Ghostrunners - 152 - The Craziest Birth Story of All Time

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

An episode to remember! Brad and Kathryn had their baby and Jake had a thrill of his own flying Spirit Airlines. Ghostrunners merch:  Become a Patron and get exclusive content ...from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey All right, kind of a little bit of a different start here this week on Ghostrunners. Big tribute to a new addition in my life. We have a new baby coming up. Baby Rose is here. Baby coming up. Here she is. Jake's been to seven new cities since the last time we recorded. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 00:00:53 This is the Ghost Hunters Podcast. Hold me close and hold me fast. The magic's built, you cast. This is La Vie en Rose When you kiss me Heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see La Vie en Rose
Starting point is 00:01:20 When you kiss me And just like that, we are back with another Ghostrunners podcast episode. If you're watching on YouTube, then you have missed out on a little something something at the beginning. Yeah, we played some jazz because KU's in the Final Four in New Orleans. So just figured we'd pay homage to that. Play some Le'Veon Rose for old Jayhawks National Championship. That's right. When the Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl, we played getting jiggy with it that's right uh welcome to miami
Starting point is 00:01:49 you know things like that we we now disavow we we apologize for supporting will smith back in 2020 i was so on team fake i thought that that slap was so fake and now i'm i'm pinned my pendulum is swung yeah if you know I mean, my right-handed pendulum has swung across. The pendulum is now over here. Not staged. Yeah. For like three or four minutes, I was like, could be fake. And then three or four days for me. Really? I don't know. Not the next day. I was like very, like entrenched in my stance with my friends. Like, no, it was staged guys. Like how, how else, like if, if it wasn't staged,
Starting point is 00:02:26 like what would you do differently? Like, and they were like, I don't know, probably nothing. So I was like, yeah, that's why it was staged.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Um, anyway, that's not the important part. That has been current events from two weeks ago. Um, but now we are into the present day. Uh, this is this podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I'm so excited for it. My, the notes section of my of my phone titled podcast has never been more full one because it's been i mean 12 days since we recorded i think yeah and two because just honestly a lot has happened um yeah like brett said in the intro i've done seven different comedy shows i've been all, um, but one place I haven't been is with you and your family. And I feel like we should, we should probably start with that. We should probably start with the big news of the day is that I'm now a father of three. I did it guys. And by me,
Starting point is 00:03:17 I mean, Catherine, we got a baby. I mean, we both did. So let me tell you more about it. Um, so we had a great, I, I thought thought it was like this is a great idea jake uh you're leaving i think it was wednesday morning right or thursday morning for your next tour this past week i was like what about on tuesday when we record we record a normal episode for this upcoming week and then we record a second episode kind of an evergreen like whenever the baby comes we don't have to record that week uh and you're like yeah it sounds great let's do it that's great episode let's grind it out that's going to be kind of a long day yeah but we can make it happen it'll set ourself up for success yeah so that didn't happen so uh you know katherine was
Starting point is 00:03:55 due in about a week and a half and with beau she went like four days late like and so i was like there's no way we're gonna have this baby early even though with hattie we're so early for complication stuff if i know katherine's uterus like i think i do and you do she always have i before she even got pregnant ever since you've met her you're like nice i was like your ute is so patient yeah it's not her yeah it's got a pardon me but it's a beaut you yeah you got on you you are beautiful you t e-e beautiful yeah and so i thought i knew her uterus as well yeah she's so uncomfortable listening to this part oh kath you're fine kath we talk about it all the time she's never usually record it you know jake and i that's what we do with you it's our ongoing joke with you our private conversations about the uterus are way different than this yeah so yeah
Starting point is 00:04:45 quickly tuesday morning uh happens and she you know we're talking in the morning i was actually i i was planning on getting breakfast with my friend clifton alexander um that's nice yeah you do a good job of like making time to meet up with friends thank you i don't know i thank you i don't know if i agree okay i mean i think i do fine i do fine. I wish I, yeah, no, thank you. That's nice. He, I, I like him. He actually contacted me to hang out. So that's why I said, I don't know if I agree because I'm not always the most intentional, like reaching out. But if someone says, Hey, let's get together. I'm like, please. Okay. Hey, new compliment. You're the type of guy, Brad. A lot of people want to grab like food with you. People know that you enjoy food. People will reach out to you. Reframe it a bit.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, I was supposed to get that eight 30. So like Catherine, like at eight o'clock, all of a sudden Tuesday morning is like, uh, I think my water just broke. And I'm going to explain this a few different times throughout the story with you, Jake, because I think as a non dad, you think like, because of the movies, everybody's water breaks, right? You probably think that. And I would think, hold on, this isn't the uterus I know. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Well, so yeah, I thought like whenever I watched friends growing up, like, oh, when you're pregnant, your water just automatically breaks. And that's when you know, you're supposed to go into labor. It's like the baby's first gender reveal. It's like, hello, like pop the balloon. I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Exactly. That's what everyone says. And so, but with our other two, I don't think her water broke until like basically when, when she was having the baby. So it was like, it's not a very common thing for the water. I don't know. Maybe it's like 25, 30% of the time the water breaks naturally. Is it actually water? I don't know. I don't want to ask. Okay. Fair. Um, so let's say, yeah, it is a hundred percent water. Yeah. A hundred percent. There's nothing. Yeah. Um, but she's like, I think my water broke. Uh, and so like, but, but I like the, the, you know, you know, Catherine and I, and you know, her uterus, um, you know, like casual Catherine can be how casual I can be like with, with things sometimes like that we, maybe we should be a little bit more like, uh, whatever. Like, so I think it's a sign of people who are just like generally nice people.
Starting point is 00:06:49 They don't want to like inconvenience people. So a million percent, you know? So, so this is what I asked Catherine after we, after she thinks maybe her water broke, but she's not positive. I go, okay, but can I like, I was supposed to like get breakfast with Clifton in 30 minutes and no, dude, like this. And she's like, she goes, like, she goes, do you think maybe you could be like 15 minutes late? Because here's the thing. So it's Tuesday morning, which is the day that Hattie always goes to Mother's Day out, which is down like 25 minutes away down South Overland Park. And so Catherine's like, I might need to like worry about this a little bit. Can you help with, uh, you know, making Hattie's lunch for this? And she like calls her, uh, you know, midwife and midwife's like, yeah, you can totally, if you're feeling comfortable, like you can drive
Starting point is 00:07:32 down there and drop them off. So, so she, she literally is like, like, so people are going to think we're crazy for this because, but in our heads, like Catherine's so nonchalant about it. I'm still in like the ignorant stage of like, I'm not even positive that her water broke. Like, you know, and I don't think she's been wetting herself a lot. So, you know, and it was just like, I don't think, I don't, you know, maybe she's not positive. I'm not positive. She's really nonchalant about me going to breakfast with this guy, whatever. Um, so, so far the timeline is water breaks eight o'clock. Catherine is like, you should go get breakfast. And also I need to go drive like a 50 minute round trip. So, so I, yeah. So I call my mom because my mom, the plan was always
Starting point is 00:08:10 like, my parents are going to come get the kids whenever she's going into labor. And so my mom was like, okay, well I can either meet Catherine at the preschool to get Bo and then pick Hattie up later. Or, uh, you know, you can just drop her off at my house. And I told, I, I swear, I told Catherine, she doesn't remember me saying that there's the option of my mom coming to the preschool, but Catherine literally drives to the preschool, drops off Hattie and then drives another 20 plus minutes to go to my parents' house, drops off Bo. My mom's like, do you want to come inside and stay for a little bit? And Catherine's like, nah, I think I'm good here. But this is where it's like, I'm telling
Starting point is 00:08:45 you we're so nonchalant. This is why you can't judge me for not like being with my wife in this crazy time. Because Catherine, then after she drops off, Bo is like, you know, one of those, you know, like nice juices from enjoy down in mission farm. Sounds good. Mission farm is like four 35 and mission road, like very out of the way from going home for her like and so she drives there and like as she's like waddling into this juice place to get some juice she's like having a contraction and but she's like oh it's not that bad i can i can kind of still feel it out um and so that's probably like 10 o'clock this is this is a like something that would happen to people like a thousand years ago when they didn't have modern medicine when they had juice bars just like the nonchalantness of like yeah it didn't used to be
Starting point is 00:09:29 that big of a deal you know we didn't have all this information or technology you just had your baby and let me kind of explain a little more too like so so with your first baby i mean every instance is different so like people are going to be listening be like well that's not true for us no of course speak um as if this is how it is for everyone. Average labor for first baby for everyone, 14 and a half hours. It's like, it's like way longer. It's not like this crazy, like intense, like few hour kind of thing. And like, and then as you have more babies, it goes quicker. So I think with Bo, I think it took us like six or eight hours total. Good shaving off some time.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You know? Yeah. And so obviously we were like, Oh, it'll take about six hours again. Or, you know, whatever in my head, I was like gearing up for this marathon of a day. Um, so I go to, I go to breakfast, I come home and we had decided that we were going to do a home birth, which is another like big, like decision that we decided to do. Like we hadn't done that for the first two. Uh, so if you don't know much about that, um, there's something called a midwife. Maybe you've heard of midwife. Yes. Like literally like that's their job is to go do home deliveries and deliveries of babies. Like that's their one thing. Like they're not like doctors of anything else. Um, so there's a midwife and then usually a midwife has another helper with
Starting point is 00:10:39 them that helps. And then we quarter wife. Yes. Uh, sometimes, sometimes eighth okay eighth wife yeah don't get them too cocky you know um and then there's like we we had a friend jackie uh juice man chad's wife yeah not to be confused with uh wacky jackie or backpacky jackie no that is a different jackie this is doula jackie doula jackie yeah daki and uh she was supposed to be the doula which is like the coach i think i'd mentioned that maybe with um, that we were going to have her and because of COVID restrictions and stuff, they didn't let her into the hospital with Bo. And so she wasn't the doula then. So then Catherine calls Jackie that morning and Jackie's like, Catherine, I'm in Texas. Like you were, I wasn't expecting you to like deliver so early. So Jackie's out. Okay. So, so it's like 10 15 or so 10 maybe 10 45 katherine comes home from the juice
Starting point is 00:11:27 from dropping off preschool to bow to juice and home and with the home birth uh one of the things that they do to like help alleviate pain since you can't get like anesthesia i've been very curious about this for a week now is they have a tub like they like literally bring in like a an inflatable like air mattress style, like tub. Fun. So you already had this? We, yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:47 they had brought it to us a couple of weeks earlier. Good. And so I had blown up the tub whenever, as she got home, I blown the tub. With your mouth or? No, no,
Starting point is 00:11:54 they got a little. Oh, good, good, good, good, good. Very quick.
Starting point is 00:11:57 It's a big day for both of you. You just wait, brother. And so, so she comes in at 1045, you know, like I'm nonchalant she seems like she's pretty nonchalant we're talking about the different juices she got she got some with apple cider
Starting point is 00:12:11 vinegar and cucumber and oh that's cool that one has taste of hints of cherry in there that's fun hints of contraction in there yeah yeah and i could tell she's like kind of struggling a little bit through these contractions but she's she's tough she's a warrior like you've always heard like if you can breathe through it's not that big of a deal so it's like or if you can talk through this is the part like if i'm watching a movie or like oh it's getting good yeah this is exciting so so let me keep telling let me just keep emphasizing the nonchalance i don't know if that's a noun but that's what i'm gonna call it nonchalance so uh in order to fill up the tub in order to fill up the pool i mean order to fill up the pool, I mean, we had to like connect our, like connect, connect a hose to our hot water, um, uh, of our washing machine,
Starting point is 00:12:51 like the hot water. I think, and the hose that we had bought was like, it didn't work. It like when he, when he turned it on, like the water came through the hose, but it also like didn't have a good enough seal. Yeah. I can imagine spitting out. And I was like, that's not going to do. And so literally when she gets home, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:13:06 Hey, the hose is not good. So I'm going to just run a run to Ace Harbor real fast and get her hose. And she's like, once again, nonchalant, but she's like, Oh yeah. Okay. Just, just please hurry a little bit. Like she's kind of feeling a little bit. So I'm, I'm hustling to Ace, which is always a good excuse to drive fast. Like it's always fun when you have an excuse to drive fast. Now, let me ask you this. Was this the point of the day when you called me and said, Hey, I'm not going to make it? No, I called you already. I was like, Hey man, remember how we were supposed to do all these things? It was supposed to be a big day for me. And that was like, that was the classic Catherine. Like I feel bad for Brad. Like he was supposed to do this.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And then you're supposed to have this meeting. You're supposed to pick this wood up. You know, like it was supposed to be like, cause I was like trying to get a lot of stuff done before this baby came so i was like this is gonna be a big work day for me and of course i had to cancel everything and so i i called you earlier in the day and been like hey man um not gonna make it or you know i might be late well and and before this i forgot to tell this part of the story so so i talked to katherine right before i talked to you and i was like so can you clarify with me are you sure your water broke and she's like oh yeah yeah it definitely broke and i was like okay so that means she's like i'm confident we're gonna have a baby the next 24 hours so i was like okay
Starting point is 00:14:14 so i need to cancel everything oh okay okay including the chimney sweep that was supposed to come oh he's finally coming finally like yeah he had rescheduled so many times because the weather finally was coming and i was like i, I called Catherine once again, just ignorance. I was like, Hey, do you think that like, Jackie's not going to be there. They say it's only going to take like three hours. Do you think that they could just squeeze in there and do it? And, and like, and then like Catherine's like, maybe, I don't know. It seems like it might be a little long, you know, like, and so then I called the chimney
Starting point is 00:14:40 sweep guy back and I'm like, yeah, we're actually delivering at home. And I'm like, as I'm saying this out loud, it seems like something we need to reschedule. I don't want to stress my wife out anymore. I can't imagine if they were there for this. Um, so anyway, I'm, I'm running the ACE hardware. The idea of a chimney sweeper being in the room with you guys. In the room. Just ridiculous. Like ash flying everywhere. Like just why it's, it's April at this point. He's like, look, I know of several doulas. If you need any coaching, you let me know. Yeah. Right. Just, uh, the, yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:09 yeah. Breathe. Just breathe. Yeah. Exactly. Um, went to ACE hardware, came back, got the new hose hooked up. Good, good to go. Good seal. Yeah. Good to go. And contractions are getting a little more intense now. It's probably, we'll say 11 15 at this point and it's getting intense and so like i don't know i'm trying to time the contractions that's another thing you do because yeah yeah in between you want to see how how many minutes are in between because that's how you know it's getting closer um a little nonchalant or a little bit more chill for a little bit i'm just sitting there with her encouraging her and then she's like she's hurting more she's like turn on She's like, turn on the tub, turn on the tub or fill up the tub. It's time. I need to get in the tub. It's hurting me.
