Ghostrunners - 181 - Come on Vacation With Us!

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

Brad saw Shaq and Jake saw a proposal on an airplane... fun week! Scott joins to talk about the movies that everyone needs to see. Take the survey about traveling with Jake and Brad! Get a personalized video from us on Cameo:  Ghostrunners merch:  Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Monday morning, everybody. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hope you're having a great week, or at least, you know, you're on your way to have a great week. Starting. Starting great. Starting great. Starting great. Starting great. Finished great. And in the middle? Just keep being great.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Let's be great. Last week, something I forgot to mention, Brian and I went to the Chiefs game. Oh, yeah. And... Still good, guys. even though the chiefs lost this past week still good yes we weren't at the game they lost yeah yeah oh we we they would have won if we were there we would have done our part yeah um anyway there's just uh there's kind of a new slogan uh this year with the nfl you see a lot of like uh coaches wearing hoodies there's hats
Starting point is 00:00:42 and and the phrase all revolves around uh or you know the the campaign all revolves around this one phrase and it's intercept cancer so you kind of get it right it's like okay they're taking a stand you know they're probably donating some money to that cancer research yeah you know raising cancer awareness what a lazy, idiotic phrase to try and raise money for cancer. Intercept cancer. So if you don't know what interception means, marketing people, interception is when one person has the ball and they throw it and another person takes the ball and now has possession of the ball.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Now you have it. I intercepted the cancer from you and now I'm running with it. What this is, yeah, now I'm running with it what this is yeah now i'm thinking about it and a touchdown is not what you want to get when you have cancer this is like a uh like a green mile situation uh michael clark duncan you know where he like takes the sickness out of you and he takes it on himself yeah that's what he he wants he would intercept your cancer michael clark duncan intercept cancer yeah survivor and is it he's dead now well there you go i yeah so what should it be called instead uh uh punt cancer punt cancer into the coffin corner i think a really long phrase
Starting point is 00:01:56 is good like pc itcc hold cancer to a three and out inside of their own 10 yard line yeah and block a punt and it's a field goal 10 yard line. Yeah. And block a punt. And it's a field goal. It's a field position game. Flip the field on cancer. Yeah. Control time of possession on cancer. Don't use a timeout early in the game to,
Starting point is 00:02:14 to avoid a delay game penalty on cancer. Yeah. Intentionally ground cancer. That good. Get ahead of cancer in, in the first quarter and in stage one. Beat cancer! Uh-oh, ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts in white.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Me too, Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet because it's the ghost yeah i don't know it was one of those things the first five weeks of the season it went by and i was like oh yeah great and then something about week six, I was like, hold on. This is dumb. Yeah, intercept cancer. That is really you talked about that the game.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And I was like, that's a good point, man. Like, why would you do that? Speaking of the game slash how we got to the game, Andrew Schuette, member of the guillotine league. Let's just say he intercepted defeat. Yeah, defeat. And he is now running with defeat. So he is completely out of the guillotine league. I felt bad for the guy right after he gives us free.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Hey man, uh, you know, memories for a lifetime, but see ya. Thanks for the free tickets. Thanks for joining the league. Goodbye. And to make, to make matters worse, the, you know, the, the week leading up to that, he was trying to get, trying to trade away a kicker for a bunch of money and jake just roasted him i did let him have a little bit because you know kickers are like the least valuable player on a team would you say yeah there's a defense and
Starting point is 00:03:55 just the disparity is the biggest thing the difference in the very best kicker in the 15th best kicker i mean it's mini school it's a single digit amount you know so it's like i mean no one's gonna spend money he's like guys i would love to get some money for young way. Coup. And Jake's like, Jake just did not let it go. He's like, I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I said a few funny things. And then I just put my kicker on the trade block.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And I was like, hey, guys, looking to get a top wide receiver for Daniel Carlson. So anyway, just happenstance. Shoot. He gave us free tickets. Uh, we ridiculed him for a week and then he got out of the guillotine league. I didn't hate to see it, but also I came at second to last in both the guillotine leagues were in.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So I, I didn't hate to see it too much. Yeah. I did like to see it. Um, and then Sydney also is out. So I want to give a quick to Andrew shooty to Sydney. Do do do do.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Thank you. You'll be missed. Does this how they do it in the, I think it's three fingers longer games. I think it's five fingers. There's waving. There's waving goodbye. Have a wave goodbye to cancer.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. Take a five finger approach to cancer um anyway dumb phrase we're back though it's another week uh brad i want to start off with a story from the airplane okay so dayton ohio yeah we talked about dayton last week no no i don't think that had happened holy cow it's been a while it's been a while yeah i wouldn't perform comedy okay have fun um and you flew there flew there dayton flyer jet plane dayton flyer good good good on my way this is like my last flight home uh i'm boarding the plane and there's a guy who poor guy they should have made him check his like you know carry-on bag it was a just like a military
Starting point is 00:05:42 sized duffel bag in this and there's no overhead space left so he's poor guy's trying to shove it under his seat what yeah and it was massive let him just like i don't know why they let him on the plane with that are they watching him like i don't know it was one of those things like i didn't notice it till it was happening in front of me i was like oh wow how do you get through with that anyway so i feel bad for the guy and i know it's one of those moments where he knows he's holding up the line yeah and he's probably sweaty so i'm trying to give him like plenty of space. Like where are you sitting?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Or yeah, where are you? I'm in line, like standing, trying to go to my, you know, trying to go to 25F. Okay. This guy's in like 19C. Oh yeah. Trying to shove it in there.
Starting point is 00:06:15 We all know the type. So yeah, he's in the aisle seat trying to shove it in. And so he's kind of taking up a little space. And so like, I'm not going to crowd this guy. I'm not going to try to scooch around him. Give him his time, give him a space. Well, i think maybe the flight attendant thought that i was just a little too hesitant she didn't like that she starts kind of barking at me a little bit you're anti-scooch
Starting point is 00:06:32 like just in general and you're like no i will scooch if if i can scooch but this guy's tickets were right in the middle of the row we had to scooch all right left right and center we were scooching maybe yeah i gave him my front i gave him my back i was like anyway i am a scoocher i'm not anti-scooch all the time yes but at this moment it was a scoochy situation my best friend's wife drinks cam scoocha so now she's pregnant okay that's how you're not drinking when you're pregnant no is that alcohol you should got to be careful you gotta be careful with that go catholic so uh the flight attendant is like, sir, come on.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Do you, do you need help finding your seat? Just like immediately kind of snarky. I was like, okay. And, uh, have you ever been able, have you ever seen a row like need help finding your seat?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Like how hard have you ever been anywhere that has a, has a signed seat ever? Yeah. Are you aware with how the numbers go? Is this your first time at public, sir? Have you ever, have you ever done this before? Never to a sporting event and so i was just like oh no i'm all good i'm just like giving him room she's like come along sir come along and i was just like okay she's like now which seat are you i can help you find it which seat are you and i
Starting point is 00:07:38 was like i'm kind of laughing but like i i know how to board a plane you know because at this point other people are kind of like looking at me. Yeah, here we go. I've got a little bit of an audience. Snarky Jake gets going. No, I didn't get too snarky. I laughed and we're just like. Scooch, no snark.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I know how to board a plane. It's okay. And as I'm kind of scooching into my seat, there were people in the middle of the aisle and she gets one last jab in and she goes, if it feels like I'm rushing you, it's because I am. We got a lot of people with tight layovers. All right. I try to get an announce. and she gets one last jab in and she goes if it feels like i'm rushing you it's because i am we got a lot of people with uh tight layovers all right i try to get in and out all right fair enough i don't say anything i just kind of put my airpods in and i don't know i think i'm watching a video brian mood swings golf something like that maybe correct opinions maybe jean shorts
Starting point is 00:08:20 maybe girls got mild maybe trach in his channel not ghost runners though not ghost runners podcast on youtube though which it is on there it is on there yeah um and so but then something kind of catches my ear while i'm watching this video um and there's like just the way that like the intercom you know like announcement was said i was like this seems different yeah the cadence or the tone it got my attention and so i don't know what was said right beforehand but when i pull my airpods out there's a male over the intercom saying we've been dating for exactly three years and i was like oh yeah i pulled this out at the right time and he just proceeds to propose to his girlfriend uh on like a 6 30 a.m american airlines flight in front of everyone over the intercom oh wow bags still under their eyes yeah bags still not in under the seat i don't know if
Starting point is 00:09:12 everyone boarded yet i think everyone's just like i was just happy right now and so we're all kind of like standing up trying to see and i couldn't see anything for all i know they were like both just at the very front you know maybe in the cockpit i don't know where they were they could have been behind me i never saw him so it wasn't very public visually yeah but he did make sure to do it over the intercom but dude the funniest part well two things were pretty funny one is dude i got to see it was perfect i got to see the face of the snarky flight attendant who was trying to get everyone through oh because another time i heard her one other time tell another person if it feels like i'm rushing you, it's because I am. Like she was really like trying to be quick. 6 30 AM flight. Yeah. She, she has that, that line in the holster.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Like she was just trying to just go, go, go. And then when that guy started proposing the look on her face, she was so disappointed because it was like taking up time. Well, my thought was maybe she was rushing everybody because she knew it was coming. You don't think so? And she was so disappointed. Oh, really? Because it was like taking up time. Well, my thought was maybe she was rushing everybody because she knew it was coming. You don't think so? She looked so unhappy that it was so funny. She was like, congratulations on your marital bliss, but there are some tight layovers. They're going to need to get to Jacksonville. Do you need to help find your seat? So the first number is the row. And then the second number is like the seat that you're in. Do you need help finding the altar? It seems like it because you're, you're goo goo and gaga up here.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It's not even your wedding day, dude. I don't think, I don't think my body could get on one knee in an airplane. If I hit, if I had to, like, I don't know. I don't know where the best spot I'd go exit row. I'd have to get that. Yeah, you have to buy three seats. Make sure no one's in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Do like the extra seatbelt thing, like the extended seatbelt. And like, I guess it right at the carnival or something like I can imagine me trying to like, cause obviously you usually see it coming before you actually get on one knee. I can imagine like, you know, doing like the preamble that, you know, we, the people pro log. Yeah. And, and then be like, so Catherine Hanson. And then I start to get on one knee and everyone's like oh my gosh oh my gosh and i'm like actually it's gonna be a while it's like bumper cars it's like
Starting point is 00:11:08 it's like it's like a bowling alley like you got like the the bumpers on each side like as i'm getting down and i get i finally get down and i'm like squished in there i can't even like hold the hold the ring up would you make me the happiest man in the world the happiest man in row 19 you would think that that guy at least like could have like if he knew that he was going to propose that day at least spring for like a 10 30 flight you know it was so early dude it was so yeah just like i don't know if the sun had even risen yet it was dark and what's funny is like you know okay they proposed this magical moment and then you know what 10 seconds afterwards it's like all right do you want to give them like the safety briefing and i'll get like the crackers i mean they just have to both go to work oh they were flight attendants oh yeah sorry i mean that's how yeah
Starting point is 00:11:52 yeah yeah sorry well i heard that you said they were on the intercom but i did sorry sorry oh okay worked yeah yeah because then that guy just like gave announcements afterwards yeah yeah yeah you can use your seat as a flotation device. My wife can use her ring. I don't know, as a lifesaver, you know. That's so funny. Yeah, he works it into the safety thing.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So today we're going to, a lot of people do a unity candle. We're going to be doing two parts of a seatbelt. You guys get it. If you, I need a verbal yes if you're ready to marry me, verbal yes. Verbal yes. He's like on the, he's on one knee verbal. Yes. I need to hear you say yes. Yes. Okay. Yes. We did not sign a prenuptial agreement. Uh, there'll be no exit row. Uh, in our marriage, we will hit some turbulent. Like there's so many, like I could, I can just
Starting point is 00:12:42 imagine the officiant at that wedding. Like you're going to go through some turbulence. You know, there's going to be times where you don't really know what to do. You're going to be, you're going to be flying standby. It might feel like an engine has failed. You might hit some birds. Guess what? On the way. You can always still land the plane.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yes. Have you seen Sully? Yeah. I was going to say, be each other's Sully. All right. You understand? Be each other's co-pilots. You can have a little bit of alcohol on the job. Yeah. Ultimately, if you can lay in the plane,
Starting point is 00:13:07 that's fine. And we all know, we all, we all know that, you know, it helps so much if you collect trash as you go, right? Help out the next guy. So be consistent in your maintenance of your marriage, uh, cleaning up trash and, uh, you know, all the board tray tables up, uh, for under 10,000 feet. Okay, that one's actually just for the airplane. Okay, sorry. That one's just something I have to read at FDA regulations
Starting point is 00:13:30 because you guys are getting married on a plane just like you got engaged on a plane. And then one last thing. So yeah, it was just funny, like this woman's face, she was just clearly just like, why does it have to be today? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Gosh. But parts of the proposal, not a large part, but parts of the proposal, the inter part but parts of the proposal the intercom system it's not perfect it was cutting in and out for all of us to hear because because not only is he getting like choked up he's just like and i've never been more in in the world it's like i get the gist and it threw his like you know you know what don't use the intercom just kind of yell it oh man though those are the moments that are my favorite moments
Starting point is 00:14:12 of humor like stuff like that where it's like stuff's kind of going wrong this is this is not supposed to go wrong and it's a very serious moment like at aaron bowling's wedding aaron's a listener of the podcast uh one of her bridesmaids fainted during their vows, emotional vows. And it was awesome. And she had no idea it was going on, but everyone else was like, Oh, we're seeing this. Remember that? Yeah, that was awesome. Yeah. So, um, so how was Dayton? Tell me, tell me more about it. It was good. Quick hitters. Uh, I had a woman shows. We did four. Okay. I texted you this, but still just kind of a fun thing to hear.
