll vote right you know like they're not gonna go for that um that's that's pretty good though i know we had so many good ones and this was funny well there's probably a lot of stuff i'll save because i'm sure trey and i will talk about it on his pod but uh what else was gonna
Starting point is 00:26:23 say opinions what yeah what is the name of that podcast oh yeah yeah yeah okay so uh trying to think what else we i think i want to talk about the airplane ride last night my first airplane ride why am i why am i calling it that my airplane ride my first one i had a backpack and they gave me a soda pop dr pepper and my dad tried to tell me like he didn't go on the airplane we were at the county fair he thinks it's an airplane it's not actually no i went on the air they had wings on the side it went up and down dad it went up and down i put his seat belt on he didn't go on an airplane ride all right i don't know why i was talking like that so my first airplane ride apparently
Starting point is 00:27:06 okay kind of like that i'm down boys like he's flying on a plane he's flying on a plane and he'll be driving in a car later yeah uh all around rough day of flying i'm not even gonna get into all the um it was kind of a well no no i said i'm not gonna get i'm not gonna get into delays and yada yada but finally get onto this plane it's been kind of a mess getting onto it and all right i want you to everyone's gonna really need to imagine this because i don't think just saying it is going to fully translate the the feeling of the situation so really just even if you're driving right now i'm gonna ask you guys to close your eyes with every head bowed and every eye closed i'm gonna tell you this story all right okay um and if it moves you i'd like you
Starting point is 00:27:43 to raise your hand and at various times. I'll be calling out the hands Okay, whatever. Okay So boarding an airplane is already a little bit like there's people behind me I don't want to take too much time, you know especially like I'm putting overhead stuff like if it starts to get jammed then that's like a Sorry, it's sweaty cuz you're like doing like work and right around me. So yeah, I'm always like it's really warm When you first walk usually the air's not flowing very well yet. Yeah, people left their windows up.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, it's just, it's very hot. And so 5 p.m. So yeah, sun's beaming in there. Okay. I go to my seat, 32F. So it's gonna be a window seat. There is a- It's a aisle and you're like, 32F. 32F this.
Starting point is 00:28:22 There is a, I look to my left, there is a woman sitting in the middle seat and then like a two-year-old son sitting in the window seat. Right away, we have a internal dilemma. Do I say something? Absolutely. It's just a little kid,
Starting point is 00:28:35 but like Papa needs a nap, all right? And the window seat is nice. You know, I don't have people waking me up. Do you lean on the window usually? No, I go straight back, but it's just the comfort and like I'm against the wall. There's something kind of cozy there. Yeah. I don't have the cart coming by me or people walking by me. I'm getting hugged by the wall a
Starting point is 00:28:50 little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. It feels nice right now. Okay. So right away, I'm like, I'm going to say something. I think I'm just trying to be more direct. I think I mentioned that five, six episodes ago. I'm saying, I think, but, Oh, I said, I think a lot. Absolutely. I would, I would tell. Yeah. I i think i'm so i was directed to say something but not direct enough to not say i think so i'm like i think i'm 32f and right away i'm like oh boy she doesn't speak english this is gonna be tough to communicate a little bit so augustine should have been there where's he at and so I'm like trying to point like me, me window seat, you know, window. You just like start picking the kid up and putting him in the aisle. Just grabbing his foot.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Yeah. So she gets the sign language that I'm doing, grabs the kid by his sternum, kind of like Packers, same part of his body as if she was chanting Packers. The second she touches this kid, he explodes like a firework on the 4th of July. I mean, just. Yeah. Ah! Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Ah! Right away, I'm like, bad move. Abort. I'm so sorry. Was he flailing? Hattie loves to flail. Just side to side. When she's full on, she just flails.
Starting point is 00:30:00 She's slippery. She is. It's like, I can't hold you anymore. She falls sometimes. She's throwing those elbows. Yeah. The armpits get slippery. can it's slippery it's she is it's like it's like i can't hold you anymore she falls on his elbows yeah the armpits gets slippery so his kids scream like oh gosh what have i done not worth it she's trying to just put him in the aisle seat so i'm like okay clearly they don't care about assigned seats she's like oh okay i'll just put him here it doesn't matter yeah and so then he's starting to scream i'm like hey don't worry about it i'm doing, hey, don't worry about it. I'm doing this motion. Hey, don't worry about it. I can just sit in the aisle. And she's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And then meanwhile, this other woman looks like same skin tone as this woman. So like they might be here together or whatever. She's yelling at me. She's like, hey, she's trying to get my attention. Like, oh, what's up? She's like, that's her daughter. And then points to like a five-year-old girl in the row behind her. So I'm like, maybe she's trying to say that the daughter speaks English.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So I'm like, you speak English? Daughter just staring him in the eyes. So I'm like, and she got a mask on, maybe she's talking to her. She's doing the Sloan thing, like on the road trip, like just looking at you. So my head's on a swivel. I'm going back and forth, like this other woman,
Starting point is 00:30:56 okay, now the daughter. And you got five, 50 people behind you. People are behind me. So many people behind you just like, what's going on? There's a seat right there, dude. So then the main woman on the left now is saying like, 36, 36. I'm like, what? I kid you not.
Starting point is 00:31:12 No, you were. Then this, hold on, just wait. Then this elderly woman sitting like a row behind them, but in the aisle seat goes to me, sir, can you help me get my arm rest up in the middle of all this? So I'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah sure yeah yeah yeah just fold it up you're good like so then like yeah yeah of course of course so i'm like why in the world do you need this up right now hey it's okay i mean she's got like a breathing tube it like this woman's 200 years old like i don't even know why she's on this place sure
Starting point is 00:31:39 and so um so i'm trying to get her arm rest up, but to her credit, it was broken. So now I can't get the arm rest up and I am sweating. I am sweating. I can't get the arm rest up. You're yanking the arm rest. Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can't get it either. This is really tricky.
Starting point is 00:31:54 The kid, I'm not kidding. The kid is screaming this whole time. Like it is so loud. It is so chaotic. I can't get the arm rest up. Now the main woman is like getting my attention again, like touching my arm. She's like, uh she's like uh you 36 you 36 i'm like no i'm 29 years old yeah i'm i'm not good at reflecting yeah enneagram and so then
Starting point is 00:32:13 i finally get uh the idea was like she's saying i i think she's saying that her son was originally supposed to be in 36 that row okay but she but she wanted to sit next to him like oh okay no i'm happy to sit in 36 like what seat are you that is a tricky sentence we don't we never get to the bottom of what seat she's in kid is screaming this grandma now we're back to the grandma she she gets the armrest up a flight attendant comes up to help her get the armrest up grandma now says can you help me up so now i'm back on the grandma i'm helping her are you kidding me this is a true story and oh my gosh so now i'm helping up the grandma she's in the aisle now we're like hugging i mean we are just like you're face to face front to front 11th grade year homecoming you come here
Starting point is 00:32:52 often or yeah you got uh yeah you got another breathing too uh-huh yeah share some o2 hello oh for two oh for. So grandma's up. I'm like, is there anything I can help? Like, I don't know why she stood up. Yeah. And she's like, oh, it sounds like you were going into 36. And I'm like, no, you're in 33. You're in the row back.
Starting point is 00:33:14 She's like, oh, I'm sorry. Can you help me with my bags? And so then she's like, can you help me with my bags? Are you serious? She needed to move back to 36. She was in the wrong aisle. So can you grab my bags and take them back to 36? This is why you fly Southwest right here.
Starting point is 00:33:27 This was United. Yeah. So I get her bags. I hand them to her. Meanwhile, I was trying to direct back to this woman. I'm like, do you know which seat he was supposed to be on in 36? I love how you're like trying to still speak English. Like maybe, maybe supposed to be on will be in her vocabulary.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Original ticket boarding pass. What did it say? D E F. Yeah. Original purchase. Your position on the airplane. Like, I just can't, I need you to like really imagine how loud this kid is screaming and how fast my head is swiveling back and forth between like four different people trying
Starting point is 00:34:02 to talk to me. A kid screaming anywhere, especially in a confined space is the worst it just heightens especially when you caused it yeah i kind of did yeah i didn't tickle him but in a way you yeah you tickled his um angry bone like so then okay we're almost done basically i i don't ever figure out what row it's or what seat like forget i'll sit anywhere i just want this to be over i don't know why i cared so much from the get-go what seat it was in so but if you sit go ahead yep so in that time where i'm waiting for her to try and tell me oh my grandma's now sat back at 36 aisle seat so now when i finally get back there i gotta move her armrest again i gotta help her up i gotta like keep her standing up is grandma big grandma's big's big. Grandma seems big. Grandma's big.