Starting point is 00:15:50 This is awesome. And it's like, it's like classic, like, you know, you turn it on, it's running for like 10 minutes. She's battling through these contractions. And then like, when she has the contractions, obviously it's like hell on earth. And then after the contraction is over, it's like, she has moments of clarity. So like, Oh, cool. So like, so like after the contraction happens, you know, it's been going for like 10 minutes. She's like, actually, maybe I'm, maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe turn off the tub because she doesn't want to get cold. And so she's like, turn off the tub. I'm doing okay. And so the tub is only like probably, I don't know, a foot full at this point. And so I go back, I'm just consoling her. I don't know why, but at some point she's
Starting point is 00:16:25 like, Hey, can you go get me this? And so I get up to go get her that thing. And I looked down at the tub and it's just puddle city all over the living room. Like some, there was a, there's some leak in the tub. I mean, I mean like, I mean like, like imagine puddle city kind of worried me. You, when you tell the story, you gotta, you gotta rephrase that a little better. Puddle city. That's the first time I've used PC. My mind wandered for a while there. You got to clarify puddle city.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Oh brother. I looked back. 100% Aquafina, puddle city. I was like, I don't know what that means. Okay. You're saying the water was just everywhere. So we had put down like some plastic underneath the tub and it was like completely saturated. I mean, and these are on my brand new floors.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And so, and so the, the, yeah, the economical, like financial aspect of me is like, why are we not in a hospital right now? This is so dumb. Like, why are we not, you know? And so I, I run and grab every single towel I have and I'm just sopping it up. And the whole time, like Catherine's not looking at the pool, like the puddle, puddle city, because she's too worried about herself. She doesn't want to get stressed with that. And you know, I'm like, so I'm like sopping up this stuff and I'm like, you're doing great.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You're doing great. And I'm like, I mean, there's a, there's a hole in the tub, right? There's a hole in the tub. It's never ending. And so, and so, and so I, I try to get, I try to get some of that water. And then what I did, or no, maybe before that I went to the kitchen and got the biggest bowl I had and just started like, what's the word in like a canoe when you get all the water out, like scooping. I don't know. Yeah. That's not the biggest bowl I had and just started like, what's the word in like a canoe when you get all the water out, like scooping. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 That's not the word that I'm thinking of, but like, I was literally like, take a little bit of water, go outside, waddle over and just throw it on the deck and then do some more and throw it on the deck. And eventually like I got it light enough.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Like the tub was light enough where I could pick up the tub, drag it to the deck. And literally like it accidentally like fell. Like I was trying to get it through the door of the backyard or the back door to get it out to the deck but it like it gushed out it got all over my shoes i was holding the door open with a flower pot flower pot just fell right on my shoes so like my shoes are ruined okay muddy shoes just craziness topsoil shoes i'm sopping up the i'm sopping up all the water katherine on the other hand or in the in like just right over here is like oh my just like is there something in pregnancy called transition where it's like, you go from like,
Starting point is 00:18:29 this is kind of bad to like Bruce to Caitlin. Oh, here we go. Yeah. Something like that. Um, yeah, she becomes like a different person. Like she is just, she's, she has a different kind of like moaning. I actually have never heard that though. Transition phase. So it's like pregnancy. I think that's like the worst aspect of it is like, okay, this is going from like normal contractions to like, holy crap, this is terrible. Okay. And, but at the same time, Catherine is still thinking like, maybe this is just normal. And so we're calling our midwife.
Starting point is 00:18:56 We're like, Hey, FYI. Um, she's, she's struggled a little bit more. Um, I also said like the tub, I was pissed. I was like, you know, cause I was like, we, we paid for this tub like to be used so your tub doesn't work your tub sucks and and so she's like that's so weird you know whatever oh well i'm finishing up this appointment in south olathe when i'm done with that i'll head your way and you know katherine's like okay great you know whatever like try not to be by the word appointment does she mean like i'm i'm delivering a baby right now or they they have like a home appointment, like a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:19:27 before you're supposed to have your midwife. Let's prioritize a bit here. Well, that's the thing. It was, it was classic, like Brad and Catherine nonchalance. Like, okay, whenever you can, it was like, it was like, that sounds good enough for me. And then like five minutes later, Catherine's like, call the midwife back right now. I tell her to come right now. Oh man, this is getting good. Yeah. And so, and so that's the other funny thing is that I, in, in the midst of all the puddle city, I had like, like the water had like gotten under my brown chair and like gotten like on the puddle city. And so I had like moved the brown chair. I couldn't find the phone that had the midwife's number. And so as Catherine's like dying in pain,
Starting point is 00:20:05 I'm like, Catherine, do you know where the phone is? And she just goes, no, not right now. And I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:20:10 okay. It was like behind like the, the brown chair, like match or a cushion or whatever. Find the phone. I'm like, you got to come right now. She can hear Catherine in the background.
Starting point is 00:20:19 She's like, Oh, like you can tell Catherine's close transition. And so she goes, okay, do you have an iPhone? And I was like, yeah. She's like, okay. FaceTime me. Oh baby. And so we're FaceTime in the middle. This is like a Liam Neeson had taken moment. He's like, look, you're going to
Starting point is 00:20:32 have a baby. You know, like, okay. It's like go under the, go into the spare bedroom. Get out of the ground. Shout out everything you could see in here. Descriptions, tattoos, haircuts. You're just having to describe what does it look like? Describe it to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just absolute chaos, man. I mean, you're like, I see Puddle City. Luckily, Puddle City had been cleaned up at this point. Luckily, it had been like, I had gotten that out of the way.
Starting point is 00:20:56 The tub is literally on our deck. Like, I had thrown it out there. Like, just get it out. And, you know, she's like hauling down the highway. I bet she was like probably close to your house so it's like a 25 minute drive love that she's facetiming during her you know 90 mile an hour escapade yeah right i know not not the best look but um you know she's like calming us down she's like it's very normal this is good like babies that come this fast are very healthy
Starting point is 00:21:18 whatever and i'm like that would calm me down i think yeah yeah i i don't know i don't remember like being freaked out or even really having many emotions besides just like the task at hand, this is what's going on. And I have to do it. Like, I don't think I had like a scared feeling or like, eh, at one point I was like, please hurry. I remember saying that to her, please hurry, please hurry. Cause I just felt so bad for Catherine. Like, it's like, it's so intense watching your wife in such pain. And you're like, all you can do is be like, you're doing great. Keep going, keep going. And so I did this. Yeah, exactly. Uh, I mean, and then like, it just became unbearable to the point where Catherine had to, she was like, I feel like I need to push. And all of a sudden, dude, there it comes. And where are we at? Where are we at?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Living room floor, living room floor, no tub, no tub, baby. Hardwood floors. We got a rug. And that's the other funny thing is that like a week earlier, my dad came over, my parents came over to watch the KU game and we kind of had a bad timing as far as like when dinner was going to be ready. And so Catherine's like, I was like, I was like, Catherine, we got to watch the game while we eat dinner. She's like, I guess we can watch the game in there, but just like be really careful not to spill on the tub or on the rug. And now it's like, we're having a baby on this rug. Uh, you know, it's just,
Starting point is 00:22:30 it's like, so ironic. Like the, the, the white rug is just like a week old, just getting, and all of a sudden, dude, it's like, I, I wasn't even expecting it. Like I was still like thinking like in, in past pregnancies, she had taken a long time to push it out like probably i mean at minimum 20 minutes or so so i was like is she just lying down on the rug kind of propped up or like no she's like she's like on the couch kind of like gosh i don't know how much detail she wants me to put sorry yeah i'm just like curious like how a baby gets born in a living room in a living room it was nuts and the dude was not there the midwives are gone it's just me dr daddy like big daddy md and all of a sudden dude it's like holy crap that's the baby it's on facetiming i just dropped the phone it like
Starting point is 00:23:21 drops right on it's like flat on its face like it's just black for the midwife and she just not the baby the phone got it and i just catch this baby dude and catch yeah i mean like that's what i call it like i yeah i receive the cradle you yeah you take it i'm holding it and i'm just like oh like i'm freaking out katherine's like in pain and freaking out like we're all just like and and you and, you know, like in, in my head, like the anticipation of not knowing the gender, I was saying like, this is going to be such a beautiful moment when it comes out. It's going to be like, it's a girl, it's a boy, you know, whatever. I remember being like, Oh, like it was like, I didn't look, I didn't remember to even check for like three minutes. Yeah. I was like, Holy crap, baby, baby, baby. You did it. You did it. You know, and you can hear the midwife like, holy crap. Baby, baby, baby. Captain, you did it. You did it.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You know, and you can hear the midwife like, okay, so everything's, everything, you know, like the baby cries right away, which is a good sign. Like that it has oxygen to its lungs or whatever. Like, it's like freaking out, man. I mean, and yeah, I'm just like, it's like so slippery, dude. Like it's like a bunch of Crisco on there. Like Dwight said, his baby's slippery. Yes, dude. It's so, it's pretty accurate. Like if you imagine like slathering yourself in Crisco, got it. That's
Starting point is 00:24:29 exactly what this was. Okay. It was like, Holy crap. Here we are. And here we are. Yeah. And I, I just passed Catherine the baby because it's like, it's like a thing. Like when you skin to skin, you remember talking about that on correct opinions and skin to skin, we skin to skin that thing real good. And the midwife came just like a few minutes later and everything was good holy crap but i mean but and we figured out as a girl it was one of those things where it was like i was expecting such an emotional moment and instead it was like adrenaline it was it was a oh so much adrenaline and it also was like like it was like a biz it was like a task i was task oriented with it like yeah where it was not like like with my other two kids i And it also was like, like, it was like a business. It was like a task. I was task oriented with it. Like where it was not like, like with my other two kids, I sobbed. I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:08 I was like, this was so beautiful. I'm so proud of Catherine. I was so proud of her obviously this time too. And I definitely like yelled out in like emotional crying almost, but it wasn't like tears. I don't think I ever cried. So it was just like, it's a girl, you know, like just, you know, something like that, but it wasn't like just bawling out tears. It was just like it's a girl you know like just you know something like that but it wasn't like just bawling out tears it was just like i was so pumped i was so pumped for hattie because she really wanted a sister and like really yeah and katherine was like oh i think you know every every girl needs a sister so i was like so pumped for hattie and then i also had the thought of our friends gunner and emily and then peter and sophie are both also gunner and emily just
Starting point is 00:25:46 had a girl peter and sophie are about to have a girl they're all gonna grow up together this is nuts yeah gunner and emily literally had their baby like a week ago like they were gonna literally grow up together their entire lives that's really fun wow and so it was like holy crap and so i literally texted my mom an emoji of a girl and i said holy crap tell everyone that's all i said and i texted yeah and then i texted you like i don't know 15 minutes later panda freaking monium three words girl emoji yeah panda freaking monium i i i felt like i could conquer the world dude i was like i'm not scared of anything i can't even imagine the adrenaline and the yeah what you felt like no
Starting point is 00:26:19 wonder you couldn't feel any emotion like you just have these walls up i'm sure like we need to do this this is life or death like we need to accomplish this. There's no room to feel sensitive. No, it wasn't like, it's kind of gross. I'm not going to catch that thing. I have to, what do you want me to do? So literally delivered, caught the baby myself and yeah, just I'm on top of the world. It was awesome. It was so fun. Uh, it couldn't have gone better for how crazy, I mean, obviously it could have gone better. So she, she starts pushing. How long does that take until you're holding a baby bro uh i don't know how many times she pushed like officially officially but it felt like two minutes wow i mean maybe it was five but it was good work yeah that's efficient she i mean she nailed it dude like
Starting point is 00:26:58 i i don't know she so she obviously was natural natural birth she didn't have any anesthesia and i think that makes a difference with how quick you can do it. Because obviously she feels everything way more. Get this out of here. Seriously. I mean, it was amazing. It was a crazy experience. Like the fact that we had it at home because, you know, literally 30 minutes later,
Starting point is 00:27:17 Catherine's walking back to her bed and like lying in bed. Like no way, you know, versus like a hospital bed and like not comfortable. And it was really crazy and cool in that instance it was also just like holy crap like i just kept thinking about it being like this is nuts so i texted you and we were laughing katherine i back and forth and all the things you were responding all right like you were just in i was in messenger coffee and i mean like i was like sitting back in my chair hands over my head just like looking at what you were texting me i I was doing this just like I was sitting there by myself. Like this is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Yeah. Your responses. And then I totally I texted Scott like way earlier in the morning before we had her. Her name's Rose, by the way. Rosie. Rosie Caroline. And I forgot to text Scott that we actually had the baby until later on. And Scott's wife was a labor and delivery nurse.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So she was like freaking out, like, Holy crap. Uh, you know, then Scott was like, no, you didn't do you. There's no way you did that. I could have never done, you know, all these different things. And it was, it's just cool. Cause it's like, how many men can say that they like delivered their own baby? You know, not many, not like that. Not like that, man. Not like, yeah. On, you know, helped by someone in the medical field. Yeah. Which I mean, that's the thing is that we were obviously FaceTiming somebody that calmed us down and calmed me down at least a little bit.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But anyway, it was, it was wild, dude. And Rose is a great name. Thank you. It's a classy name. We were in between two and it was the same with Hattie. We were in between two with Hattie and yeah, settled on Rose afterwards. It was like, it just feels like Rose.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It's funny though. Cause like, since we didn't anticipate her name beforehand too much, like I still have to like hesitate every once in a while. What's her name again? Like, and Rose, you know, it's like, you named it. You should know the name, but anyway, it's, it's, it's fun. Everybody's doing great.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Catherine, we're home alone with Rose Hattie and Bo are down in Texas for like a week. And that's the way to do it, man. Like, yeah, because it's obviously it's like we're acclimating, but it's not nearly the same as what's going to be like in a week or so when it's all three of us again. So anyway, just crazy times, man. I just can't believe you did that. I mean, no. And that's the funny thing. So without, yeah. I mean, you're scared of deer, dude. And you just delivered a baby. No, let me tell you what I'm also scared of is within the baby realm, like after you have the baby,
Starting point is 00:29:38 it's an option for the dad to cut the umbilical cord. And that's like a thing. You've always been like, no, thank you. No, yeah, totally. I'm like, no. I don't want to mess that up. This time they're like, do you want to cut the umbilical cord. And that's like a thing that like, you've always been like, no, thank you. No. Yeah, totally. I'm like, no,
Starting point is 00:29:46 I don't want to mess that up this time. They're like, do you want to cut the cord? I was like, I will cut that. I'll bite it off. Oh yeah. I'll nod that thing off.