Starting point is 00:14:52 A woman from the comedy club came up while Trey was performing on the last show and said, yeah, she works there. She's like, hey, I just got to say, I've been working here for a long time, and you're one of the best comedians I've ever seen with crowd work. That's awesome. I was like, wow, thank you. She came back in later and said, hey, I have a podcast with a friend I do. It's called the Petty Podcast. Can I ask you two questions for the podcast?
Starting point is 00:15:09 And I was like, sure. And it was like, what's the pettiest thing you've ever done? And what's like the pettiest thing someone's ever done to you? Oh, that's a tough question. I know. And I'm like, I'm not even like a very petty person. So this is kind of tough. I'm not a scoocher.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I'm not a petter. What did you have an answer? The only thing I could think of was that's where I told the podcast kind of recently when panda express closed at like 9 20 and i was like what time did you close yesterday 9 30 yeah yeah what time you close tomorrow yeah i felt like that was kind of rude of me uh and then it's hard to think of times when other people have been petty to you only thing i could think of is sbu not giving me my diploma i'm having a little bit of a hard time grasping the word petty. Like petty just means like, yeah. Can you, can you describe it? You go out of your way to be like kind of condescending or rude or like kind of like you're worried about things that aren't
Starting point is 00:15:55 really that big of a deal basically. And then you bring stuff up that you didn't need to bring up. You're a little extra snarky. You know, you kind of like you twist the knife. Yeah. Okay. Okay. It's like, it's like it's like hey they get the point like you don't have exactly yeah i think gotcha well this isn't necessarily petty but uh and it's not about dayton so we'll put a pin in dayton real quick um but i heard a little bit of an update on correct opinions about the tesla and the scratch can you update the ghosties about that that aren't listening to correct opinions? Because I was excited for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Did we talk about it last week? Yeah. We just talked about that. We talked about that. It happened. And you like took a picture of the guy's license plate. Yeah. Well, there's just one night.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I think I got an email from Progressive. And so it kind of reminded me. And I was already sitting at my computer. So I was like, let's just see. Go to Progressive's like auto insurance thing. I've never filed a claim on anything in my life. I don't know how hard this is. Yeah. like let's just see have you never gotten an accident um i guess not cool and so anyway a few clicks later and i'm already like finding this claim and then
Starting point is 00:16:55 it already has a portion on the web page of like upload photos or videos i'm like well i have that readily available yeah so just drag and drop and And I mean, 30 seconds later, I filed a claim. I was like, oh, well, that was really easy. Yeah, let's go ahead. But kind of the bummer part, I got a call the next day. And my claim agent, it's not even the word, my agent, my agent, my claimer, like file claimer, like my flamer. She was like, hey, so you you gave me was great i mean
Starting point is 00:17:26 the video footage the license plate we know exactly like they definitely hit your car multiple times we know exactly who it was problem is this belonged to a car service so there's no way of knowing who the driver is so we're gonna have to go through the car services um insurance this could take longer like of course this wouldn't totally be easy yeah yeah of course but it sounds like it's not hard for you necessarily. It's hard for them, right? Hopefully not.
Starting point is 00:17:47 You're not going to have to be the one calling the car service. Yeah, exactly. Hopefully. Yeah. So if anything else, it's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:17:53 we have video of this happening. The progressive can give you money to fix it. Yeah. And you're like, great. Then take that money, use it on another car detail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 See what kind of animal I got. Well, yeah, you probably could just get it detailed and get the, like, honestly get it out. I don't know how bad it is, but I got in a, some, somebody like rear ended my car in college and I, it just had a dent in like the back passenger seat and it wasn't that nice of a car. So I didn't get it fixed and I used the insurance money to buy Catherine engagement ring.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Fun. Yeah. So things to think about if you're, if you're like you're like it's not that big of a deal for a scratch scratch diamond i didn't even think about that yeah just take the money and use it elsewhere yeah is that insurance fraud uh i don't think so i think sometimes but i think it's like i think it's more insurance fraud if you're like hey uh this mechanic fixed it for $3,000, but he told me it costs him $6,000. And then you kind of been cahoots with it. Like the insurance is still giving me the money
Starting point is 00:18:53 it would cost to fix it. And then it's up to me whether or not I want to fix it. Come to think of it, I don't know what insurance fraud is. So if anybody knows like that I committed insurance fraud on the thing in college, let me know. We'll scrub this part from the podcast. I don't think so. I don't think you're like liable to fix your car.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I think it's like one of those things where it's like, if like we think this costs $2,000 to fix this. If you find somebody else, if you want to do it to yourself for 50, great. Go do yourself. Yeah, you go do yourself. Yeah. That's a side joke.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Didn't I admit to a crime at some point on this podcast too? This might be our second time well i don't yeah probably something with taxes or something i really screwed something up before well let's just go through all the crimes you've committed real quick never had an accident but commit some crime i think in 2014 or 2015 i just straight up didn't do my taxes fun but i would have earned i was when i was working in youth ministry so i honestly i've lost out on like 800 probably yeah Yeah. Yeah back with taxes for fun What else oh I stole chips from the airport on tour this past year
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I felt pretty bad about that. That's a federal offense at the House am I done you skinny-dipped a couple days last couple days. It's like it's like a really directed question like Anybody's house that we know anything you need to admit You're like no you leave the blinds open walk around naked. Yeah. Yeah, it's a crime Okay, okay, so I done. Oh yeah, go ahead Have you ever shot somebody? I think I opened someone's mail one time. I do that all the time for fun. Oh, bad boy, bad boy. Really? I was walking mailboxes. Catherine, Catherine is like really serious about that. Every once in a while we get somebody else. There's somebody else
Starting point is 00:20:35 with like a similar name to, I forget exactly what it is, but like on our street and we get it. And it's clearly like trash mail. Yeah.'m like let's just throw it away totally it's like no we can't do that it's their mail and i think it's like hey respect thank you katherine for respecting our country but they don't need the menards ad it's like they don't need another credit card i guarantee you they have enough apr i'm gonna have now so i've thrown away money that's federal offense is it? I'm a bad boy. Yeah, you are. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I should have known that about you. And I met you. This guy, this guy is a criminal. Throwing away money. Yeah, it's crime. How much money are we talking? Pennies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. How dare you? Anyway, Dayton, one of the shows was Rachel and I's one year anniversary. And so I talked about that on stage. Wow. I was like, yeah, it's kind of fun. Rachel and I have been dating for exactly a year. I asked her what she wanted to do for one year anniversary.
Starting point is 00:21:34 She said, date night. I said, what about date night? Oh, they like that? I don't know if that's exactly how I said it, but it was something like that. You know, just like she said she wanted to go out to a nice dinner. I said, what about if I go to Dayton, Ohio? So, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So it's kind of fun. There was a guy. Yeah, I had some great crowd work moments. I mean, just like this guy in the front row had some glasses on and his name was Jeff. So just kept calling him Dahmer all night. And I was like, yeah, it's a big show. People are eating that up. You know, there you go.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Had good times with him. There's another guy I talked to. Actually, it might have been the same guy. He was a. up you know there you go um had good times with him there's another guy i talked to actually might have been the same guy he was uh i learned that he was a high school teacher and then asked him where he met his wife and he said high school so then i just kept calling him a perv all night oh yeah i was like oh yeah revisited the scene of the crime every day at work yeah that's perfect wow um so yeah just some great moments there uh let's see. What do we know about, where is Dayton in comparison to the rest of Ohio? It's just a little northeast of Cincinnati, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So kind of central Ohio. Cincinnati low-key has like a lot of cities. Cincinnati does? Sorry, Ohio. Really? Yeah, Cincinnati, I bet. Suburbs. No, Alan and I were talking about that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 We're like, have we performed in Ohio more than anywhere else? Because the county fair was in Ohio. Canton, we've done a ton of shows in Toledo, like in 2020, I think. We've done Cincinnati. We've now done Dayton. We did two theater shows in Cleveland. And I think we did, oh, Columbus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah. Like, hear me out. Like, I think besides Florida, california texas i might know more cities in ohio than any other state true false could you think of another state that's like kansas and missouri well sure but like i'm talking about like cities like places that you could perform comedy i'm talking about i'm not talking about like towns i'm talking about like like places that are like big enough to have a d1 college something like that fun game fun game you know yeah maybe tennessee i don't know california gotta be top three but beyond that
Starting point is 00:23:33 maybe where are we going where are we going dude like i don't know colorado maybe but colorados are all no i can't even think of anything close it's ohio dude ohio's got some cities i know yeah that's a good point i mean they're not like booming like whoa that's a huge like chicago you know size city but miami of ohio do you want school there you go we got miami dayton cincinnati cleveland like all these ones you're saying what else did you columbus toledo columbus toledo uh canton canton the freaking hall of fame the light poles are goalpost Cleveland, like all these ones you're saying. What else did you say? Columbus, Toledo. Columbus, Toledo. Canton. Canton. The freaking Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:24:08 The light poles are goalposts. What? Did I tell you that? No. Like right outside of like the Canton, like the actual Hall of Fame itself, some of the telephone poles and light poles are goalposts. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Like yellow one. Goalposty. Have you been doing any geoguessers lately? No, dude. I, no. You're just off completely? I know. I need to get back on it. I loved,? No, dude. I know. You're just off completely. I know. I need to get back on it.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I loved I love that game. I still follow like certain like it's a good phase. GeoGuessers creators, you know, in the space still. But now I haven't played it in forever. OK, gosh, I love that game. And we got to see some ghosties. Do you remember the when I got sent? I saw this like random like women's clothing from Athleta
Starting point is 00:24:45 probably two years ago. And then you sent to some random person. Yeah. Megan, her and her husband and her sister and her sister's husband. I hung out with him before after shows before I started to develop like a genuine like friendship with them because they've come to enough shows and we hang out afterwards. And so awesome. I got to see them for just for a bit.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Got to see them. And then I need to apologize. There was a ghost. I just got to meet several ghosties. But one is specifically named scotty he like waited in line he's wearing a ghost runner shirt and as he's like getting ready to like meet me we're talking we're chatting the comedy clip starts like turning the lights on and off on us while that's happening another like non-ghosty just like kind of annoying like drunk woman comes up and it's like starts taking all these selfies with me while i'm trying to talk to scotty so then like scotty i think it's just
Starting point is 00:25:29 kind of like conversation yeah we were just talking she's like selfie and so i'm just like oh okay and then just like that went on for longer i thought so then scotty heads out and i feel so terrible now i'm talking to someone like scotty it was so nice to meet you i'm so sorry and he just loved i just felt so bad about it i would have loved to have chatted with you so much longer, but it's always weird vibes after a show, just the comedy clubs and they want you out of there. Yeah. I'm glad that you haven't lost that feeling of like,
Starting point is 00:25:54 I want to hang out and talk to you though. You know what I mean? Yeah. Thanks. So I totally feel that because, because yeah, it would make sense that eventually you would get a little bit tired of that, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:02 or like, or like become desensitized to that. But it's cool that you're always like appreciative of that. So yeah. Shout out Scotty and all the other ghosties, but what are you up to? A lot. Intercepting busyness or I've been intercepting vibes, uh, on Friday night. I went to Allen field house. Oh, gotcha. Home of the Jayhawks. That's right. Um, and they, yeah, they had, it's called late night. And so it's just their first practice of the year, but they always do like a big, you know, kind of like a variety show almost, uh, beforehand. And usually like done by the students and they do dances and skits and all this stuff. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:40 and so got tickets through Olivia, a ghosty who is working for the athletic department at KU. Came to my volleyball game a few weeks ago. Came to my volleyball game last summer. Yeah, she's awesome. And she just moved to Kansas. And so she was like, I don't know anybody else who would want these tickets. Do you want them? I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Bingo. And so I asked one of my friends, Todd, to come with me. Todd. Todd. Todd Porter. Okay. Listener of the podcast. me and, um, Todd, Todd, Todd Porter. Okay. Listener of the podcast. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Listener of the Todd cast. Um, yeah. Um, Todd's the one actually, he's a friend. He's a kind of a newer friend. He's a, uh, podcast story, um, subject. Do you remember the guy that was like, I know you from somewhere you look familiar. Oh yeah. And I was, you know, yeah, it was, it was, yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:25 we took a class together essentially. And, um, it was like this awkward, like, Oh, like how do I, this YouTube, how do I do this and assume this? And eventually he figured out is because he did, you know, work on my parents' house at one point. So, um, anyway, but yeah, like this whole like practice, I mean, is like sold out. Like it's like a, it's 16,000 people come to this huge thing. And it's awesome. It's so cool. Um, and this year specifically they had like, you had to have tickets and stuff because, um, COVID because Kay, you just won the national championship last year.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So it was like way more like ceremonial. Uh, but it was, it was fun. It definitely, I don't regret going, but there were like some hokey things because they definitely, you could tell they hired like an outside production crew this time to come in. And it was like really high production value, but like the MC, like they had two different MCs that kind of went back and forth.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You could tell he was not from KU from like, like people call it the university of Kansas or Kansas sometimes, but like, you don't say like, get on your feet, Kansas fans, sometimes but like you don't say like get on your feet kansas fans you know people don't say that like you either say ku or jay hawk you know and this guy would always at one point he was like this is the first time you guys could celebrate being national champs and i'm like dude there's like four other banners up there uh that's rough