Starting point is 00:34:45 She has like a light pink shirt on that has a little too much cleavage for the fact that she's like 200 years old. Like grandma, I can see too much when you look face to face with me. That's what I'm imagining is like this like substitute teacher. Like she's substitute teacher for a long time after she retired. And now she's like visiting her like son in Nashville or something, trying to get back to Milwaukee. I did. So that's a pretty good picture yeah but imagine like she had glasses did she have glasses she had to have uh cataracts i don't know if she had glasses okay okay i don't know
Starting point is 00:35:17 which oh she did tell me all over okay hold on we got to get to grandma okay so grandma's in the aisle seat i gotta get her back up i gotta hold her up while i'm trying to put my bags up and then i gotta keep her holding up and then i gotta sit her back down but while i'm in the middle seat yeah and put her back down because she sat down and it was just like oh my god it was really rough i choose to sit in the middle seat for now like if no one's in the aisle or in the window i'll eventually take the window and meanwhile this woman just proceeds to force gut me for the next 30 minutes you know just just talking you mean like just yeah but she never used that as a verb before but it sounded good okay just she's forced got me just like yeah yeah and had some gumption to her she was trying to she couldn't remember all the ailments she had so she had to look at a bracelet she has a bracelet
Starting point is 00:35:58 that says everything that's wrong with you which is a pretty funny premise in case something like happens to her like people yeah looking at it yeah obviously it's a funny premise of like okay passive aggressive online okay lies when she's nervous like yeah not a good tipper um is she even worth saving yeah it says cheats on her she's on her husband all right uh fills up the regular trash can when the recycling is full. Just like weird little things. Does it put her shopping cart back? Right. Oh, that's kind of, that's kind of a weird habit.
Starting point is 00:36:32 You should do that. Yeah. Oh, you know, one of the, I was thinking about this in the airport yesterday. Like the shopping cart thing is kind of annoying. And if you've ever heard of that, like in like economics or in like life, it's like a microcosm of like society. Like if as a culture, as a a society if we can't put our
Starting point is 00:36:46 own shopping carts back like the world will not function it's kind of like an interesting like like sociological principle like if we don't take care of ourselves like then we'll never have carts like it'll be chaos like if we don't put them back if someone's not in charge of putting them back or if we don't get them back like there'll be carts strewn everywhere huh and that's why all these so great because they you put away your own carts aldi gets it all they're the germans get it really is what it is that's we've always said that since day one since 1940 1941 or so yeah 39 well you don't put me down for 39 archduke france no that was 411 anyway go ahead all right uh what we're talking oh yeah
Starting point is 00:37:21 just a funny premise it's just like you go to like the hospital like we're gonna put all everything wrong with you and then it comes back and yeah it just says passive aggressive what's wrong with my freckles they're genetic like you're just like frustrated like everything yeah 18 body fat doesn't seem that bad pretty good for 200 years old okay it doesn't spell definitely correct it's hard where's the ancient rhythm all right i i would be surprised if you didn't have to look it up to engrave this okay if if he said the p like like i saw him you would spell facetious that way too i promise i honestly didn't think about that being funny until just now we're recording but yeah that is i might write that
Starting point is 00:38:01 down that's a stand-up joke yeah your ailments are just your your downfalls your shortcomings are on your bracelet okay okay so we're almost so you're in the middle seat so yeah it's pretty much over i'm in the middle seat and no one ever comes i'm like hey i'm gonna move to the uh window just to give us more room because grandma's hips like don't lie they go under the armrest and they touch they touch me oh yeah you know oh that's fine hey that was that was age 16 for me. I think that's what happened when I when I had the overflow, overflow thighs. Yeah. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah. They go under the drawbridge every time. They're thunder. Thunder thighs, baby. Oh, man. We got to get your umbrella away from the storm. So I go to the window seat and grandma is still a little self-aware. Imagine like the old woman on Titanic.
Starting point is 00:38:47 That's kind of like how old it is. It's like, Ooh, yeah, still kicking, huh? But she was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:38:52 just let me know if I talk your ear off the whole flight. And I'm like, well, Hey, good luck. I'll be asleep, you know, before you can get to it or something like that.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I kind of like try to hint at like, it's a joke, but like, I'm going to be sleeping. You had your mask on too, right? I have a mask on. If you have a breathing on if you have a breathing tube you don't have to have it loop life hack yeah that's good but growl she was so sweet she asked two different times
Starting point is 00:39:13 hey just to be she would like tap a flight chin on the arm just to be certain i don't have to wear my mask right because i totally will if you want me to and they're like no you're fine that's a good strategy too just in general like just to be certain i don't have to wear this you know and they're like no you absolutely have to well if you really want me to let me know if not i'm just gonna keep it off you you have to wear it okay yeah just let me know okay just hey just i'll be right here i can't move so i will be right here oh my gosh and then one last move grandma tried is uh my eyes are closed air pods are in and then she still she got to me. Where'd she poke?
Starting point is 00:39:48 No, not in like a weird way, but like. Like elbow. Okay. Like elbow. That's your fault having the arm rest there maybe. Yeah. My elbow was kind of out there for the taking, for the poking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It was the closest thing. And she came in and she said, how long are your arms? Oh, I think last week I measured 42 and a quarter inch what is it i know my neck is 15 and 5 8 but i can't remember my arm length um what a great non-sequitur how long are your arms sweetie i've been i've been staring at those things for a while now how long are those arms you remind me of my grandson's arms i got that i swear you have identical arms i swear you have my grandson's arms yeah and when that. I swear you have identical arms. I swear you have my grandson's arms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And when I touched that elbow, I was like, I've held that before. I know that elbow. She has a 29 year old grandson, which she let me know. Okay. And she's like, you remind me a lot of him. And then just went on to tell me, I mean, we are just the most opposite people I have ever heard. He is an attorney in New York City.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I was like, oh, that is me. That is me. He has already got a few kids of his own. I was like, that is me that's check he has already got a few kids of his own i was like that that's me too check and yeah so uh but oh heck of a set of elbows on him anyway she asked me how long my arms are because she wanted me to uh get her purse for her i was like long enough mama oh yeah oh yeah gave her the purse and then it wasn't right away but like five seconds afterwards i kind of forgot about all of this. She goes, would you like a cookie? Which made me feel like it was kind of merit based.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I don't think I was going to get that cookie had I not. Well, she wouldn't have been able to reach it. Was the cookie in the purse? Ah, that makes sense too. Maybe it's like I earned this for myself. Yeah. It was a test. Like she wasn't going to tell you up front, Hey, I got cookies in my purse.
Starting point is 00:41:20 How long are your arms? But if you do this out of the kindness of your heart, absolutely. Then you have earned a cookie. Have your cookie have your cookie um anyway i think that is about it so did you end up seeing what happened to cry boy and his mom like did they have a third person that eventually sat in their row did you oh i don't even think i cared to notice we were four rows back and gosh i hate that that kid cried so much that stinks i mean he was screaming it was more than just like a baby crying you know it's like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum just like screaming right it's different yeah tantrums are so much different than just a baby it was one of those
Starting point is 00:41:51 baby crying you can usually figure out like you can stand up it's kind of like a consistent hit him hard enough you know i'm just kidding smack him around in the laboratory you're fine yeah it was tough. Man. But you made it here today. Yeah. It was fun. It was fine. So did you end up
Starting point is 00:42:09 falling asleep eventually on that flight? Yeah, yeah. I slept well. Because you said on the second flight you didn't fall asleep. Yeah, second flight.
Starting point is 00:42:14 They just kept turning the lights on. It was like a late flight. It was like a nine o'clock to like 1030 flight. Right. And it was like they had those lights beaming
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Starting point is 00:44:37 Light it up! And hits like Dexter You're decent and good. I'm not. Paramount Plus. Your eyeballs. I'm not. Paramount Plus, your eyeballs equals entertainment. Stream Paramount Plus from $6.99 a month. What do you think about, my friend is in this, he's at a wedding for his, I think it's like it's brother-in-law and sister or something like that on his wife's side.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But they got married like a year ago with 50 people had, had a, had a wedding ceremony reception with 50 people in a party. He's at another wedding for these same people. I think that's ridiculous. 50 people is too many. I think there's needs to be, there needs to be a number. What is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I was just trying to think of what my number would be. Trey's made sense. The venue, when he got married, they would only let 10 people in the venue at all times. So he's like, okay, bridegroom, officiant, parents. Now we each get like a person and a half there. Yeah. Immediate family only, of course, 50. But 50 is like, that kind of worked out well for you.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Now you don't have to spend as much money and like all your like most fun friends get to be there. You don't have to invite your great uncle anymore. Like you're good. You're good on all that stuff. 50 is way too many. I think so. I think 23.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Really? Let's go Jordan. Really? Okay. The Jordan rules. The Jordan rule. Yeah. That's what they called.
