Ghostrunners - 206 - Why Do Girls Like Containers So Much?

Episode Date: March 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh let's start the episode okay okay let's start this freaking episode what's up ghosties thanks for tuning in on another monday uh brad and i are vibing so many good things just going on right now one of them i uh rachel i just did premarital counseling for the first time ever oh yeah two nights ago yeah and hopefully the last not the last time ever but like hopefully this is your one time going through the course this is rachel and i talked we plan this you know this is our only session our only nine week session of payroll accounting this is it we gotta make the most of it and we did because right away they're like can we get some volunteers and i didn't think rachel would necessarily be the type to volunteer but she's like god let's do it i was like oh you know
Starting point is 00:00:38 i'll do it and so we volunteered and we didn't know what it was for we went up there and yeah i think kind of like you said just make the most of it we're gonna do this once we don't even know any of these people sure and so we get up there and there's like four or five couples and he's like okay the the task is i'm gonna give each of you a poem okay the goal men is to read your poem as good as you can for your lady in front of everyone okay so there's probably like 50 60 people in the room just got in there haven't talked to anyone don't know anyone gotta like read this poem okay and uh i get to go last huge benefit oh yeah because you can see like how is everyone else gonna handle this thing how what's kind of the vibe and so i didn't want to like go crazy and just you know go
Starting point is 00:01:23 full theatrical because this is like we're here here to like, sure, whatever, but still wanted to win. I didn't know what the prize was. Didn't know really what the rubric was, but I still wanted to win. I want to have the best poem reading. Yes. And so they're like, and you, what's your name? Jake. Okay, Jake, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And first move I did said, do you mind if I, uh, pull out some chapstick? Oh, I thought you were going to pull out your phone and like play some music or something i thought about i was gonna do that but then they started playing music for us anyway oh great or else that was gonna be a move yeah um what music would you have put on uh i don't know let's think something instrumental like i was gonna say it's going down by little john the east side boys yeah but the instrumental version is i would do something like jim some jim brickman on piano it's going down you don't have the poem just that is a visual joke for those watching on youtube but it didn't look good so anyway
Starting point is 00:02:26 i bought some chapstick yeah first risky thing and they were loving it i was like oh i got them and so i put on the chapstick and then i read this poem and i'm just like playing it up as much as i can do and i'm acting like i couldn't figure out the word precipice and um they were loving it it was great gave rachel a little like with my chapped, unchapped lips. And anyway, when it was all said and done, then they voted publicly. We could see everyone who voted. And I'm proud to say, Brad, for those watching on YouTube, you could see
Starting point is 00:02:54 I have the certificate right here. Brad, what does it say? Wow. Merge Ministry from Abundant Life Church proudly present to the most romantic man. That's right, baby. Coops. Coop family, you're's right, baby. Coops. Coop family, you're getting a good one. Most romantic.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Going to be a good marriage. Yeah. Uh-oh. Ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white meat too. Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along. Let's have some fun and go ahead.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Get on your feet because this's the Ghost Rums Podcast. Every Monday morning, we're taking ground. Ghost Rums Podcast. Ghost Rums Podcast. That's fun, man. Most romantic, I mean, in the flesh. It feels good to be the most romantic man. I've been the most romantic man for two days now.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. And it's not bad. Have you noticed like, you know, you don't just leave a house, like leave a room anymore and Rachel's around. You have to like, you know, do rose petals on the ground. Oh, it's affected my behavior. Oh yeah. I mean, left, right. You haven't told me about it, but I could just feel something's been different in your
Starting point is 00:04:00 aura lately. Yeah. My aura. Yeah. Like even towards me, like you have like this plutonic romanticism about you thank you yeah thank you yeah i held the door the car door open for you this morning when you got here which i do sometimes for you but i mean like but not as often as you've had recently that's right dude speaking of aura there is a it's spelled different
Starting point is 00:04:22 but there's a wedding sorry there's a ring company that sells fitness rings called aura okay oh you are a uh-huh and i think i'm into it really like they just they make rings you're gonna be a you're gonna be a rubber ring guy no no not rubber what kind of this has like fitness tracking in the ring no way yeah like not like this like an advanced like high tech ring yeah i was thinking like those ones that you find that like silicone yeah yeah the quilos of the world um no not gonna be a silicone guy okay this is like a a metal like titanium ring i think whoop for rings yes really and i think it's even more accurate than whoop because it's on your ring finger yeah that's like the most accurate part of your body for for crack hey you go to go to the doctor. Where do they take your pulse from?
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah. Fingy. Where do the good doctors take it from? Ring fingy. Yeah. I used to have to get physicals and they would touch my ring finger and say, turn your head and cough. Dude, if you know, you know, a lot of people think CAT scan, you got to stick your head
Starting point is 00:05:19 in. The best doctors, they know, stick your ring finger in. Now you got to keep it steady, but just stick your ring finger ring finger and it's even more accurate if you're only going ring so you just you just you just puncture that bad boy in there and you're like all right still yeah now bring it up and they say it's benign so so you're gonna yeah just have a ring finger what was aura yeah okay i dm'd from gene shorts today too perfect told him we were huge fans which i am i mean look at this free advertising absolutely yeah but yeah because it i also i'm really adamant like i don't want to look like technology i don't want to look like a
Starting point is 00:05:54 wearing a fitness ring like it needs to what does it look like it looks like i mean they've got black silver gold yeah rose gold if that's your thing yeah but i think we should get a nice classic gold ring okay cool but little do you know it knows my heartbeat but little do you know it told me everything about my sleep last night yeah yeah i think it like tracks like your diet your calories and it's gonna be fun because i think most you know there's some wives out there that probably want their husband to wear their ring so they don't cheat on them rachel will know that if i wear this ring i won't be cheating on my diet no nothing no yeah so i mean that's you talk about security because it can track your
Starting point is 00:06:29 diet right from that ring well i mean that's like that's the thing like if you touch it like you can like if you drink like out of a straw it'll tell you like okay there's some condensation on this ring yeah yeah or you know if you touch the food like but food itself it knows the food really well because that's the thing food tiny particles of food always get in your ring i have to i have to be cleaning my ring of pizza every single night and so like yeah they would know it does recommend like hey if you go to places and you normally get the salad could you get like a wrap something that you can really hold like fork you know it's another layer right but yeah if you're gonna hold it it could track it dude yeah how does it How does it get recharged?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Like, does the batteries solar? Not quite. Have you heard of lithium? Yes. Michael Scott gave some kids some lithium batteries. Wait, wait, wait. They're lithium. So they said the battery charges like up to seven days or like it's a seven day charge.
Starting point is 00:07:21 OK. So I'm thinking I just take a shower once a week. Yeah. I'm in the shower. Plug it in. Yeah. Yeah. Shower. Shower. Yeah. seven day charge. Okay. So I'm thinking I just take a shower once a week. Yeah. I'm in the shower. Plug it in. Yeah. Yeah. Shower.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Shower. Yeah. That's perfect. Yeah. Anyway, that's, uh, that's enough about me. You and your aura. Yeah. That's my aura.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah. What are you going to buy? What am I going to buy? I'm going to buy. Oh, I had an idea for a wedding gift for you. Dang it. And I forgot it. Was it ping pong paddles?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Do you need those? Yeah. Okay. Could you find it on like target registry you think stop stop i had the conscious thought today i was like i'm not gonna mention the wedding registry thing and i was wrong i lied i kind of walked you into that on accident yeah shout out my best friend from high school casey cornelius bought us a ping pong table and uh but we forgot to register for ping pong paddles so i just gotta go to shields today and get them are you uh pips out or uh pips in kind of guy excuse me do you not know about pips dude you know what this reminds me of it do you know um he's a k2 guy daniel hagaman no him dim check's
Starting point is 00:08:17 friend i was asking him i was like dude how's like residency med school going he's like a little nervous yeah dim check's like yeah he's got a speech this saturday and he's like it's not really a speech it's more like pimp questions and i go what he's like pimp questions and i'm like kind of laughing he's like oh i mean yeah i guess that is another context i'm like yeah yeah not like oh i guess you could take it a different way you know it's like yeah when i'm just on the streets on the corner and people are asking me questions about stuff it's like what basically i i get a few girls to answer some questions and then they give me a percentage of the questions they answer what does that mean snoop d-o-double-g i i really couldn't get to the bottom i don't know why it's called pimp he was just like it's like um honestly
Starting point is 00:08:54 it sounded kind of fun it's like you go do i'm going to be butchering this for anyone in med school anything okay i see it as like it's like a pop quiz like you could be doing something in the operating room and there could be like someone who's like an actual doctor couldn't like give you a quick like pimp question like okay hey uh let's say this is actually different why would you have to remove some of her rib to do this you have to like know the answer like real quick yeah yeah because he has he's had bronchitis when he was 18 yeah it's like tsa pre-test yes like we did last week do you think it's like a like one of of those like unfortunate acronyms or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It's like, um, personnel intelligence, uh, medical, medical professionals. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Sorry. I'm using the word pips, pips in or pips out. So there's two different kinds of, um,
Starting point is 00:09:40 paddles. And often, often it's like either side, but I'm a big fan of the pips. Those are like the little dots, kind of like a basketball. Oh, that was scary. That cord just fell kind of like, yeah, kind of like this. Uh, yeah, like, yeah, exactly. Like it's either smoother or not as smooth. Oh, you gotta go smooth. No, you don't do that. You're, you're, you're, you're a, you're a spinner. Of course. No, I don't. I'm, I'm. I'm like, you know, two hands on the ball.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You know, just nice, nice fundamental jump shot. There's no touch on the pips. That thing fires off there. No, but you can, if you have, if somebody gives you a nice spin, you can, with pips out, you can, you know, return it. Negate the spin? Negate the spin. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I mean, look at any, any like the high-end ping pong panels any of the professional level any of the pros they're all using pips out but there are some that have both there's there's a hybrid what like in fib like one side pips in one pips pips out never seen that yes never why would they do that that's like saying the baseball bat is like half composite half normal well because on one side it's like i bet if you're that good you're thinking in your head like like all right back here back hands i need more power i go pips out for back hands dude i'm a huge pips out guy all right and i'm not that good at ping pong so take that as you will like i can i can like hold the volley but i never like beat somebody with a cool spin because i'm always pipping pippin they call me scotty yeah i was surprised
Starting point is 00:11:04 maybe i talked about this on the podcast but there were a couple things on our registry that i was like people are going to think that like oh these are the items that rachel let jake pick yeah and there's a few of them and they were not ping pong was one of them rachel was like i really want a ping pong table i was like okay great people are gonna think i registered for that you have a great basement for the ping pong table too yeah low ceilings but that's okay i don't you haven't seen me play you're you haven't seen those pips get in. Dude, one thing we haven't talked about. Everyone's got to go on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I kind of forgot. We're already used to it. Phase the vibes are up for a reason. Phase two of the studio almost complete. Yes, we'd say 95 percent. We got some shelves to put in behind us, but shelves and a little more. Oh, yeah. Second coat of paint on the wall behind it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You guys got to come check this out. I know that's's annoying you're sitting you're you're driving to work right now but i promise you're gonna be proud of us yeah look at this dude it's so fun we've been working hard brad built the table uh we got brad got a rug from a thrift store he got these sound panels from i think some high schoolers or something yeah it was you know it was this acoustic company that accidentally ordered their stuff twice for a school district they were working with. We got some fake greenery in here. We got lights.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Rachel and I painted this wall last night. It needs a second coat, but it looks and it just feels awesome in here. It feels like a real studio. It's really cool. And preview for next Monday, we're going to have a new character, aka new person in our life.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Phase three. Phase three. That's what aka new person in our life phase three phase three that's what i always had in mind yeah phase three so so yeah and i think you guys are gonna like it i don't want to i actually don't want to spoil i just want to say if you've been with us in you know since at least 2020 you're gonna appreciate if you were with us with all for almost jams you're gonna yeah you're gonna appreciate this how about that because we want to make the studio nicer we want to kind of upgrade our stuff, reinvest some money into the business. But at the same time, let's not forget where we came from. Yeah, we got to remember.