Starting point is 00:28:43 that's that guy's not getting hired back. And you could tell like he was probably like late 40s, early 50s black dude. And like still said a bunch of the phrases that you would have said in the 1990s. Like if somebody's excited for the Jayhawks, somebody scream. And it was like, is this DJ Jazzyff and fresh prince up in here or something somebody
Starting point is 00:29:07 scream and it's just it's just that's the worst i i i do not like somebody scream i like the idea of a somewhat out of touch mc yeah like yelling things into the microphone that is funny we're just like yeah factually wrong just like your first national championship yeah yeah yeah like he he there was one point like they were trying to kill time i think and so they played simon says with the players which is just that's a bad idea anyway that's such a lame so lame compared to like hey let's get the players to do a funny skit and like see them and it was like if they get out they had to dance and do their thing you know whatever it was like okay but you could tell that guy didn't even know their names like the player's name he's like 13 yeah he's like he's like what's your name man what's your name man and then the guy said he's like i didn't say something says you're out and i'm like
Starting point is 00:29:48 okay cool um so anyway but uh the the best part of the night well there were a few different things so there was a dj throughout the night uh dj i think i wrote down let's see dj tick a tan and it was okay little asian girl i mean and just she would she would try to. And it was this little Asian girl. I mean, and just, she would, she would try to vibe. And it was just like, this is not the right time for this. Like, cause they had the, the women's basketball team have their scrimmage first. And it looked like they weren't trying at all. Like the, it was like an all-star game, but even worse defense. Um, and so, but, but to like get the vibes up this, this DJ Tickan was trying to play these cool music. And it was just like, it was like, we are the champions, my friend.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You know, like, and it was like, and she was going nuts. And like no one else was doing anything. Somebody scream. Yeah. But then like halfway through the women's scrimmage, I'm sure you've you've known people like this or maybe you were one of these guys in college like they have trainers like male trainers and male like people that practice with the women's team and those some of those guys got in the game oh and todd and i just joked about like how funny would it be if one of those guys just like threw down a dunk on one of these girls oh yeah or just anything that would be like a faux pas like taking a charge on a girl or
Starting point is 00:31:08 swatting the crap out of her i mean yeah they were like very very tepid like all they were doing was swinging the ball around the key and like they weren't doing anything but i was like how funny there was one guy that took a three-pointer at one point and i was like there's no way you're supposed to be doing that like in front of all these people but he's like this is my moment you know this kid played like jv in high school and yeah just jay and and so um but the the the culmination of the night after they they i mean they did an awesome like ring ceremony they they you know did all the banners with the big 12 in the final four and then the national championship uh it was awesome then the very last thing was DJ Diesel came out,
Starting point is 00:31:46 a.k.a. Shaquille O'Neal. Give him a little Shaq impersonation. What do you want me to say? University of Kansas. University of Kansas. This is what he did. So, yeah, like literally the emcee was like, if you're excited to see DJ Diesel, somebody scream it's like you could have done so
Starting point is 00:32:08 many other things like give it up for dj you know whatever um and he walks out the dude is obviously huge shaquille o'neal is yes oh that's awesome you have to be there in person to know that no it's one of those things though it's like i was not even that close and he just looked enormous like bigger than i was expecting him to look okay don't make fun of me for that he's huge i agree he's he's a big guy and he yeah he gets on the mic he goes kansas i came here for one reason and one reason only and then he he plays the, we are the champions, you know, whatever. And then it was the same,
Starting point is 00:32:46 it was like the same exact thing that DJ Ticketan was doing. DJ Ticketan. I mean, we're calling Shaq a DJ, but honestly, I think he just takes people that already had made DJ mixes
Starting point is 00:32:58 and just mutes it every once in a while. You know how like DJ is like on a fun song that everyone knows, they'll just mute it and let the crowd sing it out great dj move he did it five times every song and it was like okay shack that's your move and then every once in a while like while it was going he would he would just like mute it would be like and then you just pause and go jay hawks And it was like, Oh, I thought he just muted that. Um, it was like, okay, I think I get, I get the, like, like Todd and I were standing there and it was like,
Starting point is 00:33:32 this is hilarious. This is great. And then 12 minutes later, I was like, I'm ready to go whenever you are. And he's like, yeah, let's do it. So, um, DJ Diesel was the man. He was fun. Um, but overall it was just, yeah, it was, it was, it was enough after 12 minutes, I think. Yeah. But it was, yeah, it was cool to see him. It's cool to be like, yeah, I saw Shaq DJ. Um, but yeah, overall it was really fun.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I'm excited for college basketball season again. So that's awesome. Uh, real quick. I just remembered, I forgot to text Derek thoughts on the Jean Schwartz video and I think he's about to upload it. So I need to do that now. Okay. Would you like to,
Starting point is 00:34:07 well, we'll just talk live with Marcus. Did you have thoughts? My thoughts were, I thought we had a lot of organic bloopers in the video. I would like to see those in like a lot of like us breaking character. Yeah. Really funny.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I would like to see those in the video. Those are my favorite kind of thing. Stuff like that. That kind of breaks that wall of like, Oh, they're not acting anymore. They're just struggling to be these Gen Z people. What's it like to trade crypto on Kraken? Let's say I'm in a state-of-the-art gym surrounded by powerful looking machines. Do I head straight for the squat rack? I could,
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Starting point is 00:35:54 Ready for you. From the executive producers of Lost. This place will not break us. The Phenomenon returns to Paramount+. The only way we go home is together. From new season now streaming exclusively on Paramount+. I have a really hard time with the edit thing. I never know how to like,
Starting point is 00:36:16 like sometimes I'll watch a video and be like, ooh, that's not as good as I thought it was going to be. But I'll think to myself, I don't know how to like. Could it be better or is that as good as it gets? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Without seeing all the footage, without like knowing. Yeah. It's just, it's hard to like be like, Hey, I just wish it were a little bit better, Derek. You know, like how do I do, how do I critique that? Yeah. You just reply. I was hoping it'd be funnier.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And then he's like, I was hoping you'd be funnier. Yeah. Right. Well, you know, I'm always like, I'm always curious, like, what would it be like with this kind of music in there yeah or and but then it's like he puts music in it's like oh never mind it's bad and then all of a sudden i feel bad for like making him go through all that yeah like music and or like oh that's not the right kind of music that i was thinking of it's tough same with the graphic design trying to send feedback on that it's like yeah can i just see more different options i don't even know what to tell you can i just see something different i'm sure i'm sure that editors And graphic design, graphic designers get so frustrated with stuff like that. And I honestly, in, in a very smaller extent, like I get frustrated
Starting point is 00:37:13 sometimes as a woodworker when they're like, Oh, that, that stain seems a little dark. Can you give me a, like, there's this guy that I I've been working with for, I don't know how long now, seven months. And he probably needed like seven different samples for, and he's in Maryland. So it wasn't like I could just, I couldn't just like, you know, and I was trying to send pictures, but it's not the same on a picture as it is in person. And so, um, it can get frustrating, but at the same time, it's like, I want you to be happy. Um, so yeah, I don't,
Starting point is 00:37:40 I don't know if I have like definitive thoughts. Um, I think that's a good thought though about the bloopers. All right. I just texted him. So yeah, I think that's good. I do have some irrational grievances this week. I've been kind of a curmudgeon of sorts. I don't get frustrated that often at other people.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Most of the time I can just kind of shrug it off. But lately I've just been finding myself being like, I don't know why I'm mad at you right now, but I am. Cause pain express closer. Yeah. Maybe it's the petty, maybe it's the whatever petty talk. What was the petty podcast? Petty pod. Um, so yeah, one of them is towards my neighbor next door. Uh, the smokers, he's smoker adjacent. He's not a smoker. Yeah. He's, he's like this teenage kid. You've seen him before. And also speaking of your neighbors, I was a little worried about what was going on.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Right. When Rachel and I left your house last night, uh, right. When we pulled out onto 55th, a cop pulled in, not a huge deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Say our, say our street name. I'm just kidding. And, uh, he shined like his like crazy, like bright spotlight on the house, not with the weird smoker, but like across the street from your like back driveway.
Starting point is 00:38:51 He like kind of kept driving. But yeah, he like shined a spotlight on their house at, you know, 1030 at night. I wonder if he was like looking for somebody that was. I don't know what I don't know what you look for. Was he just looking for street numbers? Maybe he had a parcel to drop off. He's like looking for somebody who's like run away. Like like a like a runner dog yeah oh or or dog yeah beloved dog maybe that's that's what police do i don't know we were driving away so i couldn't see much but
Starting point is 00:39:14 i was like that's interesting that he just spotlighted that house for not alerting me well well figured i'd just tell you the next day yeah you got a fence told you eventually yeah that's great um yeah anyway so this kid he's probably and he's in high school and katherine's always like why isn't he ever at school and i'm like katherine we homeschool our kids why can't we like we can't judge anybody else um this kid's he's a little bit off um and he a couple weeks ago mowed his lawn and his lawn like the lawn their lawn had been pretty like grown over like it was pretty long and the dude just didn't care and just like still tried to like mow it so short
Starting point is 00:39:51 and so like and he it wasn't like he was bagging it he was just he was just mowing it so every five steps it would like get bogged down and be like because there's just so much grass yeah and then he kind of just lift up the lawnmower, just spit out all that grass and then you keep going. And then like, you know, every probably five minutes he would stop because he was frustrated and like tired of all this stuff. And I'm like, and I mean, grass is going everywhere. And I, it was one of those like things like a car crash where I was like, I was doing work on my deck, just like on my computer. I was like, I want to look away, but I can't like, this is so frustrating to me. And then the other day he came out just shirtless, like Bo and Hattie were playing in the driveway and he just comes out shirtless and like is cleaning up a rug or
Starting point is 00:40:33 something outside. And I'm like, put a shirt on. It was like 45 degrees. It was not, it was not warm. And I'm like, what are you doing out? I almost said something to him, but I was like, that's not my place. You forget to tell him to put a shirt on, on his own property. Yeah. Yeah. I know. That's why I was like, this is silly. I wasn't going to say like, Hey, put a shirt on. I was going to, but I was going to kind of ridicule him a little bit. And I thought that's not very nice, but I was going to say, you forget a shirt. Would that have gotten through him? You think, Hey, you forget a shirt. Where'd this kid come from? Um, he's the, he's the son of the neighbor next door. Okay. So, uh, yeah, he's kind of an odd dude, but anyway, he, he keeps to himself and whatever. It's fine. So that's frustration. Number one,
Starting point is 00:41:11 frustration. Number two, um, new trend currently trending my life, uh, back it's, it's back is going to the library to work. Yeah. I think I talked about that like two years ago on the podcast, kind of forgot about the library. I'm so sorry. I'm back and have been working on the lab at the library, doing some website, uh, redesigning and maintaining and stuff. And two different people at the library, like there's just like this, you know, doc of probably 30 computers. Um, and two different people frustrated me. Uh, first guy, just every, we'll say 15 seconds laughed out of his nose I'm talking like so he's like working on the computer. You know just go
Starting point is 00:41:56 No, oh It was like it was like this guy might be a little I mean a lot of times people that are having like going on a computer At the library or like a little bit odd. Maybe they just love memes. He seemed pretty normal. Honestly, they love funny tweets. It was like,
Starting point is 00:42:09 he was like, but it was like this kind of like snarky, like, like I can't believe, I can't believe they wrote the code like this. And it was like, it was constant. And it was, it was one of those things kind of like when you're getting like,
Starting point is 00:42:21 like a water droplet on your forehead, like you don't know exactly when it's coming, but you know, the next one's coming soon. So even when it's not, even when you're not hearing it, it's like you're getting like like a water droplet on your forehead like you don't know exactly when it's coming but you know the next one's coming soon so even when it's not even when you're not hearing it it's like you're waiting for it and then it just you should have tried to you should try to match them done the rachel laugh can you imagine just like straight face just staring straight ahead of my computer doing that yeah and so in another time i was like i was like why are you so frustrated by this but i was and
Starting point is 00:43:03 like i tried to get over it but eventually eventually I just, I just, I would stare at him every once in a while for a couple of seconds and hope that you would make eye contact. We never did, but I would just, I was just like, Hey, like I hear you. Why don't you put headphones in or something? Well, I eventually did. And that was the thing was like, I was really enjoying not having headphones in because the library is so quiet that I could just focus without it.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Put on some lo-fi beats and it was fine. But and then the second time I also had to put on headphones because this woman came and was the loudest typer I had ever heard. Loud typers. It's like it's like it's like they're trying to, you know, send a letter, you know, saying, hey, the British are coming. The British are like she is with so much urgency every time. Just like, I'm like, and these computers are not, you know, like they're like old school keyboards. Like they're louder. I mean, that's just such clicking and clacking. And Catherine's honestly pretty bad at typing loud too. I don't know if it's a girl thing because I've noticed like when we were hanging out the
Starting point is 00:44:04 other day and we were on our computers like you're quiet typer. Oh, cool. Thank you. Yeah. Because you're good at typing. I think it's just like and it was another one
Starting point is 00:44:15 of those things where it wasn't like she was typing consistently, but when she typed when the British were coming, they were coming. It was like, golly, is Catherine a cabinet slammer?