Starting point is 00:45:52 That's what that was. Uh, okay. That's fair. I was thinking, yeah, max 20 for me. It was the number. Okay. So we're pretty close. It has to be like a, a, a solid 23.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Then like, I'm not talking, I'm not even talking best friends. I'm talking family only in that 23 because if your friends can come if you had enough wiggle room for your friends then you're good i think so i i think it's got to be a low number i think 50 especially if and if they had catering if someone catered for this wedding oh yeah that that is a wedding and that is your wedding that's it if not like like you should have had a smaller one and had a bigger one later. I know Trey and Katie,
Starting point is 00:46:27 they called this restaurant that they like in Kansas City for their like COVID wedding last May. And they're like, do you guys do catering? And they're like, we've never done it in our life, but business is, you know, pretty slow. So yeah, we'll cater for you. Awesome, yeah. So that's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Do you remember where it was? It was, I want to say Texas Roadhouse. No, I don't know. Chili's to go? Chili's 2? Yeah, Chili's 2. Yeah, that's what that's what i call the airport uh anyway that's a good question yeah what's the threshold when do you get a second wedding because i i read that and he thought it was ridiculous it was it was mr steeze my friend steeze oh really yeah and uh he's like he's like this is crazy i don't i don't like that we're doing this this is wild especially if you're
Starting point is 00:47:02 going twice like it was already weird for me to go to trey's wedding i was like i know he's already been married but i wasn't at the first one this is still fun right but if like 50 of those people had already been at the first one right that'd be weird like we i remember dancing the cha-cha slide the first time you guys got married like you're not renewing your vows you're you're redoing your vows tonight at pickleball they were playing the kind of interesting play that's like one every seven songs was the original but six out of seven were like covers by someone bad and it went up it had peaks and valleys big time during my first game it was just like three super sad super slow country songs in a row and i was like what's going on here yeah but at one point it was like a knockoff
Starting point is 00:47:37 cha-cha slide and it is now my least favorite song i've ever heard i don't know what it was i still have the theory that it's cha-cha slide part one which is a good theory because it's the same guy's voice i think that like the mr casper whatever his name is and what does he say at the beginning of the cha-cha slide that we all know everybody could be oh this is something new casper slide part two uh-huh this time we're featuring something else man this time we're gonna get funky funky funky everybody and so they were not getting funky in the first one is what i'm trying to say they were not it was like like octave down the whole thing it was like a slower bpm like
Starting point is 00:48:10 everything was just like the funk was not there go ahead and clap your hands so okay i will say addendum come on now yeah do you feel it out there it's the cha-cha slide coming at you live yeah uh okay addendum if you have 50 people or less but you play cha-cha slide part one at your wedding reception you get a do over you owe it to me i will i will let you do it again but other than that you're being ridiculous the cha-cha side has reminded me of i I'm not exaggerating, two of my least favorite social things that I just can't stand that happen. Oh my gosh. Sometimes they go together.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah. I can't stand it. One, when people, like a waitress will drop something and everyone starts clapping, drives me nuts. Oh. I can't stand that. They clap out of sarcasm? Like would people like-
Starting point is 00:49:04 I don't know why I said it like that, but yeah. Sarcasm? They clap out of sarcasm? I don't know why I said it like that, but yeah. Sarcasm? They clap out of sarcasm? No, window. There was a window seat. Window, 32F. You know what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:14 F this. I'll go to 36. The lady from Titanic. She was the, never mind. So yeah, I just feel like people, I saw it at camp every now and then, like a kid, she would like drop some balls and they're like, yeah, that's a thing. Like people just clap when you drop.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Oh, I hate it. When did that start? Why do we do this? I will never do it. You will never catch me doing it. I think it's the worst thing. And then follow up similarly, just like you'll find yourself
Starting point is 00:49:39 in a social situation every now and then where someone will just say like, they're like, hey, check this out. Check this out. Everybody clap your hands. And then like people were like uh like that oh you're doing that everybody clap your hands oh yeah i did it yeah i don't even know i don't even want to remember how to do it everybody clap your hand like look everyone's clapping like yeah those are two that sounds like both things that happen a lot of camp oh i just can't stand it yeah maybe that was more like that would happen in like college situations or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Do not ever. Don't even as a joke do that around me. I was about to say I might do that sometime. Don't even. You don't want it. Because there's certain things you want to go and like perform and see ghosties. Like there's certain things people do because they know I don't like it or whatever. Like I think Danielle had like her friend come up and be like, hey, Jake, like from
Starting point is 00:50:24 State Farm, right? And I was totally like, oh, nice. Nice. We should get a burger later, man. Yeah. whatever like i think uh had like her friend come up and be like hey jake like from state farm right and i was totally like oh nice nice we should get a burger later man yeah you know i didn't catch on that they were like poking fun of me because i didn't know this guy i didn't even know that he was with her you know whatever so people like to do stuff like that so so don't anything else is fair game do not seriously everybody clap your hands to me don't everyone that meets him should not say that that was gonna happen but i'm not I'm not going to like you. How about that? How's that? I'll punch you in the face. I'm not, I'm serious. I'll punch you in the face. I'm going to think less of you. If you do that to me, so you can, but I will think less of you. You'll get punched. You'll
Starting point is 00:50:55 never get a wacky Jackie segment like Jackie got. Yes, that was great. Um, okay. Okay. So don't do it. Don't do it guys. Seriously. Where are you going next? New Brunswick, New Jersey. If you are in New Brunswick, New Jersey and you are at the show, do not do it halfway. Like if there's an awkward silence in the show, like he makes a joke and let people laugh. And then like he waits for the laugh and there's a little bit of silence and somebody says that don't guys don't do that. Understand? I do not pick up on brad sarcasm not be funny it will not be hilarious an incredible story for the podcast it won't jake's trying to do
Starting point is 00:51:36 something professional here and it would not be good okay i'm so nervous oh okay we got to never talk about this again because i don't want people to remember that this is a thing by the time I'm like going to cities where people are going to be. Like I'm not worried about New Brunswick, but by the next one, there's going to be beat. If someone claps in the middle of my comedy set, I'm going to be so mad at you.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I'm going to be so mad. Why? What have I said? What have I said that makes you mad at me about it? I'm telling people right now now that would not be good. That's not good content. Okay. I would not film it as well.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Okay. You're not supposed to have your phones out. I wouldn't conceal it behind a sweater in your seat and film this thing. Okay. Because, and send it to Ellis custom creations at Don't do that guys. Seriously. Have a conscience. It't do that, guys. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Have a conscience. It's funny now, but oh my gosh. And if you see Jake on an airplane, do not do it on there as well. Oh my gosh. Anything Cha-Cha Slide related just gets me fired up. The idea of some like just podcast fan who thinks they're hilarious just in the middle of my set. Everybody clap your hands! And like six other people clap i would legitimately tell the security guard like hey can we get those people out of here yeah hey brian yeah i don't want to get hooked up with those girls but please get that guy out of here like that's your job oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:53:02 when you in kansas city i'm just teasing never i would never oh the security guard in spokane was really cool he's big broncos fans who'd always like say something like negative about the chiefs right as i'm going on stage okay in fact this is our year ago broncos right so i was like running up oh man broncos fans growing up were the worst because they were so good they were so bad and now now it's like, what now, baby? Peyton Manning's retired for life from football. Gotcha. Oh yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. Okay. So that's been, uh, that, um, this has been a fun episode. I think people are gonna be laughing at this one. Okay. Um, can we talk about Isaac real quick? Uh, so Isaac messac messaged us uh this morning in group chat um and said hey
Starting point is 00:53:46 anybody recognize this guy and it was a video of this guy like on his uh like in his house it looked like and so it looked like a living room apparently it was the back patio which i was like how is the audio so i'm teasing no that's exactly what i thought i was like i was it was a it was a picture of a guy we'll say he's in his living room. You'll never know. Dramatic irony. Um, he was, he was on the back patio. Okay. I don't get it. I don't know. I'm lost. The guy was in his, uh, on his back patio. Somebody's filming him, uh, through this like fence, you know, in his backyard kind of thing. And he's talking and all of a sudden he looks and he like notices that, uh, like somebody's filming him and the, the camera goes away really fast and they run away. Uh, and he's like, anybody recognize this guy?
Starting point is 00:54:28 And it clearly, like it was very obviously looking like Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah. I was like, yeah, it looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. And, but I was like, but I was like, is that Isaac's video? Like this is a dumb joke, dude. Like you found this video on Twitter and you downloaded it and is sending it to us. And he, so Isaac's in Tulsa right now visiting a friend of his. And he's like, Leonardo DiCaprio lives behind in the backyard, like of my friend.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah. I mean, in the house, in the, behind my friend. And I was immediately skeptical. I was like, there's no, why? I was sold. I was like, no, we have proof. He has a video of Leonardo DiCaprio. I just, I was like, why would he be in Tulsa, Oklahoma?
