Ghostrunners - 124 - Hokey Pokey Slam Poetry

Episode Date: September 20, 2021

This week, Jake and Brad get recognized at Top Golf but they're not really sure by whom or how come. Could've been Nicki Patty...? Come see Brad this Saturday at McLain's Market (5833 Nieman Rd,, KS 66203) Watch Jake finally tell the infamous March Madness story: Ghostrunners merch:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jake, as you know, I'm a park walker these days. I'm a walker in the park. And one of the things I love about walking in the specific park that I do is there's some huge, huge trees. And I love trees. And just like so many different things in nature, it takes a long time for that tree to become huge. It's not just like overnight. You can't manufacture something like that. You can't build a tree. So it's just beautiful. At least, have you ever built a tree, you know? And so it's just beautiful. At least have you ever built a tree? I have not. No, I don't think you can. Um, but I, I was wondering the other day, like do inanimate objects ever have a little bit of self-consciousness because trees literally never get smaller. They never get small. Like, like, do you think that like, as they grow, you know, older, they're like old age, you know, I'm just, I just can't fit into those same, same clothes that I used to, you know, or, you know, like asking the other tree, like, do these roots make me like, does it make my trunk? Yeah. Is there, is there a junk in my trunk down here or what's up with it? Like, or like the walnut tree is like, you know, that, that maple tree is just growing a lot slower than me. And we have, we, we drink the same water, same sunlight, same sunlight. We have the same
Starting point is 00:01:02 exact environment. I don't get it. I don't. How does it, yeah. Why is it only work for me and not him? You know, they're just, and then you like, I'm going to, I'm going to trim myself down a little bit. And then all of a sudden they grow even faster when you do that. So I just don't, I think that what some, you know, maybe they're, maybe they're upset. What thoughts are out there? I imagine like I bought like some steak knives a few years ago. And you know, when I got bit by that tick, they got bit too. Those knives are not being cut into steak. They're just sitting there. Those things are paperweights at this point.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Collecting dust. I do enjoy, love putting paper underneath them. You know that about me. Whoa, whoa, whoa. That paper's flying away. Go get the steak knife. Isaac, Isaac, you know what we do with our paper. Put it under the knives.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. Any inanimate object. I'm sure they have several thoughts. Like I'm even imagining like the, like a light switch being like i don't see what katherine's complaining about brad turns me on just fine i think you're just fine uh-oh oh i do i think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white me too midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat so come along let's have some fun and go ahead get on your feet because it's a ghost we are back this is a podcast episode oh yeah 124 that you guys are listening to right now quick what's 124 divided by three?
Starting point is 00:02:26 What? I don't know. Who knows? I don't know. I just love how you're a math savant. It's not divisible by three. What's 124 divided by four? Oh. Is that a thing? 25 plus six. 35 plus six. 31. 31. Oh, we figured it out. Yeah. It's funny how we both like calculated it the same way too. We're so smart. Gosh, we're good. Yeah. Just imagine if we were in school, man, man, how smart we would be. Were you so ready to be done with school by the time you were? Yeah. I was never like a big student. Like I was never a, what do you mean by that? I mean, like I was always skinny and then I blew ballooned up whenever I got out. No, I mean, uh, wreck basketball kept me in shape. There was always somebody to play five on five with full court. No, I, I was, I, I cared about my grades a decent amount.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Like I wanted to be good. And because I knew I could be pretty, pretty, I could get pretty good grades. You knew you could be a big student. I could be a big student if I wanted to be, I could fill that desk. I could fill, fill my parents' expectations. But I was always like right on the line. Like I never got like a 98 in a class. I was always like 90.1.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Like, like I knew exactly how to get just an A minus every time. I think I would have expected you to like a 98 in a class. I was always like 90.1. Like really? Like I knew exactly how to get just an a minus every time. I think I would have expected you to be a better student than that. Really? Yeah. No, I just, I knew how to get by like, and I wasn't like super good at paying attention in class. I tried to because my, my mindset was like, if you pay better attention in class, you don't have to learn it as much during homework. And so I tried to be like that way, but it was, it was, I was dating girls in high school and texting them during class. You know how it goes, dude. Hey, what's up? What do we mean after this? Do you have any good stories? I mean, I think you've always been a pretty good kid. Do you ever like,
Starting point is 00:03:58 is there anything in your like high school, like period of life when it comes to like women, where you like cringe? Like, I can't believe that i said that that i did that i have one that's in high elementary school it's not perfect uh yeah thanks for asking hey do you have any embarrassing stories i don't even know if i want to share whatever just don't judge me too much guys you guys know so much about my life you know everything i i am those i promise i'm so genuine on this podcast so don't judge this one thing i did wrong what's about to happen here nothing but i just felt so bad at the time when i did it i there was this girl in class her name was well yeah i'll say it she's not listening she's not her name is nikki patty not a great name yeah first and foremost nikki patty um and she went
Starting point is 00:04:42 by big worm uh she was i competed against her for right guard on the, on the team. Lovely girl, lovely girl, not the most sought after girl in the grade. Hey, that's okay. For whatever reason, my friends thought it'd be funny if I tried to convince her that I wanted to be her boyfriend. And for whatever reason, as I, I'm, I was not this kind of guy. I wasn't a jerk of a guy, but maybe I went through a phase for a day or something where I did. And I just remember her, like, I think we're probably like past notes or something. And then I remember her coming up to me and be like, Brad, are you serious? Do you really want, like, it was like, like some like 40 year old conversation. Like, do you really want to do this? And I remember being like, yes, I do. And the whole time I'm
Starting point is 00:05:21 like, I'm the worst person in the world. Oh gosh. So that's about as cringy as it gets. Just like, yeah, just like leading a girl on for no reason at all. Just for fun. Other than because I know my friends in the back, like watching this or thinking it's so funny at recess. It was good. So good times. Yeah. Shout out Nikki Patty. Scott right now is laughing because Scott, Scott, like it's always amazes Scott that I remember everybody's name from high school. And so he's like, I can't believe you remember Nicky Patty. Tyler Gatewood last week, last week. He's like, dude, I would never remember Tyler Gatewood.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I mean, I think it shows what kind of guy you are, that you remember that. Like, that's the worst way you've ever treated a woman. I felt really, really, really bad about it. Nicky Patty. Yes, it was. Man, Nicky Patty is a sick name. I love saying it out loud. Nicky Patty. Nicky Patty.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It sounds like a truth commercial would be like a truth commercial oh my god like anti like are you sick and tired of smoking your nikki patties like i think they have started to like i saw a commercial recently listen kids i know you think you're cool with your vapes and your e6 and your nikki patties your vicky vapors just like having weird words for like you don't need to like try to make this E6 and your Nicky Patties. Your Vicky Vapers. Just like having weird words for like, you don't need to like try to make this cool. Like everyone knows what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Just say Jewel. Your Jewelry Jewelies. Your Jewel Pads. Your Pods. Your Nicky Patties. Pitty Patties. Nicky Patties. Nicky Patties. Jewel Pods and your Nicky Pods.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I saw a truth commercial like during like Monday Night Football last week. And it, I think, I saw it one time and it went pretty fast, but I think it was calling a vape a depression stick. But it never like said vape. It never said nicotine. It was just like depression sticks can really take it out of you. Right. I mean, this is like this commercial gets your attention. It's like, whoa, I like rebranding them as depression sticks. No one's going to be like, hey, pass me the dipstick.
Starting point is 00:07:05 You know, like that's something you get done in your car now. Like that's correct. That stick is, is, is all, all the rage. So truth commercials,
Starting point is 00:07:12 they're getting pretty in your face. I only saw those like Saturday mornings for some reason. Like that was the only time I ever saw those commercials. Like people are kind of going through it. They're regretting what they did last night. And now it's just like rub your nose in it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Or maybe it was like, it was like, I don't know. I didn't watch very many kids centered things like most of the things i watched as a kid were like reruns of fresh prince of bel-air that were like probably aimed well i guess those were aimed at kids but like aimed a little bit higher up age kids i guess i don't know basically i'm saying i'm very mature as a kid yeah and so i just i just didn't need it there you go sorry nikki if you're listening um you got a cool name hopefully you're unmarried do you have any answers to that question i can remember like some things that like
Starting point is 00:07:49 my friends did or like that cousin steve-o did i'm like oh yikes yeah dude guys like yeah dude if you're in middle school or high school right now i i'm sorry like or just in general people sometimes stink and it gets better yeah they don't mean to most of the time or they don, especially guys, like we were so unaware of how like emotional women are. We have no idea. I think I knew that's the thing in fourth grade. I think I knew, you don't know. I had older sisters and I remember this is like when there's some like sage advice that my sister has given me over the years. My oldest sister, Dana, I remember her telling me one time, like Brad, whatever you say to a girl on the internet, make sure you can also say straight to her face. That's good advice.
Starting point is 00:08:29 It was great advice. And I was like 10 years old. So I was like, what would I say to this girl on the internet? That's anything different. And she was like waving around sage when she said that. What did you say? Sage wisdom. Yeah. Okay. It's, it's a, yeah. Brad, I have something to say. Actually, hold on. I need to light this. Okay. Okay. Now you're ready to hear it. Dude. That was a big thing in Spain. When I would say to Brad, I have something to say. Actually, hold on. I need to light this. Okay. Okay, now. Yeah. You're ready to hear it.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Dude, that was a big thing in Spain when I saw you abroad there was, what's that called? Like incense or something like that? That's what it's called. Like people were trying to sell it all over the streets. Like, and it smelled, I did not like the smell. Some people- It was like perfume galaxy. It smelled so good.
Starting point is 00:08:58 In the streets. It was so, I did not like it. It was like heavy. It was musty. Didn't like it. Okay. So- It was musty. Didn't like it. Okay. Not an incense guy. Not a big sage wisdom guy.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yeah, I don't think you'll ever catch me with incense in my house. You'd be surprised? I don't. It's all about who you marry, man. I guess so. Yeah. But real quick, yeah, I remember old cousin Steve-O back then. He got asked to go to prom by a woman.
Starting point is 00:09:21 He's a junior in high school, old enough to know. And a woman's asking him. Yeah. Like a 30-year's like a junior in high school old enough to know and a woman's asking yeah yeah 30 year old high school another girl in his class asked him maybe he was a senior at this point and he i just remember his answer to her which is like i mean if like nothing better comes up then like yeah i guess it's like you don't say that or what she's like on the hook until the night of prom right i'll let you know maybe we'll see if i get a better option yeah yeah you can't say that yeah i don't know what's coming out new releases at blockbuster that night so maybe i don't know i don't know when do you know when dr doodle comes out are they still making you like dress up because
Starting point is 00:10:02 i don't know yeah like do you mind paying for my tuck since you asked me like can i can i get the rental we're doing no boutonnieres right that's kind of the surely we're not gonna do that or yeah like because my mom's not gonna be there because she has not and she hasn't i don't know how to put it on corsage is tough right i just skip that yeah have they made a pin on corsage like a like a stick on corsage yet because if not they need to i know you're a big corsage. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:27 I'm glad you brought it up. Now I can talk about one of my side passions. Yeah. Yeah. If you guys want to follow, I've started a blog. Um, it's called,
Starting point is 00:10:35 um, corsage, corsage. Dot com. Okay. So you can check that out. Yeah. I was trying to think with you i was like i can't think of anything no that's just what it's called yeah yeah i don't understand well like who who cares about that who cares about the boutonniere who cares about the corsage like girls probably
Starting point is 00:10:55 this is like the it's like the wedding ceremony i mean it's become so ceremonial like can we just take a step back and be like what are we doing this for it's so dumb to me i don't remember ever getting the boutonniere is what the guys get i don't i don't remember ever getting that but i remember giving out the corsage oh yeah i went both ways or like i gave and received sure yeah i know i know i didn't go both ways yeah devon gave me one yeah didn't have any other better options so yeah nothing else came up so steve and and knowing Steve, that was probably like innocent that he was saying that, right? I think he just didn't
Starting point is 00:11:28 want to go with this girl. And it was just like rather than telling her no, like, yeah, maybe. Should we start normalizing being able to say no to things? I think that that needs to come back. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, I think people are starting to figure it out. You think so? Yeah. Oh, man, I feel like kids these days are just like, yeah, maybe I don't know. And like the whole time
Starting point is 00:11:44 in their head, they're like, no, I'm not going to this. Just say no. It's okay to say no. Just say no to the depression stick. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Say no to the D stick. Wow. The D stick. That's what we should, that's what they need to rebranded as. I think so. Okay. Uh, anyway, that was something. That was something. How was your week? Week's been fun. I feel like I've done a decent amount of pretty mediocre things but they were fun things um what did we do monday that we couldn't do jean shorts was it just oh just because right i don't know i think it was just derrick's schedule or something yeah yeah um but yeah we went to top golf on tuesday that
Starting point is 00:12:21 was fun yeah um we sold a bunch of merch on Monday. We sold a bunch of merch on Monday. That's what it was. I was like, something was like going on Monday in my life. There's a new merch drop. Yes, guys. Thank you, visitors and purchasers. We really appreciate all the merch that was sold. That's what it was.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It was a very fun day. Yeah. I thought, genuinely in my head, I was like, was it a holiday last Monday? You're like, I got dopamine on Monday. Somehow, somehow. Something happened. Yeah. And it wasn't Labor Day. I think that was the week before. So, um, yes, thank you for buying all
Starting point is 00:12:48 that merch guys. It's been awesome to see. Yeah. Just, just the people and the, the, the show up for it. So, um, yeah, we had merch and then we did some Jean shorts scene, uh, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday night though, we went to top golf and that was like a highlight of my life. Yeah. Uh, I had so much fun, like to the point where I'm like, I got to get a driver. You're kind of into golf now. I, yeah. When you do well. And I did well 20% of the time probably, but even the 20% that I did, I was like, that was really cool. That was so fun. Yeah. That's part of it. You realize how difficult golf is and that you become addicted to hitting like great shots. You're like, I want to feel that feeling again yeah we hit it straight we went with sammy and sammy like a few times
Starting point is 00:13:28 or maybe just once like jake was just knocking the tar out of the ball and sammy's like does that ever get old jake's like no i've done this for four months yeah i just started why would that get old of course not this is amazing does it get old if you play basketball and you make all your shots no i earned this i've been Right. But yeah, it was so fun. And so I'm like, I need to just go back to Topgolf all the time. And I'm like, well, that's pretty expensive. So maybe I should just get my own driver and go to the driving range. So that's also fun.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I texted Peter today. I said, hey, man, can you try to find me a driver? Because anybody doesn't know Peter. Our friend Peter is like the best thrift store person in the world. He's like, right. If a thrift store let actual raccoons come in, Peter's got to be the closest thing to that. I want to know what Peter's schedule is week to week,
Starting point is 00:14:10 because I think he's in thrift stores 20 times a week. He's just ravaging these stores. It's amazing. And he comes out with so much more than he went in with. And he just, he always has something. You need something. He was like, oh yeah, I found one at a thrift store last week. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Like you have a real job. Yeah. Right. I kinda, like a real estate agent. But yeah, there found one at a thrift store last week. Right. Like you have a real job. Yeah. Right? I kinda, like a real estate agent. But yeah, there was one time, like it was, it was when we were trying to find blue suits for Trey's video. And he's like, oh dude, there's like 20 or $2,000 suits like at this one thrift store. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Go to Red Racks on Warnall. Yeah. He's like, they're a hundred dollars. I was like, what? Yeah. Check them out. So anyway, I texted him. I was like, can you find me some left-handed clubs?