Starting point is 00:44:23 Oh, well, we have soft clothes now, but because Rachel is that she loves the soft clothes in their house yeah I've noticed how loud she is in the kitchen she'll slam around those things only when we're only when she's mad at me well she's just passive aggressive oh yeah yeah yeah she's she's loud when she's when we're in an argument like
Starting point is 00:44:38 when we're kind of you know tense yeah on each other's nerves she's louder and then she'll be like I'm not being louder I'm like yes you are let's just talk about this she's like i'm fine i'm fine it's like i don't think you are because you're slamming every pot like i'm just trying to clean you know whatever so uh that's funny but at the library you did get recognized by an old lady yes i did yeah and i was it was like one of those days where i was half woodworking, like in the shop, half doing computer stuff. So I had like, you know, a stained long sleeve t-shirt on and like shorts with holes in them. And she's like, Jean shorts comedy. I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:15 yeah. She's like, Oh my gosh. I watch you guys every single day at lunch. You guys are so great. Do you mind if I take a picture? And I'm like, yeah, that's fine. Yeah. So anyway, it was, it was fun to take a picture with her and where I got recognized somewhere else. I think I can't remember. Do we get recognized together? No, I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:32 chiefs game, but yeah, yeah, that's true too. Yeah. So anyway, the library has been awesome. We were at the library on Monday together.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Monday was a great day. Yeah. Great day. Big monumental day. Big day. Big day. Big day. Yeah. We'll, we'll just put it that well we got some big things hopefully we're in the works for the podcast we're still uh working out a lot of different details um that we'll give you more and more updates on as time goes on but just know that
Starting point is 00:45:57 we are excited about things to come hope you guys like ghost runners and hope you guys like a little bit of change like like big things sure hope you guys like vibes yeah yeah uh i got recognized with rachel at spin pizza pretty casual pretty easy but she did she just said a couple funny things first she said are you the uh instagram guy i was like you know it depends on who you ask but i do have an account um and she's like no way that is really i just figured you'd you'd live in like canada or something and i was like oh canada yeah not like la or new york yeah i don't know i figured you were like you know prince edward island kind of guy really not in the caribbean really huh i just thought okay what's like the most insulting thing that somebody could have said
Starting point is 00:46:45 to you right there? Like, I just figured you would have lived in like, I didn't think you'd go to places like this, like South Dakota, South Dakota. You're great. But yeah, that's so funny. Like that, that is interesting. Cause I guess I assume that a lot of the people can like kind of tell that we're from Kansas city, but I don't know why they would. I don't think a lot of people know that. Yeah, you're right. Think about people that follow us on Instagram. They have no idea. Yeah, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I guess I can sometimes intangibly tell like, oh, this is a Midwest place. Midwest living room. Yeah, I think I can. I don't know if that sounds ridiculous or not. Maybe it is. But that's fun. Speaking of traveling, going places. This is separate than the little thing we just alluded to just now from our big Monday.
Starting point is 00:47:28 But Brad and I are kind of scheming up something. It may happen. It may not. We're not dead set on it. But how fun would it be? Dream with us here. Oh, yeah. People listening.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Now slowly open your eyes because you're driving right now listening to us. Okay. eyes now slowly open your eyes because you're driving right now listening to us okay uh you on a trip maybe hawaii oh yeah maybe you know let's say hawaii maybe the bahamas maybe the mama mamas maybe tulsa no uh somewhere cool uh with jake i just just figured you were like from Tulsa or something. With Jake, with Rachel, with Brad, with Catherine. I get third billing? Uh, it was in order of appearance.
Starting point is 00:48:13 You know how movies do that sometimes? So you're saying Catherine's the ugliest? What? Oh, you're saying like, like the appearance. Oh, like when, like chronologically, when they appeared in the movie, when they appeared in the sentence. That made me think, sorry, katherine last night i was telling her like telling a story about this chiropractor and i was like and she looks a lot like katherine katherine's like no she doesn't look anything like me she is young and pretty that girl's really attractive i was like
Starting point is 00:48:36 yeah yeah never mind you know that was a bad description anyway sorry jake rachel brad katherine you guys you know maybe there's there's 20 slots any of y'all uh are welcome to join well i act like it's happening right now basically we would love to go on a trip with ghosties how fun would that be go somewhere cool spend a week together maybe do a live podcast while we're there have some like you know hawaii specific merch that everyone gets um aloha when you when you come on the trip you know i think there's a lot of fun things we could do around like you know tourism with the ghost runners kind of thing traveling vacationing so there's got to be a survey in the description uh of this uh podcast whether you're listening on spotify apple youtube whatever
Starting point is 00:49:21 if you're even somewhat interested in like maybe going on a trip with me and Brad, fill it out. You're not like signing up for anything. It's more just for us to see, like, what is our listeners budget? Where do you guys want to go? You guys got passports. You know, how long would you want to stay? Just like stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Just helpful stuff. Let us know where you want to go. You know, so that's we don't have a sponsor this week, but just pretend that's the sponsor. Go check. Go check that survey out it'll take you like less than five minutes and it's a fun survey i mean you just
Starting point is 00:49:48 get to dream about where you'd want to go on a trip there you go fill out the survey let us know if you want to be a sponsor if you know sponsors out there i have a game to play real quick um on par with the library uh stuff that happens so so every time i get on the computer the library obviously it doesn't know anything. Like it doesn't know my passwords or my accounts or whatever. So you have to, yeah, you have to choose. Well, but if you log into your Google Chrome on there, so nice. Do it at Trey's house. That is nice. Oh yeah. So, but this specifically, like I had to, I was getting onto my Facebook business account or whatever. And so it had to like identify or like have me identify, you know?
Starting point is 00:50:25 And so it was like, uh, the, the, the thing I've never seen this before. It said, you have to identify your recent comments. Oh, that's new. And so I Facebook on Facebook. Yeah. Oh. And so I was like, gosh, I don't know if I comment that off Facebook comments, but I'm pretty sure that all these comments are from the ghost runners Facebook group. Oh, yep. That's the only place I've left comments too. And some of them are my comments and some of them are other people's comments. So, so you have to decide which ones are yours. So it says to unlock your account, you need to correctly identify which four comments that you have written in the past three months, three months is a long time. I know I was sweating. I was like, I'm pretty sure I got
Starting point is 00:51:03 three of these, but I don't know what my fourth one is. I ended up getting them. So, okay. Uh, let's just go yes or no to did Brad comment this. All right. Or, and, and if you're listening out there, this could be you on the Facebook. Like this is, this is what's so fun about it. Um, Facebook page is so fun, by the way, if you haven't joined two exploding head emojis, stop, these designs are too fire. My wallet can't handle how much I want these. Two exclamation points. Not you.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Not me. Jonathan Wilson. Like tag somebody. Jonathan Wilson, fun fact. My Aunt Cindy was next door neighbors to Bible Man, which was filmed in my hometown of Olathe, Kansas. That was a little easier. Aunt Cindy.
Starting point is 00:51:45 That was like giving you answers for my past. Yeah, that, like giving you like, you know, answers for my past. Yeah. That's like multiple pieces of information. Cindy, who's maiden name is, you know, um,
Starting point is 00:51:52 okay. Next, uh, quote, the rock did it for me. I agree with Scott, uh, emoji with sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Not you, not me. Um, office whizzes, question mark, please. Exclamation point. I'm going to need a DM with some of the questions you missed without the answers so that we
Starting point is 00:52:08 can play it on next week's podcast. Yes. There's another one I think tagged Marky Mikey, the New Zealander. Yeah. Fun to hear from you. Providentially, this upcoming week's s'mores will be perfect for you. I remember using the word providentially. There you go. That was cool. They asked her like, Hey, what are some places we should go in the U S
Starting point is 00:52:28 we just got done recording episode places like that are like great to go in the U S the voting booth. If you get a chance guys, I mean, you know, the Nazarene church down the street just has a great voting booth. I think you got, yeah. Please join the Facebook group. I might start sending out a press conference every week. If I just keep coming in last in the s'mores, I'm going to keep, you know, making these video responses, motivation for Jake to keep coming last. Uh, okay. So those are three of the four. And so only one of these next, however many, there's a lot. Uh, I see what you are saying now, period. But if you click the link, you will see this period. That's tough. That, yeah, that could have been you. Okay. let's just, I'll just read all.
Starting point is 00:53:05 That's a maybe, that's a maybe. I'm shocked at how thrilled I am about this news and I don't even know you two. Not you. Not me, yeah. In case anyone needs some vibes on this beautiful Friday, dash, and then a YouTube link. Yes, you.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Maybe try this link, question mark. Not sure if it'll work, but the RSS link that you copied now redirects to this one. That sounds like Justin. Sorry, I don't have any advice for the trip. I've only been on the East coast, but this is awesome and hope you have an amazing time. I don't think you've only been on the East coast. I was like, I know I've been to the West.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Uh, I don't like coffee or drink caffeine of any sort, but the way Jake and Brad talk about it makes me want to buy some. I don't think that one's you amazing also how are you doing this on iMovie okay so you're saying the in case anyone needs some vibes on this beautiful I clicked out as well and you were correct boom boom boom you could have stolen my I could have stolen your f-book yeah so fun game fun game but yeah I don't know what's yeah that was I've never seen anything like way to you know identify yourself like that i was like this is kind of different that is kind of fun i yeah i wish there were more ways i've just i do that than like street signs and you know yeah click the motorcycles or
Starting point is 00:54:14 like um yeah what else could they do something where it's like uh choose which of these ads like you get targeted for like i could identify the ads that are targeting me oh yeah you know or like click the reels that are suggested for you okay yeah like how well do you know your own algorithm that'd be fun um two things one go merch talk about it it's awesome people are showing up it's been a really awesome uh supportive merch launch i would say maybe one of our more, more successful ones so far. Cool. We have taken off free shipping, so it's now costing you to ship, but man, is it still reasonably priced? And for us, we are no longer breaking even.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah, whatever. We don't have to go into too many numbers, but let's just say like, I think it's fun to be transparent. Yeah. There was one order I think was like, they spent $67 and we made five. I think if you ordered like the right hoodie, it lives far enough away. Yeah. Yeah. Or like, or like if you ordered, which whatever order, however you like, like, don't, don't let this sway you too much. But like, if you order different brands or different styles, sometimes they come from different areas. And so then it's, it no longer just charges shipping for one thing. It us shipping for like six. So like for a while, that's why I took off coffee mugs because I was like, people will get a coffee mug in a shirt.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And then all of a sudden we're paying $15 for shipping, you know, whatever on it. And so, uh, yeah. So yeah, you know, if you get the right combo of things, we might lose money. So I dare you to try, try to figure out how to, how to make that happen. And we'll let you know if we do, but, um, no, it's been, it's been really cool. Honestly, like, yeah, obviously we're trying to make some money doing the merch thing, but it's just really, really fun to see people wearing our stuff. Get the name out there. Get the, you know, yeah. My sister, she's a nurse and she went to this sedation conference out in Seattle. You know, the one, um, uh, yeah. Is it Mike's? Yes. Mike's
Starting point is 00:56:05 Mike's hard sedation. Um, Mike's yeah. Mike's market. Um, yeah. Anyway, but she's like, and I always wear my ghosty stuff at airports just in case somebody recognizes, you just never know, Brad, because I just want somebody to come up to me and be like, you listen to ghostwriters too. And she'll be like, yeah, that's my brother that does it. Like, she's always like, so pumped to be able to like say something. So, um, yeah, it's my brother that does it. She's always like so pumped to be able to like say something. So yeah, it's just fun to have merch out there. And I love whenever I meet somebody and they have the merch on and stuff at our events and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:33 It's just like, oh, that looks cool. You make that shirt look cool. So yeah, Scotty, thank you for supporting. Scotty had some. Yeah, Scotty had some. What kind of you have? It was something I'd never seen anyone wear before. It was like a pretty like royal blue shirt with like red maybe embroidered ghost runners on it
Starting point is 00:56:48 uh cool do we sell that yeah i'm sure but i i mean you're red embroidered ghost right you have to be a little more specific about what it looks like so the embroidery was red and it spelled out ghost runners in the middle of his t-shirt what kind of font we talking we talking all caps we talking we have that many options that could be in royal blue and with red uh nylon maybe maybe it did it look kind of supremey perhaps maybe it was that one yeah maybe i was trying to think of like the red yeah the red is a little different i guess yeah either way um that's fun scotty cool man one last story I have just real quick. Rachel and I are about to start doing some like changes to the house. Renovating the place.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah. What did I say? Changes. Oh, OK. Yeah. No, that's good. Good word. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And so my parents are coming up. Rachel's parents are going to come down here in a couple weekends. We're going to do a big, you know, paint session. And yeah, the cork flooring, we're going to we were going to do tile. And then my mom had a good point. Very thoughtful woman. She's like, Hey, Rachel's always cold, right? Tiles like the coldest floor there is.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Maybe you think about some other stuff like, all right, let's do some like vinyl, you know, plank flooring, maybe still look like it could look like wood, marble, whatever you want. And so we're picking that out. And a couple of days later, I'm on the phone with my parents just catching up. And my mom was like, Hey, whatever you want. And so we're picking it out. And a couple days later, I'm on the phone with my parents just catching up. And my mom was like, Hey, just FYI. If you get that, that plank flooring in, it's got to acclimate for like, I want to say like a week or two in your house before you've set it down. And I was like, Oh, wow. Okay. She's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:21 it's got to get used to the humidity or whatever. I was like, okay, we'll make sure and order it now and make sure it's all ready before you get here we have this whole conversation about it then we get done my dad lets us finish he's like all right i'm gonna go ahead and say now uh that is not correct um i was i was thinking to myself do i do i disagree on the podcast or do i look it up and tell jake later because i don't think i think that's the whole point of vinyl plank flooring my dad was like that's that's hardwood floors you have to let that acclimate in your home the wood can you know shrink or whatever because it's humidity yeah and so then we all just got giggling I was like my
Starting point is 00:58:51 mom I was like you could have told me anything and I would have you would you could have told me the paint will take about six to seven weeks to dry so like if Rachel's wanting to move in November I would I would have painted last week it's not just acclimating to the humidity. I would start sleeping with it. Yeah. Read it a bedtime story. Yeah. Like wine and dine it a little bit. It will help. Yeah. If your humidity is part of it, because you will be the one stepping on it. And so if you don't like rub your feet on it every once in a while. My mom could have said anything and I'm like, okay, if that's what you think. Yeah. Put, put some in your pockets. It kind of just walk around with it. Get to know the flooring. Just, just sand down a little bit of it and then just mix it in with your pancakes, you know, you know, whatever you're
Starting point is 00:59:33 making that night. Spaghetti tastes pretty good. It's like a nice Parmesan cheese texture on there and you will acclimate to it and it will acclimate to you. Yeah. It's gotta be great. Yeah. And so that's funny when you, when you said that, I kind of even made a face i'm like uh are you sure i was like oh i wouldn't have thought of that but i trust you like the whole point of that is like it's manufactured so it's going to be less water or it's like more water resistant more waterproof waterproof how about that how about that huh uh but last little caveat to the story uh my mom did look it up and sent me a screenshot later she was somewhat right i think she just googled something you can you can find anything if you google it i i think it said like 24 to 48
Starting point is 01:00:11 hours like best practice like at least let it sit in your house for a little bit wouldn't hurt that's like one of those like yeah we're gonna put this on there so that like just in case kind of things i don't trish text me i'll fight fight you on it. I don't know. But yeah, it was just a fun conversation. Yeah. I was just so convinced that my dad was like, all right, I'm going to go in and speak up now.