Starting point is 00:12:48 We got to remember the good old days. Yeah, so. Yeah, go check it out. Yeah. Slash. Colon. The slash you still have on your computer.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Go starters podcast. I put my slash back on, guys. Can I be honest about it? Your pips back. Yeah, i pipped it back in yeah just yeah so anyway yeah it's it's been a fun week we've been working on the studio a lot this week and dude it's been fun we haven't done like any gene short stuff all we do is a podcast it's awesome yeah yeah we've had some really encouraging talks with sponsors we have
Starting point is 00:13:20 a great new sponsor coming we'll talk about later today um just had another call with a really fun one that the ladies are really gonna love hello yeah it's gonna be awesome so um yeah anyway it was fun yeah i built this desk basically i mean kind of in two days but yeah mainly yesterday and it was so fun like i haven't been in the shop much lately um like december was the last time you were really doing stuff yeah Yeah. Yeah. And so, um, it was fun to like build, but it was also so fun to be around my family more like, you know, like, like it was a, it was a pretty nice day outside and Catherine's, you know, a thousand hours outside trying to like push the kids outside as much as possible. So the kids are always
Starting point is 00:13:58 outside anyway. And it was just so fun for them to be around and like to be able to watch them, but also work at the same time. Cause obviously we can't do that very easily over here um we've been trying but had he just gets in the way of all the jean shorts videos um i actually had the thought i think i told you this of like maybe had he could be like our camera operator yeah and i'm like she's five she can't sit still for an hour and a half but didn't you say you asked tj you're like hey what do you think yeah yeah i was, so it was that integrated. And I was like, we were just talking about literally integrating our kids into our businesses and how that's like the main idea behind it.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And I was like, dude, like I got to figure out a way to do this. I was like, what do you think about how do you like, yeah, operating? And he's like, I don't think that's a good idea. I think she would get tired of it. And I was like, you're right. You're right. But someday she'll, you know, be on the podcast or something. But anyway, yeah, it was really fun.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It was fun to, yeah, do, do woodworking things. And it was also fun to do it for myself because on one hand I take a lot of pride and obviously like I want everyone to look at this and say, whoa, what a nice table. But at the same time I didn't have to think like, well, is the owner going to like, like it the way I'm doing this? What's the client going to think like well is the owner gonna like like it the way i'm doing what's the client gonna think of this thing yeah like i did like a under you know bevel chamfer thing on the bottom of these tape like yeah you did you know and i'm like i like that but like i don't i don't have to be like as the other you know is the client gonna like that or
Starting point is 00:15:16 do i need to ask them these small details you know you you don't know anything about any of this so you're like hey cool that's a trapezoid i'm just like bow i like it i like it i love it under champion bevel what'd you call it chamfer chamfer yeah c-h-a-m-f-e-r it's like uh it's like a 45 degree angle on the edges so the top has a little chamfer the bottom nice chamfer oh so chamfer on air yeah you could also do a round over you know that's that's when it's rounded over yeah yeah so there's more champ dude does table making do you guys ever deal with the term quarter round you guys ever do that with the edges of table quarter round uh no i think that's uh that's around the baseboards usually i know but i didn't know if you guys used it too
Starting point is 00:16:01 i don't know if quarter round just yeah just just round over in general but there's different sizes of round over cement that's probably we're thinking you're probably thinking quarter inch round over round fur yeah anyway it's just been fun to to be out in the shop some and yeah flex those muscles a little bit and i i tried to be as like efficient as i could with the wood that i had because like i'm not spending more money i have so much wood on file but i also want to look really cool a A nice table. This looks great. Yeah. Thanks, man. It's been, it was fun. It's like all walnut with a little, you know, uh, accent of white Oak. And then we got some sapwood, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I can get nerdy about it, but basically it's a cool table. It is fun to sit at this. Yeah. Although you might've like cannibalized any opportunity for me to order an actual table from you because now I'm like, I'll get my fill in the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Unfortunately that happened. Cause I do like sitting here. does feel nice it looks nice yeah i'm stopped up so i can't smell it but i bet it smells nice yeah it smells nice um yeah anyway it was fun yeah last night i worked on it kind of late into the night like after i put the kids to bed and got off that call with tj and you i was like all right i need to go back out there and i go i don't miss this part of woodworking like the part where it's like okay i gotta go work again from 8 to 10 30 at night or whatever we facetimed you were in bed at like 8 30 so i thought maybe it was like oh like he's going to bed and then at the end of the facetime call you're like all right i'm going back out to the shop yeah and i was like look at us because i i brought for that rachel i went in here to paint so it's kind of fun just grinding baby yeah so anyway yeah it's fun times uh it's been fun back
Starting point is 00:17:24 being back in the shop um we did talk just really quickly about things you're getting from the wedding registry but i feel like we got so derailed last week that we didn't talk about a lot of our weeks like a lot of the actual substance of our weeks we're just being so goofy talking about all these other things uh but you went to iowa we didn't even talk about it and you were in austin and we briefly talked about that talked about and i want, I still really want to do like a full fledged, like more serious podcast of some sort on Patreon or something. But yeah, um, I do have some thoughts from random things that happened in Austin as well,
Starting point is 00:17:54 but I want to hear, I just feel like I remember we did one, you were at a wedding shower and we, I did one wedding shower with Catherine in like people in my life, basically, you know, cause Catherine was from Texas, but it was in Kansas city. So I was there for that. Uh, but most of the showers she did by herself. Yeah. But I just want to hear your experience as the husband at a shower, how it went. I know a husband as a fiance. Um, yeah, I just want to hear, like, did you get anything that you're like, dude, I'm really actually randomly excited about this. Or did you get things that were like, I don't know what that even is. Like, what's a lemon zester?
Starting point is 00:18:32 That's a good question. First thing I remember is that Rachel and I made the plan because I was down to be there the whole time. I was like, I don't know. I'm already here in Iowa. I'll come. And Rachel's like, no, you don't need to be there the whole time. You should maybe come like the last 30 minutes or so. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I was like, OK, great. Cool. That's a plan the whole day. You should maybe come like the last 30 minutes or so. Oh, okay. I was like, okay, great. Cool. That's a plan the whole day. I'm going to come at 1130. Okay. 11 o'clock rolls around and I get two different texts from her friends. They're like,
Starting point is 00:18:51 hey, I don't know what your schedule is, but I really think you should come by the shower. Maybe you should come by 1130. So it's kind of one of those is like, ah, yeah, it looks like I wasn't going to come. There's some pride there. But I promise I was going to plan on it. I was going to be there the whole time.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Dude, that happened. Of course, I just text like, oh, good idea. I was going to be there the whole time. Dude, that happens. Of course, I just text like, oh, good idea. I'll come. Oh, really? But I'm supportive. And then if they make one more jab, then that's when you get frustrated. They're like, oh, yeah, thanks for showing up, Jake. Yeah, you came all the way here.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I thought you would at least come to the shower. And you're like, I was planning on it. I invented the shower. I shower once a week. It's the Sabbath shower. My second a week it's the sabbath shower my second one i reload my ring what are you talking about um yeah that is so funny you heard that happen when someone suggests something when it's like oh you've either already suggested once a week in marriage dude it's like it's like catherine's like oh and would you mind like doing
Starting point is 00:19:40 the dishes real quick and i was like i was i was i promise planning on being proactive when i got done with this i was gonna do it before you know i swear i swear yeah yeah stuff like that and sometimes i'll be like i actually was just thinking about doing that and i think early on in marriage i got kind of frustrated like yeah i'm gonna do that i was actually gonna do that without you asking and now it's like oh that's kind of fun you know whatever that's funny so that was the first thing so i do i do show up at 11 30 relatable dude like like multiple friends texted yeah it's like two which means that like they were conferencing like hey like we should one of us should text jake oh let's both do it you know like like obviously not talking to rachel about it first because rachel would have said she's up
Starting point is 00:20:18 there and she's you know talking to people that's great my plan was get there at 11 30 for the back you know portion of it. But I didn't know what part of the timeline they were going to be on. I was just like, I'll just go there and like mingle, I guess. Apparently they had not opened gifts for me to get there at 1130. They're all like, perfect timing. We're about to open gifts. Okay. And Rachel and I's takeaway, let me just skip to the end. Our takeaway from wedding shower is there's no good way to open gifts in front of people. Catherine hates it. it like genuinely like that's like one of her least favorite things because she's like I'm so bad at reacting and I think she's great at reacting I thought Rachel did great too and she was like
Starting point is 00:20:51 did I was I excited enough about this thing I'm like yeah I think so I don't know yeah yeah that's fair it's one of those things I think guys are just like oh awesome thank you I really appreciate this but you don't have to like have that high pitched voice the whole time oh no like katherine loves like talking about how she's gonna use them yeah she goes into a novel sometimes like oh so i heard about this book from blah blah blah and i'm like just say thank you so much for the book i can't wait to read this you know anyway because like as rachel's opening gifts you know you can't help but be like, what is like, what is the optimal way to do this? And it's like, there is none. I don't know if there's a good way to like still honor the people who got you gifts and
Starting point is 00:21:32 not feel like you're, I don't know, wasting other people's time, I guess, because they're just like sitting there watching you. And yeah, there's like other anyway, whatever. The gifts start coming in and it's's fun you know i looked over the registry but i don't have it like memorized like rachel did because she was the one who added all of it yeah i just kind of approved it fist spatula great let's do it yeah so a couple things start coming in pretty high frequency i saw at one point i think rachel opened three cookbooks in a row i was like yo mama's got some cooking to do this is good hopefully
Starting point is 00:22:06 she's got some recipes going on i hope there's some garlic mashed potatoes in there but then there's a second trend that comes about and so rachel opens like a gift and it's like a thing of like containers and like on the box it shows like these different size containers that look like they're holding like pasta different different types of spaghetti noodles. Okay. Things like that. Fun. And so I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:22:28 kind of fun. Yeah. I guess you got to put them somewhere. Yeah. I'm going to container. A couple of gifts go by. She gets another thing from her grandma outside of the box. Some nice clear containers.