Starting point is 00:29:54 No, I was like, no, I'm not scared of that cord. Give me that freaking cord. Are there any babies being delivered nearby? I'll cut their cord. They joke.
Starting point is 00:30:01 They were like, you know, we might need assistance sometime. Can you imagine if I walk in? Come on, mom mom you can do it push for me any puddle cities over here i was it was just unbelievable the whole thing was unbelievable um yeah i don't i don't know much what else to say but yeah the she has a baby she's doing great everybody's katherine's recovering really well for all the moms out there that care about that kind of, I mean, it's just, yeah, could not be much better as far as like a
Starting point is 00:30:29 pregnancy, you know, uh, what's the word recovery standpoint. So everything's good, man. So cool. Dad of three, the kids came. So the kids stayed at my mom's house for the first couple of days. And then Catherine's mom came up and the kids stayed over at our house the night before they left for Texas. Okay. Okay. And so there were three kids that slept in our house. I like joke with Catherine. I was like, we had three, it wasn't a joke. It was like our three kids slept at our house last night. That's crazy. Just like that.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And just like that dude, Bo is a middle child. Like it feels like, like all of a sudden it's like, Whoa, be careful about Bo. Like he's trying to stick his hands in Rose's mouth and like, like kind of like not being gentle enough, kind of smacking her every once in a while. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just let's feel her clothes. Let's feel, you know. And then Hattie's just in the corner, just reading by herself. Just reading.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah. Just Hattie. I put her to bed that night. She said, all I care about is Rose. That's all. You know, it's like. Hattie is so grown up. It's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, I know. So anyway, it's just, it's awesome, man Yeah, I know. So anyway, it's just, it's awesome, man. We're excited about it and yeah, life's good. That's awesome. Baseball is finally back. Get in on major league action and swing for the fences with bed MGM, the king of sports books, log in or sign up to play along as bed MGM brings the real time action embraces seasons worth of swings with BetMGM, your one-stop shop for all things baseball. for Ts and Cs. 19-plus to wager, Ontario only.
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Starting point is 00:34:05 like, I don't know what I'm, I have this week of stuff. I have furniture to make and I don't know. You have to, you know, stain some table legs. The next like family thing within our house is that we're going to move Bo and Hattie into the same room. So I'm going to build a bunk bed or a lofted bed maybe, uh, for them. And then, yeah, so that's going to be like the next transition within our family. Uh, so that'll be interesting. because bo's still in a crib right now so transitioning him out of that to like a toddler bed or something where he can get up and you know roam around the house if he wants to yeah so do you guys have like the the ring cameras or anything set up to like watch them in their rooms do you okay yeah i love any kind of video that shows like
Starting point is 00:34:41 kids interacting in their room like that like there's some cute videos out there that. Like I've seen like an older sister help a younger brother, which I guess could happen to you totally out of the crib to like sleep together. Like just the cutest stuff. Yeah. I could definitely see something like that happening. Cause Kat or Hattie's already so mother, like she's, she was like, Bo, the baby's sleeping. So you need to lower your voice. Not like be quiet, lower your voice, lower your voice. Yeah. Just all these different things that she says. So, uh, yeah, it'll be fun to see how they react in there and how it goes. But anyway, yeah. Fun times. I don't feel like a father of three yet. I'm sure I will soon enough, but right now it just feels like we have this little baby that we're caring about. Gosh, Catherine. Good job.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yes. That was awesome. Once again, just, if you're a mom out there now, no matter how you have your baby, you are awesome. Like I just, every single time that, you know, I, I see this birthing process. I'm just like, moms are amazing. Like there's no, there's just no comparison to that. Like it's just one of the craziest, coolest things. And yeah, moms are amazing for doing that. So good job moms out there. In addition to everything else you texted me last week when that all went down, you also texted me. You said, God is so freaking real. It's like you had a moment there. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It was like, golly, like how could you deny the presence of the Lord in this moment? Like, I'm sure. I mean, it's a miracle, man. So yeah, it was just, it was just cool to see. And that was one of those things where I was like, I don't, I never really have doubts that God is going to provide or that God's going to protect us. And so I never really had this fear necessarily, but it was, it was still just like, that was crazy. I'm sure you just, you feel the fullness of creation. You're like, of course. Wow. Holy
Starting point is 00:36:16 crap. Yeah. That's why I text, I text so many people. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. And then people were like, that's nuts. That was really fast. I was like, yeah, story to follow. You're telling me. I'll tell you more later. So anyway. It's so fun when things like that's nuts that was really fast i was like yeah story to follow you're telling i'll tell you more later so anyway it's so fun when things like that happen like that we have a podcast yes like this isn't such an amazing story and now you get to tell people other people get to enjoy and relish in that story and katherine probably katherine and i probably went over five times like hey what exactly are you going to tell the podcast like i don't want i don't want x y you know so but yeah for the most part it was all yeah all good puddle city no uh but it was like it was
Starting point is 00:36:53 one of those things where it's like yeah this is this is awesome but katherine's so much more private than me and so she's like this is a very vulnerable time in my life yeah having a baby no totally but oh man it was yeah so cool so it's amazing i'm buzzing baby i'm buzzing off of it that's great yeah so anyway um top that jake well while i'm thinking of it i mean not at all but uh i'll just give a quick shout out to my baby of the week yeah uh just lately i mean it's something close to birthing a baby um this girl i met at uh top golf in meadowbrook park a while back um turns out we're going steady. Oh, baby. But Rachel, just got to give a shout out to her.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So she is a full-time middle school special ed teacher. Right. In a pretty like underprivileged school. So already hard enough. Never heard her complain. Loves it. In addition to that, she has started taking online grad school classes. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:45 To become a counselor, mental health therapist, everything. Overloaded herself a little bit for like a two-week session like certain classes overlapped and so at one point in time for the past two weeks she's been taking four and a half uh grad school classes so it's a full-time grad student yeah um doing uh full-time teaching and she forgot that earlier in the school year she signed up to be the track and field coach so she doesn't even have like the time after school that people have no so she doesn't get home until like six yeah and then she has to do grad she's writing papers constantly she's also dating me like we're hanging out i don't know how she's doing everything she's doing maybe she just called off with you it sounds like you know just for a few months right
Starting point is 00:38:24 a few weeks even she's like you know what i'm gonna leave for five days straight you've been doing that to me quite a bit i'm gonna leave you're like i really want to see you tonight it's like well sorry you know yeah so it's just been phenomenal i'm like i don't totally understand can i just watch how you're accomplishing all this like and uh so yeah shout out rachel and she's very disciplined online correct yeah which is i think infinitely harder than like it's got to be way harder to be motivated i mean i'm such a procrastinator yeah she is very very disciplined yeah you have to be but at the same time it's so hard to be yeah good for her anyway shout out to her um but babes of the week baby shout out to catherine mainly no no shout out to her um that's awesome well so you you've been you've been around
Starting point is 00:39:05 i've been birthing babies i mean if this was any other episode of like brad i got some stories for you but it's like i mean i definitely don't know compared to that i mean just so much has transpired yeah i've done seven comedy shows they've been amazing the north we did the northeast last week and they were so good like i think providence Rhode Island is maybe my favorite show we've done the whole time. Um, and I took your advice kind of, so yeah, we went to Northeast last week and we had taken a month off. And so I kind of expected there to maybe to be a little regression of just like, all right, kind of finding the words again, like, or just like finding the comfortability that I had when we were going full time night after night. Steady. That first night was just like, oh, we are back.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I feel so good. Yeah. It was first two nights. It really was. It was kind of like, I got this. There's no amount of time anymore where I could feel like I don't know these jokes or whatever. But just, I don't know what it was about the month off. I came back to the stage more comfortable than I've ever been.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I've done more crowd work the past two weeks okay ever it's so fun dude interesting and i'm starting to get so excited now for like all right when the next tour is like being built i really want to tap into that and it's like how especially because we'll be in comedy clubs like it's gonna be so much easier to do crowd work like almost build a set that's like you're gonna do more comedy clubs next time to like work on our material oh so like this fall the uh warm-up exactly as we're writing it and building it we'll be going to comedy clubs okay it's just been so fun and got to see so many ghosties oh confirm lindsey merchant we were like kentucky she did come to the main show with her and her boy they just like they missed the kentucky shows like
Starting point is 00:40:38 we've never been to maine come to maine why not yeah um that's fun it was really fun oh i just gotta remember this i'm like saying hi to them the ushers are kind of kicking us out also i've got a door dash i didn't get to eat dinner then i've got a door dash coming for or no it was a dinner it was a milkshake i was craving i was craving uh i just got a vanilla milkshake from mcdonald's oh yeah and so i was like let me go out and get that as we're walking out uh her boyfriend's asking me what pants i'm wearing i'm like they're actually they're the hemmed pants from the podcast and he and then lindsey was like oh he doesn't listen i just tell him i was like oh forget it forget it as we walk out the door dash driver
Starting point is 00:41:13 she's kind of looking i was like oh that's probably for me thank you so much and she looks me in the eyes she goes 350 and i was like i still owe you i didn't understand what this meant she's like yeah she's like 350 the tip I was like oh yeah you tipped her 350 yeah I thank you I don't know whether to say you're welcome because the tone was very stern it's like 350 hey 350 yeah so I was like all right and then she's walking away I was like I'm sorry are you are you upset I'm sorry she's like 350 that was the whole was the whole thing and i was like that's gotta be a compliment i tipped you like 100 you know but there's all these people it was so awkward dude all these ushers heard me the ghost sees her hearing me she was not happy i promise she was mad
Starting point is 00:41:55 it was clearly it was clear that she was upset and i'm like trying to yell at her like 100 tips seems decent but i'm not i don't understand how you get paid so i'm sorry it was so awkward i hated how that like came across probably i was like i mean all i got was a milkshake that seems like a lot to tip yeah you probably paid 11 for the milkshake it was so much yeah but i wanted it and they didn't even have a milkshake so i had to get a caramel frappe it was fine okay uh but sorry i just remember that 350 period yeah it was just funny there's so many people watching this awkward exchange. She was there.
Starting point is 00:42:26 It was fun. The Northeastern shows, yeah, were just so fun. And then we did Los Angeles and Las Vegas the past two days. That's a stark contrast. It was. In my opinion. It was pretty different. Without being to very many of those places.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Because the Northeast was more typical shows. Like it's, you know, our normal audience. We're in theaters. It's what we're used to. And then Los Angeles was like typical shows. Like it's, you know, our normal audience. We're in theaters. It's the, what we're used to. And then Los Angeles was like downtown LA. So it's already kind of a hard spot. There's not a lot going on. It's like downtown LA.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I was going to say, LA doesn't have like a central area. That's kind of the interesting thing about LA. Yeah. I feel like a lot of people I know. It's so spread out. Yeah. So spread out. Hard to get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:43:00 But one aspect of it was cool was Trace's manager jack was like hey you're in la i want to make sure some people are there to see you so jack invited i said that word weird um i don't know why trey told me it was 100 i don't know if he actually invited 100 people but um it was people from like netflix amazon hulu not like not like necessarily celebrities but more like talent like industry people. Yeah. So Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. Did you know this beforehand? Yeah, I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:43:30 So I was like, this is awesome. This is so fun. You were like freaking out? I mean, as the opener, I mean, they're not expecting anything out of me. So if I can wow them, they'll be like, this guy's great. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, this is so fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And then there were just, dude, there were just so many people there in general. They were just like, found out after the chain smokers were there right at the show you love the chain out of most out of anybody i know i think you like more than most in 2016 i love the chain smokers yeah yeah sure yeah i don't listen to mute math that much anymore but they're at my show i'd be really excited um there are just so many that's wild i'm trying to now i didn't really write it down there's just so many like people there it's just it's los angeles sure and we go to like this it's like chain smokers are c-list now it's like i'm like what have they put out recently i mean i don't know and so we go to this like thing afterwards this bar kind of club area which is kind of fun me and
Starting point is 00:44:17 tom took a uber together which i thought it was gonna be an uber and then this like black suv picks us up drops us off there's this huge line to get in we just go to the bouncers and say the password which is vibes are up oh my gosh i'm just so dorky which felt a little weird hey uh vibes are up excuse me you give them the pound it like hey vibes are up thanks bud yeah yeah yeah okay cool so like usually it's like probably a cool like persephone or yeah scarlet yeah yeah some random like crayola color caramel yeah hey caramel hey hey oh i mean caramel the goose rides at dawn that would be fun vibes are upes are up. Hey, buddy. Vibes are up. Hey, get some club sodas.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So I went from feeling like moderately cool, black, escalate, bypassing the line to just immediately like, oh, gosh. What's that password again? You're like mumbling through it. I think it's Vibes are up, I guess. I'll just follow it. You know what? I'll just get in line. I'll just go to the back.