Starting point is 01:00:30 That is wood. Comment below some things that next week we can like try to play a game and see if this is true or false. Like these things about the house. You guys could just play this whole game without me. Just like DM Brad privately and just start getting Brad to convince me of things that I need in my house. And I would probably believe most of it.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Well, like, well, you can't paint a fireplace. No, you, you know, you could just say weird stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like, Oh yeah, no, that makes sense. Yeah. Like the brick, like it doesn't breathe. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:57 There's, there's flames on the inside. It's yeah. You need fire, fire paint. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:01 It's, it's very flammable paint. Do you have a left-handed paint roller? You're going to need that for your dad. You know know it's like anything you're messing with a freshman on the baseball team i don't believe you do you know about the uh like disconnecting your hoses during the winter time uh not gonna fall for that one good try good gonna leave my hose connected it's gonna be frozen uh mr brown first test not gonna call you that well okay yeah that's great we did talk about doing a little uh trash burning together i think that'd be fun very shiny of us yeah yeah yeah just start burning all of our cardboard okay
Starting point is 01:01:34 anyway let's well do you have anything else do we want to get to the s'mores i don't have much i i wrote down the chief's game was fun on sunday uh we had friends watch it with us and haddy and had pretzel Palace. Oh, Bo told Rachel he loved her two nights ago. That's right. And he meant it. It was wild. I don't know if he's ever told me that without me saying it first. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:55 He was so overcome with emotion. He was giving Rachel a hug goodnight and I think she was kind of tickling him, but it was just a good hug, I think. I think he was just enjoying it and he was just giggling and smiling and like mid giggle. And we're like, I love you. And we were all like, whoa, it was awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah, it was something. I was like, did he say I hug, I'm hugging you? And they're like, I'm pretty sure he said I love you. I was like, good for him. It was awesome. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, having dinner with them. And yeah, Hattie and Bo love you. It's so fun. Like even like, I feel like, good for him. It was awesome. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, having dinner with them. And yeah, Hattie and Bo love you.
Starting point is 01:02:26 It's so fun. I feel like our lifestyle is changing just a little bit. A lot of times we eat breakfast and lunch in the kitchen, because we have that little island countertop kind of thing. And now the kids are eating in the main dining area, because I think they want to look and see you guys. Really? Yeah, just there's a chance that Jake and Rachel are going are going to be out there oh so you know it'd be fun if we
Starting point is 01:02:48 could like have i mean it'd be a little bit of an eyesore for everyone else but some sort of like revolving like whiteboard in our yard that faces your window fun it's like hey hattie are you drawing a little picture or something oh we got to figure out yeah there's there's all sorts of ideas for that something to hang on the tree right there yeah uh maybe like during christmas time you can like change like get one of those light displays that has like customizable text yeah we're like hey dinner tonight you know yeah yeah can you bring the salad pasta uh-huh that's fun that's fun all fun yeah bow and rachel really taking a liking to each other um rachel watched bow and rosie last night and i said other. Rachel watched Bo and Rosie last night.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And I said, what are you up to? And she said, oh, I just got done feeding Bo. And didn't love the sound of that. Feeding Rosie? I know. Oh, she's going to feed Bo? Well, no, I was going to make a joke. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I'm so sorry. Go. It's okay. Just they seem to really like each other. And I'm worried about the time they're spending with each other when I'm not there. I will say, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:47 we left for church and Bo was still there with Rachel because like originally Bo was supposed to come to church with this. He was acting terrible. Like we're like, he needs to go to sleep. Let's pawn him off on Rachel. And so we were like, Bo,
Starting point is 01:03:58 we're leaving. And he cried really hard whenever we left. So it wasn't like texted Rachel. I was like, has Bo said he loved you again? She's like, no, he actually cried a lot when he heard I had to watch him yeah so so there's
Starting point is 01:04:06 something there so just just fyi it's not it's not all cold but let's do it all right let's call scott we're going a little high tech this week should be able to call him uh you know just within yeah yeah whatever he's gonna go hey boys we don't have to hold the phone up to the microphone this week good morning mine pillow sacks scott where are you where are you coming to us from today? I'm coming to you live from a beautiful balcony at the headquarters of Dairy Farmers of America. Which is? In? What city are you in?
Starting point is 01:04:57 Kansas City. I'm in Kansas City, Kansas. Thank you. Thank you. Reporter in the field. Yeah, we're recording this actually during the daytime. We haven't done that in forever. so it is 10 30 a.m scott is just right in the middle of a work day but phoning in for the s'mores uh really fun so scott and and for for the member of uh for the
Starting point is 01:05:16 listener that's a member of the dairy farmers of america co-op just don't worry i'll shave this off of my lunch time we're getting we're getting. All right. Scott, I visited you at work a couple of weeks ago and I took a picture of this sign that was describing the piece of art in the entryway. It says the milk pour is the name of the art. It says milk is what, tell me if you agree with this, Scott. Milk is what connects us from our family farms to consumers around the world. This sculpture is an homage to our hardworking member owners and represents our commitment to delivering wholesome, delicious dairy
Starting point is 01:05:51 to families everywhere. Is that true? Wow. That's well said. Is that true? Milk is what connects us. I mean, that's the first thing we drink, right? That's right. And that's the kind of milk you guys are selling? It's very profitable i just think that was funny in the in the gen z video that uh has come out but uh i was like yo
Starting point is 01:06:17 i'm weak uh because i don't drink any milk like literally i'm weak i i'm literally so weak i don't i don't have any calcium in my body yeah Yeah, get DFA to sponsor us, Scott. Scott, yeah, come on, dude. I'll throw it out there. Yeah. Okay. We have member listeners, so it fits. Fits the brand.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Great. Everybody drinks milk, kind of. Okay, last week, Brad ran away with it again. No one's surprised, but I am surprised that Scott had twice the votes for me. But it's all right. I've got to be better um this is on me i've got to go out there and uh i gotta execute and i didn't execute so this week i will probably not execute yeah yeah i'm uh i'm down to form an alliance with you i like the idea like scott just chooses like terrible terrible picks on purpose and we just we think it's because like yeah he's just bad but really
Starting point is 01:07:11 it's because he's trying to give all the other picks to jake yeah we like collude like all right scott this week you have the best ones all right i'll do bad ones i'll give you some of the best ones that's funny yeah or we just gas up each other's picks and then. Like, yes, Scott. Yeah, that's fun. But yeah, it's like, yes, South Padre sunrises are the best. There's nothing like a little EDM in the morning. Way better than North Padre. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:07:38 OK, well, this week is going to be the Schmores is going to be movies that everyone should watch. Yes. Movies that everyone should watch. I won last week, so I'm going to choose the schmores is going to be movies that everyone should watch yes movies that everyone should watch um i won last week so i'm going to choose the order we're going to go jake scott brad wow it's very nice of you thank you yep but it's also because there's not an obvious one this week so maybe smart of you that's yeah 100 yeah and i know what scott's gonna pick and if he doesn't pick i'm gonna pick it so that's that's the thing is that I would love for you to pick what Scott's going to pick. I would love that.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I would love for that to happen. I was going to say like, don't do this. Yeah. Scott and I are, uh, I haven't played pickleball in like months probably, but Scott and I have a little alliance on the court tomorrow night. We're playing together and a little, uh, not quite a tournament, but it's kind of a little thing. So that'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:08:22 But treat it like a tournament. Yeah. I think Bradad is gonna run away with this one he's seen so many more movies i don't know oh really i just think i haven't seen that much i bet scott's seen more movies than me oh i thought scott had seen even less movies than scott's only seen top gun i think in the last year yeah no yeah scott you're not wrong scott also has a lot lower of a bar than i do for movies. He told me the movie Free Guy was the best movie he'd seen in a long time. Have you heard of this?
Starting point is 01:08:50 Yeah, it was a great movie. I watched the first half of Free Guy. Yeah, and I liked it. It was not a great movie. It's a great movie. It was. It was. It was.
Starting point is 01:08:58 It was enjoyable to an extent. But I remember watching it and thinking Scott would be giggling his bottom off right now. Hey, you're trashing my first pick right now all right don't say that until i pick it okay sorry sorry no uh who knows maybe it'll be even playing field then because i think i also have a pretty low bar for movies yeah except i didn't like whiplash all right my first pick spoilers is going to be the movie forrest gump uh it's been probably just my favorite movie uh at least non-comedy like favorite movie just has it all you know it's got some romance great storytelling i mean i don't need to like hype up forrest gump you know what it is uh it's a history lesson in a movie when
Starting point is 01:09:36 you think when you think of forrest gump what's like the first scene that comes in mind oh i think of him sitting on the bench probably okay that's just pretty iconic yeah think of the sneakers think of the big beard him running um must have had me 13 dr peppers think of that how does it feel to be an american yeah love the voice dinner dance ice cream yeah we could go on forever so fun yeah quotable funny iconic characters you know saute it yeah yeah that's great i mean the buttocks like obviously yeah that's great I mean the butt talks like obviously yeah he's got amazing like a million great quotes in that movie but then people that aren't even him have amazing quotes in that movie
Starting point is 01:10:12 oh yeah you know what I mean so Gary Sinise Gary Sinise just plays Lieutenant Dan perfectly yeah so good Jenny's great hello Mr. Gump Haley Joel Osment yeah Mr. Gump so fun all right okayment. Yeah. Mr. Gump. So fun.