Starting point is 00:22:37 You could put brown sugar in these. These are more wider cylindrical. More pantry like. Yeah. Yeah. Sugar. Yeah. Other things.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Baking, baking things. Powder. Powders. Yeah. Yes. Like, Oh great. lighter cylindrical more pantry like yeah uh sugar yeah other things baking baking uh things powder powders yeah yes like oh great that makes sense you need it for that is that how you would like react when you when she would open these things what like oh that makes sense yeah that's cool thank you because as a guy it's just like i don't know what i'm supposed to say to that like oh very nice yeah i guess that's a spot to put oh yeah we do need flour i've never had flour in my house ever and that's the thing about solids is if they're small if they can take the shape of their container so it totally makes sense i tried to teach how they're like a liquid and gas in that way yeah i
Starting point is 00:23:17 tried to teach her that the other day at chick-fil-a during a dadder days was like the difference between liquid and solid and i was like it takes the shape of its container yeah no like that's really hard to explain to a five-year-old for the record and she did not get it anyway and so yeah i'm kind of just thinking like oh that's kind of cool like i think i probably i don't know what i was playing doing my flower probably just like pouring it out and then just like kind of like cereal box i'll just kind of water back up maybe get a little like shoving down uh what are those clamper yeah clampers are like the close clothesline things what are they called the the close oh my they're like a magnet aren't you they close they seal it well what's it called it's a clothesline clothespin clothespin is that what it is i don't know magnet magnet clamp sealer is what i call it yes yes yes so you know i'm like okay cool containers
Starting point is 00:24:02 containers and dude they start coming in and coming in and i don't know what we're gonna do with all these containers i mean there are containers for everything imaginable sometimes the box didn't even have a food on it the box is like i don't even know what you're gonna do with this we can't even think of what you would need this side you know this is like a pyramid the polygon weird hexagon container have fun girls get so excited about storage man like it's like like katherine we can have the tiniest bedroom in the world but if we had you know a massive closet who cares like if we have 15 storage closets like there's so many rooms for
Starting point is 00:24:35 extra towels in there like we can have like three you know sets of guest bed sheets now and it's like oh yeah she would love like a utility closet like a well well like you know organized utility closet oh that's nice yeah that's like a walk-in pantry you know all these like have you seen they have a container store have you been there before yeah rachel said it's really expensive and but girls get so excited about containers a good point they just want they just want containers katherine loves getting plastic bins to put you know things in storage in our basement like all these things she gets so pumped about it so yeah and i was seeing that firsthand well actually i didn't really know how rachel felt because like i said i wasn't that
Starting point is 00:25:12 familiar with the registry so i'm just seeing container after container come in at a certain point i'm like i think that's the third one with spaghetti on the box that we've seen like i we can't have this much spaghetti now there's a glitch in the registry and so i'm like dang i think yeah some people got her like duplicate containers you know whatever the shower gets over and i wasn't sure how rachel was gonna feel i didn't want to like guide her and how to feel so i tried to like very neutrally ask like how do you feel about everything yeah yeah how about all those containers trying to like gauge like if she's gonna be like yeah that somebody screwed up and she goes wasn't that amazing they got everything i asked for and i was like there's no way you registered for that many types of
Starting point is 00:25:50 containers she's like yeah of course dude people are gonna be listening to this and be like honestly she's gonna need more like people are gonna be so yeah like it's gonna be amazing how many leftover things you have in all these different things like she does love it i feel like she purposely now like i see it like she doesn't eat all of her food so she could put it like in a like cute container she's like i'm not full but i really want to put it in that glassware i love using those containers that's girls really are awesome i mean rachel especially it's just such a like fun loving like could find the joy and literally anything yeah like uh our garbage disposal wasn't working and so our of course possessive pronoun meaning sure i owned
Starting point is 00:26:25 the deed rachel lives here you're you're moving in once you get married it will be our garbage and not a minute sooner no actually it will be kind of fun because i think rachel is going to iowa like two weeks before the wedding to like get ready slumber party yeah dude and like i could start moving in it just it's just me here for like two weeks leading up to it that's gonna be your house for two weeks yeah all right papa's house anyway our garbage disposal got fixed and um i texted rachel and i was like hey garbage disposal's fixed and uh i was also like hey are you like coming back to your house later you want to grab chipotle she's like yes i might get an extra meal just we could put it down the garbage disposal she's like should I get another burrito just to put it down there see what it can handle baby
Starting point is 00:27:07 She's so funny Just so excited about the tiniest things like I think I want to scrape stuff off my plate and watch it go to the garbage disposal Can I get five times as much rice, please? I want to grind it an extra bowl And see what happens and I still remember back on the container thing You're so right like girls love the containers. They love the storage because probably my first time back in the house since the shower. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:28 First thing I do when I walk in, Rachel's like, check in the pantry. I was like, what is it? She's like, look what I did with the cereal. I'm like, that's good. She did that. Yeah. I had some of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So I think it's one of those things like much like liquid fills the shape of its container. A female will also fill anything within a container it is amazing like some of the things that i'm like those things would be perfectly fine in the bag they came in boxes are great we have we have pistachios in a container we have almonds we have uh veggie straws in a container yeah we have yeah all these different things that are like i I think they make bags that are just fine for these that we just put on our shelves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But it just looks nicer. I think it like stays fresher, potentially all these different things. And it's one of those things where I'm like, I'm not going to fight this. It's fine. I don't mind. Either way, contain that thing. Yeah. She puts like the chocolate chips in a container.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I'm like, great. If I see a chocolate chip it is hard not to eat like three of them a hundred percent every time i go in that pantry good i just yeah just get a little handful do it like kind of like a classic like dad's like holding you know holding the mixed nuts in their hands yeah throw them in there you know what i'm curious about tell me every bag of chocolate chips i've ever seen both with trisha triplet but with rachel coop they always on the outside say semi-sweet. Yes. And I taste them and they taste amazing to me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I don't know, what's full sweet? How good is 100% sweet tasting? You're not allowed to taste it. It's too much. It's too much. I gotta be like- You would freak out. You'd be like, this is not, this is so sweet.
Starting point is 00:28:56 You're telling me I could have been eating this the whole time? Full sweet? What do you, do you think they're just called sweet? I don't know what they're called, but that's what they always say on the outside they always say semi-sweet i always feel like am i getting short change i wonder i'm an idiot so i don't know if this is true or not but i wonder if it's just either like what's the what's the worst than semi-sweet like bitter or something like there's something what's the spectrum like maybe semi-sweet is the sweet and then like the
Starting point is 00:29:19 one that's as high as it goes yeah it's something it's like milk where it's like it's not zero percent one percent two percent a hundred percent right whole milk is like three or four or three percent i think yeah it's not a hundred maybe so semi yeah because because i think because there's there's something like they're like baking chocolate chips or something and those are yeah those are bitter i think oh i think but i think you can also use semi i don't know i'm not a big baker um well i'll let that let that go on the record. But, um, anyway, Brad,
Starting point is 00:29:46 I got a question for you. Great. Remind me again. Are you, are you an American? Yes. Born and born and bred and raised. Born and bred in America.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Um, so you probably, you probably enjoy American things and yeah, probably George Washington, George Washington, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
Starting point is 00:30:12 and the new sponsor. Good. Ranchers. We love them. They are really cool. That's right. We got a new sponsor and we are pumped about it we're fired up you guys have probably heard them on other podcasts if you guys listen to the podcast i know we've signed a
Starting point is 00:30:31 lot of exclusivity deals with you guys where you've said i will listen ghost runner like non-compete for good other podcasts but for those who are still free agents in the podcast market you've probably heard of good ranchers they sponsor podcasts much bigger than ours yes and ours though they sponsor us and also our new freaking table and wall so it makes sense that they was come at the same time but uh yeah good ranchers there's so much to say about this and they're gonna be sponsoring us for a while but i could talk i could we do a whole episode on good ranch i don't think you need notes just just preach from the heart okay so good ranchers is amazing i've never seen brad more fired up about a company maybe maybe maybe we love all our sponsors, but I, after talking to the CEO, like the owners, I got off
Starting point is 00:31:10 the phone. I was buzzing. Cause I was like, these people are just like, I got, I just connected with them so well. And they just have great, great products. So essentially they sell a meat, they sell meat in bulk, whether it's beef, chicken, uh, seafood, um, all these different things. And you can order it. It comes straight to your door. And without getting too far into the weeds, it is the best meat, fish, chicken you can ever get in America. It's all literally coming from America. Well, Brad, I'm sure like I eat American beef all the time. It says packaged in the USA. Oh, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Brad, Brad, Brad, Brad, what? I wanted to say something from the pot from the office but i can't jake jake you ignorant you're a guy you ignorant person um no there's so many things it's so interesting that you can get it like brazil china all these different places will ship their meat into america and then it gets packaged in america and it will say when you're buying it product of the usa. I've been duped. You've been duped, brother. Does Good Ranchers dupe me? Never once have they ever duped.