Starting point is 00:45:29 We get in there and like, it's just so LA. so la just like it was just like this is not my life this is this is so opposite of how i spend my time this is and how i surround myself the video i saw the people with like the lit on fire stuff so we got yeah so okay i texted or what was it oh it's a video on someone else's story and i just you you i think you just put on your close friends maybe is that what yeah okay so it was just like we got bottle service and i never know what to do in that situation and you get to see me like it was the same day we posted the sheltered kid video and boy was it evident my hands yeah i analyzed it both hands just on the kneecaps on my thighs like just sitting there pretty pretty good posture like pretty worried about scoliosis or something and you're like wow
Starting point is 00:46:05 this is great i'm kind of looking around like i don't think that's cream soda yeah that's a bummer does the dj have any chain smokers you know like whoa this is nice dude the dj i walk in the dj is like this guy i've seen on my tiktok feed it's like this no way yeah i don't know how to describe necessarily but i was like oh i see this guy's tiktoks blow up all the time i guess he's a real dj that's cool and so he was djing better than dj trav barely travis knew exactly who it was he's like i follow skydive he's my he's my inspiration i do it all for him that's great and there were just so many people there who i like record like old vine stars tiktok stars really yeah um this guy came up to me this was like a very la conversation very nice guy very sweet he came up to me. This was like a very LA conversation.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Very nice guy. Very sweet. He came up to me. He's like, dude, I had no idea who you were before tonight. And you were so funny. You were so great. I was like, awesome. Like, what's your name? And this is where it started to become a little more LA. He's like, it's such and such and such. So that's just like, oh, awesome. Well, very nice to meet you. He's like, you know, I actually, I actually do stuff like you and Trey. I was like, oh, right on. Yeah. Very cool. He's like, you've probably seen Disney characters during quarantine. I was like, uh, no, I don't. I mean, I think I saw a lot of quarantine videos. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:16 He's like, oh, so he rattles off some like other video title. And I'm like, ah, I don't think, you know, maybe. Does he give a third? If he gives a third you just say yes no matter what dude dude well no matter what you're like yes i have oh dude yes yes dude i think i follow you maybe like oh my gosh yes so i stayed strong for the first two years like i really haven't seen these i don't want to get follow-up questions you know and so then the third one he's like have
Starting point is 00:47:45 you seen a video he's like the the guy who loves his hometown or something like that i was like i think i made that video i was like yeah yeah in my head i'm thinking like that's a trevor wallace video he's like so that video is actually by trevor wallace but i i do stuff like that oh okay right on no okay i get it then i get it okay totally totally that's funny this guy he really did he has i looked him up later it's like a million subscribers so he is like famous i guess but i just hadn't found anything about social media is you can have a million subscribers and never seen it you can walk into a room of 100 people and no one would know who you are you know so yeah there's all sorts of random people it's like i think you i've seen you on
Starting point is 00:48:22 tiktok or you know whatever um that's great though like people kind of like low-key plugging their their their own brand oh yeah he just couldn't let me leave without like acknowledging like okay you've made videos and of course anyone else i talked to because there's so many people who were at the show so i'm trying to like just talk to people like what do you do the first three people ask same answer i work in production if anyone could tell me what in the world that means because i would try to ask and i still don't know what they do yeah i work in production ryan always says they work in finance yeah they just throw acronyms at me well i used to do i used to be a cpat and then i moved on i was in the agt yeah i was doing i'm like america's got talent no no no no no no no no no actors guild of toronto i was doing dea oh wow it's fbi
Starting point is 00:49:03 you did drug enforcement yeah i love breaky bet no what no no i did dancers entertainers and actors Actors Guild of Toronto. I was doing DEA. Oh, wow. It was FBI. You did Drug Enforcement? Yeah. I love Breaking Bad. No. What? No. Hank? No. I did Dancers, Entertainers, and Actors.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Oh, okay. Great. Oh, very good. Okay. And of course, for a while. The lesser known DEA. Yeah. DEA in California doesn't really exist.
Starting point is 00:49:16 That's wild. I have no idea what any of these people do, but they all work in production. And so I was like, okay, cool. You should be like me too. Oh. And then there'd be no follow-up question because production is so randomly. Yeah. It was just very funny.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Um, that's great. Did they, did you, did you get any sense? Like whenever I went to that, uh, conference in Austin, Texas, I, every time I said anything about being from Kansas city, I feel like I got a little bit of judgment of like, oh, you're from the middle. Yeah. They kind of give like a, oh, okay. Well, I'm sure that's fun.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Like there's no connection at all. They don't know what to say and they kind of treat you like, it's like, I don't know. Like, well, that's nice for you. Yeah, sure. Well, that's great. I'm sure you would like it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Like, oh, just a humble little place. Aw. Yeah, that's cute. Yeah. Now at least we got Patrick Mahomes for somebody to say something nice about us. Yeah, we have some sort of identity now. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Anyway. Okay. So what about sort of identity now. Right. Anyway. Okay. So what about those things that were on fire? Was that... What about... I mean, that's... What was that? That's just like how they celebrate. Like when you buy, when you like get bottle service, when you have a table, it's just like... Let's back up one.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Bottle service in my head means somebody brings over some champagne. Is that what that means? Or does it mean like, hey, you just get whatever you want? think what is bottle i mean i've never ever placed in your in your experience this past week what was it i think trey put in an order like hey let's get a couple nice like bottles of tequila tequila and now i guess if you buy something nice enough maybe it goes in the category of bottle service like okay well the like the bottle girls come out make a big show of it and then they bring it out and then it's just you get those bottles like hey i don't care i don't know they're your bottles okay you do whatever you want with those because i hear bottle service i just think of like don perignon like
Starting point is 00:50:53 champagne or something yeah i mean i think it's whatever you want yeah um obviously i've never done it they're your own bottles i'll be like hey uh the old-fashioned actually doesn't have a price on it on the menu like how much does that cost yeah 1350 uh i was thinking more like 13 maybe i'll give you 350 tip for it i'll negotiate you know like you're worried about stuff like that i'm not oh my gosh i don't i don't think even if i'm super rich i don't think i'll ever get bottle service unless it's like chocolate milk oh that, that I would be interested in. If you get a keg of chocolate milk, keg of sea milk. Yes, please. Make sure there's some cookies to go with it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Fresh baked cookies and chocolate milk. That's a party. Just Toll House. Just, just out of the oven, chocolate chip cookies and some brown milk. Yes. Yeah. My gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:41 That sounds awesome. I want some fully clothed women to bring that over to me on fire. I genuinely, if you're listening to this, want to know would like is there anybody out there that would prefer tequila over chocolate milk and cookies i'm i i want to know i don't think i don't think anybody if that's true themselves would say yes so let me know because i think i think we could we could do something with that just turn it upside down i mean i'm not saying like like i think it should be a cool atmosphere, club atmosphere like you're at. But just with chocolate milk and cookies.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Like still make it like sexy. But just like. It is chocolate milk and cookies. Oh, man. Something else happened that night at the bar. But I think I just I have to save it for Patreon. And you have my word i will post a video okay talking about what happened to me sheltered kid oh wow god got
Starting point is 00:52:31 a lawn shelter got to see something that night came off yeah um so it was fun i'll give a quick shout out to patreon this week obviously i'm not working much because of having a baby and delivering it myself and catching it and doing everything else with the crisco but uh shout out to patreon shout to the people that support us in any way but specifically on patreon because it just helps with uh paycheck in a way for us so i don't have to worry as much about that's a good point missing a week of work for this it's like if nothing else we do have patreon we have patreon that's like consistent money that we have that we have been making because of your support so thank you out there for anybody supporting us on patreon just wanted i had that thought earlier today i was
Starting point is 00:53:07 like i'm gonna say it on the podcast good i don't feel pressure if you're not if you're not supporting us through that way listening to us is supporting us so anyway but but people that do support us on patreon we appreciate it i made a video for patreon like two nights ago in like the halls of this vegas venue we're in and i watched it back and I said, uh, or, um, 50 times. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I hated it. I was like, do I know how to speak? I don't want you to ever point that out again, because then I'll try to find it. How many times I say stuff like that. And it's terrible. Like I say,
Starting point is 00:53:35 like all the time and all that stuff. So let's not think about it. Yeah. Once I noticed, this is rough. I'll just redo this some other time. Oh really? It was that bad.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah. I didn't even post it. Yeah. I didn't even post it. It was too bad? Yeah, I didn't even post it. Yeah, I didn't even post it. It was too bad. But anyway, another part of after the Los Angeles show. Oh, so this is kind of fun. So in addition to everyone that Jack brought, Trey sent in the group text like, hey, it's
Starting point is 00:53:55 not sold out. So invite as many friends as you want. Deal. Next thing you know, I had 24 friends at the LA show. No way. They couldn't believe it. You know, 24 people in California? Apparently. Wow. Yeah. so they all came uh josh and his wife came it was awesome i did see that it was so good to see them we got to talk a lot that was so so fun so i had to see
Starting point is 00:54:14 them i mean i'm just inviting everybody josh josh is the kind of guy that would like to see him see chocolate cookies oh yeah he seems like he seems like he'd be way more up that alley no i think guys i think you're absolutely right especially if they juggle those kegs like well i think i've seen him juggle milk jugs before yeah anyway uh so it was just so fun just knowing that like wow someone who works for netflix is out there i have all these friends out there like it was just such a fun show it went well um afterwards i'm talking to so many friends and i could see that there's a girl waiting to talk to me at the end. Like this should be good.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Always is when they wait for you. Yeah. They were one unlimited time. I don't want to, I'm not going to make any, uh, assumptions, assumptions. I'm not going to draw any conclusions. I'm just going to, I'm just going to give you, uh, the facts. So she comes up right away and she was like, I should be in the emergency room right now. I said, okay, there's a, that's an attention grabbing statement yeah you should work for buzzfeed because i want to read
Starting point is 00:55:10 the rest of the article now you won't believe why i should be my jaw was dropped it was unattached actually that's why i needed to go and i was like oh my gosh uh how come you know she's like i was discombobulated i was was like, huh? She's like, but I came to your show anyway. And I'll tell you, I feel so much better now. And I don't know. I don't know. She just, she would just, she powered through the conversation that I couldn't really ask her any questions, you know, just onto the next, onto the next. I mean, she's telling me all sorts of things. Like, you know, it wouldn't be my first time in the emergency room. I've been in the emergency room countless times. Actually, I wouldn't be my first time in the emergency room. I've been in the emergency room countless times.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Actually, I almost took someone to the emergency room on the way here. I see this guy. He's laying in the street. I go call the ambulance. They finally come. They didn't want to come for a while. They get there. They say, oh, this is the guy from last time.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So I'm just hearing all these stories. I'm like, she wasn't on speed dial. Like, yeah, it was just, this story goes on for like, I've never been cornered like this in my life. Five minutes, 10 minutes, probably up to 12, 13 minutes. The times that you do get kicked out, you're like, I'm trying to stay. Times that you don't, it's like, what's going on, guys? Yeah. Well, unfortunately, we were outdoors.
Starting point is 00:56:13 So of course, sky's the limit. Yeah. I just can't emphasize enough just like how cornered I felt and how I could not escape this conversation. Okay. Eventually, I'm like, all right, well, this is fun. Thank you so much for coming. I gonna get out of here you know and she's like before you go can you can you take a look can you fix my phone okay we can do phone repair so is this one of the
Starting point is 00:56:37 girls that got a free ticket from you like she she's homeless or something she's like i was discombobulated aka didn't have a home she pulls her phone out and it's just like cracked and so i'm like i don't know how to fix like a cracked screen you don't have your screen uh crack wish i did yeah i packed the wrong you know bag yeah and so i'm like i can't fix that she's like well while i have you i think there's something wrong with my instagram dms and you know it wasn't like a pickup line she just legitimately thinks that there's something wrong with my Instagram DMs. And no, it wasn't like a pickup line. She just legitimately thinks that there's something wrong with her. She's like, I DM people all day long, all day long.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I DM people. They never DM me back. And she's like, I think something's wrong. Can you take a look at it? So I'm like, all right. And so I look and she's only DMing celebrities. And so I'm like, I mean, these people just have a lot of followers, you know, so they probably don't see it.
Starting point is 00:57:22 She's like, no, I think something's wrong with the dms because i hear people talking about like i've been getting dms i'm not getting dms i'm not getting a single one from tanya from kim not even tim mcgraw tim mcgraw won't even send it back yes and so it was just so just like i i don't know what's happening i feel for this woman i think i don't know exactly what's going on. I just remembered that I did take a little video to send Rachel like, hey, sorry, I couldn't text you with her while this was happening. I don't even remember what this woman says in this video. We're just going to play and see what she's talking about.