Starting point is 01:10:26 All right. Okay, good, good. That would have been my first pick as well, Jake. Scott, go ahead. I mean, it's like everybody knew this was coming. And yeah, I don't need to say much more than i've already said hundreds of times on this podcast if and if you haven't seen top gun maverick already what are you doing i mean come on what are you doing yeah it's who are you that's that's that's my favorite movie of all time uh dethroned uh another longtime favorite movie that's on my list
Starting point is 01:11:03 uh today i won't mention that yet but i think both of you already know that one that's silly and super silly like just even more silly than silly huh no not silly silly uh yeah you're like oh good idea it's just the best movie ever i mean i just can't i can't say enough good things about that movie. Everyone's got to see it. Got to see Top Gun Maverick if you haven't already. Oh, Top Gun Maverick. Oh, okay. So not the original Top Gun.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Original Top Gun's still out there. So the one that made Top Gun Maverick iconic is still out there? It is, yes. Okay. Yes, Top Gun Maverick is my first pick. Good. I'm going to take that one off my list. I didn't even write down Forrest Gump,
Starting point is 01:11:47 but Forrest Gump in my head was like my number one pick. Well, he did write it down. I wrote it down. Top of my list. I can tell you there's going to be movies that I leave on the table that I'm like, oh, geez, why didn't I think of that? Oh, geez. Oh, geez, guys.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Oh, geez. All right. My first pick. Let's see if I can do it in a quote as well maybe we should just quote to start our picks okay you like that ready this this one goes out to uh inside joke uh from the basketball team where's rachel okay oh dang it bro dang it i i actually didn't put that even on my like top eight list I thought about it because it is a good movie but I think because it has the like the stigma of a superhero movie I don't know if like every person needs to see a superhero movie okay well
Starting point is 01:12:38 I this does not have to do with that necessarily but can we preface like unless you guys disagree with this can we pre preface like the Mount Rushmore of movies that everyone should watch at the appropriate times in their life? Because I have a few on the list that are like rated R that I'm like, well, I don't want to be like, hey, a 12 year old, you should watch this movie.
Starting point is 01:12:56 You need to watch this before middle school. Right, okay. I just want to preface that. Because obviously A Dark Night is kind of a scary movie. Movies that everyone needs to watch while still following the guidelines set up by the PGAA. PGAA. I don't know if that's accurate,
Starting point is 01:13:10 but parental guidance association of America. That's probably a thing. Yeah. Like the, the green screen that came up beforehand. I'm going to look it up. What if it is rated? It's definitely not the PGAA.
Starting point is 01:13:19 You don't think so? I will know it if you gave me a multiple choice. Okay. Um, so parental guidance, uh, hold on. I'll look it up. gave me a multiple choice. Okay. So parental guidance. Hold on. I'll look it up. Companies.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yeah, but Dark Knight is my number one answer. It's iconic for so many reasons. I understand what you're saying, Jake, because I'm not a big superhero movie guy either. But this one is so different than any other superhero movie. It's not. There's like most of the superhero movies I've seen have like kind of like more humor to them more light-hearted things this was like such a dark intense like and the fact that heath ledger literally like is no was no longer alive when it came out this role might have killed him like just an amazing amazing job of acting by him it's great storytelling and it's great acting probably
Starting point is 01:14:00 the best opening scene of any movie that i can think of you know the scene where they're robbing that bank, the Joker and all those. I think the Dark Knight Rises also is a great opening scene where they hijack a plane while it's in the air. Oh, yeah. That's really cool. I saw that in IMAX. Yeah, that's fun. Yes. Just all really cool.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So the Dark Knight. Yeah, I thought the first Batman was fine. But that second Batman, the Dark Knight was unreal. Bumped up a notch. Bumped up a huge notch. So didn't we didn't we see that together for the first Batman was fine, but that second bat, like the dark night was unreal. Bumped up a notch, a huge notch. So didn't we, didn't we see that together for the first time, Brad?
Starting point is 01:14:29 I think it was like me, you and Aaron. I thought, Oh, you guys, I can't remember. I, I saw it twice in theaters.
Starting point is 01:14:35 I thought we did see it together. Cause I remember, I remember like there's two movies that have given me chills, like walking out of a theater and it's the dark night and Top Gun Maverick. There you go. It's a good first pick then. It is a good movie. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:14:49 And then my, my second pick, uh, by Nate, by way of quotes is going to be, let's see. Um, Oh,
Starting point is 01:14:57 okay. I'll just do this one. Buzz your girlfriend. Woof. Really? Home alone. Oh my gosh. One of the greatest, most nostalgic, great, wonderful movies of all time. Yes. Oh yeah. It's, it's probably my favorite movie of all time. I think,
Starting point is 01:15:14 uh, it's just so wonderful in so many ways. The, the, the fact that it's like this beautiful home at Christmas time and there's all the sentimentality of the family aspect of it, but also obviously the humor, Joe Pesci and, uh, what's his name? Um, Daniel Stern.
Starting point is 01:15:30 They're so funny. Like the whole thing is wonderful. Yeah. Just a hundred percent iconic. Yeah. Timeless movie for me. It is. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 01:15:40 It has a lot of like nostalgia to it. And it's Christmas movie. One of my favorite Christmas movies. But I think if you were like, if you hadn't seen that movie and it's like, hey, you need to watch this today. I don't know if it like holds up that well. I don't know if it's like a good enough like storytelling because like it's so much like slapstick humor.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Right. And it's so much like probably like, yeah, you saw this movie when you're 11. You're like, this kid's a freaking genius. Yeah. You watch this for the first time as an adult. You're like, OK, this is kind of dumb. Yeah. I mean, one one call to the police would have solved this whole thing that's
Starting point is 01:16:08 fair like today's age like it's like why didn't they like why didn't you just answer that phone call or why didn't the police like knock on the door i get it like there's definitely holes in it and i i i've watched the holes you say lewis secar uh yeah how do you spell yell mats um no i've watched them i've watched Home Alone once with somebody that was just like, why don't they just go around back? Why did they do that? Why would that? And I'm just like, stop.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Dodge the paint can. It's a movie. Come on. And it's so much more than just obviously. I don't know. There's something to the childhood aspect of it. You're right. Maybe as a 35-year-old, if you've never seen it before and you watch it for the first time, it's like, okay, that was sweet. I don't know. There's something to the childhood aspect of it. You're right. Maybe as a 35 year old, if you've never seen it before and you watch it for the first time, it's like,
Starting point is 01:16:47 okay, that was sweet. I don't know. I would like to hear somebody's account that has done that recently. Um, especially if it's in favor of my vote. So, okay. So we have, uh, the dark night and home alone one. Correct. All right, Scott, back to you. Okay, my number two pick is the movie that was dethroned by Top Gun Maverick. And since we're using quotes and since on my first pick I used a song, I'll also sing a brief song for this one.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And it goes, Mock, yeah, being, yeah, bird scott just at work right now just yeah yeah that's just Park's finest. Dumb and Dumber is my number two pick. And of all time quotable movies, I honestly think there's no movie more quotable than Dumb and Dumber. That might be true. I think just about every single day something happens where I can quote Dumb and Dumber. And when I was on my mission, I don't know if you were on the email list, Brad, but when i was on my mission i don't know if you were on the email list brad but when i was on my mission i wrote a letter home every week for 104 weeks and the subject line
Starting point is 01:18:13 was a different quote from dumb and dumber every single time that's amazing yeah so i'm out doing i'm out doing the lord's work my report home starts with a dumb and dumber quote. It starts with the Farrelly brothers work. Yeah. There's just, yeah, it's, it's been my favorite movie for years and years and years. And it's honestly the funniest movie ever in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:18:35 So that's my number two pick. Dumb and dumber. It's a good pick. Yeah. I think it's my favorite comedy of all time and I think it holds up decently well. And yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Jim Carrey in the early days, just so much timeless. It's pretty timeless. It's pretty timeless. Just like you don't have to wait long moments for like the next funny thing to happen, which I think is nice about a good movie. And she's like, yeah, she's jam packed with just the dumb stuff the whole time. So did you guys ever have a hard time? I could not.
Starting point is 01:18:56 I always hated the scene where they were fighting in the guy. He was like, I think it was a dream, right? But he took out the guy's heart. Yeah. Oh, so I didn't even know he actually took that out because the dumb number i grew up watching was i took a blank vhs and recorded the tv version so they didn't show that part oh really they showed it on my tv oh really so i never saw that tvs were a little bit it just skipped over it and he would just give him like this kind of bloody like to go back and i was like what happened i also didn't start recording at the
Starting point is 01:19:23 very beginning of the movie so i never saw the opening scene till i was like you know 20 years old oh that's the best i love that song like why nobody that along with the uh i think my movie would start about halfway through that song so i got part of it but i didn't get the like, I love your accent. Where are you from? Austria. Well, good day, mate. Oh, yeah. I never saw that till like one day in college. I was like, yo, what is this? Do you see?
Starting point is 01:19:52 It's awesome. That's wild. Like to think about like, yeah, you know, your favorite movie has more to it. That's so funny. It was fun. Scott, now that you mentioned this, I forgot. We were just like very casually just quoting Thelma Demmer while texting last night. I didn't even think of it. That was great.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Silly and more silly. That's what I was alluding to earlier. I didn't catch it. We don't say stupid in our house. We say silly. FYI, when you come over. When Bo gives you hugs. Great pick.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Um, my next pick is going to be, we will blitz all night. Dang it. Remember. The night. Forever. Forever. Yeah. Uh, just Gary, your Julius.
Starting point is 01:20:43 You know, some particulars. Yeah. Scott Caldwell. Do the words cruel and unusual punishment mean anything to yeah scott caldwell's cruel and unusual punishment mean anything to you scott caldwell's loving this right now you know he is unique water is for washing blood off that jersey and you don't get no blood on my jersey uniform uniform uniform uniform uh but yeah just a great movie i don't even know if i fully appreciated it when it first came out i was probably in like fifth grade and i was like, cool, football movie where they actually know how to play football. You know, I love that like Sunshine could actually throw a pass.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I was like, great. Oh, finally, we got some athletes playing, you know, you know, good sports. And we've never seen a football injury before. You wimps. Love that part. California. Let him through. Let him through.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Let him through. Scott, remember we were last time scott and i played together he was like what was the what was the play they ran and scott he didn't really have it too close he's like what was the play they ran like a 22 dive with like an end around revert or something like that he's like your backside george yeah and then i'd tell him he's like that's it that's the backside george yeah like I could have to pin it on it. Where's Rev? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:21:47 You ready to run? Yes, sir. Oh man. What a movie. Great movie. Very quotable. I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:52 just great. Once again, not only great storytelling, but great story based on a true story, which is awesome. Yeah. Uh, just great life lessons.
Starting point is 01:22:00 You can learn in it. Um, I don't know. Just, Oh, awesome movie amazing and uh just it's just a fun success story you know and it's one of those times spoiler alert if you haven't seen it sorry uh but it's one of those times where every single time i watch it i think maybe this time gary won't get hit do you ever gary just pay attention to the road i know that that's like maybe maybe a thing that i do
Starting point is 01:22:25 that other people don't do but every time i watch a movie i think maybe there's a chance that this is a different version of it maybe this is the recorded one that like takes out that scene you know uh that's a consistent joke my dad will do you know two-way stop yeah yeah yeah like my dad will be like you know like let's say i was on the phone i'm like oh what you up to today oh i watched i remember the titans earlier and gary got hit again you know, like, let's say I was on the phone with him. Like, Oh, what'd you up to today? Oh, I watched, I remember the Titans earlier. Yeah. Gary got hit again.
Starting point is 01:22:48 You know, he'll make it seem like it was up in the air, but in the end, uh, they did end up hiring a coach Boone, you know, or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:55 That's like, what makes it fun to watch a movie is like, you think maybe this time the guy's not on the sidewalk going, Gary, maybe you're just like, you man, it's a two way stop, man.
Starting point is 01:23:05 You buckle up, Gary, you buckle up, Gary, maybe you're just like, you, man, it's a two way stop, man. You buckle up, Gary. You buckle up. You, you click it or take it. You. So I remember when I came home from watching that movie, I wanted to throw left handed so badly. I was like, I was practicing in my garage trying to throw left handed. I was like, I got to be like, he had a great stroke.
Starting point is 01:23:24 That was pure. Great. Greatest soundtrack of all time. I was practicing in my garage trying to throw a left-handed. I was like, I gotta be like sunshine. He had a great stroke. That was, that was pure. Great. Greatest, uh, soundtrack of all time. Oh, for scum.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Probably. You think so? I got the soundtrack choices. It is very good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For scum is also good.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Really? All these movies, except for dumb and dumber have pretty good soundtracks. Why? It won't get through. They not that one. Mary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:45 She's a vegetarian. Yeah, I stay with what I'm saying. Those are fun songs. They're not iconic like all the rest of them. Okay. Not like this. All right, Jake, you get two picks. One more?
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yes. Or would you like me to finish it out? No. Okay, I'll just do one more. This is where it gets tough. I don't know. The third pick is tricky. There's one that I like that I think I'm going to get made fun of,
Starting point is 01:24:16 so I think I'm going to skip over that one. The pistol. Pistol pick. No, no, no. I think a movie that everyone needs to see or should see, whatever we're calling it, is the movie Good Will Hunting. And I know you haven't seen it, but like all my pictures, beautiful story.