Starting point is 00:55:06 You know, and why is Leonardo DiCaprio is a very big deal. Why would he be able to access from this fence? Like, or whatever Isaac and Isaac's like, no, he's on his patio. Cause it looked like he was a living room at first. And so we're like, there's no way that you could like hear what this guy, it seems like such a stage, like set up thing because the way he like looked back and like made i like almost eye contact with isaac and like was suspicious really quick it was like a scene from a movie where you know that like the main character is about to get in some trouble
Starting point is 00:55:34 like he's about to get caught like he's playing a little too close to the gun right and um he's about to get his vest looked at like it felt like that like in the movie disturbia where it's like you're getting too close like right no this is No, this is going to happen. You're right. Close to the creepy old man. And all of a sudden. Yeah. But Isaac was like, no, he lives behind. And apparently, you know, one of the cable guys like spilled the beans of like, yeah, I'm not supposed.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I signed an NDA, but, uh, you know, DiCaprio. And now we're telling people. Well, yep. Yeah. That's what happens when you sign an NDA. You're not supposed to. Yep. Sorry, cable man.
Starting point is 00:56:05 That's right. Sorry. Isaac texted it to me you sign an NDA. You're not supposed to. Yep. Sorry, cable man. That's right. Sorry. Isaac texted it to me first individually because he'd already previously told me that like, Hey, like so-and-so like lives apparently right next to Leo. Yeah. And yeah, I thought he was, Leo was in the living room. And so I was imagining Isaac like snuck into their backyard. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And so I texted him. I was like, dude, that's insane. That's too much. You're going to get in trouble. I said, you're going to go to jail. Yeah. And he was like, no, no, no. It's the offense. I was like, oh, great. Yeah. Have at it. He's like, yeah, we're going to try to get in their pool tomorrow. Yeah. That's what. That's too much. You're going to get in trouble. I said, you're going to go to jail, dude. Yeah. And he was like, no, no, no. It's to the fence.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I was like, oh, great. Yeah. Have at it. He's like, yeah, we're going to try to get in their pool tomorrow. Yeah. That's what he said. He's like, we're going to play dumb and see if we can go swimming in their pool. Hey, that nerd to ask.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Yeah. Shoot your shot, I guess. But that's a weird thing for a normal person to ask a normal person. So can we go swimming in the pool? Anyway, apparently he's filming a movie in Oklahoma. And so that's why he's like, I don't think he's like, that's his permanent residence by any means, but he's living there now. But still, Isaac has looked Leonardo DiCaprio in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:56:51 That's wild. It was, it was, I couldn't believe it. I still, I still like 99.9% believe it. Like there's still a tinge of me that's like, something's off here. Anyway, that was just crazy. That was crazy. Crazy thing of the week. crazy thing of the week crazy tender to wait uh real quick brad it was so nashville was awesome it was a good time it's crazy that the streets
Starting point is 00:57:14 were a good time made the instagram story but i also saw just a unbelievable amount of 15 patrons you did on on broadway yeah that's where that's where they're known to hang out yeah all of them happen to be there are not all of them but i mean almost all of them like um stacy morris's first one i saw oh she loves the honky-tonk scene yeah she's honky-tonk she asked me to call her uh stonky stonky wait stonky monkey taste good good segment hey here we go here we go here we go no no yeah stacy was there and she was in all denim and she looked as good as ever. And she was sweating a lot. But she said, this is how I roll. This is how she does it.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And then she went to the bathroom. Okay. And then, of course, there was Mallory Chargois. Yes. French people love. That's the French Quarter in Nashville, right? French Quarter in Nashville. That's it.
Starting point is 00:58:01 The French love country music. Yep. Chargois loves the country. Yep. Yeah. that was really fun that's awesome yeah uh jessica olivaria oh the the latino community also i believe uh salvadorian san salvo or el salv both san salvo is in el in El Salvador. Is it? I think it's the capital of El Salvador. Checks out for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yep. Anyway, she was there. Uh, she actually was, um, waving as El Salvadorian flag. Oh yeah. Because they're playing the world cup in Nashville, right? Yeah, that's right. That's coming up. And so she's just getting, getting prepped.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Uh, Lindsay Bishop was in the mix. She was actually performing. She was at like one of those bars and she just had like. Oh, she was playing chess. She's like a competitive chess player. No, she was playing country music. Oh, okay. That makes more sense in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I'm just really giving Nashville some new personality here. But it was weird though. She was kind of playing it like, you know that scene in Forrest Gump where Jennyny is like completely nude but the guitar is covering her up oh yeah that was what she was doing I was like hey you don't need to be doing this Lindsay yeah but hey tips were flowing yeah Eddie Desco was in the mix Desco Desco Desco was my boy back in college dude Big E dude take me to a thursday night with desco dude take me down to o'malley's and let's party with desco that's what we always said hey you won't catch me at my desco you'll see me party with all desco hey desco hey let's go uh katherine darcy was there she was she actually set the record for longest time on the mechanical bull. Seriously? How long was it?
Starting point is 00:59:47 It was four and a half hours. Really? Yeah. A whole Titanic and a half. Yeah. It was awesome. Have you ever seen those fighter jets that can refuel in air? That's kind of what she was doing.
Starting point is 00:59:57 She had a catheter installed. And that's how you refuel with a catheter. Well, she also had someone providing her drinks. She had a camelback on. Oh. She had a camelback and a catheter. Camelcath. Camelhuh and um it was impressive what a scene they actually had to switch out people operating the joystick they were switching out more than she was really yeah darcy do showed him how she does it their hand got got tired on the joystick uh-huh and then uh i saw kaylee miller which kaylee's always fun because she spells her
Starting point is 01:00:23 name k-a-l-i so you're always nervous if you're pronouncing it right. It's probably Kaylee. Kaylee. Yeah. Callie. There's no way it's Callie. She's not from Callie, so it wouldn't make sense to call her that. No, she's from Nashville.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Born and raised in Nashville. Maybe Franklin. Like she's a suburb girl. But yeah, she says she's from Nashville just to be. She's a Predators fan. So why wouldn't she be a Nashville person? Huge Preds fan. Yeah, I'm big into Preds.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Oh, yeah. She thinks next year's their year. Because the playoffs are now for Stanley Cup. In Nashville. All of them. I think. That's what Kali says. Hey, Kali's word, it's not mine.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And then, oh, Kylie Dennis. Kylie Dennis. Kylie Dennis. Yeah. Oh, the Dennis. Kylie Dennis the Menace. Yeah. Kyle Dennis. Yeah. Oh, the Dennis. Kyle Dennis the Menace. Yeah. She was there.
Starting point is 01:01:09 She was there for her weekly checkup. At the Dennis. Uh-huh. At Dennis office. Yeah. So it was good to see Kylie. We caught up, and she asked me how I came across.
Starting point is 01:01:19 You caught up with Kylie? You told her about Christ? I told her about Christ, but I only had two minutes, so I just gave her the bullet points. Uh-huh. Good. But it was fun.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And then last person that I saw, Calebaleb j corf was there oh cj corf yeah and he was like he's got some i thought it was allergies at first because he had just like a nasty corf yeah it's like i'm like a whooping corf he's very phlegmatic in this corf yeah yeah but um overall he had a good time he was there visiting his sister oh yeah um what's what's her at least i hope that was his sister. I mean, the things they were doing, let's hope they were brother and sister. That's like the opposite. That's kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:01:50 That's kind of funny. It takes you away. Wait, why would you hope they were brother and sister? Let's just say I hope they are brother and sister. I was like, I hope they were related. So what were they doing? Yeah, what would that even like? They were signing their parents will
Starting point is 01:02:05 together i don't know uh they were i don't know how do you know what i god i hope they were siblings yeah um sharing a lollipop well no no no there's not much you can do that's appropriate for that and not appropriate for your wife i hope it was was his sister. Yeah. That's a funny phrase. Right. Oh, man. It turns out it's my sister. Oh! We were signing my parents' will.
Starting point is 01:02:32 That's such a funny thing to think of. Hey, speaking of the cadence of that sentence, it's time to bring back Blanks of the Week. Blanks of the Week. They're back. Come on. They're back. Come on. Let's start off easy. They're back. Come on. They're back. Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Do we want to? Let's start off easy. Let's get more and more exciting. Let's start with habit of the week. Brad. Habit of the week. We'll cut it out. Let's cut that out.