Starting point is 00:14:45 And he's like, I already bought you a driver. I was like, yes. Of course he did. He's like, I need to re-grip it for you. And then it's yours, baby. Yeah, he loves like manipulating clubs too. Like I found some clubs online. I was like, will these work?
Starting point is 00:14:54 He's like, they're probably a little too tall, but I can shave those down. I was like, I'll just buy different clubs. You don't need to like shave down. How do you shave down something like that? I don't even know. Yeah, his cheese grater, I think. think his niches or at least two of them are bikes and golf clubs that he like sells a lot of.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He like really knows that. So he'll like buy a bike for 10 bucks, clean it up and then sell for 11 for a lot. That's a dollar. That's a profit. 10%. You do that a hundred times a week. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Watch out. His wife loves it. but also at top golf we got to talk about i'm at like i'm at the the um the mat i'm hitting right and then i can kind of hear there's music playing but i can kind of hear brad if i go what's up yeah yeah i look around in this girl like i can't it seems like someone i should know like this like young blonde girl it's just like walking by like oh what's up and it seems like someone I should know, like this like young blonde girl, it's just like walking by like, Oh, what's up? And then just like keeps walking. And I was like, what's going on? Yeah. Like imagine like the moving walkway at an airport. Like, you know, like imagine standing on a moving walkway and just like, that's how fast she was walking. She was
Starting point is 00:15:58 walking pretty slow, but I don't think she ever stopped walking. She just comes up to me and says, are you Brad Ellis from Ellis custom creations? And here she is just moving around i was like yes i am she's like okay big fan i was like whoa thank you uh i didn't know what to say and she she keeps walking like here she is just keeps going and i'm like uh like what's your name she's like rachel i think was her name rachel i don't know i was like well that's jake tripler she's like oh cool see ya yeah she's still walking and i was, that was the most power move ever. Like to like be interested enough to come say hi to us, but also doesn't want to talk to us.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Not in any way, shape or form. I mean, she just kept going. And that the funniest part is at the end. Yeah. I felt shortchanged. I didn't even like, I don't even know who this girl is. Cause she knows she's a podcast listener. If she says Brad Ellis from Ellis Custard.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Like no one says that. But in the same that but no one's following me just on instagram i felt like i needed revenge because it seemed like she was less interested in hanging out once you said well that's jake triple she's like all right oh this yeah then the movie walkway she started walking on it like yeah and then she really started hustling away it's like no i'm gonna like follow up i need to figure this out like who is this girl how does she know us yeah what's going on is she single or what you know and anyway i was like let's go try and like track these people down right and we thought we knew the general direction where they were and i obviously don't really remember what they look like so what happens is brad and i just walking around top
Starting point is 00:17:17 golf just does anyone aimlessly anyone know us hey do these faces look familiar do you guys think we're famous? Anybody here? Anybody here recognize this guy? Hey, just real quick. On your feet. Does that make sense to anybody here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Who should really go Catholic? You should really go Catholic. No? Okay. Different group. Different group. Okay. Okay. Fence?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Anybody? The fence. Hopping over a fence. The deck. If I say deck, what do you think of? Huh? Nothing? Tony and michelle like a new list don de s michelle don de s rachel not you okay not you okay sorry yeah so she definitely left after she said that which was even more of a power move she didn't stay top call for more than 15 minutes yeah it was just don de s michelle or rachel rachel if you're out there
Starting point is 00:18:04 if you're that big of a fan you let us know you got to be listening yeah i don't know what that was so strange that was a third time in a row that you've gone to top golf and gotten recognized and top golf is not an easy place to like really be seen i don't look at anybody else at top golf most of the time you're in your bay your back is turned to any of the foot traffic right and yeah you're just kind of isolated right yeah three times in a row just. Yeah. That's the place to be. That's why I like golf. I just keep getting recognized.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah. The course. Yeah. So many. There's so much foot traffic at the golf course. It's great. Yeah. Me and Harrison played.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Dude, Sunday. Let's talk about just last Sunday. NFL week one. Yes. I had just a great day. Harrison. I had a tee time for 703 a.m. that morning.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Got to play 18 holes of golf. It was great. It's just us two. So what happens pretty often at golf is you get paired up with other people. They try to have four people per like, you know, whatever. Yeah, tee time. Slot. We get paired up with Greg, which I maybe you'll let something you get used to the more you play golf.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But like, I just want Greg so badly to know like hey just fyi pretty new at this but i'm not saying that but it's just like this on like greg looks like he's not totally happy that like these two guys are now playing with him he probably wants to like he looks pretty good like he looks pretty experienced he looked right it's like swing was a little goofy but he could hit the ball straight so that's all that matters i bet when you're going there at 703 you're not going to socialize very often yeah i don't think so yeah he's probably 703, you're not going to socialize very often. Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah, he's probably hoping
Starting point is 00:19:27 that no one else is going to go with him. Yeah, so I don't think he loved that we were there with him, but he was great. Took off his quarter zip arm sleeve was not expecting this of 48 year old white guy Greg with tattoos. Sorry, sleeve of tattoos.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I thought you meant like a muscle shirt. He's like a Carmelo Anthony. Yeah, no. Oh, wow. OK, great. A little bit of an edge to him. Apparently so good for him. And anyway, it like a muscle shirt. He's wearing like a Carmelo Anthony. Yeah, no. Oh, wow. OK. Great. A little bit of an edge to him. Apparently so. Good for him.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And anyway, it's a good time. Greg only played nine holes. Then he dipped and then it got a little better with this. Yeah. He's like, I got to get home. Yeah. So it's a great day. Golf shot 18 with Harrison and then watch red zone football with you.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Let's talk about that real quick. It was awesome. Yeah. Like, I think you had you came probably like the second quarter of the games maybe yeah i was being a good roommate harrison for some reason is a steelers fan so i stayed like at my house to watch the steelers game with harrison so it would be by himself yeah that steelers game there's like 40 yards of total offense the first half i was like i gotta get out of here right yeah you got you got there and you're
Starting point is 00:20:21 like yeah it's been a pretty slow day like for the nfl huh and i was like in my head i was like i don't think it is you know like okay just the game i was watching yeah and then you were like oh my gosh like look at that and you're like oh look at that i had no idea like whoa yeah you were just like amazed and the best part was at the end of the game uh so the chiefs played at 325 and so most of the games got over around 315 but there were a few games that were like going into overtime there's so many great games that came out of the wire i had plans i was gonna watch the game at peter's house just like 20 minutes away yeah and so all of a sudden you're like what am i like you were so enthralled and so entranced in the lions were coming back it was awesome oh my gosh what am i doing what i'm gonna be late for the chiefs game like it was it was it
Starting point is 00:21:02 was like you slept in it was like you it was was like you like press snooze too many times. What am I? I always do this. What am I doing? Like you were like hustling around. Like I, like when you did that, I went up to go to the bathroom and like, while I was in the bathroom, you're like, bye Brad, I gotta go. I have to go right now.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I've got to go right now. Yeah. Oh, it was so funny. Like, like just, you got, you got, uh, you know, sucked into the red zone. Oh, it was so good. But the Chiefs won the coin toss. So I didn't miss their first offensive drive. They were on defense. Yeah. While I was listening on. Oh, it was so good. But the Chiefs won the coin toss, so I didn't miss their first offensive drive. They were on defense while I was listening on the radio.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It was fine. The Chiefs won, obviously. Of course. They were down two possessions in the fourth quarter. It doesn't matter. Of course. We're the best. We're the best.
Starting point is 00:21:36 We're so good. I think we just beat the second best team in the AFC. So we got it. We're going to the Super Bowl. Oh, yeah. If we don't, it's a disappointment. I'll shut down the podcast. Okay so root for the chiefs if mahomes is healthy and we don't make it to the pot or to the super bowl no more ghost runners because that's crazy okay we don't
Starting point is 00:21:55 deserve we don't deserve to podcast so i would definitely root for the chiefs root for the chiefs you guys wow uh one thing i want to talk about real quick so listen to pardon my take they never talked about this i feel like they catch everything they see everything that happens on every day of football in the like first quarter of the bills steelers game there is a guy returning a punt for the bills waves for a fair catch catches it and then kind of like doubles over and looks like upset and so even the announcers and myself are like i think he feels bad he knows he shouldn't have caught that he had plenty of space he should have just caught it and ran he feels bad and then a few minutes later they cut to him and they're like oh so and so down on the sideline with a shoulder
Starting point is 00:22:32 injury and we're like wait is that the guy that's the punt returner he like dislocated his shoulder calling for a fair catch oh like with the motion of doing it just he didn't get touched on the play he just caught a ball and waved his arm beforehand and like his shoulder was like out of soccer or like tore his labor or something brian or something this is the the most unathletic thing i've seen by someone like so athletic i can't believe more people aren't talking about this right just feeling bad for this guy like this guy he runs a 4 4 40 and it's just like probably dunk a basketball the best condition shape of his life he waved to a ball he went up too fast with it yeah yeah his shoulder pads were too tight or too loose or whatever and just got his muscle yeah i mean it's like that's
Starting point is 00:23:10 like the classic like i don't know these guys in the nfl you know they're so they still play they got a torn knee and they still might play yeah not this guy do you think that maybe like like like if let's say let's say he could still catch the ball and like he's still comfortable catching the ball he's just not comfortable raising his hand. He just can't wave anymore. How else would like, they suggest like, Hey, okay. In this case, how about this is how you do a fair catch. Like, I think you have to do like hands on your hips and then kind of that quick Russian
Starting point is 00:23:36 dance where you go like down. Oh yeah. Yeah. The Russian, yeah. Russian dancer. Yeah. Russian dancer, like down and up where your knees go out real quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Everyone knows what it is. Fun fact. Uh uh there was a kid in in elementary school his name is gage scott you remember gage gage uh got he used to have a crush on nikki patty for a while scott had a crush on jessica b beal uh no jessica brooks okay scott had a crush on jessica brooks gage had a crush jessica brooks gage could do the Russian dance. Guess who Jessica Brooks picked? Seriously. I'm dead serious.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Gage. Yeah, pick Gage every time. Scott's still bitter about it. Yeah, she picked Gage because you could do the dance. Because we did the Nutcracker back in the day. Oh, I mean, that just, I mean. Anyway. Scott finally found him a woman who wasn't so into the Russian dance.
Starting point is 00:24:23 That's right. Finally. Finally. Takes a while. Good for you, Scotty. so into the Russian dance. That's right. Finally. Finally. Takes a while. Good for you, Scotty. OK, so Russian dance is good one that I think a quick like unstrap your chin strap and strap it back on. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But double double. Yeah. You don't have to raise your arms too much. I think just taking off your helmet and then catching it in your helmet. That means don't tackle me. Yeah. Come on, guys. You can't do this to me maybe it's more visual like you you have to pull up your jersey so it's like a crop top like if i can see your 80s style if your stomach is showing that means don't don't touch me there right show the six pack and you're good yeah
Starting point is 00:24:56 yeah okay that would be fun okay all those are good yeah those are great or just use the other hand oh you're saying it's good? Yeah. So sorry to that guy. It's a bummer for that guy. Real quick, let's just keep the football talk going. Just real quick. The Guillotine League, we've had week one. Somewhat as predicted. Montitude Broips didn't get it done.
Starting point is 00:25:14 But it was closer than we thought, right? Yeah. Like it was closer. You texted me like, it's coming down to the last game. There were, I mean, the Ravens game, you know, was crazy in the fourth quarter. Then it went to overtime. So it's like, okay, if Justin Tucker tucker you know but it didn't work out for broypes and he's gone and uh it was kind of funny you know we only get a hundred dollars
Starting point is 00:25:32 all season to use in free agency this is like the only way you can like pick up new players all season long is a hundred dollars and explain that a little bit more like what that means just like everyone has an opportunity to bid on these available players and you know so it's going to be very competitive but also because yeah caleb was named caleb nathan cooley nathan cooley cooley lost and so all his players then like went back into this pool that we could pick from yeah yeah and so it's like man like i don't know how to like this is the first week of doing this i don't't want to spend too much money. Like, you know, I got to make this last all season long. Right. Well, waiver wire comes through
Starting point is 00:26:07 and we see that one, one person, their name is Bomb Tech Drivers. Great team name. Great name. In week one, they spent 98 of their $100. Well, that's his bold strategy.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I guess. Stack him up now. Stack up the teams. Yeah, and then you don't, you don't need anyone. Yeah, I like it. he got some good players yeah but i mean i'd like to think there might be some more available the rest of the season it's it's a yeah it's the most interesting fun strategic thing because yeah like it's it's a long season just stay alive but you don't know if you're gonna stay alive any longer and so it's like dang should i have gone gone more right there
Starting point is 00:26:43 yeah it is fun but yeah poor bomb tech drivers is pretty much out of money like they will not be able to get a legitimate player the rest of the season uh shout out hand up hand up i will admit defeat or admit i was wrong i gave lisa gluck a lot of uh flack during the draft for some of her draft picks she had one of the best i think she had like the third best week out of anybody so shout out lisa gluck i i told you like none of us know what we're doing so anytime we were giving you crap like we didn't really know uh so shout out to you for yeah being awesome you you dominated this week i don't know if it's gonna keep happening but i gave her quite a bit of crap on the uh draft night of some of the picks she did and then all of
Starting point is 00:27:19 a sudden she was one of the best teams so she knows she beat me she gets it big twins girl big twins girl yeah big twins girl so yeah sunday was the best just a great day of golf and football and just fall is here i'm wearing a hoodie right now yeah it feels good i can't imagine how good people are going to feel in the hoodies oh real soft real soft um i am not going to be watching the game with you this sunday it is a bummer but it's going to be one of the more interesting Sundays I've ever had. Uh, I think I mentioned it last week on the podcast. Um, necessarily think so. Okay. You're going to get some good podcast material out of this. I hope so, dude. Yeah. So, uh, cool guy, Sammy is our friend who is literally our friend because he
Starting point is 00:27:59 listened to the podcast, fell in love with the podcast basically, and then reached out to me whenever he moved to Kansas city and just like was a great guy and was like, Hey, let's hang out sometime. I was like, yeah, let's do it. So not only did we hang out, we played on the rec league basketball team together. Um, he's just a big supporter of us. We're big fans of him play top golf with them probably three or four times now. Um, and so he's from the Northeast. It's kind of confusing how he has all these connections, but I think he's from Philadelphia, huge Boston fan, but then he's worked for a lot of different sports teams. And so he's lived in different places.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And so he also, not only does he have Philadelphia Eagles season tickets, he has Baltimore Ravens season tickets. Uh, and so he said, he's like, yeah, sometime, if you ever want to go with me, like I have season tickets, I'd love to take you to an Eagles game. And I was like, sure, let's do it. I'm not going to say no to that. And he's like, I also have Ravens. Like that'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:28:52 They play the Chiefs this year. And so we are flying to Philadelphia, going to the Eagles Niners game at noon. And then when that game gets over at three, three 30, we were getting in our cars, driving an hour and a half from Philadelphia to Baltimore where the chiefs play at, you know, whatever that is, seven 30 or eight at night against the Ravens.