Starting point is 00:32:09 They're not called dupe ranchers. There's zero. There's zero duping in Good Ranchers. So, I mean, basically, I mean, it's just amazing, amazing, high, the highest quality beef you can imagine, highest quality chicken, fish, salmon, shrimp, all these different things at a really great price. I mean, it's just, it's wonderful. You can buy it in bulk. You can put it in your freezer. You have it. They've sent us stuff. They've sent us beef. They're going to send us chicken. I'm going to get lean as a string bean. Yeah. You know, so anyway, good rancher. I mean, it's just truly, truly, I can't be more excited about a product and I can't be more excited for people
Starting point is 00:32:42 to say like, yes, I bought from them. They're great people. Solid Christian guy. He was actually in integrated because of the call that I had with him like two weeks before I like mentioned this fatherhood group and he's like, whoa, I want to try that. I want to check that out. And so then I met him like a week later. I mean, this guy just, he's, he's a strong family man, similar to us. I think his oldest, he's got four kids. The oldest one's five. So just a really great, strong Christian family value company. And they're doing great things. They have a great product. And we're so excited to have them as a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah. Go check out like their website. It just, it's easy for yourself. Cause I was looking at it and at first, just to be completely honest, I was like, well, $130 for chicken. But then you look at it and it's like, they're sending you 38 different pieces of chicken. It's a month plus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It's crazy. It's crazy how expensive meat is right now and how affordable it is and you can even get on their subscription service and it's like literally the entire yeah like you can it'll it'll stay locks it in yeah locks in the price forever as long as you want to subscribe so we gotta talk about what they actually want us to talk about all that was off the script just know they're awesome yeah we're fired up so basically good rangers is doing a thing uh it's march so they're doing march meatness which i like to say march meatness um and uh you can win over two thousand dollars and usds which they like to keep it american everything's american with them baby uh two thousand dollars in free meat so you go to good slash march fill out your march
Starting point is 00:34:04 meatness bracket to possibly win free meat for a year go to slash March, fill out your March meatness bracket to possibly win free meat for a year. Oh, and I didn't say this. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Okay. The bacon thing.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yeah, I'm good at that. You guys like bacon? So yeah. I love bacon. If you, so not only that, you could subscribe and get free bacon for a year this month too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So over $100 of free Applewood smoked bacon. Every time you order, bacon comes with it. Yes. Crazy. But you're also entered. If you subscribe, you're entered to win bacon for a year. Which, can you imagine? That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Swimming in bacon. Plus, you can get $20 off your first order using our code GRKC. Hello. $20 off. GRKC. Look them up. Good Ranchers. American meat meat delivered holler at us when you order it let us know because i want to i want to see i want to send them all the bin so good grkc holler back it's awesome yeah so check them out uh
Starting point is 00:34:59 speaking of awesome i do have a uh a story that kind of involves ben from good the promo code grkc um we all went to lunch one day at chipotle which is so funny because it's like we're in austin we're in this like cool part of austin all these fun restaurants and we go to chipotle and the long story short on it is that i owed my friend ian chipotle and he had never been ian lives in hawaii lives there has lived there for like the last 13 years or so, give or take maybe 14, maybe 12. Um, and he really wanted, he really wanted Chipotle. Um, and I was like, dude, it's amazing. I would love to go there with you and experience that for the first time. I lost a bet with him because he said that every single person in integrated is either
Starting point is 00:35:40 going to be wearing a vest, a flannel or joggers at one point during the weekend. And the very first day there was this guy who was wearing a tucked in golf polo with his jeans and like ASIC shoes. Interesting. I was like, no way is that guy wearing. He's not getting around to this. He's not going joggers next.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like he's not going flannel. This guy, he was like classic, like financial planner kind of guy. Like no offense to financial planners out there, but that's just what he was like classic, like financial planner kind of guy, like no offense to financial planners out there, but that's just what he looked like. Um, anyway. And so I was like, no way. And Ian said, I guarantee you that guy will wear a vest tomorrow. And I was like, no, like he got even more specific with it. I was like, I was like, I'll bet you lunch tomorrow. I shook his hand the next morning that frickers in a vest. I couldn't believe it. Are you kidding
Starting point is 00:36:25 me? Uh, so I owed him lunch and I mean, Ian's a great guy. He, I think has a lot more money than me. So maybe he didn't think twice about it. He also lives in Maui where everything's really expensive, but the dude, there's two different people who live in Hawaii, like to remind you that it's more expensive to live in Hawaii. It's amazing how much they like to remind you. It's like, yeah, I live in Hawaii and I'm like, I don't feel bad for you for a second. You chose this. Once you bought a house in Hawaii, you lost the right to ever complain about money or about the prices going up of anything. Yes. Sorry. You just did. I feel like there's a microcosms of that everywhere. Like once you buy a really nice
Starting point is 00:36:59 car, you can't complain about like, yeah. And they charged me another 45 cents for cheese. Like I asked for a side of ranch and it was 89 cents. What is this? Why are they upcharge me for ranch? It's like, Hey, you see that $80,000 truck out there. You can't complain. It's fair. Um, anyway, I digress. Uh, so I'm buying Ian lunch. He's never been to Chipotle before. I'm giving him the low down. Like I'm like, cause he likes to eat. I'm like, dude, it's awesome. You can get anything you want. Like they won't upcharge you for rice, salsa, you know, all these different things. You get as much as you want. They will upcharge you for guac and queso and extra meat. There's two different types of people in the world. There's the one, which I believe I am. I'm the Brad Ellis of the world where when somebody else is buying me
Starting point is 00:37:42 lunch, I think to myself, I'm going to get, you know, a normal thing that I would normally get out there. I'm not going to get anything extra, you know, just being considerate of somebody else's money. And then there's the Ian's of the world. Okay. Who had no shame in getting double steak. Okay. Uh, tortilla on the side.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Okay. Guacamole and queso. Just every add on possible. And then he's like, and can I also get chips and queso? Okay. Guacamole and queso. Just every add-on possible. And then he's like, and can I also get chips and queso? Okay. And you know what? I know you have water cups for free,
Starting point is 00:38:10 but I would like a bottled water, please. Not the bottled water. A bottled water! That is over the... What's he... I mean... He crossed the line. Oh, just this grin.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I mean, and the funny thing, and then he had to top it off with like, dude, like, I think my meal... And that was the funny thing is like, Austin, for whatever reason off with like, dude, like I think my meal, and that was the funny thing is like Austin, for whatever reason, is cheaper than Kansas City, Chipotle wise. Chipotle in Kansas City right now is like $9.50. Austin was like $8.50 or something. So I was like, oh, this is like a little bit cheaper.
Starting point is 00:38:35 My meal for the two of us, I got an $8.50 burrito and water. And the meal for the two of us was $38. The dude spent $30 on Chipotle. On that guy's vest. Yeah, all because that guy wore his vest. And I, oh my gosh. And if the table, and then he had the audacity to be like, whoa, 38 bucks for a meal, you know, lunch for two.
Starting point is 00:38:58 That's pretty cheap. And I'm like, you dog. Aloha, brother. I just, I can't wait to return the favor. When he's like, hey, I come to Hawaii sometime. I'm going to hawaii and i'm going i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna flush a bunch of his toilet paper down the toilet i'm gonna you know do anything i can to just push it back is it hard to get toilet paper there are you saying like i'm just that's got to be expensive you know like he's got he's gonna feel it i want him to feel like whoa i gotta go get more toilet paper if nothing else annoying yeah the gas probably yeah you know anyway it was just
Starting point is 00:39:30 one of those things it was just so funny i and of course like they were making fun of me for being upset about 30 and i'm like guys 30 is money so anyway it was just an animal. I mean, that, that is wild to go extra of everything possible in then bottled water. It's just, uh, yeah. I was like, okay, man. Okay. Okay. I see how it is. Yeah. I don't know. I, I, like whenever somebody else in line, like, you know, you get like classic, like coffee with somebody older than you or something like kind of like not really a mentorship opportunity, but like, Hey, let's get coffee sometime. And I'd love to pick love to pick your brain like you know they're ordering first and they're like and uh whatever they're having you always do the classic like oh no no no i can pay it for myself and they're like no no really let me pay for you maximum you get like the same a similar item to them they got one coffee you get one they didn't get breakfast i'm not getting a pastry yeah but they're like
Starting point is 00:40:20 hey coffee's on me and then you get like a breakfast burrito. Yeah. And like homemade Pop-Tart and then like a matcha. Like, oh my God. It's like a carton of eggs to go. And I was actually going to get something for my wife too. Do you mind if I, you know, throw that on your tab too, Jerry? Are you guys publicly traded company? Can I get some stock? Is that crazy to ask?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah. When did the dividends come out? Can you ring me up for like a share real quick? I just couldn't believe it. And he did it like he had no remorse. He was like, yeah, that's what I'm doing. So anyway, shout out to Ian. Ian got kind of frustrated that I didn't give him credit last week with the WNBA bit.
Starting point is 00:40:55 So I'm giving him all the credit in the world now, Ian. Ian, be careful taking credit for that. That was all Ian saw on the internet. People on Instagram don't love it. That was fun yesterday. That was fun. Oh, yeah. Go look at the comments if you haven't yet.