Starting point is 01:02:58 My habit of the week is kind of twofold. I've been talking about how I've been going to bed and getting up earlier. Have I talked about that? I know you've definitely mentioned that you have been going to bed and getting up earlier. Have I talked about that? I know you've definitely mentioned that you, you have been going to bed and then waking up in the morning. Yes. That's, that's what everyone. So, so today, how was your day? I woke up. Oh, get out of town. Might as well. Everybody clap your hands, man. Come on. Every, uh, so I've been going to bed at like eight 39. I'm talking like early getting up at the exact eight 39. That's very precise of you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:26 It's you use melatonin. You put you pop one pop a tone in, you pound a tone in at 804, 839. You're good. Good. 35 minute extended release. So I've been going to bed around like pretty early in the night and then getting up like five, five, 12 and five 15 are my alarms. And so those go off. And then I usually have nine minutes or so. So I'm getting up around five 20 ish. And I love it. I really do enjoy like getting up before the rest of my family and everything. And one of the things I've been doing lately is going on. I've been going to the parks and walking a lot. Okay. I've walked like 21 miles this week so far in four days. It's only been four days I've been doing this so it's a new habit fun new habit kind of fun but yeah have a have a have a have a have a have a have a
Starting point is 01:04:09 that's supposed to be like a ssx tricky guy like new time bonus remember that i've got a new how about how it's supposed to be like a beatbox i just touched my face and remembered the grime cake i have it's just so disgusting it's okay well it's a cake yeah that's okay so anyway yeah new habit going to the park uh just having time by myself reflecting honestly been trying to do a lot of stand-up comedy like thinking of stand-up comedy material the first couple times i was the park i was like practicing it as i was walking then i looked like the crazy guy you look like a psycho but you look like a homeless person just going around just saying things out loud.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Oh, here's, here's a quick story. Uh, at the park. Well, it doesn't matter what day it was. I think it was yesterday. This kid comes up to me and he's like, Darian. Hey, Darian, Darian, there's a dead squirrel over there. And he's like, he's like way far away at like the, uh, the playground, like coming over. I like this. He keeps coming and saying the same thing.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Darian, come look at this dead squirrel and this kid's like a bigger bigger kid looks like he likes taco tuesday a lot okay um you know probably 10 years old uh and i'm like i i realized later on he's here with i think probably a grandpa of a figure like okay this guy it's kind of like the nate bargetti skit where the guy gets, he gets confused for the guy's elderly wife, Olivia. Yeah. Yeah. It's the same idea as that. Like I look back and I noticed this guy did have a backwards hat on and so did I. So I'll give him that, but everything else about us that, that motivated me to walk my buns off because I'm like, if you think that I look like Darian, I'm going to punch you in the face no uh it's so like it was just awkward i actually took a picture of darian that's as he was getting in
Starting point is 01:05:50 the car so maybe i'll post on patreon like i got confused for this guy this guy i'm gonna show it to you real fast actually okay um if i can pull it up let's see and you have it sounds like you have been walking your buns off though i've been trying 21 miles is no joke yeah today we're in earth ran i walked seven have not ran once walked seven seven miles dude i i didn't do it all at once i did i think i did four miles in the morning and then i went back this afternoon so afternoon hey smart is right the heat of the day wait till the heat index about 104 and then crank out i don't hate i don't hate uh i don't hate walking in the uh heat honestly it's refreshing to sweat again like i you know it's better in the cold.
Starting point is 01:06:26 That's what I've always said. There's Darian. Oh, Darian. Not a great picture of him, but. Oh, I mean, first of all, Darian's got those calves where you can see all of their veins. Darian old. Darian old. And maybe those are maybe those are walking calves, though.
Starting point is 01:06:40 And I don't know what I'm aiming for. Yeah, I don't know. So that's Darian. Doesn't look like me at all. His skin is translucent. He is wearing a golf polo, which I wear. I wear a decent amount of those on Sunday mornings. Sure.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But I wasn't at the park. I wasn't wearing those at the park. I would never. So there's Darien for you. So yeah, that's my new habit. Okay. My habit of the week is golf. I've played my first two ever like full rounds, like 18 holes of golf, both this week.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And I'm a golf boy now. Yeah. I actually went to buy clubs this morning for Facebook Marketplace. Guy Nose showed me. Oh, bummer. Yeah. I thought we were- Just straight up.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah. We had a good thing going. Did he ever tell you later on? Like, hey, sorry, sorry something happened i couldn't come honestly what seems to happen is i think here's my guess he was trying to scam me but it was his first time scamming someone so he's a little nervous and he forgot to get the payment first like he just he sketchly like evaded me but he hadn't i hadn't paid him yet he forgot you got to do that part first did you set up the meeting like like you said we chatted back and forth a
Starting point is 01:07:44 lot about the the golf clubs what time we could meet different schedules like i'm gonna be in nashville now he's like saturday morning i'm going to golf galaxy to pick out a new putter i'm like perfect that's like on the way i'm playing golf that morning it's be great i'll get new clubs yeah that's awesome you know it's gonna make sense we're gonna meet in the golf parking lot this is great yeah seem normal and then i went to message him that morning hey running like five minutes late and the message wouldn't send it's like you cannot send this message blocked you straight it's weird yeah well ask peter he's a big face marketplace guy and he was like oh he's like they can market is sold and you can still message but once they
Starting point is 01:08:11 like delete the listing you cannot communicate i couldn't find this guy on facebook he's a ghost yeah so i don't know what happened that's that kind of things happened to me before i think yeah maybe they block you or maybe they just straight up like deleted the listing and his profile or he just sold it to a buddy. It was like, this is way easier. Maybe. Because that seems like a weird thing to like, was it like a really good deal?
Starting point is 01:08:30 Is that part of why you think? No clue. I didn't even try to like haggle the price. I was like, okay, I'll take them. You know, whatever. That's smart. That's smart of you. But yeah, big golf boy now.
Starting point is 01:08:40 I, in case there's any golf people out there and you're curious, I'm terrible today. I'm not even gonna tell you my score when I did today, but on Tuesday on the back nine, I part five of the nine holes. Whoa, that's really good. It was crazy. That's awesome. I did not do that today. Okay. But I did that on Tuesday. The greens were rough today. You said, Hey, thanks. Yeah. That makes a difference. I guarantee you that makes a difference a little bit. I mean, I had trouble getting to the green, so it was, there was a lot lot going on but that's probably in your head of like i don't even need to hit the greens on this one i gotta chip it in help me yeah uh that's awesome so so here's a
Starting point is 01:09:12 question because i know that today you played with some really good golfers yeah i mean good like casual good golfers they're good i mean shot scott set full scotch shot below par today yeah so that's good yeah yeah uh and then the other day you play with trey who's learning like you are is there a little bit do you think maybe you perform better when you're not playing with maybe better players i also uh just like the clubs i was using probably makes a difference too like i've been using what they call like game improvement irons where they're a little more forgiving they're like for beginners and then i didn't get my new clubs today so then i had to use like peter's like really nice like they're probably like in like tuned to him and i'm just like hey i'm not trying to play mad on all pro
Starting point is 01:09:52 i was looking for like beginner maybe veteran yeah and i had to play on all pro today or all madden and so that was probably a little bit of it too but okay honestly like i don't care how bad my score is if anything it's like kind of fun like i don't even hate that i shot like terribly today because they're like two months from now i shot this so right now it's kind of like a benchmark so like this is great i don't care about my score yeah you gotta get a good standard going uh you can't get lucky at the beginning because then if you do bad later you're like regressing you have weird expectations yeah yeah yeah so um but it's fun uh i'm trying to think there's anything else oh i bought a uh a range finder big thing in golf oh yeah i bought one of those too yeah i didn't know what it was until he told me it's helpful to know how far away you are you know to know what club you want to use so i bought
Starting point is 01:10:32 one it was like a crazy good deal played against sports normally 240 new this was going for 99 dollars which is still a lot for a laser essentially yeah i thought about bringing a telescope out there and just like heard like one of those like spyglass things yeah and um. And anyway, every time I play with people, mine is just like five yards short. Like sometimes it's like 10 yards. It's just like off. Everyone else is get the same reading. And mine is just like off every time. And I was like, I had Luke look at it today.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Like whole 16. We're almost done. He's like, dude, it's in meters. I was like, ah, come on. And that it's weird how much that made my day. I dislike taking things back so bad i already had it in my head i have to take this thing back it's it's inaccurate no wonder i was being sold again someone had to take it back are you good by the way i gotta go to the bathroom you're making some
Starting point is 01:11:13 crazy sorry sorry i'm ready yeah keep going no i will what if i start the announcement of the week without you okay and then you come in for it because i can do all that anyway sorry i was really trying to listen to the range finder thing. No, you're good. I was listening the whole time. No, you're good. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I was like legitimately worried about your health. You looked like... I was just... I'm good. Okay. No, you're fine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:33 So announcement of the week. Brad's got a phone. Brad, be thinking about how you're going to say this. Okay. Okay. Yeah. We actually have two
Starting point is 01:11:42 pretty big announcements, which is kind of fun to announce back to back. So announcement of the week, uh, I'll make this pretty short that this is what the live studio audience got to find out. Uh, this is what the patrons found out this past week. And now you guys are finding out what is happening will probably be public by the end of this week. Like we're hoping by like Thursday or Friday of this week, it will become a thing. What is the thing? Thank you for asking. Basically, uh, Trey and I are wanting to scale what we do. We, we want to be able to, uh, just grow the business, but also without necessarily like just making more videos with Trey in it, because for the longest time, that seemed like