Starting point is 00:29:12 What a day going. I've never, I've never been to any two sporting events ever in my life. It's kind of unheard of in the, in the Midwest or the way you can't do that anywhere else. You have to be in the Northeast to do something like that. And I think I've probably, I bet I've only been to five NFL games in my life. Like I haven't been to a ton. You got to get two like that. And I think I've probably, I bet I've only been to five NFL games in my life.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Like I haven't been to a ton. You got to get two in one Sunday. It was only my second time ever seeing Patrick Mahomes live. Like the only other time was with you. And it was, we talked about the podcast. It was not the most fun experience. Mike Katz. Mike Katz really.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You're going to wear a chief's jersey in Baltimore? I think so. I think so. I don't know. What jersey? Well, I don't know if I'm going to wear a jersey, I guess. I have a hoodie that I was going to wear because it's a little more subtle. But Sammy said he has a homes jersey for me if i want
Starting point is 00:29:47 it it's white so it's a little more subtle as well i don't know we'll see why would you ever buy a white version of a jersey yeah sammy uh that's a good question i don't i don't know i don't i don't i don't love the chiefs colors yeah they could be better but i don't like the way they look in white either. Except for away games, they play in white, right? So I'd be matching him. We've won 11 straight road games. He hasn't lost in September in his life.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah, that's great. That's amazing. No interceptions, no losses. Oh man. Yeah, I'm definitely going to, well, I think I'm going to be wearing Chiefs stuff, but I'm also like a little bit nervous about how I'm going to react to the game. I think I've only also I've only been to like an away game where my team is playing a few
Starting point is 00:30:30 times in my life. And it's kind of weird. Well, the nice thing is Baltimore is one of those cities where, you know, everyone's going to be super friendly. Yeah, they're not welcoming. City of brotherly love. Yeah. Just like city of brothers.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah, really. They just say everyone's a brother to them. They're Baltimore is great. And I think their reputation speaks for itself yeah yeah yeah and it's like it's cleaning itself up really well lately too baltimore's on the up and up i think it's one of the fastest already like beloved by everybody and it's just like getting better and better and better and their sports teams are so good i mean very good look at the orioles i mean brady anderson was just a household name you know like, like what was it? Andrew? No, something. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Uh, baseball player, uh, Cal Ripken jr. There's a good one. Yeah. Um, yeah. So those are probably the two biggest ever. That was a Rod Woodson, Tony Sir, a goose. I mean, you name it. Tony Sir, a goose, Trent Dilfer. Okay. Yes, please. Flacco. Yep. Eric Mason. Okay. Your turn. trent dilfer okay my yes please flaco yep eric mason okay your turn uh okay so yeah anyway it's gonna be it it's gonna be interesting time and like we're gonna drive back to philadelphia that night and sam is like you can fall asleep in the car and i was like i'm not fall asleep in the car that's like i might fall asleep in the car yeah i probably won't fall asleep in the car physically if i can't take it i'll fall asleep but i'm not gonna purposely try to sleep in the car i gotta be a good a a good friend.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Good co-pilot. So it should be an interesting time. He like, he's like, we have to take the subway into the Eagles game. He's like, because I really want you to see a Philadelphia subway, which is also going to be a place where everyone's like super nice, I think. And it's like super friendly. The great thing about all of the Northeast, they're just known for Northeast hospitality is what you hear.
Starting point is 00:32:02 That's what they say. Right. Yeah. And just like just being super nice to, you know, people from the Midwest. Yeah. Philadelphia sports fans. As far as like sports fans who have like notorious, notoriously thrown double A batteries at right fielders, they got to be one of the best fan bases.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I would say, yeah. Out of all the people that throw things at Santa Claus on Christmas Day. Yes. I would say they're in the top 10. Yeah. Maybe top five. Maybe. Honestly, Philly's definitely a place to be when you're like visiting for a sports team and i've always always always judged the person at the game who is not wearing
Starting point is 00:32:31 one of the two teams that's playing like one of their one of their apparel yeah like i go to a royals game royals mariners and there's a guy in like an angel's shirt i'm like why are you wearing a mike trout jersey to a royals game that's going to be me dude you're gonna be that guy yeah unless i'd like bring an extra change of clothes or something like, or just a side tape on your back. It's like, I'm going to the chiefs game later lay off. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:50 There's a good reason for this. Yeah. I just, I don't know. It'll be interesting to see how it all goes, but I'm very, very excited. It's going to be an interesting time.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And I also Philadelphia, I'm excited to go to, like, I've never done any of like the Liberty bell or what's the place? Oh, the Liberty. You gotta see the Liberty. You gotta see the limb. It'm excited to go to. I've never done any of the Liberty Bell or what's the place? Oh, the Liberty. You got to see the Liberty Bell. You got to see the Liberty Bell. It's like Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:33:10 It's like, I mean, just. Sammy was talking like, yeah, there's always a long line. We can see it if you want to. I was like, yeah, I want to see it. I got to see the bell. If I'm there. The L bell? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I want to ring the L bell. Yeah. Yeah. And what's Independence Hall? Liberty Hall? Independence Hall. Is that what it is? Where they sign the Declaration of Independence? Declaration. Declaration. Declaration. Declaration. Yeah. I got's what's the Independence Hall Liberty Hall Independence Hall is that what it is where they sign
Starting point is 00:33:26 the Declaration of Independence Declaration. Yeah. I got to do some Herbie Hancock. Yeah. Nicholas Cage impressions there.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Secret lies with Charlotte. Yeah. Here. Yeah. OK. What else do I say there? Maybe I'll just talk like Nicholas Cage
Starting point is 00:33:40 the whole time in Philadelphia. Yeah, that's great. Let's go Eagles. Benjamin Franklin. They haven't been this good since Donovan McNabb was here. You get kind of upset, like the Nicolas Cage, to kind of freak out during the game.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah. What is he? Oh, man, that video of him freaking out, like for like four minutes straight. Oh, yeah, that compilation. Oh, my gosh. Bees! Bees!
Starting point is 00:34:00 The bees! The bees! The bees! The Chiefs! The Chiefs!s yeah so anyway i'm excited for the philadelphia eagles and the baltimore ravens games so it'll be fun time fun baseball is finally back get in on major league action and swing for the fences with bed mgm the king of sports books log in or sign up to play along as BetMGM brings the real-time action. Embrace a season's worth of swings with BetMGM,
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Starting point is 00:36:25 and viral dance videos for one day. Let's lock in and start that assignment. If you need a little help, lean on Chegg's expert-supported learning tools. I say this with love. Put on some lo-fi beats and get going with our step-by-step study support. Your weekend will thank you. Small steps today means big wins tomorrow. With Chegg. Subscribe today. You got this. I have something to share with you, Brad. This is something I've had ready to go for a few weeks, but then I feel like these things keep happening to me.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Some more leading stories, if you will. Like, let's get to the Econolodge stuff first. Which, by the way, everyone keeps hitting me up, which I'm glad that you're trying to find it. My review either got deleted or taken down. I don't know why. They don't tell me. But either way, it's not there there so i don't know what to do but it's gone and i keep getting blown up dms is like i thought you said you were gonna leave a review why didn't leave a review i love everyone who just does not give me the benefit
Starting point is 00:37:15 of the doubt whatsoever i think i screwed up or just assume you're really bad at technology yeah yeah like like this guy doesn't do anything on this computer ever so he probably doesn't know how to post a review i bet bet he went to the wrong one. Maybe he was doing Yelp and he called it Google, you know, because he's 58 years old. Yeah. So everyone asking, I'm glad you're trying to find it. I even put the link in the description to make it as easy as possible. Like it's gone.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So, but anyway, let's, let's go ahead and roast you real quick. I said it the other day. I was like, I didn't see your one star review on there, but I went on there and saw about 15 others real quick. I was like, I am not trusting you to ever reserve a hotel for me. Yeah, that's fair. I booked it so quick. I was just like, oh, wow. Yeah, this is cheap.
Starting point is 00:37:54 This is nearby my house. Yeah. I just need a hotel room. Who cares? Yeah, I didn't. How bad could it be? Yeah, I don't know why. I need to start looking at reviews for things.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I'm not very good at that. There was one review that a lot of you sent us that literally said, guy walked into my room. Yeah. Manager walked into my room. He's a repeat offender. And there are so many people that complained about the manager. So almost all the reviews, like the manager is extremely rude.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah. I was like, I feel a little validated. This wasn't like a unique experience. This guy just sucks. Yes. And he's maybe a creep. And I also read a review that was like, they're under new management, like within the last couple of years.
Starting point is 00:38:22 So it didn't always used to be that bad, Jake. You think? Back in its heyday, it was great. It used to it didn't always used to be that bad jake you think back in its heyday it was used to be awesome it used to be the lodge the lodge was the place to be yeah so anyway so i've had this thing this is a local news story out of prairie village kansas oh yeah right village yeah where we met we did meet in prairie village kansas and i usually give the news a hard time because it's nothing but just like negativity I think that's a common complaint of the news it's just negative after negative no one wants to watch it um but every now and then you get a feel-good story you get a nice feel-good story let's hear
Starting point is 00:38:53 it and um this is it yeah although her dancing days are done Phyllis Brinkerhoff of Prairie Village Kansas says she's not too old yeah first Phyllis brinkerhoff you will i promise you you will see the name phyllis brinkerhoff in an upcoming gene shorts video that is too good of a name to just phyllis just forget about yeah phyllis brinkerhoff phyllis brinkerhoff yeah i mean that i want to ask phyllis brinkerhoff what was it like you know when they erected the great wall of china was everyone freaking out you were still alive back there was brinkerhoff it sounded like she yeah fought like in the blitzkrieg or something like brinkerhoff brinkerhoff anyway bring her off a piece of that in fact sorry go back i didn't hear that that's not important neighborhood is obsessed with one dance song in particular. Do you have any guesses? Harlem Shake, The Wop,
Starting point is 00:39:47 or maybe Inter Sandman. Okay. Big dance songs. I think you're kind of joking, but that was somewhat where I was thinking this is a new story because some old bag can't get enough of Chris Brown or something. That's kind of a fun story or whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's just a fun, joyous song. You put your right arm in front of a po story or whatever. It's just a fun, joyous song. You put your right arm in the pokey pokey. The hokey pokey. Let me tell you, it's like after hokey, people were still on their... Wait, wait, wait. What is that song you put your left arm in? There's so many of them. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. Which hokey is it? The hokey puppy? The hokey... Hokey patty? Hokey Nicky patty? The hokey puppy? The hokey... Hokey Patty? Hokey Nicky Patty? The hokey pokey. It's like...
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh, my gosh. I'm glad he said it. I'm glad I have subtitles on. Yeah. Let's hear him say that again. That's pretty funny, actually. The hokey pokey. You know how when you love a song,
Starting point is 00:40:41 you want your friends to love it, too? Well, that's why Mrs. B gave her neighbor, Melanie Mendry's, a Hokey Pokey CD. We started talking about this. This is real? This is real news. This is on the news. This is in Prairie Village, Kansas. A Hokey Pokey CD.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like, yeah, whatever. We could dive into it more afterwards. Constantly. I couldn't see her name pop up on my phone, and I just thought, oh, it's the hokey pokey. Hi, this is Phyllis. Mrs. B left dozens of messages. I really do need to talk to you. Urgently pleading her case. CD I gave you. Are you hooked on it yet? So this woman is just passing out hokey pokey CDs to all of her neighbors and then leaving them dozens and dozens of voicemails saying, I need to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah, they call back and she's like, have you listened to the CD yet? Do you know about the Hokey Pokey? What do you think? I got to know. I mean, hey, after left arm, you probably thought it was over, right? And then all of a sudden the feet get into it. We turn yourself about. In the feet get into it we turn yourself about yep in the feet in the feet huh i've learned that if you focus on a spot on the wall you can turn yourself about and just not get dizzy at all it's kind of a ballet tactic okay
Starting point is 00:41:52 glad i know this in the 40s right the 1840s when i was a teenager back yeah back when brinkerhoffs were young back when brinkerhoffs was the household it was like smith back then right everyone's brinkerhoff oh my my gosh. And I just would always say, not quite yet. Melanie's poor woman. Doesn't know how to say no. She doesn't know how to say no. No, I do not want to listen to that. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Poor Melanie. Just like, please stop calling. I don't even know how you got this number. I guess phone books are still a thing. I guess so. Won't stop calling me. Oh man. Like this news story is trying to make this woman seem like, oh, Phyllis Brinkerhoff.