Starting point is 01:24:34 Amazing. You see two people who maybe don't necessarily have a ton of common, able to, you know, build this beautiful friendship together. Great relationship. Scott, have you seen Good Will Hunting? I've not seen Good Will Hunting. Cool, cool, cool. So you guys should you guys should maybe see the movie guy jake's the movie guy in the huge movie buff huge movie guy i love star wars and lord of the rings and all the avengers movies i've seen them all um in harry potter big harry potter guy and twilight in twilight yeah all the big ones so anyway just a great story also quotable it's also just early
Starting point is 01:25:06 damon early affleck um they wrote the whole movie together which i think is really impressive that's always fun when it's like they really really care like wow yeah it's it's kind of a boston movie you know these guys are from boston and it's just like wow like how fun is it to have that much talent to be able to act to be good looking and be able to like write such a like smart uh you know like movie and script can you give me just a quick like rundown like i know matt damon's like a blue collar guy and he's really smart that's all i know about it him and ben affleck are both kind of this is like these blue collar like construction workers and there's like a really awesome just like little monologue that ben affleck gives matt damon he's like his best friend and he's just like telling him, like, if I come back in 10 years and you're still here,
Starting point is 01:25:49 I'm going to be so upset at you. Like I am because you have a chance to make it out. Us, we don't. We're going to be here. You know, so he's not as smart. OK, but they all realize they're trying to like support Matt Damon and be like, you got to go do something with your life because the rest of us don't have that privilege. And it's really cool. Like fires you up to like go do something that you should something with your life. Cause the rest of us don't have that privilege. And it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Like fires you up to like, go do something that you should do with your life. No. Yeah. And Robin Williams, Robin Williams is amazing. And he gets Matt Damon's is, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:12 really tough around the edges guy. Yeah. Construction blue collar. And he gets them to break down. Oh, it's an amazing scene. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Starting point is 01:26:21 It's a great scene. Okay. Yeah. Good movie. Love it. All right, Scotty. Scotty scotty okay batting number three in my lineup is the most iconic baseball movie of all time
Starting point is 01:26:36 uh the sandlot okay good answer i thought about it i thought about it That wimpy deer. That. The Colossus of Clout. The Colossus of Clout. The great Bambino. Oh, I think this is another. An absolute movie of my childhood basically was Brad and I's life. Growing up, we would just go to school, play wiffle ball, play baseball, and yeah, chew Big League Chew.
Starting point is 01:27:14 We didn't ever go for the full dip like they did at the festival. But we did do the Big League Chew and reenact the scene. Oh, 100%. I put a massive wad of Big League Chew in my lip. Oh, yeah. Gosh, yeah. Big time. Jake's not loving the pick. Well, i think it's similar to home alone i think it's like this is a pick that a millennial picks this right like you asked your grandpa hey what's a movie everyone needs to see i don't know
Starting point is 01:27:34 if he's like gotta be sandlot yeah that's interesting because like i think this is like you grew up watching this and it's a baseball movie and when you're a kid you love baseball so you love this movie yeah there's some iconic parts of it though that i think america the beautiful by ray charles oh yeah yes iconic i will say uh my father-in-law who's a big sports guy like pretty in tune it's not like like this is very out of character for him hadn't seen sandlot and when we were on vacation a few years ago we watched it together and he really liked it he thought it was hilarious and fun but but yeah i think i was gonna say well my dad would definitely say sandlot but that's because he grew up with me you know and so we watched it together a lot you know it is a good movie but i think when you're a kid watching it and you see these kids just playing baseball day like this is
Starting point is 01:28:12 awesome but then there's also like the scene at the end where the guy's like talking you know like cut brings it to present day and it makes you realize like oh i miss those days when i was a kid playing baseball sure you know so another just so another just, yeah, quotable. I think every, every time, uh, every time we break a pickleball while I, while I'm playing pickleball,
Starting point is 01:28:31 I go, Oh, now we can't play no more. Yeah. I do quote that quite a bit. Yeah. When the ball goes over the fence or something, I can't play no more.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Okay. This is where, this is where the rubber meets the row ad. I'm going to... I have two picks to end. You're going with black sheep? Was that a quote? Are you quoting black sheep?
Starting point is 01:28:49 No, I'm not going with black sheep. Okay. My first one. You ready for this? Yeah. I'm going to pull the microphone away a little bit. Oh, yeah. I forgot about the quotes.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Ha! España! Mi nombre es Ivana. do you know that one uh i feel like toy story 2 movie just to be able to sing that yeah his choices are now based on how he can announce it yeah how can i how can i just present them really well um yeah i think i said a long, long time ago on the podcast. I think Lion King might be the best movie ever. It's so wonderfully emotional and just a great story of just boyhood to manhood and taking control of your responsibilities. It's like the first Disney movie, I think, where somebody really tragically dies like that. So I think that would kind of knock a little bit. I was talking to Rachel last night. movie, I think, where somebody like really tragically dies like that.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Well, I think that would kind of knock a little bit. I was talking to Rachel. I think that makes it like real. I think that's like like a good movie is not one that's just like happy all the time. Not for kids. I think it's a bad movie for kids to watch. Why? Rachel was telling me about it.
Starting point is 01:29:58 She's like, learn about it in her classes. Tell me more. I don't remember exactly what she said. She was out there just social working me again. But something about like it teaches it like it's not a good lesson for kids to learn like detachment like that like from like their parents d what do you mean learn detachment like to learn i don't i mean i'm just i'm having to paraphrase what uh a therapist is telling me i shouldn't be the one speaking on this i watched it as a kid and i loved it i know and i so the
Starting point is 01:30:23 reason i was like rachel help me out with some of these s'mores what do you think and i was like lion king and she was the one who's like ah that's not like the best like yeah movie for like like you see how messed up brad is like like he would be really normal if he would not be laughing in the car by himself if it weren't for lion king and maybe rachel's listening to this now being like no it's not a bad movie it's just not that's not what i meant it's just like you know there's other movies that have better lessons you know so maybe i still think she would say it's a good movie because it is a great movie oh i think yeah and yeah and you don't know enough so or about it so i'm not gonna like keep asking questions but i wonder if it's like specifically because mufasa
Starting point is 01:30:57 dies yes yes yes because like early on yeah father figure is ripped away yeah oh and you see the effects of that so it's like oh i don't think the kids are able to understand that. Like, oh, but if I can somehow find a wise monkey, I need to find my own wise monkey. What does that mean in my own life? Or you're just like, wow, dads are important. I want to I want to love my dad since he's not being stampeded. Or you take it literally like even if my dad dies, maybe he'll talk to me when the clouds change. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I haven't seen that movie in 20 years, so I can't remember much. But good move. Good move. OK, this is where I don't know. I have so many. I have so many good ones. But I think seeing whatever you believe in, I think I'm going to go with. Yeah, one more just iconic one.
Starting point is 01:31:40 And I can't even think of like a really, really iconic quote. But the iconic scene at the very end of the movie, it's pouring down rain. Oh, this lightning. Yes. Storm out. And he just has a shirt off and he just looks up to the sky every single time it rains and I'm outside. I do it.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I Shawshank. I Shawshank all the way up to the sky. We tried to get that started because you remember back in the day, like planking and owling. We tried to get Shawshanking to become a thing where you're on your knees with your hands up. Yeah. I'm Shawshanking right now. Oh yeah, dude. I've never seen Shaw shank redemption. Oh really? It's, it's awesome. It's so good. Maybe a good quote. Hope is a good thing.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Maybe the best thing. Um, no good thing ever dies. That's good. Yeah. It's just such a great, that was another one that was on TV all the time growing up. Like, so I feel like I watched it on TBS, like, you know, 21 and three quarter times total in my life. You know, like I would watch like,
Starting point is 01:32:31 you know, 30 minutes of it at a time or whatever. Um, a good one is radar. So there's some mature themes in it, but overall prison. Gosh, so good.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Yeah. A wonderful ending. Yeah. Anyway, had it on my list. Good storytelling. Yeah. Good storytelling. I just wrote down Shaw shanking. Whoops. A wonderful ending. Yeah. Anyway. Had it on my list. Good storytelling. Yeah. Good storytelling.
Starting point is 01:32:46 I just wrote down Shawshank. Whoops. Take that off. Shawshank. All right, Scott, back to you. Okay. My final pick. I think this movie is kind of under the radar.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Oh, it's another airplane movie. It's in my top 10 for sure. And it's one of those movies didn't quite leave me with chills but it did evoke some i i have not cried in hardly any movies but this movie has made me cry marley and me i'll admit that no uh the movie is captain phillips have you guys seen captain phillips of course oh that's uh i'm the captain now right yeah yeah I'm the Captain now, right? Yeah. Yeah. I'm the Captain now. That is a good movie. So it's like, I didn't know what to expect going into watching that movie. I think somebody was like, yeah, it's a good movie.
Starting point is 01:33:32 You should go see it. And I watched it and I was like, that was an incredible movie. And Tom Hanks is just such, such a good actor. And then, yeah, dude, that scene at the end of the movie where they like take him off of the boat and they're like medically checking him out. I was, dude, I lost it, man. I was like, holy cow. Really? You just went through some trauma.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Oh, yeah. That acting is so good right there. Yeah. You feel it. Like you feel like he is. Yeah. He's traumatized. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:57 When they're laying him down, he's like, OK, OK. Yeah, dude. Oh, that does. That gives me chills thinking about that part. You're right. That is so emotional. Yeah. That makes me want to watch it. Yeah. Oh, that does. That gives me chills thinking about that part. You're right. That is so emotional. Yeah. That makes me want to watch it.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah. I've only watched it once and it was on an airplane to a Caribbean flight. And I was like, is this the best time to watch this? But yeah. It's like I only saw it once and it was my connecting flight in Somalia. So it's also great. Like you have you have some patriotic pics, Scott, like, you know, Top Gun and then Sandlot and now Dumb and Dumber, too. But then, you but then scott the patriotic route does not work okay it doesn't work i tried
Starting point is 01:34:30 it last week but it was like yeah america's awesome a lot of anti-americans voting okay like they take out the bad guys execute boom yes like united 93 yeah that scene too yeah so yeah that is that is so good. Do you think of Alcides Escobar whenever you think of I'm the Captain Now guy? Yes, he does look like him. 100%.
Starting point is 01:34:51 That's a niche joke for all the Royals fans out there, Kansas City. But yeah, anyway, that's a good pick, Scotty. But so spot on. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:35:04 All right. My last pick is not the most popular movie, like a lot of these, but I do think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. So I, and for that reason, everyone should watch this movie and it's get out. Oh,
Starting point is 01:35:14 they talked about on the podcast when I just watched it. Yeah. Oh, cause I'd watched that right before I watched Top Gun. And I was like, Top Gun is like predictable at times. At the end of the day, it's an action movie.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Get out was so unique. It was so unique. It was so original. Every five minutes I was yelling at Rachel, what is going on? I would yell, what kind of movie? You broke up for a second. Oh, the movie Get Out. Oh, I haven't.
Starting point is 01:35:36 I haven't. I haven't recorded to watch it. I've been dying to watch that. Yeah. Jordan Peele's like directorial debut. Maybe he wrote it, too. I don't know. But I think he did write it. But yeah, I would just be yelling yelling rachel's like what kind of movie do you have me watching this is
Starting point is 01:35:49 crazy i mean she's seen it before yeah she like loved it she's seen it a bunch and she like was like you have to watch this and one of the only movies we watched together but yeah it really is so good and just so unique and original it's like everyone needs to watch this it's so entertaining and just a psychological thriller so fun wow okay great movie i need to watch that is this is that i had it recorded like a scale of thriller to horror where are we at um we'll say five is the middle like trying to think i mean because i don't like i don't like horror movies but i like i like thrillers just fine yeah i would say i don't know what imdb would categorize it as but for my own thoughts like a psychological thriller is probably a great example of it like not a ton of action thrill
Starting point is 01:36:33 like not like you know yeah what would be like a thriller with a lot of action like nightcrawler or something like that where there's a ton of action but this is a lot of like mental thrill a lot of like what is going on yeah how what how's who who can i trust here who's the good guy who's the bad guy is it very gory no not that i remember okay cool fun fun watch it with hattie just kidding but there you have it there's the there's the s'mores this week. Great. You got some honorable mints? Very nice. Oh, yeah, sure. Let me recap the s'mores real quick.
Starting point is 01:37:10 So Brad says, Dark Knight, Home Alone, Lion King, Shawshank. Jake says, Forrest Gump, Remember the Titans, Good Will Hunting, Get Out. Scott says, Top Gun Maverick, Dumb and Dumberer. Dumb and Dumberer? Is that what you said, Scott?