Starting point is 01:12:21 the only way to really scale it. It's like, yeah, we can make a second YouTube channel. That's middle school Maddox. And now we can have like two different things, you know, kind of going on. But I mean, that requires Trey every time. And Trey had this idea basically where it's like, hey, forget an e-course, forget a podcast network. Like, what are we good at? What is the bread and butter? It is viral, relatable, clean comedy videos that go on Facebook and YouTube. And so it's like, why are we not, it seems so obvious now, why have we not doubled down on this? And so that's what we're doing. We're creating a second YouTube channel, uh, that Trey Brad's back, everyone
Starting point is 01:12:55 Brad's back. We're creating a second YouTube channel and Trey will be in some of the videos at the beginning to kind of try and build some like brand familiarity to try and get people like subscribe, get into the channel. Um, but the the the plan is to completely wean Trey off from an on-camera presence on this channel Trey will still be overseeing it all he'll guide the direction of the of the brand and he will be writing for it I will be writing for it and what we want to do is like bring in people who are talented on camera and can be funny can help write but maybe don't have any kind of platform we want to give them platform. And our first person that we're going to be doing this with is Big Daddy. Let's go, baby. So it's just, it's crazy exciting. Basically, Brad and I
Starting point is 01:13:36 are about to be making a lot of YouTube videos together. Yeah. Alongside the silver screen, I think is what they say. The big two big apple and so we uh we had a name and we're changing the name and as of now we don't know what the name is but i think guess below so guess what you think it'll be called uh so it's just really exciting there's gonna be so much uh content that we're there we're pumping out and it'll primarily be with brad and i uh in front of the camera which is fun i don't have to shoot it uh trey and i's um kind of podcast producer and fellow videographer derrick will be uh shooting and editing all that so it just it's fun it feels like a fun transition it feels like a good move for the future and like who knows what this could
Starting point is 01:14:21 turn into who knows what this could be someday but we're just fired up we've already shot two or three videos two we shot two videos this past week yeah we're getting together probably shoot another two this week and we're just gonna start like cranking out some some videos so you guys are gonna love it you guys are gonna absolutely love it we're gonna blow up our instagram this week make sure you're following us on instagram we'll make sure to blow it up and that'll be our way of communicating like hey here's the name of the channel first video is live go watch it yeah uh super fun so that's what that's what i did monday and wednesday yeah that's why i that's that's been like the highlights of my week for sure but i didn't want to like straight up say that yeah so that i froze on whatever else i did this week because it's like i don't know and then
Starting point is 01:14:56 last week i wrote things and filmed and things you know i think last week on the episode we were i was like what are you doing you're like tomorrow's gonna be like a big day oh yeah yeah i know what i'm doing tomorrow yeah that's what it was yeah yeah yeah so it's really exciting we're it's gonna be fun hopefully it goes well if anything else i can say hey i was in uh videos with trey kennedy for a few months because because trey met with me actually the the week oh yeah day like right before we had our uh live studio yeah live studio audience trey and i met uh right down the street from uh where we where we were recording that. It said coffee like that morning. Yeah. Cause I, cause he, he like messaged me like, Hey man, you want to get up, like meet together? And I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:15:32 as soon as you want to, I will, I'm available. So, um, yeah, we hung out that morning and he was like full disclosure, this, this, I don't know if this is going to go anywhere. It might, it might crash and burn. Uh, I mean, it really is. I mean, we were starting from scratch. Obviously we have trace following, but like, I think one end, that's what's so fun about it. It's like, it's so fun to like grow something. When's the last time I'd done something like this, you know, just like growing from this beginning.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. Uh, but who knows? We don't know if it's going to work. I'm so, so confident. At least I'm confident in us, but I'm also confident in our ghost runners community that they're going to get off the ground and get, yeah, at least get that initial push really going. So, uh, we can, yeah, we'll, we'll tell you all the ways you can help, you know, soon enough, but, um, yeah, it's, it's really exciting. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Share it on your Instagram story, share it on your Facebook page. Yeah. Tell your YouTube friends to subscribe to us. And yeah, so we recorded on Wednesday for that. And there were a few times I really appreciate Trey and it's fun to like, you see like how the sausage is made basically. Turkey sausage. Yeah. Two of the main like constructive criticisms he would keep doing to me on like different takes was be really tight with it. Like do it as quick as possible and be bigger, like be louder.
Starting point is 01:16:38 And I'm like, bro, if once I get comfortable, I'm going to be plenty loud. Like, you know, it's still like a little bit awkward for me. And like, you know, I would fumble over my words a lot and stuff like that. But I think once I get more comfortable, it's going to be really fun for me. So yeah. Anyway, but I, but I was like, okay, that's, that's fun to like now know that's his mindset. And now watch his videos back and be like, oh, he was tight right there. You know, in his way, he was saying that, or he, you know, he was like crazy loud right there you know obviously i knew that he's like big and boisterous with that stuff so anyway it's fun good stuff very exciting
Starting point is 01:17:10 yeah brad what is your announcement of the week okay so actually this announcement's a little bit preemptive is that the right word premature uh because he's not exactly positive okay so we just tease it then we just tease it okay teaser to you next week. We're going to have a new merch product, if you will, that's going to be a potential to have subscription-based ordering for it. Or you can order it one time at a time, but. Oh, that's all you're teasing. Oh, do you want me to tease more? I think it's fine. Might as well. Titillate them. Yeah. So basically my cousin came by the other day. My cousin owns this really like gourmet coffee company in Kansas City that roasts coffee. And he just like, kind of not as a joke,
Starting point is 01:17:51 but like as a prototype gave me this bag of beans that has the ghost runners just drinks logo on it. And another one that has a ghost runners logo on it. And so it's like, so I think we're going to try to sell those coffee beans, um, and like have them branded as the ghost runners, but they're like really like high quality beans. And so anyway, yeah, that's the, that's the main idea behind it. We don't know all the details and got to figure all that out, but I'm really excited. The ghost runners coffee club though. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Yeah. How exciting is that? Official coffee of Saturdays. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think it's crazy exciting and it's going to be sweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:23 We can sign up and we'll just be sending coffee to your doorstep. Like how often we end up signing once a month or something like that. So yeah, you can probably choose your frequency. We can all be sipping on the same coffee. Yeah. It's kind of fun. It is really fun.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And it's like super good. Like it's crazy. Yeah. How affordable it is for how good it is. So, and speaking of sipping on the same stuff, uh, we just released like 20,
Starting point is 01:18:49 25, however many. Sure. We did. Yeah yeah like new things of merch yeah we did there's a lot of summer themed stuff that the tie-dye hat keeps selling out yes which is awesome yeah so it'll come back if you're like oh i really wanted that cotton candy hat it'll come back i promise yeah there's other color options and there's lots of other shirts and mugs and a new sticker that has jake's uh picture on it from high school. Because I really, I really want somebody to take a picture of like their laptop or their water bottle that has that on there. So, but yeah, ton of stickers that, oh, that one new mug is really cool too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Isn't that cool? A couple of new hats and a bunch of new t-shirts. Yeah. Which are really fun. So a Santo Mac themed t-shirt, pretty fun. That's awesome. How's your mom that's not what it says but um anyway yeah i always have fun making those things and i really appreciate you
Starting point is 01:19:30 guys for buying them so yeah thank you howdy howdy's going to college guys um uh our last bike of the week is gonna be babe of the week uh my babe of the week goes to jenna from nbc okay the nbc crew was awesome. Kristen, Jenna, Grace. They were so much fun to hang out with the whole time we were there. We were just kind of chilling off to the side and they were just a hoot and a half. Yeah. But there we are at Hattie B's. Oh, I hear good things about it.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah. I've been a few times for it. Good chicken. Good chicken. Hattie has a shirt that says Hattie B's on it. Good for her. And Jenna brings up, oh, it's also super cool. Just like their job.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Like they just, they're always like traveling for sports. Just like three, just like sporty's also super cool just like their job like they just they're always like traveling for sports just like three just like sporty girls they were just like really fun we got along great like they're going to tokyo for the olympics because nbc does that you know that's true so i don't even know what they do exactly but like they're pretty high up at nbc i think but they're like all like women in their 20s and they're just fun cool jenna mentions like yeah we so we're doing the olympics we do some nascar stuff we do this this that we also do Sunday night football I was like oh that's awesome like I'm a huge Chiefs fan I think we got some games this week she's like oh I mean just like holler at me when you want like to be hooked up when we're coming to town I said Jen seriously yeah when did they
Starting point is 01:20:36 come to Kansas City um so I think we have like three Sunday night games this year yeah yeah two are away yeah one is at home okay i'm gonna be performing in reading pennsylvania that night okay uh but hey sunday games get flexed all the time yeah that's true and and the chiefs are so exciting so they're gonna be on yeah uh i am going to a game i believe that the chiefs are playing the ravens in baltimore yes cool guy sammy and i are going to that game. Confirmed. You are going. Yes. And that's Sunday Night Football. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I think we should all go. If I could email Jenna. I would definitely email Jenna. Because then I don't even need tickets from cool guy Sammy. I can just get my own from Jenna. Absolutely. Like, yeah, hey, hey, whoa, it's crazy. I'm in Baltimore for the night.