Starting point is 00:42:24 She loves the Hokie. This woman's a menace to her neighbors. It could easily have like turned a corner. I mean, like, yeah, she she is like they have filed for a restraining order against Phyllis. The oldest woman that's ever had a restraining order filed against her. This shatters the record by 16 years. Yeah. They learned later on that Phyllis was calling day and night, oftentimes at three in the
Starting point is 00:42:44 morning when when quote, she would get up to change her depends. And I just, I was just calling to see how you were doing on it. Have you listened to it yet? Do you still have a CD player? Like who has CD player? Like what am I supposed to do with this?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Catherine is the most like Catherine, such an old soul. So we have a CD player at our house that she literally like purchased for hattie to like listen to cds but like no one's listening to cds anymore no that that girl on on the other line her neighbor sounded young yeah she looks like she's like a younger mom yeah she's like she's she's she's spotify only definitely also why doesn't the girl just say yeah everyone knows the hunky pokey like like you don't have to listen to it like it's not like a remix yeah if anything it's like the original it's a little scratchier than like
Starting point is 00:43:30 the the remastered spotify version right it's like ella fitzgerald or something on the track dj fitzgerald have you listened to it yet this poor neighbor's like no not yet just say yes yeah it's awesome right or listen to it or pop it in. Or have her come over and have a party with it. A pokey party. A pokey party. With my patty. A pokey, pokey party. A hokey, pokey, a party.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Let's get back to you in the booth. Nine children were slaughtered last night in the street. That's what the news is now. Just straight from feel-good story to how many how many like droplets of blood were found yikes that's there's back-to-back stories i don't even remember what happens and the rest of the story that's kind of as far as i got or i love it this is ridiculous this is the feel-good story it's only just badgering your neighbors that's also like prairie village incarnate like it's like yeah of course like that's the story out of prairie
Starting point is 00:44:20 village because there's nothing newsworthy that happens in prairie village it's like the most like boring place i mean it's a great area to live in because nothing ever happens there this is where i got pulled over last week to talk about on the podcast guys like where you headed what are you up to tonight so what's going on what's so like jogger like those things like they they cuff around the ankles that's cool now like for guys to wear those to have a little bit of yeah like spandex right in the ankle like they don't think that you're a fairy for wearing one of those things no no no like
Starting point is 00:44:46 no no fairy village fairy village yeah exactly yeah so like I can't emphasize enough how casual his cop was last week I didn't even fully get into it but he walks up
Starting point is 00:44:55 and be like sorry I walked into a spider web and a stopper like that's how he started that's a beta move like you already you already have the upper hand at that point
Starting point is 00:45:02 he looks like he's doing yeah like loose wrist you know karate ah sorry I got a spider web all over me do this invisible juggling here no problem That's a beta move. Like you already have the upper hand at that point. He looks like he's doing, yeah, like loose wrist, you know, karate. Oh, sorry. I got spider web all over me. Just invisible juggling here. No problem. Yeah, hold on.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Oh, yeah. Got a spider web on me. Okay, here we go. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Phyllis Brinkerhoff. Phyllis Brinkerhoff.
Starting point is 00:45:19 You remember the name. It's going to be a household name by the end of this thing. Gene Schwartz. We talked about doing a potential news story one so maybe yeah we might have to wait maybe phyllis brinkroff would be like a woman we're here with a local resident phyllis brinkroff uh here's yeah sorry go ahead no i just i feel like the news like they said they go out of their way to like interview the most degenerate people they can find for a story right they're just like who's someone who like
Starting point is 00:45:43 didn't quite make it out of high school let's get their take on the storm coming in we're here with nicky patty uh no i tell you the story strong coming i haven't seen a layer like this normally just coming from northeast and this one is way different i'll tell you i'll tell you i haven't seen i haven't seen a thing like that since like 45 45 46 i don't know like it's just like can we not like yeah standards for the news them daggum them daggum clouds coming out of the skies i don't know. Like, it's just like, can we not like, you have standards for the news? Them daggum, them daggum clouds coming out of the skies. I don't know about them.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I tell you, yeah. I was looking at an almanac, to be honest with you. I don't even know. I don't even, I don't even watch the weather. What station is going to be on?
Starting point is 00:46:15 I go to Borders about twice a year by my farmer's almanac, by my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. That's about it. No, here's what really I think happens is the news reporters come up to a crowd and they say can we interview for a story and people like i'm not really comfortable with that
Starting point is 00:46:29 i'm not really and then out of nowhere hey i'll be interviewed for that story rodney's down huh yeah come on we're here with rodney danger hoff nice danger hoff um anyway uh what was i gonna say dang it i had something oh funny funny premise that is obviously something that they've already done they do it on snl but i mean we think of it with the local news stuff is there's a skit where uh they're doing a news story like pretend like they're on the local news at there was a fire at the local um center for changing your name basically like interesting like local like and so it was like so they interviewed all these different people that had like ridiculous names that's funny yeah that's a good idea so i can't
Starting point is 00:47:08 just let's look it up they're usually a little bit inappropriate one of them was uh donald mcronald i thought that was pretty good oh yeah i gotta get this change yeah so i i still think we could do something like that with jean shorts like change it up obviously a little bit but some kind of in that same realm of humor is really funny to me. Like, like, you know, what's coming, but you don't know exactly what the joke's going to be. Yeah. Like you're like the DMV and you're talking to only people who want to get their, like
Starting point is 00:47:32 a license plate change or something like that. Or they want to like get a vanity plate. Right. Oh, what are you changing yours to? Right. Right. Something like that. Or they, yeah, they want to change out of their vanity plate because they're now embarrassed
Starting point is 00:47:41 about what they got. Yeah. Kind of like the back tat of, of cars yeah yeah okay write that down the fantasy league that i'm in with gunner and isaac and some people are consequences if you lose you have to get a uh vanity plate that says hot guy that's right yeah i like that one that's a good one i'm already one right now are you i picked for you i'm sorry saquon's not doing too hot saquon's not sorry i don't know about that he's probably the most i thought i got my team I thought I stole him for you too. I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:06 man. So trust him. Season's young. Um, big news from us. Jake, you already know it. We bought a van this week,
Starting point is 00:48:13 baby. The elite is watch out. Yeah, baby. Wait, I didn't, I didn't work them down as much as I wanted to, but it was one of those things at the end of the day where we're like,
Starting point is 00:48:21 are we really going to, like, we're going to look back at this and maybe not find a van for another couple months and think like, do we really care about $500? Yeah. Yeah. Like obviously we have principles, but it's like, I don't think this is such a slippery slope of like everything. So, so he won, so he won to an extent. Here's, here's like the little bit of vengeance that I got on him was, and this was more, it wasn't as strategic as it was just coincidental. I pulled into the parking lot with three miles left till empty on my truck. And I have a 36 gallon tank. And so that's like a hundred dollars right there that I saved
Starting point is 00:48:54 because I bought my van with full tank of gas. So I was like, how about that? How about that Don? So how about that? Yeah. But we're really excited about it. It's a pretty sweet van, man. What's your favorite feature so far? It basically has like a autopilot on it. Like it has like it has adaptive cruise control, which is fun, which is kind of like. Keeps you like a distance away from the cars in front of you.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Right. And then it also has lane keep assist. And so, I mean, it still makes you like hold on to the steering wheel. But like, yeah, as long as they can detect the lanes, it'll, it'll move for you and everything. So that's going to make road trips. So nice. Way better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Um, so that's fun. It's got the microphone that I talked about. It's got the camera, like it has a camera in the back. I think I already told you all this. Yeah. So anyways, it's sweet. Um, and yeah, Hattie and Catherine and Bo don't know why I went in that order, but they just went down to Texas this, this morning and Catherine like loaded up the van and it looked like there was nothing in it because the trunk is so big y'all so big. So anyway, um, that was exciting. Nothing too
Starting point is 00:49:55 drastic or crazy about it. It just, just got a van and it's exciting for it. It was funny, like watching, like I drove at home yesterday cause Catherine wasn't comfortable yet, like driving it in the rush hour. So I was like, great, I'll drive it. I'll do it. And when you're in a car, you never feel like you're in X kind of car, right? What do you mean? Meaning like, well, maybe I shouldn't say never.
Starting point is 00:50:15 But once I got used to my truck, I didn't think like, oh, I'm driving a cool truck around. I bet people think I look cool driving this. Same with the van. Yesterday, I wasn't thinking to myself like, oh, I bet people think I look like a lame dad for driving this van. No, you just feel cool. You just feel like you're driving a car that you really like to drive. And so whenever Catherine got in there today, I looked at her. I was like, you look like a mom. No, no, like not, not like movie,
Starting point is 00:50:39 like more like a, Oh, like you look not, you don't, not, you look old, but we look like older old yeah yeah not old but like just older like the other a couple episodes ago i was like yeah it just feels like we're not uh i don't know when i'm gonna feel old i'll tell you one thing if you watch your wife drive around in a minivan she looks different like it's like yeah you you don't look as cool as you did when you're driving your four-runner around yeah but it's so cool on the inside so it just makes up for it so i'm happy for you thanks man honda odyssey elite you've joined the elite really that's what they say that's what i say so very cool yeah hattie loves it so sweet yeah uh i'm excited to announce everyone the march madness story
Starting point is 00:51:21 that we've talked about for a while that Brad has really been, you know, harping that this story needs to get out there, needs to be told. It is now available. I haven't posted it yet to the patrons as of recording this, so I don't know their reaction. It's going to be amazing,
Starting point is 00:51:35 but it is now available. By the time you're listening to this, it is on Patreon now. If you're a $10 patron or higher, that's when you get like the bonus videos and the behind the scenes, all access videos. So the,
Starting point is 00:51:48 the girl, so basically let me explain this. I'm going to tell the story publicly. I don't think it's fair to just like hype up the story. And then the only way you can ever listen to it is by paying us money. But if you want it bad enough right now, it is available.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I want it bad enough. And I think I'll tell a story on the podcast, probably like a month or so. Okay. But if you want it right now it's on patreon and the difference in the patreon version is i'm not telling it alone i'm telling it with the girl that it occurred with she's a part of it and there's also another special treat towards the end of the video uh that is definitely only on the patreon version so there's some special nuggets to it special treats interesting and we filmed like a couple other bonus videos as well so there's some good stuff on there i've never really done anything like this as far as like letting people in on like this part of my
Starting point is 00:52:31 life right so it feels kind of weird but like she has already sent it like i've already edited the video i gave her the unlisted link like hey are you okay with me this is the version i'm gonna put on patreon you're okay with it and she's like already sent it to like her friends and their friends just cannot get it. She's like sent me screenshots and there's like, ha ha ha. This is the funniest thing I've seen all week and needed this and whatever. So early reports are in. People
Starting point is 00:52:54 love it. People love it. People like it. I think it's a really fun story. It's one of my favorite stories. I've told I've told a lot of people. It's amazing and I think we need to make like a hundred dollar Patreon tier to just show show the last thing if you've listened to the story you know what we're talking about that's all i'm gonna say it's all i'm gonna say if comment below if you are in on the hundred dollar tier um it
Starting point is 00:53:18 maybe it's a one-time thing anyway uh yeah because there's there's still a little bit more to be desired absolutely but that it's a lot to ask of me and her oh hundred to put that out there 100 so um so so here's the let me just share the background of the march madness story real quick i'm not obviously going to give anything away but there was one time i went live on youtube on the ghost runners account oh yeah while i was working in my wood shop with probably like 50 people on the live, like not a ton of people. And I don't know if someone said something about March Madness or if I just like randomly said it or maybe somebody. No, no. Here's what it was. I remember now somebody asked, hey, can you tell us something about Jake that we don't know? And I said, I can't tell you what this is, but if like on the next YouTube video, just comment
Starting point is 00:54:06 March madness. And it worked. And so, yeah, I was like, how do they know this? A few people commented March madness. And Jake texted me like Monday afternoon, like, dude, how in the world do these people know about this? I was so nervous. And now I'm just telling everybody. Yeah, exactly. Oh man. But it's awesome that it's like grown into this like thing that people so that's like some people are like what in the world are they talking about marshmallow so that's that's the origin of kind of how it got into the public yeah realm it's this thing that happened to me several months back that i was like no this will never like this is so embarrassing this is whatever just no one needs to know this is not a podcast story and now it is fun fact i heard that story
Starting point is 00:54:44 for the first time in the back of the u-haul right before we took the picture for u-haul vibes on the shirt yeah it had happened right before that phoenix trip yeah so fun times i i can't wait to see the video i haven't seen it yet so really yeah i need to yeah i'll send it to you you're gonna like it i think everyone's gonna like it's fun yeah it's gonna be great so uh i have a fun announcement not as fun as that but a fun announcement if you want to come meet me and or potentially jake i don't know what you're doing what's going on uh saturday afternoon so this upcoming saturday if you're listening to this saturday the 24th um 25th i don't know anyway 25th 25th 25 uh, McLean's by our house is having this thing