Starting point is 00:57:57 The gurney? Because I said, I'm so desperate to get you out of the street, I'll carry you myself. And he wouldn't allow it. And then when the gurney showed up, when the ambulance came with the gurney, he wouldn't let me or anybody else get him on the gurney. And so I had to take this man's life into my hands. And basically, with Holy Spirit, we got him on the gurney.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And we threw him in the ambulance. And we sent him off. But that's how big a hero I am. I'm the one you're so close to. Good job, babe. Way to act. You listened there. Whoa. Whoa. but that's how big a hero i am good job big whoa i just get like one word in every 30 seconds whoa oh it was brutal it was so fun not at all but yeah how long do you think that you think 20 minutes i think 15 probably just 15 of just mainly her filibustering at me and just every now and then all right
Starting point is 00:58:44 all right and she's powering through the all rights. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah. All right. Yeah. There's no, there's no social cue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:50 No, that's tough. I mean, but for every one person like that, you got 400 people. That's the thing. Pleasant. Yeah. It's not necessarily a complaint. It's just like, this is different. It was like, what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Everyone else is great. Boston show was very fun. We did two kind of boston uh we had ghosties come back to back shows they came in providence and they came in medford which is outside of boston like celia and her crew yeah uh she gave me puppy chow which was great because right before the trip rachel gave me puppy chow and right when i finished that bag suey gave me like two brand new bags so my bag smells a lot like puppy chow and i ate good that's nice last week yeah um it's puppy chow i swear yeah it's all over your nose dude um where you've been california oh yeah okay d.a huh yeah vibes are up bathroom the uh cool guy sammy got to come to a show because he moved back to boston right which is really fun
Starting point is 00:59:43 i learned afterwards that he was a part of the show in multiple ways. Not only was he a part of Trey's crowd work because he met his fiance on Facebook. And Trey was like, do we have any online couples? That's true. I guess so. Really? I think they've like known each other since high school. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Maybe Facebook. Yeah. I guess that's fair. You don't hear about people these days meeting on Facebook. And so Trey was like roasting. I was like, you guys met on Facebook. What are you all doing on Facebook? I learned after the so trey was like roasting i was like you guys met on facebook what are you all doing on facebook i learned after the show sammy's like that was me that was me he was talking to and then sammy also was like dude you remember when you were talking about kansas city and
Starting point is 01:00:13 someone was clapping i was like yeah he's like that was me too so i know i sent you this video but i'm gonna play it for everyone this is sammy clapping by himself during the setup of a joke i don't know how they do it up here but but in Kansas City, where I live, my first time I would have done something like this. I remember, yeah, yeah. Geography, it's wild, huh? Geography, it's wild, huh? Yeah, I thought he was just clapping.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah, loser. Yeah, cities. Thanks for supporting me. No, dude, Sammy. God loves Sammy, dude. It was so good to see him. We hugged multiple times. He told me how much
Starting point is 01:00:49 he misses Kansas City. He's coming back. He's going to be here soon. He was also so fired up because he was at Topgolf the night that we met Rachel. Like he was there with us that night.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yes, dude. And so he was so excited about that and made me more excited quite honestly. That's crazy to think about. Was it just the three of us? I think it might have been. That's fun. Just us three and i connected the ghosties i was like you guys
Starting point is 01:01:08 this is cool guy sammy and so they went and got like steely got a picture of cool guy sammy yeah and he was like this is weird that's what's always fun about the uh the celebrity on celebrity kind of thing yeah they're like you're a character of the show i'll get an autograph yeah absolutely oh that's fun to see old sam. Oh, and then Providence. Yeah. Providence. What did I write down on my notes? Providence was like my favorite show maybe I've ever done. I'm trying to, I wrote down on my notes, Providence, unbelievably loud. So, um, Oh, I remember having the thought while I was on stage was like, Oh, I wish this was the special. I wish this was the one being filmed. They wouldn't let me film that show. Oh really? That was a bummer. Um, interesting. But I just remember the crowd work i did just the guy said he worked in strategy and it was so vague
Starting point is 01:01:48 that i just like i just went off on him for a while just making fun of him and it's like oh where you know what are you working you know business you know you work in sales office money strategy yeah strategy and so like big uh big fan of risk sellers of katan um so honestly i don't have much written in my like little journal of the comedy show i guess it was just everyone just feeling it what uh you you you kind of said allude something earlier you're like i took your advice on something and then oh the advice was just like probably a month ago you're like i would challenge you to like do more crowd work or whatever and like see how long you can go okay yeah so i've kind of been doing
Starting point is 01:02:22 that like just asking people weird questions that i don't normally ask a little bit yeah i'm just like okay well sweet how do you guys know each other right you know and it's like hopefully oh yeah something funny that's your secret sauce like like everybody can write up not anybody but like people can write scripts but you you can do other things more than that so yeah yeah it was fun so uh and every now and then you're gonna answer like two nights ago in vegas you know the guy is a surgeon like okay great what's like you have like a favorite body part to operate on he was like knees okay all right cool uh where are you from you know but tell me more for next time i need you side stage like line patella patella that'd be hilarious dude i would love i would love to like tell me i would love to like have like an earpiece and just everyone's all patella you know just in my ear just like just like searching words
Starting point is 01:03:14 searching me search acl austin city limits you're in austin say something about acl okay yeah something like that that'd be pretty fun just have like a little little uh punchline guy i tried to do some little pun like that and they're they're risky yeah people like people either grow in the category of dad jokes yeah yeah totally i put this on so quick that's what it's not a dad joke it's funny it's it's just like wordplay like i think i posted this to patreon i haven't put it on instagram or anything yet but the guy met his wife at a gas station yeah so i mean almost immediately i was like i mean you got to be careful meeting at a gas station you know you don't want to have too many sparks right and i kind of got like half laugh half groan from the audience like oh that's like i mean it's like guys
Starting point is 01:03:55 we didn't plan this yeah like i mean if you had written that joke into your set grow then it's like okay that's not like yes an original yeah it's like, I mean, it's been like two seconds since I learned this. Right. So yeah, the puns are not as appreciated as I would hope because that's such an easy thing to do. Didn't you have another punchline on top of that, though? That was also kind of punny and really funny. Yeah, people love the innuendos, which I don't want to go there. I don't want that to be the joke.
Starting point is 01:04:20 But yeah. So and that's why I haven't posted. I'm like, is this too inappropriate to put online for my brand? I don't know. Sure. But they loved it. I got like three applause breaks that night for the most ridiculous stuff. So, because the other part, a guy, which I'll post this too.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I was like, I'm from Southwest Missouri. And as soon as I said that, a really dry guy in the front row goes, Springfield. And so I didn't acknowledge it. And then later it's completely silent. And he goes, Bass Pro Shop was originated in Springfield. Or something.field or something that's like well i have to address it now i was like what'd you say he says it again i'm like i mean that's that's a good fun fact yeah i was kind of like right i've had a lot of hecklers i've never just had the fun fact guy yeah you know and so i was like but and we were doing a show in boston i was like but you come around harvard that's what
Starting point is 01:05:01 you'd expect and then people just lost it at that. Oh, really? Oh. For fun facts? All right. And me just comparing it to Harvard, just being nearby Harvard. Yeah. They're like, yeah, that's us. He knows us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:14 He knows us. Don't get it, Harvard. Matt Damon. That's fun. OK, let me get into some of the stories. Those weren't really the stories. Sorry. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:05:26 All right. into some of the stories those weren't really the stories sorry oh great um all right uh two days ago in las vegas uh yeah we get there trey has a relationship with red rocks casino resort he's been doing brandles for him for years trey does like a boys trip so they hook him and all of his boys up with like the boys this week it was kind of paired with our show in vegas so it's really fun so we get comped rooms you know know, we perform there. Bottle service. Performed in a ballroom, which is a little different. I saw that. It looked like a conference room or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:50 It was like where I might have had prom or, you know, a TED talk would go. Yeah. But it was fun. They were loud. They were good. It just had a little different look to it. Sure. So we got a $75 per diem.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Sorry, this is not the actual story. I'm just setting some context. $75 per diem for the life of me. I could not figure out how to spend it because they have a food court at this is not the actual story. I'm just setting some context. $79 per diem for the life of me. I could not figure out how to spend it because they have a food court at this hotel. It was awesome. So I go to Panda Express and, you know, went in Vegas. And I'm like, hey, it's going to take a bite. Orange chicken,
Starting point is 01:06:14 you know, chow mein. And can I charge this to the room? Girl just laughs at me. She's like, I was like, okay. It was just so, I never spent a dime of it. I couldn't redeem it in chips. What happened there?
Starting point is 01:06:30 So I just had to pay with my credit card. Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. So I thought, I thought she was like, yeah, of course you can't. Like, that's why, that's what the laugh signified to me. No. Yeah. So it was like, I, I don't know where you have to go.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Maybe you have to go to like one of the steak dinner places, but it was just so funny. They're like, you want to charge Panda to your room? I was like, yeah. This is just the beginning, lady. It's a per diem, not a pandiem, okay? It wasn't a casino? No, it was. Could you use it there?
Starting point is 01:06:56 No, I tried. They wouldn't let me use that either. They laughed in your face too. Yeah, it was just like, I just felt like- You're like, I'm used to getting laughed at, but not outside the comedy show. It was so hard to figure out how to spend this money. So never spent it. That was a bummer.
Starting point is 01:07:07 But, uh, Oh wow. That would drive me crazy. It's like $75. How do I get this? Um, but the resort was awesome. It was great. It was a lot of fun. What was interesting about the show was this is a, like I said, a ballroom.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So there's not like back hallways. There's not a green room. There's not, it's just the hotel. Just walk through the hotel hallways to get to the ballroom. So you're just hanging out right by the stage the whole time. So I, there was kind of a room we could go into, but as far as like entering the ballroom, yeah. Like I, I need to go back and shower after soundcheck. So I'm in my room. It's 745. Like, all right, time to go to the show. And so i'm just walking in with everybody like this is kind of fun but also i didn't do this on purpose i'm going through security they're like you know uh yeah doing like the metal detector stuff and then i'm like you guys like you don't have a ticket also you cannot bring this
Starting point is 01:07:59 camera in i'm like hey sorry i don't have any kind of like badge or anything, but like, I I'm in the show tonight. I'm one of the performers. And he's like, Oh, okay. I'm going to have you stand over here. And he comes and talks to me. I'm like, I don't know if you have like a run of show or anything, but like, I'll show you my ID. Like my name is the same guy who goes on at eight 20, you know, I was like, or, you know, like I have a picture with me and Trey last night there, you know, trying to show him anything. He he's like no let me you know let me talk to somebody in the meantime people are coming in i am they're asking for pictures they recognize me oh really while i kid you not i am talking to a security officer being like we performed last night um in
Starting point is 01:08:39 los angeles like i could show hey thank you guys yeah oh g shorts hey you like g shorts take a picture and i'm like and uh i literally i signed an autograph while like talking to people yeah like while i'm trying to perform and it wasn't like frustrating i wasn't like running late or anything it was like this is awesome this is kind of funny that this is like irony of like i don't know if i believe you but 50 other people are recognizing you and saying that you're this guy and it was just kind of fun it was like this is a fun point to be in my career where like i am by no means recognizable to the to the normal person it's like yeah why would security know who i am it's kind of fun like yeah yeah uh not getting recognized not getting stopped in public it's just like having to convince someone no i am
Starting point is 01:09:18 performing and like i'm sure you are sure you are but there's still enough people who are watching what you're doing in those hemmed up pants those 32 32s likely that's great um but so out of the golf course yesterday in las vegas and my flight gets canceled i was supposed to fly home at 8 p.m i'd already checked out of my hotel room um so it's like oh bummer southwest is usually pretty dependable they were having like a lot of outages company-wide i guess. So like, all right, handle that. I want to get back to the hotel and trying to find like a flight, uh, to get back on Southwest. I mean, you can't even really get on their website. There's so much going on. Yeah. Didn't you say that was the issue potentially? Um, yeah, some sort of outage. Um, also golf was really fun. The only interesting part was like, when you went to pay for something with
Starting point is 01:10:07 the golf, like cart girl or whatever, she didn't have a credit card machine on her. So she's like, all right, I'm gonna have to go run this at the pro shop and you just pick it up later. I was like,
Starting point is 01:10:15 all right, great. No worries. Yeah. Yeah. Like no worries. Anyway, golf is over.
Starting point is 01:10:20 I'm back at the hotel. I'm trying to find a flight. It doesn't look like anything's going to fly out that night. So I'm like at the hotel. I'm trying to find a flight. It doesn't look like anything's going to fly out that night. So I'm like, all right, fly out in the morning and I will try to get a new hotel. So I go into, um, VIP services. Cause that's where we've been like operating out of. Sure. I was like, Hey, here's the situation. I don't know how our original rooms are paid for, but like, can I get another room? She's like, okay, okay we're gonna need to talk to like the booking manager this could take a couple minutes or hours i was like oh which one is it well a couple minutes is like panda express chow mein yeah a couple hours is like i might need to book a massage or
Starting point is 01:10:56 something with my 75 per diem yeah and so she's like all right uh okay probably more like a couple hours i'm like all right so i go up into like alan's room uh you know oh he's still there at least yeah so that was good and then i'm trying to find flights we're trying to organize this it's been forever it's like i'm gonna go back down and talk to her again and she's like you need to go talk to anastasia go to the front desk they don't know where anastasia is but can i just get a room she's like you know what why don't you just pay for it for now and then if we get back and like learn that it's comp then you'll get reimbursed like good enough that's great sure let me get get reimbursed. Like, good enough.