Starting point is 00:41:07 So anyway, Ian, Ian's a good guy. Good guy, Ian. Yeah. Something else has been going on in our world this week. We tried to really focus the last few days on our Florida trip coming up. Really trying to prepare that, get everything ready to go. Because April is going to get here and it's going to be a crazy month. So we're trying to get as much done now. I we were like trying to like we talked about this a couple weeks
Starting point is 00:41:27 ago but when we were at our retreat and you're like yeah maybe may is not a good time to start this you know with the tour starting and you know i'm getting married and like all these different it's just so funny i was like but march 11th like mother's day weekend i am free yeah we get squeezed in it yeah so april and may are be crazy. But so we've been working on it. One of the things we've done is, uh, when we're sending out emails, we're getting things going. We got a group text going. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And I feel like the one thing I just have to mention is every single person plays volleyball somehow. Are they messing with us? I was going to say, do you think it's like one of those things where like a few people said it and now everyone's like, and I've, I've been known to play volleyball too. Either way, it's a win. Cause on one end, they either play volleyball and it's awesome. Or the other end, these people are all hilarious.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And they're ready to do anything. Like they're ready to like, yeah, I'm not a huge volleyball person, but I'll bump set spikes with the rest of them. Because even someone else was like, and also like I've ran a few volleyball tournaments. I'm like, I don't even know what's true and what's not. But that's funny either way. They're like, I don't really play, but I can run a tournament for you guys this weekend. So it seems like such a fun crew already.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Yeah. Apparently everyone plays volleyball. So that's fine. It's been fun. Like getting like the micro, like micro community going, you know, cause obviously there's a big ghosty community, but then we have the small community. And you've got the Facebook group. Then you got a patron.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah. They got people by merch. Then you got, then you got the bottom of the funnel. Yeah. It's awesome. It's like, these are, these are our people here that we're going to, yeah, really get to know. And I told Jake, like, I want to make it a point that we know every single person well before the trip you know
Starting point is 00:42:49 it doesn't have to be like we know their life's like uh michael when the new branch comes in yes he's like tony tony gardner yeah they're nifty gifties they are nifty exactly for welcoming me into your uh little kingdom mike yeah absolutely absolutely never break it up so anyway just uh wanted to mention that if you're if you're not on the florida trip hey next time next time we have some fun fun plans for it dude i can't wait as we were planning it on whatever that was monday or tuesday multiple times i think you were just like dude this is gonna be so fun it just kept hitting me more more started looking at like the menu for the food i was like this is so fun menu is fun everything's fun so anyway yeah trying to figure all that out sooner rather than later so we can iron it out um
Starting point is 00:43:34 but oh i need to tell you the story i think i kind of told you already but i need to tell the ghosties about these sound panels uh so these sound panels yeah like i said we bought from these people who were originally going to sell them to us. I'll show them. Yeah, please do. They ordered too many of them for a school district. But I was on Facebook Marketplace. This is what they look like.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. Two by four, you know, pretty nice ones. I mean, the story ends well because we got some really great ones. But originally, I found this killer deal. Sound panels, for whatever reason, are not cheap. Like each of those brand new or a hundred dollars. And we got six of them. Luckily we bought them for $20. So it was a pretty good deal. Um, you feel good? Yeah. I kind of bumped the cord. I'll see if I kind of have, no, we're good. We're good. Um, so anyway, we, I found this awesome deal on Facebook marketplace,
Starting point is 00:44:23 message the guy. I think I even messaged Jake. I was like, dude, I found this awesome deal on Facebook marketplace, message the guy. I think I even messaged Jake. I was like, dude, I found like a killer, probably $800 for the stuff for 50 bucks. I was so excited. And, um, the guy responding, he's like, Oh, sorry. Actually somebody else got him before you. And I was like, Oh, okay. Thank you for letting me know. And he's like, but actually that guy, you know, hasn't picked him up yet. And he's been really unresponsive on his texts. And I was like, dude, okay, awesome. Like, please, like, please let me know if they're available. Trying to respond to him as soon as possible, showing him that I am very motivated. We'll pick them up right away. Cause I'm like, this is such a great deal. I thought about
Starting point is 00:44:54 potentially making our own sound panels. I was like, no, no, no, we're just going to do this. It's so much cheaper and more time effective. And he's like, okay, you know, yeah, this guy's not responding. So they're likely yours. I'm going to wait, you know, yeah, this guy's not responding. So they're likely yours. I'm going to wait, you know, for a little bit longer. And I was like, okay, awesome. I was so pumped. We got these things. And then he's like, I'm going to wait till 440. And if he doesn't respond by 440, they're yours. Bingo. And it was the closest thing that I can imagine, like that I can compare to like old school eBay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You get sniped at the last second where you're like, you're like waiting. You're like, okay, okay. I think it's good. I think we got it. And genuinely it was like four
Starting point is 00:45:28 30 heard nothing. And I was like, I think I got in the bag, you know, four 35, good. Four 36, good. Four 37, good. Four 38. The guy texts and says, actually he just, he's on his way to pick him up right now. And I could not believe it. got sniped ladies and gentlemen he got him just i was so i was like i was so expecting that 438 text to be like okay yeah you're good here's my address come on over dang i mean it was so close like that guy doesn't even know how close he was to death you know what i mean like he just he just nonchalantly over there like y'all just respond when i can and go get those things no one else wants his sound panels he had no idea oh man and i was so i was so dejected i was like i can't believe this and luckily it worked out these are really great ones but yeah you dug yourself
Starting point is 00:46:13 out of that hole though oh i said i'm dejected i'm gonna find somebody else you're ejected now yeah so anyway uh it was it was just one of those like it was so dramatic and i was so i was so randomly distraught because i was so confident that i had it i was so confident it was such a ebay moment back in the day did you ever buy anything on ebay back in the day you remember yeah yeah yeah some of them bought and sold i don't know what i was buying back in the day i mean like maybe like an ipod nano oh yeah yeah i might have, did you ever remember those like inflatable furniture? Like, uh, yes. At the Springfield Cardinals games, they'd always use those for a wheel. Nope. Musical chairs. Really? Yeah. I bought some of those. Like they're like the
Starting point is 00:46:54 clear inflatable furniture with like an Ottoman. I bought like two of those for my room on eBay. One time I bought some Bose headphones back in the day on eBay. Oh, what else have I bought? I mean, it's just like, it bought? It was a great time. I think eBay is still around, but I think it's mostly like, here's the price kind of thing. Yeah, I don't know what they're up to these days. We've been selling some books on there, but even that was 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yeah. Anyway, fun times with eBay. Good try. Thanks for persevering and getting us sound panties. Absolutely. That's fun. I've got kind of a fun announcement, but before that, for the first time ever, we have two sponsors on one episode. What? Dropping a deuce on everybody. This is kind of a fun day.
Starting point is 00:47:36 It goes through our history. We've never had this. Happens to fall today. We got, you know, phase two of this new studio complete. It feels good. What? Two. Trois.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Trois. No, it'd be deux. It'd be... Un, deux. It'd be two. Yeah. Oh? Oh? They're back? They're back, baby. They're back? They came back around? Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Camp Cho-yay! Camp Cho-yay! Cho-yay! That was nice. Cho-yay!
Starting point is 00:48:02 Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Cho-yay! Surviv survivor theme song I talked about it last time obviously wait wait my turn I don't know the words to that song oh what's the song you always make up words for the Kanye West thing?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Six out of work. Flex out of way. Can't bet your yay. I think it should not flow as well as that even. Just, hey, who let the troll out? Yay, yay, yay, yay. Choye, choye, yay, choye, yay, choye yay wop up cho-ye style they didn't ask us to do anything with music i don't know why that seems to be a thing
Starting point is 00:48:57 cho-ye is just fun to say wait i'm reading the notes that says please do not uh do any kind of parody to our nothing with baja man shoot no if you guys don't remember from last time, they're a Christian summer camp. Yes. Cho-yeh, C-H-O-Y-E-H. And it's a place where Jesus Christ transforms lives through meaningful relationships and outdoor adventures. That's a fun, fun sentence right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Located in Southeast Texas, about an hour outside of Houston. And you're probably thinking like, okay, so that means I need to be from Texas to work there. Wrong. Wrong. Oh, big time. Wrong. Big time. Wrong.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Big time. Wrong. A lot of people actually, I mean, we worked at a summer camp that was not, you know, you were from Missouri and it was in Missouri, but so many of us, that was like one of the most fun things that you meet people from all over the United States.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Oh yeah. I still have friends from all over now. Oh, it's awesome. Like I have like March madness rolls around and I feel like I have affiliations with every team. That's a good point. So if you want to be friends with so many different people, work at Cho Yeh.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's just a really fun place to work. I can't, I can't honestly recommend something better than working at summer camp, not only for a really fun summer, but also I think it just transformed my life in so many ways. It prepared me for fatherhood in so many ways. It gave me experiences with friends that I never would have had. It just opens fatherhood in so many ways it gave me experiences with uh friends that i never would have had it just opens and broadens so many horizons so if you're out there and are kind of that college age range looking for something to do this summer you can make up to 2400 if you work the whole summer whoa that's pretty nice that is nice and they also offer
Starting point is 00:50:19 scholarships and depending on your major they can also offer internships yeah that's kind of fun i mean that's something if you don't have any plans this summer that's at least worth looking into drop your info best summer great url great url incredible url best summer and tell them ghostrunners sent you the the whole interview process is very laid back and they just want to get to know you and see what they can offer you and see what you can do for them how about it as as somebody if you're listening to this as a college student and you're like, I want to make some money this summer, just know that you have the rest. I know it's like so cliche. You have the rest of your life to make more than $2,400 in the summer.
Starting point is 00:50:56 $2,400 is not a bad price and you can have the most fun memories of your life. I would go back to working at camp in a heartbeat if I could right now. Yeah. Like it's, it's so much fun. Have you, have you ever heard people be like, I kind of regret working at camp? Like no one does. A lot of people in their deathbed say, I wish I would have entered the corporate workforce at age 19. Yeah. Gosh, I wish I would have spent one more summer at Merrill Lynch. No. People say, put me in coach. I wish I had worked at Cho-Ye. I don't know. It's not where I thought you were going to put the Cho-Ye, but it still works. I'm ready to play at Cho-Ye.
Starting point is 00:51:34 That'll do. Is that better? Yeah. How will I Cho? Let me find it. How will I Cho if If ye really love me. Here she come round and say cho-ye, cho-ye, cho-ye. Why do I even try?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Cho-ye. Give me a little Johnny B. Goode. We'll end it. I want to hear that. Okay. Cho. Cho. Johnny.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Cho. Cho. Cho. Johnny. Cho. Cho. Cho. okay here it goes work at cho yay best summer job dot org check them out that's fun doing ads I appreciate you guys always listening to them and being so supportive of the people
Starting point is 00:52:25 who sponsor us. Absolutely. We think it's a big deal that people want to do that with our show. So we always. And we get really excited about the people that we're sponsoring. Like we're not going to sponsor. I don't know. What are we not going to sponsor?
Starting point is 00:52:37 Other freaking summer camps that aren't showing. We're not going to sponsor. We're going to sponsor Big Pharma. We're not going to sponsor Big Pharma. We're not going to sponsor, you know. We're not going to let them sponsor us. I don't know. We're not going to sponsor. We're not going to sponsor Big Pharma. We're not going to sponsor Big Pharma. We're not going to sponsor, you know. We're not going to let them sponsor us. I don't know. We're not going to sponsor.