Starting point is 00:55:25 called a block party. And they're basically like inviting all these different local vendors, local, uh, makers and stuff. I invited myself and they said, yeah, that sounds great. And so I'm going to set up like a little tent and sell some cutting boards and stuff at McLean's. And I'm going to be there from 10 AM to 2 PM McLean's market in Shawnee, Kansas. Anybody this morning? I love that place. It's amazing. And it's like, you basically, I'm inviting anybody that wants to come to McLean's Mondays on a Saturday. We're going to do it McLean's Saturday. So you can meet me. Maybe Jake will stop by support me at some point. I don't know what you're doing Saturday. I'll be in Las Vegas. Dang. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:56:04 We'll both be making money it's a different way it'll be at the blackjack table that's right that's right so anyway 10 to 2 mclean's market shawnee kansas come on by buy yourself a cutting board or just get a get a free business card yeah a handshake and a business card uh would love to meet you but i'm excited like i didn't i literally asked him like the day before they were finalizing everything. So it was like kind of a crapshoot of a thing. Um, but they're like, yeah, this sounds great. And they sent me a map of like where my booth would be. Oh, already got it mapped. And I was, for some reason I was number one on the list. Prime position, literally right by the front door. And like, they're all in the parking lot. It's like all
Starting point is 00:56:39 like strewn about the parking lot. I'm like right by the front door. Have you got to see the other businesses? Uh, I haven't like looked into it. They have like, I imagine the reason you're number one is because it's nothing but like kids lemonade stands. You're the only even like somewhat legitimate, like LLC there. Tommy's.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah. Or it's like, everyone's there for charity. It's like, it's like you're competing next to like, you know, make a wish. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Like, I don't really feel as comfortable selling. Locks of love still around. Okay. Good for them. Okay. Relay for life. Even this time of year.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Okay. Yeah. Oh, it's on. Okay. Bring it bring it i mean you should have got spot one sorry uh anyway so it's gonna be fun if you want to if you're in kansas city or just want to come you know come hang see brad runners fans are loyal they rachel if you if you're not a top golf you want to stop by that's right see brad again for four seconds yeah we'll be at mclean's capital probably be there so on odyssey elite will probably be there yeah you'll recognize it yeah you'll see it from the oh it's so swaggy it's so swaggy so um anyway i'm excited have i even told you why i'm going to las vegas this weekend i don't know what you're talking about i don't even know if i told you though this will be fun for you to guess and maybe the ghost hunters to guess you are the third blue man
Starting point is 00:57:41 in the blue man group they yeah one of them got eaten by a tiger um because he was subbing in for sigfried one night it just there's a lot of rollover in vegas for a while yeah and you know he got bit by a tiger and so now they need a new blue man okay and so you know i grew up doing percuss you are a big percuss yeah yeah crusher yeah we i was in a group called percuss with permish and it was about consensual drumming yep and now i just get more of that in las vegas this the whole weekend it's gonna be awesome that's never mind i told you you don't need to guess anymore that was it we did a party uh camp and we had guys like set up like the blue man group and then we had these huge barrel drums and we put paint like glow-in-the-dark paint and they just banged on them and it looked
Starting point is 00:58:18 so cool i don't know why we didn't just go out and do that we did something kind of like that we got like blue morph suits and then put baby powder on like drum sets. I'll tell you exactly why you didn't go all out is because it's very annoying to get the paint off of your whole body. It's pretty terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe it worked out then.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Baby powder looks really cool in black light though. It does look cool. So that was kind of cool. So does tonic water. It glows. Okay. Don't say we didn't teach you guys anything. Not sparkling water.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Tonic water. There's a difference. Gin and tonic. Hot dog with that gin and tonic water. It glows. Okay. Don't say we didn't teach you guys anything. Not sparkling water. Tonic water. There's a difference. Gin and tonic. Hot dog with that gin and tonic. Oh, you get a black light under the tonic water. Oh, hot dog. Goodbye. With the blue men banging on the drum.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Oh, if Canna Cups had never seen it. Oh, hot dog. Oh, that's the video we're shooting this week. We're going to do the Punx versus one and then Starbucks versus Duncan. Yeah, that's right. We're shooting this week we're gonna do the pun experts one and then starbucks versus duncan yeah that's right we gotta write that yeah we gotta figure out how to write that one well the only joke i'm excited about is for you to say like now we got charlie d'amelio selling coffee for us back in the golden days we didn't need a tiktok to sell a coffee for us basically the idea is that we're both going to personify the different businesses and so i'm
Starting point is 00:59:22 going to be like this northeastern guy and be duncan so i'm gonna i'm gonna take some notes when i'm there wait i just realized trey was ordering t-shirts for us but he's gonna be gone so we're probably not even gonna build it we had to go to his house i guess maybe i bet they'll come i bet they'll come this week he's already gone he's gone so don't figure out where trey lives and go rob his house but if you're going to you know drop off a hokey pokey cd it's a sign of good favor what if that's like the hokey pokey killer no he's got an mo yeah uh okay las vegas oh yeah sorry last it's not uh percussion it's juggling josh it's juggling for gosh it uh it is within the realm of youtube okay there's something new
Starting point is 01:00:03 happening with me within the realm of youtube make Okay. There's something new happening with me within the realm of YouTube. Make your guesses below. Oh, fun. You're not going to say it. I don't think so. I just, I want to make sure this is actually happening and this gets up off the ground before I really like promote it. But yeah, like a new venture within YouTube is happening and it's going to take me to
Starting point is 01:00:19 Las Vegas this weekend. What are your guesses? Do you even know? Have I even told you this? No. Are you going by yourself or is it with Trey? No, Trey is, no,'m trey staying here power move trey is staying here and brad doesn't even know so there's your clues but that's a coincidence i don't know why i haven't
Starting point is 01:00:33 told you i think i just haven't really told anyone because it's like yeah we'll see this is fun though i remember whenever you did next trick shot superstar that's hard to say uh you had like ndas with that too like you're like i can't really tell you what i'm doing yeah that was my first nda so i was like super careful yeah i could have told everyone you could have told me like yeah but that was just like that was by far the coolest thing i've ever been a part of i'm like i don't want to screw this up i'm not gonna tell anyone yeah but uh yeah i have not signed any ndas with this this is just me protecting myself like i talked about in the march madness video when i was like there's two secrets for you guys when you come to the basketball game and everyone's like what are the secrets i'm like
Starting point is 01:01:06 why do i ever do that why do i do this to myself why do i set myself up to just be asked so that's why i'm like i've just learned over the years don't yeah under promise over deliver sure uh it'll be fun for you guys to guess what new youtube thing i'm doing will you have any free time while you're there like to gamble oh yeah yeah i think the day i get in that thursday you have to go to casino royale dude well what happens there happens there? James Bond. It's just the, it's just the nastiest casino, but also the best. Is that the one where we could like play a chicken and tic-tac-toe? No. Oh, I don't know about that. My dad and uncle John said they found that one time in Las Vegas. It was like, Oh, O'Shea's or something. Downtown Las Vegas. Waxy O'Shea's. No, that's not it.
Starting point is 01:01:42 That's the one in Branson yeah wait there's some like irish sounding thing whatever dang it i can't remember uh no this is on the strip and so that's why it's so crazy that it's like such a dump but it's like it's like one of the only places you can play five dollar blackjack they have one dollar foot long hot dogs jake oh there's no pork in that it'll be fine it's one dollar that's a soybean and you can play blackjack switch and it's so fun dude it's so fun casino royale it's like it's like the dingiest like by far like all the other ones are like super nice super high end this one is like how is this still in business that's perfect it's so fun casino royale so i don't know if you're with friends or if you're by yourself or whatever but um anyway
Starting point is 01:02:18 okay i'll guess real quick it's with youtube and it's um all it's like a most eligible bachelor thing and you're going there to take uh pictures like vanity shots they call it stripping on the strip and you start fully clothed and then depending on how good you do yep and how many ndas you're willing to sign you will slowly take off the clothing yeah exactly it's very fun but they say they're gonna airbrush it and i should be fine i trust trust them. So how long? Yeah. How long are you going to be there? Flying out Thursday afternoon and we'll fly back early Sunday morning and time to be back. I lane in Kansas City 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Good boy. Perfect time. 45 minute drive. Good boy. Back to Shawnee, Kansas. Don't check your bags. Yeah, you'll be fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:59 So maybe I shouldn't take my golf clubs. That could be a hold up on the way back. Absolutely. I got Christina Royale. Yeah, because the golf I'd be spending money and Christina Royale, I'll be making money. There's no way you lose. It's Blackjack.
Starting point is 01:03:09 It's like one of those classic casino games. It's like, how could I ever lose? This is the dumb of the casino. I don't understand why they let you even play this. And then you go back the next day. You're like, oh, I see why people lose a lot of money in Las Vegas. I see why it's very nice here. So that's fun.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah. So not coming to McLean's Mondays on a Saturday. It doesn't look like I see why it's very nice here. So that's fun. Yeah. So not coming to McLean's Mondays on a Saturday. It doesn't look like I'll be there. From 10 to 2 to see me. You're going to go to Las Vegas. I'm going to be at Las Vegas, but come see Brad.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I'll put it in the description this week in the pocket, like the time and the address and everything for you guys. And if the address doesn't work, then it's Econologist's fault. All right. Just write a nice review for McLean's.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah, they're great uh i did something i've never done before this week brad i bought a printer it was just time yes no more public library for me yes i can afford a printer yes right bite the bullet okay but so i went to target i needed some other things i got deodorant toothpaste and a printer just the essentials baby just everything i needed that day did you get a cart for this or did you just go of course not straight just pull it all into the yeah it was great yeah just chested it um felt good but i'm i'm having to like it takes me a while with the printers because none of the tags match even like the printers i'm looking at i can't even find a tag that matches that thing so i'm like am i gonna have to ask for help to pick out a printer i just want the cheapest one i need
Starting point is 01:04:22 just print things in black ink i I don't even need, whatever. Yeah. And this guy comes up to me. I'm like, oh, perfect. And I'm like, hey, sorry. I feel like an idiot. I'm having to ask you a question about a printer. But like the ET200, I can't see like a price for that.
Starting point is 01:04:36 And he's like, let me ask you this. Who do you use for your cell phone provider? Boost Mobile. Goodbye. Don't ask Michelle. I'm going to talk printers. And I was like, what? He's like, who do you use? T-mobile at&t verizon i was like uh i sprint like slash t-mobile but like do you know
Starting point is 01:04:53 and then he like he cuts me off he's like now is that uh you're doing like a line by yourself how many lines you have do you know what i mean by lines you have two lines you have three lines like it it's and i don't even want to get into like i'm using my friend's aunt's family plan so i'm just like i have a podcast with my friend it's just it's just me what and he's just like i want to talk to you at&t has got a plan where you can and i just interrupt him because i'm 30 now and i go dude i'm trying to figure out like what printer to buy i was like kind of like snappy with it it was so annoying that bothered me so much maybe it's just me being old and being 30 yeah oh that drives me nuts you me nuts. You're ready to be done. Part of it's
Starting point is 01:05:29 AT&T's fault for employing a salesman within a Walmart or within a target to like, hey, go harass people on electronics. Try to get them to switch to AT&T. Like you weren't even in the phone section. No. Yeah. I'm trying to I'm next to the ink and printer. I ask him a question. He should have the social awareness to know like he's asking me a question, this idiot thinks I work at Target. You ask him first, like completely. Do you know how much this costs? No, I don't know that, but I do know how to save you 30 to $45 per month
Starting point is 01:05:54 on your wireless carrier. Oh, it drove me up the wall. Dude, I'm trying to like buy a printer, right? You know, he's like- That printer costs $150, $15 savings a month. That's 10 months that you can get this thing paid for, for free. Oh, it's just, I couldn't stand it. And I don't think he appreciated my snarkiness because he's like, all right, I'm just trying to save you some money and walks away. Knowing you, you might've
Starting point is 01:06:14 gone there kind of late at night. Is that true? No, this was, uh, yesterday at about 1 PM in the afternoon. Oh yeah. 1 PM in the afternoon. Yeah. So, so it was bustling, not bustling, but it was busy enough that you were not the only person that he could have approached at that point. Probably not. I guess that's the way of looking at it. But cause like, I was, I was imagining maybe you were there at eight 45, nine o'clock. Finally a customer. Yeah. Like I haven't seen anybody in electronics for the last two hours. Yeah. No, but there are people walking around plenty. Yeah. I, I just feel for anybody who has to do any kind of sale, like cold sales like that but especially like in a like home depot does that a lot where they have like windows or refrigerator
Starting point is 01:06:50 people or air conditioner people like and they'll like be like hey can i talk to you and i'm like i already have air conditioning in my house sorry like just walk by like it shouldn't even be allowed it shouldn't be allowed to approach you i think i think have a booth sure like i'm gonna have a booth uh mclean's on on Saturday from 10 to two. That's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Spot number one, right by the front door.