Starting point is 01:11:25 That's great. Sure. Let me get my credit card out. Exactly. I was like, you know what? That's great. I just want to remember. I just want to shower.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I haven't eaten really. Because pro shop at the golf course, we got hot dogs. We got bratwurst. We got barbecue pork sandwiches. I'll take a... No, no, no. You don't need Lay's barbecue chips or anything?
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'll take a Snickers and a Powerade, please. So I was so hungry. I want to shower. I'm like, I'll just take the room. Great. Do you have a credit card? Yeah, of course. Always.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I'm not an idiot. I'm like, oh my gosh. I left my credit card at the golf course. So I have no credit card. I have no hotel room. And the golf course isn't closed. No, so the credit card's gone. And I have no flight to get home.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'm like, like god this sucks this you're homeless like you're like that's the worst feeling yeah so like not having a place to be like at home but it was honestly fine i never really got too stressed because i didn't have anything to come back to it was like well i mean there's worse places to be stranded in sure i got panda express yeah what else right over there yeah i'll be fine right so uh that was just like man a lot of stuff happening right now. But luckily, I was able to book a Spirit Airlines flight. God bless them.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Thank goodness. Yeah, that's that's when you when you see the only option is Spirit, you say, goodness gracious, that's great. Thank you, Spirit. It was like one of the only direct flights. Never flown Spirit before. So I haven't flown it that much either. Maybe once or twice, obviously, as a stereotype. But I went into it with like, Hey, I'm excited. I get to get home
Starting point is 01:12:47 at a decent hour today. It's going to be great. I love it. I would, I would be the same way. I'm like, I'm sure that there's been lots of bad experiences, but all it takes is one good experience on Spirit Airlines for me. Totally. So I was like, it's going to be fine. Yeah. How bad can it be? It was like first flight in the morning. A lot of people complained about delays. They can't be delayed first thing, you know, they can't lose my bag it's like a direct flight sure and so yeah i'm excited right away i can't really tell where like i can self-tag my bag but i cannot tell at all where to drop it eventually so i talked to a guy and you check you're checking your bag uh my golf clubs oh yeah and he just he works for spirit airlines in las vegas and i'm like hey do you want to check my
Starting point is 01:13:23 eyes he goes english no good for me oh hey okay fair enough playing languages that are no good for me right yeah that's fair so no worries vegas you know they got yeah the eiffel tower there they got taj mahal i was like that's uh that was just a funny answer like yeah no now i know i'll ask someone else so um you know i'm trying to talk to this other woman she's like let me get you situated she's like you know who you should go talk to points back to that guy no english no good for me like hey this guy he knows what he's doing she said you would know where to take my golf clubs he's like yeah yeah let me take it from you really nice guy it but he hasn't he's holding him by the wrong way like my clubs are down and he's just dragging them across the floor like the clubs are like kind of falling out i mean they're in a bag but he's definitely like kind of dumping them out in the bag and like
Starting point is 01:14:09 he's holding my bag by the wheels and it was like oh oh you know maybe you know the other side you know that guy's the baggage expert though i promise go talk to him yeah no doubt so he's just dragging my clubs no matter what kind of luggage it is if you see the wheels you know the wheels are supposed to be on the bottom yeah so i was like oh this is a funny start to spirit airline so then i go through security it's fine um every now and then sometimes your bag will get be like pulled back because there's something suspicious inside of it um they pulled back the the white powder all over your back they pulled back my laptop and it bent by itself i was like oh interesting what could possibly be suspicious yeah and? And, uh, he's like, this is your laptop.
Starting point is 01:14:50 And I was like, pretty sure. And he's like, ah, we didn't get a picture for it. I was like, Oh, what's that mean? He goes, there was no imaging. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. Don't know. So another word for picture. There's no photo. We there's no photo we didn't get we didn't get a image i was like no i i hear you totally couldn't snapshot that thing couldn't yeah okay the shutter didn't go down we didn't capture the light that was reflecting off of it so we you know no image yep the iso was off so like great so finally get it and um well they just ran through again yeah i don't know it was totally fine so then i have a little bit of time like my flight boards in like
Starting point is 01:15:30 five minutes the jamba juice line is a little long but it's moving fast i got time go jamba and i go to jamba i get my strawberry surf rider i'm just kidding i don't think i've ever ordered from jamba juice before in my life but boy did I hit the spot I just is that what you got though yeah yeah that's what it's called that's the most Jake Triplett sounding Jamba Juice order I've ever heard what is it just strawberry basically there were a lot of fruits involved there was mango there was white grape oh there was some uh lime yeah there was a banana in there lime something there was something like lime with the front like really you can make a lime out of that what was it dang it either way it was good milk yeah like oh okay all right good for you anyway good drink i mean almost as soon as i
Starting point is 01:16:14 get my drink and get my bag over the entire i'm not near my gate out of the entire airport loud speakers this is final boarding call for flight 490 to kansas city on spirit airlines i'm like right now i've never like been this late to where they're announcing it to the entire say your name yet they didn't say my name they said final boarding call big trouble yeah so it's like oh i haven't had to run an airport in a while and this feels like this is not even jog this is like i mean final boarding call i don't know how far a12 is so i have to run of course they're like escalator things aren't working so i've got to go around i gotta just oh i'm running i mean it's just so
Starting point is 01:16:50 sweaty yeah of course strawberry surf ride was spilling out the top backpack like sloshing that's the worst part i've had to run a few times and just the backpack has no control it's just like it makes it so much harder to hustle yes and you got your jamba yeah so you didn't like throw that away i know i had the job i spent too much money on this thing yeah so i had the jamba backpack rolling bag we're moving we are running through this airport a12 i can see it it is at the back it's like the furthest gate of course it always is when you're running late it is no i don't know if i've ever not had like the like the most inconvenient gate every single time it's like how do you get that gate yeah where are you flying to yeah to get these close gates el paso maybe golly okay so you're hustling to a12 so actually that just reminded me an inside joke
Starting point is 01:17:36 rachel and i have is uh the phrase just my like runtime rachel's at a coffee shop and she saw a girl she was leaving pilgrim coffee she spills her sandwich it's in like a to-go box it spills out of the box the box lands on the ground like box up like how it should be opened up the sandwich falls back into it and like closes almost and so rachel like it was like that was amazing yeah she's like that was incredible i can't believe i saw that was awesome and the girl who spelled it goes just my luck i don't know nothing happened even though something happened that's your luck or do you just not know how to use this phrase is english no good for you you know like i don't know so we just thought that was so funny so now we just say that for anything but so just my luck i have a story about just my luck after this fun yeah i get to
Starting point is 01:18:19 the gate slash casino because it's vegas yeah dude there was a line of 40 people in line i was like why are i getting line i'm sweaty i'm checking my apple watch like seeing how high my heart rate is and while i'm there they make the announcement again i'm like you are freaking people out stop doing this i was so far from being final boarding call and i was like yeah we have like 30 minutes to the flight leaves i knew i was fine this is so dumb did anybody else have like a similar situation no one else was running. I was, I wanted someone else to like run in behind me. So like, that was annoying.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Like, what was that about? Yeah. How do they do it with Spirit? Do they have like ABC kind of like Southwest? I wasn't there in time for that. By the time I got there, we were just all online. So I don't know. And even on my boarding pass, I guess I can look right now. I don't think it said anything like zones or anything.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Oh, I was zone one. Oh, I missed that. Well, you never know what that means these days yeah main cabin one yeah uh so then it's not over i get in the airplane and they make an announcement they say guys we are very excited today this is the crew's inaugural flight so i'm like you would know it's at the end yeah that that's that so like that seems like something you give it up for the crew that's an april fool's joke right there that's like something you would do april 1st not april 3rd so i think now knowing what i
Starting point is 01:19:37 know now i think it was just clapping i think it was just the flight attendants sure after a bit more context because they did eventually introduce them and they never introduced the pilots. They just introduced like, okay, I guess that is the crew, you know, but therefore I was like,
Starting point is 01:19:51 no, after everything else I've been through spirit, don't give me the new pilots. That also, if that's true, that the entire crew was brand new, that's a terrible system. I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:00 maybe have a veteran in there. Like maybe sprinkle a new guy in there and have the other people be like, so generally this is how much can you need of each soda, you know, when you're pouring, you know, all that. Yeah. To just be like, Hey, let's get five new people in there and see how they do. Just see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Just see. I'll just see. Oh man. Um, towards the end of the flight, I am woken up by the woman sitting next to me who says, Hey, can you, um, do you mind opening your window? Like I was asleep, but the lights off essentially. Comes into my room, says, hey, can you wake up and turn the lights on? Do you mind opening the window?
Starting point is 01:20:34 I feel like I'm going to throw up. Oh, gosh. I was like, yeah. Yeah, of course. Anything you want at this point. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm going to throw up. Not really. But she was like, sorry, I just had a crazy night last night and then me just matching i was
Starting point is 01:20:49 like me too i don't know why i said that but i did you felt like you felt like you needed to like i just wanted to be there for her in this moment i just feel like i couldn't not sympathize that's why i just go i know what you mean totally like yeah my flight got canceled and like it was like two or three minutes or two or three hours. And then next thing I know, no credit card. Yeah. So that's how I'm awake for like the last 30 minutes or so. What do you do as the person that knows that the person next to you is potentially going to throw up, but not like, like, are you?
Starting point is 01:21:21 You start paying attention to little movements. Are you ignoring it? Are you kind of like staring at her? Are you trying trying to have like conversation like mind over matter at this point i probably could have been better about talking to her like you know that you know that gif of that little black kid where he's like he's like just like like his eyes that's what i'll be doing the whole time i'd be just like i think i just didn't want to take a chance on annoying her so i'm just gonna let her do her routine anti-vom routine and just kind of yeah just kind of like paying attention yeah if things are about to go bad okay well i'm awake or else i would have missed this part where the flight the new flight attendant
Starting point is 01:21:53 goes all right everyone it is time you guys know what spirit airlines we like to have some fun so maybe this is a normal thing i don't know but like we're gonna be doing some in-flight yoga and i was like oh boy this is gonna help the puke come out she goes uh all right everyone so if you want to play long i need everyone to raise their arms up right now i'm looking around and so many people are doing it i'm like i am shocked you guys are so cooperative like we're gonna move our arms to the left now and now i'm like something's up like something's going on here we're to move our arms to the right now. Now we're going to bend down and touch our toes and pick up any trash that we see down there.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Like, all right, probably just learned that in flight attendant school. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to wear off in a month. People will love this one. Trust us. The old nine o'clock first flight in the morning. They're going to love it. They're going to love it. So that happens.
Starting point is 01:22:42 I'm like, wow, this has been such an experience. So at the second little instruction, did you start doing it with them? Absolutely not. No? No, dude. I was just in there just like trying to go back to sleep, but thinking about this girl's tum next to me. Did tummy girl do it?
Starting point is 01:22:57 No, she also did not cooperate. We stood together in solidarity against the implied yoga. I knew Southern was up. Yeah. And then just one last thing to top it off, which i was kind of in and out of sleep with this like honestly when i saw my notes i was like oh yeah i forgot about that because i was barely like cognizant for it they basically they use this flight i would like to hear anyone else's experience like is this normal you know like a timeshare meeting like once we have you like now we're going to take advantage it was honestly
Starting point is 01:23:21 like all right we got 200 people in a confined space. They can't go anywhere. They tried to sell us all spirit credit cards. Like this one would go row to row and ask if we were interested in the spirit credit card. I could not believe this was taking place. That's very like, uh, yeah, there's something, there's an airline in, um, like in Europe called Ryanair. It's the same thing. Like they're just like nickel and dime the heck out of you. Yeah. Anything like, did they give you anything for for free they give you drinks or anything like that
Starting point is 01:23:47 I was asleep but I don't I never saw a cart a drink cart or anything okay because usually like with that one it would be like you have to recharge you have to pay for the drinks they were going to try to charge people to go to the bathroom at one point no yeah that seems criminal yes I think that's why they didn't end up doing it but that's amazing yeah so yeah like you had to like verbally deny this credit card yeah I just kind of waved it's like i'm good i just could like i wanted to have such a good experience with spirit airlines and just i mean any one of those things would have been like that's kind of crazy and they all happened this morning that happened today i love the the brand new crew thing because because that that to me just surely that's not
Starting point is 01:24:23 true surely no no company is that dumb to be, let's just throw a bunch of new people in together. Dude. It's like a pledge class. That's wild. Okay. So it was just quite the experience. It was fun.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I mean, that doesn't sound, that sounds like quite the experience, but it doesn't sound like, like if you're in a bind again, I'd still do it. Right. That's the thing. I mean, I think people with our personalities are like that was fine that was a good story that's fine and i have all my stuff i got here on time like right who am i to complain like they provided the task that i paid them to do you know so right it was fine i think no vomit and no vomit i was proud of her she held it together she got a little lost trying to leave
Starting point is 01:25:01 i noticed that she did not go yeah i don't know where she was going. What was the flight like from LA to Vegas? I feel like when I flew to Vegas, it was so quick. Oh, it was okay. When I flew to Vegas from Kansas city, it was like the most annoyingly, like everyone was so excited to be going to Vegas and it was turnt dude. It was like, it was, it was very, it was like, I do not like loud people on airplanes. Like people that scream on airplanes. no fun. I probably wouldn't like anyone screaming indoors for anything, unless it's a sports game. Especially when you're in a confined space, so they're screaming even louder. It felt like they were ready to have a bachelorette party or something. And everyone was just like, not everyone.