Starting point is 01:37:24 No, absolutely not. Top Gun Maverick, Dumb and Dumberer. Dumb and Dumberer? Is that what you said, Scott? No, absolutely not. Top Gun Maverick, Dumb and Dumberer, Sandlot, Captain Phillips. Honorable mentions. Cool. Do you guys mind if I do my honorable mentions? Get out of here. Oh, yeah, yeah. Go, go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 01:37:37 You need to get out. I need to get out. Yes or nope okay uh just real real quick brad you said it kind of at the beginning there's there's some movies on my list that yeah i would recommend a certain age yes yeah um and this one i absolutely insist that you watch it watch the edited version i haven't even tried to watch the edited version but uh the wolf of wall street is a really really really good movie just please for the love watch it edited yeah yeah yeah that's a good pick scott phenomenal phenomenal acting in that movie like yeah i i gained a whole new appreciation for leonardo dicaprio in that after watching that movie yeah yeah i i gained a whole new appreciation for leonardo
Starting point is 01:38:25 dicaprio in that after watching that movie yeah and direction too i feel like is it score stacy yeah him and uh i didn't really know much about marco robbie for that movie and i was like this girl's great not too great yeah yeah yeah as far as it's one of my favorite movies i just didn't necessarily want to put it as my schmor because of how awful it is it is it is like if you like quaaludes it is like wait till you're married with three kids before you watch that one yeah yeah because he's a big family he's a big family man stage yes yeah yeah yeah yeah um okay so i had that i had space jam i had rush hour two oh my gosh these are three amigos i have three amigos i had liar liar these are just scott's favorite yeah basically uh i had war dogs
Starting point is 01:39:15 and then my last one is kind of an unknown movie but really really really good movie i don't know if you guys have seen that it's called baby driver um oh i've heard of that have you seen that no no yeah it's it's a really really cool movie uh speaking of soundtracks the the whole movie basically has music on the entire time and like everything that happens in the movie is synced to the beat of whatever song is on oh so like it's a driving movie and driving and shooting. So like if a guy's shooting a rifle, it's like to the beat of the song or if they're, you know, it's, it's a really, really cool, unique movie. Um, but yeah, I don't, I don't know that a lot of people have seen, so I would highly recommend that. Yeah. I feel like it's like a cult, not a
Starting point is 01:40:00 cult classic, but yeah, like a lot of, a lot of people like it if you've seen it i've heard about it but never seen it it's got some big names in it too it's got kevin spacey john ham jamie fox and then uh the main characters ansel elgort maybe he's a little dutch boy fault of art fault in our stars or whatever yeah cool like that but anyways that's that's what i have for honorable mens Minch. Awesome. Thanks for joining. Thanks for giving us 36 minutes of your workday today. Hey, yeah, I'll just have a 24-minute lunch. Corporate America's got to keep me honest.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Come on, baby. That's right. All right, Scotty. Thanks, man. JK, you know I'm going to eat an hour lunch and do a workout after. Good, good, good. We've got a big tournament tomorrow night. Get swole, baby.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I'll see you tomorrow night. All right. Sounds good. Let's rock. Let's rock. Let's rock today. See ya. Go, school of rock.
Starting point is 01:40:52 There's another honorable mention. Good one. That's a good one. Cool, Scotty. All right. All right. See you, buddy. You guys have a great day. You too.
Starting point is 01:40:59 My honorable mentions I had. I had Up. Just a classic, beautiful story. Especially um especially i feel like once you're married that that opening scene is so much more beautiful so just wait uh whiplash talked about for a long time so good the goonies big another great tom hanks movie it's a wonderful life hadn't seen that until a couple years ago and that was i i don't cry in movies or often and i i did cry in that movie okay um die hard another one that in't seen that until a couple of years ago. And that was, I don't cry in movies very often. And I did cry in that movie. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Die Hard, another one that I hadn't seen until like two years ago. So good. Lives up to all the hype that everyone ever says about it. Toy Story. There we go. I was going to say, how are none of my honorable mentions being taken?
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah. Toy Story. Hitch is one that I have a rational love for. I think Hitch is so fun. And I'm a hopeless romantic to an extent. So I think it's a fun movie for that and then as we were talking and saying leonardo caprio i thought of inception as well so another one that i just that was one of those ones like watching the very end of the movie with the top spinning and then it goes to credits it's just another just blows my mind kind of thing it's fun so you got any uh yeah so the notebook would be my submission
Starting point is 01:42:06 for the the rom-com area i think it's just it's not your typical rom-com necessarily you know it's not super predictable there's um so some twists and turns and it's a great movie cried the first time i watched it when you have the uh the alzheimer's uh aspect of the movie you know kind of like saying a lot it's not just this age they're in right it's actually you're revisiting the past so that aspect of the notebook is so good i'm seeing them when they're old um also a toy story never seen notebook huh that's all right not that hopeless of a romantic apparently uh oh and then uh interstellar i think that's i think that's even better than inception yeah as far as like christopher nolan i know you love that one and then one other christopher nolan movie is memento i've talked about before so such brilliant storytelling i've talked about it the timeline switches you go from
Starting point is 01:42:53 like beginning to end of the story the beginning of the story is the end of the movie well done everyone needs to watch at least some sort of movie like that you love like the very like well written like put together. It's just something different. I don't want to feel like I know what's going to happen. If it's going to be a movie you need to see. And it's like, I don't want to know what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Fair. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Well, it's good s'mores vote on our Facebook group. Thank you guys very much for just your continued participation in that. If you have any ideas for subjects,
Starting point is 01:43:23 feel free to let us know in the comments for the Facebook group. Yeah. Let us know. Holler at us. Let's wrap this up. I got to go to work now. Trey's been out of town the last three days, but he's,
Starting point is 01:43:32 he's finally back. So we got to go do that. Yeah. Brad, what is your review of the week? Let me pull it up real fast. I will say mine. Great.
Starting point is 01:43:42 It's probably the only one available. When I get on my feet in the morning, I think that's a little jab at me because I don't sit down. It's to the sound of Scott giggling to Jake explaining his sacred experience with the bidet. But don't worry, Rachel wasn't there. It's really just an Aquarius thing.
Starting point is 01:44:00 They never have any questions. Here comes another delivery story from brad whether it's a table or a baby what does that sentence mean um is your favorite review because it's the only review that i think we haven't read yet it was at the top of the list i like i liked the first sentence so i was like oh this is gonna be a good review um and now we're there's a lot of sentence fragments i don't even understand this review here okay i'm just gonna read it as it is i was gonna try to like butter it up and make it sound better than it is but whatever um here comes another delivery story from brad whether it's a
Starting point is 01:44:35 table or a baby but just so you know it's brad's pod slash talk show don't forget s'mores they're tasty and a segment in jake's eyes is that jake's dad on the news or brad's dad guessing colleges collages yep so tune man so tune in on monday mornings with jake and brad and sometimes scott at the end was that supposed to be a song? Yes. It was a Space Jam song. So do it again. Here comes another delivery story from Brad, whether it's a table or a baby. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That makes way more sense.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Never mind. Now I get it. Nailed it. Nailed it. Nailed it. Nailed it. My review of the week is going to be, we didn't have that many options for review of the week this week.
Starting point is 01:45:23 So I'm going to go with a Facebook or YouTube comment of the week is going to be, we didn't have that many options for review of the week this week. So I'm going to go with a Facebook or I mean, YouTube comment of the week. Just a quick, easy hitter from Isabel Martinez that just says, Bo is quite literally the coolest toddler, best personality ever. Couldn't agree more. My sister, thank you for the kind words about my son. I am very proud of my family and always appreciate kind words for them. So I've been loving you impersonating Bo recently. That's pretty fun.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Yeah, he's the man. He's so fun. Got another night by myself. I actually had a really hard time the other night. Catherine was gone to a Bible study, and I put all three of the kids to bed by myself, and I was trying to read them a book while trying to feed Rosie.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Not like that. I mean, she was screaming, the other kids were like laughing, but at the same time it was still stressing me out. We did. Oh, you saw it on the Patreon if you're a member, but, um, we did something called ultimate s'mores, uh, this week. Yeah. Uh, we had been collecting sticks for a few days, like during the weekend at our friend's
Starting point is 01:46:21 houses, your house and the owner's house, uh, to make like a bonfire, uhfire with s'mores. And anyway, it was supposed to be awesome. And it was not, it was fine. It was one of those things. It was like, this is such a good idea. But then when it came time to actually execute, it was like time for me to wake Rosie up from her nap and Hattie was too cold. So she went inside and then I made the fire way too big. And so I was like worried that Bo was going to like get his face burned off. So I was like, Bo, get back. He's like, but I want to help you with this more. And I was like, get back. So then I kind of yelled at him and he kind of cried. And Catherine, this is a good, this is a good, uh, parenting advice. She said, don't have three kids. Yeah. She's like, it's not just the experience. It's the attitude that you have with the experience.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Yeah. That's probably. And I was like, yeah, you're right. That's a hundred percent. And I, I think sometimes I, like in that instance, I think I focused more on the experience and the attitude. Really. I just need to have a good attitude about, you know, eating dinner and that can make it so much fun for the, if the attitude is great, anything could be a good experience, right? Which is usually my personality is like, let's just be fun in everyday life. But this time I was like, I want to do a really fun thing. It revolves around the fire. Ultimate s'mores. It's going to be amazing.
Starting point is 01:47:27 We went to the store earlier that day and they chose gummy bears to put in their s'mores. They thought that was awesome. And it was like, yeah, but if your dad has a bad attitude the whole time, which I didn't have, I'm being extreme, but you know what I mean. So have a good attitude. Attitudes are over experiences, guys. Attitude reflect leadership, Captain. Oh, wow. What a what a show brought it back uh we're gonna do an old jingle this week yeah yes we are tbt tbt
Starting point is 01:47:53 you know what it is probably like to end this episode with jingle yes okay so this one's a fun one um i'm not gonna tell you it's why you can guess if you want i'm just kidding it's by. You can guess if you want. I'm just kidding. It's the same person always is Heatherly shout out. But this one was given to me as a POV stands for point of view for those who are not on internet very often to the 97 classic truly madly deeply. But it's, it's about, it's a point of view of a girl singing to you, like serenading you basically. So, Oh, this is a, I'm serenading you. This is my baby Judy singing to me. This wasenading you, basically. Oh, this is a... I've serenaded you. This is my baby Judy singing to me. This was 65 years ago. Yep, that's right.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Listen in, everybody. Oh, I don't know this song very well. I know it well enough, I think. Hey, what a great 90s beat. Judy. Oh. Be my mommy. Thank you, Judy.
Starting point is 01:48:47 I'll be your friend Root for the chiefs And help you cook healthy I'll make you laugh And cheer you on Help raise a golden puppy Just as devoted But less creepy Than Joel Goldfig from you
Starting point is 01:49:02 I will be here I will be patient, I will be patient cause I'm praying for a genuine interest, honorable intentions, a co-host for a family. Yeah. I want to sit by you on an airplane, see your face light up in your own pee.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Oh, come on. And Secret Santa, when I get your name at Christmas time, give you a teapot filled with jokes, Tuesday, and he partners in crime. A custom table for all the friends and all the Bible studies. When you're surrounded by the options and decisions of choosing adventure. Each chapter, each chapter you enter. I'd like to venture there too. I want to clap for you doing stand-up. Cheer with Grandpa when you're pickling.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Oh my gosh, it's like emotional. I want to dance too, yeah, at weddings. Brad and I share lots of the same qualities. I don't know the bridge here very well. This is great. Oh, one more thing. I don't know how this part goes. Yeah, I was born in the Middle East. Near a pyramid.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Not kidding. Memphis, Tennessee. It's true. I think that's how it goes. You nailed it. I'll film your... Oh, I think... Crap, I don't know if I...
Starting point is 01:51:00 Guitar solo, maybe. I hope so. Mandolin. I'm going to go in'm... Guitar solo maybe. I hope so. Mandolin. I'm gonna go in here. Yeah, here we go. I'll film your jokes in the drive-thru to put on your story. Your laptop's safe, I'll steal
Starting point is 01:51:16 your heart, snap for your slam poetry. Be as devoted, but less creepy than Gold Troll Bird from you. oh this is ready here we go you on an airplane i wanna travel to hawaii aloha i wanna hear your laugh forever Aloha! Wow. This is for me to hold hands and walk into the sunset together baby yeah yeah oh my gosh did you feel did you feel a little like emotionally stirred yes i started off as
Starting point is 01:52:34 like funny like in my head i'm thinking like dang heatherly like that's so clever like yeah instead of just writing jingles about the same essential thing every time it's like no this is gonna be like a new like style yeah it's that's what i was saying at first and the next thing i know i'm like when she said like i want to share with your grandpa at pickleball it's like oh my gosh like maybe i want that maybe i'm missing something in my life i like felt emotional there and then i was like i don't like how i'm feeling towards brad right now i gotta like i gotta leave i gotta i gotta say cold shower pledge of allegiance real quick pledge of allegiance i gotta. Pledge of allegiance.
Starting point is 01:53:05 I got to think about Patrick Ewing or something. Yeah, Patrick Ewing, Patrick Ewing. I got to refocus here. It works, trust me. So I don't know how I feel towards you or Heather Lee, but I feel something. Hey, man. Nothing but love, brother.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Something is stirring inside of me. Love it. That was really special. Holy cow. I'm like really ready to get married now. Yeah, good. That was the whole point. And there it was.
Starting point is 01:53:22 What'd you guys think? You guys have a great week buy some merch fill out that survey to go on a trip with us link is below and yeah
Starting point is 01:53:33 join the Facebook group if you're not yet just thank you guys thanks for listening we love this community love all you guys thanks for listening
Starting point is 01:53:38 to our podcast hey let's have a week guys let's have a week Jake let's do something special this week let's do it baby love you guys see you next week
Starting point is 01:53:44 peace Let's have a week, Jake. Let's do something special this week. Let's do it, baby. Love you guys. See you next week. Peace.

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