Starting point is 01:07:09 McLean's and Marcus Shawnee. Uh, come see me next to the special needs kids trying to raise money to go to Africa. Yeah. I mean, honestly though, like, nevermind. I'm not going to say anything about that. Uh, you know, Christmas gifts are coming up though. Get a gift. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Hey, yeah. Get a gift for your family. Wouldn't you want to do that? Yeah. Cut into that savings account. Yeah. Why? you why why don't you do this why walnut like name a prize i'll say oak hey um uh yeah anyway i i keep going um what were we saying though oh the the just this this bothers me more than it probably should but just a salesman approaching you in a store shouldn't be the
Starting point is 01:07:50 case not in america like that's harassment that's just that's that's the textbook hey that's harassment i'll tell you what hey get him out of here hey in independence hall they didn't sign the constitution for i didn't sign up for this there ain't no cracking that bell for nothing freedom ain't free yeah in my 20s wouldn't no cracking that bell for nothing. Freedom ain't free. Yeah. In my twenties, wouldn't have cared. This new, new Jake, new old Jake doesn't stand for it. Good for you, man.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Yeah. Okay. But you got the printer. Got the printer and it's nice and simple. It's great. I set it up, printed things right away. Works like a charm. It is nice to have though.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Like it's, I don't know why I didn't get this eight years ago yeah i i wish they made a printer that folded up when you're not a lot of desks like i wish they could make a printer that's like a laptop size and then maybe when you need it it'll fold out and then print out or something like yeah it takes up too much yeah yeah can we make an ipad with a little ink in it i think we can i think we can we'll talk to steve okay or uh tim oh i thought you meant my dad no okay i meant steve jobs my cousin okay jobs yeah uh so anyway i have a printer now if you guys need anything if you need anything for your booth i might let me know what kind of what kind of ink yeah you got both it's epson 212 no i memorized the ink cartridge because it's like almost boiling or it is boiling what's 212 it's epson 212 no i memorized the ink cartridge because it's like almost boiling or it is boiling what's 212 it's boiling that's good for you that's yep that's what i was thinking uh yeah it's like one of those small i don't even know if it's a joy but it's a can it's like uh
Starting point is 01:09:17 you're older now you have you have to be responsible for having your own printer i have to like i have i have a printer in my house. Yep. Um, and someday somebody is going to be like, Hey, do you have a printer? I need to print something off. You're like, yes, yeah, of course. Yes, I do. Young youth. Of course I do. I have that. And I have T-Mobile because I know you're going to ask that next. That's how this usually goes for me. Oh man. Okay. We sent out a prompt on our Patreon of like, Hey, what are some things we should talk about? Oh yeah. What do people say? Um, I don't remember. You just kind of threw that out there hoping somebody said something about doing stock up stock down oh that's right
Starting point is 01:09:49 yeah we should do it that was a segment we did once i think yeah just things that are upwardly trending and downwardly trending in our life uh what's what's stock is gaining for you brad stock is up on flowers this week okay um yeah flowers i had he has just been we have these i think they're marigolds in our garden and had he goes and cuts them every single morning and like brings them inside and it's the cutest thing to watch this little girl cut these flowers and bring them inside and like make little bouquets out of them so stock up on marigolds marigolds uh stock is going up with me with soft clothing okay i'm addicted i can't stop buying soft clothing online now that i found certain spots or whatever is this a new one
Starting point is 01:10:30 this is straight this is my first time wearing it you know it's always a little colder in the basement this is unbelievably soft i bought it straight from just bella canvas's website yeah just kind of took a chance okay and uh i'm gonna buy more of these really so soft yeah t-shirts long sleeves sweaters hoodies i'm so ready for fall because i can't stop buying soft clothing it's so cozy yeah so bella canvas cuts built viore i went viore for a sweater different places i can't stop dude and you're getting all the targeted ads down more and more more and more and more i keep finding new companies yeah let's try their sweater out i love it yeah so okay stock up on soft clothing i think in a
Starting point is 01:11:04 few weeks you need to do a review on patreon of the best soft clothing for people to buy for okay i will like actually yeah people act like fashion influencers are only women no break the ceiling jay hey yeah on patreon boom i'll break it that's what it is and i feel like women always complain that guys are to buy for let this be a little gift giving guide for you there you go actually could be nice like even sizes i'm gonna become a fashion blogger i think actually i think that'd be great medium is good you gotta do the thing where you're like moving around the whole time like i'm usually a size small so this is what it looks like from the back my favorite thing uh is whenever like girls get uh like unpackaged clothes and they put it on their bed and they like pick it
Starting point is 01:11:44 up and kind of like feel it and touch it and stuff when they're doing their Instagram stories. It's so funny to me how they always have to like show like, like they can't just, they can't just like show it. Like it gives you a little idea of how heavy it is. Right. Cause it's a t-shirt. Like, yeah, I don't know. It's like this like intangible thing that is just goofy to me. It doesn't like really bother me necessarily. It's just like, that's interesting that that's a pattern. Why are you doing that? Like just show it like anyway. Um, okay. like that's interesting that's a pattern why are you doing that like just show it like anyway um okay that's fun i'll become a fashion blogger boy stock up on that um i got stocked down we got stuck up on flowers but stocked down on that my kids wearing pants kids are just they're just going with their undies all over the yard oh yeah that's what you
Starting point is 01:12:20 built the fence for though yeah exactly so had he just comes out cuts all her flowers just without pants on and just comes back inside is that a problem no i don't think yeah i was gonna say that seems great it's just fine yeah no problem but a lot of times just straight up diaper no nothing else just diapers enough yeah and the way he walks right now he like he kind of flaunts him like he kind of does the you know like the so smug and arrogant like walk like that's how he kind of walks right now it's just so cute when he's just naked so stocked down on pants stocked down on pants soft shirts who cares about soft pants though yeah don't eat them stock is up for me on hitting fairways off the t-box yeah baby finally started to drive the ball straight and boy does it make your golf game easier it's so nice turns
Starting point is 01:13:02 out the fairway is like a really like fair, like way to play the game. It turns out like if you hit the ball straight, it's so nice. Yeah. It's so nice. So yeah, I've started to dial that in. Now I say that in tomorrow, I will just be awful, but right now it feels good. Dude, that's going to be, got to be the hardest thing about golf is the mental aspect of like, once you screw up once you're like, do I need to change something? Or was that just like a weird hit? Like, don't do that again. And you do it again. It's like, oh my gosh, I'm doing, I need to overcompensate completely. The worst part of golf among 10 other worst things is like, you know, I have so many good
Starting point is 01:13:32 friends who are good at golf. Peter, Harrison, Scott, Luke, everybody. And I'll be like, I keep like pulling my like wedge shots a lot. Like, do you know why that is? And it's like, every time it's like, it could be like a few different things. It's like, dang, it's kind of hoping it was like just tell me to fix this and like this could be like six different things yeah like six six six six that's awesome can you watch what i do though and tell me what can you like can you watch me in slow motion and just like
Starting point is 01:13:54 completely like be like a really exceptional coach yeah yeah so it's so frustrating but it's fun i got my dinner paid for it most times i've been going you know it's like a little two-man scramble versus other people and on a hot streak get my dinner paid for it. Most times I've been going, you know, it's like a little two man scramble versus other people and on a hot streak, get my dinner paid for it. So maybe keep it up. That's awesome. Tomorrow, me and my dad,
Starting point is 01:14:09 my dad's coming all the way up to Kansas City basically to play golf with me. That's me. My dad versus Isaac and Scott. Yeah, it's gonna be so fun. Does he play very often?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Like, are you guys going to be able to be competitive? Uh, Isaac and Scott. I mean, it'll probably be me and my dad versus Scott
Starting point is 01:14:22 just because he's so good. So we'll see. Scott's have an off day. I'm going to hope my dad can get his head a little bit. I need that. Scott's mental for sure. We all know Scott. He's very emotional on the golf course. But I mean, no, my dad's solid. He's starting to get back into it this summer. I kind of because I've been getting back into it, but he's played a lot of golf in his life. Just hasn't played much recently. So he's solid. That's the quality of a good dad is that he takes interest in what you're interested in. I like that. Once you've've hit 30 no just i think it's time i bet
Starting point is 01:14:49 no i bet he's always done that i bet he's always been good at that so good job stevie yeah uh okay uh stock up for spending time with my family i know it's just a silly thing but that's just like what i've been doing a lot this week upper trend yeah i i spent a lot of time with bo bo's been bo's been off and on with me lately uh i was trying to get some work done actually the other day janelle buniel like was trying to wait what's her name janelle buniel there it is wait so janelle buniel yeah yeah uh she was trying to buy merch and all of a sudden i like i was trying to update something with a spreadsheet where i like import the spreadsheet and I completely screwed everything up. And like all the new merch went away and all the old merch to push it down. And so like he was bothering me, man. And I was freaking out because I was like,
Starting point is 01:15:47 this is like the time where I can't let this thing, you know, go on. It was like, it was like one 30 when the merch came, merch came out at noon. This was like an hour and a half later. So people were on there and I was like, oh gosh, you know, trying to fix it real fast. So Bo's pushing on it. So time up with family, which is mostly good.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Uh, every once in a while, it's not so fun, but the cutest thing that Bo's doing lately is um the there's like a basically a mirror in the apple of my computer and he loves looking at it that's nice i think that's why he's really doing this because he's conceited and wants to see so egotistical yeah oh and let me tell you one other story real fast i was going to say this when we were buying the van but i forgot uh took hattie or i was taking hattie home from awana the other night and i said hatt, I think tomorrow we're going to get a new car. Like it's going to be great. We're going to have, it's going to be this new van. And she goes, dad, uh, I was thinking maybe I could take the money out of my piggy bank and help you pay for the van. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. I don't know why she said that. Or like, I was like, Oh yeah, I was like the same. I was like, Hattieattie that is so sweet where did you even learn that quality exactly to like help the family right like i don't even know if we've i think we try to every once in a while talk to her about money and how like things cost money and like like i think she kind of understands that but i don't think she's like consciously how do you say back to me stimulus check i want to know that you understand this inflation compound interest all-time high yeah roth ira okay yeah i want to know that you understand this. Inflation. Compound interest. All time high. Yeah. Roth IRA. Okay. Yeah. I want to hear you say it.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Say, say Roth. Now go teach Bo so that I know that you know it. Yeah. Go tell Bo. Yeah. You need to teach somebody. So out of nowhere. And I was just like, that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Did you take her up on it? I was going to. No, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen. Of course I took her up on it. I was going to for like a dollar. Times are tough. I was going to for like a dollar to like, like show her like that she is contributing
Starting point is 01:17:27 and like has ownership. Yeah, yeah. But Catherine was like, that is so sweet, but I think your dad and I can pay for it without you or something. And then Hattie's like, great. They don't even want my help. Oh, great. I can just, I can just drive in this car without paying anything for it.
Starting point is 01:17:39 So I was thinking like, yeah, teaching moment that way. Catherine's thinking like, oh no, we'll teach you that you don't need to do that for us. So, but anyway, it was just a sweet moment of like, wow, you're a very kind little girl. Very kind little girl. So up on that. So is it my turn? Stock down. I should have mentioned this when I went to Hawaii. I just thought of it though.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Stock down on knowing state outlines. We had a couple times in Hawaii where we had like an unbelievably long wait for our food. And next thing you know, we're like telling the story about how Isaac was so confident about knowing the state names. And then I was like, you guys try it. It's not as easy because everyone's making fun of Isaac.
Starting point is 01:18:12 And so I played the game for everyone and everyone did a pretty poor job across the board. It's harder than you think. And it's not, yeah, it is. It's harder than you think. They tried doing it to me, which at this point I'd already given everyone every state. So it's totally not fair. Okay. i did just fine you dominated i did just fine
Starting point is 01:18:29 but uh yeah how about well next time let's do provinces in canada how would you do that seems fair yeah that's that'd be awesome uh so yeah stock down on knowing state outlines okay people i went to hawaii with uh i have stock up for, uh, the band surfaces just, just in general, every single morning I've, I've had a routine now where I get up and I listened to the last four songs of they have like, I got, they just released like four songs in a deluxe album. Thomas Rhett. Yep. They have that one. And then they have sheesh and a few other ones. Oh yeah. Something else. But I listen to those when I take a shower and get ready for my day. And it's a great way to start your day. Okay. I'm a big fan of you guys listen to our podcast but i strongly recommend starting your
Starting point is 01:19:08 day with some good music some like happy energetic music that's nice because no matter what time i'm awake like i've been getting up early these days and i'm plenty energetic once i listen to sheesh uh stock up on sending voice voice memos to people not like our podcast but just like i just i can't get enough i love the voice memo feature it's so great i use it all the time just not just because it's like an important text or a serious text i mean that's a useful time to use it when you want somebody to hear your tone but just anytime grant heberberg and i have just been non-stop voice memoing lately that's so fun i voice memo to everyone like from the hawaii trip you know at different times and i just stock up on voicemail they're a great way to communicate it's fun and you can even like
Starting point is 01:19:52 like every once in a while send like a two second one to somebody like yeah like the enjoy joke i talked about a couple weeks ago i was like oh yeah yeah like stuff like that you just send really quick and or like like scott and i have this joke with like one time trump just goes okay and so i think i texted that like okay and he just thought that was really funny so yeah just anything like that it's just like another extra way of making a joke yeah so i was texting someone this week it was the person who i did the march madness video with and we were like reliving this story and then in the middle of like already having a funny text conversation just throwing in like a five second voiceover like i would have said it like this and it's like why don't i just actually say it right and it's like no no no you know
Starting point is 01:20:30 whatever yeah it just adds a little spice to any conversation it's really fun uh okay and then last one is uh stock down for john john stock down john stockton great point card one of the best ever to play for the jazz john stocktown that's a good stockdown thank you all right thanks that was stock up stock down uh do we want to let me just look at see if any of the other ones are on there um let's see a lot of people excited about the march madness story uh oh update on your merch for the tour you want to talk about that let me ask you brad uh jake's hiring me for it yeah i haven want to talk about that? Let me ask you, Brad. Jake's hiring me for it.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Yeah. I haven't done anything for it yet. Well, I just told you like two nights ago. Yeah. But you think you have time this weekend while traveling? Maybe. I saw that I'd been logged out of Adobe Premiere. So I was like, oh, maybe that means Brad's been working on it because he used. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Is that what that means? No, it wasn't for that. Okay. You would think that. You would think. No, it's not for that. But I might be able to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:26 So, yeah, I'm hiring Big Daddy daddy i just haven't really done much but yeah hopefully there'll be some t-shirts at the first series of shows in charlotte richmond ashville yada yada yada yada um favorite music you're listening to lately first car or favorite snack from childhood choose one either one either or three just i'll say an. You try to choose which question I answered. Honey buns. First car. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:48 2002 honey bun. Yeah. The old honey buns. Yeah. Cool windshield. I like nutty bars. Oh yeah. I love their,
Starting point is 01:21:55 they are a pop band. Yeah. I love their song. Nutty bars. Yeah. Bars. Had great bars. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:01 They were a little bit zany. A little nutty. So. Let's get into the voicemailers. Okay. A lot lot of fun ones a lot of good ones this week and here we go hello my name is amanda my really good friend raleigh woods recommended this podcast to me so i thought of my question when jake was talking about the homeless man who pulled out sprite and cheetos from the subway dumpster and when I was in college, I played basketball and my coach was really superstitious. And he made us go to Subway before every single
Starting point is 01:22:31 game. And I played every year in college and we played around 30 games a year. So I probably went to Subway well over a hundred times. I used to like it, but I just got really sick of it. It got to the point where when we were in Hawaii, we had a tournament and our coach got us up at 6am to walk two miles to the nearest subway. I didn't even know that they were open at that time. So I told myself I would not go back to the subway until I was 30 years old. I need an eight year fast. And I was wondering if you guys were in my situation, would you guys take that long of a break from Subway or would you just go right back? Thank you.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I don't even care about your question. I care about just like, what's wrong with this coach? Psychopath. You can't blame this on like, he's superstitious. He would always shackle us to the locker room when we had away games to make us fight for it. That's sports. That's how it works.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Coach would come in. He had the funniest little like superstition sometimes. had away games to make us coach make us fight for it that's sports that's how it works coach would come in he had the funniest little like superstition sometimes he would uh cover his face in his wife's blood to show us and that's just what he does you know blood sweat and tears that was kind of his thing yeah don't forget about the blood he was if you always think about the sweat and sometimes the tears you forget about the blood guys right right and And coincidentally, it would make us nervous and sweat. And then some of the girls would actually cry. So we would get it all out before the game. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It was great. He was so superstitious like that. Yeah. Earth, wind, and fire. So he literally built a bonfire one time in our locker room. It was just like, yeah, this is it. Our coach was so superstitious. He would give us haircuts before the game.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And then he would use the hair and throw it on the scorer's table in the middle of the game because like one time he did that and we won and he would just do it every every day you would do that today yeah he said whose hair is it today step up he was awesome what college did you go like what how is this a guy who's like employed by a university this is like crazy behavior i don't know i bet i bet there's lots of stories out there yeah that's not even like a good like meal true it's like i don't know if it's the best thing i bet slowing you down if you eat in subway right before the game sometimes like like it can be it can be a heavy thing like depending on what you're eating there yeah i don't know yeah teriyaki. There's no way you're like running the zone better than the teriyaki chicken.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Yeah. Well, yaki yaki on the court. You yacked everywhere. So yeah, I don't know if I get tired of food, obviously as quick as other people. Like, like people will be like, oh, you guys want to get pizza? Like I just had pizza yesterday. I don't really get that. I understand if it's like I had pizza five days in a row yeah now it's time yeah but like i'll eat places two
Starting point is 01:25:09 days in a row all these places i'll eat chipotle twice in a day if someone's like been there before let's do it yeah yeah so i don't know i don't think i would get as tired as she would i'd say just go to different college that's so strange that's a that's a good story though thank you amanda yeah all right uh next one from riley hey guys riley from knoxville tennessee here uh new ghosty just found the podcast uh i'm trying to work backwards to get all the inside jokes just like everybody talks about uh the first time voice memo here i'm a small business owner run along a landscaping business got about six employees now one to ask you both how you balance your time and the growth of your businesses to an Ellis Custom Creations, Ghost Runners, Jean Shorts, podcast with Trey, videos with Trey,
Starting point is 01:25:52 I guess on Jake's side, Ellis Custom Creations on Brad's side. Just want to know time management techniques, how to keep family involved, social life, and still work on so many things. Also interested in business goals uh how you guys market things specifically ellis custom creations what your marketing plans are for that and how you've grown that things of that nature business business my guys uh just wanted to ask some questions about that that's fun yeah that's cool i like the variety yeah do we get like a more serious question every now and then um okay time management wise i think at the beginning i didn't we didn't have much time management would you agree with that
Starting point is 01:26:31 for you with what are you talking about just well i guess i shouldn't say we maybe i should say myself and you in our own businesses uh in our own jobs i don't think i think we just worked really hard i don't think we necessarily had good time management at the, at least I didn't at the beginning. Like I was just overworking myself. Um, but I think as I worked and as I, um, learned how to do certain things, I learned like, okay, this is something I can outsource, or this is something I could hire somebody for. And this is how valuable it is. Like I could pay $50 for this because it's going to make up for it in the time that I save. And I can put that somewhere else or something like that. Whereas at the beginning, I didn't do that very well.