Starting point is 00:52:49 We'll sponsor a lot of people, but only if we're excited about who they are. I'm not going to let the North Korean military sponsor us. We've always said, hey, I don't care how much money Liv gets us. Liv Golf. Yeah. What's 2FA security on Kraken? Let's say I'm captaining my soccer team and we're up by a goal against, I don't know, the Burlington Bulldogs. Do we relax? No way.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online. It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Ready for you. From the executive producers of Lost. This place will not break us. The phenomenon returns to Paramount+. The only way we go home is together. From new season now streaming exclusively on Paramount+. We're not, we're not, the Saudis are one of the, where we draw the line. Dude, that's what's crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:18 In the sand. And of course, the men will be drawing the line. We, uh, that's what's crazy about doing golf stuff. The golf world i guess it's just so small and it's just it's unlike any other influencer niche i feel like because we were going to make a pj versus live golf video and we what we kind of told we you know what we were told was like hey you may not want to make live golf the butt of the joke like you never know like they may want to sponsor you someday. And that just seems, it'd be like saying like, hey, don't make a basketball joke.
Starting point is 00:54:50 The NBA might want to sponsor you. It's like, really? That's like an, that's an option. Too late for that. Oh, okay. You know, whatever. So yeah, it's just so interesting. Like the things you kind of dance around a golf because it's so much smaller than what you would think it would be.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Like you are. Don't make the PGA Tour upset. Don't make Phil Mickelson upset. He might want to make a video. You know, it's like, oh my God. You're a decent sized kahuna in the golf world already. Or just, you know, a lack of comedy kahunas. Yeah, not that many funny kahunas.
Starting point is 00:55:13 A lot of serious kahuns, apparently. Yeah. Oh, it's something I was going to say. Oh, I remember it a few weeks ago. I don't remember. I mentioned this on Ghost Runners, but I put all of my Bitcoin in this company a few years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Called BlockFi. BlockFi. OK. Trey told me about it. It looked awesome because what they do, they take it's just like an investment firm like money, but with, you know, a digital wallet. They take the Bitcoin you give them. They invest it for you and it makes money over time.
Starting point is 00:55:49 OK, great. Easy. I had made like money off of this it was kind of fun yeah well the whole like um you know ftx thing went down i was like oh yeah i should look into like block five googled it recently block five is filed for bankruptcy i have lost all of it all my bitcoin actually it's just gone i mean mean, is that how it worked? I don't know enough. I don't understand bankruptcy, to be honest. Like, I know it's bad in Monopoly, but I don't understand what it means in the real world. Because I think sometimes people file for bankruptcy and they're not, they're still operating as a company, right?
Starting point is 00:56:15 Well, I think what happens is Mr. BlockFi. Oh. He opens up like the doors and he goes, I declare crypto bankruptcy. Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy. Yeah. Yeah yeah i don't really understand bankruptcy either because you think have you like checked your account and it says zero oh yeah it says like you cannot like you can't funds cannot be transferred you can't deposit you can't withdraw yeah block five filed for bankruptcy which is too bad it feels like losing the keys to a car that i don't have or like losing the keys to a car that I don't have. Or like losing the keys to a car that I was planning on having.
Starting point is 00:56:47 It's like you bought a rental house in another state, sight unseen. And you're like, I can't wait to explore this and check this out. And then it burned down in a fire and you didn't have insurance. And then the state filed for bankruptcy. And you can't do anything about it. I don't't know i'm only a man i have a sports marketing degree i don't know what to do was it well i don't know it wasn't life-changing okay i was gonna say let's go let's go grand you know we'll go uh tall grande vinti i don't know how that helps i don't know what that uh no it really was not that much it was like it would be
Starting point is 00:57:25 fun yeah yeah yeah so it doesn't feel like anything life-changing it's more of just like this funny thing you bring up in your podcast oh my gosh yeah that's that's too bad though i mean it's still so sad gotta do garbage disposal though okay that's kind of fun you know anything about it anything anything crazy about what what's what's the well advancements in that garbage willis gave me some options willis by the way willis the plumber Willis gave me some options. Willis, by the way, Willis, the plumber. So stereotypical. What do you think I want to say? He's got a crack.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yes. Saw it twice. Really? Do they do this on purpose? I think sometimes that you can like check the box crack or no crack. Like, do you want him to wear a belt or not? Would you like to wear like a it's like 2020? Like, would you like to wear a mask?
Starting point is 00:58:03 Would you like to wear slippers in the house? yeah yeah would you like his crack out do you mind do you mind if he has the crack he could get work cracks extra more yeah more quickly if the crack is out but we understand that could be a problem yeah he bends over you're like whoa you broke a lot of mom's backs with that bad boy i i would like someone to sponsor us who could somehow get belts in the in the waistbands of plumbers across the country dude i've been i've been uh pursuing a leather company for a sponsor so i dm'd a weather company today you say weather did i i think you did dude i've stopped up i might have said weather weather bug yeah weather bug you did what was it called no don't don't don't say it no free no free ads um except for aura and willis anyway yeah i saw his crack multiple times i was like that is amazing that is so
Starting point is 00:58:49 stereotypical good for him be honest like did you like see it look away go back or did you just it was always like walking through the living room so it's like i just got a good glimpse and kept walking oh i see and then i come out like an hour later because it's when i started painting in here i come out later i'm like oh there it is when I started painting in here, I come out later. I'm like, Oh, there it is again. New position. Same crack. Is it always when he's like bent down? Like, I'm assuming you're not seeing crack if he's like flat, right? He's kind of like, yeah, you're right. Kind of like bent down, like a little like third grader, like it's time for story time.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Sit down that way or something. I like to imagine this will clear it up. It's like how like a princess would sit on like a magic carpet waiting for you to join her yes yes he's a whole new world and he's yeah it's like legs are to the side and his even his torso is kind of at a 45 degree angle what that's probably what whole new world is all about now that i'm thinking about it i can show you the world shining shimmering was there a shiny shimmering splendor yes and in fact now i think about his crack was so sideways that it kind of resembled like an equator and you're i can show you the world shining shimmering was there a shiny shimmering splendor yes and in fact now they think of it his crack was so sideways that it kind of resembled like an equator and you're i can show you the world oh gosh willis you're like he goes he looks back and he just goes
Starting point is 00:59:52 don't you dare close your eyes and then i couldn't help myself i said do you trust me and uh he got me a new garbage disposal okay but. But he was this classic, classic plumber. Yeah. He was great. I did let him, I, I'm not great at this. Like when they upsell you things, I'm always like, well, it would be nice to have a nicer one, I guess. You know, I give you two garbage disposals.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We got two options. Okay. One, same amount of horsepower your last one had, and it'll be fine. It'll, uh, you know, it it's it's a three-year warranty i also have this one and it's uh you know a little bit more yeah eight-year warranty twice the horsepower three times as quiet this thing is nice yeah this thing is made of better materials it's gonna last longer this thing is not gonna break down on you i was like i mean that sounds nice you gotcha because the main thing i don't like any like house product anything i like to just alleviate problems i don't like diy stuff
Starting point is 01:00:49 i don't i love paying people do it i don't want to think about problems shout out miranda ghosty doing all the property managing for the treehouse airbnb that is great i love that yeah i think i've heard like you know the phrase buy once cry once have you heard of that oh what's that about just like do you really don't know i know i was just kind of like oh yeah yeah so it's like uh like they pinch you when you buy it and it makes you cry a little bit like just impulsively you cry yeah no um sorry is that good let me try again let me let me try again i still thought you were speaking like metaphorically so it's like yeah yeah they pinch you okay it pinches your wallet. I thought it was like a metaphor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 That's kind of, that's kind of what it is. Yeah. Okay. Try again, but make them the metaphor more silly. So I know it's a joke. Okay. So like, this is just, you're at a McDonald's play place, right? Too silly.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Too silly. Okay. Right back in, right back in. Okay. So like, Hey man, you know, it's just like, you're at a guitar store, you know? And it's like, man, I could get like these, you know, D'Addario strings and spend 15 bucks or I could, you know, upgrade to the elixirs for 45. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:53 D'Addario, you're going to have to get three, you know, they're going to last three times less, three, one third of the time, man. You know what I'm saying? Those elixirs, they're going to last you a whole year, baby. They're going to sound good. And then when do they pinch me? me uh at when they give you the receipt they they bring it to you and then when you reach out which reach to get it they grab you and they pinch say bye once cry once yeah no that's that's a good good word if it's one of those things where
Starting point is 01:02:19 like as you become more of an adult like you got to make your decisions on which what times it's like necessary to do that but so often i'm like yeah i don't want to worry about this as much as like you're paying for the assurance of it i love paying for the peace of mind i always asked people like that i feel like they usually resonate with you if you just say something like should i is this worth it would you do it yourself what do you think what would willis do you know because sometimes they'll just be these dishonest jerks that are just going to upsell you no matter what but most of the time it's like i mean honestly it's not that big of a deal you know it's not yeah it's not it's just it's just about the sound so if you don't mind the sound whatever but other
Starting point is 01:02:52 times it's like no this one lasts way longer like i know stuff about my garbage disposal i shouldn't know like every single time it stops the next time it rotates the other way oh it kind of makes up the blades give them something to look forward to yeah i think it just like makes it better somehow uh so i got like i'm kind of proud of my garbage disposal so yeah you should be too man uh once the excitement of the garbage disposal died down and i was telling rachel like yeah you know i end up getting the nice one so let's use use the days out of it she was like you know your aunt was telling me which i know i can't even think back to like when Rachel and my aunt. I mean, I think they talked over pickleball or over Christmas.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And like, when did garbage disposals come up? I can't even imagine that. But they were talking garbage D's. And I guess my aunt was like, you know, garbage disposals actually don't make any sense. They really only make sense for the plumber to sell it to you as a consumer. Like you're way better off. The garbage disposals are only going to cost you money. And they do the same thing that throwing your food in the trash can would do and i was like ah that is a i wish you would have told me that about four hours ago because
Starting point is 01:03:54 then we just kind of normal but then you have to throw your food in the trash every time yes like and then what if you accidentally get a little bit of food in there that's stuck i i disagree with your aunt either way i'm happy yeah i don't know if i have that strong of an opinion on it i think when it comes down to sell the house it's gonna be nice i think people are gonna be like where's the garbage disposal which by the way katherine says dispose all what do you mean that's how she she doesn't say that's how she pronounces it yeah i thought it was like katherine i have this fun little phrase buy once cry once but garbage dispose all yeah think about it it's one of her you know