Starting point is 01:25:39 It was like a group of 10 people that were just so loud and so inebriated. And it was like, this stinks. And I hear that's like more normal than you think like going to vegas really but not that i can remember i mean nothing seems i don't even really remember that flight i think i just fell asleep took a little nap wow it was fine um okay just my luck i have something for just my luck oh yeah yeah uh then genuinely i don't know if this is terrible or lucky also do you have uh can i get a computer charge yeah can i get a bump um of charge um so this is this is something that got left out of the birth story because it's like well that was not very uh you know important compared to
Starting point is 01:26:15 everything else but uh whenever so so i ended up going to breakfast with clifton um that morning tuesday morning 15 minutes late but he was cool with it. He, I was like, I texted him. I was like, Hey, I'm going to be a little bit late. Uh, I have, I have to do some stuff with my kids. And so he gets there and he's like, yeah, I heard you had to do some stuff with your kids. I totally never have heard that before. I've never, I've never experienced that excuse before or something like that.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And I was like, yeah, kind of crazy excuse. Heather might've had her water broke. Um, anyway, so we get our food, we're sitting down and he sits like, like, if you know, McLean's there's like, like to the right, like of where you order, there's like that main area where people sit and there's like a booth kind of thing on the wall. And then there's a table and then there's like three chairs. So there, so he sits on the booth and I'm getting ready to sit on the chairs and McLean's kind of, it's like an old, uh, mechanic shop that they like renovated in this restaurant.
Starting point is 01:27:07 And so this area has a little bit of a slope down to it, like in this, the floor, because I think like there's a drain and you know how like you need a slope to like have the water drain or whatever. Um, and so I saw that this chair was kind of leaning a little bit. Like I would say it's, you know, 12 and a half degrees or so. Um, and I was like, that's just probably because of the floor thing. And so literally like we're, we're getting our food, we're getting ready to sit down. And I'm like, so, uh, you guys just went on vacation recently, right? And I go down to sit down and the chair, the, the leg just snaps off and I just eat it on
Starting point is 01:27:40 the ground. Like, I mean, just like, and it's it's like that is that is an overweight person's like nightmare yeah it's like oh no and so it's like like immediately i like tried to make light of it i was like get up as quick as you can and i swear it took me eight seconds to get oh no like i it was like multiple like get up and like kind of slip or something on that like like my leg was like stuck in the leg of the chair or something. And you know, the whole restaurant goes like silent. Like, it's like, like, and I'm not hurt at all. It's like more of just like, that's kind of embarrassing. And this worker comes up to me, like, I'm so sorry. Like so many of these chairs have broken. These are the worst chairs. And if I would've been thinking a little bit quicker, I'd have been like, you know, I know somebody
Starting point is 01:28:21 that makes really high quality chairs. Uh, but but anyway it was just like one of those things where i was like it's fine no big deal uh and then let's say 15 minutes later the manager comes by like are you doing okay i'm like i'm totally fine no big deal he's giving me a 25 gift card just my luck i'm like i'm like i'll break chairs all day for 25 i'm gonna jump on it from now on yeah this is your new like amazon review or whatever thing yeah bring chairs all day it was it was one of those things where it was a big day for you yeah any other day that would have been number one story out of my mouth and now it's like oh i forgot about that so broke a chair had a baby anyway that's amazing yeah it was it's not a oh, I forgot about that. So broke a chair, had a baby anyway. That's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:06 It was, it's not a feeling that I hope anybody else experiences in public is break falling in a chair. No matter where you are, it's just a terrible feeling. Yeah. Especially when you break the chair. Yeah. And of course Clifton was like, so nice. He's like, dude, are you okay? Are you like, and I'm like, I'm fine. I didn't like break my leg on this thing. But anyway, it's just falling in general is like probably the funniest thing to me. Like if I see somebody else have like a physical fail, like falling somehow, but I also feel bad for them. Like it's like one of those things where it's like, I it's so funny to me because it's so uncomfortable to me. So well, looking forward
Starting point is 01:29:38 to you falling again when you have to take a charge is basketball season. That'll be fun. I've been watching all these basketball games being like, that almost looks like it hurts them and they do it all the time so how am i supposed to do this without getting concussed so looking forward to it maybe i'll just find somebody on the other team be like hey just run at me as fast as you can i promise i'll just stand there yeah and like it'll be fun i talked to the ref he knows yeah anyway i uh i texted the gene shorts group chat that that so we were so excited about that. Or at least I was excited when we made a video called like the woke coach.
Starting point is 01:30:08 I thought the punchlines were like, I thought it was a great video. That was where I wore Rachel's leggings and it flopped for whichever we couldn't get to take off on YouTube, Instagram, Tik TOK, whatever until yesterday. Some like turning point USA is what it's called. Okay. Yeah. I never heard of it. It's like, it's like a bigger, bigger deal than you probably think. Okay. I looked it up. Sorry. Go ahead. Well, yeah. So they, yeah. 1 Okay, yeah. I never heard of it. It's like a bigger deal than you probably think.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Okay. I looked it up. Sorry, go ahead. Well, yeah. So they, yeah, 1.7 million. They reposted it. And now all these other accounts are like posting the video. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:30:35 But they're not reposting on our story. They're just like downloading it and uploading it as their own video. Sure. And like tagging us maybe sometimes. Sometimes they're not even. So it's kind of a bummer. But also it's just kind of funny that for the right audience. Right. And these accounts are not comedy accounts so the comments are amazing oh i
Starting point is 01:30:48 bet the comments are they're just like is this guy wearing those skinny tight pants to be funny probably not that's the things they can't ever like some people are like i can't tell what side they're on in these jokes yeah if you don't know like turning point usa there's a guy named charlie kirk who's pretty popular. I looked him up. He's like the 14th biggest podcaster in the political area. Okay, Charlie. So he's pretty big and that's like his kind of organization or something like that. So very conservative though for sure.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Yeah. But that was funny or whatever because I saw that and I texted Catherine. She was like, that's amazing. Catherine, of course, knows it and everything. Yeah, it's just kind of funny. But a video that did take off, Shelter Kid. she was like that's amazing like katherine of course knows it and everything but um yeah just kind of funny um but video that did take off uh shelter kid yeah thank you ghosties for helping write that video the comments were awesome and it was kind of fun for me i'm sure you felt this way too with like i was trying to think i was like what would that video for brad be maybe the minivans
Starting point is 01:31:39 video like you had the idea for that video you wrote that video and then you shot it with derrick was just you two and so that was the same thing with me and it's kind of fun with just Derek I liked it too yeah it's a little more relaxed a little more like I have my own freedom and liberty here like whatever I want to do here yeah yeah Wednesday was a really fun day so we shot that and then Derek kind of posted like the next day and then also that day I got to direct like the girls channel like Trey was out of town Brad was busy doing something. I don't know what.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And so it was just me and the girls. And I had a lot of fun doing that, kind of directing them and coaching them up and telling them basically what I had written and just like, all right, we think that a girl would do this. That sounds right. Exactly. You got to kind of get confirmation from them. That's the thing you would do, right?
Starting point is 01:32:22 Yeah. So what are the videos? The video we shot that way that day was different types of girls around guys okay and uh yeah there were certain ones that were just like wow we need to tap in more to this character like that's so funny yeah yeah um i'm sure that's half the battle right now is figuring out what what kind of characters they're comfortable with exactly me like that took us a while to figure out like okay brad's more of this kind of guy jake's more kind of this kind of guy they're comfortable with. Just like you and me, like that took us a while to figure out like, okay,
Starting point is 01:32:45 Brad's more of this kind of guy. Jake's more kind of this kind of guy. Exactly. I'm still figuring it out. And that's what led to sheltered kid. I was like, I think I came to you and train. I was like,
Starting point is 01:32:52 I've been thinking like, there's not a ton of characters that I feel like it really pulled off, but the right ones, I feel like I can, I can act out and do well. And anyway, the funny thing is like the thing, the few videos that have like popped off really,
Starting point is 01:33:04 really well that you've done by yourself are like ones that are very similar to like who you are in real life. Picky eaters, people pleasers, Tesla guy. Yeah. Like people love those videos. So it's like, and then the whole parent one for some reason, well, the first whole parent one did really well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Coach one didn't do well. And I'm like, maybe there's something to like, that's not as realistic of a person as obviously you writing a life story thing like yeah not truly but kind of yeah i did not expect i was telling rachel uh i was like this sheltered kid video will be like a fun video for the right audience but this is one to build like depth not with right and then wake up the next day and it's like oh it's the best video you've posted in a month and a half yeah 10 videos like oh it's the best video we've posted in a month and a half yeah 10 videos like oh it's awesome great sweet i don't know anything i i why should i ever make a prediction yeah seriously i don't know what i'm doing except for the frat roll call i think we all saw that we had a we had a feeling that was not going to be top of the charts you guys love it though i know you do you know from the beginning i was like i don't even know if we should post this.
Starting point is 01:34:08 We looked, you know, after I come out and Jake's like, well, it is the 10th word or 10th best at a 10 and by a pretty big margin. Quite a bit. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:34:19 but that's okay. That's good. So, um, what, you got anything else? You got some more stories i don't know probably this feels like a lot though it was just like a lot of just like things a lot of things that
Starting point is 01:34:30 happened to me like when i was by myself i'm just like that whole just disaster yesterday i was like this is just such a bummer to not have anything the vegas like hotel room whatever and you didn't go get your credit card you just you just i was like it's over through the white flag it's over and i can't help but just like my personality's like you know what this is actually good because because then i won't spend as much well you know and the security card or the security uh code on the back has been rubbing off so i've been forgetting it lately and the billing address is like three addresses that's annoying you know i'm paying for something on my phone and it's not autofill oh my god which one is it you know and uh good for you every now and then they come out
Starting point is 01:35:04 with new credit card it'd be nice to have a new credit have they designed it differently yeah i don't know sure great yeah i'll check it out just see what else they got going maybe they're not even doing real credit cards these days you know that's fun so i totally justified that and uh the flight thing was good too it's like rachel's gonna pick me up at the airport at 1 a.m she needs her sleep rachel's gonna bed early so it's actually good a lot of So this is actually good. She's been doing a lot of school work. This is actually good. Yeah. So I mean, within two minutes, I convinced myself this is the best case scenario.
Starting point is 01:35:29 This is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love it. I'm glad. I'm glad. Yeah. I'm walking around the casino carrying golf clubs right now. This is good. Upside down golf clubs.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Yeah. Just carrying them by my driver shaft right now. Speaking of golf, let's talk about Neighbor Atlas came by. Oh my gosh. That was great. I did record it on my phone. Did you catch me doing that? No. Okay. So I neighbor. Oh my gosh. That's that was great. I did record it on my phone. Did you catch me doing that? No.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Okay. So I got some stuff for Patreon. That's funny. Uh, there was a knock at the garage door right when we're about to podcast. Jake's got his own Henry neighbor, Henry coming. I guess so. Like a month ago, Isaac was out in the yard. It must've been cold out and he couldn't actually golf.
Starting point is 01:36:00 So Isaac's like, I'm just gonna take some, take some cuts in the yard. So he's just swinging a golf club in the yard. This drives by he's like you golf and isaac's like yeah and he's like here's some golf balls or something either way he knocks on our garage door and roommate luke answers the door and how did his voice sound what did he say red what did he say he said remember me yeah i remember me he looks like uh i don't think so i'll get i'll get a better impersonation next time i yeah it was it was i'm having a hard time remembering exactly how i sounded but it it was it was a voice that sounded like it was harrison doing a bit like a character or something yeah like what's going on like his voice was just a little bit kermit-y big time you
Starting point is 01:36:42 know i said it sounded like someone doing a really bad Patrick Mahomes impersonation. Yeah. The fact that he knocked on the garage door instead of the front door was great. That was funny by itself. And Luke didn't know anything. Luke's like, I don't know who you are. And the guy wasn't really bailing him out. Luckily, Isaac recognized the voice. The guy with the golf ball. And so I was like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And so within seconds, this guy has already sold Isaac golf balls. I mean, the conversation lasted. From what I understood, he sold Isaac 50 golf balls last time for $20. But this time.
Starting point is 01:37:14 This time he's got 100 golf balls for $25. Isaac goes, deal. Yeah. You see your eyes go, deal. So just like that, he had golf balls. Next thing you know, he's in our living room. And me and Brad are there about to podcast. Roke roommate isaac and new roommate spencer yeah which is fun house is finally full congrats um which is good for me because one i've started paying
Starting point is 01:37:35 my mortgage and two now i don't have to pay as much oh yeah so crazy good uh but next thing you know he's just in there just just chatting he was great. And he also shared a fun fact with us towards the end. Which one was that? State champ and pig calling. Oh my gosh. How could I forget? I was fixated on the owls. I'm going to go check out the owls later.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Oh yeah. You boys like nature? Yeah. That was, I didn't know where he was going with that. He just goes, you guys, you guys like nature? And I was like, uh, that's kind of vague. Like planet earth? Like the documentary or like nature? And I was like, that's kind of vague. Like planet Earth? Like the documentary or like camping?
Starting point is 01:38:08 I mean, Antarctica or, yeah, the beach. No, he's like, there's some owls that just had whatever. Chicks? I don't know what they're called. Owlets? Little baby owls. You know, whatever. I'm doing a terrible impersonation.