Starting point is 01:27:08 So, um, I feel like you were the same. I mean, you stay up till three o'clock sometimes working. Yeah. You're not doing as much anymore, right? Like not as much. I go back and forth. Like I'm not a very good person to ask about this just because I don't feel like I have very many like systems in place.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I have a system in place for where I keep my wallet, but not how I work necessarily. Right. Uh, so yeah, I don't have any, I don't have much I have very many like systems in place I have a system place for where I keep my wallet but not how I work necessarily right uh so yeah I don't have any I don't have much wisdom to share but I think one if I can think of one tidbit it'd be like don't be ashamed of like your naturals like body rhythm um when you're drumming for the boomerang group no like uh I used to like feel shame almost that I was like oh I'm like working until 2 a.m and like there's this like societal like pressure like oh like if you're a night owl you're like kind of lazy you're kind of like you what you wake up later you're not as productive you're not as like uh you know whatever like diligent with your time it's like i'm naturally a night owl i can get so much work done from midnight to 2 a.m that i can get from noon to 2 p.m so don't feel bad that. Like go with like your body's like rhythm of like
Starting point is 01:28:05 how you operate. Like, don't feel any shame about that. So I've learned to like operate when I, I've realized what I'm most productive. And I will say if he does have a family, I used to do that, but then I would sleep in sometimes till 10 AM, you know, or 9 30 AM. Cause I stayed up till three. I'm not still not getting that much sleep, but like, uh, but then I'm, I'm missing out on like helping katherine in the morning morning time is a stressful time for yeah i mean kind of different yeah yeah yeah but but if he has kids or if you have family like that was my big thing is like get up early like get up early but still get enough sleep which is hard to do but like uh just be more compartmentalized and more disciplined i
Starting point is 01:28:41 think especially starting jean shorts um there's there's just, there's just like way more, uh, pressure, not pressure, but like, I have much more responsibility to be like, this is my time. I'm doing woodworking. This is my time. I'm podcasting like, and compartmentalizing it and like trying to just like stay focused on that thing during that time. And like, whereas before I had the more of a luxury of like, Oh, you know, I can do woodworking for a little bit. And then, you know, I can think about looking at a message from ghost runner stuff or, you know, whatever. And now it's like, I need to be creative during this time. But then once that time's over, it's over, like stop thinking about it because you still
Starting point is 01:29:15 have all these other things that take physical like labor and time to do. And so, um, anyway, that's, that's another thought is just like, be disciplined with your time. Like sometimes I literally will write out everything I'm going to do in a day and like the timeframe we're going to do it, which is probably more type a of me than maybe you're not type a, I don't know, Riley, but, um, that's one thing, like when I feel overwhelmed, I'm like, this doesn't feel like it's all going to get done, but then I write it all down and then I can feel so much peace of mind of like, okay, I checked off everything on my list today. I don't have
Starting point is 01:29:44 to stress out, even though I know I have a huge week because I got everything done this, this day. So I don't have to think like, okay, but I could still work for another four hours tonight. It's like, no, be done for the day, compartmentalize it, go be with your family and then make sure you get up and stay on schedule for the next day kind of thing. So, um, that's good. I thought of one other tidbit, not necessarily time management, but just productivity find a way rather you're probably fine you have six employees your company's you know decent size but when it was just me or for the same out there it's just you doing it find a way to hold yourself accountable like whether even if it's someone who doesn't even work with you or just like hey make
Starting point is 01:30:15 sure i get this done by friday right it's like put something on the line have some consequence for yourself right also have i i love doing this for myself even now like all right i'm gonna like give myself a prize if i finish this by midnight I'm going to go get pizza or whatever. Or if I finish this by 1030, I'm going to go get Andy's. I do that too, where I'm like, yeah, I incentivize myself. I do it more in the morning where I'm like Panera breakfast closed at 1030. So I need to get this done by 1030. Yeah. You know, it's, it's 1008. Like I got to hustle, you know, or whatever. Finding ways to motivate and hold yourself accountable, even when it's just you can help. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:45 And I think an easy way to do that if you're doing landscape or whatever, Trey, me, like talking to Trey, like I'll tell my client a week and a half in advance, hey, it's going to be ready to be delivered on this Friday, like Friday in 10 days. Like, and so I have to then, like, I put that out there of like, that's when I calculated that I could have it done. And pridefully, you know, reputation wise, I want to make sure it's done at the right time. And so that's when I'll, I'll be like, okay, it's it. And so that's my way of keeping myself accountable is like, basically, I don't, I don't want to make them every once in a while. I'll have to be like,
Starting point is 01:31:16 I'm sorry, things came up. Can we please put it back? But like, for the most part, I keep it on, on task. I love asking train. I'm like, when do you want this? Yeah. Tell me the exact day. I will have it to you by that day. Right. So, cause then, then that, that puts constraints on you because as a, as a small business owner, you're like, I can always push this off if I want to, like, no, one's going to say, Hey, what are you doing? Why aren't you working more? But it's like, yeah, if you, if you put that on yourself, then you can do it. And so the only thing is don't, don't do that in the wrong way. Uh, you know, and, and like, like don't, don't promise something's
Starting point is 01:31:47 going to be done tomorrow and don't start it like the day before kind of thing. Like, like make sure you give yourself enough time, if that makes sense. Like sometimes woodworking, yeah. Okay. Cause I, then I think the quality gets poor. So, Hey, thanks Riley. Good luck with your lawn business. Hope that helps. I like talking about that stuff. Is life a playground or is playground life? Hey, Jake. Hey, Brad. This is Becca. I'm from Middle East, specifically Indiana Territory.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And these words just really resonated with my soul when I heard Jake utter them during a slam poetry session. And it has made me wonder, could we get some more you said that apparently i also have a couple other questions first what is one song that you'd be fine with never hearing again and brad specifically could you recommend some more music i've been loving services thanks to your suggestion. Wow. And I think that's it. Have a great week, guys. Big episode for services. The band.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Yeah, really. What's one song that you can go without, Jake? Oh, Cuba Chuffle. OK. Cha-Cha Slide. For the rest of your life. Yeah, I'll be just fine. Anything with a synchronized dance.
Starting point is 01:33:00 I really don't like the song The Reason by Hoopa Stank. How's that one go? Found a reason for you. Oh, yeah. Anything like anything by Chris Chachere. Yeah. I can do without that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Not Hinder, though. I need that. Hinder's good, though. Hinder, that's quality. Quality grunge. Yeah. Slampo. Should we throw one down?
Starting point is 01:33:21 You want to? Sure. Okay. It's been a while. Sure. Brad, how do you feel about doing one? I'll try. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Okay. Brad, you're the master, but. I would like to hear a slam poetry from you about your locker in like middle school or high school. Like things that would happen around the locker. Ding, ding, ding. The bell has rung. It's time to go.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Passing period. Mm-hmm. Hi, Samantha. Hi, Joseph. Hi, Mrs. Divine. I have two books in my hand, but they're not the right ones so I go to my locker I look back
Starting point is 01:34:10 and think wait a second Mrs. Devine's class is over there is she a stalker? twist twist back twist back twist twist back twist back twist twist oh up and back don't forget about the top compartment that's where the heavy books lie
Starting point is 01:34:38 and don't forget the heavy books often lie Democrat Republican we're all the same okay yeah yeah yeah look inside us we got blood on our veins on the vein is Mrs. Divine a stalker we'll never know
Starting point is 01:35:04 cause I can't fit inside my locker thanks for coming out everybody that was really good i especially like the part where you got into politics briefly it's like oh no no no reverse scrub it um do you have anything you'd like to be inspired by yeah from me let's keep it on the same uh path with middle school let's go cafeteria on this one oh okay okay all right what's that smell?
Starting point is 01:35:46 Do tell. It smells like it could be something faint, something familiar. Maybe it's that powder they put on vomit. No? Maybe. I think it's a
Starting point is 01:36:02 school cafeteria lunch. Stratford is small. I can see all of my classmates because we only have one lunch. My friend Trevor has a huge mouth. We all tell him, eat that in one munch. No, no, no. Snap. Just just there's a new smell in town who is that it's grant holmes from texas he just moved in once five-star recruit five-star recruit but only two peanut butter sandwiches i offer my pudding.
Starting point is 01:36:46 He says no. He thought it was an innuendo. There's a new smell. What's behind me? Oh, look, she's fine. Jake, stop. That's a teacher. That's Mrs. Divine. she's fine jake stop that's a teacher that's mrs divine she's smelling my hair she says it's our secret with me you can confide in
Starting point is 01:37:17 i say stop sniffing me you remind me of joe biden listen brad says leave the politics to me all right and that's it and that's the story of how it happened lost my way for a little bit there but i i found it in the end that was great um that's great yeah so thank you rebecca i have a question about cafeterias real fast. For Rebecca or for me? For you slash the world. Has a food fight ever actually happened in real life? It hasn't. I saw Mythbusters on it.
Starting point is 01:37:52 They said there's never been one ever. That's all we have to ask then. Yep. I think that's one of those things like Catherine was homeschooled all throughout. She's like, man. Like, gosh, I miss those. I bet you miss food fights. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 You have been a good FF for a while, huh? gonna get back go see mrs divine see if you can chuck an apple across the room she's like uh i would make you spaghetti but i bet all you want to do is just throw it like the good old days right you just want to throw that spaghetti yeah like there's there's a few things that like happen in school in movies that are like throwing the papers on the last day like none of that happens no i ain't never seen it not now not ever not ever not at duncan not at stavix okay uh rebecca good question thank you for asking for the voicemail that was fun oh music uh i'll post it on patreon i'll post on if you're not on patreon then i'll come i'll comment on youtube i'll comment on youtube what you want just like music just music recommendations yeah um um who do i like right
Starting point is 01:38:48 now tones and i and marie jervis campbell is a fun one yeah yeah we listen to him in hawaii isaac showed me him and i like him a lot uh i've heard him yeah he's not like right field no left field centerfield centerfield's a song by john fogarty what's the band i think it's either right or left. It's gotta be one of those. Right center. Silver softball position. They have 10 players.
Starting point is 01:39:09 One of those bands. I think it's right field. Okay. Yeah. Anyway. I'll comment some other ones. Like ironclad ones. Ironclad.
Starting point is 01:39:18 They sound good. I love ironclad ones. Ironmaiden. Hi, Jake and Brad. My name is Gail. Hi. I have a question. When you encounter new
Starting point is 01:39:25 people and they find out that you're in comedy, do they offer to tell you jokes and or give you ideas with skits? In my profession as a dentist, it's flabbergasting the number of people that when they find out my profession, they proceed to put their fingers in their mouth and describe a dental procedure and or problem that they have or have had. My response to this is invariably, wow, I am so glad I am not a proctologist. So I'm curious if you encounter the same kind of issue. And if so, if you have a standard response. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Gail, well done. She just gave us a joke right there. Yeah, that's a great joke. I could totally say I feel bad for anyone working in the health field, even more so nowadays. I mean, just like I'm a pediatrician. You know, can you look at this mole? I have it.
Starting point is 01:40:07 I really don't do that. Right. Anyway, especially now. So what do you think about the vaccine? No, no, no. You tell me. What do you think? You know, so I'm sure it's awful to do anything health related these days.
Starting point is 01:40:15 But on the flip side, it'd be also hard in that case, like to hear people that you think don't have any like knowledge of it. Try to tell you what they think. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like you hear them spot off their opinions like, you don't know. Yeah knowledge of it, try to tell you what they think. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like you hear them spout out their opinions. Like, you don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Yeah. It's cool for eight years of this. Yeah. But then again, if they ask you, you're like, ah, just let me,
Starting point is 01:40:31 let me live my life without this. Uh, I want to know, I'm curious your thoughts. Cause train actually just talked about it on a podcast. I don't know if it's come out yet or not, but how often like we'll be in groups. I mean,
Starting point is 01:40:39 individually we've had these, like the same experience where people are, it's usually like boomers, like moms. So just like, I bet you're just writing all this down.'re welcome for the material oh he's got his phone out he's probably writing stuff down about us yeah but i better not come to the show and hear about that all right i don't want to hear about that i don't want to see that in a trade
Starting point is 01:40:54 video yes i mean that has happened all the time for the last year which is fine that's not too annoying i'd much rather that than jake from state farm or an at&t salesman that's not too bad but everybody clap your hands you would be surprised how often that happens mainly from women older than me. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely can think about times. I think it was mostly when I was at church, but it was, I don't think it was as often like, yeah, it was definitely like 50 year olds or so. And I bet you loved when that happened, right? That's going on the podcast. Right. Right. I think a lot of times they more just reference things that we've said before. And like, like, because obviously I'm not nearly as wacky and zany during church at service or something, but they'll like say something to me and I'm like, this is not the time for that.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Not now. Like, yeah, that is my personality. I'm not like acting like somebody different, but. You're like upset. You're like, I'm trying to set my fantasy football lineup. I'm in church. Orville Beckham Jr. is inactive again. I thought he was going to be good this year. Yeah, please on church. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:49 So yeah, it's one of those things where I think they just think like, you're funny. I've seen this video of you being funny. So therefore, you're going to be really funny all the time right now. Right now. Right on demand. Like I saw you being funny and you're not really in that funny mood, but I think you're always in that funny mood. So go.
Starting point is 01:42:03 So I definitely hear it too. I don't think that any of us, well, maybe Trey, but I think you're always in that funny mood. So go. So I definitely hear it, too. I don't think that any of us, well, maybe Trey. But I think whenever you whenever people ask you what you do, you're not you're not saying you're a comedian. No, never. Yeah. Not yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Maybe someday. Yeah. Maybe someday. If I was like primarily only doing stand up comedy, that makes sense. Yeah. So so I don't think we to answer that part of the question, I don't think we ever tell people we're in comedy. They have to already know what we do and then it becomes a thing.