Starting point is 01:21:20 It's the craziest thing. Let's get three together in a suite. And then cool guy Sammy sells his and we profit. I don't think I'll be in a suite, but we'll see no Jenna gets the sweets. That is fake That's what we did to the second time we collab with Logan Paul when juggler Josh and I were tubing he was like, you know He we I think I'm oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. And he was just like yeah I was super down to make a video again with you guys You guys were a lot of fun just like holler at me next time you're in LA and so it's like well We're not just like we're actually in LA that often so we flew there and then once we
Starting point is 01:21:48 landed we texted them no way and we're just like hey like we're in la and just like we just hoped that he waited on a text back yeah yeah really did you have like a hey we're only gonna be here for three days or whatever i think we were just gonna stay there until he texted back seriously yeah because he was that big of a deal yeah i was just like we will we'll make this work like hey we're in la like we could shoot right now or you know whatever so how quickly did you guys end up shooting i think we had to wait a couple hours for a text back but then it was like hey i could do it this time or this time and really he's pretty great about it that's cool but yeah it was kind of scary it's like man what what do we do if he doesn't you know i remember you saying that you had a lot of appreciation for him after
Starting point is 01:22:25 meeting him and stuff right yeah i think i yeah i just assumed a lot of like the wrong things and yeah he worked crazy hard when we were doing it and that was when he was like crushing i mean he was at the top of youtube he was like the number one vlogger in the world and it was like this makes sense why you're you know you were working your tail off took us took us sorry took us off so anyway my baby of the week goes to jenna from nbc for her promises she made and i confirmed it with kristen later she's like yeah any chiefs game you want like holler at us like we'll hook you up so i was like okay yeah that's awesome so uh my baby louis is going to go out to uh this girl that i know uh she actually hosted seven people at her
Starting point is 01:23:01 house last week okay um she she like kind of hired them for free to build a fence for her, but, um, she did say, Hey, you can sleep in our beds or on our grounds. Um, but she, not only does she host those seven people, clean up the house, make the house spotless, raise two kids. We ended up dedicating bow at our church today. Um, Oh, I'm giving it away. Nevermind. Uh, but, and then she hosted people again for lunch today, big old feast. And I look up thinking, wow, this babe is such a babe. Turns out she's my wife. It was Catherine Ellis. Awesome. Yes. Same woman. Host all the people. Host all the people. Is a great homemaker.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Not only a great homemaker, but intentional mom, intentional wife. Just wonderful. A looker, by the way. Looker. My gosh. Hubba hubba. Oh, hot dog. And so she's my wife and I'm so thankful for her.
Starting point is 01:23:58 So my babe of the week goes out to my wife, Catherine. Whew. Yeah. What a fun revelation to look up and just notice that. It is. It really is like a, Catherine. Whew. Yeah. What a fun revelation to look up and just notice that. It is. It really is like a, wow. Okay. I wonder if Isaac did that with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 01:24:10 He was just filming some guy in his backyard. Turns out, yeah. He was in Departed. That's the Departed guy. It'd be funny if you had a really deep track, deep cut, instead of, that's the Departed. Hey, you're from Gilbert Grape, right? You're that guy? You ate Gilbert Grape, right? You're that guy? You ate Gilbert Grape.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Isn't that Johnny Depp? Is he in it too? I haven't seen that movie. I've never seen it either. It's like what women want, you know? It's one of my favorites. I think he's on the cover. I think I've seen it as like a Netflix option.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I've seen Young Leo on the cover. Gotcha. I think. Okay. I don't know. That's good. Let's go on to voice members. Great.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Do you have any panel charges? Hey, Jake and Brad. This is Abby from Houston, Texas. First off, just wanted to say I really love your podcast. Thank you. And you guys are hilarious. Thank you. My two questions are, number one, what is your advice for a freshman in college?
Starting point is 01:25:00 I'm going to be a freshman at Oral Roberts University. I'm actually going in as a sophomore because I did dual credit in high school. So I'm only going to be there for three years. But what is your advice to just kind of make the most out of those years? I definitely want to do that because I'm spending a lot of money to go to this college. Anyways, and then what is your favorite memory from y'all's freshman year? So, yeah, hope you guys have a great day. Bye bye. Abigail, thank you for the voice memo.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Thank you for the kind words. We've answered this question a couple of times on this podcast before. I know we did it with Izzy going to Liberty. She asked us that question. We've done it a couple of times. So, yeah, when you're looking back for what women women want tell us if you also find this advice for us so i think what would be most helpful is abigail maybe we tell you some things to not do uh your freshman year college and we'll try to make them like generic like things that like this this would go for anyone like don't do these things in college. Okay. Don't do no shave November.
Starting point is 01:26:06 If you're a girl. Okay. Or a boy. I don't think anybody needs that. Um, yeah. Don't do no shave November. That's a good one. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I would say, um, don't date a girl for a year and then break up with her before you go off to summer camp because you feel like your lives are heading in different directions and she's not the one for you. And then come back from summer camp and realize that, oh, she's already engaged and then she'll be married by December. And then it'll make you question everything about what you had together. And if any of it was real at all, I would say don't do that. Don't do that. And that goes for any. I would say that to anyone. That just generic advice yeah yeah absolutely because summer camp
Starting point is 01:26:49 is like a that's what everyone because people love the summertime i don't assume that uh shower shoes are quote a hoax it's real guys okay um don't uh get don't do like two things that are seen as like very wrong by your private christian university at the same time because then you might end up in a situation where you get called into the dean's office and after a few moments of going back and forth you you say look i didn't even realize it was that big of a deal i'll delete the facebook page and then he says what facebook page because then what will happen what might happen is then you'll realize oh he didn't even know about that and you thought that's what you were being called into the dean's office for and not about the video you made in the cafeteria so just be careful what you give away in the Dean's office when you're in trouble.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Be careful. Just that. Yeah. Just in general. Cause then you'll have to go to the, a couple other people's office after that. And then, um,
Starting point is 01:27:52 it's just not good. And then later that day was the day where the guy looked me in the eyes and told me I'm not funny. Brad, what else would you say? Showed him though. I would say, don't play your acoustic guitar and just assume that every girl likes it.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Like you're like, Oh, I didn't even know you were listening to me. Don't do that. If you're if Abby, you know, or Abigail, Abigail, Gail, Gail, Gailie. I got a sneeze. OK, don't write on the brick wall with dry erase marker and assume it will just come out really easily. Don't.
Starting point is 01:28:22 OK, don't do it. Don't. just come out really easily don't okay don't do it don't um don't uh like with all your friends like freshman year of college think like oh this will be funny because it has a fun name to it don't don't invent like a new activity called buck chucking where you get a buck double from burger king well you get several buck doubles from Burger King. What's up? Oh, it costs a dollar. It's a double cheeseburger. Don't get several buck doubles from Burger King and then keep them in their wrappers so that you can more swiftly launch them at people that are on the sidewalk of towns you're driving in. Don't and definitely don't like post a video of that on Facebook that is hopefully not hopefully not still online.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Seriously, don't. Seriously, don't. Don't. Don't do that. If I had any advice, it would be don't go buck chucking because you'll look back. You're like, wow, I can't believe I threw burgers at humans. That's like pretty degrading. Although I was the only one who made contact that night.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I was like, man, I'm I'm an athlete. Regardless of that, you timed it well. You might regret doing that later. It sounds like you really have some regrets for that. No, these are just, I'm just coming up with this. I'm just thinking of things like, oh, oh yeah, yeah. Me too. What would every college freshman want to hear?
Starting point is 01:29:36 I would say don't, uh, wake up your fifth year senior, um, international French student, uh, who's having night terrors. Don't do it. Don't do it don't do it just let him let him ride it out he says we we he says i don't care just let it go just let him squirm yep um i'm trying to think uh you got any got any other advice spread uh don't ride your longboard uh throughout campus uh with the blaring boom box that's blaring mumford and sons thinking that everyone just loves mumford and sons because somebody will say hey we don't all love mumford and sons don't do that um don't go to the
Starting point is 01:30:20 the the basketball the college basketball game. It's on like December 15th that all week they've been saying is Christmas themed. Don't go to that dress to the nines as a Christmas elf thinking that other people will be dressed up. Oh, I thought, I thought you were going to say like, don't, don't do like come as a Turkey, you know, for Thanksgiving. Cause people won't think it's funny. No, you, somebody, whoever.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Just, I would say say just don't do that because i could see you i don't know ending up in a situation where now you're not necessarily enjoying the game so much as random women are coming over saying can you talk to my daughter she wants to tell you what she wants for christmas and then you're not even really getting to watch the game and you feel like an idiot which at that that point, it's fine. I would you might be a junior in college at that point. So your your shame is left at that point. But you just you don't get to watch the game as much. It's an upperclassman advice right there.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I will try to find a picture of that and put it on Patreon this week, though. I don't know why I just never remembered that. I remember when you were an elf. You went to Kappa at K-State, like since I'd known you. Dude, I've met so many, not so many. I mean, five different women since then, like in late adult, late 20s adulthood. I've been like, I've met you before. And I'm like, where?