Starting point is 01:04:27 mantras realize realize realize dispose all disposal dispose all yeah that's cool catherine i would never thought of it that way i don't know why she says that but garb age garb age dispose all all yeah think about our bags dis post all yeah anyway it's all in there so yeah you're getting you're growing up man caring about garbage disposals and you know i don't want to have to care about it though that's the point that's like that's half of it though it's like i don't care i won't care tomorrow but i care today you know like you you have you have had to call another plumber for your house in olathe yeah yeah a lot of plumbing they called you basically or the water company was like hey your your water's just been extremely high use is something going on olathe water called me and basically said hey you're operating at a rate that we've only seen
Starting point is 01:05:26 water parks operate it looks like you're showering an elephant every hour yeah they were like do you have one of those big buckets that dumps out on kids every 15 minutes it's six flags you're like no i don't think so they're like well we're gonna have to start charging you this and this because they were like we're gonna have to upgrade your sewage system or i don't even know no way i didn't understand what you're saying she was a sweet girl on the phone i don't want to ask you too many questions i'm like i will get to the bottom of it don't do that yet give me till monday i will figure it out and anyway yeah i text my roommates and right away like oh yeah the the downstairs shower leaks like crazy like oh okay thanks for letting me know yeah yeah yeah no problem instantly both downstairs
Starting point is 01:06:05 roommates texted at the same time like yeah big leak down there a lot of dripping i was like okay hey that solves it no worries now we know yeah anyway so yeah it's always something and it's it's all good um i have a few i don't even know if they're really story yeah that's a story uh i've been watching the kids a few times this week while katherine we we finally hired uh k-life k-life people we've been in the hiring process think of it doing a lot of interviews and yeah so uh the male candidate came to town we like took turns like i watched the kids one time while she went to lunch with him and the board and then i went to breakfast one time he watched the kids you and katherine went out what if what if that was like part of it like hey man we just want to see how good you are with kids hang out with Hattie it's like I think I'm more with
Starting point is 01:06:46 like high school middle school like no no you'll you'll be doing some of this you'll read to Hattie and we will watch yeah how do you pronounce that word um anyway uh but there was no time you know I think I've talked about it before Bo has the loudest feet in the world he plops I mean the dude has I don't even what does he have on his feet what are those things like lead lead anvils that's good yeah i mean it's just like boom boom boom and i you know there was one time where rosie was sleeping and i it's such a thing like our house is not big enough to you know really get her secluded anyway and we have a sound machine and all that but he's like barreling down this thing and like bo bo bo you gotta be quiet you gotta be quiet and bo peeks around the corner and just screams don't worry dad i'll be really quiet i'm like oh my gosh dude and it was just one of those
Starting point is 01:07:35 classic like he's trying to be really good but he's just a two-year-old and it's just one of those things i think i mentioned it on the podcast or on facebook group a couple weeks ago like there's a difference between childishness and disobedience. Like childishness is just like, you're not doing something wrong on purpose. You're just, you're just too, you don't know yet. It's like ignorance to the world, ignorance to like your own body itself. Like he's trying to do the right thing. And then there's other times where it's like, I asked him to do something. He looks at me. He's like, I don't want to do that. And I'm like, okay, that's, that's when there's consequences kind of thing. So anyway, it was just a funny
Starting point is 01:08:06 thing. And, but it was, it was amazing. Like Catherine does these, she calls it morning time, but it's essentially school. She calls it morning disposal. Yeah. Morning. Yeah. Anyway. Um, and, but we read all these different books and I don't usually do it. I always just hear about it, but it's kind of amazing. Some of the things that she's trying to like teach them and like i'm always like they're not they don't understand this and it's amazing how much had he learned like there's a book that's all about like excerpts from classic books and so i read like five pages of don quixote to her don quixote and i was like she doesn't understand any of this and halfway through she starts laughing she's like oh that's so funny he thinks the windmills are giants or something like that oh wow wow you really do get this uh it's come print day
Starting point is 01:08:49 whoa ideal meal and you know we read about like the egyptians in the nile river and then later on she like told katherine all about it was just amazing really fun experience with each was fun i i've done like a few projects back in my day on like egypt yeah it's wild yeah she didn't know what a mummy looked like yet. So I got to show her what that was. I showed her Brendan Fraser. Yeah. Oh, do you remember that scene in that movie where like the spider gets under his skin
Starting point is 01:09:12 or whatever? Never saw the movie actually. That's the only, I remember my dad was watching when I was like eight years old and I walked in on that scene and I was terrified that that was the spider on the head. Yeah. That, that initial scene like stimmed my fear for spiders so if you don't want to watch scary movies don't watch the mummy returns or the mummy or the mummy with a vengeance mommy strikes back yeah it was just fun fun time with them we just
Starting point is 01:09:37 had a good time bow has like this play-doh set that has pirates like it's like a pirate themed play-doh set so it's got like some action figures and stuff and i played pirates of the caribbean on this bluetooth speaker and we were like acting like pirates and it was just a great time so i feel like we've got some good time with the kids lately and yeah anyway it's a lot of good times love bo love hattie me too man i forgot i i introduced this like i got a big announcement but first we got to talk about cho-ye the big announcement was this past mond was our biggest Monday ever. How cool is that? And the week before that was our biggest Tuesday ever.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And I think the week with Catherine and Rachel was our biggest Wednesday ever. That's amazing. I'm not even making this up. This is so fun. Thank you guys for, I know we've been asking you to like tell some friends. So I guess we have you guys to thank.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Thank you for telling your friends. Keep referring us to your friends who might like it. Yeah. And we really appreciate it. That's really cool. It's just, you know, Brad and I, I think you guys could kind of tell and you could see see from the things we're trying to do like we are trying to grow the business side of ghost runners more but i think we're very encouraged to know
Starting point is 01:10:32 that like what we're putting out on mondays and wednesdays is still the most important thing and it's so great to see that you guys are still appreciating it and valuing it and you guys are awesome so we're gonna keep making the main thing the main thing and hope you guys keep you know getting a little joy out of these podcasts yeah absolutely we're gonna buy once we're gonna cry once we're gonna podcast every single monday and wednesday and we'll get pinched by the guy who sells guitars it was fun seeing the comments for the dads too it's just it's just fun people are so encouraging of that it's so nice they want to see more yeah which i think it'd be fun to do more it's's not the easiest thing logistically, but we'll figure it out. But still, yeah, definitely possible. I mean, I think stinky Steve. Yeah. That was funny how he was like,
Starting point is 01:11:13 why do I have to be stinky here? Yeah. I don't like, yeah, he kind of gets called that in our family, but I don't know why I said that on the podcast all of a sudden. Should've started calling him skinny Steve. He would've liked that more. Yeah, there you go. Uh, we have talked, I have this in my notes. Uh, we've talked about wanting to go perform at churches do you want to talk about that i've had that in my notes for a few weeks too yeah i think uh if you're uh connected to a church and you want us to come there let us know or let somebody who's in charge of your church events know um because we've had the thought of like that'd be really fun you know way to get out there and see ghosties and also just it's such our scene to like be with these kinds of people.
Starting point is 01:11:47 And so if you're interested in holler at us about it. Yeah. Or just surprise us, go to your church, say, Hey, I got these guys. They should perform at a huge night.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Huge. I don't know. Whatever the church is doing. Yeah. I think it's called centrifuge night. Yeah. And one of the most romantic man. So,
Starting point is 01:12:04 yeah. So he's not even the guy with three kids yeah so that math anyway yeah we think that'd be so fun i mean obviously who wouldn't want to go and perform but we think with uh the type of comedy we can do and the type of like fun we know to have the experience we have at a christian summer camp oh we would bring the house down perform in a church down it'd be fun yeah um we also had a meeting yesterday do you want to talk about that oh sure with hy-vee arena um yeah jake had met this guy who runs all the kc crew like all the rec league stuff uh basketball pickleball volleyball all these different things yeah in all of kansas city there's really only one company that runs all the rec sports which
Starting point is 01:12:40 is crazy because i feel like people have been doing rec sports for a while and this company's semi-new so what were they doing before that yeah i'm surprised there's not a competitor yeah it's kind of wild the best um but they're doing like this big pick or sorry not pickleball kickball game that they want us to potentially like commentate for like live stream kickball announce yeah so kind of random we'll see if that ends up coming to fruition or not but it's like that'd be really fun speaking of ways to like just make things more fun like summer camp style totally um so anyway that could could happen and if so we'd love for you guys to come let's just keep talking about future plans let's do another thing brand i want to do initially the idea was we need to do
Starting point is 01:13:19 a sheltered kid on spring break video yep and then that got upgraded to we should go down to like panama city beach yeah we should go to south padre island and actually be on the beach for a shelter kid video right and double up double dip we could do another like man on the street like chief super ball parade type video with all those people on the beach that would be a fun environment so we could get two really really good videos done in one trip we're trying to get a brand involved doesn't look like it's going to happen unless you don't know anybody listening if you have a brand that wants to spend money on a jean shorts video they would perform well so our new idea is maybe going to lake of the ozarks it's like three hours away in the middle of missouri party cove definitely it's like one
Starting point is 01:13:58 of those places like you know they party hard because they got in trouble in march of 2020 yeah we're still having spring break yeah was that spring break time yeah okay i remember that video but i didn't know it was like college people yeah i think it was spring break probably memorial day weekend too just any time anyway it's kind of a wild place but yeah so just throw that out there if anyone lives in the area brian i don't really know where our planes are it's not even for sure that we even do this believe it or not jake and i are big party cove people so we don't really know what we're doing i really like have a place to stay has any suggestions on any of this stuff like we're trying to do some market research but it's hard to do
Starting point is 01:14:30 with our safe searches on on google so um anyway so yeah there's all just a little future fun future stuff future plans i also well some some plans i wanted to keep surprise, but I had another fun idea yesterday that I talked to you about. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The road trip? Yeah. Yeah. That's why that one has to be a secret.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Secret. Secret secrets. Anyway. Are no fun. Brad, do you want to tell me your review of the week? How do you feel about that? Oh, I feel good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Let me tell you your review of the week. First of all, I just realized it's a four star review, so maybe it shouldn't be i know i read through that and it's just all positive so i don't know okay we'll we'll call them out and then maybe they'll change it to five star please um this one's from hey i'm just river yep hey i'm just river and this is my review. Four star review for Jake and Brad now. Got it. Hi, Jake and Brad. I have been looking for a way to review for forever. It's a really long review.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Yeah. First of all, I love, love, love, love, love y'all's podcast. I look forward to new episodes every week. And when I finish listening to them i go back wow that actually worked and listen to the to the older ones currently somewhere in may of 2021 uh also oh he's listening back to you also i'm currently in a long-distance relationship i live near austin texas and my boyfriend lives in olathe. Hey-oh. They got good water. Yeah, great guy.