Starting point is 01:42:26 But yeah, it's like, it's like these people that have enough knowledge of us to where they're kind of our friends, but they're not deep enough into our friendship that they know that we have other types of our personality that are like less goofy all the time. Fringe friends, acquaintances. Right. Yeah. So it's basically like parents of ministry people, like the kids that we do ministry with.
Starting point is 01:42:45 It's basically like parents of ministry people. Like the kids that we do ministry with, it's like parents. I've started to get more people telling me stand-up bits. And they're almost all really, really bad. Really? I think my dad is the only one who's given me something that's like somewhat like, oh yeah, I could use that. That's not bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Everyone else. I'm just like, no. Do you even know? Have you ever even seen stand-up comedy? Like, do you even know? Which there's also an argument to be made that anything can be made into a stand-up bit. That's i was just thinking i was like i appreciate any any input because then i can either take it and like think of something else yeah it could spawn something yeah i really don't hate getting that kind of advice but i will say i'm just gonna roast this girl now because i appreciate this is a podcast and she'll be a good sport about it i
Starting point is 01:43:18 saw her at grant huberg's wedding and it was really good to catch up with her and her husband i'm really good friends with both of them uh Matt and Annie, what up? Shout out. Shout out. And Annie was giving me stand-up material at the wedding. And it was just like some story that happened to her where like her mother-in-law walked in on her naked. I was like, you know, I don't know how I would do that. But that does sound funny.
Starting point is 01:43:38 You know, she's like, you know, feel free to use that. I'm like, okay, yeah, we'll see. You know, it may not be in the show you come to. Yeah. But it might be, you know know i'll work it in yeah and then this week she texted me um you should do a bit on bad typos and then sent me a screenshot of like a typo that she was in with her friend and um i just texted her back this is i just said my sister dated a biracial guy one time but my grandparents thought he was bisexual wait oh i don't get it it's not a typo but just like i didn't know how else to say like that's that's a true story
Starting point is 01:44:09 oh yeah of like just a miss like a misnomer no not a misnomer just like a misunderstood thing i'm confused yeah i guess you are sorry tell me tell me it's not a big deal basically i didn't know how to respond to like you should do a bit about typos i was like okay i was just like trying to add to it okay it doesn't matter gotcha gotcha gotcha it's just something funny yeah you know just trying to be funny that is funny you're very funny well it's true story it did happen okay anyway uh yeah i don't know that was it okay got it um let's listen to like maybe one more. Okay. Hello, Jake and Brad. I am Elizabeth from Colorado, and I am so thrilled that I won the cutting board in the
Starting point is 01:44:54 new merch drawing from Brad. Thank you so much for doing that. I can't wait to get it in the mail. Since I am from Colorado, I am a huge Broncos fan. And I think it's kind of ironic that the Broncos and Chiefs play for the first time on December 5th, which is the night of Jake and Trey's show in Denver. Ironic. I don't think you guys would put a prediction on what the score is for that game. I know that the Broncos often struggle at Arrowhead,
Starting point is 01:45:20 but I believe they're going to have a fantastic performance, that Vaughn Miller is going to sack Mahomes at least once and that we are going to win 21 to 20. Oh, oh. I'll beat the show that night. I'd love to meet you, Jake. No. This prediction is closer.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Thank you so much for all the laughs. You guys are the best. God bless you. Have a great day. Elizabeth. Hey. Hey. Thanks for buying the merch.
Starting point is 01:45:42 That's all I have to say to you. I think the Broncos are going to say to you. I think the Broncos are going to do pretty good. I think they'll sack Mahomes one time. No, she said Von Miller will sack him one time. Really shooting for the stars here. I think he'll get one.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Our best defensive player will sack him one time. One of the best defensive players in the league. Yeah. I think we'll do pretty good against him. We haven't beat the Chiefs in six seasons.
Starting point is 01:46:01 But you know, away in Arrowhead, we have a quarterback who wears a glove on both hands yeah teddy two gloves i think he'll do pretty good uh that yeah it's gonna be a boat race it's gonna be 42 to 13 what word do you keep saying boat race just domination just how does that what is that i don't know what how what the actual term like is it going to come i've never heard that boat race oh it's gonna be a boat race i boat r race them and that means one got wet and one stay dry Mm-hmm. Yeah exactly like one of them just completely hydro thunder style
Starting point is 01:46:30 Just like above the water and got the other team wet in the behind exactly. So it's gonna be a boat race 4213 Chiefs. Yeah, there it is. I totally agree with that prediction Vaughn Miller might get a sack He might take moments once and my homes might throw still for 447 yards, four touchdowns, and... Zero interceptions. Of course, zero interceptions. I remember a time, Elizabeth, Mahomes, first year ever playing football,
Starting point is 01:46:56 like his fourth game ever. Left-handed. Von Miller is chasing Mahomes. We're in our color rush. Red on red jerseys, looking dynamite. Von Miller chasing Mahomes. Mahomes puts the ball rush. Red on red jerseys looking dynamite. Von Miller chasing Mahomes. Mahomes puts a ball in his offhand, completes a pass to Tyreek Hill.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Never seen it before. Probably never see it again. How's that, Elizabeth? How's that? How's that for can't wait to meet you after the show? How about you be Von Miller, I'll be Mahomes. Try and find me. You chase me afterwards.
Starting point is 01:47:20 We'll see how that goes. That's a classic scenario though of like oh jake said said that so therefore i'm going to chase him down and you're gonna be like i wasn't really in the mood to do this please don't tackle me i'm like in the middle of talking to someone else right now no elizabeth you sound really sweet and really great i just don't think anything that you think with the broncos is going to come true that's all broncos out of all teams like i dislike the most i'm gonna be honest because because they were so good when the Chiefs were so bad all growing up it was for there were Bronco fans that were so annoying at my school so it's all because of them not because of you and they're like by far the worst team in
Starting point is 01:47:53 our division so the idea that they would be the team to beat us if you're a Chargers fan it's like I could see that you think by far I think that Raiders always play us close somehow they were like the one team to beat us last year true before the super bowl yeah and so whatever whatever a lot of football talk um elizabeth thanks for buying the merch and it's the ticket and we're the merch to the ticket thing yeah no i'm excited i did the denver show be really cool okay that's all the voicemail was thank you guys for listening and uh for sending in your voices always fun we appreciate it let's go on to our reviews of the week. This week, they both happen to be five stars. Brad, what's yours?
Starting point is 01:48:27 Haley D says, Hey, Ma, I've been listening to the Ghost Runners since January or February and hot dog. My mom, hey, Ma, Hey, Ma, recommended it to me and told me to start from the beginning. I love when moms recommended our podcast
Starting point is 01:48:38 to their daughters. I'm four soads from being all caught up now. And I'm just a little sad that I have to wait till Mondays to hear the pod. I think a lot of people can feel that. This duo is so fun to listen to. They're so real. And I feel like they're actually my friends in real life.
Starting point is 01:48:52 The other day I had dry contacts from taking a nap and I thought to myself, I wonder if this happens to Brad. Then I remembered that Brad got LASIK. Great decision. You and Jameis. Yes. You're both having a great season so far. I think so.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Yeah. Yeah. I drafted him. And then I remembered that Brad doesn't know who I am. I do now Haley D. Uh, so these two Midwest best friends make washing dishes, driving the store and cooking a better and more fun experience for me. What started off as some random pod recommended to me by my mom turned into hours of laughter
Starting point is 01:49:21 and a nice thing to bond over with my mom. Hey ma. I didn't even know that Jake and Brad existed nine months ago. And now I'm going to Jake and Trace comedy show in Milwaukee next month on your feet. She probably thinks the Packers can beat us. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:49:35 No, Haley, that's such a cool, that's one of my favorite reviews. I think it's just so, it's just so genuine and so cool. I think a lot of people are having that reaction. Right.
Starting point is 01:49:44 I just feel like you guys are on my mind now. All a sudden i think about you know like i'm getting lasik or my eyes i think brad's eyes that's fun that's cool it's like well like i know somebody who got lasik it's like oh who well actually i don't know him it's just you ever been to kansas city you might know him do you ever go to kansas city mclean's market shawnee 10 to 2 on saturday spot number one by the front door i'm here for spot number one and spot number one all day if it's not spot number one I send it back anyway that was awesome I love the idea of like bonding with
Starting point is 01:50:12 somebody over this I think that's really I know that's one of my favorite things that people say whether it's bonding with your 12 year old son you don't like know what else to talk about but like no no not like that but just like, like, oh,
Starting point is 01:50:25 you guys can listen to this and both enjoy it in different ways and whatever. Like, that's just cool. Or if you're bonding with a friend that you haven't talked
Starting point is 01:50:31 to in a long time that you reconnect with or something. So it would be great, especially when it comes like father, son, father. It's like you have a smaller kid.
Starting point is 01:50:38 You're not enjoying the same TV shows in the same way. Right. But you might be able to somewhat enjoy the same podcast in the same way.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Maybe. Like Clifton Alexander and his son. Yeah. Listen to our podcast. They're great. It're great cool yeah uh i have a short review but i thought it was really funny it's by savannah savelle she said hey brad hey jake love the podcast y'all are so funny and so inspiring if you're seeing this please let me know if you're pumped for the return of survivor season 41 that's it 41 that's this that's the review how many so they do
Starting point is 01:51:03 like what three survivors a year or something. Season 41. They've had to do. I feel like they are like a season and a half per year. Maybe they've been doing it for that long. I bet maybe two seasons a year. Yeah. Wow. Like 2000, like the year of reality TV, like Survivor was like, oh, gee.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah, it was. That was like never watched it. Really? Yeah. Outwit outlast outplay, I think, are the things. That is what it is. Yeah, for sure. I know it. Who was I talking to the things. That is what it is. Yeah. For sure. I know it.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Who was I talking to the other day? I was like, do you think you'd be a good survivor? And he was like, yes. And I was like, yeah, you would. Dang it. Who was it? It was a really fun conversation. Michael Sloan, if you're listening, would be the best survivor candidate that I know.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Yeah. What if we put him up against my Ty Gatewood? Could be fun. Ooh, maybe. Yeah. That'd be good. Ty Gatewood would do the Alliance thing. Well,
Starting point is 01:51:45 no, it's so Michael. No, I think Microsoft, I believe in him. Uh, dang it. That's going to bother me.
Starting point is 01:51:51 I was just talking to someone about that this week. Whatever. Um, I think guys for all the five star reviews, uh, Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle? That could be something kind of fun to do.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Like if you want to like sing a song to like custom written songs by one of our fans. Here's a fun fact about, yes, I would like to do that. Here's the fun fact about this jingle. this is the first jingle ever submitted to us a long long time ago no way yes from caden hudson we love caden okay i don't know how old you are but i know you are not in college yet like you are younger yeah he's in middle school is he yeah so thank you for writing this uh he wrote us two i'm gonna be honest i wrote i read the second one
Starting point is 01:52:24 first and it was not good. And so I just thought, oh, these are both really bad and I'm not going to do them ever. And then I looked back and found this one. It's fun. So we're doing it, baby.
Starting point is 01:52:31 And this is going to have a lot of old inside jokes. It's kind of fun. Hey, great. So let's do it, baby. Let's do it. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Hop, hop. Listen to Ghost Runners every Monday morning at On the date May 5th is when Boa's born In Missouri you can find proxy mines or bombs Listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast Jake and Triplett and Brad Ellis Didn't think that was going to be in there Listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast
Starting point is 01:53:17 Jake and Triplett and Brad Ellis It is time to talk about Jake Triplett now Okay. Listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast. Jay Triplett and Brad Ellis. Listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast. Jay Triplett and Brad Ellis. They talk about the show, the office, and both their lives. Isaac bought a very expensive latte machine for lots of money I don't have a saddle but
Starting point is 01:54:15 let's giddy up give me five you little weenie and all of these things are said on the podcast Are the things that'll bring you best and get on your feet Yeah, listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast Jake Triplett and Brad Ellis
Starting point is 01:54:37 Listen to the Ghost Runners Podcast Jake Triplett and Brad Ellis. They talk about the show, the office, and both their lives. Isaac bought a very expensive latte machine for lots of money. Greg Peter and Trey Kennedy are their friends Trey and Jake make lots of funny stuff Jake used to live with Peter next door to Brad And now Jake Trippet lives with Isaac and Greg Love
Starting point is 01:55:20 Listen to the Ghostbusters podcast Jake Trippett and Brad Ellis Listen to the Ghostbusters Podcast Jake Triplett and Brad Ellis And if you want more stuff Sign up for Patreon King Hudson Bringing it, baby Wow, that was fun Sign up for Patreon Katie Hudson Bringing it baby
Starting point is 01:55:48 Wow That was fun That was like A bunch of stuff Happening a year and a half ago Yeah right Like I think I remember reading it
Starting point is 01:55:55 When I was at On the lake In Texas When we went on vacation Like two summers ago So Bo literally Had just been born Like a month earlier
Starting point is 01:56:04 Hot dog So he wrote that On yeah For Bo Thank you Katie The gift that keeps on giving two summers ago. So Bo literally had just been born like a month earlier. Hot dog. So he wrote that on, yeah, for Bo. Thank you, Caden. The gift that keeps on giving. The two-year-old jingle. So don't ever give up. If you've written us a jingle,
Starting point is 01:56:12 don't ever give up. Don't ever. Never. You understand me? Never. Do this one for your family. All right, we got to go. We're playing pickleball tonight.
Starting point is 01:56:19 It's going to be fun. We haven't done that forever. Let's do it. It's getting later. So we got to go pickle. And once again, check out, we got the the march madness clip is available right now on patreon ten dollar patrons and higher go check it out and uh yeah just have fun interacting with it i'm excited i just i don't know what people are gonna say it's gonna be awesome people are gonna say
Starting point is 01:56:39 plenty i tell you that right and come see brad this saturday the saturday number one mclean's market shawnee but or some merch if you want on yeah still like there's so many designs there's I tell you that right now. And come see Brad this Saturday. This Saturday. Bot number one. McLean's Market, Shawnee. Or some merch if you want on There's so many designs. There's so much stuff out there. Something for everybody. I guarantee it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:52 At least check it out. Comment below what your favorite thing is. Love hearing about it. Love words of affirmation from you guys. I love everybody. Love everybody. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Even Elizabeth. Yep. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Elizabeth. Yep. Bye.

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