Starting point is 01:38:22 But, yeah. You want me to play his voice so you can thank you yes that would be great here uh what he sounds like you know it because of all the bark poop that's how he sounds okay okay lord bunch of owls out there you'll know because of all the bark poop and then later on you know like we were loving it we were we were all about giving him conversation he was talking about how he used to live out you're to live out in the country and then my wife made me move to the city and uh i had to move with her he'll say something about 60 years you know good for you that's great you know i was
Starting point is 01:39:02 trying to like be genuine without like and be genuinely excited for him without seeming like i am i want to talk for another hour well no without seeming like i'm like being a jerk of like i'm messing with this guy because i really didn't want to mess with him i'm like i like this guy see i wanted to mess with him when he's like you guys ever had blackberries i wanted to be like had one in 2011 and i was like i shouldn't can't make that joke anymore uh no he but then at the end he's like yeah and i uh i'm gonna do some pig calling and then all of a sudden he just did a well he told us he's a state champion in illinois pig calling and then all of a sudden he's like i don't know if i could do it and then two and a half seconds later he did it he's like i don't know if i can
Starting point is 01:39:40 do it i was like he was like queuing it up for himself he's like i don't know i don't know i mean if you guys want no one challenged him at all like no one was like come on do it do it do it we were just like i mean if you can't do it you can't do it and he just got it right yeah i don't want to hurt your voice or anything and he just it was pretty good i can see why i was i was trying to be genuine i was like that's pretty cool you don't not very often that you meet somebody that's a state champion in something. Yeah. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:07 But yeah. Dude, Rachel won state volleyball all four years. That's pretty impressive. That's absurd. Pretty absurd. That's a lot of winning. Yeah. That's what she does. And you tell me now she's like very uncompetitive.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Oh my gosh. Because she, it makes sense that she's not competitive anymore because she just wins everything. She's like, well, why would I care? It's not that fun to win, so. She's like well why would i care it's not that fun to win so she's like i mean i had to be so competitive for four years to where now it's like i don't want to do that anymore yeah sounds like eight years potentially or yeah yeah probably longer so i'm like that's fair but yeah we've met a state champion pig caller wow anyway yeah he was he was good he didn't really he was excited to talk
Starting point is 01:40:42 multiple times he's like all right i'll get out of here i'm getting out of here speaking of getting out of here pig call you used barbed wire recently he taught us uh that pigs are some of the most dangerous animals especially sows because uh if if a sow gets on top of you which i wasn't planning on it but if if a sow gets on top of you it is what you have nowhere to grab, apparently. Which I want to make a joke about that. But I was like, nope, I'm not going to touch it. There's nowhere to grab. And then it'll just, he's like, yeah, I know somebody whose arm just got cut or just got eaten straight off.
Starting point is 01:41:20 I was like, that's no fun. I'll go check out the owls, but I'm not checking out the pig. I'll draw the line at the sow. So anyway, the more you know about pigs guys he was great yeah he was great yeah it was a fun time
Starting point is 01:41:31 so anyway I'm excited for more stories with Al stories with Al yeah he's my Henry yeah um
Starting point is 01:41:37 man what a what a great two weeks there was so much trying to been an eventful time I feel like I'm always so bad
Starting point is 01:41:45 what i need is a test run i'm always so bad at telling stories the first time it's like i can i could tell the american idol story now i've told that so many times yeah yeah i need uh i need like a tester i need a sample podcast before i bring it to the real thing you know we call that correct opinions oh that reminds me i i don't know if trey's hit you up i'm not gonna be able to go there on tuesday um oh wait wait no i'm not talking about that i was gonna say about what i see next i was like i'm gonna wait for you to stop clapping sorry so you don't look bad no no no i'll be attending a funeral tuesday so i'll be able to make it and that's like our only time to record so i was like so i suggested to try it's like i won't be able to make it if you want to ask brad
Starting point is 01:42:23 or just do it by yourself or snack kat Katie, which I don't know why I was giving Trey suggestions. It's his podcast. Can I clap now? Yeah. Okay. I saw that coming. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Yeah. Sorry, Jake. Did he ask you? No. Oh, so you're just clapping just because. I'm clapping at the idea. I'm sure. Maybe I should, maybe I should mention like, cause maybe he's like, he's, he's being cognizant,
Starting point is 01:42:40 considerate of me of like. Sure. I don't want to ask Brad to do multiple things now. Yeah. So. That's cool. I would really like to see how it would go with him and I, because I, obviously I know that I can podcast, but I think that you and I, we podcast with you kind of running, like you run point guard and I'm like the power forward. Right. Like, like very forgot. I texted you about Patrick Ewing when you're telling me that you delivered a baby. Multiple people have asked about Patrick. Uh, but you're, you're like the,
Starting point is 01:43:08 you, you keep the podcast going, but then I think on Trey's podcast, sorry, on correct opinions, which you do with Trey, you do, you really do. But I think, but he kind of runs the point. Yeah. And I'd be interested to see how I would do with somebody else. Like, or, you know, like I'm always interested in. Yeah. I've always thought that too. Like's get brad in the mix or just yeah put brad in place of me one time let's just see if it's better i would be interested like there was one time is this past week when i was listening you guys talk about birthing stuff i was like it would be really fun if i were there as well like be like guys no no no no no like whatever yeah i think there's options i think there's so much with the way jean shorts is growing like sky's the limit with what we're gonna have what the branches of it right future podcast old podcast who knows
Starting point is 01:43:48 do let's god bless coming back you heard it here first but that reminds me when i was awake on the no that's not true when i was awake on the plane looking at old vegas vom girl i had an idea which i'm gonna say now but like recently like maybe been like maybe i should like i don't know invest in something or like get a rental property or something you know like i don't know i should do something intelligent with money i don't know what it is uh pay mortgage or you know yeah get my tags smart renewed something like that yeah and then i had an epiphany okay on the plane ipso facto invest in myself, Brad. How much more fun is that?
Starting point is 01:44:28 That's fun. Bet on yourself. Bet on myself. Yeah. So I have an idea. This spring, this summer, I'm very excited. New project. Six pack.
Starting point is 01:44:35 That was part of it. That's one of them too. I was thinking about that while I was waiting for my golf clubs to come out today. I was like, Rachel and I should start working out together. I would like to get more fit. You would get fit if you worked out with Rachel. Yeah. She seems very fit.
Starting point is 01:44:45 That's an unrelated project, but yeah. I'm just so excited to kind of be done traveling. I've really talked about this much. I haven't really slept much since October, like between like touring this much and just like dating Rachel. It's like when I'm finally home, it's like we want to hang out so much
Starting point is 01:44:58 and just like the travel and everything. I'm so excited to just like relax and enjoy my life more. It's gonna be awesome. Why don't you think you're sleeping well are you just you're having a hard time sleeping on the road um no i think i'm just not sleeping that much i'm sleeping great just having to like wake up early but a lot of times you want to bed really late yes is that just like a choice at this point or is it like
Starting point is 01:45:19 a little bit i think i've always been the type that where it's like if i have work to do i'd rather do it later in the night when my phone isn't going off when i'm not distracted like i'm so much more efficient so you're working yes you're not just like on your phone chilling correct screen time has been down three weeks in a row good for you thanks three consecutive like yeah on top yeah keeps being like down 10 down 10 down 10 so anyway whatever we're kind of all over the place but that's great i'm just excited good just excited i'll tell you later because it's probably never gonna happen but hey i bet it will if knowing you jake it'll happen should we do some reviews of the week let you get back to your new daughter no she's fine um it's fine wait a second katherine tagged me in a post whoa what do you think it's
Starting point is 01:46:01 about a post about her rosie oh it's just about katherine yeah she like posts and pics it's kind of a funny looking picture of her honestly that's fine uh babies are just funny looking guys her eyes are just kind of far apart um okay i have yeah you want to go or i can go oh sure go for it is from victoria mayor or meyer okay y er what do you think mayor yeah uh hey just wanted to share a quick story from today i'm a sophomore in high school going on my first college visit and i was a little nervous as part of the visit i was able to sit down and listen to a panel of students talk the first student introduced himself as Clint Walker. I recognized the name, but couldn't remember where I knew him from. Then he said he was from Traverse City.
Starting point is 01:46:51 Right then it hit me. I was in the presence of an I'm down boy. And then she put in parentheses, knowing someone on campus made me feel so much better. Even though I wasn't able to introduce myself, I loved that it felt like I knew someone there. I'm so thankful for this amazing community you've built. Wow. Isn't that just fun? Like, that's fun, dude. That's really cool. It's just one of those crazy things that like, I give Catherine a really hard time sometimes for like continuing to be surprised when she hears about all these people trying to buy a house and the house goes for like
Starting point is 01:47:18 a hundred thousand dollars over asking. And I feel like that's probably the same feeling. Some people that listen to this think whenever we're continually like amazed by stories like this where it's like that's crazy that somebody listens to our podcast that then like we have a character named like you know Clint the I'm Down Boys character that then this other girl like connected with him like in a college visit that's just crazy to me like all those things yeah you know it's just like and some people out there probably like well yeah that just continues to happen why are you still surprised i'm like i don't think i'll ever stop being surprised yeah this so anyway really cool victoria hope hope it all went well so there's so many things like that i mean almost every time before i go on stage i'll like send up a prayer and i'm
Starting point is 01:47:59 always just thinking myself like this is crazy this is crazy that i'm about to get up there and do this this is crazy right this is just never never gets old yeah yeah never would have thought um my review of the week is from maddie uh we got a ton of reviews maybe it's just been a while since we recorded but it seems like we have a lot we have some good ones title is proud of you guys she said hey jacob brad this pod has been such a light to me i grew up with my parents being self-employed now i am self-employed yeah i'm growing up in nashville i was always around and in the entertainment industry touring playing music and watching my friends tour also i had a full-time photography business with my husband before i moved to dallas uh from nashville in 2019 i became a ghostie in january 2020
Starting point is 01:48:35 and was feeling so homesick at the time these guys remind me of all my friends back in nashville it's so fun to see their careers grow separately and together nice the pod has also been inspiring me as a business owner. When I moved to Dallas, I started growing an online resale business. I love listening to Jake and Brad's banter while I drive all across DFW to thrift stores, pack up sales, and when I just need to laugh. The strong work ethic, wit, integrity, and kindness they share, and the community they build around them is truly inspiring.
Starting point is 01:49:01 As I listen, I find myself wishing I could interject with my two cents. Then I forget that I don't actually know them in person, but I feel like we were already friends. It's a strange phenomenon. truly inspiring as i listen i find myself wishing i could interject with my two cents then i forget that i don't actually know them in person but i feel like we're already friends it's a strange phenomenon thanks for making my mondays something to look forward to love you guys maddie thank you maddie now i'm looking here she signed it in the review dash maddie with a y her username is m-a-d-i what's going on madeline why maddie why Matty? Why is that? I see it as Madeline. Oh, interesting. Maybe she had an identity crisis.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Nashville, she was M-A-D-I. Now, moved to Dallas. She's like, I gotta be a little more proper. Okay, okay. A little bit crazier, you know? That's fun. Alright, normally we end this episode with a jingle, and we're gonna end it with a jingle. Jake, you can ask me if you'd like. That's kind of a tradition. Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle and we're going to end it with a jingle. Jake, you can ask me if you'd like, that's kind of a tradition. Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle
Starting point is 01:49:47 in a traditional fashion? I actually did not prepare a jingle this year, this week, but I was actually, wait, why not? Cause of Rose. Cause I delivered and caught a baby and then, you know, yeah, recovered with my wife. Um, but I was actually going to do this even before this happened. Um, there is a podcast, a ghostie out there. Grayson Inman is his name. And he's a huge fan of ours. And just randomly, like he, he commented on, uh, Ellis custom creations posts on Instagram, Ellis custom And, uh, I like went on his, uh, profile. So just FYI, if you comment, I might go on your profile, just kind of like, what's this guy about? Anyway. And I watched a video of his, he's a very good musician and he has this one song specifically that me and the rest of my family has been listening to for like
Starting point is 01:50:35 probably a week and a half now, kind of on repeat. Um, I'll compare them to a little need to breathe little Jimmy Needham. Um, Jimmy Needham. I forgot forgot about that a little bit of a little soulful jimmy needham vibe i haven't thought about him in a while anyway and like literally like like there's a chorus of this song you'll hear it and you know he's saying like glory and bow will like after i sing it but we'll be like glory you know and he's like i was you know hallelujah and then you hear bow yeah so like literally it's been like something that my family has listened to a bunch and as a ghost runners community i think we're really good at supporting each other. And so I just want to holler at Grayson Inman, check them out, Spotify, wherever you listen to
Starting point is 01:51:12 music. Um, but the end of the episode is going to be his song as long as she's mine. So, um, love you guys. Thanks for supporting us in every single way. And, uh, we'll see you next week. Anything else you want to say? We will see you next week. Anything else you want to say? We will see you next week. You guys are amazing. We are very thankful for you listening to our podcast. All right. Love you, Rose.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Rose Caroline. Yeah, Rose. We did it. I've never known somebody like you But I know you've known plenty of me so now that I found you I want to keep you for all of my days I'm singing out glory. I found a woman. And I know she loves me too. I'm singing hallelujah. I found love, yeah. And I'm going to keep it as long as she's mine I'm glad it was the last time
Starting point is 01:52:52 For me to have a first time A first date, first dance, first kiss in the moonlight I'm gonna thank the good Lord Cause I know that there's more in store I know I see the future when I look at you I'm singing a glory I found a woman And I know she loves me too
Starting point is 01:53:24 I'm singing hallelujah I found love, yeah And I'm gonna keep it As long as she's mine I'm singing out glory I found a woman And I know She loves me too I'm singing hallelujah
Starting point is 01:54:04 I found love yeah and I'm gonna keep it as long as she's mine I'm singing out the glory I found a woman
Starting point is 01:54:18 and I know she loves me too I'm singing hallelujah I found love, yeah And I'm gonna keep it As long as she's mine I'm singing hallelujah
Starting point is 01:54:40 I found love, yeah And I'm gonna keep it As long as she's mine

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