Starting point is 01:16:06 It'll add up. Yeah, the water's actually in a drought right now because of some dingus in South Olathe. After learning you guys live near there, I've been able to mention all sorts of central things like the penguin house. Anyways, I'm coming up to Olathe at the end of April, and I don't know if Jake will be still living there. He will. But I'd really like to see if I can spot you guys out in public.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Late April, we will be in Florida, bucko. Oh, hello. Thank you so much for making so much content. It truly is a gift to all of your listeners and your episodes always make me laugh and give me comfort. To Family Man Derek, good day, sir. Family Man Derek is a different podcast. Not on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:16:42 But we do like him a lot. We got to see him yesterday. Yeah, we did. That was kind of funny. Yeah, he's the man. I don't really know what else to say, Jake. Good luck with the wedding planning and everything. I hope it turns out so beautiful. Thank you. Sorry about your airport trip. I'm flying alone for the first time when I go out to Olathe. So I hope that my experience won't be quite as stressful. Sorry for the long review. I've been meaning to make this forever, but could not figure out how. Love you guys. River from Austin. River, you're in for a treat. Kansas City Airport just got updated. I can't wait.
Starting point is 01:17:06 I know. I told you I wanted to get a TSA pre-check appointment just to have a reason to go up to the airport. That'd be a fun, yeah. What would happen if we're like, we just want some coffee. We just want to go get some Messenger. Messenger is at the airport.
Starting point is 01:17:17 So fun. Yeah. Anyway, thank you, River. Thanks, Riv. This one is from just, I don't know, a bunch of letters and numbers. Nonsensical. But they said, Long time Recti, first time Ghostine, I don't know, a bunch of letters and numbers. Nonsensical. But they said long time Recti, first time Ghostine.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I've already flown through so many episodes. Airport. I've always really loved Jacob Correct Opinions. So I thought I'd try this podcast. And OMG. What's that say for? I'm so I always want to tell you. Orangutans, monkeys, and gorillas.
Starting point is 01:17:46 I now love Brad too. He seems like such a great dad. As a new mom of a six-month-old, there are so many little bits of advice I picked up from Brown on parenting and storing in my brain to use as my son grows up. Cool.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I love how wholesome and lighthearted this podcast is. Hey, you're welcome. You two are so funny and seem like great family men with a passion for God. What more could you want in a podcast? Bradad i look forward to more stories about your kids and jay congratulations on your upcoming wedding so happy you found someone rachel seems amazing p.s bring the girls back soon well acccc 123456 maybe we just will maybe yeah as we've previewed
Starting point is 01:18:22 we've got a second half of that episode ready to post whatever and out of brad's mouth it's better than the first half it is i think um yeah let's let can we let's make a decision right now we'll post on wednesday you want to do that on wednesday let's do okay we had decided i guess there it is well unless unless 19 or more people comment we don't want that stop stop stop yeah we also have a second half of voice memos that we could do on Wednesday. So if 20 people comment voice memos over girls, but only one person has to say, I really like the girls, please. Then we'll do girls.
Starting point is 01:18:56 OMG to that. I don't know. All right. Brad. I just want you to play it. I just want to play it. I just want to go nuts to it. Are you ready
Starting point is 01:19:13 Brad can't help himself okay okay don't break the headphones it's poppin it's poppin it's poppin here we go hey what you It's poppin' Here we go, hey What you know about me? What you, what you know about me? What you know about me? What you, what you know? They say my podcast is cool The charts I'll be toppin' I'm sittin' at my custom
Starting point is 01:19:34 Like the jingles I'm droppin' Hey! What you know about me? What you, what you know about me? What you know about me? What you, what you know? They say my podcast is sexy My podcast is cool
Starting point is 01:19:43 All the girls just talkin' But this ain't about ghouls. Alice Creations. Yep, I'm the maker. Custom create. Real woodie. No faker. Pick up the phone.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Hi, Henry. Hi, neighbor. 16 minutes go by. Yo, what are we discussing? Oh, oh, oh. Some trouble, you say? Went down the wrong road. He kind of went astray.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Yeah, he murdered a guy. Just sort of lost his way. Can you believe that, Brad? Okay, have a good day hey what you know about me what you what you know about me what you know about me what you what you know they say my podcast is cool the charts i'll be topping i'm sitting at my custom like the jingles i'm dropping hey what you know about me what you what you know about me what you know about me what you what you know they say my podcast is sexy my podcast is cool all the ghosts
Starting point is 01:20:23 just talking but this ain't about gold When it's time to go, my bag's still packed Old Spice, Pickle Paddle, Random Facts Limousine or window, middle aisle Just no American for me for a while Yosemite, Phoenix, the Sunset Bliss Can't wait to tell the boys all about this Just like that, I'm back in a couple blinks
Starting point is 01:20:43 Chick-fil-A, my home is all I need is just drinks What you know about me? What you know about me? What you know about me? Outro Music But you know, they say my podcast is sexy. My podcast is cool. All the ghosts is talking, but this ain't about the ghoul. Cause the ghost runners are popping. Are popping. Are popping. Are popping. Is this me? I don't know. Are popping.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Are popping. This right here. Okay, I'll go. There you go. Sitting in the basement Getting close to 30 No shampoo When I wash I like my legs dirty
Starting point is 01:21:30 No extra soap My wife Catherine Keep it clean A little bit Amish Florence no machine There it is Coco's take triple Yeah he's my brother
Starting point is 01:21:38 Together we are The Ghost Runners We're poppin' We're poppin' We're poppin' They ain't frontin' And uh We're on YouTube Tubatuba tubin' it up We're popping. We're popping. We're popping. They ain't fronting. Uh-uh. And we're on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Tubing, tubing, tubing it up. We're on Patreon. Patreon, Patreon, Patreon it up. You can review, yeah. Factor, factor, factor it up. The ghost, the ghost, the Ghost Runners. What you know about me? What you, what you know about me?
Starting point is 01:21:58 What you know about me? What you, what you know? They say my podcast is cool. The charts, I'll be topping. I'm sitting at my custom like the jingles. I'm dropping. What you know about me? What you know about me?
Starting point is 01:22:09 What you know about me? What you know? They say my podcast is sexy. My podcast is cool. All the ghosts is talking, but this ain't about ghouls. Joe Ye. Joe Ye. Good Rangers.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Doggone. Doggone. Oh, oh. oh oh oh oh that felt good yeah that was a throwback to some of people's favorites from the last time we had blue walls yeah that's pretty fun when it's a beat that good when it's rap that way i can actually contribute that just feels good yeah it's much more you know easy for me to do something with that's fun that was a good time fun times man we're having fun good times you having fun having funds it's been fun yeah doing all that doing all these renovations with you jake yeah this is great and we gotta yeah it just feels good in here we're doing it man we're we're really doing it we're in the jungles baby you guys see this that's right you guys hear this that's a fake plant that's been in my bedroom for a year and a half brought it in today though would you say it looks better here in your bedroom i would say it gets less in my way when i'm trying
Starting point is 01:23:17 to brush my teeth in here oh you got in the bathroom well yeah it's kind of in the in the corridor to get to the sink oh look at you with your own core do you have those things in your life that like bother you and you just never fix them it would be so easy to just like i've gotten a lot better i feel like in the last two years of like i'm gonna do something about this yeah because yeah for the longest time i was just like whatever that's kind of annoying i'm like stepping over this book in the hallway and who cares like it's like no just pick up the book dingus so hey if you're out there right now pick up the book, Dingus. So, hey, if you're out there right now, pick up the book, Dingus. If that's your motivation you need right now, tell yourself, look in the mirror and say, pick up the book, Dingus.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Find your book and pick it up. Take the inconvenience out of your life. And like we've been saying, hey, tell a friend if you wouldn't mind. Yes. If you haven't told a friend yet, maybe there's another friend on your mind. Tell them. I'm sure there's something in this episode they would find funnier that they would appreciate so tell a friend about our podcast let me let me help you if you haven't uh if you can't think of friends to tell everyone
Starting point is 01:24:12 like this is a challenge to anybody out there go to your phone look up katie you gotta text if you can't if you can think of five friends great tell your five friends that you need but if you need people you need to text the first person your phone that's named katie first person named eric oh the first person named um i think the first left-handed person you could think of first left-handed person if you can't think of a left-handed person find the person closest to brad in your phone brian blake whatever and then lastly uh if you have anybody named sydney could be a boy or a girl yep either spelling my oh this is funny real quick uh my dad he's close friends with a guy that actually goes to my church uh and he texted to my dad like hey just had our first granddaughter uh named scotty scotty grace
Starting point is 01:24:58 you know whatever okay and i mean has a massive bow on her head like massive and has like a ku like onesie but like a huge i mean it is a girl the girl's head, like massive. And it has like a KU, like onesie, but like a huge, I mean, it is a girl. The girl's name is Scotty, which I know that's neither here nor there. That's just the day we live in. But my dad responded back and said something like, what a handsome young man. He's got to grow big and strong. But he said it like such like, but he like, you know, had a long text about like, praise God, I'll be praying for, you know, had a long text about like, praise God.
Starting point is 01:25:25 I'll be praying for, you know, your, your, your daughter's family and all this stuff. And the guy had to respond back and say, actually, it's a girl. And my dad showed me the picture and it is, yeah, just the biggest bone you could ever imagine on this girl's head. Anyway, so just shout out to my dad for being a sweet guy, but sometimes missing the details. Yeah. So that's great. Everybody loved your dad on the podcast though. He's a sweet guy. He is a a sweet guy but sometimes missing the details yeah so that's great everybody loved
Starting point is 01:25:45 your dad the podcast though he's a sweet guy he is a very sweet guy so now you can imagine what he what he's like whenever we tell stories about him so that is fun also my watch just told me that sound levels are getting too high during uh the glass yeah during the jingle that's fun sorry sorry watchy okay have a good week you guys thanks for listening to our podcast see you love you guys. Thanks for listening to our podcast. See you Wednesday. Love you guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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