Starting point is 01:31:34 And they're like, Kappa Christmas. And I go, no, not then. Not the things I used to do for free. Yeah. You were just like, sure, I'll do it. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I've told two different people this week. I wouldn't DJ their free. Seriously, yeah. For free. You were just like, sure, I'll do it. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I've told two different people this week I wouldn't DJ their wedding.
Starting point is 01:31:48 It feels good. I'm turning people down now. Things have turned around for me. That's awesome. I'm also shocked. I don't know. I don't know. I'm shocked how many people
Starting point is 01:31:56 are still asking me to DJ their wedding. I'll just say that. Yeah. I feel like I've outgrown. I feel like I've outgrown that a little bit. I don't know. A lot of people keep asking. And also, just DJing a wedding.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Like I'm honored that they want me and they think I might be talented at it, but it's a Spotify playlist. Yeah, it's easy enough these days. It just could get your friend who didn't quite make the usher or the list to just be up there and have a blast. You. Yeah. You just fill in the blank.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Like who, you know, that's DJ to waiting for Jake Triplett has. Eventually they're going to know somebody else's DJ to'd a wedding and then they're gonna be able to tell those people but right now you are the one like i can't think of very many people i know that have dj weddings thank you brad so that's you and so eventually it's not it's not anything you're doing or not doing okay let you know thank you it's just it's just off the top of the dome so maybe put out a clause in there that's like i'll dj your wedding but i get three minutes i get three minutes of just being the microphone everyone has to listen cha-cha slide part one it's gonna be awesome okay that's good advice you got any more anyway no i think i mean i'm sure
Starting point is 01:32:53 there's there's plenty more um but we'll cap it there you got one yeah i got one more don't let's see how i can phrase this to make it sound inconspicuous. Don't assume that the pool is quote unquote chlorinated, probably chlorinated enough to hide whatever you did in your shorts that made you want to jump in. Okay. Probably chlorinated enough. Yeah. Okay. That's a good tip.
Starting point is 01:33:18 That's it. That's all I got. Okay, cool. Let's get on to reviews of the week, which is fun. Apple podcast is back working again yeah our our episodes are back up and we got several reviews this week so it feels good uh do you want the good one brad um sure yeah you want me to say mine first though are you still pulling yeah okay uh my review of the week is from gerbs underscore 413. Says funniest and most refreshing pod.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Jake and Brad are my favorite. They are so funny and authentic. I love how open and real they are to everyone and their great camaraderie. Great job spelling camaraderie, right? It's a tough word. They are clean and just overall great guys. Thanks so much for all the effort you guys put into this podcast. Keep it up.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Heck yeah. Hey, thank you jerbs i haven't seen that one yet that's not on apple that's a charitable one okay uh mine's from steak's not that good anyway oh that's that's that's on you you know they're they're rooting for you there i think that's for me um how to be sure he's the one this is awesome yeah my boyfriend and i were sitting on a swing by the water in Georgetown looking for places nearby to grab a snack while reading a menu on Google for a local cafe. He looked at me in the eyes subcontext and said, I don't know if they have food, babe. It might be dot, dot, dot just drinks. Oh baby. Right then and there. I knew he was the one he went and looked at ring.
Starting point is 01:34:40 We went and looked at rings an hour later, hot dog. My baby of the week is such a cool guy who honors the ghosty in me and even sometimes listens on his own so we can talk about it together. Love language. Fast forward a month. Turns out he's my fiance. Hey, get on your feet or down on one knee in his case. Seriously, though, this podcast is so fun, lighthearted and classy. Classy.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I just finished dental school and things were pretty rough the last few months, but Ghost Runners helped keep my spirits up and gave me something to look forward to. Keep up the good work,
Starting point is 01:35:13 Jake and Brad. Jake, we'll see you in Richmond. Oh, I didn't even see that part the first time I ran through it. That's exciting.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Yeah. Richmond. It's one of the first shows in October. That's going to be fun. I think in Virginia they pronounce it Richmond. Richmond?
Starting point is 01:35:25 Mm-hmm. It's Nuffick and Richmond. October. That's going to be fun. I think in Virginia, they pronounce it Richman. Richman. Mm-hmm. It's Nafik and Richman. Richman. Mm-hmm. All right. Well, keep the reviews coming. It's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Fun that they're back. Fun that they're back. It is really fun. Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle? Let's do it, baby. Okay. Come on. Ready?
Starting point is 01:35:39 Ready? Uh-huh. You ready? Let's go, ghosties. Hot dog. Whew! Pick a ball tonight, I'm feeling all right. Gonna go and luff them up.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Basketball game, 90 people came. Banana girl at the hype. Hey! Come on, Nashville! Ellis custom creations, Jake hates graduations. Every Monday with Jake and Brad. Go ahead, get on your feet, best neighbor is in ring. We all wanna hang with Jake's dad
Starting point is 01:36:27 The best thing about being a ghostie Is the prerogative to find a Jake wife Oh oh oh Chick-fil-A, Mr. James New merch, cargo shorts Oh oh oh I'm down, boys really hate Ohio, whoa-oh-oh Allergic to beef, blank of the week
Starting point is 01:36:53 Protein balls, that's the cheese, whoa-oh-oh And we're one time for Big Daddy Man, I feel like a ghostie Wee! Hey! Poultry of the week Kenny Redmeat Time for some
Starting point is 01:37:18 Armistice Join Patreon The laughs go on and on They got us through the pandemic The best thing about being a ghostie Is the prerogative to find Jake and why Olympiad Let's make it happen
Starting point is 01:37:42 Bring your best Santa back Whoa-oh-oh Ghost runners, fan, slap Different Whoa-oh-oh That's freaking true Trey who D-9's is the man
Starting point is 01:37:57 D-9 is the man Whoa-oh-oh Don't let Brad, baby, see Your chickens Man, I feel like a ghosty This is how they play it in Nashville, y'all. Hope y'all like this. Y'all are free to go, but I prefer you do-si-do.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Okay. The best thing about being a ghostie is the prerogative to find Jake a wife Jasmine oh oh oh Chick-fil-A Mr. J's
Starting point is 01:38:39 new match got a shot oh oh oh I really hate Ohio. Uh-oh! Allergic to B. Blank of the week. Frozen balls, that's the cheese. Uh-oh!
Starting point is 01:38:56 Hit it one time. Oh, Big Daddy. Man. Oh, I'm the Big Daddy. Man. I feel like a ghostie. Hey! Woo! Big Daddy! Man. Oh, I'm the Big Daddy. Man. I feel like a ghostie. Woo!
Starting point is 01:39:12 Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Everybody clap your hands. Nope, I'm going to turn the music up. All right. Who wrote that one? Oh, that was from Brittany Evans. Oh, Bevins. Yep, that's what we call her. Bevins. Brittany, well
Starting point is 01:39:33 done. Yeah. I liked it. The best part, I forgot I said double headphones on. What'd she claim there? The best part of being a ghostie is trying to find Jake a wife? The prerogative to find Jake a wife. That is, I'm honored. Thank you. I thought about like
Starting point is 01:39:47 trying to figure out how to reword it to the prerogative to find Jake a permanent co-ghostie. Ooh. Or co-hostie. Co-hostie.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Co-hostie. But I forgot until we started that I was going to do that and I didn't know the right words and so I went for it. Still looking.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Still looking. Permanent co-hosty uh cool get there baby well done six months for sure six months or less i'm calling it you'll be married uh good so uh like we already mentioned a bunch of new stuff is on our website even if you you know you can't afford it you don't want to buy it you've already bought other stuff just go look at it you know it's kind of fun to yeah to see what's up there is a bunch of fresh designs and uh yeah consider supporting us on patreon as well it's fun we seem to you know it's kind of hard to know sometimes if people are enjoying or not but you can kind of tell like well no one's really canceling so i guess
Starting point is 01:40:37 they sure yeah like a bunch of people joined when my dad had like an episode on but then like i don't know like 98 of those people stuck around so i'm like all right good i think we're doing a good thing here people want to stick around it's kind of fun so to be in the inner circle so it's awesome we're gonna keep posting videos and pictures and extra stuff and uh yeah thank you guys for all that you do uh listening buying supporting uh new youtube channel featuring brad and i coming week Ghost Hunters Coffee Club hopefully coming next week yeah and I think our basketball league
Starting point is 01:41:08 starts up this week so we'll have some new stories for you guys yeah yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:41:14 alright love you guys it's 1am do you know where your kids are? if you're our parents you do goodbye

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